un THURSDAY, S EFT. 19, 18SU. LOCAL lLSCOElDS. tM gin liable lo bo burned. K !V.,.I nt O S Piio'u Ibis - week a big lot of Wclmuro's men ad women Shoes. SCHEDULE FIU'SRORO It. U. : US years old. Several years ao he!ctcd well their parts fur which they . , ' ' , . ,7 1 ' . T. . ,1 , cu,i, ,u,w.i. nud .i,,ni.ir in iiieir:,ll,d,mer;,rdl,Iiiui i(.iii(.'iaii.i.frt'..n,,.ui.ii, ........ 1 .i-ii. ' II .1.. c. .1:1 in,,.:,, i:.,i ,,. , ' 'I" .'t:lt', Willi'.' the t-l!:l i.rrtt HI O lilis last C.;-' t ir. 1 lie outcome 01 tlio ' i-lnlm in us. or li..iiiriiii"ni"y. T. 1. Viiiiai,.i.n : r lu.iim.iii will bo Ki,en h ili'iimmli ! Ukti'Iii. tii. r"6" imn. w "to IHI.U..P'.' raun.au . was conductor on the railroad Irom , well deserve credit. I heir diah.-i.e j , , , , I :r0SOnt i--n promises to be even ! 7 Y"m"-r 1MJU-' u " alu'la U." . i i o V. c. Vc. Hnnb,.)' dniiy.ol-..pi8uiday.aiwa. FVettcvill lo K"VPt. Ho has two and speeches wore well gotten in,: ' "( i.oiii..ii ..un.-ni nosoiui-, piosont .. . i piomi.es to ue ,(ii b...iidiuUriibfirr..-.w.ry. v 1 : .art.Rm...niui..ii,. ..msiiUM, minTil.d da..i;htor's living here, Mrs.Uui.l graeetully delivered Vfor,. a ' " ' lt'y avV":f f"'' " W n ' m''''- i " " TT r2T"! iHAV.ift. CATARRH CVRED, health and twouuiw.'iii'u aa iiio mail imiuouiiinu. & a. ! . . - p . . i,,,.,,., i 'i'i... ,,.....,( ., .. i ending Sci t .-uibei- l.i: Ii. iiravniubk) i the rapid meiriise of cotton manulac- rxiidtn.r i Androw u. curl. , , , ' f , R-X .uu-u .mv, at ,u,,i.u a. .mo a. ,n. linio nod M ,'s. J . 15. llarns. t ox x . , h , N a ,.l , f h t )i;ut. fi.i):) , h(. i(.t h 01ls,(i ,u ( (110.B'iu t, Soutu. Sl)utLoru lilil(J p.,c.,i,.,. 5u,. iU.c;: "wfot .brath "fj1: byS(lSU'!f tiuieua. m. I t ,. ; crnntU. in wl.i h ,'orii..:. of the State consume about one .p.a.terof the cot-' n,rru r .Kemedy. lVco cents. i The Iv.vrr M.m-Tho work ol ' 1 ' 1 1 J ; ' , i, Wea. i.er !,u, be,-,, cool and ,,,i,ly. ; ton employed iu i:iau.faCtuics in tl.ia 1 ,. 'SI "LO!! HandCuuHnmp- xNaaal Injector free. Ciiai,n & Hladw, HT Kvoiv man who owns a cot renponinir tho Ku'VPt coal mine is! ,,, , . delight a:.l f..iliiactiiiii. . ..... ,.u ,.vllf,r , ,.,,,, - tion Uire is sold by us on a guarui., o..l.t to inuro il.aa it U m pro, very favorably. Most ! ' "V su 1 1 , m,m' 1 s u,'l",v" u,i i,.i,n ,., , t . ,,u ,MA ...h,.' I - - 4 " eorea vJonsumption. M M H QH ! nnfff -20u bushels white and rodi..,. . ,.,.. rilii,-o,id lieimr built oats sued and 250 bushels wheat for kale by Rynutii & Hcaden. t&r The building until recently occupied us the post otlico is lor rent. Apply at the Rkcoro ottice. Mr Mr. Richard Moore, of Capo Fear township, has been appointed ' gauer in tlie internal revenue. W Anybody in need of some ! occurred at Kli.aiioth City, on the money can get'it, by alouco hnitlit 7th inst. lie was born and reared dwgwood and persiimuon timber to : tlis i:ounty, licit a sou of Mr. lue ait utile mill. Daniel V, Riddle, graduated at the I State university in lSS:t, studied law 6ir 'I'he JCpiseojial church at this land taught school, and then buaii jlco is beiinj enlarged mid repaired, ; tho practice of his protession al KM. aad, when linished, its appearance , abet h City, where he was nieetiu will bo greatly improved. i with remarkable .success and .vas ! most hi::!i!y esteemed. We knew tug- Last Monday and Tuesday him weli. and watehed his succes-.lul wero as hot as any days dam the career with peculiar pleasure, lor lie aumnior, but next day (yesterday ) wn one ot the finest youi men it was cool enough for tires to be 'that Chatham has produced within comfortable. :..iir nieiuorv. Kir The Central Hotel at this filaco is now kept by Mrs. S. II. llol hu4, f'urmerly of Wake county, ho U prepared to entertain tlx public witU good faro al reasonable rales. Kir A brood marc belonging to Capt. F.lias llryan, of this county,, had throe colts in less than two! years. Raising colts at this rate would pay better than cotton or j tobacco. I KirOiir venerable countyman, ('apt. Elias liryan, has presented the Kki'oko with the largest egg plant ' that we have ever seen. It weighed five pounds aud three ipuarters. H ho . can beat it ? Kir Mr. 11. None, Jr., has bought , one of liege's improved sawmills and will run it in connection with liia shuttle block factory. He will buy oak ami pine logs delivered any wliero al nig the l'ittsboro' railroad. ,-T . . (years ohl-a good ago n.r a North ( ,;. ,.,,;,.,., ,-,.,,, !!tK.'avi;r Pan . : SiV It is ip.ite a Ktrange comer j Carolina new-paner. It is a ir' I j llioll county, and in the f.ght And.