1 1 t nathani iipcsrs TIU'USH.VY, MAY i!' lv'ii local ni:cons. gin. I SCHEDULE lTl'TSPOlU)' It. 1! Hie OKMMlT trilll I. II llll' I 'UsI')!"' lltllriR'l yN mistier..' ilnlly. ti" i'i Sumla-, ;u " -j n n. Mid rrlvt nl I'll itl . in 5 1" p m., n '..; fM oinnroil'.n wait thi' mall (rata . '' U. AX. II. K.) likh iirrlvii. m Jli at Hi' a. lit. u4 kim llMlrlnli ill U.IS i. m. IrCr A large M ulc i'er sale. A pply V 15. None, Jr.. l)oj; wood limber wanted, at the shuttle block lueiory vr. V.yi- i, loud at cvi'vy opportunity. sr Tin Vitlslx'i.i on Friday In iltiir exercises ;! idyhiv u ill lake p! gin, t li v ; i'.ill InaV ho I'MH'Vl are A lileasalit in oil: i'.ill UiaV ho c.MH'.'U'd. ISjr Wo surrender nn'-t of the ppace on our lo'-al vage t' 'I"1 "'' ceedings of tin." St: inlay sch..'.l con volition, in nliUli mi many ot fir venders arc grv.itly interested. 17 Wc much :vi;rft lo ln'a, -the. death of M-;. .'. W. Ihrryinnti.. ot tiiill township, who died on last Saturday, aged li.' years, ami wan buried Sunday with Ms-onic honors. t& Mr. J. C Adeoi-ii lias 1'i'on aiioinlod m?.( in:i..t-i- sit M 1 Vermin Siriii;4s in laee ol ("ul. ', A. 1 1 ton, whoso hij;li t 1 1 -i i I i it t.i ehar.n-1 rr is loo puro lor tl.v hyj o.: ili.al Warn Vamaker. iS0r You will '.1ml at V. I." i don's a hloi k of i;o.i.s that eanii"! te beat in low i rive-, mi.iiiiy r i-uantity. All lie a-',.i il.at y.m Vill ;al'l uml ;.ee tlioni, ami if yor. liavo tlie money you will lie Mire t. buy tin' iods." 11 is ..tovk is i'u! I in yvery line. B!r It was em I en noruin' !or tires ai n to lie vomlot'tal Ii alilv '.lie Mini1 tol l im.-Ii ye-itei'' a win'ti-r !' !l was ;r. wave, tliat Saturday l assvd t!ir oi.'h lo Illinois, where there Was J'rosi and some ko '.l.v '.hick, window j ane. tiT A mad d.'u' was l.t at Sv jiuin's on last In in-. !:ty li was a black and w!o;c p..tie. bt.ll d.. ;hat came from the .liiwli.ni el New llopei township, and bavin,' '.ceii j-een by Mr. .1 !. Pryanl. a it '. ..--'! his house, he lo.lowi.d it ami ?.i."l ii pt tin: factory door. ST Ueecived ! his ai ' J. Jot ol ladies' 11..I.. iitlier Millinery ""'' Ho has a nice stock '.v li it-li he is olVe.'iii ' yoti noed aii.l tiling y W real l.s a . .it I ..mho I' PlVS-: j,,,, cry cheap. II i ..: n t'.iio . i ii Lundoii s and 1 i as ot1. liionev can be had anywhere. Wo have re.-, ived oi; baiitlsoui.' imitation to llosilli,' exercise, ol lh" School, at Siier f it y, ot; lay. Mr. Henry lo.ciht will deliver tlie adores lr. Hume, of the I'niv iroach the sorm .:i. 'He V. P. II. Co. will sell ti, ;-. cca-ion at h;ii! rales. sitemi toe I'llOli'J -Oil next I u.'v , ot Wi.-.n. , ami l!ev. r-ilv. w ill C. !'. . Y. els foi- thu A l.Attiit: I'.ox P..-:: e. rr.s liomh'iil write- us li.ai Ihcii' i- a box bush al Mrs. IJ.klii', iiii.shaw's. ju Albii;'ht township, liiat i.- l'"i:! t artls hiii and t We! ve y;,. '!., in , .r ; i-iimli'i'ciico am' which iia- r'.'.vn ,'Xaclly in the shape, ol a hay 'I;1.' '. This bush was phinle.l iy (earn. a' Andrew. iieM tot.:'.1 y oa 114C.1 .hr.uh Ver of Michael 1 1 in-lilHV, .- .ti.e I r. .11 1 y .ir twenty live year.- a;;... l-..r 1 l,i. U:.' '.e. (i ravel Spvini; Items. Mav T, lsl.ti. As it soms thai tie,, farmers in 1 Ibis vicinity never v. rile, auvthin to let Hie !!i:ioiu, hear liotti li.eui. I though! I would wrile ter them. Th :. finers aroe.n.l her.' .e.'i:i t . Jie v. ." ' usv : some platitiuu coin' jiml 'o, . some ph.iv. itt corn, an 1 . some 'i:t n ti iiir. I I have heard some 1 iplaint ol ' buus beim; very detiuclive to the lorn, bill I can't t.-il what kind of; li''s Ihev are, only they are M b!a U lmir : 1 do not ;n.iv whether (he .re en ailed Hadica! leiuocruis but sunpose there are vi i.,' ol botn kind. fir it seems tbeie are .some of both parties. Wheat is nlmont a laii'trit ii: some ji.nrts of this .