. - r ' 1 mt Chatham flfcorfc. &ljc il)atl)ftW liccorb. uati:s cr a4 i f riiW ! EDITOlt AND I'liOrULETOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. Al M-jht. Al nigh, wlii'ii work is done, 'inM Uitvlow-3 pray lliut darken Ami ding about the window, whoro once tho huu w as bright, Hvwt Buiimls come lock tignin, to wli'c'.i we used to hearken, At night! At night, thou;h wo arc old, oitd Hie gray rhidows obliging 1 'res ago to it tliut siiorj where the e is no moro li -111 ; fiiuii 'tinnn til ro oemo again sweet nlrsof r'.iildhonil's singing. At night! At nigl.t we two niny sit in shadow, open liir(. d; l.o; hiui'W I lio tine; Iris Ji;is-o i w hen hope was nil in .-iIit ! tSiltly wo him I ho soii",h of happy days do- jiirlcd Al night! Al nilil th eiickot'ti voice sounds throiiuh the slit .lows dreary; Our songs, ahi-! like Ins, have neither cbnriii nor weight; Wo only ro.t mid slug, llll-llol hopes nnd vi ioos woary, A l ni";ht! yio .i 'os-7. OAUGHT AT LAST. j:v m i vpy. I novor alnll forget how it fared with mo. twenty yean ago, who i, ih a gill of eighteen, ' I vis I" I my fiioml, Mr-. Miranda itriwn, who with lior invila lion wrote ino t li;so few lines; "It wiil be sue Ii an c.xe.'lleut I i mo to n ino, Olivia, for Mr. Sil n S.lkskin is in Now York making purchases for hi) uncle" s st on;, mi l wiil Ijo il--lighted to osiort you baik. Ami I'll novor speak in yon again if you don't ouno. " I'll is throat iloridud me. I awaited Mr. Siik-kin's arrival with imp.iti noc, a'ld hal my dunks alio id; puked, when on o evening some olio was heard lo rap viol- nt ly upon the front door mi iiiiiioois ii'y exertion, c m-ideting I li -fact thai ihoio was li boll and li voice of exceeding meekness imjiiiroil of Hi I ly: "Hiy, do yon know my body by th" niv,; of O l i-v i a Olivy; I, doublo e, I,eo Oliy I.ee( 1 i sk d at the ro ivry man's, but he did not know; mil I 1 went to the doctor's shop, and hu si'd ho rei kone I ' I w is hei o. Isitf j It w as Mr. S: lks'in, w ho ha I the en- i1ok; in whicli in,' friend had placed Irs letter of iniindiic'ioii to mo in his hand. Ih- was a smalt, wry youn man, with a baby lace; and ho smiled all over as hi- poked the letter at ill" and sai I ; "You are Misi Olivy I.-ie, I r. cki.n." This was Mr. Silkikin. lie had come to lea a id to stop over all nilil, and to stmt oil m the morning, to the aston ishment of in parents. ISut, not to b outdone in hmpitality bv W.-steru folk, they welcomed him heal lily; mid sittiii;; : oti tin; sof t, lie smiled al intervals mi'l ! iiiHWered, ' Yoi, ina'ani," a id "Ye, j sir," tooveiy roposition. AVheii an ; impiiry was nude as lo t'hickain ihoo I he io lied, "that al! it wanted wns ni ne ; lali's' society," and then added: "Talking of that, I swow, I've forgot!' imd reduce 1 a note.. It wai from my freti l, and read as follows; "I'Kaii ' H.ivm : Hi iiuni "li a hard work ing gill. Ilaniiali lin- left un' to he iiriui.'d. (' oo.so an ii;;lv one, or she'll marry in n mouth. I inclose cli. ck fur Iter fa e.'' "Ohio an hour ago," sail Mr. Silk skin. "I can (jet a girl," fail I, remem bering our Aid yne'ety and poor M ir g:i ot, who could not get a place en account of Inr unprepossessing appeiu oice. ' lt.it llinn.ih miiiiod! It-iii n ill is li-ty, and Inn boju with the fam ily always." "Ladies," said Mr. Silkskin, "ar.; bo u co in I'hickainiihoo. " I instantly sent n ui'sienger lo Mar jr.net, who was forty, rod-haired, iock-ma k d, lime of onu too', aad b'in I of onu eye, told her to pick up at once and moot us at the depot in the mor.iing; which, to cut n long story bhort, she d d. Wi; cniero I the ears, and began our long journey in silenc. lluriiig its progroH Mug not howled perpetually over "thu lonsoinniioss" of her situation, and M . t-ilkskiu ap peared ti) becuuo almost deaf and diliiib. Ho smiled ore i-lonaU ,' ; and when I spoke, he said, "Yes, ini'ain," 'hill was alt. M'linwhilea portly gi'ntlcmaii con versed with mo over I ho back of the seat, p uiiliug out placet el iutoiesl, t.lTeriu mo nows apers and bringing mo . lofreshineuti al stopping-places. When he asked w hero I wai going, and I stated thu fact that my destination was C'liickiiinahoo, he said that ho w a glad, for they mcdeil ladies' society there. Ho was kind, le-p .