l)c l)at!)iim Hfcori) II. -A. LONDON, EMTOIt AND PKOFIUETOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. KATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- Otic square, two iDertiin" One square, one month - l.no 2.00 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly fn Advanct. For larger advertisement liberal con tracts will be made. VOL. XII. I'lTTSIiOltO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, OCTOBER 17, 18811 WW mm NO. 7. Disc rownfd. Wlillo yet the lagging Summer lifts tho glow Of her glad vlut igo, pled gin;$ all who drink A reign that's endl ss, at till bsaker's brink The lurries of th Aiitiiiiiu Id nv ntid Mow. H d' tli tho languored isiinmior, startled, turn To iiw tli trait w mapleo ntlnrii, A'ld, ni 111 Muh li'diug n r 'I'i'iilaiit shame, Th" cheeks of h"r di-l ynl ivies lmrii. Thru nil n Imvn the hi rhwnys far an 1 near, 'I I if ro I and nst"i-.s Mvifl mi ol I II 'si"giu,; humers, tn: 111' ' I i i i nil 1 got I Till, st-night way smitten with a tinl h ii fear, E'ou ns hho striv -s to arm Inr'giinst the fo Ajain tho windy lm rh blow nnd blow. -l.'i.-j ;. rui n. i in, ;; ;.', A CLOSE SHAVE. 1!V It. V. TltOMSOM. Last summer, in I he clubhouse of tho Koiiniite hownn bait (idlers, u well -known ' iti rl inn lawyer told tho follow ing story : "Sonio ycun ago, while out for nn nftcrnou'i lidiing with my son Harry, who win (hiMi te:i y ears o'.il, I unchorc I our skill off the northeast or lower end of Uoineguk ishui-1, wiicr:! one division of tliu St. f, iwienri! runs in a d-cp groove, inue'i ficquented liy channel catlidl. "Stunners 'e'. l ) u pis-c I through the chanuul where we lioi'te I, though (lie wah of upward bound In a's disturb t ho surface slightly ns they swing half around, about three lmj'lrcd yaids down river, to en'or tho southern and s'lnightcr, though shallowir, channel, w. deli most pilots prifcr. "Harry found the occasional rocking by ttcamb id waves a plea-ant varia lion from Ihe icirrdy preeeptible mo tion with which wo drifto I only one of our sixty-pound weight being out in a bow anchor against the gentlo current, under th) prc-suro of n breeze up stream. The sharp stem of ti e skill Ibated free, nnd, illi:i;r w.th foi t feet of line out, she swayed from si I o to sicb) of the deep water, wliieh never furnished nm with heller sport than on that day. "Tie) big, dun-berk 'il, yellow bellied, strong, cleri, tetitiiol'-'d lli'.i took my minnows eagerly, mid fought in A highly .satiifaclnry m inner for their own live'. So it went on, till Hirry, who had cnun out with omphalic ni- ! teverattons (h it he woul I gladly fish ! till midnight, diielosijl a kceii 'r on 1 1 1 lit i ns i ii or BoiiK-lit iiiir to cat nboiil tca-limn than ho did ahmt thcli-hl win catching, and ollen inquired n i X it'll -1 y when I i 1 1 ' -: i l . -1 going hour!. ' I linger d, however, for 'jmt nn ; lil re bile,' taking four lidl by the d -lay, !i!l the, sun smilv slowly beh'iid Ihe idnlid. Then glancing under my eyebrows at Hirry w'.iio stooping to imp tie a new minnow, his woc-beigonc l.ltlo fare fjavc nm n morn di-tinel thrdl of loiiipiiiu'tion, nnd, Illumine; away the br.it, 1 .-aid: 'Wel1, una I b iys inutn'l l c made too liunj,'i y, 1 buppoie. We will go hotnu now, Harry.' "1 wag rather nilonidiad that his (are, whie'i ha I lnihteiiud w ith my wonU, tul le ily rloii I d, at he looked keenly down tin r.vcr. Then tho ex p'liiintinu t nine. " (111, there's anoth r sleaml ml toinini; up, fuller!' hn cried. ) inlay a liitln longer! 1 wih yo i wo.il 1 s!ay till wc e-et her swell.' "It was In me u strikia j illudratio i of how ciiiiously nnd wonder .'u:ly b.