FOR FARM AXD (iAKDEM. MIXFI liRAeM.. A good mixture of ginssos for hny is timoiliy, icil top, nirmlow .Vsi'tie, orchaitl x1"! '""I "t Krass six I'tnuul of the filet nml ten to each of ilio last per mciv. Tliiek towing: is iiPccsMiry for tin' reason that a portion if the 1 if lit chatly cecils may not ;row. . For Mieccs'ul growth of enss the follow iiiy ; reiiiiio iiitt-t lie ir. viiloil. vi.. : (ionil soil intuit; vcrv line, frc-h M i ll evenly pouti, ami a liniil liiiht harrowiiif; after sowing. Nccilinj: alone early in the spring is most mlvis nble. A dry siell following will not lie hurtful if tin- seed ii covered in with a light harrowing on line soil. The aliovc-namcd grasses will not run nut if the meadow is oceasiomilh fer tilized or manured and is not pastured late in the fall New ork Times. ( I F or I ll t "('olic in our hur-es," s.-ivs an lish veterinarian, --i generally the te siilt of careless or improper feeding. Tim stomach of the horse is small and limited, and if the hoie i hungry and overfed, or is ullovittl to gulp down a big feed, colic 1 the result, of if nuMy lay or mii-ty or sour Iced i- n-cl, or if fresh-cnl gras wci w ith dew or rain is hastily eaten in large 'il.'t :il il i.'-. rolic is often the rr-iil! The i .1 till, thoughtful man w; o b eds his horcs icgularly rarely ha ucic to cuiueml wilh. More ireijiiciit bcdi'ig of sinali feeds is betler than too mil. h fee l at oin e. See the skilful ho. -email on the i-hip with his hor-i s tii , up w i I i -u t c i-rrise. lie cuts dow n his feed to keep the horse- w ii h keen appetite. A very little overfeed Hg pi' duces colic." Too miii !i old water w hen the hoi -e is healed and tiled is a fruitful source nf colic, a is also too intl'li gncli food, which from it- sii' a iilent nature is liable 'o inch Ig fermentation.--rH c-terii Agi iculitit ist, I Nil i.imi i s i iii its,, i ii.s. I lie' obi' 'el of some cpc illlel!!- m.tde at the Keii'u ky - atioii was to deter nine the Illative vahle- of -helled corn, com no al and orn, oli no al for f'ltlellliie iii pu-rs ami the leliglh of I lllie the. I feci it pro'lllee p,.;K al a pa .tig ti.-iii e Iii tin- trial it w a found thai . u i n meal ib i - not fatten so well a- shelled crn. N it rogeiioii- food pfchiced e lle-h but a l hard development ihin did noii-ui-trogeie ll fo ul- Ihe following i a bl ief siiiiini at v of the I -' I i t - , 1. Shciied corn ro-lie e f o more l.apidlv ili-iii oih-I 1- e.- lesied. ( "I ll pi "du- is f it it -i i heap- i lilt- Mi-Ill othel feeds let, .. :; .h. lied coi n pi. due. d po;k at a j I "lit for :' d i s. t oi unit al produced pi-ik ir a rulir f.. i-.i day-. Corncob meal pi".ii' d p 'ik -it i I i.'th for ''I l.i? 1 Tlie t lic.i.'i Wh-i.-s fattened nioie iiadi'n I i.i ii lie Tom limd- on tin- -ainc .(iiaiiii et food. Tin- miii-.:"ii..ii- f I- cilu- i d so lirf '. -alii in live w. ight :hat It lien be am ib died t.- glow ih and not to fattening. 'c I olloll-. meal could II"! be fed n ail iM . 7. "Villi Ii...! in ob mi al w is w a-(ed ill feeling being pi, ked uMf and lefll-i d. S. The I ig- I'c 1 oil 111 rogellou- f 1- w eje -o nr i h -Monger than tie- others that the ni-ei Hum -enoii-iniiirv w hen iiiriu d "in i" run t"g' tln-r. i. if ii,.. i in-, that of I ii- -b in cpial pai l- w a- I York Wot Id. lilt' ' " When f. edilig t 'II'. I'l le-i lull' d. i - ii i t in . w'.s many i ei -oi V del IV ill plllti' K-ein :o think in;, down a sap - dieadfiil wasieflll of lime. -Ililllld I"' thought W In a hen'- tin f -o line h i oii-i IICIIC.' Wlll'l pil.le t In III o tell. If they feed vvh-d cut n it luu-t be pill tin- -he'lei- and ih'"W n "in by h. Hell ill- at. a liniil a- in then eugenic-- they g"bbe I (nil !ll"Ullis full, and then, -iie, hiug up tii.-ir neck-, let all go .'own in a heap. Mll'll tile b'-tlel' W :H . if com I- to I ( ted at ail. is l. shell it slowly and throw it am uig -n iw . to In- snap hid over In fen- all of it is found. Mlialb I g'laili, a- wie at o- oai., .' I eip r than corn. and partly I i i aie t!m- -caiioied :ini"Iig st'aw it i- lender to I'm 1. I'm- tin sain; tca-on. if incil i- ii-ed it mii-t In wet to enable the i hi kel's to eat it faster. Young ( hi' k- a-e ofleii k I'ed bv wet food. It clogs in their liltlc crops, which uio-i mid ju-i the cmt-i-C that digesting whole grain would give. An iimi-ed organ soon I.i". oine not only inactive, but unlit for action f-0 the ilyf peptic hell become dlllllpi-ll, and dually die, all from the elle.-; of unskilful feeding. Young cliii ks a week old w ill cat whole wlcat. and even earlier they w ill eat it if broken into small, hard bits. Huston Culti Vl'or. MVMN'i AN VsI VKVlir.s Hll. That is if you have not one already. Kvcry ow ner of ii garden should have ii lied larj-e enough to allord a liberal supply of this early, palatable nml w I olesoine vegetable. It is the earliest vegetable that cnii be grown in this j climate entirely in the open air. tind. I if propel ly conked and sei-r.'d, most people are fuml vf it. Old gm'deuers ond writers on gardening iniido the di rection for Marling a Ih d so fiilli.