tfljatfjam ttfcorfr. l)c l)all)am ttfcoru. II. A. J.OJNOOIV, EDIToIC AND PKOI'HIETOK. RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 W YEAR Strictly In Advanct. One tnjiinrr, one inscrtion i One square, two liisertioits" i One square, oue month 1.5 2.60 j For larger adveHiscincntg liberal cod ! tracta will be made. VOL. ML riTSlW)KO CHATHAM CO., N. C, MARCH 0, isim. AO. 2 7. if mm II II II IB II II II G Smiles nml Tears. You meant to wound me'.' Then furtive, O Irienil, win ii th" blow fi ll, I Turncil inv lice fri'lii yotitu tin' null To miii ili-. instead of dio. You meant t i chidden "ie? 1 It'll r friend, Whose praise lil.e jew el:- I hive Uf't, Forme mi', that fur very joy I bent my lii' 1 1 in ii'1 mul wept. 'A. I t,ilurj. HER LITTLE SISTER. "Ii) hai ono again,'' said Mis. (.'rest. ' J. ..' mo s irl of mo to mc of lute. I ii. n't l;-. jv what's e Hue to the chil l, hut she does act to mc ai if dill! W.IS bewitch .'I.'' Friirit c Cic t n-t down th'j bluc r ill! m' I plain hhi) was wipug with a Hill il' 111 III 'Spllll loWel. ''W'lHi j ii s!ic, inutliei?" said shf. Oil in the wool-, I suppose. It s wheie she always goes." "Mother, y u in ii -t remember that I. ..if ii young. 1) m't ho hard iiion!" .lra !..! Fiances. Mr-. Cit-st wi- Farmer oh-l Creil's soin ii I w lo, an I Frances, the tab, pal girl with tin sombre, brown eve and t 11' "V ill, i'l'lllf-1 f.te , W.lS till' good woman's stepdaughter, while pretty 1 year-old f.iz e was her own dip! only c'lil I. ' licit for all that,'' s il l M:. Cre-!, I ii' a great ilfil inoie cli'i.'ii l '!n c on Ki.iiiiis thin I il l on I, . '.ie. Frau d's is all I In- -ami' t'i me as my own child. ' "Hud upon lnr!" she r'p-ntcd ipn mlcusly. "What I'm i,fi i f i. tliu' I'm ton eaty with Ii.'i . Slip's ;tl lnr own w iy in cvoiything. Ami s-Iii- takes it dr. il nl hud Ilia', yon should ! iit-r In Albany an 1 she If ft lit h inn'. I in vcr know such nonsense in my 1 1 f ! ' A I i t in In. I t jni...ifin pa-scd over Frances's face. "It's natiiiil Mi" slim'. I feel so, mother," sin. nii'i l, gently. Frances t ii-; hat 'li!i:;intly la'i'hl Ifhiiul furlhuf i nnsi'i nl . v M.isim to rain llif inon f. r thii mifli'il wiiitm in A 1 lui n y , il inn' ttliuli On In.) proin i'dl hirvlf In takf J i 1 1 : L- Ii ss.ins an I u 1.1 to hi r kiii.u Ifltjii i t att iin.l liti'ra' tin'. I'l'.- fill' W.'li tO Stfp'lt'll V. I.Huitli, an l slif .)iii i, with an i. ri'filiiij'y ijii'at i..-ii'i', tj maf hcr-flf worthy nl his . v '. "1 in only a itniiiiry irl,'' Mi" sai'l to hi rsi'lf, 'Mini Ii" liv.'s 1:1 Ihf til v , when' lif H inii t Hl; lirilliant w.nm'n every il iv. An l it In. ilri'a.l till. ii, iiui't 1 rt" mui.i'.i, mi .nun. i ui; j iishiim "I i.f ni" ! Mm. II niy, n .li-tant rouin of the ( tcti, hail nll'i ifl lo j;if I'i.i'kim a hum" fur ih' winter I t what ii.i; sh" cmhl tt'ii'l"! in li "i.flm'il niitli'it, n ii 1 the money sh hn 1 saveil wa. to In.' Spent in Miital .) ilre , ctln r I V I'lHlS. Anl, It tt of nil, slu Sti plien IM.wnrih i veiy ssom nil wou.d see lay. She ha l Innki 1 fin waul io thi fur n lull"; time; now it wat very nea", ami her heir.t was full of happ tie . She tinislie l lnT In iisi hoM latks ami went ipii. tly on! In the n.i. k in the wonil-i wheie Mm knew that sin; shonl.l tin.) l.i. e. It was it si,, ltt re 1 "jn.l", wh "tf II twistcil (,'iape-vine nveraiiii lt the hmwii wralors of n h il.l hn;; lnook an. I tall plumes of puMi'ii r nl ii.mI.Ui.I aloti the narrow prh. Ami here, w ".h her heal Ir.inin nu' i iu-t a tre" li link, nt a lovely fjiil of s,ari 'lv H, wit'i il'ep blue rym, full, ih'iry r: I I pi, ii'i.l n coniplexio i like a li.iUam-11 wer. O u; liniul w.h imiiien.,1 in the too!, run llinp; water; the' hehl a er el pocket-h i: ikciihlrl, ill em he. 1 w ith tenrt. !, !'' cvi l iiin .l Fr.uuvs, "you have hren 1 in '." hltii1 eves spirkli'.l resenl fu'l ; . "t'ryini;? Ill inirii I' e l"eu ' ii v llif- !' It'totle.l I.'