There are 30,000 iliildren in England Tffho receive no ctluru i'in, ow ing to the trandeiing hibita of th 'ir rnrenis. Tho ttory is now being told nt Talis that when Qouuod's country houso win threatened during the Franco -I'rti vim war, Gounod trusted to bis fume fur defense nnd put up the following in scrlpiion: "Tho house of Charles Gou nod, tho composer of 'Faust.' " lint the maurnding German? burnt it to llu ground all the same. A company has raised J!,.1) 00, 000 to ny ft cablo from fan Franci eo to H no lulu, since cur busiues) with tin Sind wich Idands has grown so greatly that a submarine telegraph U it'iuiri-tl ly tho legilimato demands f trade. Anieii aus are i.i control of the Sand wich Ilaud, as nil their tin tut iul and commercial utTiir are in our hands. A murder trial of more thin usual sensational intcrcft has just lireu brought to a coih'Iiim 1 1 in 1'ari;. A man by the name of Ihiyos has been cond' iiined to death for k illiug a cor tain J5arou, hi bore a Taiiit rcseinblii'icy to him, iiud who win to b; sulxtitu id in hi stead in order a ci'iiMderaMe sum might bo collected from dillereut life insurance companies. Pays 111 3 Drovers' J"iirintl: K'lglish capitaliits hive hvretofore content to invest iu American railway -ei u i i.s. Th-7 have had their lingeH s i Iwlly burned that they aie tri:ig tin ir luck jn other iliri'iii'ina. Jiivwri iei mil them. Several Knglidi syii'litati' are buying up tiinb r tracts, mostly ii the tuutheru States, finalise land i cheap. Ojc p-irty has just bought oo , :'."i acr.s in Alabama, and will buil 1 .-rvoial snv mills. The Washington .Vnr iiiiuoiint'f ihu the latest tli-cuvery by ill' lobuib able Professor Wio ins is thai the tailli is j moving away from the mm, and the sea j are drying up so sie.nlily lint the time will conns i:n it i I be m-cessiry to carve up tho c ntinenti by canals, in wc see on Mar.'1 It i- safe In pivlu't : that long before we hive begun to carve liji th'J conliiii-HlSjilie Mirgi'oiii will have carved up professor Vi,'i.iii., to dis- cover whether the di. order nf hit bra n cxteudod all through hii ihmv.ih sj -tem. There nre but four persons in the , Vuited la'ei, other than those holding 1 public office, who are nl owed to ivicive j mid send mail matter free of post ig. j TUcs-' four persons ere the widows of , the late Pie-i hints, l'.dk, Tyler, G.ttt'eld ' nnd Grant. An act of t'ongress ii- re j (juired to grant this privilege to any one, an'l it has been so granted to the ; widows of Prc-idcuts i ice 1 when : the lJ i st act was pa-sed ronfeirnig the distinction upon .Mrs. Dolly p, Mulisna. According to the I'ni'ed Slates I -st ril , Laws and Regulation', whic'i is a com- ; pilation of the rules pulu-lnd for the information and guidance id IVstnristur ; nnd other cfiici-ils, Mrs. Tyler is not m. titled to tho benefit i of franking in ii. matter, ami it is tine that, no law has ! ever been tnssed in lierrie. She is.! in a sense, a victim of one of those pt. ouliir oversights of ('onoii'-'i which aie of frcipient oei iirrenee. The p. s! Otliee D.'paitmeut, however, ing the fact that Mrs. Tyler i in dpiity entitle I to the same piivilege which has by law been graute I to Mrs. I 'o k, Mrs. (iarlield and Mrs. Grant, accepts her frank in lieu of p'stuuc and co led nothing urnn uiatt-r mailed to her ad address. An eminent electrician in New York iiu recently interviewed on the pro posed execir ion id ci iinina s by elec tricity. "Do I lulieve in killing a man by electricity!'' h; exclaimed when asked what he thought of executing a man in that way. "No, I do not. 1 don't believe tho profession knows enough about electricity yet to warrant them attempting to kill a in in with it. AH electricians know that dilT rent men are ditTeiently alTccled by cbvtricity. Some can stand a little, otheis more and ! Bomo ciin take an enormous chime with- out fa'al result. This must In home in ' mind iu giving a mai a charge, anil it j is especially impnitaut in the tau i f I executing a murderer. Suppose thev J don't give him enough and he recovers, j as 1 did, what torture inn I b; Hiffci .' And why shouldn't ho recover an 1 (o-d I (be electricians? If he's a naturally j strong man, has no hca t trouble and i well preserved the chances are that he ; will pull thrum;'! if they give him the i opportunity. Or tig tin, if ho has been j n laborer, acciiitouie 1 to manual labor j or exposure to tin sun for a long time, i his flesh must nece-sari'y havo become I more