r. hainam THUKSHAY, jr.NH , 18S9. LOCAL RECORDS. BCHEDULE riTTSUOllO' II. H. Ifc pauouisr tratu nu the 1'liu.boro' rllrna4 MUstxn' dully. i-xn.l Buuunytt, m whp . OUBBd arrlvii! al rttial-'M1 Hi 6 W . mining contiocU.ni Willi tin' inn" ""u ""' -L. B. K., whlrh nrrlvi-. nl liiilflijii m n i . in, leaven Itul.lnli at . ! m. The railroad is now eomple- j Ashebor..'. Neighbor, wc j ted lo congratulate you T"'," r ii,..;. IWJUr. J. ii. jm iv, .i '",'"! township, clipped -vt"" poutnlH ot j Mr. J. H ol from one sheep. UUT KTO. S. Too has the biggest line f cheap Dross Goods in th county. (Jo and hoc. .No trouble to show thoin. tSTMr. Joseph l.'o-ser.of Oali'.i.lld township, has pVesell ted I he Ul.eoKh's iiiuseuiu with a hen egg with a han dle like a gourd. nSr K..V.-H iion ria -e n ens 'S insued in this louotv during lust i inolilli, ol which live, were to whites And two to blacks. fig- ion't forget, that the shuitle Mill at rittsboro' is .-till buying dog wood and pa iug cpsii for it. ilring load whenever you come to town. &&' The tobacco barn ol Mr. Elbert ltagland, in Capo Tear town -hip, was accidentally destroyejl by fire, a few days ago. About of Clio tobacco was burned in it. B6r Froit in Jinn1 is .something Tory remarkable in this latitude, find yet that is what happ- ucd here on last Saturday, there having boon M slight Irost ou that morning. fSheriil Brewer rcijiiosls us to nniiouiice that the names of all per sons, who do not pay their taxes by tho 1st of July, wtli ho advertised III the ltK o) as deliinpicnts. W P.y a vot jtt rates id W a 31ouday, reliev ol' o's to .'J the mag e county, oil last ! tb.i Siielill' Hid IreiiHiircr ol that county from their jossos by the l.ulure of the Slate National l'uuli. JWrO. S. I'oe makes a specialty f Hats and Shoes. He keep- the best assortment of these gondii kept III the county and can .-aVe n 10 cent, on .'a me. Buy your Hats mid Shoes ol (. S. Co-'. ... A nuuiheroi nurcitieus weijt to Chapel Hill thi . week to be ill attendance upon the eomiiienceuient exercises of the State university, Jleing the centennial anniversary a Jarjjo crowd is expeetn I there. yj,.. ;l;t.ii Maishburn, ot 0 bright tovvm hip, showed us last , the Legislature adiuuruo I. Ho sta Mi.ndav a one lent . oin ibid 17.'J. I Ual to us in the !Soi,::te Chamber on On one side were the words - Wash-I illglo'. A I ilde Oilier ' I' nil i i nc: ; ol . !h.. ! mar j. p. siodniao. F.gypi. 't In l'oo.I white corn :.l bottom irM. Cradle ling.'rs, coitou hoes, I A largo l"t ol Timvare e.vpected daily. He. sells Tin war; so low thul it is ft hard matter to keej Wck. it in IfflTA pleasant ehtei taiiiment was enjoyed ;il the ai ademy la-1 Monday liighl, being gicn by 'he ehihhvn Ot the Kpisoopal Sill, lay s. iiool al Ibis place. Ail the lidlo :-'.k-: did Well, and gave much pica thoso w ho were present. lo j , ! uliom toe pro-, W As will be Ceodings ol' the. county commis-nni r, published in anmher column, Ihey Lavo reliovu 1 Sheriff Urowdr a the amount of ,000. For doing this they will be coir. mended by lomo and censured I, y others. Our former countyman, Mr M. lll.an.s, who 1.:., hoc. residing 1,; Iiale.gh lor revcrai years, has re-, rnuvo.1 his lauul.v to his piaee haw Ing bought the IKnl.y house Ho aro glad to we.' .uue so pleasant on aciinsitiou I' oitl lo:iiiuituii , Ivair-Wo re; ;ii ! that th" j-ackago ot Kr.coims tor the Siler City of'.ice, dated May 2l!rd, have never rem bed (hero. The package was duly mailed licro as usual, and ., really regret that through somu Ito.h '.s neglect or tarelessucsi ii should have been lost. Kay- We regi e death ol Mrs. occurred at her rilaco. on la -i '.nnounre. the Hatch, which once near l bin a v. was jtboul 02 years old, main' years been a nn n i Lad lor t oKomnlarv member of Hanks Chapel church. WST Chatham -takes tho cake' l)ancing bears are ncwbe.e. Mr. F. C Brewer, of Bear Creek township, lias a -'dancing gander"', so we are i n lit I hied. Our inloimant says thai If given a little dough lhal bo will fdiutllo and pat it oil in real earnest. jNext ! teiT If you w isli a nice Straw Hat tynti can timl iho latest Mylex al Lou, bin's. Some of those .chai iJedsleatbi and Bur. .ihs siiH on band ... 