$ljc I) at I) am Ucrorb. II. .A. JOIVIJOIV, EDITOU AND l'HOPRIKTOK. (Ite tarn RATES or ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Onr Riimre, one insertion- One niuare, two ingertion' One wjuare, one month - 11.00 l.SO ?.09 ONE DOLLAR PER iM Strictly 'nldvance. For lareer a"lvertieiiii'ot liberal con VOL. M. l'lTTSHOIiO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, MA V 2, IS8H. NO. 3:. tracts will-bo made. The l.iirlilliotisp. A hove the 11 k; : lime tie ll nvo, Bliimv th- s Ton g I'",ht that minis .-mil win So ymi, too I i;h fur a i-fi Tin H' si ifi', IJIlt 11 1 flu- slllpw li l l. nf I'lY life. Tlin Ii:hlhmi-" warns i he w i.e. Imt Hi s" Not mil sad Ihe stormy "ii: Towards Hi.. light Hi" f. ..I -li -t i r Ami, ill ow niii". i i I its in nni. g. d-ar. Ami if III" l:iiiii 1 v oIiiiiho n'liii'i' Hiillli' fi'iis -1 1 i J . .i il"ltll. I. MUD Tin. I nip HI I-. il i'li 'Hi- Ik. i'i ' I.I me' I iliil my ! '" --.' A, .I'll hi .i h.,, ll,h nl WON BY A DUCKING. Tl'r Mill MK ; Mill;: II f li t. l -Hootl-led Ml 1 if 1 j'l-t di-appcared In low llli' lullI'll anil rliilly may shadow- mi.' iilln i in.,' in I'll' lit .illy lllltli'ss "imc in llii li ii i f I'.-eth Yld.a. ():i tin' ni'i-- I ...I uf ;in oil i i , close to llii. km', i. I' tin- i ii i which imu 111 III li 1 pill, - It .1 ...llii; t; i I, v:lt long, w i!li ii IP i"i: i n i n .-'ii 1. 1 :it-! n.ilt hnii. .-iliil i!i-:ij i'.i.iinvit, :i foil path wldi li vi Mini :i ij in tin1 il iit li..n of the sulnii lull I - : .1 "ll whitli tin- villa was -ilu ill d. It i ' I y -!( w a . o pi t I ing Billlie iilli'. Il- iinic :it l:i-l i tail, s'im yni'iii; man, tun v i l a! I. ntiin I. nml li... us lie wi iidi tl lii- w iv alii. ng tin" I II frii-.-, rtl '-i ll : Iv -tnirk i ll lln ii he.ol wilh hi- gold 1. .ii.- I , in ... Till' gi. -pi : 1 1 1 -; In tnei I llilil. "Oil, -V '11; i -i H-, I'm -i glad v i v cxiik'. :it la-l! I'm- wnilcl .111 : ; I m 1 1 " w illi a mii.i 11 an xel, , a- sin- n ! I liis gia.e 1 'i. - - i. 111 t . . t vi. i- have ymi li nl ' Pel pap 1 i 1 t -1 lit lit M r J'.iil, after l,;u ing s.i 1 . in ! I v n li... n nir Ii. ii -eci.e j ..111 v '-i'.. ." 'At-. In -aw n,.,"lln' loiuig mm 11 1 1 -u n il. I. mil, . "II.- -u. I 11. 1 lia i' .1 v i. It I il , a . I 11.. I Ihiii at the (Iii.il jii-l a- li.- w i- Ira. ing ll"' ln'ii- ." Ami what . i'.. lir -..1 ." .!!. a-k.d. 1 nyri'ly. Au,'ll-ll- ila: 1 I ll I -s il.lll around the slender wait nl i'ii- gill tin' gioiiml- 1 ri' i r I nl Inr f . 1 1 1 1. 1 " - I -iii.i ; tt iim.1 ( 1 1 i I M . Il'.li' I ; 11. 1 I . . K . . .,.Ml inln 111 I pi. 1 1 J lace. "Hi' s.-ijil," .j r iKiny sIi.m'i.v aipl uiili a f:il au iv, nl til luiilv In' -aiil llial ymi an. I I in ti' a i nii.. of I. nl-." "Wlial! I..' Wli.v." ill.' fal tr:nl. "I'nr inini-in In many i-n m'v Ihiii ilri'il 1l.1ll.1rs a ye n ." "Pilll I lli:l lias 1 nnilL'll fnf It-all, iin.l I inn liis unly ilnlil. Sillily V"H h' limlfl 1 1 i in i f t lint .'" "Nh, ill.l.'i .1. ..W . i.lllil I st,..., f bin ll llirti i'ii, 11 y ri'iisiili lit ini-; (hillii. 1 onliaiy, I r 1 I liim tli.it I 1 1 I nut uanl liis iiiuii.'j ; lliiil I nl I make my fur tuili , as lir li:i. I In ti , .111 I tint all I n-kul of liim w.h lii- rniiM ut tn inn Ilian iap-. " "Anil "li.it ili l Ik- - iv lln nr' -ll.' in iiliii'i, 1 ;t:;i 1 ly. "Nitliiii; im iI t.i v . ".r-t hip t" ItiiM' the liiil-c i"i'l iiiirr :ij;:iiti sic you." "Wli it a sliiinii !'' 'IViiis spriiiii tn Iht vv. :iiii sin' liii l lit r rln rk iiin inulv .ni l sni tliinuiy iiain-l In 1 liivt i's manly -limiMns. 1 f imi r 1 . iit," ii'-nun I Aiiuii-i (us, illi sail li'iiit; "I11I hrfiiii' in inj; so, inlriiiii il I r. llni;a:i i'i shtI fully lint lirinly, ilia' tlimi;:li 1 milil m vi r HK.iin rntrr liis li ni-i', I V11.11M on 1:11 iirriuiiit l'i liiiiiii-!i 111 v liiini tn lii ilaulitrl's liiml. I Inlil liim that 11c lovi'il cai ll I'tlii t', anil .1. I'i' I any liiuii.'in J111WIT to kn i .li.llt." 'l lii. i;ill's i 'lurks llii.lu'il iiiul lu r fyrs glowcil. "Tli. if must linvi" tiiiiilni liim!" slip Midi, jraiiii; willi I'r.ui I trmli rni s-. intii lier liiv r's f.-iri'. " Tli.it miisl liavi' Ktiiiiil lii- In if iiiiilliiiir nuilil." "ltilnl!" n-si.Hlilril Alluu-lu-, iin ly. "In fi" I ---I ''"n't wi ll tn lianmv your ffi-lins, Mui'li', ili an'-t, luil your fiillu r w:is siin, , I,, that ill' .'loc that lie not only slatiuni 'I I In-III u an ilnnr in mv faceai I li ft llic iiikiii, luit f.illotteil nir to tliP liall-ili'ni' ami llilliij the ilnnr mat lifter me. Imlinl, I -ll p et llial the maik i- still iipnii my Imoa.