Qllic l)nil)ara ttccorb. Ctattam 11. A. LOIS' DON, EDITOR AND ri.OPi.IKTull. HATES A D V RTI3IMC One square, one insertion- i'l.'H One square, tw. iiiwilixas,;- - J.M One square, one ni"Uth - - -!.6U TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. For 1 trfror a 1 vert is wis will ije inii'ii;. ants lilu.id -" VOL. XII I. iittsik)Ko Chatham co., n. a, si:iti;mi',kr r, isim. NO. I- Onlirrrtwlh. Art m forlorn. Pad I'.ricr. hi cause the r ise i. doml? IV titiriturlt -I ' Kiiiiwc'i tlin'.i not sium- fut'iM' morn Another flower sha'l ,-rm. n int. a l Thy ilriisii lic.nl ': I'atist 1 1 1 1 1 1 belie, e That rli'u.t'c u'diumHiI m ttnlniv Thy random Im iii '.' r sluill ihi- stea Ifu-t i-nr deceivt, A ml hud ninl blossom tlisuioiv And fail Hu e now? I nt not divine Thou art tin- root of lliy f iir r v Aiul In r -vi i t shows .' I.'er Lo utty is mi; hers. Illl tlriic; I'lolil thine own life I iio rn!or lloWf Wilt tow illl she uloWS. Take In ill t ami hope' Hi r L'lory is tin- ernwth of lin o o shall liltill see All beauty tliat i in hrr f 'iij i'. As long as llo hi ilii-II shall l c, Tho I h tst in fee Harper- liaar. THE MAIDEN'S MITE. r.v . t: wimii.I'ii. 'I atn disappointed ill her,'' said Dfiii! 'ail. J . Ili was tiujn; by his open study window, with the perf nun of a -real, old-fashioned .wool-brier bush lloal inf. up, w here the lances of lln de licious summer had pierced it rrccn loom-, and sent up an incense of subtle fra-ramc. Far nil' mi tin up lands the hay-makers were at work; n:i the bough of the apple-tree beyond a iMthinl warli!i'd it in -lliihtoi's re frain. Ami liov. Finest S ail pushed n way his books anil paper", ami looked Ihotighlftilly oul over the lovely world. Momlay is generally a "tired" day With eltTfryilien. Ml'. X:il fell lln re ad ion of hat'il work n 1 1 . 1 I'evereil en thusiasm: il was ilia:, but it was no! iiitiioolher that, which damped his bpirits ami east the a rave shadow over liis eoiliiteiianee. 'Ho j on mean di-.-ippoinloil in Cnra Altleli?' .aid the old doelor, ho sel dom failed (o comprehend tin varying mood- of his on's natiiie. f eoiir-e I do." "Then ymi are il'iiu-,- lier injustice," Saitl the dnelor, w ho had eoliie in for a newspaper. ho is nno of the swci-ic-t litih "WU in tin world, and ime of the he-!.'' 'It is os-ib;,.," .-a lauiMiidly. NcMiihi Hcntcd in her. I di lav. I could f. cl, e id the; : man. !e I am diap I in;. I c-i ye-ter-icn u liiic I -poke. tile llalne of my master's till irbtiruiu, within mo, the eloitr:e ciimnt of sympathy reaching from Icait to heart. Ami I 'iclicvc the eon- 1 iri'jratiot! s iupa;hied wilh uie ! with one accord, a- 1 spoke of the needs ami reipiisitioii ; of our foreifiu missions. '1 n eol.eetion was most liberal; udd and bank-bills. even rings aiul lockets were pi ed upon the plate. Itm I -at w here I coiiid not help Sfi'iiiif Cora's hand as she. put in her olli rin.' "Ami Inov mi iii-lt w a il ?'' " Inly a teu-eriil piece." "Don't be a fo ., I'.rnest," said the old doMor. "I d.uv -ay it was all s,e could iiH'iild." Nellie tells me that old Ardeii rave Cora n htimlred dollars f. r a new black ilk dre-s hl-l Week," reluriied liruo.-t Vail. oiildu'i "Well, what the:i? put ii dit'-s into the ieclioii-plate, ; could she? ' "lint the dre.-s need nolhaie been purchased." "That is (Vim's business, pot yours, nor Nellie's," brusquely lelorlcd Dr. Vail. 