1 l.s.. j 1 1- it 11,. .! 11 dress l aiiv kiioi you i';in fnd it at L.in l.ii' aii.l I iit'the very So'.' ei.i Idices for cash. HarYoii can find at London's a Iiicob'tid lieadyina do floliung ol i all styles Ho I.Vep-ilie best Shirts: ....1... 1 I miii'v A lot ! of Cotton Hoes re- eive.l this week. I an I 'Hi ;ls!i nit.ver '. All tne ;-it e.ts ' '. Jxindon keeps the U4 slot k of gootls were filled to ov. i ih.wing, an t wore : iillioi-oin.lv. A lew of I hose nit c higher t!,an iniii.ist ever mc.rcj -'orkties ,-t .11 on band al London's, known. At Loc.xvdle Ihcp nv.r .K b 8(10 down Dies: llutloua :.t 2 cents roso at the rale oi .111 tui-h a miuutc , iwi; j.crdozi'11. lor i,vtl-! Lour:, h-j. . MaI8Tratm,Mkktinu. Thomas-1 istrutos hii.! county commissioner1 it...: ..t.,.. n. ,1 t i,io,.t. ! in-' at this nlaec on last Monday, j Out of tho M magistrates in this county 40 wore present. The tir.st business being tho election of a county board of education, a ballot whs taken and resulted in tho aloe lion ot 11. II. Silor, W. F. Ponshou and O. C. Bynum. Tho report of the finance commit tee was read, and, nu motion of C It. Scott, the rale of taxation as recommended therein was ordered to be levied. This rate is t id imc the .(fi 1;lsl V(..n.' .lm ;s o,; ',-,., s , tunlreil dollars valuation o: f mop orty lor the ordinary county ex- ponses, lour ronls for tho court house i,,,,,,!, and lour cents for thelund bon JSj Iakiltf a 0, :u cents on property and (1.02 on tbo poll. W. N. Straiighan nflored tho fol lowing resohilion : Jlr&ilml, That tho sum of 4.500 is hereby appropriated out of tho taxes levied for tho year ISs'.i and I ho year l -Wi', all out of one or a part out ol each as the commission ers liiuv deem best, fill' the purpose of i-niiniriietiiiLr and eruetina lattice bridge on brick pieis, river at Love's mil!, : iitks.s Haw I .ording to j tho plan of tho r.yi.uiu's bridge substantially the same; and tho j sue: I.ois I'. He. Hoys; ireiiiins co nmiisi.ini'rs am directed to take ; Ten y , Curf.-w Sn.-i 1 Not l.'ing To all neeessarv stctis to build I he same. ! night. I';i'-,.i Wi i.-.-t.r ; The Kitchen whenever the ou in rs ol ill" l.ove . . mill ni'niierlv or olhers sua, mielire the cominiisioners in siieli Mini as j may be iicco.-surv to iiavall the t costs (it bridge, abutments, oversee ing, iVc, over the aiuoiilit hereby appropriated. On motion ol !!. 1. Mason the above resolution was laid on tin table. J. K I'.ryau olVered the following tV.sf.,'c, ,. That tiie sum not to ex ceed tr.hOO be appropriated out of: the taxes ol the year l-'.t and ls-'.IO' tor tho purjiose ol building a lattice bridge across Dee ji river at Haywood at the old bridge site in Capo Fear township. On motion of W. A. Limberrv this resolution also was laid ou thei lablo. T. II. Panev moved that the order passed hist June to build a bridge al Henley's be reconsidered, but on million ot II. I. Mason this motion was iai'l on t he tabk! Tbe following per.-.,. ns were then elected by acclamation the finance committee for tio- ens. line- year. viy. : A.G. Ileaiien, C. K. Seotl and L. B- P.y nu in I:iriuir the meeting theeloik read a eerlilieil copy ot tne Act for the, rebel ill SheriiV Brewer, wli-i h states ; that the n'agistra'..-; have noil, ing j to do .vitii the m.-.Lter but that it is! Ill entirely with the county com- inissioners. As ll.o JJljoun has; Mated that the Act had left thai matter with the county commission ers and magistrates jointly, wel,,,,. would h'-re state (hat such win thejj,. ! information given the editor by ! Al-jScnator Crawford (iii tho day helore the last Fl i'hiy o the scs-io!i that tho IIoti.su left (he lull as it i:i-:i the matter only wilh thu commis sinners, but that ho bad it amend 'd in the Mount" by ad.,'iug the magis trates, and that the bill ).,,. . .i thut (Tuihn'', We mention this to explain why the ltr.coiu. mad.i a slnte'iient which now fippuuts' lo have boon erronooiis. To Kx-l'oKKiiKi:AT!:s.