-I'tuhle, old enough to be my father, and really ro Iicvcil the tedium of my journey great ly. Ai wo npproai iied our linal stop ping placa, he a ldies-ol Silas bilkskiu in tbeso words: 'Yoimg mm, you taki thi" cigar and go sin ike it in the Mtmlung car, then c Hue back." Htlas staled at him, but finally said Ye i, sir,'' and went. Tlio atranjjor iuatuul If to" hh so it. curt VOL. XII. 'I want to ask you lomothing," lie ciplaiuel. "A ro you Mrs. or Mi-si" "Mi," Iiai I. "Kigngcd to that young mini I scut away f" ho inquired. 'Oil, uo," 1 answered. "All!" said ho. ' doing to be? ' ' II -iiven forbid! ' Iatnwered. 'Very well," ho ohsorvod "I'm ij.im-u-l Price, of C'liiokani ihoo; I'm rich, n widowor, but no children. I want u sooond wife. Will you marry mei'' "Oil, no, indeed I" said I; "of course not!" "Is that final.'" lie asked. ' Yes," said I; "of courso it is." "tiood morning, said lie. "If you change your mind, let tin know. I'm a solid man in Cliiekatnaho.). Y'our fricuda will advBo you to liavo mo. No olTen on either bide. Good- byo." lie shook bands; Silas returned; the slalion was roaehed; weulighteJ. .Maiyaiet wai sent ahead with tin1 I iiiinlts; wo nioimifl into what was culled a public- carryall, nnd Silas dinw. inp; near to mo, nssu'iicd u sontiin-utal look. "Wo Jul." the siiiiio'.s," ho stated. "Do woi" n'od I. "Yoi: and I) iniiiie 1'rowu's too." "Ah ! I n sjiou led. "Yos,"said rjila-. "Which would you luthor hcv niairy us, sm ro or dominie? ' "1 think you linvc gone era. 7, Mr Silk-kin!'1 I ejirulated. "Wo have only known o:u h other a fow days." "That don't mako 110 dilTeronc; heio," said r l is. "Oh, don't it?'' asked I, ironirnlly. "You iieodii't hi; so sarca'-tical," said Sd is. ".'m real smart, mid shall have a s'oro of iny own. I : t to bo do -piso l. Is there any ji ior attachment f ' N,'' I ndinitted, "if you mu-t Un iw." ' Oil, well," said Silas, "then you'll o'laiioi) your mind when you've see i more of mo." "Oh, dear, no, that can't maku any d dl ii'tioe," said I. ' What's thu matter with mo," a-kod Silas. ' that you're so short! I've sot m heart on it. You're so pretty, mid your clothes lit you so j;ou 1. I bet a dollar you'll ea:in;;e juur mill miiiio day." ' When I do I'll 1 't you know," said I. ' Very well,'' Bald Sins. 'T under stand that that is san ustiial, too, and as things be I'll i;o. My room will bo preferable, to my coin pa ay. Tills is the llrownsos." Ho help d mo down, smiled tit me spa-inoilically, mid drove away. As I rano; tin; bell 1 hi aid a hubbub of voices within, mi I, as t he door was open, 1 1 - ,,r,., without further ceremony. In the , ,1 1 stood my ti link and Maioaiel's ,-,,, n bos. M iraret herv If sat poi ched upon it, with tiiuoi;i'i in h -r one (ireeii y, while Mrs. Iliow u wi p' in li -r Una- t,, rockini- chair "Wh it is the matter i" I asked. Kveryono turtle I. liectiugs weie given. The explanations followed. M tigarol had engaged henclf on the way over to the unci who drove thu wagon with the trunks. He was that pnt'okiler to have mo, I couldn't say No," said Mugaret, try ing to blush. "And ho's a bou-.!) and farm iv his own." "Yoi, yes," said Mil. liiown; "but stay a m null with in. lli'll wait; h i' II wait." "I'll not thry that," siid Mirgaiet. "There's many a shlip twix' cup and lip. And I wonder you ever say the like to a poor giirrul like mo. I'll have him whilst 1 have the chance." "Well," said Mis. llrown, resigning hoi -elf to fate, "it's tlio way here. All alike." "I looked at tlio nix Misses Itrowtis, ranging in ngo from .sixteen to twenty six. A'l blmheil at. once. "Yes," said Mrs. Hrown, "they wvri all engigi'd in a week from our arrival. An I they w ill all he married torn irrow. I told you to bring your light blue silk, you know." Toe next evening I was dancing at the welding. Thorn was n lack of piitiien. The g ntlenieu greatly out -numb red tlio ladiei. I aisiiro you that w hen I ha 1 danced four dan. ei, I had refine I as many offers. Hit when 1 -too 1 up Virginia- reel with a nalivo I'iiickam.ihooi in hu surprised in.'