-' "So if is" sili.l M iiulo, ilnliijmiiitly. ' Sliiii'l '-till, ile.ir, anil let n"ie liru-li off theilil l. Wli.ll iliea.lt'ul I eli.ivini ill jv:ll! Aunt r.ii.i :il.iv- eal's liim n lllisly, lillt I never illeuillil ef hi- rinri ui on like tin . l'.r!ia..'- iii n little s 1I1 in lur voii r'uaps he'll come rouml li-aml le,. lie ie: sum.' limes. Aunt Y,i; 1 his inn-t Inlliieiiee with liim, ami slm -lie's inr fiietnl, you know." They ete st.iiulin.; near the liver's Imnk, iiiul Mamie was it ill eiiiueil in vigorously ilastiii;;, witlijn r i inl ioiili re I pocket liiinilkeri hief, (he I'.u k nf her in Hiltcil lover, win 11 a whilTof wiml took the litrlil slraw hat from Inr In-ail, ami illiftiil il to ti c i line of 1 he Lank. Augustus iiisantly lii'stennl o the r 111 ue, Imt ho luii I not taken into con liiltrntion the Mco lie-s ami lippi'i incs of the iiieliiK'; l i-rcfme It unevpteTil Jv found himsc't j.lutiging, wifU a fpla-h, into the l ! y water, six rt.v lielnw.. M iU'le shrirkcl 11s. she liehchl liim ilisappi ar Ihiii nth a piul of water-lilie;, ami the sniinil rei ehcil her aunt, M ss Y. 1'ilkins, 111 she walkc 1 in the ear ih 11 lictwicn the "love ami the villa. Augustus' heii, iiil um il with aluei ami 'liiinpiiin ueeil i, sunn re ippc ireil al.iive tin- siirfiiie of the wilier, all I "i'.li haiiil-' ami feet lie ei.mmenia il il ilcper ale Imt futile atlenipl t 1 -ill im unt tin' iippery elny liank. Sceiiu; this, Mni'lo k licit ilouii on its nice ami oMeinlcl li..li hail Is, villi h lie imprii'li'iitiy giii-pe l Imt , a n-; with a 1 iiiilr iry 1IT11 1 to w hat was hid trleil. I 1 a inniiient she was in the water. ami with ililli. ulty siipp.irlc.l in the arm of hit liver, w ho-e le t, w ith this .iilililioii al l.iii.len, i-l in k la-t iii tin- miry Imt loin. It h .1 ia this sit iiiii ion, Kltucliiig wai l 1I1 1 p in water, dial they weie .lis. iiiveiiil 1 v Me; IMkin-, whin, miiii 111 in i liy M null '-shtii I. -, she huiiinl l l the s (. ' lii.n i. hi- he Hens! Mr. Toinlin 111 M in h ! II.iw iliil this happi n ! W in ih. n't you Vive join-cHcs." she ciieil ee telly. "We liin't!" gaspeil Miuile, fran tically eliiiu'in ; t i lu r l iver. 'T I fell in, ami Angii-lii- (rieil (n save inc. 11ml we'll ilrou 11 if yi-ll iloil't In lp us!" Cive me your -li 1 w '. ' proinplly te p.. mle. I J n il 1 In :ll Miss I'llkill-: '"iml il Hi t '.'i t excite I. Von i iin'l illi.wu if wni kei p still, ami I'll hiiie )oii out in I In. 1 in inui' .." Il.i 'kin:; up the -li 1 w I with 11 1 n. iki il -lii k, -he tie. I il I., hi 1 own, ami at la. hint; mie i m I to a -.1 pliu mi (he hank, I w i-ti"l 111" I w . int. a -o: t of rope. I". ice 111- n! till - th p IT W. le ell alii. i. niter nun 1 m :mi.I.!iii',' ami e ii"ll. In le.le'l til III .nl:.. will e till". -o" I iliippiuu 'iml ' hiei i'lL'. 111 1 1 .HI ill.', -lie'" i.l.'l Ml- I'll kin-, ami now I -lenil'l like ( know 'nil's (he m l i'niiii; to he il.im'." "W-w.itni In alh Im MaU'li ! ' 1 111' -leinl Mr. Tomliii-on. all of a (renilile, while the w.ilei ill ipp. il I10I11 the i ml . of hi- liioopin tmiii-ta. h nl limp tinsel-. "I I'll ;: i . 1 h InuiK'!" 1 In li.'ine in t .iii' livf ami 1 :ili h your h of ioi. liy the way! ('.Hue alniij; to tin hoii-e, Imih 1 f wu as fa-( .1- ymi 1 1111! I'lioll 11 hi. eoiie lo a pol.lieal uii -Im:.'. with a -upper a f lei w nnl, an I won't li- leu k till ini.lniu'lit. Von two emije tlin uuli the :' l u, while I f;n iihe.i 1 ami unlink (lie hack. 1I0 r." 1 lure in the Imii-e, M 111 I". who, ilc spite her friuht, I1.1 I 11 ( sulTi rcl marly so mm ll a- her lioer, hiitiieil to 1ml' I II, while ll" I'llkilH ilileeteil the hoii-iiiiiiiil lo -how Mi. Toiuliii-nii ill oin e lo 1 lie 1 a-l 1 h itu'ii-r. "I'I' 11 e' in," -:ii. I the synip ilhi lie lii lly, ' lln re Mi l I" 1 n a flip in (he eii'-t room Ihi- fall, ami ('to lii-.l uiti'l liviil nor the sh.e s ainil. Tin-re's a lire in in:i-t 1- room, ami rveiylhin..' w:ii in an I 11 111 1". it ille, nml I can li it all rin In In fote nia-ter rmnei honic." To Mr. Ilnyan's own ln.1 room, .nvofilin-jly, pilliil ami shiviriny:. Tmn l ii-oii iij. comlui'te I, whi'e Sun, (he slaWe Ii , w:i. ili-jvitehel (o hi-(iv.vn li . Jo in:r - fur :l eh 1 litre of cln-h"v l ilt il its an iv 1! he was for .'l (o ar ray h 111-elf iu i .. t .ii 11 garments of his ho-t, silcctel Ic M:-s I'llkins, iiit'iu tint: a ipiiltctl ilrc- ing gowti of o..rt;iois color- all of whie'i, heiu too lal''e for his slrmler proportion-, giivehini (he appe iraner : s Hclty, w ith a i fsl 0, ile rlaieil to the c mk 'f ".I tu e lie ill a slin k of hav." Then he was 111 a le to get into lie l, ami I'tii'ikets wer pi'e.l mi him ; while low 11 stair. Mis. 1'ilkins maile 11 steim iug tmlity, ami rno!t prcp ire.l a supper to lie to k si i:f ho." I'mti T lli'-e c Mlll'ille.l llttlll nee- Imt more e-p, riiillv (hat of the strong toihlv Mr. I'i in'in.ou soon fell into a calm iiiol urn 011-1 ion- sliunln r. Ile iliil not heir theclnrk 011 the man tlepu 1 e -ll ike leu 1 Sam was an unusually I in;: t inie in 1 ft urtiing 1, nor .eeiheiluor open, ami a pm llv ohl gent li 1111 n ruler, ami :i si ;h( of hitn. -I nnl as if pcttiticil. Ami it W.is not until the oi gelitle 111:111, iifter t w ir" illlil.iiit! liis eyes iiml tu nin;; lir-l pal" ami (hen liny n il, -i.iei,lv foiin I In-i voic-, ilil Mi. Tom llll-.ill . (ilil ll UU his pi .111 Ilil lepo-c. Hello! WI1.1l i. lie- meaning of Ih.-." Al -oiiml of tliit awful voii e, the heu-cholil iclcil up stairs- all Im! Mamie, who inline ilialely tainleil ilcul away in her n 0111. "Iliiam listen to me- let in ex plain !'" "lvVJ:iin ! ' marcil Mr. Ilogan. "lliiln't I 1 11 this feilow out of my 1 lours il few limns ago.'- ami dnii'l I come home (o (iml him not only again in mv li".i'i , hut in my room in my Iml.' Al.il I V the everli'st ii:; lmkey," as ngitiiteil Ti nit in : m rise up in lieil, in my veiy I 'oll rs! Wheie are my p'litols? Let me get lit l.im! Let me tling liim out of the window " , Uut lure tlio con'.i uud houfemaid Hisheil in, with 'liiill 11 imis,nnd while the form r, a-s'-t-l I'V Mi l'ilkitis, 1 i!niL'i;i'il i 11 1 in i:il I Ilogan lunkwarl out . of ti e room, licit l a t ly h rkc.l Ihr dm 1 and put (he key in her pocket. I. ell (Im: iilmie.Toinlin 1 al aiiuel hi'ii- ; siif w ilh the only weapon whidi r --enle I the lire long - m l f u ing tin door, stood li,oathle:-lv awiiting the f 111 1 In r coiir-e i f evi l:! . ll- heard t he 11! r. ill i ig fo...(i p; and v-iir..' , ilii away iiml a or w mi.l'y -laai. Then 1 11-111. 1 live riinu'e; of ih i t -:-lime, ill tile end of which lime ipiick iiml heavy step- 1 nin alouu (he p:is-at;e iiml th-do-ir k mill impal iet ( 'y lii'llcd 1 Ai gu-iiis 1st 1 i I him-clf, nii- d tin i loiiti- aliovc lii In id litavi ly and pre p.ii 'd to ,1, (cad hi- life. I Light -ti pi tn. w 1,111 nl 'tig the pas--at;e, the key luiucd in (he Im k and (he' d..oi (lew 0 pin, revelling Mr. Iloii.-iti, li!- i -ti.iml I he f. male crviints. Me .ehiiiici d lowanl 'I'om I in-mi with out-a-l 1 I In 1 1 aim-ami ten- ;nlii-i vc-. ' Mr. Tmnlin-i'ii ! My diar jniing fi end! How 1 an I alone lor my !a'c hii-ty cniiilncl.' how thank ymi suf- lieicntly (or mi lu loii ally saving (he life of mv only ami dailiug ihil l.' The lmit;s Ii il Ir. m (lie lining 111:1n s hand- 11 Maude's agilalcd lal In r seii d and shook (lniu. will a ;gr whiih lirmight tears into liis own eyes. t ook and lii lly w etc already soMiing. "Mr. Il ir ti, . r." coiiinicui i d A11-eu-lii, with a- inn. li dignity as w:-s 1 oii-i-li iil w i h the siluati hi ami his pe. 1 nl ar atl ite, " unit pr. (1 (. You great ly e i 1 -rate --" ! 1 1 " It ji-l III le he wa- il Willi' ol 111V11I -! Il.ll - I'll 111 Ml I'llkill , who W.-s hov iiing anvii 1 1 -1 .- in I In- I .a. ! i;t ..11ml. 1 mi in cl m l ih in it. lr. Toiuliii -11." -lie - lid. ill. "l l. I'.llt for Joll ai'd join h I'.'ic 1 ' 1: lo .. while Would our lieioM il M iii li iit tin. moment In ;'' "An' -i:i" -I"' lo.'ki I. :i Ij m' (In ic on . the IiIi'ij -ofy. with hit ej 1 - -hot, an' ; whilra.il -lint, jr.' Im .cl (he Willi' like li ioi.- . he would a In en now, : Iml ..r him," -aid m ik, who, ley rr.i.on of l-uig ami faithful -rivirr, was 11 plivilege I per-oll ill the holl-i hold. ' I'onie down -li.ii ami -1 e In r," said : M". lloit.m. 1 . indiy. ! And .ciiic: Mi. 'I'. 