QII)c l)atl)am ttctori). II. A. LONDON, EDITOH AND rUOriUETOU. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Ci fttottam ILear xk HATES ADVERTISING ! One square, one insertion- 11.00 1.50 2.50 line square, ii ium"". One 8juore, one month - ONE B0LL4R PER YEAP Strictly InAdvance. VOL. M. PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., N. C, FEBKUAKY 28, 1881). AO. -(). -tracts will bu made. W w w I .AnOliI IhirlioVir's Va'patim. Thf fi'sth r this mkt.i. wIik'i ripitnlly D p-nr.! i I lliij'f 's .lj. t4 '! - tin-, niy-tmo;is-Iv ilisnpp'-ired in is-5"., and has never Inii h -nrd from. At !ho ti.1,0 of hi-- li-n--cnr-n o Mr. ('ti't fH!'T of Ihirjrr's V.Vr. I " ' i i Hi ' f 1 1 1 ami J i'.-ll ov i 'if of my sl't .-.'i yen r. Kali- ilv.r, OrcouM 1 i- v I lif mi -liiii" If youth to llus i'nl l.rnrt i f mill I waul I i l!i " :' p iv v.'l-u' il". Katie la'ii', In 111 in 'ruin ; of lifi when ll." .-if-ir Yis'ns li"w rs no ) " ' ! I" f ar. Kali- '1 n-, V. p T"t we liavi l"aniil to repine, WV j u.u-ly h-n.1 lit III" -Iniii" 1 if l!i" 1"m i ' il s-titii. v'til-nthi K nt ! i;ii:i . Wli.- i u - know tint our 'iin-ct is n.-ar. Awl nn' skv is oVn-lnii l -l ami iln nr. Kali" loir, l:'s n strife t f-l jaunty mi I Pax Aii'l iii- faii'-v an hardly indui" Ps to Iioiuhk" to SI. Viil-ii'iii". K i ' i 1 nii' '. All I yet. if 1 In 1 tli" ri.;ii! if-ar, I tvoiiivi wiiip-r n woi.l i.i thy ear, Kntn And l-'B th" t" op m ihv -'inn f tliv hem I t.i this . i- . ii- . f erne. Ill ! a I "f a . ay .il"ti!iii. Katie mill". X f'eiltle'. KATE'S STRATEGEM. In a eo-y In i ak fast looni Hir e ei ff.ns wire nn ed ar un l lie- iliiiiful tiihle. Mi. M 'itoii. a line o..kin:; n:.ia f 10. v.rnii'iv an 1 a ha -'ii lor. ami hi--to your.o and iret'y niire-, l.illii ami li'li lt.ile. "I'ne'e l'.. t. yo'.l o ,t to ti' I niarii'il," siid Kate, -u I li nlv l'i. -ii!i-; a i :o wh'i h hid la-t.d -"tne miiuilr-. "W in' for. mi-- f" a-k' d her urn 1. . a lie laid n.-ide tile aj l he wi. Ii idiio;. 'Well." rep ie I K.Ve. --y, u e l.l! i, i-i ;:oin:; lo hi illy l'lenk lldi.ind :.o .. 'iiiei;o to Ii e, m i I I, ' with a pie t , ld i-h, -will many W'a'.li r Kiel I a! the .in tini" and i; to ii -oii ; -o, ik n'i V HI n1 ', Von will In- al o e, for ymi wi I not p i w i;h i i her of u-." -V,I.. wiiat of that, Mi.. IV--'." J. J.eJ her nnele 'niiloo,'. ''I shou'd like lo know who i y 011.4 to look afler y.'ill-eoliifol! .'Hid ;;-iw m ii 11 ; 10 1 -eoldi 110 when xou roiii" h' liie late at nipht," deiiinud. ! K ite :n a v. h e Hi llllthelity. ''Wtl!. I ran do very well without the eoldinir, and 1 evpnl t'-ui Auui M.'llie can take care of the le-t." In- air-weied li'.ditly. ainu-- d al .Miss K ite'-; ail. 'Aunt Mollie, indeed: Vis, i-lie will In ve;y W 'll with the (-ook;ii;', lmt y u fceo he w ill not take euo of the other lliini as slie woii',.1 if ymi wire inairied find there was som . one to pive urdi r iili. ut the hou-rwoi!;," n:ieifi Kate, shakiri',' her head. "Well, I did not pet marned when I was n yiiunp man. iiihI I don't think I will now; and lie-ides, there K no one whom I know or cap- to marry," he lidded, sippinp his coffee. -There is little M'-- Hell." ntoilril Kate, ilartinpn ipiick, sly olmce at h,i 11m Ie from under her dark Li-hes, 'Hoh!" hi' said nervously, whilo 11 faint tlus'i io-p to his forehead. 'Will, then, th-ro is the Wid'.w Day ton, and 1 know that sic admires you nd would willinply l.ei'ome Mn. Mor ton. ' Mr. Morton ha 1 n wludc-umo horror of 1 the Widow Dayton, who had mi .'eveinl j oeeasions tiied to capture the wealthy I Imehelor, hut ha I fa led adlv; and of ; this Kate was well aware, and at times teased her uncle unmercifully. -Heaven protect nie from ever mnry infr her! She has two red headed, freeklefa -e I b.y-, and has hadpered one man to dcatii nlrea ly," replie I Mr. M rton hurriedly, as he pushed hack his chair from the table. 'Hut, uncle," continue 1 Kate, -the widow has se! her cap for y.ni nnd you had hotter he careful or you will ho 11 manic 1 niaa before you know what y m nro nboiit." "Ye-; hit you so', mi-s, she eanno; in irry me 11 1I.