dhatham Record T11UHSIUY, JIAKl'll 13, 1.-..U. H. A. LONDON, Editor. Our Washington Letter. 'iim our Iteeulnr (ilonruuil)l. Washington, March,", 1S!M. lull 'ted by tin! .StiltO IViismn-i tor ti.u Uind piieuuU Ao. lu order ! hat the (siu- intent ami puipo-i; it the iYiiMoii Act niuv bo Senator Uea-'aii uttered found woio ecrtawiy cani-.d inm el'iivt, the ' 5 ZI : truth, sititt one tin t is worthy ol' the lo.iowjnj. mi!. . ami it.vul.ilh.n-' were Tub Sknate ot Iho I uited SlaU-s! , . :, .. w' ; adopted by :!,o Male l'-oard ..f IVn- ouuosini; a hill to increase the pen- Moim u.:-l r I:-. :i.:-.lti it v ootii'.-m-.l sion il a ''!. orals willow tofU'il u "i-nii it m :e id making knelt' ridiculou ami the laughing -stool, to all intelligent pcr iKDt by it ludicrous attoni jils to preserve the secrets of its executive tfeasions. It is it fictitious supposi- iiiuiith. ho said: Instead oi this 1- iu:i!. tttu u (.ovcrnincut being one ot the people :--"-l l-rove that u, for tho people and bv the people, it -'"' twelve nionih is rapidlv beeoiniiiir a tiovornuii-nt coding his 01 i u it; ,.f tion that the proceedings id the ' ot the elases tor the clusse iind by .1 t 'ii . .. l ! i . l Senate vh:i in executive session arc tecret, and arc known only to the e-otialots thorns-elves. And yet by onto ineaiis these proceedings be come known and are telegraphed all vr tho countty, and are published with sw much regularity and accu racy as tho proceedings i me open . o(n.(.t rlU (l0 publicans wiil re nesMons. The .Senate having deter-' port no t a rill' bill this session K-c.-.usi mineii to ston this has appointed a 'at tho end if the session, the Trcas special 'sinellini:" comniiltwo, tr the the classes". Thisisa true biil.thcr is entirely too much class legislation , in this country, and it is on the in : crease all the lime iind it remains ' tor the people to stop it. Now they have the power, but if the interior 'once is delayed too long the classes ! will be stronger than the people. 1 Airain there are whispers lo tho To Kx-t'tiiittdcTiile IVii.sioiiors. 1 Trinity Col lego. lti'glllali.Hl.-i adopted bv tini tSUUe 1 l;ttlltKhl'liiiiiUii Ailvocmu. iSoard of IViisuiim tor the Uu'id- ,il ls ,Vi-u 1,1,1 '" ittifgb, fioiu anoo of A i lmeuut-i .to wimt soeina to boa reliable source. thai the .ussis. DuLo, atitl Mr. J. S. I'arr, and other oill.cns of Diiih-im. will givi- ut lea.it ??17."5,UOl) if Tiinitv P.-"-- toilay ami votii.lctt i the '.-K.L;e should be located iu Dm ham. wn,lu " lo-'io-' to II.. Now, if lui hum is ready to make any such oiler as is indicated above, iil Itiougli Ktllt is;lj has closed tho OOli tiaot with the c'oiili u noe aud is mix UHis to comply with it, jet lldei-ii U eh) sili li an iiiteiise interest in 'frill- '".'""'"'O l'"'- ily that it would vi!iinKlv release the 1! 11 '""" (. oi.foivi.ee aud ht it accent BUeh a handsome ojVor i'roiu Duiiiuiu. lu iui I the ooiionit 1 1 .-. Hi'-.uimt.'.l tii ii-ii. !-..nt 1! ilii-h in all lUiittirs pel tain- l,i,s l'l',n u'i,!"1 l'"'dmg Unit tl.o to Irii.iiv ilice, bus aiicn.lv I'ouum-siom i s Mmll bo divided e.iual- i-.l a laocting, c.invasseil the uiuttcr l2 b,,,w,v" lw" l''liucal paitii s. li -iuii-hly. and in p el feet good hu- 11111 g"oi niiiiM coiinmsMoi.oiK are i:.oi ii:ui with .'nod Bniiit all iirouii.l. l,:lv" oontiol id the operation of has uiLti,;.,t!n a-leod thai, if Jur- t1,1' f '1'. i'ri'oint inei;t of juiies, :hs ''.'ii.l must ; or she. has (' hi t or s i in iiu'.i o .i the nry surplus it is expected will have been turned into a df lioiei'ov. The ruinor may jossibi be true about no bili being reporle I, but il so it is solely because tho republican pro toctioti:s!s liasv not boon able l-i throtlle the domain! lor tal i li' rolbrin among