ftljc (Eljatljam Actor. l)r l)atl)am ttccorb. II. A. lA)Nl)OA, EDITOU AND I'HOriUETOK. Vf HATES i ADVERTISING One pquare, one insertion- f 1.00 One eijuarr, two insert ions'- - 1.-V) j One Kjunre, one month 2.5'J For linger advertisements liberal con 'tract will-bo made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, OM MJLLiR PER YESFs Strictly 'nAdvance. j VOL. XI. mTSl,OK( CHATHAM CO., N. C, APRIL II, NO. 32 The Rinx My Mather Wore. It Is not s 'I with prerioiis gem, ' 1 i. I it n iiuiint nml rurioiis t Vns Vet moie than 1 dindpii I prize tlii- il"nr old-fashioned l in-j. fslio hud it in ni.- t.c nil'hi'". liniiil Ami liml in winr it evermore; Tli' re'.- mi :io i i i narrow band. The wedding rin-; my mother w ,rt. Two nam", mi 'i Her, i I I mid dim. That tini" hm I nw lint" worn ntvit. Are grnvou on its narrow rim. 'I ho rn'onl'- "f n tam-ho 1 ihv Those Mine- ni" wr t mi nimble now, Tli" pii-i I twain Inv net one ir.'ir", 'J'hi-rii!(i I"' i d-' iii I, .. mu t uiv - Tin- w il loi; pug 1 1 1 v in t;t'T war?, I'f 'ir p i i 'iil I'm 'I lint li"-nt iv-' ! I 'car ring Hint l'i "I- inv s ul t i l.-rl H tins iii v fit' ii In 0 v iic -i To win it. i I - inf"..inf r, M v ris-p'H t" ' h ' M v I nir. When Hi s fiinta-lir sr. hp is o'er, P nr mil I" n i f our cuel" titer , Tli tt -hi ng i in.; my I'li'li"!' w ire. 'IHREE TIMES SAVED, i.v v tM i tM ii. in -iimxi,. "T'l'l! ma l again !" mi I till' lips of ; K'tti- l!i -Kin- i in i'-'l. tl '.u 'li i.-itle r wi ll tnnoyiiiu'o I ban -' in. i 'I ilon't "-i ' .'ii . o. r i-.ii n for so iimi-li , fo"!irg," irpii .! M iv All.- .n. hrr rlio-rn I rempnni";i. !! i- n inn l,:ili!v ban I - I !..iiu m ignilio. nt in ph e.d p-o.oi I !!. (Ilnl is. in.!-. o'.tn I il-ilic-- n 1 . I 1 II lnl'i' lid i! nn In. I t annul I e ''I'.in i I In- m.i t--1:1 v of Iii 'i ." j Trl!l!i :l tli'!'' I" . I, I'll II So," '.villi ! ill cm i 'fed p j 'V"ii hut ni' l Iii. ii I i f !, K ii' 'Ye-: ; j ! i !..ivr l"-' ii l' i j iiininrt. Iii- Initio''- nn- it- it shadow, fiinl, by Sinn- piivii-i- far, i.nlwav t p Mir in!; T lli i -i t I ni" t" -.I'.o ni" lli-lil illi i n . i ;!' I" ' . :l I'.' t ill i 111 pui!.' "A h K:.llv ti- f'.'. - o'l ,'f," :.,IIL-lli'l Miiv. H h:ii i- iln- i. Mil ; ' "f.i'r l.i-t"!!. V ie.it, 111:, I r- win, I I '.Mi1- to,l ii, ' -ii'l:i ini'l ill I'll" liin - ;!' ii-. i f ilir i;. ' f in v ml vi n I in "Not ii u. i.l 1 1 iln'l I w i id' i i"i Wis this f." n t Ii ii-.i :i ti e lii-rot"' ' rpoti Ii tli - ii ii'i 'is. II" .iwl nn Willi ns nun li i.oni l;t';iiti c it- if 1 nio 'imply a ivn "ii 1 -II, mi I '' "Not II pll-lliv f;ooi li.nkitio M'lliu; lii'Iy of iili"ii' iHiiity, .-mil n':-li!ii!: -oiiio litniilir.l ii in I Ihnf ." '-Tin II l.i Ii oli liim-i lf olT witln ill ! t'ivin" me mi op oi : ti ii'y to tli.nk' him." filoiioir.: Itl ink I will rnlliv.'tf Ihis r.ira nvi," ini'l.tinlnr lin' the fiown (he fiw o.nlii ihi'', ;i 1 1 1 Iii" tin-, kiinl linjf, in tin- I'l.n k i-yrs, -.In- rontimi' I. provi'kittply : -'A lu tii, m. ililTm nl lioin the oi'Iin.ny. i1- wi-ll w.n-ili knoninu'. ' Itnt, ti ll me how nml hIm ii yon mi t ' tini, K;it ir. ileal'; hat In- -.i i 1 1 ami 'lial lie il ill. I know it inn. t have l-eni tin mo-t iliaintin of Haiti -ry, ir.nl I am j i-t lyino ith ( in i -i I y . " U'hiit he miii I 'ii'ln't o, rtipv morr :h'm nn in-iaiit." "All! What he iliil. lit n f Pirn--.' ; till nn1, s i that I ( an b .w il nvn in nr t-hii, (-nn if itt a ii -pritl.il iii tain i-." : "Vi-fi." Anil, though plainly - in wini: how mnrh slti' win- niini'V" I l-y 111" I'ailin iue t.f her flii'inl, Kale e .nlni'.ii -I : 'Oin parly was campin-4 on the M. John's river, aii'l while the put 1 men my father nr. l im.-le- -wei" lai itin innl fi-hino;. -" 'you, uf llie fem'niti" p( l -ua-io!i. were pa;hi riii'' ll""i r- ami cm in-.il it s ;' " ' Certainly !" ; "Ami vver.' i il 1 1 i 1 1 1. " I to the yoiinj pcnthinnn now -Iriliheil in 11 pit tini -ipie Httitmle upon the -.iii .- th - -lion '." "A queer hit! millet ion. ' leplinl Kate, ' with nn attempt at 11 laup'i, hut which j 1 nilcil in a shiver, the ineiliuni lieino 1 nn ulli :alor." . "Piepo-.teroil-. 