FOR FARM AND GARDEN. FALL CALVES. Many of the best caws are now bred to drop tboir calves in the fall, and there is a general belief among farmers that fa'l calves are hard to rear. If a warm stab'o is provide.!, one wholly or partly underground is best; this nocd not bo the case AVitb plenty of tho right kind of feed, and caro in giving it at milk warmth, a fall calf can bo got through iU first winter more easily than one dropped last ' spring, and which is expected to live on coarse fee J. Tho fall calf can usually be bred nt an earlier ago, and this will increase its val'J3 for dairy purposes. Amcricm Cultivator. I.I11EUAI, STRAW IlKliDIMi. The farmer who raises whea'. or oats or ryo largely, and has not stables fitted with manure gutters and reservoirs, will do well to use straw liberally for bed. ding. If enough is used, it will absorb nearly all the liquid manure. Tiio liq uid manure will hasten the dicumposi lion of the straw more inpidly, con vertiig it into a valuiM; fortiliz-r. Without the straw or some similar tub stance, the decomposition of tho liquid mantrc is so rapid as to be ti;sliiiitive, and n part of its va'ui is lost. Straw is a very imCifci'l conductor of beat, hence, when it is u-etl lihemMv for bed ding, much less fool is toti-untiil in the production of anim it beat, mil the animals art) healthier and thriftier A mtr ica i .1 j r c u '( u r it '.. w titu ke.m es One of tho neatest a id nnst durable fences that can be malo is a woven wire netting. Tho meshes should be sufficiently close together to kc-p out chickens, 2x1 is small ciough for all practici! purposes. Wlti'e tho netting alone will make a very eomp'c'e fence, it can be improve 1 by put'ing a six inch fencing plank at the bottom, and stretching the bottom wire just above this. Caro should bo taken to stretch ! the selvage wire tight, and the staples well. If tho garlcn is located where I I the fence must keep cut horses or 1 cattle, it can be made more clTectivc by i stretching a barli wiie six inch;s above j the top of either the nettiuj or th ! paling. Either of these make a better : garucn ienee man eniier plan:-or rail-, while, if tin work is carefully done, it ; will be mue'i more effective. Vrnrte Farmer. WINTER PHi.TKlTli'N Full l.rtWKS '. It occa-ioually happens that an ex ceptionally cold winter bring; the subject cf winicr protection very forcibly to tho nature of a'l who grow ! grnjes. Even the hardiest grapes are j sometimes ir.nic or ka in j ui and I whilst on tho other hand there lire I seasons so mil tint grape-vines piss j through them equally will without ; protection, yet the most prulent curse I is to per-ir-t'-'itiy an I regular- i ly protect them durin ; winter. To do I this in the best and easiest way, prune I in the fall are! lay the c.ines i.pon tho I ground covering them with earth to the ' dopth of three inches. Tnis will afford j sufficient protection to cv .ni tho tender- est varieties. The hardier sorts often receivo nil the protection necessary bv simply being laid upon the i-n n i l, but a slight covering renders i! morn cr- tain nnd is very little trouble. ,t the north the snow provide) this and is i reiier man any covering we may vise. Orchirl ivul (itr-lt. TO ft KT PI I1K W M EIt. The temperature of water for horses is uot so much an object as the purity cf it. While it is best to have 11 c iol, it is more important to have it free fiom nil impurities. A'l r.ver water ion iums microscopic germ's; nn l great ad vantage is found from its Alteration and the addition if n littlo sulphur. An easily male filter is as follows: Over each trough a barrel is arrang:d to receive, the water, which is n.a lo to tl w through tho In rel to the watering trnigh. F.ll the barrel one-third fn'l of coarsely ground charcia', over whica sprinkle a little powdered sulphur. I'pon the charcoal p'ace some brush, ami on this place clean gravel until the bnirel is half full, or a little nnro, with the fil tering material. This fi ter will last for six months or more without cleaning, and will supp'y clean water that the hores Iovo to drink and by tho ii'0 of which they aro kept in first-rato health, without colics or other sickness. In the country, pure spring or wjll water, al ways filtered, should