4 dhalham jucori TIU'JtSDAY, NOV. '28, 1881). IOCAL RECORDS. schedule I'lrrsiJono' n. it. Tba imnsengiT trHlit "in ilio llttalnrii' rrillroail Ioi-itn I'limUmi' ilnlly, rxn'i.t SmulayK, Bl i a. u. viJ arrlr.s at intnium' m s til p. in., miking to ceunrcllili wltli tin' mull train M Un K. A. i a-L. R. B., wtitt-li iirrhvsHt lliiMglj nl 11. Ma. m. ; ad Isvm ItalrlKli m 316 p. ni, ' 4W A few extra copies week's Kut'oKH's lor sulu. ot this Mr N'ooe A l'oe have iiO.OOO or 41,000 bricU lor sale. Apply at it you waul any. 19 Kilty cords ol first class Hick-1 mrw limber wanted at nir at the; tail We unil. -Norn- out rsi wted. ... i , SrAliVbniiv in need ot some .1 of taoucy can get it, by at once hauling dogwood and persimmon liinher to Ihtihultle mill. inagiN - MW-Tho attention ol our tntlcs is called lo tho notice of the Fiuauce C'oinmitlee, published in Auolher column. BUT We congratulate our clever ceiintyman, Mr. John W. At .cater, upon his marriage, on the 21st insl., to Miss Sophronia Baldwin, daugh ter ot J. J. Raid win Exp U& It anv our i ciders (ail to ro - Ceivrt a Copy ol Ilio liKt oaii nexi v ti they may know it is because have not paid lor the copies s i . f.i iy receive is hu r.icieut ! I. A hint totlie wise aWT W. II. Leonard has decided to clots out his Harness ami Saddlery. Rs has a good slock and w ill sell cheap for cash. Now is the time for bargains. Also a lot of material lor ttls cheap. Wll our readers will visit the attractive store, of William Woollcoii & .Sou, at lialeigh, they will think thai Santa Clans has made il his headquarter sure enough! Head their new 'ml". ttr Ryniim ..v. l'aschal, tiolilston, N. C., have just received a nice a aortiueiit ol ladies and gents' under wear which will he sold very low for cash. They keep the latest styles of ladies lint's, trimmed ami tin trim tiled. & We regr. t to hear ol the death of Mrs. Nancy Norwood, the wife o our venerable coiinlyinan, William Norwood. F.sip She died oi. Wed nesday of last week, aged 82 years.! into Christian has gone to her: ettirrutl reward. ttST Remember you have not call ed at W. 1. I.oiiilou's to settle or see about what you owe him. .Now alter all the notices he has given you il is your own fault il your credit is refused No more accounts allowed until you s:tllo what you owe. This is business and ho means business. )t0- My store is filled with new goods at cash prices which no mer chant can compete vviih who sells on a credit. I have done a larger business this year than any year in the live past, for which 1 am grate ful to my friends. Il you want to buy goods ior the cash come to O. S. Foe's where no per cent is put on to coi ner bad debts. J5T"A dollar save 1 is a dollar tnado". Il' von wish to save money you can do so by bringing your cash to W. 1.. I.oh.lon's. and gelling your goods. For the cash be will seil more goods than v on ever got bclbre for tho money, lie is olicring spe cial inducements this wee n ladies' Cloaks, Jackets, Shawls a.nd other wraps. BVTIioho indebted to me know that Frank has had charge of the credit business, an i as bo has deci ded to leave I'itlshoro' I must have in y accounts settled by January 1st. If" you will settle promptly il will b remembered to your advantage when wc coiiio to rado again. If your account is not settled by Jan uary 1st you can not get further credit, at (. S. Foe's, 1 will make no exception. TiiANKstnviMi Hat. Toda;- has boon designated by the I'rositleiit of tho I' idled States ami lbs (Jovcrnor of each State as our annual national Thanksgiving Day. It is eminently right ami proper that a Christian people should tlm . together publicly return their than Is to Almighty Hod for his infinite mercies. Tho day will be observed in various ways, mid a large majority ol our people will not observe it all. Some will tr. . holiday and go bunting, or m d'i.o in some other amusements v. ii. , will eat u belter dinner ii a few will uo to churt I t -.u.; smaller number will reuietn i'ii iiitiic lit- ml mi iiislcri lo' ti)"li'i Inwhicl. iniinhci-. kiiidlthc l'"'hl where Davis was reader, will y...be? :'" "P"" V-" anocu. s ,. " tmm, . ; Ins w risls Iiclore he could awake. Christian