l)c Cljatljam ttecorii. ftf II. A. LONDON, EDITOIt AND rHOI'KLETOn. HATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One mpinrc, one insertion- One tuarc, two niBortionfi One Bipiare, one month - 1. Oil 1.69 2.60 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. For larger advertiHeincnts liberal cou tract will be made. VOL. XII. iittsih)uo Chatham co., n. c, dkckmuhu 2;, ihsii. x(). 17. AT CliniSTMAS TIME. At Christmas time last year Ko mniiv fiii'iiiln tliat mo now gone wore here! (So many hop. werenlowing thnn unspoken. Ku many fnitlis were strong that now lii broken. Anil loving h mils tliat trusted without fear, At Christmas time last year. At ( 'luislmas lint - tins yeit Si iiiiiij- of u lin l tic world so drear And hall-en ,le.orl win-rein hlooms no ros , Willi mountain p -i k miit i im lin it. nho,i. Knows Have chill,-1 on- li-.ii-t.s a nl (urn- I life's foliage sere At Christens tini" this v-ar. At Clu'i.' aius tin, ni st y.:ii Who knows what changing fortunes may h Take courage. th-V Ion- nij-lit shall lnni lo lay. From bright-niii,; -kie. th- ,-lou Is must roll away. All 1 faith ami hope ai.il l,,vi shall all he here At Christinas t n ut v , n 7-',l .1 ICas.oe. A CHRISTMAS FAN. Cax ,r""-v 1,ml "-' Jg l"okill!r Kill Of ..j..,f. ( . ' ti. pushed away h-r pal-'tte. h.-t- from her seat, and standio in tin- midst ..f th, loom, held up vv lt, a -raeeful pos- f. t ..of . ,.. "f p-arl. e;.,,iisii,.iv pain:- I. Indeed, Kvn. It is V..UI mase,ii . r," said an elderly -lit. tall and hand as -he took the f;, .Mp, examined il. A p!.Ms,-. Hi ,. j,.,!,. uf ,x lady who reelined in a rui-kiii'; , h.iii . .'iltnufcil ill the e-.-i iiiily not al l! . ;ie Work of ilnr.iin.. lin -ii line old lim a whieh told plainly enough t It.it the owners had KlUAVII "boti-r limes." I will take i, a! i;.e , ,.;,,,, Foil pn iein." s.,j,, im-nino, t,, a mil ror. and hr;.'in:iiug t :.,jiisi the pn-iiv, onld brown enrls ;,b,,ve her smooth lore- heal. --It want ly thive d.ivs to Christmas, ami In' was anxious lo -, my work in "i,,-. Tie- rest ,,,n linish lo-inornw." And envelop" I i i ,ies v, i ami Ina'i t'e. sh,. left ill,. , oils- i whieh lhe had louin-s. an I nipped liiilly down the steet to the s,,v of a dealer in "fan. y ii'itl artist h- work," in a fashionable la.sj. liss .piai liT of I he eily. Il was ChrisiMi.is Ke. an i th.. snow was laliinj williom. .,, II-p,,,, in her eoy iiein.,r room, looMn- ov, i a ijiiaiMily of d.iiniy .Mtiel-., useiul oraamental. whiea s;,.v,,-. the t.iole fo.e her. Opposite her s., h.lll iso.ne yollle,- lady, with a iii.i.'.-.in,. lyinv; open in her lap, idly looMi.- on. and oeeasionalli tnakin- a r.uher s:,,ea.:i.- remark, whieh seemed no! ,.i all lo di-tiuo lh- eldi-r lady her anul . "A lerrilde I ore. the liadeess of pre. M illing ( lii isjm .s jilts. ' Mr-. :.-t.i siid. as she selected ami laid a-i.e s,.v, ral eiti I'les. Siii'h a strain np in one's puis.-. Where one mii-t -ive; ami one lannol well avoid it v. ith .at .-n uppi uanee of hf iny me in or sli.iifv." Fortiln.-itel . you iiave.i v,.i of e-e.ip-il.' both alternatives," aM tl. yoiin lady. lau:,'iiiiiL:. "Von tivewhit eosts Wm liothin-. a. id -o -ave both p.use ami P p.il.:tinn. " I do as oiheis do; ai.d e,i.si,h r i! a feiv eoiumeiidiible eours to -n,. away what imi don't ear.' to keep, and avoid ": ees-an expense. o".. h-ie is this lovely handkerchief, in an einsi,- and lisili-s faney b . a t 'In istnias present' from Mrs .h-rrold. I h.iopeii to know that il was pureh.i- I for Mrs .leriold herself, who, h.ivinu linn,' hand!, 'i-i-hiel's Ihan sin. knows ..lmi to do with, has kindly bestowed this upon me. W ell, ii rhall jjii iiirtiier. I willyive it to lliil pretty Marie l.cs.inv;. w ho sends me llow ers. ami who. Iiciii-: probably Hot so well provided wit'i eostly irifts, will klio.v how to value il . '' "Whit will you -ive Mrs. Ibrriek' She has been very assiduous in t tkin you out in that ele-ant new rarria-i' of hers, when you wer so ill. She w ill ex poet some aekli.fe le,-ineiil ." That is tin-. 