-,-d.nco that nearly every death that ; paper, edited by a man of e;,i,eat,on I vu N( ,it. . Lms oteurrml here this year has been , and brains, iltniHiitun Mri-sewr. , ...u ,,; t . . m , i , on a l riday. Mr. JJoudinot, lr. JUnks, Air. Mntiii, nr. nine, .Mrs. i n, , ti,-. .i . . oil ami -Mrs. .Moure all Uicil on that , day. tfr We regret to hear ot the death '.of Mr. Oliver l.ove, which occurred on the loth insl. at Ibg Falls, in Alamance county, Whither be ha I ..removed from this county last year. His remains were Interred al Ml. .ino iaiuic.it, in n.iuit-j i" osit'ii-, ..w- ... 1 srU;,! .:d see the large stock j ot goods London .s now getting u, ( He can supp.yyou wKh any thing . you wish as low as can be had in . any market tor the cauh. l.ond bits the largest stock o) Shoes in the ; i i. : .. 1 1 .. 1 1 ... i. . ' county and is si for the cash. them .v i IrtTThe negro irl, w ho was :i i -vertisetl by her lather as a runaway in last week's liKcnitl,, has been heard of. It is M.iit that she had eloped with ahoy, uiinieil Cornelius Thnmp. Mm and who is Kaid to be under IS years old, and that they were mar ried al Durham. tetif" We are requested lo announce that our town commissioner- have ordered the town countable lo inspect the premises ot every citizen ot this ' place ami compel tho removal of any nuisance that may affect the public health. He will make aiieh inspee- l I linn next Saturday, no clean up your premises at once. I'i rioiisK win i;e opera'-cu so tii.u any one sir Received this week another ! ""'.V three papers in the Stale that ! htl)li,,,r produce there con Lave nd hirge lot ot Leakaville Kerseys and j IniW been published during all that 1 vaiiced to him in cash an amount e.piai Jcus at London's. These are the t,m0 t'' proprietors, j (4, 75 j.r cent, of the value of tbepio- bist' gooiU ma le. If you need Wo say to tho RKfoitn as it has said j ,ill(.e Btl)lml Jtercst will be c!,a"g good coat or pants try them. Lon- 1 don still lias on hand a few of those! ehenn (Jini'hams. A lar'c lot ,,t ' Jcrseys on liand. Will sell Ready '"ado Clothing ono more week at &af Wo think that wo are correct Tii saying we sold Jirtn't tt ronumn "InofaV Fertilizers than our compciit Oas'ombiued, though we sold il with fl visiy small profit, yet it you will Mrtlle pro ni ji! 11 it-lira due it will i.e jinni-ociated. and wo iiromiso our -Jiest efforts to turiiith you with your in North Carolina that have been ( had for its object tin nriant eei. nl of .l'alj ami Winter goodu, as with Fe-. published continuously under the details relative to a tho.otig!: . a;o a s '11 liners, cheaper than our competit-j same management lor that length of the State in tho interest of the Al 'ors'will. We expect to exhibit thejof time. Tlie newspaper business lianeo. Mr. R. R. Hunter, of Meek MHOst complete stock this Fall that in ibis Slate is not very rein nucra '. lenbnrg. also a proiniin nt tiguie in lit liavo ever before alio wn. Your live ami there are not many editors the State organization, will aecom ;jjLronago is solicited at O. S Foe's, i w ho serve as long as a d07.cu years puny Lu. Long, unci very coin.ty in '.'.i .. ' ! uiiremittiiigly in journalistic iiar-;tho common wraltli will be vi-iied f'TTiU.H'TJsT AssociATln. The 131st iu'ss. JrnJrrtjn (Jolil-J.Mf. ; The canva..s will begin iu a few ihiy-. -nmtrual session of the Sandy Creek The Chatham Rkcokii lias entered -Ben Collins, colored, yy ho live., 011 A.s.-iocintiou will be held with the on its twclllh volume and has wisely the Bueh'iimn lot on t'im str-1 1. ha.-. Sady Creok CMiurch, in Randolph increased its subscription price to on ohibitioii iu tht store of Mr. A. count", beginning on Thursday, tin (fl.50. A good newspaper cannot Divin, a iutnpkin, which weighs '3td day of next nmntli. The intro-, bo published in North Carolina at; Li.S pouiids, nnd is perfectly tuned (luctory fcermoii will be preachetl by ,.h than ?!."(, und -a paper like the and of good sbapo. He savs t he ii tint' aUov: CK T. Edwards. This associa- Kkioiui is wtdl Horth S. It is a vino ban on it now fifteen more pump lion is t(i aecoml oldest in the IT tii j faithful chronicler of all the hapi:tn- kins, one of which will e:ceed lm) 4od -Slates, und its next session will lugs in the good county of Chatham pounds, and none less thin tbiity Jt beld with the church from which and is ever lU-tivo in using itu pow- pounds, lie wiil exhibit it at tl." -h-dorived its name and which i tho crs to advance llie interests of that Stale fair iu October. irlest in the association. The asso-; county. Aside from its other intor ! Chatham, Moore and Randolph coun- ties, and among its members are ' many ot North Carolina's best citi - Zens, v, St-DiKN Dkatii. A lolegram was received hero on last Monday, sta ting that Mr. J. Cooper Foe had died very suddenly tho night More. Ho whs born and pen red nt this place, hcinir u brother ol Mr. (). K. Foe. but bad removed to Fiiyctteville several Will's Ul'Ioro UIO War. HO WilSilliOHI.: j of llie water has been removed, and . ui..,c. I,..;,. i t. ' : ..... .. '. . i . 