Cosfkukm e. The an-1 The prisoner ipiictly si.buiiiicd mini session of the North Carolina ! and was at once carried lu-loiv the and Virginia Christian Conlerence. ! Mayor ol Danville, who informed which was held last week at Hanks'! him that he could not he carried to Chapel, adjourned on Friday alter ! North Carolina, v ithoiit his consent. noon. 1 he proceeiiings were very. hui'inoniou and pleasant. One new church, named 1'almyrn, vvas ad milted to the conferciu'c. The an nual assessment were reported as iini.1 notvvith.standiiif the scarcity ' of money. A resolution ot thanks was passed for the kind eulerlain incnlot lite ileicir-ites and visitors by tho members of Utiuks' Chapel and the citinens of Unit neighborhood, h in I special thanks were returned to tho citizens of I'iitslioro. Tho next se.sMt.n ol the conference will beheld at llinos Church, in tiuiltord county, I A IIO.MK IDE! i . (Citizen of ('Imtliiiiii Killed -II is i ltntly IJin icd in a Hani I 1 liglil anil Capture of j the Slayer, &e. Mr. John D Horton. of Williams township, was killed on l-'ridav night, .. ,..,'r i i " i ue i, on oi inis mourn by ;i man named ,. V, Davis, who is now cim fined in Wake county jail to await his trial at tin; Fehrtiary term ( our superior court. Tho homicide, and Mm flight and cap! lire of tint -d-iver have created quite u sensation in this county. The circumstances con neeled with (hu Ixunicitlo are very ice 11 1 i it r, ami the disposition ot the victim's hotly shows a deliberation and sell possession that are remark- j able. .Mr. Horton was an ninnarrie I . man, aged about '.VI years, and re : sideil with his mot her, .l rs. I!li.ahcth ! f ltd ton, i :i the extreme coi l b east ; corner ot this coi.nlv, vcrv near the ! 1 l (....i,.,... .....i l.;',, (.,,in,iv lines J Hoi-cn is iiboul 7 years ohl . very deal'. Nearly a year ago Mr. llor'lou met with havi's at li;r-j ham and employed him lo work on ! 1 ..... i,' i ... i jlllU IMIfll, lie (M'V -llU'tl HI III' ,1 UIJ ! intelligent man, and on several net a- i sions preached in the neighborhood. lie and .Mr. Horton occupied the ; same room upstairs and slept in the same bed. n Friday night, the : 1'ilh insl., Mr. Horton was last seen alive. Onlh.it nigh' he visited an j intimate neighbor, Mr. Walter Ivl ! wards, and then started lor home M'l"iit It o'clock, playing his violin -- he went. I hat was the last seen Al : "., "s aecouiuci no- in i'.ims '"",l , ' , , oil on a trip to Ibileigh and would I he absent several days, n- he had frequently done. I'.ivis ihcn, on Saturday, loaded the wagon with about ll!lMI pounds ol' see. I cottmi. which ho said Mr. Horton had told him to haul to lialciirh. 1 1 ai cmml of rain he did not go oli' w ilii the load of cotton until Tuesday, mi which day he sold it at llah igii for about S't'i, and rcliirned home ll.nl ni'ht. Next day some suspicion was aroiiseil on ftccmiiil ot the contimieit absence of Mr. Horton. and it ".is ; hinted that he had been toiilly dealt j with. Thai night havis went to; bed as usual, but was missing next (Thursday ) morning His disap-j pearance imiucdialcly excite I pieion, which w as si rcngl bene ti--"' ! l V ' I'uuling blood under tlie he I in which he and Mr Horton had been . leep ing. Iilood was aiso 1'ound on a wheelbarrow that belonged there Tin) n. -igh burs began lo search for Mr. Ilorton's body, lecling ccrtnin that he bad been kiiled. Thcir search was not siieecssiul until Sat urday morning I tlie 2"id I w hen the ! dead body was loiind lirillr'.n IN A Toll.vi i o ll.MIN I which was a short distance Iron dwelling. From all the si thnught that while aslecl was struck twice on the back of the head with a hatchet, was then clink ed, was dragged through a window of the room lo the mi I ol the piazza below, was dropped Irom the r.ot lo the gnni.id, was placed in the wheelbarrow and rolled to the lo bacco barn, in the Ihior of which a 'grave was dug about two lee! deep. Intel his body placed therein and carefully covered with the loose 'earth, 'ilis vest had been folded jand placed under his head, and Ids i coal and pants were placed under his body, which was stretched out jut lull length. Although dead inure I than a week, the body had not de composed at ail and looked very ' n.it ural. : 1 in ii ted i. it cly upon li ml ing the corpse ; a messenger was sent for the cm uin r, ' who next day i Sunday) held an iu 'ijiiest with the lull"vving jurors: Messrs. I.. .1. W.iliams, I,. 