l)c i)atl)am ttccorb. II. j. 1X)M)01N , EDITOK AKD PKOPKUiTOIt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, RATES ADVERTISING rim' Bniinrp. one iiiHorfmn- One npuare, two niBorlioiis -One sipuuro, one month - 1.50 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAE Strictly InAdvanct. i For larger udvcrtiscuicnls libi ml con : tracts will bo made. VOL. XI. 1ITTSIKK() CHATHAM CO., N. C, MAY 23, IW8!. no. :jh. mm ' Kvery Inch A Mau. ftho rat on the oreh in tlio sunshine As I went down the street A woman whose Imir was silver. But whose far.' was a bloss m swe t, Mukinjj in" tliink of ii garden, When in spilo of the fmst ami snow Of hlciik November weather, Lute, frngiant li I blow. I hennl a fo )t.-t p behind in ', Ami tin' koiiiiiI of a merry laugh, And I knew I he hurt it nine from Would Ik' like li comforting staff In tlio tinii' ii'.il th hour of trouble, H6k'fiil nixl brine nml tlniug One of th" hearts to I' an on, Whi'ii Hi' think all things go wrong. I turned nt tin- dick, of the gijte latch, Ami met his manly look; A fiico like this (.'tves me plenum Like tin- page ol u pleisunl hook, It told of a steadfast purpo.se. Of n lir.ive ami ilai ing will; A face Willi a promise in it That (I.hI y rii nt t ie years fnlllll. II" went up th" p ithuay singing; 1 suv th" woman's eye, drow bright with a woi-Mless weeom As sll 1 1 1 1 il uul ins the skies. "Ilai'k aniii. sweetheart iii illu r,'' II". II- .1. aid I "lit to kiss The loving lni elli.it wir- lilteil J''or wl.at si line mothers miss. Tll'lt li") Hill ilolo depend oil; 1 holil thai this is tni" -From lads in line ilh their mothers ( Mil I'llHe-! In lees grew. Ijilths ".mulct In. ii I. have been loving In in . s. Since tune ami earth he;;. in; .'ii' I lb" boy who kies Ills mother Is fici y inch a num. GUY'S NURSE. II V Ml I I N HHiliKsT I.IIAVK3. Ilu-li, l,.i Ii that rain It genii wcic dashing Sounds ,'H if buckets full ol' water ugliest tlio rase incuts. ' "It's rain, tiny. The ciuinoctiul hi in, you kimw." "Ami tint ilic.iiy moan ing dmvn-thr rlilinney - i ii w iml !" " Vi s, ( . uy, it s w iml. " 'I'he Imv slliveli il il little, It II 1 llll'W tile In ill lot lie, II 1 1 ill i Ml II' 1 Ills t hill. 'I lu ll ll flumes tli'lli the hluing loc; on the Ii.'iii I It danced up ami ilown like a miglc-laiili in, the shitileil lam p burned unlily on the table. ll is Wyntcr st ill In .1 ipiiitly away at her sewing witliotit looking up. ll null be an aw ful 1 inpost, Ior ( is, " utter t lie Iml, as a fresh gllst of wiuil -I'i'iiii il to shake the old cct agonal tower to its M ty foundations. "Il is, (iuy. I heard obi Captain I.akesiy lliat tic liilc hail not li eu so high since the M ir the Koyill Vli'toriii was urn kill i II I '.line I'liint." "It's bc:t. r to he here, even with a bioki n b g," s.ii'l tiny Paley, slightly li.'ing hi. i yebiow-i, "than out at sen in sin h a blow a, llits!" "A g I deal belter, tiny." "Not that 1 am a coward, Doicus!" i ricil the Imy. "Tlicrc are wor.u things than a stoiiii at m-ii. Ami I have tin in stinct that I shall b" a sailor yet. Hut this sickni ss lias taught luc this sirk ui ss ami you, lloicas that it's better to go for a th in; in an lionesi, Mrai"lit forwafl way than to try to reach it hj Hicakino. J!ut I always siippohfil it was a line thing to run nviiy In sea, or else I shouliln'l liavctrieil the get-out-of-thc-winilow-liv-iiiiilnight ilmlge, iiiul broken my leg. I'm wiser now." Don as miiUi '1 at him with lni'lting liazel eyes ami use-re l liis, revealing a line of pcai h. "I'onr tiny!" saiil slio. "It was it hiril lesson, wasn't it.'" "I think I iicclcil it, Dorcas. If ever thete was h tliomughpaceil young ruf fian, it was I!1' groaiieil the boy. "15ul, you see, linboily ever talkeil to nie. Scohling without eml I got, 1 grant you, but no ono talkeil common icnso to mo before. You mo the only ono who seemed to tliink mo worth reasoning with; utnl you shall :-cc, Doicas, that I'm worth the trouble. Once. I'm up from this M-rape, I'll tackle my lessons iu real earnest ami try to be something iM'tter. Ami I my, Dorcas" "Yes, (luyl'' "You're tlio prettiest girl I pversawl" "Nonsense, tiuy!" "Oh, hut