bo provided. Jljrte ami SUille. RAISE VOI R OWN rows. A half doz. -ii goo 1 cows aro worth a dozen poor ones. It takes as much food ami cam' to keep a poor cow ns it does a good one, nnd while the form-r barely returns enough at most to "pay her way," the latter returns a comforta ble profit to her owner. Those farmers who are looking around for really good cows know how d.flicult it is to bar one, when found, at a price they can afford to par. Yet they fn ipimtly keep ' looking nri un I" for several years, when they might, in tho same time, have raised several choico cows themselves. Of course it tases tiin to rear a good-s'z.'d herd of profitable cows, but this expcid ture of time is only in lieu of th? tnincy ex penditure absolutely necessary to pur chase a desirable sn imal. As a farmer muslly can spare th tim better than he can spate the cash, it is easy fa what is the b-st course to puisne. There are but few farmers who do no now haro at least one, two or throe cows fairly .good, wircu can be used as a start in irapr ovemcnt. Do not use a scrub bull merely because your neigh- bor happens to have him nn l charges nothing, but rather pay a fair price for a gocd, pure-bred one. 6ave all the i.; r, .j... a r.,i i.. ..u, ,h-m wi..- .fc. i.: throe ycart old, and lets than four years from the timo tho improve ment is starte 1, you wi 1 have fine young cows. Other calves will also be coming on, from them as well ai from the original cows, and in five or six yean there will bo it t:te a herd; the com mon, unprofitable cows hnving been worked eff to the butcher. Many a farmer wishes In had commenced live or six years ag . He does not think that he will likely say tho same thing live or six years lince, yet doci n 't mimcncc now. (!ood, pure-bred hulls havo now becimo so well distr.buted, that the mo of one rn umaly he si cured without much d:m.'iilty, while, a good bullci f can be ha 1 from i i;c i stock, eligible to entry, for a com paratively low price. Enough can, as a lu'e, be coimte I on from neighboring ! farmers' hen! to pay for his keep. Ainer.'fm Aqi fruit ur f. fvrm ami fiAtini:; vrr.s. Feed urs the mo t. tljsli onyfluntj bones. Keep pieces of c'nlk w!:ero tb.e young animals ran lick them. Tho shelter that shu's out both pure and c ld air is not a proli abic struc- lire. Every animal rnu-t sp.ak for itself, j and onlv its pedigree can sivak fur its offspring. The comin; farmer w T. tnr.t less to his eye and more to foot-iu'es and pound-weights. The value of ped groo is n "t in its vouching for ntvestry, but in its vouch ing for off p in -. Hust and rot do m to for tho iniple 1 inrnt maki r in winter th-n wear and '. tear do m sumin r. j The sectets of lare yields always , and everywhere are rii h soil, good s-c 1 and thorough til. age. The farmer who m ikes his own poiU 1 and beans puis another bind on lirabli and pays himself for so doing. A few fowls well tared for are more proli a! e than a large numbi-r neg lecte I. T.iis h is I een fully demonstrated. A farm-r who has no neighbors with in half a mi'e a:i i ti' ul dy Kep a flock of geese. i.e-e are liable to lie pass on t he ivvghb r-. I'nless yeui' groun 1 i v-t y rolling draw and spread manure where it is to be ue I as soon as mi l . T.iis r-ases woik and avcs tna iuiv. Nature is fund of balancing tiling-'. Whi n she g.v.'. a big rroji cf ha ii is found it is lie'iinj m feeding value as compared with the -h..rt crop of a dry season. A good cr.ip of both c : n and wee Is cannot be grown nn tin sa no g nun 1 at the sum-; time, any more than two rail way trains can piss rich other on the same track. rniflts of Ingenuity. Tho rubb.r t p at t h end of led pencils hnsyieldid Jl'in nnl j England. As large a sum as v n ever cbtaoiel for any invinticn was j ycd bv the inventor of the inverted gi-us lu ll to hang over gas to protect the ceilings from being bl.ackenrd, and a 'i.arci'y ess liurniivc pi'ent was that for -imply putting mi ry powder on cloth. Freip.t-itly time and rin unistanecs nrc wanlel before an invention is appreci ite I ; but it will b- sem that patience is well rows' h: 1, fa the in ventor of tin roller sitae mile over $1,0 Vp.fWO, notwithstan ling th; fact that lis patent had ii'arly cvpirjl be fore its value