11. l ales, j.l, F. O Kelly. J. I'. Siutt. .1. S. : liamsaud Joscp' Yates. Aiu r hear ing the ev idem ,. ol several vv it ncsses. the jury rendered their verdict thai the deceased had come to tils ileum ; from blows inflicted with an edged . toolbv.l P Davis. It i.-csiima!eil lln.t 1 ,"0H persons trom Chatham Durham and Wake counties were present at the unpiest. Alter finding the body Saturday a messenger was sent lo Durham lo try and capture Davis, the supposed murderer. Mr. l.onny 1'aiicelle, one ol Durham's most ellicient policemen, at once tele graphed to several places, describing Davis and impiiritig il he had been seen. In a short time an answer was ivcei veil ron. me ran roan uge.ni att hapel Dill, stating that Davis j uau nougat a sccoin iss uchci. on , Thursday, from that place to Dan ville, Ya. Thereupon Mr. Eaiicct!e started on the next train to I ai: ville, and arrived there at I o'clock Sat unlay night. He immediately noii tied the police of Danville ol his mission and they began to search Morl'avis. .Nothing could be seen j or heard of him until ahout mid lay on Sunday, when Mr. Kaiicetle mri than I dentally iliscoverc I that he was then ind' 'asleep in the very same hoarding- house where he was staving. I :n - liutelv Mr. I'auceUe went inlo IsicCh "mo toe uocr ici(iii-on'u m-i were prepared, winch would cause :i delay of' u lew days. I 'avis said he vvas willing; lo nccoinpanv the ollicer -at once, and I'anville on tl sorUin:;ly they left nexi train and ar rived hero Monday afternoon, when he was coiiuuiltcd to jail by virtue ol the warrant issued by the coro ner. On Tuesday we visited the prisorer in jail, mid told him that the liKi oiu. would publish any state ment about tiif homicide that he might, wish lo make, but he decline I to make any statement, sayiiij; thai it would do nuood an nobody would believe, it. We learn, however, on good authority that ho has AIIMITI'KI) THK K I l.I.I NH but claims that it was done in self delense. The prisoner seems to be self possessed and intelligent, Ho said thai he was born and reared on .. (..,., :., II i ,.,.. : ',. ' ', . " . ' , , .' li on, but lor several years had been a nieehanic, and had been in this Slate lor the "a-t thrcii years, lie is about five feet nine inches lull, weighs about I to pounds, and his hair and beard are almost rod. Af ter In- was placed in jail hero his trunk was opened and searched, and in it was ibuiid .Mr. llorion's shoes. Yesterday the prisoner, by order of our county commissioners, was sent lo lialeigh lor sate keening, and will he couliued in jail il.ero until February. nir court convene was done lor tear that he might taken Irom the tail here and lynched. iiile this prisoners re moval Irom our jail may have been proper and prudent, yet il. is a dis gracclul reileeiion on our county that a prisoner confined in ilsjai not considered sale, and that tho law i its en not .tody iblo to protect a man in Pn ki'oi kut Fooi.kii. At the Fiiy etteviile ( 'ehlchhial last week were several pick pockets, who robbed (jiiili' a number of persons of their pu rues and watches, which was easily ilune in the crush and crowd ol peo ple there congregated. One of t hese pickpockets, however, was badly tooled when he attempted lo rob a t it izi'ii ot this county. As our coun- i) man n.-is geiiiug on ineuaiiiio j leave I ayel teville, a pickpocket saw ; hat one ol his pockets was full i bulging out and thinking it cou ; taiiied a well tilled pocket-book he t slipped Ins hand in and piilh ; an empty whiskey lieklei d out llalcigli Police Fooled. j Kn'i'iL-h c, rn iim.-ii ii'iu ui Vi:iuiii(.'ii'ii Mnw ii! r. : l nil K-i.i igh police me a very sharp j loi and are hard to lie "lakeii in,'' but isoimi of them were so completely ;snhl Milt eslciday, that they want to ! change places with the night force foi la while, so people can't seo them. I'here was iiiuch circumlocution in th allair. but biictly stated is about thi.