$l)c tttljntljara ttccorb. U. j . L.OIVIOI, EIUTOH AN1 1'JCoriClfcTtHt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ADVERTISING Olil! Hll!lll', OHO illNCltlllll- One .siiinri', two 1 nwi t ioiiH OlIO S.plHIC, (IMC lll'llltll - IM - 5J.M $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. Korlnnor ml vii 1 isi nun is lihcitil con im Is will in: made VOL. XIII. iTrrsnoi:o Chatham co., n. c, OiJtouicu 2, isno. NO. m si if ft V Hit Itofrnlii. 'Io you love imf" .-lir Nii'l wIhii the skits were Mm1, Ami wr xva kcd xvhrrr tin- tr run thrum, li lit- liruiH In s glistened ; Ami 1 Inlil Mini 11 IhIiI her my lnvo xvas true. While t"ln" ll-telii'd ullil Hllllli il mill Mllllnl mi l listi nctl. "iu you luxe 1111?" she ivhi.-nrrd H lu ll .lays w i iv ilrra.'. Anil In I ryi'.i srarrhrd mini' xvilli patient yciriiiie.;. A nil kiss, il In r n iu'W ini; tin- xvnril- so .hair, I m l- -li. li- Chi l iiinl smiled iik if i-lu'.vly li!iliilii;. "I i yon Inxr iih ';" In u-knl, xv hen xx.' Hal nl n si llir iri' im 1 i.-li;i'.ivi il with niitiinin rv : II In '!( li il In 1 11 I. ml 111 111 i'i .11 .- mi my l.r. n-l. Ilnl slic r ii.iul 11 in ink fertile -nl i.l.l iTV. And I -.ml I will tell In 1 llir I1111 11 Mill 1 vv ill sm .11 ly I In liir'li iiimI I hi- stars nl"' nil1; Ami I li In r that utt. rumst lime should .., VI' 'I'l l' . rMH' tied f:iilli if inv I'lTl'n l l"Vr; Aii'l I xa.vvnl il ami pli.h.'.'i il tli.it rail-lit -I !l inovr; W li l " hi li-Uni ! ami -milnl in my fai r ninl thru Mir u '- it 1 mil i" nunc, ' 'l'n ymi truly li.vr iih :" - ;.l,,lni ll.iyli i Ki illy. Tim Malinaison Emerald. III I I S I .H;l;l : .li W I S. 'i.h;'" -niii i m il' Vi n iiii " Ymi XV ml In r, - married:'" If ymi ilmi'l iniml, sir,"sllid VlT hen.i. I r t i n ln r I y In'ail. while a hlu-h like the liuinif of a iink sla shed crept over In r r.u i'. T.iil w li il li n-fii lhat i-!" v;i i il Ml'. Veliah'c, shullinif Ii'h cahiiicl drawer-, liniiiiM Inn k in li' 1 1 1 : i i i ' ami lmikiiii at Voiheua with eye- like e im Icls. "Wlm i- III.' jniiiiy 1 1 1 r u i "' ' ' I'lr ir, uurlr.it I 'i il," w li : - uti'i 1 Vri lirii.i, li.ill' iiii-liiiril to inn away ami I i. r elf. I i roared Mr. ouahle. "Thai I . .iii'i- fellow '" "Hi '-- a fat inn'," ndtnilted Yerheua, "hut lir ovv it-. Lis ..xx n farm, Mr. Ami his mother is very anxious fur mo In rntnr there, Im i ail-r (li, I i,iii imagine thai!" -aid Mr. Yenahle. i ; 1 1 a sneer. "You a ' i i:i 1 l.ilkiu:; aln ii I mai l ) iirj a lai nn r '. mi, tin- lu ii rss of llir Mal-lu.ii-.'ii iinir.li!! You, llit miht taki' any .l:n r in urirty tkal ymi i U In n urn r the Vi. llu1 of llir i'III is known, to talk nl aliyiui; MiiiiM'lf to a rloilliu) .it 1 1 k i' that, w ln ilou'l kihiw an oial frmii a mumi-.'oiir !" ri lima lull t into trar-.. Ilo i-ul a i l.lliiiiirr," s.ii.l M"ir. "Ami I thi'ii- waMi'l any muIi tiling a llir M iluiai -mi rinriahl !" Mr. riialilr tian-lisril liis Hirer lliriill'jli lii M,'rit.irli' - Willi a rllir tlill niii'lll IllVr i.l-.ll nl llir. Mlr-ro. mi--!" :iii lir. "Ii.ijmi know il is mi tin- ii I'Ui.'ili.ui of thr M.ilinai on rini'ialil that the X'riiahlrs will r,i il.mn to f.unr? Thr I'lmprcss ,lo-rihii "' I ilmi'l ran' I'm' thr l'na)tv-i .In M'iliinr," s.iiil