l)c Cl)atl)citit Hrcorb. II. A. LONDON, EDITOK AND PROPRIETOU. fftattam RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one insertion- One square, two inaertions One square, one month $1.00 1.69 - 2.6(1 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. For larger advertisement liberal COS" tracts will be made. VOL. XII. PITTSB(m() CHATHAM CO., N. C, FEBRUARY 13, 181)0. NO. 21 After the Storm. The 't Idost storm must siH-n l its forcp, Tup hatltod winds pause with a moan. For suiishiiipstruggling through the mist Chisps (hp tirei! earth in shining zone. Bo stormy grief will rob of light The soul I hat prays for morning's d.iwn, Through black despair in deepest night, Ti 1 hope, and love, and life seem gone. 'Tis then I lie morning's golden splendor Dispels the gloom, illumes the way. Whilst tiro imy voices, low and tender, Whisper, sad heart, helmld a ierfoet day! L01TYS ADVENTURE. 1 ai qnilo young when I wout out tt service only six Icon aril I was qulto fiightctied at tho idea of going nru.mg the grand folks; but fathor li.il not left much, exempt deb's an I m rt gage', whin ho die tl, nntl mitl.er was fpcblo, a'ltl tlicro weic all tho little children to be taken caro of; nnd Neighbor F rl told mi that they wanted n p:irlor-in lid nt the court. Th Me ain't so nn c'i to do," said F.i i m - Ford, ' "an I twelve dollnri a f m .ith. "11 it a servant I'1 said mother, and she put her black stnlT apron to her eyes nn I h-gan to e y in tint weak, uncei t 1 n way slio ha I. "Wo'ro all of us servants, Lydin, to tho Lirl,"suid Neighbor F.ird. "Ami if every one of us doo Irs duty in the slafo of lifj where it pleases Ood to put U", tlicro ain't nothing moro to be cxpoood." 'M ithcr," said I, 'on!y think of i(! Twelvj dollar a ninth. 11 iw much it will help us! O i, m I'.he , I m so gla I ! ' "Tho child looks nt it right." siil Neighbor For I. "Shi 's got mor.j s 'nse than you Imvj, I.vdin! ' So I went to C.nis'iill Court. Thcr ! was a h u-ekceper there, and a butler, ami soveu servan's bed lot m, and 1 soon lear.io t to purform tlio duties of my place neatly aid wc'.l. Mrs. Cliristati's mill m-d lo give in) many u'ofut hi its tin wa- a ipret, sub stantia' Kiifhs'iwnnin whom the fnm' ly ha I brought from foreign put with them. Hut her brother foil .1!, and she went hotm to nurs'j him, aid tlnre camu a tin:- French mi demoiselle in her place, w h im they rallo 1 M l bmoi n lo Veronique. She spoke I wo or thieo dilT 'r eut liingungo', dreisol hair like a fash ion plate, nltHre I ov t M". Cirlstall's bonnets and dresses until her wirdrohe sec mo 1 twieu a largj an I viriol, ail ha 1 a smro of oth-r neeiun,ilisli:ii;nt at her I'm ;er enl-. Mn, C'ui till said sho win "a per fee', treasur.';" tho old housekeeper lauj'ioi until her si lei ac'nd, at V-roniquo'. stories; the foilmiu fell tleep y iti lovj with her, and nil tin oth.-r ui i.di copied her drcssc, repited her smart sayi igt, ami strove, iu varioir. wiy, to imi:ii-e her. But I kept q i e ly aloof. S ni' how 1 win afraid of Ma lemoisidio V-' . -o.uiquo. Sin h id gi ca", luminous green eyes like tho of a cat; she showed her teeth, in glistening double rows, when sho laughed, an l, a' though she was al ways priding hers If on lie.- c implosion, 1 am quito s ire it was powder and pair. She dime sm ling to mo one night it was of a Sinlar evening, 1 muom ber, when 1 wa sitting by tin wind w reading my by m i -book, anl won lei ing what mitlior and the c!ii divu wero tlo- "Hero is mi pe:ilo Lit toe," sho sail. 4'Tho shy bird who shrink away from me ul way i. lint I l avj ees, L-tteo, Bad I havo already mule tuscll to per ceive that you are very pretc). Ah! Bay I not the truth? And you shall put a roio in those brown braid, Littce, ami danco tonight. IVter- is going, and Felix and Amanda; and th? coach man, who prnvci h in e f m st aimablo, will lako u-. in tho win,' -met to. ' "Hut it is Hun lay evening," said I. Ma Icuioiscllo