1 hiv- b-e:i thinkilm of it, but ran tiu.l notion- here exactly Kilitahle,'' laiieiii' over the tabl". "As for her kindness, th o'oli ; atioa i re illy not on my side. She is pushine her wav up. anil it was to her advantage my be. jtij sin in li-i etrria'e. .Nevertheless, I iuus .end her h Christmas token." At thin moment a servant entered with n small parrel in her hand, which she handed Hie young lady. Tin' latter reeeiveil il eagerly, 1ml after olaneing all the address, passed it, with a disappointed air, to her aunt. "For me? and in the Major's h.-mdwrit in-,'' said Mis. Helton, with a slight flush on her rather faded rherk. She liad heen u handsome wnumn. and was still so when "gotten up to lie seen ;" ami the Lalhint Major. to whii her hand was pledged, was twenty years her senior. "lieally." she added, as she mealed the pareel and ilrew forth all eleLTalil Ian. 'I must say that the Major displays a ureal lasle in his seleeiion of presents. What a lovely desitrn, and how exipiis ilel painled ! Ami yet I am disappointed, for I had hoped il was some! hint; for you, Kulalie, from Neil. My dear." with il solemn shake of ihe head. Ibeoin to fear that you will never sue reed there !" "lilll I will slier I!" lh- oirl replied. Willi a silddin. sharp derision of Voien and expression. 'You will seel" "I hope so; lor, as you know. my heart is si t upon this in ilih. Neil lionloM is not rieli. but del ween Mill llll'le will be eiiou'jli: and in other respi'i ts he is Ihe safest mat' h that I know ol -and that is wl.il you IHn-t need, F.ulalie. If ou will be a li'tle less open in your eueolir 1 1 ii ii t of him, and we eau keep him mil id' Ihe way of that M.iynanl tr i r I " don't believe there was anything in v ," inlei : upte I Fn!:t!i. hastily. ! lion't think he eared for In r a i i-t who makes her li inu ley paintin- and niu-ie." "I'he Mayuaids are of (.mod family, though poor, and these i;irs are well edueati'd and ladylike. Neil thinks it nobler in theai to prefer not to be do pendent upon their relatives. F.va in deed, l-i in- assure you, is a rival not to be despise I; and if I hid any idea of how thiu-s mit;hl turn out, I would lu er have em-i-ed her lo paint those water rolor sketches last summer. To think ol Neil 1,'nimr w iih her always to s-lecl view, and act as escort and pro lerlorV It washer til ; lilllles--. and I believe the have moved lo io.vn purposely to throw th, 'Ills. Ives in Ids w.H '." s i, Miss Mulalie. s!,.irp!j. "So, they ale too proud lor that; but 1 have taken care to put hilo on an en lir-ly labe trail. And he is not likely to renew his search, since I informed him o! what I heard from Wilkin-- thai Miss M ivii.ud is shoitly I i marry thai clever younir country p..ison, Mr. Iloyd. i if course, I diil no' r-ia-ider it neeessarv lo in, atioa til it lie- p'ospeet ive bride is l.aura, and not Kva." 'I'll- lo jiri--i-iiis ;i.d jiail-ed in her dis. romse to renew her examination of the fan the Christinas offerim," of tiie ual I. ml Major. v ' What a pity thai hi judgment did not eipi il his tasie, and prompt him to neleel somelliiiiL, more appropriate to my aye. This is too li.ht and youthful for me: and it strike- me now lh it it would In the very tiling for Mrs. Ileriick." lint il th- Major should see h-r with it." Nonsense' He could only see it on lose scrutiny . iiml then would not ree o-nie il. I.oallv it has eoiue just at the unlit time!" 'Ccit.onb . Ilo-,- 'ro ideiire does ; provide!" lauirhed I'lilalie, satircally. And before an hour had passed, the ' fan, with an elegant little note from Mrs. 1 Kelt, in, was in the hands of Mrs. Her riek. ' It's perfectly lovely!'' said that lady. . adinii'iiiirh . ' liti! what am I todo with so many tails? I have already a scon of them lor which I have no use. This one, I know, is from Foinpi, 'rein's, for I saw it ! yesterday, and noticed these tiny initials, I'. I.. M ,' amo. 14 the heartsease. I will take it there, and exclianoe it for that lovely boiibonieiv to j;ive to Mrs. )c l.uieey. If Mrs. Helton ever sees it a'.'ain. sh,' will iiua-iue it a