(2T!)c ljat()am ttccorfr. &l)r tfljatljam ttccorb. II. V. J-OINlJOIS, KJUTUK AND lTvOPlilKTUK. RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One rnuare, one insertion One square, two insert iotis""- $1.00 1.50 ?,6l i One. Kijuarc, out; lu-nitli - ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. I For iHTger H-ivcrti-enicDts liberal con I tracts will be mink'. l'HTSli() CHATHAM CO., X. C, MAY i, IHSii. XO. 'Ml VOL. XI. Urom A Kim at the Ibmr. v were hiuinliiLC in tli" 'l""i i, My litt'c wife nm! I; Tli" H"! f''ii s in i.'ii her lni'r Fll d wn s :.ili tilly ; A small " hit- :an 1 t j t my nnii What . nild I n-k r..r in' mm '1 In ii the Liinlly j.-Wi i I l"vui ; A- she kl--r 1 III'" lit II c il' i'l I 1; 11 in' she s w lilt ll'l ll'T Ie -II i Tin' one wiiii s mi.l- l'i--i lo. Ami the yi iiti. have I ' en mi .y Nhi'f Ii: -I I e.ille I lor l.i i l": W.'ve loot mp mii' li ' I li.ii'i'iii' i( Sill''!' we met ill M ill- li' h'le. lint Ih huppi t tun of nil wn Sll- l.i--e II' tll-il-ml'. Who ciin- I' l H.nllh or Inn I -i , I'ul llOlle i III itellle- - I on. I ' II line- lint -,h the Ii ipptn- . ( M ju-l oil" III ! i.oiir Willi on.- lio loM-, im" n Ie r I'l" S'l" s'i - Ie- .Xo- Ml" III -I'e -All'l I III' II, lit -lie ill'l He- HI 'I 'II'1 le u In I,,- e. I'l" .'it tl." .1 .or. ' t inn. . il ii- tleit ii I Hi- v. With nil il.- -.'tli .1 ,;..l.. .i I ' I- v. ri -in ill ninl . -.I- in I - 'I. ('..in;. ii'."l with wh-it I In I'l; A ll. I ll n tli" el 'iel- I nn i j;i n I only Ihml, 1 1 nine I l oil W I'.. vv nil - the e ; - To l.i-- I'l n' i!i il.. ii. 'ii k It . Ii ll:- ll-.i - Ll! n o '".l -e:ilt ... Ili '11 ll' I In l l. I kilo"' -'ie II loM' III" jll-. tlie III., A- t' 1' III"! Illll;; Wi' Wee He , l ilt if III" lllllleb i llll lief. All.l -III 1 to ll lell I. 'I' I v I : hn'l l-.n-.w I er w h"'l I 111 -t I"'. , h 1 .' e ll l,i- at he il Aint Ahintha's Mdiu'y, -ii 1, 11 . -I alt be Al i.illia." Thai wa u t i'. ii u:-. he-, ;u Willi Aunt ii 1 ln lining . hil 11 1- l"'i 11 :;iil-. we .1. piete I .1. 1 in w it h hirli, iii o n III-, m mill. 1 1 iml'l t l;'i .1 !n .an in lull' nun - i li:t n- A mil A 'ant ha a au 1 :res-, . at III ' a 11'h ol iltle "!rl (i n il n - 1 hiMrn. 1 r-iie oii'in in:; the b n-- .1 .,! .1 S vea I." ll'li- I. liool 'I 1 "in in" the plain lm pi limp An 1 11 ' mil H we w re ;M 11 nv. 1 ;; i t -1 -riou-lv i..t" I he up li'l w.' inv ,l,f' t. "I r.-iH.' th I imsell a soil W. o.l, ft. ,t , -niil p ip 1, w ho ,va i ivvn up I'nlie ill tlie t the foirl-s oiiuht to 11 I 1 A mil A 1 1 it'1.1. ii h, th- r '- no h i " Ii lie in ilie - polls." If -he nil, . It- (lis -o ' -Ii. ml In'l j "Dei'tlilk -o .lien.ltuPv. Ilirohl," j 11. 1 m iiiim 1. "W.- aie not .l'-iuiiino ' folllllle llMllt.-l-s. II ,t a ll lp!e-s, leelile 1. hi lil'ly, .-Hi il a- Aunt Al n'li.i Is, ami livill"; all iihuie by hei .ell', it woulil Ie illy be in a-l n ('111-liii rhifityfol , lie of IliT olall'l lliei to - lay with her." Tliele wi le four of ll', ami lint one was wiili'i r to volunteer I if the i-it to Alnnlhn- I. "I".''. "Vmi aie iimi lil y -ml 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1. "A-iy one uf yo'i ...1 .-lit o lie w illaio I o -ii rilie.' your own pie hi'ln . tor the 00 ..I of 1 lie family 111 I of Aunt Al.inlha." liu f Oil IIHl-l "'I, , -am pip l.'litia, th rv-rylhin i-trnily, "l."l's ih.iw l"t sai el le.-l. Ami the h t fell oil lm ll ippellril to me. "I won't on," sanl I Inn into tears. "iih, but yo i mu-t," -iii'l I.e il ia. 'You've drawn the shortest -tip of piper,'.' said Amain I, triumphantly. 'I don't see (hat you ran help your self,"' dbseive I .luilii ial .Marian. ")ou't b" -illy, rhild," sild papa. Your Aunt Alatilha is a very worthy woman. A little ec -nitric, pn 1 ap , I 11 that is iu'te allowable iii a pri-.m of lo r iif,'e." "And, Kale," said .Maiiitua, "you mu-t 1"' sine and jnt leave your thinos lyiiii; iir m id. Ne itnes is one ol' Aunt Aaiutlm's strono points. And don't nin'4 and jump nboii' the hoil-e us you do he;e. Your Aunt Alatilha is a ipiiet pei-oii. Try and ph ase her in every re-i-pcct.'' Thus, 111 spite of my reni'in-tiaiice 1, I wn. sent oil' to Al Within I, 'doe nil the t' lire of the Adii.uidai k ivnmb. It w:. a bleak tlclob r evening when the lm klionnl w.io.ui