or less burdened, that is, insulated, j and the electricity would havo le-s effect 1 upon him." A Dog With a Head nnd a Half. A strango freak of nature, iu tho form of a dog with a fully forme I head, and, j grown out from one side, of the nef , j a completely formed half head, with the I mouth and eyes clo c I, can ba seen nt the Vosburg Houso in Waupaca, Wis. His dogship is a black an 1 tan terrier. To look nt tho animal from the left side, only the jaws nre visibly in a sort of a pro'.ulicraiice. On the light side tho hape is complete, b it tho closed eye tud mouth, with but a slight connection with the vcrtelua, render tho "addi tional" head of not much value except M freak. Ho is rcgardc 1 as ont or iho best watch dogs iu town. FARM AM) GAtlDEN. A l IIK.AP rLANT rROTKCTon. o keop bugs away from mcl n.s, frost from tender plants, the sun from cauli flower, etc., cut barrel hoops into pieces 1(5 inches long, crossing them in the enter aid fa .toning together with a small wire nail. Then cover this frame with light mud in, leaving an inch at the end of each nth k exposed, so they may be pushed into the ground, thus draw ing the cloth close to th' ground at tin edg.M. This frams, being tlexi ble, can be ad ju-ted to a gie.iler or less (prend, as desired. .lwWiMt Ajrit'id turirf. ItMStSU TfltRKVH An unkuoWii writer advises those who me going to raise turkeys this sea son to rem-uiber that it will cost no more to raise such n.s at maturity will weigh twelve or foti'teea p hi ids tint such as bring down the scale at the six pou id notch only. You wi 1 luvo to ihasc the young tucks just about so much anyh nv, nu I tnih' as will mike tic; trouble ns ) rotitablo a) pus i ble. Plymouth Uoc'i le ns make good foster ino'h "is for young turkeys an I dmk. ns they are to i lazy to go far the back door. 'I hey will ids i cover :i great number of e;gs, are g I n it nifil an I not ca ily disluibeil, and :i:o eei lasting s -tiers w hen one) broody hence not i' 1 1 to leave tleir nets before th' hnKlii ig ii accoinpli Ii ' I. Nun (ink's eggs are enough to set under oao. !i r.. AWT IN HKi: KKKI'IVI. At a convention of apiarists ci Indian i, a paper was read on 'The Aiti-iie Silo of l!co keeping," in which ti e essayist said a greii', many articles are judged mainly by their appearance, and honey is on of these ai tides. There nre a few simple primary rules for pro. paring honey fir ill' market which it maybe will to note. First, cx'ractel honey .hoalil be larcfti'ly stinined throiieh two 1 1 1 i km s-is of si me kind of tl iu cloth before bo'.lling or putting awy I I any sh pe. Second, e'eir tliot gla;s jais sh aild bo u-e I for packages, as common gla--.s niakes th' clear, golden yellow of the h HO'V look a nilldilv, green ill yellow. 'I hil 1, plain, neat labels, wi ll lie; name of the producer, kind of hone.-, c'c. It would be well for honey product rs toll I lh"se sug gestions. i.rt:iiiM!.vrs wini t miiisor nwrsi. 1 hive come to tie' tolielu-iou 1 1 1 i sea-oil the cabbage plants may be set in the opt it gro, in I. to advanla ;, niilih car. ii r than i. i-.islotnaiy. In tlclniter part of Mm li. the around hciog in line condi ion and )l a ant wi tilcr prevail ing for some time, lio.ka few plant, from a eld ft am and set th m out. In a few days a h ird freve came, tie nu r cury eoi ig i i i iv 1 1 to t ii enty-four il-giees F ihunliejt. Jf plants si ivi'icd and looked blue, iillt levivc 1 wi h the wanner wtather ami now aro deti bdly ahead of those set I iter from the same frame. po,-!b'y th" later set plant, woiibl have iore tpii e as well, but un prect deuie l!y 1 1 y weather, f"r the sea son, foilewcd the r planting. Tie earliest ones ha I the benefit of all the moisture that departing winter left iu the soil. In in; I r-t regular p'.iuti'i id rai ly cihbago, t hi season, I tettcl care fully tho realie i'u''of small ami large plants. Fa-ler c.pitl condi ioi-as to soil, nioi-ture, ti ne of planting, etc., I put out a ipi.