tfljc l-uitljam ttccor&. liATIiS ADVERTISING iih' s.piino, ti insertion- " 1.0 Jin' iuitri, (' mserliungj- 1.68 One sipuin ', tine ni' ,oth 2.61 l"nr HilviTt'lHCIIKnU liberal WW tim-is will bu'iiinde. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. VOL. XII. PITTSIiOWr, CHATHAM CO., N. !., FEliltlAUY 2, IWO. -No. r. &l)r tfljatljam Btcorft EDITuIl AND 1'ROrRlETOK. Cpttot c Siniw Flukos. Win re ilci they go. The nulling il.ikcn of tho bright, hite SHOW ' They itolo noiirisli tin- April showers; They ci' lo fo-tcr III" May-time Hwer.-; Wheict!' i i i.ii f l lie hidden grasses grow, There do they go. !!" do they go7 lri'i lifter ilmp, ill a silent How, When the warm rain lulls, ami the winds aie Intel, An I tlie swallow sing in the rifts of the el I. Through the frozen veins of the caith be low They softly go. Why ilo they go? bemuse I'. line Nature will have it ? Mure than '.his. truly, I cannot tell; I am neither a ti"r an oracle! When nil i- nnswi-icil, I only know, That tin y ' me and go" .;. ...'.,. is.. , ... it...- .dt. THANKFUL'S TEIALS. "I'm sute," nun inurm! Thankful Ii nnv i' ii hi r, "I don't know w hat to do.'1 ' Thankful I nnvi:i ker rime to the far W'e-t im what the fact i. in in habitants of HI'l" (Jii'i'i would have i ailed "a wil I .gno-e has". " She was oil ' ' I tie' gici! mi jotily of eiioniployid women in t!ii Slate of Vi ini"iit, In r l ousin, S pi re Todd, 1 nd heard from In-. nephew's wile, who In d n sister at line (riileli, that lliere was a distriit m honl-lriihiT wante l ill- it?. 'Chance lor y u, eh, Thank fill .'" -iid Mrs. T,l I. "I! ibr get oil as 'list a-" i vi r ytl i an, or It'll Im sn ipp.od up. hit. h p sit b us don't go a-begging long." Thankful looked np with lit;, wist t u! eye. '"It's awful l I weather to go Wi'-t, t n't it.'' s-ii I sin-, a little, tim idly. "I'll, if you're uftutd of tl little cold wind an I a -now llni or two!" sail Mis. Told, ol.-vnliag Ilel im-c. And Thankful packed le r dunk a! i n re, and di p u d I. "Ain't it iatln rhirl .ir.un, motto r," said the s, jinre, ' to se'id the poor gal way i IT Wet in sin h u bli.-aid as this 'eiet" "Well, .Indiu i," s:ud his helpmeet, "tin 's been lieio I wo goo 1 in-'ii ths now, nnd we want lift room for your Aunt Klia, that's got money to leave soui" day; mid, I i- i Io-, Dr. I.otha.r's a .ruin ing pretty sona old D " tor .len ningsos' folks next door, an I it's jest a well to have I'll. ink fit! I'enuvpuc'.Jcr out ef the way." F.piiic Tod I's lower iiw droppi d. "Why;" said he, in ;i!n;i -incut. 'Whyi ' mimicked his wile. "We I, give ine a mm f"r solid ihick hisi b d ni'ss ! Hain't you out u darter of you: own, and uin't 'lhankful I'i nnv packci a prit'v gal, if slio ii past iivc-aud twenty yi ai .' ' "li," said ilie sijii rs. ' M itelim.ik in', th.'" 'Well, (.ill ll ttha'. you pleisr," said Mis. Todd. "Anihnw, ii'.s time K'e:r.i was n ltlid in lite, and it's j '-.t as well to have Thankful I'i nuyp:iekei oil s mie when; else " lint when the Ve:inonl "ill uaihed lilin- (in!. Ii.eld Mr. Wei di ll, the .hair (d the hoard of trustees, processed liiinse'.f i .ieidiiii;ly soiry, I ut tin- p... s.tien hid lie-.'ti filled hy a hilf sis nr of his own. 'We alwavs pivo Wetern girls I lie preliieni e, " s iid he. ts i poor Tiiatikful went Inck to 'Sjuiie Tnl I s nephew's wife's sister,'1 in a finmo of mind widely ditTetctit fnun her name, and uttered thu piteous si ntenee 'hat heads our story. The nephew's wife's sister win failed Mi I'rav a stent, c heerful hody, w:th hrioht hlu i yes and n douhle ehin. 'I dedaie t pooduC", Miss lVnn liacker,1' said she. "1 feel noiry for yon, hut I hain't a minute's time to spare ii-listeiiiu' to what Miles Wen dell said juU now. Two o' tlm Clnna tnen lrive cone, .ml Hridpet won't stir into the dinin'-rooin as lonj na Vnn- S e ii there. It's strange how she nud the Chinese luite each oilier. And the tiaiti is due in forty minutis, nn I eiphtien nieuleis have telegraphed lihend.' ' I'm't I help yon?" sfiid Thrink ful. Von? Why, you're an educated luily," s:iid Mm Met 'ray. 