xx lib ll contni ieil me and my tiuak s'.'ppe.l before the old lioliso of ili-e.inred bric'i. The skies were leaden dar'i, except where il belt of dull crini-011 tl itii-'d nb ml Ilie siins't line. The pine treci i-eeiue I to keep up a perpelu.'il iiioanino, and when the tlti ver drew up his j eled hni-c, a id -aid, "Thii 'ele's Alanlhiis l.odm', mis," 1 xvas ready to e:y out, "lloti't stop, don't stop! Take me back to the boat itoa.n! I can't stay here! " Hut 1 remeinbeieil myself ill tun", (Hid s'eppeil primly out, ju-t as u short, -tnut eld In ly ram i t. the duor with a shawl over her he id. Oh," said she, "it's my niece from the city, is it.' Kathir.ne Kyle.'" "Yes, please, Au it Alantha." said I. "Or rather my p,ranil niece," she cor rccteil herself, oiviiur me 11 little wood pecker tup of 11 k i-s on my hce';-b.ne. "You me very like your m 'ther, child. She was a pretty gill before sho 111 11 lied t lut t nit is', i.ud spoikj all Ler good looks counting over wtisli-li-ilH and lura-ni ing out snap mi. I candles to tin- kitchen. Collie ill! 1 didn't invite j you, but I'm very glad to .-re you, never- lllth'-S." j Aunt Alnntha'-s tting i"..m w is vciy sllllg, willi il- "link n l impel, its liu of 1 I ill'' lo!-. mill the dei'l hoilll'l li'etihiil nut ill tin' I il'.; like one ol I I. ui'l-i it's pii lines. i "I'vt g' l Sum lm," said -he, untitling J tnwnid the Die. ",-ince 1 wn lobheil the In-! lime. I'inlii ..I- is n g. ml fellow iwilh n glance toward the kitchen, where a I'letn h Canadian l l'l wn-ionk llii; something (lint snielleil exceedingly goml over the stow I, "hut he sh e) s like a big. liu' S I'll ho harks at the Very Ie i-l alarm.'' "Why, Aunt Alantha, lnvv tn.i tv tillle- have you li"en robin il :" i - j n 1 I. "TIii-ii," nsi-wi reil An it Alnnlha, cxiillingly. "Kut they not nothing hut .-.mc plated i-p i.i;i- iilnl ll lot of Con led rate tin. in y flint 1 was i: iin lt t " lie ninl mi p i -lelio.iiil for a i in iosity. '' e h:nl n ib lie-ill -Upper of gillie, eo.ik-il a 1. 1 H"!iui.nii .1, t olTte ami h"t w.illl-s. Sam lm ha I the wil'l till key lioiie-, an. I 1'imiei.is ale hi- -hare in the ki'i hen, -ipi itl' il mi the he n t Ii. "Ainl Al.inlha.'' sai I 1, "have you no women about 1 1 hull '" ' La, tin, ciiil'l !" -ni'l Aunt Alniitl.a. "Whit ilo I want of uniiieii.' I hale women! I'lnne.'i- i- woilli time women anytime. Ami S on ho cmi 'I' eveiy tliini; but talk." I. ilen- it wis Au it Altn: ha took n Iniitii i an. I -hnwi 'l me ovei the h"U-e, e-p.-eially poinliiiL: out the v.ui iu- 'I" u -w here i h. iin ami bull- wefr -n runner: . eil with loin! -.1 141111-th iii any taiiiprrin wi'h the I... vvoiihl he -live to 1 . . 1 1 1 1 - en 1 plo.loll .No lain but'aiies lm ill".' ,-nl'l Aunt Aiaiiiln, 1 hu.-kiiin,'. "IM like to -ee e 111 try it now . They 've "l :n nli'i that I'm v.-i , rich. Si I am in cutis, an 1 chain- ami w ires." There were nl-o curio-iti. s i. ail s. rl-lllu-ses, bll.l-' lie-!-, calefllily l.ll'i lle'l e.io'ieal spei it is, raltle-nake skins. aii'l a ra-e ..f hi'leom .-lulfe.! binl-.lonk iiiL! about as initi h like lixc ones, a- a compeion mule up uf p.u.lns ami 10-IIH'lic- le-elnlile, ,1 nxtiell Jell' ol.l ".hi'-- peai h pink rl ks. 'T b li ve I've out an example of every -null b in I in lli-e wo.,1-, -ni'l Ana! Al.inlha, icw iter t It. 111 with her head mi one -ide. "Such n 1 -11. 1 imi a this i- nearly p:iee.. s. i..u'l mcutimi il, Kalli liue, but 1 think -riimi-ly of leivillo lllis rnlleelinn to Mill-' III illlel ill tin will. It "i::;hl n -vi-r I 00 mil of the f . 1 1 1 1 i I x . I looked at the 1 !- in .l -ni iv. It w i- full a y ml loii:r, by four bet hii;h an atrocity of -tailed won.!, with a hid en i, tr. e b ill ;h -pt I" I' d ill il- iclllle, like an 01 tnpii-, and bud pe.r'ii'il about it in all soil - of imp - - i S I, atliiu I -. Ni vi r, in all my life, had I -een nny ihill'.J -o lijy. The 101 III - Wile -mill, bill Will fill-llt-lled, nllel .1 w ilil.llllei H ill'illi ill- I i ll ion, and I was r lie. e l I 1 liad tint the apailm nt 1 was destined in n-rup. ..p. nr. I out of my Aunt A I. l it li t'- iih 11 llli I Illll. ".t i-an awfully lonely -pot," -aid I, " 'lillli'lll lit at the wild t .ii ol the inoiiiitain-, and tin the ni-hl w ind. "I