-Art lifts heretofore been Monoiiiieod in the lit:eolll. the S'ate executive ci.uiniit teool the e. I '.. II federate A s-o; jati.jn ha- reipiestod the "Id Conl'ederate ..oj.pers of every county ! nnvt at their county seats mi the I'.h day ot July, for tin- imrhoso of organizing (limit v associations. As t ho eounlv ... . r.i.atham meets hero oil Friday, the 5ib day ot July, it might bo moro convenient lo many, who would llko to attend both meetings, to have them both tin Ihu sumo day. We mentioned this on hint Monday to Mr. J. W. Atwator, the president e.i o: I I... I. ill.. .!,., ,. v,.,r,r(sl;,, s,at,;,l Uo . i;Ul(.0 ,A ,,,,1,, ,ake , ivcess , ..,,, ,,. , ,. ox ( , te.lcl -h uu,u l!l(,ro ,,0 (. .v1 .. - . ..,,,, i.,v . i... ni It lay ol Ja is the day for the ex- : Coiifedoraics ul Chatham to meet And t rganize a county :.s.-,ocia- Rumikn Pkajii. -Mr. John A, Smilli, tlicd very suddenly at this place on last Thursday night, aged sixty cigltt Vi sr.. He ha. l been in! ills usual health, ate a liearly supper ami went to bed with no thought ol j death impending. I taring the night 1 , . ' 1 1 . i t lie was l lUen sic:; ami i'r, i., .. Hanks was sent for, but he d:'d wilhin ten minutes niter the doctor's arrival. The doctor thought that heart dot was the cau.e of his death Tho deceased wrni a native ol Man land, but bad been a resilient of this county nearly loirt v- year. residing most ol the time al Gull from which lilue.c ho removed here fist, -iiit 1 1 iii 11. He w an a nuie- tin obuiisioi. citb'.on, highly houoral in all his dealings, and greatly es teemed by all who knoiv him. .1 I'uh.ii In tear last jssini we said that rain was greatly needed in j this set lion, end so it w as, I ul ll is not now. for t-iht o then tho clouds cloud have opened, tbo rains have .1. - scende.l and ali.tost a o..-l has swept Ihroiigo 4 IMS county, going ! eonsiderablo tlamuge. It btgi'i. last I Thursday night and pouio.l own j " le.rrenis-a p-cncci ..t-.t., about twelve bonis. Itv.as ular old fashioned "gully -w leg - R.-nooi. Kxr.n. ihKs.-TI.e closing; exercises ot Mr. S. S. Jackson's: Mi-lmul uor.i wll in the court house, at this place, on last Friday night, and were much onjoyud by tho largo hudioneo in attendance. A. largo , naniuei oi persons nan luiim uum: tho surrounding country for several miles, and all felt well i inir i i-i i r i m ikiii wo navo never i known an audience more pleased" with any entertainment of a similar character. All tho scholars did well, reflecting much credit on thctn- selves ami :i their teacher, and where s.ll did so well it would bo , improper to mako any comparisons. ; 11 lie loilowing is the prio.ramino ol the exorcist s Kei ilalion t'.io 17th I'salm. by I the school; Tho Goodnight Kh'.s, Willie Kubanks; Tbo Uutloli l'rob loin, iiobcrt Hatch ; Tho Kosc, Alioe Holt; Fourth of July Oratiun, Char lio Donb; a song Sailing by the school; Mark Anthony's Oration. Henry Manger London; Cover Tkcm Over, Paltio Hatch; Life's Magnet, Drautley .lone.-; Sale ot Old Huehel him, Ne'iiio Met ' .vii ; Mabel with race Airains' the Pane, Corn'n' Ton shoe; Mr. Jonat b.'.n Jones, Mary Helie Kiihaiiks: Washington. James iinilin ; tniiM l'ra er. A nuie l..tcl Willie's Naiiunal Hymn, ('.or ;e Muiiai.ks ; '1'iie I'am- M i .... r t t I . .. .. I . I ; 1 .a' . I ':1. 1 1 "!i . mm-ii hi t l.ee: Wii'ie li'-ndeu- music; a I'.oiier dialogue - I he it he s- rre.t.Mjot. II ugh U i.': . I vi war t r.unanfcs aim ! James (iritViu ; The Gambler's Wife. Ward Kubanks; Pucker and the .Moon, Sarah llni.!:; Poor Little Kloseii, Carrie Holt; The Marriage ! Fee, .Mat tie I'oiis'.u e, Answer to the j-('o:eUered r.:in:.or ', Kloi-ie McGill. a song Tt irci't Si'.n.ny South- by ! the s'.lioo! ; S artaeus to tho (iladia- tors, Hugli Kni: Lorcu:; Lunanks t . Wh;.t 1 Love, I'.xceisior, Sall'o London; Iii-liing in Heaven. Ida! Holt. The lh:t Fred Nooe l'hc t; ah's Kemed v. Iron's lb 'spit