'That's no teas'n I rnn't rook n fiiensse, or hake a pumpkin-pic," said Thankful, smiling in spito of liei troidi'ei. "And I liav" no especial prejudice iipninst Wonc; S e; so J'd soon po into thu dining room nnd sec to the tahlcs as not." "Will, I'd he tnoital obliged to you if you would,'1 said Mi ). Mi Cray, with a preat sih of relief. "Here's one o my big while k iteheii nprous to tie over your black scrpc die s, m it won't be sp'ile l ; and you'll fil l Won Hio very teachable and docile." So that Miss I'enny packer wni flying iiroun I presently in the m a', cool loouu of the railway restaurant, litre long ttih'ux, diHpcd whith wh to, were dee rated with cve giem nil 1 holly, heme, and tho pla-s an I croekery, albeit of tie!', w.n s-paikliug and ilpin. Tim 15'u- fJulch meiit station, ns Mr. MeCru; told TliauXful, was telebiatol nil along tho line for its p geon-pic, its tooth :omo wnlll :, an I its dainty bits of hiiine-iiiadi! cookety. "And now you're here t sort ' key Won;; f'i! strai;'h'ene I up,"said she; "I can pivo my whole min I to the w.illl s." A keen wind howling down the rail way cut; a cloud of drifting snow, sharper than needles and p.ns; and then the shi i' k of thu train. Wong P"e a I jiited his clean white tunic an I iuhb"d his hun 1 1. 'Sippr allee reid-e," said he, Mls-.-rCr.iy slie got w.dll ' all c .ok as" 'it Ii, the havtli.ii Clnnec!'1 siit I', id;.!, in hei dill behind the 'i'i and coll o h .bier, ai sh" u-owl-I il'iu' te -iib! thin ;s at 111 -, smiling Celestial. The p.i -sci'gi ts lushed with one uc corl for (lie warm, cu.v, savory-smelling iliinng ro in, for tho fame of the liluo (inch will)1, had penetrate I far and Wnle w leu all of ll sil bleu tiiele was an e i Sam ation, n pati-c, u cm fu sion. ' What is iti'' said Thankful, who, with swilt h iii'ls, was carrying leu and c IT ' thii win and tint. "A gentleman hu slipped on tin icy iiir sip," suid Mrs. M' Cray. "I ici k"ii likely he's bn ke lui leg or arm or something. Heie, Miss Penny pucker ; yoa e one to lie! wiill! irons. I ll j 1st top and see what th-J tmiibbj is. Me. Ciny ain't never on hand at an ciuer em When the tiain had pone, the hint pa-'-en.i r lay in a little w hite cm lui n. d loom up s1 an s. Da-tor I'clloa had set his broken nun a id bandage I hu spiunii'd unk'.e. "ll y on bavi' in i leiately g io I luck, ' sail h", "you need not be detained more than tw or three weeks. And the pcopl" heie aie very kindly u'ld te spe. table. They'll innkn you fairly . -oiiifii ' able, .you'll I'm I. " wayfarer uttcled a pioan, but tlnie was n i appeal, tin u!l tin eurtli theie is no lik.; a couutiy due tor. Mi s Mi ( lay was k nl and motheily. Wong See, with his Ittlo almond sha;id ryes and piijelual smile, plovcl tob -a i "i pi i 'i I nurse; and afier :i little the pitient got unl to his aptivity. ' Who is that I lour sinking down s'aii-s ul times; ' he asked, one day. ' W. Ii," said Mi .. Mi C ay, "it's our Ii -idp-t. D. e. sh,. dstuib you.' Shu will keep singing 'N na, My Nina,' say whit you wi l, and 'No, it isn't that howl," suid the sick in m, with .1 shu blor. "It's same iiiic singing bits out of the ' l'l ovatoni' little sweet trills and runs liko ll iirjhti'ig.ile." Ha!1 suid Mrs. Mi Cray. "Ireikou that' s Thunkl ill." "And w ho is Thank ful .'" 'M ss I'ciiny pat ker. My sistci's ha bull's nut le's cousin, that came all the ii.iy froln the Mate o' Vermont to teaeli deestiick s. hoil, uud when she i; t heie another woman pobh ' 1 it Up ! he sitooiitn.u, 1 lie in. " "(Hi!" sa d the invalid. "Ye, thank you, Mr-. M Ciuy ! If you'll put the I m made pitcher on thu table, 1 an reui li it my s, 1 1." The big Mirhigan m.ii on the ponh ol the Todd f ii nihoil-e w.