V roniquo m.ido a grimace. Wc arc not Puritans, Litter," sail ho. ''We have all been to the chiirr'i tvlay. Why no: niako a little simple enjiymcat to:ii;jht, like tin pi.nnnts of ma hollo N'irma'.diel MadMin tlinei out; tho chi.dren, with their good, heavy headed nur-e, will bj asleep ' D.il Mrs. Cliristall say-' 'Mail nnc knows ittitliinq absolutely nothing," rei'eralcl Veron q ie, itnpi tieutly. "Aro wi pmr servants to b? alwny slaves? Come, ma p-tite. Tin goo I F, I x osp -ci illy wi lies lo dance with yo1', ami 1 havj pronii cd him that you wiil bo tln-rj." Felix was tho upp -r gar loner win mi in charge of tho green-houses a i l graperies; a spire, liv.d- face I, little mm, whun I c p;c ally d isliked. 'lt is Suuday evenin;.'," said I; "I do not wish to go. I have bjjn broug'it vp to spcad Sunday even in quietly at homo." And Mdctnoit!lo Vjrouiquo's p?r luisiont, dittorics and blandishments ,were in vain. ' They all went. I cou'd hear thrm Returning at one o'chclt iu tho mora- ing, tiptoc'n past my bedroom door; and their dcsciiptiom of the festive gathering nt tho breakfast-table next day were enthusiastic in tho extreme). "There's to bj a hop Fri lay night week," sail Fjlix, "with a band from M noisier. Ltty will go this time, I nm quite certain, if I ask her; an l M mid Mis. Cliristall will 1)3 in Now York tint night for the Cliari' Rail." 1 looked gravely at him. "Do you thiuk it will be righ', Felixl" said I. "Oh, b.ih!" SIndemoiscllc Veronique interjected, with exlrenu disgust. "I'm quito sure thcro can bo nothing wronr a'.iout it," said Felix. 'Then, why do younotak M s. Cliristall bol lly to lot you go?" I que lioned. They lro!(c 1 blankly at one another an I In f.iro they could answer, M 's. Hood, tho housekeeper, cimi in, and a Mgiial for silencj was passed around. ' Frid 17 night week!" It ennn before wo knew it, aim is'. Mr. ami Mn. Cliristall went to the Chanty Hill, the latter so superbly drcso 1 that tho ser vants gathe ed in a little group behind the bu'ler's pantry door to see her go out in her diam m Is an 1 i nk silk. Ol I Jjlm, the cl ler coaclunan, w.n to wait at Slington station to bring them back at 3 o'clock tho other ciac'imnn, Tiionipsoa, wns in le.iguo with Veron que and her friends, and was to harn?s up t ie wa n,.'t'o a snon ni tha coast was fairly clear fir Votoi'quo, ll.itty, .lulia an 1 Fj1 x. "And Ltty might go, too, if she oily wou'd," said Ilitty, reproach fully. "I do i'I think it's righ'," said I. Mrs. II -mil had gono to seo her daughter at Slington, leaving tho house in J ilia's ( hiiro, for ,!;i!i i In I been lh"ie soiii j time and w.n reg.ir le 1 as quite trustworthy; the ol I butler nhvay.. went to be I at niit";s i that who i tlie wagonette w.n o'.I 1 was tho only per son left about tho plaej. An 1 I had hnrlly soiled myself by the fire with ncdlework be'oro thero Ciin! a tap at tho tloor. I sla-ted, for I wai nervo is nnd easily frightei.cd. an I the house seemed iinnatur illy largo and lo i som i in the quiet cveirn.' s lenc It wai a li'.'ic boy a stuntol, bi.oyed creature whom I diil no', rem 'inU M' to havo sjou in the neighborhood hi foic. "Ate you L-t:y L'e!" bo askc 1. Yes," I answered, in surprise. "U's your iti ithc-," said he. ''She's fell on tile ice anil broke hor leg. She wants you right off." 'II i -.v did it liapp ui?" I eric I. burst ing into tear . "Wuo told you?" "I can't s 117," sai I li ). "Tiiey'vo sent mo for a doctor, mil I ain't to de lay a second. ' An I olT he c 1 1 le I, bis small figure .seem'ng to lose itself in the black masse of evergree i on the lawn. Wha'. was I to tl i I kn ;w that Johnson, the bit ler, slept like a log of wood, nnd there was no one clsa about tho hou. "I can j ut run down homi and be buck in lnlf an lnur," thought I. Si I lock-il the do.ir, siw that tin tire was all right, an I started oil across the dark cops1; an I fro.on tie'd,. At the in. II 1 saw a light