$l)c l)oll)nm Uctorb. ll .A. j m A j .A. .A. u. a. lOJXlOJN, EU1T0K AND PltOPKlETOK. IUTKS ADVERTISING one square, out' insertion- f l.OV One s'UHit', two insert ion"- 1.68 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. Urn; s.pnirt , out iuuulli - - Kt larger advertisements libetal con I Hi' will be made. VOL. NU. rinsnoiar, Chatham co., n. c ii:ly 21, jsim. NO. I". Mil nHTii Life. After the tempi st ionii-3 the calm; .After the woe tin- lieahn.' balm: Alter the shutter tlie hriyht siiiitiinc ; After li;ird toil I lie lilhi mini ; After I In- planting tin ti inter shunt , After the ici'imin tin' harvest fruil ; After mail fully ivIliTtiini deep: After lone, wad hiiiL: llif hlc-sid sleep. f-'n riiii till' mixture of Milibiny mul .mi; 'That elici'kt rs lhi life ui tie hurry uli'iic; Sii run- I he record ef (.'nod mi l ef ill fj" runs the story of wi .ikiu.-s and will. lut it hen 'tis viewed hi philti-ophy 's lirht The (iruinlsiiin is peth el - the average ru'ht ; 'Jlic itid comes al hi-t. ami our joys and our wins Are eiiih i alike 1 1 1 terual repti-e. - Tram-is S. s-'uiiih In New Vum Weekly. FETTERED. :V MINMI i.H INN. Ill ( 'hct 'nine's early days, tlio sdi-rill Was one of the llliil important pel son ii:v in the eniiiiiry. In fuel, lie Mill holds ii -l i -1 m. i ii po-itioii in must iiiie nf Ide vigorous, iinpcluotis Uel. Some m ii s ayo SlicriH' I la k of 'doyenne ti as ti 1 1 1 1 1 annoyed by Ihe J'i'l -i 1 1-in t" and ilelei iniiuiiioii of siui ilry suitor- for tlio hand of his fair ilaiiyhii-r. Mi-s Ibb-ii. A- is always (lie ease in t lie min'my ili-lrirls, the male populal iun far otil numbcred lie' "cutler sex, ami Mis Helen, w ho it as a handsome brunette on hi liavi; lieeu a belle amoiin fir severer critics than Ilie youths of ( 'lie) etnie. She hail r,:.t. dialed in SI. I.ouis, ami besides I x-i ni a i f li-tl musician, was :t ilevoui w u-hipper of iialuic, ami fuml of .ill t - i ! I'M'I'i ie. Aliii'i-I any line evening in Finn liier. ii paser-by miyhl h-ar dor rich jneo voiei: accuiiipaiiviii", her ".iiilar lo e-inin.' linking ' ItulIaJ of the l'lains." I 'iieiiiis, i,,is was .-In; of the faet that Hit; imbul) l.i:iei out from the sli.ul ovvs of llio colloiitvuod lives, ami mill" (L'h ll W ilh till! hlo.ld. rllillyellt luuoh light, and thai many a lip kles youth dated u h "peles love from Ihe lirt evening uheu hu hail ilroijieil in (w Iielp ihe -heiiH ainl llm ohl .servant in making an amlieu e. Mis Helen eaieil liiile for the iel luiralioii of in. m. Inn iii'i'eitei ii as a mailer of i oiiie, having been hrouphl 11 1 : no mil: them Shi.' enj'iveil herself ill :i f.i-hi'in of her nvvn. willi her book-, ouiiar, ski-p li book ami her i-li 1 1 ti I horse, Wililliiv. Two of her lovers, boivevi r, srenitil to niii inoie favor lhaii Ihe resi. In faet. popular opinion uuk puleil as to liii Ii vvoulil win. tni; of Ihi'M' was a tall, alblelie J mi 111; We-leiner, who was as blight mul in i;ii'.itiiiir of pre-eiiee. as tin! iiir lie biealheil, ami in who-e elear, blue e;. i - nol a shail ivv of ileeeit was visible. Ibiml-oiiie, for itiie, but so Munly ami iiiie'emlenl thai he iiu piei.ei one as a youu.u iaul. lie was an aiih ul oeoloi-, eouhl iinalye a '-liml" as well u an experl, loved his 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 a i 1 1 s ami u oilii oped Mis'. Helen. Hill w it li all his devotion .loe was a disi ieet yiutli"' fellow-, and held his elii ly bead up ill ilelian. e of iiiankiiid in icciK'i ul ami his rival in paiiieular, and he bad never let Ihe fair Helen feel loo hiirn of hei eon. pies!. The afuiosaid rival was a wealtliv yniinj inine-ou ner from ( 'hiea;o all th it is I'ouveveil by Ihe term, "a pol isbi'd eulleinaii !" Hu bad laauhed hearlily u lien, on departini; for his new lioine, his ( 'hii ;il;o frieinU bad jukini;l.V pledieled that he Would loso liii heal t (o nunii w estern beaul)'. l'ut here be wan. eauer to lay hi fate and fortune at Ilie leet of the (-lit'iiU's ipieenly ilaugl.ter. ne bright, lucey day in Septem ber, Helen cauieretloir Hoon after din ner with ber f-ketehino malerials, os tensibly t make home skelehes of the mil him seeiiery, but really to eoumiiiue Willi N.iluie, the only mother 'he had ever Know ii, mid lo deeide what she hho.l'd j;ive on Ihe inorrow to her wealthy lover, who that day bad iked her to be his wife. She had told hint thai she iiuisl read her own heart be fore she e.iiihl answer, and he hoped for a fav oi able leply. .loe had been olleiuli d by one of her hn-l v speei hes a week before. 