-iilt of execution that most farmers, w ho have but little time to devote to the garden, were frightened out of an at tempt to cultivate it The ordinary directions for the pre parations of garden soil for vegela- ((,s applicable to asparagus, Make the soil deep, tine and ,.,.v rich. It is pel hup advisable to pade up the apiiragii- bed rather deeper than would be nece-suiy fur must oilier vegetables, a the crown of the roots should be planted about four inches beneath the surface and the rout- will penetrate to a great depth in search of appropriate food and mois ture. It' joii follow the old ilnce tion-i and licncli a plot f"i the a-nai a glls, throw icg out lioni eight to twelve inches of the -ui'aie soil and then kj 11 up I he siiioil paite in ! depth, the soil will be deep illi'llgll. i A volt tin u the surface soil carefully break up all lump with the back of the -paih . A plot c.pial to a rod square will allord a liberal supply for mi to'iliiiiirv lainih w hen it gels well started. Ills w ell to dig in a good dressing of line stable mallUle wilh the -in la. e soil, but it i- not c-soutial. 'el v on , an top di es- t he surface cv cry an iiiiiii f on w i-h. A l"n r b'vaking up the raitb fori bed make t In- surface line wi'll the -lei I g o di ii rake. Tin ii ditf di ili about i in lies in depth, leligthwi-e of the bill about thiee feel apail. Tiled pla-M good, stiolig one vial old plants eight, en iiiihrs apart in the row-, pia. nig their budded crown- wl : till- voiing ta'k -tart, about four inches below the -ntfaee level, spreading the loots out in ihe tu n. h. o .nil I the i I oW !!- I VV O ill. lies at. leave 111 l'i lll.'l 1 1 1' ll I of tin III IP la - nil illi i until later. 'I'b ii ai - ninl thi- voiiiig plant w ill w iiiiiupiiiii.h lliicker and the -Ic -I I sootier thall if the tlellch -liollid be tilled to the sin f.i.f. - ill'- -t ill,- glow the .'I can be draw u m-cm-l l la mi until the fen. h i tilicl. 'in-' w.-u'd plant the io,,. i lus,. - than ii f. ei lo eijh'i ' n ilic'.ie.. but .in a- a i -ii. ll bi d tn.n - and bait a c in a I'm 1 1 ,n -, I a it ; ! I;'. , ,! til. dl-l Ice lie !!,-! two '. t I. ci p :!! '.'p- go w ii.. ll W I I I'll.' I i! W Alii t" I'll It 'I- Ian in ll. w i i i : -1 Ml I '1 I! . rake i- widi be dllg -in f e . h in i. II 1' -! .Ice ill njli'a ! ill ll' -, , -t alks -i ,i i w e have ii do U't ep the Ih'l'l c in a-. ! hi i .g!,t ;.. !,. Ihe -" , I I ! e and W. I !,. with i ' .on gleell . be la ,1 a: Will d" I" .nal king. let: g'lieialU we . II. Ii foi the table until I I ! 11 I he CO g"C -pi "Ills 1 W III .. t . "Ill f. in In ; l! Ill i-t la l-'W ll I' I- tn i' i'l ! lid-' . ilnt ll I III' NcW V I loli'l .'i pell I "II 1 1 i g Ii' -In ' p in n . A fa-l w aiker i-UH-ei ' n a f arm I toii'l ib ) 1 n .- f !l iiii and egi t ! 'hi- -a f "W - all that I I .1. i- k' I t.'l talo- . ! . Wl-'I'g l,d of the when a. ak" In i ' man's t of liuil a a- to v lat' one bundled I e ow :i - 111 - iii i ! St lie l.Vei-. f ur ll.ii- d- ii--;.. i 'I'll aMir. boiiii in ei niim the em- to have - ago 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ,.f lad. i i.l. i -fi int. t-.r a t'-w d i I'l "alll w i- -. and lie .' of a lads I id III tlow-i I-. .-Ii. ,, I. appcar- img ..ii a i -id. t!-. i- cei tai nil w a a bl a e t ll ing ai d ang hi. i . .f lie d I" have ho , tie. t w "lean he pop fur the upon her. 1 1 ibit-tn ikei -. how cv .-r. .b'liv Ih it lad .-- ill!. el to adopt the nriiily sad, Ue. ai.d thev ought to know . ( n. tailor ha-d- v i-e.l , uov.-lf. w hi b i a kind ..f adapt iii. u f the ibvi l. d -kill I I tiling 1 HI pi'-, s. 'I be habit -kilt is dived at the I, a. k. and the I".-.-ni i'l lid . nil- wide le. lets. 'l'. gi'-il iidvali' ig'- "f Il i- -kilt i-. tint -1".'. the lid'l- haven fill, there i-li-Mliilig thiit could caiih oil to the -addle, and I ' .-nld tu.t be sin prised if ii wa adplc. by many i lilim-il-iic fil iivv-r- nf the ! oiind-. I believe there is one s id 'lei' in London who to making cm---.addle, for ladie : but h'' admits that tin- -ale for them is extremely -mall Smne women there are to whom riding is the he-ail and end-all !' eMsiein e. and these . ca-iunaliy lid.- out on eru--. addle, '"ut tin- oiiiv in!!;" piivacyof their own ground. I'ci ha s imw. w ith the eamp!e of the liouriieiiiunf li lady be fore thcin. they lii.-iv ki'uii more buhl: but though I rejoice in the freedom of v email, it is a chance that thoiild b very (-en y to see. The manly costume i never becoming to the form of lovely woman, and 1 ho;ie that, fur the sake perhaps of a dtt le extra comfort, they w id not adopt masculine habiliment. riiilailcli'liia Teles; isjih's Loudon !A SriiMI-KGHI) RAILWAY. 