-ei tion : a iireat many say they will not i:t iheir seed ba'elc (iardens are lookinir '.veil. Some are having pea- and potatotvi. Emit will lu: very seareo on nr : t-olint of the cold Hliap soine '.line ;r-'' People are clippinu the wool Irom the. sheep, and soine sc. t.i to i,V' in a burry to p't il ready lor u-e a Oiou'li they expoi t ii : ill t'.o'n t old aiiain. Some people ,.eem to be I'limaired in cultivatilii; that lucf.il plant lhal is called tohaec.i. As they s.vmod p) f;ct u very nice price it la-t year I stipiose they tlmuul.t Ibey j.volll.1 tl' it iioili II I II' some ol the Iilaiita have heiii injured by the ilia's and the cold weather. Spring yhickciiii are v:ry scarce and the hawks :;re takii.;; : neir share of what l here in. There has been sum,' exeil i iiieui arouml here about ina.i dos. but Jhey are mil a jd-nly a., talk is, or it would be very danu'ero:,s l.t travel. I am i;lad lo say th.tl th ; li.ons; il liu.r around It ravel Spriei.' are Innl u Friends' churidt in about a mileot the office, near the family rave yard at Mr. John Whitehead's. It is a very nice church house and i- located w here there bus been need vfou luanv veal's. T. II. siiuy scaooL umwi A IMi'iisiUil Occasion - l.sutre At tendance Much Kullm-i-itsui, tVc. 'I ho second annual meeting of tho Chatham County Siiinlay School Convention was I't'l'l in tl' court house, :il lliis place, oil last Tuesday, ami iVii-i a groat succcsi both in the hcuibor and character ol l)i. jiToii.. in ;:' tendance Tliu (invention was called L-t or der ni In "ill o'clock by 1 1' v president, lie,-. V. Tlioni. and 'dre exercises began by l In singin.C of a sacred koi'.l' t -" 1 1 1 1 ' ' liu'.;: selected liir the occasion. V - president then read t In- Hrst Psalm, ami an appropriate prayer was ollered Iy li-v. J. I'. ISarreit. 1. I"., of Paleigh. Alter tlie singing of aiiotlii'l" sti.itr by the i li.iir. an adiliv. ; ol vi'U'onii' v.:s .li livi'f,"! I'V H. . I.omlmi. lo vl i.li ...n aiiroj'riaLf i i sj.oiim! w as niii-lo liy l'r. I. II. Ali'riht. Tin iivmiIoii', rfiU('ii''l tlio tlflo - j:i ti , !i-i'tt ti-oin tin: 'I': a'I'i'Ih .v.imlav seliools I" lt;'.n.l in their names lo the Sev"ilai-y, and the lid lo.. in is v. list oS' thein : Aiumeh it'll !'i.;t ia n i, S. .1. ISviniin .1. h. Oldliai'i i. E. I-Ai-n'c. M. I. Iselt. I llavwo.id tfivst'Vterian. Mrs. It. .1. i!ran, Miv; da l.a.-.siter, Mrs. 'iniua liryan. Y. M. 1,'ry:'.' 'S.. Liryan. ilii k.irv Mt. liaptisi . V. V. Cheek. M. P.. Me.Matli. .Miss Praneis ; ci.uk. .!,t. I'leas.uii . Mothodi t , .). !!. ; At water. Y. M. (iatlis, I!. V. .Mann. .'is Kronio Atwaler. Miss Nanire l;i!rnelt. Cenier Cr.ive i Christian ), T .1 . Piand, Y. II. V..i:e. Miss M. .1. 1 i M I'.ill. liy mini's ( M,.h i list .. I.. I. liy ii t: in .'. W. ( 'iiilu i-, .:i, 7,.'Y. Cook. 'A i s Wv Andrews. Miss I'annie ' iliia'iis'.n. II,. k II Hi Jiaptisti. (i. W. K..!i hee S. II. Wit::!;--;, W. .1. Williams. Marthas Chapel i Christian W. A. Ellington. l'.;iierl ilernden. llavw I i Methodist!. M,r. :"A Mrs. ii. .1. flley. Mis hie. Kobe!! Slcp!.en. l.y.lra ( Paiilist U I oie. ,'. E. ( 'ole. Chat ha in i Society 1 l 'hariie New lin. i . ' i. . una I". fole.T. 11. of friends i. Meliane, .las es, Araiiella a. i.a:-y , Zae!.:'."V. ilanks S. p,. p.-, P.oon. Mii.i.ie t it hrisiian ). W ni. Hatch, V. in. II. II lat'uat.i C'ii'ti'i . Methodist 1, C. i; Ci..--. .1. I'. Worn'.!:.. .May's Chapel 1 liaptist) N. A. (iil m, "-..' I: N. Jones, .1. W. White. Itfo-.vn's 'hapel 1 Mel ho iist :. John II. I .., I, Jsaa W. I'v.l-if.liii, bailie ,1. l!cii.;.-: -it. Josiah T. Ibiruam. John T I ove. I.ovc s Creek . P.aptis' J. . V.'ul ters. .!. P. Iv.rk. H.mrv loiscit. Maun'.-Chapel .. Methodist ,1, W. I'. S.io.mI. M:',iU Sm ilh. pocl: .Iprie-,' V!eipli-P. .'. !i. Pi rn..',, s, Mark Smith, I,'. K Pi. Idle. N ew loam .Christian 1. L. I'. Jolin :,..:,. A. P. I'aitvU. S. I. Join. so-.!. Mt. Vernon , M,ei -Il.t . .lames Perry. I ! 'tm S:i i..t; v I'.apiis! i, . J. l.a r. M. I''. I'oe, W htc Co. ami. S.ier i Methodist t . Wieun, W. ' Womb!,'. Pi',!-b...o . Il.-ipiist '. Icpre-eiiic.l by nearU a t'i;l! .,-!e,alioii of lc:u h- 1- ami puj Plli-le e I Me'.hl- li-:t ', '.'O pivse 1 1 I ed by . lariy a full delegation .'f tea i.ei- nlei l.ii; ii- lli. kory Mt t Meliiodi:-; . r. M; M: . Oi:i Mann. II. IV. . Pi'-a-a:,! II, 'i .Christian M.js I- I'ev. A . D. II. Ai! i-:l-!.!. A-t.tity ,.Me:i,o.i;..t . .io':,n !. Ty :.or. Jam'e. !. 'fs,,r. .). Al. Johnson .Merrill s 'iiHp. l .. Methodist'. I: W. Atwaler. Ml .ion Metho Crutcl.liel !. Mrs. Matr trie !i:- ant's Chit,,.'!, , Methodist 1. W. P. !i''ut. P.. I'. Thomas, Miss Willie smith. Mi- r..';i i:;iiiiei..n. l ice hHu s IPil. We.-'eyau Meth odist . report hut i.o .!e!ei;:it. Piit. I l.'i l:;e t Pr .testiint Method ist , report hut no delegate. Jones t hapel . Meihodist ,, re;., bat no delegate. Pleasant Hill I Puptist .. A. Job son. A. C. Moore, N. S. Webster. Pica-ant Pill (Methodist', .1. Cr.ch, l.i.eie I'erirason. I. rt ... , 1 1 .' SliauL'han, .!. !i i.reen, Mrs. P. Was a ':::;:ii;iillee to arriilije a pro - tin Pci khorn i Methodist i. J. H. Jono. I. ll.Cro., Miss Miaou- Ltiw rent e, .ii-ii iilit-Cro-s. Cent iv . Protestant M.'thodist i, W. N. liUmi. Charley Henley, Flora llciil.'