-1 I a-' h -r to, mid th it 1 lipht. What a fo-l I wa- that I did not i I'niicil Si.ites, ('. A. rilsbar,-, is en d don't intend t do." he ro'ur.ie I, as he : a-k H' -.i,. Itell to 11 .ni v me years npo! ; ited w ith as eriinp that mi h-r io n 't liastily ro-e from the table mid prepared 1 Then 1 would have bcc i mfe fioai the I dampen their wh-at b -fote prindinp it. to stall for hi-pi ie,-of lui-in-ss. elulchcs of lint biaeil faenl widow." This is correct of so:n - niilcr, lull not 'rnele.'' Kateillel nflcr him as he ! Ho stepped fimn hiiplacoof n-tie-it . ! of nil, and the 10 1- 111 is no! atiributable left the room, -1 It i - is leap year, mid if .'nd. sinkinp int the i.e. re t chair, j to difTere necs in 111 II rs. b it to dilTir you d-in't pr-'pi'-e to her sh eau (o you. . ho", ed his head up 1:1 h - In id- in p' r ern e i in who it. M 'i of th? ( Tiforiii.i i.nd it would not Mirprise me one hit if plec. thoupht. S:id h-.ily a luipht i h a ; vheti pioimd in th's -t ite is moistened, ihrdid." struck him a nl h" ce.iin;ed : ' bi cans- it i lie. e-s.n y to d 1 si. On the -nil, K'ltP, h"W e.-.n you tei e u:, ( "I 1! do it yrt viphl away, tm, ni l ' ( ther hand, tlrep ei wheat will ii"t sian l passed out of hearinp. "Ymi know he will hardly ver speak to 11 lady if ho can help it." Yes. 1 know, and if ho hidn't been j po b.i-hful ho could have been married 1'irip rpo to Mis- H II," irtorted Kate. -.Mrs. .loues told mo all i,bout i' ; mu le was (00 timid to prop isc and Mm Hoi I is sinple yet. 1 do wi-li the widow would prop )-o to him,' she added. "Why K ite, you sun ly wouldn't want uncle to niairy -ucli a vixen as Mis. Day ton? ' la.lpl.ed I.iliio. "Xo, I don't want him to many her. for she would have l i:a liidpnel to death in ttuiouth's time; bii it would be j iii. li fun if she on! .- wo.tl 1 propn-o lo h'm. i'nd iniyl r that wca'd :r:w bin 1 ir.ti 11 aiiyir. s .n-.r o-. o cc." S li no liiuiir l f r n frn- iiihiiiti r.flci , lhi c li if Ka'r's-. r:uli a luiy ' with hi i- ov i tl o''l.t AU i.i o:kv ; Kat -j i -.no to li' i-f "iili tniv liirf i" licr eve . riair.'.r 1 ml ('-.'i!r h'.T h;nl)( j I h-.v. ii. !.!::: -Haw !, ,:" -a j v.f on r.ii i r,. ii. i . in poiiij to inakr M. Hivs n .ioio;(.- lohini." -I! .'"a.k..l t.ll'i... 'I iii i- I i;i jmr, nml tinrli; will pi t . a n p- ..il fi- :n M:-. litoi; if h d 'i:i't. ii'j nanir i not li.nii:r D.l1," nn-wir-'l Ka' nod.ii'.ip lu r li'-ad va.-lv. while In r ilurk ei-.H spoko vo'iun ol niUrhii f. -Ki!f l.i do you mi nn? How oan yon r.rik" h' r propo-. ; ' ".I i-.! a t mid you w ill I cm ro- , :vi-i t!..it pa:l pfifi'itly will." ro il i tr 1 Ivtt as -ho dai:r"d p.iyly out of lof loom and lan up -laii", whi ro sin- mi I r:i".iu'i d in soin- mvs- ti'ii.-'iw'M :'i :n . M' ui'Viiilc Mi. M' i;oii h:il n-t spent avnv enwal.'.e forenoon, forth:1 wnrds Kate h.id spoken in the ir.ornir.p kept i-in;;!n foio. I in his e.u-. "-pi c i f u i lf -it, to I'.-.-li '. " he re!aiim'd a! l.i-t, tlil.ov dowii hi- ji-.i f..r the twentieth tini-. mid el on in:; al Lis watch. -Olio j i.'i I .. k. and I haw done nothing to lay. Win I a lo.. I 1 am: ( f 1 --o Kate was I jokino. to , I. p. Mr. lton would n-.t Ixa'e niel l.il i" at th - s ulileti aanounee--. Well, Tol:l. what is 1 ii : he ti.kel. a- an cr; jiid l.ov (.:- ! A irltir. aid the hd. lis l.r . Inlalid Ml. M. il. ii a iiir"c wiii.w in--- ive. a;ol i'i.i n d.il'id .'iii kly 01. t i f the : do r w il h a I 10 .1 . 1 i.i 1 ! pr 11 hi, face. ! . Moil- 11 too- ' " 11 the en vi i 'j ai'd lo w . eili il..- Ii 1 11. Hi- 1 a'al -I k. and ;;ii :! dioji- of . 1 pit itio.i ..e;e out "Il hi- 1 I.'H -'llle II" It : ' t tllO folloHilie , . line-; 1 if.-. M... f..i; Hi-: Ml .";li!. -I tak" t'i" .i.lv.-inM-- whi.-h j ; t In- ear rtir.inl-lo niv -'T -o lof.ii 111 y .n ..f , , Ii.' leial-r feeing I haie I nn fell (,; a. ! I 111 il I I Hie. that mv s iiiiioa - nr.. re inriieit. I iin.l. i-ai;. 1I1.1I 0.1r 1 ie e. a.e IoImhui I ,.,1 Mmll, an. I I knew I ' ;.t i. h ,11 want s .an- la ! 1 .1 e,.r fm- yar li. u : : 11. 1 tti-iv! ymi w til ...o'.liite; nop . ,,f ei...-. ! w le u 011 return h in w- :i-y with i'a' lm-1- in eares if th" i!ay. Titer for- I eoiaiier 11. y I11.nle.lv an. I va nl ; -k y .11 t-. man-,- me. Hoping t-i i" -eive a f v, i.il ' r.