h?.il..m. Tnur.sn.vY, ski'T. 11, iso. GOUNH TICKET. vi in ss.s.vro.i r JOHN W. ATWATKil. KOK lSF.l'll! M NT AT1VM : ADDISON II. l'FRUY. joiix m. Forsr. Full ri.KKK : SAMI'EL II. HOLT. Futt hhmiiit: SPKNCK TAYLOU. von KEiiisrnt: DAN1KL If. MAUSII. run 'i iii-AsruKii : JOSKril F. T I XXIX. von ri)i:osr.i: : JOHN M. TVSOll. von MMivEvon : WILLIAM M. HAKFFK. ' III ItH.MI Volt mi: No.!iM:rs ! tW"" i'Mshols While Winter ; Oats for sulo l.y . S. I'oe. I MT.Mr. IV 1. llarkor.ol Williams township, lias a L'oiir.l vine on which ure '.'00 well matureil iroiinls. t& l'li'iity of nice .Iresse.l lloor- ; im, ceiling ami wcallierhoariliiiic at ! the Bliultle I look taitory for Kile. Hickory, 1 iiinmon tiwher i buttle lilock lai-ti wooil ami l'.' waiitcl nl ll rv for tin- i-ash. ley Mr. H. tuwnship, luif itear that we I'.. Minson, o .en l tl.o lll'i -hs one I'oiib Cull' K I ' a an i lli i-oeqini litis. jOni' tine mare to exeliani:"' for tjootl j.air of inii'i's U ill iay difference if any. A!y at shut lie block factory. aerTlie ! J k- i:i is the hest cam paign document thai can he i ir. uhi ted in Chat ham, ami every voter oitlit to !ia. e a i-o.y. liev. (. 'I'. iMwar.ls hapl'c! thirteen persons at Ml Olive on l.o! Suiolav, ai.'l tho satin' liil'nl'.'r at Love's t'reek on Hie .-sun. lay pre vious. tr- Mr. J. W. li.il.Nt.m. of dak l.tml towiis'oiji, it. I'.. mi- us 1 Imt titne ao In' toiiiol I'.v.i yoiiii:." mro-. villi the Icj: of one rown ami ad hering to too li' of the oil. rr. ft )m la I .o la - a ..n ol M r. tl.i-. bv a J. M. (IrilViio. v Jil;ue, was hi' k colt, ami liioii. wound wiil mil i re- Hes l.eal on the !.:;iiiflll burl the the le;t, P.' leave in a 1. v ilavs for N"'a V'.i k. to p l-'all and Winter eoods. oetlle your : onot liurm ho would ho very "lad i do so. t-, The six your old son Asa (iiinter. o l.ikland ti 1 .Mi nshil aceideiilally broke his left Ihi-h, last. S,inl:iy. He was openri: ir;,U' when il fcli on him. and hr. his thigii. eit" A siulit eoan: lo of the I-'il'.sl.oro into I'lle. l on last Mo tho ni.i hiii-.r triii ii lea o'clock iiisloa I ol '.t I .M 1 o'clock instead .,:!ro:id w. ' lay, by whh s here at s1 ' . and rei.ii ! 1. 1 1 1 o.'i a. i Tbr evening tra'-n runs as i.eieio lore. Ktf-Tlie Slali'fiville l.andiiialk ilonnod a now dress last week, and its appcarancp pfove that il is the most prosperous, as it is certainly t he best, weekly newspaper published in Norm Carolina, lis prosperity .ind success iserediluble Lot U to its editor Hhd liatl'i-lis. VT The .'.ciiii-eiats of Chatham met in open convention, at the c:i! t bous,'. in broad daylight and nomi nated their candidates. How w ill the ivpuliliouii camlidales be noiui nated? A few "bosses", black nod While, will hold a secret caucus and dictate lIio nomination ! MSST Ycllnvi jackets have been more troublnMi'iio this seas'in than ever before known in 1 1 t county. Many furuiers, while plow ing up t heir land to how oats, have been run out el their liehls by tbo swarms ol ycll"W jackets, an. I their teams have been severely stung by thorn. v.V- lieii'ived this week at W. 1. London's. ;:rlo:id ol Sail, lar:;e ami htnall sucks: ci.are and line Salt. Supplv yourselves at once, as Salt will bi" higher later in t he s, a-"ii. London has fresh C over, Tin,. it !,v jiiid other see.N. I'all stock ol'liro ceries and all oilier g Is. swrw. L to pureliasi don has :;one Xm-'h his I'ali and Wint.r i .r I.- 1!,. iH'oiiiises Ins ensiniiu't's to give them lis 'ood bargains for tbo inoiiev as tl.ey can tret in any inarket. He will 'have a lar :e ' I n k and will be "lad to show thein v. h. ii t-.uy iirrivf. lie kecj-s i v, : : thing. laf The democrat ie primaries, oil last Saturday, xvcre more largely atteiideil I bail any ever before be!. I in Chatham. The people turned out in lull lone and made known their wishes The ininoriu al e cry precinct was allowed its prop. o t i" n aU' vole in the county conxviilioii. and hence tin' harmony that J l e vuiled in that bode. jf5 SR5 l-uruc A1U'!i('ii!icc-(Jn'iit Ku IhiisiiiMu A Strong Tirkct. In pursuance o! previous notice a convention ol I iu' .I'o.ioi-rais oi inn ham county was In1.. I at this dace, on last Tuesday, for the purpose ot nominating ciimlidi-.tos for tin' Leg islature ami tin' eounly ollhcs. "i'lto fonv.'iitioii xx:,s called to order at ; 1 1 o clock, l.y M. T. Williams, tin 'eha:rin:in ot 'the coinily executive i mumiUee, wiio reiiicstcd .1. tl. : Ih-nchcr ami l C. I'm' to act ns toidjioiary s'icri'lan.'s. 1 he roll nl'j ; loxvnshijis was called and every to.viif.lim reM'omlcd as Doing repie. sente-l hy i toll ili.li'.'aliou. ami it tij.pcarin that