.if '.. Who woul.ln't rry, t he 1- lt almi" in this dismal hole all ivmKit Ion ;, white you are enj -jiii yourself in tli! Hut I won't lit. iv heie. I'll run away ami g on 1 Ik; stii;;", or t he ilrown myself in Taekd's pool." 1. . o! I.u.'ie! think what you aro my ni";! ' 'J i m't t in !' pou r 1 "What U life wutii in a pto i tike this! ' Ami sl'.o hur t into n fresh tl.i nl of tear . l'rai'.i.s sit .town ami took the .t 1 en hei 1 ten h rly int her lap. AH her life 1 1:11; she hnl h-cn a Custonie I to s ill .-r 1 m ite l:i r will t that i I this lovely, ti mp.'st it on spiiu-. What syti li ' l ono s t.'iilii o inoio or lessf Don't 1 iv 11 nv more. I. ic!" she wlii-pTed. ' I've madi Y'i'U shall go to Aunt .1 my miii 1. 1 iiuKal of me." "11" "And I'll wait another year," added Fisnces, mnliowing n lump in It. r throttl. "You Mia'd havo the rutiic lojioin an 1 tin ntt lcc'urps; yiu shall -c what a w.nt.r in the city is like." I..iu's cei sparkle i; her check I.; it 1. Hie llui' her nnm urou;ji Ki . mi im's ni ck with a Mi'ldua cry of rtjituie. ' O i, riMucP, you lou't really ni' iiu il." 'Vf, I ilo," bravely uttorcl Krautea. "Hit inothor won't con.cnt." "1 will see to that." Ohio tnoro L' showere I eofi, win in kissci on her sister's check. 'Oil, you il.'trlin! you sweet Kiir ilian lintel !' she trie I. "Ami lama sellMi l.ltle lieaU to allow you to sk ri liee yourself in this outra-jeoui fashion . Hut if you knew how I have Ionize I tu escape front this tlrtalful of housework aii'l tcwiiif; aii'l buttei making! ' "Yt'ii shiiH cKcnpc,," saiil I'i.iue.'S. Ami no nn! ever kil"W ill') I'itlrrnesi of the tears fbo .sh-'il when I, .'.. wi nl to Allniiy. Mr, l iest iciii'instiateil stoutly, hit l-'rio i "s hel 1 to her own way, an l I.', i. e's eutrc.tlii' were il it to h) will.. i stoti'l. ' l-'iant ei ilon't care,'' pie t'lcl she ; "l'i allies always was a human icicle. Ami I'm so iipic'i younger than sho is, mi I -ami " ''Ami so iiiuelt pretlier," ipiietly spoke Ih ) e iI t sis'er. "Ye, L zJe, dear, I know i'. " lauhe I an l 1 Inrgol'len mil-'. "A' all ev.' ils," sn' l sh", "I think I otirjit In hivo a fair i liani'e. '' I. 's letters fr -in Albany wrp! full of hie an I sp ii kle. Sin was lik'i a Inrd l. t loo.-'. i;.t rythini; w a i mileiii d" r.. e to her. The ;;iy s'reets were il die am of del i;hl ; the opera wn an aelual leality. 1 1 . - new dresies til e 1 hei with deli 4I1 1 ; s'n w is improving so fast 111 music un I iliawin, an. I she c u d not im iine how she ha I ever live 1 all tin sn .In ary, d raiirjinj; year, in the ol 1 fai inhoii'e a! h un . "And, I. st of all, (so phiM KlUwoiih had heeii -o oft. 11 to s-e h'l, and taken In" t out s t'hth 11; and to the picture f'ill"nei .oi l tit aliv, "all on dear old I'laiii-..'s ni'".i!il, of eiurte," she adil ' l, witli a hpi.-e of imny mi-i hief. Shf cuiil. I imt say 1 11. ni ;h in praise of Stephen IM.woi I Ii. Mi wis so hand -s.inie, ..-.I siylidi; the oil I', Iswmth mni-i..n on Slate street was s.i cleiut; he ?i nl hi r stii'lt e. lisitn cut llowers and I 1 - Is. 'Is of fruit ! And l'i inees, reading tlm-e letters at h 'lne after her tl iv's w.iik of sehon!- (,..,,. ,jn over, tried to rci.i.eo 111 her yoiiu;; si, tor's li'ippill" s. "M . titer," she .;iid one day, '1 slioul I l:k : to si! the chil I in lo r new I think I'll i,'o up to Albany and Mil pi ise her. I.lli y p-mi w ill t ike tin- school f ir a week. M ar little Mi, 11 : 1. .1 1 11 1 . ! "Wd'e," s.,i. I'.ti hit lioarsel when I'iaui .1 liai of hei new plan, ,'.uie u 1 to bed, fall 1 d.iu't know's we oil;; hi lo let I it .;i'." Why m I, llu-.l J ' '1 -aw I)r. .Tunes' 4 son tins in imin'. II" is j 1st h.'iiii from ttia Albany ineli ialt illce, nifl he tnys every oue i ta' kiiit; of our I. ..e's C'ii;;iyeiiient to C.ip'n Hlhwoitli." "O .eil t ie t, you're n-tlrcainiu ! ' "I wish I w h, wit'-, I wish I was! Hut it', only what we'd o.iht to have 1 pi etc I. I, ie is ns pretty as a pic j ter, anl 111 frothy as a bowl o' soap i nuls, and brimful o' mischief into l!ie j biraiu; ail -w irih s only a inoittl ! 111 111 after n'l. I'.a ue oiodit to It ivj married him :t yr a;o, when he wanted her to ilo -o, only sho would t't leave lis until we'd aid tho mortgage 011 the fuiin, ami got even with the world." 'I! it, Obel, what n'e we to do! I 1 -.111 1 lei her," sohb.