duplicate.'' , Later on that Christmas L've a hand some romtti man entered the fashiolutble i inj'oiiuai of M. F.iiiipierein.atnl impured lor soiiicthint; appropriate m a Christmas L'ift for a lady. j Several articles were p'i-ril before him, one of w hit ii -e, n,e, I instantly to take his fauey. It was a Ian of silk and j motlii i -of pearl, painted in water colors: udtir he closely examined it, hit. eye tie- 'erted. half -hidden amid blue for- t tile. ! nots, thi' liny initials, K. I.. .M. At once before his vision rose a sweet, fair face, w it h brow n eyes, and troldeu brown hair shading a pure, . bite forehead. j How ollen, in the .summer pa -I. they hail walked lo.relher amid lields and woods, and on the bank of that lovely river w hose beauties she had so skillfully sketched! Then, when hi' went back to is-i I her in her rural Inane she and her family had disappeared - swallowed up ill the lib.; city to which they had poll- and Uo! t i be found or h-atd of. until there caua-to liiin, from his uncle's widow, the int-lli-fji nee of her n I . I l i ,:n ) i i 1 1 marriatre with Ihe ioiiiux i ler-jinan, of whom lie had been somewhat jealoti-, i e:i th iil-!i he had. as he falieied, u"'" I reason to be lieve tiial his own sentiments were un ilers,tood and reciprocated by l'ie fail ! -irl, whu, indeed, had never ceased to I think of him. de-pit- his apparent lor I get fulnrs ,,f her. ")o you know who painted thi- fan?" Mr Neiltiordon a-k-d of th- poiit-pro-I prielor. Moiis. I'o.i.pierein. Certainly monsieur knew; but he was I unfortunately under obli-aiions not to j reveal the name or address of th- arli-i. j "Could the lady paint anode r siieh as j (his say in 1'ine lor a New Year's ji it :" "I presume so, monsieur. If mulish ui 'desire, I can at on-- s-ud an order for a I duplicate.'' ! And In' iib-eipiiou-ly look the -clltlc-I man's address i "II, iw soon (an veil 'i lid il '." the lal j ter iuipiired. j "At onee: in tifteen miililles; -o soon j a my nllice ho r-lurns, if thai will suit monsieur." The field leinan I, Il the shop, and se ! c ured the lirs I mi sen-er boy he , ham r. I I " j to meet . I'm a j.-e"tii try r-ei i-1. : at ion this ! youth tiL'tecd to follow M. Foiiipierciii's I office boy. take the address of ihe hmi-e t ! which he should mo, and iiinueiliatelv I inform Mr. Neil tbudou I hereof, ai the j lalter's residence. It was a simple plot, but, as it proved, ! ellective. It was barelv S o i loi U when V. May ! mud earn- lu from a walk -one of the lonu and lonely walks to which she was l accustomed when her day's work was lover. She found the little lea table laid ' and a small parcels for ln-r-i If, wi'h a note, lyin.if upon the table, j "Il is my niother-oi' p-arl fan." --he, 'said, after -lanriii'i mcr tin- note. I "Mmis. Fotiipiei'ein base 1,1-1 ,i,,er who j wants both lllis and a duplicate, to be j read) for New Year'-. 1 was -urc i! ! would be liked, and row I think I -hall soon net plelil) of custom, " j An hour all, r, when her uioihir had rclired. and she -M rer.diim" aloud, while ; Laura sewed on what looked like a piece I of bridal ll oilssi an, lh-r- , am- a lin- at . the front dool bell. . Tin- rjrl whose biisine ii was to wail . 011 Mis. Sutton's lod'er-. hastened to answer the -'minions, and immediately appeared in Mi-. Mavn. nil's rooms. "A neiitlciniii to s-e von. Mi-- l'..a: 1 and here's his card, inimi." i Laura -lam ed at the card in Kva - hand. 1 and then at lh- blu-dun'.; I , f In r sister; and well post-. I in such delicate I matters, slipped out of the room as th- visitor entered, t "It is Mr. tioi'don, mamma," ;h 'answered, to her mo.hei'.s impiit). I j Knew he would route some da), thoii-h I Lva doubted it. " And when, an hour later, Lva caiue. 'radiant )e subdue I, it 111-ded but one l -laiiceal her far- to know whit kind d an interview sh- bid had with the lov.