liiiniing.aiid :.toppe I to lire of old Mr. I)iwon, whose w ife wa our ware it inighbor, ns to the exttnt of the aceidnt. "1 m ither much hurt.'" sii 1 I. He looked amay.'l, aid I procrolol to ex plain mysc'f m ire fu'ly. "Tiiey'vo foole 1 you, 1117 girl," said he. "I've j 1 -t come from thero and your mitlnr's a wl! nu I sound as ever shn wa i i her lifi." A su I I en light seeiii-d to fl nil across me. Swiielhin; wis wrong. Theio sva soon u 1 ler -current of miic oiii purpiso bidden 1111 ler all thi tissua of falso'ioi l. And I saw in th" eyes of Harry l)iwson, tin 111 llcr's tall son. w'.io stoo l b;;idi) mo, till', he, too, share 1 my idea--. "F.itlnr," sa il he, "all i-n't right. Call the For 1 la Is. Lit in go up to Clni tal. Cnirt with Litty. ' Ki?" said Mr. Dawson. ' Yi u don't suspect ' "Itlon't know whit I do supeet, father, ' sai 1 H irry, hu-nc II7 b ittoning his cut. "H it 1 know all isn't as it sliou tl bo." Wecinnnp to tho Ciurt, a little baud of us, i 1 the fr 7. mi silence of tho winter night, and fou 1 I that it was us Harry I).iwm h 1 1 su .peered. Cliristall Court was in the puscision of thre) men whoso too'., scittero I a-ou id, pro claimed them to le professional burg, lars, whi'e tin pmr old butler, fust isl.ep .it tin top of tho lion e, never Ireame I that 11 u ;ht wai nmiss. Hut, expert ai wero the c thieves, tin sturdy strength an 1 sup-riir number of our par y were t 10 muc'i for them. The were ovcrp;wctel anil bound and when tho wngont'tto inmo homo with its loa-1 of cross and slo,'!! s-rvaats, it so. vol to citry tho captivui to tho ci 11 ity j id. It jirorcj that 000 of them Ve- otiiqii.'! brother and that tho French woman her c'f was in Iciguo with them. Veroniq ie loft the country, abruptly; 1 I tlo other seTv.ints, oxespt Jlrs. !Iool, Old J diti and the bu ler, were list barge 1 anl lam Mrs. Cliristall' own maid, now. To bo sure, it isn't much of nn ad lenturc, but such 119 it i, I havo told it ai plainly ns I could remember. 'I'll M'J : Historic Mansions in Washington A number of the Penatori liva in his toric ij'nrteis, write Frank 0. Capon ier in a Washington letter to tho New York World. Senator Cimoron paid ftl7, f'tit) some year ago for the old tllti Tayloo mansion on Lafayetto Sqiiiiru. It is a three-story , In ick of a dirty yellow, with an iron portico run. ning along the second story above an Kigiish basement. The front door is painted olive green nntl tho lower story c intains tho cilice of tho Senator and his reception-room. Tho parlors are on , the second lloor, nntl the homo is nicely furnished. In this house have b:cn cn ti rtuincl all of thi I'icsitlcnts sinco the d lys of Andrew Jackson, ami Win field Sett and Martin Van Ituren havo often put t heir legs under tlio mahogany in its tlining ro 1111 Out) tlay when (Sjiinral Scott 'was dining I. ere a violent hail--.tor 11 occ in;-1, smithing the win lows nn 1 bring'ng dowi lump of ico tho si.o of hickory n itt. Theto hiilstones were brought to tho t.iM , anl Scott, as lie tlropp;l one of them into his win eg' a is, said: ' I.a lies, we will cool our champngno with ecle-tial ic." JusL l elow this homo of CunTou'i i th" h line of Scorn aty lilaino. lie rent the house, but be has refurnished and rep ilntcl it. You cater tho ground tloor from the street throug'i ai olive green tloor way an I you Ii id the parlors on tho second tl mr. The drawing room is furni-dic l In su' m in tint ami tho woodwork an 1 mantels arc of poarl white. Tho tliirng-room is on th3 gnun I floor nn I its walls aro hung with ciiuiion tap ;i!ry and tho chairs are 11 iluilstcro I in led leather. The sidcho.ir I i of ol I onk an 1 tho whole housj is a loriio I wit'i th) pic ures and brc-.ib:ac which Secretary Hla' 10 pioke I up in V. ir p. 