-is nil ill bio, soiu when Doitoi I.i.lhair c.iluo .it .it to make the b.ii; pioiuised visit to Ills friend, MooMl .bnniugs. "lint it ain't no u-c!" sighed Mr. Todd to Id. i l l, her daughter. ' He's lining a wile with him, I'm told a bride all the way from Dakota Tuiri t. ry." Humph!"' said disappointed Klec tra. "A leg ii nr wild Indian, 1 guess. Itat, for nil that, I'm sort o' curious to see her. Let's po in to night, mother, when they're thiough tea." Si Mr. Todd and the f.piire donned ihrir b"st clothes, and V. ec!ia put on her newest sol of tidi-scale jawelry, an I they nil ttudgid over to ",len ninps.s' lu lls.'," the sun had set mid the w in - pour wills begun to sing. Whv, mi, lock there!" su d Kl. c tia. ' li's . oi -in Thankful, sine s you'ie born, set tin" on ill" pi..y, an ' -1 'No, it ain't!" said Mis. Told. "Y.", it 'si W hy, how on aii th coiiio sho heir?' Thankful came lunning down the -tep. "Well, I derliiri !" sui I Mrs. Ti d I, -ccictly pbiniii'ig within herself how to nvoid inviting Thankful to the house. "The fur West seems to liev iigreed with you. Meicy, how red your care ks be ! S'poseyoii took ml -vHiitiigo of the chance to come bark Ki'. with Doctor Lot'iair an 1 the bride. W hi te is shef ' The bride'1' Thank fill's cheeKs wueiedder tliun . v r, ' (Hi, didu't you kuowJ 1 nm the It de!1' "Yout" echoed Mrs. Todd. 'Yei. t'oiiiu in an I I'll introditco yr u to my husband." I'iih,' old Doctor Jennings treated the visitors to a Ion;; account of tho whole thing from Doctor Iithair's need lit at libl! C.ulih to the wedding, when; Wong S'O waited, nnd Mr. M ( ray coo'scd the game and enlruct. It wu. ipiite a Mmuiice, he di rlare I. And Sipiire Todd s'oppeil on tlm way home to indulge in a hearty laugh. "To think," sa d he, ' 'what a mortal hurry you was m to get Thankful out id tho way of this very man, io't Kloctra tsiu'd hev a clear chance." Ju lgn To Id," (.napped liis wife, "you should n t laugh out sn bull and coins.! It's ilieiidlul vulgar! ' Xifir- Siibsl.inlial llandsliul, ings. It was yeais siiu i , in the llirk le. L'ion, while I wa-riding a cm ml, Iliu'. I saw a minister enjoy a most substan tial handshaking, says i wilier in the Si. I.oius ;',h ),,. ,;;,. Snaking II all Is wa- hi' pi . nihility. I Io b lieVi; I in the polcn.-v rf .-udiul prasi to win men to I he r.iuu !i, and tlumgli suciesi In! in winniiig .ouls he was very nil or -lunate in the matter of loiltiti-g dollars. In fact p.'Virtv continually stared him in the f lb' owned a little fit m .and d ll as long a it w ould yie'd.i dollar. The mortgage wire tailing due, but 1 here wa , no pro-peel, of pay ing them. lint it did tint I 1 1 1 c him. i bit. lie shook bauds inure heartily than ever. "I have no I I'linde I faith in hand shaking to lung . veivihing out tight," he often said, until his p.'iiehant cimih to l e the talk i f lh" t iwn. A' las!. (.Hue t h" day win a the mnrtg ig s luu-t. be f. iei b s, . tint woit'd deiiiive III in 0 f t hi! 1 i 1 1 e h"i a" till' she I ( i a t" I In'lii'i 1 V. (:i (he ce or tha! day a knoi k nl j the door nl his lion--, wliiih wain lit- , tie way from (own, cuUmI h in. Wle u he opened the door a irowd , iiishid in, and, without saying a word, ciiiimenied shaking hi'ils He felt some! hin:; i oi l in ihe p i'tuof the lir.l man, and when tlm hand w a- w illidr.i w n j it slm k to hi-ow n. "Tiiat i. the most i sill ist ;m 1 ml shake 1 fur ep- rieni-ed,1' j he said, as bo hold up a "i gold pnu ". Hut the in t man st-ppe d up .and a s.l nr dollar was left in th" in-ai liei 's i palm. N i one would say a wni I in j explanation, but pn-sseil in in him as fust as he cud stiik the ni' liil and bills into his pockut. The limi n was! not large em ugh for the vi.-itois, each one of whom deposjte I fiom 1 to id11 in the oulslielcl.ed haiiil. ICnh hit I the moment his bttb-nruol wusaec uii- . pi ishe I, and not a Mold cmiM he b id ! Ill iX'lanu'l on, cMipl the lust one, w ho, us ho turue I to go, in marked: ; "We wanted to play a little joke on ; you, and we have." The several jokes" n tied ju-t s71. lbs homo 1 was. -avid and a neat ba'anie wu. left be-ides. The minister niainta ined that , he hud C'liitiiieled a habit thai night I hat. for a year ul'tei w ui d, when he shook a hau l, prompt. ! him to look into his own palm, half .vii i ltiig to see a piece of metal there. True Io His Trust I.i the .iniiee- pel ill th' hankers of Helena, M -ii t .in... thought notliiiig of sen ling