-,'. Cedar : Snipe,;. (irove i Methodist i. T. H. .amlers i ,rove , I inou , .1. F. .Min- dot',. Miss Mahala Sanders. ! In order lo learn the number ot ; te;;t her-, and schohus at temi i n ; the i-tjiiday schools l'epivsv,ated in ibis i-i n v flit inn. the secretary re .iiessed the siiperinteii'leiil ot each st i. on! to sU.le the number of teach- or- ami scholars in his school. - rmn those reports w i timi that the total niiinbcr .it lea; hois i 2'.ii ami ; 7 as lolhui s : PI-.' .-ant Hill, ( hristian, . iili. ..h. 'ctlt l-e t i I'oi 0 Ilanl.s I'hiipt Mal tha Chapel ' New Plain I 'hrisiian fluipel PI SI llll Pi 10 Freedom Pill, Wis Moth, Flint l;id:;e, Prot. Moth, Co n Ire. " ,' Sapnui; bldire," ' Ploa-anl Hill. Paptlst 4 i II til Spi'ilie;, " li.l .1 1 Look Spnui;, ' Piltsboro iKoi.kH.iil 74 ti (ill (ill SI I till pis '.0 VI K s: i::n r7 Ij.'l III ' nr. P.'O 1 ':") fx; ' 14 4 M li I.J 1J 4 S (odar (i rove i ch-aham Church t lis'.. ,vn s Chapel ; Mri-rill'M Chaifl j Man'i's I'liapt-l : Aflnirv j siU-r ('it v j.Mari.niy 1 Mi. ij-non lls !MI j lln I lOiiJ "I 1 1 o i 5ii i inn i li.'l i.i i li 11 Join's' ChalM-l j I lay wood, Preshv teriiin ; Chatham, I'rien.is, ' Mt. Vernon Springs, : ...niders (irove, Union, "mi I Ore Hill. The president ' at.pnted as the minute otlieers the , .' V t enm iii 1 1 f i. In in in I'.iih.u I.Mf vir- K W i. 'water, S. Tav, W. I', r.iu.d.eo. if. W. I'.vn.l.n and Y. II Ilateh. i Thtitilst snl.jeel lor diseussion on j the pi nraininu was "The objects j j and aims of Inter IVmuuinatiima! j Sunday Schools ". The speaker .signed to this tvoje wa:t iie. j. W. j j Watson, -.vlio then a.hlressed the! v i ivei.iion. lie was lollowe'l l.y ; r. liarre'.t in a lev iuiiii oini't u remarks. The next topic lor discus-ion was; ".ra ! ii-nios and fh:ijiiii;i trees' licurln lai J li:s ,as iliscusseil l.y S. S .latkson. He was fuliowcl by IJev lr P.arrett on the siihjeet. "The liinln al nlea ot Mimluy schools. Tim com in it tee on otlieers reported : 1 lie names ol the lollowins;- presi dent, J. M. Moriiif; : vice preside;j;.. 1 T. 11. Kaney. W. 1'. Strowd. P. J J Yates, 1-aae'N. Mann W. C. liurke J. M. Melvir, W. f. Mai n, W. N !Siraui,'i..'iu, W. M. Prynn, II. W j Pixoti, Carson John.-oii and Mr. jE Tiaue: eyeii'tive coinmiltee. .1 I A Wo'maik, W. '. roiisin e, !l. A ; Loudon, b! B. Hviiuin and W. J Womlde. : ( t, motion, the icport of the com : minor was untuiimously adoiited ami the president elect was escorted lo his seat by i. W. Foushco :'.ml J. N Woniavk, iil tlw '.'eimes'. ;,f the retiring presiilunl. ' I I lie convent 1011 then took a recess j o one hour lor dinner. AtTIIUNooN SLSslo.V. i Th.' convention at 2 j,. m . ' :'i e..rdine; to, adjournint'iit. Air. A. j H. Merrill, who was a delegate to lite State fonveiitioil at Wil'''.'l.;:toti. Utavo an aeeoui:, ol thai 1 . t.V' tilii n, I ami at 'he se ot hi-remarks a ! coil.-ilioii of ?-. was taken up to pay the amount pledged by him tor j dial nam count y. j The lieyl lillbjt'li i..r discussion J w;'.s "Tlie Mls.siou and Work of the ! Sunday school ", and was discussed i bv E Y. Atwaler. Kev. W . 1'. 'I,h;.:ii introduced the fihii" r:.' ,: lolutioti. !-'j.Cr , That I he vice presidents t .'.....,.,. t'1,.,1 lh.. nun io-.. si, tent- oe r. iiiie-ieu ui uo;o ourii: : ne su in- he sum- iicr a lownsliii convention in each loi lis hi n, where t here is h.i '.!.' com' ! muional con vent ion held. W. S. Petiy moved to str k. ..lit no lie - held ' il';: words "NVhere there is J uoiuinati.'iial convenlioii hel ' hich motion was lost. The original resolution M'tis l! May's Cliapi'l Haptistj Love's Crt'i k " Kinniaus ' Ml I'isah Ml. Cil.'a.l. Mi'i i v itis " II. i..'..y Mt. .Now Sale i n " P.orky Itivcr ' Haywniul " I.vstra ' I'li-a-;;.-.;! Hill, Methodist Ha, wood IIi-.i-L l.-.i ii Mt. mil " i'ii'vai;l's Cliaj'i'l " I'ittslmro' " Mt. Pleasant liyniiin'.-i ' llickofv Moi.iitiiin " opted. Scudi'ii Di-uih iii a Hole, i'.ev. J E. Wool-ey and S. .1. Tally j S: lm.i. N f. May 1."..