-r she had deemed so fiii-c'.ful. Mrs. Helton learned ill lime, lo her j tireat vexation, that hail she been more appreciative ol the Major's Christmas present, her late husband's nephew bad probably never married "that Mavuard -ill," who. as Mis. Neil (ionloii, wa- I now so much admired in socictv. I She slid owns the Chiistmas fan, but i has never painted its duplicate. Said the Tit rh''V to tile Lumpkin At'T-f:' J sSA SiaAst They're keepinii us for ( hristn.as. Let's travel." The Traveler's ( hi Istnias. " The drummer's life is not what it's cricked up to be," leinarki'd Sample case, "What do you suppose made mi Christinas dinner on (his year?" 'Couldn't oiie-. ' replied his friend. ''(Ill wheels. " ' Don't try lo stuff. tm" t ried the trol bler, iutlitinatitly. ZSs. I'HIMUtKN'S ( ll.l'M.N. MY 1'ol.l.H AM' r. My d ills and I, so happy are vv,t I'mler bif. broad, tall pin-tr.". Weeall it our home, the -nat. frceii pin The)' have their hamn,"ks and I luiv mine. All a sunny ncirnin? we i .ve to lie Jj'-liiud th-;Te, n eurtain- my , lulls and I, And p'ay p I; -a boo with the hob link. And he ir the brook mn,'ii. ; link a link. We make no trouble, my 1! 'H-aiid I, Wed. 1 not worry, we d not , !' The barber has cut oll'o'ir e triv !' k-; We do not fuss ubout pi' II- Ir-eks. For our tire 1 uiainma ".' Strnov wha' is best I.oiiL'. b-aiitifiil hours of p. feet rest: So I play lh.it I am the d 'b --' motln r, And und-'i-the piti-we take caix- of ea-h ot her. I', , ' :. -'- - ' .- I: tlsTini lit;; II Vi 1: l olt I 11. s, j S -inio time 1 a oeulleinati viol'dn! pen of (ami! o-'rclnM in Smith Afr.ea. At his fall Iw.i beautiful birds came up ! to him. Ileiro de.iio'is ( f t"-ti:i:i lh itf sp-e I 1 arrange I with lh- ke fr I ha' t they sh' 11 d run ti t 1- S 1 he 11---- I the bird-i an 1 showed them a ban if. 1 o j (111, of which th v are verr f md. 'I'll' os'r 1 li'M were lied whih; lh- vi-itiri wa ked to a eerla 11 di-ilaaee. At a si;.'- nal they were s-i free and b'u ia to nui ; for the Ii T.11 y lam- b iuadin-; al-mr at a t,r- i rill-- rate, ta!iiu:I IwiVJ or fourteen ! t , tit a stride. Th j' ra.i lin k nnd lie, k , for in. in: I h 111 lu'f lh- distant-', 'h ir win-s vtorkiii;,' l.ke arms 1111 1 iniKin,' a j great sound. I're-eii tly one d r-w ahead j and, lonkit.g be!d:i I, tis you may hiv" nut id a b ,y in a foil-race do to -1 when; Lit rival wa-, a:i I liud im? h .111 b' a!,ei, the vvuni-r -1 1 k.-aed his pa-: , iiud oi.'iilly troll- I up for the prize o! w 1- : iinv kino. So mi- 'a h i i in en w r:t:,-u ,,b in' th: b y kin:?' if S,iv:a aul Sp 1.11, an I such iinnt'iisi! . j 1 1 : 1 1 i t i --s of ink !,av.' been ib voted to d- i ribino aim i-I ev !' minute of their daily liv.-s, (hit 11 w il sure'y be with a f, r'inr of relief tin', (h- tr vv-i w 11 b p e -iv.-'l of mother ihi'd 111 in :re'i hiviaii app -ared upon the se 11 : 1:1 (he p-rs-n of Kinil Than lai, lb- ipeint Lille ni-:- y.-i' -ol 1 soverei:;n of th,' jireit Kinol'iu -I Anualii. II-i ii one ,.f tie: ,p,-';-i( children imaiin ib'e, an I unlike I heir m.-ije.l iei of Spam and S-tvia, di.daiui nil o.-iin :s, siiorti or c'lididi amu' menls. Soletunly s, r -is and of a llie.Llal .v Iii.-a of mil, h-sp-nl iii; days in the solitiili ,f his pal. 11", shiiniiin j; th : romp inion 1 of his owl a-e, a id p ,r.u ov -r h ',. an 1 tn.i-ni-script). Il so'iiis as ii h- a'rialv leal t 1 thehav load , I 1 ,-s pou-i bil i 1 y which r.' ls 1 11 (he -h 01! 1 ts of a .'overt it; 11, aid fir Ir-i'i ti i'l f toeeioi Ihe aid 11 il, ta-k uf 1 r iiiiiiniiLi in h Ltll- brain wilh lh- kn-w'.-oe he w.!l so mil, li t.ee l ill later v-irs, he i i i-H on hi-ii"; tauolit, and his nie.ily ma-ti re I the inl lirale .1 l!i u'.tirs of the (''.lines,- alpliab'l. II - is now I, rrihly earnest in his rlVorn to I iuii Fr-urli, 1 1 1 1 h" is extrein-ly par: i 1' ir that thus,, who instr-.r 1 htm shail b- , oascieiitioui and j rrt'ert'v iifuni' l i'l a' I tin tl iV-leut branches cf t idy whiih le. )tir-u-s. I.ateiy an old I'.in happen, ! lobe 1 1-ulltl to his hltie Mlj-sly a boilc on philosophy, whieli he e xplain-d 11s he rend. A particular!)' obscuie s, n. b nc- can e I tho ol I una. w!io-e facul ties air j r ! 