1 vi 11 if true." "Atel -o tn'e that the reeoiiei 1 .011 raiiM s ft .11 1'ul ili- ani ' cm n inn. Von know my liinl-.' liol-liv It came III III' I'l'l'l; ill'l lll'.'e'l ill olli e ti.o often. I mw a ipieri in t in a tree, haimiui: over a tlaik l.iij 11; -aw 11 queer looking ' hint 11 v away; 1 liuihe I, crawleil out' upon the I'lam h -" "A lemarkal ly la.l v like pi-m e. ilin." Oli!" with a ipi'i k Miiih "I hadn't an iilca that tln .e win a man within a mile, an. I, s I was n achinj; , for the laipe, -pi 'Me I e' ;s " "You in.i'l a pin ion i spulaclo of yourself l.y falling:. " j "I woiihlu'1, if the hml luuln'l tiroken." I "Ami down cume ciii'lle an l hahy am) all," saiif; May, ami so loully ii' to attract the attention of the p iitleiuan ( they were iliscii-ijuji. j A single 'lauec, however, nppeaie I tli ( fnti-fy him, ami a- he liecami' alisorhe l in watchini; the lipples ki inr the -amis of the beach, ami the wiuis of the ulls that cut, as wilh wh te mi W!e, the. glasiy sui-.'aee "f the ixian, Kale re lumed : "Fortunately, the water wasn't iU"-j, and as I wan scriiintilini; out, 1I11 nclieil nd covered wit'i mud, a great monster Of an alligator shot out of the reels aud rii.lied towtrd m" with ojirn m utn and snappiaf: red eye-'." ' Inleut, no ovibt, npmi 11 dain'y IneaUfa-t or iliimer. l'h! the c.inni 'nl: tliniiL'h I mils! own h" showed 0.101I j i t" in the -eliclio'i. H it, icriou ly. j I" 'e, r -li'Mlid have -( lealne l." I Tint's i'l't what I ili'l do, mid with ; .! my sip nu':. ?u, l.efnie. I fuln ! r i!i'i"l th- tie. pi la'ene- of the s'.tua ion, a deep mid ncoilv voii-o shmilid in -p ini-li : 'Teii 1:: C'.liil:ni'i !' ' ' '11 ive 11 1 ,i'o. ' Ye-, I u.i'ler-tinil." "Tl'.ell th'! It e Ti of II l;U:i liluke the -t llliesa. " "Aii'l 11 leilh t broke Ihe -l.tr! of the 'inp'oloi.t V t'tii-at thn v'lu" 1,111". What it. Kale? ' 'I hai'llv know, loi I h :ve .1 fa'il I i"i ollet ti"ii of In i no ii.-is;ed ' ' '( 'inied, yo'.i ni.'.'i, with your livid re-tin;.' 11; on a ni'ni'y b'"."iii, y.-.ir eve turnei! ui wi h th-mkl ilii's.. Iii. h.oki'i down into thi !ii '.vi'h i'.t' r.-e ailm'niti' n. i ll.o.v sweet!'" and la r Inn -dit'-r 1111:;,' out ui'iii!.-. I -)i(.ire ovr 1 ymr mn-ui f, M iy. j Th'-i'" ivi-u't nn t'ni'i',' of 1I1: kind. 1 Without .1 word. It" w 1 ked by my side, ttii'i' veiy 10.11 1 in e Titp, tni 1 ili-iiji p'Mied ns .111 I'll!-.' a- he cllll' ." With nit 1 i.v' or clii'ii-i o a j ki-s a a i-ew ii'i; Wli.it an i'U"t the m. m niu't be." ' "Very f.o- Il 1:1 I iiii: , 1. ; ; i.d I 11111 -t :e kllnw led-, e lit t heili! , -em - 1 thin;', and ' nr.n h I" the pur." e." I'.! 1 V 11 lb .! y. v .:' ; : in I bi 111,! il ul In in .-i tin- w M. :-"d -'v.-'l. I tt.i-u t tin ,1 .old b" i ma lly 1"' level you." "Il w.... -'inpiy, -li.id t ::i i . I "lu,!l,..". Aid !'. - le :;ii ..'ill 1. W. II, I hat W i- aw n i mole i f the -.Ii II! '.'I I'.tll III III ' ' No' in-' 1 '.m lie I In t! ' ti .:di ". i I ti," lillls." I linn hii ludii-:g ' ' id .' Wh .t w.t Vina adventure th le ;" , eiy lilo the of j "t'lia-c-l by Iioiiiiii-. ni ir'y devourel by a liiounf.iil laui. i 1 hti:::;i d by a b, a: J I vote f. I the l.'lliT i leiy tint".' I '.Niilhir. I wa. huniiiii: for lb. we:-: had -i.'pp d iieiir n Ini h, w.r- about to stoop diwn. wh"!!, a-, if it i a ne Ii - - . i I'll. ( 1, then1 lang tut, wilh si. lit ling d siin, in. ...: -A in'"' "Hal'!' Tin- "cull, mall must b"- ' long 'n the milil tr.'. lint i Kale.'' And in th- -:fi i In alb. 'Mlt, i '.' " 1 Well, what did y.iii '-. ' " "Ni'thin:: in p.cl ular, lm' the lla.-h of a eiiii. A nn nn . I I. di I '. howevi r, a hide uis iiillle-nake '.v..s draggi 1 out and los.ed near my ' !." "I -'lould nun 'i l ave pu b ire I the gentb inan iii ill . f p .-nio i. Ibid I b en l.'.c, he III g it I ale tciiipted me wilh iieiii iin, -a.-- but a -.l ike, lever." "II 'W - yo'-l do I. tllie on, I.iy." Which remind- nn- to a-k if the i bampion d d ind t til oil the i itlic- nml pie-eui th in lo you. ' "Vis; end I have tin m yrt." ' s. H1nl tic .-me I." !! t -hnil a".d imt,".' la'iL'h'ri' again , bloke in upon the liM lie of the lulingi l j by the -e.i. mid iaii-1 I him to look up -luti p'y. Then be ."lo e, slow Iy walked I'i.iwu the bc.ii Ii an I d --app' and. 'Of all hum in "iitiud i inn -, this is lite haid. -t I t i er alti inpli-d to -olve," c iiitii'ir I May. "I wi h be would linn up in the rule uf kni;ht pie elver for . me, Kate." "What wouM you doi" ike 1 im tidk, mid somcfhing be s des SpMiish, or t! cic is no toir in e cs and lip ." 