1 ' ... .." . I .. in LOW IIIOIIIIL llini 111 it IIIOIIHIM j ti,no tlt.y wj be-in hoisting coal, , the "miuo will be operated on extensive scale. 1 hero is some i,., . r. . r . . KKt iui' iiiiou jioiii r.iiiiu point near o.... I .... .1... i . t ii ..:i i r, -n ... i . i. -i. ;,. , , ii niii ccriiuiii) iui nioit ii s.iiiwic. lory terms cannot be made with tho C. V. & V. V. R. R Co. for the trans portation ot coal over their road. - An 1 nti.mki.y Dkatii. itn deep regret have wo heard ot the death of Clinrles fj. Riddle, Km,., wbich vale one acre or nioro ri clov. r or Si-Ki iAi. Tkains Coi-isi'-Wkkk. ;-',:iS!i- "-l wi" will rii to f,ij-.t ii. l-'or theaecouimodation of those lioj,I- liiiamson, I?.ilci.;li. N. C in.'!-,-, niav wish lo travel on the rittsl.oro' I "'K stamp and ihivuMng hind, will railroad durii the next term d ctii' ; ',iv,: ',l,'v "is inquiries. V, . ..iipoiior court beinuiii on the ! '''mnk Cap). illinmsfni on bclcdi of .'iiilb .. ) m.-,v.i tr.iins will be run i our farmers, for his generous consent ! every day a- nirdini: to the I.. Mowing ! schedule": leave Putsboro' at. ! t.'i a. in, and arrive at Moncurc at l.'.'.u a. in.- leave Moncurc at S a. in. and arrive al 1'iHsbor.V at S 15 a. la. .ji Dmbam lest evening that Air. 'J'. leave l'ittsboro' at ti.15 p. in. and ('. Li:g. living -ibout four mii.-s from ,arrive at Moncuro nt 7 p. in.: and. Chapel Hill. ' Thursday ailernooii. , leave Moncuro at S.l.j p. m., arriving j started tothe mill with his wagon and at l'ittsboro' at H p. m Theo trains I illU0A. On a l.iil Lis harness broke Hire in addition to the regular mail i ,! tliti mnlee ran nwav. As the, i train which leaves hero at a. in. ! m-ared a bridge, i.r.d reaching a sl;o,l land returns at 0.20 p. m. eurve in the road. Mr. I.onrr iini ! - - 'lU'.' s CoM MKNTs - - We cojiy below I some ot tlie compliments pant tlie I l!i:coi:n by its exchanges upon the recent ci.mpletion of the elcvent h V,:;,1'' '!V, t'1xis(";"V;!: . , J ho l lltsboro liKcolll) is cleveli The Ch atham Ukcoiid has cut. i its twcltth volume. It is somewhat i v- ... .. rare lor a .Nort n ( .'iroliiiu ncwsna!n r I lo continue so long under the same I management. Jji.viii'jton l)iplrh. ' The Chatham JUcoko has just I entered upon its tweltlh year. Ris , a mcii e meu am, cxceii- H paper. ; ; Il says when it was ustublislied there , ; were about 100 paper in the State,! I not mora than three ol which sire I now published by the same propria tm-s as then. Stilrsrilli' linilm-, 'k. T,u, (-11ArllA,I :Kn. ,. excel contemporary, published bv (,,MU.Uv .xxmu H, ., I .mi ,,, y is M1bscr.piiou ,,,ioo to 81 ..Vi per vcar( ?2.lnl,i year, J. ,,,.:,,., ...i,'i .,... i. "... iU real value. One cannot hire I printers and publish a ucvspaj !( mzc for Icfcs than M..iii, without losing money. I'l-otlu r London has acted, wc think, wisely. .sVrr City .V. if. The Glohi: coiiL'ratuhites not only Mr. London, but the good people of; l'ittsbi.ro', on the clcveiiih amiiscr ; sary ol the first is-ne of that excel ' lent weekly, the Chatham RlvcI!'.. ie of yd' (loin's Inoh! cteori ichangcs. When tho l.'Keoni. in its existence there were three weekly journaU m the State j that are still published by the same ( proprmtors. We wish our contem. porary a long nnd prosperous career. ; Durham dlub: j . i.u i.t.iui. in I." noi : Vl'.'tl'S old tills Wel fl Mil il. IH mwl lit ! o U1 r.j-prr mat 11 is one ot the most welcome exchanges that come b t his otliee 1'Iyery week we adorn j ;.;.ii- it.eai i.ewseo.tim .1 wi 1 1. cxecuen selections Irom it. Jt bus advanced . its price to vl.51 fl year and it .swell ,vf'rf ,';-'V''-',T','",''r'f'.- , 1 he 1 ittsboro KK. onn is cleyeu years old Brother H. A. London I gets up a creditable paper, ami one ; that is always a welcome visitor to ! this cilice. Remarkable as it may j .al'liear, it is slated that the Rk. mui i is one of only three wecklv papers (n,,,, i, ,,, i, vn, 11 vim ai-... nun mio tell of something bettor that lios or grows in Chatham than can bo found any where else in the world. A.