-iiitiiy ol fmo, stocky plants avrragi'ig siv inches in height. Ited le them 1 s t a l eipnl tpian ity of small plant t, uonu more thai three inchci high. At this writing nil are fluiuidiiug, but if there i any choice between them it h certainly in favor of the pi ne set with the smaller plants. vlmt''n'ii i .1 jr,C'i'tiri.Ht, hoi i i noi.niA. 1 h more important fat ts about hog cholera, who h h ivo been dcfmitclv de ti indued by the i.i vest iga ions of Dr. D. K, Sdinm, t hief of the Iiureau of Animal Industry, li ive been summed up iu the valuable worlc just pui'li-hel by the I'nited S'ates Department of Airii cultuio, and n.ay be stated ns follows: 1. Tim tli,e.isc is a ontaglo is and in fictious one, nud may be con lacted by n healthy hog fit m a diseased cue, or fiom infected pretni-es, ami the con'a gi 'ii may In enrrit d from farm to farm ia vaiin.j- ways. 2. It ii a bactnial ili-eis.', the germ having been (irt ae ciliately tiguri d and desci ibe 1 in lss"i, nnd studied alnnsl constantly since that lime. Ii. The germ is readilv cultiva el in various nuslia, is trausmissi. ble to other iiniinals than hogs, from which it may he retransmitted to swine and produce a fatal form of the disease. 1. A fatal disease similar to hog chol eia, which lias been named "swine plague" to distinguish it from the dis ease first nu t with, was discovered dur ing the progress of the-e invest igatiotn. It is also a germ disea e, widely dis tributed and fatal, an 1 may exist as n complication in outbreaks of hog chol era 5. Tho disease may generally be prevented by isolation of tho animals anil by cli anlinesi c iinbiucd with sim. pie measures of disinfection. 0. t it breaks of hog c'lolcri nn to lie cl. cclied by separating t hn well from the diseased animals and practising il y infection. 7. Infected premises, m iy be made safe for the admission i f a new herd by ili inflating with lime or other disinfect t uts nu I allowing threo to sis months to t lapse after the tii-easo h is dis ippcarcd. ) Jledjciuos havo not been found ti greatly iufiuouce tho course of tho disease. 9. Juocula'ion has beon tested in almost every form as a preventative without satisfactory re sults. 10. Hog cholera, h apparently deutiual with a disease which has re cently been discribe I in vaiiiui parts of E u rope. Amer ir lit Ayr L lit lit rial. wiit cows Miori.n bk sai.tkh. AYe havo always miiutainetl that cows should bo given n stated allow ance of salt at regular intervals, if they were not sal'ed by that batter plan having salt placed wh;ro lhy could have free niteisto it at all timei. Thil has been urged in order tint tin cows might have what they wanted ami not lake c lough at one li ne to di 'arrange their digestive org i i i. Any one whe has given attention to the matter of salting dairy tins, knows tint they ilia le tter for h ivi lg salt, nnd lining it regularly. Now the Am ri,;m Diinj .Mi tells us wh,' we sail lli 'lu: As soon as ih' food enters t hi stom al b the natural tendency is for fenneii la'i n to begin, and there niises a con tent between ihit ttiubncy and the di poweis. Ami if th'-e powers are vigorous and the process of fermen tation ii checked or intercept ctl, ibm no bad icMilts will follow; lh" food will be tli,'i'-tnl tnl salt will not be neede I, th at any time this wid asst in li- process of ili'esti-n. Salt keepi loi tl fiom th c.ii i'lt; unl i it can lie di-ge-ted an 1 it-si i.i ated, and jTolong ih" t ime to allow lh' digestive organs to complete their work. And if food is taken i i excess, as often happens when I stick i- ii pa-ture, salt given frequent j ly will be of mm h advantage. And f in t l'M- silt is n preven niivc i f worms. Ion ft nncntat i on sets ii the eoiili-j ti 'lis pie-c itetl lire favorable to the ton- j ili i in of the worms in th-i intesliuil j canals, and may posiliy be engendeied by th' prote.s. t'oncipietrly it shoii d be a rule wiili th1 stockman to keep! alt before their cattle, or w ithin cii'y 1 reach wIimi ihev n"ed it, nnd the cattle; I w ill obrv tic d uiaii Is of natiii t. ami upply the want as needed. FA li M AND li VIIKFtS NOI F.S. If coin ii planted or sown to be cut green dining the la ter part of tho sum mer, good t are should be taken to have the so, I lich and wi ll prepare I. Oae good attendant upon a long suc cession of rai ay days in summer i; in the opportunty it biings for fanners to r nd without ncgl cling their work. ein every day may be good in tit" end, but it is a lil'l- cmb ai ras-iug to fanners, w ho have t h dr work lcl and find themselves unable to execute plans based on o dinaiy weather condi tions. M"ie sheep die in th" spring from i:t ili:i;iu thin from any oth-r ciue w It a i vi r, and tlii is du- generally to inniiti iti otu find ns straw, poor hay, etc., wliuh they are ceiiipi lied to cat to u -tain 1 i An agricultural nn I mechanical fair dependent for its suecess on balloon as-ecu-ions, wr sti ng m iti h"s and other diversion of lice I'h iractcr, may ns will fail