r lir i.i, who, having ilrawu llir -wi.nl. wa- now miiiilnl to iM'-l thr -ralil'il il away. "Ami I'm not i : 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' -1 1 aliniil f.uiir, ami I ilmi'l nilH'i'si) I -hall ho a rnahlo foi fVIT " i'" soil i f lull, won't .I.i, Yrrhr na," saiil thr olil omit Ionian, soloimily. Wh. ro wmi'il society ho if every one lofiisoil In hear Iho io-imi-iliiliti 's ami Flioiil.lrr tho rarrs of their Maiion-? Yon a iv not uu iely my iiic. o, Ycrho. Iia. You mo llir i rrr-rlil.iii o- tho la-t slit iv in;; ieirr-rntatio of the Yonahli's. To mt in my will is loft the riaiiiaii-hii ,. . Malmai-oii omrrahl." 'I'm s'rk of ln-ari ii of it," voho lneully .uto-teil erlu'iia. Ainl," wont on Mr. enahlc, "I ilosiiv y ou In iivo up all hlca t f niar i" ' i 1 1 ii this ymin;. mail. It's riitiioly iMlt of the 1 1 in' -I it . ii - onliloly." "lint what is this almut the M ilinai f.ill rinrrakl ?" a-kr.l l'ril Klcomlie, in u hew il.lcieil wa , w hen ho t.nin.l A'orhrna rryilor. h Iho sillini; room win.low, a few hours later. Ilri l.hi.' eves hparkloil thiou ;h their Veil of tears. You ilmi'l moan," -aiil she, "that ymilavo iirverheaiil of Iho 1aiii.ni Malinaisoii omoraiil f" "That's my lueaiiiui; ovu m ," .ul initleil I't it.. "I n eon-ii!rr, in my liehalf, that I've only heeii hero a year, ami liavo lots -mi i.i irai n Well, li-tou' I saiil oihena. half frying, half ansiiy. "It's a famous llll-Ol JJI'lll." Oil, il is. is it?" "Ami it it-oil tv lieliin,' to tho lan iiess ,loM'iliino." I iil it, iliiloeil "' "Ami iIii woro ii in IhiM' il.iys at Miilinaisoii." "Ilenco Iho namo. ele'" "I siiiin-i iil (iioen llm-- toiise if live it in -oinc mio who o!il it tu noniohndy else, and it wa- linally ; trivoti to mio of llie YoimiIiIoh who wad a Miroiiu in tin- laiiflish nrniy. hy u living ollii or out in llimlnsiau, to Wiioiii he hail I u ahlo to 1'i'i'iliT kiml otlh-rs; ami so il has eotiio diiwu to tin. It leally is a woinli't'fiil story." "I s'louhl M io.-i; so," Jinllloly incrciliil ins. "Thoy say," wont on X'orliona "that when uncle kept it iu Iho little iron af.) lot i nl tho f:iio-l-ehamlier wall, whorvoi' hleit there ummI ill ways In ill rain of 11 l.catitil ul, ail-1 .n oil la.lv. w lin walko I iii ninl ilowu u uiarhle torraro, mnlor the tree-, ami wrnni; her hainls. That was the Kin press .lii-eihiuo, of roui'sr." "Of oiiiii'mo," hlill more iiieioilu- lllllsli. "Ami my iiiielo iloelaris that the color in Iho stone is always n ninl turhiil when tin auuivrrsary of thr I'liur kuly'ii ilra'h romrs aroiiml," fui ther aililcil X ei liena. "'os, lhat i-ex.eoilinaly iioliahlo," ilryly olisrrveil Mr. I Jeoiiiho. "My inn lo ha- luen ollcreil a treat ileal of ironoy fur the J;ein." saiil i'l hoiia, wilh a i.rh, "an. I I wish to jooilness heM -ell il. Hut I.e w-.n't. Ami, w hal is worse, ho wauls mo to, marry a haleful. sicclach-il, lillle ohl man iu New Yolk, who, uoM In liiin--rlf, is Iho he-t jiiile of jewels in New' York, ninl who owns a r.reeu I uhy which is a ileail match to I in lo N'eiiahle's nii-ei einorahl. Iloeallsil an Archa olo:;ical Alliance." "Well, I 1-hmiM think il partook soinew hat of thai iialiiio,'' saiil l''iil, Ihoueht fully. lie is eo'm up to New York to morrow to a lapiilarics' coiiM'iil ion," -aiil erho; a. "Ami I Mippo-o he will lirinir Mr. 