there was a contest Ir.eii l-vpta coniinilteo on creden tials was'appniii'.e.l, consislin ol yne from ciuh township, as follows: William I'.laml, .1. W. ioldslot.. J . II. Williains, I), ti. Fox. W. M. Har per, J. J. Peoples, J. ti. Clark, V. L. tirilliii, W. I'., lirooks, J. A. Par ham, li W. Taylor, W. II. Swim. The loliowilii: coniuiittce on per maiiont organization w-as appointed, vi.: J. (i.'or;;e Ilaiim r, I'r.ink Paid win.C. W. Womhle.C. 1'. Alston and V.. V.. P.rewer. The eoniinitleeoii credentials, alter rotirini:, reported in favor of sealim: as the delegates from I'.u'Vpt the fol lowiii '- N. A. tiilc.iore, M. 15. John son. A. II. Tysor.J. W. .Mills. V.. I.. Tvsor and J. L. .loiiiisoii. ' f he eoiiimi'.tee on pertniineiit or oaiii.alion rcporteil as ollicers of the convention, W. II. llateh iresideiil. ami .1. 'J. Kencher and F. C. Poe seuelaries. The reports of l.olh coin mil Iocs were unaiiinioiisly adopt ed. and Co president look his seat. :.l:er inakiu.ir a h'W ivmaiUs appro ):riale to I he ooea.-ion. Tins moniiiaiioii ol a Clerk of tl.o siinerioi ml was ijecided to he tirsl made, and the lollowimr names Were i.lVM'liled. towil : Ji. -! llol'. . k. .M.i.ii i . X. Slianhan. A 1 1 I was taken and resii.ied :is loliows; Holt hi. Smart 'Ji'.J and Str.iii 'I, an '1 I. X o noiniiiation. i (.to tin. lion it was resolved that no ii Meii ... less than one iiilarter he j euilnle.l. I A s-ccoml ballot was taken and ,.. ivsiilied. ll.dt -It:,1, Smart -!;', and Slr.iiil.au "J". fiiiVl lialh.l resulted, Holt II,'. Stuall and Strail!,'han 2l,:. pom lit" ballot. Holt hU. Smart ami Sirail-han lid. Fifiii baii.-t. Holt r.;': Stuart '-".I and Ntraiisrhan -TJ. Sixth b.iiiol. Hon ti:;-, Smart .v; am! Straiig'iau S.-veiilh haliol.'H'.ll 11 J , Smart J -!. and Straui;han -T . i:, .ioo ballot. Holt smart ami Siiatil.an :tj. N; mli l M Hot, Holt 1-. Stuart :H and Mi aiorbau 21 j. fenth ballot. II. -ll l l,1, Stuart '.M and Mr.iiti.dian 152 J. F.te veil t'ii l-alioi. Holt io1'. :'-"ari I I It I, . i ."'I I :l 111- ban HI.J . Tu t ilth liadol, 11 oil ."il! .") 12, Smal l 2'.t and Sliaiighan 17 7 12. II "it ioiVim,' reeeived a inajoriiy as ne ii ! v iioiiiiiiaU'd. Xoiniii.itii.il lor Shel ilV bein- next io order I I.e names ofSjieine Tax hi. i. W. Foiis'nee and ( ran S. ,loh iis.m were pus-'iiled. and the first Iialiot ulu I ', .of .a. Second ballot for shelilV. Tavan ;;. i'. :n,'. .I..'ii,s..n :t ; Pi.i: I ballot, l'avlor I'.ii 1 Foil- ee ;;. .I.dinson r.i 7 12. ! f'ourui b.'.llot, Tavior III1., Foil ' .loiittsot, 'j:C l-'tiih b.-.h-.i, T.'iylor ll.". Foiisli-'e 1 '.. .loll lisoll 2,;. Sixth ballot. Taylor 12, I'olishee j i. .lonnson .t. Seveiilli ba:io'., Taylor lo, I'ollshu t. Johnson 2.'.. I'.iirhlh ballot, 'l'avlor 17 .' 12. n 17. o'., l''iiiisbee Xinth ballot, l'avlor :' t Job iison l ti. Vhe name ol O. S. Johnson xvas now w ithdraw n, and the tenth bailol resul-cil, Taylor ."7 and Fous'nee i:i : Taylor haviiig received a majority I was declared duly lioildli.ited. 'fbe iioininatioii of a Hcfjistci ol I Heeds Mas then aniiouuced as the next business, and the following names were presented: C. I!. Sen' I !o. A. llanner. H. 11. Matv.h, J. J. !.lenkiiis. Carson Johnson. .1. I.. ' 1'vsor. W. T. Prown, W. T Fdwar.K. ; ('! T. Henley. Tl'.e '!'st ballot Ie I sail... I. Seo-.t Hi.;, llanner II i 12. ! Marsh !!;. l'.row'n 12'.. Jenkins H1.. I I'vs.-r 15 7 12. Fd.vard.s 11'.. Henlex 2 7-12 ami Johnson 1 . liallol alter bullol was hud w iili oilt any noiniiiation until the eigh tcetith' ballot, ivhen the result was announced. Marsh UIJ. llanner :''.. Tvso:- ('., F.dwards 1,'iiml Kxlinos. jand Marsh was neclared duly noun I nated 'I'lio names i-l J. W. Hatch. L. I' I'.aidwiii. J. P. 'I iiiuiii, ai d S. J I'aliv were prcseiitrd I'd' the imnii nali.-n of Treasurer. The lirst bal lot resulted. Tinnin 1 2.'. I 1 12. Tally 2,!, Hatch .H i On tlie M-coiid ballot Tin nl n xvas I m-mina-ed, the vote beitii; Tinnin I 1.21. baidwin 2:5. and Tally 24'. ; I'or coroner the folloxx ing names; xvere piesonted : W. S. Petty, J. H. ' i'x sor, I'.. H. Mann, O. I!, "stroxvd, ' W. M. Hums ami W. M. (iatf s. The first ballot resulted as follows . Pel iv 2-'., Tvsor 27, Maim !. d'altis 1 I. Stroxvd 15, burns i-'.. On the lo'.trlh bailol John 11. Tysor was nominated by the lollowin:; vote: Tysor 52, Pflty'21. ami Mi Iver 21. The iioiiiinauon lorsurveyor heim; next in order the names id W. M. Harper, .1. W. Sirowd ami It. H Cli ixg xi ere pre-eiited. and a ballot beiitir had resulted as follows. Har per 51. Strowd 2S and i'legr'21. Harper was tlieri-tipou declared nominated. Thu county ticket hiving been nominated, nomii alions lor two members id the House ol I!. prevu . talives were declared in order, and 1 'lie folloxx ing names xvcre prcse i.lod : '. WilsOU, .1. K. ,.). M. r'ollst.J. , l'mjli uin.1 S, J. Tallv. '1'iii' first liallot resulted as fol lows: I'errv lit!, I'miM ."ij, liryan Ul, Wilson l.).i'i.gh HI, Sears L I'ail.v 2, ami lla.