-fc t'hf,ji.-U; Closing Exercises ol New Klum Public School, KKIlv AKS V ( ' s,Tl-1 ' ! Einou Rr.coitn: A two months : term of the public school closed to- ; day which passed ofV pleasantly and j i iioi-i usuii;;. I mi m Ml i ami mi scholar.-'. 1 he a vera ire at tendance was upward of lid, and, so ' la I' s I know, all the patrons Wi re pleased with thou' teacher .Mr. Hranilev) and the way the school was com) Ili-lcd. 'j'iio exercises were i "I'cned at 10 dock in the mornin- 't ' - o clock there was a ivcck ol ono hour uivcii and dinner was' ! served m the "rove for the crowd, : a Her which they returned to the. i stand and listened to a very able , lecture delivered by Rev. Dr. Hern-I don on the subject ol education which we hope will bo of benefit to' ,.i -i t We acknowledge the public school i are not what they oiiuhi to he bill compare tlie present to L'5 or ii-i years ao and we lind a great ciu trast, but lis I did not. propose to write on the .vibjcct ol education 1 will close this article, 1 only iiiiend ed to give the program of the .lay as both teacher and pupils are de serving. W. Ii. I.as.ui:!:. . r-. State Hews. rrogressivc Fnimer: Any firn: :r in the Siato who wishes to cuili- i 'iv' !" U;e ben, fit of his !ii.; I ""'i successful .Apcriei.ce in rai si re j graHs ainl cb vtr. j pnrl.ai.i Sun : NWs wan .. v. -.1 T -----. -. j i j not, and fell upon bin back stiikipf; a i rot k. Ho is very seriously iniiiied i internally, aim was living yesicntay 'at 12 o'clock, hut it was thought at : that time be could not recover. i ! ClmrlofteN. av.c Two months p.-.. ' !(;,.,. , a ,, t,,,. ..... ,.,.,,,1, time, but a week or two altcrwii, : I . 1 1 . i it I .in t ti 'j I .-.i:i irj, mil i-.fli , I .-. -ii i i ....... . n : to the county poor-Louse at Monroe: and on Moiidav lust it became n siiry to amputate his arm, as a last re sort. Even now it is feared th.il tl.e 0-s jfo l,,i!iM,it ,w Lu j( m u .j,-, .Mtlitioii. Raleigh Newfi and Observer : San I day afleiiiooii a little blind cirl ni.iu led lfoicr Ellis, from Johnston e.iute v had a fat tl fail nt the Ins.litijlino .,:' tbe Deaf. D imb and liiind. Sh- w.i-; sent to the asylum some li . e :;''(.., but was in i-ueii bid health li.at ;!.e authorities refiiii'd to mlmii he;-, and were awaiting liie proper time to st ic. her home. She was in hey room in bed and wheu l he matron went d iv. to tlinncr she sl.rt tlie wi:e!...v. an. I locked the door to make sure lli -.t (:.. blind girl would not get out. f :i" her return, however, she had c: awle through the window and out on to t'10 pmcb yvliich was two rtoriet !'.. ,l'l urouud. She walked ot! the. .! of the porch, fa'ling to the groun.i I Io'v and receiving ini iriei- i suited in Li r death iu half an i.. ::i. H.ileigliCall: Then 1- a lilt.V-e liimi ... ,sr o : r;.'. i ii: vi' rr :n - ' ..... . . . i a- iii.i.t-v n n r n ciiirni r taunn "iiV.oii foot bv tho Fniioi'rs' '.llnim to c.s,ablish a lare storehouse hei e. in tt ,,.h ,.,.ttnii, tobacco, grain. Ac. wiii be stored and held for sale. ThecietiL'e f.-.,. Hti.riiiLf cotton will be '2a edits ..,. ,u0 charge will cover all insurance, storage, tVo. ihe ware- 1. ;n I. . . . I . . ,1 ., ,, .ujs advance at the rate of f. ,.,-r f.l.lll. t.1.1 illimi.il 1 iii'U,, ni,it ,i! bv Alliance will be conducted un ,), ,,lovll,illI18 ,,f tl aw ,,ase,i i,v i,n r ,.;.. i, ; 1 un i. 1,.' : for incorporation of the Aliiince. iand gives it power to e ndu. t nt.-l , (..UTV on mo,cii.,tilo. inamil:.. unim; 1 or storage busiuuss in all bi AsheviileCil ien : Col T. B. Lmi,;. State lectin or of tho North Cnmlinu Farmers' Alliitucctet nrued from Char- lotto la' night. Him visit to tint' cry of Chapel Hill, will Imp plei Unit his health is snlftViei for bim to resumfl Lis d H.'niyeiaitv. i ne ineinn ol ir. a. . .Wangute. used to know Ilv restored duties al the WiM-kly Woiitlicr nii Biilldiii.' Tho rcoorts of corrcs.ioudenls t)f tlio Wecklv (.'top Rtilletiu, issued by w. . i.i - ii. ... i. ii ... i i . ij hum, nop Jiillieini, insueu U tho X. O. Experiment Station and Slate UYaf her Service, eo-oi.eratimr iwith tho U. S. Sitri'id Service, show that, the rainfall has been below the .iui crops. Jo all nil, i i i N!a:e the i !'. -el of Ii, !.c; !i belli li.'iii! t. ;.!'. . c-it ton. wbich is opeijii in;; ii.-v; eoiiiini-iK i d. : I 1 1, ins of t i v. athcr has! ps. especially ! liieeiy. I' ii k-1 l!l two weeks i v.ul l,t:coa:c ,:ci;i ra! vi:!i eveiy pros - pc: i -i i.'