was asc . r.nino 1. The gimlet-pointed scrcv has pro di.i 'diiHi ' weilth than s une si ver mines, and the American who first thoug'it of putt in ; copp r ti pi on c'ul -droii's shoos is as well IT as if his father had h-ft li'ni O.V, n ' ) in Cni'eil states bond I'pwnrd of f 10, 000 n year was made by the inventor of the common nrnl'o threader. To tlu foiegoing might be ad lc 1 thousands of trifl-ng let useful articles from which h ind cine iic nu s aic doMve I ir for which largo sums have been paid. Few inventions pa brtter than pop ular pa'enle I to s. A lergvni in reid- izetl f'2 000 a week by the invention of a stran -c little n'nythii" to bn seon for alont niiin cvjr toy s o;i window and even in t :e strce's ef l.mdon. Th Inrentor. The C Ti it in pt on Tork Eaters. j The t'.iin 'S', says Kinnk (.'irpcnter, are tho piea'cst pork caters ef the j world. The p:gs are tb.2 sciveneu of the nty. and tiiey root their way into i every qu rler, and turn up the ground j and wallow in the mire ou tho very j edge of the cmpcror'g palace in Tekiii. 1 You see pigs fur salo in ev-ry market, and the su-king pi is the p;ere dj re--istanee at every feist- Jt ii never eaten in tlie roast, however, 1 tit is li.' u,i is to b : nnd stewed, and tins is the eise with a'l the Chines meat'. rim. II bits are a ncecsiitv wherj the rliop-s ticks are uied, and ! ihe result is that mut of the Chincn J dis ics a e soup, or stow, or reasti cu: flue ' I ' HOW TO LIVE LONG. Some of the Principal Indica- ! tiOIlS Of Longevity. J Habits and Conditions Which , -end tQ Lengthen Lif9. , ! A physician who issued a work on tho suij-'ct of longevity, early in the prcfout century, staled "that it would fippcir that the principal natural indiea. tious of a long life are: to 1)9 descend I'd, at least by one side, from long livod parents; to be of a calm, con sented, and cheerful disposition; to havo a just symmetry or prop.-r confor mation of pars, a fill chest, well- j formed j ints ,md limlu, with a neck i snd head his' rather thin small ii pro- portion to tlv s . of tho bad, and to ! bo a long an I sound sleeper." In the cmirac of his lints he informs us that . ';hc storuieh ou Jit ruver to b over- I loa.lel with foul, but tint'ihc, j fo-d, ilriuk, sle.p, cU, shou d be t: ken in moderation. j "All foo I should be duly ma'tirated i h lu ing I, a i l a variety of di-hes ou - it not t W eaten nt tlie same time. Ext i ernes of belt and cold, with reipect to food, diink, and air, tri Ccpnily to be gnunlcd against. S eep ou-jht not to oatinuc less than six hours, nor cveee 1 eight." Another writer otates that, "exctrise r.-ntributes to tho preset v iti in of hum in tife; it invigorates our facilities; it dis- j sipates all tho stipci flu ms humors of a I plethoric habit; it is again of tun', the fnemy of id ei:es:, tho duty ef tho i young, an I the delight of the aged." I '"fessor II says, "peaeo of ; mm cliecrlu ne s ana c .ntemmeni aro the foundation of nl health and long life. happiness, nil I-.,,...;- hahife 1 er.ain nanus I and disposit.ons cf mini t.i.l, m bUi.n as n.e aneholy, c ire, dejection, fear, liixiciy, faint-! cartedness, and, in pai ticu'ar, avarieo and hatred, which ar j 1,.i,.. -ion fe-ir 1 hostdj to life, clam a distinguish ! rank among those m Mas which tend to j iiorte i are said to destroy i 1 gestion and assimilation, an I a. ken lhv vigor of tho heirt. t-ii Wi Iiam Temp'e was of opinion, 'that gi, it timp ranee; op:n air; easy lab i; little care; simplicity of di t, i.i her fruits ail plan'i than flesh; nnd wat'.r, whieh pie-eives the moisture wi liout too much increasing the rid. oil he it," were conducive to i good iieilih a id l ing life. 1 i !'. 