'I'll were talking abou' I!ii-m II, and the bad as-erlod somewhal warmly that hhe knew of no one vvliose hoeiely the pre I'e rred. A soon us (lie impulsive Words w ere spoken nhe n peiited, but ,loe rude aw a with a look in his blue eyes that bad haiint' d her ever siine. Sinn li 'W, .loe's haiiLihlv henil, Ilimi; baek like a sia al bay. kept looinino; up In fore her menial v i-ion, w hen du'y lleinaii b d th U she he lliinkiii" of lilts M'll it : . Ii ll it el iii oiler. Tli" bonis woie on, end so preoeeii pieil w.i- -be that -he did not oh eive the heavy eloiid- that were rolling bla k a'ld iniissiiK d w n Ihe mountain fides. nnmiwii(Mon.i - ii.wbii n .iimiiiijw.hhi i-ii,J',' ' " 1 11 r Suddenly n laree drop plashed in her faee, mid she looked about her in aim in. A heav y eijuinoelial Mm in seemed almost upon her. Wildlire Fpruu forward at the toiled nf Ihe whip, and liter, illy Mew in the direelion of the lioii-e. The great ehiiid eaine rollinsr over the bills like jfiant iiyri'i elad in mis . Tliiimler ami i-haip, vivid 1 i yli t ji i ii.ir followed, and then the delude! Wildlire dashed on until they came to the ereek, nud then Ihe ill drew buck in dismay ! The i rcek vvasn foaming (orient uml she could not i-ee Ihe liridfie! Smlileli'y , she heaiil a man's voice ."homing lo her, and in a few minutes Joe, on his loitirh little mustang, was he-ide her. lie wore a buffalo over coal, and threw a lari;o loak of her i.'WII about her shoulders. She did Mot I wait lo llsk h'"W he happened to eoino for her. Mi" luisinl fhat he was anery and hurl. She rciehed out her liriii. i whito hand and eaiiulil .loe'- exlend'-il i linger., ami side by side 1 1 1-1 w o b u ses ' were nrj;ed aero-s the bridge, j They '.illope l honp' in sili in e, and j when (hey reaehed theie and Helen J stepped I t the flieinlly shelter of the broad veranda, hhe noted the faet that doe led both horses lo the slablo and put llieiu ll'. ! Half an hour later doe, iii r.ived in t i .Fii lire, lllark's ilressiuir own and slip i pels tarlieles lirojbt bv Miss Helen i from I lio l";il ) . w a-ex plainin ; lo the llo-y, ileuilire yollliji lilisliess of the hoii-e that her father had been sudden 1 ly railed lo tie; next town, and luLhl mil return before early inoi nin. "lb' ft-ked me lo keep a soil of lookout I over ihe place, mi I when I rode over to ask voii lo invite me to lea, and I found you goii",l li i-ti-ii" l afier ,V"il," ' he said. Ibis speech over, an embarrassed (ileiiei; followed. It vva- br 'ken by , .loe, who looked slraihl at his hosies I ami said: i "If I inn in'riidiim, Mi Nellie, i why, just j:ive the word ami I'll ifo." Helen a--in rd him. in a eiin-lraiued ' sort of way, (hat she was plad of company, and went out to prepare the Hole supper herself, for in those days .-ervanls were rare in the We.-t. After supper, in an awkward pau-e uf the conversation, .Ion took up a little c isi' fioni the table, and beuan i' Miuii ui or it- conlenl. a bright, new pair of haml-i nils. They were a lew kind, jut from the Kast, and Helen be::an explainino; the .-priuu' loek whit b opcueil with a skeleton key. Somehow, one of ihe bauds was on loe's wri-l. as she slipped the other bright c inlet over her tiriu white hand, when lo, the lock snapped, and they Were lucked lojjelher. Helen blushed crimson and com menced scan liiiii; for ihe key in nerv ous baste. liul no key vva- to be found. Sud denly the truth dawned upon her. The key wa- in her father's pocket, nud be was on ihe oilier side of Crow ( reek, which was now a foaming tor rent and ilanoei oih to cross in Ihe storm and darkness. She Iried lo .