-.Two .John dressed thecii!iV;".i'.i.nou the sun i stu count v mo .ohiia. is P'i,l '.lntt I . iject 1 he otialtiii .i..,.iir iitfccs,,; ! a Sunday school teacher.'' On motion of E. W. Atwaler the ' folhtiviin; resolutions uero ad..ii!e,l I l,'i.i)lrrl, I hut tho vice pre-1 id. tit toob of each township ho retuested I tain ami ropprl t . tlie i;,':;t nieei :n;; of this eoiiVi'iilioii the lumber of ' teachers aril scholars at temli n each of the Sunday school in his low u 'ship: ami also lo repoi t what iinoe icui icil territory there laav be in his low ii.- 'ni p. AV.-i.:'.'. That (!ars , n Johnson. Thoiua: f bur. hill. W. A. Pllitm'...;i, : John W. Whii N. ' Ureeii. S. S. J a C. W. Piyii.iin, .tames kso, a'ml .1. P. Pry. i . . ..... i . an oe anoo toco in mis runt cniioi., i , '"". h' wlli,'h " &"r the music fir our next S. S. convention, j and that said proiira nii',- diall be 'made known tn lh,' public, at least I thirty dav, prior to ihe inecliiie; t, j -aid convention, staiim; the u:;i-,ies i ot ihe iiioces ot music, and th. books iii which they may he f iuiul. na'e or iiiin.bor of the eiime r l v 1 1 1 . mi minion o. lift. ii. i . i ii " '' tollowtio' ro'-'Olution was m loi, toil '''"'''. I ,':,t ll"' ' ' 1 " " ' s of this i con vent ion are con cm ion a-.ti iicrco. to'itietc'i i ' liie cili.en-o Piltsboro' and vicinity j for their hospitality so kimly ox tended to us. j V. N. L'ti ra U:.di;i ii itip'iiluceil the i follow iiii; resolulion. w hich was . unanimously aooplt i'-.-i't'iv.. That the thanks of this louvenli.iii ale tlue and are hereby tendered to tin: choirs from Hay wood and Py n ll in s It.;' the Very ex ccilenl music with which they have cheered the convention. Tho followin,,' persons weie so!, i t id as delceates to tho next Si..'.e eoiiven'.ion : I'ev J. W. Watson. Rev. W. P. Thorn, Pr. IV II. Ai bright, f. W. Py nam and S. J Tally Afte.' tin bono. iie' ion was pro nounced by l.'ey, Pr. Hairott, Ihe convention adjourned to mcctaaiu next year at Mich lime as may here utter l e designated by th' esei . live com mil tee. Fvervbiii'iv w ho attended I he con volition seemed lot nj"V the occasion lo the utmost. A heavy rain had t." ' fallen the ni'dil before, and t be threat. If in" clouds in the earli luoruiiu di terrod many (rooi attending, and yet our t oinniodioiis courl room was llo'.Viletl lo its ii i most eapat ilv. J I j ....... Hay wood uml the other iron. ..v; lit;msv.a.:-:e.iJve.roye,.an. wil8 evu eniiy the result ol a most 1 hor- o-ht.-,,(,n.r. ll,Vad.livssM!.l.o. i -vere iD'.ii li inter..': '. !:ad elo .e atli'iitioii, ami the oi,i. tli.it was im -l ininpli mented wa i tho s;l our InlehU'd v.o.in:, S. S. .la, Um.' lov sman. .u. ,. ., i : ol Mtilieht strr, Mass.. just In f.-.i, :.hc ( in.sis Km m mi.u u- W learn i ,. . . ..... ' . J ., , . . ., ,,, . i, .... .oieil at JO'.I vt-ais ol ii're. Jiir iius- on trt.'od I'.u hull :v that the following . . ..... ' . , - , ,i' ha'.-.1, stil lives. ' " ' ' ' ' ' 1 . '. teiisit eliuriierators ol tnell' ships in i his t oiinl.v. tow it to fi li.M.nwiN's I'au! X .1 ...i.l. liuxr, I'ltl'.Hi- l.ahau Moon. 'i'i: " i; - Maria I'aton. 1 'kn nt r. -.. Ki iii-st Hynuin. d'l 1.1 Naae .i. I n.:::l. H.Mil.K.v- Hiram UraMi a. Hi. koi:v Mt.- (diver MeMaih. Mattmkws - ,!ohli T. I'as.hal. Nf:w HofK N. S. Clark. Oak i. a no -.lames L. I vsor. Williams - It. W. Ymk and J. J. I ...i.:... Jl-.l.llllS. i . - , ,i . i ,. i A in-iini it v ni the a!ive named; " . . , . . I ... . .,. -, i persons are ilemoei ats, ami wetal- e ' ! i ... : . . i:. . , r, i l'l"u u 1 1 I li 1,0111 r lie in 1 1 n " iu iu-i i 11 la.'..' . 1 . . ,. i '. " , i . i I J awknis lr h:iv im,' app .in le i hem. w l' are re.p.esti d t.. anm. lime tnat 't'.ev till M.eel hi re tin next ! '' ! ' l.u.'sday lor e.nisulia i. e arc I "'I'""'""' was app-unted .n ! A li"',-l,t I i p. Ki r Hi I voi ia (tathercil iiome. UlAl.Tli. N. (',. Mav PJ, l'.l'.i. Mil. Eiut.iK: Mis. Mary ItelPlKJ. an' ther sisler .Mr .John bines die I mi the ni-ht of the L'ltli . liailev. hvt s in Dakota. iilhiI 1 1 0 ears. j of A pril, I ;'. She was t h ; wife ol our esieeMi.-l Vi i.ciuhhnr. Y(':i!iv'. j. ,1-iiiies, E. was ali.iut twent v seven vcai ne lell tour small i liihlre... She Mm is HI-'. It,. n'.tCibutes his Imi" lift j died of typhoid pneumonia and w:i;;t0 j ho uTisriico of worrv. lie was a ' sick only about ..ne w.vLi. Altbom'h M,hi, r nndi r J.ii-ksou at' New Oik an, jsiie iltcl so s.iu'i ,,ho expvcs-eil her : sell as perfect !v resigned. Mav l.'oi nr.lori tin' tlislres-ed h-.i-l-aml ai.il i lire lor the lilt !e ch'.idi ei.. .lust a lew ia alter the dcilh ol Mrs. .bun's our friend ami brniln r. j Ailell T. Kil:'. t ; same Icrrihle di: ; inonia, and al'lei seven days he .ii at s o'clock p. taivi n Will ... lyph. lck ness .... Ih... I '.roll id j was an etirnest a ml ol' Uialto farmers .rood :aie;h!ior, am and honest man. ! levote. Ailian mher wa- a an im I list rioli e leave- a V'U.ti: ir! I in. ii, m hi yj to die. 