your nrc nml tho sweetest RDil the most sensible! I can't think how you ever runic to he houseinuiil in a jilaeo like this." Dorcas colored a little. "Shiill I tell yott, (iuy) I enmo ah governess to the primary department, hut I had no discipline, they told me. Tho younger hoys did exactly us they pleased. I've always thought that Mis. Vail, who succeeded In the position, had something to do with the had report of my management that reached Doctor Dclfer's ears. Hut that can't 1k proved; neither ran it he helped. I was alone here and friendless, and I was glad to accept a vacant position under the house, kecjier, to mend linen, care for tho oc tnsional rases in the infirmary, and muke myself generally usuful." "I knew you were a lady!" exultantly cried the hoy. "I could sec it in your face." "I would rather you would call me a truu woman, (iuy, than a lady," said Doicas, moving the lamp a few inches f nit her back, so that thu light bhould no' shine in Guy's eyes. "But I my, Dorcas, how old are you;" "Hathrr young, I nm ufraid, Guy only nineteen." ' 'And I tun fourteen, Doicas. 'Will you wait seven years for inc.'" "(iuy!" "I shall he twenty-one then, mid my own master!" added the boy, "and I'l work like u slave t.i get n good profei-1 sioii, and if you'll marry in", Dorcas, I'll make tho best liusband that ever was to you, for I m desperately iu lovo with you, that I iimr' Dorcas huist out into laughter. "tiuy," ehu said, "what n child you are!" "Hut you do love inc, don't you "Yes, of course I love you, but not a bit iiiore th in I do (Jcc I l'.irknr ir little I'rankie (iaine." "Donas!" "Well, a ti ille inoie perhaps, ln-musc I've had llie care of you these lour weeks, and you've really behaved very decently, hut -" "l'minisc tne, Dorcas!" ' I won't, (iuy!" "We'in engaged, all the same," said (iuy, with a deep sigh of relief. "It is il baigain. And now you may get me my bowl of gruel." "Yes, Mr. Paley," said Dcolor Dcl fer, with a nod of bis spectacled brows, "lhat wild boy of yoius is u dilTenul creatine. And the infirm uy nurse lias done it all. Not to mention the credit that the doctor gives her lor keeping down the lever and managing the lroulile-."ine splints. II" was the woist hoy in the school. 1 don't uillld admit ting to you now, that I was sciimidy contemplating expelling him limn our members. " (iuy always was a w ild sot t of chap, " admitted .Mr. Paley. "Hut bis limits spoiled him. lie never had any bring ing up to speak of." "lint this illness seems to have ex erted a wonderful inllm m e over li i - moral nature,'' added Dm tor I). Her. "And I iea!ly think Don is has iloiui it nil. Ili r inthii uee has been wonderful." "Hie deserves n great dcul of credit, 1 am sute," said Mr. Paley. "I should like to see her and thank her. I Ve brought a few pre-cnts fur her a warm shawl, a silver siiulT box uinl u lilack slulT gown " Doctor Pclfrr gaspul a little. "Shi I don't think she takis smill! said he, feebly. "All these nurses do." Yes- but there she is now !" The door opi ned ami Donas Wynter i. 'line in, i in ry ing a si udent lamp, which she had ju-t lilleil ami liiiiinwl anew. Mr. I'aley dropped the silver hiiull box in astoiii liiucut. "I beg your pardon, I am sure!" stam mered he. And when the doctor suggested that the nurse had belter accompany young (iuy "ll the journey home, he absented without a rciiioutiaucc. "Nurse, indeed!" said Miss Sopliro nia Paley, a gaunt, high-featured dam sel of fifty. "As if a pretty, simper ing chit of a thing like that could un derstand any thing about nursing!" "She docs, though," said (iuy. "She's a brick, Aunt Soph. And I don't be lieve I should have been alive now, if it wasn't for her." "You are ijuite well enough by this time to dispense with her services," said Mis' Sophronia. "A boy that cats the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y of muHiiis and plmii jini ilmt you did at ten, last night, i anmit i a'.l himself an invalid any longer. She has been here a nn ntli, and " Hut she's not to go away fur all that, Aunt Soph," sa;d (iuy, who w is devouring roasted chestnuts like a dragon. "Ask papa. She's to bo Mis. Paley one of the-ie