'I'll is home anil lot U worth now at least f IDil.OIJO and tho lot would bring $0 I, tl)tl umlor tho himnior. Still it was one 1 soi l for a jicknss nil I it win H.viry Clay who soltl it. It ii j nt a-roii tin street from tho White homo nn I C.uy had often re fused to sell it. O10 tlay, h iwcver, old Coiiim l.loro Hoge:s came homo from the Mediterranean with his naval vessel full of livestock which In hail picket up abroad. One of Clay's hobbiei was stock faming, anl K igcrs's cargo in cluded one tho Andalusian jacknis. Clay saw it an 1 want d it. Tin Com modore refuse I to sell, but nt last said laughingly : "You cm have him for your lot op p isit.) the White h 11 e." ' lue,' said Clay, mil tho animal win shipped olT to K;:iluc'.y. Contmo. tlorc K iger 1 itilt a big four-story brick on the ground, an I this brick ha been the scene of many a Washington festiv ity. In it lilniuc wid entertain this winter, and iu it Seward dined tho di plomats when In wns secretary of nt ate. Thirsty Travelers' Tree. A F.uiopcan tr.ivo cr.on his way from thu coast of MadagaM.-ir to the capital, Tnnnnarivo, 111 the interior, ha I emp tied his watet llisk anil was MilToring from thirst, lb! sisked 0110 of tho na tives of his parly when bo should bo able to obtain wa'cr. "Any time you like it," said tho na tive, rinding. The Ivuropenn saw no signs of springs or water; I ut the native conducted him ton gioup of tall, ptlm-likc trees, standing in a cluster on the edge of tho foiest, with straight trunks and bright green, broad Ici.voi growing from tho opposite (titles of tin stalk, nnd mak ing tho tree appear li;o a great fan. Tlio wliito man gr.etl admiringly at tho tree. ' V-11 think it is a line lice, "said tho nat.v.', ''but 1 will show you what it is good for.'' He pierced tho root of one of tho leaf stems nt the point where it j lined tho trie with his spear, whereupon a stream of clear water spurted out which tho Kuropean caught in his water cin, and found cool, fresh and excellent to drink. The party having satisfied their thirst nml taken supper, the u stive who had spoken went on, "This tre, which is good for us in more way titan one, we call the travel, crs tree." 'Hut where does tho wa'cr come from that tho tree contains," asked the whi o man. "Is it taken up from tho soil?" "Oh, no," saitl the native. "Tho leaves drink in the rain that falls on them nntl when it his pa.so-l all through t lu 111 it becomes very pure aQd sweet," M n'cnanj U'rM. CIIILKREN'S COLUMN. BV-Asnriv. There's g little mischief milking M tin, who is ever nifdi. Thwarting every unilertakiiifr, And his name is lly-nntl -by. What ought to do this minuto "Will he better done." he'll cry. Iftomorrow we lie-in it, Tut it oil'," says Hy nnd by. Th" se w ho heetl bis treacherous wooing Will his fa thles guidance rue; What we always pu-. oil" doing, I'learly we shall never do; We shall reach w h t we ennVivor If on Sow we more rvlv; Hut unto the realms of Never, beads the pilot Ity and Ity. W Kl.l. TiniNKtl MONkKV t Asn ni s An Italian with two remarkably well tniine 1 monkeys ami a family of trained white rats is coining money 011 the stie.-ts of thi city. So well trained tire tin monkeys and rats that n' tho word of command tun of tho muikey takes a rat in his anni in tho same mm n "r n mother wou'd hold a baby. Tho other nntikey pliyt tho tloctor, and not only tloo In look nt tho rat's tongm, but ho pour wa or from a bottls into a liny spoon and givei his patient a tloso o( m Mlifinc. Iloth monkeys droii them elves with, out nny assistance from their master in complete su.ts of clothe, even to tho slockingi an 1 slnei, lacing up the lat ter and tying the strings n-atly nntl se cuiely. To pro v tho thor ugliness of their training, the rep irter was told to p'ck up the oat bolongin; to oi) of the monkeys and, unobserved by the ani mal, turn one of tho sloevei iisilo out. Th s wai done nnd tho coat pined back again. Toe 111 ink ry nf er sevcial attempts to put the oat on, tonk it en tirely off, disc vrol and right-id tho turned bloevc nnd linn angrily chatter ing nt boing inter f-.r.