. "Forward to meet your pirtaer," hang thu loud ;r of the dance. Wo met. "You'ro tho prettiest gill in these parts," iemirkod the nativo Chick nuiahuoiaii. I tetirod. "Ilight hand." "Ami I'm goiu' to hev yon,'' la'nl he. "You'ro not," nid I. "I.oft hand." "I' in a catch for nny gal," said li". I'm half boss, half aliigito:, I an.. lio member that." "1 II tako tho warning," sa d I. "UotU Lands." IMTTSPOR) If you won'i hnvj now, wlmo will your ' saal he. "Nevi r," sai I I. O ir will illteithllioi of plllliel'i eoiniii' need ; then our gallop. "Yi'uM I ettor not take a shiiio to any other fel ow to iiih1,'' said ho. "I'll jut .in inch of loll steel into him, if yi u do. I know my rights, 1 do, and I ftit in me I." I danced no more that night. Mis Itrowii comforted mo with the sla'e inent that those weru Cliickamalioo way, an I that I'd like it soon, but let mo -it in a corner besi lo her, where, she boiiijr n widow, 1 heiird her iec ie four or live oilers from elderly eeiitle tii"ii, which she decline 1 with u polite "Thank you; not (his I fine,'' tlioiir.l: ihoy bad be -n p'ates of ioj cream, and I hcoiiu to understand C hit kainahoo cu-toins. I will aid that duiino t!i-; nett week oilers wore ma le to nci in clnnc'i, in a shop, and at a Itinera!; but after nwhili I did frrow uj to it, and felt no alum. I slay d, in fact, nut il the winter came, and skalinjj eoniMioiK e l ; and one day we wito on the pond, wh'ii, gliding gleefully aroiin I a turn of tin; bank, I ran into a gentli'in m's arms. 1 knew hiiu. It was the Hiowin family doe tor, a hail I oime man of thirty. We -at looking at each o her. ' If irt ;" a-ke I he. "No, " said I. "Arc you;'' "Ye"," eaid ho, "about the Inert. M ss Olivia, will you let mo tell yu how much I have always udiniie 1 yon .' Now 1 love you !" "J ran t li"lp It, Mild 1. "1 ran i got up." ' l'il let you Slav whore vim nru until ou answer mo aii'ith 'I leitj in,'' sai l ho. ' t'ouhl you Hkc me ;"' "I go ms so,1 said I. "Then l'.u th ; happ'od man alive, " said ho. Ho "oramb'e l up, heli d mo to my feet, mid w . sk it' ll back to our part. ".My dear, " I said, ilia whisper t my friend, "tho sprit of ('iiienm:duio has i ntir- d into me. I was not cn:;a when I skate I around that corner. Now lam. -Yen l'l'i ;'. Snveil l!j Sm WimmI, The lii'l Indii spite la leu ilippcr ship, Anihuac. lMdiys out from (' Ion, w as sighted receilly by I Inr 1 1 llercil'.es o!l lie cipei of the Del.iwal leaking In l.y, a id was towe l to New Yoik. S!i : had on ball a circoof spices worth .fit) tl, linn, and tlio shi w.n .;ve I from foundering on the vi-y a ;o in a mod c irioiii inatrn r. )a tho ship's sic. in I day out Ir-li I 'vloii it was noticed tint tho ves-el was leaking. The leak gradually in li a-e 1 i IT the ( ape of I. ! Ibpi after a seioie westerly gt c, willi i iiiounlaini'iis sea. The water giittel lanidlv. an I the course of the vcso l was turned towarl S:. Hel-na. Hut still tlii' !' ik ineiuisel totw. ii'y inch p r hour, and Ciptain Wei Ion seriously I'lintemplati' I abandoning the vo- -el I ho would IT-ilriil'l V hav) il.iiio so had not the v ; s i reached thu t.ulf Stream current, w here the drift sea-w ee I iked itself in'.o thi coves of tin; shin's bottom, slunping the leak 'Hid giving all binds an opportunity lo rest. Asleng ns pusiohi the vet-el wa kept in tlii' greit c uieil of wai 'i, ami then h r cour-'i wa-sloip d toward the Capes. On in living i IT tho coast the leak again iiicrenx il, nnd w l en found by the lleicules tho ship wai leaking nt the rale uf twenty-four inch -s per hour. To the drift sea-weed nloiie do the owners owe the salvation i f the lino t ve-sel in the woild's inereli int limine, and onu of the most valuable cargoes a siding vessel has ev.tr broiig'it to America. S in ha I on board over -liMltl tons of Ceylon spices, vti'tted at lJ-1,-O.HI i MM. Ilxliiiniilinni) Siuiiiruliiig. An oxtiaoidi nry in: of sinngi'ling is reporto 1 from Surabaya, in .lava. A Chinese passenger having dud on board a junk which was niuhoiel in theioad stea I, the health elli r of the port went iff, and, alter