1' thergill, who treated the sub ject in an :'' manner a leutuiy ago, iibseiv's th it 'tlie duo regulation of 'lie pa -si a-contributes, pei'lups more 'Inn any other cause, to health and longer, iy. The. an mating passions, sin :i it j iy, hope, 1 ve, etc , when kept within proper bmili, g" itly ex cite tie? nervous intl lone , p.omote an tijUable ciirulition, and are highly eui ilucibe to h' a'th , the d-pressing tiff .1! tiens, sin h as gr ef, fe ir nnd despair, producj th" opposite elT ct." I.iui-life, iii his opinion, is lep-ndent Pn, "nil and e'iniav, meat and drink, eio'lo'i and icst. sleep nnl welching, ind iilT 'I'tii-n of the mini; a" of which flight ti If nd.ip'ed to me a ;; teni peiament, .nnl cmi titution. Fiesii air is m ire 1 atel ,- n"cesnry t" li.e than fond. Thojliiri di"t nn 1 invigv it in g i ni ploy me if of a country life are li know edge I, on h'1 hauls, to bo hig'.ily i onduc ive t i hea th and Ion jevi'y; sshie li e iixuiy and refinement of large cities ar-' alio we 1 to b eipially ;lestntetive to the human species, and this lon-ideratn n alon", p 'l imps, more than i privile ue.t! i balances ail tlie boasted f es of fiiperior ileganee and rivil.ition r.suiting from a city life." I a supiort of tins, h.-s'a'el that "the number of deaths in London fiom IT.'S lo 1T."S ,'imountcd to t'o'.o'J'i. and that in all this pnuligi v.'.s number only 212 persons survivi d tier liunlre lth year."' He fuithcr observes that, "man is by nature a t'tl 1 i.u ma', nnl siems de--iincd to nco svith the sun, nnd t speul i large portion of his timt m the open lir, to inure his b ily to robust xercUe snd the inclemency of the seasons, nnd to make a plain, homely tepat only when hunger dictates. I! a', art has Miiilio'i-iy ileie.itetl tlie Kin I intentions of miMire, and hy ru -l.ivin him to all the lilan'l shmcnis of sen-o has left him, "'us! an e;r-y vieiini tn folly and ruprice." riiiiw .'.. "Scnnp n Little to Rrtftl." ; Abiu: the t me that Dinicl Prew began Ins Wall stiett (areer ho was up in the countiy one t me to visit sonic frien-ls, and two farmers railed upon j liim to deeide a cn'e. One had sold j the 01 her five h ishels of wheat, nnd i proposed to irei-wc it in a lia'f bushel, and sweep the tip of a measure with a stii k. The other ebj e:c 1, ani Uncle Daniel was a ki d to divide. "Will, legally speikin;, a bu.hel ii only a 1 ushel,'' he answered. ''An 1 ran the mcisuro bo swept off! ' 1 I think it can." Win' with;'' "Wei', if I was se'lins; wheat 1 shoul I piolnli'y use lin'.f the head of a flour barrel." "Which id je of it", "(tent emc.n, tint is a piint I cannot new deeide en, " siplic'l the old man. "If 1 was selling to a widow or u preacher I am certain thit I should weep the m n lire with a slraight edge, but if I was r.ellin t a man who pastures his cow i in the r 'd and his pir In neit-hbor't corn. I'm afraid 1 (h,"lfl u'c ,hc c rr,,,8r ,d? a''1 'C00P little to boot," WM Stuct Xtiei. QUAINT AND ClKIOt'S. Fatmir Hudson of Templeton, Cai., bai grown a beet that is seven feet long and weighs 151 poinds. One of the customi established In tho littlo hamlet of Georgetown, Me., is an annual reunion of all the aged people in town. A West I'nion, West Virginia, man set fifteen snares in lili garden, and the first night caught thirteen rabbits and two opossums. A pet rifled apple at Harrington, M". , was discovered by small boys; tho stem and fruit were very lifelike; all the 'color of ma b!e. " Wolvei havo been howling gruesome ly o' nights, killing stray cattlu and otherwi-o makinij a nuisanc i of them selves around San Pedro Bay, F.a. A man in Minneapolis has satisfied himself that the greut-jrn nlmothcr of " 'Iters on Davis was a sister cf tho grea'-gramif ither of President Harrison A lately mairi''d lid fa t, Me., couple cannot bo aemred 1 hasty action. Tiiey were u')li bed nnd th'i c: rtiticato was i-sue 1 a vear no, but tin knot was not ! tj,.(, un., aycar ..frerwards. A Ib'biew H blo in tho possession of the V..t c in, for which $ 100. nod ns , , , ,, , , .. onceolT.Tol by the Hebrews of en re, is sii l to be the dearest, if not the mott valuab'e, book in tho known woild. The most fertile lan I in V. irop, is a district to Hissia lyin between the Carpathians au I the Urals. Corn has been grown on soma of this land for r.cvonty year3 vsiihoui an application of manure. An Eiig'ishman has bought tho con tents of the royal castlj of Nuremberg, containing the most complete collection of instrument ; of tort nic extant, costing ', in ;i i. j ueru is n iiorarviu ' ' J o uuj Volume-, Sivin" tile nisiory 01 1 I nimeanu ton nio lor manv ccuiurics. A la ly' hand was discovered in a i ' lut bill 111 a fashion iblc p II t of Vest E mdon, and cu.ed a sensation. It transpire I, however, that it was the band of a mummy dating back to the time of lie; Puaraehs, which a rare'ess servant had kiiocke I oft while dusting. The pension depaMnijiit at Washing ton has upon its roils the nanus of twentv-seven widows of revolutionary i , , , , , . j si'l tiers wll ) hive h-tn r'gillarly paid j . ,, ... tm , i up to present titn Three of them . are ninetv- en yean of age and two nineli-six one. Tlie youngest is seventy- The letters of the nlphabo, it ap pears, m iv be trmspose l K' ), I IS 101, T.T'l, '-:5''' l.'l l.o'e'.bOil tit,, - -. All the inhabitants ef tho glob.