-lcne.y Jl. Messrs. Perry ami Foils'. having received the neces sarv majority, they were declared duly noiii'maled. For S 'lialor the nfmiesof IMmiiml W. A i water utul .I!mi W. Atxvater were presenlcd. ami tin' liallot re -suited li.i voles lol'Johsi W Alxvater ami .5-1 lor Kdniiunl V. Alwatir. .loiiii V. Atwater having receive, I a niiijurily is (leclali'.l iI'liV lioinina- ,., All tlio nntniiuilini-s liaviii-r been ,.l ...I there beim? no further hiisiiicss ii, i, convention adjourned just at .sunset, havino been in eon linuoiis .sevioii lor nearly ci.L.;hl li u t-M ' Thus closed onr nl the most mem- orahle conveiilioiis ever held in Chat ham. I lie atlei nlanee Was it n iwn iilv hii'..i oni eonili.o'lioiwei.urt room hoin.' crowded to ils utmost eanaeilv. V Idle tl.f friends ol I he several camlidales slood persistently .- their favorite ami did till they could to nominate bun, vet all irr.K e fully yielded to Urn will of the iuh jm ity w henever u nomination was made. There was no wi annliui ami no liiltoriii'ss of I'eidiii:,', nominees will n ivo tl 1 the hearty suppoil of every trtio democrat i Chatham. Xow lei Hi all t;o to w or and elucl tho elitiiv tieUet by a overwhelming majorit v ! A. 11. P. i i v, S. (i. Bryan, llarnuiu Sears W." Mai-kiic-v, Julin A Tme XoM.Mirs.-Xearlv all ,h0 ! n, cived und eoiiteuls m, ed. Iam nominees ol our cm. ,,. v . oiivc,:. ion j " u ,lUA ?u U' are well known to most ur vt-i.W"- t-'be rc e eetu u of (..-v. . lei-i. but f.r tho information nil hose : ,IU , L ' 7' J j pose.l to ho u t; ami., wi re iilmoyt in who mav.iol be aeniiai;,:-.-,! witi, c: ),t t1,eiaju,in,.l..m for K. 'F' ' I s:illltv ,iilM. The fato of the lire . , ,. , ., . ,, , , t'ttr.o from tln.-i ilisliiet wi'.li llio fml i . . , . uiem we iiiousn uie iooi.i mi i . . ,. . , ,, ' know edge that Senator anee was s:;e!i !ics ol them : i . p , . . , . . , f , Tl,.- nomination of Simim. J tL, e.iimc of ne district for l,..s own I!,,,.! was a ileservel.oiiH.liment Mi"''';'1' ssor. and 1 a.su.o j oil tnU i 1 j an excellent olbei r. 1 1 ; one term laitlifuilv :i in lias sc leeeptaldy as cxpivs iiini by n:i ,v and therclore his p.'i'ty ed their apprecia'.i ti ol .ors!nr him lor cou l tirni has heeii the ii.liilil in tnif lor man v oars. co a ii t v ! ' M'KN'-K 1 A V lot; i ; j-isl :!2 years : ouu:;i st Soi l ill' ,d, so lar as our . lie is a so:-, i hi, W. Taylor.; I am! will be the ( 'hat bam has ever I inlormalioii extcn-l of the late Capt. .1 who xvas siiorin iroiii i-i-iio i-..o, , and who was one of I lie ho-l ohieers : Chatham has ever had. His uia'.iT j mil grand -fat her I He. Sp-m e Mc ! CielialiaiU w as olio of the most pll'o ! lie spirited and jiro- t essi ve citiens; of o-.r county. Mr. Tayl ; was a depitly under bis lalhor and is I here ! fore iauiiliar with the duties nl j shi'i itf, and w iil make a capital oil eer. SherilV Taylor' xvili soiiod! Very liatliral. I I'l.XMH. ll. M Altsll is a native i'iiatham, xvas a niereliant al for several y.-.ir and lor th S.'X ell Veal's has I., i n t be .if-ffiil .!VIt past Hill o'f the C. I. .V V. V. I!. U I u I -v-2 lie was elected lo I lie !.. lalure. He is well littnl for Co. lite -tiiie of IJogisler, l.'cing an expo-rii-nced business man. and will no loiibl diseliaiiio his dalii.-. lo the sal itaclioii 1. 1 all. 'I he i o.ticc f.r tre:'.sai'!r, .lo-i.i-n P. Ti.nmn, is a cili..,ti o! Ih's place who Ik ineaprc. itatcl tor manual la b .r by reason ol bis rippled con .lition. caused by rhi iMialism. II. was the deputy po-1 niaster here dur um t'lev.'iaiid s adii.iiiistr:ili"ii. and uas a einirtcoiis and oi;i.-ietil oli'o-cr. He is a i. ear kinsman ol our Stale i rcasurer, I 'onald W. P.. tin. and tl'.e .rreatesl coic pli.nenl x .' can pay Lie. is to fiiv that he is itisf as honest and I rust xv kiiisiu; Our rtli v a- ins 1 1 nc, ins !. next S-irvevor. W .1.1 A .XI M IlMtl'klt, Was a ei.lliu.l C.H.iederate ; soMier and was badly wound;. 1 :;'-i ( lellysbiirg. His iitunina t i.m is a compiimeiit lot hi old bear Cre-k i township, the banner democratic) township ol the (oir..!y. l!o xv.ll i make an elh. lent olii -er. ! John li. I 'iSoh, the i.oininie fori t'oroner, is a ineiiiher ol one ot the laiiri'st and mo-t rcsp "l iable lamiiiesj of Chathaiii. He is h.