1'IIK IMiKMOI'S SCIIKMR FOK loaium; Mill's A Valuable Miue Very Inexpensively Worked, The mine of ( Intoil. tiear ISillmo. I North Spain, have long been iclcbraled j for their ricluic-s in the yield of iron ores suitable fur the manufacture of : steel, bio great double has heretofore been experienced in the shipment of , the mineral on account of the dilliciilty I of placing it on board of the ships. I llugland and the Continent are the great market for this prodml. The coa-l adjacent to these mines is high and iu.-k . cx I to the full force of ' the -I a. thole be ng no harbors in the illiliiedia:e vioiiiilv. At the foot of I the lu. ks there i- a sloping shore I which extends mil to a considerable : distant e, with an ev.ii grade. It i ' iip"ii thi- incline thai the reinai kable ! railway we are about to describe bus been constructed The roadbed of the lailwav hil n ll'IIL'tll of about feet all.l ,'l W hMl of -" feel. II. oil VI hi. h tWo seta of a a It 1 tt a k-. ea. h ' I I feel wide, .aie pi. iied. cun-i itiii i ng ii four-rail lailwav. Ihe grade ;- live feet to the hundred. I he al w le. li II aver-i s thi- l.-iliwav, ii on vv hi. h the ore i inn Vi vi d I'l I Ml- to the ships. . on i-l- of a high metallic tovv.-i made in ; 'In form of a pyramid hav lug a w ide , triangular ba-e. Ihe tower i- niuiiiited ' on wheel-, which inn upon the 1,11a. I j ritple rai :w av track before mentioned j The platform of t1 e tower upon which tic load o- iniiieial i- pi iced i about V" fei I '"gh flolli Ihe ll-. k. 'I height V. IP. ll 1- -din . lit 'o 1 ;-e al o e Ihe do. k- "f .1: dinar;, v - '- whi-n the I .'! 1- 1 1 1 1 1 a! -iii - ide then of : and fi oil. 1! p'-.'l l'i '11 I he di-chai g,. ,,f the ole I- made .hi, c'n ili o the hold of the Ve--i I- I 1 . ! ill '! roll'llg low e i i- op- 1 al ' I an! -in .1 a . v I ' i con -tie. !e, to 1! , -! ;, ,, an. ,.f -i I Cli'l'i VV i'l 1 i'l ii . ! 1 ' 1 I a--e- oV el I'ui'ev - I ' .- 1 la .1 ' ' . ,-!.... At toe lat '! . lei .It!. . ,' '1 '.. .1 an lllll, In d .oine w 1 Ig .- .1 . . 1 - : 0 ti. .v 1 11;. .in I il vv li ep.-ii an 01 aia . ,. f,.i u, j oiini. i I a. ai 1'- w 1 ! t f.. pu'.ing I'ii low 1 i . w la 11 1 in pi v . in low a; d the -hole I la 111:111 1 li t.. '.. ,, a h ! lip, ill the V es-i . l ,' f. .! I he li: I lie., H Ili ll ! m li" I fal I s " 1 ' . f . "in '! ' a-t. up- , I li !) e I 1! ,V V . in, ll l. , I U I i. p. .!-. I 1 '111 1 la 1 , 1 1 11. 1 a i d in, p. Upon t he I . " i, , li K !.' 1 1 . Ill !! 1 ai i- 1 "li 1 v eil 1 .!! vv ,-, ,l..w 11 li e , i ll to 1 ehule, lite I !' I "I VV hi. h I I ' ! . :. b. M,, I the 1 llll. .-i'"i VV . n t i e . l: J : '. I., w 1 I - ill M Wll to si o" I V t i i- 1 ,il - I . P I , li.i 111 :, tail, it !''' Ill U'n .,!' "1 1 11- ,11 1 nd gate in the ' 1 ' ill. -I'd a 'a W - l! 1 n it,, .,l to drop li . - n I ! .e p .: ; a 111 1 u i . . nil i 11 ii"i - . . am nun! a vv 1 iglii . t 01 . .,: lie u ul i" 1 11 'I,'.- of 1 , , "unti l. ' 1 ' ' ; ;-i w . . ht . : w thli I . al hi- I 1 1 ti up ll the 1 ii I 1 111. and W!i n t aio - 1 1 . . 1 1,.- low ei bv I1- i'ii!. in i..l:;- to ui.. o , iW 11 the in, 1- . , la:!'.! n . and the gale i f the hll e 1 1 i I ' e 1 1 1 lU. a ll , I. I.e. TliC p VV . I ' " 1,1 ! g i. I . i. w II thi III- . ii'i. il vv t 1 hi "U ii lie wail until il It a. .' - 'la -Id'- ! ll . -i.ip. W I, eh i- i. i- 1 d f 1 ' d at', a 1 a I thi h bv tie' tlil .cv . ! a i. v . , . t,i pi. ii t.'l 111 of the 1-W I 1" il'g !!'. "Ii 'I C e VV h'-le I lid 11; ill l! ' p ilt-i iii i :i I in- s 1 in-; ant 1 v ! ih-p '-ll' d ll . !, '! e . g..,ng , II ' through -loia!, iico the hold lliet'. f : A I- Ih" d'-, hal .e I f the load ' 1 ' s 1 I.i il. in ,,!.!' .in Ing 1 ais b-.g in I " .b nv 1 1.- . 1 v 1 i in w 111 d again , t w.-id t' 1 -'a ie. and 1! 11- the up.-i-.i-t'. n "t i' v i: g ;!.e i..w , 1 ha. k and t'-ill. op. nia'i. .! , . and nil. iii ii i. alb ! I" id i.g .nd .p. I; 11 gil.g it.,- f. i, . ar I !! "'I Willi the gl 1 ,'.-! -a . .... J II I s.itd lhi lai'w v. 1. pi 1 i even I w I ' ll da 1 a i- 1 ti etn. I v 1 oiigh. It ceii-iiiiiv i- a bold . 11 I. 1 taking, and ritlc.ts ili. givatt -1 1 relit upon it- 1 --.11-11 11 .t-.r. Mr. I' l Mberto de l'.d "-i'l. The plat :,.i 111 11 1 1. - f. u it 1 ad l"i' 1. 11- of ore. It is -aid that ; i n., top of on- p.-r 1 i ,v , an be put -on spipbo',1 d 'n me in, ,.f thi. Hppaia-; tn-. the to! d , o-t :. '' - I'mania ; Mar and I b raid , . I Uomlerriil lii-birin. ! i h'lie-e olli- it- -I w piv -.,'.iing I t.- the mtmber of nieti -.-i v iug under ' theiii. I'rom ii.ue iuiniein ..rial i v. iv ; i lli-1 1 b i- 1 i'. ii ; 1 1 initti , t" la- t" the J number of 'on m ai, l-ut 1 111 anth ago the vming emp.