I',! LlZKio Puiisbei li.hvr.rl ; Napoleon Bo parte, Iv.l banks ; a song W hen I was a l.utbj (hi !, hy seven little girls ; The lluriiingShip, Lucy l.oml 'i: : a dialo-ic -The Fruits of ( 'oiirt- hi j K uiii'. ; i Jaie.es G: isie; a ( i e i j iUn and 1 1 ugh jr.iphica! Play, iii s ; National ; Pre- chtalion bv eleven oiing livmn. by the sell. of Yx-'vy. , the M-ho j The 'and Mrs aw, irk! Mr. Hug a ; (ox., .hiighl by e, copie-i ol Tennyson's Browning's jiocins. were h, Mi.s Lucy London and i Knigiii for iiavingattain- ed the highest mark in scholarship .luring tiie .ssi.o) I'll rs;i,i;o' A. A'.'KMV. -Tiie trus tee... ol the Piltsbofo' AcM.leni- iield their regular Minna! meeting on last Saturday, and eh'et-d Mr. S. S. Jack son piuuiha! for the next twelve n! us. Jnenoxlsc -ion wi: eum Mr. tho first Monday in A ugint 1.-..0. !; well known to all our I,.,. I,, virinili- I,,,! h.rlhr inlormation of thoe at a distance we would state that ho was born and .-.a red at this place, graduated with high honor at the State univer sity in i .-?'(!. has boon teaching ever shoo and h:;;. given great satislac lion all his patrons. It gives ns pleasure to ;-!ato that with all our experience with teachers wo have never known a moro competent or s'iccessf.il one tii.u. him, and from personal knowledge wo would ree oiumeiid him lo every one who wishes bis child thoroughly educa ted. The Pittsboro' Academy can boast 1 of i icing one ol t lie olde-1 institutions of ! tr!. iog ii, tiie Clete 1 States. having been c!,;.r!ered by the Leg ! isintiiro in the car 17.-0, over a jienlUi V .-c o. Some of the most dis j I ; ii g ii is,!i t -I t-.'.e'.e. r- i:i our StateV i history have taught here. Mr. Wil ilium Bingham, the first of the nam" in this StaLo, Logan leaching at this p'uco in 17'J.L Kiiico then wo hav been favored, with such eminent teachers a J. M. Lovejov, Lev. Pan j iol McGilvary, Lev. Pr. Cluss, Kcv Pr. Sutton, ('apt C. B. Ponson and others. Many di -tingiii.di 'd men have j'-'iie ti' t ehool at i.t Pi! I. shorn' Ae;e!"!i'y. among litem being tin j throe Mao!y.'..t.', v. John i'An, Hon. i George Pavi.i, J ;iot;c G. '. Sirong. re is ,, re;.. (;u why tan I tits . Le, lib. Hi V ; !,olii i hot he .mo to cad i 'n' i i M ii u ' ions ..I leariiini: Sia; e. a. .-I it is to the ii,:er ai' i '! .-hot! id I I ' 1 1 ) 1 i ie ami pleasure t.::i-i,gi Boar I i ',. i-i1 el! l.ens it I Ills l!t.:le iti making it so a: li.e cl"a!e is re i ' s he .II1 !'u ihess. ! he i 0 teii'gel.l a i,, I . ,1. 1 ul, p.rt unit v aid a-Ivan d lor buii.ting up a :..d. marka'ih' ! ;' coi.ini u i.ny is and every op age is o-leii ibdtl'ishiiig i t ! j Pig's. ...;. i j t.iwnsm:;e, Mr. here on a visit I -Our former . 1'. fa-, lor. is dd home. Hi remove I lr. 1 this j, !.-;,., 1,) To.Mi! War, and has r sidei e. Many ot his friemh ivcogni.e him 01: ac just aft, I here e v. have la: conn' ul the I f i.'i.erahhi appearance, his liowlng grey bean! nlmo-t dr. guisuig L i in. lie is attending thi week the centennial reunion at Chapel Hill, where ho graduated in 1 S.V.I. Miss Maggie Home has returned I Irom a ;-i( u so oral hioiilhs to I relatives in 'it x...s. ;.J is.-! l-aiuiy J htuiipsoii has close ,ior son.. ( -I ;.: ( Ire Hi in. I i ctcrnetl i home to spend t.er vaeaiiwii. .':he j is a, 1 e.-eebt-nl leat her. .v rs. . . :,. 1 011U..11 ii.h:ii,ii.i visit to tin. ' U . -land .'Siriiig.-. M; ,y 1 !. it,-. S. :"g 'o:: ' it tn-r; 1 lit s, tlietl Silll- 10 ibis city 'eslion ol the !'; M.i. I t dhui-y. t -u,. h ia ..i d . hot . r ol bile old the la firm ii- Commissioners' Meeting. The county commissioners hcl.l their reiriilar niuiilhly mooting on hist Monday and Tuesday, nud uud- j Hod the lollowing iiecoiiiiis : K. II. McMunus, insolvent 81.37 3,05 0,00 L-F. WilliamH.insolvontlco, repaid lor ' Albert Snipes, insolvent Joes, lavo never jW. M. Long, for removing ro pleased' raft at New Hope, bridge, raft at ow ilopc bridge, 2.00 3.05 !J, J. Johnson, insolvent fees, j K. M. Foarrington, insulvout j lees, : I. T. l'.rooks, insolvent fees, .85 LI-' rt 8.