-hly respeelcil by his neighbors, ami xiiil l,.ea;;ood nia u to hold a-i in-i'i-'si over ihej Uadical parly afier the ueM elfctlon ! ' Our next Senator, J. ils . At watdii. is in the plan, cot vigorous; manhood and is .. democrats in Chat to I Is on.' .'I' lie ll'Uffl ; a m. campaign be iias u . u I:, .j ....-ilotisi tor tin- d- liioci party, iili'' th iiomiiiaU":- i.- :-. prop- r ; : .h,;it i ot his valuable service:.. . He Is m .....unty.i i-csidenij was the to the! ot the leading lai'mcr.- ,.' I '.u ami lul" ixvo years was the ol our coiiiiiy alliance, ami .h-lciiate li-mi this c- iiulx State Alliim e I. itii this xi-ar !'1''' ss.-s 11 'is. .' '.(' :,-styear. 'I'he i il tcri-.l s ol ;il! chiss... -il our p-.'"l '. ' ol l-'-.o'e in hi-!. mi. Is. and he xvili -i" his ,,nv I.. ii h: u! ' ;. !o all Ids I'Oiist it tteiits. AniUsoN II. I'lliliV. i. tie of the nominees I'.r the l!..n-.e, is a farmer llalilxxiniiitid be :d Me list Mini I. r. II. I was the .!" i lcnt o t r t'i'.v Ai-ricuil iii ii' Socict v. 1,1,1 Ho ,1:1. iv orirani liresidelil ol 1 nc lll'st Zillion ot'oiir lai mi l s. Ib' is there lore ihorotl ;-iiy idet: I l!i"d xx iili cVel X elicit So imiuovi. our ui-riciii: ura o impi'i s. lie i inter man tnak l '.lent s.,'i.Ui-'. il ll decided i'.l.ililV I - VI t XM.i I iiselul meliibei' oi' tin' l.eis hi lu re. John M. Foi si, the ot lor the .-ise. is a I .nu iii'om iclor of the Ml. i I er nominee r am! jilso I'iooi .sj.i im's Hotel, lb' is a caj.it bllsii.i-s inn ill anil very ;.-.. n: lie. lii-.' ics,i's, lllo tioXef hi'lii! lor any oilii i'. mix- seiii.o an have 1 ni' it hriiii neighbors, ami il' w liei eX i'i own. ei IV. . I xx ;il ill,. Ml All Ol ntiiif ght f-bi-iiii: ii- 1. 1 tl.cm is in sec her. bill nil I'lvard by 1 heir niiminatcil, us they vciv A were, on the lir-l hiilh't, xvas !miiimelilai'X' to I !,etu. tlift-t' ol'.uir l.i'-islative no ni i nees are nicinbi rs of tt.e I'ai'iiiers Aiiiance, ami . '' . J " "-i"i ' i'.a'v i-r I'.'"'.. ! Tin: Ikh:ai kd i'amuh.x i i. -Tin' i!l 1 1 K l extends its sympathy to till' candidate.-, wlin laded to ri-cctvo the , iiominalioii nl our county conven j lion on 1:11 Tuesday, niid lining lor 1 them heller luck next time. Anion.; ; them were turn equally as worthy 'ami competent lis those xvlio wci'o ; iioir.iitated, and their dcfe:it is no : i flli i Uiiii on them xvlialever. ( II ; i nurse At. I. could not be luiiiiiiiiiti-il, ; audit is tin' only of 1 1 io iliUatfd I illliilLlU'S 1(1 .XII ) . I' t till! MHVOf.Nl ul ' out's just ns zealously ns ihcy noulil i have," i'Xn'itoi tin' latter to have j s:tp.oi-ed lliom, had they been ' nominated. Any m:ii will xvoiU jh:ir. for tin) micccs. of his jiurly xvhet. lio is ils iio'tiiiu'i'. hoc.-iuso In: l-in a personal uml seltisli motive, 1 liit a mans tr no ilctinicrary anil inanhood it proven When no work lor I lie success ol Ins party, when Im is not iH ni.inineo ami when his j motive is the ireneini i:.i.ni. Theie- j lore we eonlideiilly cxpe. t overy one ol our .! fealed friends to work zeal i otimy i.ir i mi sio ii-f m "" !aml tiliiodd Uunl uphold the hands uf llio.se lo 1 whom ha been etitru-le. the party n ball tier i 11 t hi coming cam fain . Ali'XiiiiiU'.r lor Vance. l'rom Hi.' Vllaitus;l..n Slur. A rcpoit havinj; fjaiiifd ciirre.ncv that Captain S. 15. Alexander, the 1 )'. moeiutio nominee for Ciiii'rr.ss in thi;i district, was opposed to Senator , Vai.ce, a oentletiiii): of thin city wrote lo !ii iii in iceaiij lo (lie matter lUi'.l ). ci: i-ed tl.o following reply : CiiAia.i'rr;. X: CSppl.Gtli, lS'.tO. 1; ai: Sik : Your favor of tbo 4lli i .III i i I I 1 Hll.il 'I 'I t iii, ol Uie t'emoeifttfi win) liniioie.l inc xvitii the liomilialuni of llejiii'sei.ta tive 1 XVO'.ll'.l lC.-'.ell I llilVP IXVICf v .t. -.1 for (K)V. Vance for Fiiit- d : Si! .1..- i: .....t,.. Ol.l U'lil'l. T Hit. .ill the - -' ; ' , , , , r? , , H n.itor 1 j tm .Xlcckleiiburo; would vole ioi him injaiii Vole tor Ii:ni ii.'.'imi. flu! ;.cis.iti!il li iath lis l)c!x tin !o Vuia-f uml Jiiysidf havo ulxvjs Iwi'ii friendly. I hope illl.l helievp thai li.e ilill'ei ciii c In r.veel) Scliutor Vance uml llio Alliance will .soon be uiljiisto satisfactorily I'-- botll. llmiiku your kiiidne.sfi. 1 am yours truly, S. 15 Al.KKXV, A Ih'.-irut'tivn ; iirisatli). 1'tiiKi lisiiriai. W. Vii.Sept. 7.- A report of a tel libai tin ita '.o ivacln d hei: last night from lioau und Jack am counties. Tim him m pas .ed n- ai Le Hoy ami Meadows i'dc, in Jackson county, going id u ii-irthea;-tirly ill n clio'u. It stlitck the caitb near tin horn of W. H. D.ivi.