) J TilVnSDAY, J VIA 11, 18S9. LOCAL KECQR.D3. .XII. 1! MJ- . - i SCHEDULE PITTSUOttO' R. R. Tbe ucM.4r U,iU W Uio I'lltauoro' icflcpad mtm Miutburg' daUy. oxrepl HmU'i. at .4S. p. aod arrlifj at Plttaboro' nt 5 JO 11. m., making Ckiae connection, vU" ! moll tralu od Uio It. fc A. -L. R. K., wtiU-U arrive at llalflgh at 11. W a. m. and teavot UalotKh nt S.'io p. in, j--Fruit Jars, Peuuh nnd Apple Poolers at O. .S. t'o.'s. kybadies' and Cents' Si raw lists At coat for eJf''t t O. S. Toe's, Wpon't forget llialU. ft Poe's is keadquailetJ lor Shots in Pittsboro'. tsr Wheal threshers tun KC-t tbo best tnacbiuo oil cheap at Chiij'in & JJeaden's. jMV Carry your dried (.'berries And Blackberries to O. S. Foe vyim 4 paying the highest market price for IhioU fruit. US- Don't forget thai the n 1 1 lc luill t Pittsbt.ro' iu still biiyinj; dog wood and paying ensh 1i? it. bring A load whenever you tome to town. IW Tito lust chicken curiosity Chatham reports ik one belonging to JUr. Sy I venter Johnson, ot thin township. U in a chicken with one Jog growing on top of its buck. JoU! ' WirThu moat valuable dogwood trco that wo have heard ol is the one Aold by Mr. W. 4. Poo, of this coun ty, to tho Staley shuttle mill for ninety cents. A woods lull ol audi would bo a forlquo. ST A party of about a dozen of pur citizens left ie)u yesterday (Wednesday) evening, on a three days' trip to Wright.svillc An ex tra train will bring them from Mon ture hero Sunday morning. U8" stock of fresh Turnip yeed from D. Laitt.'reth & Son, Philadel phia, will bo shipped about the 10th of July to J. P. Sludtnan, Ftrypt, N. C, Nothing pays hotter titan til r liips. lie will have all varieties. or Tho biggcut snake story ol tho season ia told by Mr. William Foisler.o! New Hope township, who killed a water moccason, a Imv daya ago, thai measured 'J Inehus in cir tuuilereneo, ami feet, ) inches long. MT.Oov. Ft.v. h uppoinfed our es teemed countyman, Junius A. Al ntnn, Kmj , State's proxy lor the North Carolina I.nilroad, but ho doclined on iienmnt of his health not permitting hia discharging tliu duliuH. r ....... - tdr Wo call attention to tbe "ad." ol tne university in another c-oluun. It is thoroughly equipped for the best work, and oilers to our boys as good an education as can bo profit r ed for tlto saute money any where in America. 80? Tho bait lo hetwecn tho far mers and "Ken. (Iieeii" is waxing hot and heavy. At one time it pec met 1 as if llio hitter would win, but hard work iu hoii'iiing to toil and tne (armors may yet gel out of .he grass. BttT Tho minx have been killing a great many chickens in tho neigh borhood of llar cr's X IJoailu. ll js said that isoinu ol the hu nters have bail to nit up all night in order to protijct their chickens lroin being uxtonninaled. t& Mr. M. H. l.'ride, iininigr.itiot; flgonl, arrived here yetlerday with a Northern gi.iilloir.nn vho eontent jilatos optsiiinga hotel at this place mil making it both a hu tumor and winter resort. Mr. 1'tid.o hopes to giveourtown (juiu a boom, i.nd will eoon in alto his headquarters here. Ir Wearo requested to announce hattin.HocUholdeiri ot tho J-'armerii Allianco Warehouse vill moot in the jetty of Durham, on Thursday, Sept. 5th. 1S89, at 1 o'clock p. tn , for the purpose o( transact; lig important business. All Alliances in tho to baeeo belt flro rcjuestod to tend delegates. tST You can still find at London's aomoof thosi) cheap Shoci, 75 cents p pair, worth from 8l.2." to 82. Ho also had a largo "lock of Douglas mim foe ntpii and ladies. ITo will aell you a ttico Opera .Slipper for Jadies at W cents, worth 8 ) . bon idon is ortering better bargains than usual tor tho cash. Wjlviiutn & IJeadoi: arc now offering A vory DouLlo Shovel plows at ?-'.5; nice- Lawn 4 to 5 cents; tiinghams (! W 7J ve;its; f -bailies 5 J to 7 cents, and great reduction in 11 while drees goods, Salines, Wora teadand Calicoes U.r cash. Ladie,' Jlats at your own price. Try our jiuro Cider Vinegar years old. p$- Ladies, if you need a jjico dross yoy can 6n-i it at London's jcheap-.-r than you ever tav for the Tilsit. Loudon has still some of those cheap CualJiu at coots per yard, also soino nice Lawn at 4 tents. Think of it this warm wont her, 12 vaids o tree. Lav" lor -3 cents. 