&l)c I) at I) am Hccorb. II. A. J.OJNDOIV, ED1TOII AND moriUKTOii. ItJTfA r X( il Y KATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (UK' p(iinre, one insertion One si'iiare, two insert ion'" One Bi'uare, one month rl.Ofl 1.59 - 2,60 ONE DOLLAR PER iTO Strictly InJtdvance. For lurijer iidverUscuu r?u liberal con. ?-N0. 2. VOL. XI. ITITSBORO', CHATHAM CO., X. C, KKBRITAUY 21, 1880. "traits will be. Piade. IJiinuniit r. Tiere Is n siinl iiIimvi- Hi soul nf enon. A iiiinlt'i-r '.'I'll iviiifli y. I Inem-h I'i'liP. Th-Te is n simml fi.i lc of :;! h 1 1 n i : i n j -fli. Ali'l iiuiiH'i""ii- ;i- thee nieoiii of nil s'ii Ami in Hint .nl lives carh. in rarli Hint -mil, TIioiikIi nil the UK s mi- ,1 lin- hue Mist, Kic-li si ml (lint iliis, in its un- Mirr.il vviiol.. H ivctlt I'lc Hint slrill fuiwi r lust. Ami thus f'.r -wr with n w i l- t- : llumnnily iirr.-u-.-lii-s tini" nii'l cI'Mtli; Mm rim i lr.'t tlir Unix ' r-nl 111:111 Ami livi in 1 I" tli 1! end- not with Ids brmlli Ami (sntli-r id rv tlmi inn- n..'ss'ill Till Tim- Ills ;,fi-- w:Hi H-ntl's ln-t .in-t shall till. .-;.. en-. ll',.i.s,, 'i-toi. A Rciinkable Experience. ' Ifyiiimiini a story. " - .i.l n fi i' id tn S:in 1'ia'n i ru .1".' :i i! "I-, "oninc with inc. 11 1 I I will i i! 1 I ,! you b 111,111 who wiil relate in yoi n ve.y f: 1 t ti.ni- our." Tli.- i . j 1 tit ! 1 1 ..1 : 1 i 1 h:s friend to Ihr 1 liter's . !':, ... on ( .1 1 : 1 . I tl i 1 s'lcet, when- lie nu t ill- I I l-oll ,it led til. Ill Ii)ii ii'nuce lin- 11, .hi, !i;.- In in mI' our ol th.'in .st i rv li'i'ra I r 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1' braid fif, wi- ;i r..ir. I ! . - w 1- 1 tiniliiiin hri.u'ht. -!i-iit.y built, fea - .'I i.inaik- lihle s-, 1: .;:!,. b:.i willi ho! o-.v 1 links, r- tsiik -:i eye-. .1 i w.th 1 r I I lie- iijhli -1 ('..lor in his f:n ,- to li t tiu,. Know that tlir waiiu life bo .. vv 1 . ( 0111 - i 1 1 v in his Vc'ns Wln.t :... , yel mot'' o hi, i ;. ilv.'iT .11 . a;i;i" 1 .-,'in' wile hair nil. I 111 11 t 1. hr a- w lot a-i 1 he dl ivi :i -now ; ill! tlir ' an 1 xti.totilh 11 . Hi Ji. who wo;iil iir lo..:,. I .n aii'l point ! :t whi-r-1 iv, !:i n lit. I!i:t i'ii , p- 1 11 : .; ;i 1 il !.: wa- in! ititir.il to !,isii,i'i. 1 be ul I h- i.r. 11 ha 1 1 vi--i I 1 11:1 ,. I 1 -i- !.Y Ii w . 111 time a;.i ill", i-.ni ! hy i lit i-u si t -: ;r:"iiy, of MIlTel 1 1..' !' Ill i-l ,i-a Inl I'll". TI11-ii i .il. 1 was inlioilm r.l and the Htm -li" !. haii.i- mi 1 ml yet baldly ih it. ci' la r. for hi- h u;,l w. i-- 1 -oh I and rlaiumy. Altera huh pn l,.niii iry t il1 h-saiil; Von air niMoiis o n-ir my s'oI'V. I a- aliirl! to ti-:i lll I li. 1.1I linn thr iiai 1 ,t i 1 of l!i . i- -all' 1 iir.-. w hirh mi lr ini- whit y ,: 1. 1 .-iM- 1 am. Iir a-k -I my 1 mi i--n to Li ill" vmi In n', aii'l as -1 1 an a Im'i-r of sHitM:;!' Jhiiiirs, I will .!.! II;, ini-in ir Mai in my litllr ;i 1 n I ii-i-.t . . I h.i'.-i- no- alwa - In ill sllrh :l I -! t 1 1. I ii -.ri a - yoll Illr now. This ii...., hirh M-i':hs inr ilo-.vn altll-ist to lh" o,,., I, vv.i-. ihr rrsiilt (lf a riini'i nliM'ioii i. inli'iiir -nil mi-.; into il.c shoit n ri' -l of a v.. It 1 hii-l- ii r w In n I ti ll 01 i f in v si,T- 1 inu - 11' V. I'll Dir. l i- .. . I I il.lt III' il .Hi- fl.lti l.r I II Mil thr jas ,,l ,,,,: to .-! Imw in n- lli 1 1 . 1 . 1 - In i a to it. "1 am an l iiuii-li'ii'.n an l i-oinr of an ol.l ami wrahhv I tiinlv ol I'.. --.. I li t. I t .11 a bin r.tl r hi. itii.-i in in v oiitli. but Ii- ti ! toiiM -ir why I -lioiil'l I'-ml In y yi-.-nsainl Inaiiis n. t. . hiioj ii 1 ou:;ri-i;.i li hi of country inr n,i!h of ihr t: --.i I. ami s i, tti!iiiiL; inv leu k "11 tin-:-ui'lie.-. I ia i-1 1-, t on ooin-.: t" sra. went. W hit i.it'.i mi' i.ill irii.r ami mv sk II as a naMiii:..; : ml -..1111,11 or which, imli-.j I Irnl a 'mihi.iI ,1 .l il 11. 1.- -- I il rose to ii I'o-iiioa of Hu t. I I'leaiii" sn-oiiil in. -r of a line ship. I'n -III that to mall- was a -ln-il sleji, a ml ll I'l W M ills -aw inr chief otlieer of mie of tin- Mill s! m-...is -inline mi! if l.oii. loll. If was in in, Jl'i h Mar that inv sh'i, the (lsiriv, own,, I by l'ow'.rr liroiheis, was 1 halleie.l to coinr to this "f.ort for wheat. We in 1 ivnl here -iil'.'ly, I ii'leil win :it, ami s um were mil -hi of Ihe It ihlrll IS.ite heiilino for home. Krvihiio went smoothl. ami imlhinL; oeriiirrtl tn forewarn me of the terrible a Iveiiture the future ha I ill stnii- f"f Ine. 