-. near Lo Hoy. end swept nwuy cvci x thing in its push. Hayslueks, fences, en .,! mi-l timbm wiio liiittoii'.il mil or desi!iyd. A number of cuttle xvc-o pi.keil up and carried several liuin.KU ,V-.mU and ciiished U) ileal li. On I ho Adams jil.ieo imrtis, cntllo, buy and oiil'm-ibl-ings xvete crushed am! c uricd away. At (Icorgo Hoggs' faim iiw p burns, ..ii'ii a large li ck of si p. mid his e.r.'Hiaries xvcre uii iii d away. Not a living thing x as lilt in tho path of the stonn. From lb" Jingo p'ai i llio loniado dropped n;.ain in.d cii ti.d itxvay the dwelling of I'm iinr K. banc!), not leaving a tdirk of !-...ber. There were iiino people in the house iv, lai'.eb. hi wife, t w-i ehihlri li :dl-l live offers, all of xxhoni u' ve teriibly in jmcd,' four i-pportid fatiuly. 'ibi tornado eti-1 cloud b.us: was the :n- si dcsii le-livo and fatal ll."l ims s'.iucl: ihi.-i sc. lion for many y- -,is. A IVfiilLir it!c. Coi.i xiiii , Ohio. Sept. 7. Henry Nt i simni. a life pi isoncr from Ci:i e.niiiili, "onlineil l'..r ii.iirdt r in tin Ohio State I'chiiontiiirx , coniniiUe'l s.iici-ie ibis cxciiihg in his cell in ai.il0 B!1(iu.;er. p "ciiiiiirlv iin.'i'hioiis miiiuier, Tak-1 ... ig the "piiiits i -f a .,e,v,,.n,.er, lie o ftml . Polled ll.en. in .. I. , hes and teli'-o p . ( u 1Iip,lhWp trh " i T. !.:..i. i... . : i ........ .1 one e i u oi t ini-ii in- s. . .in-'. ,1 . . .. i . i . . i .. :, i "is lei 1 ii I a Iv 1 11 vf lite i-iiu-i niiu his uioiilli, U: no hi.ti.-l iin ! kreat 1 e, Uie gas n.i.i nisi,,..i;s. it '''.,...,,,,,,.-,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, him but lew m itml xvoi U, nn l thai, loo. the latal' hl iiiuler tne nose ol :t gmii' the c.M'i idur. xx ho xva.s iairo.iiiig A Fa ill Diiiii'iilty. j Ai iii'sTx, !. Scj.i. 7 A Hj.e.-iiiij .i,", front U iiireiiton. (ia j ..uvs: Tmn Ail-.ius. colored, was killed i ; in a ililtii nltx late last night hy ) ' Xorris. xvl.iie, j-ropi iel or of the War-1 ' mit. -it li.;t 1 1. A- hi ins x as ijiuu 1 1 Iling j ! -.vit'-i an, .'.iir i-c;,!--, v.h.ii N'oiris! v. ho I ad 1' lin I. U"l npnil' l lftin ; t j id tlu'iu to niov on. ns tiny xxiinj dislilihili-r his ;.'Ui-ts. Adams lc sctiicl this itiei .'. iiiliii'-.iliv ensued ii t which he xas f.il.sl'.v shot. The ne ! ll.. ...,.,. l,i tl. :?vin'.., thoiouehiv m.'Miicd for ,....-.-....,,.'. ...1. 1 b o. IS- rxMiu.t trouble. lull ne I'liiistnias tl e pension rolls j of t bis (ioveriiliii tit xvili jil'.diiibl v eo':- ; lain nr ro Iluiii a iniliioii nutims. Al- , icaily xv e jmx lu 'rn Inr peiiMion every j yiar than il io. t - (iei inauy to main- j lain the hi!ge.t slasidiiigr m my in! . Furi'i'p. If tin-j'fiisioneit: xm io nil . needy ami deseiving there xvjuSii l)i 1 no (iiid'tin:.; but tvi'iybody kmo'.s : they ino si. a. Tho li i'UoH.MI.S ill (ailiij'.'! ts have bicn so i iii-v t iling i-iiie oi j-iixale inti rests that they wfin to luixo in tiu-'.v i iigoileti the jMHinisH i f cine ' cent lot f i i .ost a-e xx hicb tin ir hlt 'uati-iiial ii'ijifoim contained. M-ne moiicx a I iiini. e l fold, h is bee n leg islu'e l ii ' ill- hands of -niuti' inn ties at this session lltiiu this uiiivclb d boon would Lavo cost. Sli'M in Court. ; HvMKiisvii i r. Ohio, Sept. '.1. A Icr- , l iblc tt aecly oeeui H'd heir lii.it even- ' in;: din iiiir tlieflial of tho ease of (ico. ! Ilaihf.rroM'r ucaiiiHt Jiiiih-k llilor Le foie Kniuin. Vnndanioiit. Ilder, m n ior died hoiiiii iiioiiIUk u'O, leiixihg u: m ill in whieli ho left ino.-t of bin plop : ft ly to t' in of his si .ii h ami two ilaueji tci. to llio exclusion of (be olhw , childicn. 'J'beic bus liei n (all, of con : testing tho v. ill and nun Ii hilli iiu ss, lias heeii miiiiifi'stcd. 'J'his wa.'i a case j i for ibitnai M under an ulh jri l breach i.f coiiliiict helwien ,Ius. Ilili r uml ! I Jiiriioi over who was one of the mich inlaw of llilei. Ihiini;.: the trial , I oiiHtaliic I N Allen, iiiiothcr won in I law, steppod to ibc door anIicii ii pin tol hhol rn heard. Allen ciuni' blitf,' -ocriiio into (be room itml fell aerocs ; i chiur cxi-hiiiniii "John 1 1 tic -x did I it." Holuit) the teiiiiricil Hjiei'tiitors ll'filild K ilUe what happelo il llio mill j -llri' was seen standui;: in the iiiiddle of the cii. w ded court room uml lired u second shot which took ill'cct in lln rioht I, riant nffJco. 1 u'iovcr, puss tiiifT MiliK.'ly lhroti;li his lunly. I he xei leiiil-lil wus llnlesl'i'ilmtile. the coin t l oom bein:; ciowdcil vwtli melt and w omeli. K.iili'Oitil Collisinii. PlTTsiu iai. Seplemlier 8. A pe i-iiil from Wh -eliitg, W. Vii., huvs : About one o'clock tui.J inoitii'.ig (hf Ptibt and xvrst bound freight tium aict in a teiiihlo collision ontboPal lin.oio uml tdiio railtoiiil, tit Hoaid Ttic Itiiini I, nl ii nit thiity mill's cast iifliire. Il is known that both i-h-oines i-tid a doen cars were ci.fiich itesti oyed. and llio wreck took tin . Kii-'iiu :s l-.imiuiek Killvand ('has. frit k tv and nil unknown lnun nop on it is not known. Slt iu-k b I.iuliliiing. SuKi.nv. Sip! '.