-d the nil lily. ' N T I, neither. There's mi help fur it, wile; Mi -'s got to li i 1 it out In is" f." All I he let his wrinkle I f ireliead fill into his bund -, with a gr an. ,1,1-t then l' i" do 'i up 'iie l, A tall, di'il ti ; tiro cituie in bko a ghdin.; shad iw. I've l.i, ml it all, fillier," said I'laiic.'S, and y.'tt mitdn't blame cither S 1 plica or l.i e. It it was only natural. I In hi t 1 "Wii t ired of wait, iag for me. A 'id 1. .ie is v ry lovely. ! I 1 in t b! mi" any 111 11 for wanting ti mike her his wile. I -hall go to At ' la:iv, all the viine, ami tell t'lein not J t,i mind me. You know," with rather a I f.uef I siml", "p "i!" ulwa.-s a .1 I wa I cut out for an oi.l 1111 d. Ami -ami ! wetlnee can bo very happy hero at I10111 all our l.vcs loll;;, em't we!" I And here poor I'l im es broke down, ; 1 id cried bitterly. ' 1 m't in. ml lue," said she. "I shall ipui" 11-. 1 10 11 ai i.'r aw u ue. It wain biiiliml .linuaiy 11 f I .r 11 1; the ground cnvcied with snow, the -1111 sh .mug with arctic spiemloi, and a't the stieets musical Willi II, . you himo of sle.'llbells wltelt l.alli'. Cos' arrived at? Mr. Ugney'-i houv; ia ! ibny. " Why--Fran cm Cr.l," cj icu'atcd the good la ly, "is this you? ' ' I can e to surpii e I, . e, Aunt Joi," sad the trawler, finiiing fuiutly. "V11, it will bo a mrprisc," said 'In. lligucy. ' t!o ri;!it up, ileur. Hie's in the jailor will: '' "With C'njit. i: Isworthi ' "How on earth did you know?" cried the comfortable elderly lady. "Has she written tnyoi.:' ".N'o, not a word," Francis an. swerel. "Jiut I know it all, neverthe less.' s!io went on, nn I kn--eked at the parlor do ir. ' I'.iiin in!" cdlel L . u' sweet to. I r.cio voice; an 1, with a su l ie I ijuick eniiig of tin., hi ut, she obeyed. Was that l.ltle Lizzie Man ling by the tire, one dainty, slippered foot on the fi nder, ln r gl auiiii Milken gown held by a slim, white ha'i I, while her cx 'I'lisilo j In was mr lined aaiast the ruby velvet of the- lamb . .jinn? Site looked in ifi- hki; a princess a fai'y 1 -u en. In (his iitmii! phi ie of (hang lappni-s she had fairly b!tniimcd out like a rise m luil-.Tuie. And that lull liguro in the Miadow beyond ''Fiance-!, dial Fiances!" In a s. cond I.izie wa in h i arm. 'Yu 11 got my le'ter, 1"V;- -the letter I Wlo'e ti you yt stud iv- -I lie letter it' at told you all? ' 'Jliav: r.c.'v.'d no hlter, I,iz.e. I left home e.n iy tin; in .ruing, but w he;c i., ( apt. I) Iswoilh ? ' lieu' light Ie f re v 11, py, Com., here, 11.,1'i iici, mid I '. me introducj you I 1 y 1 11 new si-jei; for we are cm g'g"' I, l'i un es, t'. ai' in f audi. That is my my.ieriotis scire!." The tall lieu ,. adva-K ! with a mili tary sell of s.lillle. It was not Stephen at nil, 1 11' a taller, yoii'i.-.o, le.s imp i'ssive luo'iiu; man. Fi iiH 'i how I in a beivild' el wav. "loi Stephen vtni .1 ii S'ephen" Ml" ,is,,... '(uine down to Wood liebl, F.ances, after ymi. lie, mi.. he ays he means there shall . a .luublf wellin; if there's to In; a -ingle one, anl he de. c ares bo won't wait any longer for von lo make up youi mind. A id how puzhd he will be, to be sure, when In; finds th" bird has lion 11! Are you very much surp. i e., France,.' lint you see, I'lateiKc is in the regular a: in not a men; militia capt tin lik S'ephen. II) is stationed inFb', ami he w ill spend his If-tvu of ab-ence w ith his cousii.s he I e ill Albany; ail so, of c nirse, I couldn't In Ip gelling in ipiainlf d with him, bicau-e Stephen came In 10 every day to talk about y oi, and Clarence ill ways ciiiue w ith li 1:1 And Yes, ClaielM..; go away now 11 . 1 get the flowers for. t!tf i veiling's n ceptiou at Iiird's, f,,r I've g i so ni'ieii to say I to 111 v si-t er. She dismissed her hand some lover with the nonihalaiic.! of a ipe'in, mil then showeie 1 cut ss .s anew on France). 'Isn't he splendid, diilingi" she died. "And only tli 11k, I owe it all tyo'i; for if it hadn't In en for ytu sending me lure, 1 m ver sin 11 d have nu t him a all. And we'll telegraph to S cphen at one -, and you will cull, sent lobe manic I i.t the same time with me won't yi u, deal i" "Yes," stid I', iiH'.M, ln r eyes biim iniug over with bli.fiil tears, "I No Hank Thieves in Wall Street. 