1 lilx- sli.;btiy dimmed b :i,;e, (o pan e. K in;,' Thantai o.l.ed at til him for a in ini-tit aa 1 then, wilh sli-htly t'liateinpluoui -uii'e, r-Matkcl, "You would do we'l ii future to stud befon band tl.o wntki which you under take to explain to me." Tne old I 'r inert manageil to staininer out some excuse nnd np.ileu i nnd then pieripitately relicati 'l in order to lose no time in ohcyiiio- his Loyal m ister's c until uidt with ic ;aid to die polishing up cf hi; classics. Tiie French t b.vrrtimeut some tinu :ioi dispitehel a -hiplond of costly and in 1 initie -ut t-yi to the boy Km-', and at imosI of tie in are calculated (1 make him a, iptain:ed wilh tli5 marvel if civiliilion, he has dei-fiie 1 to show his satisfaction with tho fitft. Anion:: the-e royal playthings are n com pi, -tr railway train, composed of six cart and an engine, which works exactly Ilk- ae ordinary one, .steams, pads, and draw the train over genuine rails; a miniature Mrambo.'i', perfect in its smallest del. lib; nnd a nijjlitino de, mad of :;ol I a -.d pleci.'tH stones, which, perched ell ill ivory stick in a -olden caoe. sinos the sweetest of lnelod c 1. Y, ,f 1", li ' 1 li U at'. A Voice's t'olitr." llliml people si'inetitms hive wnnd-r-ful perceptions. A yoilti " la i) , talking for the tirtt time wilh n blind man, va nsloili-hed to tin-1 that hi: had p Ice ved that she Wat a woman, and a blonde. "How emftl yo 1 liav-j found it ouu' she asked. "I saw it, miss, " said the blind mail, 'in the color of your Yoice!" J'ii,r'i' t'vMjuniv. UjlLI A il'll II-I j j Great Scarcity of Whales in the Airtic Oci'an. j Steamers and M ilivo3 Rocluco a Once Profitable Business. "The Airti: whai:!'; lie'," faid Captain K-!!, awla.l r, ton S01 Fi'an li i'i VI. fa 1 r-'e npirier, "i-t now re ti lain.; to port, and th" n-w from the whaling jroirul i vei y dis. on, a ;iu'', the ealch, at lali si rep Ml ', not exe-ed-ia-I sixty-four v. hub's. TI.W numb r wi.l not b" inir.-aiid a "rat ilea', "n in count of flic 1 it, n-M of the feasoii when Ihe bi-t r-pm. wis mi 1 isceilainly not an cue ,uia ;iu-t pi os- j ,,,, (.,p,.rii,o; t o lh-i lop. 'l'h'.--o c-on-petl for the ownort or crewt of tl"'-' sisted of all-rnal eir U s of fiavvei , a id vessels. Tie: lun-ual cf it tl in vi in the busine-s sabm out of Sm I-ran- risen is eon-iderab'e. Th-r.' are ten liteam-rt, twonty bat!ii, Ii vo schooners nnd IW) bli';s. Two vis e!s l.av.j been wrecked this season ui1 bark and one i -a m-r. The deeliiie in whalj o:l has been so leal j within (he last eiht yeats thai, 10111 paral ively speakin:;, I J 1 1 1 - - h:n been brought into the inarkei, whabb-ne bein;; lin: preal iud uccni-11 1 in lh- pur- suit uf the I u in---i. 'Ihe hih price piid for wha , hone, for which there is ' llo pi-.'P 'l- subslltule, l.as rill hi illy ; wrou;hl, this -jreat chanu"' in the yea:ly catch; partirnlart during last si a-on. lo show how this has b, en b:ou-hl nboiil and lo -ive a fair uiider-itaud 110' to all (ho in(eres:ed ill the business I-t us 00 back to I1-!, when the lirs I : rtlll-s were 11 el in killin:; (he walru-. Fr, 111 that tinu: ualil lvs:!f when lh" piiee of oil an I ivory be;aa to dec!i ie, the slitu-hter of the walru vv.s so -i'-it that (h-y were n-ai'iy exterminated, and (he few le'.t were :, wild (ha! the repoit of a 1 ll wis th- ; -nal f .r lh- whole herd 1" pltii :? ' into in- --a ,!!,( disappear am ai-' It.e va-t l!-!di of ie-. Like id' -ame (he cui-laiit pni'-ii.t. diovt: them bark 1, 1 safer relrca'-. until now ver few iir,: in-'. Wheii walrus were plentiful wha'et were pleiit il'i.l; the walrus ofoen 1 was a'e-o -ood whale firnind, f-r lh- whiles, watiin and seals are 11I timei v- iv s o i abb- in Ih-ir habits. With the d '( lin- of the walr.is buoii 's-i steanmis were intro lured lo p ir-i;e ihe vvh.i'es ;,!ii,m i the 0re.1t i,e I'evdt Wild'' i( bat been ril-ieed ,! in;, r, .11 1 for -. il'.inv v.--els to i;o. L't-ielh- adv-al if the aue r-i the whales, 011 b.-in-i ,1 -t mi, !, won! 1 r,'- j tr-. it into the ie 1 ac t, bill w.