1 "Talk w h il :" t.ovc! I!nt we must go in. You renumber we have an engagement wilh a i .-ailing parly. j An hour later, w hen the sun ha I temp. en .1 his I in uin-t kis-is, they appeared j in llit' in. - I 1 1 ; i i 1 1 1 v . healing lo-tuuies, and walked slowly lo while While Wing, w a . a h ail ing il s p; i cioas fieiht. ! In -o tloiiig. they passed lie tr to w h? le l.i-le I i-lou wa ; lying, in I ii favniile tardus I n' gl. it etui a'tiliid". mid. in her merry, mm king mood. May lallel i out : ' ! "Skipper, what of the ! S'.e th I not intend to be ht il l, but , 1 1 1 it k .is thought the answer iiinte, low- ' voii ed bul distinct : "ba t night tie tii'ii'ii hid a golde:! ring." ' "Oh !' iv I. linn I Kale, nervously, lo ' hrr companion , ' if these wnids should 1 be a I oliieii !" "A good one, if at all." wa; replied, "for didn't you lie.tr him say smui thing altoul a 'gulden ling,' ai d what docs that oitciiil, if not mm ringe.'" Thcinnipany was waiting for them, ' ami soon the yacht vai dinning over water tliaf seemnl loo nuli'li'iil I i ever ri'-e in t- billows, er b eak into foam. Tin n song sprung t imu t ine ni-ly t the lipsiif all on hoard, save Kate Kiskllie Silently she watched the iceeding -hire mid the stalwart ft n in, and woudned at the strange inlt rweai ing of 1 1t ir lives if the futuie held a:iy nioie su prises, what the ending would be, and why tin tongue of the man whose- eyes burned itU lore I uever :". keu of it, To her witty and more dashing (rirnd . Iior sympathetic fare said this and more. Tin ii, as daylight faded and night . ramr, -he in-t im t ivo!y looked ''"! iirdling sky, mid, with txtieniP vivid- m-s iho next !ine of the iiiiestion, "11 it to niht no 1110011 I see," Ila-hcd iii ftoin m-'moiy. S!ie could see the i ll' lino (f the 1 urv iii" sho e, the whi'e f.i'im of the waves as they broke upon i!, and felt the little b at I'sing 11 11 1 falling beneath hrr, though, as ye', time was little of wind; -he ciuild hear the plaintive cry of the. i a. tiiev whirbil pa.t, ii'id the grow ling of the bii ,ik( 1 a- lin y no t he defiant rock-, and gmt'licd tl.cir white tec h in wratli. Then, and suddenly, the water ap peared to lift it-elf in piant tlii'004 tu the ..ky, the clouds to whirl down totniet lb' 111. From an almost in!nt, 11 pa-.i'-n-a'e 011 b'l iik.iii. of li e elcnn lit-cume; from a phyr, 11 fiucnis tempest wa. born. Th" tr ir parent b'.ne f the lie tv cm; b. e Hue inky bl o k. I . i 1 1 ! nintion le clniid-. were tutu. formed into writh iiig, 1 .listing, butt line ini'it-ter-, inni, in I 'I nk. 11 from their fold-, lla-hes of liolrnitig cam", the iingrv In Mow ing of ' waery onli-tri w a. iii.swered by I he J deab ning overture of the tliuuder, nml the la ii fill, diem hing and blinding. In -p 1 1 hh s- agony, with limbs par a!y'd by f nr. Ka'e I'l-kine at linlding the hand of le r fi i ml. In every wav! -he aw hilnili' ils i f hi letitis faces; hundii 1 . of iii.i:-tinu . laid-, ready In lule'i ne.ij dr.i t ,! down lo fat hninle-s d pil'-. Then, mast and sail were blown away, mil the While Wings lay a 1 clp'e-s wivi k iii the through of tin; -ea. Of what b ib lli' I il he eye- ( tit -. "lie up" w hit h t!"- ltl"o: i d Kate kn'".v nothing, lied up n a very dilli r- n a i I in -kv througii I wa- -ailing, 'in hmded ; up. n a calm "i, r which a little boat Was being uigid by sliong nuns; a bee be idi'ig over In r wilh pi'y. upon "Mi. I. -:. hi. I -- " "Ant -afe."' " Tile oilliT'.i" Ate milking iii' iry over the accident " "You - ty nothing o V" oliived." I. , I have no thniht, f lb" saving part than a:iv man should ' "It w is no inof. do for anv woin tri,"' he answered, ignor ing III" di -p' l.ile ch.inee. he had taken; a ll oii-ainl told le-- than I would do for you. M'.. - - I i anno! call you thai c ddly for y i ni . de u Kale."' Pulli ig lb" boa: und r the shallow of tree- ih.'t fiingcl a grassy bank, he rest ed upon lheo.tr-. and plea h l, wilh all the -tn ngth an I nobleness of liis in iil hooil. hii love. "I.oug mo," he .aid. "I should have t ,1 I yea of this. Kale, lull a black and In-ruble shadow huag over me pnt inics netted me in a web of i rime, dishonor an I di-graie. This vriy 'hi ' my perfect, inn a i n' c wa- c-lal'ii-h" I, mid without, n blu h of shame, I inn lace th - world, t an oiler y.