'Very true," -aid the yottti eleruy maii. "Hut still, I am tlisappoiuled in her." And the old iri iitlouiaii wt ut back to his oilioe iiiutteriii'': "l wish Nellie would mind her own business. I e set my heart on having Cora Ardeii for u daueliler-in-law. And I'.rnest is ju-t w hiiu-i al ami ca pricious emui-rli to allow a mere Irille like this o turn the current of his w hole life !"' Hut if I'.rnest Vail could have been (rifled wfTii ubiquity ami allowed to peer into the little room w hero Cora Anion was patiently sowinir buttons on her little brother's coats and iron tr, he would have seen some very oetmine tears running dow u her round, fresh cheeks. Mme- Ardcn -al oppo site, knitting hi- brow - darkly behind a newspaper. "It's all noiisen-e," said lie, oiiiIIIt. "l"orei:ii ini ion-, indeed; we need a home mission a ileal iiiore. These ler.ry men an! always bix:;iii'i; : it's their bu.iness. And if you really wauled to be generous, why, in the name of common sen-e, didn't you lake a part of that black--ill, inoney?' "Ilecause, uncle," said pour Cora, scarcely able to see the ey e of the but ton she w as sew im; on, ! had or dered the dies-." "Where is it?" Cora wad silent for a moment, ami j then sho answered : "I gave it to Mary Ward, nnelc; she is to lie married, and she had not a sin do sill; dress! I Ihoiiirht it was mine to do what 1 pleased with. I hope, uncle, yolTio no! vexed "I'pou my word!" caul Moses Ardeii, with the (-low tide of risin-; wrath dyeing his face with crimson. "You are the most ntrie yuuiijr woman I ever saw in my li fe. Vexed! Of what Use would il lie for nn to he vexed? Of course, the ilres ayoiir own. to do with what you pleaed. And it seems that you did it. Now. I hope you are satisfied, lint as to e-pr-i-ruir me to keep you supplied with money for all the w ddinir nutl.ts and forei'in missions in town and excry Ihin;,' else, why. 1 can't do it." And Mr. Ardeii s'alknl out uf the room. h," cried Cora, in the ani;iii-li of her spirit, "1 wish I could In: inde pendent.'' 'Well, my dear,'' Miid Patience roller, Iho taihness, who was assistimr in the shaping and cu'.liii'.'out of small suits: and why aren't you?"' How is it possilile?"' 'I'll teli you," said Patience Potter, Mrs. Dudley vanta help!-' A help?"' Aliout lln liouework, you know,'' said Patience. "At the lo'd House llectory. You wouldu'l have half so milch to do as you have here, and you'd lie treated a deal civiler. Twelve dollars a mouth and nothing to do hut help Mrs. Iiudley.-' ' I've a jrreat mind to try it," caid Cora. "To be sure, it eeius iptcer," re-llcclin'-Jy added Palicnco Potter, "for Sijuiro Ardcn's niece, that has ju-t jiiven away a hundred-dollar silk dress, to fio out doiiiic lions -work, lint, if ymi come to that, ain't the whole world full of discrepancies?"' I don't liiiinl that," said Cora: hut I must hae a lilile money of my own." Tin tea-table, at the Ited Ilnue Iteclory hciked very pretty, with its fresh blackberries, golden custards, snowy rai-cd biscuits, and irarnilure of erbe:.:is and sweet peranum- leav Mi s, udlev, who was one of I tho-. ovi r in ked in i Ili -let s' W ives W ho are always ju a hurry, looked ad mii i n.L' iy mi. "iloW nicely you have done it, my ilea. '. " Mlid -lie. "I do. l .re, I never tln.ii'ht that a few lliw-rs could brighten up a table so! P.ut you're not i;oinv;?'' "Vcs, am." fa-let. inn a ere. i Dudley's hair: downcast eyes. ai l Cora, iiileut on iv rosebud into Mr-, unless, indeed." with es, "Vou want me to w ait 'Il lh table." Wait on the lalde indeed? What linliseii-e !" said Mrs. Dudley. "As if oit w ere a common maid-servant ! No, cerlainli not! I wan:e, you to -it down with us, dear, anl help the berries ami cream : and I should like to introduce ou lo our oite-t." I would rather take the babv out in the warden while you are at tea," said Cora Anion; "iind tln n you can have H little chance to eat and think in peace.'' Anil fhe escaped on; of one door, with the bald -headed hope of the house ot Dudley in her arms, as Mr. Dudley came in at the other, ii-hoi in;,' tin; Ileverend Kino-i Vail! And in the midst of their theologi cal conver-e, Mr. Vail chanced to look out n the wiiulow, whore, umlrr a irreat branchiii'X apple tree, sat a fair tiling maiden showering roses over the little one who lay crowing ol the !rra al her side. Who is that?'' ho asked, with a liltle start. "Our new maid," Mrs. Dudley an