i'i, mi, ml l w nth of gold du-t bv the tieigh'.ing wag is iu rosi tha . ounliy -'it' miies t ' 1'.. I!' ntnu f ir shipnieul by i iv I. Tin y inli listed the tieii-il e to io ipl iiii'ioi' e wlm c!i nued to be in iking ill trip, i v n to 1 u i bond and bit no an ety. Th-' mil lions went !hi"u ;'i saUsv, a'tiioiidi th; ho.indaiy ol the llntisU d.. millions is templing!,1 near part of the route to I-'., liiinu liniket" Ibisliticll uf Ibleui le is a-i i ieri'sting st.iryofa m in by wlinm lie one.' sent if I "' , Him in gold dust from ll-leiia. Tile dust was pill in the pi c'm'I of a j icket, which wui worn next to the holy. The man who carried the tieu-uie was only n cnsuil ai ipiaintuneo of the bunker. : Two or thr.!.' da s out from lb lena the 1 stag.; bv which the trip wui being niadn m t with an acci lent. It i dl 'l dow .i a bill 'id", and til tissii ir i cinier badly hut. Sveial ol Ills libs were broken. lie w is tak 'n to u i abin, and there he lay in agony, with the dust still fastened ab nil hun, positivdy relusiug to let it be iiin-'M I until Mi Her-hlicl I . oil I sent f"i" and the trust c mid be leluiliel to his hands. , Men may not be mora lcnest in Mmi- ' tiinu than ctewh"re, but it is a fact , that thefn of bullion have been of rare oi currenc '. - (.' '.'" ' r-tK , Til for Tab Mr. Yo'tnger (meeting Mi n Winters on the street) Why, how do you do? M ss Winters (with a cold state) You have evidently mile a nil-like, sii I Mr. Younger I bog a thousand pardon' --1 mistook y it for your mother. - t'i' -'. CM 1 1, bit EN'S 1'01.1'MN. TIIK SM 111. I-I'V r W 1 It. I wish 1 lived w here ice a'.il snow Forcer did abide. Then lift) would be to me. 1 know, Knt' long toboggan slide. , I'd i oust and skate I'i.. m moiai till if ght A ml ne'er for summer sih; l it wear a suit of bearskin white. And live on Miowlull pic. .V..i y,.rk J,;l. Tin: i.i.iiif f oi'in n. iuvs I Our boys nnd girls Il(.t wonder j when the touch oil a niilcli and thus j produce lire, but 1cm leineiiibcr, -ays j nwritir, when I was a boy, of being j actually, or at least startled, when I saw u matt rub u little stick against the side of Um house, tibia n ' ! light and iguili) his! tig ir fioin il. I, j lucked a little liko a specim.'ii ofta. lilac' art. Now what sh 11M we do without mat. lies that we buy at a cent ' or two a luiiit I..' I We ti ed to ra'sei up the titeni;li!s j and keep a bed. of coals to start (tie lit ' i in the morning. If wu lo.l th" Ii' , w.i , bad to use a flint mud steel and haiunn r J away at it until wu sen! a sputk into the ' tinder. j Kirn then there 'Win an out tit thai ! could be In ii glit for a .piiirter at the I , 1 I npolliei ary s called ph'-splnnou ' mutches. It c. !si-le i of a i,.iiii. box j six inches long and an inch in ilianie I ter. In the top worn the mulch..., ' and in tile bottom was a small vial, into which they had to In thrust to procure j tin; light, lii'loto. the sort ol j mad lies weir 111 being they ram.! ia ob- I long boxes, rne!i conlniuing a double piece of 8 indp i er, upon which to : ligh' them. j In tliosij days it was a Piuivil and j triumph when a light was pro. iircl by drawing th" initcli mi any lu'igh mi'i j slain ", but in late years the ti ii'b u. is in thr oth'-r d i . tion. la Anion. ' and Kuione inaihei that will igmh i j only on the. box are regarded .is th I sal'c-t. Al l; im ui-' si'ini;r- ( uirio jii'npe I Iron. In r bunn-e nspid -r wm s,ini. ng d iwu l-efoi-i n r from t'i.' cii'tng 'They are such hate ful bin. I, t hiug-!'' she s.ii I. "Tney aie ( irio'i- things,'' Slid All i! Nellie. Tin y have eight lixe I . V. s." "Den nn ! an 1 ma'.'" -he u l.u! nt me with all c gin ol liiciu,'' jgioaiu-d C "ill rif. "They tin i veiy f.ui I of mu-ir." "1 shall never din- to mi g again, for they'll he spinning d'wu in lis ten. " "They can led you if the w rather i to be linn or not. If it i g ing le storm they spin a slnut thieicl; il ii will br clear t hey spin a I" a ; one, ii. there will be no wind to In ik it." "Thai's funny.'1 ''They lire an odd f.ain lv, " Aunt N"!lie went. on. 