days-, and " "Mis. I'aley!" Aunt Sophroniii turned green and yellow. "It's come to that, then, has it! Well, I've suspected it this some time. And all I've got to say is " "Seven yenrs fruiu now," said (iuy, with his mouth full of chestnuts, "I shall be twenty-one and she twenty-six. Not enough difference to signify. And," he uttered, with a grin, as his aunt flounced wrathfully out of the room, "you'll get your walking-tickets, old lady, when I'm mairied! I'd as scon have a dentil's head and bones around the place any time." He was silling curled up in the easiest chair iu the library, reading u book, half un hour afterward, w hen the door opened nud his father came in. Something in the paternal glanco and movement struck the boy. "I never saw father look so young and bright before," he thought. "Some thing must have pleas " him very mu. h. Perhaps Aunt Soph is g dug t marry some old fogy or othel, and the coast will be clear." ' So you knew all al out it, (lav? said Mr. Paley, laughingly. "About what, iir'l" limit my eugag'iiicut. The book fell with a crash to th lloor. 'Your what, father "At lciist you told Aunt. Sophronif about it. Well, I'm glad you are p!easf,j) my hoy. And Dorcas says she i hail always love yuu as if you were het own son. As ft general thing, I don'l approve of stepm ithers, but you aud D irc.is love each other so dearly, that Why, ti iv, what is the matter?" For the lmv had rushed on', of the room with an o ld, suffocating sensation in his throat. II" met Dorca i eomincf in from the garden, with a bunch of scarlet holly-be:, ries iu her hand. "Doicis!" ho crV'l "Dorcas, you are as false as the serpent-woman! You beau " She comprehended him in an in-t int, though his voice was choked into si lence. She tiling away the sen let cluster and put her arms tenderly about him. "Dear (iuy," she whispered, "I love him; but if you are unwilling if it takes iiway any of the home feeling for you it only remains for you to say so, and " Her voice died uway.biT head drooped on his should r. Theie was an instant's : ilence, and then (iuv saM, bravely : "Well, so let il be. Me father is a : trump, and you are llie only woman ; alive w ho is worthy of him. And I sup- I pose people Would say six year-i was too much difference in our ages, although how they're to get over III" lift" mi year, between you and father I don't know," he addc I, with rather ll forced I iHI;;h. And then and there (iu - Pa'cy learn cd his first lesson in self abnemiti on. DoiCiHpickel up her holly berries nml went to the library, where her prom ised hiisbiiml stoo 1. "I have just seen (iuy," she said. "Isn't he pleise I? ' "Yim, I think he i.," hcilated Dorcas, "(iuv is a strange boy a noble lialilie. I am not suic, Horace," she iid led, with a iliiu ic-.s in her eves "that I would have marred you if I ..iil.l .,.. ntii-.,v li .v.. I. .. I tin. ..Ill, "And my true wife will be (iuv's true molhrr!" Mtid Mr. Paley, drawing Dmciis tenderly to his side. S,it iirilmj The Ilriiliinlii or chit ( utile. This is a rein, likable breed of cattle origiuali ur in India. They have great powers of ciidiir.inie, lire uc ive, will iiiilravel u h ire- undi-r a saddle as used in India, make g. o.l beef aiid make nn excellent cross for the i at tie of the south. Mr. Albert Mnntgoniery.son of Colonel W. 11. Montgomery, of Mai kvillc. Miss , now- I ive stock merchant u die New (hhaiis stock landing, some yeas since unpolled a rbu bull from India. We saw him iu New Oilcans nt the great exposition, lie placed this bull on his sti ck ranch in Texas and finds that the i-ross with ranch cows is highly satisfac tory. His puttnrr, Mr. Fiost, writing to Mr. Curtis, says; "I defy any man to name the time when he ever saw a tick on the pure or half breed Itrahmins; or a worm from the. blow - ll y (screw w orms, troublesome to ranch cattle in w. t se isons). Further than this I defy any in in to say that he ever saw any of tln ni to die from a se vere winter. They are the grandc-t cuttle that exist for southern climates." We h ive not ro nn for the other breeds of cut lie dc.