their republioaii colleagues. Tho cry lor free raw material is be coming a loud one, particularly l.'om the Kasiern manulaet urers. Within a week Senator Hale, who h. a- proiioiiuccd a protectionist purpose ol finding out how their aevrets are divulged and stopping the leaks. Accordingly f.eveii.1 nows yaprr corrcsjunidenis have boon brought be tore the committee and questioned as to the sources ol their information, and all ol them re I used to answer. Thereupon the commit tee reared hack on its dignity and threatened to punish tliese contuma cious correspondents ! The most isnuising I'catiiro of this comedy is the tact thai at cveiy eion ot this committee, w hose pro ceedings are supposed to be striclly eeret, all that is said or done is thai nighttelogiiipiioitalioverthe I'niled I'ollou lo anwtr: nothing -aoi-i i?. ... 'i'! . : i ... .i .i . f. ot even u single line in the hisli 5tates Senate trying to evade the vigilance ot newspaper reporters! lido resident 2. That the , culisti'd :;;:d lithcr in the .-oi Noili: Caroiiii.t, or in t othi-i St..i:(. i:. Hi,. i.u; tin) C'lihtt di rate Stait-s - 3- The tin.,.. pl,;ii. diHiioes in wLioh t. e v. cento, umi tuo n,.tiuc ot the w. -titi. I, ;.-n lu-uhui, inhsublu,- i-.j .j . ! u-.t u t !, labor, n u.-t bo . .. r. !v , Mpl;o::ii:r,r,.;l;!.l.;'i,-i: pli ot's a.- i'i:;: -u ,( . o:io;ii.:v .--loio c;i t:.t st p,.; the same with the luoic ole.hi.dile e.rtitio;:ti pun-tui, n, :s ,.. wul d. pi ml th, an.o Utider tin- clii.-..fic, tin' si. Hurt.. -I. When the v. i I IU 'Oil s.lll.'r 1- , ;ip p. I. -in,:. - Mr. tiie l-i l.:i:i,.j1 nt, ,:u Tl:t' Uorlil's Fair. W'asiiin.iton, D. (.!., March 10 The pvHunl House Mib cominiltee oil the World's Fair held uiiolhcr cou- l'eteiice with the visiting Chieti-'odnlo- bill full committee as si.on as the cii.sn mail can call it together. The changes made in the lull by the sub coiinnil to are few and the pi iiicipl. s of the original bill aio clo.-ciy udinnd to. The piovi. ion for a ii iiionul i i.miniii. bii-u i!oniiutd i i two minilKis tiom t-Hch Stale nominated by tht (l.'vei nors and inM-. ii.ied by t!. I'rcsnh nt lias bten jeiiiim il, but an amendment NEW GOODS ! GOOD NEWS! Sol!- eraov sot;:, or ;n an I liii'iim '.o. i w.i.-i le ilu! chanieu r s td'rct niuiiial po:-ji-inv . ..u.t ; l'ti i:i'. :l of v ile t;r Wiii.c. -. and the well known iiicilioi.l up. u iiis'-o i : oofs ilnolii.t of U:e j i li.-luli ,;io..lio:i puvnud n. w ot a in a.' Ii' iotltlou pi ooi d Wl.l ll! nlaliio. prosentod i'roiu .New r.ueland ma nul.ul urers asking thai taw materials Used by t in-lil he a iinUU'd tree of duly. The first yo-irot ti e Harrison ad ministration bus closed, and one uaiuraliv looks around to see what has been accomplished, and is com ..it . I th. ehel ol ill" II to in 1 lu' proof ile.i;il Ink Stji:.wiLii.K aiming the ropub I'ieaim over the appointment of the yost master at Ualcigh has at last been decided, and Col. Shaffer is the ?i'tor. This is nno'.iior veritieatiou of a statement made to us by a prouiinchl republican to the cited that the present national adminis tration cared nothing tor a Southern man, even it he is a republican, and that in ilie appointment lo Soul hern offices a Northern republican is always preferred to a Southern one. This very torcibly illustrates and proves Hie truth of the charge made hy democrats, that the republic. in Party is a sectional one and cares i lily for the people ol the North, Col. Shaffer is a Northern man, was an officer in llie I'tiimi army during the war, was appointed llegister in Bankruptcy in Im'.T and made unite A fortune out ol that odico. for several years past ho has boon un popular with his party in Wake county, ami although bitterly oppos ed by its leader." he