-. Siime w ieked fellow soldu man one of thus'! i.is.s con: rivaiiccs or Ihislts which are slcijicd liko a revolver. You've seen them on the trains filled with candy. This man had theaforo- ni-lil in lied hi it I le in his bin Docket. ITo wore n short sack coat, and the bottle bulged out. looking just precisely li!vc a revolver would look in the same place. The k-en eye of the police ciujhl ibis and they bounced the stranger. He asked why he was arrested, and was told that, it was for cairving concealed weapons. He smiled mid started lo take tho bottle i'luin his pocket to show tho police that tiny were mistaken: but they I In i ugh l the man was going to shoot if be could and ihey swung to him mure closely. It was not until they got their prisoner to thestation house ami made a grab at his pocket to get the "pi-tol ' first. When they got il wi ll they ipiii lly handed back tho bolt',- t.i the stranger didn't say a void and then began walking around Irving to look as though ic ,hiu0' had happened. Miivfon 1'nioii : Mr. C. C. Palter sun, had a line bull which was neigh bor to his horse, and he acipiiicd the habit of tunning his tongue through she crack of the stable mid robbing tho horse of his fodder. On Sunday nifld it si cms ho was at this tiickj tv I t ii the horse sji;i'!ied oft' about t ol ce inches ot his tongue. Ihobt'l : ,, e . , . ., , , . . , . , , .,, , .... " ...I A stock company vviMi a capital of had to be kind . I hi moral to f Ills : a-,, ... ,,,,,., , ' . .... ,. ,-, , . , , , .)lv;.i iiltl lias rceclitlv bceli organised story is. t hat buds, bke people, should i U) W(() ,. ((t m,ar noid their tongues. j yi)Hntnnu iu (hi. Slato T,,, ihiiingfoii Review : Last rhurs- j ,.,, U)v have bought and leased to day, at Scott's Hill, dm ing the prev- j .fH,,.,- ho,0HI acres of land around ali'iiceof a thuiidi r storm, a two story I King s Mo -ntaiii ; and il wiil soon house standing on the pl.uita'iou of eiecl a furiuioc there, 'l'licie arescv Mr. R K Ihynu, was struck by light t ral million. tins in the cinpany. Viig, the bolt passing down the cbim uey on the outside of the bouse until ARE YOU MADE i..ir..l.1n bv . . near no- i oiin,i wncu u emeieu m' dwelling through two windows, tear- ! ing th aitteis from the hinge si. .iituig their facings, circling round thetiic pingopcn tr.e snlesot a cii ard in one corner of the room i.ikI mukiii its esil through the floor bout injury to a little negro boy , and child who sat in front of the fire, Kockv Mount Plain Dealer: In I IKS I theie were 2") acres planted ,uvii Iii :isk niiinlv. Iii 1S,V.) I In r were in the neighborhood of ! l.nuo icies. mid in lii'M) there will bo in our O.,j.ljoni ri((00 cres ,,lalJ,eil h 10 ls88 l0 H ..: .. .... atci! I,',... twu .. 111 ltl II .111 HIW v 1 1". J. ' -I li"'.' have not (he liguresHs tl. 'croj) has in t all been marketed, but we hav iiod.Hiht the avi'iago will exceed that of 1SSS. If there should bo 5.000 acics pl anted nct j . ar, and the aver ii;.- be only $100 to the acre, st will hi ing to the county the handsome sum of S ".(HI.OOO. Winston Sentinel: 'We have been shown two apples which aio a put of the thud crop borne this jear by a tree in the yard of Mrs. Diii'uins on Main street. The Chat h'uii Ri i ni.n. will tiltiiiM! nuike a note : of this, and lav itself out to beat it. Col. J. A liittinghasacat at, hial'f,,'rc'""'her' residence that is 11 curiosity. It was' born vvilh one shorter that! the: other. On the h fi side iisci,r is veiv ; lon'. On flu' other side there is no' cur. It never hail one ami 1 ever ex pect to. W hen il y .es to sleep it htiiailv "keeps one eye opcii,'' its nLt one though this eye is siht h'r.s. We now expect the edilors of tin; Statcsvilli' L uidtii'it 1;, the Wilkes boiu ('hi.uuclc, thet haihain lii-coiin, ale. I the liiivie Times lo '.skill tltciti sclves up' tnin t ) find a curiosity thttt will beat this. A NASAL 1S.TKCTOK freo with each but lie if Shiloh's Catarrh lleiu cdy. I'.ice .Wecntu. Cii.vriN 'c llrv ins. Hon. V. 1'. Dorlch. of U iIiIhIioio', U.eii io.