-yi a r j made. Here was a l id tni hun jry to enjoy th i dei-p un I pluloiopho' plens i.ro of li hinir, but nol h:i i,iy i i.inijh to forego an ob-urd dc'igh. ii b"iiir ricked by a half n di m hle iinboat .rollers! However, hi request coincided with my iuclinnl ion, and, pu ling on a new bail, 1 cng iye I a 'ain in thi most ioul-sn'.i-dyni of liuni in p i-diiwi. '1 sat i i th) bw, with m; fac3 up t.1 renin, Harry na'cliing, with bi-j eye, the one iiiiing stuuiiier, the intermittent luniblo of whos-j pidd'c- wheel became momentarily inor.i di-tiuct, tilt tho slop and tin ut of each float coul 1 bo heard close behind. S id lenly my littlo boy jumped up and f sc'.a un 1, in a tone of much mi prise: " 'Why, father, look ai tho steam b at I' "I turno I lo sod in tlu twilight the bij, white T.i. b in, not throe bun Ire I yirls distant, not swing. in; into tho i until c'lannel, but coining, at iilioilt half speed, straight at where wo lay I "On.ed, 1 sat silent for a moment; thou roared at h,r, 'Ahoy, Thoban, nlnyl' witii a I my power of lung, searching nif p 'i ket. at the same time for Bi clasp-knife to cu. t'10 anchor rope, Tlu-io w.n no time to haul in tho weigh!; to cut a.vay was the only ihvieo f cscap;. "Ihe channel of tho river, a I knew wed, ngi too narrow for tho big boat io (iv) n more than the narrowest l. i-h, and there, w it n sign tha'. her j Hot tuten lo I to yi: d us nay. I could tic hiiu dimly in tho wheel-house, ud, apparent y, not another soul was on board. "Sho did not flow down In tho loast, though I continued to yell madly. The roar of her paddle wheels was terribly loud. "Harry's chillish trebly shrieked through my Inane shoTs. bu' there was no sign that wo v ere s-ea or heaid. Vet it was iinposdb'e to h. liev; tho pi lot iiiiawaie of thn boat in his course, lea l.i ol .r d though it wa, nnd deeji ns were the shalowi of the island. "On sho came, ilui inj the few Bee. onds while theso ob eivations went through my mind, straight nt us. The swamping of our kilT in Iho steamer's roll was cer'aiu now, even should she sheer off ni much as p sili in pass ng; cerl-iin, even if wc hail been suddenly freed from the anchor lino. I had passed it thrmgh Iho rir.g o' the painter lefore the luw, nn I secuiel it to Iho feat. Thli fastening 1 tore away w i ll one j u k, but there were .VI feet moro rope in the c ill lying at. my feet. To run that eiit through the ring woul I reipiiro more time Ih.m we had, and to row oil rapidly with the rope dragging ncross our bow was imp usib'.c, even though many miiiiit.:. In I ln:,n to spare. "Keeling very lielp!es an 1 desper ate, I went through ali my packets for the kuif1, till it lli-hel o'l me thai, some time before, it hid droppel from tho gunwale in which I h i 1 s u k it, and was now lying out of reach -jud'T tho footlionrd. Hirr began to cry Ion lly, calling, ' Hi, wh it will mother doi' "The uinliila ion that preecd m a large steamer rock '1 us. 1,'aistn my eve-fr- m a v d i in liavor to get a j.dimj-s" of thj k ii if 0 the steamer si fined ai.i is: upon in. I never siw a ve.sel .should - r up so monstrously at the distune:-! So c'.ose was sho that in Ihe twilight 1 coul I cbarly sei the re I p-ii it of her l u:; gleaming in the water about her. "Willi tho i lick devio and hg'it ning activity of despair I .-c i 1 n i oar, nnd, kneeling on tho bow, with one downward drive of its h in lie k ioeked the staple that secure 1 tlx? ring clear away and with another iii' lioi hung out the roil of rope into lie: witer. "II It lln bowsprit of th: 'I'll 'bun was no! live seeou Is away then. I struggled madly lo get soma h-a Iway, hoping to ficapi 111) paddle-n heels, but my poirldtle boy, will with fear, im pe led inn by clinging ah ml in legs. I -tug a'l my force o.i Urn oar in a pad dl', I did, how-ver, manage to j;ive lrrasi;l,t mol.oit up siiciui, stiru li t, hut loo l.i'e; th: in ' mi m ut the lignr'-heal mil swelling bow of Ihe Tiieb.ia blolte I out the s-ky, and she was upon us. "Not wi h her nil-water, fortunately, or wo shout I have b -eu instantly siiiadir I dow i ; it rail out twenty fi.'et beyond be for i we Were touched. Hid she not been half si we I down to take tho win lings of the c iaiiiiel, w.i should doiibtlcn have b-ru overwhelmed by the roll of water fror, her bow; but somehow tho skilT role this, mil the next inomeat was thrust against tho river, and crowdel so hud against the steam :r wheie she widene I tiiat we moved on ns if glue I to her side. "I lliv.ously, this strange situation roul I endure b it for a few moment s, and then my little fellow an I 1 in ist be drawn under and battered to pulp with Ihe rein iri 'lesi crash of tho paddle wheel si leriili c and so near. ' To leap far out for eseap" from them was impoisildo. 