(MI '!:: :a: .o."i r.ru A. . Wicker, insolvent lees, O. S. Johnson, as oflioer ol giaun jtu uli.m ci.uii, IJosiah Tysor. insoiveiit lies, It. It. ilamlol, insolveh.l tees, Jiisejih Ki'ssi-r, insoheiil ices, V. M. Hums, lor bacon, H. It. Hamlet, lor bringing Nathaniel l'oiidergrasafrom Orange county, Anderson Taylor, for labor at poor-house, Julia Taylor, for labor at poor-house, J. W. I'oe, for labor at poor- Iiou-m', S M iloit. i;:snlre:.t fees, .1. W. C.i! ior, insolvent i1ej, ivhv'd I'iiilips. insolvent lev.-., Ir. L. A Hanks, as county Ktiperiiiti ndclil ! heallli, S. V. Piieui r, i: solvent lees, and services at court, 4.10 27.50 12.00 73 25 ::s.in tin 1 (J0 lo.Go 17.55 nina- i'n II h 15 Si! i i . 4.50 j t i I. It. Mi I vet. I fees, T. II. Worn.; finance o ( I, W. hou- courl, Woinack ,t i ; wo 'gays on .. in illee, i co. service t at iiiiam, for Hanks C.OO 12.00 ' , 1.05 7-M 11,00 .95 5.0u 2.10 li.r.o W. L. 1 .nu, poor boas-', Ldwards it II tax I.Moks, ,V siijiplies tor ii'.ghton, lor W. J. Luttcrioh, insolvent fees, 11. A. London, for printing blank's ;ni advertising. K. U. j ay lor, tor ;istr;:r ol' election. v. i . .iioore, Di'inuilig iriso- nor Ironi .viaiiianei O, C. Bynum, as clerk of Finance committee, Il.tiii OithKtii.ii, That J'nos Bray ami John Page be i.:euipt from poll tax. ( Iki;i.!!K!, 'i hat license be issued lo A P. Terry to retail hpirituous. vinous and in ail liquors at I 'it t shorn. Wiii iii:.'.'-, toe !,,.il.) S. Vi". Brewer by the failure of the Statj National Bank is ?:!. o;1'!, !7. now by virtue of an Act ol tho General Assembly ratitie.l Maivh lllii, ISSt), entitled "An Act for the relief of S. W. Brew er ". it is OiUU'nr.h, 1 hat tbo Levi to S.. W.l Brower bv ; ;,. .1,1: (;i tho failure ot j the Slat-' National Bank of l.'aleigl. 1)0 sot lied and compromised with tin; said S. W, Brewer by giving and allowing him credit for tho sum of 5f'L'!o0 to bo credited to tho general county fund und tbo school hind in proportion lo the amounts which the said S. W. Brewer owed to the said sums al tho dne ot the failure of said bank, to-wii; lo the general county fund the sum ol $1025.70 ami to the school fund the sum of 5r 157 L :). Tbo amount in the general fund to be creilltcif tu t Iii; sum Ho in hands of said Brewer, 't ho amount to I ho school fund to be credited to the amount lo be charged against said P.rewer upon tho nel ensuing tax levy. '.,! Ui Iixir Cot ! oil Factories. Mk. LiiiroK: c note with pecu liar pride ami interest tho progress ..I cotton manulactiiring in our Stale, and Concord take- the lead. Think of it, a now mill commenced there, the main building 12n bv.t wide by -!iJ4 fuel long, three stories high, '. l.i lowers ea"h 05 feet and one tower 72 let hi.-h. JilS windows L10 l' ol and 25 door;.. To eoii.p-t to the plant 1 here will be a boiler hoiiMi .'Jlixtio toet, engine room 2lxPi feet and Picker Loom 32x75 tcet, two stories. There will go into tho construction of thoso buildings 1,001,000 feet of lumber and 2,750.(1(10 bricks, this mill will carry P.tono spindles and tint) looms and is being built by the ! . loll Muiiuiaeturihg Company w ho have been operating sueccsluily for vears a large piajd mjil :ktlhat place, fo carry "Ul lids, their capital stock lias been increased Irom Slo5,ooo o a bail million. Al the same time and he; lac to v t'aellil'lO. loncei'li, Sou 1 a. I I' till o o:.t .d ami C.ipt. .'. ( 'aroiiui r by is 1 ;nown ;'.s ;' ( olaj a 1 '. the first ' .iiov-' a t M lllil.i.i't. ,no ba '. 1 re ing hiiill a ba; i.e JG-tT manu 'i'hi;- mammotl I tiie kind in lb. ipiial ol l,iioo. e I- expecle I I" ! s j.. nlav, stamp- i I'.-adi lor shipping- j il, a native .ort :, ! the projector and , grand enterprises. ; III, Is n l!.e- lie is already president and general j manager ol' live cotton mills, among j them tin' Die' Lvnuin's in your county. Th.