l)c l)atl)am ttccorb. II. A. IOISUOIV, ELarou and rnorKiETon. RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One 8iuare, one insertion )ii(! square, two insertion One Btjuure, one month - $1.00 1.50 25 ONE DOLLAR PIR TEAP Strictly inAdvance. For lurtrer advertisement liberal con VOL. XI. ITrrSlKUO CHATHAM CO., N. C, .MARCH 21, ISM. x0. 29. 'tracts will bu made. Lii ri l.lirlited. Tln silver days lh-- K"l'len days, T e.lavsof runny w.-iith -I, Willi a'lilii-ri n lli. mountain lino All'l inlet I'll Iln- li'- ItlnT. Al'eliiil ii an in' end .lavs, l-ve, I'm- Mi ll II ' in tin-" anil Hie; Tin-1- j t .l.-li-hl is nit i f sijjit, Ami I'M-.: mill l"in-air W". Yet tin- cr.iy i js tin- ilrc-iiv ilnys, Wi h mi-.lv -l-iiuis I Imvii liitln r, An I cloud l .i. k smitl.-ti nf Iln- blast Ail 1 ill hen a yvvhith.'i- -Tli hi l;1i n'Iuiii-1 Hi' him ami nngui-h 'rin--e - livs nf intltll ii : l- in Tln-ii renal i f j. I i:y in ar, Wlii'-li il -ailili-Mi Mais illnni ". I'm- in t'.ie mill -led hri",hln. s I if oiler Miu -n tellr r, Too Mri'iiK to hr.uk in any stress. I'oiiimI mil- two soul Inp-lln-r; Ami li-tl'-r i i-i with tins", lov, With live, line hear! to heart, Than all Hi - Minis' iil -u'lshiii, -, Aii'l Hem. ami I np rl. .1 tiyitrft -.'. .s'oifti r in ItiZ'tr. THE DIAMOND KING. l.iUe a drop of ih-.v it sparkled oi ly swear to you that by this linn-tumor -('i.l'.i Villi 1 1 ml' r feiciin cr, tiitchiii ,' j row you shall have the money. I will tl e hint ii:,' r lh- t on c f the aftei'.-iinii ; pi w it li you lii a ji wel -r's ; he will n I- in-line, a- if tvciv i unlit ani lovnl tu I vanee the limnev mi this liny, to Hurt all IjiiLT' r within the r:y-lnl hearted jewel, a the iuiii'4 L'iil -at tin re, hrr fair lira I ill input; like a lily hell, aii'l the I ishcs llaliL'inu' I ever her liu-hi d cheeks. ' It's mi straii'r that he loves me," (hi isl'IiI ('"'ii, li.-r M-aih t lip'i half a art, n:ii t he -t-l -Ii. like shallow of a ; hnvi'i i ii u iili-m her mouth. lie. ! : ii hi allhy, 'n lii:.'h Iioih, so rointi il in . iiii-toi lalie mi Ii . whi n- r little I h.-n r m vri 1 1 1 n ailinilti il. I sIioiimI al j niost f.i ry tin- whole lliiii-, to he a iln ..in. il it v- in-ii-'l for this pi-i-riii ::. ' -tone sj ;nkiin:r "ii my linu" r " i Ami li:i- i C 'i.i Y.me leinnl In r rln-rk i I on I. er I'Minl ami ilriflnl olT onee mole j into lh- ilrlieioui levriie- t hat r line to ; 1 1n s - w ho l.ave s"l foot w ilhiu the invslie 1 j trniie i f lovr. It iliil -i rill mil lllilik" the ili.illtiisimi i iillinr; of a I ti ,-n waeii one ramr to ; i look hi it from a olii-r, i vny day point of virw . Ih n- In- was, a li tie, hanl work iii'', ilailv ovei in s-., i ai iiiii" a nmil rst lirlihoi I v constant toil how r .iihl il In- that A hail ( al Ii sfm 'I. the r lilt-il favolili of f "Itunr ami fa-hion, ; should hu e Irarm d to nr her- should : have won her to ptoinise to lie his wife, j And s)n-had told him so fra'ikly and j fr. rly tin--lory of l.rr hiuiililr li''r, rvrn ; lolhr hirf, slran"r rpis nr of lh lire t Wayne's love ami plop sals. liiu,. WaMir: Mr. C.-iihsfoi-d ha I irpratrd : ou do not iur in the liruee Wayne who was in the Seventh It-u'i . meat at one time. Why, 1 knew him well." "Yts," .-a'd Cora, hlush'ii";, "it was Captain Wayne. lh-said he loved nie, hut he was s,i i, n rand p.-:s-iomtte that I was afiaid of him. ih, Alhan, I never roiild law f. ll lowaid him a. I 'lid In you!" And Mr. Caiir-h.nl forgot the uu i pit-lit pau-r of iialoiisy whirh had a! rr.nly rii'en d his hi all, ronrrinin! this h llul-oine, in kles. yoiiii"; ( a tain, I to he sure, hut the stones liim h rlioirrr liiurr Wayne, and felt happy in the un- j than you s'-e now -a-dnys. Wr ri u!d rr- ihnilitiiie: certainty that Cora was all Ids set thriii for fl'nl, ami " (iwn. I Mr. Sparkle oprnrd a little piivale Cora Vane wis secret ly thiukiiif; of all j drawer as he p.ikf a sp 'c:al sanetiiin th(v things the next d iv, as she sat hy j where hr kept choice jewels, rare cameos little ft s ir Maiden's piano, un t intr j and prici-'rss an'iipie;. At hr soiii'ht tint ; f r the child's iinusi d tiimriK as j ahout for the set of emeralds, Mr. Carles they slraved reyularly over the ivory i ford's eye was rauudil hy the .'litter of a kes, for Coin had in-istcd on duly fill larire solitaire