has been ap pointed pe. si master at Ihileigli. TiiK (iit.M d'lry ol Davi'lson t-oiint reliisod. hist week, to tind a true bill against the men who bad been bound over to c uvt by J ud:.o Philips tor lynching iierrier. This was generally expected, tor it wa understood that tho cili..'ns o) I a vid..'i syinpathir.od wiiij the lynch ers and opposed having llu-hi pun ished. Wo have board it intimated that tho ne.t Legislature will be asked to pass a law authorizing the grand jury of any county in a district, in which a lynching occurs, to indict tho lynchers. As the law now stands a man can he indicted only in the county iu which the offense is coin. mitted. and to change this would be n dangerous innovation, and yet. iu no other way does it seem possible iii punish lynching. ot the country. 1 ho year has iccu ; devoted mostly to removing demo cr;ils iron! oilieo and settling dis I pules among republicans as to w hioh of them should be led at the public crib. The Senators are some of them talking ofheyei.iling the newspaper men bocaiie they re! use to toil hov they ti.nl out what is doiu i.i im aliened secret sessions, 'i he Semite Will do Well lo go , VV slow ill '.,11-m.-i'.'.er heciUlse there Is .'I possibility iliiit the newspapers nt the eciinlrv migiit ivtahaie by boycotting t.,c Senali . an i it thc dl.l Inc le.i.pera-tlii-o Woiil I be pretty low in the Ict'li. end ol the I'apil'U b.iilding. Ice new s-:ip-rs can exist without the Son. lie. I nt i! is by no means eerla-n that tl.o Senate can exist willion: the newspapers. .Mr. Harrison h:is issued anoihcr biii.ktiui proil.imu! ion warning a,! pel's ms :igaiii5l iiiegally taking lur bearing auimais in lleiinngs sea iie issued a similar one soon after he entered office and the Canad.an vessels sei.eil under it and turm t loose uilh prize crews ol one man each male the I'nited Slates lie laughing slock o the world. The farce is presumably to be repcaio.i this year. il has been suggested by a pron.i neni democrat ihat insload ot c. t. 1 suming lour days lime in unsealing a dciiioera!, as was done by t:.c House this week iu the ills.- of Mr. I'aU .o! Arkansas, that the n. .; . slioiild gel Speaker I'co I to make a ruling co.npctliiig the llou.-e lo vote as soot, as the report ot ihe ion., ini'leeou I'.loct ions is reeoivi. d. htisbai.- ' di-tv as . of then trading i death w,i Of s.l.il ;; phc.nit is of pi- pel is not pi-en,! tllO I'is of Mli.s in ti I..0 of i ;h disc to:. r i - re, at no or t :cr.. i - ; e'.i 1 1ml ll:o dec oon.se picl.ee li tha' tho :,. . ti:a! i-. ih slltiite -: of ..upp.ii t. and iih the proper ny paietit, and t';i s! two .-it . ! i t a ' ! hcf. !.;. si be c! ! !! .:.!.! to I.i n-a a: th- pli ant . - .:.-! ,ti t ,.e i :i- . n: n:-- own . : - ' t-.v in!:, . ct t'.v- hiu..i:, Ilii.ot !' the ,o-. b, II t he hi 'c w.ti ! litii fact .h I'. 1 hv the .i.-n: ot ham Huould put aiiv such liberal offer l;is is imlioaled aluue in a proper busi ness i-hape- hi hue the TiusIcch, tneii iiali'i-h would i dense the Conference an.; jet Jniilumi take the coih go Now. the way is i Miicly iipeu for Dur ' hum to do tlio hb. ial llutig it is re potted us being ic'idy to do. If Durham puM the liberal ofuT imbe d, d above in proper business .shape, wo will I'.iv.u and ndvociloen . ih'.isias'.icyiiy (hat Trinity be located at Durham A-a member of the Con ii reiiei . a- a mi uibci of tho Uoaid of ' liiistc, .s (if Tiinity College, us an alumnus of Ti iuity. us editor of our Coiiteie: ,f oigah, mid us a ei!i.c:i ol !ia'ci;,!i, we lio not hesitate lo i,ny, in the fin o of such nil oiler, that Dur ham ought ! 'havi-Ti inity: and. should th- olli i be wade and accepted, the A: ';:. noiil l work as heartily and ; enlbi.si isijclly to build up the C' l-' lege at D.o liiiui as it uuuld lot it if located at Halt-ich. 