swered, complacently. "The sweet est oirl you ever saw, a true lady by hi th ami education, only lmii.'itin to hi! independent." Oh!' said Mr. Vail. "And you call her " "Cora." "Indeed," said Mr. Vuil. And he astonished his reverend brother by de'tiiii w ith a fresh tide of cream the berries he hail already plentifully creamed. And never left a drop for any one ! !" Mis. Dudley remarked after, ward. "I think Mr. Vail inu-l be siibjei t to lit-of ab-lraciion!"' This w as in the middle of the mouth. Ami al its close, a sealed envelope catiit: lo Mr. Vail, inch'-in;'. twelve dollar-. And upon the outside was written: "A mite for I lie Missions." I'.rne-t N ail held the envelope up, tlow ii aiul cros.-wt-e, and closely scru tinized the direction. "I; is in a disguised haudw riliny,'" he said to hini-elf ; "but I think nay, I am almost sure it is Cora Ardeii' way of makinu her in's ami s-iirl i nn the ends of her e's." .1 u-t then his si-ter Nellie, the "en rial gossip of the family, came in. "I'vo fatlumied the mystery of Mary Ward'. maijiiiliccnt black tilk dress,"' said sho. "1 thoiiiiht Mio couldn't have alio! ded il on! of her own pocket. Who do j on think ;;ave it ti her?" "I am sure I do not know," said Krnest, rather listlessly. "Cora Anion. It seems the poor thin; was cryiiif; over her meayri; trousseau ; she has married an ambitious nini;,' lawyer, ami naturally desired lo make a little -how in the city, where sin is ruin;;, and so Cora, in one of her magnanimous lils. bestowed the him Ired-dxllai- t-ilk upon her. Wasn't she a rDn-o?"' "1 am not n certain of that," ::M the IJcverend llrnost Vail, with sufi ened voice and kindlim; ryes. "Per haps she thinks w ith il-, that 'it is inure blessed to jrtvn Mian lo re ceive.' A week afterward. Miss Ardeii bliishin'ly coiilidcil to Mrs. iMidlcy the fact that she could not remain al the l.ed Cross Iteclory beyond the cur rent mouth. Mrs. PinHey hurst into tears. "My dear," said she, "1 can't spare you." "P.ut, you'll have to," -aid Cora. "Of all overworked drudLrers," fobbed the poor lady, ":i minister's w ife is the most'' Oh, hush, hush!"' cried Cora. "liii'l hay that, dear Mrs. Dudley, for I'm oiiif; to he u minister's wife myself.'' And the very iir-t post-nuptial pi ft that the llovereml lirnest Vail beslowed upon his w ife was a black-silk dress, the counterpart. every respect, of thoono she had riven poor Mary Ward. Tin Ledocr. Chilli);) ii ml Itest. A briylil lui-iiie.ss woniaii, whose interesis conlitu her lo the city tlurinir the siiinuier, has hit upon a novel method of enjoiin a vacation at home. Tiii- is how she does it : When Aiil'UsI nines she has her cov narlor entirely renovated and put i 1 ! Miliiiiier dress. In place of the heavy arpctiiii.' an India maiiim; is laid; iiitlslin tlripcrii's are hun; several pieces of bamboo ami wicker ftu nitttre which ate kt jit for just this season alt! bi'oui.rhl forward : ureal boxes of fern- -land in the w iiiilow - -the whole is made as eool am! -iimmcry and re-lfu! a- possible ' and a- tlilb .t ill," she would atld, if -bo were looking on this p:i.i;e as it is w lit I . ii , for, after all, that i- the keynote of her slimmer re form. For this vacation time she wants every thinu ir her life ami about her homo as unlike I hr ii-ual inuiiiie as possible. She order- her meal- at did'cri'iil hours of the dac, dc i-cs new di-hes lor l.er conk to try, and has them served on a special set of dainty china, la no way tines she remind he sc!f of her Im-iucs- or homo cares. In the cool of the uioriii iir -he drives about in her pony c,inia;e, or in (ho fre-hest nf summer frowns, -its on her neighbor's verandas and talks over , new bonks or fashions. "-he reads ; and paints and plays I'celhni en, and deliberately id 's away "whole arm- fills of spare hours.'' i For one month in the year -he is the idlest of summer idlers. Then she . dons her plain business oow'iis