'We were In thr smithwar I of Vnl I'iiriiiso when I frit ill. was a kin. I of fniutness that woiihl mi,1 hnly an I with out warning coui'- up hi in", so thai I often fi ll on the ih-. k ami lay there until some one cnuLI com to my a--i-t iiier. This enntinur I wilhoiil my 1." H ill's' much worst, until we -,'ot ilown olf lie- M i-.'i l lnn Mniid, in the latitmle of Cape IM lar, or lln reahoiits. ih- 1l.1v a j.'1'nimy, forbiihliii'.' il.-iv. such as ih- iniirini-r of ti n meets withilown their, I hinl the aflernooii wiiteh. iiml was .siipeiiiitriiil itvj one of my men w ho was living a i.it line in the weather iniy.i-ii I ipinast liKnin. 'I I"' fellow was m ry clumsy, to say Ihe lea t of ii. ...nt annoyr.l watchinj,' his aw k wiir.lni-.; more an novel, in fact, than was wni- ranteil, I think. now that look hack. Hut I nin liow-' inir tiinre ami mure irrilahle evi rv (lav, 1 i whiilt was probably owini; to my faint. ; ini; spells. Siehleniv I hecame -n ,.v , fi!i' I that l juiiipeil into the inieli li";. i in";, i.inl was iutn tin; t-.p in a nice. I wm about to pull Ihe fellow awavfrnni hi. job when a til came on. A Miihhn mht clouileil my eyes. ,y m'im-s left Hie; I leeh-il anil fell frnni ihe lop In the (leek. In my ib-scent I struck once twice, which causeil mc to nun over, with the result that I fell on my hen.l. When I rcciiver.'i! consciousness I was Ivinn in a bunk in ihr lm it.-il-lc. Still there was a thick mist hi fne my eyes. I couhl, iinlreil, see every. 1 1 i 1 IT so i,s to H'toyni.t-whert I was, but soiuehow nij i-is ,-i fiis il to 111 ivi' nliinit, anil I cotild mily st.n-r straight iii t the ilnh. I tricil to turn in my lunik, Ini I i-iiuM tt'i : 'o inisi' my aim. lull I onhl not : t" sit up. 1ml my iniisi li s faiinl inr. A' last the truth tniLTiih'il into my aim Ki-ik1' t iniml. I inTrcivnl at last that I was ::i a nr- Iritly rnl.ilci!ir iiamr. Thr straiiL'r jiiit of it was that my mirr! w n almost ;;s artive 11- ever. I km-w I'll that was 1 lti'ml.' on aho-.it mo, anil I felt 1111 over ' w in iinhur ti-nor at my -s-il !'.' hite. ; "It was Minn iiia-li' Ulinwil t'l mi'. I Til" (' iiiaiii ciiteri'ii my I o Mil. I i'"'il'l ; hr-ii-iM'h-'iiii l'.. ns if it wi-rr afar oil, ! lii, f ,o: ti jis 1 11 til' iir, )s. Tl.l n thr j strwai'l a'.s,, , air." i'l. h'-ai'l tin 111 ': roiistiitino ! tlt r. an l I'n' h fame to I li.e fo:. elu-iii'i that 1 was ilrail ; that my j nei'k wa lunki-n liy tlir r-i!'. 1 -Ti ll Sails to rnini' in ami t 'kr his IlI'Mslllr. Wr II.Usl Imiy him tolliotl'ow ' wlii1" th- line weather lasts," I hi anl the ! Cai!iin say, ami 'ii -i-::'ly tin- sailnriU.-r I fani'- in ami int-a-i.roil no for I he last luiuiii"! k I shonM I'v.-r sh-ri in- I i .'irl le t I'i i I hhn, Inn I knew liy his : iiii'i-.iis wha' he w as iloiiiL,'. I "ill not i ih-.-iil.r how they lai'l me nut on the : ( ahin I il'!.- iiiel I' ll in" there, w hill Sails. I lo-r l.v. Ill ,.r my sl"U'l. Slitl ll. .liiih. stiti li, went his ne.-.llr, siTiuin j to eati r into my luain evny liiin- in-ti i.l .-I' th" thii k emvii. I ran i i-l i 11 1 tly 1. in- iiiIm r thai while 1 I .y there the .1, -, nil tiinl to il i e my eyes, hut, thank ii-i-1. thrv ll every time ami Ii-ll th" i" -r 1 n-.ol.it i,ri of si rin;; tlio in iaia'oe. ..- til v il.-oiii. "At h i a- Iiai-in .1. The canvas : .;. ail "" lio- 'leek all'l I W.I lai'l ill it. : Tln-ii tlir ailinaki-r Ii.-" 1:1 to stitch nn i ii.. Ih- h i-1 s'ili hr I up all but nn fa. r, I wli n 1 hear-l him say hi- Irnl l"'-t his knife. A 1 i:;nl w-iiii li wi. iiiii'h- cvei v wln-le, lillt it eolllil ml In follll'l. so S iis 1 - 1 in nr. I I.- v. ml,, a 11. 1 all th-il inn . I was liiii-kia:; in lu iluil w ay w li lt fools ill.--,- wrir for not In -l.iiio into my slu I f..i tin- I..-! knili-. As I alln- waol hiiini-.l i1 .is 1 n 1 .lay ill liomi that I v .1 - 1 :n 1 ii-' I on -I ek iiM'l I ai'l on a . ink, iii i:ii. iloi V !o briie; -hiit ii-.-er-In. mi. The 111 11 oil" bv our I -ok a l -ok it in.- fan . in-I thru it v. a- rovrrril 1,, loli-M'l. Th" I'll i.ll s.-nn-i tt.l-. le.l'l h. ihr (',l-t.li.l. Ill-lr Wil. litllr ilel.'IV. an l thru tin- jilauk wn. liin-,1, ami I shol into lie- bi Irr i ,.-l naln oil' the ii ;u K.illlin . It mil t 111 VI- In-i ll tin- h 1 I. lh -I l'io'i':h' nn- I my -..11-1 s. i i. ii I -.1 -i U il-m 11, ha::';.