li'-.e li.m ly pi. w Is iiN.IV iii: ill iid Aunt. Al- aiitha. "Aunt Alantha!" I he-it it "Well .'" - ii I my .1 int in harp way. "I do Imp ," slid I, 1. voie 1 to a whi-p-i, "I'lat any inouey in the li-ni-e." "All I've e;.,t in the world hou-e," -aid Aunt Alantha, In r short, w ei inn mv vmi haven't il ill tliis puiliiio a 1- other to; of niie-s fringed won! in the air tiglit -love, xv 1 1 1 1 -1 1 riealed a summer atmo-phere tliroii"h tin' room, m n-'eu-ed by the tea ke'tle that saicj; 011 I he top. "Oh, Aunt Alantha! And the bur "lars!" "l!iiie.l.ns," sai 1 my aunt, "lako Vm all in nil, are no wm-n than saiii''s banks that tly to pieces, ami ca-hieis that defalcate. l!i-ides, they've ruin, ina-cd the preiu'ses thnc I inies al re idy In no effect. I don't I clieve they'll try ii";aiu. My money, Kathci iue " ' llli, don't tell me where you keep it!" said I, puitino my linoers tn my ears. I won! I'l know for tlie world," "I w.i-u't n'n i to tell you,'' said Aunt .Manilla. "I was m-tely ejoiii"; to remark that it wa- ipiite safe." In the middle of the night I waked up. A masked 111 ill wai standing over me. "Ilon't be iilai'iiied, in: ," slid he. "It ain't our timle In hurl wem n nor (hddri'ii. .Ins you kcppiict. I:'s my duly to gag "u, and to tie your feet mid hand-. but '. ain I going to hint you. Your "T.uidaia, she's sub mitted ipl (' p at e ab!e, like 11 sensible old lady. The Kreiich boy, he foiisiht e m-idi rab!e, and we had to knock the dog oil ihc 1 en I. All we want is the privilegn of go.u,' p,' I' eubl J' through the Uou-o," There we l:iy. Aunt Alantha aii'l I, trembling nil ovei , un:ib!e even to speak to I'll II otlier, while the II 1 1 1 til I tle.l I mi'l di-gH Dir. - of th" villians win li-rl o , .m,, us .'.oumbd all over th him for two ni'itlal hours. Al th" end of thai lime all was -t II. , and prr-i iilly pout 1'iain ii rami- rinwl ino up -tails, vi rv - ilT and l in e. "X y rill I 'p' -,' -aid lie, "an' ey 1111. y come in by e bi:; window. I seen i 111. .Madame an 1111 nm-i lie hull! I will t ut i old-vi try ran fill I in ly w ail." "I thoiiyhl that win low was too Iii li for any one to rc.i' h," said Aunt Alan tha, the moment her 11 th was sit lib-l ty. I'lniicii. sniad out both his hands ' Z .liable, " sai I lie, "c 111 conn! in H heii'ver '-re i- a 1 tin i sn liie; a- a 1 hip iniink's Ii 111 !" Siiie'in lay stntihr l dead on tin hearth. The (ins wele out ; it ha 1 rmui very cold. There's one comfort," said Aunt .Manilla, nlth .u-h her teeth 1 haltered -o lh.it she mill. I hardly dii'ik the cilnip lea thai faithlul K1.1111 11s had brewed in a tin citii-lcr. "Th" 1 isi a!s didn't "i t mivlhiii"; for tin it- piin-!" "I low do you know.'" said I. 'I know a v iri'-t i'of thin:;-, " 1 aid Aunt .Manilla, cuitly. We :tv the alai 111 as so.ui a- pos-i b!e, but in tlio e w ildi 1111 si s it wn abiut as print 1 a'lle to tr.n k a band ol lull! ins as lo follow th - l! vht of the Wild :..eisewh" ll -W -111 ilk ill'4 oV'.T our h.-ad. low. ml the South. All ef loit were vain I" tiaoe their wlutia b ut-. "Auiil A'antha," -aid I, "you mil l 00 Lark In Albany with me. It i-. not -ale for yml to live -1. " "Ixatliei iue," -iid Auiil Alatilha, 'I -hall tievei leave liu- h"Uo' alive. Il is my lionii', and Intel mean to stay." She -poke the till-ll. Tlie rhill nil. I the -lux k , added to the inlitmilies of a ;e, I foii jlit on an atl.-u k of pin ii ill. mi 1, wliidi 1 allied her oil ill time days. I'api . ind mamina ha-ti ned to attend the finn ial. A laiijer from Ti"V i.-ini" pi epitio and pi in ; nii'iind with a steady in-i-lenrc which reiiiindeil iue i.iiiiiewhal of the bin ".hil-., "'I here i- 1 w ill,'' alii he, "le-nin every 'liin-j to her nieie llinily. the wife of ii 1 I'.i Ky Ic " ''I'h'-n our fortune i- in eh !" iiii I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 I . "I'liit, app.ircnlly, thc:i i- ie .1 liinv; tn leave iu ihi-hoii-e, two hundred acres nf 111-.11111.1 in land, and I In -e few -licks "'I h' 11," -iuhe'l I'ipl. "we an- n- piin n- cm 1. In r mom y in nii -ay, 1 Ipi I ii w - In 11 abo Slle 1 1 1 1 1 I III pi 1 ill. 1' imi .. spun What nine There Mull and live" "No, ti". im !" w e nil "Vi i. wi II," said pa the In a I: at d ( . "To i ll c el ll'lio 111 I Ie III 1 In'l II- 1. "Mamina i -he ih, id.