- , l iter happens lo know j ..nni lliiiig ol' ibis sagai ious, bold I and chterpi i-ing man. lie knwsl ihe wcihingo! a cotlon miil in do j tail. J I is i-vstcm is sucli as to enable J him to know the daily production oi I each h.iil. and at the end of each month to know the amount ot cotton used, the cos 1 o I production and the! wages paid each hand. Willi all this In- has other important interests i al hand, yet hi hs tjmo to euro for the w wills of the needy, and Jo give liberal aid to schools. ctflh g'M ami j chunbis. Ho ! as carol!.! I r tin j morals ot his people :.s ho is l..r tin ! ! finance at these mills, by the 1.1110 ihe.-o tv.o largo iniils mo Ii nisuctl , tbo btii Irom a i'7.h!'i chapel, hisi own modeling, v.ill iili the.-e con '' teiitod, happy g;;L ami b..ys to church 1 1 : v'.ce. We lui-U r-ii.i.l tl...i in tho hear future that the,'. .Model! M;.uuUi tii-ingCi.mp.,i.y will largely ini rca.-o their ojitra. ion -. in Chatham. We , look wiui anxiety to ihe iato move ! menu h-r a l.n tory in lialeigh. 'i'o : bet . imc irosj'crous pi-tip .N.iith Carolina mil - t be a i...u.ulaclimn I ... (Wk . :,i .Siilc ; Indian Ll CK It NlgCi l lllllc. i Mi. KnrroK: I have been think. j,,,, c.Vcr since our pleasant trip to Indian creek bridge picnic, on 18th lot May, to give you a short sketch ol the eiijoyalilo occasion. J.rignt and caily Saturday morning wo started bout 1 1 o'clock we arrived at our journey's end and found as- aembled there a largo crowd, which gave us a hearty welcome. Alter our long and dusty rnle it was (jinto a treat to enjoy the beautiful rhades and pleasant brceKcs of the btautiful place which !,al been selected and nicciy arranged for tho lostiviticis of I be day by i?ie gailant young gen tlenu'ii. And a gala day wo had. II there w:e- any one ihoiv that did not enjoy theiiirelves it must have been li.o'ir own t;ui!:. There was a bouutilul dinner sju-ead which all, of course, enjoyed. Wo had splendid music ami no mo of tbe ladies and gentlemen present kept time tho balance- of the afternoon to tho well tuned notes of the violin. Nothing can be imagined more beautiful than lai'li'.l... v i iv o n w hi. i : vat. r. ml 'l ini'. which met banks ol tbe creek ! pure and nurg- , i:uii.riin.d i vai; eeebaii'.'d springs, of ii, fairy land, ire too bri.Mit, too o,r earth. A tier it !: I ol line !.. i- a'el c pi ion lll.'i llpet! V ot the g ride to : picnic if thev the A parly ,y can .'io-i r. Kii.J 1- Washington i V-ogress : Mr . V. I. Wiit y., of Aurora, tei:.i us that the h. avy raitci 1 avc great iy iiijure.l the ciop-i in tii-it i-i eiior,. Wo have in fouaa'.ion irom llyje eoiihi y 'ba' tbe ruins have .hem great damage to th.. crops in that county. ( 'lintoi. Caucasian : M-s'p. Stew ni t, lLiiOa iV Bc-ai.nin are now pbip pio.g kiln .he d iiimbcr lo tho North ern market -. - - linton x beating all 1 ; . ii tn'.ei: tios vi ar. .Moh.i.iy t!i-re ,-. rc ovir I.'-it't box. s ol beans shippr i t-.j.a ibis pH'-t, and ill . I wi.s really the lir -l day of the season. Sfalusvi'le L-i'i'lmark: In David son to-.v.i hi;, y.-siei'ihiy a boy aged 1 2 and 11 girl a : d7, cbl!dreii of John Hi my. weie .e.-iiy to the fold, the, bec 1. 1 1- v. iii. a ; --Hi ( ii bis i.b.ni' di r. He ':'. '..ni i.ihg with the lock a-l hi walk, ! sirng and cause.! the iii-t'!.ai gt- of ti,o KOn- Tiie it) id lo.lg e I in hi:; i.:Mer' neck, pioducing im lardirjte '.JeaUi- Co:ir.-,r,i '."vi'ct : On l.ul Saturday the iitfle hoi. of Mr. Caleb liiuringer from near l:.g Lick was with bis father in Mr. Payvauit's store. His eiirio.'.iiy was rnii-cd to r.cc a five shooter and Tdr. Siuoot D.iyvuult reai 'hcd iii liia wi.ow case to get ouo ir.d win 11. by some cause, it wt lit oil', passing tl.i.:'.igli the heavy glass and etiil.i'ig iV.e little fe'.low'iii the lcfl In.. a-, 1. 'I ne eool lin k is that the biiiiei , 11 22 .'alibi o, only mudea sei af eb and fell iiii tho ilonr. " Mr. lyvault bad iust reeoiveil tbe weupons and Idh; "uj that l:o Lad i:: balls of that fhc on La. id lor two years. lialoi'.di Niah 1.11.I Obsfi-vor: In oonsetpieiioe of Iberooeiit troiuPiidiius !oi .!i at tin North, al! riiilroud con lleotio: .:. iiorlii of Wasl ilif.toli, osjio eiaiiy. l.