- I I i'.m-i bv tin- -hoi ill my In t. I le! nr. h i liiu: .ami :n linn n iiirii. ! At lie- - Hi"- iiioiiii nt my ii:;ht hunl. e . ei-eil fioni it- 'In. i'l ineiliii. :;i.isn-il what I in l intlv knew lo hr il knife. Vr- I 1 li.illii alU I fori i ll Ihr blil.lr illl'l lll'linl . mv 1 .1111 its siiioini so in.ii in,- -inn nn ah, I I bt-oiiu to li-e to tin' sin I'.irr. In a fi iv -1 1 mill-. I -ii.po-r. allh"io ii si "iin-'l Mill s. loprlii.l ii ryes- for it is ii 1 111 i ni- f.n I lii u while I lay in a stair .-I 1 1 lh- 1. 111 lit" '! open. M l when IIH f.illlios -i lirlinl wilh till- slio- U I .-I I lh.-ai ii onrr --111, 1 saw- irn r m i" lh" liuhl of ,1 iv. whirii I h i-l in rr i-pi-i-t--I tn s-i :i -. tin. I was ; 1 1 1 i-M 1 Unit sw i j ill'--. am I leu I soon iiuiiiunl my l-nath 11ml i-a-l from in.- thr l ain as which iinpi'lnl mv iii'ivrninits. Tlnn 1 looki-'l nroiiii'l over the waters, ami saw that my mil iii tiloii, r-rap. hail be.-n all for in it li'm-r. Tin-ship, hiokino liKr a L'l'rnt sWiin. rettiiii;' mi ial ler a-ol -lii'illi-r ! cm-ii a. I looknl. Ti.- iv iiros-' lr-.ni my lips a fienii .1 ciii'-e a-;:iin -t th" i "l thai ha l nhainloui .1 lie thus, but almost ini innli ilely afti rwar I. n if (n rehiike me for mv wiiknlm- s, I noiin-il a pirn-of I w-rrrkaor tlnatintr t iwaul Hie. Hope ! linn-m lilleil my Ini :is. ami I swum ; towai'il I lit- pirre of ibrkh ill-e. as it I priivnl to be. aiul chimin rill"; oil lop j threw iir.s. lf 011 my face iiml wept for j M l) W fell hi-'llle-s. Aloll 1 the wiilr (H-ril'l, a pin e of wont! the only thine; In i wren me ami ihiith. ilacil ami weak from my hist tell ible expel irme, whit 1 I e couhl I 1I11 but weep? Soon I hroaii tn feel all in tense hunoi'i'. liy thr lowest t-;i h-ula t i m I must have been romalosr for three t In vi. so for that time I lia'l h:nl no nourishment. The thick mi I that .-ml -il, nly cauieilown satisliiil my lli'r-t. hut there was uothiii"; tn eat, iioihini; to j eat. 1 nearly went crazy as the ilay ' ! wore 1 n. I I - At s iiiirlit fi ll ami aihh il tin- trr- l-nis of the bl.-irkness of ihilkiiess tn the paliL's nf hiinuer. I couhl never tell the horrors of thai lir-t nirlit. It win a VM'ii'1,1 I w as not stark, stariu.r mail when ihiy broke. The sccoinl day pi.ssetl like the fust. Nolhino; t, (at, somcthinr; to nioi-li 11 my lips, hut 1111 sail in siohl. The tliinl ilay broke with 1111 an utv sky ami au-iicr sra, iiml I saw l:ll ,i f,irr the ihiy closet! 11 Cape limn rale wouhl be lauinr; w ith its altemlaiit sleet ami cohl. I trcmhlnl thi n, for, i-ven thouoh 1 was almost ih-ail ami ipiitr without hopr-, I wante.l tn live. Hy 110011 the sea hail risen tirmenilo'islv, ami it was with fxti .it ilill'i ully that I uiaiiaiil to keep on trv raft. Hv ninhif.ll j lin ;jjale wim lajjiu-j li -nclv, mi l I wa f-xpiiinu every moment k be ftioulfnl in one of thr lei rible abys ses int. 1 which my raft slippn! con stantly. This was thr most a w ful 1, i lit. lever spi-nt -wi-iie ivni than whin I lay tn nil nppi-iciuiccs ,! :, 1 mi tie- cabin tiible 'f tin-( Npii y. Tin- living spoon tirif! cut mi- to th" bone. Tin- fjreat waves lollnl tlli ir crestril phosph'ili'si 1 nt. hi'iiila hih above me, who, sunk in a blink abys-., lienril Ihr pale shrirkiuo ilVrrhr.nl. I frit sonll that it couhl tint la-t much li-iii-i'. Numbeil ami we:-.k as I was, I chin; to my n-fityr- witii tin' ciici-oy of ih'sperntion, aii'l waited bit Icily for death. "finally an imnii-nsp wave hi;;:.ei' ; than nil fiat had l- -no In-fore, i ii-rl I 1 w ild In :i'l tn the skin: n:i l rdlel o w :i J nil Ille. "My time had i-oiiie. I was swept. : like a child front my rait an. I caii ir.l mi th-' cri'-t of tin- miiii-irr as I hi; po'e I, tiiih-irh. l!il! nin e .iL;:iil! the liar., I of the Aitiii.diiy was sir.-tt hid 1 u' t" -ae ill'-. 1 wis I;i-hi d with incoin rivabk- ioleuce a.'a'n-t - niit -t li i 11 -olid 11, a r 'i k. Hopes were tlvtlini; nil ar -nn I in-. I ralihed m-viimI iind then ; .swnolll-l. ! -I awoke anil leooonicl the old hos- pital of tie- li-piry. Tln-n I lh n :ht my burial and sulisnpieiil adv. -uturet ' were all 11 w.-iiulrrinn- film y and that I I had never loft the ho. pit il liui I w a ; ; stum iiiuli-c.-ivril. A kind lai e in-nl ' over me ami I saw once III "!,- the f- it 'iii'- nf iii v ".mil fiiptaiii. lh- sho il'l not 1 iiermit lie- tn sn-ak all thai il l., but -.a the next 1 was allowed to ie!air my stiiry, which I did in a weak iiml 1p1.1v fliilLl voire, lean a-sine von. Then the j captain told in- tint all 1 burviuo i-i", a- lln-y thoii-hl, ihcv had kept on tlnir eoiiise for two day. w le n lie V eiico'inti led it heavy j liead o.