.ie xi. 1 1. on 'ii iHomewhut i hi' c i I ii i v.-oriu has so I'm' j i t t aosed any ilaiaa Jaii'-o SieiW Ol o:i!.J ,'!11VC l.-eo:. UOWCI alut gi o.nnl i i being picj-iied for winter w.ieat. I'ienty of sunsiitue aud OC- MIli.H-l!) l.:;c oeiu.-ilLCO llli Into crojis. Farmers are very busy and ciiifnti r.t. Kc-n un i'lsruKT. Uiiiifall, tem- pciiituri: and .si.usbine all somewhat below lS:C i:i.i:i;;r, t:sp..:cially ill the imitii ca.-;,'i ii poriions were high noi Hi i :.-.: to noitli-wcst winds have pr v.'iil.'d. e.tt'i ,'('! and misty weal b- el, g'.'l.er.-il.y i:,i; Weu! i.er bus I., e; il.leli.ii' CO-.lioi.'M, ci ops v. iy ma. b. crop.-; r-1 . i :. Ci -.-:.-.w i ,'-::. .-i s have in i n v. r;, ' ii'il occur, i d :! ! ions to crops. J he core favorable in imp:oviiig ull lule Corn fair, cotton . ' )i'"a-e'onal show : nelieial. A heavy '.aver Dam, t'nioli I co'.inU.i! in; i! ing.oinc damage to lowland j i 'i.e temperature was about I -, stint bice in excess. Cot- j :; :.- ". (il. Tobacco curing! crop J'otatoi s a good ! i ; op. i !, to the :i ci , V. .' . - I . : was l.'.-li.w 1'ii'p Will Lot be up j vi The r.iit.f.iM , . i.i-ruial, u mpcralure 'mi. ',!:'.' .'IVCI'll'iC with! , 1,, I xj'i-cicvl to yield .il;. m. ill UV'-I -i :op. tl.'.Vi' li'ic; hi Illinois. Cnn a-.v.S' ot. 1(. A dispatch fiotn J. ,v. re... i viile, l-;ivs : A raco war b '. r the whb.es and blacks occur red l.vro Su'.tii d ay night. A few thiya ie;o :. St. fj iuis negro named Slick cam to town and Saturday afternoon in a ;:i. ;; .! I vvi'.li a white man attack ed ! i :u Willi i: knife. The latter es caped cflei' receiving two wounds, ; and then Slick da-.hed down the street si -.shii'.g al everyone. Judge Barnes i !' the cou:;ty com t old red the ne gro t i v.op. The negro attacked the .f :!,: but the latter retaliated by I-. !.) !.: j; I: i: ! do.Mi. 'I lit! negro was ben (ii-an.ied and arrested- Mean while i;;e biaeks, h iring of the ancsl, .': ',e: :i'ou d to re.-eii.' the prisi.-ncr. A I.,'.' white, men allied around the Judge. Tbrre w:ts a bard light in v. liieh the negroes were beaten back and i i.'.' of the ringleaders arrested. The pri.-oner.s were taken to the coun ty Sail .:iid the shei:t!'a;ul his deputies weic ordered by the .Judge to guard the building. Tim blacks quickly or giinied and niada au attack on the j iil Tho shcrilV was ordered to tire n t'.icui. but lefica d and the tiegioos j forced l !i: ir way into the jail and res- j cm ii t I.e p. isoner. judee ii.irnes or e,;ii:z I ti.e x li it is ami altaekeil the Sic ks at tin-jail. There was a bloody li.d.t in v. l-.i eh pi.-tols. knives and clubs "..re u.-i-l. .ludge l.ariics was cut ml s hot bid bin w.'unils are not fatal. Dr. J.-liu .:, f.rtmhy and three other white !::. !-, w,,re serit'tisly hurt. Two :.c;. rocs wt rc s!n; and half a liiindred in-.. '; '. e: c bi i l.en. The whiten won, uvl .!! t' l. 'leai! r.i were again put iu j .il nr. I a I e.i.y , i: i;-.l placed around ti e !;,:!. '-tig. Tne lint ha crcutcd l ie. it x i!i I, !!";. ! i-t, week, after do 1! tin in hours, the '.I' ilbo .-. !'... ci..-.- of (In' wif" uiurdeier il I .: i. 1 :', verdict, of not guilty, in -e In in.- that lie w.t., insane. ei o:d. 'l ed by .bulge Me Rao to i.! till arrangements could be to gel bin; m tlie Lisaco Asy- He lie-.-. Dr We.dcv M. Robey died at Col.!..bo:o Situi'iliy after several well:-, illn-ss of a complication of tliKc ee - . He wis 57 years old. and in lo' j ..i.ie.d the North Carolina Conference. A p'.ospectus for a new weekly Democratic, eight page paper has just betu issued by Mr. R. M. Furmau and Mr. D.tvid M. Vance, to appear in A l:e iilt; on or about tho 1st of OcioUr. ( Is eeiiviile bl'llector: Tho Scot i in 1 Neck .V (iieeinillo train had a peculiar e pel i"!iee wbileoii the South iioionl I up Saturday evening. Some! v.l.cre tins si lo of the A. .v R, junc tion a cow wis seen on the track. Kngi: ecr Smit h tooted his whistle and ! tl.e tin man rang the bell, they sup- j po.ii.;: t Iii.- ala: 111 u usual iu such j c u rs, would he sullicieiit to make the j : i.im.il lake to tho woods in fright. ! liut she didn t ni'ine worth a oont and ! st tod watching the approach i.f the; iro.i t;;o!ist r with apparent uncon-j erin. The! tain drow nearer, the en- j gine tooled loud, r ami the bell pcul , ed t.i.