-u'd le- tit: 11 I la ipieiil !y to ihe open sea, when j (he hunt s would ;.,-! a chum e al , t!i"in. This would r, ,11 1 in 11 ? a( inter- j va.stmlil early .11 (he fall, when the j wh i'.'s Would (nine out in la :!,' niini b rsand were easily taken Now (hey ! (ak': alarm a' 111' Uol-e of the pi-p lb r mi I ret.r : lartlu-r in! The steamers ilia follow II lealll-l lh, , where (he s.ii.i.i.; vessels dar: not -o." Aiiotlicr .ml perhaps 11, seiiout cause , f lie- I li'ure of b,'e y, :.r. is t li -1 1 the dcin.iii'l for and i u rea in:; 1 11, - of w!.,t!rh m has broii-ht into r,.iii e til ion a l-ie: hilluilo ib-.p!-!- I. This consists ,.f the Indians livm- abai'.; the coa-( of (ii- A ret v s-is. A ft w years ;io" lh- Indian vv ,t citchin' a f- vv whal-s in hit pr'milive way. What he look in no way inl iieud wah (lo w haliii;; iiidu-!ry the blu!'!', r le- ale and lh- bone be traded with theship-'--but it was not ( Indole he discovered that whalebone W as hi ;h!y pi . v by the white 111.01, a i l lh it the Indian could -;( iinvlhiii-; be asked lor in exilian-,'. A -rent coup iiioii urn." for the tiade amoair lh- ship, aal trader-', and the Indian so ,n l-anu-d t ii-k for more than (he b ni- was actually worth in (he mil k "I, and un'awtii! ine.lnsliil to be lescite 1 (o lo obtain the bone. I ,int(',il' HI ly Hie natives w , re soon su '1 " I pied with eveii thin.; t !i 1 r hen It , ,,ul I desire. They he, ame insolent, and serin-; tint l-.iii ' r hi! I buy any thing, mid that they wire at a disad vantage with the white man in whal ittvf. t! i y iM-Hiin ta n.k f-r b onbs, g-.ms, bomb lances and h.vpions, The-e were readily -iv-n tlx lu in exchau-;-for their what, b ii- by the (hou-h- is, wli.i'eiucil. Ttieu (hey Wanted whale boats and c inph t- apii pin, nls. S ion Ihe natives were -supple d all a on 1 the coast tr-mCipe It-lum-; to ',,int Fur row with the vv'ia'i ili a's e.piipmeats, whith they were not -low in Icaniino to use. This year the-e war- over ill'H bon bt lire I frein a!o 10 (h shore and only ei-bl whales were iau;bt by the naSivi't. If tin. lh il ,' cm 11111 's it will soon rcsiiit in the total exle.-m in.ilion of (he whalet tu the north." Captain Kelly also spoke of the in famous tiallii in run which ha 1 be n introduced i 1 the Antic by reiieu'.nle white 111, 11 and 11 1 -( 1 upu ous wh il, rs to xtrt-t Iroin the h.dia-i by lavvle-s means his bone and ivory, and tj stun ulate him in the slaughter of whulci The natives, ho said, hive lcaioed to nonel.etmo, from ll-iur and iiiolas-e', until now neatly every other Indian i private sti.i. A .Llpllliese I'llliet'.ll. The eldest da-i'ihter "I (Hani Kahei, a rich ri-e merchant of Yokohama, died j itr iliiji ii'j'i, la yean of a-,'", and to- ' day, says Frederick S earns in a letter 1 10 the Dell 'it I'rtt J'i-tfK, I witnessel ; the in irral proeiM-ion a-t il pas-e I til on" j line of tie: main striets of tlr: i-'ty. It j was nearly a mile in b n jlli and r m- t iined probably a th 01 -ami p-rioii-i, in- cludi-i-i la umers, frien U, prie-ls and ; 11 iwcr be, 11, n. First calm) six -rie it ' bou.piets or stands of 11 'Wert lirraii-ed in a ronica! form, ear'i about eiolit fret ; hi-h. twof-it indiim-'er at th- b 1!- everi'tet ns, and were s'tikinoly 1 If e- tivn jtl , liarae- I'll" stem or lunula' f os.t-U was a ureen bamb ,0 about hve inihe-i indiam.'ter lixel at the bottom in .1 somewhat ornuni -nlal woodeii ba-i:. Tiiey were eai l ied brace 1 to shoulder iiiilei In- eoolie-i, with relays of men to relievo the m occasionally. I'oil-win lliese were s: stands of art iti, i.d llow. ers, oilded and silverel; after I lu-e the V .i(n female relatives nnd friends of the d-ad "irl, rirhly die -e 1, each in a jm-nki-s lifty.two aiid even boti.e a j. ci. Then came no le -s t linn euormui- slaids of llow-ers ii'en, ,i,-h a 1 first de-cribu l in par, followed by iintnber of tsiik'iiri-ba'iit (arlilieial lliWer-. Taeti came a so!