'London's stock in every line it ccni jiluto. WWu cojwd last week an itni Irom the Alieboro' Courier that a tiliion oi Randolph county had cut 151 dozen bundles ol wheat in one day. Of course wo know that Chat ham could beat this, and lias beat it this year. Mr. John Hurt, of t'lis township, in ono day last moot -at (or Mr. Isaac H Straughan 1. dozen bundles ol wheat, ant! stopped in time to shock a part of it. No w, let Randolph beat thin! Meeting of Ex-Confederates. In pursuance ol previous notice, a larire. numbered tho cx Confederate I soldiers of Chatham county met in 'the court bouse, at thin place, on last j Friday, for tho purpose of o-.g-iiuing i a Confederate etorana County Asso- ciation. : V. A. Lincbcrry was called to tho I chair and C. . Boon was rcuietited Uo act as secretary. By request II. I A. London explained the objects of tho mooting. All persons present who desired to I join the proposed association wore i requested to baud to the sec retary their names, and the names of t'ie company and ;-f jiiment to, yliich tltey helongeil. 1 ito loll'juing m a list of the sa-ne : J. V. Atwater, Co. D. 1st Regiment. I o. v. lliiU 11ATTAI.ION, Jus. N. Cieeit, S. S. Strowd. J. I j. Lav, Co. F. Ctb Regiment. j N. A. (iilmorc.Co. K. Hth llegimunl. Henry 15. Petty, Co. (i. 11th Rcgt. IV. I tlTII KKII.Mi:ST, Uui moil Sears, C. L. VillinUs, J. V. Williams, M. T. Uurtun. V. I'. Colo, Co. D Kith Itegimcnt. P. Hurt, Co. D. 2i:th Regiment. CO. K". 2liTII RKiilMKST, S. W. Brewer, J. !L Mc.Math, 1'.. II. McManus. tl. 2liril HKtil.MF.NT, V. A. Lineberry, A. M. Fo.v. t o. I. :!2.n UKtiiMi:.i', W. ,. London, B. F. foe, A.J. 1 iy ii u tit, Aiiibvosc Kubunks, M. (i. Johnston, R. C. Colttn, I. ovi Botrcis, ion: W. Farrcll, II. 1. Mason, John K. Foiishee, S. M. Holt, II. V London. J.C. Ileticher, Co. Ii. 3:tni Regiment. I'll, I). 35TII UKUIMKNT, C. A. Boon, Y. 11. Whi'o, A. T. Lambeth, J. F. Maii.i, John W. Hoon, William Kiddle, Thos. Williams, M- L. fitfhett, Jno. S. Cantpboll, Co. K SS'lb Hegt. Sylvester Johnston, Co. II. 47th JSeg. i i. K. 4 t l II UKtilSt'NT, J. M. Lobertson, W. W. Iismukes. II. M. Cities, Co. (!. -4-1 1 li llegimcnt. II. A. liridges, Co. ! Hth Ucg't. CO. ti. 4STI UKUIMKNT, II C. CleL'" I S. Johnston, Hlake llal,' C. M. Holt. CO. I. U ST llKtllUEST, j A. II. Perry, J. B. Clark, ; Vilh::i:i Sell, M (J. Thomas, j T. .1. Wri-ht. A. II. S!;i:m, IT. F. Andrews, ls;i;i! 11 Straughan U.J. Perry, Samuel Thomas. I I.-aac Womble, Co. (L (lllrtl llegimer.t. I M. A. Cochmaii, Co. I. 2nd ('i,.-alry. I ' tl. 1. liltli CAVAI.tltr, tj. P. Akbm, Ib;l)c t M. Burns. J. Y. WYUtor. II. C. Stedman, Co. F.. llrd Cavalry, o. r. 5t( t AVAi.nv, J. C. N.i ',ood( .. ,1. Wilson, Alvi.- Snipes, ,J. JJ. Moacham, B. C. Lambeth, Manly M. Perry, B. A. Saunders, Kinsley Welch. .!. ii. 5m t AVAi.nv, J. J. Smith, J. II. Knight. (O. K. lOTII AltTlI.I.KIlV, W. C. Lass.iter, ). M. (Juudwin, Jluliiii Holt. Alvin Ash worth, Haskoll's Art. Bat L. R. Ex lino, t'o. A. :tlst Virginia. The followin." by-laws vej'o adotit- : ed by a u itititi nit; lis vote : j I. 1 'disorganization shall be known ! as tho "Confi.'dcrato Veterans Asso I ciation of Chathani County". II. Any ex Confederate soldier re i siding in Chatham county shall be j eligible to member-ship. I HI, Its officers shall consist of a ! president, vica president, secretary ' and treasurer and an executive com imilteoof five, whose term of olliee !sh:i!l be one year and uulil their sucessors are elected. I IV. 'J'ho election of oflieers, after !the year 19, shall be he)d at the 'auinitil meeting to be liebf on the ' first Thursday in A ugual, at tho town j of Pitisboro. '. 'J'Iih duties of the oflicers shall j bo tho anic as those of officers of similar associations. VI. That thcp by-laarfc may be amended hy majority ol tho nvm- bcru prciiMit ;itany regular meeting. On motion a committee, consisting ot C. L. Williams, A. J. Byntini, lj. U. Mason, S. W. Brewer ami Isaaf II. Straughan, was ajipoint.-.-d to m - ;)innieii'l llio omccrs ot tno assoei.a i lion. After instilling together they I mado a repurt, rccoininendiiig the following ojficers of the association : W. L. Locdon, prcsitlcnt; Jsaac H. Straugb ;n. vice president ; II. A. London, secretary and treasurer; i A. T. Lambeth, S. W. Brewer, C. L ! Williams, James N. Green and T. J B. Lasater, executive committee. On I motion, the report of the e.oinmilt ji: was unanimously adoptcl, anl the above named otlicors wore declared duly elected. u n,otio:i, it was resolved that every cx Confederate soldier in ('hat bam bo requested to send in his name to the secretary as a member of tho association. j The president was authorized to 1 eppoint at his convenience two ladies in each township to solicit contribti I tk'iis fur tho proposed "Homo" for j disabled cs Confederates. Their ! names will bj published