-rribed in .Mr. Curtis' book, uinl have been able to make but slight references to those we have noticed. ' .. ii i: Keop Vtiu r fycsiglii. Dr. F. Park Li wis spoke recently, says tho lhiff.iln ('uriir, upon weak eyes mil lie ir sighlc I pc.p'o. I In stilted that while people wi'h near sighted eyes might show no loss of sight j foi years, still near-sighted eyes should be treated w ith care. Thu best light for the eyes was sunlight. A good light must be strong, white and steady. The heat of artificial light was theu con sidered. Sin light has the least heat rays; electric light came next; kerosene. anil gas xvere lat and so tho worst for the ryes. He closed by stating that iu reading the buck should be to thu light, the eyes should be shaded and never hf used when tired. One should not read with an uncertain light nor on the curs. The Smallest Screws Made. It is asserted that the smallest screws in th i world nre those used iu tho pro- being revived the iiniui it seemed to ac- diiction of watches. Thus the fourth ipiire fresh confidence. When the music jewel wheel screw is the next thing to , entirely ceased it toppled over and fell being invisible, and to the naked eye it , lo tho ground. looks like dust. With a glass, however, ; The next trick, if we may so term it, it is seen to be a small screw , with ijtii) I was to build up the cobniitis in an uneven thicids to the inch, nnd with a very , manner, so thai they were finally re fine glass th thicads may be seen tpiito I moved from under t ie forefce', the ani clearly. These minute screws are 1 1 1 100 ' mil standing ilpni ils hind legs oil tho of an inch in diameter and the heads are ) pillats three feet ill height. d. u'ee. ll is also estimated that an or diii.uy lady's thimble r mild li. '1 iOl, (iiu) of these suic.. CH1LDKEYS COLUMN. WATCH VOCH WollDS. "K'-po a watch oil Jour w-onls my darling. K'-r words are woml' ri'iil things: Tin y are tweet, like the I lrc-h honey. I.ikn h'ps tlmy have h rril'l" stings; They cun hlis like the warm, glud sunshine, And brighten u hue ly hfi ; They can cut, in the sinfc i f anger. Like an op'ii, two-nlg"l kuif". Let them pass through your hps um lial lenqeil, If their errands are tni" nml kind If they coun to support th" wi-.-iry. To comfort nnd help the blind; If a bitter, revengeful 'pint Prompts tni words, li t t i in be unsaid: Tin y may flash through tli" bruin like light ning, Or full on th" h.'art like lea l. Keep tin-in b'n'k, if they're cohl and cruel. t 'ml T bar, lock ami seal; The woiimls thev make, my ilarhng, Af" al ways slow- t i he il. May peace guard your lips, inn) ever, I'loiu the t inc of your early youth, May the words that you ilaily utter lie llie won i- of h iiiiiifiil truth." AHntilii ( im.iliili,,,,. A tit.Ai K in nil h nm. ii f r. A blackbird win seen nt ( hailotti llatbor, 1'Ti., one moraine to pounce down into the water his own depth and bring out a live rub us large as ii silvci dullar. He llinig his crabship on tie beach, and picked and shook him until h" kille I him, mid then mount ing a stubby stump he t ink his breikl'as' on his trophy, A KI NNV sluliV Alioi r ItiiKsKS. jcves blilikei ill hill), lllld the lip., A traveler in Nc'.v Kllgl.md s iw the j In lirded and mu-tai l,e I, m ule in ill u u following sign on a board that w.is iiiiited J laic sounds, but no gliumof i.( .gni toil fence lie ir a vilhg': "11 ir taken j lion or intrl!igeiiee wis nb.si i v iblc in in to grast. I.oug tails, .l.."cl; short the iN-ing's f.ire. D let iniiie l to in ves tnils, il." Th" traveler hailed and ! ligali- tin- m il 'i r more fully, the physi- asked the owner of the land w by lie n ciiin r illed the in hi u'nl woman of tin was such a dilTeieiire in the price of board hoiiso, aui d. m ii Id an ex plan it i t forliois.es. "Well, you m-.'," Siild tin the sight which ll t I In I hi i g.i". Al nun, "th" long t.iiD ran bni h away tin : '!'! 'hey weir .rigry that In- h id pried tin s, but lb" short oiii'-i ice so torni'ii led into the s.crct th it they had guar d-d so by 1 1. 