111! i ii-nii I v the liim, he I" I him to whee Maude, ic- 1 coveieil Ii la 1 I'.aintint: lil and lln-hed 1 with the joy of a mildi 11 and iinex - pected h.appiiii -s, w a-a wa il im: ll in. I on s im d In r life," sinl the agi tated father, and -he l.clonus lo you. i Tin re, lake lid ! arid may hcaVi 11 lile-s ymi Imlh!" Kverjh.i ly teiin d from (he room in (eiir-!, hilling Ihe happy lover- to llieiu- .tlo-s 1'ilkins, seated hi I'me the Cue in ; her own room, -niiled cheerfully In In r- , self, as -he tiai' 1 into the glowing 1 0:1 Is, , while ill tiie kilt hen cook and liclty, re- ealing tlirm-riir- mi tin- niuaiii- of the In t siijipi r ami t ddv. d"cl ind how i lieaiilifut ii li ii t all he 11, ami wondered : wi.i'ii it would le time to cenunciire i prcpiiia1 imi for the wedding. ,itur- 1 ,, A.-,'. I A Sid id Silier Miiron I'mul. Veil in. iv I ilk alioiil lii k.-! -plated ; railroads." -ird Vice 'ie el. nl T. I.. Stiinley ol '.LU Walnill - lnl, "Iml wli.ll do ymi lliiuk of a solid silver wagon , road; Th - lloi-e-li'i" Mine in t 'oo: mlo j ha mie, although when il w.n l uill they didn't know it won d pfi 1 lit that way. They liad to lave a road Irmn their mine, a lii-lame of ill c miles, over : which hciivv loa I- were to Im drawn. Till ,' took the link that ha I Ii ill taken ' l'roiii ihe ihal'ls 1 In-v Mil.' sinking and which lav armi ol 11 the w:iy. and ma Ciiil,aiiiii it Ihe load all the way ihnuigh. Tiie wag.. us pis ing over die told grouml (he rock dow n. ':;e day lltey had a heavy lain Lain, and win 11 (lungs , g.il dry again iifter this lain III" wind h'ew (he ilii'-t oil' die road, and all lliiotigh die road li. d, eiery which way, : they louhl ice lug siiciks of silver. Well, may It llu v didn't i-dlar on tu the 1 si of th t loo-e 101 k (Iml lay ! around those -hill-! Thej -cut away a lot of il to he a--: jr. I, an I when the repoil rami- Inn k lin y f' 11 id that (heir pad lied w i- woilli s.'t'O ii ton. It was a lilde i-xpi'il'. V" to dine err. lull they . had to have die r :el. and I supp. s. j lliev've got it i if licit- lulus liivei held mil " Voi.'..' '... j A I'liuiting TlifiiliT. Ill a U'l sa i papi i is a i 1. uii.- il Ihe 1 dcliii i'c muph I imi I :i prnj ct ..r a! floating the ihe 01 the Volga. I'hi- llieatic will If ari.uigcd on a luge1 s!i iiinl'oal, limit lie elding lo Am i ii in plans, ami will r m 1 .1' 11 an aaiu-emetil hall for 11 (holism I p opl", ami likewi-c , it - 111 ii 1 1 1 1 ( .1 11 1 1 11 1 Willi .im 01 1 111 1 a 1 1. nis for (he in t i -I s im-1 lin e sai y cMployes of die uml 'i taking. The In at will move up and down (le -I ream, slopping pin. cipally liefore mic'i liti.i a.liiem iheitre. There w.ll lie t wo I r. -il; 1,1 tie I for op.eretl.'l .111 I fie other for d ramus and 1 jtui' lic-. It will lie ! l oo-; enter- I liri-c. I ( 111 I.IHtKN'S (01.1 MX. Wli.it SI1011I1I fliililrcn Li-urn. Wlut -h nl 1 little elel.ln ii 1' ini. I'., iii-iire III Im's t ri't iiii. j Ml in III spring (Ini ear!. ll nv to -in; v!i"ii -ki" ill" ;.r,iv; ll.nv to -in i it'l .lliotll"!' - wnv; II .v to - ii'l" till' nigh Lilt r t :ir-; II. i'v to h'.i away nil f .11 -; llnw t 1 "iirv lira vest In nit I' i - i-.l v tin.. ugli every pari; II .iv to 1 r .-. a civil' - -lull; II w to yi -. t 1 ivier will; II ov to k" -p tli t-niiier - I; llnw in iv lii wi h pali lit I- t; II'.W to li t II ll' Il-Uf a 1. T 1 r.'li "V an 'tier's .; .m to I., a letl" sii 1. Wi" I'lin; li'it mi ever. T.i iii-iire (lie li.. ( return. Tnit sh.i'ill lull 'Ini hen l-nrn. All in th spring ' i 1 1" etirlv. -.'n ml I', hurl 11 "i-.ie. Mill Imt l.nve. A favorile cat in Leivistun, M' , re eenllv enicreil n 10 tu where she h cl thiee litll" kil("ti-, and taking one in her inmith, advance 1 and cried pit" msly to the misf..ss who fe I lier. The liilter took the kilti 11 in Imr lap. T.ien Ih" ei( went la igui lly lo Imr ne-l, secun d nu.idi i' ki'leii and t .ok it to Iut mis tress. S ie repellel tie act with die re lining kitten, and then rolle I ovir an I died. It was tli -a diseoveied that th" .-ini 111 il had he en fearfully injured. It tr.in-p red aflerw ir Is tin' s!i h id run foul of a mower in a field, w ho had neitlycul lier in (wo with hi- s jtho. The cat ha I eomnemled her orp!iane I little mie! to tile rate of hi t' inistlr-s V.'.oo..'