-ply . -on', 1 ori.a !. Y i-tinlv. ! X IVi'V IVToN-. I lleuen and e.inh!" p-iped Mr. Mott,, n, leit nj; the letter dr"i from his tri'iublino hatel-.. and staitinp to his! feel. "Kale we.s j i ; 1 1 1 . S'io in'end ; I 1 many me whether 01 110. Wlia- nniaiih am 1 to do!" l.e pro ined. -i'lkint; hack into his chair a:id ill pjiin : his t hrnhhin;; In id upon hi- La. el- despairiuply. Il is an oid adap thai "ii never tn'es l ut it pouts," and so th. npl.t M-. M"r-l-in, for the ih'M nio'e.c't a L-vk pill his head in at lie- dm r ai d -id : "If yo. p'ci-e, sir. Mis, Paytnii i In the s "ie and w i-iu - to -re you lit une" upon i 111 1 mint lni:-i:i' "l'.h: What:" ic.tm-t -hriiked Mr. M 'itoii. "M s. H.iyioti in thi n-? what shall I dor" he 1 r ed. sltiitinp up wildiy aild dartinp lichitid tlie do u-. "Yes. sir. What sha'l t. ll h, -, ?" said the clerk, lo iki-in; a . if he lltoiit.ht t'uat Mr. Morion had pone er.iy. -Oh, for nicrcv's -ake don't lit her ; roino in lu re:" he c; 'a llied in 11 shak- : iup voir. "D.u't. Itrotvn. thete's a po-.il fel'oiv. Tell h-r an;,iiii:u- that I am ill. or no.- in : li her to 10010 i:i soul' oihi r tini . (h-t rid of In 1 ipuck. j some way or oilier; hut for IL awn's -ake don't h i her c :iie in li.-re. 1 won't , see her on any tenti-whatever." "All liphl, sir," 'aid Ihown. 11- In' : Ineked out of the olli-e, almost chokinp I with l.mph'i r, as the situilion of .-ilT'iirs ' anil the ciu-e of Mr. Moiloti's fr.ietie ae- lions tla-hcl tiiruipii hi-mind. I Oh my stirs I' e-., and Mr. M 'itoii, j 11s the iloor clo-,d hi hind Hiow 11. j "What on caith iini I t 1 do? Kale was 1 Spiitlpiilp to hi. fi't, ho s. ie, lis 1 without this tteit: ll"l'. lint an 1 ploves aul put lie 111 11 hurtied- ; u,, i a. coitnt lo, al itiil'n . pr' fel ly. Tin 11 he want to the d'cr, and in 11 CaUfoin a wheat, as tV v ca 1 add the nctvous whisper railed out t , the dirk: ! Hiown, has s 1... pone yet '. 1 -Ye-., sir," 1, p i. d lhov. n. w hile a broad smile -pre el owr his fee. i -Wcll, 1 am p.iinp homo; I am il! ; you will attend to loekiup up til- -t re." Tcrtain'y," r-tu'iied I'.i.iw n. j Mr. Moitcti huiri'd cut aul .va'k.-d ' rapidly up the str e! na il l.e atrivod it 1 a tiny white co;ape. H r - he s.oppcd an.l lanp the. bell. Tii-i'.".-w is o-,, ncd : by prct! :k ! I. i 'in-I woin.iii of oS or 1, li-, who i she j mush! siptit i t h-r visitor-' fl islK-d fane, anil notice I his rxi it' ll manno-, x- rla'ninl: "Mr. M vl n, nrc you not well? Wlint liai lriiirno 1 !" ' Xo'hinjf, H- ii. Y-I mrnn 1 h ivi- r iini' to to " hp sla-iinn-roil. and t'n'ii s!ippf:i! i-oiifii'-fil avl rriinnn. ( 'om in," f.ni.1 Miit Hell, ralmly, Ir.i.llnj; tin' nay into n tvy sitlinf; room. Sin- i1hi'ci1 ti rhaii- for lu-r viitor nii'l v.aitol for him to sjwa'c. Mr. Morton ilid not t.iUi' tlip ofTcn-d rliiir, lmt riMiiincl stanilin t.yin- nrrvoii'.ly with the Initton on hi-plows. I'.ir M vnal moiiioiils nrilhi'i- spiko. then a voi that wotil.l tri'inbl . in ii o ol his r;T ir s to he rilm, ho slid : -Ho .sio, I havo c.ini; tomky.ua iiu - ion, Y,11 yon marry nw?" -Mr. Morton, smvly vo.i don't moan il 1" f dtcrod Mi-s IM1, whilo n;.- ! I'lu:-li iiioiiiiriil in hi-r unoot'i whitp 1 row. "Ye, r.o-.i, 1 nican every word i fit. I have nevir seen mi y woman that I lovrd lnr ou; d" you think ymt eoul l e.irr rnoii::ll f'i' me t 1-.- niv wife? ' -It's si -u'lde-i." s! i;iiine.-e 1 Mi-' I5.lt. "I know it i-, lirsie; l u: ny yes -p'e.l-io do," " e iaed, piiniii' ei u ipi j I" plead hN eau-, now tint til ' h- was broken. What her an over w a . t!i render i nn jildpe; for tluee weeks l it-r lie 1 -d h' r '' " "w, ""!"''. '' mtrcilil -o. liei "M Mrs". H-sie M etoii." Inn ,'ine t'le Miipiis- and delipht of '" 1-1,1 li 1-i't 1 tell von how it w.'iil 1 end '. An I I am ;;!a I 1 f i !" 1 rid K ite, nflor she hid ki--el lnr in- v aunt and u inly -m .there I Mr M.'tl m wi h ,1 In ai h i;;" in her ih-',ie;l,t i,t the turn alTiin h-i-1 titke-i. -Ti .t U 11 le, what aliout th-' wi !;" -he rjui . -1. after I i e -urpii-ei.nl co tem, nl h i I -om -wl, it -n'.-i lei. .Ir. Morton looked -e o-i iiin;lv ir.t h r face for a ino iicnt, ;:n l 1.1 eliiuo (he pleain of nii chi f tint spaiklel in her eye, he evc!aia:e. : -S ', 111 's. it was yu was it? I 111 io'ii haw known il was one of youi trak.; hut then, nil i- well that ends well," he add I. wiih a lovinp yl.ince a! the sweet f ieeal tiie i lli r -i ie of (a; room. ll'o.ve', 7. I iiniiy Kiii'l i in I'ianns, Th" Moiety of niitihs that jiiann til'. crs ti.,i in p aiei; i- iclil.likllilo. It i- al-o e:iaoidinar.