'i'heMessis.Dukc. Ctrl and oth.i- liiiens of Dm ham have dol e m;,:iv noble things for Hod . and humanity, bill if tliv should put their uri'i sc us ilidicati d above into practical shape, thoy isiil rear for i lici'isdvfs tho most splendid monu- ' moot iii :; he hind one that will h-ind d o. n their names, richly in -o.d.M.!. to f.ituio gem rations, and anniii 1 the base of which thousand-, i f giatif.d hcatts would gather to '.-..p I gs ujioil their liieunwy, and upon ! he apex (.( w htcll the hi igh! sui ligh: ol' Heaven's approving .-liilio would p'.tv i i rti-Minl lifintv . IS NOW UECEtVIXn HIS KAHLY S'l'IMNd COODS' ; A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SPUING CALICOES, GINGHAMS A VERY LARSE STOCK GF SHOES GF flL KISDS A FULL SUPPLY OF GROCERIES which will bo sold Vel-V low ' ti iluit'.ou it tiwaiiis. c . but tho Uli-' wi i ..ii ... i o .... uou inciporaliou iwhn-h as iceog- "v l"" ' :'" """" " '"" lj A 1 DCK ami T.0W JMUCE S of l.n-eil in the bill) Is In propaie the X site, consliuct buildings, ami eonliol of its lifi-iueiai I'lVair- I'lesi lcnl is not to a; point t'ne coui liilssiiinei s until the Chicago men have laised I'."),.;lt.i!(lii ou!ii;;ht. and have oieh Kitisfiicioi y ii.si.iii.'.i.i'c of Ih.ir ubiiny to supply another $.-.0;0,tKUl it it sbai! be i.e. did. fir :,ppi ojiriii lion of a million ami a half for the government ixi.il it remains a.- in the original bill, wit hat i ho full ooiiimit tce may change the :, un. tint if so dis posed. Tbi ieh.i.. bi en coiisideriibli-iliscu- i,i..;i .: tii. -advi.-alclity of chang ing the date for t iu- fair lo lS'.i;). Chi.-aoo in. n I;, ie ll;v,. Malc.l that they arc ;, a !y I ) la id tho f dr in lSli'J; but ii,, y lea.ly to acocpl :ho ja l,.u i n; i f tli-fui! coiuu.it tee upon this pp.j o:.;i;-.,n. It inider stood ti.il tho l.huois liichdieis of the Ho.is... I.o.u v. r. feel lhat in jus the tO b leioll xhibltolS, tllO tltlll! shoi'.hi bo eii n.ied. ret mil '1 he an'' 'l!,'r n MOLASSES trociries. l'-inneis cm bo supul-;,., 3", wi'h kimli bf wm& Tmis mm Gmmma. i f -.niiwnivi ' s.-' l.j! at tho very lowest juicis for Ihe on-h. I Imvo a few of those w.w Winl.r .oods licndvimi lo Clothing, la ,vy l ia'crweir. I'lantic and Hlaiikot s which will bo sold at cost for cush r.- dios Dress Oonitn, f.adies ( l.-aku. Shawls Urin T'il I :-!l i o. the money and you e-iu li; tl tho b.ii'i'nius nt. V7, 2,. J-OIv?2)OMS C. M-.r.h If. I val. THE CHEEK FUSINITUII.E CO., -" 7- , -if. i, hi t i. ale. t u. '.U.icil he ii-c huiel, .... til' j I I s.'ll V, I. ; an make a; j ,! . aio i.ow on f oicl s a-, i sa. pension loli ui'I ie r.-s I i nr.. the statute In;!..; i-idil;g t iiOse W hi) lot! nm . but sol o a: e i.ow o;i 1 lie t no Ulal.e Uti. . .1 pi ,le,l . m-y in r ' ." i t i at li.i i t i.ile.i s;; ii . ..i W i, 0 hi 1 d-...., it ot i f .ii n.si; i i' icci.h nt i no of h . tl.i Mate py ny t of li n in . .iii d to ir Ibex l b nee thai ol theStale; tl.'ah r She i r ci.iiniy. tl.uo bun :al tin v do il.-s.'ss, ,1 e must ai, I l li i t .- t ioi that sin.- I ... u' .-tat iite .-lie., toob nn:-t n.aio l'-. lllt Wotii i he loo siill c w: it; ! I .-avo I"' s ot i i me The members ol tho l int, ioas ( "(ingress are to make a t in- : i'ini i pal e;'.ies ot t he S. Amor ".I. In.; tuo.-.. li Wlii be I i.i r i ; ... f ot r of 1 1 .Is- ill It i: A;i ing t is ; h.Mlg'.' ;i In The lib.!. . attri- !i' i iisi-ill I hat I lie i barges !rcl I , laincd, seem l" have I ist inter, the proceedings ot tho invest i ii of the ( 'ivil Servb e Commissi, idv was the witness that ett! nb i I fun iT 1 , it tl.ev hold ie -l .hi things. 