oc soon as I f.hey are appointed. i Iri:visiMi Tax List. I'Lacounty j conimiioners met hero wn last Mon I tlay and Tuesday lev tin; purp-'.so of i revising tho tax lists and hearing ! tho iomplainUi of persons who ob ! jet ted to the valcatiou df their prop 1 ert-y. We arc pkascd to learn that j there were only ihrco or (bur com ! plaints made, an-i that in revising tho tax lists it was ascertained that ; a considerable amount A property j had not Leon listed. Several thou ' sand dollars worth of real and per jsoual property bad been omitted I from tho lax lists a reported by tho i list takers, and all this was placed ! on the lists by the commissioners, 'and thereby ninny dollars will bo i added to tho couuty treasury. Farmkrs' Almanck. Tho regu - lar otiarterlv inoetim!1 of tho County , . .! -i AlllillU'O Willi IICIU .'IL UllS JliaeO O'l I IllOlllurS lllUl KNU.V l.l immiMiiu.l'Min last Frid.T". Tbcro was a largy ill-Mays have as;ed I.mih our sight, tendai'cu "and nmcli intci tr wasjgoi.o to the "ecLoK-s sboro", with maiiifested. There are ik.'.v 17 su! - alliances in this county, nnd all i.rc rcnortcd in a flourishinj: coiKiitiou. I At tins inectin'X lio aiiuual flection unto mi uciivc y;u i m mis, nun iu 'i:iu iu.,. j.iiu,.: - j - . " ' ..h-....- i . . hi t ,.1.1 il. ,.llr.. .: i... will, a trill mi., il,, v.-lin fi-J. Ol(i) on elu.iiies slio.oe.l In North- Hun. I Ol Ollll-eiS , IIS lit.-lil, .lll'i un- i-Ni.M, - ...mi. " ...., ... ...w - r-, f ill" were duU-elected ('. U. Scott, ' wero then tho beautif':! maidens of cm market i and fully as imieb on j ' " 1 " . . . .' . . i r. . i. l I ... 1 .1 .1. . I ' 1 i.l- '.i I. 1 1. 1 4 1 president ; Alex. 3Icl ver, vice- presi-: our muiny nouimaini ; inose v. ik , -a'.-ii i:,i hi mun tutiiun: vmi ofkticnnn ! i,.t - v'' Ktmitiriiiin witi-idnrv : i saw so inaiiv bravo bora leave their ' part af I bo year's fruit vet (l. womo QMRrUliU A. T. Lambeth, lirasurer ; W. ILh::py homes to return no more ; 1 Hatch, business agent ; A. II. Mer-1 thofo who remember bow bravely ' i-ii ....im A W U c ier. !issist- ant lecturpr: Rev. (i. P Moore, loiiilnin .1 l rook, doorkeeoi-f M I. F ti.ifit hsm sl.-iiit i iiork.;ei..i : and Levi Cook, sergeant at arms. J. W. Atwater was cd.-fted delegate, and llnrman Sears alternale. to tho State A lia.ico which meets next , w , monih at rayettoville. impetus the youths of today cannot J Im propos.t.on toconsol date with , tho heel W..S unanimously endors-, I . . u h ed, as was also tne action of t lie re :, . ... , ... ,. , ,,. . , . ! ken n: spirits, and ready to "ivc up cent coi.ventu.n at Birmingham in,. , '-. ..i,,. ',., .7,., t regard to using only cotton bast'iiig. This shows a ti&ed dcterniinatioii of tho fanners to stand together iu their opposition to tho juto bagging trust, and it they will do this they are bound to win I A Lettk.h Fhom Tkxas. Several months ano ono ol our voting couu tymcn caught thu "Texas lev. r". I cause, u ion ha . e m.ne : wnai but is r.ow thoroughly curat! of it. i"'" wo doing for these disabled war That which cured him is a letter from '"Jl's? ''''o answers nothing ! a frien.! in TcKiis. written in answer I Sorry the sight lo see i.u-o old to ono he had written intiiii ing as ! veterans when they can no longc;- to t ho chances ot getting so'ne posi tion lliere. lit: thinks that others of our young county men may a'so catch tho 'Tesas laver'', ami, in ..r der lo f.ii.j them also, he has reijiiext fd '.js lo publish the euro--the letter which he received, which is as tiil lows: 'lie plying to your favor 1 1 th inst., will say" I ciiii'l give you much on coun.goniciit in leaving the I'M North Stale and coming to Texas, as a book keeper; '-the woods is full of 'ont". I, myself, CApei.ted to mnku a fot -tinio ;u p. book-keeper, and spent tfiOti in bccitring a 5'l job. 1 kept books for a wholesale house in this city and $75 per month is llu most I ever got. It is true that one boijk Ueeiicr heregLiii; -,OlH) per year, bill ii fellow might as '.veil try to l." .defi ed (iovernor, its to get his job. A single man can get very good board at f 2150 to S25 per month. Waco ij about as healthy as any tiortion of thy .