1 had clasped Harry in in.' arms with some unreasonable imighiatioii Ilia- my mlerp sin my liody wouid sive him from the crushing blows of the ll uts The hopa to sink beneath them did n it ll ish aiuingtlie lir st- crowd ing I lion jhts of those despai: -ing mom n1, not till my gniuce fell on the fifty -six wet ;ht that still lay in the boat. "Iistantlyl stoopj I, I it with in light hand, nnd, with in.' little boy clos'j hugged, leaped ile;pera!ety from the bout into tho wat-r. "Tho Jcusitiim of brin ; suck cd or trailed through an iimv.ing current, tho roar of tho battered water, tho over piwering fear of the crud paddle? how well I remeiiibur! Su Ideuly it wns as though a wave had thing its nia-s nt mc my legs were swept down with the water driven from the imp let of the tl nt, my hold was n ar'y j -rkc-l from the fifty --i x pounds of wig'it that 1 held, then down, down, down u til th' weight touo'ie 1 the rocky be I. 1 let go un I ro-e through twenty fe:t of water with a gip, lo sou the.Thebiii roaring away stcalily on her course. "I'oor little Hirry In I nev-r ceae I s ' niggling; ho struggled more violently as now he caught a half-choked breath. I toro his at in i from my neck w ith a de-per do in !ion as wo began to sink aguin, and turned h's back to me. We rose again, treaJing water. 1 m inaged to support his hi a I out of thn wa'ei long enough t leak" him u iderstan I that he must become pi rfect ly matiou Uss if ho wi-hrd mo to save him. "Tho poor little man behaved splen didly artcr that, hut by several slight immersions had lost his senses in n liel' drowned fa nt ;fi.re I manage 1 to g:t ashore. I hurt, however, no great drill fiilty in restoring him. Fortunately there wns n houso on tho island, mil thnre wc spent tho night. "You inny bo sure that I lost no tiuio in investigating the conduct of tho Thebiu's pilo Tiic man denied all kuowlc Ige of tho orcurreneo, and I could sie that ho was rcn'ly surprised nml allocked; but thnt he felt in Soii'i) le;r,o guilty, I could also perceive. Not one of the deck-hands, none of Iho ohVers, wou'd confess nny knowledge in the matter, and not till the cross-cx-nmination of the er :w on my suit for damages against Iho steamboat company did th) truth coma out. 'i'lcn a clean breast was made. ' T ie p; lot ha I ferrelly brought n j ig of whiskey aboard, and while Ihe captain was below a', his tea. the male and tho whole w itch, defying lilt the rules of tho ciiupiiiy's 'civic, had taken occision to tin s!i Ihe l ipiir. As for tho pilot, he explained that ho had been Moo drunk to d ) more 'u steer, sir, nnd c aitld j -st on'y see my land marks. I look the north channel,' he conelu led, 'becau-c I wanted folks to know that I was putliekly sober.'" i.'i'i (J unfit ii ion. The lllirgr-st lllcycle. .Tick Simpson, who tuns a 1 i-lgitiiv" hoiisi nnd rc-taurant in Iiangor, M1., owns a bicycle which he ihrlnns is the largest in the worl I. This wheel Is St", inches in diam :ter. Simpson is un Kig islunan, nnd for many years traveled w .lh circuses nnd other shows, having been one of the three "Dicoma Brothers," famous a do -n yenrs ago for their aerial bicycle performances. They gave exhib.tonsnt the t'ry tal Pal ace, London, nt t ho Cirijuo I'Yiainlo, l'aris, nad nt other amusement centers in Kuropo nnd the I'.iited States. On one occasion Simpson gavo an exhibi tion on his big wheel on a wire suspend, ed M) feet above the water at It nky river, Ohio, and it was called a very d iring p u foi niaace. Toe b'g w heel, which has he mi around tin: world, was buiit nt lliruiingham, Ki glnnd, at a coit of i .'I'ld, nnd nllh u;li its diameter is so great, a double system of pedal cranks enable, a common eje'er to rido It. Ihiciij,! lhr.ill. Ail Ornamental l.aiu;i Shad Tim fancy lamp-sh ides, if at