viewing the body, gave the nccosoiry permit for I ui ml. The inasii r of the jink tin-1 cm- mi old at the I no if planting. The Ir-c shorn mid ordered a luge colli i of Ilu liicasuies S bet andl'i inches in circiitu usual Chinese kin I. Ihu iig the ea rly ' fei em e -! fed from the ground am' hour; of the morning the cn-w, will above the I u'ge of Ihe roots. It ii the colli i, la i I t I, an I tin- I m r.il pro about TS foot hi ;'i, an I b n a .proud ol ces'iou pasie I al nig t'ut street i. After branches) wbc'i c iv.sr n circle of li." iho funeral the parly went l ack to tht' feet in di .me cr.' ' ju ik, which I .mi -.1 1 K .ly l ii out to -ea. j This m Has the Tinlu'iui', iC.l ) It In the mid. ;o of ilu- day souk natives I ..' A 'it to cmne forward withabig- found an empty colli i in theinibllo ol tin' road elose by the C iiiie-o. ceineti ry, which not only smell strongly i f opium, but also hail small panicles of the iliug adhering lo its silei. Ti:o iil.tmn hoii-e niithoiillei found the makir of the i iillin, who idem Hie I it as lite one supplied to tho tnasli r of the pi ik and tho dead body of the ( hiniiii washed nOwia o ei afterward, t wn that it wns clear that ho had been thrown overboatd, a i I tlieb tii.n permit tin d to stnuggli on sIimo a largo c ill i full of opium. CHATHAM CO., N. C, ( llll Irl.'I N'S I I MN. W Kl.l. MAP II! 'li. CI I Mntll'T I'i.S .HU I'l oin oil' liel I'-ll ( 'mil" It I", ii'V ie ell'IIU !o' of 1' r.ti-iiv Tail." H i" e ill" I hoi littl" f-.X. ' Yi.u'r.i getttii : 1 irgei ' ev - r , day; u're uri.w ln strung 1 t ! 'I'l-tini" that you -In. ill-1 leave y -ni play And -It Hid h gin t istetl "The farm -r's eye is ipie li an I k'n-n, Th" e'ii k 'ti rui' - are h.' :'; Tit" iahl.il, It.- i. li . -t "I I" '. 'I'll lo i- parti-id:?:'. -It i- Iv If y.Hi w-.i'tid 1 1 . e up ' i .. "Hi wit', Yo'l inn t t..' v -i-y sl , Ymi'll have lo w :teli Iff t i t'oune" You iiiul li v -ry slv " "Yes, nio'lii-r," -a d l-.ii n llii-hy T-nl, "I know j i t h w mil f.-el. Hill I V" l -linn (- pr - I 'lb .nt; l - I'.-llHy l.-ll :l.. t" -led. Til i .ibt.il im, i',.. pnrtri I : Hi . 'I'll -ehfle II lo -N r- Ill -.ti; li t I -hall w ut a .-':' i t-i p "I i" ' - I s'.n II... v.-ry ly I nt. -an t" live up . n n y wits, 1 -letll I e v r i- .-ly.' SoolV lli -v b ell t Il 'I- IV - it, And l.-ft lli.-ir d -n of r. And whi- li .-in- .u Hi" Iw The ,i,; ,,r liMl . .,x'- K.MTIII'I I. IN l ll'll.r. Till "This," Mild l)". c oi Hays, ably the la-t ship 1 -hall oyer butt 1, an 1 I intend lo have her is p-rd e1 as po-si-ble." So he si b c'-t 1 a li" ni'if'll m ) b l, atil, kliowin:; th it the owner waute I soni:;. thing very superior, he spin: I no time or money in piociiittig tin: best tinib r to bo had atid the bo.t Wol kmoti to bo found; and tln n In- wi'ched over every ?tick as it wa. hewn ami litte I in its place, every phi ik th:i was sp ke l on the Umbers, every -pir tia1 was pro line I. Wh u tii'-y eiiiii to put thu copper shiat'.iing over tho bo'.tom of the ship, the do.-ieoii w t'i hed it very closely. At oil" spot lie f. il l I (ho head of a cup per nail whicli fastened th) sh-athitig split. Tlio ileaco'i's i-yrs worn Ino lin ing lather poor, but lie mw tin; broker, head. '.Inn Spiki I, 1 see a nail brck- in isn't there a little hole h its side.'" "N t a bit of it, I'm snrtiii. Tlt. iu couldn't a di op of water get in theie in a e -ut u ry." S the woi i of .l.iii was acc pied; tin; ship was liiish'-l all launched, nnd in. nle two or tiree p: porous voy ages, liming olio ul ill" it .he lay at a wharf in Calciil'a. Now, this, waters waim wi ll that lil'le pest, the ship win in. They ciawled all over the ship, lilt ootid not fit Ihiotidi tin copper situating. At length .Mis, Ten-do lit upon the I ! -K I pa:l, found the bltl.t hole, and ipii-i ' .