diamond, .si t n uiid with tilliliL,' all hi r eiiuaornirnts for the quar t -r, liehr - shi- would consent to tlx the mania,'" day, when the schoolroom door ( petied, an 1 Cap). Wayne louni.il idly in. "Ih-ssie," he said to h's little nirre, "run and o( my oi rye-glasses, tliat's a little "fin of :i gill. They 'in in the parlor, or under my ilrrwinir tahlr, or in your mamma's w.uk hasket, or some w hen-!"' And Hi ssir, k'ii'I to hr rrleasrd from the t'lrahhuu of tlui pianoforte, slipped down from In r M at, and trotted inerrily away. Itriice 'avnr sat down hesidc the da ly fjovciiu si;, w ith a darkening look o care up n his luow. ' Cora," I r said, allie s lirrerly, "I aui in iroiihlr, and linn- is no one to hrlp inr -sivr you!" "llr'p you! I.' Captain Waynr, what cii'i vmi mean ;' ' Coin, 1 must have a hundred dollars hctweeti this ar.d sund iwn, or I sha I he a ruiiud, di-iafd man. 1 can't ti ll you how it his happened you nied not look lit Hi-' so nupiirinir'y. Moreover, it is Ir.i! a teinpoinry need my allowance comes in toinoriow, hut you see how it jt today is Ihr rriod i f nrri ssily." 'll-.lt," faltere I Cora, turnini; white and red, "your hrolher-in law, Mr. Mil d,n " "lit! will not listen to a word, lie gaya ami I cannot hlani i him much that he is tired of lendino to me and my sheer is ju-l as h id !" "Suiely, your frit nils " lie. foiitempl itetl her w ilh a inockinj,' laujfh. "1 have no friends! Yis, you may look amazed, Cora, hut it b the uulau- rhily truth, Sonet hues," In- a-liVd, with hirer cmplm-is, "it m in- to i.'.e that it would In' 1 1 ilrr In end I hi- wh h; f ;i I " nf life :t once. "' 'Ctlpla'n Wayne, you iliil Ilut 1111 Mil " "I (In, ( iiia. Niitliin;; lias mine nuht with mi' in litis world, ami I swam- to ymi, before likjli Heaven, that unless I ran w mcvvlicrc r.'ii-c the muiey today, will lilnw my liraim nut." lliscycs flittered with a licrrr liuht ami a deadly whiten - s eaine round his I'pt anil brows. 'lint, Cailain Wayne, huw can I In Ip ymi ? 1 luiv no nun i y." lie Micereil hit telly. "It is easy fur you to siy no, Willi that jewel fpniklinu' n your foid'uim-i ; hut I w i) I ' island -you are like all the rcM of thriii, anil turn away fiom the poor, fnl'.aken outcast." "th, Captain Wayne," (obhnl the poor, tender lieinted little Corn, '-what can I do? 1I"W ran I -" 'It is 1 nit iur lay, Corn; I solemn. my u i -i-nt needs. Cora! will you save a fallen fcll'ivviTcaliirc's soul liy one day's snetili.c of y ur vanity, or will mi ilrivr Hi" to a Miii i'le's envr.'" "lint, Cail. Wayne " ('la lilineil 'ale ami s'ailet, aii'l lies. ilatiil; h"W eolilil tell him, her re st, thai the ilia- jieli il lover c f till umnil wis tin- hrliothal ;;ifl nf Alhan ( ai h sfonl ? "It is rimiieh," hr saiil, huskily, liiin- ini; away, as little Iiisii-'! limtsti p soumlril in the h ill ; "1 have aski il, ami I hive aske I in vain. The nlh iiM- in vn shall In- r inalnl." 1 Cnr.i snan,Lr to his ;i'le. "le innl r i i'-r. When a hiinian s ail tiunlil '1 in the li.ilanee, how mihl sin- slop to wri'li 1 the 'lo'. Mil l i oils of i-rllmil'A rtiijii -Hi-.' "Take it," she liiiinniile 1, ihaw ili "If the ri :g wlrrh Aihan ( a: h .- foi i Innl plarrd on In r lini r; "hill, n un iiiln-r, il is hul for a il iv." Mis iiiuniiniril hlrssin srarrrly rrarhnl hrr rar, s hew ihlrre'l was she will-, the ronlhr' of ruintioiis wilh'ii In I In-irt : and tin- urvl luoini nt sh" was alone in the i"oin and lt s-ies tiny hi.n I upon the door kn ih. "Win rr is I'm Ir limn-;" li-pel the i ll hi ; "I eouldu't .-inywln ie lind his ,"ld i ye "I ss, ami malum i aid it was lianuini; on his watrh rilili Hi.'' Mi s r. Stone A Spin l.l"'s elegant elu p ilium of jewelry was rrowilr I, as Mr. Carlesfnrd saillllele I down the in ilhle. paved room, hut Mr. Sparkle himself cani" ca'jri ly fnrwaid to inert the new rii-lomrr. "What ran wr do for you il.'" iplrs. lirnrd Mr. Siari.lr, ruhhiii'4 his plump, white hands smilimjlv toi lln-r. ' I'.m eiald, sir; irrtailllv; Jilru-e to step liiis way. There is a ven rlioire set jiisl sent in i Id Mi's. II I'apian's, sir that Used to he s,-u in.j a liul ol 1 fiishii I. tiny seed pearl, Why!" he ejaculated; "that's the very riii','!" "That wr sold you hist wrrk. Kxartly so," chiims in Mr. Spai kit-. "It is here only on