-During a Leaxy p'oii.;, xhii li as - d over a purt nl this county late U";tctduy. County Surveyor A. M. TovuIaec, while driv i: g to bis barn xvas sltiick by lijhf ni:io in.d knoi l,"d uiieonsciotis. Two muhs which in- wan driving were kil'id. Al last iiceoinil s Lovelace was o-it of Lis mind and liot cxpoeteil t . live. YxNI'Al.lA, III . Sept. 7. At Mill 1) ri v (iioxe. Fi iditv evening, Charles Uilev L..u..bt siicller iiiider a tree bi,iuiitof a l.hiihili'.siol'iit. A boll of bghtim e struck the tree, killing- I.ilcy instantly. (baa s J5v. Wis., Sept. 7. Dnrinj; tl-.e : loriii ye.-tciday lightning struck i lie h:irii of ilaeob llndai I. hear this I fit v, tiring llio building find kiliiin.' Mr. Hodait iui-1 a t-titu nf horses. New 15el!ir Joill llilll A CololP.l xvoiii iii living on the upper part of Stini ii Front i.ircet stuck u splinter under her lilir.er hail two weeks; tigo while .s'ci iibliii.g thelbior. It did hot tixeiti! unv uliii ni and but 1 it t lo Atten tion xviih lmid to it until just wet k '.vbcti lock j'lxv set in. and after three liiiys' ag.-n.y she died mid xvus buiieil Friil-ay evening. Itnleigli Xexvs mid Observer: 1'nr lieiihiis of urn thcr terrible accident which occurred near Auburn within l i a t it . . .: :i mile of the scene of the iicenlcnt to Mi- Tool lea, hnif hi'ie vfisloidav. Air. . . . ,, . . . 1 t ill 1 1 tt.ixxrr, a wen kiioxvii lariner of St. Marx's township, living near Auburn. ius xvoiking at his c.'tloii ;'i:i rlid lis It-! t iii ni xvas ciiught ill . !.,. U'i i . ... ni- 1 1 in t Mr 1 xil'si was on S XVilS (III t he diiv beii Ills arm xvas rapid j Iv liiiixvn into mo i:vu inncry ami me sbiii-ji tictbtiiie uwiiv the Hisb uml cru lied the bones. Tim lingers and the joint up to the elbow were hl. r ii'lx ei u -ln-.i lo j. lly ami llio iu in nhoxe .t xva- ills ' biokru. M,. (lower xx.v li.ixvii iliixvit el .so 1-1 lhe levolving shaft :nnl ti e side of his face wnshlil 'peM i,v its hungry tii-lh. It xxi-.s n ti'ii i oxv t scitpo fro.-ii a hoi'i iblo ai d 'i.lcod cie'ibngileiilh. Tiii'inaebiiii'i x xvas ef op'.'Cil in time to save Mr. (low or. Several physicians v; resuiohion-i-d and tl.o arm xxas amputated ne.n liodv to K"enre the reipiisito aiuom t . , . , , 1 of in u ishuiPtil. s Sarsaptu ilin I I not onlv siniulutcs llu ilcsite for food, j ! but aids th" assimibilivo nigftim in i ' h (issue. ! t'otn'ofi Standard : W lmve heard I of xvild inroi inlng iu other comities, 1 11 nl were thankful tlmt they did not I livn in (','il".iru-i, hut xve hnvn heard I .if one ciu e in this rotinty xvhich nvjis jthi' clini c. There is a man in the leoiintv -. school teucher, too who is iH'tuallv i.t'-'ii.id of the trtiin, and xvili run lit lUo toitiia 01 a lueoiuouve whistle. Do Vtiu Witui tln F.iiriii ! ! You would hardly expect to buy the ! c.-uili for h dollar or two ; still f- r h i !eiv iltillars you can buy n hiy; ile o' ! uoo.ls al tuir store. If von bin!, sav i 10 or Slo you xviiuled to spend, and ; von I I to get h suit of clothe, a hat n pair of hIioch lor voiiihi If ,-nitl a pair ; for the old ;ndy, you xvould iiatutiilly i xviiut to g t tlio best giuiiUyou could 1 ocl, ami ill iih reasouiible a pi ice us ' oo.-hil-ie It's verv iini'oitnnt that jcvriy i no siii'Uhl knnxv nl all time lulu-re Ibin cm be doiio. We don't i UTleiid to 1"' a I'heiip Jtijin, or thai x-.e gr.'u criioiis away, 1,111 xxe 110 Fiiy that (- sell leliable -.-oods its low. Uid j xvo expect a little lower, tliun nhiiost any In use in Icileigl); nnd nnnthci adviiiit:ij,r' we oil or you is onr coni-j (ilete stock. When yuu i.iiin1 to our: i.tore for anything in the diy goods.! elolhing, shoes or hat line, you will : find it to suit you e very time. You don't have to buy one thing here nnd iiiiotheryi'iiilei. Thisis anadvautn-je ino.-t pei's.ons readily iij!ieeiiite. We can i-iiit you in a eai'et, no niuttcr xxhat kiiisl you xxunt, at Saxinii!, l's. A Fact WOltTIf knowing 1, tlmt Mum! c!U rases liicli nil ether renieillcs fail in i urn, y ii 1,1 to AjerN Hiirs.iparllla. 1- ri'ttli e.'inii ma tic II el this .sinf... Mi'lit rotiics 1 1 lian.l iluiii . 1. 1 en Kill ll lli i jl-Si'll!l .1 lall.l lilllhl.lil 11 I ..III J.I.HIII.S HS Ull.-.- linn ism, Jiiii '.ou-.i- a -ll siit- i, .no. ion! out -Hll I'It', mi- Hi-. . TiplV. . . '4. '-.-f I - t ra.li. ai.'