all pretty, are so expensive to purchase, that we all welcome a new de-igo. A foul teeii-ycars-old gill of our iicipi.iint nnce has just made n very cheap and fir-ctivo one. llu; a wire friuu', of Iho size: to tit your lamp, and cover it with coarse milliner's net. Taken piece of imitation lace of any prel y design, and measure lonu-ly ar itinrt the boMmnof the frame tha width of the lace from Ihe bittoin. Then allow tib mt a ipiar ter of this for fullness, an I gather it slightly on a piece of ribbon of such length ns will tit snugly nn und tho frame nt this point. The r bbon is then githeied to lit the top of Iho frame, a narrow piece of lace fulled around to stand up. A bow of ribbon is placed ill tho side, ill.il a fringe of embroidery silk finishes ihe laej ut the hot tutu. . I in '' i 0 1 n A'lrii'tittiiriti', A Dag That Loves t hicken). Mr. llrtghnni, Iho dyer, of Oiiando, Florida, his a beautiful and intelligent I'ttledog, to whom h) is very much at tached. He also has n hen. Not long ago that hen liatilcl ome chickens lly some incompiehensibij mental pro cess thnt I ttte dog imagined that sho was the mother of Ihe c lie . ens, nnd sho could nut have hrcn more alTect ionato ton litter of her own iiipes than she was toward the little chicks. She cud dles and fondles them every day, nnd attimpts to ih fend them fiom all in tinders. When taken away from iho brood sho whinei constat! tl and w hen release 1 at one) goot back to tlicin. The hen i c.nnpt't.ly n niplu.ed, ami Mr. llrigham is olmit as ludly pui.led. The littlo dog and the chicks are thj only onei who fecm to understand tho situation. V. Tim A iKra(. The Mnrmy l'etrcl. Stormy p dels, or M dher f'ary's chickens, as they are inoro conimonly callel, follow t he cut-bound vessels in large flocks, gallic in g about as soon as laud is lost to view and remaining un t I laud is one) again sighted, unless a violent storm drives them away. For the most pirtthcy feel on refine thrown overboard, bu! are never fat and always hungry. Hovering liver tho food by patting the water with its wibbe l feet and ipiickl: (lipping its wings, it ap pears to stand on Ihi wa'cr and follows the food as it drifts about. Sailors re gard tho bir I with great sup -rs tit ion, b lieving some e il ini'ty will follow ill wanton killing I'filtr i'iinca il."iU- C'lllMWrVK fOLl'M.V. PAlt IKS. At rveiiiii; when I g lolnsl, I ' the htars sh lie overhead ; Tli.y nn. ihe li.ll'daises w.nt ) Tluil dot the in -ailow of tlio nieh. A ml often, wlnl" I'm dreaming r.o, Am-Mthe -ky t'i" mo n will go; It is a la ly, swis-l nnl fair. Who eouie.s t.i outlier dairies 'h.'r.i. F'T iih'ii at nioraiiiK I ni l ". There's not a Mar l"fl iir the rki-s; See's pieke.1 tiieni ull and ilroppl tli;n d iw ii Into the mc i lows of th" town. - ',. ,..,7ie,i,o'r. SI'IMK I.INIII.V. A young la ly h id gone o.u! wn'king. She forgot to take lierp"iise with her nnd had no in nicy in her pocket. 1'iese.i'ly s!n m t a lit'l" girl wilhn basket on her mm. "l'irase, miss, will yoi buy some thing from my briskcti' mi id the little ;irl, showin g a variety of book mark's, watch cases, ne die I) o' s, etc. "I'm sorry 1 can't buy uiything to day," said the young ia ly. 'I haven't liny iiione with n.e. Your things look very preliy.'1 Sho stopped a moment an 1 spake n few kind words to the little girl ; mid the.i as she passed she said again: "I'm very s irry ! can't buy anything from y u to lay." "Oh, Miss," said th'! li'tle girl, "you've done iu ns much good as l! you had. M ist prisons that I me t say: 'Get away with you!" I ut you have spoken kindly mi l gently to me, and 1 feel n heap better." Thnt wis "ii iisi bring the poor.'' How little it co-Is to do Ih it ! I't us ieirn t ' .sp"ak I. in lly mi l gen:ly lo the poor and HilTering. If wo have noth ing e'so to give, let us at least give the m our sympathy. irsv's iianu. liin '. under a plank of the great burn floor, n pl.ic i just large e lough to hold the three bu hehs of hazel-nuts which It i' had picked and carefully hoarded there, and Ihis was the bank. " 