. M ice ii 11 ' uiiit. While overhauling a sinid 1 Inset through w liioh cvteii l -d a wat r pipe, says l: I'llgeiid l. th" chililn ti and I ciitnc up in a lie-1 ol field mice, which ate vet v numerous in that portion of sniilieiit ' 1 1 1 furn i 1 A- they weri' r.itlier iinnoyiiig in the h .u-e, o-prcialiy at night, it wm our u-u il cii.loni In de stroy the young mil e, and for this pur po-e 1 took t Iii-iii from the ne t, and at In r cai ne-l solicilat loin laid ('le tiny pests in the lap of one of I he little girls who sat near 1 1 1 mi the lio n . I'm -cnltyth' mother, which hid al first si iniied olT ill great fright, cri p! timid Iv forth, her large. beautifully soft Mai k eyes ex pre-sivc of the in.i'l lic-ceching di-trcss, ami -tealing trenililing ly up to the (hild, seized him of lie mire ju-l as a rat r in iis a kitten, and hast ened to the closet, where -he attempted to "wedge" hoth i' and ll" -elf thriio-gh 11 crevice l't ween the the llooraud pipe; Iml finding t liis im po-silil", she finally ihoppe 1 it i.ii'i fully through to the ground lieiieith, ran swiftly down the pipe, and nftcr s'nwing it -nugly away, faut" hurrying hack until -'ie had car lint away the la-l nimi , of which tin re weie live. The cliildieii and 1 looked 1 n with great -yiup.a'liv an I i'l tere.t. for we did not hav tie he.iri or rather we hid too imu h he.iri -to add to the di-tre s of tie devoted mother hy furl Iht inole-iiin of her tiny treasures. The children mi" convinced after wilne-sjng this that "mire can count. " illini; lu Change. Alice has no luothers imt si-tcrs, nor are there any children in the immediate ncighlioihood of lier hoinc, so her doll i favored with her coii-tant lovu and (are. This fill she went with her mamma to visit I'ncle Huh a id Aunt Maggie, who live en a farm. They at once com mi'iii eil tei-ing her to sell to them hi r highly i d dolly. At tir-l they olTcred lamly, then a new lire.-, .1 -hi ep. a hore, until finally rticle Koh .-aid, "Well, here is the l.est offer I can make ymi. Will you lake my whole fiiim for tha' doll!" l'.ut, a- liefore. A n- oily hug gel tier dolly the clo-cr. and in opi-i cjed won der (hal they should think anything could Iniy In r hahy, -oleiiuily shook her little he ld. The next in lining when she came down Iiiii-to Incai, f i-t, w ith dolly ill lu r arm-, I'ncle l di taught hei up and carried her to Aunt Maggie's room, and then- mi the p llnw lo ler auntie's side lav a l.ig, red face I doll -o Alice sup pii-ed, having licit i el a little hahy lief Sic looked lir-l at Aunt Maggie's lnhy and lie 'i :n her own pink and while Ilea- , .-i ni -niiled i onl"nleilly. .1 it -1 then the hiliy screwed its facr into all -oils of hu i-i s : i . i I gaped. Alici 's eyes tlanred with joy as she t X"!iiiiui-d : ' in iiuliia, Aunt M iddio's hiihy opes its mouth ! " At the same in. ui"ti I hiliy epem d a piiirofLi; I'lnvti rvis. Thru A lire 'n nst-iiiishinent knew no liiunds and she ci ied nut: "Oh, Aunl .Maddic's lnhy opes its cits, it opts its eyes!'' and lean ing in cr, she I aid tier doll on the lied, saiing: "litre. Aunl Madilie, ymi may have my halu and 1 will take your ! ' YnUtli'n Vompiiiiiiin. A new lure pin is mi ctuerti'd frog w.tii Uiamoad cvci. A NOTED COURT. lispons'np; Justice at Fort Smith, in Arkansas. Fifteon Hundrod Criminals Tried Every Year. The I iiited Stalls Iti-triit Court at I'm" Smith, Ails., is one of the mo-t ti..!id in the world, chiefly In cause of lie- 1,-ugo itninlier of i t iininal rasr that stain il- . 1., 1 ki ts. Not Ic-s thin l-VH 1 rlminals are lirmight liefore il for trial ew i v year, nml an avi r:ige of lifly of lie 111 are oliargii! widi innr ler. .lu Ige I'.nker, who hii.s ple-iilcd over 111'' court f 11 liltren yens ha; dining that time di-p.. e. i f s 17 imir."r ca-is. lie has pioin inu ed th" dr. ith seiiti m i' on lou emivioti il niuidi iets, 71 ol whom weie l i'.iitiid ju t mil-ide h s ciiuit room, the others licing panlmieil l.y the I'li'sid-nt j if lenivicg e nmiutatioii of ""no. pn mi-, s to 1 c an liiiieii.dly la-ge I minilir of hangings (hi- yer. 