-i .- i--u;d a d. 1 r. e that thi- 1 1 ' 1 - - ... pi . I .,,,, that i. Inn - iilil-t P II the tt'.ph. 'I h. down fa I "f thy 111 j i I- predicted thiough oir, th" ai mv . I lie Mule i. tn here, I Aral's h,, h i , In, cv h-i iein e ; with noil.-.- in this i nunti y ..iy i'!'l "! -Illi n v i- i.t. i-oti to a I camel tor L'- lle ill llieatines. lauiel will set hi-own eiut a 1 1 1 1 :i tirui-li'-'.ir- iiin'l make him tinv e fit-ter. Mini if la-takes a noli, ti to lie ilovvn, Iii-'Iriv i r cnii l. nil, ;i iii,. Iin,j loam Is nn . ami lie v oti'l tnove. The Wh.v. When ll.e three rnw i.-up bnva of I tot tie mini k, n New Jersey farmer of ".'. ,!iiie-;i'll iHfilill-t liU t Hk i uj; n thiial wife he lii'inil to ami lit keil iln-in oil the f.irui to irove thiit lie whs a l etter mini than al l'. It was -in aryiiiiie. t vvh:cli6ileuceilaliojpoitio-, GREAT MEN IN TUBS, The Capitol's Luxurious Bath Rooms for Congressmen, Saturday is d n in the House, that is. it is the day vv In 11 all the 111. 111 hers take their bath, savs a Washington letter to Ihe New Y"tk ( "iiiincicial Ad verti-ci Suiue then- may be w ho bathe otteiii 1 than nine a weik, but they aU bathe on Saturday. When they coim out of the marble lab, get into the -weal loom nil,) an tubbed down, they sprayed with c! gm without cost and come out as line a- a fiddle. The bath rooms of tin- house have I'ii 11 greatly 1 tiling"! They are itii iled duw 11 in the' -lib ba-cini lit. where -Uain heating appiu i"l- keeps the at mosphere at an cvrii leiiipciatuie. Soft arpets are laid along the staiued flooi, a ii'l "ii eithii sidt. of the narrow corrider no nine bath rooms. ni"-t of which ni" large a- an or. I in 11 v bed room : lighted ; v 1 li-. ni it, 1 -hi 1 " I and tiirni-hed . I'h suitable toilet ic t.. h s. VI -t .-I' the tubs 11. of very large size, ul nut uf -olid bio. k- of marble, and n h 'vvel bath anang' lie nt l nttnclied to ' a. h tab. I.nlely, tw or thiee old la-liioui-d jtubs liavc hern n placed by ii.eib 111 "lie-, and ' ie rii"iii has brea I Mi d up vv itlt 1 haii -. table and loungc--,v Iii ic itictiib.'i m n -lie ike or dream iwa.v I, ill an horn aP : the bath. fin- iit'ie I. oin i- - iniaiigi d us to be -1,,-v a- p. ible. at. 1 its Mibterniticati I 1 at .'!', il- pi ivat v l'.d ( "iiiP'it lim e le it a t not ite h it !"l iiietiibcrs w h" v.a'il to h Id CUlb 1 la 1 s ef CM hallge . t. l- ,v liii l it w ill ii..t do to w hi-per P.ivi gioiiu I. N vol, 11 .ill. I ever pi ll . Hat. it. .in lh:.- pi ti 1 t" the upper nil ,. Ii" "'ie . "il'l ' V' I lind lln -c gentle. .. 11. hid . I if 'i'l-1' r tla- ground. Tie ...;v vvav ! - n .'.. !. it !i"tn the lluils.' is v in. aiis Ite 1 lev atei . A Senator v .. -avs i!i ,t I., I- is Hied all the bath- , llni.-'p, ,ii, Ainciiea pr.111. -uni . .. t hi ia In -t ' t all file member t.lki s hi-.':-,- ill "" "t lie inaible nil s and an 't. ml Hit ad;';-'- th. ti iiipi-iatuie of th 0:1, .,'1 i '. Ml . - I he water t" suit III a a- ,, l ie n. ih deli, ale and si elltcd . an-. 1;.. -!..: - inn is lathered and , 1 ill . i and : ; 1 I and tumbled, put 1. ... .a ii, .,h '.. old loft to ...nk with : I he ,.i .' ab -. ' w.l 1 until all the .. .... - o! ',. , , cal the "' .-11.. !i"ll I t I.. I :-' 'gi,: . ia. in r are -".iki d out ' ! .a... th, a h. i. "ibbed down wilh , -. 11'.. i. li I. d. -in s. h, . all get into 1, .,. I I ,' 1 V ft el VV ltd he . ill go . th. ! alien g i "in and -tn b h him-' il .p., a P.. aphol-t. n .1 ...nth. I" a, ' i- do ai-, t ig. tful of all tiic af ' -,s . t Mali Mi ' igli iniuti hi- brain p 1' '. d tin l- lu ie- ., tills f.' 11 OW 11 : d f.-l 111 -."ins -lli'i I'vv " In 1: ai ' 1 111 - of the bi'li. Hid ail i. !,, , , i. - aps ale In 111.ll! by I 1, - 1111 Hiy rum u-'d t" 1 1 ai !::-!,"! ! 1 I -h purp.-si a' govt 1 11 ... n' 1 p- ' , I 1' thi i- li" l.-ngcl 'I"!!' I k. -'p. ' i 'he bath, Ale get- a . ,iv 1 . ar. b'iv thi e login id t! mi nibi 1- p c. him toi i' ' . tin il l.b'. l.ili'v 1' him the tip. otle t th. balall. . a! the I Il'l . agaiiisi him. and the 1- not . ut "ll !. gl t lh. ll baths fie. . I have a , bii-. podi t .i'l he k, . 's the b ei of ". piill. and the l'i--t ali'i- "f nill' 111 IV I't : I ve, ,in. -,-th 1 th. -ie nth "ipp'iV "! 1 ib h II, b.1- !, -I . h . I.I.' I' 111- .1. I ' ab I 111' l ft Hi tie -- . ! i-t- -k:!l. t omni' icial Ad The r niote. I ':.- i f the I ll.o - ' -t'n 1 o-tillln s ul .-- I- - i- ti" .: . le. wliii 1., it i 11 !,t. i. w..- .vein .-! universally bv tla w ..;(. -i ..f tie it-i-. but it i- ni.'.v V a Idlt'g t" t1 t in - "f f.l.-hiull, ill . V, 1 ,1 - !;in ,1- il- le 11 11. c pi: 111. lit :- . . - g 1 leak . j ' ti Iv 1 tivi . piii, '':: ' 1 11.1. Wit':- 1 itge 1 one shape. )' i . ' 1 I I.g th- el Hotllcti of 1! 