-t vvtil. Stalesville Landmark : Mrs. Lu chula Hnrrmer, of Stalesville town BUip, allOWfiU 0 VOlUlUCCr pumpkin Vine to grow 111 Ucr garden lUBt sum- lad. mv, at wlilt-li lime all Magistrates will re nier. It Yielded twcnl four JiUllili- ; l"'rl l"'r.n r m-ikI written r,.I,ons of what- kius, ticrk'iegatniff m) pounds. Hi's. Nuncy Dearinan. of Chambers- j burg township, ban the powder bom j wliich was used by licr father in the 1 Revolutionary war. It is a ffotird and ) Mrs. Deai iuHii now uses it as a bean j gourd. Mr. Davidson Oliplmiit hail I the misfortune to lose a good mule by drowning in Withers' creek, in Hariinger township. Sir. (). s son, Will, had driven tho mule to Amity Hill to preaching hist Sunday night and it was very dark, the creek vtry high and swift, and the force of the current washed tho mule and buggv idown nnder tho foot log. I he boy I swam out, but the mule was drow ned j before he could get it loose from the buggy. ''I was most ready to return a blow and would not brook at all this soil of thing," for I knew I would cure 'all damages with halvatiou Oil. 25 lets. Never "bull doze'1 a man, but if you muet one with a bad cough you may 'btill-doso'' him to advantage with Dr. Hull's Cough Kvrup. 2.r cts. FOR DYSPEPSIA und Liver Com plaint vou bitve a printed guarantie on evory bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. I It never fails to cure. Cn.vri.N A; II fa- VKS. WHY WILL YOIT cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts.. 50 els., and 1. CHAW .V Hkapks. (.' clone at Newiici ii. Nkvvuku.n. N. C, Nov. 21. A fearful storm, coming from the southwest, struck this place today. The plate and pulp factory of S. If. Gray in which there were sixty hand-!, was levelled to the ground. One em ployee was instantly killed, another mortally wounded and eight olbt-rs injured. The factory was valued at SfiO.OOO. The damage lo the house and stock is estimated at $8,(llhl; to machinery not yet known. The wind blew a perfect huricaiie, unroofing housk blowing down chimneys, trees and fences. The damage to the town while not definitely known, is large THE REV. (H10. II THAYER, of Rourhoh, Ind., says: "Roth myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION I .CUE." Cn viin A. IIkaI'K.n. On Monday w Hcgan To give tickets for prizes worth having. The prizes are as follows: One solid gold watch, hunting case, ono open face gold watch; and any one can examine these witches who will come to our store. These watches will be given to the person who holds the ticket corresponding with the sealed number of watch, on the last day of December. For each and every dollar's worth of goods purchased from this day onwards, there will be given a ticket. Then' watches rep resent over 100. Rig Racket Store, cor. Martin v Wilmington streets, Raleigh, N. C. SHILOH'S CURE will immediate ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Rronchitis. Cii.vws .V. HtvnKS. j -HACKMETACK,' a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price li.) and oil cents. Chums Jt Hr.u 1 .v. digestion, Conslipntion, Dizziness, I )M ,,f Annetito. Yellow Skin ' Slo hih'.s Vitiiltyer i u ii-wii it-,, em-, f'u. - ,..N t. i,..v j ! are larmers of Uiavvt'.a, K Imrmiig corn tor fuel, timbngit el can i than coal. Corn is sold on the far in int I'Oceuts ucr bushel, while coal aver ages '22 cents. The Farmers' Alli- j" aovise mat tiait tlm corn crop I ''e used as fuel, thus advancing the price of the other half. SHILOHS CATARRH REMEDY a nositive cure for Catarrh. Dinh- j theria and Canker-Mouth. Chah & I Heai.es. Now Advertisements. immm chesses. Ill BlTiirilM.ru Willi SorUnll t!3 t Tlm f.l,-, I. I.. tl. Eillne, Cli-rk nl Hi" ltair 1 ut Ci.iiuly C.inini! lniiiin of clmili-im coiiDij-. Jl. C , (In lu-n-liy ivr ilfy Hint the tiainwiiij; i.i n irun and mriwi r!bii. mi i.i, t"r Hie yuar in.llng Nt. siiih. lsr.i, f the j .uiiiiiiui., itoniH Mni Diur ,. !i ,v,mewiii'i,.n, j aii..-i i., ii,. ii,w ,.,,.,.. n.,r.-.f r! l-llv,'ly, Uin nuii.tocr of dHVs ih u.ir.l v In ,"i.l.ii. ami tin iii-iiiinoo trt,ni in-ivi.ii 1,1.0. I w- hatch. I ls oi ; 1 f I'tirdiunltig fn,'"iit UT jkht UvU" on ftri unt tf trtilgt8( computing txtH, t xppiiM iw Hr t.f It. It. iurtriuut if JU, (u Wi9 tilrln prl3ior, he, 211.V11 3 80 u.n : T.itnl, S. i. TAt.LV, '9 iUa ns CtiuunlN.li-iiir, M mlli iriiVftU'J, ii'iti'.i.tliie taxi'.