haiham Mcwi rriUIJSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1SU0. H. A. LONDON, Editor. MOCRATOOMINEES. Fob Conoress 4th District. BENJAMIN II. BUNN, of Nash County. Fob JrnoE 5th Judicial District, ROBERT W. WINSTON, of Granville. com Soucitor t"ith Judicial District, EDWARD S. PAKKEIt, of Alamauce. Tub Tarut debate in the .Senate j continues with undiminished inter cut, and daily discloses facia that r ught to be kuowii by every Ameri can ciliaou. The democratic Sena tjr (among whom Senator Vance t conspicuous) are doing their duly moot faithfully in exposing the in justice and inequalities of Ibis most iniquitous tarilf bill. And while their arguments are hf.ving no in fluence wiih the republican Senators and will not prevent the passage of tin Nil, yet they will have such an iniiuctiee with the oppressed labor fug classes of the country that they will Wee in their majesty and at the nert election hurl from power the party that - i unjustly oppresses them I In order to illustrate the injustice and inequalities ! this tariff bill, we vould call attention to three hens 'hat es( vial'iy concern our people. Tiiose three items arc cotton tics, tin plate, and glass. The proposed j tax tariff on plain window class 1 ' per cent., wbilo on polished i.-.ialt is only 15 per cent. In other words the republican party proposes lo make the poor man pay a tax or tariff of SI. 13 on every dollar's worth of window panes that ho uses, and! jet j dtsa tax of only 15 conls oti i every dollar's worth of polished glass ; used in the ri b man's house! Is j u- . -t .o i wisrigiH.' ,, . . . I i..oprese.HlaXoriari.ioncouoi1-in-.wssitv l;,,lTmv,.r, f allll ,,,.,.. ttes is 115 por cent., but this now bill j ,ieulrt ,,p'oll tit. 1:1, R. virtually po increase - it to lttll per cont. Miirly , litically disfrancbisi d. three ,i tmul How do the! These facts have induced the Cham .-ttou planters of the South likc ! Pon at this lime to make publa- ,t ' I conviction that a protective tun!! ! one of the many things the West does Tin-plate is used in roofing, and uot want und cannot uffn-1 to Mist am. in making cans, buckets, cups, Ac. The Western f irmer bus no mU rest it is one of the most necessary arli-! whatever in a protective tar. if. His . i .i i -i i-,. i i i interest rather lies in the dn ectiou o. cleg used in the daily be of nearly ' - . , . , . ,-i . .1 tJ J free trada of access to nil mat Lets svery farmer and laboring man, and wu,.revei- his products may be m .1" yet tbe republican arty proposes to ; matid. It is for bis intercut to se'i double this tax or tariff. The present what he raises whi ivv.r in all the tariff on tin-plate collects a tax of j world he can titid a puicba-,.., ...,,,, ... .land thus provide Liuised with the t., 200,000 a year, and the propped I njj of ,lsl,osillJ of ,iis ii-riff increases this to 81t),0n0,000. t.ro,,s. Sol onlv is be vit.U'v liito- . triglit tin, il duty free, would cost i $4.80; tinder tbe present duty it' costs 6 ; under the McKinb y bill it j ,, ., J . . would tost c,..io. kooSng tin, fj uiity free would cost Ss.'l'i a box ; j under the present duty it costs $10.50; under tbe Mekii.lcv bill it' will cost 8 lib 50. With these facts and ligurc matloj WM,llt.ll Uiau Vllt. dn'oitauice of known to him, we cannot understand: any pirtioular set of politician.-, foi how any larmer or laboring man can j it touches our life and is indi-soiiibly upport the republican parlv that is ! interwovou with our pi-t .mce. ... , i . i ' Protection ooutinnod -'ii vt ai s , oi." Kuilty of such injustico and oppress-1 ... . . , " J " 'nr. miti I lie nest, with its vaul hl-.i- ion ! The Fehtii.izk.ii tax has been do cided to be unconstitutional by Jutlges Bond and .Seymour ' the Fodoral court. Our readers are aware that, for several years past,: our State has levied and collected ; an annual tax of S5i0 on every for-1 tili.er company that sold its goods in thin State. The sum thus collec . , . . . i I ted evory year amounted to about 1 $40,000, and was expended in tho j upport of the Agricultural Lepart-1 rnent and tho Agricultural and I Mechanical Collet. Some months i . .,. ; siutiuoiiiii n i f to .1 .