i atly for failure will tome -omi tiuie as a penalty for fraud. VnuMrles of F.llijiicMi'. In Swnlen, if you H Idre-s the poorest cis nt on the street, you must lift your ha'. Toe same com tesy is insist,-1 up. on if you pass a la ly on the stairway. To place your hand on the mm of a lady, in Italy, is a grave and chjeition able f.iuiil.arity. In Holland a lady is expected to re tite precipitately if she -hould cut, r a s:ore or rest lurant where niei are con Cfiegated. She waits until thev l.aie transacted their hu-incss and d parted. l.ldics seldom li e in Spain to leeeivo a nin e vis. I t, tin I they rarely ; t com. pany him to the do r. A gentleman does imt i lfer to slmke a Spanish ladv's hand. For him to gun a lady (even his wifei his arm while out walking, is looked upon as a d-t ido I violation of propriety. Ifn Spaniard says, when you retire after a vi-i', "Thii house is eti'ircly at your win never yon may please to favor il," ho wishes you (o know tint he regarli y hi as one of the family lino di nostros (oiio of us) ns they i xprc-s it. If the words are not spoken, you can conclude that yuu are not welcome to t ill aga n. lnPirsin, mining tho nri-t Tracy, a visi' or sends notice an hour or two be fi re calling, mid give n day's notice if the visit is one of great importance. lie, is met by servants bcfoie he reiichei the ltou-e, and other consideration are -how u him according to relative rank. The left, ami not the right, is consid ered the position of honor. No Turk will enter a sitting-room with dirty shoei. Ti.e upper classes wear tight tilting shoes, with goloshes over Toe latter, which receive all the dirt nnd dust arc left outside the door. The Turk never washes in dirty water. W iter is poured over his hands, so that when polluted it runs nwsy, Iu Syria tho people never take off tl.eir caps or turbans when entering tho house i t visiting a friend, but they al ways have their shoes nt tho door. There a-o no mats or scrapers outside and tho floori insido aro covered with ex; ensive rugs, kept very clean in Mos lem houses and used to kneel on while saying prayers. In China grief Is asiociatcd with a white tlreis, in Kthiopia with brown, in Turkey with violet, ia Fgypt with yellow. HUMAN GIFTS. How Some African Tribes Testify Their Esteem for Explorers. Little Savages Who Havo Come Into the Handsof White Men. Now and then when an explorer vis its n savage tribe they insist up m pte seliting him with a girl or boy in a token of their ctcciil. The e p csents, I eing ine ilivenient to cany, me generally declined with thanks, but a few of them have iciiltid lviropp. Among the Akki divaifn who hue been taken to Kim p ate two who wi re pre unted to wnpo tn n. I Me of thim, n nv a young man, i' liing in the pal ace of Count Miiii-t ah hi at Verona, nnd the i ther, a bright ee I little girl, who was prcsente I I i the explorer lies. i, is n servant in lh' family of his widow a' Tiie.te. A whi'e ago, win ii Mr. I.utnholl was Ir iveling among tin c in minis of llin'in hied, Australi i, some viili:.;e-s w i -lie 1 to give him n young cH whom they i,. g inl d its tho be , uly of the village by w ty of reccgni.iug his v.tluaole service! in si nring aunv a lo s lie band w ith a few sh,,). ,,f 1H revolver, so l.iimholt told them to si nd her to his camp. There Wiis to be a d.iiic i that night, and Kelacmi, a slim, good looking gill, about to wars id I, was in full dies'. She did not fain y the while man, nnd at the rei n -t of l.'imh ! I , a lu-iy young chap in I he village whom she did fancy was sent along with her. She trembled like a l--af a l.umholt. bade her sit down by the tire. The white m m trie 1 to win her conli Icnce by giv ing her bread an I ne at, but she could not be induced to say a word nor to look at her new in i t -r, an 1 tho eat ables lay untouclic I hcido lo r. I.uin holtz said it panic I him to w itness the anguish of the tiiuid Utile th'tig, and oon, totliegreat astoui -dinuoit of the blacks who were lookui ; . n, ho tnl I Kelanini she might go hour. She bounded away, another creature entirely, as soon as she found she no longer be longed to th" sua age looking man. In the household if young Ani't, the missionary, whose travels have mid '. him fam mi, nre scveial littln g lis whom he foaii I in slavo c i: avail marching to tho cuvt, They were nearly dead with, and ns they were likely to be left to pi-ridi by their cruel Arab misters, he bought them for a few yard- of tl itli. The youngetl of