-i, mi mc'UUt ol I'tldrs, T'ltnl, A, T. I.AMHETU, 1, Unys aa Cuintiilfstniw, iuIIoh iravfliptl, fi'iui'tiitiiK tnxffl. mi m-eiiuM i'f brlilg.'f , Total, won JS.'Hl , fi in ss no fjioo It ID M-.i s ;m Hi.' 3S Tli 0'Hiril wan tit htfnl"ti 3tl ilayn, 1 n. EXI.1NF, Ri'lt, i.f CiiHii anil "it im, lot loik .I Un I" ntd. liov. ftu, li-PV, a. - ' To Zt"agristra,tes. - Tll ,..,,,. t.mlnlltfi), wll, rai.ct ,u the tr' i m- in 1 r.inl.i.ro' im TIKSDAV, Mcu-niuxr , t'Vi'r ney may lie In tln-ir liandii lx-..nglng to tlmeiiimiy. a. 0. HEAUKN, Nnv. 2S, 188'j. 5i s. e)ialrlou. Hang up tho baby 'a HtocLiug, lie sure you don't forget The little dimple darling Has ne'er seen Xmas yet. Do You Realize that it is almost time to GET YOUR PRESENTS FOR THE Merry Xmas Times? Remember that when you want to got your gifts, for Xmas that we have them ill very Large - Quantities this year, and we have rented tho Btoio adjoining our place bo bb to more fully SHOW THESE GOODS. Our stock in this line is larger and nicer than ever before, and we hope to be able lo PLEASE EVERYBODY. YVo havo mi excellent lot of PLUSH GOODS, XMAS CARDS AND Fire Works. (Jail and see them soon, before the assortment is broken. WQGLLCQTT & SON, 14 East IKTartin Strew;, HAI.lUtill, iv. c LCST CO"W ! SlHAVKIIIllimll IWi. lll.llilllH 1111 Bl I.ll'K TOW, wlih iviiiii, liii'iin. whim Kuii Iii fnrt-lieitil and wtilie 1 11). A Milmsif rrr.l will ln'n!il furlicr Ji-lhvrv i.i mi' nrar liulf, X. C. L. I,. CLRIU, N iV. Jl, 1-su. CLOTHING! T. J. LAMBE, LEADING CLOTHIER' AND MERCHANT TAILOR. GFMTS' FUKNISHINGS. I.AT.ST STYU-:$ IX Jl ATX. Men's hand and ma. hino-made Shoes. Nov. 21, lSS'.l. A DM1NISTR ATRIX NOTICF - IllllillU' IIIHlllli..l IIS till. B.llllllllH .dir.- lit Mnnly liiii hii Im. iiiim'., I ln-rrhy n.iliry all iw- --iiM li.-ltlliu .-inline H:ti.i.l hnld It'i-oilt-i-iit In hlllll lln- Mime In mi' ul, i.r Ihl Villi lUjr uf oiM.iiMT, I mm. s. t. I1 1111A.M. o, ii.Ih r Ji, lsm. SAVE Oi& MONEY Hy calling on me when in need of anything in the following line: FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, SNI FF, TORACVO, CIGARS, CANNED COOPS, CROCKER Y, ( i LASS WARE, Y( H ) I ) WA 1 ! E, W i LLO W WARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, HORSE SHOES, NAILS. RACON. CORN', MEAL, OATS. P. RAN, SHIP-STUFF. FLOUR, MOLASsES. SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, &(, AC. I. Mr. C. 0. Hatch, of Chatham, i.-t with me and will bo glad to serve i.". "", "lU"'l"'.,u" " Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded : dou'l forget the place, op- lHisiie I aiii'h New Wart house. dune and sei ma W. H. PROCTOR, 1)1 lIIA3I, 7S' Nov. 21. lsn',1. O. RACKET STORE, llTlCIIAt, TS, V. W. B. WELSH, Hanaffcr. BARGAINS! IX tlooi'S. XO TJOXS, d " Pant goods 0 to l!Se. Dress (iingb ims '.Ic : good Calico Tic Hov's Hals 40c. mid up. t ients' Hats (Sc. mid up. (ients' lb Oralis SSc. to $1.28, (Jems' Cine Shoes OSe. to J'i (10 H , fhiuiH.aV Suits fion.1.9S to js -is. Men's Suil 1 from to 118. 1 Men's I'auts '.is . ami up. Holt's 1'iaids SAi!. (tents' bile Shirts -IS,' to !?1.4Sc dents' I'oloied Shirts at all prices, (ients' riauiicl Shirts ut all prices Trunks from ('.Sc. to .i).-lS, Valises ami Hand Das from lite, to1 X"T' ""'' !l IS , IfBORTdAOK SA1.K15Y V I U- l iniinllas and ruiasols at all prices. ; ;fH Tjnfa niMrlynK, i-iiutil In in' Jtnf.s V 1'iiin 1 im 1 if I)i chs (l.iods : A I me 1.11 1 ot J'ltSS ItOOUS, fsiiks Uliii alius, v US U meres, iVC. t)l H liM'IKS Host ANt. IjAIUKS 1KJ'AI;T' y.i.st is Imminsk. Corsets from 'iiie up; Lace from lc up. A Fine. Lino of Jewelry. First Cbtss Line of I'ei f mnerv, V:c. i-'iuo Hue of Ladies ami Children s Shoes. HAHDWARK-As Imvessb Stcs-k ! 