-"line, a, one ago a fertilizer company reluscd W t,at cspct-iallv elaiin tl.e in.ii.i-.tiuu-pay thin lux, and its goods wore then ! attention ol "the i n-iiist . i.il cl:.--e-, Hcizotl to enforco jiayinent. The j the Farmers' Alliance o. North far., tompauy thereupon sued out an in-jlinu 'essit.n asM-inhlcl tlie:-e;u. junction, and now the case has been ! y'W , ', j ' TlliU wo ,!',v"r ,vl' " J .. ,. . . . Oinmcnd the j iHicase ot our in .. s -i,t uocided in iu favor. It is a very iuuic 8,.)l0oi tax i,y al i0:,,; important decision to the people of ! cent. A'orth Carolina, and wo fear will! Zi'tWcf 2. That we favor am! ret eeriously impair the usefulness ofi omn.end lbat ample apprepfi:.!i..i. the State Board of Agriculture. T'liat itoptiblican Rule Means.! Wliiio oflieo-seoking dt mji Rogues I ,. , . are trying lo ow disseiiMons among . inn uuc men oi me awo, wnun, ; f successful, would rosul' ;u tho tti- j pryinacy of the republican party, it j i well enough to remiud them' what I republican ruin mean.. The .Vttf,',,,,. ! ., .,. ,. , al .7ucwt,thi leading republican j paper at Washington, iu a recent is- i uo used tho tljllow'ut( language, which should arouse the iiidiguation ' iftt i wiiiti n, ln , i J ' ' "W hen through the opoi-atmu of the Lodge national election hill six j or ueven Southern Males shall dis-1 V.Hice iigaiost the world, tho llesb card Democratic rule, we shall look ' und Col. 1'nlk. confidently to see some measure otj jusiiee due the blacks who have! Anew law prohibiting the. . .;' i-u been st : . ..gdolrattdetl of thcirrightv 1 of cigarettes ou the- siioet or n; d, lleary taices should be laid upon ! lie placet by cbiljieu actually or at the property iA tbo whites to develop ! pareutly under sixteen vcurs of a ''o and cxtemi the public school system J .1 tti.i ,..!.. .... i c. uiudo fiiiies, tt-jwiiw "ittwn toi I tli e two races Hhoitld bo abolished, ' ! nil J tlio plan (i I bringing the youth : ! of botli colors into close unci ctpiul! ' rotation in schools and churches j given u fair trial as one of the most j . ; potent elements to break down thoj jdetestablo bourbonism of the Soutli.! . j The i-i i ht of the black to boar arms should be icuuean ti'oJ to him, as well las the social rights intended to bo Isocurod him by tlio passage ol' I lit? jlllb and loth amend incuts to Ibo constitution. Tlio Suite lawsngaiiml k.;..in,. ....... 1 1... ..i, I. ....w,.,i..,i om.V"?. .... .i iiiuii.M.i ! . j against tbo blacks in tbo matter ot learning trades or obtaining employ ment should be made a criminal ot i'enco, wbilo tbo colored man's right to bold office should be sacredly pro tected and recognized. A lew years of this policy will solve tbe race problem satisfactorily." - ; LNouiinoiit llcptiblicati News- A paper lieiiuuiiccs l'lotcctinn. The tai iffiliscussiou, now going on iu tbe UuiteJ States iSeuate, is opeu iug the eyes of many pcisoua to the injustice and inequalities of tbo pres ent protective taiitT. Among tbe most proniiuciit converts is the Atrh iton Chtimi'ion, one of tbe lending re publican papers ot Kansaa. la one eouijtry lor tl.eir l ei.tl.l wlne'.i is of its reeeut cditoiiuls it auuounccd ' daily going on iu the Somite chatiiber, its change ou tbo lattiV qiasliou. andjvllr. unco h:. jo.l sli.-wu tb-tt it gave its reason therefor as follows:;' It bus found that under the itoini nance of tbo protective idea the 1-i-t uas sietmny giowu ia venuu iue ,,; llc, expense ami t the detiiuiont of ilir , llia,j0 lo Ml.i;i West. Iu other words, that liastt ru;,ilt, ros.UiU-.:. uiauufacturers and capitalists have in (v crcaaoil their aeeiiiiiiiliitions emu- " ,, " -no tbo uiously, wbilo the f.u uit i s of tbf W-st lir ii lt js ,.v. have, duriug the sumo peiin.l, ii.u-.l.' a t(.t. llJi: no proportionate ga;D. nut, on luo dition of vasL-alage, of tnbute j a;, inj serfs. To put it in still .