1; II. Hat, dcr.t ol the 1 puny aud a . ! is , t week I II I 'est er's po t.i.i ' f thlee :l- a a!:.i v : Kn tl.i' tee ma Some surprise was democrat w ben ex foi'inerlv Supt rinlcn- II. .v i Telegraj-h '..:. . repr-.-s-.:ntatie ot t!.. Labor, made .irgunirn1 lore the Hou-e eotnmii ollieos in lavor ol Wana 'al telegraph si hemc. aiisi-.i an.'-ng iveruor V ar- t I. .at t.t. i ii g w men I he .;.: . thai Tub Hodi.k suits iigainst the rail road companies have, been decided against the plain till". Out render? will remember that lust summer a man in Wake counly, named Hodge, brought suits against toriy railroad companies to recover from each the penalty ol s.ihO for not making cer tain reports, as required by law. -t Wake court la.-l week Judge "diicliiio dismissed the suits, because in his opinion the suits must bo brought in tho name ol the Stale and lor its use, and not lor any per son who might sue lor the penalty. ( lie iiehl Unit the Slate was the pn: !y injured, if anybody, and not Hodge or any other particular individual. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. mouth was confirmed by llie ; as Collector o the p'u-t ol f'liran- by democratic vnie the democrats had Voted againsi him his iiominalioii have been rejected. Ilx 'ongrossinan raulbee. was shot al the Capitol by Cm pondeiil Kit. raid, is in a cniieal i dition and his death is hem-iy pciled. Senator r.;irboi:r, ot A irginia. sj l"i'. ami Senator Spoonrr aginns Ulair bill ibis week. A naval court ol inoniry w il vi-stlgato the adogod cruelty ol -Mel alia, ot Hie I . S. S. hnlei lo Ins men. 'J'lnf nil' tr iiisfi'i riug the wi-ai hot urea i io do- War deiiiii linont h:is iiecn lavoiahly n ported lo thn Senate. Socro'.ary Windoni H silver I 1 i ,s Having a hard time in the haiois o.' the House committee on coinage. , Ii w h. tl, f r to ti: ; i". 1 Ai, must iii-. his. !.! till- M l Colilt ir i l' tin- ilri-t Mm., t -iy :, inal. no , ari a the p. ; s A.i .' . Hi-r i! in ."s. i t- lubcr ! I i N , : or pe: M. 1, pi.. g:i-t t r Ihe r if! ihe M-.:r in lii.i.i; ; lhat l.:!l ill! I I i - fole the 'fowl!.;;. II!.. I pav.i.oi.i ot Ihd by t la id .Monday 1 be audited. fatal Kaili-uud Accident. 15n i M.ucli 7. --Ail liulValo wa.- h.aii.lcl last night by the m-ws '.hut a tc'iibie disasli-r hu-1 i ceiirrcd on ii.t L'.k. shore liailwiiy, near Day u. w s'.it."U. about nine miles from 'ii.s cily. All kind.s of liiuiois Weie 'i' nitiug iiboiil, each one mme appall iu,; ii a:i tin) l;t, and as is ai way trae ill - ,;ch oases, it was almost iui poss.hh. to gel any information lioiu t ue l ai; . ay ople. The ili-fatod tlfliti was No. 1 iioimd (iistward. and due hereat '.din ocl. clip, iu It was ma.!e i'po! Ibiei b-igoage ciiis, four couches, and foiu siiepcls. ! Some miles west of Columbia, the! limn palled between the ia-t coach : ami the til st sleeper, thus destroying ; the i llieeiicy of the air brakes, as ' far as the back pail of the train was ' O' l t cl ind,and placing it in an uhu' st li'ioohtrolhiblo condition. 1; was on. n dowll o;;nh. whole this oecuiled. . ai d the two parts of the liuiig i i loss thin, (U 1 1 .1 . nward with mnva--.'.g spot d. healing their load of pre i .' us Lumaiiity. lo di ath and desli nc- 1 he lil st section Weill illtuig as i an, us'im: until Cotidm-toi' dohn 11. Houh iii , ! alllllg ill.scow-ied what had h;i. pi lied , be and puilcil the bill cold. It was;,.'i! pi ibabli ju.-t what most men wouid t l ave done under the cil'ciluistanci s. iui tin- act was attended with di-a tr. lis Oollsl iices. The fl "lit .-co t'.,:i came to a sianih.tiii. and a nm ' lt , uiei.l or two latir the rear M-oiiot .:;,..!. i into it with awliil force and n . vi loo ; 1 V. ulid the W I Ci k Was C-liilpii ted. ., , , i I'lio sectiom oain.i tcgi ll.t r with -s , ; . 