-Uale ; I have never pocn able, to find goon luaith aoy wbero iu Texas, and 1 have been pretty well all over hei. No better social :i(ircni.gt.4 c;i bo fo,iu.! i.i the Slalo. A man can be suited iu l,iw..t any line. Tho Baptist univer sity of the State for males ami t males is located here ; :. hrg Moth-. suppli'id with all t!:c butter and , the kiUcns wero about two weeks old odist female colhge , itoman Catholic j uljk they couhl coiisuino. The aver- j the mother cat w..s killed by one of college, and free schools, w hich i ll(,0 pyh-o received by Mrs. Lent,; for t!l0 stcct. cr horsws. and raiber than tutlgbt between o.Ollil and 1,000 clid I .r butter was 22.J cuts per pound, si e the kittens starve or hic.i tueni dren last year. There is service in j which gavo iier ?;is M as tbo a oceeds , killed sbo Ihoi'gl.t t.l.o would ami over 110 churches every Sunday of 10m her cow after hi t own wants bad j i;dsu tbci.. w it Ii a bottle. mic -every nation and creed. I have seen )(.ou Hilliljiied. We doubt if fhij c cded beyond bin cxjictt.. .'lit v the lime here on Minday in a man could hear the best jircac'tcrs iu the State, hear au intidel lecture, attend ;i first chi.o theutiv, u variety theatre or a dance, fro you see a man can generally get what he calls lor. There is as refined i ici..!y in Waco a i. t be found ai.vwhuro. I had m.uli rather dejund on a! poultry rancho than book-keeping. I W'i'A be glad to hear from you I again, and it I can ilo anything lor . . . -. you out hero let uieki.ow. II J urn find anything that will pay a rcspi table living I am thinking ot emi grating to .North Carolina next :u miner.'' I named Stockton. They live at home ; Stme's beginning and towth hits i r ifi'i:nv.iii. j .lS0U1- int'oi mailt c pt.-.-.scs it nr.d l ave i .Ci n wuteici fob l-'w prices is what Sumliiy lVot k ill Post Olliccs. j c(n n j tho big iib and su-ar in has done it ami low price-. idiuM al-.vnvH Mr. 'in,i)i : ll the relations bo- the closet. Tbci! T.osi itulity iostraii-1 ,t) it at ll.e Dig Iiin-i;il .Stoic. When twten you n.nl yoiii' Wasiiiugiou j f;crs is of die good ui.i pn.Uia.ch blj io, t-.j y,Ai want b. iiuy au thing and correspondent are not too delicate, I , they cannot do too much for a guest. ! want to buy it for less money than will jot a ii llio criticism. In t he j Our informant says that the daughter, j you can find it any where else go right liri oim ol Juno Hllll 'Our Wash in:'- a beautiful blue eved young girl just straight to the Lilt Uacket Store and ton Letter" strikes a blow at the very loiiinlatioii ol in his criticism ol' (ii.i g.i. ci i;i..eii.. the roslmaster (jCiieral, who is trying lo aboli.-h JJiuulay work in the city post olliccs. Though I feci incompetent, even if I had lime, to do the subject jus!i-;e it's getting t'liio sjoniepoily speaking oJl. ihe .aoatli was maile ir man and not man lor tho Sabbath. Is'nt it preposterous al most that a government like this, ..i t,i ..v,;ui ...... ii.,,,. .,,.. i,., ,,, I,-,. I Kiiou.u v.. " '-." " .. ... ..p years and not olliciaily (wignizc tho t'hriblian Sabbath, or .-ome dav Sabbath ,wi.uo it is uniicisiooii e . . ; ... ... , , . . retain tlio honor oi uoiiw caueii a .i.r.siian nation, nignmeai.i it? In thu very same Iclte" ine;u.n is mad.' of tho "floods in I'ennsylva ,ii.i. Who that believes iu a Su promo Being is surprised w hen h hearsof great rains, great ti res. tloods, storms and earthquakes. When the 1 . fourth comma ml says '-mx tlayd shall nou aoo.,r, am. ... m u.. , ., k but the seventh day is tho sabbath ... . ., ... -,,i .it of the Lou:, thy .oil. n .1 thou shalt iuA tlo any work. Man is so con - stituled that ho ruipiirei; one day out ;d oy.ery seven lor nvt, and v. hen iij Wilmington Messenger: A "oI..r can possibly bo prevented no v.ir!: I cdf'irl who livt sat tbo bouse of Frank .-hourd b'.' tolerated tn tho Sabbath 1 Mills, on Sixth S.reet. atttutpted to J:,-, i kindle a lire wiib kcrsoni) oil ystcr- I bond tho Postmaster ( .eneral day moi liin.', w illi tbe usual le-uiti. will hucceed ill aUilLhin' Sunday work in the post olliccs ol the I'ni- ted States. W. A. Avkst. - tKartl.it'OM. The I'tl'l llllS IlOHM'. . . . Mil. Knrroii: 1 see Iroia ilitterenl (toiirces that some Lig-bearted j.-jople was struck Dy li-hiinng. nn was arc trying to plan ways and meum sitting in In r kitchen leaning against to establish in each ot'lhe .Southern tbe mantel piico when the b. ,lt .Uui a Stages a Veterans' Jlnme. and it the cLim.n-y ti.d raw down into Uio has advanced far enough tor you to room, following the inaiitel p'ci. lho appoint a time and place of meeting chimney mid plastering were tLnio. lor tho old soldiers in this county to ished and the women was thrown lil or.'anie and mak i. sint in this 'sensible to the l! or, sufTenngii utrcak noble cause. 