1 I - vv, ai the t , t' . but the .pl.ilitv "!' 1 la leale! ial. v ' a !l i- blue 1 'eth. ,1 ''. ! - I. . "idllie ' in lilll-t.lta a s ll -1 ! d ! tin- !! la- older VV ..tin ti. I'. .a. .0 . ! lllv th e. 'ia Vo'lligel. favoi.d 1 I.i : '. alt h . H 1 'I'ti it n p-.--nig ,'a .! ti.. , w . . 1 : . . -: u -.ig ll l".av 1 -. : illtve g OI.e ."I' 'I' bill' k IV.- a!!.! 1 1,'in i, tie ' .1 1111 m' ' 1 -mall iiiivvi ink li d I, r,. .li ov mg tie i -i 1 losri al -nit tla ! 1 . . vv hi. h did ! ' !! i d t" hide fl" II' 1 l-i 1 v ,1.0:1 I'l 11.. 1 a y.'lil'ir nml dif fab '" vv 1 ,1, t I '. if I'l- ' I'll s-l. Ccniiilenco in the Old Horse. I'l.. M'tie .'l! ' t' I" III I ll I littel.. It'll w :.- . , .'. 1 1 !,i 1,1- 1 'I l'- vv a! li.-l-t , I I, ill vv-,- n ,.,,, I , tli ,.1'i-ti i..ii- ,1olm .1 I lit-- !' ii'tl. of K' ' ''1' KV. ti e I lii'.l g: I-, n'a-l.i i II" a-.-. ! i.itl.-r I. f-lS I il: ,-t a t. to at li. :a , -i. - ' 'ie- "at !". nf a ni' in i-'i- : .oil. ' Taller, vv , h em . a .l.'ln.l..' 1 '. i I ' ir iin-vv orcil i!t',i in r . iv. tli" ; ',' g-ter sihl ilovt. li- uiti. i ,,. sii,,! i,:a . aii, J Wiist"tl'l!i:ia . ;I ,- I :-t a- his li-''.- Ii-l-i 1 1 ' tl Itl i iirry i'itll. w Ij.-ti his fu'l,. . . .t.l. U in ia :i'e ,.u g ing-. my sots : " I'-cia i." lie -alii. , 'lining' a-al -how- leg' a f. lull ef n ,:.-. It. J.-lm .1. la v . i vv , i. 1 hav e . ': . ,t. ,1 if von li el n't '.r-... l-.illl '. I." I ii - - ' 'v gi. .,i to ia it. ho,, .1. anil l'-'i v"!i In- fl.t t "Hit- t..e with I iisici in. I I..- n "ii n tie I it'll- liig llnrti. I. ill e ( in lull, (li line vv. f . . . . r : . .1 in tt, i i g icultiii a! 'ir .-.I "A !.!,. vvitnlovv in u - a 1 . 1 . ...k-s i' i .-- ci-- weak n;i lliul i-l le; . i' '.'...I -v '. f "t hurts Lis eve- lo tl e g'a i . a !'... la-llilal makes si ii at e'. 1. ii .vi'.,lovv i.:: n iliii'tial it'.t - i ia -liy hi-u lie travels. atl'l ll .'ill'!,- Vl-i.i.u! tiiiliv, s I, 'til lailel " lla trt'la- 1- ha- vvntfell lo t lit tali 'or f the ai .' il'',:al ) ii't-r n-ki:in what efffi t , vi I " v. itho'it il htal'le wcill'l I aiv er n hi - hole's ,-v One Reason -i in. ti. mi. .-v;.i.c ,i. " 1 III- leieili !., 1 ,lvir,'t 'I I'l .1 I e , ... ; ,. ,,,,, . I,'., (I , . I ., Suisai,.,. .11 I. Ii, lie- ,,.,.i - ie .-,i, ,iai - ns--.nieiUti-ill lU 1 '" ' 1 i I :. HI ,1 I. It l,.-u -T " '" i. ' kit-s. a u-l l.j.u .r. !; -.-'.I ni, . ., ,, j. . . inHlicjai luo L.-.lllU 'llf l.I.I .,,.. bi,-, 1 , . .suis.,.4. I'l .. 1.:, 'c- , . ,, ' ' ,iV -' ' 1 i. e ,.- 1, i v?r, s nu. Cm l.,,l ).-.h i-.j a' 'i .... ... n,, -i ,. ,,,,. 1 il-el Hoi 1 !!',.,,, i ,,. u,,i -,-t-tt -l, any nun-. -ii, vv , -., Mill .-it. Maw, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sel l I., all ,lr.u.,.u iv f.,r j, l-r. iari" I unl, tjV I. II, on , . . . . i-jtli-tarle. Lewi 11, Hiua. 100 Doses Ono Dollar The Turtle (irows Better as He Id 9s Old, Like nine and whisky, tlie turtle im pioves ith age. One of the delicacies ut a recent dinner at Windsor Castle aiis a turtle which had reached the advanced ago of liNI yearn. Notwith standing its auti'iuity its flesh was Hweet ami lender. It was captured by a bntlsli cruiser near Asceuoioii Island, ami w thoroughly did her 5Iajenty eli ji iv the soup and tdeaka providtitt by the venerable crustacean that she has sent the cruiser off again for a frech f.ipply. It must travel neveral thou 4und miles in order to obev her com uiaiids. 'Ihe turtle is iirohnbly the oily edible that grows better with veaiH Age does not really improve 1 'W Is, game and meats, nlthoiigh the restaurants sometimes appear to be lieve that it does. A spring chicken, instead uf being tender ami palatable, bke the turtle, at It'll, is often tough a id imw hob some at ten or twenty. Ihe same is true of other birds and animals, and it is better to serve them up for the table before they have 11 neht d the age of the ljuecu'a favor ite turtle. HaUrou' corporations are reticent - they keep their owu A I Irm- Smti-iiieiil ol Trillin Thai t-hoiilil Im I ttri-liiHv ICr-,,1 mill Itpiiirntbrrril, tew yt-rfr- n-'o it at very rari iinlPft to lin I itny Inn uM or laiililli-imcil 1'i-opli-atlliftprt ttitii Ki'lti'-v ei' lilit'l'li't- liil!i'-nlli..a,b'll tic ilny not imiIv ure tin -.' ir.'iil'1i-s jn.r.iViit li mi ai. 1 wo )i-ili 11' aiiii.a-; lin- nml iire.l, lint fvi ii ear r'nMiv 1 lii-twvt-ii '1 aa l '.n ve ils ot ah-e. nr. all. n ki.l ami 'lie Mi'l'l'iily fr.-ni I In: 1101. P. ai .l. -ireti-r el liiiin.ui life, biiulil-1'isi-iis... It I- lul a -.(-.p from Hit- nnlinai v. eoiiiiiuiii Ki.l l.ey ill-el-iti r. In tl.f 'a. l'e lltlvnnel-.t tlrUl.IV t'.s, a-,., anil it is Hie sllg-tit illi'l rai ly syniHi.iii iMieli 11. .1.-. I.-.I 1 Pail.. t.l- I,, llir en,!, li-.'n-'-' .'-.tri-tlie wal. llt'lilli'-s I. ...s'lilltll ill Uriel- i .-i-i- th.