(Mother for The capitalists and iiii'iuifael.iiei a ii tbe hast, aided ami ai. licit ly a pi tective tariff, have made money fabulous Hums, while the farasers fj tbo West have been scaivelv alilc to; maiutaiuthemf!ves respectably. Not only so. iiu i-.tistetti inutu iaeitiieis and capitalists have, by reason of tbi. protective tariff, been pia.'ed in a po silinn where their lii.Hlu'ial 1'OWel Kivea them practical control of our (iovennti'-ni. iu all its departments, despite the voles ami wishes of im neonle. of tbo Vc,tf! 11 States who. f ' ,!i i, t bv reason of being large creditors, of t-sted in scenting all possible mai keK j but equally so in buying what he nf ds " cheaply ns p-s-ible. ci. : where ho nmv, and onv at the low et 1 fij,ureH. this selfish as it may Heet.i. i what most couoerus the Western' farmer. Iho .piestio:: is broad -1 tiampr.! lines, lt is more vtt.il loan mere I f.-.-,..l .-.!itw.:.l i-, ,Mi,iM:iii nil. I I er. j cultural pos-ibilaies, would be a pvi j per bound hand and foot. Let us who live here in the West be fools in- longer, but let us exercise our com mon souse and protect our own in lerests by obtaining, just as tpiiel; a. possible, tho freest trade ivitii all its aaeujBllt btn(fivj. The Alliance lor I'.du ation. At the meeting of the Stale Al- ,K'U1 :u 'V1'1' ''' i ; o'"i i'1"' , ' too lolio'.vuiii re.-oit:uoi:s u civ t j . - Viif.rkas, The subject ot tr. liberal education ulii-e ior ni;: toniales is a matter of p.e -. fcnportane.' tlm material i atli jii ii , :uii uc tliililv- e, nil .'.ilt. lor the training and higher cdui-a-! lion ut Ionian's, Vance and the Alliance Fium 111 1I,ifm lii-tlaK-r, llll IL 0:.'..l. .r . ,. . id ing Allianeeiiien recentiv iu lef. u nc, to the feeling townrd Senator Vancf- ande-cry one we hive spoken to about ll VU:' ior dr8t- last a,ul a!1 tll, ! ,lniH,', e tui',u ;"' tl'ut he wouhl not vote for his own broluei- f,. ti10 Legislature, if he was no', for Vance and said he did not think thoi e were auy true DeiuoeiaU in the Al ll,l,l.eeiD ,tLis county who opposed him U a safe to say that no m ill can h lit is safe to say that no mm can be elected to the legisbituio froi" this eouDty, unless he is for V.moe. The Democrats of LTiion eouuty i for elected to the legisbituio froi" this goes into effect, the first of Septem- i :.. v-... i. 1 I weif iu ov lurk. Our Yusliiiiitm Letter. (From our Koicular CuriwiJiiiiiieiit.l Washington, Aug. 15, 1S!H). Senator Gorman bus pi ove n tliat the. democrats mado no mistake in putting biiu in charge of party iutir ists during tbo turlll' debute, liy bis adroitness, wit li tlio ablo asiii.-tiitioo oi bis deuioerubc collcagnec!. iu Ii:w itiir uti tbe iibsiiuli.ii-s and 'intra! iniuotieo of the tariif bill towards tin nuiu.w im't iiMiIni'l v tlio tilltis of til'' noil, bo has dnvcu the republicans into such a state of consternation thut their lender, ttiinitor (u:iy, bus ollercd a I'tSi'hlliou whieh postpones the Federal Election bill cntii nc.U winter iu order t'. tiy mid stop the ! damaging debate nil the tathT bill. .' I'Uc resolution niovides for a voteto be taken on the Ui if.' btil en the li'ldi lll6it. its ihtroduc!i.i! l.as uct the republicans in t'oiiejivss feiii't r will! t!i;ttt tbey weie before, if that cotiM bo pos.-it.k-; but tv'iay bad Iu) ':oice ; bo was ci-i)i)e!ie I by ll. e i 'isufueturct's who falsifi ed l.iu: the ;ey to win wilb in lSN.S utul upon .. tiniii l.e relit s to the luouey for the 02 cauipuin to ... it; they feill the crtcct of the exposure of tbe whole sale ri'l'luiv of tiit reopic of t bit -.' llu., .. ... , .. . i - p-.j.le. tl.rei ctiii-. pans, : .1 ,.t :lo .Mill I. I the Mlt ben- t..-; , f tiu. , , .viy ! .r:i.-.l l'i:t-l'iio:ii .1 li.o let' si.pt is ;b i... era! ie olcs !;: lo ve.li' I'll the tali:".' ; '.he same lesolotioli 1 e'l. 1 i: 1'.!. cii.m bl'.l. -Iat .1 in sei;m' o ia; tei s :;ti,m 1.- the ii'-nll i f ! b Ml'. I.1--! iv i ". h Setl- ;ir :ai:i in ,ol.; nv . illol do; tu.iti. No such 1 t.i't'ii; ulti.oisj,!. i; is aa ;uie,i.t liae La eh i wbelh'.r tbo !,-.