1 m they can Inrdly e.i', at all. " well, but at la-l, -ceing th.it luither coticciilmi lit was imp-is ;blr, they made on. is ami tii Kltt vur.Ni l-.verv bud wat cues over ami i ire s foi ! her own ties!, though ill" number. so gieat ami th" t umult i i ex. -ov-" in it it is dlllieillt to I reive hilV CO gull ran distinguish her own spotii placed ill the midst of vi 111 my nthci's r.xai tly siinil.ir in si.e, sli-.pe aiid color ; and when at length the young ate hutched, an I are swiuiin ug about on the loch, or crowded together on sotm gr.issy point, the old birds, as the conn home from a dist i n e with food, ll,' rapidly ntuidst thou -an U of y-'iin ; one. exactly similar to their own, without even looking nt Ih' tu, until they find their own olTsiuiiig, which, ti cogniing their parents allien ;st all the othei ; birds, reicive the m a c! without any ol the hungry little cnalu.c, ar .iin l at templing to disp.itc the priz", c.i. li wait ing patiently for its own parent, iu per fl(.t . ..niidciice that it, Inr.i will i . duo SL'ilSUIl. )'"( 'll t ''''. .' i'"'. A WONIlF.lt l-TI. It; MM II (.OAT. A tiavch r iu the II I, I.iiid, sivs Mr. Holder, was one il.iv 'topped on tin roiid by an Arab, wh i said he want 'd to show him how his trained goat p -ifoun cd. The traveler, nothing loath at be ing entertained where uch a novelty win hardly to bci cxpei ted, express d his willingness, and the performance c un nu need. Tho Arab di- in united from a misi r.i Me donkey, spread a small carpet upor the gniii id and lalinl up u demure looking' goat that had been following behind. Fii in u beg the man fust took n number of bha ksi six inches l. ng, eylindiii al in sleipe i:nd tw o imlio across the top, ami p!a.id filir upon tin carpet at n small distance apart. Tin goat immediately slipped up hi them, carefully pubing a foot i u eurh him k. Now the Arab pl:n cd in his m oith a "mall musical instrument and began t ili.nn n monotonous a:r thai was evidently up prcciated by the goat, as it pricke I up its cars and assumed a position i f dci'i at lent ion. Without stonniii'' the music th i Atuli , f ,i r t . i llien lifted one of the goaf s forefeet and slipped under it another c limU r, and icpeated the operation under ail its hoofs. In this way the goat was grad uu'ly lifted until finally tlej pillars of Wood Were four feet fr.im tin! iMoiind, the patient uniiiiil preserving its b ilauii perfectly, and appearing lis if standing on stilts. That tin music, if it could be called music, w is an important factor in this pcrformanc , was very evident, for the limine it it icn-ed the goat began to waver nnd tremble; but upon the stiaim The wheels of ju-liee grind slow, but r-tver stop their ceaseless revolutions. A CHILD-MAN. Extraordinary Discovery by a Doctor in Kansas. One of tho Most Romarkablo of Human Monstrosities. 1 Tl i re ha. ju-l been di-r vered in the i south part of this i llii kiiisnii ) county, writes a K.i'isiM cm ii-i"iidoiit, of the 1 Uh,l -;,,-, ,, , ,f tie! no remark - j able moiist m-ii ici of the human family I evei known tocxi-t in this sci 'iuii. Il is a i hild nia i, or Hither a child's body , with a man'- head. A few days ago a I prominent physiiiiu was making a (all ! on tin: family in which the nioii-ttosity ! lives, ami while talking with his patient ! lie not iced an ob j.'i'l ina cradle al the j opposite end of I he room. It w as cure- fully covered up, but In- tho. edit be pen , ivci m ath the a braid -h iwing from he-ovi-iino. lb- loiild oil no opportunity for a iimr' i iirel'ul rxnnina tion at the time, but iu order to invcsli ga'e fuilher, informed In- piticnt that other 'rails w ould b" u c ',-ui y. 1'puii a sul'si ijiienl visit he in:iii.ig"il t o be h it al me in t he roi in with llie i . i -1 1 an I ils nivsti riou i oieupNiit. Il.i-tily pull ing oil' the cm i ring there was dts roveiid a siylit wliicli made hii heart cease for tin- moment t" beat. It was nothin; bsi ili.m a man's head joined to an infant's bod.-. The huge a clean breast of the :.ff or and told the follow ing .