-, on a rough t. limitation, could not in a thousand millions of years, write ou! all the Ir oppositions of the letters, even sup-po-ing th.i' each write forty pages diily, each of wh e'i j ages conta ncd forty diff -rent tran-po- tioni of the letter . Toe other day nt Jackson, M'ch., a dog hase I a mou'e, ami the fi ightercd litllj nn imal ran up a telegraph polo and thin started out on a wire for the next pole, ltlO feet distant. The w'rn swung gay ly in the bretv.", but tho trembling traveler hung on nnl reiclied the ne; station in nli nit an hour. He tl- e'lil il tin pole, an I when ho reach-d the base hi was so tired that lie aliowe 1 himself to be picket up by a sps c iii or. fienernl (irmilV Cabin. Amang the dec Is recently file 1 in St. I. mis cmi i' y there is one from L H. t'onti to Henry J. Weber, iho nu.siry- umn, eiinveyintj to h m 121 ftcres ef Intnl. he, nt; part of tht IHO -aero trnet o 1 1 '. 1 1 1 i e 1 1 by (i ner.i' Y. !. (tinnt :i nl his lo il ', tweMiss ,tu in I) nit, where they 1 1 veil in a lorj uilun which ,1 ff Sii.p:n,':on, C. I). Wol IT, R S. ham n i l ether neli;!',lio s of the old roniin intl r h'.-l p 'l 1, in to "rniso" .shortly niter ihe w tiling in 1s17. Mr. (.'otin bought the while of the tJuint property, nmt linin,' 7 ' i acres, at fS'T an acre, in .1 .no, 1 .'"', ami tho historic ii'iteivst conneetoil i h tho placo is mi nly what 1 him to purehase it. fs.nte then ho hi. freitnently re- ho intenlel to preserve cverv reiie flf ,h. ,.0 t0 mender" i there was to le found nny where upon tho property, and his djcJ to Mr. Weber ln licaies his intention of earry. in nut that il i, fir it is especially stipulate I tint the gran'or shall have the right to remove the "li tlo o il log c.ibiu ' at any timo within two years from the date of sale. -V. J.oii t I'ott. Ihrji tifh. A Renin kable Storm. Advices from AuVralia biin aa ae c nit of a I. mth. The thcrmom :;er was at 100 d're'i in the shade, and a ivinl, aeeompan ied by r.iin and hai1, a wept over the town. II iii atones ai large ns cricket Lai 1 1 crashed through all the windows. Merchant! si ff ;re 1 severe lot es by the dr.'nching of st c's. Nearly every b t of sheet iron in Mat'hiwi Hill, j ist crm; hved, perfnrtted bcliun ts of ice, a id the ('out House, the It yal II ill nnd the T-legraph Hotel and other buildings cowred wiih iron roofs were puac'urel with holes. A numlcr of dogs nnd other sraa'l animals were also killed, ard gardens wcrostripied of ever vesti-e of sht u r.mry. Several hou es were unroofe 1 by the win I. In thirty m r.u:ci five inches of rain fell. The river roso thr?e fe it, an 1 hailstone were p led m twelve irc"'.es high on many Terandas. The Minister's Ruv. The collection box in a certain Se.itcH church was found empty. The minis ter thereupon joined Tarn, tho ki: k bracer, in Lis homeward walk after ser vice, and lamented to him that lit Would havo to do a thing he did to' like, which was "just to rniso the deovil, and he'll come to the man that took that monev, either in a wind that'll no leave him. leaf nor Hheaf, or wi' a rope to hang him Over his own door.'1 The kirk oftioi-r made no vpply, Tho next night tho minister sent a man raver tn Tain's barn to hang a rope ilh a noose at tho end of It ou the door. Tarn camo down to thresh; but, seeing the noose and his own shadow on tho wall, he rushed back to bed and te miiineil there till daylight. When ho returned the rope was goue. He was shortly afterward feeii proceeding to the kirk : mid hen the Itnx Was opened next Sabbath every missing penuy win found ituide. A linslness Mini's Mistake Stranger iwho has yelled himself hoarse over dinks' telephone without petting any reply 1 See here, I can't do anything with this telephone. .Mnks i with an nirof i li.ooeneel - I'id yon wish to speak to any cue. sir? "Certainly." "Oh". It has been disconnected for about a month." "Disconnected? You didn't saything almut it." "I thought evevvl odv knew wp had disconnected our telephone on account ! ft the bores. 