'l siw- one on the window-pane ! lie other d iy. fs' e tar ried a little gray silk In; .ib."il with lu r wherever she i.m. te had .pu i "lie bag herself. Wil. a it bur-l open ever so in. my tiny babvspilas turn del cut like buds limn a ii-st, nud ran iilong with her. IVrii-ips i"u didn't know that tho spider i in -;u uu l sew ton. tshu .-.pins her weii an I she sews leaves together for Inn -ilium r Ionise." "What a ipieec thing a p 'b i i-!"suil C.lir.e, b-giiining to fotget h-r .1 i s'ikr. "Yes; and she h i. a .pi. er sister i i r.iigland, wh.cli make-, a lull an I oil pools ol water in -i mil i! ll e. for the Inniily, which live under water in a diving-bell wh.cli .-h" weav.-s her sel I. " ' lloW 1 Would like to see hel ' "Turn there is nu'iiin r kind of a spider of wliit h I have he u d, v m mi j hi pi-sib', v like better. It is cali. d the T'.owcr Spider.' It lives among the llowcrs, and instead of alw ivs being blink, one which ju.t now ft ighteii'-d you s i, or gray or blue, ii takes its color from tin: tl iwir it in ay . bailee to livj among; so that it i, soniititnes very blight nnd beautiful " ' (ill, T should !iivo to ce one .d that kind," said Carrie, "though if it is it spider of any kind 1 sle til In'l wait, it to come near me. " "May be you would rather fee the one ill the West lndi'is, whi.h di;s n hole in the earth. Sac lines it wit! silk of her own making, and tits a d iot to it, which opens nnd closet when thu family g"rs in .ami out." I " Kiid Cullic, "how delight ful!" "Hut you won! I be afrai I of the lit -in itcs." 1 'I'.rhipi not, now know tltcii family ulTiiis. "' Hi- I.Ht!, (, . i " " III (ilellt I, lick. j "l'.'orboy! your father disinhciilcd i ou, I hcai ?" i Yc Dear oi l .lad j he always ; looked after tne. " "Wliat do von mean?"' "Why, tho old man died hi nil rvet j heels in debt. All that, went to raj ! Lrotiiers. " 'A TIiRRIliLB ORDIiAL A Hunter in the (.'rasp of a Hugo Grizzly Dear. Ho Lios Still Whilo tho Brulo ManBiois His Body. Time were two Am ticaus in th Suita ("ni l Valley of California ut an early d iy brother. n one Ho .v.ii l nud M . 11 1. I ( l.-r ielver. They owned largo farms, h id a wide in .piaintauee and win very pipu'ur. Tile,- were also the li st rill '-shot . and tlm most cool and slices. ful hunters in th" count. I La ve s i M .-Ii id, at u turkey ni i'i h, kili hi, I. id at ti')H yards. Tin V used to kilt wil l geese, coyotes, mountain .plait, and liare on the run with theii ll'inry r.ll . S ill, (hough tli-y h id -ho! hun Ire Is of doer, antelope and cl., they never went bu it ing. At li-t, in 1N, in the San Heiiilo mou iiiims, Howard Ovuratsier hud his bear ad vent uie, an I the details ate' very charactcristir of tlnj habits of the Tlie elder Overaekor w is tlie i in tin prime of lit'., cxtreni'i'y s', wirv, lean an I .piick in his mot ions. His brother an I u mi l n iui:d l'.-i;; i-mi funned I he rest of the p.i' ly. Tn v h it i imp an I srp-ir.ite I, I ikuig n-.n-:,' parallel laviues. Ibiwutd was .slowly working his way thiough Ihe d: is', thorny hu-lies, ,,Hed by Cu'ifoiiiiuis ( happai il, when lie su bbmly i m upon a large and old gri..!y at close .pi utcrs. was less thm Iwcniy f.-.-l 'iHtanl, ,'iiid a! once, with n is nr of rug.', threw himself upiii K.via ker. The hunter, with ihut muvellous rapidity which su' !i in n a. ptire, put u toil b l inl hi-, fo", threw on' tin' sli-II and hul pumped another caitridge into tin.' nil when Ihe i ui' of tho wil ib r ness stiiii , him. Tne blow delivered wi:h the right paw struck him on the fur and iie. k, bu'lod tho gun into tlie bushes, and f '11. d hun to the ..rami 1. Tiio gii.l instantly ciiighl. hun in till. " I a.,.