-ile which drive llinn back oil . their 1 mils - ,'i".iin. Th. y shipped .1 tn , rible mm which carrii d away bo.ii-. and ; hoii-cs forward, hut il was the la-t exer tion nf tin- oalr, I'm- iil'irr ih.it ii died away. When the w.ii-.t w-i- -Mtli in,t ly clear nf w.-ccr In ciialih- Ihr men to walk I I here, they had di-nivcrnl mv I'o y 1 a ; tiinolnl in ropes Iviii" in lh. In- -eiii-pn'. ; Al lir-t they titoiiht niyc 'ip-r had In 111 washed al'iit.i,";aiii.iis hn In-. n s,-.,.,al , t iines dour, but oil lining in" up t In v s:iw unmi-takiilile sious of life, ami wilh i'leal awe and won, Iir ciiiriid lue into the cabin. As to mv inmat.-e -In-p, i the captain said he had iicm r n'ii anv ; thill"; more like de.rh. lb- h id ibiuhti-d ; if tin- most skilful doctors cmild have il.-envci-ed any life iii me. lb- was con j I j I -1 1 1 my lin k had been br-'ki n. ! '-Ill a week or so I oi around. .1 in 1 mie day, lookinvr in a yla-s. di-coM-red tn my a-toiii-lnnenl thai my h.iir was ipiitr while. It w.i- I wo years In fi rr I "ot nvrr inv trrrilil' 1 p -ii u- e ill Cape Horn siillii it-iil iy lo 0,1 to 1.1 aam, fill il ha- left mi what ymi nr inr 1 111 ,;i of llll.it l.'i. My ease was thi-il"hl a ny cxtraoi'liiiitry mie by meiliral men, and tin- 1 Iii :tl 1 ,ii 1 "i- ile-i i il', ,1 my iilt-uk nf cmti.-i, as they tailed il.vcr,' minutely, inily .piile ililferelil ly Irnm my expel' ' ieui C." ! A 1 1 11 in it ii Almanac. ('mini ls illr. I'eiiii.. h i- ii fii iik who i is of iiiiiin iisr viilin- to f.iriiirrs in si-uin-j mil their cn.p- and to tin- -iiiri-l il huts people who rill their hairainl lilr;, 1 nails at cerlain sl iiii - of tin- 1 ,n. Thr fr -ak ' is .laiiu-s . liotln iinal. a t iipi nti r. po ' -.issi-d of a pi-i uliar biilli mark al the ha f hi- brain. It i-. 11.1I iirally en - I 11 ill in shape and blui-h in color. As j Ihr moon is luriiiii" ihr fn-l ipi.ult r Ihr j in.uk liri'oiiics a leddi-h hue. and ihr ! swrlliii"- of tin- fli-sh ln ow it, ti in I in-; 1 ! diagonally across the neck tn the rirht j hnilldrr. is prrrrptihlr. The mark liei-omi-s red, h i as tin- iiiihui Trows olili-r, and the Ih-sh sm II- cmre spomlin.':ly. When the inoim is full ih. cresi t ut is nf bright red. and the Ih-sh assiimrs a Imru like mil ner two im lies in thickness al the lan-c-t pari, "i-ailu-ally taperiiio to :i point nn tin- - houldi r. As I hr birth mark t;m, s lame as th, lllooll lie, unit s full, so il iln li iisis iii sie as Ihe inimn wanes, and when ihe moon is ipiite il.nk then- is 11. -1 1 ii r 1 u m be seen hut the bluish, i n-i cut shapi-d mark. Mr. liothcrmal -11IT11- 110 im-mi ellirllce hy Clllilt'uelnrllt of the Heck. Il"' (Iocs he 1 i'lurc lull, li iiain. lb- needs no aliu.'iiiac to tell the cliiine in thr moon, simply plariii his hand on the mark In ti ll its cnuditioii. W hile o.'iny; In schnol the scholars and tcarht I nfleii nliscrvetl Ihe ohanu'cs ill tin- birlh mark, mid wondered a! the n 111 11 kablr regu larity wilh which they occurred. --t'iu-rh.witi h'ni'iiii -. Latest liui in loot tiear. The latest fad in woman's font ".ear is the rubber hoot with fancy uppers of ,b i-sey cloth in plaid or clin k pattern.. The entire boot i- lined wilh Canton lliinncl und is buttoned nn the -.:nii as a pair of walkim: shoes. Tiny arc i v lii-mcly stylish and combine botlt com fort and warmth. The upper ail-also made in plain "nod-, -,, that there i- Iii tlr 'litlieiiltv iii niiii, hin- the dies ma I'lial. -i.'v' F,,, '... IlIl.lrKKN S COI.OIN. Tin- 'ill's 1 1 . .I-iii.-ii inn. S". li .-r-i.- lit" 11' -"li. '1 ' i .. 'i'l Wl.y .-.its ,"M t v. - !.. 1 I -i I'.. t"-" tll.'V nt. ! rill. Ir. II .I". Ill all -' "il I'hl lsl itn l-l '' Weil, ye M s 11-40, a lam. .us rat, Tlir pun-.--of hum; r r- --liin. Ilit.i . li i"i i', to r -t 'h a lin" y.-tiii ; ni"iise. Who s.,,. ash s , alin. 'Ail -: -lit 1 Mi.-; II"- r f - wa li. 1! tn.- th- y tl'i'ik "I' ,.,1. .r "' And w .sl.i1.t5 t" I'" 'I' ii :! t w- II fi-. .1. Pu s l..,-,i.,l h is "ir 1 mill.:. I'.nt whi n sli" ra s ''1 I 1 p iv- low .'i-li. I li-ni" f..- esr.'ip n V 'i .lie-.;. Th" -iy yoiiii; 111 u.--t;i a -ai-l n o-l l.yi Wilh- -iii ri'-p ci t" K'-r.li'i. A f.-lill" .