deposit, to raise a little money t -inporarily. We are often tailed on ill that way." Allien Carhsfoid's hrow had frown very dark. "Who I roimht il herr?" "Wrll, rrally, sir, wc don't Usually "I insist upon knowing!" Ihuinlrrrd thr youiiL; man, furiously. "Hut to yon, sir, in ronliilriire, 1 don't mind meiitioiiiii"; il," hurried on the territied Mr. Spirkle. "It was Cap tain Puller Waynr." "liiurr Waynr!" Mr. Cailesfotd stood sih nt i..r n iiiin ulr or two, while cvrry fralurr of his fin c serine 1 to settle and i.'iow ri;;iil, as jf lt ia. i,,.,,,, ri.vi., i i,,:,il.r. "Tliank ymi. That wid do. I will not look al the t nuj d this after noon." What a storm of conleiulin:; pa-iors shook Alhan Caili'sl'mil's hirast as hr wa'krl iiIohl; with liirch.lllir.il footstep, scarcely list ii"; whither he went. de ceived, slighted, hctrayed, his vt ry be trothal f.'ifts ltoiic to swell the rapieious put se td a inert' s iciitlthi ill like Hnn e Wayne. " have bee a foo! a lovesick fnol!" he nmttr rd, between liistlrncheil tirth, "and I iiiii lilliiiuly it-paid! ' Win n Cora Vane retuinel fnun ht ilny's round of tuusie l vsms, weary, yet happy I fur h id r.ot the coii-ciousness of a f;ood man's love x-m-' with her on Iur tcdiuus way ?J, hu found a uoto lying on hrr tahlr, a i.oto diret ted in Alh.ui Cut kford's hand. Mn- took it up and hr ike the seal, w ith a soft eiiinsi ti lotvin over her fare; hill as her ryr irl.llirrd over the content a deadly hu ; usurped tin) iklirale rar lilillr. It lead (litis: Miss Yws:: I return yon mhii- tiuth. Cap II i I llVlie i.. wvlciini" i, tin- ill.'im Ml riie.'. as w.'ll lis t i voi-.r h art. I v.an' im mi- ni'l hand atl'e lioa! A. C. As she i.tood I !h n- pale and stal l led, a knork ramr t i tin-door. It was r.-p' .it nl a-'l thru Ih : d (or w:i op '.!.- 1 as if ill de-piir I n- an aii-wrr, and Hiur' Waynr stun 1 tin r.-, rio-.-r an 1 s uilini;. "1 have lu-oiir'it y hi your rin.if, C Ha, and il hu sivd inc. May heavea lih-ss ymi at truly in I saall ever do." It's too l i!r,"s.iid C in, in a slraac, haul s it .,f voi, "I! ad that." linn i- Wayne "laiiei d over tin-note. "Ciia " l.e said, ea'liesly. "thii must not li.-. u f it d mis'a've Mich a- this inii-t nii'li i inini: 'In- happ nr-s of two li.is, mid tlir.iiioh my fault, too. I will -rr him iny-rll'." 'It will hr no ii-"," said Con. "Jr is strni a -i adaiu ilit and " "Ii will In- of use, Cora. Wait In rr hut half an hour! ' And liiurr Wayne luirric I i T. Mr. Carle-I'or I w :n pari ii ulai ly rn-tja;:i-l; he roiild see no one. At h ast that :n the answer hrnii'ii ., ihr door hy his servant. "I must see him." -aid ISi'iiec Wayne; st iml a-idc in . in. n !" And lie p'l-hid lis ic' riuiined way diri-i l!y i it'i Al'i.in C.irhs oi l's pies rnr -. "Captain Wayii' !" liu: Hi. ir.- was not to I"- di hearleiied hy the fili'l siii i mi of the s(. i n voire, j 'Curie I'oi I !" hi eri d, y.ui ios ' li-leii I i me while I tell you what a true ami iiolili hr ii I' d ';iil you h ive w on " I And In- lold the wh il" story of the diamond i in ; "It wa-i tosave in - fiom a s lf tntlirti il dralli, not I I nay personal fri-lin;;, ' thai sin- intrii-lrd the I in-,' to un- for one j sinoli- day. Carle-I'ord, -In- is a ;rin of Iln- pores', ray, and .-lit li'Ul ;h the may j in vi r shon- for me, I ran hut rriiih-r my hiiml'le liiluili' to her iiohle nature. 'Ilial was a irin-1 letter wliirh you wrote I idav. io and r..ilr:nliel il in prr.otl, : hat first shakr h amis w ith me, ,-is a mjjh that you havi: I'onjivrn myfdlyaml ras!inr-x." I ( ail ford p'i s i d Wayne's hand s ; f . I v.-iil 1 v that h" ahs-dul"ly wineed with tin-pain and Inuiiel a ay wilhout a i n Li t word ! "Co n, my dai li my Ircisun !" She sat ah lie, with h- r head diooptne; i II ln-r hands, while his tei.der Voire Ihrilleil throii-;h tin- sih m e. Oil, Alhan! you nrvrr could have meant il -win! oi wrote in tha1. har-h little note!" lh- fo h-d Iu r tenderly to his le-art. "I thinU I was mail ',,r tha moment, ilrari-l. nil, C-ira, how in ir I r.ttue to the shipwreck of all happiness!" Hut the I'liudiau lain! of all true I ivers had wall lied over thrin in the hour of peri, irid tlir golden chain of affection "lowvil lirihtet- linn ever! Norwi-it the ha. I of Cora's happi ness when sir was Allan Cai l--sord'.s de il Iv loved wile, that llrile-.