'I'lute are now in the I'V li ial pri- ui 17 oners iiwailing trial for murder llls- 11ml deputies are on tin ir way dure with (if i lien nr ( weity mme. Thecoiiii h is iilmost cm lu-ive juris (:ii timi nvei die In. Ii iii I'i r ilory, and i the only letror that die despeiadoes of that (time inlestnl couiilry know. Take it away audi linn- would r'I'l liimp.'iut. As it is, f.iitv ui' mi t I denutv iiiii -litis ate kept lui-y the year rmi'id m iking sir I test-, and Iht lilt grinds without j ce-s;itio!i fioui nne yell's 1 11 I lotli other. The do In t is never ( leired. I One term iiiii- into the next, mid ses j sions :tie olti n held until midnight. , Tin re are no v.u al imi-. M 'si of the' I I i ll - ai i- for ( litn.ii il oltear 's ranging ; , all the way limn -illing li.pi-u I" mill' III r, ami (lie pimi-hiin nt i- severe. For tin rely Inking a luillle of will-key into j the Tiiiitorj lien ale -cut to pii-ui for I thnr in 1 ( 1 1 -. A In r e thief generally git- ten ini. iii th" peiiiliu iiirv. and ; hanging i-aim -! inv.irial.lv the verdict ' in the 1 i-e of a emiht'il niurdi ri I. ! .Iii' I of I'.'irkiT, pii-..iial.y a p'.c.i-aiil ami genii! geiil lemaii, and iml lit all the -til 11 iiia;i-tt;ile one tuijli' ! CXpeil, Sills Mill .'Mle pllll i-l I IIH 11 1 i-1 iili-olulcly ticci -.iiry in older to ho'd (In 1 t crimin iN nf the Iml'.in country in cliei k, ; and as mi many c-capc Ihrmigh lack of I I'videiiee, hu alino-t in al iiihl y, in in-e nf colli irt imi, prniio luce- the ixlrrtuc -e'ltciire iillowr I hy law. Al ihe tine he w i- is-igned to the mutt muidrrs in ! (he Territory averaged neaily otic a day, j iml in ordi r to rlu rk tin m h I'I gill i his lii-t term hy prnnounci'ig the i -ciitcnec on rverv roiivirtrd mur (hat caim' h fme li'iu. A' th" clo the VI ill' hi' ll id -elitellcc I la im tl t th I '"' 1 hanged, and h ad -cut alioul '.'on ,,f them to the penitentiary, many ol tlein for lite. The il' -pi-i i 1 u's liecaine terror -liicken. and some i. f ihem, lalherlhan i'. ine I t-f him I t ti ll, killed them selve.. Th. room in which Judge I'.uker hold- li - t.uiit i- h ciilc I in the li.iir.u ks of old l-'ort Smi h, which was ali.in ,oiird as a miii :i y po-t in ls7.f The foil ha I ijii.t.- ;i lii-C'iy. It was c-tali-llslnd in s i, :ind wa; die scene of nu- incroi s thrill o" cngiigi neiits with In- ilial!-. Al die l eginning of the late w:ir the Kedct.il troops weie driven out hy ti c Confi th rat. s, Imt the fort wa recapture! in lsi'''J, ami was hell until finally rvncintcil hj tie lioxcrnment la years ag.i. The '.irrack-, or Court llou-e a it is now ri lied, is siirt'oiinde l hy a high -ioiie wall, now in a state of decay, Imt the hilleied porthole- tell ! the story of ninny hard fought hattles. Th.. wcsiern Willi inns uliiio-t up to the i hoiindiiry line of the Indian Territory. i-itil one i an st mid cp m it i-ml throw a j -'one into the na i ni of eider 1 Ile Clme taw or t In r.'ki c tnl.e. Adjoining tie 'court lou,-e i- tic Federal pii-mi, a ' mas-ive strut tu f l'iv .cut 1 ir ui thai is nt all times crowded to oVlltl'lling wit (dm inal-. It now ton'ains I si! pii-meis, fine of whmu are aiming die nio-t I to tet de-pi i.nl ne- of the I'l lem i mm trv. M i l d tie in lie while., the aver age heing sell n while, and two negroes t i one Indian. Tin- is partly accminl rd for I'V the fin I Iiml an Indian who i cmnmils a t a i.ue ag.ain-t another Indian is 1 1 n il 1. f ii' a i mi 1 1 in his ow a t ni l I In, t! i 1'nilel St ite- Court lu re o ily ! Irii ing jurisdiction our Indians who , commit t line- again ! white men or I in arm'-. .Im Igi Fill kcr says, however, that tie Indians me generally pretty j good cili.n-. and ilium ill Indian Tit i litmv weiiM I. i iinp:ir.it ivt lv unknown ; if the white renegade- wnr driven mil. Willing ti Ohlige Her. Slie (I'liiliusiiis iciillj i "All, limx nice it must lie to Le f.uu in-! Ilmv 1 wish I I r.aii a " uue. lie (I a hfullv) - ' Aw - cr what would vmi 'ay to niiue.''" -ihuv A Wot. Ir nii ally State I. Hlaiksiutlhs forge and s'.vcl every dny. Tiie First Wmiili'ii ( lock. T.. A. Feint, in tiie Allegan, Midi., ! J.iurii'il, says; Ahont the year M't,! then, lived a sort of indolent, tin iftlc-s, j utiproini-ing young man hy the name nl j I'.li Terry. His liirt'ip'aoc win the -air.e J .1-mine, 1 'I 111 uiili, Cl. II" sought tl;r ' h ind a-id lie li t of a Mi- Wal ter, was J Mlterly oppose I l.y In r friends mi ac j count of In- inaliPi'y to supp irt her. i ! Misi Winner was either a si-ti r or a I cousin of tin- late .Mr-. Friend Ives, an I old le-ideiit of llii'i P.ains, ami gland j mother of Leon ami Fred Chiclie-ter. ' , Ti e W'iirm r. weie solid old riuilan i ! slock 11ml de-pi-cd lnim-s, hut, not j with-t. Hiding all opposilion, (hey were I mariied, S"t up lioiisi keeping, and soor, , j destitution and want wis aln ut all lint ! s,,(,nil vKi,,,. f,. fnlur lav-. Lii had no vi-ili'e means of sunpmt, ! ! Imi spent hi- time sitt ng on a stmup or ihlic, whilllin ; 1 lit a ci'i le he struck w it h an old 1 oinna-s or saw ing nlT hits nf wiin , f.iin S(iInt, ,)(..