'Iwi lloten hack with him. I Hi, l'"ril!" "I i.iii'I he ahirineil, heart's ilcare-t I" -aiil l'ril, consolingly, oiicircliio; her w ai-t w ilh his arm. "Tho only way in which wo can elli'dually jfiianl auiin-l this coniplicaliuii of ill- i " "Yes, 1'riiy " To uel tnarrieil while Mr. oiiahlo i- ifoiio. Oli, I'i it, I woiililu'l ilaro opoiily In ilefy him. like that! lie has hoen I rry j; 1 In nio," llntlrrril rrhrna. "I'll l.r (food In you, too, my ilarliii.-' "Noiisciisr. l'ril.! Viiii'ii' hpoilin.f my hair! I u stop. I-lit. !" prolesteil the (fill. "Thou c omise mo, N'orhen i.'' "No, I'll prolui-e iiolhiiie !" At the lapiilarios' eoiivetit inn theto wa- a Mmniy session that year. Ilorr 1 1 . - i I -1 1 1 1 1 1 was there, a simlly, ilrieil up olil III. in, of rreat ao ami still greater allowance, who hail apparoiitly eouie mil of his spjilerweli in i. una for the solo purpose nf ili-cmnlii in:: nil the ant iipiariiH of tin western conti nent. lie Mahuai-oii cinerall !'" saiil Ilorr I liiiloioi lin. "Hal i-h a ini-htako. 'at on call one hiff lie. Il occupies ymi all your lime to chase .lc-c lie. ami leu mil him ilowu. I haf the M.ilinai-. n einci all in mine eolleclion." "How can that he?" saiil Mr. en ahle. chokine with rae, while Mr. Twisil.ion Mi mil hy, re:uly to e-poiise his 1'rieinl's can-o. "when hero it is the very Mono Itselff" I fit openoil the vohrl ra-o which contaiiioil the ilrop of ricen lire. It hlinkcil at the circle of cai;iT fan's ahoM- it like a haleful eye. Ilorr I IciilolLfriin laiiifhril a shrill cackle of derision. "Mat do Malniaison einei alt ! s,i.i ! ho. Mi, h iw easy are some peop hoodwinked! A crrv unot iinila-j lion, I -.rant. (Mi, e-, I can tell ym all ahoui him! Hut ilc reuuiiio Mai lieiisoo ....,.'. all i. ms sell in IV.., ! at Yioiuia, hy one Captain l.ilei 'en alilo (" el helia's father,'' thou;:ht Mr. Veiiahlc. with a stait and a finkim; of Ihe heart ) "l''or ile -.'.racimis lanpri-ss Auii-la, who w.'ih ih 11 unking do eolleclion for a necklace whiili I, mild olil-hiuo all iho courts of I'limpo. I pay Captain ouahle tin in thousand llnrius for him. and I enuaLfo my hest woi kinau to make 1 1 i 1 1 1 an imitation Maliuai-on emerald w hich -had dot eivo do very j. r . cler himself. I l ink I make my .. Mine, hut lain isi.mil:. 1 o captain he pockets his tlmius and he rides away. Ie Liracioiid Knipiess -ho chaiiuo her iniml. She jfet tired of onieralts, and -ho t'iuk she w ill hat- pearls. Hut I kn iw dero w ill smile day he market fordo Miilinaisoii euier alt. 1 keep him. I haf him vol. Hero ho is, ami here is ile letter from Captain Cilos euahlo, w hich proves his rfcniiinencs,. Kh? Are jotitoho saiisfv now'.'' And Iho ureen h!e of the leal eeni put the arlful imitation to .shame at Mr. onahle eauie li'tuie without w-iiUULr for lie adjournment of the lipuliries' convention. lie did not Hi - iiij; Mr. TwiUvt-Jii a itli Him. "A man who eouliln'l even 'II :l lioifiis sloiio from u lo.il one," 'put tereil Yclinhli', "ami calls hilil-clf it jilih'e of jfolii- ! 