- Wayne was d -itiifj; a new an I a hrttcr life from Ihr day whi n the diamond rinu' stood hrtwrcii liiin an I a suicide's death .Vi w ),"! Ai ,,:. I'lTilimr Honey Hces. Xatural bee bread is roinposrd of Ihc pollm from varioin sp -riis of tliiweriti',' plants. This l.ce l irad i- th - chief f 1 of th mini; h i-s while n inainiai; in the rrll-., wlure they wi re hati he I from the I i f!";, (hind clean lye lh ur is now larifely ! i ..i.. :...... i- ii. i.i.:. iisi ii as a siiiisfi. un ioi j'i'iieii, ,11111 iiiis may I e scattered near the hives on the stand where tin- workers can readily lind it. It must, of ti iirsf, 1-r protreti d from rain and moist mi', lloiey it preferred to other sweets for fet'dillL bees, hut w hen it caiiimi h-- i btaiiu-d purr sutiar may I r u-rd as u sili.ti:ule. Take No. : A or the last rlarili'd sa::ar obtainable, ami to cM-iy tluee pounds ii-cd ndil one plait of walrr. When the su-jar is dissolved, boil and skim I i iriuovr all iiupiiiilirs. This syrup ma,- br pourrd in on ' old duply roiuii and thru insnli d in th" hive at niuhl, or the syrup may he plan d in a -hallow dish, w ilh a pel foiatrd 11. -Ml i f wot d laid on ihr Ii p to riiabh ihe hec. to i;et nt il wilhout falling in or etl'.ii:; their wines siiii-nreil. There are many styles of bee lr dris in use, but almost a n v simple dry ice mav he eniployed l--il wid insure the safely of the bees while frediiH;. ir YvA ' .S'.ij. Iti'riproi'ily. A Lrrod story illust rat iiii the lights uf child i n tii t;cl ill a ipn-sti n or two in leply to inlci iMi.'a'ories by their i-hler-, was tol l by a promiuenl physician luru to a iady p tient a d i ' or t o a . " hose boy ale you;" said the doctor ton hii.'hl liokiiu; yoiiiiester w ho n;i pi iuii'4 in a patient's ;;aiih ii. "Mr. .lim -'s. Wins,, be you?' yvai thn uucvpeiicd njoi'idtr. Kinjalua Fnomn. Cmi.DKKYS C0LI.M.V I'olly'M -v Slioi'S. Von'il kno hy Hie way she go H rrenk n iih lit, I'li-rin iloH-ii fr- in all p i siM views Al-.li' :wo lit, If fe.t till ns-t ro:n laeeiitly out. That I'ol'y li s on In r new sh- c. Hi'-y an- neat, they lire "ay, Ih -y nr" hul to iid up hi-li. Ami tin y a e lined in a hrilliant. h lie tiiii : Tin y are i s l.right n- iln- slurb twinkling up in the nky. Or a m-i ny just out of th"iiii t. lint it is 1't for that she's so happy mil proinl That she's iiliu st ui-nlil-- to -iB iik; It' I'l eausi- I In' v (live out m il n eliai mind ly I .ml Knell a p i fi- lly Inautili I H ink r A ,.-.." A Mi;iii);i- Ittlil. It is said that a specie of wo-ilp-iker li v. s in California tint will lion humlreds of hole, in the hark of a pile tn-e as I'ouirl ami -m mi m thou ;li lion- I hv an nii-'i-r. and in eve v hole th y will ! haiiiiner an nn'oii. hi cad out. and they drive il in so lirmly thai ymi ian srareeiy lAtrarl it. Why Ihry do it noh elv knows. The Wo iilpeeker-l ll -lll.tl'ss havr llu ir I'rason-, hut ihry have iml di Vll!o;ei tin-Ill. -'.(""' I'l.nin in I lie I'liildli- .. (In (he hirtliday of Napoleon ( haili -, si. ii of Louis Napoleon and ll nlc:i-c, mid a child whom tin- F.-npcror Nap". mi meant to make his heir. In- and hi in illu-r were si ati d at a window in the palace which opnied upon the "rim! avenue. A In ivy how er had fallen, and thr avenue wa. full if pools of water. A el'oiip of ban food i eh i Id li Ii were out then- wadiiur in lh" water and playin:: with little t hip boats. Tin- i.lllU; l'i itiee. li.-hly drt-s-e 1. in a sph ml: I hall and siiir.iundi d bv hi- i-t-Lr:i-l' a'ol rosy hiilhdav present-., tunic I cat' li s. ly away fr in his toys and watched tin- children W il II film r i ilcte t. "So llieii. my son ';" said his m itln-r, you an- not oratel'ul for your pr -si it's." Oh, yes," leplii-d the yollll!,' I'lim e, "but I am so ii.- d to to-.s. Look at tln sc little boys, utaiuma? ' "Do you wi-h for mmiry to fjivt thrin "I'apa fjiivtt me rnoiu h thi-nii-riiin.;." "Wi ll, what nils you, my child.' What do yi u w ant .'" "Oh," mid the yoiiiis; I'riiu-r, hesi latiiurly, "I know ymi won't let me, but if I could l;o out. and p'ay in thes- beau tiful puddles, it would aniiise mc a linu tired limes more thai, all my eh-j.'aiit toys. ( I'.i, ple.-isc h t n. e i; -." So the real en joyini it- me not always the most co-tly, and p-mr childii :i enjov lil'irlie; unknown to some licit one-.