1 hope they did meet badly burned on one side frcni her with enthiisias.il and a "detcrmina neck to her t.ct. It was tlncc bours tion to net well their part. ! bf..re she spoke. Dr. right a'tend- I think our noble Southern women . ed her. and she will likely iccovcr,al ttiould take a largo share in this though iu a bid way jot. 1 movement, especially in tho raising 1 of all tho fuuds they can. Tho ... .i I-. i. ...... .i ,.ii.. i : the exception o! a low who li - .vo , crown oi l and can give butliMlo ; assistance. Tho ones who should am non v 1 neir sweetneaiis anil ! (rictidscould claim a cbecrlul eitdur 1 unco o the horrors ol the trendies ami ol 1 to canin so a1 10 statin as a I bulwark between th' in and a ruth : less foo: those who could ! ' hm..simn iinwn i-inin, l ku. Ill ULiiUi , im rt tiiior-un ,iui'i tuiii but remember) so many awful , Ihin-'s, in an awful war. T hey ai -c ; llio ones who should ccnic lo the i front and exert their best energies : i.. l.rinrf this tn-oieei lo .-i siiri-i-s'-.l i, 1 1 eompletiiin, they co aid tin nothing more enduring to perpetuate their devotion to our ht mic.i n:.d a I, ml moor ior tneir cu:i o.o inue n i their last line of march, where they leel that they are fortunate if they car. eiiier the different comity beig es for iho p.xii. Where, oh, whore, N i.'.'r liheialiij and generosity thai v.o have boast ed of for scores of years? Let u- go to work my si-teis and prov.i i,i ll. world thai we were, and are worthy ol llnj u:icrilit;s that were made !or us, iiud never slop until our "li.ie warriors" are all well cared tor. C YIT.Ks. July Slli, l.:i. . . . y. . . . State IMcws. ... , .. .! Leaksvilh; Ga.etfc: i.e ii it: ii i an iufaut child of Mr. F. D. Swnnn was severely siri'uh-.i in D.m.illi; h.st Saturday by failing into a tub of hot water. Mr. Swaiiii was summoned homo by telegraph, ami the unfortun ate little sull't i cr has since died. That tun iblo news for a father lo receive a terrible occurrence for a mother to contemplate . ami we sy u.oaihiio u.uot sincerely with tbo family. Salisbury Herald : Mrs. J. P. Lent z, of Ibis city, has s.ild within the past year from one cow 214 pounds ol Lot- tcr. beside which ht r own family haw I th:it;rocoid can be bcatiii iu tho county, Gold.boro llcvllit. There is a little nc-cro boy m ar Dulty whose i rears m obablv do not exceed ei-ht. who has never attended school, but whose, natural genius is rcinai kable. His Hume is Alex. Washington. Ib is known as "I'roaeht r," from the f,n-t that, without license and without dem onstration, lie makes his living by .... I, Hu, 1, ,,,.!-. nun in (r 1 1 '" j ' " .- , , r. v"I i ";"' " ' .'" -' .. lor a sermon, aetot t.i:g to me uuit.iu td bis congregation. Kei Isvillo Review: Detwocji here and Winston li.'o iu. ol. I lir.ie lamily thirteen, in plain, neat, counti y dross, ana bii'clooteii, pl.tyeii tor uiui tut u.i. piano her little hands were uuriicH bv tbo btni and she wa-t then tending nktch of three thousand hiil.i of to-1 bacco. 'Ibis little ;;ill boii;ibt and paid for tho piano herself with money .be bad ;ir.vcJ from filing fruit. Chariot to Chronicle : '1 hero was t j costly accident on the Carolina Cell-1 ttal Uiuhoad'Hiur.- iiav night, hetw et w Polkton and Wadesboro. The up- t 8stH, , . ovei . ctilvei I ttiere sate- ly early iu tho evening : but the mix- . l ,.,,.1 f, ,.,,rl.l I I nin. which i-u. iimoocii (..., .. ,..ft-Lore afu.r ,.i,,lt 0 eh.ck, was iiot!Hoct bienlb si.eii.ci, bv Hhiloh's i . Otsing to heavy rain in neighborhood thimilvei t bi i.lge . , ....i ,.,.,1 u.w .ii.der - miliet. Tijc ctij.iiu .i the tiLii. :ia.-u ed over safe, but the tender and .-is freight cms fell in, and t re Intnl. down an cuib.inkmt nt. Tho passcn , , i . r caih, incliiiliiig a sntoht-i aw. n . . i ; l ;,. !,.. i.,..' ; .,.....i .i i.'.,,;i,....r ciigino was o'. , N J h ihj t.j , ! ... ,, Ju. -i i1(, i tuoimbt not st iiousiy. ine t 1 WltJW(bol,;fol. luiit,;,lit but it ii i ciiiaii was sent to ; The can expioded nnd tb; uii 1 .f body i urins and face were so badly bunted that there is very lit tlo hope of lu r recoifcry. I'uring the sev ii thun j,.r 8torm wJ.ieh prevailed over the ; city Monday, liiia Neal. a colol -jd i i i: If... .. ll , woman who ii on i"" i-i.i Winston Sentinel: Several days ' last week tbo trains could not carry u ii. r..; i,t .....o .i.,.f-. I... .mi uii-imui. lhjw I f ween WinsfoiiamKirciisl-oro. Hon- lr;.u of crates of tho lim-st pf-achoK - go ly ovt-ry train ami Uio slnpmeiits ; are ineioasiug. Wewciot-iM oy a tlio Jarnicrs will, or onylit to, realise a bundsomo sum from tl sal; of their tiuii. t nv tton ir.j numi-in ciuu togo'litr uml pni up canning factories u. suve real deal cf tbe fruit (hat is now wasicn : in t no kiiiiiiiiit- mm our people waslt lliousauds of doilurs jwoith of fruit uml iu -.he wild;:- they I buy Northern cunuci fruit. , A),ullftu,0 ;!c.llim.: Mr. John S. , Alb. ight, of .Vwl... s township, has , 1)UsjllPHS tni.k, A ,, hat,lip,j U,L, tuikt-vs ami the gobbler 'took- i.lnr.'e of (Ihmh v-liiV tl,.