1 didn't know yon w i -bed j to talk to nnv one, sir, I supposes! vm, mon,,v ,e,iriH ,n ONProj,L. your j lungs." XewYvrk li'"k'n. L A ! . oi nonor leei-s iiumtuci I ,)flvom, his t,,11.u,i ie ctlluot ,u..1 humbling others, . - When the -umineiS rt tin' f led What shnll nmke It fulr amlii? Vtien 1 tie face with paints HbadM Wht shall drive a.i av the pain? Never shitti a hloissein lirlnhtetl After tiliehte.l hv the But the lend of piuu may ilnlitcn, Anil wb need not count n.-s hibt. nil the pl.-uro ef ,fe hen the mother, npun w hom the hae;iltiesii of houii- -n lareolv deinds. is n(1ti-t d with ttm iIm-Ii-.-lIo ; :. ; '-'"- -".. - eoutemplnle llic misery csl-ilief in nur mid t "-m m u prevnienec ! tiio-osiiM'e-. Is h uh tinin 1 nil witmcn .ilw.ul.l L !.,u- llml mere is one Mirr naia-iv r ir i ll furcate emi- mints, uad Hint I- i I . I'i. i , e's I iv.i-ok I'e.-. ferliihm. XJ.j mn uIIum-i-l-heutih to fnswn it- H' f 1111:111 W.n.l St ..IP I,.- I l. ,f Hiindard remedy. Hnt if il lias niro.vl) crept .... I'Ul l. u nun. t nil un (ill ll , li Mill HI the "l avorlte l'" ; i (; iu,inl c I to ulvo satisfaction in i-very ea.-s', or raonev raid lor It will he returne-l. For 1 llionsne 9, sii k head u he, Indlcesttmi and cons ipuiiun. lak Ir. t'uuvr s t'cile's. The rainlne lvnntr-A il umtrella that belcnu- to motlu r mm . ( atnrrh ( rii'I be ( Mreil AVitU I.OCAI. Al'l'l.ll 4TIIINS. us lino- rnntiiil Trnch the l nt tl.e dis,ne. ( nianh m a hiis'd orcon-titiitiiii.Hi diMiise. io,d in niderto cure it you hnve to mke imeital lemedas. Hull's (ntarrh Cine Is mke i iiueri aliv. .ind nei? diris-t!, i. ie(K iied n ns m . Iiu-i. rinii s i lonrrn his. is nn ipiiu K Ills d . eme. It il nn-M-riiHil hv one ni il... u..t j physir Inns In mis country tnr snirs. m d i s rrnlar nnseriiiil ai Jt is eoiuKii. d of I tie 1 best tolih klii'un. eianhitied ssilti the N'st I Monti purifieris, neilnu direi tly on th- mucous : fiirfiii'i s. The perf i t c- inliiimtion ef ihe iw.i ' inicn-dieiits is what i n.iliiret m li wonderful Ttsnlls Ineiiinni! entniih. M ml for trMimo: l- HIS fr. V. .1. Ciiknky .V Co.. rrois., Tnledo, O. Sold by tlnih'.ist", price ".."ie. WI en a trln is I let i lire nd to see Inrs. I'i'd tlie imsscnscrs t lilllle l m ihe Heat. Allare entltlil to the In-st that their monev will buy, so every fnmilv should have, at onet) a bottle of tho best family remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or hl' lons. For sule In .'a-, nnd tl hot lies ,y ur, leading driiKi-isM. II s no redr The ninn Willi hut on' nil of e tithes. Po y. air eiot'.f s In-t nJ ttiey wil to? If not, you Mtiar b,. usliiu 11 m-hi or wthiu.t yoir lrr that to', thorn. Try il.e miml eM-in.'.ii n i Iiohtiins's tleetrle Soup, Nr tiktlm us iu I tii. A biisinesseiuni-' lie-nl S euriiiR the rlmonlHt promise ot nn le'.resH, nrern." l"rillr ( I'arntsn, Mild, tnjuahle elltiist -, curtain nnd nbtmdsnt rrops, IJent fruit, ijr.iin. urass nn I stuck etniii try in the wiirhl. full iiifirmmlon frac. Ad dress Oresron lm'li;'n Hoard, Tertland. tire. nhe consnin -r ntsy consider Irmself lucky If be Bets milk of the llrst water. J.'sffttrteil w ith sore eyes us llrlsaae. Thorn ti ler, t ElWler.l)rui,'Kltsell atiV.per bottlo fine often hesrsof a sk ppine rope, tut no body every saw a rope that skip I ed. Ask your ilea! N. r ess ty Is It r for ""nnslli's Punch.-' of eiinventions. For "'U Years. Pilot Km.h. Mo , si,.,,t,-mtrrS. I1" 1 snlTi'rist ttiili rhrnioe r)ii-iimnti-!:i in my knees ftiifl iiiifcli-.s fur twi-niy yei nnil hail to u.-e rrutehes. I was in nieil'ni times tiy several rVietor". Imt finally euretl by St Jsi'ohs fill. Ilsve liinl no return of pain In three years. 1 1 F X HY I '. T R A V E R a. AT PK f.MSTS 'Nf lrITR. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Blltlmort. Md. Newspaper Readers' Atlas. Colortil Mara nt rli ntat a nil rrrmorr i alw M.r frff eoimU T In Uia Wot III I ki.p Hit iuaia inllia nf mi-Ii le. innil. r Utl 'D. ii-f Hi"". afrae irUirr. iaMrj pi Sli lals, nnmhrr runtii Ufa. I u-. tiitmlir nt . abai ilnrtin. Hit. .alat! . m.B. un 'f nai-ll fcn-i.