-d with, slipp"d on tho garment nnd went on with his part of tho show. H.t'i Fr aii c ert Knm iur, i'nci.r rim, s PToitv. "Toll us n story, I'uclo Phil," sai l Iiob nml Archie, running to him. "Whit about?'' wd Uuclo P.iil, n K ib climbc I 01 lis light knoo nnd Archie on his left. ' Oh, about soiinthf ig that Imp icncd to y o tl," said Hob. "Sonntliing whon you were a littlo boy," snitl Archie. ' O ico when I wa a little b iy, " sail rnclcl'hil, "Inskol my m ithor to let It iy nnd myself go an l piny by the river. " ' W'ui II y your brother?" asked It ib. "No; but ho wns very fon I of play ing with mo. My mother said yes; so we went nn I hail a g iod deal of sport. ' Afler a w'.iilu I took n s'linjlo for a boat nnd sailjd it along tin bmk. At hv-t it bogau to got into diqi water, where 1 couldn't reach it with a s'ick. Then I told It -y to go anl bring it to mo. "Ho almost always did what I told him, but this timo ho tl d 11 it. I be gan scolding him a 1 1 lm ra 1 toward home. "Then I was very angry. I picked 11(1 a st- 111 and tlirjw it nt him ns hard ns I could." "O I'nc'o Phil!" sii.l Archie. "Just then Hiy tti'ii'l hi; heal and it struck him right over his ey." ( I' ndo Pail!" oriel It ib. "Yes, it madu him s ag;or. Hi gave a littlo cry an I lay lotvn 011 tho ground. "Hut I wns still nu.;iy w.th h'm. I did not go to him, but nlel into tho water for my boa'. "Hut it was tie-.' per than I thought. Heforo I knew it I was in a strong cur rent. I fcreaiiiod in it carried me down stream; but no m;n were near to help me. "Hu', as I went down tin ler the deep waters, something took hold of 1110 a id dragged me towards shore. And w hen I wa snfe 0:1 the bank I taw it was Hoy. lit had saved my life." "titiod fellow! Wa he yoir cousin)'' akcd Itib. "No," replied lT; e'e Pail. "What ilid you say to him? ' asked Arclro. "I put my arms around the dear fel low's neck and cried, nnd asked him to forgive me." What did ho say?" asked It ib. 'lljsail 'H iw, wow, wow 1" "Why, who was If i,-, anyway?" asked Archie, iu great atnishmcnt. "Ho was my dog," said Uncle Phil "the best dog I ever saw. I hnvo never been unkind to a dog or to any other animal since, and I hope you never will be.'' (tr ltlk On. It .night Heroine Useful, lit -1 love you more than tongue can tell! Sho (thoughtfully) Supp ise you put it in wr. ting, (I ! rge. Mitwry't WerHy. Counterfeiters as a whoie nro a hard lot, yet some of tbcii) tuako a very gcp l impression. "LA grippe: A New York Doctor the Disease. Discusses What It Is, its Previous Histo ry and Treatment. In a conversation with arepniler, l)r L. do Plasse, a prominent memb -r ot the Academy of Modicino of New Yoik, give. much interesting information about the epi lomic, !a grippe or inllu C117.1, of whic'i ho made n special study in Kuropo at we! a in this country. At cording to the Doctor, the Hist gieat epidemic of tho kind appeared in Ku ropo in I.'iSi). "Why," srtl the reporter, "I thought th-ie ha 1 been one in It one in tho year 9J of our eia." "Yon refer, no tit ubt,'' replied the learned practitioner, "lo the gnat mortality mentioned by tho (Ireek histor an, Dion Cassius, ns having tor.er'y."! Koine in that year. It was not tho grip that cause 1 it, Iu. the stupid despotism of F. nperor D-uuitia 1. The It . mini popu'ntiou wai asscie.b'e I in the amp'u' hoatro whon a heavy lain full came, drenching tho crowds to the marrow, 1111 I the tyrant compelled them to remain to thj end of the g. iii'i. Thousand die 1 frun plcurtty, but not from the grip. ' By the way, let 1110 fny licit the won! la grippe c mes from the Polish wortl cliryki, wlrch means hoarse ness. It has 1 ecu tied for ihc last ti'ty or sixty jcirs in preference to the Italian word intlueny.i, nnd is now the technical term ndopte I by the medical profession nil the wt rid over. Since 1.1 St I t'lis dis-aio ha' annoyed Europe in I Ml. 1S75. 