noaiii j and iii' back to In r -lure aiul her ledfjers In be the iislu:e, alert woman of business. For Ion years she has lived nnd icstcl in ihi way. She has worked harder than any woman should, but she has kept her blessed health and cla-lieily, ami, thotifrh youth has slipped away from her, middle, iifje seems alar oil'. Shi! has known how to i e-1 a- well a- how to work. She is master of the philoso- phy of a vacation. The moral is ' obvious. j llow Ksscnthil Oils are liislllleil. j The upparatu- u-o, in the prcpara- i lion of such oils as peppermint, pen- j ny royal, wiiiters.'1'eeti, c, consists of , a boiler with steam pipes leading to a j -tronj; steam-tifrht wooden vat, able , to wilhslatitl l' or 'jn pounds pressure , to the inch. The herbs are put in the vat and tho steam is Inr I on at the bottom until it osc.ipt's at a pipe al the lop, which is eoniiecled with a worm , in the cooler. This condenses the va por, and the oil it found thialimr mi the water which pour- from the worm. ' N?w York Times. j Sea I Intuitu,'. Sea-bathiiifT. is the best kind of a tonic for those troubled with indiges tion. Tin! corpulent w ill liml in the surf bath a vali.able aid in the reduc tion of supertlimiis fat. There is positive injury in halliiiif; iuiiucdiatc ly after eiilitiff and only the stmno should Venture int ) Ihe-urf before breakfa-t. ' Three hours after I'a'iii'' i- me risrhl lime for a bath, which should never . ececil thirty iiiinute-' iluratloii. -Sew York World. IHILDIiKVS (OI.I MS. A I ITT I f I All I MINK I OP, R"mi tiim s wlicii I a' 'o thiul.li j:. Ami limi's must -yrv day, ! I have tin' ipici ri -t of fancies That come in the ipici rct way. M ;nvof my t li'iujrlits are pliii:int; I I 'ii 's innie nf them vcr Mi l, ' lint oni'uf the plcisantist of iheni nlil I Is ali'Ui! ti little lad. : And chililrcn, I've never si en him, Thi little lad of mine. I lean tell j..u inilliiiu: a'' nit lit lonks ; 'r ivhi'lln r liis l.il'ic. at-, line I Mr coarse. Smic! ini.- tSej lialily It seems, ami pat. hi d ami rent. ; Cut then what mutters tint, my dears, j To mil' future I'l' sidi m . X. mi seo H lie II a tillV pl i'li-elin J I 'liiie- to his ni'itlier-i'H'''U I The lii"iiiin; of niicjliti e iiinnii j i Thoiinh the iii'cau rolls bi twcent I Tell the whole wide world the story t'f the hii-th of a hahy kiiij!, I And slam! of (jlihl Ii jiiiein I Make the very ci hues rinjil but lii ti our t il t ! - ruler - Mir little prince is Imt.i, There may he only a thrush lo shij; The news to the ears of corn ! And i-n't it funny, children. I'll it soinc of ;onr hours art spent I Th"ii'h yuii kniox it imi i in school or out. Willi our future l'riiihnl? What it' his e,, the- are shaMey? What if hi slioe. are old!1 What it he wnipi u tnt! rod cap Instead of a crown .,f .nldy l.et n: :ld is.- Mm. i-liil'll'eli. To follow the lio'ili'll Illlle; Then tonic rl :n I day uni c m proudly say, Why. we wen. friends at selinol!" ;iia l!et. in the Id troit l-'rcf I'ress. . i.n.iii i larxn. A writer on the I'iyrida Tiiuos I'liion saw a very pretty wene a day or two airo after a heavy rain. A lit- ,(, Uttrn with a blue rilibon around ils neck had w andered out into the street, ami feared to ero-s tin gutter where a swill -Ireain tla-heil aluti. It w as mew in;: pileou-ly, but no one paid any attention to il. Presently there came alono- a rent Newfound land doj:. w ' it Ii bright, iulellii-eiil eyes and plo.ssy coat. Attracted by the liltle kilten's distress, he frazed at it a ! '" '-itly about I lmn. I'lieii he walked out into the I .-treel, jiicketl up the kitten in his j mouth, and carried il .ctitiy In the J sidewalk, lie placed it on a dry spot, licked it kindly once or twice, watjred his bn.hv tail, ami tin n went down the -treel. ! Will I III MI n! i 111 p ;s. j Wili is a loll--lef.'-ed. inp-heatled boy of live; .lo-i pha a chunky, -tiir ly I 'imbed, curly-paled la-- of three. If it wasn't sii.