- th- rib! Im ukinp tw ', an I t.'iimg lh' in; th" nll.ei- piw mi the ankles, lipping and . ru hing th" ll 'Oi, the to t'i and j iw s elo-od on ihe thigh, luang ling the ll -ll an I ing it Innu llio Id. tie. ( '. eia-k'l , though perfectly c.iiscio'is, lav wiih up a motion thiough tin, ti irilio iis,.ai!l. The bear suddeliiv pot his llel-l on tlie thigh, .ami caught Kvor.trker bv tlm shoiibler, beiking and crishiag the bones together. l-'roni th" i.m when Ii- rose again ! the m in to th--tune wleni he dropp.'d him a b in I .if broken bones and lorn llesli, tlie 'i z'v lia 1 seem n dy pill, f .rill oil ! Ii u ilous , f ii , ( iv, ra. ker sail all)-! w n I In was no stronger in the b -ir's giu ptbui a cat. woul 1 bo iu Ins own T c b ar left ti i in a iiioiuo it, walk" I ub or i i a ciirle, icturued .sud-b-nlv nnd I i: p-.n of ll -sh ns large :. marble li on p il ls of ( )v. i n''er's b ..I ,-, .m I t In n took his liual do part ine. Kveiackcr, :i lew miiiii'es I -,t, r, se! -1 the braneln s ovei h. a I and stm-. I g'ed to his feet, but, to i.e b-i ,,wn I phrase, "all lui lied blaik," and bis! ("iiipuni mis feiiiid him hi'! mi hour I later. 1' r Vi-i as I;,, w . ll"! to I iv.'. but liis w i le's nui sin rxp- Sol Ills magiiilii enl constitution p.illel li in tor nigh. Two years later ( vein kei returned Io (lie s,une r. gi-ill and shot two I irg grilies wi'hoiit anv u--i-t j iin.-r. 1 1 ie id th m re. no: I eight i llouty I lb' bllilets be! , e ho -ll, , illliSe I. j This liii.e Miirilito to Im b-mg j III colliplishe I, he lui lis ho til ' 1 e be.l's, I and even di-c mi ag.-s tlie i;lil iuiii.b-lj sneer at the Cali f ori.i.i gr . v. I a ke I ! the vetoiau whettu r lie Would have used a liowin ll In; h id had it whd m the grip of the foi, ,t king. KverafUer suiiled grimly: "It was a v.-i v larg- bear as 1 irge as an c. If .1 .'in Snl- liv.ui had I n iu inv place, a id li u I driven a bowie .hroitgli lh" Inir's heart he would h ive I n kid "d In the death struggle. As for a revolver, it would have b en suicide to have Ir.el it. Hi! if tlie hc.v had tn-eu fifty I, el ell when j 1 law li 1 1 ii( iii-iea 1 of twenty fe t, 1 i could tune kip! mil of the wu long enough to kill him." V. )'. Y'e'. Until Worked Haul. If own You woiidii'l be -oextrm.i. pant if you Knew how loud I hair to work for my money. Mrs. Hrown And if you only stopp-r 1 to think, you wouldn't say sin h a thing lust see how hard 1 ha 1 to work to get tin- bonnet you roiupla n nliuut. Why, Iliad lo visit about a hundr. .1 stores 1 efore 1 could find one to suit me. ' In Imminent Danger. .lonny Here com. s .lack, auntie. 1 wish you would coma down nnd stay in tho room. Auntie Why? Jenny I'm afraid he is going topro poe, nnd I can't trust myself he looks so poor and to handsome, Jtn flu Iocs us Mr. II"inii'lay pan's lh" inillalo very low, indeed, in tl.c stand ard of inentiit e.poity, and makes t his stuptlilv th-; . aiM" f his extermination. lar if tho no iiaieh of the pla lis lacked intellect, he certainly did tint want for nil'. .-: ion. Tne manner in which tli" hull btiirdo pr ..(. . e I ihe. ihe. f t he herd is u glen. H ex i in ; It- of piiieinai iu tiio l. An Minv siiigiioi ici ilel t iej f, '.lowing in lair e to Mr. Iliniadiv; "lb was in i- nii nn- i I'l'tiiii.; when Id , .it lent ion was arrcti d by 1 l,e ( in i'.ii- action nl u 111 til- kii"l of six or right biiir i! oes. A ppl "iichin g sul'i i i 1 1 1 1 y near to se.. c.c.iilv, be dis.i.vere.l I Ii at. tins Into knot wil- la ide up id bulls, st ai ding in ,. n , i will, I., ..Is ,,,1 while ill ii c on i-u'rlc i ll i l , at soul" I'i or l."i pace . d istiinl. sil ut In t n .b.'-u huge gley Wolve. I . -i-ptnig man, the lll'isl daligei.'U ; (. i'-iiiv of Ihe b. l)'i!(i. Tho ib (Stir deli a m an . I Io waiib the pi rl'orni.iuce. After a f-'W ni"iuents the knot broke up, and st i keep ng in a compart mass, t tried mi a trot fo' tho main herd, sonie hu T a m Io .11. To his very great a-i on ishmenl, lii-i doctor now saw tiiaL the icniial and controlling ligine of tins m a-s was a poor little calf, so newly born as s' nic-ly to ho ublo to walk. Alter going .'' or I "i ;. .-. the calf laid i" in, i ii - im i , n p s.--1 in -m el vt's m . . sirle as bi-lore, and lh" wolves who had In. 'le I al mg on ,-.n h -i.h: ol their lei icifing -upper, sal down an I li.kul tin ii ci..p. aga ii, and thoiigli the 'b i !. i di I no! ,-,: tin; li i ile, it being I. it" and lie c niiji di I ant, lie h id ho do obi th-n th,- noble I'liliets did their wloile duty to linn ifi-i'iiug, and can ml li snlely Io Hie hul." The, lult'alii, if taken wli-i onii!, s i ImiiiIs with .