- what a receptacle of lo-t ai.i.le a p'anoi.il I ccom in the dull' o 1' f ,1 few it.oiths. A t iller wa-coiici-in:; las- ni-,'i' alien: soaie of the sinpiriir p!:r,ises mi h'siaiiiu;; wneii he iuci h inly let dr p the s at m:vv tint ho found f un diam hi 1 i:i "tr pi au 1 and had ive .vere 1 a very it'i lan'i.d reward h.r h:- .I e ivery fr 111 th lady w ho h id eniph yed him. " You can u id r-taud the sh ck trivni to n lino," he aid, - when a lady i- pklyinp and I'linpi her finpers dow n in a o;i sen o. If a stone happens to he liner, a.v.iy it ;.o;s. and with tint i.ii.' aiiini y whi. h valuah'e thinp- have I'm pet I ;np int 1 -tiaiise pi icrs, il proinp!y pe s he w'ein th - keys and work-- down into (he fiam -norl; of the in-tl-iinei'.'. And little thinp ; lik pern, are ii' l tin-1 nly oi. e. L s" in this way. I have found c i:;s of all m ; or ihuoniiii ..lions in a lonely set pi.1.10, hairpins, oidiiiiiy pins, vi-itintj ea iis, and the like. "Where 1 In re are chi dieii around the a,', -uniulation In- niis pre iter, for tin pt,. ra-ea!.- h ive a 1.,-hion of Muliinp piano . fud of eve y -uiai! thi ip they tan K, t iheir mi-chev.e.is li tie tinpers on. ),' reurse t!i Ion-' of 11 piuii ii very much injure I Ly tiie j r-etn-. of anythinp lx neath or behind llif key-, lmt my feiv i.';MHii wlri it-" 111' itt-lni mi nt eau di-tinpnisli wh -n it is n ipiart -r tone out of the way. .specially when thry a e u inp th-' p;auo .'leiieclw-.'' V e 'i-ik Tim. ,m Water lissenlial for lii i'nlinp Wheat. One ,,f the I.npos; ni'llcrs in the j ilainiicnit'.p. its it c .stt.itas iii niii water ncecssaiy water for iioihinp. which th-y htive to pay for in tin- O.vpoii tuti. l". When shipped abroad or store I for months at tidewater, there is lex dili.-r- ,.,.,.,., wlir.it which i- r t 1110!-' will ., ou.e so in 11 d im 1 atmosphere. Caii f. rui i wheat wlie.i allnl p tin-, t .vo to three per -i;,t. fi.-su ah e; pi i, -n of nioistiue. A cettiin p r.vutap. of water j )u-a is es-i niial t len le:- it ti! for :,,. . .. l ti. mi i,M t. be "ii.i i int:. un l e.ik.l found 1:. .1. in 1 r .iji, 'ii.'.I ;uti- (iciitlly then o. I'..,. j O, (HII HItENS COl.l'MX. When. When ther i.-sg n v on ii;tpe Insep. Ami kittens wear lace caps; Wl.e . Ii ys th'-ir istei- never to-ife, Ami It -nr. wear nm le i wrap-; When all the 11 sevy . el -and toys I! -in to aiiee nml play. I'li-a litll ' In ys nml I 111" pirl .M ,y h- i 1 l- il nil day. Wh 11 1I0 keys loai u I.. -1111; iin.l ilninf. Wh 11 pi;., talk i lili.'.-. When I.0111I011 is n t wn in Fran Win 11 two ami tw-,1 make siv; Win n ilr-.ps of ra n m-- r nl pearls, Wh 'ii eoril iscleir a ,1 !ii-e. Then lit le boy nml little K fl' uy it up la o at ni.-lil. .-n. r.'it .a :oo7oiai. A Hop W.ili n i 'I i Tootli. Juno, nsftierof hiph odijiro. owmd by a Dr. A. N. It- uso , n denti-t of rirooklyn. has a filled ! nth- no iimai piuii. orsiivir. or bi ne lilliitp either, he.t lh" In st or p. 1 1. The dop si fTued wi'h t o'liaehe, w lech is a very e litmcn malady anioup r..e-, and its nw in r ) rr 'ill hd it to take n "at in hi- opcra'in.. . h.i i , ami the c he dr ile I nnd tilled th. tenth. .I11111 l a-ine it like a major an I lookinp 1 p prn'cfiilly when the w. rk was I'n's'iicil. I'l. , ;io... ,Ienn e's I tioply ape. .b iinio, the fn 1.0 is lion, ss of eulial Park, i dend. !sn- was only twenty ycair. old. 1 ut lieu siiiiI. of In .1:- weie t"i..h r toward I or. I'i 'bab'v, t her 1 cart ie-;i nde 1 in s inp.ii in- to th- ail' 1 ti-'U- i'f th" th- 11 and who mad friend, with In r. rifoin year- a" -he wa- I t niel.t lo hi-, loii'i ry a- li c 11 sjiei im-11 "f an Afii. iu li, in-., a.. 1, hi'. 1 h foit -id. With h' r 1 afi" a hip. t';i'-i- lookinp corn p ni.'ti avd for n.atiy i 11 . tie;, iix.d a l.fe of ia-0. pivinu even . -.i h ncc t 1 tiie 1 novds who daiiy vl-iti d iLini ti n! imirriapo w: s not a faihn -. Ah "it t! 1 -o yi ar." apo .bin, I- s l.cji nae wn- fid t" a trav el inp cir.11-, unl f.'oin that tini" p or .b ami - scenu 1 di'. ors.i Lite. Sin- pa, I upaiiddow .i her c.'pc w ilh a III itiriif il look and failed to ml w ilh hel a. c,i -lotii d appetit". -Int as the new year w;u d-iv.i i-ip .! sinie lay down ill lid- ' ILC 1 peacelllil v died. At In. st li was tho.irh: th.'.t a iuokul heart ra i e I la r death, I ut an aut -ii y potf irincd bv Dr. Panne 1, vi .de I that d-alll was iliie to ptiein;..iia and old ape. The holy wii turned nw to th" Mu-euni of Nalii'al History, whir" the ski 1 will he .stuff, d aul the t-ko e' 11 ui ".ir.t. d. .V.," IV-! .'. I. ie's Sni iri-e. .I.ii lie Kent was inip in pr uid inanitiia's Lay window ihir.kin.; tha iiiiiMps were the drrn lliil"-t ihinps iu II e woi !d. X. t that .lark'r had L. tr, huii-e'.f. bat Mabel and P.iby Ali-e wn.