-d lo i oil in. I'lu n she begin to oil lb.' timber and lay her e -us I'l it. Soon they hatched, and iitcteiseil till III it I tin1 of little ten' lo-, and the i t the 10 t, till cery slii's i -hip was lory ba lly wot in tho ship io'eil ,.iiind, - i-! in ido In r long voyage, when in th t middle of ihe . was full tint tic t am in tho whoh eaten. Sid' j !,: I well, ami 1 At length, j eie it oce ill, i ' w ill I how lee ... I il singing t . es I' lll-d lip, I Kvery sp.n ten I le storm nu t her. To through the ii,'ginjr, i.s f ineial d ii go. The w :i atnl w I illied as if in agrni ' '"'"'i '"'' every timber and ip:ki sti-tiaed to thou'miit. Thoc irgo whtcl tiled (lit ship was of iniiuen-e viluo. ' The clow was largo aad ihi pa-sen gel wi re many. Wi.rsi mi l wm-o grew the stoini, till al but a hii:;e w i mi b" in. !; her wit'i all its power. The poor shir si legend, gr- lined nti.e, aid cruinp'o I up like a piece of piper. S'io foundeml at sea, in the daik nig.it, in lint nwliil B!or,n. The i i.-li cir:;o al! wen: lo iho bottom of tin: ocean. Tho dioivnel men un 1 women -auk down, down, lili es b-foie they r.-led ell tho holloi,i, AH done through the neglect of .1 ir Spiker, who was too un feith.l ul to mniei thu ho'o ma do by tlio bioki n nail. V.-.n-s ..' I.jf,t. Tun llig Walnut Treoi. ( a'avi ia- it'll.) l'i .,. ', (ells ol The an Y. i gh-h wai i ut tree in t ii o (i I eh, Calavela. C -nnl v, that Stale, which it do-cr Ins as follow-: "This walu.il tree wa p'autod twenty four y mis ago, 1 an I w n Ibon -lit to be ab nil Iw. yeas g r of whicli the foil. .via: S.llplloll Is givi jilanto I f, om the i go, iieni tne : "O ir tree w.i! eil thirty four year: town of C lunibia, i, -a tint wo l known .1 it vi tie properly ol M". ti. F, ranch, lion Mi I'her .on. It is 11 feet in ciiciimfeienc i I feet t ! above thi ground, and about TS feel high, w ilh n sj lead of nearly Hid loot. O.iobrani'i ni- nuios tl loot in i r. utufor- clue, one 6 feet and two o'heis-l fee' J ru b. Oa ihe nine ranch ihoM is n j mighty oak with u tiiciiinforoneo of Hi fed 0 iuvlies from tho grouuvl," OCTOliKIt 21, ISSti. the ovidor: Fio's Broadway ami the People Who Frequent It. j Tho Greatest Street on i American Continent. tho The O.id r is a Harrow street, but the grandest on thii continent, nnd for some th ugs tho grandest in tiin West era llonii p'lere, tay.s a Kio .Janeiro (lha.il) coi lespai,, lent of the Charleston W 'lit I ('-' ')-. No vchiilo or brute creature is a! low id on it. From store across to store tie' street is full. It 1 looks queorfee p- pie in Ihe middle, j but, it-w not lioa lw ay. Then is uo J rush. Kiery one has leisure. Tho men ( in elegant br -tideloih, silk halsuud dia monds p. Il tlieir cigarettes, stand in groups, st ire and tal's. ! Ovtdoi in -a'l e.ii-triinipet, und the , name is appiop:ialo Heio polit-cs is 1 tain ! fioin morn til! night iiud, f-.r al I know, from night till morn. Hon ! btiidiuts mid artists knot together, and '"' ! hen- soiio'y men gusip. Kveryb'jdy ! go's ti) ihe o.idor lor Ihe news, j lb ie one buys tho finest of I'ver;-l'ro1)- ihiiig: il.tminl-, silks, inillinory, feat her flowers bluff ! Ir.nls, laees, etc. This is the lies' p'ace for seeing the gianl b-di.'s. They .-hop in i o-tumes wh c'i are a ino-t fil l evening -Ir-'ss. A I ntiiiet or bit if i'.mj lisite mtterials, ia-ltiil:ed direct fioin 1'aris, slipp'M's, la-i. i loo. ant kid - and ll-ntvof iewvlrv all in: hi: sonn thing sltirtiing to i n J folks. The ladies an' pretty, only al 1 ........ i ..... r... f trl. ! ..... ., The... or,, -ilwivs ntleil led' It ! (hap. 1 ul s. 'i In re :uo two distinct cli s-s, irre- specliv of color-tin: tell, and the poor woiki:i . e .p'e. Tne A-ii 'ric.uls and li ,gli-b mo the mid. lie class, and, as far as dn -s goes when I see a plain, neat '1 striw 1 a', kid gloves, etc., 1 know the weat 'l' is a foieljil'l'. 'Ihe The woiKin; woin-ii, black and iia'ive Hia.ilii'is all weirdaik skirls, one or two fiill-, wiih saijiei, a shawl or cloak, and absolutely nothing on the In ad. No matter bow hot, every one wears a wrap, an I, if tho s in bo sc m h ing, th-'y (.,) Ii.uch 'a'le I, except occa sioiially a pl iiu par.isol. Tin li n- lail:e- do not yo out. much, except on the tlv d r. One s i s them mo-liy I ilo in th-- afternoon or a' night. I'heir dies- is -ilk, lace or some elegant wool, always light weight and g rally light cob r, e.Xtepl that now there is a sa l amount of bi n k f. r the lecent -com igo. Tiny lollo.v our id. -a ol I'lench -Ivies, much tiiniill ng. Il:;l-t : .j 1" atol -ll, II com i an be ca-il bin , I ions that no dt -- iinlla'ed. They dins: to l-u-lle-, point.. I loci, an I hat with I he most, elegani (low els I eve.' saw. Ilia III 'lull .'lie iplile I otlllll-UI. lira, e lets of gold me In-ivy cie -II -ll to be a bind n ; mi l g'oves ale so lle-ll, h ue Hid p'lfect tllll Illle c -III I die of ellVl With, ill ball' Irving, it she weiecliv:oit of lino dre.