'fie j wife and one Utile ! .' iss. Il.i was s i j heart l..okcii wife and little eh I have our iemleresl sy mpal l.ii s. I. II. Kankv i' i'.ii t. ii. Out. f lT"in iiei-wi ..ciireiiiei.., iiii, ii.-i. j j A i.'h'inaii from Haim 1 eonnt v ' j who was i.i the ei'v te.-it i.Liv r.-lt.l t- ! ol '.hat liotil so.no cause ti e lislt Capw r'ear river wen- dyi'.e ia omii ni.'inlirjs and t: ::l huiiditds of the dead I'itllty ti'ibc lliie-hl b.: .:'. .'li llu.if. ii'"-on tlie stlt I'm ol the wa'.: r. The people me p,ux d over tlie iii-iltef and iiii: tryiiiej t. ii ml ihe c.n.e. S .Hie time sioee, the li II,,, Kaieiudl water w . il pond i",;au to d.o .i;.i, ;n those are now d ; 'ape Pcur liver, and mo one . ver e'lve j a reason f- r t hi-. ; .isealoi ial ne .-i iality. ai j,. ns theoties '.vere a. b .need bnt none tu ilnin sectufil I .too the tislns .b:t bei s a v.' of t ht , , .,.', ,,,,,,, " ' " j I'Olltid species, such ; i i. ,. I . ,i. i as horse b Ii and the like. j Tho jlatln lL county ;:etdi ,.iaj i ivi-hi a sonie sciei.l 1st to c.lalii ilhv and wlir I'.i.' ;'.-li phieue eomts. ml sou. en.'a'.'.l in loieii. di iilliti'' I i.i ar (bales' Mdi on Xou..,. liver, on i the l.iuhi of ih. 1 : S i h. made ihcm.-.lvo.s known in n u I v liii-ical v.iiv. David I ! heiiij,' drunk lell in the well pnl!ii:o a 1 j ha; re! u, w it'u him ami broke his neck. I Hi- sou sou 'ht aid from t irti, ej' Mill I to extri.'i'.le f.illier froiu the well, i 1 hey ltcoi.'ieil llio body alul set! walchcis over it. I ivo unknown , at rites, a! m.dn.-ht. ' oh. led t.i relieve the iviilehuM ovc toe cotps... am, f..:;i.K t his time 1 he st ill is stolen, ami t he nioi ni:ej of t he 15'h funis the e...iise nil alone. He Cautious. i,,,, n,,, ,,,.h s.,.i ' 'ii,,. s,,,, w i, f.,e -1 it,.,- ;i .V I,. j licvoil hv lli llii ltcr.s:;ns thai there in :i sv.-t. matte i,.ove on Hie pm t t f a UaiiKol 'persons betwetn H.mville ait.l r.-tlMleviil,. ihr.alelie.l.i.l.r,, , ,,-it ,. ieo i of iiu it - horses and I t .-e.ir's al .1,1'i'er I it nt points a; I :!:,:: m.d.mj; way w ilk j i the learns. O-.o. ..r two iustanci s of! j this U in. 1 hiue 'ii.. u- to lilit, ami the ! latest was icpo. ted yo-tei d .y from J (i,aham or mar tie:,. Wo withhold I i ,.,,,. ..i,,,,. ,ls ,i ,. ; i,. : ,wi, ril I, W K,Ll j,,,. .,! , : people to be tliimrs. .ii li. ik.-Hlt for lbe.se A New 1 1 i-.li Socii-ty. Pto.-iVN. M tf:- . M IV I. - A Moil trial r.pi eial to the ileiahl savs it is; rumor, tl that ti la iv s. e.etliish as- soeialion, wilh a litelidit isliip of 10 . 1 1. hi i ... i ...... e ..... i .:.... t t ' ,. ' ' ' . cenir.i. u. inai cny am, vju, ns ,' , . , ' r ,' ' , . '.' .e. It is l,.u;d.t 11 d Ihe ..int - pal obtcet w It. l;bt:,m mo,, !- tor U. - Pl'lt'll( lI It t' I I I il il'iPl" i II (iil i (hat k fin:.! olji-fl !-'. t!ic vrpHia- . : . . 1 . . . i . . . t j . . i . .I. ion am. si.mM ion ... ... ' "' . . u;- ". 11 l". t lt nei.as lr,.i, in. mm so. n.t lenyiie. Tin;-. Iie.il-Ch. I... seicuif ...onili ol,P'"' l'i,l,, , , , , t' i .... i .... 1 StOlt, i. i lent', l li ai. tt a- in 'l ii ttiiiitJut eyes. Theie ure eieh.ls. but no iv. i.ali-i umit r the Inl i is hollow. The i ail is thi i ii;o a.i well as any e.iif it.-. nj;e. l i.l. I 'int.lii.a t 'clilr.il 1! idroa.l depot. .,: fionly was ilestroyed t7 ligbtuing - ' luu;.day uioiiiing last,, These Have Lived Lous;. Finn Maudiilena Pon i etdchraloil l" her 114th hiriLdav fit her home ill ii i ..... , u-nnaun last Chnsl mas Day. y.,,. j-,, , WttS ,. in ,Ll.,.is. b v jn Ks8 UIul i(j blin tt!i0 ut UlC of 1()2 Mrs. Auetoiit.i Osnmiuleei. died at. ; , c of 1U6: Mrs. M-.ry Miudmll at - i 1 .... i,j.v,.l- l a . Jti.l ; ami .Mrs. .Uai v rneonst at Eliziilitth, N. J.. V'i. I "VVi yi'ow r.ld to't ther .siiiukii to ! lxiee'j," said Mrs. Stephen I J.-mfm t'r ; 'l'!i. t 1, .uiiiir vi ii i. lflif ii itti ti ' mill 1 1 hoi i s ilolit-Hhoiit the fa! m ol Wiiiialu I I'oster, near Lurlmy;ton. N. C . ate still dune by himsell. although ho is lb) yearn of ae. He is in tlie best I of ii-jalt'.'