1 I ti - j'.'. 1 1 r Hvni"-, in his ' l'i ofciiuiial ' Criminal, of A neric 1," gives a list of . no I11111 banks which thi-ves either . r.ll 1 or ntlcmV.e I t ) rob between No vember, I !'.', it'll February, ISsr. leu of these were in the city of New ' Y ik. j Owing to the thoroughly e'licient de system estalilidie I ill Wall street, ' tile d. p'i d ilioas of the let ik s leaks havo been stiiitin i Iv raid it that b). ' cality. The.i; d 11 ia ; v lla-u 1 1110 ".ill men nf clucitio;i, plea -.itig allress, I good personal 11 pp. aiance, and are fault- ' less in lle ir a'liie." C 'I I, ij lie'e, lei. ' olulc, and acting in concert, oiio ma? iie on the lookout, a second engaged i 1 ' interest 111 ; c.uivets itiun w ith a biink ' . Iliecr or 1 llii er-, :oi 1 a thirl stealthily I ci"eping b -liin 1 I lie co-inter ami captur. I ing the iash o; a bundle of hoiid. Or ' the !a-; m i.' obti nacie s to the vault, ! 1 ni wl.ii It he !ii'oiit wli.'i'evcr he may deftly t. iui il end 1 a 1 .- oil, while 1 hi- coltfe leiates liloliiipoli !lc iitleli.' lion of the ideiks. Oee of the m.t.t .1 iriiig bank matcher- in the ctlv ef ffi ted two lobheriei ia tl e 1 un so of ,v s ngle day. It ill nng i no bank ho leaped to the lipid a pai t Hon seven f.i't high, hatiol ovt", snatch" I two p.nkaoes of blls contiiTiin; POi) c u h, ami r-t-iped. A I. tile bit. r he 1 climbed on the lonnter if anolher 1 I. link, lapturcl tit -11 -.111 1 dot- Ins, nn I 11; liu e-c.ii e I. Similar rue-; i ess attended the b I, I in his -libit ipient attempt to c-cpe fioin the ,n,,rt 'f (; '"l''1 He is Hon 11 jail. Jltrjr'$ M.itf tiiitt. ( IIII.KKDN'S tOl.l MX. A M"l M. Ill-r- l.i. I'. I ov'-r un I Tow.'.'-r were t" litlh- f. Th 1' is I., say they were d";.". as you -'; llui tin. ugh one was the aunt and the uth'-r hi r niece, Soliielniw or uther tin y couldn't aree! Couliln't ;'ree ; fur thoniih it Il luv'-.l the other, Nn matter what came up, from tidbit- to rat, If one look up one side, t hen one took an other, Ami there was a liaht like th" Kilkenny Tub iter and Mowor' 'Tm s"aner be came Tin si' du-rgies w re lovely in every w ay; V.'t lean a- two pins a- to lu es ami paws, Am I bruslie.l their brown cuts twenty times in the day : I'liived with the other i!":'s pail V ami SWC't- ly. V,-i;veil their stiwill tails when the neitth bin- ,'inie by. Won every lieut m (he tillage cimpl. I. ly. And never were Known lu tell one little lie but il v"ii -;ive one a bite or a .My' what a rumpus the oilier would imiKe: If lull -huiild pat fin- small body alone, TI iln r would wIi'm-j till year p .or ears Would ai lie Then when ymi turn. . I awjiy for a iiiiiiu!.'. They'd snarl an l ti. -hi as of rea-on In; red. And I. -. all the p. .1 1h.1t the niur-ol had in it -- Si 1111. 1 Mb e.ver were both of tli 111 left' Wa n t I ri'.-hl then 11. railing tln ni ie-c' If ilnv were I. .vine leov well Ib'V '"'i'l I. ire. -ba''-' ihev'd tilth Inn" a piere, And often ;i;id I'l leu a bille to -paie I 'ear. tin I Vuii cur know lnulnl'e biutler. Who llll-ht hive sin h pel led I V t I'Villil (.lues, lint who s.iial.bli. ...mi lime' I . t Hurry t heir ni'1 Icr-, I'l." the t w o I'll ilu.-.-ies I -nn; ill inv I h II. e- ' . If... I .'.'.,-. w 1-1; to n i 1. Tli. if w i ie ;hr " 1 its ill n Will i -tin sin.-: family ill Noiwiolt, Conn., aid as the 1. d .- of the hou e oonelii led that one was m, flic cut, an clict of death was; passed on the el l 1 at and ln r kit ten. The ipt- stiott i f the inaiuit r of death w as silt e l ami 1 hlorof .i 111 pwi chased. Sonic days pasied before the execu tion!'! 