-li a Inn" word, I would tell ymi that they were iiisepurahlt't; that is. whenever ymi see Will's sharp little iin-e linked round a corner, oil may be .-me .lo.epha's la!, hare feet arc Iw iiikliuo almifr behind liliu. They live i i iho country, anil their pkiyf-rotiiid is a bi open place, hound- . d on one side by a stable, eow-hou-e j and blacksmith's shop, on the other , by the coi ii-crih and loo-linit-e. There ! they ctiliect at least leu other little , chiltlien. beloiij.iiifr on the bif; farm, aiul have roy al limes, pi judoe by the noise they make. We pot a bushel of lino jieiirs the other day, ami Will and .In tit once petitioned for some to take ti) "the chillun." Sol tilled their two little buckets with as many pears as 1 tlinilfrht a ilneii ehililren iitiirlit to eat, well knowing they wmild be fairly ilivided. It occurred to me once or tw ice after they left that I he tea-party was astnii- i ishiiifrly ipiiet, hut children can piny iiiiet raines sometime-, I saitl to my-' self, ami thtiitf-ht nothiii',' of it. When niir-e 1 1 1'. 1 1 ' 1 1 1 tlieiti in for their mid day nap I w as cufrafrod w ilh i nnipany, so I did not see them until our two o'clock dinner. They cauie tlow n to the tliniiifj-ronin looking clean and ro-y j nfler a bath and nap, but strangely solemn. There were no exclamations at si((ht ; of the sliced tomatoes, and in-tead of , faHinir upon lh frietl chicken like , half-siarved bear cub-, .loepha restetl j her short chin meditatively in her pink palm, ami Will looked as if life worn i not worth liviiif. "I don't think I want any dinner," j saitl Ihe held partner. "1 don't think i I wants any." echoed the junior mem ber of the firm. , W hy, what's the mailer," cried in , surprise. , Well, you said Will, .loom- 1 i I v, "the chillun had all ''one awnv, I .... ' ! ci cry one of em. i 'To t ;iin i-nn el I lit.','' prompted .lo. I "Ami so," continued the little boy in a depress d voice, -we had lo eat j all the pears hv our-elve-!" i I And they really had ";i!en a bucket . of pears apiece ! I tlon't know why they didn't die of cholcia morbus, but somehow they ili in'!, and the only evil that came of it wa- I heir not hav ing any more pear- for iwowerks. Yniiih's ( 'ompanioii. Hats are becoming larger. A STAMPED!:. 'Reckless D.ninnf Cowboys in a CuV' tie-i .lllic I ; u , . . iu r i.,: t-)-;i now uiu ouiiiiiiiu INUU1II9 i iv.ni by tho Stampede. Tin" nut; ki t i n-r of it- I" or is the side source fi"in w hich llow s n cime tn u ranch, and tin collection ai.d i,u!.er illjT thereof- -"licliii'r lime, i- the lllusl M'ieutilic p.Ht ,.f lall' ll Wiifk-- eia's ,.,,':,",...' ! r. .v-yin- bor and pail nf I n c, tuber each year, I lie tict I li '!' s, .'n'ercat 111;,' 4.0011 1,, head of cal'lc ea. li, in ch.it;:e of an suit lit oi'iil'.iin ii-u iin u. i ik-I nil i 1 1 o Il boss" and conk, betake thoiu- tf!vis to a convenient shipping poini. solnet lines 'Jin 1 o ..nn miles distant. Tin excursion i- slow and, by virtue of the sin iiMil, and spirit of the cattle as well as the siormy season nf the year, not iiiifranlit with dauber. I Stainpi'di's are the ruin rather lli.iu the reier.-e. and are some limes wry ', expen-ive in their cost from lo-t and 1 "' '"' ""o , up -,...!- i ly assigned the most skilled and com- . ,...,,... a ; in , . 1 is ariiiiiius on iimiiiNi i I I :h imiiltv it , : i"V'M',!Witl. to have .one will, ' 1 ' well as the j" " " fratii'ht siirec incidental to the close of . in h i ui uie iiuop ami uie iiauii; n nsccessfuU.xpcili,i..uof this sort, all I ..ari tn-nt. The -uidon -f cer.. ; ''-arc w .!:,!,; and anxious he j ni(iny ()f M..l1., M,k wil . '"; frinjje, and the service (.Miidoii of - ,i, iikii loime. ., me iinve t n,.,. .. .... ..in,,, .,.,.,;.,. me iiiiiian. ,,1:lk,; il.reased u-e of Indians both a- : ;::n',";ry1. a : i:" 1l' ;lil:n' a1h,.r,;ll,i,',h,,i .mum and lull of ll.t-.fl. Nor was i, , be a full re.iiuct,. of then, ; aboriginal's i,. , i"" '"' .,!,,, 1 ,.f a r.',i,e,al oiani, ,- to wtinl its vlttabV I-,,,,!, a.