17015, 171, 18)3 which was tho worst and the most deadly of its inr ir-iom in lS'itS, 1SJM. 1S37, lSlfi, lSSli and 1SH.1 ; . It is a fact worthy of remark lint tho actual epidt m c in Now York be gins oftei with the ix avest symptom"'. It is sudden iu its attack ami strikes right and left, rlc'i and poor, without distinction of age, sex, bodily con stitution, pusoiial habits, etc. it is often ncc. m;i.inio I by delirium, especially among cliitlrt n, nml to it mut be ascribe I muny of tin suicides which have taken p'nee. It duration is from three or four days to two weeks, antl mor.?." "To what is the grip duo, in your opinion, doc'or? ' "To 11 miasninlie condition of tho atmosphere. The nbiurinnl tempera ture of tho present w inter has no moro to do with it than would prolonged fog." "Is it contagious? ' "Ye", nllhough there ore thoso who thiuk that it is not, cm account of its Bidle:i appeaianco over largo tract of land." "Do you think tlicro is a special mi crobe in the c isc?" "Yes, and I mn positive that the great physician of 1S;YI nnd ls.1l were right when they attribute 1 the grip lo the presonca of spec nl micrococci!!, which develop very rapidly in the at mospheric principle calied o.mo. That principle is an hyp thetit al body, generally n lm itleil as bung the cause of the peculiar sm ill wh eh accompan ies electric discharges in the air, nu I of tho one which belong to oxygon pro duced under tho influent" of u galvanic current in water mixed with sulphuric acid. "If I had timo I would eerta'nly con tinuc the researches untie by tho cele brated L'ty.erig, who, in 1S(), declared that the grip is a mysotic affection of the blood, caused by S ecliil microbes which tlo not develop iu tlio form of littlo chains, but in very irregular groups." Here tho doctor took from his library five or six medical works in which the grip microbes wero cirefully repro duced in enlarged tl rawing. "Have you any particular treatment you might mention?" "Well, in 1 he cae of grip not com plicated with other tl is ases, 1 attend to the symptoms at once, prco: i bin-; rod anil confinement to tho hou Anti pyrinc and snlicilnte of qtiinino nre of excellent use. Beetling must bo prac tised in enso pneumonia sots in. It is an old remody to which most doctors return nowadays with success." Sniss Pennants. I will tell some store which prove that the Swiss pen-nntt, though they look so stolid, have in them the stuff of tragedy. There was a lad in a valley called S.hauligg, not long ago, who loved and was b-Mruthcl to a girl in tho Hinter Kheinthul bolow Splugen. frilio jiltttl him, having transferred her affections to another, nnd ho went to tako a formal farewell of h's swet hcart in her home. Kverything pissed decorously, so much so tint the girl's brother put his horse into the cart anl drove the rejected lovor with his own sister down to Thusis. The three hnd cached that passage of tho V-a Mila where the I! 1 no loses it-e!f iu a very hop, narrow gorge. It is cal e I tin Verlosenu L- eli, nnd is spnnno I by a boi ler bridge thrown at 1 i ;lit img'es ver the liver. Here, us they were pinning merrily down hill, tho lad iood up in tlio cart, sp ang to the paiapet of tho bridge, nnd d ished him self atone bound iilo tho grim d"ath .'f jaggotl rocks nntl churning wave below them. It was 11 stroke of im aginative fancy to commit suicide for love just nt this sp it. An I now a second tnlo of ilespcinte passion: A rich mm in the Pratt ig.iu had two tliildren, a daughter and a s 11. The laughter wlieoll d him into allow ng her to marry gome peaau, who was poor and an unequal match iu social sla' ion Then bis son set his affections upon n g rl cq nl ly in -Ii g' bio ; (ho father stoim !, but tho youth was true to his plighted troth. Muring a temporary absence of tho son hit father contrived to sen 1 the gill off to Aiil'U'i im with a ruin I sun of motoy. Oi his return, a'ter hearing what ha I hap pened, the hi said nolliin;, but went down to