.. i.le ni'ti r took a tlosc t;f ; ine..rieii!U Hi' drank a drop of li.jt:or. "I have clicweil tnhaeeo all my life j and thank whi.kcv fn el v, " Kiiid Na Ithanitl Smith, of Hempstead. Ii. I.. who has just cch-hiati-d his lCitli ! bit i Inlay. He bus ::! li.t J two w ives i and nil of his cb.Mi'cii. The vraiidmoti.i l of M;-s. (enr"e Wl.lil i t l.. .. 1' 1 .-iniiMU' i. oi nun j- laneiseo. nas ei tis.- , . . . . .. -l" 1 :l" .'Tin in line. Dili mo: wn,is , . , , . , ., , : .sto,(uniojL It t M I S to I er eiillnleti, Hi , . , , - ., . , . ... , winch k lie til! us 11 uml her oil noinl I "Inch idio ; j,(V4 . ; i) - m, n ' ' ' it 1 1 1 ii I is e!t ar. she wears and she sews and knits !the Mono an sh did lil'lv vt ars aift I William Kisur, who hus reueln-d his j Ktoth yt ,ir, still lives on the old plan : latum near iin iimnini. a., win re his isisti-r. Mis. Mutant Arnold, was j bin n. Siio is 11 2 veins of a;je. An 'other sister. Mrs. Elizabeth HiUiar.l. lis lisiii.' in Lvnn eoimtv. To.:i. ii''ed L' v.icm j 'I he i-i. juicer in charge of (he t ie ml and : vat'.r e'o'ine at the paj,'in building. St. Louis, i in peift-et health, lull ol tun, ami dot s u full d tv s woik, t-l ami was a piiHscmo-v . 11 the rtrst sleain boat o'! the Mi.-.-issippi. His iiaiui is J..1.U tbtut s. ('liy of the old. -t ineti in N'oith Carolina is lieu Met Ly. ..ok, re I, wlm llVt s in Paw fni I; loivtishili. abou 1 t'lii.'.'ht miles from fkailoile. Jien is i-llPt cars oil. haviiu' been Ivu 11 in ixor:i777, n0 iutt.o i.tid appal- " -1. ifntly (,'oo.l for s. vcial tiiore yetiis. E'l'-,'Tho 1 lute of Ins birth is i corded in I ; au old family Pd.ie hieii beioliof d i to his master, ami thtro ian ai-arcflv 1 I bo any iloubl :s t i i i a,... j. I niiriti" I iielii st coiilni vofAmei ieaii Ipatelils. ju.-t 1 lab. I, I a!infS I issued from liieotliec al. Wn.-iaiiton. 1 JJ.tiiSI) in the last voi't ,'iloue. ! Mi it T-. At hev.-. of Iredell I' j county, has r. chiekt :, with liilio lc''s. The 1 hit d h1' i s en its back. 'J T I c chieLcn is livner to.d ilrii. well. Miss Mien Mel 1. . V.-il, i.hniti,,.! to the Par t:t V. uvi i it, Pa. Sl-.e is mil v twenty olio yeats ohl iir.d assed u b Iter t-.aiiiii.atii.ii than i.ny of the vouii'' men who wi le e.imliilat.s. In point of r.iea t!,i! thicc latest liti'ioliS on Ihe eh, be ate (iieat lhi 'tain. f. i..-:.!,. sitiiaie miles: ',iis-ia. o,.i.) j,.i it. (-uai.- mm.-, tuul I lie I'niied Suites. .l..-..stl.'J 12 .j-iat c in lo-. The Senate com mil lee ha- report ed ii nla voral'l v on v,'.'-i:i!or ance's -:l ..'.;va:-i.i v lull, ni-tas miMit lone . jbeeii expeclcd. Tim tarr.i I .... 1.- in von I,, i1,,i ,.,.i.,il,ii,..,,, .. , ............ .....w lor ihe passage ol that, or atlV ot hot -ii i ,.ii. ; . ,. ' e ' , , . ,, . , , I At ti.e A.eill(..il. t r.il.-cop::l ( if m I al : i t ', ...I.., I!, . In- in i I 1 1 ... 1 joood, of Siieilii'1,1, A hi V.i;.: .'I.'.t.'.!' I liishop i :i I he III si i.n ! Ihv )r. enseal j P. l-'it.ooial.l. ol Nishville, Torn. I was elected liishoii on the h.i.ntl:' :i.i.!:.- ( il'tl. teOfei W.'lsl.ii.lull I 1 .11 ,VOOli, ! blolhll of the late fill tills J. I 1. 11 woi.,1, 1 and in l'r. E. Lutl.o itaviviini of: E'd i-b. died lu ar (ireen.-boio, Ala.. "i -'lay ln:h. Hp was in bis SmI. year, and j;-td 'al. d uoui the l"niv..r- s'-.v "f Noitli far..iii.a in 1S21. .. . '1 ho prevah la e of .scroiiiliins tuiul j ;,, it.., u.,.,.l I ., .i , ,, UM m Ill(lo(.( ! ,u.(1 ,-.,. f,,)M lt ,,,.! UlllaU.;Vi l,,,tt(.v.r. we have in Avers' v .. .,;,:., . ... ...., ...... i . nil r,,.i,. .1. .,, , ; li.iot nil e, I 1 1-11,1'. I t ever di-eovtrcd for this tellil li ; alilietiim. i Powih'i ly anil l'lactleal Politics. S. ham. iv'. Pa . M iv 1 I -- Mi Pow 1 dell v lias ismii d ;i manifesto '. i tilt 'b rly .as i-mii d a mutilt sto '.. ! K,,i",'!s. advocating:; . ..list i.ut i lolui foil Velit ! '11 to 111' 111 V tlie tatf "titiitioti. so I hut th. Austn.Iia;; billot . .'"' 111 "' be mlopteil. ! - . (iP2 Su'omcr Suits, ... . . ... . ,. . I mi I Milts lor im n al:. In i s, nn,l we haie "t t to m !i I lit iit in ihe i,e.i thi oe month .;. Ikav i"iii we tin ii' You' I don't know. Wt know- ami -vo a:e' ! U'-H'o t.' " In ibis lot. tiieio an : suits worth ail tho way Irom S l 'Jo j ! dollars, wc are noinej it Hell thorn ' i from ; to jd-aih Tin se j iiei sj iiifliit to luakn Ihe..! X", ba,l nl il .' ft,, ..I.'u .. .1 . 1.., hi.- .