'erhena, eiilue liero !" ci lii'iia i aiue accorilin;;ly, w ith tho teapot in oii haml ami a pan of hot. liraham miilliu , fic-li from the oven, in Iho oilier. "I've got sotnothiu to toll yoll,'' .aiil Mr. onahle. " os, unelo," muriniireil erhoim, her littk- heart ivin,f an oiiiiimus tlll'oh lllnler tho eluttor of l'nsc:t : ho wore. Tin1 M.ilinai-oii einei ahl is a- 1111111 liif !" r-:iil Mr. enahlc, ilistiiictly. "I h, um le!'' "Ami I 'aleh i'w t .tletoti ' a cli.u I alau ami an ailveuluior!'' Ami ho procccilfil to impart to his niece the whole revelation of Hon lll'illll'il 1111. "Your f iMior, my dear," niil Iip, "has wrorkeil the family fnrlituos nml In. .ken my heart. Ilrinrf.11 ward I ifivo up tho study of .".ems. I'll do nate my eolleclion, such as it is, to tho M dd oville museum. Il may servo as the nucleus for sotniihinif j router iu lime. And I'll devote lliysi f to loses. Thry can't imilato llnwer.s. And, Yorhrna "Yes, uncle." "You nny marry viuini; Kleonihe, if you clioo-e. After this, Twi llclmi don't iIom'I'vo a wife." ' Thank you. uncle," said 'ei licn i, ileinuiely. Satin day Nilit. All K-Vico ri'osiileiilinl I l-liernian. I'lulialil v Iho most anient, out mid out iiidcfatiirahlo tisheruiau iu New liiiL'.laud ise- ice I'lc-iilciit 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i I : 1 ' Hamlin of P.anifor. Me. The slnry niirs that away hark, some fifty years Hffn, he Went up alolisf the ri-r.'llaiuis rivrraiid foiiml a Irmil hrnok the like of w hich was never licl'.ir.- known iu the Stale. Year aflor year ho went there and liroU"hl homo whole wn-nm loads of trout. When lian-for took the railroad fever tho linn. IImmimIimI I at once insisted that tho tracks should he laid toward Mooschead Lake. This, he said, would open up the hi iron and slate deposits of Mount Kalalnliii and vicinity , hut those who were on tho iu-ide declared thai the old man wanted oa-ier access lo hi-. ti-liiii!f y, rounds. Tho railroad was laid, and llnniL'h Iho iron and slate did not pay, the e;reat summer tral'ic o Mount Kinoo moro than made up for lie ilrln it.and the vetierahle aiiiflor could reach his hrook in a few hours. Two or tlueii times a year he v sits the place, ac companied only hy a model ti-hitisf rod, a ho of hail, a pill',' of Inh.ioeo :,id a Mack clay pipe. The i-oiiiucors mi the road know wh"ie he trots oil', and : often s, e him return deeply frei;liiei ; j hut tho exact place where thai prolilie j s'i" appeared as docile ami as kindly hrook is situated is still as iiiucli of a lis a killen, aliliou-jli -he had li.rn in-lcry as Mo-es' grave. New j lierco ami resent ful he fere. Atlanta York I'ross. ! t 'oust it tit ion. 'J'mitliloss Animals. tin 1 1 . 'I I10-0 animals w hich suli-is( wholly ; l'.illv w as a peddler'- h . .rse. Kverv on liipiid- or on luiuuie panicles of day ho drew alarm- wa.-ii ahuiif tin luallor. need, of emii'se, no teeth to' miry roads. This In w'.'iuou w a- tcar, chew or crush their food with, loaded with tins ami hromiis. It wa Cucli .-110 Iho hiH'orllies an I snnio ; a heavy load lo draw. Ih-stopped at Imiuiniuif-hird-, Inhaive luollii-ks mid all tho houses, so that In- ina-ter ould the adult wh.ilehono whale: hill the sell the hiomnsalld tin-, tine d.iv, ! snails and cuttlo-lish and dcvil-lish nave loein, ami even 1110 umo rmiicri ! pound their food, the low er jaw scrv 1 in as an anvil on w lii. h the food is ! cru-hed hv the two h iliimers nf the nl i - "i'i"'1' jaw, I'i it 1111 spiders. i p.ilc-, lieetlcs, .nils, :;i a-s..ppers ami ' .1 !.. 