the Lnndqiiirt water in the veiling mil drowned hunielf there. A nl now n thirl tale: La-l spring, in a village not ilnee hour distant from Davos, lived a young man who was 1111 orphan. He ha I inherited a c msi li m bic ost.u'o, anl cxp-cted moro f rim t w 1 nicies. Life, could be havo manage 1 it pi ti lotitiy, would probably have nnd n him tho wealthiest f irmer in the neighborhood, and lie was, to b lot, a stal nait follow on win m natii e hud lav ished all inr gifts of health and. cinn liness. Unluckily he loved a girl of whom his uncles disapproved as a match for such a youth of enmt qipneo. One Satur lay evening, in the custom is here, ho went to pay bis nldresses by st -tilth to this maiden of Ins choic, and rct-ur.it ng early lo xt morning bo was upbraided by h's interfering uncles. 1 tin not know what bo replied, but cer tainly he male no -c :ue lo sp-ak of. When tho uncles left ho unhooked his gun f nun the w uiilen paneling of tho home room, went out almio into the copse haul by Mil put a bullet tlmiii'li bis brain. vi'ii jlt'li Hrxw. Itiilliiir; In China. The following is a brief account of the Chinese la in, taken from punonar observation: There are two outol rooms used for undressing nntl dressing; the first n nl larger is ft r the poorer classes, the second for tho-o who c in sider themselves more respectable nnd who wish to be more private. As you enter Hie larger of these rooms, a plac ard which is hung near the tloor in foim you whnt tho chnres nre, nnd a mini stand there lo rceivj the in nicy on entrance. Arranged iu rows tl own the miibllo nnd mound the sides of both rooms nro a ti timber of miall boxes or lookers, fiirnishe l w.th lock and key, into whic'i the visit rs put their clothes, and where they tan niako sure of them when they rdum from tho bathing renin. The bathing room is entered by a small door nt the further end of the building, and is about thirty feet long nnd twenty wide, the bath occupying tho whole spice, except a narrow pith nround the sides. The water is from one foot to eighteen inches tleap, and the sides me lined nnd covered with marble s'aln, from which tin bathers step into tho wa'cr, rnd on which they sit nnd wash themselves. The estab lishment in the afternoon an I evening is crowded with visitors, and on enter ing tho bath room tho flrt impression is almost insupportable. Tim h it steam or vapor meets you at tin tloor, filling thecjesanl cars, and causing perspiri tmn to run from every pore iu tin body; it almost darkens the pine, aid the Chinamen seen in this imperfect light, w ith their brow n skins and long tails, sp -rting in tho water, rend r the scene a ni 1st lu I ierous one to a foreigner. Those visitors who uso the c unuioii room pay only six copii'r 1 ill ; tin other class eighteen ; but th y, in addi tion, have a cup of ten and .1 pipe of tobacco from the proprietor!. I must mention that one bun I roil copper cash amount to about 11 inn cut of our money, so that tho first class enjoy a hot water bath for about one-half a cent, ami tho other .1 bath, a private room, a cup of lea ami a pipe of tobac co for something lots tha i tw) cents. From this it will bo seen tint the Chi nese, although far behind us in many respect, could give our pooler classes a lesson in cleanliness. 1'ojiu'nr Hcienct Xfirt. Another (Jirl Entirely. Snaggs Tho young hdy who just passed looks liko a misanthrope. Mrs. Saaggs Hut sho isn't, dear. Silo's a Miss Kibinsou. Vithbur.j Citron ick. The flannel shirt is so mrdest that it shrinks from day to day. Usht mi l Luto. If light should strike throii r.li cvry dark ened plate How many a deed of wickedness mid ft shame Would cease, arrested by its gentle grace, I And striving virtue rise, unsallii by I blame! . I'lie prisoner in his cell new hopes would j frame, i The miner catch the metal's lurking j trace, ' riio -igo would grasp the illstliat barm our race, j Anl unknown heroes leap to sudden j fume. I II love for one short hour had perfect su ay. How many a rankling so e its touch, j Mould heal, IImw inanv mist 'inception pass away And hearts long bar. loie-d learn to feel, What viu;albie would awake, what feildsj le, ay, Jl perfect 1'ive ni'ulit reign tor one tdiort d.y' .V. tr fl-oOM 'HIJ"H. IIU.nO!t!HS. i ii belter to have n turnup noso Mian a t ahbnge head. Is a gin thou ;ht to be lining gr.at Mciili n when it hang lire '. Culture il'" not m 1U0 A lobular beet may be ;!iing. 