-iiig in cveiy del nl. N xt to the nioiinlain and the bay the loveli.-t tin a ; al" the llo w or y ar I -. Kvery hou-eh i-a tl 'Wer yard, no nut ter bow small. lb in rally thole ale pidins and largo, bright foliage plants iiud loses. The beds are all fiim I ul, the walk, are pirfcttl.- kept, and i v. r thing is a- lie it as po iole. Tlielo is veiy little lulling; often there are statues, urottoos, piviiion-, etc. H ;t every 1 en e is a I'm tress of il-alf. i nerally the wall of stono i-.-unni'Uiiled l y all iimi ia ling w .tb top of spikes, the whole lr.uu eight to twelve feet high, or peihaps lu ue. The massive iron gac is 1 eke I, mil one stands on the pavement and rings lo know if the sen.. r:i i-ia. 1' does not look very hoipitab e Thii ugh the gileway we got a view of I hi lovely rounds, often ipiite hir,'r A ( In up lelephnno. A tchphilie i a il be very easily tnadi for homo u-e, and will w uk well forty rods or more. Huy small i upper wire. 1 lave a box lol eac I luuno -11,0:11 iii '-ie of n cigar box, with nv-r; the box should bo two or three It c'les deep. In tho rover 111 ike a small lotiud hob-about as huge as a pea, mil dim ly opposite another as large as 11 -liver d dlar. I'iaoo the sin ill hole next the w ill. Hi tween Iho box mil wall nul l be p'aced four Hiiiill pieces of t ul '1 i --taken from the heel of an old rubber boot. Now draw the wire tiglit enough lo bold tho box in place, wind around a n-iil phiod au 'ss the largo opening, mid your tele phone is done. Cam must be taken that the wire ib.es not c inio in contact with anything. Leather straps can be t ik -l to pstsor I reel to keep the win yi p'ace. What is the difference bitwecn in. npple nnd a pretty girl, unless it is thai V 011 s.pioeze an apple to get cider, lied you get 'si'le a pie ty gul lo tipnee Vier? How a Dead tiolj Was Koiintl. An extraordinary cyi'lencJ of tho leinonnbleuess of an old tim) Mip-liti-tion was given hero nci-ntly, s:iys an Oregon corii.-pondent, whe-i the body of n young in in who had been drowned was found by placing one of th) du c n-cd s shirts on the W ill i's sin laei; and fo low ing il in a b tat until it sank. Tne young tu in's name wa- Itan, nnd ho was drowned whil.- I titltiu; in the Nodaway river in company with .--vera I s i. f 1.1 ! aeon a i anc rr. 11 an u-s - i i depth, mil wis di )wti"d b-foie any of j the more nccontpli-he I swinuuers cou'd gel to his assist n -if.'. Too alarm was . givoi, I ut It wits some hours before sea I ch could bo mad'.- for th; holy. j After every I (Tort bad been mule by! dr.gging and diving it was tiig-e.tcd to throw the shirt lio hit on just befoiehe went into the water. Neat the stino pile; a mill was drowned in the N'ubtw iy river a few ye n- ago and bis body had I e 'tl toll ol by the same 1 expel illl' llt. The- i u-lolil n ij lire that the shirt be throw n in about where tin: drownel one entered tint stream. Agreeably to cu-totii, M". Taylor, a leddeut of thu neighborhood, spre id out the -hilt with ' ; bosom downward and amis -Ireli he 1 out on tho water, mid let it 11 i:i. o;i doiva th : -trei n as it would. lie foil we I slowly after it in a skiff. After the shin hid lloi'ed along for ii'iout 1 )' f-.-t it su bl-uly sank it'umii d iw n. Th- man hurried wi:h tin--kiT and w.i . 1 by wlicn ' the la-( vestige of th- g ir iieut wa-seeu. I Tin u hesti-pp-1 anil felt down with a '"".