1.... .. ...... 1 . have teel !i 111 llieir lower taws only, and Irons have loclh only in their 1 "IT"''' ,UW Toads, im-ioises, turd ami -ouie nar.. nave mmo. l....-tcrs 1 ami erahs chow wilh their homy jnv-. hut ihev have coinplele -els of leclh in ' Iho r i;i.ird-like slmu.li lis, and when J the shell is cast Iho teeth are also -hod almiif w it h tho stomach linim;. Sumo hirds of ancient limes had true tret h placed ill sockets iu their jaws. The "tu-ks" of the elcphaiil and other ani mals are tooth. 1 The Ledger. Fieri lie l.iiflil Itiurs. When the liidt Atlantic cahle 11:11 laid scientists as-erted that an in-oct would appear which would attempt to ir-tny ii. and, sure ciioUifh. in a sho: I time in in-eot not classified hy eiitomoloiiists hi-jfan its work on the insulation material that protect.'.! the cahle from tin' water. The electric liffhlinjf s -terns of larre cities seem now to have lovi-!o.ed a similar con. ditioii of ihiiiLts in the form of what are ea'leil e'oct rie-liht liuifs; and, singularly, each system of liolilintr seems to have its oxvn pcetiliar oplie mera. The insects do not damage the iu-ulatioii 111.1I. rial of arc lamp-, hut they do hother the learned entolinvlo psts who are kept hu-y trying; to cla-s'ify the Ihou-nnds of vv imje.l 1 can iveoium I Ilri. ihimjs that iluttor ahmit the li-hls ofiwoin in. ' -i irli.-.l M is. w III III rial. niyhl-. Cincimiali Coiiiinrr- ( iiii.iki:n's com-mn. Tllli ITU I'I .'!. I'm in t 11 ilinp nl .I. 'w .HI I'llll'l W'l' w hy I 1 1 '.Il I, S11 wi r ! 1 1 1 1 , l ii lr. r 11 .ll ".. h'u fanitvay troin h..nir. I'.ill then, I'm m.t iii .nr Ju l 1....I, 11 r 1 1 1 1 I 1111. 1 n ' j iiiilliim 1.H..1-. I My lilllr hp.lli. 1 I 'I hey Iiti lin- ciuni.aiiy ; Ami liny as n. 'nr, Thr hhisnniis km tin Hml'i 1 1 if It'.irs ... I.ri.-I t ' 'l hat Jllli.'i Ni l,l lMi.is mi ihr 1 hir i .. n il, ; f liarh-l'. I.iiinnii. in i.iitir..; '. .in in lull. till I- A Mill s s. Ill ; VI, I. I..11, .. The faiiH'iis t. lieriiard ih s an very cm-eliiHy Iraillr.l. A travelei who visilnl -iime of the I ia-lep ies of the nionk- of SI. Ilernard a lew years ajfo found the tuotiks tea 'him their doit's liom Iho eai lio-t i-lajes .c piiipl I. Not only i- physical am mental training iiirlu.lrd iu the Ira. h inn, hut spiriliid iilluio is I iv in means iu; eleil. At meal lime tin do-js sil iu a row. each with a tin di-l i In fore him coiiiaiuiiiK repast (. race is -aid hy one of the inmil.- Iho dou's sil llioli .iile-s w ith how cd head- Not one slim until tin " Amen" is spoken. If a frisky pup- j py partakes of Ids meal hefore tiii'i is over mi older do:.' -.row Is nml i nl l toys his ears. Our I iiunh Animals ill I I'I I I I . m W il li VMM 1 . ! The other moi uino I' .'oper llavem pel fu mod a ei y delicate operation The lioness Mnllie chewed a piece ot raw I f which the hulcher Inn! chopped Up W illi a cleaver, leaviiej some I'raeuienlt) of hone in the llesh. A larj-o sliver of hnne pierced the liotiesK' e;uin on the ont-ido of the jaw liot to the cheek just helow the left ' eye. The place swelled and fo-lereil and the animal -nil. red a rival deal of '" w a-s ini.