-tl i .nmtrr. form hi vnirninif-nt, ni.n!nti.i. I ta-ltirt anto'inl it r.ltclon. aifr ..r army aitcl tiyla- r.1. h'.ia--, i-ittla alis-l, f.lll Hint Itnll.k ll'S . 11 t.a t .11 1 a.:f wi l'i-"ir" Mik rt . nut sr. in u I W., . I. ;. ' ii '. v ' '. i i-iti:i:. Pn.lilvrlv t wreil tv.tH nrlatili' II etitfdtra. Havimir't ihniiwn I-"I r-. fitr.-p.nie'in m nminpsil iKipels. li Is'.l tiliv.ii-l tti. Kr m llrsl il'is tTlliptiiills iliUMt't'-nr; III l-'il 'lavs nt I l.l tv." ll vnilitiim rr.n I Sni I rnr fr ii il tratlntf Mali ut mlrjta-iln'.l. i'irf ret iln - Irialmriii tr.nliy mall. If v.itl li-r trla'. "tl 111'. In al.-mii Uipy J."!ls". t". H I liSiiK- t sis ,ll.i:it4, lis DETECTIVES Vu'M t r r-itr hr4 mm u ttt c er iafUBrUa ta ur IWrm 5rv iprMiiMtHitiri. P -rifarB ttt. 4raaaaa ltUrtlvt Harvaa tf. Hai wil t:liillO. CATCH THE FOXES. J one prsn will -pu t nt M --'ii ntlv v a, my run, I WM - I i'ln t. man lh l I 1 U t r- 'i". f -r ntftalnK Vm Unit. t:i wll of M h will i-.i . a mi a mm ,lNtd ii Al. rnl 'trc i I -t m -ithi . Iua irap. Ai'ltv I H A. If'i'VVi.KR, tr4i'. Cotiu a .. aar -Tl 11V R,.k. Hunt; rrnqiaoslilr. Art hm-tlc, short h., taoiouaa 1 Uufiit IT MSI!.. Urenlar trai. Mrra-afa tll. 4T MU ! Du ala. M. T. '.ttal u aa Karma, I Sfnowtt errr 'M ii-ara. limaaUu hrep li rou a. tit!ie fur a -SON k "'ii., Huffaki DO YOU Du&nrl sVw si Uarat TJI tba r tf a T.vtb I Wftaltoeal-l DllTtrnt rw i f v AaiaaaJ How to Sho. All Ihta aad ttbr taJuabla rixntt &rsiakTi?E ... RdmptiYano7ermaKemtlY Ttllll'f.V'l'ISM. I 5 ! " THE KINO'S TOrCH " SITERSTITI0V. i In England, two centuries ago, popular superstition credited the " Tioyal ; I "inch "with Hiring scrofula; and although for seeding nt the Idea in lfiOl tho ; Kinir was declared to be an " Infidel," veil his "faithless" touch was credited with n cute. Tlese superstitious practices have now become obsolete, nnd In 1 their plat e we have n scientific remedy in Pr. Tierce's Oolden Medical Illsooverjr, which eliminates the impurities from the blood by the channels, thereby rleansing th" sytein of nil taints and impurities' from whaiever cause arising, i It is truly :i royal remedy, world-fumed nnd pnaranttrj to hem fit or cure in I every case, or money paid for It will bo refunded. The only blood-purifier ever ! so tjuaranlred and sold by druggist. As a regulator of the Stomach, I.iver ami , liiiwels, "ttoldcn Medical Discovery" cures all bilious attacks. Indigestion and Iiyspopsia, Oirtmie Piarrliea and kindred nilments. For nil derangements caused by malaria, as Fever and Ague, Chills aiid Fever, and I'.ilious Fever, It Is specific. As an alterative or blood-purifier. It manifests its marvelous prop ' crtics in (do cure of the worst Skin and Scalp Diseases, Salt-rheum, Tetter, i Eczema, and Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, ns well as Lung-scrofula, com ' inoiily known n rulinonarv Consumption, if taken in time and given a fa'r ! trinl. Wnui.ii's Iispfart Mkkical Association, l'roprietors, Ko. C03 i Main Street. UntTalo, X. Y. $500 Pane's Itcincdy cuna lh" won't eaaee, no matter ef bow lonir itanditier. fiOi-., by dru.'Kisti. THE . S- vt1y kin ,"niw-.n PLD mliffi HAY- &mffll 50 Cts. :VsW-'5Cci t COLD-HEAD T.I.Y loo i l II r i.s. ; Wartrn hL, 'ew 1 orfc, 81QS1 0NE collar eoH dULIU DULU nHiun it cxrxe ci.xrs ititem. woiu rot "flirt LMT M0 CWCVLAtl R. HARRIS & CO. IDA . Fayette St.. eaftlmort, Md. Mtttit-oa tun pip-r whso wnt:or. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DR. LOBBi 3'. Nnrih I tffc.-iii h riittrulclphlik, I1., for tto tivatthoni nf ni'Mxt l'"l-iii, Miln Kmptlonn, hroiip f. :ii,.lnliit. l-rlu-hO Ftrlctnnn, litip4t-no a ii I khntr-il iIiua--. hi- matter of how Iook RiAtntiiii; tr fn.m w hat chum- orijrlnut Int. twrTn iImvii' iitetl'cin.-t fnnilnh-1 (v mall pnr for Ufok un I. nUntMn. rntt CPA ER AXLE I IIMkBinDCAci: Bt-HT I! THE WOULD M I ln V Fo luaUenulni-. Bold Itrerrwhara, Money in Chickens If vn know hew tn jrotrlv cant i fcrtlH'tii K'-r'i.'i rrnift m t n kIiuk Ui' ki1 ri- u ( i-riw ti- t al r iii try HaiMt mi an am- tt-ur. hut a it nil wrrkiiiir fnr i!o .Mt rtiul nt-. -ourintt a pre i f t i yurtt II a'f a you how to j '. ittt nnl tirt I'ta-a tt. i if u I i l-nt-t tn1 also for K tttninir; 1 w.n h l'mlt--Hav fr lin-dinfl i I uriH. ii bint 'verythiDK. nl.o, I tii nhculd kn'w n lira aunirci u inant- n l'n o hi Ml itr-M fo iii,-. HOOK PIB. 11 (H 1 1.J4 l.r,iord iien. . . t U. I i.i mi.