-mile and treat the mai ler liehlh , but i'. w A- ju-l the -.'hos! of a smile, and it was a verv doleful voice l hut said : "I am afraid, Mr. (loiilon. that we must break Ihe lock. Fat her has ihe key."' .loe felt tempted to indulge in a hearty huiuli over lle ir ipieer situation, hut n rlance at Ihe ili-tre--d faee across Ihe table sobered his mirth. A real throb of soriovv came over him. I f she loved him she would not care so much. He afil at ihe shining fetters on her wrists so hn: and so earnestly that Helen lifted her eyes womlerinly lint dropped Iheiu auaiu. What woman ever failed to read the story (hat she saw in lie' Iioih -t blue depths of her humble voiin giant's ey es. Her confusion eucoiiraued .loe, bill Ihrie was alue-t a tremor in his voice as he laid hi- o i eat blown hand over ber fettered one anil said sifily: "Nell, if you mi y loved me I would believe that ii wa- fate ill it hound us together. I would l ike it a- an oiueii thai fate would "Taut me nn dearest vvi-h. liul, Nellie, I d lie inl hope." The v ill looked Up -low ly into her lover's eve-, hiokeil steadily , lhou:h she still saw that look in Ihein: ",loe," -he said, "it i- fate.'' The cool and iiilurcd Mr. Kuell would have ni;MVeled had he -ecu tlmi queenly ;;iiT' sobbing f, r very joy on .hie (ii'idon's shuuiib r. and pel haps he v ouh! have inanelel -nil nioi had he known thai al thil mo liieul ihe th ll'jbl "!' him ni l his linl li.iiis did leu oio e eiiier her uiiud. Wle'ii tin i idee n un ii" in ihei i iv of the nii'iniii'; in- 1 1 u ii. I an inteie--inj; piet in e. The lamp still binned in the corner, and Ihe I'ue w a- nuoiiki iiio away. - uuejrio'T. w.mmmmjmmm J" , ;,..tsrysryy;y;a On Ihe broad lounge by the fireplace sat Helen and her lover. She h d fi'llen a-leep from sheer weai iue-s and .loe sat like a statu.' Ie-1 he ntiulil ill--llll b Ilie fail sleeper wli-i-e cli' i k vv a ; so near bis ow n. The old ireiiileuiau's face wai a study. When the truth dawned upon him he lliino hiins.-lf into the lu ar-e-t ehair and laughed uulil he waked the redoes - likewi-e Mi-s Helen. She wa-at lii st Icwild'Tcd by her novel position, but soon remembered the true situation and iehip-ed into si lence, leaving .loe to tell the story. "And now, judye," concluded he, 'yoii may loose I bese feliei s with ihe under-l.indiiie (hat ihey w ill soon be replaced by more ciiduriiu' oiie-. I miisl not h i my pi i-om r escape.'' Helen's father had always like I viol no ( .onion, and his ble-sino was forthcoming. The aiiuouiiceuient of ih" :ippro:i h iiif; implials i;n M:-. I,'u--ell a eon i lush e answer, and lie sett h d u p liis alliirs ill slmll older and ntinind l.a-l. The old jiiil.-e Used to tell with "leal jru-lo dow to iilon won his crvcr-e d iu"hlei' and how gracefully -he wore her fellers after she was won.- At lanta ( oi.st nun hi. Hun One ileitis. Sir.iuuers visiliie; Wa-hiiiL'I'in have been hoard lon iii irk thai il soi-mod to Iheiu mole deaf people Wile lo be found here than liny hid 'M r uiel in any oilier city . It j. a-!onishiny bow few per-oiis actually ofdi le iive bear iui; have any mi i mi of the -trip tin e of Ihe ear. Th" iiienilc ane -Itoli le d acios; the interior p.i--.ic,o an I called the "11111111" lllelelv Hi - lo i .it. I and llausniil Ih" vibrations, 'ike the di.i- phraui in a h li pl In 1 ontael vv ith (hi- driliil is th" extieiiiiiy i f a little b ine, which 1 i 1 1 1. b ni" is eoiniei led with a -ccolid little bone, while Ihe see iinl bone i- diti'ded on lo a lliinl little h up', aM woi kuii loi lher like IcVLlS. ill ord"- lo ill' re.l-e ihe power of the vibration- : iuj up m the di uiu. I he inner end ! Ihe lliii.l lull" b me comes into c inla. 1 wild a se.-uid I i-ii ti 1 . vv 1 11 d i-lb" w all i t a icupla cle filled wild bq.ii'l. A sound f i niii willeiiit cail-e- a i bi aliou of the di'iiu ; the vibration is communicated lhroii.:h the line" little bones and can-i s a -crie- of pie-sures Upon the wall of Ihe liiplid-lilli'd re ceptacle; liiani'lils of ihe audilory nerve lloaiiiiL! in tin- liquid are ait.i (ed by the y.hratiou lints - ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -caled, the audilory lu rve couvev - the i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 to th" brain, ami lluis il is we bear. To our notion ail creation is tilled With sounds. whele.ls in reality what we conceive lo be sounds ale but vibrations of the air and pre sumably the univ'ise is in factum! illimitable silence. ( Wa-hinloii Siar. I'll re Itiiiiiuiiiils Are Hare. About tiine-lenib- of the diamonds olleicd for -ale are oil color: that