- Kulnev-mv irfnriiiiug I'.e it tin.. fen iia-rk 111 tin- i-ntli' in.mri-i- 1011I in .1. -I.-, t Hi.- iir-i tti t artiire fi.'in lii illh. I !i. u f. ia-il is Uie manifest I lit nf nil lf in-M--II.-.HV iiii.t Kn.ev vvlnit e.inr-i- In imr-ue inn! w' iie-iin- I" ii--'. ,t le.-ol ('le,-1 (.111 1 ri it. I f in- 1 ri'-i l il'.'-l tin- cii-at s.... ill.- "Iir. Kib iiii-v'- s,MHi,,.U, ' Ki'lni'.v. Liver ni l Itl.i.lili-r I 'liii-.' iii :i sr. .1' nnoiv v i-r , , rrv li.ut t .1 a--.11. ii'- .-nut .-' 1 -'tie ' ali'l 111 iv. -iv iiislaiin- I lit- r. -ait .i -.,1 i-i.i. i-tv . I Iniv s f."ini I it n, !.-a vten.l. l fal ' i-.a ii,i or f.iutr in ra-l-,1 t! , ,!,.Mi .lota , . ii.iitiitii.ii-: in in. ipn-iit -i.,..- e' ;;. 1 ! r. i.--.... . ilia lti-anil m i' a- ; II 1 . in .-'-ii 1.1I. In l.i.M. in all mv i.j'..-i'- ela e ,c lit. 1,1.,. 1 ' lif o - ,s .ia aetiv-- tliv-l. mil III I 11 V .111-1 I -elintrv. I liavr Ill's IT pi .-. I ll'f'l a!" I!'.'i'.l'.l!l''ll itl-'ll Icll ,,!ii,.ir.. Willi It. H l.ll. .'II . I ? I . ', ,( rf-.ell.lilt ,t IV 111 K.-l-l- lllf K !!' - 111 11 lite. a .in t lti-ala' I'lit- a..tllist 11 Ml't- til l. .Ill.t- It 1 M'foi.Mi' k. M I'., I'll. .tan ;.. I- " Pi n Arka le. ' l. ain.. re'-a-lv l:a n h-an' alnl vn,iv. ,,r ri fill it I. II !a II a: si It . Ill- l'li'-l nlM'it tt t a t r, i , .lie. i, 1 1. 1'M I i ' t In-v.ry I..-.-I l'tiv-i. 1.111-. an. I lias His l.trg. -I -ale ef any -l"'.'l.,f klilm-y ll lll, 'i vr kll.'tl I'l. It Is Mil. I 111 lVVl.-l.'-, aiel 41, I i lli. uii.iniiit. e.l Iii nivc snllsi, ic li. I. ..,' ii. ..a-o l.-ne .i.-.l. A g,-iit - vt.o.1,.,1 in 1 11 rv lis-ulitv winrr the al...', la "I. .- !,' -"I'l liv ill'lillsts. Willi bii : -Ule tor imr lil,. i.ll l.l a.l .11,1 ,s:ei. 1 lll-l.:ii il lll'l t.l 5" l' i, s I 1 i- aa l i. ,.',!. 1 - W .' -'!"! tr.-u M'.. ! .lata ill 1 ' 11 a-, -'a i I ..1 M11-. 1 ali'l "llinile t.. ili'.ilth." t.. ilia iei-'.iess. Win u vvrilinj lor Aten 11a iiti.'ii ili - i.-iii-r. Llu. 11 A- I'u., liiu.aaiul.'n, JJ. Y. Mii.rl -tva levit-r-! t" try nv av-U.ii. Ilev ..a :l !, iimr -.- tin. I Usome 'I'...- it., ll"l .Vi I - ! . I V -, ' I, M 1 1 III! II- is fell. I l. 1 M I ' "I.i. 1. -..!,. ,.s I if I 1, 1, , 1 .. . I, 11 M. .i. .1! I ' -til. lie U-..I 1 . 11,, o i t Pi a,, 1,1' I' 111, 'I IHU. I ll-. its. s. -i, I, I., e! e lit . I. Ini.i. ,0 -i . ! . ,1 ' i., all .le , .1. - 1 1 .,! t.... : 1 1- ill 111 main. I I ami a ill- ,-r- .!. .-! I1M1 I I,.- , , it. a. -.litis. ., 1,. ., l.e.,1,1,,. ,,1,,..!,. la Pi. : ii 1 .e .uiti Iii 11, civ .ni- llle A 1,' t.-i 1 .I'.'l 'V st !i- t ".V el. I.,." Illitii :t ins I n il I et .-,1 I.. n..i 1 1 ,,1,1.. I'. ii-ia. lie- ini.i f, ia r-. i" 1 . .in... tin' s st.-a Itl.-i ti.aaj. , t cei,,!,. ).,. e.-tivc r 1 ,ia,"-. el!.i!ill: 1.1, . nn in,. ,, slih'Ui-ii, la I i I l!..lli.:,l! ,i:i,.! cnl, -1 1 1 . atl.lls. lo noii.i-n tin-' vs ai .1 iiv.'r in a la niitiv ae. , I'vilt, ;l!i,,in in ilalli, ,, weak rliilii: llii-ni. j U-f -- flip i t i'ii.-.-. i " I.. r. i- i. nt hull- in lite -.t iiirn,'stlv tela. I senlili. s . tun ,i t-r ninl i inti 1. .tr Vn-'ln Frr. tV rmctn Co., Dilln.. Is, ttiton onu In I'. S. nr t', tn-t l-iii'l ..'.n r.-.i-ii t "f -' I'"' I ll-ill leu I ei. it ii i't"t. S'-'i-i v'-' "V ','" """" tin !i 1'iir. Tin i t"i - e I ) sriK-ers. fv'eii t!.i- 1 1 ti i it ' - It--1 t"' t'T ill t'e Iniul inn li-elvf tn l.vt' Ii 1' i, lorn ) ! 1 !.--. FITS! 't.'t l't-l (W I'V I'll. Kt INK'S fiRFIAT Ni nvi Kt.-ioiiKH. N i is rirr nisi nay's ilsf Mill VI ...U- cures. 'I'l.Hllsf mi'l Y! ttltii- iit-f. 1 'r. Kliu.-.'.'il Arcli i'lnU.. !' Aiiesi '.y s I'riiii- .1 'inn li) ; e'lt nf Lul nt :. .' 1. ' i in.-, n i . I '' I i. IV" I"'- j ,e's I ,- e'T.'l l ' id f.T H , . ... . e.o i a I'" ' "f ei'-'l I'V fs 'K i,'i l..-n-1'll I an- s,,, o-l t.-'.illl "ails, . : ! I I'V I n aggi-l". t V . Mv-l.-r I. ml-n clmrin I" u niml i vt ry- llilnl ri-r.t ti. initio- I' e. Atfi-r il nn r sne ki. "Im -I a's 1'iunli " j , f, i a t,l m -Hi ; cv i-s ut" I irl--ir rti.iinii. in i ! v i- ..i r I 'i ii.s-i-i- sell nt .'V'.i -r ii..'t.:, 1 1 . il. 'ir I I tia -'' lien :i ur.'i iil'.a k s eilt, i.n.iul ti I V . i-l.l . 5.JACOBS 01 UUIItS PERMANENTLY N K U HAL(i I A. Jii-tal'l llt lii-f, I unl AlU'tlt Itis-llVlSe. Ml, I it c is, s.Y I mi", n .1 ilrea-Hiiliy uuli i:. iiihI.ii. iiilil til la 11 1 ! 1 !i li-lii 'e l I t.l- ineli vt- I I ..111. I II .' il'l ti'l I 'I'lllllll.t UI-!MI!tlltl "HI ninl tr. 111 In -I neplii uti.ii el -I .iiit..! 1 ill. II M I 1 UK. SulTi-ri'tl I Ihiys sn-iervly. 4' .'. t ic- Vv. -I ltt-l--irir. Til .f elc ls.lsS!) t -ial, ie,l - -. vt le 1'ien- fr in lteiirnli.-!ft f, I I- lit lillV-. I'ill Hll- IIHll I'V S .111", I'- 1 ll. Mr- lulls Kl Ki l l E. At I'ki ....i-is imi Hut i r. THE SHURIES VOHEIER CO.. Baltimore. Mi. It Wus All Right. , ,-,! 1 thi- tovvu, s.iv- the Wain .1! 