-n the love long hidib ii in my hiar.. and a-k you. d. tiling, to be mine, that I may ever be by your side, to -live you from danger."' -Tin a- tunc, life," she fa'lci In r blu-hing far "And you w il you h ive save I my I. Ii -itatid, ami hid in In r hands, p-nn t ni" to claim my rew inl. Kill' .'"' l'i m lu r biiriiing lips be I. i.k his an swer, and on thelll left the n itl of be trothal. Then he Inn i ie.l her home, for fear of bid conseiin in- s from cxpo-iuc. May Alli'o i saw them coining, took in the silualioii at a glance, in he I to meet Kate, fairly tan her up s'ais, and sent I.i-t n away laug'.iitig. a- she cxelainic 1 : O dear, how shamefully I am neglected. No alligator will try to de vour, snake bile or ocean to drown, so that I can catch a nice yi uug man."' "Have a liltle patience, dear.' whis. pried Kile, sympatic ingly, "and your tuna w ill r tit". " It did, and hi for the tl iwns bloomed again - !" I1 ''. No Mitii'H or ( liiiuiieis. l lu re i- no a -lnve t r a ehiiii'iey in (inito, the i npi al of II tiiitlor. The weather is seldom cold enough to re ipiiiea I'ne for heating uvpo-e . and all the cooking i- tin ie with charcoal on a si. if of shelf like a bbn k-milh's forge. Their inii-t le a ili bi tit lire for rvrry pot t r krllb' and gnu i. illy two per-ons to attend litem, one with a pair of bel low , a id I he til her to kit ;i the puis from turning ov.-r, I'm lin y are made with rounde I boltoaii like a ging. r-bc-r bottle. No laundry wotk is ever done in th" house, but all tin snilnl clolhes are lakcil to the iieme-t bl . ok, W;i-hetl in the cold running wal r, and sp:ca l upon the stones to dry in the sun. !'..,(" C:l,rli.:,. ( lent- C.lse of lliillilii.in?. .Intlgi "If, as ytm say, you found this woman so violent ami headstrong even dining the i .lgageinclit, why tlid you many he : ' Abused Husband .iiieek Iy , I didn't ninny tin'. Slu,' initiiieil inc." jct HVf-Wy. tllll.HKEVS (OMMN. Inmnie. I lif-a'd ib" wind whistle; I l'H'1 tli- wr, r-iar; ( tlmtilvt h was n -vrr so j. lly li-fr. I wo;nl"H"l what fun h" wns li.ivin,; on I her-; Th" nUlit wa. wi dnrk, and thn carde-i so lnr: Next ni'Tinn ; I knew, b r lh" wind and tli" ; n- w Il nl dr. 'd up four hnl.i"- in whit" down below ' And I- '.ally 1 think the win I did very r. our : llelllll-t linvn hi.p-l r I ' with the sin w all iiijjii long' I-' r. h d !in a i"p". nil l!i four of them -t.,,,,1 As .1 ill' mid ns s'ni k n- though inn lo out of W,"I I'erhaiis (l ey were tir-1 tn d-nth, th" pfir wills! IVrlmp. hv w -re only f"U ' e in Hon e..t h"S pole. o, ..)' I'oioio f'mjlle. A llolll sick ( nl. A nice i:tt!e "i I in II i don in a letter say-: - I want to tell y m abo it our lit tle kittie, Silvt Ho"'., going t Ipsw ich two veins nun. W" put her in a big ha- .. ,M, j t. . (ars .-),.. if.t tl tir ,V!V ,j,vn tl,,.,,. ,.(f"iling now and l l.i-1 when sh" p ,t her paw nil of a lit tle liol" in the 1 a-kel for u- to smooth it. Shi' wa- homt -irk i ll 'he time we were there: she had no n pi ti'e, and -crlllc I to fe I mis r. I I ', b t it . soon a we got bae!i lo I! -t n she wa- vmy hap py mid grew fat a id web again. "- A"e IWi lknti.1. 1 he Kangaroo. When ( 'aptain ' mlt ili't ovrir l Aus tralia he -a.v si, in - ,,f te nalive- on the shore wilh a ib ad ,'ininial of som sell in their pi.s-es-iii.i, mid u nt sailois ,n a lit lie boat lo buy il i f them. Whin it came o'l b.iar 1 hi) saw il w is something quit-' new, so he seat th' ;nil r.bnk to inq iii" it i name. The s'lilo :. asked, bill not being able to ir.nke the natives u ider-tan I, recti veil the answer: "I don't know ," or in the An-trahiii hinging', "Kin-ga roo." The sa Ion 'iipposetl this wns the r.a ne of the aiiimal. and S'l iepoit"l it. Thus the niinie of tl.r ejiriou- ani nial i-the "I-ilon'l know," which is nl most (qiial lo the one given to me of the m n-trosiii-'s in I'm num's .Mus lim, the "Whi! l-iti "i"' 'i'"'' A-h:,t I urk) I og. Ha -on de .bur.iie, win diet il Piris a few inoiilhs eg i, I cq'!' ith"d the whole uf hi- foilime, atnntin!ing lo 110. 