- I,pii tn.nc oi tut in, ,lll.(. m. neu devoted hi r wLoh. time to lavinir. - n r " !l- "' sclting on P-i eggs. Mr. gobbler tal.es the littlo .J(.S every night and covers thciii as sumo as a ken would. On a recent Sunday morning, Mr. Win. A. Clttlk, of New- township, was aroused from his slumber: by sn unusual dii'tnrha'.ice ui.iony bis poultry. Arming himself .ith a club be repaired instanter to tie of the feathered commotion i... ' u.i 1 u large owl on the ground, a',.. ' 4 r. 1 1 ,1 to one foot was a mink rap wilb a pii ce of chain about '2 ft ol Ion,;. 1 bo foot ha l been sore, but had healed up nnd ap'.Mtied to have had tho trap fastened to i' lor n long tildC. Dui'iiaiu Su.i: Northern hay by the car loads eoidin....- t.. 'omo into our nrti kets The farni 'i .tgb.t not to wllow thi.-i s;.;ty ut ..il'fuirs. - Mor ris Cci-irt. coltir -d, left Doihaiii last February willi ihe t iodu to Missis sippi. i'tid iy cvt ning ho appeared here ha ing walked back. S,.ys bo is gbtiltogt-t back homo once nioro. He soon had a crowd of lib race arouml him and he entertained tin in w ith ;ic coutiU of Lis work and his hardships wbilo winking upon tbo cotton farms of Mississippi. It was anything but encouraging to th o who went out , , , , i:,.i iu ie:i u i ii n n;;ie.-i. ihiii.- I wri-yt r (l.i s-ii of Mr. D. J'.;r,gg, liv ing two miles or more from Dm ham, below tbo cotton faetoiy. died list Friday, from lb.? c-HWts oi' a ta.vcrc scalding. It stems that Mrs. Bragg was serving dinner and l.ud jut takt n from tbo boiling pot the ribbage for tbe ir-oul. Tl;o litlhi boy, bj' some means, wo Inn c not been able to learn, fell into the pot of boiling liquor, which resulted in hit-: death. -There lis n f-ii..:ly of kittens ii: this city that j wc.ro raided on the botii... Mrs. Cnles l ow ned a cat and four kittens and when juro now over hul." giown m.d it' you a'it to u.o fin; just sho.v lb: m a "tt " of m,!k. il.ey bi 3ou,o bvcly nueiiiiig to see w men sunn got mcic first. 'j'he Alcxican -rc:-s is inuliing fierce attacks upon I im si l.eiiiC to isell'e eol.ii(-d cmigr.-iiit-i from tlii-t country in Mexico. The government is re ijiieste.l not to to allo.v it. All's )v That. Kmls Well. If this bo so the )itf Itiu ket Stoio oii'dit, to end this year with one of i tlt. biggest trades even seen iu North , Carolina, for trulv The I!ii: Uacki t j you will always find it there. j - I HA I iiac ivi.Nt t LOtim can tie t so tpiickly cured by Shiloli Lin e. We guarantee it. Cin' iN & Hi .;i.n. WILL YOU SIT'I HU wiib Dys pejisia and Liver Complaint ' Shiloh's jtitlizcr is guaranteed to cure you Cham:; -V 1I.a;i;v. J ( UMri', WIIUOITNO COUGH is imim dialt Iy i ciieved .y Sbilob's Cure. C.ia- ,n .V Iii:i.ni. CATAUUH CI I! Ill), health aud I (;tarili Iieiuo.lv. l'riee 5(t cents ! N,I Inji-clor fico. Cih, in A- IIka.'KN. ! ! t . i - For him; hi: Sbilob's t'oii'i ,ts. ClUliN . si ; or I'iaster. II IMiKN. 1 est, use I'lieo o', SlilLOH 'SCO I GHiiiidConsnmp Uon Ct.e is sold bv us fin a giviran tm it cures Coii.siii,'...;iu.i. Cu.mi V Ufa i SLEF.PI.KSS NIGHTS, made mis orablo bv Hint terrible rotijh. Sbilob's Ciiio i.i tho rtiue.ly f.-r vu. t'u, l is .V Hr.M i :.. SillLOH S VM AI-.KIi is what you need for Coiisttpaf ion. Loss of Appetite. Dizziness, and all syn pt mis : 0j IKsi epsin. Pi ice 10 and 75 cents i j)(.r bottle. Ciiai in .V Hi aois. in i lIi;i. : - .""..r" liiV7il fr.v. -l.lomil-a ,-ln.o;i ! m--'- '.'iu.- a Hi'". 1 " r,...i.Kii.-in iv..r w.s i..n-i.i.. -n ih en - r -. lairiniiiiini. l l A. lufiu. aaiiclitiT ol -1. W. an-i M. A. t nlmir. am I win.-. A D M I X isl I ; ATO ft'S NOTICE. ih..i.k fei.ilifli'l H4 Uui al un.iil-.i: at. .r if rh.i tv ii- o, oi- u-.- I, I In iviy .i. i.'v iul T. f...n- ti-'l Uui: ;ii:ihh iis,-iIiiii n I iln. - I'-i.i lo ' r.:t.u He h.-imo to Die en ..r Iji'fi-ii- 0: l;u. 'Iv of Inly. Ikhi. O. W. I'-l SUEi.. Jilly 11, 1,.W. NOTICE. If A - 1 XF.tU TKIX' & inn ii.uifl.,l .l 'lii ,,.,..,..., ,,. ,( Kll an-l t..inni i iv llfy nil iir h.il.iinc rl tinm aatni-t wtld da- thro.. -!. I h.-n br r.-.i.-nt in i. x 'in-ii ti;. t-aim t lllh rt it of 1'ilv, ltlJU. 1 July 11, lStfJ. r lif.ir tli SIAhl A. 1UH1L. !iu in from Kiuii'm.