-, i-'.l .1. ell seen I 1 1 1 lit U I ie i all. a.. 'Ill' I l!l"t:. if li is !e- purled by tlio i'io.io. which 11 Was 1 1 ! . 1 1 . ppe.t of ti e. !'::.,, e-.iliiely nj -l. u deliioet.it: U.:'. e 1 1 o il -lid are groat ly i njo; - i ' i. .v i.aw p'liv : ei:.le'i u ; 'on t o a e ;i ii ia I, Will ICi r V - v, il: 111 ii-t-.Onls. ii. oy . .- u i 1. 0 im, the lej u' li nil iit.d m:i b do their li.ot ii keepi.' a and :,' ti. to hila' a.l ,; im us ',0. vantage uf iiiiiibii. The r. ub'.i.'.n.s ,t; , toiiigi.t. aiel a n.. is is IA 1 '."a d. pea:.i r I ice.. 11. ail Ul le'.lll ever OtllMed Lis IC.-ei.llli that e Set ale t-i.i I' ,: llleet; -1; I i. i.e . Hot l.iieW tli upon the Se: a'e :i;. t.oill' bill. M, K. . to Seen t.li v li. iii, i li u ,i:ebb--t s-,l;.-i .Mr t lay li. i.li'l lie MVi ill !- 1 n.-t n; on t hi nt tli- si ioli ii, Ib'ti-e to itct !. !::.. I.t- lo the W il- from the .start oj-t n imd i..1:u- it. l.i opposlttoli to il.e 1 eitelil Teiiii; 1. bi Seen lat v tiif I 'tut i a ,ai. ie I- ton ill , Aoo'l.ean .Nations, il .id r,;..Loibte.i:v pme f. : li.'s Clint ry. 1 n f -:p as ti.e .',. ilor -' -; ,:-tai '! - ill t be coi : pcl.-iMed i! , Ml .1 Ve.-V bad e e i.t wiv.l.i to be -t.iiitlv o-.-.-uiii .; ij-i o ! , ;s liti-i c? I, d i.'j 'dan s of t;,a: 111:.' .'loaf -t I'll t the petty so 01; country ho 1. pi. ceociiis of : ecet t t:e- ne'.i, took while tia, d-atb Led and Seen f-oy i; S:i C-rvute 1 , 0 Ilia i.t. V. ...t il i.e i.'.ll.-o .1 ..I u.is ln o (a, n iliicii Mr Aitiui!'- l epildiaii-d :.., cm ;1. air Iball.e T:.:-, cuiilitty ba- tai l:-.;-d . Mllb tl.c jtili It'ji ad'.o.a '.'OUI. ti It - i bill ! '.t II M 1 lie Im v, is or: b-ibiv ca'it: o. t:. il. f -1 1: t: matt, f Ly e.teit.ili-t v reiat t.,.- 1 -ve n ( - -to U (,:.'.- tbeii- The a:.".-:. !. tv i .li ai toe i;.-.i-e rt - . t in i. y can be Ie i t : r;t t:.i r. im.- la, t o la-v.i a'.'iy roj Semite. Speai.ti lb r 1 b.u- be. let i.i i! a tpii.i urn 1 1(- s line till. a to. i 'a. tt.t ibie (Veil In count u. tjii-el ilia except al i in llilcrva's ibiii .g ibis Met k. 'l i-.e 0 A. li. I Mi. -fit-.- lit ..' ll.wtOli '.c:l. tbe ina.;M : !i.-li ilr.-.v the niembfis 1 f:'. '(' -: p.-l-ii" Titl:t:ef was there in tl:e il. it-It -'. of bi- !' '::-!io.i I i:-it and Mr lia. ni- ii wa.s there Loptj.g to lra:n -::!" fill lids for :'J, It.;! tlic.-e two liaio.iit it i iil,i. ,.ns did ,;( ft i ...'eti.i-r. lief .il l ti.oy :uc I wl.iie liK-ii'. Tbe if . ;-( ci .mi't.-e T.-t l rit-s bu-n..i'bi a favoiiibh' it i ert a the bill t. - ropliil.!.'.: for ft.'- use i f needy set is in Okfiia ui:i the im f O'.'il.b'd haiatiee t-f lilt- n. ill t-V apj-fopnated f, ,r the M:-s siit'iiit-i- about r. hV':')i I'l ' St-l.alOi- ('if li b t Ha' ni-t t .'oob p-.rt in t :,f t-.i Wt 1: ; I f - til rail i.eil.t slat- ds r-1 - - ll'g tifll.'e .0 t-li jei'.t. a m vi i a! t t tbwlrv. Ie li Itioli'i 1 to I were i.:l -.. a h upon. At the re, thiii. .r.alb' a Cl'liMlil't" I e'.t.Blileia'.i-.ll bill ej't'i.::cati sn.. and not to In- t ' i.;' t-evet iil i f I ii.btrs , f tho 11 tt I Tel 'ie. I if,, fa;'..: f Ii.e biil Iu -i.bnii X M'-;, i im-, in cu pus- j ujut-.l '.inti! nit, i .al cot.vcutio:i is If Iit'.V f -uti-tltiltil- d. Iiiipiitc.l by i riii'hi.ii !,. I In a, N. V., Augu.-t IT. .I.dia I'-'li'y. ;i laborer, met a Imiillii, i!e. -.ill o'i a :ar;i. in ?: he .-.ilmrb ef this eilv lola-e. lie had i iiiib.-d ! i the top "I a havsta.-k to secure it too t IVfin wind. ing lorn to pieces bv a bi:rli A pitchfork stood' 'leai. im: against tnc stack. .Me. Terry to b'sc l.o .-li Vrnio the Ml'lal-e'l- up Hi t'ie peliel.-a' -d his b. I'" toot. li:- in' - A gu.-t t:aii-"l is balance, ni: I Mark, striking 1 1 o i ! !. '!' ivl.i !, v" f"i- lie re t : .ia I'ale. I. lie lived ell I, lb was thirty ei 'lit yearstiLl ami leaves , -, i . a who ancl one cliiul ! Train Kobbcrs. Supai.ia, Mo., Aug. 17.