1 ouh 1 miisif r coma ;e to evecuto the scale it e a t I liaally the lad put some laudanum into the t it's mills, thinking lo piod'ice aslup rlhit would make the chloroform more ca y. Tiie old cat taste I tho mil s, cast her cyes suspiciously abotil her, ami refused toiat. The kitten ritshed to the dish, but wa- violently knocked aw ay by the old tat, who took 11 corner of a mat and c 'Vi re 1 ovi r the di dt to lode it front the kitten and prevent her liuin biking the "11:1 d it i.'ic. ' The lady could tl'd believ ll hie that tin; act was intt uli oi il, nud uncovered the dish. Tli" c ,1 again kuotkel the kilten from it aad covcrel it !n 're carefully tha t before. The rep f til ion of tl'.e protoc'.vj int was too miii It for the lady, and th" c it mid her two kittens we e allowed to live. ium wiiiom in Mh 1 1 Mi rt 1 A writer in eulogizes tin- in tt nee an I amiability of the tli pliant, witch, he says, has n The other set tie tnen ts, with few cx, llit ugh th' way to l! nl organ ceptions, are straggling vi'.iag s inhab.t nny In- through the stomach, mid its I cd manly by cd rc pei.ple, Indians alTctticn depende it on olTt rings of and lialf-breeds. oranges, pineapple rinds, nml other! The fort s:.s of the Ami, m, c.iisist n -.'use of fniit. 'in"; Ilia lily of h ud wood, Me tint Att elephant employed i i (') Ion in ; nvailable for cottime: 1 1 ij ;iicui"iii-. btiilling a huge stnne dam to closo Tie 'finest of rosewood and mahogany tip a iiv. i, and thus fmin a lake, ai ate ti-ed tin r 1 f. r tiieuood. liven it one ef the .sights of the plan'. tin re were a demand for the hardwood lie fir-l of all dtew f-. iu the rpntrry j lumber at Para, it could not be I the huge stone that win to Ie uc I ; ho j and brought to ni'ik't on a 1 ir-e cale, then nn lid the chain by which he had owing to th; detn t of th" woods and 1I1 awn it. He next ptcctcde l to roll it : thu luck of reads ail iletrmgs. with his foil-head along the narrow The one tree which is a si iitie of stone w.-ill, tr club ink motif, until ho wealth in these i.nniense forests is the had I. I it exactly into its place. On rubber tree. It is found everywhere, the mie side of this wad wni a precipice, 1 from the low -lying dt It opposite l'.ir.t on I lit- other it deep bike. As t he si ono . lo ill ' Ta p j i, the Ml le.r.i, and the wa 1 iished by his forehead it would at Negro, and piuhab'v th ' miles one time incline to the bike, nt another b-yon 1 those great 1 r.b 1'. tries. In t),r over the precipic, but he iniined i ttely ' intt 1 i' 1 rials .-no hnpiact icuble, and made it slr.tight again with los foot, theiu'.br trees t are milked lie II- wai duing the work of ten nn n, 1,11.1 with tho of a skillet iii.a-011. Oie day when he was at Work a by. si under nsketl if ho would take up a I true sledge .hammer lying on the p. mid anl lu-cak at tuoiinous rock tlo-cto il. The ollict r in charge of the work -aid this was a-king loo mm h, bit the mahout who he.-inl tho lonvir sal ii n, ie plte I gravely : ' lliimbeiii 1 att 1111 . 1 will in every thin;.- he is a ke I." lie then faid sunie- tliin ; to th" elephant, who took up the J conliti ; nit 1 itnpaits elasticity t- (he sic I 1 as if it were a feather and sub t;iin e an 1 then it it le.tdy for Kin-eked tiie -tone to pieces. I shipment to P.tra a-i 1 N'e.v Y ik. The ' Now, thkf vi 11 p peiind smokeit," opeiation of such f trim and the epe.i snl tin- iii', epi 11 winch thi ani- ; ing of hew veins of licet in the trick ma' stuck the -ledge in Ins mouth and ( bss swamps and forests rctptire the ualkelolT with it. 1 1 inplotni nt ef tint ivc labor un ler the " 11 nitist inch iifitt conditions of cfpi.ttorial lit love, feel that yon owe io much ) l;,.at and tnm. If the e be any tpniler nay all at once; be ' of the world where na ur seMusto tilwavs ptiyi'i";, as you are always ow n-;. THE GREAT AMAZON. Its Watcrslictl Embraces Mill ions of Square Miles. Tho Commerce, Forests and Cities on its Banks. The Amnion is 1 'JO miles wide nt its mouth. Tarn, tho northernmost city of, li"S at the gateway of the most wonderful river system i lh world. It i the conin?re:,'t'. depot a i l dis'iibming point for 4'l, Oti J, ol navigable water. Tiio Amaz'ii water Mied einbiai es twenty, fie degree-i o' tat tude an I thirty- live de-jreos of l-.-ngi-t fie. I s western s.-unes aru in the Andes of I't-rii mid K u idor, only a few leig ie; froin tli'.' J'e li . b iiuit'nin tribittari"! traverse the b irlen of (i tiaea and Co'oiti'.ia, while midway the head-w;it c.'s ol th; N' gio ni.n.;'e with those of the 1 ); in - t- 1 in tin wt -tei n spurs 1 f the S err t d : 1' n ar mil 1. IJ-lwren nio-t of its baling tribita t li s i e loo-id slretchet of iiiincii-'r.i'.'l" I rest wiiicli have nevet I -ti exploie-l by white 111 11. It is the Amazon alcm Ih t ri ndeis .my form of government p'.s ib.. in tin; heart of South Ameiiei. Within the l ing" of till pl.tli'U mile of tcni ci'l" v. i'ir si tliemeiils I v' In en 1 inpowi'icl to conduit 1 til a! mini .