-, ,.., ,, ,, f ,,,,. ,lf this domain without irilmie. 'I he ., - tue I hod of tax collect inn in vo-j lie W il h tlie-e ollii crs nf s.-ii aye revenue was simple and c pl' tc None dark and illi-t nijbl the eepy riders out on herd would be al..ni.,etl by tho ,-, - lacie of every one of their hoi l.ed . wards sprinsrinj.' to his f,..-l and, pans- 111' I. til one html -I' I In L"t the ,,, ,!, I.leelrictl I.Vvil'W. slinaii:' .'cticral iiirecti..n, scampei -in- into ; brietly that the ,ij.i,c.., .p,-ed ever m -: the fjlooiii with ureal lerxor. The ui -ately tak. n w as v. ill, a P.ristnl and , cau-i: w.i- loii'id. A. n Indian lieier broad n-iie-. hav iiiL' nim -font had craw ie I up on an on-ii.t, . I" I ll .-,!,;. wheel-, ami v D;. It was. as n.,;; a-j as and dapped a b :i:,l,, . A i I .-!!'. I -.',.:, oiimiai i limed at a -pe.., of iu-t il e Slap hided, i I al pinl.d in;,. mi,1,.-m ir.e'eihl) mile- ail hour f..r;i s,,,r: ninl ion -i-.i'. w-'iliiii' l.'.-l ii;. it- di-iali -e, tl.i- oe.-urrinu in lln ease of one -lli.ll ! br-.T !i. , ,l Tn'iili-- filad'eul ttlel '.it!l aPl'ht ' 'I In' se.pi.'! of a , , i- the i e- load. collection '. I' h.e In ad. Ft-oui the lir-l j lie al-.i ilisliu'-!l aorls that this jump of II..' lit--1 :: ll. ciw bn, as spe.-d is liie in i nil t it tin! cm p i -tliilliitlcs. a- .1 lo-.-ol, and bin. Ill -il.lv I Iilaiicl with Incnum: ixe- of ' - to hi- Ini-:, ;-o,'- wilh tl.e held. ; the pn-elit I;. :, the ealt-e of Ihi- I . - No man ever ink a n d.itioeioii- j in., he ilc-lni -. I hat at .-in-!, a 1 jiiuiil. 'Tito nluhl a--dark ;i- li pt : j as that tie' i e-i-tiiii.f of lie- nir. II..- Ihe fouuiry new ai.d naktiow u : p.-r- icmk pn- uie in the cylinder-, .-iiu! haps ai any -ci "i,, lo . Icapnii; fr. in : l!,e frii tioii alloL'elher h,ie bi-eoine n ' a pr. ciptee i r ei i,-I'll, up a'ain-l a freal licit they ah-orb t Ie- whole ,w or I wall nf f." 1, : calll", nn or-mad. nf I be em; mo, while the pre--lire o:i chare ini: ,.n j,;; si,,-: the certain rc still nf a fall lieiu::' a ci ll-hine. I.y Ihe atillopimr b-.ol's nf ihe 1,,-rd : -tin ihi Ainei ieaii Arab never hall s n..c w a er, bill Willi l'eill held liial, ,, ,,,ose and spill- bloody In the boot, whill- hi hiill' br ken hi'oti, h i llii-oii'h :i! Ihirly miles tin hour. llow cattle or men end a stampede al'Uf is one of (he IIIVsli'i ies of Ihe craft, lot I hey do. A- -how ino- the-e trips not alioei'ther hi, Wed in safety, luifrbt add I never knew a cowboy In achieve ten years of -,. iee w iili.mt rei'a!liii!r one hrokcii limli al least, and tioiuel 'mes w o ui- I hive. 'The purpose of the riders in :t stampede j... by y iue, Uell up and for ward on out; nr I he ol her ide of the herd, lo liirii or s,.p the oallle. 'Thi-. fVin if si, .it's. i HI. , slow, and i lioiiud In involve a ton-mil,- niiial least. by that lime one t au-e or another lias nior h -piii the herd into bunches and many of ihe cattle lire lost. The next few dill- nn.l snmelime- wecks are dev. .ted s,-nuriii the country and roundiicr up ihe herd ' airaitl. lb-re i- when' ihe re. renin 1 native who e.uised the whole trouble rets in his tlu-ky .voik. II. preseut biiust'lf al your camp and pleaaully prollel-s hi- services lo help col led the retife ides :ti .a dnlliir ii ln id. - you arealtnosi -ure be has bi,!d. u a hunch of a hundred or up some caiivmi xx here u i w hite m ill . .in liml them, you subdue jour six --Im iter, w hich leaps and throLs in its sciibbard to kill bim oil', mill bill- him. 'The poor In dian, wilh his f.