-in pi ising i . 1 1 1 1 ! i . I l.e 1,' .str.uni.s of i p ns I,. Mi. II .in i I i,- If. I :t I bullaio n i.-i in ilo- . v. : lee! P-1-. - '.', While .Meeischailiii is loniiil. So far :i' known, lui.-i i s, haiini n found ui io. oihtr puit of the world than Ihe pi. t y linle village ,,f J-;,kis-elm, iii A-ia'ie Turkey. The coinpo. lien I pails id me. r-fli.'iuin are s,,j. ( tnai'iie-ia, silex and Hint, and .some I ine- Iran s id mm, cat I h nud other iiiioi'iais in ii. tin. i in li. (in.-- ii i hi a Iiiii- il wa . .1 alb Io the C an iians to go near lh" 1 1 ii , wh i!i go under glouin! some Hurt ,' In ', m l uie aire. I and kept dry by :i wiulmel. The 'I'll! ks ,1) not liei -eve III I e pi . I I He I hill nor in Ilo. ding the maiket, and pines lien I . i me dow n, bu gmeiaHv liavo all llpw lid lend, l.ev v. ie gov. a nm. uit i Is a l n-:ei' I unds, lor liie g ea1 e-l e v ; " ing Ihe pi.. I u, i io-i i , 1 1,, i '-r tlm lop: ni u:in . . I tlie g' el U meill. The i o I 'e I ' hi! Vol mine for a i nip'o of li in , , t ,, :,n. llie-l lie ell in the -II I ll '!l 1 e and to! a. . '. S it N a k .1 1 ..- I :,, v r ,p "IT III" e 0 'b tr im I li 1 .1 Ml' -i liioer -rhailli.. fiifli tl.rv ul..- ll..- .. I. le,! ,.f 11 lice W hu ll t ! ow - 1 I I h ., In ll V und rub ilo lump -ii,,.. a ii a u I .v i! - mne ' "ine l'!i"'i il Hung "I a poli-li. In t! 's so!. 0 . it i , !, A m a!i I nl n i v linn h 1 k" ii.. ' i i h.i'.iii IS t olltld 111 f-. I 11 ill I 1! I I S iite-, bm ii 1 1 ... s n ''- u with I he Tin i.ish i i -i h. run. , e nn!- t it i"ii meet -. ha so . no . i r -m 1 1,,, i hips nnd shaving, id I no .., num. aili cle. The,' an- t ; r o!...,iol or in.i lud nl. i a pulp an I then in: . d with me 1. 1 lid ill-; i lit mi. ..Is -o i, I o kip ! l.e lll'ih I ll e . I . i.el Ilel. The I 111 I il , e a . i n . Hot lelalli Ilo- .'ll I I . .!... . ;, I i., . ill V tlllik. w hen tilled Willi Uleoliao. A Spill (odd l oin 'Two I, us I . r a I W e 1 1 , , p'e i -I','' s.nd a gen! 'ein.iu Io lh . i..,in in the c.oiuly I ti our r's ,.;h, ... the ". went t"' a' 1 Tlie iii-h:. r rang it mi th" i'i!'-r. It li i I 1 1, . iiba- dill ring ' I; i'. i h o n i ',.-. t. ft-1 I toius. .. in . ; i- a . p'. i i- ni l . time, all 1 t hen in -1" i It I it . l it u ,1 : v. "Is it hngu-;' ii-k'. I tne i-win i of tin- Colli, ' I 'l, no," Mini e: id ill t t-hier ; "it's g nid Us w Ilea!, Ill s I ,. ' C ni i : M n :. lie - i i . T i.i! is tie ti' -I spld if'.'ii 1 cv. I i stainpiiig in ii 'line at lb- in nl soni I. tne, c ones down b, I , ,, , !h. coins ,,-,d split, them, In: I I ,, I Ihe lur ;,r loins oh,. I, ..,, i 'tins' that siilT.-i. Pn' th, , aicvetv can I ul a I I lie mint, and t -p unt split i oin they delect. Now, in I b, ti.ou -sun, Is of dollars hi id e 1 her,! every year, I latc'y lind a split , ,,oi. ld-.n'l think I ve f.'iiud in no ti; , u lour or I've in a yen, ait I, in 1 say, the oin, wet e lllosllv if a pi. c.-s." The -p :l ?'l li nked pelfnt, and, so far as the eye c.-nid deled, hole tm ll iw of any kin I, The only ! nil! wiih it was in tlie "ring," nn I the split made it soiled "dead'' when thrown on the count, r. Almost every mini takes his day eft, but we never heud of hun bringing it Is ck ngain. All J lie, Know. Where lies the land to which the nhip wonM I ar. tin lib. ad. i a I le-r eniii. ii kiei.'s v lid wbeie lie- laud she I'llili ll-un? A av. ai. far belli' -I is all that 'le v can sav. . Hi -on l,p.-ll l!il. ll-ek III I i I i-d ill in i i ai lii. h"Vt 'e.i-.inl In I" to ,i" Of"-: tie tioo n. bull.';. Willi b below' 'I Io- (..anon walo l.n Helenin.' a, we go m t"!in moot , wl-.'ii w ilj unit liwesi-rs I i.e. lho p-.'),. u ibm.: I" I ,;lit will, w'll'l mid wave' Tin- i .i.i-' s ill--1 ."l lie- refill. g lli.'lsl I-. v lbs Io I.e.", .1,1 .Ill to Wish II pil-t Wiicie lies I In- iinel Io which the slop tt"I.S J-.' I o. ale. I I all Io ' .