i-. they have color ill iheiu. Ten percent, only :ue absolutely white. The ilill'er. em e in Ihe lolor makes the ilillei nice ill the pi ice of 1 he stone-. I'or iii-lauce, a c niai y-coloied diamond is more v al uable than the w hite -tones. I liamonds oflbi-kiud hit called fancy s'oiies. When set together He y make a beauti ful contrast. I'lieie is no special fa-diou in diamond-. Much depends on individual ta-ie. ecklans are now w oru a uml ded and a fiooil inaii v pieces are luade up w il Ii small diamonds eoiiibined It ltd colored stone-. Sapphire, opal., rubies and emeralds, linda icady ami an cMensiye market. A line ruin, weiyluii" from iwo to tdree carats, is world more than a diamond. I ine eiuciahls are alw avs as hih priced as ihe diatuoud. - ( 'hi eajjo l'ol. Starlet HiiutiiiL' Coals. The oriiiiu of the u-e. of the searlel huntiiiv coal in the huntiuy field has never been sal i.-faclonly explained, and vaiioiis iheories hive been pro imo;aleil (o aecouiil for the adoption of that coin,'. Accordiii", lo some, scat let vva- worn in the huutini; field because il could he seen al a di-lancc. Another explanation i- dial an O11; bsli mililary oilieer, -taviiiu at a 1 0111- II y Iioii-c. o-t his Ii.ik-'.uc, and ap peared in the huuliiiu held in hi- irui-melilal-. M any aul leo ll ie- iiiaiulaiil tdal it was adopud alter the ll ui-e of Hanover introduced se n let as ihe roy al livery.-- I New York l'ie-. A Xaiiiiuittli Witch. Theie ace -oni" lii thiui' in this tow n w hied are overlooked b, ihoii saiiils o p. 1 ,os cveiy day. Aliiouy lh"iii is a watch in ihe window of a I'ark low jeweler. ll i a -pc iue n of a la'e nu 1 her of the same kind 111 in ula. Miicil for the I'hil eh Iplii.i ccnleu. m il. Tin- 111 iiin.c'i h timepiece i- , ne a id a .pi 11 h i in -h' -thi k mid neaily three in, he- aero-H the face. It weight nine ouiiics, 1 New York Sun. ClIh.lMiKN'S COi.I'MN. I " I I V s M ll f i I You'd know hy Ilie way i-le e- erenlti'ii al.i.nt. I'. rinu' .low n IH. 111 nil 1 .--il'le 1 i' Altlielwii hllle feel llii'i-t i-eiiip'a-1 ul ly 0111. '1 hat 1'nlly ha- oil Iter m u sle es. fin y are neal. Ihey are fin, liny ate l"il tolled up lii.'h, Aiet they're line. I in 11 Pi ciciiii Pine lint. Tli 111 Plight a the -ta 1 - tuinklin up in He-sky. Ill' a penny ju-t 0111 of ihe mini. Hut it isn't for lliat sin - hippy :m I proud 'I'll a sin 's ulinosl uieih'. to speil,. It's Pi i-aiin' t In v .i . out su'-li a liar mi 11 -1 v lell'l, tin h u perfectly heaatif.il 8 iii :ili. 1im v A . "i l l 1:. c.w'r nit, mi iti A".r. I'i-h. low I and ift lioi.-e- are m. to be looked in the 1110111I1, nor. -ays oninii--ioner M' I'oiiald. cm you . II j (he aue of a li-h by il- si", l ike j .Mi.ni"hai chickens and ciieiimbei -, I li-h. if Ihey have an abundance o j I I, "ill ilow bin ma few days. Inn Ihey can't ;el fat on what lilt lo air soak- IhroiiL'h the water inl" their ;il I pump-. Some r.'iihi r enjoy a diet ol worm-, while min is 111 it -t have epi curean tidbit-, but many led pc iln -in. ill fry an I are lea-ed wild 1 lie proee . In the wonl-of M a--i 1 Ii 'i 1 01 so me 01 In r w 1 iter. All the lill!. t'.h llaic l.i.'i li-li I" I'Me '1 in. A 10 1 Hi -if in 1 111 1 1 h.i 1 hi'. 1 li - li And s-i oe :el iit M 1 1 0 ri ii - Washing."! -t :r. IpiW 1 IIP hi- Ns 1.1 I nl I 01 -in 1 1 .. All lib-el Ver say - : ' Take all e"n out of the net on vv b ell a hen h i- h id her full tin. e. caiff iiUy holding ii 1.1 thecal; Illinium 11 . 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 I . you will till. I Ihe exact sp . which lie little fel low is i ckill" on the in-ide of the shell : this he vv ill do until the iu-ide shell is pi 1 foiaied. and tin n tin- shell is fun id outward as a small stale, le.'iv iii a hole. Now. if you vi ill lake one of Ihe r;in ill this condition from mult 1 the hen. remove il to the lum-" or oile r suitable place, put il in a tmx or nest, keepiuu It W.'ll lll or llloi-l. a- m ar the ti'tnpeialiire of Ihe hen a- po--iile (which may be done b. laying il be tween iwo botll s of warm water upon some i'oI ton or w ool. i ami lay a lass over the b x or m -t, then voii can sit or .