'If folks save only a litll" every yenr, they'll have money to spend when they lire old,' papa says. Si 1 II ju I not cat all of my nuts right up, and keep 1111110 for next winter," aa!d It 17, sagely. So he and tlio sipi'nre'.s wurknl to gether, through the brilliant autumn weath'T. ife was as bu-y as they, mid liottided his winter stoic ns carefully, so when the crimson and gold leaves turned to brown, his ba ik wis full. Kvery d ly he went, In pe p into it, until he went with mini 11 1 lo visit nt giandpi's. The slave I two weeks, an I w hat 11 long I 111 : it w is to Iho lit tle b iy with 11 bank to look aMoi ! Grandpa's nice, sweet apples nnd grandma' brown, twisted doughnuts di lu'l tasle half ns good as they gener ally did. Grandpa and grandma, and all of the uncles 1111 1 mints, worried and wondered, nnd said he was suiely sick, but then they di In't know about the loose p'nuk in thn great burn floor, nnd the store of wealth under it, and what a care it was! It was the first thing Hay thought of when he got 110111 you may bo sure. And this is what be found there empty husks! As if some ono had lilted his bank witli counterfeit m me whilo he was away. His bank had failed ! "A family ef chipmonks havj been very bu-y hen for a week,' said papa. "1 shou'dn't wonder if they wcro the thicvc, and 1 think that their bank is under that old pinu trej that I'm going to cut to- day." And there it wis! Filler the great tw isted rootrt ho foun 1 another bank, lillu l to the luiin with the wealth of his. So he was more mcce sfiil thai ome bank ollicers, but hu sn;d, gr ivrly. ns he stored his nuts away in a safer place: "After nil, pap.i, I don't b'lieve banks uro a sure, solid tiling, do you! Soino men areas bad as chipmunks, you know. 1 b'lieve the b'-st way is to try and 'joy things as you go along, nnd iniike folks hippy as you can, 'stead of putting lots of money in the bank to lose, or be ipiaireMcd over when you are gone." Wise little lie,'. Foo'''i li ei.,Miioi. All Island's (Juecr Flight. A iplci r stab' of: Ifiirs is described by the Fort 'nml 'j ti in : "Ilrnvu's Island, a few m les up the river from Salem, fomicr'.y b l ingo 1 to Folk County, but now the 111 tin channel of the Will iiii 'ile has change I and inse parably wcl led the island to the main land in M irieu t'oiiuty. Sum of tho residents don't appear to know just white they should vote, piy taxes and Semi their children to school, but unless th-1 ivcr changes ngiin they will have to bid farewell forever to all rights as citizens in old Folk and make tho I 'Jt pf it in their dcw home.'' UNDER WATER. Sonic of the Terrible Experi ences of a Diver. Mootlnfj tho Swollon Forms of Drowned Men. "II iv) yo'i ever re (beted 011 the ipiccr mil nr.; of :i diver's business?" says 11 writer in O i v! lit i. "Il-re, where I live, there is n famous man in this line, whom wo will call the captain. Ho is helpful and big-leal led in lis life above water; and his body is big, .too; so li'rg", tint you woul I supposo lie would liiid i! hard enough to walk and work on land, without going to the bottom of the sea for exercise. Hut a chief part of his occupation is to sink himself out of sight tinier Ihe waves, and go peregrinating iibou'. in that mys terious region which tho rest of us never visit if ween hdp it. Ho puts 011 n hug", thick divin g-suit, whiili is wa'er-t glit and air-tight, wdh a big helmet containing glass eyes or little windows irewed 0:1 over his head; the whole giving him tho air of some fabulous in ouster, and swelling liiui up to considerably more than his naturally big bulk. Then he is lowi red into the depths, with a tube attached to his helmet, through which ho gets 11 ir enough to. breathe, and a long cord for signalling to thisc nln ve when ho wants to bo hunted up again. Tims jirep ne I, he bin explore 1 n large pait of tho bottom of Long Islan I Sound, where l.e once laid, far down in the t si", the concrete foundation of Idee Hock lighthou-3. II : is also sent for, far and near, toi npoct and raiso sunken ships, lmagim what