-buy : Ni .irly thirty yi cd moved in!. a man name' fioiii lilin..:- K hi-is . IIh family ci n i-lcd if liiiuclf, wife ! and one daughter. Tin 'latter wasehoiit ! s( vcnteeii yciii s old, and ratlurgo.il I . looking. Tiu y settled m-ir the jimc ' lion of the lii publican nud Smoky Hill ' liivers in the viiiuiiy of w'.al i-. now .luiu lioii City, ami the daughter mar- tiel an.ippir. Her tir-t child ii- n i boy, and sin died in giving it birth. An older s stcr hii I i mi.' mi fund the Fast : by this time, and -he took the niothcr i less little one into her family. Its father was killed dining the border doubles, he piai t ally adopted t he orphan. The child grew mid thrive I normally unli! it w.i, al out four years Hint six mouth-, old, when it -ci uinl to cruse developing. S oil it was noli, i d that ih v. lopmciil had not In i n at i est i .1 in all partsof th body. The hi ad kept on growing a- if il I i longed to the sturdiest i hild in t he S ale. Yi ar al'.cr Mai this strange giowth went on, and sj there was m rh'inge iuthe infaiiti.e body or limbs, though the h :id IllillUed its growth. The i tir and her husband moved into Di' kin-oil Cu.inty, when tin y have s,nce n si, I, ,, and took the child with them. The gr-indpan n' :uc dead and the monstrosity has n-it hi d thciigi of twenty nine year-. It - brad is as large as that of an uvi rage mi .1 man, and is now in d with a heavy growth of roar-e blown lmir. Heavy beard and inust.n he an on its lac, and liniM of inability show up m the clu cks mid forehead. Tin b "d I mail) ., In in the uci k down, th u of a fom yi ar "Id child. The child, or man, i aiitiol sj up as the inoiisiious In a I is loo heavy for the muscles of the trunk t i lift. It lies ill the cradle hclph s-, and w.itihcs with a brute like gaze the doings of those mo Uinl. The mind is -o nix what in advance of that of an iiilant, but is. still piacinalU inactive. No spin h or gcnei.il inti Hi f-'1 has hi en i:iVolv-d fro in the sit ange biiig. ll iiiu-t be Ii I from an al Itn l- ant s li ii in I , an I though its In Hi an' well .developed, its stom at ll can d;ge t noth ing but the simple t foods. The tiuy hands nnd liml s are us soil fleshed as , the veriest babe's, while the face and I head ha vi; the harsher feeling of matuii Iy. There s,-cms no reason in the mind ' of the physician who m ule the strange discoveiy w dry the inonsl rosity should not live to the ago of thioe scon, years nnd ten, though it would seem to be a blessing to the world to take its hie from it. The imagination can easily i picture what il will be when gray hair has settled oil the head and . heard while the body rciiiiiius'that of n babe. The family, ashamed of the pos I srssi ni of siieh a monstrosity, has re I ligiously hidih i this skeleton in their ihisct from the wer'.d, and few know of j 'Is exisleni ,'. It i, only by aciideiit 1 hat it was this time discovered. The I dot 'ot's sioi y I. is led s -vcral prominent citi.-'its to lake a tiip to the f irm house to sen t'no remarkable freak, and all uiiiiu in rilling ii the nu st wonderful lieing they ever w itm s.-iid. None, how ever, wish to make a second trip, us one I'. ok at the str.iiioe i n iitui-e ii enough to aihleii their hearis and give theiu some, thiug to dii iiin about for months. lleielold (utile. That th : IleiefonU are a distinctly pure race of Ijill-h i at tie, uinl of gleat atitiipiity,i.s inidoubti illy true. hut it is as i probably true thu. they are allied to tin: ' llevoiis. The origin of both these! hrotils is ilitlicull to ttace.aud they have I va'iiable cjiiiilii ii-s iu couimoii. I!"ih urc ; wonderfully piipotint when trussid on j other rattle. II the c r s, jt by ;i lb re fold bull, tin- ml body and while bin; are apt lo billow; and if the cross be on :i pure ll' icl'ird row, the color usually ! follows the diiin. The I lercfnrds nn: 1 h.ii iy and iiol;lie, mat. ire early, and j are coiisi.len d th" b -st gracing r i'lle in I l'.iigl.ind. T. ey have no sup. rim- in the I'nili d Sl.ili-.s, and of l.ile vi .im the , bulls have been extensively Used as sires mi tie- great cattle run In of the W'st. j They do not come in the lab-gory of j milking rattle, though many of llu in . are good milk ing rows. In Ijiglaiid ! the joiiii; i alt e :i'i l.iig.'iy I -jhl. Iiv ! I fiilllll'l's ill the laii I '! I... ling, aiel no I lined ha-ri ei I. a l"i into public favor, ! ; a , bei I- maki r , in liii i count ry. In i Piigl.iml llerel'or Is. a' the Nnit I. field i shows, ill 'ii Ui'.lillis old have weigh d ' I I mi p .iiiuls; :it 'J.'li months, s 1 pi i,'e -ti els h:iv. wilghel lelil pMllld ; ' llll.hr three ycal.s i (ill , Tl til. -lit ll - , j I'.ol pounds; at thre y i :iis mil lour lie lit Its, we'glils l illlie to 'llT I pounds. A cow I I year- and four months ol age weighed .'