-laud, as is most convenient, ami v itiicss ihe true modus operandi. ! Now watch the liul! fellow work his way ii lo ihe world and you will be atiiu-eil ami iu-t ne led. After he ha- e;ot hi- opeiiiiii:, he 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 10 1 L i s a nil. Mill" motion w ill-, ihe point of the llppi r bill on lite outside of Ihe shell, always workint:' lo tin I mill (if you have ihe lame end of tin eey from you ainl the hole upwaul), uulil be has worked hi- way almost around, say within oiic-liall of an inch in a pel let I cit cle; he I hen forces III' cap or butt cud of Ihe shell ,,, and iheii has a cham c lo sliai.'hleu bis neck, Iheieby lonseiiiii" his leys some what, and mi, by Iiu ir help, t ' 1 1 1 1 1 the body from the shell. 1 hilMi-llii' Some lime nyo, I iiseA ofien to stay wild a friend in W ilt-dire.w do-e paik is st' araleil from Ihe h'.il-e by a laki which is about I "' yards broad al Ihe narrowest part. lieinu extremely f.nid of animals, ... u 1 1 1 Incline inti male Willi Iwo ileliehi f ul doe. belony ing tti my hostess, a l.iijje collie called .lasper, and a r-umh S ke ten ier, .'an die. The pair were deviled friends, i I pos-ib e alw ay s loyvtbcr. (die af Ici iiooii I 1 alletl idem as usual to pi for a walk, ami luakiii" my way to fde lake I deleviuiin'd 10 row acro-n and waiitler about in th" deer-park. .la-per at once jumped into ihe w atef ami uayly followed the boat. II. ill way across he ami I weieboth -i. filed by ih'spail'tii",' bowl-, anil slopping to look hack saw poor little Samlie 11111 liiii up and ilon 11 the bank and bit lerly bewailiny the cruelty of hi- two so-called friends ill leaving dim be hind. Hardeuiuu my lie. 11 1 I sal -till in silence ami simply watched. .I.i--per was cl.'arly disi res-ed. Me -wain around Ihf boat, nud lookiuy up into my face -aitl iinmi-iakably with Ins wise brown eyes: "W hy don'l you jo lo the li'scue." Seeiii", however, that I -bowed no sins of il.teliiuenee. he made up his uiiiid to si ulo the ihllit u'ty him-elf, so iiirned and -waiii back to forlorn liltle S. indie. Theie w a- iiioinein's pau-e. I siippose for expiau ati iii-, and then, to my surprise uml muii-enn ul, .l.i-pcr sicml still, half out mid half 111 'he w ater, and f-.vidic -crumbled on hi- hack, l is fore-paw s re-linn 011 Jas per's nctk, who -wain across ihe lake and landed him-afily ill the deer park. I need not ilesi i iiK' the evident pn.lo of the one. or Ihe "i alitudo of tlio other. - ! I he Spectator. A learned hiilyo the lilerarv rrilio. -s- r L1:AI) TliXCILS. fntert-stins Points About a Use- f 11I Little Article. Various Processes in Their Manufacture Described. 'W hat dot s ii 111.1 id make a lead peiu ilr" said a New York manufac turer, in reply lo a reporter's inquiry. "I'ilsl, let me tell you how we make a pencil. "See Ibis tine blai k powder '; Thai's jjiaphite. ll 1 o-ls 'Jo cents a pound. 'I bis white siibslaiice is (icrinan clay. It comes across (he ocean us ballast in sailinu vessels, ami all il rusts us is freiyhl. We mix this clay mid this powder I jollier and p'liid them in a mill, adding moisture duriiiir the pro cess until the two an thoroughly lnix"d and are ndU'ed to a pa-ie about the consi tem y of piiily. "This pa-le we pi es into llie-e di"-, each one of which i- ihe sie of a pern il lead, except in lenytli. There aie four leads in one of lhe-e. After Ihey lite pre-setl we 1 lit them into the proper lengths ami hake 1 to 111 in an oven kepi al very hiyh teuip. 1 ti lire. Tin II We have Ihe lea I made. hs hardness is reyiilalrd by the yn aler oi' Ics- amount of t lay we mix with the yrapbile the lie. ie day we put in the harder the it-ad. The cedar we 11 so tome- principal ly It "in I' lorid'i, ami i-ob ani' d en tirely from Ihe fallen tree- lint lie Iht'le. The Wood i- delVeti lo Its ill block-, sawed lopeil. il lenylh, -olll'' of them llii' k I 1 I' , ive Id" b ad. and souie 1 1 1 1 1 1 . for 111" piece ill it i- to be filled over the h ad The block-arc .