(ra'io 1. I'ni, lying at th ' smth i inui 'st out et -if the Am iz ;i, h-s-. than 1" 1 miles from the '.'.t, i. tho nte'ropo lis of ih's w ui lerful v.tll.'V. Il h ii t it y with p 'i h-ipi Tel. 11 1 I inhabit. mi-, iml with its miii a 1 omun n ;i' 1 ab. rju 1 ie as is p ,,s h i; un b r th-- "ipt ,t !'. The 1 ... nitiercc ,.f t,.. Am-iz .;t i iioa; inaliy curie I cu un lei the I!;aziliati Hag. Forcigin r- an; net al.owed by law to own ste.-im'-is or sailing ve.s-els employed in mini I navigation; and here.; it is nrci-.s.-u y f..r the Fngl:-h tiipitali.ts who c'.n'ril the carrying trad" o the river l.j a.-ign their inter-e-t.sto liiizllii'is. Titer.; ate fort steamers tiwit" I by an Ktghsh line, whi h Hie. vol a lar.'t! 111 ill su'l-i ly from the I' liin I i n 11 11 inctit fur p y iug l"'li"!i v.i.eiu- p ,rt- and vitlagei 011 the main tli in'm ies ; ati-l in return f. 1 this I'm no i: I support it it well -at-i:li ;d to fly the 11 at 11 mil 11 ig. Anoth' 1 company has eight stoimvn, under similar condii i in-; aad there are at many as a di 7 11 on the nvi-r and its tiibutiiries which sail tin lor the i;a- : ban lit;. Tln;-e sixty steanieis are giad ially opening the AiniZ 'ii valley to commerce. O.ily the mii dlt-r V" els me now running beyond M ana s at the junction of tho Negro, but net year the li.rgi.--t English vessels will mit'ie r";u'a- nips to Y'ipiito', U7'' mile fiotn the cot-l. Suiit't f th" are only navi. gable for long distance! a' high water dm ing cerlai'i 111 ml lis of t'le year, but Ih" lower Villag 'S oil their bank, are visited by steiiit r as often m out e or twice a inon.h. Tnii tiver trade i. nl. most c itupli'li'ty in the hiitiih of the : I'. rui ;uesD up return's nn I the mercan- j tile hoit.iM rcpiesente 1 at I'.ua. Manao-i , with a pnpul 1! ion of lo," m, is the most 11 nirisiini ; town west nf Fan. along the livers, wheie the farms cti be appioiiehe I. The imlk t'iili out ? be til l w 11 -l! icitaiii levels of th" river, lor the trunks of the trccH a 10 often lilt. en or twenty fe-t under v.abr after the I SI I II SfilSi It s. Win 11 the conditi ns are fivorab'c the balk cf the tu - is t tpp -I and th milk diawn i ff in cups to be i'oinp,,tcl and folle I togetlmr l iver by layer like a snowball. It is then i-ookel or smoked over a lite mile of sticks a pio.e.s that involves 1 on trai tion in cetitmaad inaction mil in lolence, ;t i- in these vist sfetclic? of the Amazonian forest. Nowhere ehe can existent e bo B'.:siai't(. 1 with so mu ill an cxpeudiluT I uf.fl.rt. I Oa an acre of clear'"! land be ins can ' be ri'sed in sulii i;:it . laiitity to keep ; sou! and bully together with tho ad- , vontiti'u; aidt of uuts ntid fiuit from , the wool. A teipid, sumii'iieht evi-t- cue.; set m s to li; th" ill) p'-ri' 11 11 i'lif.'- j merit of the climate. T.i" In I at', 1 ha f-breed i and color 1 p 1 on in the villages c 111 live, if tin y choose to do so, witli what may be de-i rib'- ! ; the m iiiunnii of Irimri l.'i'.jjr inv : 1 in obtainhi' a livelihoo I. T ,ey in- tinetivf'y re its t nil appeal- ta ambition 1 am! se f-iiiteie,t. The (.-iforts of rubber j : I:, rni"!- and agents to induce tlcm to ; .hare ill the diing-rs and labor involved I in ex ploring the fofc-t ami striking new 1 veim of r ublier trees are ordinarily fu- t.le; an 1 th eiir.b.yin nt "f cv;i tho' ! poolf-t , hi .1! ; of labor is cart it d "11 '1'i'b r almost iti'-np'.r ibb.- d.lli u'tiei. A. r V r 7V,'.v--.'. ! Site did nut Ki-li-li Her (irtipi's. I M my year 1 a," tie re : 11 w ) t ' tutu nbroad a young 1-eiy of Ilo ton society, who, by d.nt of a coir-e of -!udy in a Paii-ian l ieirding- ho.,1 of I high d.-giee, and of m i" or I" ss n.