- !, .th ill with till 111 rpht LeiP thice 1! iv . hi fore Lis birthday any. (i,:i: ! ri iu.m i's house was t. o r:n:; 1 for tin? party . mil "rand mamma hi r- If too o'd t. I- th -r with it. "Ail the invitations 1 ut a.td cvny ihinp I' tl "i'uht .la k, w .I'ul y. "Peahltie Sp.-ir;iiii l.o "raid Ann' I'.'sa. sittinp i'ow:i In soi" ! .: 'i a-nl teliinp him how bia' ly those li:1',-' fellows in L.r a.v;.y Cne.e u-d lo leir iheir In u'. h 'I wiil 11 -. I'.'U'.ti' ." "ail .I.i- kie, w r.k inp ie-y f nt. -Do you kr.niv of a Su: t in l y that piv iiji hi- bi:thlay I -X." -.-.id ::iintie. !. t I know n ! ov who will do it ev. 11 l ett-r !han th.ey di I." Now the i.iiKt ..ut .-fit was that nil the boy- and p'rls who h id l-" !i invited did r. t e r.i in the lei t di -,ipoinlcd, hutvV'l: -- ooh, iicii'l you .ate, .hick, we do; '1," ii! a in aunt r liia was iiiteiided to I e vi ry rot s -iiiip, but whi h only lU'l'le ,l; i k's fin- I tile hi Ot :l !ltt!- sorer. The hiithdav i ' l. inp ci.me , :i ! it was certainly a ' in i 'ui ".' A fics'i layer of s iow ha I f.iih 11 in the nipht and tin ntoi.ii p air faiily snapped with i .p . id. .lack had a '-:;.l "(ill h'-ap of pr si it's and laaill 11a e rne oil 'he p'.eh to kiss and hu ; him 0:1 hit wav to m !i. o. 'It's it f t !'i 1. 'o itip a spir.--ii.' Ihoupht Ma ler .1 a pau.'e In t e v seal cap tiftu' y ' 11 hi hi ad. -I d-n't 1 .1 e a bit ah 1 it ley l.'i'h day party," In-c ie I to Hoh'.y I..-:ip. a! icee.s. "M rnina a s II I :.. i.l Ai're a:o o loin -on:c lh ;i I i,:i ati t 1 take oi r some of my p.- c sts for 'cm 1.1 p-ay wilh, and you ati I I (an po ia t'o yard aftir 'ohool and build a sn ov mati f. r 'cm. In y, II dihyr )'i"'' . . '.-,. t'imnp.'s Wr,!;i!il in Xiaxnra Fulls. u.itlli il fall of roe'i his bin IV p.itel nt li-!-- St ie Pal'-, .;eata, lipht a- lh fro. t. Til' f ill- now pre. sent an extra rd-nary iipp-uaii -.', tin! view l.einp in the shape- of a b ubl hor-es'ii.-, tin li-' on.' fonui.i; ti iho ripht and cctitiv of the oripo.i il II erso Sim.'. Tito spray f:- Z" to t'i i.djac '.it tree, ii'.'t t li'il.i.:;-, ap ! t !: si flit Mils t;rand. PEONS OF MEXICO. Ourcr Cii5toins Amon the De swinlants of the Aztecs. Sleeptntr in Treos and Makins O'jaisanco to the Sun. "Aitevip the most ci'i-i i- people if this ; (otnia. nl." remarked .lohn ilei,.hoT to j a knot of thro.' or fmir fr en Is a' the' ( l i Ii 1 a! I, 1-el, "are ill" lll'ive peoll . I of M i o. an 1 wh.-ti y ei I mk a! the f iin.l pirti-n of tint nnae- 'Utit able r.i-e y...i oet a 1 i:ri .u o p e-i"il:r ion I llal makes y 11 a lso wilh wonder. i I.ivinp 1 :i the l .1 h r of A 1 i.t ina and .M i o. a I have for nine years pet, I have had a p" I opooipmity to see niany th e.ps that m it.itoi ei' pi. pie would pi s by unn. ti' i d. T to Imp -r I st iv I h" Uioto I a n impre.s -I w it'i the nn n- leiui 1 lie ways of tlli-lesee I I lilts of t'le A 7t ' cs. The soi-io'y Li ly' of th pe .ns. if I may s e ik of her a s.i !,. ha- a wav of doinp 110 hi r b n l. hair t'i ii I hive i.e er seen !lli'i a- 'd any . I e: e. "It is no le-s lino o ,;it a .oe U c'a . i r oi n 0:1 tiie tip of I - -1- 11 allium, in whi.-h t a hair i- inatted, like pip-' iei-tl - in p'.-i-'er. Tilis crown reach s up. - iy eiph- or niii" iiiehi". nnd look-lik'-fl :; ei! p'a t -,- 1 10. Il s- rves a ! double p t'p ,. .. ,".. ...ly i- i iiniii :i! evc-i'ip pirt e-, bit !l:i-U"huit the : d iy. In le I. the pt i'll irv object of the ' r.,u 1 c me w 1 .. pie. r," tie lo iid from the i 1 re.-,. . -.jt ..f the southern sun. Now, howive'. il is worn at evciiinp btlis end ii" -h lv' !l.:ii'i. h-r-elf 1. 1 In roll and :n p itiv.lv poo-1 f..f:;i nn lo-- -': has 1 ei novel 1 r.ovn on. The h.ai;- is matte I a id !w:-t d an 1 1 iied all am d :n il . and ii m i - ! d- p -nded mi ! Ii.-'t il cm I" ! c .tn-- " i-e an 1 cni" run bli'iL' d ' 11 an I 0.1 1 e In ran. iiuiiar;a-s in- i: t iii 10 up 1 -.-. T.i" loii-j.-r a ' "tie is v.,nn thehcdei i pels, tin, I v. Ion it has lea hod the :io of .1 Itiotitli. say, il is as hit 1 .is a bii, kb.il. atnl would h f.e t be smashed to p:e.-. s with a -led.; iflhele 'Aete ii" oli'-r v iv di-i oMicl. Thi-. howewr. h 'pp.';. i t he c-i o. "Tin- ol I Artec itr.ctite 1, and th." i i , let I: li b-; 'i p -i pelu-ited intheiaie. a n 1 ulirir solution 1 ..lupoii'Vied I'loin wild plants witiih l,u . ks the plaster topknot lo stnithei'i , : It takes s. me ti;n.