strange, nlarming or ghastly sights he mint en counter in that dismal gr.eu world un der water, infected by dummy crawling or swimming creatures; whero p'rhnps he suddenly comes face t fate with the staring eyes and swollen forms of drowned men, caught in cabin door ways or jammed amid tho wieckago of lost vessels. Most of us would hardly feel temp'ed to rs'inain in surroundings. Hit s one times there lire easior j dis for the div ers; suuh as working mound the piers of bridges; and then th') river bed may be trans forme I in'o 1111 amusement ground. I know of two diver 1 who were em ployed on the im ler-water construction of some hridgi piers in siiniui'r, and they spent so much time there paid for by the con I meter---that the nia'ter had to be looked into. It was found they had invented 11 new sport. They caught (wo crahi ; in 11 ked oil a r iee-course on the mil I; and then, pulling the crabs on the starting-line, th'y tail bets, and sent the clawel things crawling oil side wise in compel. t 'on. II ll the capta li is much morn seriously nooupiol. And he once went throu gh a particularly serious experiencj worth d scribing. He had gone down in bis d ving suit, to attend to soma job on the bottom ol ahiiibir. It was a line, sunshiny day; II ud the captain could see the brightness at the surface, above him, ns we see the light glowing throii'h .1 cloudy sky. Suddenly ho beci nie nwatc of n heavy, threatening shadow, which ndv.inc'd rapidly nbui the lop 1 f the water. He realie l instantly thai a large canal -boat, in low, was about to pi-is directly over the air-tube u he'll connected him with his iissht mi's boat above. The tillio was lather taut, nnd came so neir tin surface just tbete, thai iho chalices were tha keel of tin) c 1 11 til boat wou'd 1 nt it in two. If that slioii'd happen, the captain woul. I be n dead limn, and his (living fiiit no better than a shroud. He not dare to s! ir, icr even to sign il his assist mt iiy means of the cord at his waist; for the slightest moveine it in a wrong direction would only h isten the disaster ho dread d. (hi mid on rain the shadow, swift ami huge; and while t hi: captain wa b d to see whether it would destroy him or not, it seemed to liiin t ti it years, instead of minu'es wcio elapsing. Tho big shatow came right over him at li t, and h" felt his air tube grating against the uneven elge of tho keel. Scrape crape it went, lu re and there, and once the captain lh night it lial surely caught 01 a p'l joctiu g bit ef metal, or a bo 1. If it had, i: w ould have been dragged a -tin Icr in 11 jilTy. Hut, luckily, the tub 1 did not cuVi. The awful shadow pa.se 1. Toe captain pulled his c rd, was mis-d t ) the sur face .glad enough to lu in the air again in the world nb ivo the water! It was a narrow ecane. I lulling Sympathy. A little fellow between 'i and I! years old wns punished for somo misdeed w hen his papi was at work. After cry ing savagely for a few m invents he ran to the window, and, looking through his tears into the street, en led out: "Papa, papa, c one in mil set! the baby Cry." 7W-ih li itilt. Killing on Llephnnli, After a coup'o of cotufoit e s nights in the train wc reach a small terminal in India, from which a live -mile ride 011 an elephant larids ih in what is kuo.vn as th- .N'epal-tcrai. The elephant on which wo ride is a small one, and is supposed to shake the rider ns little as possild", but to in novices the shakin-j is far from being n g-jntlo cue. At a worl from his "innhout" a wild-looking creature who siti between tho ele. ph nil's ears n i l pricks him with an iron stall he ;g les down 011 tils knees, and one climbs on t j his biclc 01 b :-t one can, holding on by bii tail with both hands and trying to g t a footing on his slippery plarters. At last one inaiiiges to Fcrnnibh: up, uud one finds line's self oa 11 cijunre cushion, nlmost asslippery at the elephant's hack. The first lim, w'ue'i the great beast rises on his fore bg', lb n on his hind ones, it is nil 0110 can d to hold on by the ropes which are fa-tone I to the sides of tho pad; but prael i"e makes p . 