77A MM .7.' .1 ' HA L I MICE! Nijv. 21, lSl. WHAT AREY0UWA1T1NG FOI!? Why, W. L. LONDON'S nil o iirmiuTii DON'T YOU KNOW THEY RE HOW OPEN And ready to be sold. He has I TIW.ltK. YSf O MTS ST o tut and they are the cheapest goods you ever saw. No rmtson now tint you should send anywhere for goods. Yon can find them at W. L. Lou don's and 83 cheap as they can bo had in any maiket. KEEP YOUR MONEY JT HOME. AND GET YOUR GOODS AT LONDON'S. Hp keeps every I Ling and KILL XOT HE VXHEllSOLD JIY AXY OXE J'Olt THE CAfilT. Persons buying goods in large lots will find it to their inlercst to try at London's before sending off. Tie Latest Styles, Tie Finest Quality The Utmost Variety have been combined by its iu trying to suit our customers. Our Fall and Winter offerings will not and can not be nurpasHcd. We place our prices at. low water mark for safe and reliable goods. INSPECT US, CRITICISE US, KNOW US, aud you will find we doal fair and save you dollars. Would call your especial attention to the largo stock of CLOTHIITG. at Pitlsboro, N. C, Oct. 17, 1889. A VISIT TO ELLIS'S STORE. Durham N, C, WILL REPAY ALL WHO WISH FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Tho trade of Chatham county i especially solicited. Ordersbyn.ailwillrcceivepron.pt uttention. Nov. 21, 18H!). Tmix .yotici:: LiST CALL!! I will N nt Die Mlunlng iilnotw tn imIIi'i-1 tin' tnin uuc, ticn tl -. l'liwt hlini llmlloy Iiiwiih1iIi, Hilirlfhi MallirwB 1 iionrCns k " lilllf eniitri! " Unit OHklmiJ " l.i.f n Sliil, sili r I'll), on mil, . it's X lU'Vls, iiiiihI, .kI. 1 'kvUh'. Cii' Fiiir '! ..ll-y n mill, lll. k .ry Ml. .1 1111 mire's siuri-, I'm if l oin J.iIiilk.ii'j ali.ru, New llnpe MuriMiu'K sliirii. Wlllliiln n iinlnii'ii'B mill, " 1 :ia.'-ii.ii-'p nii.rr, " l'm-i- mill, lliiMwIn 1 ltii).i' thi' no; i-aj-.-rs u Ul in. ml ii.ty ll.nlr mxin iu Uil will 1 1 1 1 i.r.-mj.Ti la--, i.i,,..r luiilly ymi will hnvii inili--ir ymi . uin-I 1 plmll. 1.11 lie Hrni iluy ul .laiiui.t y, ls-.-i Ml tAniln mi lilrli tliii tn.ti-s tin nl 1 Ii.-. ,111,-1-n.li.-r.i-i . At Hi I -in ' i, numf llinii 1 Iih1I I'l.n-i- II lint ili.ulli' 't tilt lllM'f 111 l.i'l-i...ll;il ,n.- orly, wltli tiit, at ,n'. S. w. lilii:w i.ii,siit.ri(T DMIXISTRATOK'S NOTICE Mm Sully J. 11" ri .Iimt-u-i-I. 1 li.T.-l.y it"UI h'.i in rxliltilt Uir sain in me n nr Ih-Ii-ip Hu "Ui il.o ul Nnvi.tnlwr. "va. U. A. I.oM'ON. NuV ", tlifH. 4DMISISTRAT()li'SXOTICR HiVIMl nilHlllli-.l ilio .inliil iil -r i.f Mr". Ui-l-eii' lii'll, iIi-i'piihhiI, I lii ifliy .tl( nil liarsniis Ii 111 i.i.- ilnlnii hkiiui "il'l ilii'li-lil l" nbllilv ilm nif tu mi- iit or Iwf "r tin JI1I1 Ihv ..(ll'-U'liT. lsjil. t. A. MOUACK. Oi'lulmr 'H. 19. 1'i.rni'lli. ni.iauiE 1 -iihiih nv vim 111- -ii.iu .ii-i-i-u.'iii f AND HALK.-BY VHiTl K OF hi my. I will jmi-ll.- mi'-itttii n.1 tlie r .mi ltnufn x in I'll flKn.', -it Jn.iii.lny. id" in-l ilny n lvmlwr. 1 n -JTrtniii ir.c( ! nu hi ivti.i imiy nulnimK lli Arrt'H, mtj-.iiiiti ihu i nt H. T. Htiiitlilt, Amltr-wi' Thoiiuwv Miliprn. kmiwiiAf ttinZvH I'Atllnluill plmf. Trrmft : xiic ihtrilr-ibnli, tuttnnrH lit ru nnI t v nmnilift wtMt r rent. lutratt n.vurttt by uii and ai'pruiftM WKitrliy. EMMA I'ATTIMIAI.L, O'V. II, IftW. iV miHWHloiittr. S1 iTATK OF NORTH CAROLINA OICNTTOK NEW UANOVKll -1.. Tins Sc- I'HU' -U Ci ill lit . B. A, l."ti'l"ii. bh .Imliiblr-il T of Mr-,. Snll; ). Mi-vre ili'i-enMil. Airittn-.t Mr r giiliii-. Cllnrliii' A. Ilioti nml mli tb. Ttilf If 1 fl'i'i'lHl .r'i-i'.lln; tiiiii! iiiw'I l.y thi, litnlnllfT t '.l llif rcn! il'i-ii iy ,f hi-. tiiti-.tn!,, Htlutfclf In fHliI iiiiinty. I" niaki' A-i!iif r..r On- .iiy infill uf tin luiti'i'if'liii'jifi if his hiifsiiiti., Hinl ti At'imnrttK ' On' ii'l-iHi-i.iii i.f Uif iv-iui l.y On I'lMniifr. m.iiini linn Hu .iiri-n.iiiuii.. Mmy . Oillni-f-. t"jilhfclilif A I.hvIm, lttilH-ii-il S liavi.H, ,,.m i o. Mlllnr. Tlummi C. Mllli r, Ji.lnislniii- J..11, n,, I wlln Ih-nln, Mury A. Mlllir, lu mii-ii l. Miiii r, I Tli, ,111't-. I. 1'HVlf, l.illll IHivW. Iri.l li liHll.i, I Wllllani lnol.i, sun "t Y'. S. I.hvik iIiwi-h-.i, I ll.mlll llMVlf. SHI nl llr. WllllHlll llllVlsili, iHlm-il, I inl rnsl s Km l. art- ii.'ii ii-.iii-iit .. it 1 1 - Mnif nii'l i-illll'il ufliT 1IU1 illllKiMin li I'Miiiil !'t,tn llitn Slf-tlt. anil Unit llii'y ar hi-irs hi Inn "f I'laiu ' tlirs liilifirtU- ftii'l iii'.-i-si,iiry j.-irll'-s tt, ti. ,r , ' ivntlnj : liny nri li'-n-l'v mnilliil I" ii 1 1 ur in 1I111 iiilli-"f thi- i-IitW 'l llm sui'i-ri'T ,"iiri ul sHhl ,' f"Ullty uf Nl'W ll'Ul"Vfr, uli tin-'i. Ill ilnySi! th'.