- to do ii. how e' er, 11-11 1'ly from live to -iv h' tirs a, id d'.irinp ihi-time the l.'vely A.'ec miideri or in. tr. ui inu-t s ak her head ia a hip i.ii of this solution. It is the prep r ihitip for tin- wonii 11 to 1 htinp-- tlic-e cotii- at least once a mouth. After tint the whitish -"il of whi' h il is romp o.-I ch lilies to a dull yellow atnl the w.-aivr h'.-s r.i le. And I lure is c i-lo aiiloilp I he 1 lis as inueh ;i ; llieie is inionp any other rl.is-e: 1 I people. Pin- e n itivo w, tin ti ,.;o fond ot nn kl.n i s. and you will ottcn see lie 111 p.iittp aboil! without n, , thinp oiicxicpt 1. mcklai e and a lii'id eiowu. O hci r.L'.iin w 'll h ive wry slight i.rmonl. The men A i'l't -.--.r mud nown-, Im' tiny ato "fl' n limit A in lln it ..'I tc. Tin 11 habits ate nltuurlv shnp'e in Iho main, thoiiph in s. -mo other 1 ' - - they o!T on wi'd lirat;ef.ts. "Darinp :l liipe. put of the year you wi.l s e. il y u will j, 'in. .i-v thr. u:;h this ropi'.ti. hamm os -In r; Iro n all the lice-, ill l:L'!lt time, lnd-el. if ymi wire to bo out of a 111 " nli'thl nipht. and il wa- your first -Xm lioitee. you in u'd think tlie I' ll, 11 and pine tree, wnc l i i.i inp t-i ipular fruit. The natin- an- all in tin -i- h.'iuim 1 ks. Tiiey tit--tl ere to c-oape the t ii.eit u'..;s, c .tip-lis and M. vii an M-orpi u;s. whi h a-.- , u .m tlm riiipape. l.tt one if lln-e ll.ii'ps r-t iul 1 your Id. inki t-:.nd he w.ll u. vi r be easy until he pets a nip a! tin- . .iiioini. Thi, is why lh" nn'ivis i m vi 1 l. cp on tie- ".loin, , I. P.e-ihs. il i- 1 -ml. i- and more c infoi! b'e -a the tre--.. "Til'- p. Ui wh-'.l l.e li -s itl th'- lti--ill inp 10 ik". a .p. r ..l-el-a:.. .- t.. t'n' i;.. lb- i. aiuliiip lie- :,i .iiiii .: -1111 and dm s it by fu-tbowin; until he In s Ins ,,.ly nt 1 ii-lit niiphs I 1 I, i- hp- a;.. I hori70nt.il to the carih. lut i ' p -ili -:i iie pure, devoiilly for pel h:ip a ..muter "f a mill nie, and tin 11. i.ii-inp his bid-.- to it. ptopir 1 1 -it i ui. In- abrupt I" I In 11 t- his ripi t h--.'. and tin 11 his hfl. foiwanl. ri-O-t -1- I p. ht" boW t Alli'iU 1. d -lis.. e I by .1:1 ineliu iii"ii of the h el ah -ne, and lie- bii-iui sr. i- itoii . "I h --iilutiiiion i- siipj'.osel to win him favor wilh tin-i. ipnia:; f- no. of the In iivotis and make hiui .Ii'l' lor Ihe day. The women never po thr-nph this moiiiinp pi rfoi 111 .ti 0. I'iiey have .-,11 such thinp-to the nn n. I he ihildien i f 1 1. oh si xes iciii kly can h up the ways cf their elders an 1 liiu plow up per pi til ati'l.p all the ( list. 'Ill- of the rice." .s,ii. '.I.',.-'.-.-.. .'.. 1,:, nr. What's in an cweu'ive name? rv (lainis the New Ymk (.'. '.'... The Cove, nor nf I!'io."'s is ;i Pifer; of C'iili foinia. 11 Wa loi loan; of Aikatisas. an Paple; of t'i huiido a Cooper, and Ncw ,h f t y Ins a ir -t a 1 . . 10 i , c. A p.nvle ci.iklcs oxer N. iih C.:ii hna, nnd a UmiT works for lVnii'ylvaain. rrocitms Mimes in the I'nitoil Stntoti. Dnrinp the last dorado new Horn s have roino int.; favor, some neploct- d ones have ropained their popularity, and still ethers, such (is tl.t I'lnelhy 't atid ramous, have been iluown nut entirely. The latter, tin matter how finely cut. would not I'nd j mcha-ers now at 01,1 fifth of their formi r value; about ton year- npo they v.cte oapeiiy soiipht nttir al from four to twenty tiim s lh"-ir pf - etit prieis. Kubii s were coiisi. len d hi".ii nn yiars apo. and a fur lnr ri-e wa- lo t looked for. l ut today they at'- slid hi: ther. a 0 ii Hi karat stone l.axinp bun .-noted at "". ". '1 1 ere is 1.0 di ii.timl :.l pri sent for topii. vet a synilliat" i f Pri 111 h e:. ilr.lists has 1 1 rn o' mii .1 to eoiil.ol Iho t"nz mill''- f Spain, ill the ixpietali'ii tliit af ter twenty years' of o-fnwr th:---pom w ill npain be 'rpnlnr. ( lal hi. felt tiie rhai.pe of fa-hioti. f"i- diuiiip the Inst ihioe yens th'- iin mis L ive bi 1 11 less than $1" 111 I or anfinn. an I in the In t tni year- in all S.'io.'.i.V!. wh. Ma in ti e tell years po -iinp i"'Sfl ''o worth w-re ititjiOito 1. The op.il.u il v of anibi-r. on the 1 ther Laii-I. i-1 itu t" . in;. 'I lie imp, its of .- i;i' r In id- I, t Ihe ten years I Mis )., I.-Jx auoiiiited Id less than iliml. wl.e 1 a- di rinp the la t t ai year- (f ."... s'.C woiili have hi en inlro litied. And or aivi untiii" lo only if t T, -(Mi wa impntted fr in I"1''1- to IxT-, but oM I ' ijo'i'l.Ml I wotl'l I'm -in P"TS o ISSN. Ten years npo fe.v jev. clh rs .11 rie 1 more t'i 111 the foil w iap -t . 