-..loiril 1. -t 'lai' -1-iv. Aii'l .a--"l in sol urn inii lin. A law forlii'l'lin;: any ' il To wnsh, till alter ealinji. - Km .1 ;: , .;.' Saw Oliver Optic. A ten-year-ohl oiui";sti r w:.s i iirlnl Ui on a s.-f iin I in- parli'i of bavins' h. 'l' I Thill s ! ,'. ,'M nil,., dr. Ill', inlell strd in one of --I iIim r 1 ipli- 's " litles, when n portly, w hit" w hisk, 1 "d nrin slrnlled into Ihe in and. -loppim; bef re the little fellow, a-knl him wha1 h' was iiiidiny. A bos . In, ,U. " w :e. tar 11 ply . --itiid I'd iikr to know :h" feller thai w rot- it." Tnkiii", lie- loiii'ne from III" boy's hand a ip'.'n-i -ini'i pli'.nl around 1 h" l riiurfi-r's month as In- i.,..k' d at tin- li'h-. Alter smne I'n it lit r conversation il v. a ;i:'ire. in iwci-n tin-two that nn mirlitii ti th" 1 it I If fellow pi-oinist d I 1 be I one Imi"; year and In mind his moil i-r promptly, he should be t;ivrn a "limp-" nf " lliver ( Iptir. ' ll was further :i";le ! that the yoimu-trr al'ler waiiimr live miniilrs should p-ill asid" the curl-iii!- in an ad ioiniti"; i'""in and there he 'hoiild lit hold his hi 10. After the nlli.tti-'i lilll" the hoy. crept to ihr ciirt.'iiiis. and pn-p-invt brhind tln in aw his r.m-l iiaiuird w hite vvhisUn-. d irii-nd in th" rm-s.. It was some time b.-l.-re tin- boy cmild be made tn I" lievr tint was --tlliv CI I Iptir.'' or W. T. Adam-, which i- the :iii'!i-i s real name. : 'ijh hi m. A Itov Mm lieiiini icimi. Wln-n Hliiis I 'as al, whi In-, ann' one of the most di-tinuaiished tnnt In r,i:it i,-:;i!i s w ho evi r livi d. wis ten year old. his .illeiili. it, at tin- dinner fibh-. wa i' tractnl by thr Miii'.il when In- Tm-li his plate with his knife. lilaise, what are 1 doiii" vvith that pliite? Vmi will bn.ik it," cr!aiiiH'l his oldest sister. "Sec In re, s ster, " ,ii'-wi r. d tlir buy, "when I strike the pi t " wrh mv knife, notice how it rln-.;-: link I' and he strii, k hi- pliite attain, lioth listened for a inoniiiil, when I'.l.iis, -1 -uiiiuii'-d: "NoVV see, when 1 Lll-jl tile pill I V. ii ll my hand, tin- sound i . i.t-.." And In- struck tin plate noiiitt. th" linu'in-; of which cei-"i when i..- i;iiipi d it with his h ind. Why is this. I vi'-nlei ';" he a-k, I. Mis sister cmild le-t "Itli";!. tell 1:1111 : bill he went on e.xanf niier and "h-i-n inr; tin-nice ilistinc ion i I - tin Is. .si nn hin the depths of scion i . i.inl pi-ncl tat il. its utmost ret-" s s. until In- l.ioiiuht forth his elaborate if-, mi lln' sub ject, in iiiiiiihooil.-- l' .,'!.. .''.. llnllrltlv Nlll'ses. Ants and buttcrlli, - an- ii-.i idiitm ily nn Ihe must friendly linn-, f.-r .-ml- have a rnlhlrss cisoin nf .ei.'iii"; .imi i.-v..iir-in"; llu-ir winijeil at 'U -linlanei- . Thne is. Iiiiwevrr, mie spr.-l. . i f btittt itly. di-. scribed ill ,1 scientitii jolilil ll nf linlllbay, the larva- of which are pr..l" ti-l hy the larro black ants foutid in Indian u.itiii iii and lii'ii-es. The se -let nf thi-. rare li"s in llieiact that the larva- rxinh ii sweet li'iiiid, of which the ants an- m-iV fond, ami which tl.ey obtain by . niiv slrokini; tin f.ltle creatures with their anli nu.-i . At tin- foot of a liu-li ,-u which tin- -ana- ft.-d, the :t u I s i oii'-t nn a inuporai v n t. innl air then ready m a, i , alb-iii iv inn rs. About thr middle of .lime iln- ,ut -. i-.n lui-y rutin im; abotu mi iiii- bn h, n sciin h of Ihr Inl . ;e. and driviu;; iln-ni down toward I luir own nr.'. Wli -:i Ihe piisoners ie:n!i iln-ir pin e , ilnv at; oner fall into a d 'e, and iiipli-r-n linns- ! forma ion into pupie. ItiniiiL' 1 1 , i I peri..,!, if the 1 c .null at the f f ! Ihe bush he M iape.l iiwa; hiindrrd. ,.f j liil va- and pupa- in c.' I i- -n-!'. :mi .1n4.1l 1 in a bli-ad, evi n ban I al .-til i: Miiak. In about a week tin- but!, ill , is ready j to come f ilh, and 1- 1 1. l-r.-- u- i-b-,1 ! leave its -In !l. If il is -tr .i" ,:nd J healthy, it is all. vie 1 In -.p:c:nl its ttii.;s 1 an I llv awav. bui si,.,, 1 I i p, d li- cat.-, tie- an', 1 x. r. I-- 111" i:lli: -I i-.-.ir i-i j assist ii. - it to the ine, ami holio::.; it j their ill s.i!',ty. ! li i -. s iid to In .a 1 111 i"tis -iuln to xvatch j tlnse 1 1 no ih- 1 natures -(.i!- -,in,ut i j jictfec cnSideiier .inion- the .ini :..., j Cn ice ants, whii h I ax.-, I ov.ev . r. !.-,- mi 1 1 me. ins adopted He probs-ion , f 11 ui- 11 ; fo.-the run .-f it. b". -.vine tin- Im .1 ,,f I anolhcr sp,-, ii - an- 1 i.row 1. : on r . :,i, j they itnmi'di.'e'y -' t upon iiu-ii m: ;.