.l hv .ptfTV' 111.- o-e..f tins ,.!,- I-l -'.'1VV 1 ,TsV ,'i ihllili all. LUC,.'. - T & tl l'-tf. II" W'.-l. . .slr l.'.'illi Mln-t-l, New &r VeiL, ri-i-tllt.'H :-. " Al.'.iii i wo jonrH hrm. mIot miffi'iiin; f--r iii'Aily iwn yuan foiin rli.Miiti.-tti.! (."int. lining nl,!,, in wnll, only IMlii rent .h.c..iii..ri. uml Itiiiuu; tiii'-l viniona r.'iii.'.iii-H, iiii'lii.luiK iiiiitpml wiin-rs, nitht.ut reln.f, I inv hy Hti hiI' fi'tis in. ot in h ( lii. ,ii. i .it.er Unit a man ln. l I....-H lfla t...! i.f 1. 1 1 1 s, 1ist i-i.ini cinu pl.oiC, nri.-r lonir siill'. -tin, hy tailing .i-i S.ii eipinlln. I tli.-ii lie. i.l.-.l to in.iitT-itiii.il i.f this in.-ili.-iii... atel t..nk ti r.-,' il.ii !y f.-r i'i;lit iii-.uiIih. I ai.i .li. -i-.-il to'xav lh.it il itri.'N.il a i'oih .l..ti. . ci ... i.iid thai I l.io c .iiuce Iiini no r.l l I'll Ijf 1 ii,' lll,4HI'." V: i. 1 A. Stark. Ni.sliun, N. 11,, rail..,: "llnr yi'ar tit;.. I wus taki u ill with i hi-iiiitiilisiii, In-ill eonliiuxil tt-my li..tis nix iiiuiitlis. 1 tatini' out of Tin; in. tiiii.1 t.iy iiiin li ili hiliialwl, with mi iil'l'il Hi', iiini my fy.Mtui .lisui ihii'.l in i-o-i'i liny. 1 r iiiii, .-ii. -ml tn use A yt-t-fi tS.irnH)iiti'illa Hint hi'i'au t.. imprnvc tit en. ti, (.-aniin,- in Hlit,nilU Hli.l ni.nii rr-oi.i-iiiiT my ii4iial l.ci.tih. 1 enar,'..t Har t...i tiim-li lii .taiM) vt this xvell-kiiuwb lnr.ln ino." " t h ive tnkti a irirat itoril of nn-ili-line. I.-.T tit Tilling has ileitT uie .h. iii'.i. h p t t ns An-r's Sars:i.arilla. I f. !t ll l.l".l.:l'.. iai VlTc- IS IllfolH I llilll ij.ii i tinislii'if uiih l.1lli', .u.ii 1 i'tIii fr.'T-ly t-siify tlm! it is th- ln-st l.lou.1-iii.-dn iim I 1.H..W i.f." L. W. XVarii. Sr., XV....,il,nul. Ti san. Ayer's Sarsaparilla; rBErAncn hy Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. I'rice$l; all bultUe.J XV u rili fjt bolllt. SCHEDULE PITTSHORO' It. It. 'I'h m.s.,,.n1.,.r truln f.it tlio 1'lili-lj.iro' rn!lrnml .-avew I'ltiHiiMrn- ilully. i'X.'i'i.i Sul.Imj-s, hi f.o.". in. nit 4 10 p. in., hiuI itrrlvi'M nl I'litsiwji'i.' al 11 in . ni., and S 3D p, in,, lunmiie ouiiikh-. U- n al .X1ii.-ui'.' with ititi lrMliif- eiittii? 11. A. A-L. H. 11. -;..iti.' lu miiu comliiit fr.iin liuli-lli, MA uiti i:i. -.t .( ili-mliM hii. I ninrrlne -s .-liargol -evt-Tt i Ult XVTsoN-.OI'sr.'lT.-Altl.-li.ilii.'..I lli- l.rl.S"s f.'illt.-r i Mr. 'I'av... li,.is,.it.. ts..,.i..n : ...r anl. l- 1I.-V. XV. V. I'll. MP. Ml'. Tltli I'CIO. W ITS...N 1111,1 Xlliw SXta.iK M. .,.t;r..l I , nil ..! llullliam. ciii.rK -sroNi:. hi li:.-k..iy ximnii iln t.. hi., s.ni.uv, S'.it-ini'i' ik'..o, i.y n-.v. x. I'.-n-.-, Mr. xx. V Ciu.i:h i.. Miss Mtuv I.. sr...vi Xt'v Atlyt'itisciiicnls. A nMIXISIHATOItsN'OTIC'E i llnviiie alinllllT-.t us tlii n manti-iru'..!- v. t 1 il... w U' in ii.'.x-'.l .-I sionu.-i e. KuiT.-si.-r. li its.-., ll.i'i.. i v 1 1 1 ii i ' - nil ."r-..iis i..i.iil-e itiins rn::ilii-1 ni I .:...'. i.'nf i" Ai.ii.n il..- s.-tin.. t.j hit- ..ii . i li.-;..re ll... llOi .Inv ..I SVi.tmuritT. IS'-'l. ..l. 11. Hi.T.i. j A. XVultACIi. TOR FARMERS. K'-r tli" r.'ll.'f i't ih-' rarni-r mi l t itM Iiini In hi wuik I liavt- Ink-.n tin- n-ii.-y fer I teiMintn ni l oriin:;ii:.aiiMlis r.ii i'i.A. K'si l' i.ixv.xv iiau lill'.V, Willi ..tin I.. Kl ll..l'si. .t.i. il)'. ll I let. t-i'tuires ..lien as t. iis w-t-rli. '.-r ruriliTT Inr.-r ipailoii it..ln-.s xv. s, lt:n v. rie.i...r..', ..r s. li. 1 ri'Tv, Xm'iii. St.pl. 4, It. I'lrini lltll P AND SALE. 15Y VIHTFE Of I a ii "I'.l.'r ..I II." silt i il.-r .nit ..f I'lmiinn ! ,,,.. i ,u -,.ni ihi. u... n .,i . i, u... cm I l-i. ' " swiin.tv i i-'i. i'-i. "i i.'tln ir.i.. "iiiainiii I- - "f I .1. I in in il.-i. r.-.itMl ii.li.-i II. .1.111.. s X'. lilt ..'I .. .10 it I nl eu '.'.I l i.,ivn-i.i.. . .t X till. mi I iiiiii: j m.i n.ij na...: ",'iiUiV xi. 'i';.i',''.-!' i M.-i m. M. I.,n... i.. inn.; . -t n. i IM. Ihi.I i.al.nio- in I; I "li'1 '"'I .t. lii.. Iw.,1 wooucon & son, ixEW FAIL STOCK. I OUR KF.W CALICOES ! IO' 11..' .l. 'll" ! Ill tl." IH ..K.-I HI. 1 .' 'li i j .na i.'iir i e. t.i: k t ..- 1 1 . 1 1 c .hi ii r ! ITC'VoXtie.c ixi Cctliccs. ! Ilii.y nr.- tllll l III. 'In'- 'l li'. mi l lln' lull's! i.!) i ! ! i iiii.is. nu ii.r. i niam who i.. in :iir"pi- ii. Enormous Plauls arc Worn hi ('v.-DthMi, !ln'-c ) hi will Mi,-! In u r 1 1 1 n ! CAItICOKS, (ilNtillAMS, Y I.ANN1.LS AM) II FX HI ETTAS S'wiiii: si;., in, iiini in .-. iiij. i:ml.i.,l.li rj- SIIL ..r 1 o-'ii n b I, nil ml. -v.. liions XX lilt., lli'iiisilt.-lii- t i Iiii ii Silk luui.lki'r iili'is i"r itii'l "j .