1 1 force thai tho foi w ai d sleeper, the Salina, teli'M'ojihe.l the l i at coach of ihe Matidiiig scriion, killing si 1 i oj io and ilijaiing l."i olheis. Car. vole piled ill nil shape on top of olio 'ale. lilt T, while the Sdina Was almost . coinph tc!y biiiied from sight. I l ose who isCiipod injury biaM-l s- i about hclpinj; those who wt-ielcs loi I '.mate. lin-scieinns aud shiiiks f li i:t ii v of those iu the wn ok wen eio u-hto make one's blood ruiicohl. Ashct ille's liooiti. 'r - a U .'.rrrii.nili.i. ;. Uif Sinai i hn i.l.-l... As'irvii.i.K. N. C. '.March o Asi.eville wants to he represented D,bl. liont A !i;ii::,v:-,)iis S itt v - 1 iIt-. Ihv.rt:. Mai'.li ( A passenger tiaiu on llo H,;;ii Line division of the South V.n'i I'oiul was iiininpo il( two .-.vl i i.s last lrgi.t. The tilst section got Idol-Led ill ii snowbank and the I w i ngim-a puliing M'.-tiou two had jii-t ooii.o up toils assis-t-tuoe when a .-nowsji e tame down the moil. I.,i... 'i'i.e !'.". If i-l'.gities, naili and b i .- an- e c. s wen- roii-plcte-ly c..ei', .1 '.-i:l! snow, and the mail sgeijt and b !;; i;-. i,i-ia were buri.'il bi-!.t.;th ii. l't.i'V Hi III dllg OUl ill U! 1 nr. .!. K , i. Ima.der I'.'i'i sUiid.ng just in a i iti."!'..-. We- val l ied .-i vi i.d !, -.ii , a. d : t down the moun tain and i ntnelv a.-ios-; T( n Mile Kiu-r by ihe slide. His escape from 1-alh v. a-, r.iir.i.-.ilous. but a b.i-ily ! spia.'.i . kae.- ami mini- bruises were ; the only iv-iiih ,;! Ihm perilous jour -li' y. Iliglil Ini.isic.l to Oca: li. Mi MiitM.. it M ivoh ;. Mrs. Dnc-imo C.-heieltc. tiie wife (,f ii wt a'nh 1'n n.-ii Canadian fanner, and hi r seven child. in, weio burned In death today in li.nr bon o nei.r C. le St. Michael, ihe miles fu m this oily. , 1'iic li.ni.iy bved 111 a largo mI i iie hoiisi. At an i hi iv hour '.his inoin lie; lo buhiln g t, ok lire, ami before l:a-iance co'.i.it be given it was burn- . i d to the groin. d Codei, ti,. l.a l u ft the le'lisa- to at ii-nd t" jus. w. tl. i.ic. nt the f.nni. ami 'ii 1' tin '.in;; found the place in lioi.es. Hi tin .. i I o 1 1 i-oil" h isi t.t I ii ily i bul was o-. . coi,,.' by l.ls honor and : mil d. lb' was lei i ii .Is- I ut in d. : and may dtp of his injuiies. The It! i. Mlj.j. '.-id to ii-.-.e lu-ell euilscd l ol il can ol kerosene viiioii.il 1). iid. iy a full line of HEAP and MEDIUM FURNITURE 'all and get Mires and coini we will, ,.! II !.. t i ' ' ""'Ois nulUt' I'llVlllg. TT, r . ii Kebruarv 27. H id. Call ? & 9 T. 8 " "y SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Greexisboro, IT. C hi M Y.ki 'iri;:.i:-i oy mm TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND KCATIWC G70VES, Sav Mills, Cans Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Cisiin:;s u! Kvciy 1 Jcrtii inliou. .ft-Sei.d fvf l-'riccj-Uri. nl i; si E. Fs WYaTT & SOH. " ' RALEIGH, ' DUHHAM, i!:.DRSON, .Mai-tin Main Sn Main :r.-. Id ' !l H..ii I- I'x.i' .'. x i HI I . l!,o now to . htoc l.ir-r. 1 1 i " i':-' i UUl.bUf; II- KV; l'rollibilioli in Kaiis.is. 'i i.i..'.. . !:.:-i b .s.. iniis en i-'i 11 as ii.-id la-.t nil.t in Ho :n;-M- Mad. ,n the intci'.-si mi I..,,!. I CTJl I!"W ,'1 bl.M ? STUFF .ITID CHOPS, mm m tonus m meal. oiia:..r l . Iii-Oilli l.c,t I'll. ij-ala h!r i.;:!'.i: in i. tc I'ailu: i ;cs !,. s: ar-. an. l her.- w as a Hire;, i n.. u el ail jinnies. . I'.i i,!! , i, I Wichita. .1 1'iiblii an, delivered the Ilclerlannl tb.il ti.e ."slate liiiil been a v. Ho ids. i siili.nilled c.v thai ' in- ;.oi!llatiOi i decreased ill 1 bo las! j a -oribed lhat bn.1 to itix-ii s :r, 'I be la'li-r . .n- ..w :i :.; . rir'i. ? iliecs lis. is e , 'bloive I,' 'be -eu lif-iltb ol .S l'Ui X and C. I' 1 I.i.. Wo cull v a A HEAVY 5TG3SC OF iS AUD SADDLIRT. LARGEST STOCK l,Y T:SIC HT.tTJSt mm, Mm, sums. irp mi IN KVIIHV VARIETY. b-':iit. Jim. i i oli : ! 