-iMit to . at. Yes terday i ioriiini; Keeper Havens went to the eajfe and hy fnaxiii-r the limie--he got her lo lie down and he th "ii slipped ropes over nr fore feel, .-llelrhinj.' I Ill-Ill to either side of tin onife and tyinjj them secn:vy. Mollio kicked an. I -triiifuleil until tho keeper fondled lei nw Idle. Af ter she was secure he entered the earfe all alono, and takiin: her head he twoeii his knees he cui a -mall incision in the cheek and drew mil th't sliver, an inch iu leiiiMli. II. ,li, the work all alone. Yestirday .ii'ernooii, afiei -hi; had hoen rolea.-ed --vcral hniir-, he visited tin! rune, an. I -lie mi l him with a nratilird look, holding i wound up to the liar- of tl a:'o a- il' she were iflad thai In ll peratiou lhat 1 Ii i.i perfori 1 elii vi'd her, and after ho had traveled a lon time. isiuy stopped. lime wa- no I1011-1 in sitlht. Ho wa- tired and hllliury, "toia'one;," said hi - lua-lcr. "No," said l'.illv . This is tho way I'.i.ly said No." He set his fore feet mil lie laid hack his ears and shook his I,, id. 1 1 is 111 is'er uot mil of 1I1 w 11 eon ami palled him. ; I'.ilU didn't stir. moved the hai in - In re and then and palled him iinuo. l'.illv didn't 'lir. lie la imio. .1 li linn iu a von pi. I I'm! l'.illv didn't .lir. What was to ho ."in . ' 'I ho peddler M anted to I his j hloouis and tins ami jfo home; hiil he ! : cmild not do it if Hilly n I i-cd. Il. went to the hark of the waumi. A ' reiilleluail who i .sed Hi .in.ht ho was ' Ifoin-f to w hip the hor-o; the peddler , know hotter, lie took a pail front 'he wauon; Ihcro was -oine meal iu iln-j pail. Ho showed il to l'.illv, then he j ; walked on and -et Iho pail dow n. i j l'.illv e mid see the pail. ' I I "roily soon Hilly lifted his ears and looked very Liood-iiatiticd. He went j forward to the pail. Then his master let him o il the meal : j thou ho put the pail ha k ill the w MLrmi j and Hilly trotted oil hri-kly with his ' load. ; Thii nn al was hefter for hoth Hilly and his ini-t. i than tho whip. I.it I tie Folks" I.Vadcr. If women ever hoi 10 railroaders, t as a Inake-na.'-Js, a- she maod at the latest iH'iiiuuiIatioii of broken crockery. LOST TIIKIK SCALPS. People Who Hay.! Survived a Tcrriljlt! On lea I. How tho Indian Socuroa Hi'j Cloudy Var Trophy. I lid I ever .-co a mail w ho had hoen hcalpcd and who recovered? exclaims (eiioral .1. S. r.urhin in the Now York l.rl;;rr. Yes, 01100. His naille wa- Tin una- ( ihoin . and In- was a Iroiht con lu. tor mi the I 'liio'i I'acilie li'aiiload. line day ill April, l-i'S, a ( ahone was riinnim; hi- train near Sidney, Nrhra-ka. while .rossiu:; a small s'ream, he had to halt for mm. liui", and he mi. I a 111 111 iiamed Willi-Hiluion-lou (.-ot mil to ti-h. Tin v were unarmed, hut did not think of .I.iiil'it, althmiLli Indian- had lieen 1 .1111110: and ifoin thioii jh the eouiitry. Tin toi -in iiti- 1, 1 ih,- road w a- then at I hov 1 1 1 1 11 '. 'Ihev hid Hot hoi II lillllo: lull" when -iiililouly a .aily of uioiinlod Mui Indian- 1 u-lu il dow 11 upon llu ni. allliouifli they were in full -if.' lit of the low 11 of Hdlley. 