--The Mis souri rucitlc express train No3, which cleft St. Louis ut S.Mo'clot k last night . for Kansas Ciiy, was bold up at Jiob bers" Cut. eighteen niiK's east of hero, ' .it 2.37 o'clock this nun nicg. by seven masked men, and sound lung ima iKaK (MO were secured. At some point ou-1 of there two men bo'.rdod tin'' f'vmt end of the l):ig--.it;e car net lo tlio engine. Climbed out the tender and ooiiiioaiidod I i if engineer to slop. Drawn revolvers pro.od n:i liecltvc persuader and tl.u train came ! ;. , standstill. Tin-' oiy.iheer was then forced to acc.'iopiitiy the robln rs to the express cai . where the door was : found open, and at the revoUi r'- point Messenger AvoVy was eo.i.j e;,, d to pass out all the money packages tbut ware not lot-kid up in the tli ' 'ii;;b i boxes of which !:' l ad l.ot the : 1 bitl.lt'iou. The eoeilea r en- led I -i 10 the cneilte al;,l li'i'eit.'.i to I '. out und lift sf'-p ll" tviiii: tut il S,--dalia wasreiieiicd 1 '.-tea I. 'mwi e: he ran to (M etiviii stution. 'i ieo fourths of a uiilo di-t.: :l. i;::.l wil.-.i information of tie ',mi!-.oi to ii.,. ! (liimjiany's hta e oiarlt is luro. lfall ; im hour later ' in- train iiinved, bu! I'.Np! CSS M l ssel oei .V"!V i it'- i I lit'' ! to j make a stateuit m a- to the amount i f : the loss. At I. lo o'e'oe'r. ll p ei ) train 'villi ' a pew so "1 d'l I', IVea ail' ! l!:,'e. 0 I' for tin .--.ei..-o,' ; in ; i .!.;: v. li hi.! rniin d !i. at v ah of Ire I i to.-, and it il- all lo.t'. o e lo tiaok !: i , rol I '. a s. It u a-' lt-i-i -v. i i 1 .!..!' ,.,o r 'of ili.M 1 a I g -i- :.. . .1. v.! :- lv,. ; Wei:' -'1111':-.. L ,t I:,, t it.' , ,.',,..; I ,' o'' ' t li.o d to l! e r ii. I lv, i : ,b r tie rail fa f. l.c :' let t :': :! wi,. r I l.e ' robbery .'ceoi i -'. !(: mco-j ! t ' a pae!-.ag.'t.4!.'''. f. i Av.-rv . ,s :' t;,.. ! il v. ad !.' i d lo ", .i. li.ii . li. Ni liia.-ka l':ly. -N'. h . .-.: ! w.-.n .';.. Ili.t.-r ( ''.. w!,oli-;t!' n w !U r-. S:. i i. -.n... lb t-.-.v !.. i i., o-s - Wild f ':'! t I I. O ilf It - : : I. I'lid .-' : th.mcll :'. it: !- w. Ie tsei: .; l ; into u-i il c-.-i'd no! I"' loo it .o;::iii llt'i'nl.V ill'... iter l letl ;.IIifl l.'l .ttftboN C lid.:!.:-' Siafi Mate W . r Sr. e ino v. o Ii no 1 ' :- .- :,;.i.'.l S. l-'oi ti b.i- ' : :- ;:i,id .v. A. M.h. 1--M'. t V. :-.....(: i let. Tii i : .::. N ('. Tin r. .'...I- ..flho ..Oii.-J-.-.l. 1-e.ts if lb.' U , . I.o W. -.'!:. . ':.-,. I! .:i. t: :. !.. ;.! . I. :..! S' ; . , ... : i v.e. , ,' j , i ii ! ..- . il.. tie r. :i i;; Set I f"-. -I. .., : bat the (;.:!.:: ii a- bt in i aloe lo . :..; . ie. t .. r, :.:i il ;: I W.-t. ;a ;- ::. i,-. 1:. I'at.t.ii. !' -ii cr.-p. i -o: ;!! g well a- in i b. r si. ; . ns. f.,; t .., .-to Irs tv. be - t ii! . i.e I ill.g il- a, ;.:' i - . I-'V-I. I l'M ).;. r Mboutl,.e icl.f.r. ' . i . , . ., .,; 0:11 n::.t 'CO. I III; ( aib'-r rr.ii : Ci m : . .. 1 1 - ri : r. l:,in.-,!l ab-.--it l.e iivt lage 'villi f.- in a I'll-t t1',',': - o: ,'n!! crops. Tt ...pit ;iiMi-;i.'i 1 u.-li. to : bill e been ab.- i-:i i i.t a t : a.;. - i .1 ! v i ' lav o:blf if., .-is. Aii t';. p- d-.,: . In.li. ! Vf-th;n P'-nii.T. Ilib.f:.!!. tern ; pi i-a!iiif m.d --'iie..;i c tire ;: . -t' lii-' . : I 'll'Oit tl.e a. ! .OeWilll vt-i v i a Vi i la b-' letV.-ft- to all :r..v.:t.g i. ;- larmei. I'll li'Mt..' i'l I .1 fe- M i.e ; 'I i I a ! -. i'e. ! ' . !.! c. r. -N iii Vcti'ion! Sot lit'Tcii-iiiu:. i ! v : f im.. V. . 'e:.- 17.-- ldie -ir t. S:ipt i Vi-.ir I'l lie f le e. all': .e i Mi, Malt l !,:: it !-oti.".I 1 1:. ::-. .!..!- ;;:-o h 'V"'- ! "' . ; v... i M' A i.i bf lb" .':'' as I.. I'---. Ibe p, nl.i "to. i in i v a :: di..-i- asi:it ibt n-u:t el '. : o n. -ii-a. i;.s p.-.t-slble : git in :,: ii:(- uliiei:.! to,. J iioiiiiet-ii.fi. t from ai ingtou. Too Stat'' Sf j . I l- if Si!'' til. f MI'S ii.at tbe lini'. . e i:. . : lainj i-r i i' I 'ixaele J ad .iii! ::; . a-i:d t no. ! n i ,-ia;. t-de -aid b.i . .;iv . 'et 'I., ill It 1. to lit . -;, f', .!.-. 1.1 ,le. b'.t lb" ! Of. i 1 o: li. ',: ri.. . ' ; i ' ;. . a;., I d.'tc:.- . i .-I,: b, of . -.. i ,. difiili - .. : ei . ,.'.i:. ; pu Iflf i 'I'. I o : . -.if it h.-r l'. e I;. ,f i I" ' 1 ;.- 'ill ' Y Vi : iti-.n: .:. the j i -i .1- cit.t.