1 1 1 1 ' ii . .!. W. !. !! ..! KiiiiMiuiu. said the j.e..'lo n, re lircd .-!' Ihe l'r.di ibilioii lai-' i , u !.'. li h;j dej.lcte.i he trcas urics .,t i iii.--. and tmvn,. and caused stiti.'i,ai i. m in business. llll'l call oli'er sin fi.it I'l i- c w hi iii s.iln limb'. 1 ! on; ie- mir of CAN Dir.-. !,.;'. I'l.iiu ion! Pill. I. V Slit :. At lie ... .S.C., ,c , .-ide ai d u I.i. i. ' We ..! y.'U t and - ee ii . wb. n In I .n b:.;.i. ,)..!! ',1. 1 .'..' I. ihlei. to l!,e I"i I; i''iii!ov. mI.i.Io- r i : i my ilj j !l.-.i!;t n bo hole tbt- culilil v .1 wilii the d.llv. '.I t.i 1, vy or c! si d bv t!.c i. I.i I I'1 l'.'l i or I ihnie in in.it ui.t aid out will iilu.inisti'ili. n i"'li the liiiili- el- Wm.mimito.n- will celebrate, on the 2Utli and 27tb ohhis niontli. the com delion ol the C. V. S: V. V. railroad. An excursion mi (hose days- will be f;iven to the merchants rcsidinaloiii,' the line of that mad, and Wdniiu;.' ton will entertain Iheiu iith lhat rt liiied and "onerous bosjiitalii v s" L-liiiraeteri-ii.col'bercitizeiis. A ban ijnet will be given the oxciii'i-iuiii.sis, mid also a triji to Carolina Itoaol' and Wri.i;htsvi!!o. It will no doubt bo a 'Host onjovnblo occasion, aud Killed Willi .'.loi pli iiii HKNt'EiiKoS. N. C March 8. John . Adams;, a machinist about .V! veair. old, liailinpr from 1'itt county. N. C, died yesterday at tlin 1ft ndei.son Un to! in thin jiince from the ( lioots of nn overdose of iiio!.hinr. taken nhiie iccovoriiig from a il. tinlicii sjuee. lie v,-,in f mini in bin iviom iu a dviiie; i-.n. dilioii, when m. iiral aid win t tuno cjiveii. Ilo Hiii 1 he did not intend lo if '. kill himself, but took the iimi j.hiiie nan. to ijiiiet his nei v. s. lie was in '' wim habit of ta'.iiiff the drn iu o'.uint i'uiif:',i;,' from t welve to sixteen ri. Ho boueht (.je hen grains bi re i'J probablv took all of it ut nno linn; call. w o an vise even ono: v.no receives an tho ruV; boiile wiui found in I invitation, to be nitre to siii-col it. room. 'I th. Il ai A-.... :.,. a i ui t :.:! n -i-i't. UK iii. el lin!:-! i i in pi i. i i.e sucei '. ' . us la vv u nl d I.' 1" III Vi i.leii I iii form their duties u, in. sciibeil hv tl Hi t. 1 lie;, ,ii e 1 ei,ni i , lo CM t ei .e . be (.le.ttiit i arc lu the .isi t l titltiiiii lit i.f li.e hi, I., in i neli c isc. nn.! that the IU ct -.Mil v nioi fs ate j.i'..(,etly in..i 1,. and Ira: -njilte.! lu tl.o Nl.ite'r,i,ard Any fiiiluio or it fiisal I i rej.eia dis cha: e thi se dim. s ii,ay not only do j'livt the ih sci iurr soldier nr In, in- lli-lli; id'iw '!' the I ellelils if ti.e law, but it iMii subj: 1 1 lb? otlioei s and j-. isi.i.s rii .,:'n n ii..-,' io the j i.iiin- Ui.l.t ji ivid'.! in Seelii.n 10 of (ht- act ; and u s.,.i!l bo ih,. ,u-y f Auditor o fill uis.ii lo (he (Solicitors itVeient jinli -iiti ili.stii, fs the any i. ill. er ol nther j'ei.son n;,o .sliiiii n -i.-ci or i, his,, to .lis 'Ve li e dlll'es ili'i.,se. ilj. hi,;, I' t lie llbiiVi" I'd. - I'i od'.s I'.irni.. for iiiakin'iij,) !i e.oiOli-. i o, .s, lie, e.in b.- . dc, , ed ; :V"ui tin lb .,i.,i.r . I' In. ,s cf the:' couutv. ' n the Pailv Mate Chronicle. She ' -i mis creolincs .i the in-w erler- rise ;iiid wishes it Iiuil; life ainl I'i'.-sjierity. N umbers oj' jiei'i K in the centra! and eastern ioilinii ol the Mate iinow s.-iii'i ely anytbi : about Ashe vil!.' and the MilTohudine; tonus. Some have heard ol the s:io''t!i m ih,- -llirmi iil.ani of .Nmlh Caroli na . but know iioibiiii; o! ils imii liil doVelii)in!ent. I on oars it'n the census showed a illation ol I'.luo. ' imI;,v Ashe viue has a iiipiila;ion ol U.nuti. ;1 iiaiii ol iicarly 5ui) jier eonl. lu 1si. the assessed vaiueot n .ju-i-tv in the city w;is tttti-, US, T,l.