-ter but the old cow stootl her !, round. I'inaliv the engineer saw ti.al tilt; trim Ui',l-.t either be stopped , , , - - ., or the raiiroad c-'impanv have a suit :' u ,!;., kitting cf a valuable cow, so h :-ii tii nnr and stopped bis tram wbi Ti mi a few feet of tho ani- iie.l 'I lie fireman was sent out to drive ti.e cow away but met with au- , oii. 1 1 failure to frighten her, and be-1 be; a targe powerful man he gathered ii to her horn with onfl baud, to her tad with the other, and with a few; sli ong pulls managed to persuade tho animal olf the track, where lie stood "i:d in Id her until engiuecr Smith could laovc his tiuiu by. 1 About 100 persona were poisoned ! by ice-cream .Saturday niLt, at a fe- tlVtt Oil till! Occasion Ol lue openiUtT , . , . 11 u. a,moV "l "ou' are lu a senou couumou, pu, an; I -. i lm' w rewnw, . i I Ahuoat seveu million balei of pot Of fY.ll di-ss m.ods and trilum;,ij,-s at JUUi-h's i:ifr Racket Stoic is now comple te, and we invito the attention of ti .(lj,,3 ln thiH line. Wo f..( I 1 Hllrfi our stock liiis season will i ,,. ! I.,..- rival anv stock in tho city in beuutv. ()IJ(j wt, "Knv positively that the jirices ,..., I,.,,.,-,,,.! i.nv competition. Our ; l.i,.M.;i.ir ,,.,.t w nlsr. enmnlrtn. nnt jWM &!isin vou that if you will take Ul0 timu to iUHVil.t our nrg0 Htock you will not fail to be pleased in style und quality as well as in prices. It you would visit our millinery depart ment you would think that it wutj the very bciglith of the season, from the number of ladies you will lind giving orders and making purchases. We want to say juut one word about shoes. We have evory Htyle vorn in the South, and every stylo is sold 10 I per cent, cheaper than you will find Ihei.i clue.-, hero. Rig bargains iu damaged pants at tho Big R.'.eki t Store. $1.2 ."5 pants we are only asking Sl ccntu for your choice. '1 he fabric is as good as ever, only slightly soiled. Biggest thing you ever saw. BIG RACKET STORE. jij;i. r N"iU'.-i ...f d"iith au.l mr.ilrini In... '.. ol'ii imri.'s . l.artjol evt'll o.-nis a llnu. I Mool.i:.-Ai i :i!-i.,.r,,', N. C, n llieC" Sr-.!:uln-r, INV, II r. SI.L,V J. Mull. . .: I j, s i r.-, i. -i , ..p-J ii ywirs. j 'rinolc-.-.l.-i I ..... iidi.uytitv-t i.f lllOtHtc Tl.'jinab , I. Hhvi.,,1 Winning:,..,, SC. Al Uib hRin.f Uit.fn ! j .-in:, niii- j -lu'-j ii. i- .lit-iiio'tini L-iuiwcit. eu.lti Ii, heii'.b, taivl l!,r,'tili..iu h.:r life, bbo n-inaliieil a vUhlst'.-ir. ii-.i-iiiiM-r iu,T.' 't. Liurlug Imr ,.r.iU'ol. e-l and pulniui el.-kn'-!, slio pall.-tiily rudui-i-llier Mirr.'rlnK'. ni'il by lior qnlis ro.-luai,. b.'autl Illll) llll,41'Hll',l ll:. ti, wtilcu ii truu Cbrlnlliiu ras'ifa li.-avfi.ly hotnt,, tiBl.KS. I. a of (ll,hilirla, s..,ii-mlMr lltli. Ism", MAi.e.b. ..ut'i.t.h:r, .IhukIhw ,.t J. S. and Carri.i 0. oi.smi, it.-tl o years inul .1 m-uih. New Advcftisi'incnts. BHORTGAtJE SALE. BY VIR 'I tK.'f.i mji'igiiifio'x'eun.d lo in. by Jnmrs 11. liu'iis mi,. I wire, iu.,1 r ir.lt, I on pagi tit In b.Mk "A V" III lh" efU''" if thr Uuutsti'r ef lvll of ( ii i'ii.en my, ;n uo.l for .'ash ai lb- cun Ii" i." .i.H.r iiii i'itiel.i.rii', ui Wklmslav U... lt. li ituy i.i o, t.,i,iT, ih-h, iv, ira.'iit.ir ,ar,--lf of li.u.l in i '. nn . n.wtisiuii, un Ku,'ky Hr,-it'ii. o n Ian, In i as ,n,i I.i mnvi rt'Kivtlvcly, nnd It i. ni in. i ir:i,-uii.r lu-.'i l.:lou nl wlileb n-u-iciii'u If rn:i.lu ii -:.i'l iii- riia;.., ,'(.t. lull;, lei. '. s. T. WOMBL8. Jones Grove Tract 0V li.U) ACRES LAND FOR SALE I'ijfn n .'.'V.f..s f Fiue Tobacco, Cut ton, (train una TonfVr Lauds i'ii IZanj Ttrmx. 1'ii.' tn..l.-:':ii..d C'.iiiinltlpo i.f lh.. Trusico i.f tlm l'jlv..ialt.v ..f X.rth Crnlliia, u WoditcHdiy, Iho Clili il..y .r XeTcnibrr itpxt, at l'J u'rloi'k, i.ti lb.. pri'iiiiMV, irill cl'i i- for aalu al uuiiili.it tin Jiiim Or., vi' 11:1,1 ,,f l.V.iO airi's, KltualMl 1.11 tin CllH'l lit:, iln.l ClllnNiri'lead. It Will I.e OH l'le 1 Inc. irimis .: about loo m-res isn h. Il Is n,.l.'d ic. one 01 Un. ilni.t farnu tit Un' 3taii', blta; wen ivbti.ii'l to lul.-lil T,,b.i,:.;n, Cuiiutt and Or.iln. TUe tml will lie bv thr ai-ro at a 11: .dcr.-il.' tii.set tjrl'.'i., wlili 1:0 l-y-bt tili-i-ovt'i- Ibat. 'Ihu t.ru, ui.. out- ,1.1, I Hi,, ruinnni let Iu two und three yea.--, wl'li tt i.reint luierei Iron date. Mr, W. C. Cnlo, ai;.-'ni, whom poMofll'-r- la Cli.i.-1 Illll, N ('., mil ansner all ,uesil..tw met ll! be ou Hie liiiel'i-M-ry Wtiluwlay, unill su.p 1, r tbe jurt.""" i -.howlug li. fr.wr v. hat n.r., JOHN VANXISO, a. u. sonan t. C . ; Mil, H. C. Sunt. U;h, lsH'.i. R A N I SA I.E. -.i .... .M, ier or in.. 1 BY VIRTUE Ol' iii.-rnr iiM.rt , f I'linib.-ilu al May T.rni, l??:. I will Mill lor ei, -li Hi t-ilbll'- an, -II.. 11, at lie eoni-l-heiise d,,"r ll, l':l.