-:" nn lion," sail 111 niiii'a, for whit it will b: ing; and to h au ihi- ul pi ice." Hut il was not until we had com pleicl all the bunties-i foini-, and were cliiiibiie.! into the wagon that wa- to lake 11- to the Lake I hainplniu I unt, thai Marian utleied aery of sin pi i-e. "Whit is that hideous thiiiii they are puttiii" nil" the Im k of the wagon?" said -hy. " The ca-e of slulb- 1 bil l-, a- I live!" -aid l.elitia. "It in it t be a mi-take." "I bid il ill inv-rlf, at the auction," confessed I, hnii 'iti ' down my head. "It was only tluee dollars. And Aunt Alantha sai I she meant mamma to have it." "Men v ! ' 11 ie 1 mamma, "I wouldn't give It. hi ciconi lo such an atroi ity." "Hill mayn't I kiep it myself;'' I pleaded. "Aunt A'aitha thoiihl so much of it. " "Let ilie child have her way," said pa p.. So that An il .Manilla's rase of stuffed bird, was dually -i t up in my 100111 at home, whi le it was tui-peakablv hideous, and nearly gave me the nightmare, until I o,,t ipiite used to it. In Ilie spring, when we cleaned hou-e, the maid lliiu-l her broom-handle throUi;h one of I lie pane 1 if glass, nnd kiioik-d a mangy-looking yellow ham mer off its p"ivh. I picke I it up. "I'uor thi 1:; ! " s iid I, "I'.'h coming all lo pieces." "I guess, miss," .said budget, "(l,e motluhave got at 'cm, worse luck." "How heavy it is!" cricl I. "Ilra rious me, Hr' Iget." "Anah. uti-s. I s full of motley it is!" shti.kel I'.iidget. "It's stuffed wil link hill-, wid a golden coin in the uiidsht ot it." Soil was. Lvcry bird from the wee chlpp'c up to the solemn and puffy, bliie pliiiued woodpe kei, were so many iinpioinp u bag 1 f gold and notes. In Aunt .Manilla's sy (rift, she had disposed of her money where nn earthly e: ton could t x cct to lind it, and xvv haxl Kcviwvl our iuhvrilaii'.'o nt 1 ist, "And it is all little Kale'- dniiio.' -aid p: pi. "If he 1 11 in't h. 11 'hi il the . use of -tuir.'.l bir I- al tin. .h lln - w.i-u'l thai th' .-ll'li, d en: hi 'I .' -where should w all have b en'" 1 If 1 0111-e the tliinu; oot int . tin n w - pa ipels, a- slle'i llllll- :.iwa- no. lo -tide 1 "Stinti"," Ilrrenlri' iiy "f a Si rd' Lady." And. inn i d I. if th.-e I ui"lai--hould have rhnnei d to read i' hui-dnr-1I0 read the papers s..ii"tine - I -u -piei -I wond' r wha' lln-v th"U:lil .'" ...- A.,. The Tests of t eiliin. j t " y I the sunny i-le -"where 1 vi-r j pin pi it pha-esiind man a'oii" is vil-, t ink ibitnl by h ilf a h f.-n dilh I' tit ; iT.es, soii.e of whieli .-Hi hardly be -a d to evince In- e llinil the nciii"e ih "in ) ol II 1 11 111 II m-ilice; but it Would be a '-till j uri .it - -1 mi- nke to Mippo-e Hint the or- I rn -i' ill :l 1 1 i Ie ue-s 1 1 1 Inral lihetl Ullelin lilntrllo the tuii.h'U'eil pi "d Hi I s o that ipinlilied p uadi.e. Its serpent- an imi ci'iilent w ith n-iii"; in the folia-." j f forbidden tree-, but invade tin ba-i.-ina oiilinrd-an I even llieiabin- oil tin- nat ves. 'I he family of glials 1- lepre-cnt. d by nt len-l twenty dilb n iil ; sielc;, tillilur the air of the roa-t ' -w itnp- hi -waiins w hirl), in the w ..t d of a recent explorer, "fall upon iin-i traveler like a shower of hot n-lie-." j The fimt hill- fire ie-s c'oU'lv, but j wii-ule with land leeches and si nrpiou-, ; while I he hie dand- ale haunted by ! leopards tliat will (loiii ll down llal in the fork of ;i toad-Me tree, when- I ley remain motionless for hours, sinnim;1 w ith the forlitud ' of a Texas ti inpeiatiei j editor, tn o. t a "nod ( halice to pmni' i j 011 the in i k nl au unwary rainbh r. Troops of eupeptic monkeys Ini. I the fruit plantation- withal elTroniery ex i 1 .'.Ie I only by the h lidil 1 of the friiuivorini.s bats, that will enter an j open skylight and d. v 'ur the provisions ; silspeiide I over the very head- uf the -leepino Ill-tie-. The plauues of the ; iieinhboriii": inaiiilnnd sometimes appear 1 ill the form of migratory loru-t .inii-, ; and. arcordino lo a dr-palrh of Ih ut' r's . teleoram syndicate, a detachment of the j Salvntioii army has ju-t landed in tin 1 harbor of Tl im ..mnlee. - - ll, In,;' ';. V,.s.,. Ileuill) I'lirt-ini rriiiee. "It is an entirely w ton ; iuipK ion." said ('oiiiinaiider K u kwell nf the I nited Slalc- ve-s-1 Y.anlic to, a New Yolk '"' reporter, "that u .val -tli rs have a feat i IT d'-lik- to pru i-e I t in- pi u c- I where the,- are ordered. Th-V are a I ! way- ready to go to auv put "f the ! world, if ii-ed be. 1 think il may I c I said that the naval "tli. .1 I' the I'nil.d I Stale, ale tint eclip-ed lot bi.iM iy mid loititude by tl of any I'a'ion. Hut sum tun "- we are ord-i' d ! a plan' whcie il t- like g.'ine into the very jaw uf ib I'.