-v 1 be. n eoiopleb Iv derang I. No N". w Y..:k P'-ipcis bavo been r. e.-h-.! ! for two d ivs. Mr. I.uvki.i f-i.;i!'!, a near re-ido.it i f tni--oil v. who has ? r me limn p 1st in en partly para! .ted. v.-is a few days ago. while :i leep in hi- -ooi.. and all wad ii g:.e"i . tj t . visited l y some 01. u ami robbed of bis keys from bis person, bis dei-k opmied and robbod of 11 notes, morlgnges and olbor paper, with ail tbo money but it. too or four dollars, leaving iba desk open. do not know tbo amount of mono; taken, but it is thought thero was n (Miiside; aiee .mm. Lr.- While Mr. I'it ree g v, .-or at. the v el l'ltle four i ar-o!il i.'g.r ii"ii:iist the Los :-','v ! I.'., v.. .1 be igi tie. i-il a".i h'ni . A .lr. L.i-.. -c.i:i . ii- !' l',o:.. the We!, 'e'i te.tr b -a, in g a' lad fn tie an 1 1. ,liie ' ' .- jet !( t ol '.v at 1 I i f tie- le.'k r, iii u c . ,.n l l as :. . "I lie !:. :i i ami ,. ul..!!.- thai :-hi f,:i'i(l' callcil tt 1. ;.. v. hieh tdn went down ai t' ,e is lining Well. :-.;. 0 tl i:l tleu'll -1 r !,..!.. L .!-. , I was in it k.b. ' ! her to 1 a' . '. : i.e did. and In id until .r.-it hold of l.rr. In: t !i id a mn row Vt. C.,1": I' o! '.ho i'leie h s 1 ved ;i reg it ciirpuntir'f crafiM.'.-in at mlh 'Vci to s; senh i,r e.M. ' ,r. '. Ji'tul'lSi; COl'till CKdl. .:' : i I.i.' I'm e. ut ly i.'lievi'd s .V Ih iiii N. iiy Si.i! Cr CAT.Vl'i.lf CI 'I; Kit. I-.ci.lth and s-ci ni I rca'.h s.-eure.l. Lv Khilr.h's .1 a'-: h I I 1'iio.e oil een'B Cll ,I1N .V Hl Al'l N. sail.j. best, use: l'riee -5 ' ; i.i ill M'Ol (Hi.iii.i'.'ouiuimp- r.-r .1. mi.-ih and l'-ni-r, for TOMB ,,Mi!.lbv iim.i. .1 guin.i- hTONL8, e , m-ply to above ad ait.. CoUalUUptiwlU- CtUl'tk dic-s. 1 ' 1. 10'Vj ly t.i-.;. Cm tee !t y Ul.; THAT HACKING COUGH can be bo quickly cured by Sbiloh Cure. We guaruntee it. Ciiamn & Hkadkn. WILL YOUBUFFliU with Dys pepsia and Liver Coniplaiiit ! Sliilob's Vitalizer is cuaruu'bood to euro ycu. j ChaI'IN & Hemkn. cr.w.pr.irxM vmwTM m iia. crabiebv that terrible cout'h. Shilob's j C,ro j3 bi) ,.omi..ly fur J0U. CyAPj:, iir Sl llEAhLS. SHILOH S YirivLIZLIl is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. li:'.incss, ami all symptoue of I spcjisia. Price 10 and 75cout( per bottle. CtiAiis tfc HkaiulN. New Advi'iliseincals. WANTED. Hands for tbe Hope Mills Manu facturing Company's New Mill at HOPE MILLS, N. C. Boomers, Twisters, Weavers, Hpeeder, Slubber and Diuwiug 1'iamo Hands. Spinnera, Spoolers, Winders, Peelers ui..j i it: pei si. Tho Mill is ie w a.i.l lill. d with tbe litest iuipiov .1 mat l.ii.ei y. House are hew, :i::d ior convenii-nec and comfort nn- not nun as.-e,l l.iy w;v fact -ry vi!i ..;c i.i tie SoutL. Good w-igi s ; 1 1 . 1 steady work. Ap ply pe!'.-.'i'i':iv or by bit,. !i. c 1 i. 1 i.-b'.y. 11 f. uy. Jiu.- N. C IN- GEffi BMUfStB. Yc hiv. c :i.-t 1,000 !: ALi'.'iiGGAN YV LIGHT KNIT S!-I:KT5 DRAWERS At 10, value Toe. 1,000 SHIRTS At cents. g ' tit-h it illillUltl) L A I I in, cbeini ut 50c,. hi MMKJt SVK1GHT HOSE In Jaige vii'a 'y from 10 to 55c. A NICi: LIGHT WLIGHT BALEHIGGAN 1-2 HOSE roi, 15 chvrs. Tbi- i.i the cheapest lot of I'uder-wi-ar over offered in this city. ere receiving i,ew shapes ami H siv'.i-,, in our HILLIIIERY DEPARTMEHT Alum t J.iiiy diel 11..Y tiudo iu thai lino is iuoreiisiiig pbeuoiucually. AiiCCODr- or.TE rnics mm & soh, 11 Ea&t Kartiii Street, n.v 1.1 :k;i 1. r. S3 SHOS o;:-!V;:,m,:n. m :). k: i tiiiKs. I!.' :! Mi-sl- 11. -iloj.. ii m::r l.'M ; WI I Ti'lin: I.I 5-1 l-ii.l- 1. .'Ac l.'.l.lli-IS .HOE. U NI 1A 1'liA V A 1.1 l.l'Al.K Slloi;. 13 'Ji Will. KIM. HS'S SHOE. I 00 il.l l.i UUYS' H UIXII. HHOES. rmti.liiii'iii wltt-n my uivmo J prloorD lanii.3 sa ' "O :i. W. I.. IlOfcr.AS. Hi " li'.fll, Muss. r..t. sAi.; Lv W. L LONDON, n rrsiioiio', r. liMIM't. I ( i!' XI )TT( 'K If!"! t u IS v v. 1 . ! -;.t upot. j. i.niaek, at . C ".M Holt. A I 1 -:,t this ibiv. the MpplH' tone v ! I i .1, t f . 1". . I . .! (i. ai-.-!. 1 by ii t ii' t : I'll b'.- L t It r lb. v -.-raiitc i I ' ti c a..