-i I-ji-nie am 111 ; the ll.ui-h mi t'.t r 11 y, tt -1 ma bin:; of a er. iindi tg in good ; I! bed i'l cultiv itiun b;f. re -li w.n I t ik"tt .abroid, h-i 1 le t oim- a limit u ;h!y I poli-!. tl .in 1 in cicnplisliod yon tg p -r j -on. Tils y, uug lul .', who iffiwaid i Ie tame li.tingui-h "1 in I! i-totl sot "ty, f l it" I i,'i o 1 I -1 1 y of a 1 1 p 1 n in " -ti the I J . n in court while hei litit'.-r ! was vi-i .a; S'. I', t.-i -bu-g. Sle: had i had th-- must remarkable at'en' i-i-is -howep.-l up 11 her at the I! 1-1.1 1 i.ipital. S .1; wa. mobst cii"'.ig!i to : attribute t!o ie honor, to tin- bet that j -he was from lite country reiiiote-t ' 'from IJ issii, and that Annricaiis weir 1 at that t in ipiiie a cutio-ity a! tin; i con 1 of t Ie C ir. Hit hr triori I I 'I'liler j.'-'ia; this, xl.titi'.l 01, 1 -1 e . I t" I j I be prefer" i- ; till. 'H iicoii led ho to j In r be.11.ty, v.vat :!y anl ace in ;i!i-h-ni'tits. Whitlevt-r it 111 iv have been due t", il i- i--rtaln that a' a stat'. ' d:n tier givt n by one of tho imp rial ' grand daket, th" Ain.-r.c.m young lady ; was t'ini.;,l tpiite over the h'-adi I of .all the noble duwag is anl ini-ii'll.t , j I. eons dullnesses anl c ,iiiiti;..-.e . ol I he j cuiirl, an I g.ven a 'im' of h iuor a' th" I grand duke', b I'l hand. As -he sat at I dinii'T, th ; i I of a I devoure -s, , and as the end of the fea t was m-11, a I plate of grapes was hr 11 ;ht. They ' del not app ar to b; anything remark -i-' ble, but the American girl, to whom ! grape? w.-rn certainly no novelty, did tlieiit Iln- honor of helping ht.r-elfto a g.-ul big bunch. T.i'it tiie e w nt j lo the gran I duke, wit 1 he'p'.l h 111 - -j s'-'.f fo four grapes! Ail I tlieti tin; j fruit wa- pasel 011 I o a piint.cis ,.! ; high d giie, who (oik three giapcs. j ci tWD o'.lnr- helpe I the nerl es I tu two, and the 1111-s of the comp.-.tiy .it tie; table had to be loiitciit w.tiioiii; grape apiei e ! Ol' course the American gnl h i 1 real ized 'fly tliist in; that grip-s wcre'i pro digious tar. ty in St. Peter-burg, ami wa re prod ice 1 at su.-'t a f i;- c that 1 von royalty c ui'.eate 1 it. elf with two or ttir". I'm in -o.te of t i" c is:, she dt flare I that she ha 1 uev -r eaten 'l Inn. di of grapes win. h she cajoye 1 lesa than she did this on . SI. I. oiiis' lion Ptiiiniiil. II1!.' 1- 11 dc-i 1 ptioiiof t!li) Wii."l- J lul tructuti' that I. .-'.lis ropo-cs fc I build as th" eh c I ,a'i in. I ioa in en 0 I itiat city secures tl'.e ". lid's I'.iii : It is to be a skt 1 'lupytamid en striict'd of iron rib- or lattice work, c nvnog l'i or 1" a no. at 'he has-, with ti n r of iron !attif w.nk at v. 1 v him In d feet, lontaiiiiug gar I. :i t, 1 .1I1 -', restaurants, ioiimi atimi tomii-, etc., lite height of the j j rami. I to lie any when- f.oiu 1 it" lo lonn j.-. t . sur b,- a st.itue ol lii -tty, nl so j woven in w.-rk, I n f,. !o i i:I j tho -I 'ptlig -l-lei of the .tin, tin - aic j pi-lest 1, ,itt Wiiiks, ttiiittw .,vs and o'ln t I lllndei Of .Is. t'llt, .'Hid i'! I lie et-atle II II melon: I'lc v.i t e s. 1 ii ii ititi" rah'e oini M l -1 1 1 1 1 ft itures ;,ie Mi;ge tel in tin; way i f e'.-i ir.c lighni-. , i i i a let, foiii.liili.s, tic. O i the v i t tl ' .!-, , f tin i" ai.' t ' I" I 1 or I'.', spaioi an- te-eivy.l f. r e x h 1 1 o ' s n i f. r ii.-i-m . bly pm p .-i s. Fiit weii- .it a git ,f In i gill :.i e t ) 1 c iiimMe- 1 he iiidnly n' tractiuii-. The -ti in tire is to be paintel si er white, ami will of imunhse slf-ngtlt nn l tptite imie-trttctibl", im l a pinu i nciit fiitlureaml tnuniiipa! a! trat '. i 01, J and can be seen in an y iniies fioin the city. Its iiluinlnation at night with electric and colored lights is provided for on an immense scale. A Strong Combine. Kirl I seo tho typiwrit'-rs nr" form inp unions all over the country. Wilson Indee I; I htda't heard it. Trade unions? Earl No; matrimonial. Pue'e, Mamma's (iood-Nlsfht. Miimma loosens the baby's frock, And lakes otl'rie h little sh'ie and sock; She n .ft ly bru.-hes the gulden hair. Ami pal-the .shuul.lers. dimpled nnd hare; ,-he puis mi the night-gown, while and long. ilumtiiing lb" while an evening SfinrJ ' I i ivliine is over:' Playtime is closing: T'.v ni the i lover 1- nod iing ami iLzing, I'abyV l.i I -hall be soil and white, I lo'le buy. gouil-iiightl Bioil-night!" Mamtiia kl-.