-m'Iii 1 1 r - the s, . i, ,.r t. . i . i.:.. . i: i i New Adverllsements. ' irnrrirnnflTKiH nn wnnmn n I nnt tw i I VtHt I IIIIIHIH tAKIIIlP tUllliilliJIl I L'l JlUlUfl uaUuLIAu. ; (.ITAPKL HILL, N. C. 'iln' a.t MHiiiu l'.f:i.s s-.ti ntKr s, ihp. r.iurli lnnr.i.;' - ii . i&rl In M'.wnluri, .n'o, 1 :i:i'..i :i) fi.ii I l.'i. X.!ltl'ia 0 lilpjitT Ki.Ml' J. LA'.TLB, Frwildont. HIGH SCHOOL, oAKronn, n. c, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, C. I!. HMillKKIU. A. It., Frlnrlpal, Mils. Im. A J THOMI'SON, Mcsie, (ilriidiiivio Orp, nU,ro KeinuU 0llg) I,jrat,:l lu a iH.rilthy ni'rnl vIIIako wtiorn law j.r-.hltilln Hie rMn ur lii:i.x..-niitn ivltlilu two mtlm. T;...uu tnniiliic, iirriiai utory fur college or pAi: .luil IhikIihjiw. Tuill-m : l M Ik M.60 irr morlh. lluxlc 13 0) : K..irJ. $s im. Si..sl'iii lt-lli august O-li. KWJ. l'..r puru-ulnr. alln'uillio riaclial July 11, IBhj. SELECT SCHOOL r Ynnihi LitiHis tticl I'liiltrvn, PITTSCORO, N. C. Miss KATK HANIIS. ) rHnci- Miss ANNA I, MI'.'UiITT, f pals. Trrm per 8Msli.n c-f to w.'wkt: ; IT'marv Kiii;IIbIi, - - - ' - V 10 lillikor hjiK,:, - tl.N to ll.M llillt. rxtra', - - Mnfltcnn plfiu, - - lft.Uft Ijnorliii; aul rnlnttii, ustml rate. i'titB h.-Ii'n.I will ..iin s.itnnilier lat. 1M. l'i..nnl ran In- oUamft iu In-Kl (Hiulllm at n. HollHli!,' riiit.u. K'r fun t;r inf..nnp't.n aitpty I" Frlnr'al KvIi'Ii ii.-i h .-i. H Nl.'l i lit, Snpl. I'ut); lltriti tli.n. A. .1. ISviniiii, E.- ,titil. W, I.. L'juitnu, J jly 11, IWf'J. PinSBORO' ACADEMY. S. S. JACKSON, Principal. ill Fall Turin will ! 'ntu e n Mmhlay, August Clli, Ikk'.', iiii.I i'..nilnui. i winy wnkH. Thd l-illil.ll.' nr i'itl;.!,..!-.,' H KIliUlTt'.tlH, Hllll lll- .Ini il Uhtu l ii. it ii 'i'. v.. ,.,.n.iy ,K-allty In North Ci'ill.tM. I'H i'ri.iii! an-ri'iii.wiH-'l for lliitlr I. ,iinlity una tlu-li- I'll, luti.-llucluul uil iviral Mil ui's, li'-mj u.i. he uui ii- l un'.l.i l tUo vlllaso at ...-0 nito i Tii-rj. Tii- Ai in., my luiiluiiitf bi'r.iiv.iiinullarraup'il ii:. t iilte 1 fi r wluml nn in.S'w, Tlni B.I.I. ik i f Ml-n K.l.NMB t- THOMIW.S an Af.lrttaui in tlx, n.-ii li-in 1 -nt ili-iniitmciii, ana ot su-e w'akmk m. j.,-k..niwt ln;i of MiikK have li n 8iv:i.til-l"itli kii.i-.vii tn bo iK.-iiniiluilioil ,iwtru,:l,.iJ. 1 ....... it '.in, lu.,irv:t!on lu Crayon wnrk. ami I'hIiii1ik hi Ki-n-iliiKinu, or .a Oil nr Waiur e..nr, will i.i- .1Iiih-Ii-.1 to au pxiwrlruwil mill xklllHl liirtru inr. l ari':its may ! mnoirml tliul Mery fffnrt will Iw iniuli" fur tli'" itH'riiiii-'ii lunri.rtluu of llulr rlill Im'. Tl '! iii ir.il nr. w.,11 as tli"lr Inlflli-ctual l...iiih. mil. 1. 1 iiiivlnlly 1 itui to. It In lio-e.l lliiu ii i only ( Irehnni. Imt "Our i.-Miuli.. abn. will liiv.ir Hi, ruiiljoro" A'tsiJcmy with a UU-ral 1'iiiri'Uiii. Turiuri, I'l-i' sf r.l.iri "f I wi nty wii-ka '. l'rlii.nry Knil-.!i liriu;. Iu-m tlO.nl) lnti'i-mivliiitii i:iit;ll-.i llnuii:lirs U IHI li:'.i r Kn.;ll-li lirnii. liiM IS Of Latin, i.r.-i'K. Iri'ii.-li, o.-n.,-,.., S.rtiyliig ami Sicii-'t't iiiihy, i.-ii-l., K iki xtra. Oi;.il..i i,t j..,,, rmiTiits. MliilsiprH' rhll.li will Is limtru-toii at Ualf raio-t. Fur Uinl it lnf,iniiiii;on, a;ily to s.tMi ra. a. jackson, rrincipai. Ju;ie ,!!). ' mil iraico, IIAXEZGXX, ZVT. C, OF mix GOODS. Till; qr.l'iT NORTH CAROLINA Dry Goods House. Tiii Hy tiino Dopnitinonl.s, Carrlti uss'irinn'iit- '-.I'N-llol liy tow houm'H In I In- InriiiT ii:li'. uivl iioik III tin' Sotilli; bouKlit fr'iin Itni'iirttTM, nianurartitri'rnaiiilHOlllDeaKOiita -Itrit liamlH In i-MTy liiBtanni for raU, ami Riiamt'tunU t in) i-i..rii t as to siylu, ijuullty ami ,,riv.. Why sho'iM 'Im . (ii" of Ni.iili Chi. lima Rmicl ii. ...i'' Sol Hi t'u lir.vi.'iiils'H'.c'U thiy tiavo uurli a hcuco In tln lr own siuio? So KOod n-mmn cxlntu Complete Mail Oraef DcpartmenL Willi all lln mm -lilm-ry f.-r nilliiK oilnra lir com-,irti-ut iiii-ii. N. It oi f.n ni ilor." air.oi'nt:ig t M OO nr morn, ...i Toll i;-:.ii-.i liy mall, or to tliu uaarcnt KsiiriH oOl' ". Free cf Charso. W. II. .V it- S- Tt'CKKR S. PO., r.'.'