'rfect, and in a short time one lenrin to nlapt. one's self to tho curious motion. A goo 1 small elephant will shulll 1 a'ong easily a( lh: rn'c of live mil'M nn hour, climb ing slep ravines end other ol s'ru : lions, so that th; rider often finds him self hanging on in an aim st p m pen lic ular position. Niriuiiinl is sa su e footod as an elephant. He will climb steep banks, and slid i down into ri ver bids, with as lii'ir'i case as an Irish pony, but ho particularly obj-c's to a I oo, and let no one attempt to ride him over one; for if he finds himself sinking in, his first impulse is to drag the rider oil and j nit him un ler his fe;t, by way of hiv.ng fonvthing to .stand on a proced ing ono w nil 1 har ll approve of. yiiitteritth Cfht'itij. Tho Flood Cure for Hablness. In a letier received by Dr. M. Mi r bury, rcsidinjg nt the c irii'T of Inde pendence nvenu" nr.d Locust street, this city, is relnled an incident which is in deed marvellous, and, coming directly ns it does, is beyond nil doubt true. The letter is from Mr. F. auk M irbury, a cousin of Dr. Marbury, who is just re coveiing from a frightful experience i:i the Johnstown lion 1. For seven long In. ins he battle I with tho wa'eri for his life. Kvery hour s:emd a day, lint at I ist he was rescue 1 several Hides from the place whero the hotel had stood. Too strung! part of Ihe story is yet to come. Mr. Mnlniry ia .'IS jears of age, nml for VI leirshe ha I b'cu en tirely bald, and the top of his hea l had beeiiine ipiile popular with the tbes ns n ' uniiicT resort. Ho hn 1 used tlio won derful hair redoralives peop'o read about in the Impel of starting the hair, but alt lo no purpose; it rr'11. il to grow. Two days alter th" ll 10 I lie no ticed a downy su! stance all over the hitherto I, i!d Ilea I. A lime pas-ed the down In cam) hair, which grew lemark ably fast, an 1 now has reiudie I the length of one inch nil over his h a I. Largest Fig Orchard In Ihe Wor'.rt. T.ie large t fig oicharl in the F.iitid Stales is about to be set out in I'oinona valley, (' il., tietweeii l'omoaa and Oita rio. It is lo b a lb" iroii r v "f a syndi cate coup i-v I of two whole. ale flint dealers in ( bieiigo and one in I'hiiade' phiaandtwo fruit grow -rs in Foiiciia. The land his been contracted for, and planting Will I) 'gin next winter, when the land will havo been prepared. The syndicate has had two men in ik ing ex periinents growing fig trees in S million I'a' ifor.iia for neaily two years, and is convince I that California tigs will in time crowd nil foreign lig; ; roin th" llisteui market. The Diehard will consist of It, oil) wli te Adriatic lig trees mil "ilMHI Sm mi tig tree 1, planted eighty lo tho acre, on " '0 acre'. Later a building w i 1 be erected for drying and curing tigs for market.- .su i'rm t' 1.0 t'hi'on rV. Subsisting on Dried fne:i Leaves. The dried leaves of the coca plant, which is cultivated on the slopes of the Andes, form an important article of in ternal trad ' am ig the vanom native tribes. It is estimate I that not less i hnn rt, Oi ll 1, 1 1 HI piunds are ciiisuined iiiinually. A'ter the morning meal nca and woni'ii alike In'i-i a mouthful of tho leaves mi xe I wi h a litile lime: fresh b'avoi in-eal l 'l throughout tho day, nnd withoii any ml litio ml food the consumer is cnal!)l tod) a hard day's work. A Men of family. Fiody. "I hear you've been getting raairied." Tooker. - "Yes." Prod ley. ''Whom did you marry?" Tooker.- "Mil y J met, her mot Icr, her step-father, nod two maiden aunts." Division of i.ntior. Katnlie i, Mr. Decour.-y, lam tired of this frivolous lite! II w fatiguing t) sit and hold one's hands a'l da'. M". Dicoiircy Why not liaie some one to hold them for yeuf AYo u jy' , UtiV. The St aire Coach. Tarnished and battsTed nnd o'd, lb artlessly hidden away, t fl to the 11,0th lllld tlie'lliold. llHikni'ss uud dust and decay. This was the pride of its day. Now all its glory Is o'er Faded and vbiukIis forays; leaio are the driver nnd foiirl H .w hnll its story l- to'd? W'hn I shall a song of it say? Ouee it was brilliant as gold, I lin e it was gilded nnd gay. Kmc in tli-ir festal array, Many the bride that il bore. Now are tle y wriiC.le I and gruyj fume are the driver mid four! Long through Ihe hi atnud th'jcolJ, Kver fiom .May until Mar, Over Ih highways it lolled. Tune has now iiiade it his prey. Never n Htately di play, N" '. r 11 d isli as of yore, N v.