them, who was about '.I year el I, pir ticularly interested him, becaii-e, .after slio had been nur-e I bai k to health, she was vet y brige.t nil I h ipp,'. Abml six months after I hi 111 1 1 1 girl, M cpo, bttame a member id his family, Aniot went ouo morning to take bicaf.ft with King M i li, who i, now the chief potentate in the Congo bisin. Willi" they WCIC together a little ttill cotelel the yard, threw In in 'f at the Kings fi el and d id obei-.inee by i ubbiag dn -t on her arm nnd f l head. The King asked her what sh" wanted, and lit; said, as she wept, licit she w as a little slave girl whom the King's sol Ib-rs hid taken from h r le iue iu l.ubi. She siii 1 her uiistre-s kept bt :it iig In i and sh i hud itin away to beg the King' protection. As Arnot aroe to h ive the sly old K ng told ihe littl gill to fn o-.v the white man, if. she wi.hol a home whcio she would not bebeitenanv timie, Ar not saw In r coming after him, mi l w ho took her hand and led her to h s cottage. What w is his astonishment when little Mivepo ami the newcomer tlew into e ioh other's inn w.cping as though thi ii -he iris won! I break. IK' says that forsevi-rd d ii ho w is si ant ly iible to do anj thing with them, so con tinually did they htn.j on each other's in a k. Three years ! fore the e free-born children of l.itbi wme pi a., ing in the water nrai the holt i f their j ai. nits, when their ohildi-h gne w i, tinned to terror by -lave stealers, who tme them fnun their home nn 1 fiotu cieli other. After many months of uiiiuixed sorrow and hardship a better fate had icun:t 'd them, and they weio free nine nuue, in the homo of a kind white friend, who had ci me lh"U-niids nf mile to biighton th" j'iit Ii v i y of u i fortunate like thein fcKc. A :f Y r'c 'i i. Watches Spolletl liy I Ii i triciti. If j on are going out nu the ('.citric railway you had better h ave your ljl'e clitoiitmeter at h in and i .iny a W i er bury, for ther) is so nun h electricity around that it is apt to migie'i.o your watc'i. Several people c .mpl.iiu their valuable watches havo hen l. ii tlered I set ess by r.iluig o:i tile lo'.ing ton I ne. Thi is som- t hi n licit c a i liar I ly le nniulied. lliectricily will e'i 'ipe. It i-u'l like a bulldog, w'ih b au be iluinnl up and ti-gged. Invisi ble nnd imponderable, it ma'tes its way from the wires whuli conduct it into 'he very nir itself and tho delicately constructed steel wheels of a watch catch it up. Then the cogs nnd in ions are held luck by its mi tie foro until the value of tin watc'i ntticke l "as a time keeper" is destroyed. There are ilium n in-magnetic watches made now which seem proof against stub .l ingers, a id noi'. in ignetie i nvn ate also put out, which prove dpi illy ser viceable. Hut it is we'd to observe the precaution not on'y on electric railroa Is, but when near thedynun m of nu clcc I ic light pliot- (JL'AINT AMI ll'HIOl'S. A lifbi 1 all travels nt the rato of i, 275 feet per second. The In u es of the Chinee nre for tho most part only ono story high. When marriage is childless tho cum ber of suicides is doubled in men nnd trebled in women. There are tweity-two states in th union licit a smaller vote thin New York cily. M s .lennie Pollys of Pomona, Oil., h s siieil Ocorgc Onnsby for $1100 for kissing her nt the gate. K. hard King, the firit . colore I lawyer of the Court of Appeals of Muy land, has been adin tto.l to the bar of that tribunal. In the Paris ritcit a trained lion i nt present being exhibited who rides on liot-cbick, jumps through hoops nnd over bars, tires off istnls nnd pel for ns h number nf similar tricks. liming the las' century there Pave been 2" ca-es of insanity in Ihe Iliva riau royal family. The pre-ent king is a lunatic, and teveral of hi relatives have bteu nttaikel by the same d seiise. Wool w iidi nrsena'., l'.ugninil, coiitai is nn anvil weighing six y I ins. Six li urn 1 i I ti n 1 sixty tons of iron wane use ! in the anvil, block an I founda' ion. It leipiiicd six months to co d bcfoie the iiiiuicno hammer could be used. An extra irdinary phenomenon is to ported from l.ii mi h. Oi a spot in the woods surrounding the town the ground suddenly opened, bottling a natural pit ns deep ns the KilTt I lower is high, namely ,'iOO metit", and 2) metres in I'in ntii fcr.nco at its m uth. Piiiins aiellie most important product of IS isiiiu, and the fruit iu a dried statu i the chief article of export. The p. orest prnniit has a few plum tree) by his hovel, wealthy