-ano li l now: And w te le Ihe I. is I -In- ir.i-.el - li-nii' Awav. Ku i. I n be', out i . all i Ii it i l.ev i an 'ay. -.1 .'.... .".A :.....,',. Ill (litl('S. A wi athei u p u ' t liiiu-ler. A "lion' ' i - ii tin. st.-vc is worth two n i t he lo-i k. Tiio In ho ti-, b- is a filling iicoiipii tion f. r any le d y. Haiti's ii.w st note, reach us high ns $ luotj ci-ry niL'iil. A good many p oplo speak in tliny l'v4 ''' 1111 i"'l,,'r k"''l'--''" "'l'" they ( ni iy mou- plot.-au! things, lb- Wii. n di I y in father say when you to! I hun tint wo engaged' Sl.e - k:i, Angus ii,, von mil I no' it s k lie: I-1 i epe it .sileh bill:: 1 agi ! ( iclk I want an im in-i' ol salar,'. lunployer iw.-aril.) -AH fi-hi. Any thing els"! ( n k- - An I I want In get ll an hour culi -i . veiy day, s'i I in n ipi :i I il. I.i.iei Y.-ui iisele mikes you his s - le hen ; ill lh" wi l siipuliiet that Ihe sum "I "io- t ii .ii :ri I dollars must be hum I with I. nn. Ibnr I feelingly) Ihe old man wa. i.e. nine; but his wi-le-, urn I I." i-;.-.-ti-l, .f conn l il wr.te a . h"i ,i f f that urn-unit. An L.n . Wile ll e'or, how is my lill-blllld .' I lorlni lie w ill emu iir nud a.l ugh:. What he needs now is ipiiel. I bavi. ln-ie n couple of opi al' s. "Wl.'-ii shall I give them to i :. ... . , . ,i . , I Tin y arn bo y-oi, niel iiii. our hinbaud needi let." In in-1 ions of lh" iici.i ti ut. In Ihe ml.-, and i . .inoui. , of Soul ll I .land bio, tin Is -I pin- t IKCIl by lh" t . i ; 1 1 . ' 1 J I coo ui. I1 which lines the. wlnic sail I of tin- in oh or msile.s I in Ihe gotge, ol Ine pi. i ipitoiis mou a- laui -in.'s. 1'. .in, ii kn -ws no waul, ia. I hi. i -t c : tool ni 1 1 i 1 1 1 y , with. inl i i.o pt.- .. tie i H o a, it t o be. . t W. At on, ,- I.o I -ml di Ilk, It bilil bs ii,,- i I-'iid"! Ins I. ..i . :, ol in in ; for oi.e it a I Is th-- 'b '. u in 1 f- r tin' oth I I l'l" -if - an I i .;'" ; ll i I '! lies lillll I pi. n.d inn, I .. k-ls in whohlo in i' hi- loo-l; it o.o.e. bun an ariiioi I ,,t iVIi I 1 1 - i . the .1 aipi -I HI low llll'l tiie In en .1 s, i, ; , , , I , ,t ia th.. fi'u'h- Cl h av. - as a l'.,be, 1,-1 and hoU C'l ii nl cl o. In il .ni i . i pi 1 1 pi d lor w. ii 1 1 oil! il a. i mi", a' n--n!i !. i u ns againto hi-it. mo ": inf. i n v and I- bin. i'd in u leal. ll I- tS" i n i .1' t l i-llc I. alure of t V' iy iiew, th.'.eiiiie ol nil histories and tin' "iiiuiiient o! every I ilo. ll ing fs iool5 in th" .-all sea, it lines ii, Im ai h w a h t i p-I .a ; luniks that lo Vii g' 'W slialghl k. wald, lis 1 1 they ll.l 1 been 'le-l;uel by I he 1 r le i u 111 g nild step like h at 'i il I i illlkl! it il! I tl.0 casli'l l"l the liid.'li 111 l.lalldet l. (limb I.-I li.s nil ui a! to i-l. S'-iiiely w lapped in it liln .oi hii-k I' I1 '-lis in d thiough ha. lie-ol si. i ry seas and gi own on an. sn-l. i-let w In re ihe ru'n never fall- to belli tune lh. -u.iport of wholo couiiuuni ii s w h i kuo.v iiot the taste of Ifish waier. About lh-- Icatlii'iy pliinios of this li '.' id i-ic f r source group all I the csseii! lals of an is'.au I life. A'. T. U ...,. I in k y He " is in U ht. ' 1 always oi'lgh," lelii'esuu ol I re-i-denl, "win n I reini iiibi r an t x p -'rieiico Iliad when a boy. 1 lived in tlie coim- j liy, and rue du; iiuoih.'i boy nnd my- :f had in . a ion to g i to tow n. Ilo '' d me .-f I , cut s, and wa-t,. pay , " ,:''" """" ll1' 1 ,uw". - Innlcl to gel change for ij.1. J0. mg '" town we bad Io cross a cock. It was caily in w inter, and the ie was slroiig enough to li 'ld ine, but ho was a great deal hi avier, nud in following tne he broke tl rough. II" nt mice bc pan to yell and sci imble for dear life. Tlie wall r was .piite deep ami ho wu in considerable .banger. I worked with might and main for lil'icen nr twenty miiiulcs and linu'ly succeeded in pulling hiiu out. ' Hy .b ve," I exclaimed, as I puHed and panted after my- exertion, "it wag n pretty toiitjh job getting you out of that creek."' "Yes, gosh bbmo it," ho replied, "and you wouldn't havo done it if X j Vidn't owed you 50 cents,"

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