-ilow-. fre.iient'i makes -ci er.il hiiti.li c dollar-, mil of a -lalllpedo atld -.IM's folll or the nf your best steers for personal beef be sides. -- Kiiiisa- I it y t ir. Truthful siheiliseufiits. Irate I. ii'-st our ad- vei li-i-m.'iil saitl no um-ipiitn...." iiiiiini'i l.iiall.ii.I 'Tin re w i-n't ,i lilltsiplilo here when thl! aiUelli.c liient w as wrilleu, nut one. mi uiu-t rtim uibir I bc-iu adicilisin'; in April. w I'liifm-nis for liplian Senilis. The Indiaa scut is henceforth to leive a iinifiirin of h:s n;i n liclii i i iir : hi- ii-cfuiness and iniponam-i! in army, in- i.iin'ii" imi ivni ne m i.i:h felt, w i:h while wor-ted cord and la' i -els, haviuir one .strand of scarlet, and with an oniaKc lit III front fjrlncd of I two arrow- ero-si-.l, with tie' lell'ls1 ! "I . S. S." in thn upper intersection. ' ' ,. . , ... , ,! I or di e -s oce.i imis he will have 1 In' 'cavalryman's hi-iuml, evep! thai the C"i'.s aie of while imiliair, Willi a . -train I of scariet, ul.ilr the pintle , ! wlii. h falls -ix or -ij:lit inches be.w ; ;.,,... v j.,,, , r tt.,lh(! l,.,,- i.,.; . ,vi. i , i . .. , ' .1 11. will wear a dnri. blue shin. 11! ;h.-r ciiii-'.ed men, but Willi a deeper collar, so a- lo bold 11 nc-kerchief. j Ili- idou-e and Irou-eis are lliose of I tin; ca airy, as is al-o his dri at. '. . , , .. , ... . 1 I ' "'oi L toil 11 lias Hone ueiiis jiiji.u j w iih scarlet, and the che ro:i of li;i 11011 e.uiini s-ioiici Indian olliccr an al bit white piped willi scarlet. Hie 1 ' oNercoal is to be lii.i.le of dark ll'i-ll ' fricc, or some imitation of that ma- ' teriai. cut iii-ier shai.e. n-chiuii In: within tell inches of the .round, ale! ,., nvorow-of bra-s buitons. .... . . . . .... ... . . . Ills use,.,! noil, 01 IIIUIII'II I' I ! a I so to have ils own (.uiiloi., bcarit. the two crossed arrows and the word- , ..r s Scouts," w hile in tin- low , r i- j ersectiot, of the arrows arc to be the ! , ... ... , ., . ., I JU11 The tendency just now is to Specil of a l.otiiniothe. In reoard to tin milch tliscussed; in-lion as In the rapidity w illi which ! ,H., ,.., ,.,,, .Me i'uiere-liu ' ,,i.-ial Ii-ill -s have I n frivoii by Mr. ; m ,...(,. an emiueiil liti-li-h enxiun-r. he wronti !! of the pi-lmi t .uue- i: really iin u il i d by li e fad thai tin' xhiiu-t steam . anii'.l be u'nt mil of ihe n li litlt'l - fii-1 eiioiieh. A llii; fish IMiimr. 'There wa- iptiie a roar this mornlii'; in the vicinity of . I. mes' M, iiiaikel. and the joke is almost hw irood . keep. One of lilt! most plMhiillenl mi- eiety wniiicii ill Hanor tclephon"tl to Ihe market In ask what kind nf li-li tliey had nn hand. 'The market man ai.-wered the telepboue and i iiiimera ;ed an inten -i ue' ii-l, liual'v enditur by s.iyitifr: We aNo have -om tine -w nrd lish." 'Those are just w hat I waul." was the reply . ""send me up nonuple rieht away." The market niiin alinw i d In-sides to shako I'm- a lime, ami iheti called up the residence .oul explained that a the -Word li-lt weie-hed about '.no pound- each he was very much afraid that one of them inifrht spoil before the family couhl use them, unless they w ere iiilendiiij,' to invite the tow n up in dine. 'Thi! order w as coit-id'-raldy in. lil'nal, atld tho lady know- fiieil deal mure about sword li-h than si did before. Portland Adierli-cr. A Wind Doner. A flower has been di-covcred in S 'tith Atiicrica which i- only visible w hen the wiml blow s. 'The -hi ub be- I nifr- lo the caeius f.i'inly and is about I href feel hi-h. The stem I eolcicil w i tb dead, warty look iiiy lumps in t-iillii weather: lhce liiiups, however, neetl bill a she-lit breee lo tmike iheni unfold htri't' lloni-rs of a creaaiv while, which elo-e and appear lis dead a- soon as Ihe w ind sub-ides. ' Com- iiiereial Advertiser. Made Hie Teacher Feel (oiml. it lit 1 liiln't you et-t another lliiiishiny in school In-diy? .lobniiy f. indeed I did; bill it didn't hin t it bit. Did you cry?'' Ye-, I hollered like every thin;; hut I only tlid it lo humor Ihe teacher." (Texas ifti!i. ! (itiiileil. t'l' lb P'ntf. !ippcry : !". - tgil auJ ! r ' " ,,",V,.' II h. ' i:'- : i.