1 1 H a-h 1 .1. uinal, 1 lit' id .l''hn I' M. I em's I V -lo If the oth'i ilav. aie I ...i.l I", waiit eil t.. have a .iivatc vvoi l ,vi:h the .:.ij.iat to.. Win n Hit I , tn, a to the .It -k he li g' 1:1 I want lo make ,1 lonfc ion ami 1, ,. nation. II ' von I'1 ni' mln r of mv hav lug -"ine -ng ir In it- two or tiller lav - ;e.:".- ' " I il"." Will, in ni ing' far it I w orki 'I ilT a , . .oli fil , It i.lia'tcl ell llll- llllk. It VV:U- a mi an lii'k. ami I t'liie to ti tnlcr you pti'l 11 ,. in . " oh. liou't in. ntii'ii it," rcj'litil .lohn. Hut 1 want I" make it nil rilil.'" "Il's all lig-ht all tilil. Wo knew who .1 tie- iiiiiitir on us. ami that iiltt rni'.'ti. win 11 your wile sent ilmvn a ,,,, ,r hill -unl waiitnl 11 can uf sariliucs, I c-ave In r that ijunrur with lur cluinge. liou't let vour coiiscicuco trimble you ai sll thal'a all riLt." I -i - e i f. : I P -.1, 1 -I. k. 1 i -i'ii i'ii"- lick. 1 i " '- '. 1. 1 ii.'iv lat mi, : j j a., i . n. 1,1 11 -111 1 U . i j no.'.iu 1 . u-i ail ic ll,.- i.t- 1 i . I,, ail!, sia lelifl I ,s-i- ! ( t A SCARED EDITOR. A nurtretl farmer stall' ml into the snnctiim trtt!i a bi whi) utiler Ins arm. ''lie yuii tlieclitor!" lie "I inn." was llu- half iipiirelii-nsivu reply. "Hole's two dollars n-iid im your paier, fur life," he said ' Veil see.'' he went on, "our ibiug-liter was nek ami like In ilie; slie ilr'i,il iiikI Rrevv weak lind pale. Imil lieinl.ielies. tin np petite, hack iielieil. Iiamls ami feet like i.e. loulJii't slisp, hackeil with eoiig'li, nml we tboUg'ht -be liail e" N'.i lll.slleiue helped Lei- until she that I r I'l.-r.-e's Kavurile I'le.-erii'i i"ii mi'titiuiml in vour paper, vvlii-n Me- I. -gan t" ni"ii. in mi tutu nad li, new well aii-l ti.i'ilM'iiie as 11 rose- -put 1110 tlovvu ns a hi.- siilis. riU.t-." Now th.- iiiitoi- is l.h.kiiig- lor mi'ither seai'i.-. 'l'lie imslieiiie ha.- eiired thousands iillln ted ius was the furiiier s uancliter, re s'orin tlie female fiiiieti .n. to healtliy nr ti ll, an I ruin. 1 v iiu; tla- nhstr actions' nn-l m.j 1-n-si 'tis w hi'-l. '. aiis -l her iruiible. It la g'uarant.vil to uive satisfa' tioii In every ia; i'l' price 1 I ' 1 refniileil. Its a l".itl ma'.e ne ,n-iii.-, let a In-venee. I''.nt.auis u-i al'-vli 'l t 1 en la late, ii" syrup nr -'i.'ar t"i .:!'. or ferment in the Mutuai-li nml ,1,.. raiea; 11,41-st 1. m. Ai an mv iji'i iitin r t' mi--, it imi' iits SICK HEADACHE, llilioils lli-iiilui lie, IliAiiit ss, I iinsUpailoli, 1 11 ili linn. Unions A Mucks, anil al il. ran." nit nts of the .1.111 a, I. anil IV tyf VI ll"' If. IH'' T"IIH'I lelleVl'il all') I" Til , 111'' III I) .'lire! I.V lllf II' (if Vtr.DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS. ' V I -'li, ). arc I'lirvlj, eialite anil ler(e tl ll.u llltt s. ONE PELLET A DOSE - Children 11 1 i it y Enjoy It. SCOTT'S EtMSIO.. I I 1 I I of pure Coil Liver Oil with Hypo- ) ! Rlicttnliltes of ' and Soda is ) . almost as tulnialilD as milk. J ( ClUKIren enioy It rather 'lion ' I ottierttlati. A MARVELLOUS FLESH j PRODUCER II Is Indeed, anil the llttlB tails and lassies who tnke cold ! j easily, may lie fortified nRaiiist a ) cough that ntiitr't prove serious, hy J t takliiK Scott's Emulsion after their ! I meals ilurliiK the winter season, j i. i r.i re i. sitlut itMfiiiti iimf (nii ft, fin ms. I For Fifty Years tlie Stauclftrtl Blood-purifier and Tonic, Ayer'sSarsnparilla has no equal rb a Spring Medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fk Co., Lowell, Mass. Ely's Cream Balm Is. -I UK Til 1 I UK Cold in Head 4H M Kl. . API'!i I'!'"' "I til 1 Hi U iiu-tri, VERY Mm Ur J. llatuiltuii Arer, A. M., M. U. ThUUmiit V4l' !k f"f V. h. i sph I4, tv'Uioc tt 4i tiii fiMiljr .Imiii i tihl np Umnt IKT 'rni 'IUHf, lh- cjush u l mi in of prttvuitu; m.'i 't"t M tJ i.tiHi U rui ties wl1v:U wilt siU.l. t or .Mr-. -VIS a.raMy tlltl-lrM'il T! I wrlltii l i .l tin i-v ry J4J Knilnh H' 1 U Tr front thi l- ini-'al Ui ia wbiol rn tit m-v l r nniti tl Hi- ?e:ier miUj of rt-4 liT. ti'lr. p "i;- u t v.-i cm- plf auilt -lt of tfr :Utng pvi.iiinii i-i curi Uio, inirrt4ri' 1 1 I t I pr.fluoMo-i m I mi'I'W f li lVj fsvmit ; t. tr wiin rahitidt recip't mi l pr orl)Lt'in. e i ni m f i-.viltt pr.vti ', o-r-rtv't tlaof or.l.iiry li t.lit, Hri (I ttt(4 b ik la UK h 'U.ttitr u u i" 1 -r u-t Wtiiwmt what m do lit ii-ri s n 1 hnfi n 'iv or p-a. ilitaiu ,if ir tl -1 'fmr.Mti -a ui( 1 r.r Uf it-cut IU pi'n. IMIia 114 UiitI Wt Mm ff. Ciif. nd tvriaiu iiu(J)f. S.MlTil'S BILE BEANS l'lh HUM. I. PIZF (4(1 little lnn to lit bul 111. I'bf r tba tai'-t .'"ny tnlfiil. suit all Nt l-ilretif ellhm )-. cfiiu iter Ileitis. ssau lovppsi ur mniiipx. 1 V BMITH CXV. Mlklliof Bllo Rrmn " Kt. Louts. MlV m UlrtNKV IN rntl'Kllvli, a. Jk A lr i m - l-t. oin""- it Sis 'ilr i-"'" .". " f'" (,r ' S?c:-Bir kr.l i..t.iv Atnm . s9i ri s- uui it tn insi )-. I. j. i ri IY' 'I Y':v- I I I tfMB '! FHVEfiBi? i .1. 