-- ( '."0-I l -J'HII I: tl. I.t tl hy (lie lilititl. Some years airo in Paris I'lcie w as n -mall iL'statirant, known as llie liliml Mcn'i Cafe, much fn ipienleil by tin blind, where an orcln -Ha of blind inti-i ciaus pi i foimi-d for tin- amii-i tiieut ol p it l olls. Our extremely dark niirht in w'nter, whrii a thii k be; had fallen up in Paris, - so thick tl at no one co Id -i-.- his way nor so m th as distiiioiiis'i a street lamp ten feet away, and wl.eti police men, cany in:; torches here and there iis. sisted some jjropiii"; h ot pas eiiifcr ti l'u;d his c urse, a i.'cutlcinali, steiiiL' anothei man walkitu; almu; conlideiitly mid boldly, Ventured to say to him: ' Sir, will you pleas" t, l mc w licit you ar joint;?" 'To the Palais H-iyal," said the ijcn lleiuan, who yvas walkiiifj with such sun I'o ilstrps. And how- do you ti rl your wa tr readily .'" "Oil, never mind ; I never jjet lost. Do you w ish t i follow mi-;" "Thank you." Si the ti I -I fj ll'lcllltll Clll'llt hold ol the pocket of the ol'iil's mi i.oat, : nd s'iirted after h in. Not a thinu could hi ih si ry, but his i oiiip iiii- n ii a i lie I cmi. ti.lcnliv aloiuj. At Icnijih :he two m- rivnl under the familiar ai,!i . of Hue dc Uivli. "We ale -life, now, " t xcla in. d jelit leinaii who ha I been led; may I thank vou f'.-i't;ivinj nie the lilt thi and ad vanta;ei'f y- ur wonderful i-ie-iolil." "Vt", I tit y-'ii must 1 1 . . t ileiai i mc. Yriij fallerin ; a'oni; the yvay has al n-ady made me a little late ler my or che t :.:." "Wh't orche-tia?" "Tin- otehestia in the I'.iimI Men's Cafe." The man was perfectly blind. Thr th'ck fo,; was nothiii:; to him, who had walked in dai kness nil his iife, but had nevi -rth'-less learned his wav s rely throiu;h the tjnat city. This was one ill-tarn e, nt ha-t, where the blind had tin advantage nv r the pi s t-sol s of sijjlit. Nebiaski wi I shortly enter upon tho niaiHif.icture of beet root sircar on a scale wh ell pronii t-s the jj'fi'sii sue t ess. TUB SAMOANS. Isla.ids That Hivo Caused an International Rumpus. Character of tho Natives, and How They Livo. Chailcs I). Alniy, a travel.'.-of con-id oiiblo ixpiri.-.K,- now u n-i hut f (O'ai.d IMpi.ls, Mich., has ll.e follow,,, story iat.ll f ! Sa,.l. U' Navi:jiP..r's l-lan ls, ,' ,1: S -i.tl, Pa '''''' Of the S'i.,-an "roup ,.- Savaii. 1'i.olii, lu uila uml M ama i-laml an-of the "i.al.r i.,..,l:.,.,-,. un- .1: .tauccl f,",, ' " ' "' S-'l"'y ft in Sati rrai.ii-r.. Tin -y nr.--. afcr.-d' over a spa,',, of alim.t -MO n.i;,, a-id in linl.ileil by pep!,' adliuiiiu' to th - -:fn. 'ilsloins. bilrvin-,' in tin- satin- I. 'i-ioa and o.ivcrind by tin-same laws. fii-OL'l-apliieidly t. is a lld.s li ' e vol, a II ic in liaiiue. us,,.-, K hio, and lim-ii.tail.oii-.. 'Ihciv arc M-vrial vob nio s, l ioiroi I iil' since t -Mini , which "in- to it-, -conery a pielur,s.-,cm-. I,..r mil o 1 1,- I-la ib of .lapau with it- ..,;,:, l .'.i Amya t .wi r- inu tnai. .ticall ll.ilio I ,, t nb-.v,- 1 1- level of - ..n,. Tho-i-l, ha'l.or. HIV open tliey a,,- Well pv.teetel Ir, a Coral rrl Whi.d, ,A,e;N ,, y th,- ,.. tin- -Mi - il III It-: - id i- 1. 1' the "i-oiip Ti. loi '.y f I itio i j- ....-:, .-r.dl i .... f I, a li' li eirlli hi uhieh tie- bn i I f.iijt, I. a n in I. 1 mill , li it lii"','. il ; ai i a lie pile apple and olli.-r ir pi al p:.. In I- tin u I" a reinarli il h- d "re. Tin -e arlielis . ate tin- s, k in trad,. ,,f the 1 0. n i ) in- I Iiabila:-s, h., in 1 1 !-,. K s arc wor.hv ol i.i.irl, mo,,- -r ii t than i- eranall.v a- ; ordc I tin ,,, by the ,.l-i.e wm ld. T.ie.'. " arc models in phi-i.pa. Tali, well pn - ! P'.nio.t.-d.rl,-,,,,,!' ,imt,, o-aeeluli,,,,,.. or ii.ovcnenl, and except the in -.'. of wi ll-delincd features, th. v stand ,l,v-i- j rally witlmtil u peer in the etc,- human family. Their noinadie life "ives to their character a tli.-ii'y often wanliicj in more inKmii ei raee-. hind, "yia r ills, ll.,ol,';lily hi.spi able, hey know hut little ol what i- termed p ,v, ,1, Their soi ial systetu is semi e mitii i-i i-; free to horiovv, ready t i lend. 11 a hmi-e is to In- const it, !, 1 in- iubei - of the family or clan contribur.