-eiiiii-lookiiio- 'Shiu-kvv.iti'' (Shinto I prlc-l 1. who tappe up-ill lim a number a sacred of KICII'll ,nim- fler iuu-i( i :in in full dress and hats, play in upon small bambini lifes. After these, in jin-1 iki sba 1, a number of liilddhist 1 1 iesls, with sluveti heads, dress,- I in 1 11 h-colored rob-J, hoid- o in their l.il't -oine svmb )lie v-stels cil , .t j tl ; , k,,,wn ice and oth-r, to me, 11:1 ibfaiees. (Iyer these weie held enorm 11- ciinn 01 pap-r unbiellas, carried by I" ar n dr,---cl in wh'te. Aflei (iie-e caul a m 01 h dd 11 ; "lh ii," a wu. l ii la 'let on which Ihe 11:1111 : of the I -ad -irl was wrlliu; then (wo men followed witii boons,- burners; then m civ more -l.ai.l . of flowers, both natili.il an I artilie a!. T.'.eii (alii1: tho Lily in a p'.a.n cllin covered with while, linriii: I i-h ii;iou a platform, ov-r wlinh was a canopy. Then fol lowed the u-'a'ives on f t . . , and friends ,,f (he de, e.i. -d's par.:ats, and after j lh, in (he pub! e. At I he c -meter)- hun dreds of boxes c Ullaillill.1 SWe-'tn-lts vvir- o'iV'ti ,-iiv.rf lo lh- frt-nds, and tea was .eived to ail who wished. M in li of th" cere m n y w is uuintel lii hie to Hie, I-I'. 11 s II pl.h .: spectacle it was reinai liable. I'nlpit to ( :i 111 1) 1 i 11 .r Utilise. ' Spcakiu- of inys'.u -His d.-appcir-a-.ce-," said C 1 ; 1! 1 u N 1, al lh" li.rald ho'-l - last iii.'bt, "a ere of I lis I kind l 'ie no Savannah s,;,ey a f-vv 1 ' eais a,', 1. ('a- ,f lie most popular cleiiryiuen in t!i- mv ki-s-1 his wife and , !ii!,l:,"i alt T -upp r one rvriini,', and b f ! h s l.oii.c t,, -o to a sep v ice id his ciiiiieh. II- n v-rappein-d a I the , -hutch, aid w as i.-i'i r se-n ia s-ivaenih llliaill. Il-tietive vvir' elllploved to search for liiin, .111 I a l.u;;e am 01:1! of money was expend, "1 t 11 tin- 11a --I':' i lion, but all (o ii- avail; and within six month, (he 1 oni lusi.in was iea,h'd (ha! In- lit, I cither commit! -.1 suicide or hud been iiiiudeied. A year 01 so la'er a y,mnj phrsiciaii fi 0111 Savaiin.-.h, who had bein an alien, hint upon lllis c!,r-;v-iicm's iiiiiiislt.il i-ii, was in Pari-, and was making Iii- rounds of t ie lit.' vvolli s une friends. They went into one of the swell e.'inihlin ; hon es, and had not been th-re in any III ni'.'es before a man enterr I vvlini the Siv ninth doctor im mediate!)' reco'ii, I as the liiLjiiivi! pr-aeh-r. Th- pliysiciii'i accosted him by nam-', whercup n the cx cleronnail drew bun into a corner and h-mcd him to be silent and di-crei '. 'I am,' he aid, 'one of the ropri, 'ots of this h-iise, nnd I am nrikiiiu' in ei-v here. Tne profe.sien of the mieisiery tirew il'lerl,' ib'iorrciit lo me, and the de-ire for ait adventurous life look complete possession of me. I ceu'.d do nothing but abscond fiom ill- t w 11 in which you knew me. 1 rely up ui you not to expose tne.' 'The fae s," continue, 1 Captain N"l son, "were lo'.d in,- by (he physician, who is new one of (lie most eminent iiud sine, -ssfal uiemb rs of his profes sion ill . avium. ill." ", ' I'll '.'ii I lu ll 'lire r. The th -kin of l .'s. Toe ipi.-stion of thcoiioin of the doo has iccetitly been discussed by l'rofiiisor Nehrinir, who belitves dial it Ins tle scended from various s t i i 1 surviving s p" cies of wo!v,'s an I jackals. The latter animals cm be tamed, and ninny attempt- to dotuesti, a'e wolves h ive been successfully made ii recent times, lb-rr Kongo lias si completely tinned .1 yount wolf that it follows him exactly as ado: might do. J'iJi i: Ojiiuiu t, WI1011 (ho Train ( nme la. There are eajrer faces near, And a li'.ill'suh'lned cheer, As arm. nd the eurv the cars unsteady spin; While impatient feet await For the opening of the Kate, At the station w hen the train comes in. There i- haml-haking and kissing A ml iii,,uiries f-r (be inisjiiiijr. And a searehiiiu hen- and th-re for friends or kin: Tin-re are sad ami I, -infill siliH, And a wav imi of (("oil bys, At the station when the train dines ill. Then from ,uil (he h:iL'i:ap;c car, ih, so car Til, h-t (o jar. oine- a loir; iiiid narrow box amid the din. - the in in 1 ri n-i-. until, r round. There's as Idling wailint: sound, At the station vvli-n (he train coinea in. Then the rin-in- , the bell. Ale! the wbi-tle. clearly (ell. They are ready a new .jmirm-y I" begin. I '.