-awed for four p'-icil- ta d. Ihey are frroovetl by a saw. Ihe pii.uVi' beillL' Ihe place whi le the h ad is to lie. Ihe leads are kept in hot "hie, ami are placed in 1 be yrooyes u- the blocks are read . . W hen this i- done Ihe thill piece 11 "died f.i-l lo the '.hit k one. Win ii dry t':e blocks me run through a machine that cuts the pencil- apart. Another in u bine ,-t rape th"iit. iiimK iirj lliem oel.iyon il, or i HI in I or ll al. or llilt t'i 11 lleied, a- the i-.i-ii in iv be. The p. in ils are luir-lii-heil by ma. hiie i y, and are thi ll lead) lo be lied ill hunches, boeil ami pill oni. "The tlillereiil crude- in value of a lead pen. il are made by liner manipu lation nf Hie craphilo ami the u-e of better malt ri il. The aveiiiye peiiril in every d i v u-e co-is about one quarter of a cent lo make. We are 1 onteiil with l''i per cent, protii on ii when we sell il o the dealer. What di ploid is you may Iiu it n- mil for your self if you have one of ihe pencil about vo l that y oil paid live cent- for. (If Ihis eratle of pencil an operator w ill tin 11 out ''"' ' 1 in a day. "The mo-l valuable lead pencil that I know of is owned by a lawyer ill this t ily. Ii is a 1 heap lookiuu af fair, bill I doll'l believe il could be bought for l''i. The wool in ihi peiieil came from a red ir live that was probably centuries oil before any cedar tree now standing heyaii to jrow. ll wa- taken from the bottom of a ma'l bed in Hi amje co'itity al a depth of tieai ly one bundled feel be low the surface. Near ii wa- found the remain- of : mastodon. 1 he knob oil Ihe end of the pencil wa inade from a piece of Ide uia-lodon's tooih. Tlie pencil has never been sharpened, ami probably never will be." Tlie (Jiu'cicst Uuli l nn I'.irlh, 'The quei re-l hotel in Ihcweild is in (iiiatemala ( ity , I eitlial 111eriea," said an Fnli-h loin i-l w In, is stopping al the liichclieii, in t hie. 10. "While there a few week- ayo I -lopped a day at the biyyesl ho-leli y and met vti.li more sin pi iscs idan I have ptt'iu-ly eiieoiiutei ed in my tiip around the world. The house i- Imii it only one story li is li on account of the earth quakes, ll i- 1 oii-ti Hi toil in the foi in of a hollow siitari, 1 ml Ihe interior colli! i- made hcaulifi.l wild lice- ami flowers. Ihe exlc.ior pri-cnl- ihe appearance of a pri-011. A t ier poimd iii" abib knoikeroii the outer door, you me n-lieicd into a scene of verdant beauty. The hotel was formerly the private re-idence of one of the rich est families of (Yulial America, but the ow ner was bani-deil by President r.arrius for an alloyed con-piracy against Ide pot eminent. Around I lie iiiler'or were bah- mics overlooking a yaud'ii till d wild oraiifre and peat d tree-, palm- and beautiful flower. Tlie fare wa- jjoml ami we dad our choice of pancakes wild honey, li-h, poultry . fruits and eollce ami cdot t'late. Y 011 can't pal tdeit' if oil aie in a hurry lli 'Uyd. Only one tlulii: i- -eivcd at a time and yon can't yet a cup of collee until every lliinjj el-e b is been served. The hotel furnishes 1 amlte-, but matches llll'l'XtlU. Then thel e i- a -l stem of j calliny the y lie-is. which em i I. - t h" , hotel lo the II line of III" .in ci I "lie ) on earth. Y'i'ii i t" ' ilie I by lb' -. j The Ides d"W 11 their a i" m ai ly ;i- I n ' : Ms an Iv.y li-'i s,ia' 1 " and lit", -liny j like a hoi iii t. ihoiuh the hit" i not poi-Ollolls. 1 hey in 1 r kill ihein. 1. 111 hi -ii -1 1 Iiu 111 away. Tin- lull- of the h"lt I aie tilled W itll the -e pe-ts III 111' 1 1 c . I I! i 1 1 y . Over each ibn.r is aliaii-0111 Now if you leave a 1 all for 7 ' I-" k your transom i- opi-ucil at V and the tin s jro in. ho ihey wake y,.. ; I should say pi, The sensation i- like t I1.1t of beiiiy' smnlltayyeil In live iniiiuir from ihe time your ii hi- iii i- "pi m d . von are down stair- lool in: for 1 lo- ' proprieior. It ilic-n'i do any I to kick. Ihouyh. lor thai m -' iii ha- 1 11 '-. the ell-loin for Veal -." 1 ' .1 1 1 ' .1 I 1 1 , siiiiuioii. Hun Mauley Ihcaui" an v no rican I itit 11. i WI en an Ann ri. 111 M ty w 1 pi -1 eiiled lo Ib in y l Man . . :it lie 1. eeplion y i ill lo hi ill lo lie .'lie I " mi -j in l.ond"ii :i -lenl lime a.... the fi, .,1 ! Afll. all exph.l' I' said III ll lie Icel a1 I W ay s 1 on- nb 1 ed him-' If an tin 1 1 Ml 1 and a ritieii .,f the I nit.-. I m ih -, but ! ' the fin 11111-I.111. 