- L ; ,.,i,.',. .,' t , . :,!,. .. t '.. f Ihe best lui'toi u s ill t lie eoi'.ut. v best llU'toli. s III the etH'.Ut. V. We I ! lmvt. f .0r, .Ling , tho sun.h.rr bnc ' M'il can inentiou, and we Kuaranten to e( ,,,., vl,i,.o in J.(i..,u u.uierw. ar. UVl... f,,,.',, ., tlmn U . LoiIS, in li ilt i;li. Tii!-ia no b.-'cjus. Wc have o,tt . than we want, al.tl we i(, ,. ejoinij f neil t In in t, il h or w ithout U Profit. Thcv uius; Wi m il we ; unu ,u,ea', sha ! Pon t loi o.'l Pi:; Ih't ket W ihuinUm it's .Jw.UtleliV x. Mai l iii .V Strei Is, lialoiob. X. ' M.ii:n:i. Wll.l.l Ms-lol.l. M; -on aiilny. May HUt, j Ti-J.T lilt l ink cm p"'ii E. i , Mr. ,. LL.UI, T, li. IUuiJ. . r , ' m m1 ii' For the Ciiinjiaimi. Iiiiiianv viivslhpp.o.iiincnnmai.'ii will he the most iuteiestiiii one tLut . . ...... . the voters of North Carolina Lave Hl.(,n in ,Iunv V):uls Jt wjl, be ftn HiUCH.i0!!., eampuiKu. atttUufUOfii- ,,,,ti wijl L LUU il'i Tim S!,, Gf.A.ti-, pubjisbeil' ' at Ikdit. to uiair tHi'ii Ut u.oeiii io i iinei- ph .s. anj iiphol.) those measure thai will sifiire relief for out arieiillural populiii ion. Ii will be s-fjt to any! fitldiess one yer.r for the low piLe of sl.'J'i. Send nmiiev bv rei.-.tered i teller, money mder or postal notel A'Mres.s Im: St.vtk (iii.onh I.E. Kal eif,d), N. C. New Advertisements. People fonder V X.MII'.N tli- m r si..,' lin.l lii.w rai.i.llv h.-altli 1 l.v inking Aynr's Sar. s i;, ii illa. Tin. ica-im is 1)1:11 lie. jl.i.ar.ili'ili iiiM.cns i.piv tin- n:nt ali'l Ml"-! i.i.i..o.I .iii.'l .n ; i s ali'i v .. .i.ni.N vearlv it pone a . til. , ):.r .( Lfc. v.r.. I.nl.... I'.r.M'kwtiy I'.ntrH, M:L.. .. -. if s : ,h, - . . !t iiit ninl iii.li i"li..n ma le lev li'.- "i,' liunleii mill . ::ii!" ucnr i i Ii my ei-t. le . l-'er iiii. re ti.aii f-'ia' iar- 1 siiUimtiI nn. o.lil llnlli. ! M.i I..!.; i illlni.Mt 1,1 a ;;rl. 'mi. :i'..l ! inili L.iii -;iei".'lli m iii.i: c ; ...ii'.nf. i . .i.... .....il ili.lll r ', . en!, Il,e l...t ,' li- .: I"- 'i ::.!..! at ah. V,'l.-!i tae I li:. a : I M .eral sieiaim tre.i;i-.! r.-e v. l.i.ei -; , ne: o i:. 1. IIU 'I' ' I l.-'S sec I ':.. i.i iiliv -i r- In;il,i 'it ..! l.litll I I.i 'jail Ice ll.e el Ai.l'- .-...i-:....lii:.i. liliKl, ' , pin. h.ii'l nil te: 'el ii'."t. ..,.,iii alli'r inn iieinu Iw l.ilvv ill.: Sal.i'iilliia 1 i.iiiii m e an Improvenien, lot : : '. :i. 1.1 iomI nil it ell the r I i-i 1, .lav . .( till!. I'nl i I lie l .-vini 1 the alulitv 1 I.. II, lll -tl ant after 1 lien:-, in lo ,r, ...I, a-. I ("Hint lie M'il '..'In;;li. al'lr I" attelni to ai! I. . . Tlie .i liii ill' he- .1 '. li-.l-e i ( hie, uli.l I I .1.111. nil r.in 101 1,-! . " " W'r. t l.e lllliier. i"lie. I. '.I 1. i.'i I eiere, Mi' 1:.. i el rM 1 : . al... i . -:.ii.-nii lit, tr... l.a'.i . . 11:1- . .eiy llll ell'.O' ,i '11 a!:i el. .eee einycii . ( e!o iriiify I'lirianiar CI;:.. .it.. I .'. . il--. I' ti. V. Wi.im: t'. I le'hoi.l. :.. for a . I .I lo Ir- ... en. - ... : hi- I... 1. ' , .mil 111.' 1. - : 'I in.!.;. e. I. till :., '!!;'. . o. r li.eui it .- I In.-. I. Ililil j.- Ito'A ii'.- in .1 near mill -hni '. .i-t:ali .." ..I I. .'. , I llilai . .. A. At A, ipr's Sarsaparilla, i't:i:i".:o:i) r.v Dr. J. C Ayrr Co.. ,ioil, Mass. l'vk . . . lioCl V. nli lolttc. jj x l.e i ' pr.i : s no tk 'P. l f A V- Sj J ,N., . i,ill,..l h il,,. ,.N,.i i,,r f .M.l ii. .1. i I. I ii.-e.-i.j ii'iiifyall '.t-"ih lii't'lint; l.'iii in .'.xliUilt (h.i Mini, : iIhv ,.f n,y iy... i:. 1. llol l.M. I'.lm- ii ...i.i-i -aiil mi' .ni "r l.rf..r.. ilie Jlny I. IV.'U. ;XP. T TOPS !0 1 lCVJi. Hi 1 ' ...II..M.1.11.. .'Ii!"i. ni Hie villi, t Will. tvisu Mllli.iln S. I, ii'iili-e i- lu-r.'I'V clvi'ii I., iill "-r.-"l.. Il.'t'hn e'llllll HtMlll-l til-' jeil.l iIi..h..ii i" i.i in Hi- -ni.iii t. me .-it li.'1'.r.' Hi" lmii lay .H ill, is'.'l. r..r t'lyia. in, nr ll.lt ti"tl'-e kill W l".i. in imr ..I He li i vers- I -vj-ril lo:li, ls-'.". ,-.'l'N ".. y.'.-'fiT- I A DMINISTPATOP'SNOTICE. i i' Uaviiu.,.eilli!i..t .-Hi. . ....iinri't Alias J. I i: .ni'ifli-. .1" e is...l. I hi p.l'.v ii'.tliy nil . ; l."l ilin: ' i iiu i Hie -;.l.!i. t.. in ! 1-m:. I .ii.vtt -. i-'K. i i.."illi-l Mill . I I. -lit In fxhllill ea ..r lieliTi. ll.ii ar.l .l..;-..! April, Oliolii.E A, S111T1I. HOllTiiAdE SALE. RY Vlli- .V A 'ft t: i ir tun ni..ri'.ii:i..l.s'.ls..x."iiii.. imli. ' 'fti: nr nn' iii..ri'.-n:i..l.s'.ls..x.".iii.. tiiiii. iul,.l.:iie.l IV. 0 l...l.er inn! !!". lie-llr-l '1..-...1 I..