'Silence n gold Ul,'' who write and sold bis in telliii'' it. a eonll iimn. a ciltivabd sn d the wit j ik", i ii'r id 'I'lieie is hope in t!i" future for every nun. Mie 1 for tin you Ii with a air f tight ib !--. on th re it the bliful piospct t of li1 1 time. "Tike away w urn,' fail a writer .1:1 a illuming p.'ip'r, "nnd what wou'd follow! ' A man would. (! vo m mule thing bard, next time. Inquisitive Citizen Winit' the ma', .er with the in tii ? l!;eu run over by a n lr ind 'mi ii? Ambulance Surgeon Worse thn.i tint. Ho was caught iniong tho women in n barg lin rush al Seller's. A good thing tun be nrriel to 1 tar. A 1! istou man, who had Incn told that lie wai about to tl i", a ko I the doctor 'or his bill, saying that bo did not w ish to depart In 111 bi lifo-loug rule, "Pay in you go." Y ting lady ( o etlitoi) I havj such i pretty Ii' t lo story with nn. Can you use it? Kli'or Oh, cc tuinly; wo can uso anything bore. (To tflico boy) J i 111 in", put a few nine m 111 1 cup'. in bo stove; the room is grow ng cold. Always I". nployc I H ncvolent Per nm (to trump) --Wuat do you usually lo in the winter tinv? Trump Wait 'er summer. Buiivo'ent Perion And what do you do when summer coincs? Trump 1 resignedly ) H-g.n t 1 wait fer winter. ' Where are yon going, my pretty mnitle?'' 'I'm going to sneeo atchno," sliesaide. Statistics as to Hunchbacks Ten veins ago a rem ir'-able chaiaet 'f iicl in Paris. Ibi was known all ov.ir France and tho grea fr put of n l Ku- -po as "The I. -arned II inohbuok.'' Ho was veiy wealthy, nn l sqi'iit a 111 nt ?f money in the la I .VI jcar of hi ife, traveling in all direction miking 'cscait ho' concerniiig It's 1 11 ichbaokod .irelhren. li. was in the miller p ir- lons of Kuropi that ho found thu mi, fortuno tlio mist previlent. Spiin sup. plied the greater numb -r, nu I in 11 cir lUiin sei ibed locality at tho foot tf tho Sieira Moreua ho found that tli-ro was 0110 humpbacked p'rson to every 13 .uhabitanls. They were also found to : v quite numerous in the valley of ill) l.oiie iu Fiance. T.ie little humpbacked itnti.tici in r ni:' to the 0 mo 11 ion that 1'iere w as one huinpba 'k in eac 1 I mil Inhabitants, or an ag ;r 'g it of 1,1'tt), IMUI against Ihc estimated thiusnud mil lions of tlio entire earth. After the death of Ibis eceentr'c indi vidual his licit s found in p'a-" of a will s voluiniiioti i m inn -crip' of " 'tl ) pug"", 11 1 coned n ill ; humps. T.i-I;nt page, althoii-h it sail nothing ab ni'. the dis position of poperly, expressed tho nithor's wls'u to have a hump of mnrhlo aisol over hisgr.iv', with thi inscrip- ion: ' Here lie a hiimnb ick who hat taste for hump3, and who knew mora n'lout tliem than any o'her hu mpback. " I Tlio Cziir'rt Precautions. I Whei the Czar travels, 11 littlo van ' guild it sent in nil vane, consisting of ' Avo locksmiths, two cmp'ntcr and ! two mason1, all of thorn b?ing married J men, born in the Imperial service, nntl Jovotelly attached to their august j master. Their dutici nro to examine j walls, floors, chimneys and fireplncos, locks and furniture in every room oc j rupiod by tho Cy. ir. Tlio chimneys in I pnrliciibir aro tho object of special u t to n t ion, in order that no iufornal machine shall be concca'o 1 iu them. A Coincidence. Wife What did you ever sco in ms I to mnko mo yt ur wife? j Hiiilmnd Do you know I've askei mysolf tho same thing a hundrel timet j since ws'vo bcoa marriod I i'nWi,