-f polo light after tho skirt mid touched tlio body wi h the end of Hit nolo. II" 'ol 1 the' cnresiioiiil 'lit that sl"ff letted .dmot ever tho 1, . ly. ml that be let the polo follow right own I v the side of tlie -k If, ton- hin ; ' the holy aim .st hum -diate y. was '.Hid i I the i-rc ot'c of seveial jwdiies.es, who coiinhorated lis s I incut. Tin. The t.obleii Appl ' j The ipii'.i". which is ; regard d a a fruit of v ! ele.' iiit cha'ai lor, is n -t ('.' pr-' .lit. Ie ally one the ! iio-s"-sin-' mole ;i es than in j fi nils of its family. l l cokcr it is l i Xt e d ugly i i it u li n -imply baked i in a i oven and .-pr nkl.-l with sugar; it j makes a .1. hi-.ou - pre - ti -, a li io mar j inal ele, and a j" ly ol great delicacy, I highly value I jn tin. .at troubles. Its I , oi ci and - i ds have b li I om I I i b t agn-eabl o iling . v il al-. i long diymg, , and the,- an; lull ol a mueiia :iiioii- -lib- : stain " wh c'i, owing to it. d. in il.t n t lialui', 1 i -Unable in br.ei. Inal I r.oil'l" -and ci ug'is, w ii It h d, luted is u- I in vai nm- cie- w a shi s, and w hu h n I irgoiy i . nip iiiid--l in w ha' i ill d ban l-i'ine, i'i-Iv a- popular a d-i - la ; tor tin- Inn I- lb" p. I Ultl d p HI I b' Well' o'l. O. 1 anwhll" til" li rill' V a!l-.r led m b, Ihe ,,! , e is e p .1 lll I el 11 . 1 .1 b!e . ill i roc,' iho hu-li "I Ihe 1 1 on pi"' I mi ng kind being cover d w.tb l ug" p-tale I , ..-oiin of an c.pr-i:e ..'c pink and a llio-t de'ii It pel I I'll '. I I I Un bil-ll i'I lie-; cell s w Ii 'nil I- n I ll-d b- al ll. g b o. -'Ill of a l! .icing -i n - i t, who ll give- it gieal v ilu a - : main at il !il lib; whi o 111 a i iltii'i I he gn at. -p'leles of d-iW Ily got I -ei III I III ly !' -'. am with a spicy li.igiaioo id inde i r b ible I ichne ... Hie . nm ' i a S. u'lu r.i gr iw Ih, foil a 1 will in Aluca in I As a. tin I it n ce.oh ah -I ilin-u -li - all! lac O.I lllal liter-It , ll" N ' il t of di leelable tr ll's i, il re w,t Ii ml it thele, and il-aroui ti. i the pages of ihe .Ho'o.l,, AV''". "''i'1' '!l ' 1 "'' allaiis d has as many n-lv.icate. a the or mgi: in 1 1 nniug I" ' ' ' 11 Annie of the ll p rid"-. .-, , i' Ilu if. hulil llillars fur Urnaitient. "Aim -I till of ouv gold dol'ars an Icing ii-cd hi i'ipo es of ornament, ami I heir fate a ti me I i mi) "f ox. haugc has long been do 1,110 I," sai l an 1 tli- ,al ,.f the 1'hi'a lelp'.ia mint roc ntly. We are , nly i.d iug about .MnlU pel vear f--r mono! irv en u'ul mi, and thi stna'l ainoii it is 111 - nit by the Tn ii ury liepai liiient lo b 11 ly lor the pur p.-se of k cp'ng eiioii;h oil hand b 111 ike c'i uige ill pa Oiig dop i-i'on ol ,;.,d bullion. If it were ti"l for this, probably the coinage of g' l I dollar w.ai d be -Uipemle I. If w c lined I iiiin Oil t gold il. llat s j eailv, the de mand wnul I not bo satl-lie I. A few d iys ago we received a lettel from 1 man liviti' in Cincinnati who Mantel inn g dd dollars. Wo nnswerel that wo could not grant his roipiosl. lie then wrote t.) Ihe Secretary ,,f the Tn asm y nt Washing ton, and the letter was referred to tin Hi1ect11rofthnMi.1t, .bitnei F. Kim ball, who wrote to the gent li III in n Cincinnati lhat bo could not bo nccnni modaled. Uiicctor Kimball bus olliid ly not li"l us by letter that tho siiial eoinngo of gold dollars should be di liibute I from the Mint heio with erne. ! not lo a'low llu-m to pus-into tho lininl j of manufacturers for mutilation im di- utal lo ton version Into articles J adotumeut. rtitliulelinia Jiecord. ADVERTISING Om; PiUare, one insertion- Oil!' miiinrc, two insert iotin" One Hijuurr, one mouth - fl.no l.W) . 2.0i For larger advertisements hlji ral con tractu will bo in :".'. Itt-zn-t R.-gret! li.yret lii-n-t' Til-ed eyes Willi self o-.'slt .IV 'M , Uy d.-i.v s l.r .ml ln-ioii r tiii lni 'lit 'l's A -i.i:iiant "i i-1 Unit ii-m-i -Ie - Th.it h null-niv w.-iKoie. Iiotir- iii'l -" ins Tin- eler ol llll I'.itn-I .Ir .oil ; 'III- I'd i ll" w.i'i-l- I" l-'fiA'-' And wi-h no I ii,'.'' 11 '. """ " Itrr-t! I'.-.-.-t! H".i"'' 1 ..It. n tl.llill had iv-' I' ll t i K-o nil III" -a i tl w -r- "f youth ' Ibid died nnd I -It li'--'- ti.-M u i'h; y:,,-I "t 'h- j i m n -nt den 'I li d.-n. Iron. Il .nt the 1,1 of 1 And tliorn ,!' w 1 1 1 1. Til" e;, v a ' i I' ll I .-".lel' boe-ret: Hm.t: I. k el-aid lll'.l'-;.- wile I til- -HU I'"- set Tli.'i' Hit ncr. the .l.uslin:: -l-i s And hint- the evoiii.io: - . old-ll dyes: Tliat can-., the I i i.'iii .