-.'ills. I.h.Iii's llinai liiui' Ik. ! .'Iili'l. Inr Z, 10, hi anil i'j ri'liin. II. ll. Tiirki lli'.l,'iiilm.,lirji' .U'.n, two rial -If tn!' .1 tS'tllS. Tlic l.i,nt line "t M.'- ul h-sf In Hi!- rny Allot Hi- ii.iT.iv,. uril'-l's, nu.l ii-hi ly .'TvrtiMi.i' jmi will Main l..r y.nr lumsi., kii-li-'ii i.r XM-ir:'.;i U'luiral i-.-iii In' I' liii'l "ii WOOLLCOTT .V SON'S. 11 Kxsr vxr.nx sruiarr. i ;.i.i:i; . a r. It in,. ,i!il,.,l nnd lii 'tl p..pii!ir nt-it-mt!' inui-liHim nl tml'iT t.itl.l it.Ii .-.1 nun lm l l.- "in rir. illiio.in ... mi? l-l"'' ''"". "' V'S,?, KulW lllii.!n.li"l. H'"-l -' i.f XV....II K.ik. Iim I'm II.I.T-.1 wi-i-llv. M'ii.1 Ci -l-'i i' r..i.v l'n.-.'Oi i'r. T-nnr .il iiiIii- mm. Ml S.N 4 I o.. l-l ui.i.-iiriis.ai.l Ui...1ti. ARCHITECTS &BUIIDERQ M tdltion of Scientific Amfrican. W t tdltion of Scientific A TT,af ptiprliTiTi. Km-ll l-tiil Minimi litli..ftniilili- pliiti'H.'f i i.iiiurt im.l i n crir .,r init.lir ii..l.l.nt-p. N.i...i'i"i" linij f.ill ilnnp Tit.rt ii..ll.':il H'lm f.-r ' itfll lntilT Trunin .f ii.in.lrt iiini i-.. Nu,.,..,,.!. Tiii'i'ifi.-iiiii.ttii r.-i l.llll.llllf I'll. I. v A l 'O.. I'l I NTS! in h urns ini,iiiiHB.Ti n Io.n.. .!,. Mi: I'l HI lr.Mt.li' mm bp Ttfi- ' h..lni1' "r "1'ihI V'V. llmnll.ti ik. I irrtf- IH.relviii-f sT'i'tly i-ii'il.li iiliiil. TRADE MARKS. In rn.1. v.iur mmk l I rwi.trrt-l t" m P u..l I" Mi ss A ' . i-..,..no ..ii .,.,ie-tt..ii. s.'iiil lur lliiii.il . l nt'X It l; 111' i'.r I i liaris, iiiiii'" ,1. A 'Mit Bit !N tV .. I'nli nl altllorT lltMliAI. UMC, 501 BlluAl.! -Mm i j a M lnljio ii..ll..C XV. T.. Daafho) !, wavT.T.faiA. Tlllll fl.Vf.rT I liia bin iiiniir nnd pi 1. 1. iumpi'Tt an kvllaia. W. L. DOUOLAO $3 SHOE okntTimin.' riao lf .! Ieeil XVolrprf Crmla. oftunol lift bt-ttar ineuu or IM Ii.uiuuiiU or jntui Ttrarn. tm .00 (ifnuli-e li.cl.rTt i,J. mi tlunnl taA 3 milub iirM Wiifl.- wi.icli o. muioutU iimK, tJtMO llaiid-n.wi' Well. A One. akit ntwi unuquitlluil f,.i htyltl ud rturabllllj. to. SO 4.ouJonr Willi l Urn fUuitUtr anm O hli.iT.. nl a iiomilar prloo. . . . I It .60 I'tiltt-t.iiiHii'ii Mioo UnptoUUy aiH . fur rnJIl.iit.l Hif n, fturuttTi, tIo. All mifle la C..ugrii, Ilnltuu uJ Laoo. $3 & $2 SHOES uD0.H.. h toun nit fuTtirHMr rwr-MYcd luo tatrod and thH rccfi l lninrovruik-iiU wok tbm npwt4 to any ahov noin ai uu w prv. Ak tout 1 '-fuler, uil if bo dircat to frU'tnAV uctui W. 1. U0LUX.A8, Hroeklo, MM W. I.. LONDON, AGENT. ii ii-) HA I EIGH, N.C. Branch X'iu'J: Lxri-Eii's Old Staub, I'tfffeltcritfc, V. C, MANUFACTURER t"K ALL KINDS Ot MOHUKKBTS & TOMBSTOHIS vdar To: cr O-raaaito, Also eoiitriwtor for all kinds ot BriLDJXG WORK, CUKBIN'O, POSTS. .srEl'S, SILLS, &(J., 4-0. Desigus of all ileseriptious kept oa hno l and sent to any address upo application ....... a -lAATMl'itl June 10. 1S.I0. Troprietor. I - Si vi g 1 2 3 and 4 Year-Old Goods on hand all the time. RYE OR CORN WHISKEY, Kffl 11 APPLE IUIIT. hut is innde by us is the boatful ohli'sf in North Carolina. Wiil.' for Price List as we ebij iuy iimtiit ity desired. oi.i'XIli; whiskey cq, SULiy- I- In li.H. XAlllllirUli), l'xNTIIl.li ClcP.I'.E, Vri. i i:iu county, X- U, Maic'i ('.. l.vi.i. PKETTY. JUPiNITURt .l!xi:S COSV HOMES! ccgv home: .MAki; liAl'PV I 1.01'J'iF J - ',Ml l G. BS COMPAH. i;!.i::iJj, x. c, I V,p t, lii!.:; V Inq-ixy CVCry -. I y 1. .': ' l'-.l ti itus they ojlee 0:1 tid kinds of Fa-icy Chairs! Hall Hacks! Ten!; Crscs Dressers! Wardrobe: Svcryth 'l.iv.iibi r Suit-, complete, in g x. -.iily, broken hiiits jnoviili if desireil. will accommodate voii nnd J x ni if you will let us. Wo lin too iiiauy things to talk about. Come and see I hem ! Il XX ill he like L'oing tU ti fair. A. (I FIIDPKS tt CO., ;i V. Marl in and HI Fxchnnge .'" .Vug. 'JS D '.hf XI. XjCISTIDCIs, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, I 'l I I l-l Mll'll', IN, Sj'f euil tit I ': inn (.'ixi'ii to tl. l. ha ul ot clutch of dei-edcnlH JC-MS M. j.V.Z?l-i.r.-j- at XjC PlTTSCOfTO', N. C Vinelici s in M,.lc .ui.l Fe l' lal ' .ii 1 1. I- "i DM I MS I iI VTOII SiiDi tl, II i Inn ii'ililli. I Hi. lliti lliel I i ii I i, I'll- i iis.-l ! . . . !,- I...I IIHK . ll.Cll. ..' I . tl-l . .' .I'll Hiw O!, l" ll" 11"' l-ll "l l"'r '-" l-t A. . i I I JOHN A. K" AUIUMI 11, tl')0 HldM! ' S SALE. BY VII' ill r.l, f-x.-.-ll'l -11 III IIIV llllll'l. ItIttUt-' !'; I III! .! C)i,ttlltlll is.tllll)' t ' , II , ni'lli.li lur ll-ll, nil XtllSCl" 1. '.tU' I'Hl' i. IU I'll!' I I" "' I'" -' . mi, i..i n, i iii n. lie ,si.,n : tn. . ,i I i -. i . -1 1 . .'..n-iiii.iiiB .-n s, una i , .1 ii i-is.,,1 11. ,ii itml ..tli.ru S-.i. I, is."... s. W. VUtWJEli,.,. ! m WtflTT I

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