-.l.i..', 0.1 MoSl.AV, si .l. .lillb. .1 e,.rl;iln u.-l.'i ,1 I il: 1 in U.-.tr reek l,,n'i.-.hl,, en h,.l, m,I" ol I'e.l.if .-teen, .-obtain In;: lio n an. I belnc On i-aj;e tin. 1 alit.'h li. X. .Motile , ,b.-iw.l, ti n. 1 c.l I.i I. I..IH.-I AUH'Ml IKIh, ln..l, t" 'll to K V.. Ki.t l. II. A, l.o.Ma.N, heel..'., l.o'.i. C..luiiii-.sii.iiel'. T,5 ORTOAf SALE '.Y Vi R I'I In, Harrl. .u .llH.V' t'Xt-H'UliMt . HH t i In I, ..,k is l 11, Un- ni,e of llie re.:!-i. r ,'t ! Cliailcini . ' 11.1'y, I ma sell for ea-b at tii,i. a,ie ll.'ll .'It tl.e l',.,llsl.s, "11 SCI CU1. the l?ll.t:i Oel.-l-e;-, IS'.l, !,.., eerlltlll I'll-, of . art .'is "1 Ian,, siun,'.. ,1; . in -j miles iv.w of ib t"ii of I nis l-'f , I. eini; . l No. s ami lt No. ,11 il... .! Imi Is or I . II. ll.-irrls. il-S'eriM.,1 nlalulli;: '.I .-n:-! .... a.-r- s i-...-.eeilel, aiet .i,lj..iilu lb., land ol si I i.riillu, Xe I Harry und oiber-i. hej l. li, 1SV. LA11AN ANl'UKWS. IT' OUGHT TO INSOEE THEIR GINS IN THE- This is a Homo eompai sirves the patronage 'f Caroliiiiaiis. ii.l .le North i :.. -Tw.'vj ..it.. it was oi ou.il-i.tl til l.-"tn litni liiis f P11'' "v''1' half a million dollars in los-es and there is not one contested ' ,!,tim against it 1 A11 lost-''3 paid protuplly. Every prudeut man ought to insure his j property. ! i or terms, Ac., apply to If A T.I)1)(1K Aeent. ". l 1(1 aI ItDSt., 1 lOsnteut, Sipt. lUih, lSSSV). ,4 DM I NLST R ATO R'S NOTICE iimvmik imanneu as uio a.irnliilsiiui,,r wun win i.hti.X",! Hi jiwimr (II. .si. ii. .It-eeasi-il luii-ehy ulri- untie,, to all im Ih.MIi .11 ma aitatuai said d, 'relent tii eilnhli the win,e tii in .u0ri.M.i4u,drtPi.ir.iiuo. J. M. K'l'BT. X KCUTOUS' NOTICE. Notice - Is M.-r.-hy glviji u.at v luvo U.n iliiy oua'.l- i iV: IICtliKN. -A- HEIPEE LOST. Ksiraywl 'rmii my iiiu o, n.'iir I'IiisInti.', al.ui tin.- 1i of .T.iiio. lSHii, iiiih n.-llor, aUiui an iifuilie ,.i 1, h. tik-.I . twi, ii) uinlurl.lt.. In li'd ir and (li ovitI.Ii In rlclit ear, m.Uy hU, but rs. , kl.'l uliiut fori1 Ices lie k and In ml. A lib- I rr"' r,'K"r'' wl" 1)0 '' n f. r infurniiituji ,.f tu-r Hlu-r.-viboutH. TUOMAS U. fOWLEK. St.ni. 1, l:-0. For lamo back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous I'lastev. J'rice 25 cents. CiiArijj & IIcuiES. DUI11IAIVI, IJ, o. l''or designs and terms for TOMB STONES, &.c, apply to above ad dress, March 11. 1880. lv- CROUF, WHOOFINO COl'GH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Cn.wis & IIkaofx. Improvefl Rnstproof Beardless Yellow Oat. Tho tnj'tcrHlfiud rtalnm t. havi. tin als.Tu m-w oat tvhleli bad lt..rl-iu lit Cnaiithiti county, K-0. wltb ei'veial y.iirs li'tiiliiK bus i-i,v..d It to Ik a v.iluaiiti. oat ripening as early as i hi- red nat aud ..land'' Uio muter a, m-id or betiei-, crows tf of M litebes tHlli'f, heavy hea l, rustproof an 1 iierf.cily Lnaidlesn. 1 huv Ui.l atiove di.-.,:rll'i-il oals for Hie an,! for pi'.rMe.il.iri and bbtoryof ilic iiik.vu oaiti relcr l. William K..tv.-.A,d i;,ysnir. J. J. (lOLBS ION, AUK-M, f9. l.OLDSTOX S. N. C, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, nmdo uns et able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's ('ere is the leutody for you, Ciiai-ix , Hk vi i.s. BEAUTIFUL. GOOB S CHEAP. at sjiall i:.v ii;rjai':. A. a. iiiiodss sc co., RALEICH, N. C. ll. Mn lo fH' Ut llli- nfhlni'M -f Hit! t'll.M HA1I Hw- un Mm' thry nr itr-pur.l ti tiifily tlm wants of ;i'li an! hM who (Ii-.Hirr in niuko Ji-"ino iuro cim 'ruti)I' uii-1 tn-nuitrul by inltlliit; t tlit'lr fm uliwrp HaNDSOhU FahLOR SUIT, BEAUTIFUL BSD-ROOM SUIT, X3Zall Staaad, . Sid.e-"board., E-37" Cliairs, or anything iu the lino of FURNITURE. Wc are leaders in our lino in North Caiolina, nu-.I icspcctfully ask an in spection of stock and pi ices. Imiiiense Fall Stock Now Arriving A. G. RHODES & CO.. .1 E. Martin and 10 Exchange Rlace, KM. I'll. II, S. C. Sept. 12, IKS'.f. :hn. THAT HACKING C(.H Glf can be 10 quickly cured ;y Sbiloh Chiro. Wc guarantee it. Chacis AHiiAbi s. n 1-2 East Martin Street, ivvr.i:i;n, rv. .;. For Early Fall Trails. Canton Flannel, 7J, HL 10 aud 12 conts per Yard. NEW PRINTS, mi iuxxd. Our itock ff SHOES for childier consjsis pf all sizes and ijualitics nnd .ire cheap and good. RUBBER SHOES. We have an luiu;ense Bargain in l.lYT VitOTH. i NEW STYLES IN i LADIES' AND W HATS. Ladies' aud Misses' Fnderweai' 2-1 aud 50c a pietx. i j Q HEAT BAROAIWS ! IN ; MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. i 500 Men's and Boys' Hats .'15 and 50c 500 Hoys Caps 10c eacL- i TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COONTY Or CHATHAM. (I W. Ftiunlieo, adtulnlnlralor nt tilt iWouu, A-taiust iamf Hobby and olhera. TIilK la a npoclal nroom-dluc fur Un sale, of laort, to nia mwih, unil H HMrrluK ny aiiblavii to. lUo BalUfae.iluD, til ibe iuri that -lamin Hobby .In h u-SL-casary parly ami lu a uuii-it-Biuem, ni m hnroby noilflatl to U and appear al llio i.m.