-tl i J llu III iu pines J',, l,; ivmJtuiH. I IlISTOIt V AT A liLAM'K, 1 Jill- Dale ol' 1 111 xir( a ill llvcnlu ill 111crica I'l'i.in I Mil I 10 I !.-. I A iir.ihiiui lncola i 1 1 :m-;ii m !, Mar, Ii j 1 l-f.l. I I'mt Sumter lirel up. 11, April 12, ! I M!. 1 l':. t Simil' r c iipt-ui il, April 1 I I I'd I. I'.r-t hi l-h"d in war. Apil! II'. I!;ti" of !lo lirihrl, Va., -bun 1". i 1 1:. : t ! of Hull Hun, Va., .Inly '.'I, Ml. J (i. n-ial l.yon killed, Au;ii-t, 1". I ll'l. j r. it lioyal, S. C, taken. Nov. T. I 1 sr. 1. S -i nit- if Mil-oil anl Slideil, ov. i1. I M'. I. I'ort Ib-nry taken. Teb. ti, si;-.'. Ic'inokc Island N ('., I.i'm-ii l'rh. N, si;j. I'.-il lloiiald-ou. Teiin.. taken, l'rh. ' '' ' HaltV of I'd Hid"!', Ark., March 7, I si'.?. Halt'.'' of Monitor ami Merrimack, M .: h I Ml'. n.-r.il All-. it Si. In, v .lohu-toii killed. :l if l.sf.'J Hitlilr of shiioh. Ami! ii 7. I '... I l.ind No. M i tjil nr. d. Ap;il 7. sC,-. Ne-v Orleans c:iit-:r-d. April 7. I I'.- nf ii, N. C. captuii -I. A pi il ( sc.-. Voikt'.wn. Va.. t iki n. Miiv I. lk''.J. N '! folk. V i.. sunt inh-ied. May u. I s-'-'. Cminth. Mi-.. I.'k' n. May -'in. Is'V.'. Il.itllr of Stun l'im-s. Va., .May ol. M"iuphis, Teiin., s, ii ir a, Innl, .June If I Mi'.'. Seven days' liall h e. .1 i-nf - tu.bily I. 1st!'.'. t i.i . t !' of Cedar Mountain. Am;. si','.'. Si i ond battle of Hull Kim. An-.. '.".I lio. Isf.-.V Ka'lle Hi. Inn, -ml. Ivy.. An?;. )(! li-m-iitls Keai m y and Slevriis k'ilnl, Sept. I. IM'.'.' li.itlle o Cluntilly. Va.. Si pi. I. Slf. Ilatllenl Soiiih M.iiml iin. y-1.. Si pi. I I. I Ml.'. ll.tl I I s 1'cl ly sni n lldct'cd. Si pt I a. !. Hattle of Alllicl.llll, Aid.. Sept. 17. ISli'.' i: ll I If of lilka. Miss.. Sept. r.l. IM',;'. Il.llllr of ('.ninth. Mis-., (, i. I. isr.-J. Hilllle of li-i IX villi-. fx V . O. I. S. I SIT.' b'o-t i r.ins -up. r-rdril Hut II. Oil. .'lo, Im'.'.' lltllleol I'n-Inn ksl, in ;. Va . IV-c. I.'!. 1st','.'. I'llst iltl.,1 k oil 'il ksiilll ". l e. L'.l. i sr.-.'. Il.itl'r .-I' MiiiiirrsUor,,. In . . :l. l-i;,; --.Ian. '-. Isil.'i. Illllilllcipilt ioll pl'l'l lilll'.illl'.ll. .I lll. I, istfi. Ai kans.-i-I'ost tiiken. .Ian. II. IN'..!, (h-lirl'al llo.krl- siinrrd'i liilnl.il iini ii-i'li-. .fin. '.'ii, isiiii. Knit Sumter, S. C , boniliiir-led by lleel. April 7. Ill:l. lil.lllt'- I 'it II 1 pil i '.' 1 1 ll- f. Il'e Virk-bui- M IV i ir. i-'-'ii. Illtt'r of Cllillll , Ihu-sv illr. Va.. May .' :;. sr.:i. Sloncwall" .Iiikson shot. May '.'. I sc,:i. We-t Virginia admilted In the I nion. June lit. ISiWi. liitlleof Cettyslnii";, I'a.. .Inly 11. I Sll.'!. Vicksbui";. Mi-s., surnmhrid .Inly I. lSI'ill. I'mt Hudson sunt nih r, d July S, I m;;;. Kraft riot in New Vmk City,. Inly I.i if., iMf'i. Mississippi Hivcr op; n to (lull. .Inly 1 I. Mi:t l.luantirll's mas-ai if nt Lawn nn Kan.. Any. '.'I. si',.(. I'o it Witum-i'. S. ('..taken Si pi. 7 I Mi.'f. Hal tie of Ctllllberlilll'l (iap, Tellll Scot. sr,:i. Untie of Chickam iu.ua. (la.. Si ju . IH IHi.V Hi i'.ta Her (b-neiiil l.ylle killed, Sept. '.M. Istk't. battle ol ChiittauooKa, Nov. .'l '.'a, 1 Stilt. S-i. of Knnxville, Teiin.. liiisrd. l'c. -I. 1 Sli.'i. l iittle of Olust,.". I-M.i. . Feb. 20. ISt'.l. r'mt do Hussy inpturcl, March 11, "'' I'.-rt I'illnw, Tentt.. titptiired. A.til 12. IM!1. llu h 1 laudrd at Hrrmuda Hundrrtl. Ma. -V I '"!. Hii'le of Wilderness Va., May ."1 ti, Is!'1. (i. iii-ral Sedgwick killed. Miiv li. lsr.l. I'l tllr of Sp it ts lviinia, Mav S 1'.'. I Mi I. 11. til" of Hesa.-i, May II-IS, Isfil. llatth- of Nevvmai ki t . May 1.1. ISlil. H-iUlf "f Pallas. Mi, '.'.'i 2S, ISlil. I UalUu ol Lull, lliubov, JuliC ISlil. Hull Ir of I .ost Moimliilii. .lillir l.'i-17, I IM',1. i l-'ii-l-t I-iwi.. K'-.r-ir-.-e and All j b.inia. .Inn- I'.f Is'''! j H.-ftlrof K-li -v-v M--'::!! tin. .Ililie 27, i 1 sil I. j buttle t.f M e.ny, Md.. .bily !l. ; lsi',1. j Iliiilh- before Atlanta. o.. -lu'.v '-"k ri. is. i si; i. j Ciia.'iilii i -liiir. I'a., bmin -I .1 illy ob. j is,'.,. I M lie f-po.io!i al l'i t. l-blll.'. 'il., j .Inly siW. l-'in r iL-11- eiilered M"l.il l-.iy. Aul;. I Si! I. Wei. I. ,11 Ii -ill . I I.l',. ". All..-. 1 I -I'. I. Allan! i. .i. laki n. S, p: . ". I-'H. Hiitile -I' Winchester. V.i.. I I -I! I. l' i tl" of l'ishrr's i,f V : . pi. :.' ' I -i'l I! it! .- i-l ( ed u- t 'r. ! Va. . o, i . I t, I Si! I. N'-. -.1 1 it'liiii !'