-r; an I'r.m ll.ivti, i- .me of I he most ileid'.y plac - in i vi-leiu e. It is the scat of cpidi inn - and levels, but yellow fever has tn lie m t the saint' a.- the em my. il -( c. a belt nf moun tains run- 11. ri b and south on tin- West side a few miles from tin een-l. whiih lu.s several large indent a! imi ; nn this side. There is 11 it a I'll ..ih of fresh air in thi pert. It is the sink for all the di-cases and fevers of 11 tropical climate. The winds (on,- mostly limn th- north cast, and niv Ira Ie wind-, -weeping over the c astern pint of the island, mak ing it a ni' st healthful place. The mountains, however, form a complete harrier, and tin fresh air ever -n'ts to Port au Prince. All the streams pour into the city, which has no sewerage wha'cvci ; and. being x. ry l"v, it is a receptacle of lillh and gn-i -. It is ( - stanlly raining, keeping things a I ways .. j,l l.i l.i ,.i, I, I, in es nl i. cpli: ing but a few- thous ind Yankees in Port au Prim e to build il good system ol sewerage will ever lc-( lie th" black city from its appilling 'h ath rate. Il is not a paradi-e for naval men to go tu, but we never shrink, for all that. Our tiaining has taught n-better." Itahbil Itraiiu f"i' Teeth ing Infanls, 'Th-nut ixes of Aikau-as haxc many unions cil-l"ins and ii-iik d.es fur the ills that man is In ii to that few people out -ide uf the Slate would ever think ot adopting. Among others is their i lief for the painful teething through which every baby has to go. When their children become fretful on account of plo-pei live teeth the parents hie them selves to the wood-, and, if possible, cati h a rabbit alive. If they arc tumble tn (In this tl-.e,--hoot one. and then they remove it br.iiit". Taking a I irge ipiantitv of the brains, still warm with the blond of the animal, tiny put it in a .. . i . i ii. .. i.:. i. ii.. .. ii piece ol ( lieese i unnii nu nu n j rub over th" 1 abie- gutiis. ,,v. 1 sil ly xxotild not appcir tn those wl have not bet-ll educated up to it to be a very ile-iral le method cf bringing relief In the baby, but it is a very effect ivr one, and has never been known to fail, tien erallv six or seven mothcM who ate j Messed with teething infants, Kei tn ! gether ami go thruug'.i in unison. This I is suppnse I tu haslet) the attainment of I thw diginal result. t HI I IHMiN'S HH.t'MN. 1: Tli.-i.. nn- a -. Win. Inv "ii tl Ami I ill. Will!" hi- t'lll 1.1 notl K I I Ml-. Il-I.l.'!:lt" el-.K-.illl". 1 link- of th" liver Nile; e. n tl-h Willi 11 tnl" of n '. 1 nn fa t to tl Ii'-am lielow '1 nm in. uri' 11 ..ml In- III. nn' iin-i j fat.- ( if the !" if lit I" II -h licit I jn-t n-iw at 1(1 1 I K M 11 l.s Ant in t a- inn -. to bii'ii-rllii s in li-inbay. pi"!. 1 t in"; t ll" Ial vie. The -e i 'l t rxi-t- ill the f 11 t that the lan i' ex ude a sweet liipiid of which th" tints are very fmid and wh'ch they nblain by liciillv -li.'kiui; th" ht'le i reatuiei with I licit antenna'. In about a week the butt illy H read,' t" 1111 r-e and Is ten Icily a -i led by th its. If it i stroll"; and lna'tliy it i- allow-d to -pie-el its wines mil tly away; but -hould ll prove i. I,e it" the ants X-r-1 i-e the u'lim-t (iue in n i-tina it to the tne .ni'l lioldino n tin r- in safity. ' v -1 i f ri;oi 1 1 1 imi nm, ; A friea I of ll,.- Siun'-iet- .e-idin; in j the suburb-is the owner f a very hr j and intcllie.nt .New fouiidl ind '1 ''. ! which h- is much attache!. The mher 1 d iy Max (the do"; in .pie.-ti ;" " i companied Iii lui-t-rto a m.-rket, ! " ' iiii-chi-e. we,-- to lie made, i and. of r,,iir-e. -umethiti"; f..r th" do" 1 was included in the hen it ( nmc tu tlie latter invi lineut the purchaser was in p c id with the small return -cciiiL'.l foi his money, and the d "'s glance at the same time -1 a llied to sig nify that a similar iiic'ie.