-im. u-nn ..av v r"s If i r , C ipi r ai" IW. I -' IT r Vi;.,r Keitef i immeUmte. A euro is certain, tor CMit mi tne Head it has no enuau Ii is an i liniment, of which nostill. I'live.SOe. oll ly Atldrcss HIS OWN DOCTOR. By J. HAMILTON AYERS, A. K., M. D. This it n most Valuable Book for tho Household, teaching Rt it does the easily-distinguished Symptoms of different Disease-, the Causes and Means of Preventing such Diseases, and the Simplest Remedies which will Alleviate or Cure. 588 PACES PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. The Heok is written in plain, every-ilay Enelish. and is free from the t bnieat terini wbieb rentier most lui tur biOvj so vaiuel ks tu the generality of readers fhi H o': ' intuatieil to l't ut Smice in the tanily, and ii so wunled as to tx readily understood by nil. ONLY 60 CENTS, POSTPAID. iTtn' li'w price only tit-Ins maile pnw-Hl' liylh fmiuenae rtllllun prlnitnl.l N'ot only lines t'jis Pook euntain so nvte'i Inf' r?nstion Relative to Pises, but very prs - eriy pivts a tVniiplete Analysis o! 'everything rtaiDinii ti Courtship, Marring anj the 1'ro IU' tiuii and Hearing o. Healthy Families; tonetber with Valuable Ito-lp iiikI Ir-crl ptlont. J -a. llit nn t ltii l lloliinlenl I'rn ! l--, C 'orreet ITsiO !' Ol'l I lllll'y Herbs. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Complete Index. With this t'ooi in th hous- there is noexeuw fur not knnwln? what, to do in nn merganey. 1'on t wait you hive lllirxs id your tmuily before you ur l-r, but sen 1 at oue (ur this valunUa volutnu. Bend postal ooiei or poitige stamps of any deuominstioii not larger thin 5 cent BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE, 13 i Leouanl St., N. Y. City. Is offered by the manufacturer" of OR. SAQE'S CATARRH REMEDY, for H case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure, fly Its mild, iKiothinif, nnd heaUni properties, Pr. OIATEPUL-COMFOMTINCJ. BREAKFAST. 1 ISv a tli ireiicli kit uric u- nC til n.itnral liwi whlj i Koverutli'iiti Ti' .mi nf .ti.tiin aui nulri llou, an I b it eitrofji appll -.1 l.ei nt li Hue propjr tins ef i'.k-.i. sir. Hin liai proUdfii oui liri-.kl.i.t iIiIim iHh .s .1.1! l "ly l!nOnrrd U'' bHK4 tsl,.-li iii. iv .iv- us le-ivs- I.Hira' lil ta il lis hy tlie I.i lii-lwte ue .f mi -tl at'tlolf 1 of diet Ihttt n eouoitu.l in inai l't ur Itially I Hill up unltl lltriilitf etl.'llll i.i re. 1.1 every le.t.h n to li-ese. Hun tre,u i.f s.u.tle maladies ur Itmlinti monad iu real, l-i -tlaek t Uer" er lln-re In n ifeat point. We may r!tiK tteiii. a fute.t -.haft tiy keep'oa our-elv.-a iv, a r.irlltlisl .villi pine l.l i it and a proper! nourished frame." -"Oei' .Steele.' liutfttf. Maile al'iiply ivlllt iKitlmj water or milk. Soltt illy In half p . in I tin., tit ili H-'M, lnlx-ll-'l linn J A lltts, t'.rr .1- CD.. It iinipamlc Cuuuiliu, LOM'U.S, HtNOLSNB. rfmc WOMOERFUL I , iLUBlIlGlCHAIRil COMBININc5AaTICU5yjJ, r dnit ar 1 w mrr-ia f IN V A L I D-srr.jfa; A' 1 1 S3 and ahlp fnda to ho M - End aump (er OtU- VI - ifiirr::. - PI lUnintnrt rAiiiriu. IlLOW PRICE RAILROAD LANDS & FREE Government LANDS. MILLION r At Ills in iliioiis"!-. Norm liakula. .M.inl.i 11:1. Itlul-.e. v m.iiiiui.'n ami Jrgon- run Cfta I til'hi'ttlK.n llt moim treTltltiK tno SCHU rUn lirM Svrli iillilial. l.rHtlliil ouj Tlm , bur l.tul now i's li Ins. -tilers, scut tree. AildroM chas. b, i amborn, 'iTratr- II A lll'l. Only Certain IIMIIIm ra- I HKtn Hi. Wold. UriUlIl J.LdTrUKM.LaSux-,a I r re-rrlhe anil fa'lT en- IatiTitli- nn tlirerrifti..cum el lies ili-i iisn. tl.U.lN'iUAIIAX.M p.. tr 4 ilr bj t We have unltl Pie fS ler ICllel "-17rnyr."h0t,.."s-0ta-v1gn f.;' f V c hleano. III. rili1.00. Bold liy Drusgiais. r-svAKRM. Best. Easiest to uA or i aJli., tJ I mn mu CHAIRS'TUA ii nfm-J raait. in nuS Ml VOii.i.i.i.1111 iivtv.n. Ta HIKE. r. mnall partlele Is npplleU to tho I 1 i1rucPnsts or sent tiy rniiil. fc. X. ilAzr.t.TiNK, Warren. Ta.

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