-i t" i:" I i-i- i- . t. .".I. I sr.! I'lili" of J-'...f. hi. 'j. ;,a.. No . '.".I. !sl!l. frit Mi Alii-i r. in., l. f- u. I), . I ! lsi',1. Hlltle of Nil-', if, . I' I '. "! I '!. I'..: t I'is'ier. N. 1 .. I ; . I . I . IM'.;,. i.hinil.i.-i. S. I '.. taken. !', '. 1 7. l"sli.V ( hi" I -t ii. s C.. ik- i. ! im;:.. I!i.!,l"i-f v.-rvs',.!'. ll .' 1 . Mltvll In 1. Im;:,. Attack "li l'"f M.-edm '.. X i . M "'li .'a I si;:,. Ill' I of The I-'., il,'.. Vil.. plil 1 l-r,:,. l'i li i .!-,ii j an-1 II '' t ! ii -ti I :.il,t !. Apiii . :i r-i;:.. l.rr's illillV -illl-. ' I' ! -I Al" I '.I I si'--. I'n-i hut Iin- !'i :, - ,- ;-i V"-l 1 1. I sr.;,. .Ii'llll-lo'i's ill-Ill V S!l!- el I .i. A 'ii '.''.. r-r.'.. .l"lb-:-"U K.vi- i-ilplu- 1. Mi;. I" I si;:,. Iteutiil tlprl'ill ina nn a la tip. n, I Tin- bij i-liiek trnt.il- h -nl lo ! it !"-! 'it .1 i :i;. inn iiiia w 1 1 . nii'l.- on ii in -nl oi iii -i-i in i. i- -I !i.- ""ill. I I i -e on li' I 1 1 i mo I : s im I paw l'i i in !; w ilh Ini f, ,i. I, , I. and 1 1..- i w.-,i'. "Vil In tl '"I . t Ih l i nr ii. ,1 l.-" -i pi il'ully. Sin- could it ii ot:!- I -i "I a s,,t n lin . ,-. bat vvii- ir-. i.. i, I . : ' -.v -i aM. ami c.lld ll"l U-r In I l- r l" o dlillk. lb I kri-prls mull' .HI I ..iliii'in- I i f ft I nt it, I h. v. In I " ! in i t.'-.il '!" serais to I,,-, ami I .in.. I v.,- i.- - I c, b, tVVcell thr itpprl- . I t! a, ! . , - lie I . .1 . i t li- i nv i v a pin e oi xx I i i . li i :, iarln s in , ir.ili ai hill an i", ii vx i i- . Tin- In ma ;ei- nf ihe i,,,i .- i 1 . ii-ke.l Hi. l W.ilt-, Host, nf. .1". , v, , i li "IH -1 . lo CXiltllilir ill" I" 'p.il-l. Ill I li.-t Sunday lh.- i.m'.i ,1, . idc.l In- x - r i i - v. tin Wood. ( Illr ol t lit' 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 lllill I.l I ! I" i . . a lit e ale I illitooi-'l Ina ' tin b.i-. wllelr lopl- Wen- fa-ll ill. I t'.h'l .. . ami in I ill -in h ii Wily ii- I'l III i U i it iiii possible l'"i 'nl t . t.i ive. A l'i.: '," ' - i - tin n In 'd i'l fr-ml "i in t ii."-i'!i. ..i ! !r ttl-.lhbi il if xx ilh a idil.V . i-li'h a. Hi,; I' ll n: It to pli res. ba! ke, pi. f i ;,. "!li op, n a!! i he 1 1 nn-. I Ii . W iit I - if' a lo e:i el tin -slixi i , " lei, , -I a p., it "1 l..r-i,-:is tlimimli lin- ll. -h --a !'.,:ti-i:ii i;, and liiok" ll in lin- t rot i,-. iiii ; .id ; ill. twin": lite pii ie-ll"iil if. ll !-.-!"i'- p'a, is. Tin- I ens! was -ic it 1 v iiii ".. ', illl'l is .lllra l. alii, lo In , !y I ,1 i ., . , ,.- , ,- di ink. ( "' .-, ,..' -.'.7'.. . . i . j Ciliiniii'4 (-el'niaii Spies in I rani i . i M 1 im I Wm n nt li il. ,1:1 -till 1 1 -I 1 f e , liellll.in l.ii Illl XX . Ill . h..s. 1, 11 Hie -ll-j,., I -a i of III ill". I -py . I" I 11 "lih-leii I" e ,1 . j I'l Illl i- W ii hill Isbi-llis. ll-piii.'il w,,e ; aroused by hi Iii, in;; 1 1 1 1 1 I lin .-. 1 1 1 . .. i ; name ..f ll inn .1" .lilly . a file!, i I.. i I 'miliaits. ie-1 f ir iioin I'm is. ! ,.x j vv ho vv as si 1 pp. ,. 1 , 1 ),, I,., , ,. ink- 1. .1 piii ; of Iln- 1 li il, I 1 1 , .11 1 him. Ini 1:- out 1. , , bi 1 11 :i 1 1. 1 111 ,11 mil il.11 y n't' I I i x i both II-. '1 I" - o Wall, h lin;' about xxllli .1 j p. ini, ibii!. it, .1. W hut . in. .1 I.. ., I s,-epii.-4 biiby xxiis in n.iiny .1 I n.-, , -II j licit bid .1 phot 1 v.'l iphlr :,j,. it.itn l., I tillxiuo viex-.s ,, Ihe 11, -,x loll, ;r., I ;!,, j j .. -il i. 'tl- . "inliiiiln linu I In III. Tli' ,' xilc j al-o 1 i.lhii-i.e-tie piji ' li bun in -, rut si mie of tin ir binls wi re liappi .1 by -i piriolts 111 -i.-hh' l's illld l"Ulel I" he 1 .,r-liel-s... . 17,.-,,.,, II,,:.U. Prill ll I'l iini a T i ii ial Cause, III vxhiil siiaituf xx:iys -..m,- ,.-p!e met t their deaths. Her.- is a N.,iiii.,i,ip. ton 1 1'.ti". hi mil mail x I:., died li.,ut c iiiries cans! d hv a tal hat which he 1- vvciiiiltu t- 'mill"- in eo:it:c t wilh Iln 1 p of a ibiiuvvay. The deceased whin pi, injf from one room to another in !n. nwii hou-e slunk thr top of bis hut arainst the lintel ,.f llu- tbiorvvay. ami forced tin- It tl tin tht-r on bis head As In- -ulT. 1, d -idriitblr pain, iiiedical aid w:t- inn inoiir.l hut he siici umlicil lo iiiiui, 10 I lie brain, ciiusnl bj i-uliipicssion uf ihe skuil. Tin Siiius Mi Mother Suns. I fear Ihe srie.-s Iii. y siiy Inlay, fill lleVer ;,- sV""l is i h. is., mv in- Hi -r sail.' m me AVIn'it silling a! n r I'i'l "!v li, :!-l.ts " bin l. toeliililhoo.l yral J, '!: a hop .