-imi had taken po-se inn it his (auine mini. ill 1 purchaser w a- in -I about to remonstrate w ith the dealer, when, 1 111 nine; suddenly, hi cuueht a "liiup-c of the do-;, who had taken Iii-own ineihol to -it even, and was dart hi", through the door with -oinethiiiL; he had -1 i-d fnuu tin- bench. The dealer did not notice the theft, and the owni r of the do"; thoiioht lie was ju-tilie. in post potiin-; imy n monstrance as to hi- puiiha-e utilil a mole favorable lime. A AM 111.1:11. ! Sir .Inhn l.ubl'i c 11 I i i - a icnurkable j in-t nice of tin- nn -elti-h d-uil iiiii ami j ili-iiilere .i"l kindne-- which gave him ' unmixed -ali-fni lio 1 at Shiih y c innion. i where, for Ilk"' sake of iib.-r, it nil. lu ll id il,-tuib- I a col-iiv "f the -l.i vc mak 1 ing ant. When -onie "f th- I. Ilie pen pie got into d lli iilli- - an I w re I kely tn be inu i. I al.ie I" in iih the I llin- of ! their ilc nl ited lioni", their own ten li t he arlcd companion- were cipiil to the 1 'inergi ncv, and delivered tin 111 fi"tn lln ii impending do m. "Mv attention." aid Sir .Inhn, "wa il it cclcd tn an ant who wa- walking with -leal 1 irne-tiie.. at a -null It Ie in liu- sandy -oil with whii h lln- In -t wa constructed, aid wliiili it wa- living to enlarge. v i-b lit H' with - HI" ibtei milled objei t ill View. 1 W Itched the lilll" 1 l- b 'l ' r leave it . 01 cup it ton to n-: in n a -id piir-il' it willi iei-w-1 vigor: agiin it left ils wotk. and again r I rin-l, nnd ! ihc went into nn :ilji- ct,i hoh and ie app a red alb r a c in-1 ill in v st i : -it ion of the i av ity. "Without I 1 hi bin-;- the iii'lel.atiga blc mil, I can fitl y examined the hole and noticed the leg of an ant moving, : which at otic' unveiled lo me the mvs- Icry cl my 1 it th fi -n ml - pel ;-l cut move ments. "Slartlul p ss blv by my pH-ence, ll ni"V, d axxnv again. I'll' philanthropy oxen oming its timid ly, il s,,n came back and a blni 1 i -elf m it b, nevo- h ut task w .1 h i. d..ubled clingy. It h"", ned the earth above the .piivering llllin. lllin llieu w( ill no e I in 1 1 n 1111.4 fairly extracted the anxious cnpiive. "The liberated ant, ill the glad lies- of il-henit. ran a little way fminits pii-oti, but, being XXc.aliiil in ( oli-riplenre of the painful rhai.it It r of il- nifort i d de tention, it ti-'t'l i!-elf. 'The liberator initiu di.ately la i Inward it, and having a-CdlailK d, doubtless, that the ol jet t of its solicit ude was uninjured, h ft it, the latter continuing its rapid journey fn in the pi it cf it- captivity, whilelhc burner returned to the scene of its recent exploit I.' re-enact a similar act of kind ness. "In the set oiid instant e its difficulties were increased, since, as xxell as the siiprriiii uiiibi nl soil, a small stone rest ed on its unfortunate companion. Noth ing daunted, it went actively at work, ami did not i e a--until its u i remitting efforts wire t row ned with complete suc ( ess. It then dragged ils friend out of liu- um oiufoi table and perilous position, and removing it thus foicibly a few im lies froin ils living grave, and asier- laining that il wa- in nu cxh.au-tnl eon- ' . litinit, lilted it in his mandibles and rauicd it in liiumph tluoiigh the open dour into the inner ieces-es of t he ruined habitat imi. .sii,A,,'i . A Misuse nf Terms. Ilarkeep-r- Look here, you, 1 lay, stop winking that lunch counter. Tramp (reproachfully ) - I ain't work ing; it's a lileicsure. JiKvrli ijun. EXPORTING CATTLE. i The Way Live Stock is Shippcl to Europe-. A Stampede of Steers Durum a Storm at Sea. The i xp'TtitiL' "f hve citll" in an (tiornious bii-ine and h i- steadily I" 1 tl ilieien-in fur -evernl years pa-t. Tlii-inriea-e wi.l be larger duriu"; the j cut year than nt any time befur-. Mo-t of the inttlu are putih.i-ed in ( liicaofi, Kan-a- t 'it v and a f-w in K"ii- I lucky. They ar- sent I". 1-! in r "iilai j (little tiaius mid deliven d to the .-team 1 ships whieh take tlietn on their b'li" iollllley 111 ins- the 111 11:1. Til'' l-A in ttanspiirtalii.il i- unat ntel the -hippi-r- ,'ireoliic;ed to pay fi"m 41" '" I"'1' j li'-ml and mu-t take the r s't of hav ii"; their stock ( :i-t overboard in cn-e of a j d:lllir"ols rale. Ill -l -ll a ( .1 e the cat. I tie are treated the -time a- ordinary ba1 ; T. , .,,,1,. .