(. .,.,., . ,!, ' ,,v ,,,.,. ,).V ,U , .p,. !md ,.,.,! hni. imi wa- that he ws cray. Waul pii -ed so hard in the hmni thai th" w ile, ly. urgent entreaty "f lu r . friends, had ah ml made up her 111 iml to r(,nin, , :,-r pari nt-' hmne, w h.n the: fruits of Lii whittling a'i'1 sawing ma terialied in the lir t wooden dock nil' made in America, and. I lulieve, in any eoiintrv. ll was readily sold loa neigh Imr for :i and paid for in pick, limit', pol, line-, other fiiin I v in ces. itie-, iiml ti lillle mmiev, with which le lioiight tools to facilitate his work in fiuthi t ! prosecution of cock niaki'i':- A ti it lur i ami another w.e. made thai sold readily as soon a- ( omplcte l. 'I he fool lathe and sin ill ciri ular -iws weie aided, then men hit' employed, cl cks tnme leidily m id" anil ag t ly -might after, mid I'll 'I ci i v liegan to a mutilate. In the uicaiitime hu hiid m.a.l.- upnlii atimt for h i rr- p ili nt upon his i Im k, iiml ill out lo'.' or li'o Imtil a stn.ill simp and rominem rd improving mi his dm k and i oii-liin tjon of machinery and tools and tin-foundation fur a ia-l fortune was made which tuati riali "d in alter yen-. N itw ith-tanding hi- unlioiuided In ne voletiee. In- In ramei cry rii fi. He died al.mil IM.'i. at t le mil allied age of S. je.irs, I cloved I'll' I le-piltnl hj ad who km w him, h.n ing a large tamih of grown up liojs and a iiutiiliri of grandsons, all very wc.alllij, and all liv ing al Tanyville, ('(., controlling neat Ij all the wealth of the pl .c-whiih w:ts inve-tcd in huge maunfai Im ic - fir clocks and locks. It is wmthv of not" , ,, -111V j ,.,', j ad all their interest- ami in v. region tinent- l.'.ve seiltelel ol' oolie I 111 1 1 otlll'l' ll.ll.li Where ( mi Hells Ait MiiiIp. ( o!lin-ville, III., is a great place fo ciitl'c In lis. That i ow. hells are mad t glow urprise r elspw lit re, ., luit tin ti the I nit . .I devote I to -reins t. lite four Stairs vi p-.opl -tiililishuients i ir'.i are cxi !u-ii inin tit iirt in.- of that ic-omint article, and I wo of these iii c in Col I in -i i lie. Hue handled and fifty doon are turned nut daily, ami thousands of tli. m dangle from 'he in . ks of unfoitiitiiile cows all over tie piaiii.sif North and South America. Tin lnauulai I il f cow -hells i, cut inly di tim t Loin that of oiler f j ., ,- , , ,-,, I I'ting moulded, the o -heel-, i nt into -j iii- lllrlritill pnljgo'is, whith, when folded, ate pre--od into tluii mil known form. Having lien livcted, they lire next packed in clay and luoughl to a white hr.lt. When suddenly lo 'led these steel hells lire found to I e no' only tempered, hilt al-o lii iiiili il' ly In . .' d. '. i"h.n 1,7". tl,,,.,!,',. j - m ; Tleincnilons Oppiii lunities for Theft "It is leinai kiil-le. Xeiv Vmk hank ntli. aid a well known I the other .lav to a Cincinnati .'.' t m tcspmnh nt, what -tnall s.ilarii ; are piid lo mi n in tru-tcd with the tlallv handhng of va-t sinus of money. Take the i a-liieis, the tidier ; and the Iniokkei pi is in inn lug linaln i-il institution-. Tin ir salaries are i oinpaiiitii c'v small, while their rc-pmi--lliilitir- .in immense. I know n presi are on- i -i tin- He dent of a h ulk Hole i olllp any city who r.t.'ivos ifin.nuii a hand Irs at Iri-t omlhoii-iml tunes that an, mint of set anil ies every j car. and his oppi itunities fm th. lt an' 1 1 1 t ii . n I 1 1 -. His p,.-it imi c nipels him !' live high, ami vet lie ha- 1 1 1 1 . inioine mil-ide of his sal, iij. A i a-h'er of me' of onr h'llil-s te-tilitd at the l. ll Iiiul the other day to hiiii lliug u ilimiled lull-, nml vol In- - il.u . i - I ih in To I'', ll is a wonder to me that tin i - are not mole di fait atlons." A I'ugiiiicinus Hank. A l'ig hawk tl i-lied down inti the yard of a c 'lore I in in near Amcricm, (la., nml gr.ililied a chit ken. Tin old hen interfered, and the two had a tierce light. A daughter of the house run out tticiipture the hawk, ami il turned up ui her, tore her h inds and fac s.-vcr -ly with its talons, an 1 then went nlT with the chicken, an I nto it within 1 yards of the hou'sg. The Hose hy 1l Bi. The roses iind tie clover Are very s-wnet nml fair. Ami I love the fragrant odors They l.ieatlieiiion Ihe nir; l'.ut swis-ter KiLmeil tin' lilos'jmsi J(.