-JV. i. I', ll'laill, I mi ..!! n pth-I l.m, r I i U -U and d.i: tl.. ri - I.I. All w eir.iy c' i I 'in. 1 and h- ii: '. ' .' t ' Viw i-C... h - ;!:. ''i -c ' lln ire! 1. ,:.: :.c--' v .,,,,!,,, .,, . . .. To r. r. I ami ,... 1.1 a . .-., a, p ... i-. . , , -'j -,, ;,..(, I p t !,i .-.n. .- p i .IV, r I :o pa--, ' -TO' ni' -c le , .;!. uf tin- ii-u t .: r; ' Al lh, ..,-, !y w old at. I ." .1; . j, irKhl. h;, tr -l. I f""-w "a I W, .-annul Pcnl t 1 fillHC'll dl Ci I lie -lew - ai. 1 l.::e.. flu pre -ipi.-e. yaw 11. oil r ' 1 ;li a.el s'i ei Tue p.rw.it I p.c Ii a:. I 0 1 i.. , , . 1 if . ti I ..ii Lou. we d in,! ( , lr, i;ir, mir... I.i he Ii is enoiih ilc.i . an 1. Whose I ii.ee v.- " y Has ''.lie iie!":e allll 1,1 I What he ha- ,... , Ahnve tl.i ini-t- v.' . at'-ii a f .tut. tar . ielil''. And .: I'liij-s. s h. iv. uly ftir Sleno t ::r.. !i'!i. an I -e m ' '" k'-'i w-- . i. i, . j ..w .li-ta,.,. !.,;.,; ,!,. v ar. ' I 'cur jriiide. .ea I .n' We.i.n .. a-k for rest. .mid ;! that we were tie r.-. ! Very few pei-..n- .-an h"M tl,-ir ' own mi their lii'-t set v.c a-o. ; ti,,.,,!,,,,,,.,,,, p.,wb,,.L-,"s Sl .... , , .. .' , , ... i.umber ' ' ,!"' "" uu.-nv, ,1 I"' hi- in. Ini,," it. .. I In-i ay. div-i r i- ;:'xa- -olt.ii:; into a ho,.- in iho pursu I I' hi- o...-i!- palioti. "" ii-xc. '! mi ever, knows '"'"' '" "M " ' !' 'i11'"' w 1 " '" "'" ' l"'1" '' !' "!' A- a I i -i.i il on ' e -tatt-d ' licit in iii . I, -!' w iii ' 'in ' 1 1 1 . 1 . -1 1 th -Ti. o tj'piil." i'. lit tl.e S " t VI.-. -il i ,1- V 1.1'-. v ilv ..( I at, I.. ' - thai Ii ci. . a- I . ,!' a ..... i .. .: the o. -! - ', Itl- .! -I." M i aeal ,.l a .' "i ,-it.i . -i of : li; i I.,!-. I ; .10! I- ciimiy ..ml P., . li lii .-." .C- i- lo li I y .,;ir e-lu o-.. '-ioiil; man.'' I i .:;! in;., n.e ti on -:r. i ii '..ii ...ml tin .'liii" oral. n , u a i . .. r. , . r i'o i d w illl elilhli-i.i-ii.:" - I' a -.iilil',:l Mlbc. t." he re-pom!.-,1, -'bill I wa-. Mil'ic. t." he re-pom!.-,1. Mi- W.- lh'.- f.i'.l.-'r -ui ;.ii"l I:..- en- thll-ia :a." I !-oW II I thl o' i'K d'-W II !i;. :i ; 1 ) 1 w nmler w hy in the w ..rid lln-y c.iil t I li'-' ' llliselaibie -, - ill 1 1 A, lie I h all -.p nib bles ICMllll'.i. .,.-; ' H .li.'-r- P..--cau-e ihey are -' ."- - i v nor in "Hi round. I Mippo-e. lie i -nlci'iiiiy - V",l h.i 1 il liarrnw e-cape hall i.n hour is .luii:i. hc er. y, what doyii tneati? lie - Well, yon so.-, had a !. . .mi about yen. I ll, ni-hl I wt- just about o ki-- ymi w!..-ii ; !,.- I 'hiiii.iii.iii l apped ill the do ,r and 1 w..-m ii;. ln- taller a pal!-.') 'The t 1 im -. inu-l ::. A lollo Male. A fanner of .1 iiuu.i, m lb mllncr. IViin., in 1 1 i j i 1 1 e; an c xci a : i. ui 1 In 'other day, uucarl bed a iar.-c ii .oi plain three feel square, beat in- dale April I. bn Tv o Imb.ili- :n e i epi -e-. iil. -. on one -ide of the ,.1 in-:iml a p iir of ' iim lio; - on l be i e , er-e -i.le. I he phitui al-o heals this i n-,--', pi Ion i n t .ecin.-.n : Oh, hope yet for a bctier lime, a-ail j trotihle- w ill cea-e Hope In -ee that, j bie-. e.l beam of peace, w'.cn b.-itre,, w ar and -ti i fe -iiall c.-a-e." ri.ruier ; Moore'- barn wa- i ulli on propci ty 1 from ihe mi i 1 1 1 1 proprietor-, j Thomas ami lliehard I'. nn, ...n- . f old W illiam Pcnii. then -"eriioi iu- i , hief o. I 'i'lni-y l anil. 'The. .1.1 qitak- s, i h is in the . nunl y !i e, -nlc by j side w ith religious r.'fu-. -e- I'miii II I- j hmd and I ieriuaiiy. and bad intiuiato I business dealings lo-.'l he , , and b i . ! belif-vei! Iht lcfoic ih.,1 t!,.' iron plate i , j-t foumi w ,i pari -I a -love u,.ii. i ,t, ( .crio.'iuy nr Holland .;-n ),.;. a-. j .,,,,,.., II . , Terrible Weapons. "I hear l'.lank, the hiiinnri-l, thal ll'll'Jl'il y on tn a duel Ye-; and a- I wa- lln t lull b .-iijjeil parly I selected the vteap ti-.'' "W hat tlid you chouse? " "Iteat'iiif; lUiiuk'-j jokes to tho death." f Uaair. III MOIMH S.

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