01"', to Tig.t, hi- faithful linnl-h maslilT Ai'ctudiug lo the provi-ions of the will, a family le'-ldence is to be purclinsed in one of (he suburbs, in whnh the dog is to lake up li s qtiiMi'i-s. A male at tendant and a clnirwonnn me app liuted to look after the d ig mid keep the house in order, mid will be paid for their -er vice- an aiinu il salary of b' I e,n 'i, to gether willi free lodgings. F.very Utile contingency hash-en r vide I for. A snn'l -uni ha. ben -etnpil! for the apothecary mi 1 the vra rin.iry surgeon; everv car Tiger is to le furni-hed wilh a nt w rug. mnl in spring anil summer with fre.li collars of elegant th'-igi. At the deini-' of the noble animal $''M1 "' to be spent on a gravestone, nml the lion-c ard the fitpltal to become the property of the Society for the Protec tion of Animals. Snvt'il Ii,' His Monkey. An in-lance of th" in-tincl and liilel it y of a young monkey c'-mei from llatignolles, a suluiib ,d P.,ri-. A little bov wits playing in a room alone with the monkey, which i- very fond of its young ma-ter. The boy was playing with the crd of a win low blind, pre tending to bang hlm-elf, to the immense : a i-f.ir ion of his simian playmate, which giinnid and t hatteied near by. Sudd' nlv the b" became livid and be gaii to t ry f n lh" c u' l got ml" a real iioosi! aroiiii 1 h - a ck, and In wa- in tl.ingcr of nn in t hi I hanging. The m 'iikcy sin. n rnili ! tliaf sunic thing se, in i ; had happt lied, and 'I d its br t lo relcas' it. ma.ter. Find ng this inij'ossilih', it ipiitkly hopped away to aii' thci room, whi le the boy'- giaml mother was sitting, mid In gau to pull nt her gown, tt chillier, giimaoc mid look wi-tfully liiw.uil the do r. At til-', thinking that the niiim.il Wiiiili il to b.te In I the old hid ' was frigliteiu d, bu 'icing that ii was rn de.iviiring with ni ght and main to drag her lowitid the door, the rose from ler seat, and wen!, pilule I by the monkey, to the room wheic tier grandson was moaning. The boy was insinittly rxlii tatid from hi- perilous position, though il was sonic time before he recovered tnnn his pain ami fright. .lot ko, the deliverer, says tin French authority fr this initiative, received a nice little tablet of t hocolat ( cn am for its splendid acti m and descivcd it. j Thne mc supp -t I to Ih- soimthing ' ii',,. tliei,!,d inurdert.'.'l ut b'ige in i iriat ltritiin. THE QUEi'S FLOWER. Forty Thousand oscs Shipped Daily From One Town. ' 'in II inoi t .wit a -ton- iuil'ai on "I a Eighty-Flvo BiiildinRs Filled i nMi, , ( l.,s Muii(ii ( , f With Buds and Blossoms. ' s.,.,. ,hlv, ,,, , ,,,,, , . ,r. " up I had -nm, i.i 1;. r wt.ik !o d ) in the 'I le lo.i . t'u , I ,".v Yol k hi l. wear ,.,.m,.t, mid my nlleu'ii.n v..i. t a'l. d are i.-ii-e I iii M el m. N. '. probably ).,. ,i jM , ,, .,- ,,f ,, y mine roses me "h.vvii iheie mid s ,d lb in ; .t m ni. -.- vmi. iy vny lniii-tr"'.ii'-W lap in any i.thei pla. f in th' wuhl. Th'le ,,ig ,.,;IV ,,t ,I1V . I -,i I In no il" sj enoiiu nis gi. i nli'..s,.s in lb" -elf. -iild f' l.!A, I don t lliink you w.ll town and lail ,o;,'e ar- fmp!,,ycl in ,.,,t very well on ilnl -lump.' I ''i' I'lbiviti ,f I'"--. A ha-! " ,(, bed him with sine tuio-ily. lb: .-ci re of ni"!i h.ive grown jit h fi'-'iu : e.imr to th" 'fone roiielu-ii n it ppai m Iy the - ib- of the ,ii"... of lb. Wei-. (In mi , , in., ,,, l,. , ,(,..,, Urn v"i,.g" lo.lia.l ,.; ,-oses .. shipp' d ; , 1,..,,! .,.n , f, sta-ding al,..u' 20 from there to New Ymk ev, y .lay in f,., , ,,,,, , ilr- ,),. ,ie, th" year. Two car- le r the fragrant .( ,,. ,i,..v ,.(,.k , ,.r. ,.r.,ss soein load. They me im.hipp'd a Molnken ;,.;,. ( lt,., ,,, ...e.-ount bribng-. then and taken across the Mud-..,, 1( lb. .)M, )',.. ,,,, v,m,. liitj,. 'im", whob'-iile iha'ers, who buy from 1 1 1 ' , t -1 i n g' 1 1 j . iT,,iie.. appaieat 'v, when M.i li-'.n horii" lli 'i-i-I - - 1'r mi .Tune I" .,11 ,,l a obl.i. ,e le' t and -,. f,- Septelllbci' III" -'.iipllle.ll- .,. ,e;,vie. -. I),,. ,;,,,!.. ,. ., ,,, j , ? f , ,,ie di .la-it. mn! are not i online 1 to ",.-,v Y"ik. . , ,,,. ,. j ,,,-k, il,inn.g no I.ong llraneh, M iiih.'iltiiii I'.'at-h and " mi le of the iuiM.-i, but in lie e.-iii-e of tcore (,f fa-liiimaitie -ci-ide re t its take ' l:if ,, ,, illtUI, judge, i n !o ,k- thiti-iinls of the i-o-i-. Ti.e i ing up I s lrt ,, ni" ti i. or 1 w elv 1 .ini- shipped in sin.,!! t h"- s, ,, , seemed ; n,.r mv lice' making t. !'