-r 11 swing or 0 sway: Cone me the driver mid four! Over new roads that 111 m Iiy H11-I1 we with rattle nnd roar. Only sweet nn m ,ries stay; Ooiieare th" driver and four! - IU.w'1 I'linlnn in Ilmjier't. iir.Moitoi's. A police court might well bo called a luo institut ion. A horse inny pull with ull his might, jut never with his inauo. When tlio barber talks too much, his I'orics nro igeueraly illustrated with Jilts. A M'chigan girl goes idiout smashing window glass. There teems to bo no erord of nny girl who has smashed a coking-glass. H'ggar A thousand thanks, my good iir, for the splendid cont you have given ne; but I cannot wear it. It would ti i 11 my business not a soul would givo aie a farthing! A floating nowspnper paragraph snys dint a lady, nged SO has just been tak ng piano lessons. F.ori tho old and feeble can get sipmre with their neih jors when they go about it right. Seeno, the garden of a country villa. PaiHcrby (at the gate): ' Gardener, what is the matter up at tho house .hat terrible screeching ('' Gardener nutting hi- hand to his car to listen): "I can't make out exactly. Kither Ihe ndy is practising singing, or some vile 1 11 i nut I has got into tho hen-house." An I'navailiiMe Vacancy. A naval ollieer tells u good story on i certain retire I alinlral. lie was a hronic appl cant, and as he was not .Ii- light to pm-cs sulllci-nt wit, talent r ability to lit him for any rcspmsiblo ilace, his wants were seldom honored iiiih the pivin;;. lie applie I for every hiug in sight, sometimes for two r .l.iee things at once, and as he was iflen on wailing orders around Wash 11 'ton h h el good opportunities for 1 i-hitio It's la nn. He smelt vacancies ar nl it a I, and would often apply for daces months ahead of tini". O.ico the io-.! of surgeon general was vacant, but lot being a "doctor" the alinlral wns vim d out. lie was sitting in ono o' he navy depart merit rooms one day r i ling, hidden by a desk, when a puss, ng 1 Hi -er stopp d to chat with tho lerk w ho abode there. "Who's to be made surgeon-general? ' le a-ked j ioo-elv. "Old Admiral -. of course, " was he half laughing reply of the clerk, gnorant of tho presence behind hiin. 'lly Jove!" ciiel lh it person hiin ie!f, springing to his feel. "You don't tic 1 11 it. When was it done?' It took some time to convince him hat he had not been mid) a 8 lrgeon eneral, despite his failure to make np llicat ion. O.i another occasion he was (hatting .villi 11 brother ollieer nt tho navy yard, ligesting tlio uews of the day, which ho oilier read out pi c.mienl from a lew'spapcr. Suddenly the reader star cd Hid loweie 1 his paper. "Heavens nnd earth !' he exclaimed lo lis startled visitor, "here's a vacancy 'or you nt but !'' 'What is ii ?" was tho excited ro iponse. ' Ijuick, tell me what it is!'' "The Kmpress of H issin is dead," dio officer managed tocjaculato between lis shrieks of laughter. The di-jgusicd wnnter never survived :l.c title of "the Finpress." M'lisfiimjton NMr. Ills Heart oil Ills ltlght Sl.Ie. Flank Havens, aged !'S years, dropped lead recent ly nt Council HlnlT', Iowik A post mortem 1 xaminatioii disclosed in abnormal nrringeuieiit of the vital srgans. Tim heart was on the right lide, the ap' x lying against the second rib. Ain u' two ipiarts of blood sur rounded tho heart. Tho liver was ou the left side of the abdomen nud the stem, ch 011 the right. His lungi wero only one-third tho normal size, and wore pressed upwnrl. How tho man c mid have lived any length of timo after birth seems 11 mystery to the sur geons. The coroner's jury returner 11 verdict that death resulted from rup ture of the heart.

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