- i ,. : i-v iue di:;o;.i b:. ' ;-l, 1 i.i.-. is j iiiiilv ei.f i.f the gli-'O s.'iitc.s ' i tivtbfii teg-a.ht.g i be ,!: iii l.-e II, Vl'l fl-U.l :. !:.i: : ie j i.p-l! li i . . I l.e e I Vila' ,!'::, -jn 1 1,;. -i t a. o and ' u.ile.e in, i n if itniiv i f hi'.: a tb'e.i .-.nil.f-i e,, : i (l! u d :.;, ',( ;: lie n.e., ; .,. ie a;(:-e. !'.. '1 i 'ill -. -II li. '.:'!:' til .tt .'!-. 1 I . III ttlf i e U ,b iol '. i .il il-f I t. , : t i.si... :i -u. , 1 -:, ,. ;: t ; ,.' : :cit t f l a'iv, e; . .);: i f; d ;i; ; -- m in-: I'. . ;;.' a : ,i i.i, ndoa: t--...,I ie.. ,; 1... ! ..ler f. '-i-i l . S;o .i.,-.- del -...ie !;.. ! : ali ,: io !'" I a:i I uiideiii : ... i.i.- J ,v . , ..pb- i lie !.-. ; t ii .v:.v a'. I tb t .v. i t . '. 1" voile i..i..-- o! laid, ad ! i" ni. v,e,e w i'.o.i I j . The d i'.i .. ;.'i.- u :.'...-t I liO t-ti-u, ,.;'.'.('; i.e; jtaelle..:;, eon.; b-it d t' t count ..f ti e ;!':. bi'ain ,-: I',.- ! ' its ,1 Stat: -; flu re ate a'ooiil wt ! . . 'nun Ire, i .ii-'. r.c: fron. Wii'cii ! t 'I l i s I, ive Hut ll il. ItOeiv- d. but it is , Off ,-.' 1 t'n il tbo a,.; ' i o 1 1 r wail be ali .aii iixty i'oui' mil lions - nil io, tease of about tbiily permit, dniioo- the decide. Ayei s Sai -ap..!ii!,i. by purifyli ; (in I oi.. i. bin;: the bio. 1. 1, ii : proves lie !!!; t. if. ui I - ll.o a-.- fi.llat ive proee -s I,', lie- - ..'.:. ; i. t;.. ;, f i -'. ,1 e Li- -I a'.d iii...-t th fii, -'. ly i .Iii' ..i ... tcrativc that can be found for obi and young. State I-Ttuvs. (iioeusboio Woilt-mu: Superin tendent Mills f.f t!.o l noica; villi' ().' j plumage, t, of 1 is o'- pctii-neo with a little orpialt h'iio v.. 13 laoioht to the depot i;t II; i !. r.ionvill - v. it li a view Ol bfilie; oi.ilicd to I'.' ( i plf ill I ng Tin- li!'. ie ci"i!iito bid never soon ft lui'iiay i li; ii.e. and wbeii tho I ruin came up .-he was so 1 i;r'.i tiie I tli.1t she ran aw ay and coilld.a't be foillld Utitil tlii 111. ill v. a IC. 1 A-:t' il!t t'lii.Ti: Tbo ei.ntiact for !uiil.!i:';; 'be f .!!, daiiou 01' an i-i'-lalt p.iii'.ee lets be !, .;iv'li to ,. K. Weeks, i.f Siiiitb t'a: t:ina. lbs bid w-i- upa:d:. i li".).-!.),). ''be f; 11:1- 1 d if i in w ii! I.t I'lj I: c'iuri'd on the I b'.ec, tiu.i i;l be (" .1SU lee!. Tbe ve:-rn o-i.to will be tbtit;. eight foot l.i;b !'i'-.,;:i the loo.edio t:.o !!.- i.iiMi. A ' .,i e;;.i.ti'n liioJltba V. iii iu- Col .:!!,; .1 ii: biubbiii.' o:aa t d r.;:i. : : i 'n 1 M. '.".o.iv ' iiooola' iiil ,!;.:-. ..,-Ti ef .1. V. Li'.,,krr. it til' e, hi,; v. ,i ,-, ho -. A in I:..' hf .''. .'it' : i -i : '. 'fee b'lii r . : ei e.i las ! ig.it ear a. I p, ia t:i,te I lia- bmiii 1 ' Xo I'ausi; ii iialei t r i mi I o n r-ined j t"i- f iif r.-.-li ie". I' '..as a: d:i:i:cr ! time, mil! Mr. Litai:. r. aii:. fbe did j 'tin; us'.t any ilnooi. nctit out into; the bat 1 1 . - f a! i:i I !-.., d bin, sb.il t- ; . iy .i'i, r v a. -I !... i. di ,i a- cbee.-,. J,.. : si ."it ed. ":. v.! :td -i- .:..!; :l ed ; :.l !a'e. ',;.t :.,-:!. i..g i etiid be dol'i'. ; Ne.r- a;:.i uh i -,, : We i:,. '-i ! 'st:l.i-l r'.o... 1 ii o .'. '- : Uioe til it tit, ' b. : n : ': M :o.: v. i i a t i ! "O'i; a oy ::; . . i.e.-'. i.i : il, 'i be b' ,na I. l ' -: iVe i'.y, v.i:.i i,a,i t'-'ieia i-:-. i, : .1 , . v.,;-k ill ai. ; "oe !i I::.:! - ;; .:.:i c.-i -i i- 'i: ; . ' .' o ;,. . .:,..' , re ; ore I. at,. I ttbtbf::- ti V f- ' Tie- fi ll' ' i U'-i-; - t '. :...v-b-. i. -oti! ii: '. . m V'. ..- i V... ii i 'a: lb. -. .o..'i. !: :.! i I'e -it 1 . I ,;.V. ipj.d be:. ' '.'id I '... i lo t'.-O.i .;; ' .V. iff-t .'. ! ie t: . . : 'lit' J'.-.lik ( ill .,: I.. ,!-. :;'. a. ..ft !. 1,-r.liv i-s. ! (i. H ai. .1. : t. l-di;. ..i. !. : , , - J'l.e ' f .i, v. a ; i iv . -::o!. .:. :::,;;. . o : ; !. t a: d C O:.;.:. !"! bv ...'.!'., inei. .ab.-ofti,.'. 1,1.1 v,.. Mr. I). W. Si i v ' ' , o y I'l os.i I i.a: " e. i'-i . ! ! . ' f lo :o I I i lie I I J.-:-:::Z : ! I j ;i: c it. I. . t Iif tm.e of ll e ;i. e. -. : !i . i .- r: !.v.i!,,i.-: Vi.:'i".. id. i- ,' : t :-. of Yr. O i :.. r. el- I i : !:,:!.: a! S o ea-ob. : . ;.! 