... r I the Co-, w ilh a l"i k and bearing the grower's i ,. seeming!',- in tie- h ad. w ho lit mi naine. Th" clie-t- are icli;.,,,! empty ! . , ,.. .s .,,,,, ,.,,. .,: I I .qqe ng for dear in the evelii ig. There i- ir-vi r any d" If... M -' of i lie o'lr r- Ii' on the ine, lav in the liau-il. I!" e- p', ;vl. I;lf at l, ;) i;,, ,:;v a'l ".,i in work on tlie r ..s. liiglit me n Ibe hunl-of ,vh".'-a!c ; .,,i ibova :,i, ...-, h" ith. rr.r, ile.l!c-s illN-W Yolk by '.I u'eloik l'i' ' Til" lig'ili.ll W.....lp"kir -.- lue.l t I- ir-xl ni' iniiig. Th.y are d.-, ,.f t ( luiirii, g , ,. i,u,j ,,. ,,s hewniblfl,' retail tb.ii t-by noon, a i l hiindre.l . ' f !,. X and fo: m 1 fr..in Ive to , p, - fill the belle, and bniix of it tropoiis ' . ,i,d tliein all at woi'U picking nwav. are wiaiiiig (In ii, le, evening. Jt is , i- 'I'iiey did lm! se -m I i be ii ry tv ll s.ifs- llolil lb;, ;e S'.,,,y of the t-uly molll ; f,,, ),,,; . ,v,,,j .., . j, 1,,,,,., ,,, me, ing is n..t rh;oi-:"l ai':.r du-k . , ., , .;l, ,v -,, .,.,,;. ,. g. tfag Those that me not sold a e n ill Iy kepi ii ibing br hi- woik by hi- aeiimis. until th..- day n'l-i, pirf. ii . trly in tool s.. ,,,.1,.!. anyw y. At lust b.'l!' W walhrr. : l.u k o'l the trie by hiin-lf. wa:. hing Tiler" are thirty five thrifty ro-e i ii ..,. a n! I tltonghl I i-oiild -. e n g Irani ing csialdi-lime'its in Mtdi-on. Thd- ,,f ,,, ),,, ev.- I b-ihrn. a- liny me half a do"-i m i" al Summit, ('lt.it- : ,.,,. ., i..;v ,lil;;lte ;..IVe ,,ne ..I Id's ham and O . ange. AH the r.-e.. ultii: v,,.,p, , l i i , -erei . ! -. m,. , f! f..r ists. wilh thin- or four eccpii.,n., t.- : th, wood- in high g'i e. Th. r-t pelid eulirely tq, ,n th" bil-ine-s f,,r -ub ,',,; :, ,.,,1, ,,.r. and I came to the si-lciice. A d .. n ve. us ng., then- ; jus. ,,T, i,..v ,V1 re -n'liug ill lln ir wa-ift a rose esi.il.lehm ''it in M:i U j miml-. if liny had any. that 'Icy were Wiien the bu-lni .- wai -feted it wa-!., ., .,,,. , ,,. .,,,.1 i.y:il stinlial by we.ddt" I'eud.'nts who budl - . 1 1 - -1 h ' I'.... I I. a lb. liihb.i. Il "a recti houses for their own diversion, and ; ,.. al.mi' lt ,. !,, .ii.uiei. .and -'ailed then found Imw much inoin v ile i" w.i- f..- hoiit". - m i o am i I al tin- af iu rose cull lire. A large amou'd "I f,,jr . money is repia-i iit...! in the gi. enlioti Alt' 1 di'iii' i 1 nnil b... k to f.ni-!i iiud tin ir siiirmm. ling,. The l uge-t ' t.t,,k, .md had t" pas. the iii.--.i i tabli-hnient, ha- tiiirlc 'Il boiler, to keep MV ,)V , . j ,, a- doing, and no. the temperature righf The l.nip'i'i t I a g"o m ::iv fei:!nis King .-iii'icid tine at night i. kep: at I'r t.u .". s to m lin- ..f a' fioni th" yelb.w hiinin r deglee.. Tin rose, arc nns v g, oni in 1 ,i , -1 . I culdn't aci . ten f, , th. in ami open In iiii.-bi- , though i't-mf u-t i i i tt . r . . 1 1,. eio - lo i v.iuiiae in, re smite ill-fun e-. c!..s.l when I di-cove e. dead wot.il- ; The -e son f,. h"lhoii-i i.i-i . i lo'e- , , k, i I, ing ,,,, ih, r. tk ai th" i r --, , early in .luti". I be plant- .m then a!1 , m iy li .t'lu i picked a- i can a- ible snipped, the hum union, .oil lb. md bl- In a I all ptkd I" pin - I bent be- i nliicly ii liUc 1 w ith m-w s nl , ,lln, i , , 1 1 , ,,,.; M i ,ai j n ,- th Ileie die new growth "f pi. im. j. plai i d ok, r In . ) p ii I s ).. u f,,r fun." After the roses i,,,. cu!. im ry night, lb. '. - - J lire taken lo the pat K ing m un-. w ben j .,, j,.flv )riM,. they me soit.-l. coiinliiland pi,, id will, ... ( .. , ( , , i ,,f irnip'-'':inee tin ir -ti in- in wi'lci until m. ining. In in i! i .,-( .. -tiuiii'.cil -. ' hi !o-..p!ii a d the inniniiig tiiily lin itif pai kc I in the ,, ,,y -, j ,,, -'iii.iy Ii !i. I.. lli. li-hi t shipping I oes iill i -eltl lo ill, -I itnut. 1 1, , i Is I i .'s i ,(,i I,. i,..,s ,,. ', . !:,,.ik The v.oiilics s, ,1 to lie ,.w U .. i lin i,,,,-: iaq.,., I.aai ,n,al ollhe inirke! are rndle s. I'lie A un-i ,i i n ,la. and -n:b, 1: it imp..; t nee j. o I at Pieailty" is tile ino-l p 'pt:l n io-e .'it t.i.he.lto it in ih- 1: .a e i n y , f ie ..,. picsent. Il i- vetv bug. .oid ha- , d- A I it r lie I n : I'.