10 h -1 1 k : Dianiond. ruby, s j.plii 1 e m till, "'ir net and 1 eea-ionally a t.-a' or a.piamar inc. The 1:0:11 and i!iine!.i!o"ie.i i ollee tieiis i ontaine.l ,1 Ian. e 1 id - 1 f l i nitifiil stone, hind find of rich mlor, but known In re :i- fancy -lone' and by the Preach i,s pirrrrs ib fanta-ic Sinn-then C"li-id' rable int-.c-l l-a-cetit ie I in lln-e fail' v stoias. and any Icadin:: jeweller i. net only expoi te. 1.. b-- famili-ir w uii.but o krop alums; til! of thein in 'lock. This chntipe in iv bo 1 .'i'l Iv n foiled to the fa' t that siui e the ( cut et.ui.il lixl.l bilio'i ai-t niiilleis Imvo n-ecivnl in iv.it lintini union-: in than befote.- .,,.,..-' Y.A!:i. A Niiiponilmis ,M story. Pi'or or ihe'. ited l! :il few ( en i.ii;. :-:: seiilUHie men :ipp 1 i ll the liu.ali'.;' iny-li iy of the fi.n e we r til "i-i ily . Won hi I'ul :is is lie familial- allrai I ion ol bod'fs to tin- c:u i li. t: 1.1 ' italion is al together a piciit' l li'V-l'iy whi n nesid r 1-. d as a property pies s'c.l bv n.iilttr. The univei-iiliiy of the pi, petty whit h bt'lonps not 11:011 Iy lo th'- 01 tint -nb staler, but to rviry Ml -t-.i,, , , solid. liiiiid H :r.:-t '".:-. an 1 m I to - :i h a"::n: pal it lis of in: tier, bill to the iilliuati ntt'lct ilh - .-.nd alnins is an t.ni inp. if 110' tin ap:d 'inp niy-teiy. 11 n- i- 1r.1l lei. wh'nh nn 11 call ine. 1 , 11 t nicilv possi s-mp inhririit fun o, bui with its whole It Mute ins im t with inhcn i.t, ui'.evp! lined p.obably iiicxplicai.lc p"W -cr. Hul if t'10 uiiwrsih y of proi-t.-.ti'.n. and the inliuito i.inpo of tlie four thus cxi 1 li tl I y all matter an- won-111-1(11' inliiiiteiy moie woinhiful i- ihe in-liiutatii'. us niliii" of its operation. Thi- .pialily of imiii-al piavital i..n is indeed so womb t fill that lew who hear cf it loi Ihe liist time 1 an even admit t'l.at il i- p -sible. Yd ihe :i-lio:ioiu, r has bcin able to tl. ni m.-llale licit the iiilcival of time leipiind fm tti ivily lo eMolid its ni lion fioiu olio bciy in -p.n 1 1. 1 any other bod , . cm 11 if sep rated by a di-t.iiit c so prcat th it lipht al s.T.nilil miles j cr second t.ikos lh. .ii-an.is ..f y e ,r . I hps- it. is lo than any intei il whitli 1. in be measured. -'', ," 1 .V. . 1 lh lie of a K.iiniins ll.illlo. A whi'e ptl.e tier wasrii: ltiillllv two miles si. mii of shade Mr.l-, iii loinrit CilllllV. III.. I till- sile of the old Ih.ldd'-l k io.nl, and eoinitt.d in!" -1 1 i 1 1 : t s. It wa a lirpelrco, :n,.l by t 1 1 1 w ... d -u rn 1 -t'tma e 1 to be 1 I I, vl tl huinli. I t its old. In 1 ntttnp i! up tin- -aw. uinp thioii'J. - nn- I. 11. th sul'-l.'.eci'. then s.ippo- , to bi a knot, alii 0 led atli 11I i 'ti. and iaw lipali 'ii tli-t lo-i I a 1 .1 tl it I t tubedded within two ii 1 In - of the I , nl. The '1 1 al this point w is t-.'.' itu he- in dtaiin lor About one ihiid of lh" bullet wa- ' - wo 1 .nun-, the 1 i-nioitnli r in iphiup al loa-t ! ! o. beim; lift in a coin. I of the biili 1 ml of a -hinple. The ball is supp is. d to ..ic ben slioi from a luu-kot by on - . f Pia.ldock's men d'tiinp the eainpaipii which enluii iiitotl in the .lis istcr al poll Du !cs,c. In this event I l.e bii'ht was rii,b.ild.il ill thr I n o l.'i.'i wan ap t, 1 1. h year's pit'Wlh btiiy inp it ib eper. Ii is a most 1 iiitrre-tinp mrnionto of the ill-staircd i ainpaipn of 17 ".. T.ilti'n.'i:- .s'i, j A 111 i nil Ynunir Cnlnrcil rroiliey. Kt ar Monro, a blind nepro boy not tiiite four years rf npo, is the latest youthful protlipy. hit le Moore liar, a niouiorv thitt Macaulav niipht hawenvipd. I ' ' . j Ho ran recite poems an I nap simps in ; l'.iiplish, (Jeriuaa, and Dullish. His I niMits are very ordinary nepines, nnd the wi nilei-is win 11: he Icai nnl all that j he knows. ll-wi'tr'it L ;'. The Old Homo. In the qui t siiiul w of fv..iplit I st iiitl by th par. Ion .r An I p- 7 im ll Id oil li'iii" teal, S n il lish il an I lov.l o v re. Ih.t the ivy now is twin 11 ; Put raine I o'er w in l.uv - nd wall; At il no m.it-e th" voi if t' e ill I ll- n p el ..in; dinmpli tl e hall. Tin 0 'u'i ir- of j, t T11 a id so: row. N:i.o. lir-l I l ie I I. p 1 1 'Hi :li .1 p.. 1 of lie ,!..ii- ..M h .a., s :! II 1 In n re 1 M- nnd my li 11 1 ; Th p. I- ll e-li'.ovv e I H,th ro e . Ti e u li,'.- .' tl.'.i..;.!ip e I o ., A: il the s ..,.f I..s t 1 W'.bp' t, Ami,! I;., i. 