-ie I -tin- I" '". An I. ".Mlle-i inn 'i- nnd lit - ni.'ii'l. " ii'""n. V. be. oid lo r -i:'. -i c.r II t III w i. Ion's we ..1 i I d'U-ii l"K'"l It ,-r I ' It "!' t ' l: -;'i.-t ' Tile s 1,1 !"..! I II. -II gilt ill II! -. alld Vet 'J'ln , a ;h d.-ptli- ill en alid ini-t afar I i;:..' up ill that pit II ; -I'll' And f.-.-l a w,l 1 .VI ."i- thrill I If j..y i i. Il.ild. . .vol -'ill A Ie p-l' .1.1. '-r. .I"ir Hi d 'I.', J owe t . T it l!".l- t ' It-vr "t - . I' o.,(. i ' ...i t.'e'.ol. iiiMoifors. In 1,1- loin !in.-s the lior i s of bis w hoa .. K i:!r..:i 1 nt"n i p it N. ii ly i. II lia.ns :u c i m t iui". Tne water Ii'y Ko.-p wat'l' about as well iin.tir tells bm i'.b i ti in du'l. Ih d to run oil it i head above anything v.o think of. ' 11.,. d inorirng. Mr. tiou 1 ; you've aiiiveil, I M-o. Ib w did you have your wilei" "1 h It hoi tal' iu'." An h.'inge say.-: "I nomas A. J.'li- -on r n ' ly s da ." Tin I r .bii.l. g- i p. more than four lioiirs tl bilanco of his sleep bo at nigh'. It i-n" l every i il it ry that has, 1 iko the I Mates, the lie cho c t of ll national Int l. liu-i i won,- I I, Tur key.g ibbler, if -ho d ue I. Stein I'.iieiU tin a vo-in r appltc-mt Hu Ins daughter' - ban 1 1 : Young man. i .,ii you -uppoi t a I null . : Voii-ig Ma i ni'-i Iv I x i : 1 only wautc I S.iiaii. "Aien'l yoi a-hained to be -ci-n light ing wiih thai brutal .laikiin b iy on tho (street '." a k" I .lohnni.-'i irab- in ath -r. "A-h o. -df " u p tilled .1 ihliaie, in sur- pii-o. "A -ha I' No, why should I I,. .' 1 licked him." S iys a phv-'ciait : 'li.-il health de mands that tin- i Ih be .1 I whili) lislecp," We have known ill-la'tei'S w In " a in in'- health would ha'." been inatci lalli' iiopi-v lie mil. i lo-c I aw a! I if he h id Up' Ins Mix-il Irnil. lor l'ieen in:. There ale - ie 1 1 llll I"" acid lo III) , : I alone thai are leiy lltile'l illl- pi ivi I by mixing otleis with them. 1,1 ickbei i ies put up with ie 1 plums or blue plums an- bellei than cither of the-e Iruiti i-nuied -epo atol y. I'liims are loo tait at.d bla. kl criiei tin- .pn'i) lll li-ll in-ipid, ll of I lie -III ill. -t Vllleli'-l ,. ll the i - a -- ol I bo a wot one. A veiy pi Id plib'o ililb-ieui e is shown in the alio unl ol sugar es aiy lo swo.-leii Ih. -m when coined together. The Iruit in b" taken ball and hill or in tho proportion of one tlrid of tho sour furl. t'lii ities and i a-phoirioi togo'her ina'vi) a Very good a iee, -tewed, also lan p beillesaud i" il I a ii t s, but citiiant se"ds me very ob -. tio i.'ible lo mi'ii pe iplo. The juice- of the hi I lll lk"ci llcllt jlly. lii-pbittv oi bla -kl'iiiy j ml niil be mad" In, til the loll-.wi lg recipe. T. twelve pollll I - of b II le. t ik" - ids ,,f i nt appl . r.-1 Am o Inn, peeled and iiutorol; c mk tho Iruit together with j'I'-t -nth leit water in the begin ning to keep the apple, from 'fuelling. 11 il bald for two hour-. Tiii-n add twelve pounds of white sug u and boil haul twenty niiini'es. An extra -.tovo-lld on th'1 ,,, of tho one next to (ho lin) w ill pi i i out 111 t ft nit It mil Imiii'iig. Iron ling- .an be pnnha el al the till shop for a lew cents, wiiich ale Very convenient f'-r -t Hiding ilu' le' I ti nil w lit o d.'iii g slow c ..iking; all .Id pie pan lliveitel will pi. vent the conic US in n -mill kettle It. on bin ning. .1 inn nee I thorough m .1. ng in . id' i to in Mint their ho -ping wiili-ut in i'd if put away unsealed A Ho; SitM't t'o n r I. iios A big N. w loii id an I dog iiainn I I'eto, who belongs to Mr. S.n th, in 11 Ino. nt, Woslchestor t ie nty. N Y., -lived bun lil lb boys fr in drowning 10 i i-it 1 1 v. tioorgo Smith, I I ; bis toother, Oscar, H,.',auk Wilson, 111, nnd an other little boy got into a boat oti tl mill creek near their hoin". Tho lopo bloke and I be bo i' dialled into thu -Ileum and stole I towaid the dam The dog baw lb- boys' danger, and hri plunged into the stream an I sw un out, lo the boa'. One of lie boys gta-pivl 'tis collar, and nnbl t 1'. to lowed iho ii nt safely to shore. Sniee then he hut been tho hero of tho town.

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