-iile the meadow run, The time that you werii twenty And I was Iweuty-oin'. How fondly I I lellllier The tine we eiill.il them tlier", And iieit li die shady iiciil"si I wove them in your linir; Ilmv lliei " ill hits- we tarrie I I'ntil the si t "f sun. Th" tun- that yii were twenty And I was twenty-ouc. Il may hnv- hem tie flowers, 1'. l imps a look from tli'-. That linle lie w-. i-i"r softly Il-iw ileal- tin ui weri to ui"i I never stopKi to ipiestimi, I only kmov 'nuc-dnno. Tletune that y 11 were twenty And I was twenty oil" We've had oar siuumi-i'. darliiiK. The lie'.-of lile lll'e I H W 11, W e've tniveleil up III" lllll-ido. We ie mi our j'lurney ilmvn. Vet oft I wake from dreaiiiiiiK Those day- have ju-l hegiin -That von again are twenty Ami I mo I went j on... Wli n hi" and I'.M' nl.' ov.-r. And I inn laid nl re-!. I Ii e smiic one will gather And pl.e'e npi.ii my Lrea-t Sieli t..w'i siis ii i d to l.los-oni i;---i.- tie miinlow run. The tine that ymi were twenty A lid I w a- I went v one. Veml'lle. Ill 'MOHOl'S. Wold- of i heer: lluriah' Tlgci ! I. iw vers liny ! Is; dny wrile lots of vctsu-." The ha' maker is not noted for ir. tln tir i .1 -I.-. I -in le is an artist in till ing. line rea- in wiiv people always talk aiimit tie wi-ader iv li.'iau-e it "'t talk hark. inin. the liojs a diance," snys a trade journal. .Non-i iim': the hoys take ton many chatir a s now . ll i- not .pe er dial w hen a ljmhr maker propose- he livrls the attcnti.ei of the girl, ami she screw-- up her coiu a ee w In n she says i No. A niiiti p. its $."ii""' in die hands of n Willi st ri cl I't okcr, " ilh instruct inns to invest tie -aine in wheal. How much .lot s he lose Ly tie t lali-acl ion ( Alls., fmlM'll. 'I he sadde-! words lire often tim sweetest," linn mill ed I Minor. "The lover's good night , fol instance." "Yes," lighcd Mi-s Weary, "I always like to hear ymi say it." There is something in n name. Hip Duke of Newcastle, of horough mon gernig celelirily, was once asked for a day's ti-hing hy a newly arrived c!eigy man. The n ply was: "The Duke of Newi iistl-can iml comply with Mr. No.i 's re.piest. 1'. S. Finding Mr. Nose's name is Ko-e, he is pleased to grant his ri iplcst. At ii I'iini'ius New nrk Itpstaiirinit. A lady was taking liinehenn with her daughters at a famous le-taiirant in the cilv. Ih r t hit k amounted to some thing le - than $5. She handed the waiter a lil! ami he lirmight lur i hnnge f..r.Y She dedaied that the I ill she hild gii i ti as a tMrnly. She was a my i l .ii:'! ictinrd woman, nml her In lief ali.nil the amount of money slm had given (o (he waiter was evidently holiest. Hut the waiter at ried that she was mistaken. He went to the desk ami ( iiipiired. The answer eaine hack nml it was a a hill. The lady put. up lu r pi:r-e iiml was pn piiing to leave. The In ad w lit. r aske I her to step to the i a-hit i's di-. I'iic jming man then asked lu r if -he was .plite positive slip had s: nl up lo li'iu. She replied that she h it -urc of it, lm iiu-e she had a twenty iiml a fur in lu r purse when -he came in, and the twenty was gone. Without any more words the cashier .minted mil lie- change for $'.' and pa- e l il to the lady. 'Ihe I irt is that tin' Inly was tnislak- rn. l'.ut this pailii iihii r.stiiuratit li laiiH the good w ill of the wealthiest p opln l. the iitmo-t t o ilidence in their inleg- uH. They te lily mi-takes whin they know (licmi-iake is not their ow n r ider than hiiie lln ii h'st cu-touicrs t ll. ti ltd. Tiny will even Must a stranger for nil exliiiv.ig.int dinner and lake his vi-iting card '...r set in ,t . 'I'm-sy-tt in i- really pri'liialiir in the Imig run. Thej t :innot. lie i heated t w ire, a id the friends thai tin j iiiake In their lihe ral methods out weigh a hlllidted fold the net lisinnal losses t In-x sii-t.un Irmn trusting tli-lmn c-t people. Tin' lady mentioned could i pioliiililv not have secured her money lis j -he did in a iy other place in New York. ; Hut -he had all the appearance of sin I ((lily, and the go' d will of an inlluen j t.iiil woman like lu r neant umlmilitedly ! n large piotit in (he end. Had she heen I refused she would never have patronized i I he place again. She told a hundred people of lu r generous treatment there. It is easy enough to sop that in certain circ Irs this maimer nf doing l)iii tic -s is a very wiso otic, A'ttf Yrrk bun,