landowners never think of planting nuy other kind of tree by their country, and in ciinscipience the well being of the ngii niltuial popu 'at ion depend on plumi more than on anything el a-. In a good M.i im about foity thousand tons of the hi d fruit, valued at morn than one null. on dollar', mo exported. A I. urge I'm,'. Mr. I!. W. Champion has just re lume! from tiibing in bine Cieek die 1 1 iit . II" was vi i v much di-npp iutt d is regards tis,jug, Imt m,j that he en joyed tho tlip very much, ashekided fiogs enough to treat a few of his I'liciuls to a delightful supper, at which this FreiK h tlel icai y pipdomiiiatcd. lie rela'es a most wonderful nee iinence which took place and tho result of which riiahhd him to bring to town n hull frog weighing three and a half poiiiub, the hind le; making a meal lor two j c so:is. As he say, "Ihe like has never been told." Tne arty with whom ho went were bu-y leining iho Wet weather lakes that were t a ist d by Ihe on i flow of the liver, but wi re not having touch success, so he took his j;im 'ind began to look for frogs. Not 1 1 t t 1 -ing very many he walked up to a Held in nt by where a man was cutting win at, for the pin pose of getting iufni mat ion as lega d the lest fishing grounds. W hile riigigt il in c uivi is iiion he niliced the uncut grain m ning a H n tiibbit was limning through if. lb cocked bis gun and waited for its,:p proai li, but hi surpiise was ( ii at w'en !l large bullfrog appiarel, c'o-ely 1 I low el by an enormous eoae't whipnake. lie watched lln in until the,' Healed lilt liver win n he filed two shots, one kill, ing the frog, th" her the snake. The flog weigh d tim e nud a half pound as before staltd, and the snake wa neai ly fnuileen ft i t long, and was e vi dently the grandfather of tin m nil. His skin will ho stulTed and pre-crvi d by Mr. i hainpioit nnd bo plao -d on ex hibition a Irs place of bu iuess. A'.'.mlt Ce:,'. t;t on. I'igs anil Itnttlesiiakes 4 1'igs don't sceut to nun. I tho bite of tattlesii.ikes a in u It a I do a mosipiito bite, so far as I ever t bscrved," si id S. iii ii Kent, the " itlleiii ike King," ol Clinton Co., Km. "They rather etij iy getting in among la'llcrt. I had an old sow once, and she was a regul it terror after rattlesnakes. She could find the bail of one ns study ns the hound can find the deir's (rack, nnd (he'd fol low Had until she tame na with the . n ike thai male it, aid then the rattler wai In r meat. Site didn't seen locale for any itlnr kind of mikei, but she'd hunt r ittltun ike from the be ginning id ihe season until the end. If I could have taught tint pig to retrieve sho d have been wott'i n good tl 'al le me, for the number of a takes she'd have brought in during a scami wjuld have been inimea c, an 1 rattlcn iku skins an wordt hiij whi le fi ning fid icnts to i apiece, nnd the oil nlw.iyi standi a fel low in nt hai' fjl an ounce. Hut she wasn't on the retrieve. Slio was hunt ing for Icr own nivomtnod it ion, and nti every n ike slio caught, leaving only the head. 1 ued to tin 1 so many held on my tours through the woo Is that it be gm to dawn on m that my o'd sow wa." working dead ngi list mo by destroy ine Ibe ii n'e c op, and 1 was foicjd to kill her for my own protection. "The only thin ; that I ever k no n rat tle nuke to 1 c really afraid of is a bat. li you want to se.ue a ratlles'ni'co into lit so that ho wi 1 curl up iu a corner nn I cover up his head, and Be tn illy tremble, jut put. a bat in Id cage. II it a but ts eu-ugh to give anybody lit." I'niwn'n I i nn 111 1 1 r l s nrrettie in U as nf nn aiiif fevrr.liili'i'intlti'iil feiei .and luulari of any tmmr. Ixjwr nirriy n, und. ?lni;niil nMisnf Hler. ileenyiiiK veicelnl'te infttter, t liHIiiies nf ellimite lille slltf el ilil fr-mien-enil d-lilllly. hI iroitueo linilio i". Hrn.MiV linn I'llleis cures till fnrniH. Hou't u.e qui. nine. It dentin i'ei;sltiiilion, itimIuih lima, ni lie. ami not tiiria-i(i:i'iilly ilitiiicn'i in Hint iifiiiit'tila; I'.rmwi' lieu Hltlere uvi . r d'jes. il w ill cure llivui. Tim w ituit's luitfht Is rent y ui.ib-re..- tilllHtCMt. O u (ilrls. Kittly Ih wlttf, Not U l.s pi t t -. I.utlu Is oute ami snutll; iroiie Is n (itieeii, Aniiettu is h H't, Nell Istlio I.HIeof li e luitl; lUnnllin 1 w. tiltliv, Kertlnt is hrnltby, A let lieullJi l tho bot l of nil. Terfei'l lent Ii kot'S Insr rosy tiuil rmfanf, teKliliflll ii il liliMinintt, nonhililo Hml H.