.;'.'l pound.. '.''. Fnim-r. (.l eal Haiti Mm ills. In nn invest ig.it nm ol li:l ca c ni i.-iinlall, langing from nine to twelve' inelii , in right In. in-, Profi'-sor li. j I.", ill's has louiid tin una of niicimh l.nnlall lo have rMcmb-d at bast Mill i mill s in length in tea c:i-"s, and to have : rxneded Ti"' miles ill till'.- - c.l - ' s ; while ; the entile lain ana wa-. 1 r. . j ii' tit ly iiu ; ov.d tigllle CXcecillUg 1'HIII lllill'S ill length by .iMI miles in bieidth. Coti- , reining these hi avy tains t he folio w ing , fact., .seem well e.-labiishi d : First, no 1 great batotiii trie depres i .n with steep giil li.-llt . ever oicllls without coliddrril- ble rain. This i-. true not only for the 1'nitcd M iles, but also for the rye'ones of the Wist Indies, the China N il, India ami the I lay of li-ii'.'a!. Second In gn at lain-storms the hat !uc! ric pressure generally diminishes, while the rainfall Slit leases. Thud -The "realist depres sion of the barometer gcneially occurs about twelve hours alter the gnatest lainiiill. Fourth A I'leal fad of lain is I a vi. I able to il rapid plogt, -s of the centre of hast pre.-tiie, while a small ir'il'iU is gi tierally attended by a less rapid pn gre-i. It is, howevii, plain th:il the late of progress of a low lelitle ihpell.ls partly upon olln i caiisi s thun amount ol lainl'.tll. y ,,,!..-. t.V. . i A,., ,;.,,. Tiisting i t II 1 1 1 a Tnng-ne. Th--:c i i I - il in -.! lc:i io: ion lhat t he tongie j, :h" sole organ of taste, just as the id a, naliiial but crfoaeoiis, is r tiin' tbit il is in i e . iiry for purposes of spich. As a mi iter of tact, ta.-le is as 'a g v icsidciit in the pih'.te as in the t . .ii j ni'. while 1 1 un ! His lii-,., are on n. .ml iu wh:eh prisons who h.iie suf fer! d tin h. s ,,f the tongue have be. Ii able to spe ik w ith ill in li. .-s. Knetitly a moot' w.. of the Mi,. s,, .i i I ill t' ol the I., -1 . -eii-c in the nioulll. :i patient ffoiu whom the tongue 111 had w as - and ( 'mi- ' be li v i iy i inph t . Iy 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i . I . j found that si ti-, ,t ions of sun t. ; i bitter natiiie were still present. ; ously. t'.o. n i scire of ialt t.a-le le i inaiiied. These lai ts would aluioit seem t. tongue , pn and tb.it valiolls e an s, t apa'l -.1, l!'. n ut ' la ti I I.i.l licit li in face p.ipiil.r it hapi s .,n.l parts of for the .." This tongue or taste ics. It appi i i lal i' li i-a .1 . t! plis, S.I S Oil ll'. oigan - ol d.lfeii j, ( Ollsisll nt 1.1 lio'is in the end imply v ii i.itioie .v..r ).: r.;.: I- -nine thai Mich varia- f the n. n. s of tast" in thiir fuuciions. Hon lo Put II Out. Zinc, pi n el upon the lire in a stovu of grate, is sai I I o operate . 'is an effective extinguisher of chimney fires. Accord- ! ing to this i, pteseniation, when a fire 1 star. s inside a di mini y , from whatever ' cause, a piece of thin inc, about four ' inches s, iaie. is to he put into the stove or "laic coimci I ing with the chimney. The inc lii-e, aiid libi rates ai iduoiis timics, wlinh, passing up the line, lire j said to a'niost ins'aiitly put out what- j ever tile there tn.iv be. A I'ei.cH This ant. un it ic Aiitoiiiiitiiii. du Ie is a great sue- "I don't agree with you. ll has been wound up, bn' it don't g ." '1 know licit, tin .1 - it ; that's why it is hi. Ii ii gi at siueesi. 1 . 1 you ever soil, vcail dude that would woikt" Listen!.. Lift!., stars with golden feet, U'nml ring in theii'iilmsef lujlit. 8 ill y move nor wake tli" earth S'liinli Tin;; in t lie lap of night, hil' ii st.oi. I tin' lisi.ni:. trees, Kvery b.'i It t now an ear. While the ilr. liming moiiniain sends Misil '. p. solemn slia.low here, Flowers of boa illy, rich nud rare, lii iilhe their Irugrin ill the air. Il.-irk' W hat iniisie ilo I hear Flouting on the air so sweet? Is't ill iiiglitiir.'