-,. ii-i.allv pl.e e 1 in p-u- ! H,.,r ,M.k ,lf ,,'. st,..im,.r. im ! ,,,, f,,,. :m. ,,, j,, , ...), ,. j,,J r,,l(.s ,l,,iUl ,l(.ir )ll..1,,s ,,, 11(.v,.Ilt ; tl,,.,,, fr. in injui in- their fellow pi i-.m- ,.rs i;,,, 1, ,1,'ipmetit is a.-.-nmpanied by j ,,,., , ,...,, ,Wety-live cattle and: V(,r ,:,,, ., f(,reinin. The duti. - of! lll'se lliell ilie t J watl ll the cattle, feed them and keep tli-m in a- ir 1 condition a- po-sible. Soineidei of lie expene nf a s), jplii.nl may he oleiiu' d from the fact tha' each man ree ive- $ la pi t' trip The fe d mak-- anot'i-r imp nt int item. Murine; a voyage 2il iuunds of hay ami ioo pnunu, in corn are eon-unie i ny . en h animal. The care-taker- have a 1 hard tin fit, for a- soon as the vc-m! begins to roll ina-iy of tlie cat lb1 are j taken -iek and fall down. Then there j is n stampede nf the nthcrs, and a- Ire- j ipien tly happens snine are thrown down ' nnd trampled to death. j It often happ 'l.s that the steers break dow n a pen mid hi gin to run Inns- mi the ve scl. If this h.-ippeiu during a storm ther' b only one remedy, mid that j consists in driving the s'eer- ovei board. 1 The actual , bath Ml- is computed t j he.TI.if 1 per ( . nt. Tin- usual pro- j i ceding when a steer die- is to take off j hi- hide and a- mil. h fat a- poible be fore t hmw in-; 1 he caroa-s into the -el. Tin -e ale I it k' II pos-es-ioti of by the in sin mice companies, if the owner i- in siirc-l, and Id. The wililei is tlie woist time for -hipping i.attl-, a- many of I licin eamiot stand th-exp i-uie nf ., vntage on the deck. Ill Ulsi's where prie cattle me -hipped tliev me imi under deck if p"--i I !. The fi llnHing aie a few of the vi- : -cl- that i ally the latgc-t niiuibi i i f cnttb : Tiie liiihiiinud Mill, which : lake- s 'I. . the 1.'-Intiia, xx lit. ll ( in ae coHiini'd at- 7" I head, and tie- St. bo ' nun-. ; Tin- ciliipanie; which make a -pcilil- ' ty of i . at i in" live sini U me the Anchor Line and tin- Wilson Line, whiih run 1 two iitttle sle.uner.- a week. j These steamers land nt L "inbui, Liver I I, (ilasg.nv and Hull where they n i load and the cou-ignees take possession ; of their -tuck which lliey either sell to i Ihc butchers at once or fatten tin m be-' fore placing them on the niaiket. Many ' llriti-h 1 1 mil) -teiine is also make money in this liatlie and run both winter -iiiiini 'r. .Y. ir )'-r- St.ir. The "Heathen Chinee's" Pei uliai ilies. A t'hine-e nevv-paper is responsible for this stcry, which, indeed, lias until ing whatever inert- lible about it, saxs Frank i. Carpenter. 'ne day a sow Ik hinging; In a Mis. Feng happened In knock down and slightly injure the front door of a Mrs. Wang, the latter nt nm e pr( (ceded to claim damages which w eie K fuse 1. Whereupon a tierce al ten nli-ii rii-iii 'I which Itiminalcd in Mrs. x' ling's threatening to take her oxxn life." Mr-. Ft ng, upon Iieatin - nf thi-direful threat, resolved at once tu I i take lime by the forrlot k nnd steal ll liiarrh upon' her riiriny by taking her oxvn life and thus turn the tnbles upon her. She ni curlingly threw herself into the canal. And a friend willi whnni I rndr ft good deal ill Piking told mo that the other day, hearing screams of laughter from his stable, he went to investigate. There he iliscnvcrtsl tluit his grnnm ninl boy" hnd caught a big rat, nailed its front paxvs to n beard, snaked it ill ker osene, set tire to it, nnd were enjoying the spectacle-. Hut this is not st) I int I tn one of the tritks of the professiunul kidnapper, who w ill catch n child in tho -treet, carry it off to another town, blind ', , .. , , '. it, and then sell It for a professional beggar. May's Lust Thought. "Mamma," haid May, "Yes, dear," answered mamma, ni May hesitated. "t ih never min I," said May, after a minute's reflection. "I wanted tn ak you something, but it fell ut of mj icuO," Hearer V.M'T) Ony. Tb-v sny I n-miM ei ns.. (.. hue iter W h. 11 h-r lr-liii. -h'.w.il d.- ny: Tli-v were wmiii. f r 11- the river Wear- it- channel mole nwav, 1 1- prpl'eW IIIV )ie, llll'l 1 leal- r S etn-il li-r l.-niiti in 'b-l'l '. She j;re ..I'ler, -he -ivn il nier- li.-arei- ri n ilay. lla l I I'.m iI h. r for her l..-aiity. Had h-r heart b-'ii -imply " Inv. i Th-ii iiiuht mine have -"aI it - workup: Put h.