-ciiit. t in st-cuiv! hy whnlesuiii'i lialiitt icitl Iho uae of lr. l'li-reeV I'jj vii lt-i rrtKtci-lptioii. ltoit:t takfl.t It, mot slio nls-i "tukos tltn calk." 'I'll'l only (ricii-iiifrrif euie for those Ulstres iln att nionls iieeiillur to woitieu. IsiitnilaetliMi ur yuur money retiirueil. Fur f1 instillation ur Sick Herulnetn. use f)r. l'ierce's IVIli ls; Purely Veuretable. Uue mloao. The 'a 'v wlio i.tvtr uiairien ht.oultl bu tiumtil I. I.i Kline. I iiilliti'Hf ion. A recent attack nf Initimi-timi or eDiistlpa tinllis i ii .ily nreit if tin' infill leliieily I- p pllrit. lint every llieitii Ihe exeeit llatiililll jc i-'liis Is si ilisie i ic, in tu-te or smell thai a linsnll 'li li'l to !el Hie ill-ease lake Us enlll-i', It the Hlioe lit'.ii'hc eiooioi tir olilaiiteil. "j mils. I lore inn.- .M.u k Hi uy C o., N. Y. f-u. ei s-l nl iinoiiioitH nre In m Hit' erniiiiil Hi'. , VVhnl In the wnriil ts ttie live tit eitttntt nriitunl wmtiiiff Villi mietit Jls ,1 s well nil iluwn In Hie mnailoiv iinu wan nir i iie Hit ii i inn s,itk mtnil to t ut-ii no i Ins' llcttllil? In i. .lelill'iill .X I n., tell yen a lliiiiu Jump for Joy. 1 1 iv In wine nn In lie inllkeU. e y.Mir'.elf Hint make Up vnltl" solliel lllllK. If )HU lllive Hill ll tiil" thilul, I lieu write to 1. I'. Ill- loiinllil, Vn iittil llifiy will el tnu Dial will umkpyflu Kh'I Insl.iuii- inn iii el lei pepnlnr w .tb uu nTuiuiiit. Five rents kivoiI on -iiaii; lived Itnrs lot nn rottisl elotii".. b I'm' "iionitif T rrr ts ieu Ti cents ililfHr-nc lietui'tai Hie cunt nl n bur nt Hie punr t som iino'e 'out ilie f'fst, winch Is i.s nil know. Unl. inns' Kn ein . Jlvi'ii h siintli biiib-r may be t led a tUmi' I'lni; feliow. Ai-k uur ill ucK'n for " l ansill'i. puneli." 1 1 R 1 r IIIBV I e p':ltll-'l lllnl Vet l.e u'o'llell. Vigor' and Vitality An ipileKly itlvi'ti tu ,.,.ri purt of Ul Issly liy Uiiir Nnrmiuriliu. Thai llnsl f,s.lln In entirely men mm. Tim 1,1,. nl ,ltrlflr I, enrl. mid vllnll-l, mi. I .'an tin hfiilth Inslmtil or iIIvukii (a ever) eft, m. The ,'iim, li U loin. I and mreiiKlh Ollisl, llln Bpix-llle renl.irist. Ttll klilnryu 1111,1 liver tk unite. I ami Invl.sprnlisl. Tile lirnln Is is'trnohnl, the norveii Htrein.lle ncl. Tho wlKile sy tH.-tii la lialll lip hy ll,s. r Sinn n nrCl i. "lwns nil mu ilewit mnl unlit Tor linslmsw. I wiis lu lm-rsl to tnke s lielllenf II.s.l s Mnrssimrills, anil II built mi- rlhl iipm that I ivim ws.n nie I.i riniiitio ..rk. 1 msinmiend II t.i II."-U. W. IIiutf, 4 M.ulln Slis t, Alli'iny, N. V. Hood's Sarsnnarilla Holil h) till flritiiiilsts. l; rli fur .V I'n parnl nnl hj C. I, III hii it di, Ai liir.iirl.ii. Israeli, Masa. . IOO D0809 Ono Dollar !ll S BIS SB 4 WHVy Hut: B R KtSl ltenrtirt athcradwlth H H II"! l,ot Pln- Bnnkiif psr HSljtlrnUn aunt t'HII. AUuu)'tia, omco vi WhllfcU Bl USIC-ART- ELOCUTION ni sit-t .it C'MllMl'. llrBirublf t'olitn in-i'ii I.i pri t;r'--0" srii'! in. All liitt-rrUil Will r.-iil."'1'' i,'"in .nloti I rr, b a.l'lro Ii,.- 1 lot Kir.l'., Iloslnu. 1sr. W'KSIKKN lllisl in C. M-.lltN.lltY N1 NuIIMM, T I'OI.I.K'IC. W. t-'ai'iiliml m. o I' ifai" Until tttf-n. Hvn iti'tinrliiiciitii. lizard an,l l'intt..ii ol HTIW. UKV li II. W'Kll il KIl, A Ht , l'lil li nt. S25 IU UntIS in nie hr our Agrnla. N nJOel 'i'n.; nu, I'MlUlNr II I.I) II II. I'll., lll. lniKiiol. a. S5 la 8N a tlav. Samiilea norUi ,1 I- rf s l.ltiea umli-r h,'is'i' fut't. riu. lira IrrlSalclv Ki-lu llnliln n.. Il.'llj lll.-lt. -Tt l V. II i k 1m ln llimlnraii Vortm, llDanl'a l allran, ii Miu HI . Iii.HjIo, N. Y. rOKil'S IS YOUR FARM FOR SALE '....V.-'iVJ IHo ,lill c ft nrn a an.H r. iu llroa.lwav. N. Y lol HI Ml III l,.l ; , ,, lit . l I'll , t. n 11 .11 .tt I inleil mil s I iillei uitK Am iii i. n ii.. i ,t t Money in Chickens If rn knr.w tiiw I" rrnprl' , ii . .in it. . iin l im I I'll I t'llR Hnm ili-. l" l n.s . f u praetl .al I' iiln V llui-it li"' " ",, nr. I nt , i f, all 'v. rioiiK ii ii" T iin.t -i nt iini nut s;rr u I . f..-l oil it t. , i,,, a A f,, I .Hl.1 ill K itmiiii Wltiril ii,,.i",-.. lirri,lit,a i. nn iliiuiM kl w 11 Ilea Ulll'Ji i t ti' )i ,- .llln.-i l to inula 11 vrTy Haul ' HI'V'l I" - "..i,, UOlBtii:it l.ruuBril Kiieeu W. VHT. ;..i. .... ... in. o.l In 'i.!