-in-i I vv t" ynim.;, All-I lis I t ,.. I ee.-ir t" I -y, 'fir--01I..-S mv llioliier s I i 1 1 . A ;v hi j hi'- It ii- 1 often drram I ;.i:i a Inl-1 on".' mot": I .- ;; : ii" hulls i. i " 1 w.-u, bol ll, I i 'I., I" : .1 '!' . - -- in .if ;- t b -i.l'- Hi hearth. Anl! f. r.-i - ll- "nr. - I-. h'-ar r s-.i,: HI MI-HOI S, I v . f- '-l word Diitiier.'' ilil-i . -- Hoys- nsrellllill-r tivt t ii . !!! -i i iil'!i "in on gj ! :'- in ' li-v ' ... ' i ' i. iui ions The 1 1 err J ; ... ! . ii--, a t- a -ood muiiy. I :.. , . ., - li i, -nn k of .a l.-onntt" bo,' ; i i i ' r i - I ,.l, i, I iit I . it. .. I-, .kill up v I , :. i: In -ii -I ymiji w li c u' -.-iv 1.-.: I-'.. . In.--, ..If. ! -r - Thr bunk.' .; i . . ry I hiii.";. I'ii!'- n.'il' iii, i iiuTaV ! ti- u 'I II -ollltiolls lll'K "-. lVuplo dn ii- --I mii --in. d-nr. your h-iirt i not !-. .;,!!. ,. Il;.l.-,iti Voiifsi-lf, li, i,y. i: :- ,'.v,v ' !' I he beat. !!. I- , i .I ,-! iipp'-r- .lues ymiC ',i .i.i. r -.'.. .,1 . A' th". fi-i; liippcisf ir'l Weil I -I" M I.. 'her s:,y tlll-y v. i i - ! M! II- -I; t. i -, - ,:!, in:: in th li .ii- : : -.:!. a : . I can't : tl:-- .i.i-: ii . ;,.i i. Hridact , - -Id . I, ii-,. i ,': p;-.. atiy iiltiii- I fi-.-.l t il. iMIt- '- clil!'!: Wii if- the mailer w.:l, p. pi l "l -. I!-' in i'ii aw bil bad li.iii.o . ' I ,i i!,,: ' w - fi : Ve- my il.-.-ir. I la i- : .' i I'iiiiiv liiii-i i.i i'n- p:ip"l' i.i -I. K - - - -1 , - i ,t! , : .. try It: : to keep It i I y im ! n !: tt'np , .1,1, -As I pi-- I y li !, a I., v nin..- 1 i!..-i hi ! : ii-i i-i :i:i. -. s. -. sh! i -! nl! I ,x.. i.it' ti..-1': la-t ivi-ii- i-i Mi-. it'.-. -Iv -.1- I l,--r t wiil xvi-ro .: .-i; x ;..:,. :l ..k. St ii lliiii I'li'Xiib ii e of l.eprusj'. I - pi -y I, ,- I.... y : - i i I ih way ; ! -mi:. - u n po'. , r I I . i..:,i . Aii-iiiilia and 'l..l-' N lt.il ll V- a- I, ,11! ', -. . 11 .III 111 -lull) I !,- nt ! ..I t . t . i C I I'.i.i--. in Norway li.i i ' ' I iir. -t " i -1 -1 -v ilh -U' ll . ,1: ! li. ,! i.. o i ,. ,. . : ;i. niiii, Iii - - I ! I I .. I ' i, . .iiiM'i" ',. i ;;. p-.-1 , ,1, in ni .i .-1 N..t .' .- .' I a il inv asioii . .ii." I i, i i. o'iiiiiii- lo sum I- I'l I:.-.. . - '', ., i , li I' " I llpi.ll i in i.l I ' .c : r - ii- md i-.-l itn .-.I. I': . !, ,- ii- lit ,1 i, p.irl-. of :ii :. i x , : .. in !'.,: nril ion :,-. bi i I li i : i -ni'l t :-.. i 'p. it p at-. I ' , I 1 1 ! lioxx -in -,iy- tii.it. a i "iditi t'l 1 1- . u I i'i r- tin t'- have i , ni live t-pi . , ' I I I I . . 1 1 : . t ! lin i'i I U roll .-tinl , ' ' C.nl.'ii iii.. In- -ii".. tlir seals nl ih, ):lii. i v . in 1 71 ! I'i'os.v ! vailed e.xleii x, x m i.-nl in I s I i,-. Ma II -11 , , ' .1 tn.il t I. .1 I o i III, 1. h ,!, ol ll: I ' i i lu.- vi 1 .niton it wa- lit !"' I"'i'l". 1. o- --ii" 1 -lit i-.n - I" In) ! b f 1 -x'. .01 I in iln! 1 i -i ! in s. In ;, ,,,, .1., ,; . 1 .:-,-: -.-I ,1 .1 i- - nl if ii i- i-i ..t.'x - In. ' 1 1 : alb. l-y - ' ..let I in. I wui. r -.:,! 'if. b --ni, nil 1 ,it in, I : i ,1 I pi. -'. h c po ."I in tin Mi it. . : ,, ,1 ,-1' I l l"- 1. -nl'- ..f n, Miiinili 1 , o. , , i l.ii ,ii I n-.i in lb. I. 1 ! !,li. I'l in -!n ! II iiiko-v l;a I atiL.vi pn . iiml, ;.i, :il in it line iii lie anH'Uiit. ,1 I- p-.-y. P-. I'lnl;: 'il -' U"l i his I, poll I'.kite.: iu ri-"i liui tin jjjlii- II. - a I i-i t L it .1 pi - y ai i ' - L .,111 tin. n , - ' li'll lie, ll,b 1 lio l a': l?.ile- In!,..- il'ltl it i"ll. live l"l IU- ol ll.-.' 'tli - 11, ,,. ii-;i:i'i with, 'flu- Chitii .e J i'ii-.. :-i a. i i-.!.il i--a o! i 1 , und itin nlioii lo ,li, t ll if" - ll'l appi nt lo plrv nil t'l ., L'i' 1' eXtclll nilcle.. ihe 11 liiv. li'innl .',.,!,' h.-re or sit Ibiiil-oxv. i'lib.lii . liy ill ) t.p-ui- 'I '.pita's xv In i. 1 b-.vr - im In nl d and I, ii. v d 1 1. li vial. S : I 1 1.' 1 ' w oiild iipp-iir I 1 b. 1,1 my lu 11 n: ih ! hall icinitl" Irp-r . in Chin 1 a- ill b"ln- s -,,,,.,-...,, r,, ,. . . "" t.ns ( iinlnd id liiiiiself. ! '-Wn .,. . r vt 1 y 1 . in I whin ymt j mid him In w r a benl: , -lb 1 1.1 hivr been. lb p.ii.l ttiu I the siiou- y he nwi-il n,c "- il.il'i,-. III i, Hi. til ii-- I in- .row ii above I !:,.; '! in ( nl f an- slu- k.'ps j li , . '.I I i- .1- ir "fi plar". j 1 I, r -. o. I ' .....w.-rl , ;.... .- I I . -n ."'lli.'. V.'i.. i. i ,i : :' - ..- I..-H-. :'- Nn.-- - I '! i . ... .,..! I.-'I- .1111.. fr '

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