-r truth's re-pl-n h ut ray j Kill- I my -Kill inn I .lr " m neai- 'i I'.i Hi-fnlint wh. ie swtn-.-s lay. Still th- o I I, -till tlieil-ai"!' - j 1 . 11 -.-l -very .lay. 1 A;'e lm- laid it-hnii'l upon h-r -! li.i I rcnlie it Nay. H.-r youths Mm mi my h nil r-iii-iiil n- -Years h-r Initlifiilin p-.riniy, A11.I it shall I- mm I .1 li- ei' h i, Sn In i- winter shall I e M iv Still the old-r. st II the il-an r -Iiearer ev. rv d.'i.v. in nn:ot s. A st .il ai ti-t -the di nm 111 1 1 r. The w. t-t form of writer'- cramp is hi ill"; clamped for lund-. A dentist Ii Ins to hi- rn lie lion of 1 xtracted teeth a -nm drop-. What tin- fast yniin-j in in wh ' Ire in lietit. d money in c Is i-an heir brake. If animals had kiny-, we would kicw what "ii iouiti'.' 1 nls aii'l d rs" tin nut. When a man is lost in tli.eiv.lit he really il'ie-n't care to have anyone look fur him. M -t babies are L'iveii to cliewiii'4 (Illll ; but thewiii','.;.'Ulii i- lan 'v "iveli to babies. The barbel may net have fmiLrlit and bled, but I.e lias undoubtedly dye I for ,js , nunt r lueti. l'a-tnral inn lire i- le t a'.l that it is painted. The gentle slnphrr-li hav.: i rooks among thoiu. Mil hacl il li iwke: I'aith, au' that's tl very small baby yu whc. lin' af iii id, lhldgct. The N ill : What can yer ex pect, .Mike, whin they feel the Iitllt civet ur mi ( oiid, us,.. milk ? (lie of the latest fed- of the fa-hioiia-ble world is the wealing of watches ill umbrella and par-i-ol kn 'I". Keeping a watrh oil all umbrella i hnweu r. It's owner w '"' 'li'bi't. au obi la-l i m, mid l.i-e It, if i Hunting Wild Turkey hi M'liinll.'lil. ! The b.-t that ran be -aid . f the wild ' lm key i- thai he i- the ino-l d. licious of bird- to cat, but a- In taking i are ol him-elf he exerci-.-- but ft xx piei-in ' tinn-. Iii the older o.h ninl limes tin key- u-ed lo be caught ill large mini i be r ii, many dill'i-ient way-. One j method wa-to build a tup -.inewhnt ' like a hou-e, mi l I" l( nve the lower part ,.f it open. Then a trail of ( orn was laid, winch ih'- tuilo x followed until In i gut iii-'pb of the pen, and th. ii Mclea : -ri- -nllopix.i had ii"t -en-e enough tn j deep out again. Toil-' a tut key mil, j nnd In thti- Ining the bud- fi.'in theii hiding plan-, was once a l.auuit'i iiiethnd of gi Iting luik-y-. Then an , lliatiy stnlies ol I III k' - beill - I I ce. I by 1 mean- "f dog-. Um - the bird alighted on a tree branch, he was suppo-nl lr s!av there; but I in keys in tinn- i hinge I i their wax . and llli- method i f treeing s turkey is today rarely po--ible. It: Texas, ihasing 111- liii neys I rum tin xxoi'(s, and getting them into the open . 1 prairie, been before this described. j It i- an exciting spur'., rcipiiring sxvift i hmses and gnod rider-. The birds aril i .... literally ( lit doxvn in their flight hy til" whips of th" riders. A turkey, if he i-s fat, when clin-cd in this way, takes a long tlight at t'u-t, but by degrees hi cotir-c diminishes, and sootier or later ho is caught up willi. Shooting t urkeys whrii roosting t an hardly be called sport : that is, in the higher applii atimi of the term. It should, however, be remembered that in southwestern 'Texas and Indian Territory meat is meat. Men kill gnme not so 1 much f"r the pleasure of th- chase aa In snlisfy huiig r. In the far Wc-t, xvlu rn turkeys lake to the woods which skirl the stream-, tiny tire spotted. Tin? hunter leaves lie an alone in the dnvl ime, but of a moonlight night bags his score of birds. 'The turkeys seem unconscious that th'Tc is n ii v danger, ami though there may he feveral on a limb, two ot three can be killed, when almost in int incthnle contact, before the whole thick axvnkens and takes its tlight. The abundant food which the turkey fuels in Trxas inakis it the line-t (if all birds to cat. Severe Sclf-.l iplginent. A I'onliac little b ' xvas told nt Sun day school that w lu n he died h- xvuuhl leave his body hi re. After returning home he was much troubled in regard to it and he tpiesiiiiucil his parents. Hil mother explained to him by niyingi "You will lake nl! the good with you, but Ii axe all that is naughty line, bo. low." He thought a moment, and looking up, said: "Well, I guess I'll In; awfully thin when 1 get there." l'ivrin Ucnv arai.