.aV that sings, I'lainm c iu her lone ret rent'' 'o, 'tis s. w hom I it-r re. Sinking of her hop" and love, While the stars With golilell bet Wander pensive, fur above, And all natui" s". ins. Iil" in", I'llli'.l Willi Wol. Ilolls eestilsy. Il'.isiinotoa .Vfir. ill MOI101S. A In ilinnit essay would baldly be eon sib led light read ing. (Questions of the hour invariably per tain to matters of si,rlM. moiuiiiit. lb-: .lenny, you are a btiek. She (bi twii a gii-p: i: Yr-i, a pir-sed briik. Il i- one of the piia loM's of life that the more ,-, wife keep, her liil-baiid ir Iml water the cooler he grows toward hi I . The Ita'i.ins may be a lighl-bi-iirted enough people in their own country, but lo i" it is i . ..union to liud t In in in (In Indians, a.s a mil , have very small and -hapi ly lect. Out youngest boy, how i v. r, says that "The l. ist of tin: Mold i an.." i simply iinm i.. c. "At h d age were you man ie 1 1" she ii-ki-d iti.piisiiively. I'.H lie- other lady w.t -eipial to the rim fgeiiry and quietly lespoiah d "At the )iais..na:;c." Mr-. Parvenu ' -What do you think of out .statue ol Yelllls;" Ml Willdo--"1 lull I colife-s tin, I the f.n e 'l'i Ills ti III" r it liel' bald." Ml-. Pal Vi IIU "Pel hap- oll ..ge! that ll is done III il. ill lid- " A widow vv:i. sumni .Iml to In r dool to receive a splendid lurl.ey. "Who si ni it r ii ke 1 th" ladv. "I was toiild Hot toli-p." replied the Hibernian. "All, I can gin ss," li -p in. led the lady. "lie dud, that's ju-t wl.a! I told Deacon (iraut ." Adi-nt Suil or (lo K ins as young wn m. ill)- "Mis ( iiueie, may I b"pe that" Mis (ir.n ie n "in li'lat" for .'il lennan') "Mr. Chugw.aler, In I'ote pioreediii'.' any futiher will yoti ph ii tell ni" how many votes you cm control iu tho .second ward .' ' A Hut Ui il nt' ( l ime. Torture by slarvation :ec;u. to lie legal in Mii.sk jail in liuss.u. liight p- :i --int s are lying there a. i u-c 1 of tin t u u i b r of : I . i chief lotcici- on Prince l.'ad.-iiilU's r. tale of Da bn I gra k i, win: lime month's ago was foiu.d hanging in a solitary .:ilt of lb'' I'.. lest. It was rvi lent that he h id In i n I) nc'ied for his iiniei-ing tyranny over tl'.e peasants, liight nu n were aric'lid on su-picimi, Hid It has ju-t i ,,!;:. to ''giit ih it during ! heir detent io s iie y have Icni deprived of food, si'iiiel iiu s lot thr e day to gt'th. r. In spjt,. of th se atrocious nn a un -not one of tic pr soiu is ha? oiifesnl. M.n k, b the wav (an icnt piovin.eof I. it hiienii. i. - i ins to ben hot bed o! i iimr in Cental liuroie. Ti. nu nt ion all the ru-i - of brigandage, its murder, my s'rii.uis disappearances ml publu I; ncliui jr. which arcrcportid Ml h Wi ck would till, paper. Sw it, ilh - and a w hole news forgt i ies arc too ominoii t b i v . ii t en not i. ol by t be au niu t ti t li - of the Jew i it In r con ii ted or sus l. mil to seivants are Ihonties, an I poplll ll ion ate peelcl fi lic- beiiig almost ciitiiely is in v ei y iii.niy no nt In i n found to be in bligilld-. Tin -e t'.lct .nppii ss d In- the pre- J ....... di -pile id with, ia I- they have league Willi the aie sin nuotlsly cel'sllte ollii e. The Nebiiiska lloiuesteailer. I met the plot', s-iotial hotne-t cider to I n in Sioux ( 'ouiilv-, the cxtn mo north west county of Nibtaska. " stood by i pi aiiie sehooner out of which came a -toM pipe. I'm hind was a cow and calf iml two dogs. "Where is your hottief" I a-ked. "II li: g 't no house," bo said, as ho kicked one of the dogs and took ll chew f tobacco. "W In ie do you live? ' "Whercd' I live!" he exclaimed, in lignantly. "I don't have to live any where. I'm narehin' ulied of i iv'li.ition, sir. I'm loiuesteadin'." "Well, where d you sleep;" "Sleep? I sh ep over on the govern uciit land, drink out of the North Platte, eit jack rabbits nud raw wolf. Hut it's gc'tin' too thickly srt,., round 0 re for me. I saw a hind a:;elit from ItutTido (lap to-lay, and they say a wholn iimily is c inin' up the North Platti) ilt miles below licie. IPs getting too low. bd lor in-- here, tt iii '.i-r. I leivo 01 tin- I'.iwd I liivei roiiiilry l uiiciaow. i can't stand tlio rush!'' (J.miii U.t.