1 1 u'.i.b o.-' i' i i i . i ! i ! . . i iv i: -n: : Hf i. i v ' I I -. ! !.. :- ; '.i.-i:s t. . Ve 11. til I" i.e: I" ll' !' If : 1 . ,i !,: i ti I-:;.-..!. a !. , b. l ...!' I: ,t iai. i o. r The , !..;! a:. - : - . I : i'l tei.'.l .; - aid- i .-tj its i a. .!-. a:no. i-'-i. - ' :;', .- v !.!,ii,i!'ii s. at -l . !.-:;', e. iiid be il i.e to it- , ,t-i e : - i,. , ; -. a la: j! u 1 1 1 1 m i.,i ti, t i - avi :!!. M-irv ri: f. n' : .;.: . .': ,a-:i'o ;; i a! t -1 ineb !. yo I, i i iv. :.. .-: ,1. a -. ,-.i. in the b. :.: I ''.( fbe Ifil ; .. v.i.i-'ti bit I ;:e:i!,!iailt I. :e.. 1 uot , f not ! two v.- bio, ' e., ... ,.. 'i'iie fit I v, dosed b; toe i.t;.,., -a.-.s in i t-ait1. lit i ;t -i-i!.. !...i-i ;:. --S i'.'io iii'm.,1 i ' m a . ia ("Mi.-!i.p. w..- V: tb'.r tint. I' : ..:-'. e. d ihete -.; t:.:.t tbe J -fly -'' : i 'I' S j '.'- lle.Vi:--,' 1 ill Oe! :.! I; oil tilt' pl.t I lleil.i'" I ' t a.;! -,. ib .-.'..- d. Ill Vin.iel 1 ro-.i i -1-,;., v. ;! i I.i.- i,:t i'.' o'.v fooiul on i g le: .:: !. .1 eiif! bag c e, I : - - o ,, ... . .1 Me. II. ::.by. in : i- -i.e iti:; , .i !.' !.' ' a si .it: i:. tin !-.: i i. b i i : it ( .;.- lu.o. : . i'..( t :. :. . ;,,;-.. if ri i: in ' e io- p:,i i I it!:. ! i-y i.i:iil:iiii:r. !.-- .. Alie : ' A I ai. .'f-,-.'. ': ...:. b ! -be ' . ;.l ...f iliecithcd::.; .! ! i. e I . : tod,.-, to .vitr.-s. fruit. I hut ii' ieiu a iti I i.'io -lulin which , .i-.n j.ro.:r..-i i. Tr.ep.re .vantrm-k ' i.v b..:i......-tg if I two of lite party w..e';..::..l itit'o'lieisweroscio,!:; i: j. :,,!. ne t . lie -t tia iti may n - .- (.. 'io, leal i'l, ,1 '. ' Ctd'.ee. ' 1 1 ..; i -i'. . -:,. .' fe: uf idgnr. n . d:oi e I .:.,,.-, .ill-. i d N'.l'i-.l-ll I'.'.- o, . al I. li t i.i ;. bti, . ii .. .i.e. 1 g.i'iei ,;. i ;-:,-: ed iti'.o aj'-iptr pipe ':.:i i ii ' ' -4 '..!' SI J.I HO 1 iiili t-i'iC'.' e a i.e..- I il' iu ii: ! t.j a dnCU boSBu ' i ei.-.f tli-. t r day. I if. .!,- :. ff.il ,-f V i'ie 00,:l y. I'll 'li "-.:; il ! I il -. : '. tllilal , d I. fo.iO.V- ' ;..:(; -ke! : i-'..- a 1 i:...! f. ' U 'I il.'f.p i on: f,,r -v.- ei,.. I vV l'..ge: tor ii- ;.f ' r. : ;.! 1. ;. .1 l! !';.-: : f.;r fre is , '' or, .-. I.O 1. -.: 1 l'.-r 1 oi .out. IV. .1. -I b ... :'.. : i 'i' f-bin.y 'i', II. A. i :.u; ; : 1 i t io : i.ate. A. ( '. (J e.-n : 'if tt.f lb- i.e. ). ,J ilie.s, . II. . i'; c't.t.tol;. (In. W. l'a'.iS u.id A. .M . ' S '! t i ll. ' At lint f ot.veiiiioii 1 1 tbe I'ihiceiii1. Jn 1: :..! li-!itt, at I.iucolftuii. V. "' A. llokt, of Lii.t' .b'tou. was liO'i'i iin'-d lot .Li ie 0:1 ibeli'db bo!l.t. il.d I'.I i 1 11 iv ia nominated nun it. .oil -Ii- for S lii'-ii'.r. . .K. I- i:'i f i' -H Wulth ; . , '1.;,.. . . a .. ii:, fi.t-e i.fiio. ... ,i. . 111. I. if i Iii l.y to i cVl li, e.i'i-e ft .iidii't li.ivi m.'iu y enough . to pay his pasaage. .j , bmu Ml I In tbo bi d I ao v.eoks W. I. LONDON has received over 25(10 paira r.oots and Sh i.-8 lioni Soutboin iu will as Noitborn 1'actoiios und haa und will keep tbo URGEST mil Or SHOES II T8E CBUNIY! and will sill fi en: as low for the ca:;h n-s tbov can be hml any place iu tho Stale. " " 1 Jlivino bi'iij b: ,ur ibo i.uh can otl'oc Special Sicl ULCsx'ricrt'iiLts to p.crv.tns I -ityit g in bir!;o bits. Il will pay you to :.,..! fbe-o goods auj pines In ,..io you bay. ii.. id ,it,o recoiling FALL AND WINTt-H GOODS i very day. 11 ... ep. ned a 1 irgo lot of I.eul; ,vi!l;.. North Carolitia, Casi-'ir-iicsri-is;, l-r.or.- -Dye .lict J-eazirs, tho besi i'uols .,u ever s.v for 1 1 e liioucv : also a !,, J-'1-v-'--i p - and il grc.'.t i.M-o.y o'.li. r Hf. alwava has on hand A FULL STOCK OF GSISEgiES, ss. - a It a I. JU.-.Js.a,JiL' i.(J, &j' Co -mo ei- i oil! at v. Z: -Oi'OOK'S. I'.! '.- b.-i (-, .'I. l' , .'.lionet 'ii, l.'-'.U. JJDDliLL (.'OMPANY, ...A-;.;.-;-'?', WSijiUW S ti &e On it' - : : . ... -"f,'y":'"i v:;..i ... . . -.- ';'-'s'- rnitj f m; V . .. FKSJii. b.: ar? other r3cto:-y. '' i-oi.rv is i ,i .- ,. ' iimm '. . l. :Orj, Pr'HTClpV.. i'all T- :.i '. id begin ut, M i d t .:.;t ' : . J :. i.nd - : :' b.i'ooio' i. .