- their sharr s-ladlv: if i, nr is without a hour In-is 1 wrlroinr .,'tit s at another's table: loiiU as hr wishes to n inain. This li l 'in ar.d want of ii spoiis.b;i:v l.a, but little toilowi:h their iiiipr.'i;rcs iiein s.. Their honesty and n-,' of duty n-veti's the abil-e of ;m!i a social system. Tllcil-i-- lal;'ely il pnlr'nlrlia' fol ill of .'iivrrillncnt, the soverei '"I1 'cium; lit mil ls i,l tails nail tin- e m moil eoliseiil nf a too- , ,;, f. Tl.c-e li lis are not hi inlii o-y. but oi'tea me In itowed in aekiiow h-luiii' ii' of valor or :o win over a pw -i ful l,-.l; r of .-mother , i.uuiiy. i ne ii.ovci-i oi inatitioo.t n -vt'l't a- b ,iy i'tianl and iliir.n-.;' pea. ire wailed upon and lioni d Ir, the r t if the family. Ma'liti,'. war iiuph men's, canoes ail na'i. t- cloth are inaiiu facturcd hv in li-ans, mid are tin- t iivii- ! iatui"; liiediimi nl tin- Sane, mi s . The ivotiti n oci upv a hiola r p silion in th family circle thin is ij.-n- i .il . v cu ii-m r. v i : 1 1 idan, h is. 'The por; of Apia is s'tualc 1 mi th lortheili roast of rp.lii, -md -ia- c lie .iiti'o.ltn lion nf sti iimd.ip bins in tin smith Paritir is lecmjlii.i'd as the ci-m-atercial c. lit r of the urmip. It boa t if it population if I ."iiil l, mi--i ,ii:u y Impels, -c Is and a piinti'ij hmis.-. Ther.' mc s -vcral c. nsaiar , t-, 1 in -. and lourisls li id latin r r iinforlablr ipi triers l a pi. ne u In, li llo- iiihiibiiati ,s ,all a iott-1. While tin- I", iei":i' a . bie in Iln- ' lit, lit liv, , f,.;t, eir-. of a:;,-, and uoih-rnlv t oiisti'iicti ,1 house the natives, j whose mm!,, is arc fi'"iu twenty to tluity 'Xf.pt a few of the li, ore i ptilent , s 1 1 1 : v ear-oh I. M. U'-'f, i says t hat tie be-1 t-lai'i the alcbilec: ill il st v h - ctab.i-lie 1 mat riaLii s a:e lh,-e il wli'ali tlchiis y the ill ml i; ill 1 1 man. Tlu-e an- ciit-u- j band ,- scalor to tin- wife; but a woman tir in form, id' If. on "o to ,i lee! in di j fimn ihittv ;., ll-itl v live y ear-. "I I vv : II inieler. .-ml :nv pi i icipal'y roof. P- t . have hci't I i r t It l it- u ii In i' In. .b.iad be li. Ill four fci t Iruli and situated some s n-, what vu ,:;--.r than In r- If. A in ,n four or live 1. 1' ap o I I'l'oin the ,,iia,lat i,.n. , fiom ihi'ly I" i . y i it- old mi.; hi ! The i'o. if is t lia'i li-,, ii-uailv of sin..-,,-. , i.ik. -a w ife li'in iwi nly toll, illy. Il line Icav, .. an I li i i oin -hap d. ".o ihein.u'i, r b- liv.-y.a,- o, h I I Ii in I In- fc t .-iliovc lie- : t'-iin-l It is n -liiiilcl in ! -ill palls that it in i betas Iv t ikeu ilow n i in 1 shippe I o anv .h-l: ial in vv iihoiit ,la ma :e to il. 'Tue a p. i . tiles b.-tvvrcii the found, thai p" t . -i ive is ,1-aiis an I wiinlow. iluiitc; the dnv md m wall- und pi.,e,-:i,,u a! iii-.:ht Kv hopping cut t tias of mat t in ;, 'l ie- h- u-c nS bill oil,' It mill which s.,,. Well the ,iiii pos,-nf d raw in-,' ootn, si tin:; loom, ir.l ;..oi:i an I kit, hen. I'or -le.-j inu ptirposi s ii- thi'sev lal llli lll1 er- of tin -. ,. ... , ., f ... ,,; i ', . . , ) nd able at: icl.-s a penny was sent sp'u- ii p irate a: aitun nts are a condition and 1 ' ., ' i , t U I nin j ii loss the llo .r. it loihje 1 under tint a theory. lite bed of a Sainonacsc se,,, up vvill, ilue rcard toe xpe.-ebu. '"' ru.LM.ii.l pu-s wis Irr a !, v .1 at. taldisrcmir.l locotufo,!. It cm,- Momc's linable to de cct its -where. dsts f tine,- ,,r fi.ur I.-ivets ,.f ma! '. in" I i,,,""-i l"" "'' lv.-,ii," as aid on the hard, smoo.t, ormtnd, ,,,, ; any d, " that . v. r wa-s-cd a la 1 und tin which none but a native .-mild hope for ' '", ,,rl 1,T -,,"u' Aw ,s(. Tl,.. Jiillovv is a piece of thick," '"P''-'''' I this she look, . I avillnl at ......i. ... .,l,..ni ti-.. f.ei l.,i, . ., i, I ,i i t ho-e who 1 1 ,1 -1 Peril wiltiesses (if l,i-- - "il d by leys tliree inches hi"!i. 'The curb tf the wonu ii ilitTrrs from he in n's in iha' il is a III t ! lonut r. I'liii jjarb worn hy holh nxes was often m.idc of plaited work which took mouths 1 and soiiii title s years to coii-trucl, and when iim e wa he l was of no service. It duties about th" hotis tiny an- purlieu hilly ma!; also in peisonil habits. Th -mull Usually thr j r iph - jo barefoot e I, -andals of plaited s awicd nre siiini.