-lctil Ibe- n piirpli-h tinge. Tin v In,,,, .,t i .'m , , -up ,, i ,,, I.,;,- d i n,. i .md -. m n or each at whoi-.a'c dining the hob. bo time. The "William I'l.tmis p, -until' is ant. tier favorite. Ill- iaii. I He rose, rivaling the .bn ipiciniimt iu inl.u nml fiag. nine. The ' Papa i ion in " i idso in gr it d in in I Ihi -i i- ni in tn Hits of coins., pi -is of the grei ii houses, und tobacco h is to lie n s.'it, .1 to fo i.iit nilv in o'llci to kill . If the destruclive insict-. T-.ba,,., -It in- are bin und iu blower- made f,,r ,! pur pose mid lb " Sin ,ke ib'stloy- the pe-l. Il siiiieliini - injti.i- 111" iii, al-o. Mnl ..,. ):,, Cause ii ii 'I FlTei I. A young man. und ' i xaminat nut f"i nduiis-ioii lo the I iiiic-iiv ,,f Hd nl'iiig, was !t.'.t tl if he ll'ld studied logic, (III I replied alii, in it . ell . " You limit l-tilll'l 'be 1 1 fTt tint be tweiiiiau-n ai.d ill'il'' in. pi. led I lit p'tdt --or. I do." "lid yoll (Ml kll"v nn iiiH'.aiiee where the i IT it w i" advance tflln t aiise. " Yi sii." 'Mention il," said the piofi-'o:, ni (I. nt aniai nit u.f "W ell, w hen a man pn-lu , awh' i l h.V'i',.v nbi'iid of him " .1'..' C'i- ! l and Wotl. Rs.lMMUMMI an Acre. The highe-t pi it t- t m i paid fm a piece 1 1 1 ; of ( hici oi nal tstuli- wa- ,a gnu, by Mr. II. II Kobl-itat I'M the iimthwe-t cm iter of Oiarboiu and M.nli-ou sin a ts. The tliiut n-iniis of the I ii.iiertv are -H 1 1 bv 4 fee', anil the pr.i r paid wa- iflall. .... . , ... IHHI, which is taiuivab nt to 7.it"' per i . . .ltJ. , . froir foot, lS,.,iil pci -on.iic ft n', .. .,. . , , .,,.,, , 1.: (I per suiiare inch, or about s.Hln ,- i ..,, , .(10 1 ju re. I lie corner is ctun.tle:cd one) ol the finest m the tiiy.-C,", I tM(, ""Xt . late- ii good bird story. ' I wa" en gaged in the monument an 1 tombsti im bu-iiir-s." lie mile-, and Inade nm I pn' up in the falhobc O'lm-'i i , t f a s-'iiih- light in llu itioiniiiL'. a ii -.'ii in " I In illh -h.--.ild bid li'iii-ii ; and it - at ,i- l,..ur of th d i that the lit arti-st ini al tun In i il. a Willi tin- I..,-! tl nl i.i i il ty '! bad ii '.lit-. Tin man who l.i:- i ut in th" itu ii : i . - al h r tinting i.itfi a b'.u v bn.ikl'a-l will s, hbuu, llllll -- -UlTi I ,llg li. lll thlolll. ilnliges. I nn. ' Al" i i -ii e a iv of tin d, -i i nil.. i s w hi. b u.i.b- lol'o.v a -Hilar lat .11V , ,).,. lin. ,,f ,i T. , ,,..,. j .,,, ,,nj,iv :, , . , , , , , x ,-,m.Cl ppv i r .iii- oi iu ml a'l day ; what.-vtr be bi- i n-f an. h. w dl Had hi II w ill, , v. ell, nl appt :iie. II. i ill', il'li- .q.pi Me. The i H t'l'l'"-. te Ii -II I - will bcl ' I he olh I i oiir.r in fin- lit. tiler, ;tn I the m ut w It I ) i- not had a ::o, d b i.ikf.i-t will i,"t t it jo a ;. 'oil dlliliti. I have lie. de l u good many ca-es i d b ilet n il di uuki n Ii-.. aid iu a iy. it mam ,.f lie in have found licit llu ev il I o In of t ippjiug wi- begua to iii i-ty a gn twi'ig, laint -in-alioti ia the s;,,in ,M ih,. iiim u ing, whiih wa- milting inoi'' or h-i than di-gt. -ed hun:;i r " .';,'.. ; l"'"' diainl Cniiihal" in Imli.i Prim e Alexander id I! i-s!a, during ibis nc nl i-it to Indii. wis tnier- i taile d by the Haia'l of .1 ypnor in n 1 fashion s,,. five of old I! itiiao thus ' . , , . , , . ,' , A grand iouib.it of annual , to 'k plat f . . . , m the gnat court Mild of the 15aihs ' ' pal lee. A sere i I liuue id wild ... ,, . bulbdot , enie ,,ie- and ,.,hi r savage 1 horned lieists uf I hi 1 1 nn il iva-. gu tub d , . . , .. . , , .,, and goad"d on bv Ilnnbn b hi h i illeros, 1 ,. 1 some I'll loot, some llliilllileil I'll I b'- ' , , , ' i P ntnts, tlashed f get ler in n -teirilh' i 1 , . , . iiiclee, gortug iiud trainpiiug one !inolhcr , ., " ', 'todeith. It wai a-i biobntotis a, i j "uis l -h."ht- l"" l'uusouu aud cuiting. f'raiii Lulk. fiontl By. When we have said K""d by to some dear friend. Or watch" 1 rei'.'.liti? loved ones from the Shot'" 1 l.f-n luine 1 n way. -in.-'- nn could done) lllol" T . miilie lie u- hnppinesi eiiniplet , we send ... ,.f g 1 wishes after, ii' we wend ( i it ',"'11' wind way; b g Ibav n to out. p-'ii- 1 . .l. ...ii,.... th" ones t tint we nd ire, And lio.l In- graei n- favi' to evl'tnb Tli'T" m- So inmiy f.to-- baud, ned . k " llav iio.v iiuiii aid of dmig"!