-i!:i :..:,- is a tin ii. ! lia; ,-. i r .1 Mi to- -. i - ie. ! : ni; ! amend ' ': - ::; i,;i !.'.;. '- . i . I ; . ' .(id I I -v.. ; j. .... , ,., c, ;..;.. . I', .niti. .: Kt-i . ;,,,; . ( o; W..1. r I '. ,j e; . , . ; j , . d ui e ; - t : i.i d d;di, .1 i ei j a. 1'-. ' ' e- f. 1 m 1 !' : i v- ly !V . .! ! : t. ' ' ' , i . 1 1. ii t i i.d - o !o-:i . -i tl .' o i efilil la-:.: . ' . b t 0. . I. ! . d I" tt i- : tb:.t t."t ...:! b.e !.!.! .. 't .! .. '.' .- i - , '. ll! !.l' or ii ' .:: -. ..- ! with u .:.:.'. d't '.:-. i : : : ...ti ol fivei.ty v. -u. .:',. . tfeb::. 1 . O'i ij.. ....;... y, , , ,.l; , ., I -i ..mil' .- i i O' i i i I.t-:.. ( i -t I e a.f . l-i'i r - a .I'l Si'ir- l-r-'-'l-'1.''- til' l:, '':':i"!:.' 1 ildl. u v i!i be ie.- fine- ted i'.i b-'li' ! i'e.-. i'or fllttbt. i..!o.' '" -i . V. ': d..'KSf.N riiiti-.d. i. -X'". " ' : ; -' . . V . ....... iti. ,1.- ., :. "" : " '. !u.i.i-;ui-.r-'2' if- CM. i.Ol At'' HiUtiMS. .--';'.-. Ft?9 f 0 ' i ;.-'. ' 8- F-t . ': 5 n P f.J? -r--S ; . 5ov- i , . i . ,,.i .... . ;,o.'.-.'-:Iti ..".i.v T' A Til Si. .:;:.' ' - :. l liit: U5.ar (tl V, ' rf -i ' 1 , .tw,.--.-,n.-j ' pVl'.'.-!l 1 .....1 .a', ..'-.c. ":' r-".' T iinrnerc i?!!, 'fotf;ol, r! tfoorc.'S snt" Fe-: 'i-! - . ll. ii'-t j r .-..'. a ir..-.i-...i viiti :' " ! lit...- 'ni; f.-a!Li iAn, i . I-,. !.:'-. luritia . a. ...-.I i I, elie ie-. r, I.a::. . I I It'.-- i ha. r. li, i-.f I 1 ! i e-, i. 'l A'e.i;,- I t.'.'e.. v.s ate:- . :ee! i'-OiMiii'1'a., y lilttuci- 'i'.,l c.initieer.i. T!1T VViraXLY STAB Ti ,.:,- r , r 1 1 .1 01 111 1: c I i :t"l st.tt.-s . . e 1 ii- iti- lui.t., ; loin lily . ."1 3f. IJ.st .. , .! . ii, o'i i.i ..i.t.t' i.-.r.. ii, 00 !.? r! CAH.K STAR -W sin- -: r. ' I a . m.i.i!..v. . . ft iO . -ai- . 1 . 1- t) : . - . 1-. . ''.- "1 IA' rillJ rr'I'.Vl, III UUiuiu it., .New uiW , r.i - - . - r Pr-.,i1-. 7 MAtTA('!rKI-.i:- Of j t.-n rr,T.-r,., -.r-rrnrn 31 f-;UC;i5':?fc- v.''- ?:yr--'" EFAOillUL, GOOD CHEAP. 1 Mil CCMf CRTABLE At Small Expense, IIA! I.Kill. N. (.', I " ' I '"I e r. .'f tl-n I'm il, : ,.:, - i : -. :. I ... Ij ll:n ...sol f.i. rue .'.ui K!i?MDSyi., . ---beard.. v ;m yy p tti t a J.it A A O iX JL1i I 'A'' ::"' : ' la ".ti iu e in North I. .. ie. ! tt ; i .-(folly ask ai) e ' ei ii .a ,,'.-! -., !, m.d pnees. -.sr ?. -p ,."-.-.? 'tr.p inn-triVfl A. i. ;:.:(). 'i.d .V I.t I.. . . . . i i ,, i . i i.i !' ' ! '' ! " ' - -1 ' i-'O I'Uc, i. t.i.iti.i. , c. ). dm. . tt : r? E n f y' V- ' - Ll-A.T.S-.Uforaaleattlw F lTTbwOrO SHUTTLE MILL, vVfKln-SGAHCiNG, SXttiiS MOORING, l'': :f .'M' fvii s lb. nit. (.a Itorsii, I'.iii-s .-:i'..t ! to oi.b-r id shot t notiee, lend ( eilito: and 1 -'loot ing already Hi !,:: ni o,,iv s-d .()!,, ,-lno feet. isTCOfE, Jr. C. F. & i. V. RAILWAY. Coitdonscd Schedule. 11. i iVoet Ani'iist 18, 18b0. IHII V fieli-T M'SMV. j.tal':-. .:..:.:-,: i ruin iMny Svntti I N-. I. KM..S ' .,il '. 1 a- 1 '-:' Mutt A I'tAt.i.i'nffar, il.fio... ,11 v .leu-. Arrtvrt, .lp. . I i: .( I.t f e, e. IUr, la-iitu, lit " ''" s,,:, ri, 1-4.10 ... ...... .. i,.jo. m .ino-..." f.r. ,-i...r", ' " m - ' -' v.. .my. " 6.00 1 W. 1. KYI.U. (iD'irM Afoul ' J. W. I l:ti.u-i mi,.u rfM if.JSsJ it -.y -:! fee feCJ. i J.ssjSaSt! Cho h'-. at tl l'..-,!':Milot ohtlnctt. and all YVL. t:- I ufa. rnuiluii, -I f.r MoDCuarc Fill. O'lion-ft Oppt tiirt U 8. Ptint Orris t. . . .. - ale l ie .11 lu ..i... time Umo UiaiS 1.. . '.-- : a I,' . -nit: -ion. 1 . ... . -. , ... .; r tot.. utOl ilwnrtp' e.e... v., h .L i -y . .'...in itr 110L 1t oi Ci.a' X . .tt 1.. 1 lilM li't ll'0t lo MSiad. A p.m 's r . 'll .'Y i tt.tf.bi PoMMo." rllh t'n. - I ., -, ilc1.',':- Ia u MM, outoilf , a I. iu., . .'. el iii -a. f - 515 o.a.3?jov;&co. CP?. tATlNT OFflCt. WABHINfirTON, D. n 1 n i is n: vi( n s.t hick.-. . -j. ,1 , ,. .tin. I 11 On, aOinililMntWr l r . ii- 1. 1 1- ht-ri l.y Ml r. - :. . . .. - ,;i,. ..,iu.. 11, iniw at -I !:, M. -l llll.'. Hit'), tt t '.t ;,r "" "r ' '' j'j'i',' ll'. X, ' ' ' J. L. tiimiMp,

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