--tiuii-i worn, pa'ti' iilarlv wln n al work al .liu Iln- sli -ll-iiiie I b ach. On state occii -ioiis the toilet is el ih irate I bv 1 ub- j !,,,, ,,iv j,li n Ir-'ilv and not , ,...,,! ,.', ,, often mixed will.. (.jv,. i., ., V1.l..wil ! ,iM-. Til(. ,.,,,..r eus'.oin of doi,,,' up th. K,jr ,;, adli :c I to by tin sc h- s a . ' vane d. This ;, p mpadour cMembli" ,,,, fr, ,. .. fr. twelve p, .,,.,., j,,, s surr.miide 1 by n .,. ,.,..,... iv,., ., tin- nop name of .arrvilr' ol. tle-ir In ad , ,f ' ;,t . To m've I la- I, air an ! ;i,il.iini or .eddis'i hue, wlik-li i- looked j ,...., a. ,. inur ,,e proper ra, n, il i- i ,.,,, ,, , iU,. j,, ., f ' i, clii f ' in-'ie li -at. T.it- nnk- it ! I j . ., Mi', .. ,,ps the 1,-llel' t . ' K . -. -, . it iM place. In l:,,;- M.-, th. , I , . --ill d n:i" duty f-r li." mil io.. ; , :l1Ml. ;1M, v, .,;.. v rv f..nd of j, ,Uy Tniy ,, t , ; ,.ni. ,.h,s in , ,- n lii, Ii, ' ..o.-tderi,,". !,e, la ilit i.-, t l.e ; su. ee -I j i.,:,, , ,, n .I,',- of polill. .,,,. . , , ,,. ,,,,,. (i,k,., lM , . (. ''j'-ii' ill i -s ball j. "el'lallv a la v t ini aliaii'. and. dill'-riii" I'm in the cM 'iiii:; pmly, i- i-idul.-.d in by both eis. The e. iino pal I v i- fot tin- men only. llioii",h w mil ai an- always in al ien. I .ir- , its - pei t aloi's, id. The lain e i on -I t . of i n irr 'ju'ar mi -- ol evolutions liimv .-, I ti r Iln- -it Ir of --Si- iii' hi -:n.s thumb, it.." for what thr ,,.,,,.,. ,,, ., A -p,,,. N p.,, j,,, ,. , p., ,, ., .,.,,,, j,,,,,,,,!. lUi, , ,. yl ,', k . and It.bs and ( j,, a. d Ir -s of t-oncert or time, .,,,,.,,, ,,.. (1 ,,,, .,. ,- ,.,-, ,s Mnll,;ir , f ,.,,;.,. Lijr tl.ivill: p,,, if . .. , ,i., ... oio,r a - hi r pan lit - an-sali-licd with tho Wollld-lie son in law. The l'siit:e attend ir; tin cel. in nie-c -n is ifeat inu, 1 1 in: K in o- ii in I in ri'Mii ikinu' and the cXi haiie'in:; of p!e-'ii-, tin- lal hr a 1 w ay s of the 'JO .Iter III III lit. If ill II few lll-k- the pa t e- ill'i l-ted ate dissit islied tin- wife i- al hi t r.y to jjohoiue to he:' un ther, and - i d t in I s tind ill the act I tile to ei ite ils clll'iosit v. If the I otnl . hf. i la id Well for a f -w year-and then I .- , un- d 'a I. fill the iiiatter i- ipiitt'y ii-cuss,-d, and with an -1 ' 1 1 1 di-t til, tit ion of the p'opi-m the V.il'e leaves the I lint I'' lll" in I roof, iie'i.i'. while her hti-b m l is alive, to ma rv another. If her lni-baad was ii chief or of hi.Ji rank -he can. up n his death and with the e ti-c.tt nfhis family, join foittims with another. A widow bee s the lawful properly of Iur i,,-....!,, ,. j , ;;i,v. p, .,',,. ,!- introductim, if ( hi i-t i tnily po'y:.;;'.,ny w is printic. l, I'.ifciils A.'i'iiin l ( liiltlren's Vit iliiv. In a un i tii :j of tin- I lim-jai i.ui Academy of Science-. M. .lo-epli Koiosj, d;icil, r rf the Ilm'ae i-t sta'i-lical III rail, l'i ad a paper on --Tia- llill'lrllee of P.,1', n s' .. , - on tl:r Yitalily of t hii illra." I'ei-- I- a -ii'ijr. ! wliieli ha- b, li l ithe t i 1 .tit s, al.t ily liealed in i t'nio-U'l-iphifil slatis'i, s. but M. Kor.-ihas i ol'eelc.l ah u: o'l.o "I data, mid has r-'llie to thr lollowilio t olll illsiols : M- tie V u-i'le:' tweitiyyems of a: e mid tal her- iimb r t went f, ur have , hildicn uu. re wi ak'v than pal lits of ri . r :e..'c. Tie ir . hi. dl -. I al la-'te - : 1 t to pul monary dise.t i-s. T.u- healthiest chil dun ale tlio.e who-,- tal litis at. If, uu I., lie t the v t iln ol the , hildu u I... I ..ini ia pa led I'eliilt' Iteti iei er. 1 have la aid all -,'H- of -.o". . about t at s' , p oils. Iml i have .- ill in-! novv I'llll nr o-s one o! iln- Ii l.u, - thai mav be c. all,-1 a retrieve . Mr. I I W. liar in n of lii. hlh avenue ha- a year old cat that will I, i in.; ., him any I h i 'l hat has I ei n in 1 i- hands as faithful y ns the Insl tiained s.-'ti ,, Yesterday al'lcitio hi. alter le-iiu M.ss kitlv with v.irioiii prow-ss with it "Wt 11, haven t I eimjht- ! on' s rl nf cx n s. inn, daintily inser cd . Iu r piw i ml r the ru,', and nliiine I th Coin to her ir.ustrr. At'C York , In Armor. 1 temptati' n lie resistiil And w akiiess lie lefie'I, II' I hold to ri'lit ami honor Tli iii'h m v soul Ih- -orely tri"l. If I keep m- true from fnlseh'Ki.1, If I iiohl me f re from shmue, If my I es' s reiifjlli In- rnlistetl in I Ii ' siile of hom st fume Shall 1 praise in" for my eh- o inp;? Shall I 1 1 i ii k myself urn stroll,? Shall I land me f -r refusing All lh -SW ets that go wilii wi-.iiih? No' mi e mi a t he sir. mjtli I'm tisinj;, Tl-i- the thought th .1 sjif.