'i 1 I I -i'V -s. And t I' nin o-' tit"- wh . '.ov, .1 nn I 1 th,' h ppy ch:l th - d . u-. A: p ir a- Hi" d 1 ' y w m-hrv . T. ma, ll v n ihintii 1 wi''i lei I b.-ar Mi :r v.. . w ; n3 Pro 11 III.- -h.-i'low v i ii' iiw.i.v. And I tr ll nr. ni- 1 - low.-n- I l'i 11 In tic- p'o.-iii f lh'- w ,! . : y P it . n' tt.e 11 'phi i '1- au-w r. A.- I c y thr np'i l! t 1 i iiial ail', A - d only lh b . e.-n . - -w ) in ; I'.. 111 l!i tl ir in s of i-s 1 .. Yet .-li I tin v i 1 of 11 y "ii 1 1-i't 'I Is . n'hii ; li 0:11 I'.'.r aw.iv. All.l ll"' I.I . -of thos" Who I V il I I' !:,.! .. th .. ,; I ," I. t.i w ;: "V .If '.-..' M lit MKHIM S. Ti e N iti. in il 1; 1 11 - l'nliii 'I he "le il I.. 1 -1 :n I I tu 'I'h ('.' .r. C lie. mi la w !. ci V' il dip- Tho ii' t.i - ar. at'pi v when th" ut. 'l'i .0 tnu-kfi' in-iv I. ro 1 id 'tod :i I.ii ;y animal, b. :, : !:.- ; . 1:10. r W H h nit a t , lit lo I i 1. .ni . 'i'l.e ni. oi witii th- A.- v I.i: lite rn at ...... -ol ,t 1 11 ti.ii' he is pui' inp o-i iii.,r.- sty !- tl,."i hi- 1.1 '"h'l -r; L" li .1 -lain. 1 pi v, i.'id'.w lo I is soul. Smi h 1 o i;.. inn-oil. 1 ipar tleiilt I ) I ci-y..ii h ive 1 h i'l't" I y-.isr .-l"i'e apnn. Km nl "Ut ' Ic'l'ii.-"'! w I Let sl"i't wa.-. -ei I i... sie i.ii 1 N ,: tr. d 1 ut. -Mv ot :.i' . .uiiL' lull." lid a pu-Linp iti t . h' 1. "y.'.i iu 1 ' it i vt ly Iom I. i Wouldn't .'."it 1:1-." nn' : . ,.. y..:i iu ..il Sir." rM iiitiii d h r I' it ' ) 1 i-If, iu lipiianl y. "do y.'ii ' isc nie or a sar liuer" 'flu Duke of S e peii'ilh " D 1 you ktio-v. nn d ar voiiiip I. nl . thai I'm ! mplc'l lo c 11 : h"iii" one of y.il Aiueric.in eyi 1- my -'Iff" Mi-- t'i:-p ' You'd h ive bi 1 airy r. y. ur place." . ., . -N .." s.nd All- Shod. I.e. "Wo have to I'iiy our l.'.ro iiowad 1;.-, .a- I - ratiroad o!li;i.l!lies W ill tl t piv ' t'hiltle. p'l t s ei ai 1 .ei,, I ,. tni- lia-ly I. a I e-t it-: c .111 an it e l i ii al then -Ii ' ' ip n i and I'.llih- lilt - .1' 1 i;e I.ii t - i-1 . 'oi-po.a! ion. Il s ,'i, 1- th., 1 the p. I'iiui.in-, 11:11110 tl.t ir hi I It ."I ii!' 1 ihe rxpre-ioti- they heir ii-eil by Ktipli-h viil-.s. If .1 S in lay -1 ie. 1 sho il I ev. :' 1 c e-'.i!.!is!i. d illlollp illo-e blllbll'l l.ill l's. i' W .Ili'lU 'l 1 'oisi a! ail swe : tin I cbfyinp to heir li-- yitiii j-t i-- pi-' up such li.iiiis.i. Co t -11. 1! lax." l-:u:l!i 11 out th -T) Iti l.'-i " eohiiu-r 11. 11 h b.t-ii i-i'i ; en'"-: Milk" til" I. -.nihil.- I Ink an. I s I -11:1 - l.ll 1 1.' .lohlinv's pot III- .-kill.-. A li-.!i p's r.xleii-iio Dnniiui'.ms. S .rn.- id. 1 of l!i' ' 11! "I' le: 1 it "iy of the t'.ill-l l .i-l di I-' 1:1 I, be tic le I from the fie! t'. it l..o His'.oji :. M ll.e CXi It i-i - jill isdie' ii II owi'i.tl ale 1 i- iarpc .1- II tiro pi , t vte'i'linp all atiiinl ihe llud- u'- li.iy terri! ev llal ii.niiinp Ii'l lo lh N'.'llll Pole. Tell llloll il'.'l people lile Ul'd. r hi- 1.II" ill lili- Mist e- pioii and thi ro i- no t. -id- nl nriii-tcr of anv oilier body of ( i.i i-t .111- I 1 i. it - I ho lii-hop ami hi- -non 1 I' ip.v. Th'' ! t.,111 . ate 11i1.11a.n1-, iitid ihe -h.eli -t w i l" ihe ice I In-: 11 part 1 I lh.- dim o-e it I , .; 1 t, I'tlLl I'd li'-l :ll"l tin II po Oltl ill ihe ennj -h p whii h t l' r' Hudson '.i P,.,. . 'I lie I'.i hop ha- . wrylhinp to do for bii.:-' ll. a id i- 1 :: 1 piinlt I "' I -make! , ' a' 1 nl. i . l-:e k 1 iy i i . i t '. II" lia- I.i ii a w i lo I in tha! f u nu ay l"t il v l. r in '.tly tmiy ' "' ' 'A "' ' ll.....,. I llilill ( hill i I ies. - ! : i i i. -I in now in v "lie i f ol.. I iii.in p I' ..;i . !'. . :.:: I I'-h- put,, e b.' tailuiT a . appt i l and . np ii I ' p i-s tlm uph n. mv h 1 " .... 'i p -mail : inn- a- il : oi .. "I si, , -.'i :,;,i , f ih it,'' li li. d .i I.i ly w h i " -k- n t ii'u oi.c of li . -. . I .''.,.' -I ,1 .ii I like ),. ;. - i . a. ! I do.i'l ti.- ml . be itle .lili, d v. i'h it "Tl l il we i a i'l I ..111:1 "11 o I," said ll II, oie i idol s :ic.ll linl.'io c. No. 1 ohj. . t th . id dly to b. I. i,;;. inp to tin i h.i i i . a u p . 1 prefer, in leul, the i p pi obi 11111 of In inp ralli d thr mi in;; link.'' l'i "tit's ('. iy.t',.-..a. lArn nith Ihe World. ( hrotiir lit ml Peat t'onpiatulato me, old boy; i.i la-l I it'll ivtnwilh t'.o wmld. Priciid - How i- that .' Haw you paid your debts ' -(ll. Ilo: but 1 owe le.t.ni y to just hi many coplo as I don't owe to." At if IV; A. TiibiiHC. ''"' o'.'.'V:V'';'''t'