-. Illltia ri Ka n 1 BRYANT & STRATTON Business College H"k HreitlHtl. !' ' 1-rlrvruintv, arc. U ritf ' nf, tnlnuuf ut full llitiriniltiiiii vstit.iin PFTri ti. i r.tzi; winskii YOITR DOG- IF WORTH OWNING IS WORTH CARING FOR. To Cure Disrasn Yvi rviut Umtcr- hitlllltl SrHllIClllfcia TREATING WROKS DISEASE IS WOSSEJRAN 11 T?.EATKlRT. To detoct symptoms and imderKtand thnm roquiroa tho eor viooa of a lo:3 Dootor, which ore not to bo had outside of l.irfcO cities, and aro expensive; nonce tho necessity lor a good Do. Doctor Book ; i SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES. We offer onn writtmi t.y H f.i.nvtn, P. V. R, of N. Y. City, HjWaliit in Cnmne I'iuhm, tei-.imriiiii to the Westniimtor Kennal Cub, N. J. Krnnal Cmb, Hart for I (I'miri I Krnnil t'luh. It. I. Kennel llnb. Krrm'iis K:tiil Club. Amaricaa KoiTerrirr Club, tic., it-., which oulit to t lutliciciit iror u to hit caparitj. PRICE 40 CENTS, POSTPAID, I2lirlitrf ii Itt-mi 1 1 1'nl l',uU-ltif lllmntrottoiiH of Chum plon t n f ! iu In r llrertlN, FINE rAl'El., II An1)S0MKLY J101IXD IN CLOTH. BOOK rUBLISUING HOUSE, 131 Leonard St.. N. Y. Citv. &r.iiina y AT PnTGOIMlt AND IlAlFS. I1U CtUlll.ll A. VOOELER CO., ItHlsMf. Hi CHEAPEST AND BEST GERMAN DICTIONARY OF 024 PACES FOR OHLYJJNE DOLLAR. A FIRST CLASS DICTIONART ATVIiUV K1IAI.I, Fit It K. It nlv FngM h WurU wifh fh nrm Eqnlv l em mid rrmiiitu'ltitioti nn I Orrman WorJi wltli IrBlUti Lirflu:i.utw. Biiiti pttpAl4 u rclftt01 HE A D IIAT THIM MAM A V. Jvk Ptib. tfnut. Ill lr.imrd Ht.; The (' iitt Dli t l'n y li n t'wtvrd nnd I m nanfi tpnM-d Willi It 1 did not cirrct tonml mii h tn In rhraf InmiIi rinwe rud y to ftttd laciuMd Aoi ti for eii.. M. M. Uaiull BOOK PUB. CO.. 134 Leonard Street. New York CUT. r rott wtmi a s., ' iriHiHSM ICKVO l. I It bratMl MMI1H ttKShllN urini. Tin tlnft -! I Arm m y ftrt cht l a t euf-rtii M&nnraittn.l tn roll In. 17. f nd i-itn. Htn- Ur.rtl.uidlp fii-tl.-ti fn.tft'fV llftltltllfrirH Itll 1 Target iiitHli-li :.if,li i. . I t UUivly ul bpI HI liy wrmmhl Hrrl. .. iilly lii.r t-t for wcrll trtAQith p and ulik. h. i h n wiiriiil. tl for Anlbf dartitif II t Hud m i ni nim , tnl tilfHTifMl b flhp iriHllrtibl runi-tiu ttniiallna vbirh fcienfu-n vUl Inr the kiii;iu ki(tU ! ar dw rmw iinn hnl'l. iit Iui.m..i.iih. Th HMlfH ft WKSSDN lii wilv.Ti iip nil Mtutiiix-d iipca thr bar rWt Kiih Hnn iiHini'. iiddrcM ait-f df- of iat-Btfl an.l an RHiirtitilpil rfft-t .n ry iHaiI. Ia-al-t tijn haniitr tha in ntiin artit-lt. a-td If roar dvalr fitin- t (ipi ly yim an oi(lr s- nt lo addrraa) brlow will riHi-ivr irmn't and rarfiil attrntios. tTirtive raUl'-trur an. I iri( furnlihKl upoa a- ,it,ai.,o SMITH Si W KS SON, WMi-nlion lln- pap r. hi iimlli'lil, Ala a. Dr. Lobb 323K.10thSt J PHILA., M. . Twrnir tfar' i inillnauun piarllrt In IIh1 lrrat ninl rurn nf ll' nnlul rflt rla mf rlr alr, iIiihii, .iiii li-.ili n.luil un,1 I.-k1. Mritlrla iiinl trruli!tnt foi hii inoiilli I'lrp Pullara, (n urrl nlol ft mn nliai'i vulluli Hi n'ly iidilrn llaal nu riir'iMt IHarUM'a I'rrr. DUTCH ER'S FLY KILLER r Makri a plisau aweap. Kvary ln-'t nlll Hill a iuart at Hlaa. illoiHi liiiP.xloK nraoatf eara, illtliin nt atin, ftrallag- yaar iii. Hklpi. Intril wnrda aai m i nt .h in hci-aI Irinitia ripaoaa. hi-n.l M.i rinlH fur A thaefa to V. in n tl tn, nl. Atbaaa, fl NU V A I i ' 1 1 1 ' A I' I-' I i III Itl'SIN'l-HS' I Ml H A.NV TIMK! 'I' III-: MltiilM A l s.i riil.l.i.iii', I l. Al.l, Villi. IMI. It . k tsfniii r. ii !"', llriu 'ia'. II uln" na Piat-lii.'. Mi, -II linli,!, Tf Wrlini. l'.-!twr,iiiM anil l'.itinni-li'l III mm h'l H'ulll. I ,,.,liil liistoic n.ll. II .'li A I iii'I I, lira I lOi Amnl l ..,.i,.;,. .,, II ill ii" I I ' I naifft It m I ban ai in, ..lh-r II - i'..i-in llu-II M II.kioI on iil hiK niriin.i-t II. i.i . .Ic I t WI for lui.iilll M-n I Inr 1 t -I -,'Ik A.lli".. II A. IA1 I. .IR., Prim't. JONES PAVSTHK FREIOHT. .1 Thii Uaaan rii-l, Inn lfn U.".riiiis Inm Tm llfaiii an.t R.-aiu But tot mao. Krr rtwR-alr. I ., fma prlMlM iiiiintloo lliu parr and adrwa JONfci OF BINGHAMTONL iu.niitiA.iiro. rr. v.. I rri"' ill" nd lii'lja. i'nr Kin 11 a, flii onl p...ol. ii.riliiiirlal .tur I I tin lIl-i liF.-. 11. 11. I.Niill A IIAM.M II , A uiMi Idiilil, N Y. M n ,nn .iil Pl (I lor i,itm- t-M i , and II I'sa t, in... p. it. iivcn r. a ro . i'in,-,i. in. (ill n, M i.v liruicml. CHICHtSTrR'S ENGLISH (--! PrNNYRnVAL P.MS. ( ins litiimoml llrand. In-, in. rli.1.1 I. II I, f ! Kafr ir . ,r i. a.ii, i iiruaai.t n tin im- II...1..I.I,, ni.,l , IH..M. Msa.4 C ft m i-i,.u' o i,(-,ii Tulr aa ultiir. Hon! 4r. L- ,.i ,..... I.r ;.mi.i..i. ..'"I " K.'lirr iar l.aill... I ll" I) ihhII. :.l.'b-ii-r t'bruihul ( . Mudlaua t., I'allMa, I a. AXLE GREASE LOUISyiLLIf, KY. v I n gM . All N ' tfttm rQe ISmI-iui. fcn itrlH' iij i. ft L fi I P E? R "37 rnfli