1. k-J .sT III DOCTOR. ! nnur ri . 1 nURIk 1,1111 ,.. Al tiei II,-, .. ' a ni l. -Ic, 1,; ,r I ; 10 I.e.- ll' '' M.l'l. til ll tr. in-, j Hi , .on'. I iil.r:r. 'ten I ''"-''". V I strength to thi wlmle system. For ovrr I worki-l. "worn-out." ' run down," dVhili tatetl t'vaeliers, iiiilliners, liii-sstunkein, sennl stressi s shop eirls." Iiniiv-kii-is-rs, nursing mothers, nml feelilc women generally, Ilr. 1'ier.T's l-'uvurite I'rescriptiiiii is the KreaUwt earthly Ihhiii, liaiig' miiitialcd as all piO tiin;: ei't'lial nml li'sturalivti tunic, ot --Iri'iiirtti nicer. 'I promptly cures nuusea, imhU'-llon, I'li'iiting'. weak hack, nervnnl prostiiitinii, ilel.ility ami sleeplessness. Hll carefully eoinv,'iinile.l liy nil ex-riencl ami skillful physician, alnl inlapte-l to wo man's il.-lieate ol enniation. purely vepe table and p.-rfis-ily liariiile-ss ill any condl ti ni of the system". As a soothing ami strrtmthi-nini; nerv ine, " Kavnnt" I'iim i iplioii " is inieimled an. I is iuvaliial'li- in alia viag- ninl sulslu iii- iiervoiis exeilal.ilitv , irfit.'il'ility, ex liansti.'ii. prust ration. Iiv-tena. spivsins and "t'l l- dlsl I esslll'.', Ilervotis SVInpliilns. idih- inoiily atli-mlaiit iipin fum tinnl ami i'r.--.iuie 'hsensc It iii'li.i-s refrr-shing si.-11 ami relieve mental anxiety ami d& s.l'le.-y. For ii (i.H.k of hiii paes mi Woman : Her lii.ea.i-,, .itiil ll.. iv t i Cure them, isent seal' I in p ain env.l"H-i,. ten cent, in .-tamp-, t" "in n s Hisi-KNSAKV MD 11 -a i. Assoi iatI'iv, ijiii Main tstns-t, Buf la! .. N. V. ! 6M,T n oT' a,El-,UL-C's vifih riNj. epps's mu LiHtAiKASr. ' Hy h lh r -tiif.i ku .vi--:.' f Ci- n tU-!l lil whtc . Kii.fruin "iMr i .1 I i-t.ri,m a . t pawl t -in. itu t i n . in(tj 1 1 f 1 1 i i. i ir Hit Hj (roir tics f ill -t- oi ! 1 ..'.. Mr Kpps Ii4 .rult1pd u ji bri-rti.;! fi '!' m Ii a -!;. ci o.y floiireU TfH- Vt,l. 'I'll- iv ' 'IH lll.ill J . 1 Di U, li I" i llu- i.i tn'ioii iKH ..f ii i ...;iU-i of dtl til it t ii tMii-i:lu;l -U :tui ht ,rt .nil ' llllt up UBt I Uf'1'.i I'UtMiti Ut IV t-t H'T. 1 1' U tt vlljm t un tr. J- ef -i ,t:tr i .ti i t ,tr fl.'tii ii. .itcujil uj . rea.t, t.- t i-k nh.-..v r ;'it- U it ivi ii, po-iil W i ni.! r-(.it hi. l l i s. .it li 111 utir 4wl t (.iru ii- I tn i' tiv bl i I tn 1 vVprf nuurwth I ilJUtiif. "ii'ti .v' ; iu;Wf I JU if niTiipIv ivitli iMilthiK ;i' i'c. or unlit AulU 1 wulj lit ntr u ait I !:i . hv i. i.ib-'l: ".J lull, j jA.HK- tri'c .V I II.. H - 'p-ttuio Cufi.uUU, Lujs. t-..tLt;.u. PURELV VECETAPLF. ) rsr. Ba. TMOHOUGHLV RCL'AnLE. ' VI.',",.' :-!" . "7 oscLi'Tciv srr.. I .-(.. ,i. ..- FOR SALE EV AIL DRUGGISTS. DR. J. H.SCHENCKiv SON, rHiUCLPHIA,PA. WONOCRFIII i r l'2i?.'rt rgchaiivpa lC0MBIMliu'i '1nriC'.l5. nC' FURNIIUHE. ( INVALIOV. VVV'AVt -. I'.-cftv' WHEEL Yr r: nlaMwOMtUwlM -.III;. P.-uiJi". -I..r....i.s.s, , ,nt-?; X , , tKiaiUnif -'Wlf - I r-"sl-t-i,l. till liwut. i,K(iuJimt V-Jul ulilllll. LLUUMU sirl. 11k. 146 Ut sib SI. ).w. . NORTHERN PACIFIC. II LOW PRICE RAILROAD LANDS I FREE Covernment LANDS. III I 1. 1.IO V- dIV .11 Ills 111 Vila.. -ela, Sana,. Mi. nut ffii, Itli.l.e, Vv 1 -tiiii,'teii mid urenoa riin tlVD I'.illiiiit.'is llli 11 ei. tlm-rlbliicUM bLNU rUll I r.l -n. nliui.iI .01 -hum uiilTlm .r I. m ini i.v e .ti I 'M ltl.r-. Ki iil Irrr. AiltlreM CHAS. B. UMBOHK, 'rY: Tiiy AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL I'li-M 1,1 llll. I HUH. 3. It Vuiili I iiiromk fnr-i, I'loliolt I1.I1111. Ititiitt i- it-t-i i-tifiu-ii III 4H 111 .11 tt..-1-s. .IC - It!-- "''I'l"' "f NH"U leini iie.l. ULsM l . iiiTK, I Krupllon Ille., 1 nlirr.i. l .--li-.,f,l ll.mi.rr. I'r.l, lelelut. I'lni'i'.-t 'I V1...11. I'll... Ller, Mel'HI' ll. Klilm v'l-iw.iii -ntttb IS lu ut iiiitit fur que-nuu itt ,.ioi ' -ic -TstSIII;11 r, 1 1 ei r ei V.hl'iF All list MILS. llcst' oiH li Stun., lu-it- r ' -I. Make Your Own Russ. IT,.-.- 1. 1-1 ef let 1 v.i Inn-... 1. 11. I itlernn. Vum, ft. , tin i:. ai;i:n i. V M-i ii. II. llll--. A I (. I nli .lo. O. !$75n'.,. iMi i n ' in 1, wnrklnf i... rrf.i rurnlpli I III., tilisitir-,. ia,.:,,ir.l nl". . I 1. JOHN- 1! n W WHISkLY HAB- ,J 11 it art-a i 11,1111" with. II fih9, 3 1 "i l ai. l oekaf ear- FRAZEBoremI IlKJiT IN TIIK IIULU O II Ln W It Bah! ilTeryw tiers, i n 1 a a II HIT .. ( I llnlv I'rrlsls 1 1 !f 1 1 1 f Ji '"? t '" """ 'Wl IWIIS J. L. KfiltNSV, F SIIINKV, D. O. t iiih .11. t.isi, M-ieiiterii H. I. Minify. Ill rr. Mi llii'r uf t , ujrt. iu A. ri-iiiaii. ei vena Awl u. .s. a.i)-us. " It N V C I 1 1 i utd 1 T. i'vli ,. 11 . , a rB-.r.nt.1 l-i nB il It IM HUM SUMI-I-. .- VII ivi m 11 'l' 1, lain, ft V. ,4.1 His ii '- mid 11 lui -!ti'.f.i-:..-i Ctil-.KO. II Mil ul Ft hc i liiBi: WenkulMiuit

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