- ,.iii...i Ii.li, ;r, iiul i. ..i.'i.iel A,.'", hull, I '.'. ninl .nil: r.ii.'ro.t, I will, en itie a -'n l-tny ..I M IV. I-.M, nn li-.n-.. i.-.r In 1 I.--I...I-... -llf.T.M-ll i.":rn... .ii,.iio.1.-I mi, 1 " - i, nit -i I.' I ji'ilille ini'-tli'ii h tlirw.'. I -1 llll Here- ni lHll'1 ..r ii..'i l in t . ; , iiill.w 'j, 1. SMI I'll, rf'riitn's' ', .:ij. ilLmair. 1, I -.'ii. iP!'(i.(iP. SALE -PY Vlli- 111 : ii in--r iru tr. I'll iii V."';'." l!,'r"1T ';!! riu i .:', I iu .. .ti en il- mi. -mm i"i-... -u hi i.i! Ii..' .e .!.-.! Ill III.' I.'WII "1 I'lll: ! .sen. Hit' -'li' I 'titv '-f J lMi i".. n s tia in..rii:.'iu'.. i."tiiHlinitt: Ml iii-ref-, I i.-f. i.. i h iii-'ii' I'ltriletilHr ..rl'.tt"ii ... i i!,.. l. .lavlivrl'.- :! i rlh' 111 lite 'leeil ml". JISSH l.lril.lliliso.N. . JI. M.iias.i. Mi'lMgre. .la..: in.-. John m. mmi PITTSBORO', N. C, Pi notices in State and I'V.leral Courts. FIRE! FIRE!! EVERYBODY OUGHT HE IX THE :. home mm This u a Ib.me i o.upany ami de ; servca the pationi if all Nr;h f aroliiiia'.is. It was oro'thied in lsiiS ami ha paid over half a million dollars in loH-cs ami there is 1:0!, ous ce,!itebttil chiim reainst it ' ! i All p.srr :; piitl promptly Every j P,d,,it .cau oKht to i;!Huro hi.! VVVV(rly lor ten,., Ac, apply to H. A. LONDON, Agent. V s; lMMMllOSF. l'l-fwidr nl T:muary 2, lbOO. EVEET SCHOOL Bliouhl have a class in Mrs. Spencer's First Hteps ia Hpjrtfe Carolina History, Vtko 75 ccnta. New editioi., Moore's School History Ho. Car, S" ceii's. Kpcd to, AlFAED Vt'lLLIAMS & CO.,, 1ULEICUL N. ('.. for everything, you want for joui' :;wUcol OhruHry l;i. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Year-Old Gccdc- on liaml all the time. RYE OR CORN WHISKEY, run ie apple nun-. . that id Hindu by us is thu best ami oltlost in North Carolina. Write for Price List as wo ship, any quantity desired. OLD -Vt'A' WHISK HY 'JO., ,Su.:i..i..irH in ,.ii.. willinuiK', Pantiiku Cli.f.k. Yadkin couuty, N. C. March ('.. 1S!M). CAUTION I Take nn ffhnefl tinlef lottuin. If ill" ft.nUr innnot p.'i.i.ly Ton urr Miiimiiii nil in iftii niiecc tu fttito.T, cih-iohiiie ia W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CSNTI.EMEN. FImo f'nlf. Ileiivr l.ais'tl (.ruin find Crcd miHir Wafrriin.nf'. IS.I ii lite .t.irlil. V iiiiliic I' 1 .-..oi i.iai .m: h ni mvi:h siiok. m.oo ii. Nli si: i:i Mil r siiin-. Ill H'l, IMI I IIMII lis 'OKIE, '.& i:tn: t tin . h i mi.ih. Hi. '.'. :! M OIIK I Mill I N's Slllll-H .'.Oil nml M.T.". llol-' M ll'llll. Mlllftl), All IH...I-. iii I'.ii.eri'.!.. It- nun ...tut l.;iio. 3&2SHOES uAFtga. 9i.T. siur: roit :.!is.-i:s. lint MiK.-iial. Ileal stvl". I....I rutins. VT. Y' pu.'Khi". Mruiiilun, Mum. SoM kl W. L. LONDON PITTSBQ30', N. C, January U, lH'. ii. tS"Si IPX 6!h B We offer to the tcople of North Carol! na an oppoi (unity o Inn through our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, anything in the Pry Hoods lino suited to the necessities ( f our climate. Our stock is without d mot the largest in Ihe South, an. I lit ver pr bnbly has there neon v'lh.biicd a daintiir, i'l'fly tieraiul more jiiaciici. ssoilmeut of Spi itiei mid Suiuiiier pootls. FREE DELIVERY. We prepay mail or lv.press charges on nil b is amount ii:j to $ or more, whi n the . ash is uielost d, alul goods will be forw iid. d piomptly. In M inlin.' lor im 1 1 1 -- please kindly I' v 'if i isl.es 1 ejjanl- inej lm.iel idls. eolois. nml ju ice.H This informal ion will t uuble us to semi yon au assm lmt nt of what you wish, instead of a lot you don't wanf. lu iin tuber, our prices arc as low ns any house in the t inted StaU3 ofl'ci s. V, H. l. S. H I ! M k CO. Apii! Pi. lS'.H). TPailrr Siits, 3Din.in.g- K:cm and Iilclien 2r-ai";it-.ire, Of ,'l iidi s and pi ices to suit all. MATflJaESSIlS, IN LAb'liE VAKlETi. SBi'Jtif arriftffes 2 We are I. PA 1 " P KTEHS for the i Nil 'EST and LA IMS EST line of j l. an iuyos in the State. jw oa.jin.j I N Pi IITAKEHS in ne Iii i. A fni' line of OSKETS Pl'lUAL PiOP'i:S, Sl'tiPS and ail nceeH- ' ::t;ry outfit for the but ial of (.he dt'ini yp ;uv ( K'j'y 1'ov the l.KAD: I Mi FOI.DlNtJ La sure to e:ill r.tid hco our h'ock. April 17, IS!.... iim. i -.j j YT OPS NOT I ( 'E : IIhMi l" intiai"'l it., tlie Hilniliili-tr ilur ut I liciit 'tiiin l.t'ifitr. .1. . ' h-i 1. I li". liy liM.tjr- i i iwf'1... Ifl'lh B 'IhIi.ih hiihIiisI t.ti.1 .Iw-rtrnt i Alirll. IH9I, l: A 1MLM. Afrtl I". It. i mm. i Wtl.HV