-e of imielurk iif do auhurlor noun i ..iiiiii.ain uouiiij 117 aud 419 Payetteville Street, BRANCH YARD, Laoukk's Oi.n Stand, FAVBTTPVILLE, N. C, MANIFACTURER OF all kinds of HOHUMEHTS S T0HB3T0HES A' 11AMI$ Oil (HiAMTE. Also contractor for all kinds of Building Work, CURBING, FQSTS, STEPS, SILLS, &C, DosiguB of all descriptions kept on hand and sent to tiny aiLlres-i upon, application. CHAS. A. GOODWIN, June 27, 1880. Fiourietor, WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint '! Shiloh's. Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you, Chapis & Hpajjcx. IMPROVED FAHM FOR SALE, On Tuesday llio 1st day .! October, It:., at 1 oVl.K'k m., at Hie i-oin Milium door In l1t!Hb.ro', l.iiruant to tht. po-A.-i' nl bain In tin. rnortftaira deed froid Joliy M. M,, lli.it an 1 Ku lo W. T. Illaekwell, rt-KiBierod In Ij ok 111 paitr-s -isn tots-l, lu Uio oOl.-Bl.r llio HeRlsler of Heeds for Chatham, county, llie und.'rsli.'titHl will sell at piiMlrauetlon to llio lilBbest bl.ld.ri- for .a.-l, Hie land deHcrllMst lu said miirlgaie, tt 1 elni; an In, pun d farm C4i, talnlng l"fi) seven!, -five at'tc-s, ttttuftted nu llio waters ! Korlh l-ast i-r.vk In Williams township, adjoining thu lands of A. M, ;.i.j. 'I . J. Horn, loo, 1. ('. O'Kelly, W. A. liarbee and .. V. Edwards, and partly bounded by the lo.i, lh rnail. Tbp djbl for whirl; nald nioi ignce was cxerutud bavlnf iH-eu asnlKni'il toilip National liauk nf ltalflgb and lu'lUK paal dua and unpaid the above ttale will bo. fof lf,c ptr(s.si. of forfdnsliiK said ni, rt(;ai". VM A. GCTIIRIE, Alloritey tor Hank and Mort ((. Durham, ft. C. Sag. S'.nl.. iwv.i. SHILOH'S VITALlERis what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, ami all symptoms ot Dyspepsia. I'rice 10 and 75 cents, per bottle. CiiAm M Hi:ade'. W.E.U.S. Wll It CO., HALEIGII, ST. C, Wmm III RETAILEBS OF DKT GOODS. THE GREAT NORTH CAROLINA Dry Goods House. Thirty-iiii 1 1' Do :i --t nic?it, Carrytn-f ass'Tiiiienin . i "l.e.l by lutv lioua-M Iq lh.. larit'-r i-ltlt-., und nolle li. tl... s.ullit ttouf!lt from liiipoi'ti'i s, tiij.u.e.ii.-itii, t-H and sellluK ar-5ii9 -Hist liands lit every Iii.e.tii.f ..r rash. au4, Kuai-aueied 1 1 1."' i.nti a. ' !... , 'i'ta!(i) and ,.rteu. Why Bllotl'.d llie pr pi. moiiay Nortb f,,r .r tl,- UoUStl Ui lle'lr '.w Si.l'e I Nol'ill l.ur.ill.'.ln- :s when they bHle Hitch No ;..od rea.n , ! Complete Mail Order" DepartEEBt with all llif )aililiisry for tilling ordora by tun prtpnl moa. N. II On all ordi rn ili)i..uiu,: to K.nn ar mar, yta will delivrr wv'.i j.y mall, nr to life natafMI Eiprej units., Free of Charge. W U. iV H. S. Tl'CKER&CO., IlAl.l ltlll, X. '. A HOME DRUGGIif TESTIFIES. Topnlarlty at home Is not ahrayii lha Mb tvt ol merit, but vie point proudly In Mm ItM-a that no other i.,oli, me has won for llaaU ueh universal npprobaiiou In lt own mtm, late, autl cuuntrv, und among all peopl ti Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fullowtnn letter from one of onr biw known .Massii..l,u.. i!.i J '.n ahould tmtt lptttrual lu avery .uircier : RHEUMATISM. " Eight year ago I had un attack el llhriiiuatUm. no aw. yer lh it 1 conld not innve I l oin the bed, arr drew, v, Ithoul ln lp. 1 trle.l rcveral m- tlie. wUhoul uiui'lt if any relief, until 1 tnnlf AvriCs S.itsi'.vittia.A, by tho un of tv boltlvs of uhleli I wan e.,ei letoly am-atL lav.: sold lari;.. ((ii'inlill.'S i.f your Saii.a rAitu.I.A, and it utill relaiiid Its wonderful . ,;oi i.iri ty. l lie uiary notiilili curat II ha lt.uli..l in tliiH vi.'ttnt',' coiiviiiee ni laalli Ij the bubl bl,od iii'j.U, ine ever oltered to Mt tiubltc. K. F. llAKaia." lie. in (St., Duckbu'1, Ma., May 13, late. SALT RHEUM, (ir.rmor Airnatrw-a. nveraeer ln th La-w4 C.-eitl t 'orDoralla-a. for over twnntv vimrs Is-for his gwui-aral t l.ow. JI arni.-ted'witli Salt lilievta-i In tm worst form. Its iileerations nettially ao,irs4 nioru tb1-" I'alf tlm Hiirtaus i.f his blf a-ai llmlM. Ho urns entirelv eurn.1 by AT-aat'i SmikiI' VIiii i A. Seo cerUflcaU la Arf Aluiaiuw for 1SS3. no i'Anru u Dr.J.C.AyerA. Co., Lowell, M.f, SolU by all Uruggistsi $1, six bottle toy

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