-e- the little pink f'Ct, An. t I in tiny hands s,, tlimpltd and sweet. The r-.-y cliei k- and the forehead while. Am the lips that pta'.tle from morn till i.-.-ht. With a l is' fund kis.- f.,r the golden crowu t.eiit'y an 1 softly she lays him down. And in the hush that the twilight brings .she stands by her darling' bed and sings. ' ( tier the billow Soft wind" are sighing: l.'umnl hahv's- pillow l'.right dreams are Hy inc. Here -oine- a preitv one. sure to alight' I 111. y. j'oti.l inglit' uo'id night!" .., , (,. U, .!!. Ill MOKOIS. Wii n a in in is imJt.-r a chut! the s l-v-r I.nitig is g;;i -rally 0:1 th; other si Ie. "I have c btainc l all tho infoi in ttion I de-ii t- on that piin'," r"inar icd tho man w ho at down ' 11 ii p'n. li itter," say a learned writer, " unknown to the ancients." Then some ,,f it cannot be as old as it seems. In lime- like the-c the doctor sKilled Mis hopes of earing otters. Hi- po. hel- are with iimney tilled I'-.nvn li'oiii tin public eoHKhcrs. T;ii iu,i-i.ii iprmdlyi I! dutisuu, you see th it gun.' My wife killed a hear with that once. It .biiison Ah, in deed! Wiiut was she -hooting at? Minnii T. t's sec, dear, what is that sentence about spoiling the Kgypt. i-in-i Mimic I don't know. I'm -nie, though, that it has no reference t" (he mummies. "I thought you were going to marry Miss I i thlth w ait"." "Her family wero all opp i-ol to it." "Well, but if tho girl herself " "1 -aid all the family. She was one of 'cm." ol I 1; 'in h iii-i'i (giving tramp 1 cent) - And now, inv man, what will you do with this money: pinchaso breadf Turnip i -arcast icai ly ) --N'.iw! I'm go in' ter drink myself to demit with it! A facetious IJ istonian, who has occa sion to scud postal ccds to a certain small city where there is a postmistress., write- this b g uid on the top of tho card: "Pita e forward after perusal," Ftlisnn's Aelite Itntin. After the death of O.'iicriil Grant, Otto von Bismarck win supposed to be the gieatcs! Miio';er among famous men, but luvcntot V. h-on has put the great Prussian into tho second rank. Tho inventor smokes almost all tho time ami never any except th) strongest cigars. Making beli- ve that he is ten time 111 re deaf than he i-, and smoking 15 01 i! 1 i'-t black "long nines" a day, are Ins au.ii .ciiii'iit i. P.. it there is le:s of both fun nml piclense about K lis. in, (ban there is about tiny great man of tiie day. lb; liienlly works all the time that he is awake. For him to see any mechanic 1! devlc) fad or givj nn i.i.y.mce is enough lo s. t his brain at work d. vising an improvement upon it; it nvtkos no dilT -renee whether it is a patent match that doesn't always light, or a !oh 'genu that lies idle waiting for snow uttd ice. Coining over from F.u rope !i-' fall he noticed that there was a great dial of gtiess-woik an 1 inuc 1 .' about "taking the sun' ia 1 only wen'ln-r. Ibfoie he left the .-hip he invented a 111 ans to take tho .-it", though it should be olneinc 1 by the dense-f fog imaginable. ('.'ott'er. An Angry Tree. 1 her" is ., species of ac ic a which il (oininoiilv t i led the angry tree. It leiche- the height of eighty feet aln i a tapid gi ow ih ami somewhat ro-s-iubie. the tciliiry plant. One of tin -e cirio'is phi'.ft w as iTottght. from A'i'tra'ii aid set out at Virginia, Nev., where t ha. been seen by many persons. Winn ih" -nn sits the leaves (old up and the teiid"r Iv.igscuil tiditly, like a litit. pig's i nil. It' the shoots aro han dled the leave, rustle and t.iovo un-t-i-ily I it a time. If this .pi ' r plant is uniov. I from one plot to itmiher, it teems a'lgi v, and tin; leaves stand out ill all d.rectiomi like tpnlls 011 a potcit. pine. A most. Tiiigftil and sickening odor, sai l to resemble thai given off by rattlesnakes when nnni-iycl, tills the air, and it is only nf;cr an hour or so that the leaves fold in the natural way. Tho Trup King. Mother Cicraldine, win that letter you received this morning from Mr. Von It ch-1 ' Yes, ma," "Well, did its wording hsro the trua rir.ei" "Yes, ma a splendid pngngemcot ring." A'orrittown Herald.

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