1- under hi' h h" be came a ' ii ii 11 are know 11 to ..11 a few. Manh'y wa- iritui.!,,-i d in lb'- ' i superior ( "m l of thi- . ii v on M 1 y ! ... I"'i. A lew tl.n a:'o Thoiiia-- ! l!oe-e. the el, ik of till' H l"l'l -I Tlihuiie ep..lti the . i. IIHI- .'Me '- iiiecli'd w ilh Ih" in. id ' Iii ih" tine liienti"lie.. " - lid Mi I.' 1. -e. 1 -'ihe late . ulli-v : - .niu- inl" 10 '. I'lli. v and iiitroiluc. .1 me to a M 1 I sinnlct , w ho tt i-ln d to b- a it i ; ell of ill.' I mini Male-. I ilid not I. now that i:u 1 i-ito wasllieyreat Alii, all evpl-u'i' iinlil, In- had been in int ol'r in- nine. ' Stanley l"ld Hi" tli 1 1 li" h e I alw f. -j 1 ttlisid'l 1 d hiui-i'lf a 'ill 11 "I I In ! l ulled Male-, a- he had seiv-d III lb 1 I nil 111 Ai my ami h id been lemoiat K I di-i daiyi d. Wi ile Ii ni-lliny in I 11 I rope, lent ev 1 r. he h ul tin t an iniii - call (.ell 1 1. Ill in w ho li el in 1 01 ne .1 hi III : licit be 1101-' yo 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 - -1 1 lie- 1 -i 111 ii- I provid 'd b . -' Mil' li- lot h" I" ' ; a fill' 11. and Ih" I e l thai lie It 1 in honorably ill-, h 11 yt d - 'idler .lid ii"l ui.'il.c him a . Mi' ii of the I nil. il 1 I .-tale-. j "Stanley tt as al I to . p u t f"l I Afrii'i 11 that time and ("Id In" thil he had touie I10111 l.oml"ii lo Si w j York e-pei iallt to I"' natni . 1 1 i .- 1 . i and ihat only a lew per-m- I, in vt 1 h it I he tt as in 1 hi- 1 "iiult . lie -it "i 1 , and pro din t I wilnee- who stt.'H 1'ial he had i.ltv n- con-ii hi . d hitn -elf a cilii'll of the I lliled l lle-. so lie I ft eit t 1 hi- cerlili' lie and de j palled." I Allio.iy the :Ioii.oiiii or pit'.ii 0 all- oyi a.h- W hi. li Mr. Ilor-e li 1 . al -J tacheil to 11.11 in ah it ion paper - 111 hi I cil-lodt , M-iiiley '- i- Ih" 1 tie which i I 1 rohiibli pi i 'ed the hlylie-l. j Vi W Noll. Tiibune. I lie l!epili:e of I it el i. I, I he 1 Inn tie of I iln 1 1.1. 1 1 i. 1. i- i sub-'l' pit al. r.ilm-oil, it ..it. .am ! Wood. Wax. collie, in. by '. y inner. lirrow t ool and hid' - are il- priu. ipal allied-of rxpoil Siijar i- il- pi ill ! cipal plodilcl. Cot oa. coitoii and ri. -e j are al-o ciillivaled Ay 1 1. ultiiie H ' -:ti 1 it'll oil with incuM-iny -u.ee--il.ibtliaisa republic, ihe y.. .1 nuieii' .' beiny intrusted o a I'le-iileiii, eli i'e J and House of liepn -enl 11 1 1 e- ll j citiClls me qiialitied cle. I01 - it In 11 iln V reach I H rill V -one teals of aye. and j po-ses- ri al estate. - a tempo .11 t inea-ute. whiles are cxi link d lu'tn I riyhls of cit ieii-lnp. I be iiiimbcr of settlers from (he 1 niled siaie- for 1 w 1 10 1 11 the lololiy w a- I "llndeil. wild I the pm po-e of yit in : I hem oppot Imii tics lor sel f impt ot eini lit , hi- 10 I' I been rival III nut tear, an. I the tt hole ! mimber ill t be coiinl i t i- ret kone.l not 1 o ex.'cetl I'.'.ooo. . 1. 1. lion ,1 li ihes ' are, however, from tune to time in cluded in it- Itllllort. I'he-e. Willi : the native i iiliabit aui . aie e-liuiaie.1 III I .".'il'.Olll', III' "III .'M,I'.M ,,f whom hate acipiiied Ilie I'liyb-h lanyiiiye. I if lhe-e, some ;'.oi"' are 1111111I..1 - of Ihe ( hi isiiai 1 Inn 1 h , "iniir lour- II il. l emons llnke I. nud uip. Lemons are n-e.1 tor sou. 111 in any i countries where 1 lie v trow. When. for in-laiice. the men mid women ol the W 'est Indie- want lo wash iln ir : daiids tlie) s.U"i e the juice of a j lemon over Iheiu hri-klv in tv ater 1111 I (il thev aie . lean. Their is an acid in ihe lemon similar P' that 11-. d in -" ip. ml ill coiinl li' w here oiaie.es yrovv in "leal plenty i-'iintiy yt iitlcinen u-e j Ide clicape-i kind foi bl u kiuy tin ir j bool- Tlie oranye is cut intwo.tiul ' tde jn iy side 1 I one h ill i- nibbed on I tde soot of an iron pot ami then on the ! boot. Thou tde boot i- nibbed wild a j soft brusli and a br "hi polish at once I appears. Ihe Man Who (annul l.liufrll. Thi-rc mi n s ot in. to ulna's tie really 1 .m l .el"ie. Ai d il.e . hiclert ..I Iln loiml. i 1- the very iryniir lne WI1.1, v.lioi v.in'i' !. liii' i"l'v and 11 little I'll! w oil Id I lo . W nl 111 o i Ilie p. .nit uulil yo'i diagram y "iir s ,,, -i-Mi'ii" a v .0 in! -tile until be ll, i t - in iii!e VVeh fie.e .! HI" clem. Iheii !" 'biiis a I ..I. t .-mi'i- 'iij.'i tvo'ild I'f a p'-' i-ii'" nisi to tvii'i' lie! epi'.iplJ A let hi'le away III" -h.l t"'t "I t he lll.lll "I") 'ami"! laii.Mi. Il'.iv I'ke a t'llllu ll"-! Ill il ' Inils th" f"ses in He ti l.lo.'in An -"in lire iii Iim I'IiIs t Im tt ear a cloak of tt ho c.lliue.l 1 oltlprt lit lid Ilie ttortli ol i'l-t II -1 ,ol "t Pin. v h" -hi nit ii-iii s.;. .oel plea.