-. v, it is 81,. ;'.J.L';! I. an increinso ol ouo jier cent. in lssii ii,,. morc.-intilo business aniountod lo about 6,'iIhi.immI, The .t..ti.I business oi the city for lb, 'year 1 .-: ainounlei1 to s t .!!',";, H M. i ; in lsil there was sold on the tobacco market luii.iihu niiinds ot leal liihai.eo. Ihr which was .i,i, "1-',UIMI. Al the close ol lie- lobui co eiireiidinSeiiteiiibc,' 1, 1 .-.-,;l, ( hei-e had been sold -J.l 7":..'l lor which Was j'-O'l snj;' 70, Tim roiii estate transactions t'u the pitsl ye ir aliioii nted lo Sspi i , AimI this 'i;is been done ultimal i.ic inlliieiice of a linoin, but iu the nat ural 1 011 I'm- of niii-rcss. iicallhv and -ab.e. Nonis v Curler, if Ibdi ib, have iiui.le nn a.-niiinit-nt. Spolteil '"ever, ' N .,!.!: r.r. Tlnn . Miuo'i S. Then-' is clc.il ( vciu-uir 11 ill Ihe ii'itii t V ( f . roiinlain llctd. K'iiniier county, this i ale. 0 vi I' I no a..i niiiiieo nl" h ml ted I fevel.ol ' Iii'.ll-lliOil llieilil';;itis. 'i'hcio h ive Iii 1 !i seven d. at lis, and tl.ele ale -1 Sciu! hi-W eases. Those who take i'. live oiiiv a Mmit tiiiii-, soino dyin 10 1 win;;, four liours It is tbouobt-: tin- W'.r.-l is y I lo ciiiiic, us n pent t li:.:. altei.de I the f.in. i.d of the lilst one tii.it d.i-d. h it knowing wliiit the .bsiusf. w;is. fi may s.read over a laie soi'i'e of country. Nome of the ieojile urn now moving out, while; ot licit si em ibtcruiiiu d to titty and : maku the l est of it. w - . IntiOfciit .Matt linn isoneii. Si 1 iNor.ii in. III, .March 0 dlnr Downs, who was sentenced lo a o i in of feil v veiti H iu tho iienitenliary I'loiii U nbamsoii county in 1M.--4. for an assault ujion a 'irl ten or clown yt, ns ui .-iie, has bun paid ilied by ( biMinoi l'li. r. Tlioviolinjlias oiDivn ! v oiii.mliood, mid now muket; aili d 1 vil I nut Downs w.-ih not her assailant. C. F. & V. V. RAILWAY. C o 1 d 0 1: s e d 1 1 it 1 Oi 1 1 1 ; In 1 Iii c! 1't In inn v K'. 'i---0. z-ar school si.'-!i,i! have 11 class in Mil Spencer's First Steps la Sorii Carolina History. I'lio. 1.1 cent.-.. Xew edition. .Moore's ScM History No. Ear. Ho cents. ALFiitO WILLIAMS & CO.. l:.r.r:i(J1I. X. c, for eterjtbii y .n w.t'.t I' 1 your hebool ! w. r 1, v 1.1:, i.,-n 1 1.1.-S ..-ui I. IV. 1 l;Vi.. ir. s.ij.!. XX. X-iCX-TXDCXT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'll liilot-o. ', . Sj.eeial ill ient ion ,ii tk'lMMlt of est iles nf ,b II lo 1 bo hot .dents LUMBER! All l.indsof Ll MHLIt f or t tb PlTTo2CR0 SHUTTLE MILL. VYAThR-BOARDIMB, OESLIHG AND FLOORING, I'i.wkii ami us Diiikti, ou Itoroa, liilis Kawt d lo order t tibort nolle, flood Ceib. p; nij Flooring alr4j I'-.m -i 11 at onlv !?1 per 100 futi. X3'. NOOE. Tr. is.su. 'Jiie li.-hl lliu.c; in llie ligb.t jdrtoe ...linnit doiibl Ir. Ibill'si Il.ilo . i ij'. 1 in- best remedy for babies n:ie leethi.- j;. Oiiiy 'J.i tenth a boh If uur li-.ei ii ti.ii'id, if viuir 110 l ie I., o .r. it you wind yoiu si, .1,1 I. 1I101. 'i;,'!.!y cleansed, if you e.iu ! I ,i. it y i-ll wai l 11 yo.nl ib; ' II. I.-:-- 1.1 . oi.l, the iJteal leul.itul . 1 Sept. "JC sK, d 'ttZiiZJjfcsA ti 1 1 11 ii tti mm 1 yalvatii Oil i'Viil sc-.- .-i'.S.J 1 1 V. i v ui -i rTCtcno', u. c. , -.1 of iii State and Fe lt in! , ' -. himI Tnitf-Murk nMnlnl, aod 1' h.i p.. c.-n-liit , - i f..r MHtuu mhl i s di.'i ,.j Ocir,siTt .U. . hn.r'ifmi 1 ... '...! -IV ie; nt iu 1cm UBM UMa . .'' i .-.'' 1 K'H-hliwi.in. s. n.i in,..;. 1 ii-u i-,llZ or rhofo . with Wi- vlost. if nlM of ttnt, (MS 'c H ir I c i .i- .lite till ial li rnmmi, r. pjm.-Hi.iT. "II. ik 10 Ol, lain rMtaU." vl .1. '...I! C'l llts IU JTuUJ tUUI " '., 1. 111 n.-u. A.lurc-., CA.SNOWd.CO. lTiriT Otricc. VWmi.rla. p, f.

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