-ly mail- .1 nej Tl i. that h - il n h"ii eoiinip- failed me: "Tli I- nie iho-eth.it love ami trust tin And I cannot ive I Ii.-iii paiul" A'-ir.ok Minvr. Ill .MOKOl S. The bo'.vhl takes lint in ally to a ioliii Country. So, ie r or latrr a potato is 1 mind : it . i y i s pi e'ed. Toe lir-t biilldiii-,' with a rctordcil lirt was the f.wi r of Pisa. A T ',t"ii' at is a heap warne-r that tin pawn tiik't f'l' a lu I rimmed ot i: The ro iuii l fcili-r tn ". rr stand i mill il his piol. ss;,,ii. lb- i, always foii'in; ale ad. Dio-a wall's a slate name Mi'jocs live of vv ii ' in' h . What is tin; ma tu with ( ay rtinrf l'ii-1 Tramp "I -ay, have ymi taker a bath.' S -roiid Tramp (anxiously) -".No! I- tin ie t ue inlssinj..; ' "Why nie you Imever hiiminiiii; tha Iiiiii-;" "I'i-i aii-e it haunts mc" "X wonder, ymi i n- itl-.va ,-- inuitlei in-j it.' liinpi I' r diiatn's car- are jjiviuir hi'l tr itible ai'.-iin. Wr mean his side 1 1 M lh- is likely to havr trouble with hi fr. .nl i. i--. too. "M.ss Hroi-ks." said lr "are you font; of c!ie-tiiuls;" "Ye-," she aiisweictl Allll then In- fell I'll hi- Ullees lllltl Ink her the .1,1. ..Id story." "My son. hold up your hand ami It 1 who was the -tr'.nu'esl man?" ".Ion all." "Why so;" "'Cause the whale couldl)'' hold him after In- jmt h'tii down!" "Mi s lit. una, I love you. Will yi v not make tue forever happy hy .' hat in j my humble lot wiih uu-;" "I. t are it nil i- I t It- house mi il. ,,!. (;,- ir-'i.-'" "'Tit t nly c .lor," says a .'etentitii note, "that can he determined by th( sense of tma h is blue." 'True tltout;li A man alvviiy. knows when hr full blue." 'The uu- uie-t man up to dale is Suif kins. 11,. sold .loin-, a half interest in a row, mid then it I'll t l to divide tin milk, inaiiitaiiiiii',' th it lie . ow ned the front half. lt is very sad. but 'tis true, also, As e i r can 1- s. . u by studying fa o. That when a man dtink. he'll the early, yoi I. now. Hi- v,-. vmi will tind. will he sure In ,lil:ite. Ken ilibii y liliiprments. "I mil not prepared to say whether niariia--,"' in ij. iicnil is n failure, hut runaway iiiai ria"is ri rt iinly arc in one sense,'' said an old phy siri m. "They air a sin-cess ;n beiuo iuiitaled by sevi nil rem-rat mis that follow. Many yeniv am-an t lopcmi-iit was a in itli r of n-at public iti'en -l, ami was ii-nally i.cconi paiiicd by s'lii- thrilliiu; im-idi-nts, - mil as a pursuit by the anij-y father and pissililyn pitch -1 battle bet we it th) yotini; men ;.n 1 the .'ill's male relatives. In this way some of the o d timv runa way in ite'it s wen- impressed on my uiitul. You would be stii pris -d if I were 1 1) show j mi the record of the descendants of some of lie s,- u ay old cmi p't s. It seems tube :i I'.tin i ! ti ait ill many in stances, ami th" minia runs through -i vci.il i-eiieiatio.'i-.. I know one yeiillu man who ha - n-vor forgiven one nf his chil In n lor , 'op :t j. an I yet he ran oil with hi-laid , lh rly yinr- ao. and theru h ivi 1 eeii ihn r or four similar c-'apades in the same family. II. s descendants will keep o:t ruiniiiLr away until tilt) iii iiii.i weals it-elf mil ; il seems heredi tary, and lh c 1 1 i I -1 t'i -: i can no more hcli i tu 'tin -j aw ay thin they cut help lookin;; like I In i- pu -it-.''- . ''o-iV' Co,,., r- Hie Misleiiiiiis (apilal of Thi hit. One, and only one, of the very popll l.".i i, nti is of the woil, I s population .lii! iciiiai s shut up f oin travel; that is the capital of Thibet. 'The pcctlliitr .'elision nf that country has had force .'iioiii;h to absoliiii lv inclose l.luosa, thu a nt :i I of the Dalai I. ani l, from all up. pioach. Only six or seven liuiopeans vei set foil in that city, and none ef hem an-alive, lint the famous Russian raveler. Pre jevalsky, has made, three a t inpts, mid is now about to make tho auirt't. On the third h i was obliged to urn back after reai hin within !?0 miles if the city, rrmn tuie alonu of his cv jit'illl ions he broiujht bark 5(100 speei liens of plants, besides enormous col lations of li-h, insects anil animals Hie-liflh of the vhole heiii"; new to tciciirc; so that his failures ere in thu iii;hest th'ijrej successes. Fifty year. r,o t'lie-l.alf nf tho worll wu. VU luowu gioiiud.