--' Hut this ' TV Iii .tin I-lh" h ait in -il'!i'" U'e def" id A V etl s ,-,,i, enrioll- eyes. r .tend To I," ie. I ir. 1. !ti. ""in e I I a d hy. Wh in wilh i nr tremliing lip wo ray liooil .y - - M i,: t., .r e . in bin" lene . '.'.''. Ill .MOKUl S. Sp".iiig of wa' 1'-. what wa- it Al- illlib"! Thciibal be ill i'- ii'". aiv.iiy.- ft wnm aii's b'.,ni Id. al. A 'hinaman's In ad may be nil' d a comet I ci aii-e it ba a I . 1. -tail t..il Tin !" ai" ';'.''"' tel. graph i.p-'a' us i:l I, 'iidoii mi! tiny ai- all bv.ng ".i "tit li." Another good ('ire f,,, iusomuia is to hive the liuf " sic p lip ill ill" a tie wit 1 die baby. A lail.v ref. i- in t!i" time she spend in front of li r 1 ,..kit:g gla-s a- "inoin-n a of I', llei'lio!." What hoi -e d.d lady M tebeth fldr- be b re -he b-i b- a fond itdiiti to hci wickul hu.bai:.l : Th- night'iiare. A k.ss i- -a;.l to be something which "c me. by ma!" bu! mver by post." Thi- i - an erioi : we 1. ace ofn n known kics to i oini by the gatrp " I. Cln lly tjo- tilarly "'lake I lint pen cil out of your iiionlii." ''"v- "Say, nii-ter, w 1 wii- I if - r t holly - "A sy .,lj, ltU; pi' I iildging fit in iis SI"." l'.iightly What tt"'ild yu do. dor. tor. il you had a bid (old? Jtocior tciu-uiiiL'li Id consult n repiilable phy iciaii. s,i ' Hiiglillv iialmlyt I dun t suppose y.i'i i "if. I Icli tiic where I could Iiud one. do,!...-, i. mid yon'f If fit n .vmi M he et j'". .j"';" v il 11 a eat And plnv ti e ..Id aiii" wuh ii- paw: Put joker. I.'un ' Il oti 1 1 1 1 1 . your 1 f, I '"ii t ., k" with y-tir nt'.ilie in law-. Fascinating Mnnii-li lli.i,ii. I "a lb liu de la I.-, re. print tpal -t rot of Ni w Algi.-r-. N'oiib Africa, one -t-s in 'i.y of ilio-i- hi-cninting M mri.-'i ba.a.ir- liilo which, i I those who enter, leave all tie .light.-- '! it ii hii; In lllll l. St biwilebiiig aie ll.i- di-p'avs of in it 1 1 1 :t I good-, tinbii'i'b lies, nig-. Mo. r i-hi'.Mliy a:nl Arab siulTs, that it h simply imp.i-sjb'e lo ( s, up,, w itlimit in ve-liitg, i illn I foi our-elves or for mil In. ul-. It s (-pc( ial y dillictft lo re i t tlnni. as the Moorish inert b int, who i- Iii. ii-. If a pit ! uie . i ad lr ion to thn -i .ait . plu i- hi- g '"it- a! lour fe t, n- it ware e i- iilnn-t willing to kis? y -in hand if you will i nly be auiiabh enough to main hint :.n i T. r f ir hi. good-, and ihen haggle over lite prior with him. He will I -ii. illy g!:i liy ac cept your tiler of t m l.vl ll.e'i.gina! pi ire, but it lakes time anl p it i.-:it e, and those who buy hurriedly must pay accordingly. What t -i t ii i-i 1 1- antique f mhi'oidt lies ouc liml- here, sideiiiatt a- to look a in -t like a wel, ,,f si k. There me h bciuiiful old shades nl fadtd cob',., blended with mii-iio taste, .tin! pi i. lir i ng an i If 1 1" inipi's-il'le wltli i ur inodi u n inati u it!-. Old i n-nuiir ,, liilily i inbioiib n d smiiH. , , t-mi.J bio, ailes tell of bv gone -,el dor-: b l, mid sashes ,, , huh ofg-.M and melii! billions, nml fringt- wliiili show :he taste f'T lav i h di-pl'iy. 'linn Ibe pi i uli.'l' Kalob w.ue: what ii"sluiiie- 'his In-lils' I ip:i- in tray!" Ill s t wilh ,..!oli I -loles; .i-es, jnk- htaiiils a ,d 1 In icwtby won, by t he woit.cn of those na.itiil.iii. ti if i s. This ib lit -ale lihgier woik iu tin t ul. inlaid with i in ipi.ii-es iiud n d s..,cs i-. lo my mini, lite o.lih I and ino-t i baiai "i i i-tit; waif vt Iii. h one i. ni Iiud in (hi:, country, - A, -r 1 .., v (".. .... Tn.i ies of Innkeeper. Sliell-lolie'. line-, sns 1 I', ,., ii, tit" New Ymk II will f,., m I stand out a- th" most in labb us, ripti n to thn old time fivcia. They h,Ve t f ell been found fault wilh. we me to'd, a. ht ing n di-p ii.igcmcnl to ordinary h -pit sil ity and of human nature, but they npped by their pathos to one k,,,. ,,f ,,,,, ,. ,m. moil cxpeiieiie1. Slienstiine says; Winer has tiii.elle 1 life's dull round, i Where'er his -tag. s may hate he n. Mat sigl, to think he siill has p. und The n, -mm' t weleomi. al nn lull. It is ahtio-t t ni l to parody s i tout h iug niulogy. but il i- -aid a wag who once saw tlese lines lippropi iatcly tlit. playcil at i hotel wrote beneath Ihem tliu follow ing sta!i'i' WhfH-'rr lini trivelle.l nun h nUait Must very olten s,gl, (,, , 1 hut every host null turn you out I Vnlesi you've plenty of the cliiiik.