-Orll'.t('S. ill'-'. : ,iie-il -:t' at 111:1. ". ;: -,- . ti. iU il ill hie it." e !. el I he Codi . i i j :.i la-.-, theil cfi '-s"l s. illtielCi. (d f..l..v. .a, a-, 'I be I' u mors' : U-iekvido. .'. I -1! . hash. ess i-ball lu ll. tiio bu. ii'.ess-. and st en as ..10 incident 1 I -I'll .:. ..1.1. J. Tin l 't!il 1.1 :tle -101. ' in i I thereto. :. The ''i 1- ef UiC.jB si; ill be ut L. ol-.i'' - N C 4 The t' li.i of iui-.'-'iponiticn bbull be. t billy yem.i. f. Tiie sb'th i.lltiii I"' 0011. (Kl ill 'sbarcii of i'l.d'l iiwb. whb tho privi- : h'gn (J ii.t'i i.lisiug tin. same to 10.- Olio 00 t. Tbo -iii lies hu'iiipoi'itod are those ali.iie h imed. their etsosiatoB, Huecc.sf-.ois ..n.l i.s: :p:is. S. M HOLT, ('lei k Hnperi'ir Court tf Chutbiim t'o. Mav li. Lb;;). It. m mi IMS, FIRE! FIHE!! INSDEE YOUR PROPERTY JN TIIE- c, mi mmm co, This is a Home company and do. serves the putrouayo of all Ifortll Carolinians. It was ori-anioil in 18G8 and baa paitl over l-nlf a luillion dollars in looses iiij.l there i.i hot one contested el'iim a;;ai:i. t il '. All lo: . j -.i l promptly Kvory prudeht .1. .i; o-.jl.t to insure his t'ioi.i ity. For tei :.:.- . it iy fo ii. A. LONL'ON, Ageut. v s. i'i.iLii:'i -i:. ne.dJont Sejlt. ('th. ! - THE mm TBBESHER I If you iik thinking d buying a ifiuuJuUU lllauiiiiiiii, HOMSE-FOWER, SAW-MILL or EWTGIWr, end to tbe m mmm co, WAVNL -Je lKO, 1'A , or to W. 2.. S.OI2'D03?-J, i'i I TMllOltu", N. 0-, for complete cuiaioucs. Tiio . lei ,er Tl'.re.-'lier bits been tne4 iu Chatham county for ten yean, and ;ire.i the bust i-ati.bu lion. April L IS.s-J. MEW Furniture Store IN uur.i-:N.sj3oito. Tbe nu b-1 rig;, c,l Ln jimt opa4 ni firet i.f b 01 o a rlore stocked with NEW KI'llM I I UK OK KVI.KV DKSCMPTIOH, consisting of HKDSTEADS, FOLLINC LOI NGLS, 151HEAUS, CHAIKS. and eveiytbing ii; te l-'uruituie lino. Come and ii-c me, gi t my prices, and nee if Z can't save you luutov. F. F. SMiTII, w. s 'Ott i co.'s old iitaud April IS. LSS'.I. ilm. lM.Cl" I'd i s NiVrn I-:.-1. k. iii ii:ui: :m: r.TT its i-x.tiii , .rut J..nuilinii Mttrrbull. .'X imiii'. Neiifi' It. :. !; I'lv.-ii it. nil utO Iv iiiici-Ksi Una en ::,ti i.oi.1.. il. iS'.ult tiny .t Juual nlll ill.i inv Hum 1 111. 1 v. iili Uiioierk ..I ilin u- N.-rlur .-,,nri "I eii.tiliiiiu r..un:y nu-l ast t.. ! dt .hin-K.-iI fr-.m i.tv uii.-i. Ii. K. l-UllliT. IT. Mlt' llll. ISM.. I. . c . f. a Y ,v ."railway. Condensed Schedule No. II, Taking cll'ect May 27, 183!). Mti.i txeitpT atmu4T. TTitIn uoIur H'.riu. N... I. Uttll k I'MitHi-nir. l,pftvo, I I' a. m ;.,-:m.':isvlllr in :a.txi..n. 8 i.a ,Kit'. ii"Ulo, in an iKtur-'tJ. id r.. nil, irrlv. 1.tl p. LuftTti, 6 60 lit l.M " 11.16 B. M. ;i u 3 tJ a m. .Up, .lrnauf , (llim.-r l S- 11 t MTIV... 1.1 i " 1 .... V 1- I...:. III. ' 1 . 1., .Ii:. - nni -Inliy i-s.:i'l Bmb ,1. , T- a., 1 "M trops . :::,-'r.M t:ir.,"l'huiit,lityp ,. .-. vvlli. ! i.fi?t-iibNir.if ,- , ,,11 ! 1 itliif, Irom " i;.! e.;. Wt -llit-n.lftjll . t. ' i.i.-. i-.-Imt..' s.,: 1. 1 '1 ii'.-ni iirM; . ' ! . -, i . Ul I.T- Hll .-?):. :.- I i-ull.HlVUI v .! ' 1 r ,(. v -. '. 1 .:, .i.iil 1 xs-(iltia ''I '. Il.lt'l 1 :t1 ACUl. A WJ3W BOOIL r.'ii M'i, Iii i' ii" 1 i.i;-. A ( ilibliiKN. Firnt Sti in Nt.rtb Carolina Uiatoiy writ nn I l .unrt. SNI l-iu".-'. ' -H i :- In i i I .'!. :.. it- t t i : 1 "I'J. KI1..11I.I i.i l.-.i . . i '.''iy I" i.t"M:i :h. SlBU),Bll4 ll ,.u::)it i.f in cv,-;-v-,-li...l. I-.-..Il .U.-.I )ij ALFIJt-rt-J WILLIAMS & CO., iaiii!:-:i.i.l-;i.'s, .i;., fBVelitK.ftnil Miitlc. t.ltainwi, aixi til flur mil. Is OiMM.Klte II. . I'ttlrol O. tlr. We liive tn Brh iiu.-iirlc, all bmln4 fllrrrl In 1 111 lrin-i"t lm't-nt lnwiiicM In ,: ..- i t ' a I. m t.sl lUu UtOM tt-uiow tnx -hi:..-f.u. .. . . t.tinl in...) I tlnwa :. or plii.tn., wilh flBul tit.n. W.i i.h il l-.il. r.i.U-i.- or liel. In i)f Clinrc-'. O1.1 (-. r,- '.i' i.ll i.'iu nl Is w-nrtl. A Volt. l'-'v. 1 . oli'iuit l al.nii' " with Mil i..-t- 1.. 11 n.i.i ill-iii" in youi sutte, eortf f luwu, nt ltl le.v. A-.Miv, C. A. SNOW & CO. teiywaiW l'uu.l 1U.vO, V tuhUiKlWBi JI .