-uie a.- the I .11- a-... id il"- sun l,e , s...r .p.'ilLill! it in. Ill the I" tit I I I. 1 - a 1 .1- . I,-. 1 i.-t .Ji! I m til. 1 11.. -,t .1 tl I to- 1 lie t ins ol !.t 1 i.i-.- . n.y Willi h'MI wl illli"! -ill Ih'' keilll-l.s !! -in 1 In I'.l'' ' TI.:- it"'"! ' -'iM vt-!.' a ,11.: tt I'll "l til" III vioiioi '. I ; ".-I at a pile h !h" ah. I t'i.iiiy nni-i be iiiberi'i'd : blood Will tt !' y oil know . A oio-ijiiiio i- in 1 1 1 a -I 1 1 1 to "1 all iiyain" tt hi 11 In pi -en hi- bill -pi. - an- not a- a nil" led-y , but ,011 have .ill hi nd Ih" yil'jel -ll.'lp. Tllllll III, I', b" -II anyer lll'lll li.'lioll, bill a a mien i-n t hill' -o ' ulei laiu 111 y 'I - 11 11 i 1 1 ili-t I i I: -i 11 11a 1 i ny I V 1 - r.iit toui hair. -ir. e n bar down to voiii coil collar. "-iuIi'ioi ii j, inn In licit , i-e I II ll iv,' Ih'' coat collar I III ll'IVt n. .la. k I pp' is- s:iv, s eld-, 1 oilld toll lend nn' a huii'lri'l' It'll -ell S. s. a. Id- I I1.11 - leu the j oini. don't t',11 know ciih I I h-ii'l it but could I y 1 I il ba. k. lls. I.I ly I - Wliii! iml an open lil t pl,-e e n o a -toy e ill the li"'i-e? Il'iu dors i 1 Mhrr w arm In - h pi 1 . W 1 i 1 1 .-" illie ( riicliil ly ) "W ai'tiis 'cm "ii iii" ma'am " I hat r an aunt whoi-trry utifor lun.ite." -aid M itiile she i- -baldly deal and very lieu -iyhled.'1 I ,1 e ion -'" ii ponileil .Mamie. " W Icti a ho 1 It . 1 1 1 1 ,. 1 . 1 1 1 -In would make itiiiu Uulil I yii I..111 1 try the cl iuipiuy iron on a pie. c of paper In see il it i Hot loo hot :" Hal her I ii in I mid let papri - soon a- I -lie lis your hall burl llm I know - riyht oil 11 i- I"" h"l " Mr-. I plottu "Wh.il 1 111 we do, th il . lo pa-- aw.n tin- lime uulil even my.-' Mi-, boulown "l.'l ll- yo aroiiinl lite -Inn- and inn up -oine bill- li 11 hu-baiid- lo pay . I he liioi- money ihey hue lo 1 ,11-e the le-s time lliei hat e lo -,- , " I iylil-t.ii i lit;- Inserts. Tfi -1 at "I liyhl ill ill' ylowtvorin i- in ihe I. nl. and pio.ee.l- floiu three lumilioii . -ac- in ll" la-l -eyuielilof tin- 11 1 I .'iuen. 'Ihe ma Ie ha - on I y two ol iln -e, ami the li"ht !l"lil lliem is 1 miipai at 'i cly -mall. ililiy fat . I ahlc wealbcr the liyhl yh'W s -lea. lilt , but al all other time- i- not coii-laiil. I lie tin Ilie- of the trope iho-o com-po-iny Ihe yeiiu- l iinptii- pll'i in the extent lb it while ccil.iin -iec;ea coiuol their liyhl. other- me w ithout thi- put it. The hu v 11 of ihe ulow tv orin is capa ble of einiltiii" liyhl, hill not lo hit compiled toihal of the dct eloped in sect I , 1 1 1 iii it- mature and imma ture 1 01 111- I .ainpt 1 i- no, 1 i Im -a play - a 11-' fill p il l in th ' 11 on, 'int of nut 111 e. To I In- ai'i.citll 111 i-l and fruil y rower II I- a -p- - III t'.iillil ll- diet coil-i-ls) nlni"-! tt lii'llt cl -mall -helled snails, a 11, 1 it 11 'i in - 11 1 oil Hi" -1 cue iis w hell lln -e farm and yanle 1 pe-ts are 1110-1 I ri uMe-oliie 1'ilili-ll t'uelhes ploba blt never vet liyilied a- pei-'iial ornament-In li 111 ile beauty. Thi- .-. ami has nlw H- bi i 11, one of their list- In Ihe ilu-ky .huejlilei-s of ihe tropics. They arc ofien snubled in tl died and hi aided hail . and p.'il'.om sotne vt Ii ll the -aim' i tli, e a- the ili iuoml lor iie'ie , it ilieil In lie-. s,,,,, la iln - and llio- of the W e-l I11.be- 111 . lose lin lb.'s in bay- of I u-e or y uie, ami wc.tr them amid llnii hair nr dis posed aboni t icir pel -on. In ihe Spanish s"t i h incnl -, lirellies arc lieqiienilt u-cd in a iiuioiis vvnv vi ben tr.iveli iy al niyht The unites tie all insect In each yn al loe, ami ill lisbiiiy ami hunt my I'Xpedii ions in ike ,.l clu - ot them by fa leuiiiy several li'i'i tie r. T li ' same people have : -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1- fe-liv,'l al vv Iii. Ii lie sal mon's of I lie to my people air . m 11 t'd vt ild liii'llie-. and, b'-lny tii 'Un'eil oil line !ior-r- iui'l trly 01 ii unrnli d, llio 'alter yaliop ilnoiiyd Ihe thi-k, 1 ho ! WPole pr"ibi illy the effect of a ho i;tj j uiniing lir,ht. I 'hivao I lei aid, , ,.,.,m ,m .,. wnpi .t.wn.j.i wuw?rti.i.m -

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