.rmn, n. r. Kotii'e is hereby jiveu, that upon the application vf T. Ii. Womack, at torney for 1.! P. T,';agijp, Wm M. Har per, O. T. I'd wards ncd olbprs I bafc Ibis day by, virtue of authority vested in mo by chapter !!, volume 1, of Tbe i t'ode. (.'Vautcd to the said parties, then j associates, and successors, articles of mcoi poi nt ion, as loliows : 1. Coiporatc name, Tho Farmers' Alliaiiee Coopiratho Association at Sih r City. X. C 2. Tin- corporal o btisinoss shall be a geiurui mercantile business, anil such other businesses as are incidental , thi n to. 3. Tbo principal place of busiues' shall bo at Siler City, X. C. I Tho tetiii of iccorporation is thirtv year:-. r,. The stock sbaU bo 5.2,000 with tho pi ivilege of increasing tho same to .Tr),(KM).0ll. (i. Tho parties incorporated are those above named, and others, theii associates, successors r;.i: 1 assigns. S. ll HOLT, Clork Superior Couii of Chatham Co dune '20, UsSO. 4t. i OTSTH CAKOLINA Chatuam I CuCSTi. L. U.ii Hup, tliu itt. I'liillii Taylor, ar-lsutti of A. h Joiva, M. U V On., an I all otlmr iT0'lllir of A. I,. J.'h.v, ail Ulior... Thl 1 a sjn'i lal proi-iu'dlutf lor a juulotnnnt ol th- imihi oi ih. (.tali.ilrriiM ti-UHloo A A. L. Jolifm, and th ...Minora tf liin aald A. L Jonm ImliiK a num-Toii --hn.! avd lU-riUliiiinWi of tliu SUito of ; Norm Caroetni and atur oun dStiautTi cauuot ik J .ui.il lln n ln iln In liiTouy uivtii to tlmin In ' In- i.n ii' al Ih" olll.'o of tbo iili-rk ol tills iimrl "ll Hi'' mid day of Viitfiit.!, l"9'.l. and ili ad. ai.WHr ' I"'"'"! "' ,, ... .-.i,. .,... ..w u. .u -r . " dl"i: ' J" Snv ul dlntf or iu Icnii ul will no grant! m Uiorolu ,li r.iaiiil'-d. S. M. HOLT, 0, S. 0. T. ll. tt.'MH. K, AU'iruo) lot llalutlB. June 'ii. 1. FIRE! FIRE!? THE H C CO, This is a Home company and de serves tbo patronage of all North Caroliuiaus. It was organized iu 18G8 and has paid over half a million dollars in losses and I hero is ao" one contested claim against it I All losses paid promptly. Every prudent man ought to insure his property. For terms, Ac, apply to II. A. LONDON, Agent. W. S PIUMROSE, President. Sept. Gtb, 188e. IIMIIULL II UllllVl 117 and 410 Taypttevillo Street, BR.iNCn YARD, Laidkii's Oi.i Stand, rAYGTTEVILLE, X. C, MANUFACTURER OF all kinds of MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES LY JA.I lillLK OH GRANITE. Also contractor for all kinds of Building Work, CURBING POSTS, STEPS, SILLS, &Q. Dojiigns of all descriptions kept on bam'j and uent to any address upon applicaliou. CUAS. A- GOODWIN, Juno '11, 181. Proprietor. THE GEISER THRESHER I GET TIE-SIE BEST! If you am thinking of buying HOKSE-POWER, SAW-MILL or ErJCIKE, send to tbo 1 WAYNESBORO', PA., or to W. Z. LONDON, l'jvruyoj'o', N. C7 for complete catalogues. The Oeiscr Thresher has been used in Chatham county for ten years, and gires the best satisfaction. ' April 4, 1881). tl ) M i U I ST 1 1 A TO KS N OT1 C R. H.v.Pt .;oalli1oil an the ailmlnltratr ot F.mmi't M. Hark, ilw-vawl. I l.amliy uoilfT alt per hi ti.il.ll.ii; clalnia otalnit aal.l .lecoilniil lo M httilt tl.r. . amo lo nm, ou bufore thu WHh "lay ut Jinn-, J. A. WOMACK. Junr 1'.'.'. tTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 5 CIll NTY i-F Cllil'lUU-lS tfl.E BuriMOB John karrlugcr. Admlnlatrator el B. L. Snipe, AKalnHt TV. W. rickar.1 and nthorn. Tlitu In a apn-lal nrurciMlliig for tlie final Mltle niiit of On- ilaln.lir ailiiilnlHiratloiiof tlmentata i.tll. I.. SiiIimw, iliiiH,i , ami U apjioarlnc Itial Oirar A Sul.a, oni of Uio ilnrruilaiiut, la ou heir at I" ot nul l lni....ii'n anil a iiiiBry iWl I., ililn iiroiwillnt and l a iimi rnnlilKiit, he W liiTi'i ) n iilti. lo air"'ar a. my nffli In thi) Iowa al Miii-b ii'i.' on th" '. illi day of July, 1MH9, and oiiHwi.r or iloinnr tn in,. iilatnilrTa complatul, ot luilKnii-ni will l lakeu iro routfwwi. J uui, la, lS'ti. S. M. 1IOI.T, C. 8. C. TJ. & y. y. railway. Condensed Schedulo No. 11. Taking cfTect tyay 27, 1889. llAD Y kAOKPT SCtn'.f. Train iKiluKSorili, roTT. j Malttl'aMi''nK'r.! Leate, S via. tn WMriHUTlllf r, in Maxloii, Him layetunlllo, 10 'Si Hinf irJ, " tut,: tfulf, ll sn a. m. Slier, Arrive, l.i'i p- m. Oni'iiHlinro, B UD ,Mt. Airy. i rralli " loliigSiiTk n.. l UaU h XaaMti krrlvm. 1.00 n. 1.16 p. M. I. an I. 00 II. i.M, H .tl a. n. No. 1 -hr'K.kfuii at FayottoTiUe, dluwr al ilri'u,,tKvi. ... . . No. 'i lirt jUHl at urci'J.nor, uiuiot mo tor. l'iKttHincr ana Vu Train run uany exrrpt bub ,KKr. t te i-nil vimn;nj-tl"ri Triiln rnna trnm. IkMUirtiatlTlH WKajntl'fillio l'n'iil.v,,Thurdayj and Satiirdayi.. Ir.iii raymwilllw ut OrwuarmrOT .n Monilayo, Vtdu"iul and frMays; lr iirwnsiKiro' W Ml. Airy Moiidaya, durlayk and Krldava; Irotn Mt. Airy to OwW f l 'uiKdnt-i. Thurdayii and Raiurdaya from Of horo' to Fayntii-vllln on Tuiwdava, Thursday and SaiurilavH. and from rynitllla lo nonuttCUiTlM n Monday, Wdiitday and rrlrtay. Tralua ... Factory llraui.li run dally norpl i'11"' r. K KYLF., Ueu l l'M !. I j. w rhya-ui supu ' "'

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