-r il I, rooks not to be late, There ai tln r hearts that wait Al Ihe station when the (rain cotnes in. -II.', n '. " . I' V.u,..hj All,,,,,,. 111 .Mtiiiors. When you kid cine it is your own. One can never tip a wader so that ho loses his b da'ire. It is not uausuil lo sr: a tall man short of firi Is. "Xi-ver say dye" is a moll" tl iitsetin barbers wi if. 1 -row poor on. Woman was made after man, hut man has been : for vv. in 111 ever since. "Some of (he b--( people in tho country put up with lu-,'' said the pawnbroker. 'I'iie in 11 who is hiiuvf m iy tint In lunch of a r-p u ter, but h- is mi -cessf nl in .teKiiiL; Ihe no ne. Some p 'ople fel n1 , 1 an 1 ," to law. Others liitht, send for a p ,lii email and lei (he law cine (o 1 hem. lb aoo. T.iis is a Iii le late for you lole .nt, isn't il, I' ,-kf Aren't you afraid y-ur ,vif- will ini-s you? Mr. N. I', ek -I hop : s'.ie wi.l. S'io Call fliHg things pr l!y sti.i'iLtht, lliouoli. Lilly (leaving a stir,..I am up to (he (ri( ks of Ihe.e inerelmuls. I mndo him cine ,1 own s' on th- prii ". Mer chaid Co li'in - 'it !"! .- in up to (ho t! ieks of the e l.lly 1 li-tolll-l't. I pu the pric- up s I. Aiberl ' Siy. (ie,,:e, don't you think M.ss I! o. bu I is be.iutifu .' D-n't you think she hat Iir' regular features." .ieore iwiio has j i-t proposed nnd been ic.i (:,, 1, -"W-ll, to te'.l the trudi, A '.!'. it, I .Left l.k h-r noes'." N. w chill 'A inter's tiiili' bla-ts re bowliui.' ' 10-- ihe wold. A ml he wh coal is not laid in ; Wi!l I'm. I tl.- w.-ihl i . cold. Th- "Allien -an I! auly." Ti - cxipii 1!- A in a ic. in i -auty, which, so tiiv s a th'ia-', i, tin- ill 's! popular and 1, -'. s-l'i,;,. j 10 in id the mirket, has a p , a ing bill - hi-t !: of it- own. In tie: Iir-1 pi-i e, it it tie' old.- u-vv variety of r isc I ha' Am -lie ihis -iv-u to the woil I. i'l lin e in 1 lai ihi'id It ive pro-d-e-d tic. ni-, :u! lh-en! ivate 1 varieties. Amei',, a but this iiieoiiip'i'- ibh- one. 1 i 101 . v e.iou ;h, to ,, (in- (lower was n -I I',- ii "-il ol eiiitiv.iiioit. W.thotlt wait n .'to have lis advent into t llo wo-1 1 en" ita r- l I-,- (he coaxing prof-,-s-s , f hvbrid 1 ! it'll, this sturdy Ibnal , j 1 1 -. 1 1 1 1 of Am 'lirin eulerpriso vt.is toiiiii one nior.iiti'r, perfee! in fot in liud c dor, eX'i'i sit- in fi loi auee. en a scrubby little bush in the oarden of a Washington -I'li'Viiuii. Its unusual beiiu y altractel I h-in. in ' Hate attention of flow, r 1"V 'i-t, bill when the classilieit (ioti vv is atleiiipt i d 110 variety was found to in,-' u 1-tho ue vv sperim-n. Mow it was pi od need Lis never be-n a-eer-(ained. Soni- ' a 1 y i-rnu between two csj ccially 101 'ted variulies, and that cross the re-u.t of hanee, probably ori'i'ii i c 1 (!ii- 111 i' l ) his and perfect v.iri-ty ,1 the rot-. Lea' to our Ameri-c-in g niu-, it i- emp'ial.cally self-made. .f,o,(... ,-. A (.rami Mexican Yolcano. A-i Amcrieaii raliroid contractor iinme 1 Stephen H-stiMi hai been an eye Witue s i f th- ate erup ion of (he vol cano of Colima. which is thirty miloi north of th- Mexican city of the snino inline. This volcano has its crater'iit an elevation of ".' 1 .en feet above the su b vel, a id is veiy active, iutermitleii ly llrow mg up 11 column of smoke and red hoi ash 'S hundreds of feet in tho air. Tl cte spasmodic eruptions occur about ten or twelve times a day, and tiro followed by reports similar to the dis charge of artillery. A few days heforo 1 the earth, pinko the volcano vi Iniled a dense black smoke (hat hung like a pall over the counliy for miles around. This phem-menon lasted for several days, and I was iiccoinpimie I at intervals by sh aw- ' era of red-hot iisht", which descen led upon its side. It is not known whether j iinv lava is beino thrown out, ns tho iel-li,: ashes mnko in vest igaiion impos sible. A night th) sudden eruplioiis pr, s-nl a 1 1 1 oi.li, e:it appearand. 'J'heso .sudden spurts illuiuinnt,) the rutin try for miles iiioim l, and the spectacle Is a Ipnud line. I'unmni ,itur and JJtruld.

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