-,,,,,. ! lifr. Issw, ftii'l uti-iwi-r ur ilfmur in Un- 'tti.-iimirr-. , iiintil.tiit, ur Jiuiflim-iii will l-i ron.lf ri'il fur ihf . rftlef iti'inanilf it iii,-u-in. S'lACV VAN A-lllilMlF, C. S, 0. , Mlllfr ami wiv. I will mil fur riwli ai ilifi'iiri- iiu.,.,rin WtiM.r..' mi Wmimkho, Hi, nil, ,lay uf livniinr, issn. rtaln l.t..r Un-l itii! lu thi tiwn uf UayH'iii't. anl known In Un MlI town as M Nil. ass. t'ALV IN o'lll;VAST. S iV. Hill. ISftl. I. AND SALE. HY Y1RT11', OF HH'rlr'tf the ntipcri'tr "ini -f (ImMmm munty, I will wll n I'tilt'l. HiiritMit, at Hi iimrl hmtpa il""r of haIi I tiainly, u hntitnlity, thi' H'h ilav .r ihrmli rt u tvrmtn iitit't .f laitti t-tt unit- in UHi'lwiu ImvIiI, In ntit r..ui,ii.lji.ii Ititf ih lii(t? t TUw I"Wtn, It -. Sh! Hfil tiili't, ti-iilHliihiU fitiHt W nrrt't. unl Ujiij iho Tfrini: rtii-r-lmU tHith, Imtttn.'fl in 12 m'ttttlttt WH t Ultnl U. W. Kol MUir", Sot. 14, iw o mmiftei' mr. W. L. LOJMDOTff'S. NoRRis & Carter, i KXjEIO-I:, 2ST. c. I Rim Skmi Asscai. E:uti;rrios or m hiss mil HimnT. CAllCKTINilS AMI 1-IN'K SIIOKS. Splendid Irvan Imported Suits (spt -ial). Handsome Dress Ooo'Ir, Riehent Novelties in Trimming. Eiffel Trimmings, (handmade). Gimp? Sew ing Silk. Fringes, Per- Niau Hands, j.iit tons, Claps, iVc. FOR MOURNING. . Priohlicy's Novelties: ami Ripley's combined make, special sliau-:-. MILLINERY PARLORS. Put tern Ronnefs and Huts rero aeufin" one hundred or more differ, ent dvlns. fogelher with those of OUR OWN MAKE, as executed by our New York artist, present a dis play pleasing, grand and nutguiliceut, gorgeous and beautiful. Ca.rpet.-3 1 Carpets!! i The largest stock the lowest r:eos. flflfl GfiHtS RDB FOOtfCHr. ocn i.niii:r.s : OiirlJ.ihlji llciilliiHi.il l....is. nri' ri-zular li i.H. our n .1:1 lifiitn'i mrlli f5 i hi. . iiK'n-hi, linlii-rs mid Hala, us our il wi Unit' Ciiikh'mh liult.ira 8fll fur W.OO 'Ihi'wiicr,' our fl.vutlnuts-Cuitg. linlti-rs isunl Buy W.M nli Olir i.iK lii l.-.h' C"li nuuki-t- COl KCIN.-Thii lire! l.Hitll-?l nil, I l,.-i.tll-llit-li. H lillllt.l'K tH'St Iu till VtiMimK In Anii-rK-ii fur All ilir.'lill-i-. Hill. .111111117 I,, i I'f . Il.-kl'i- IV ,. Iil'il. Ill Oil- Mill mi ilullvi'ii-,1 frua w C. McKlMjl .S. Jam. A. MnsKl.l V. W T. MiiUB .;: 131 ras'ettevillo Street, ii KALKK1H. X C. A Strictly Qr.c Price House. H.iili m.-iulnTM ! 1 1, l- Ilrm npi-iit si-vi-r.-il wi-i'lni ' In Hu- ii.ri lu i ii innrii,-is M',,-r ihi-v .urrliM-il mi i-nllll l., II' lV!.l,.. k ,,r lln-'a- 'mi-. H hirh Ui,.y o,p. . ! 11 Tiii-mliiy, s,.,i,.i)' r .Ui. It i-nibiiiiiii .ho I'iCi-nliig .li j.Hl i ui' ; BLACK GOODS AND SILKS. I Olori'll MIkS lti Jtl t'SH (iOOIiS. Tin ni'Vi ltii -, tn Vv.h I iiri-.w Omnia nri' liiiiiim(r ; al'li. in siu.1 tli i fri-.'ih iirf ru-in-r Hutu t'Hr ue - l.-rr. l'lii.-lii. niut Vrlii'ls urn cxli.iistvi.'ly unihl, nii i 11,1-v hlii.w tin-in 111 rii'i-v iMli.r mill niiHlliy. Trliiinili.ui In Min k An.l i'..l,.r eulmlilu for nl t'i'Ml.l'S. Cloak Department. Su'-h ft hnii-li-iMuo r-'lltT't ti. of wraps m nnvr t.f-pn Kln.wii lu ihiHi'ltv. XiWMiukf'i will be llm .'''' Vl1" u "t im iirntrnMt Urtaen mu Unigilin. 'Hu ll Ittii'n ut Wlill. iLkhN, Unnlwy, NiitluDt llfiiiilkoriiiliir., iti-., nri varli-il Hiul comr iin. Imlisiil, In Oils now Hinrn In iliiOnynl evi'ryCilnij 1.1 In fi.'.iii.l In any nisi i-Ik-s lny Oi-'iln llnkvi. Thi lr Olli l ll IlK.VVI; TMIInT li" ilvistf.;i-li4l at. l-lill,,li., Hit, I tt.fy n--uri 1" 1 urrliii.-tiTfi nut 11! Ihfl lly 1 hf sunn .rl'iri an i i n In Hip nillwg uf 'I 'ti-rs us i'-nll ui r.l.iali,,..! Ill n-r-iiin. TSrtu)ut i"r h--iii.i-s j-r-iinpily o mflii il wlili. Ortt,hi-l :l, ISM'.i. LUMBER! All kinds of Ll'M IM Al for sale at tlm PITTSDORO SHUTTLE MILL. WEATHER-BOARDING, CEILING AND FLOORING, I'l.iMii ami Ku.x l)iin-.ii, n; Rorcu, Hills siivvi il to order nt short notw'P, (looil ('eiiiiii; anil Flooriiij; ali ady Diassi n at oiilv !?1 per 100 fcit. 13'. NOOE, Jr. Sept. 'iii, lKS'J. "wrOUBHEST Ftii FAVK 1TFYILLK STRKKT, zuaxezgiz. nr. c, I'EM.KU IN Ctina, Ciockery, Gtoare, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLETY, SlLYFU l'LATEI) WAKK, REFRICERATORS, Ti iJCK" TRAYS, OIL STOVrS, AC.