'I ho Indians tir-t attempted to run oil' a hand of hm-so- m ar hv, hut in this they failed. They thru turned upon the lishei'iueii, and, rid in:: up to 'heni, hiiiaii tiring arrows into their ho. lie-. Hdmon-loii roeeiveil four arrows and died. Cahour ha I several arrows shot into him, the Indian- riding up lo.-e iilon'.'-iile and liriiijf ill short rano. t ( io arrow pierced Cahone's lun;;s and he loll hloedinu )'. 1 1 1 -ely. An 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ailvaiicod. disiuounloil. and took Ca hono's -calp proper limn the lop of his Inad. A in ho r I in Iia 11 r. "lo up ami out a -trip ahoui four inches wide and seven inches lomj from the side of ( a houe's head. All thi- time Iho man wa- either unconscious m- lay slid. The Indians, I lii nk i 111' him ilea I. did not mutilate hi- hodv hevoml alpiu him. There was at thai time a -mail de tachment of I niteil Slate- troops sta tioned at Sdney, under command of I . i 1 -n 1 1 -11 o 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' w l ijUain I'mlih. I nitod Stales Allli). ooilU the attack l'l"lll 1 1 11 1 1 i.iu . l.ioiiiou.ini 1 V 1 1 1 . V 1 ami his luoll. reiuforeed h Iho oil irtl . I ll h.'il out to thr a--i-lan r nl' the un u They found I 'all. .110 -till livinif, look him iu, and -cut him to ho 1 1 1.1 . u hero the arrow - wore extracted in, I hi- wounds ilre-seil. Il wa- liol holieved he could loo over, hut he did, and regained ex cellent health. I often s iw hilu afterward on the I 'tiioii I'aoilio 1,'ailro nl. w here ho had hoen advanced to pa oe;. r conductor, and one. li, ho showed 1110 his head. II wa- not a ph-avnil -iht. lull ho said il did lint hurl Liui in lin I, a I. He wore a 1;, and -old. an look oil' his hal. which onliloly covered up hi wounds. lie w a- a h-iml-oin xmiii'f follow,: ml wa- only t w only-live v ear old when he w 1- -cal .1. lie had served iu a I'i nu-y Iv aiiia leiinent dui'im; the i il War. Many oars au-o, wln n I w a at l or: r.ul'm d, the Indian . at I m l lioilholil. ju-l ah,io i'.uloi'il. had an old Indian who hid hoen scalped hy the ."simix. His head was eiiiir.lv -kiuiiiil down to the ears. He w 1 kepl Ml a lod:-o hv hilli-eif ami soldmn eauie out, nor did lin' Indian- like to have any one v." and -co him. They considered it a ureal di-jia. o that one of their iriho -li 'iild h ive lu oll scalped. I have hoen l"ld that the! row-, al one liui.'. had severd hoii-cs xx i.i. It ih'-v called "the scalped Im-ii's house-," and in them lived In. Ii m- of the Clow Iriiie win' had Incii sca'pcl in vv Os with Ihr Simix. That -cilpiiiLfis 11. 11 ncies-.iiiiy lai d is pioved h Iho 1 a-o ,1 Mi .. ,1 in, .loliiis. I his xx ..111 111 vv is s. aipo.l, iu I Im id 1, hv I ,i.l 1 an ,,iid -111 v iv i .i. The j . 1 1 -i . i . 1 1 1 win allrinled h. r re ported: I uiea-uii ,1 Iho ex ml of Ih" - ;,ni! ilir-lod of il- 11.1:111 :l . . . . 1 i iij . and found ii 11:110 and one 1 1 ill i :n he - f 1 mil ahoe one car to t ie o tr on the oppo sile side of the head. I hilv a I. w hair- had ho. 11 loll al. He Hie I. .rohed ami at the hack of the k." This wa- certainly a had ea-e of -. alpine, Mi the vvi.iii.il lived lo .1 000. 1 old a:;e. I roiu tlii-il vv ill ap pear that, wild hi in. scalped hv an Indian i- a iloei'h .li 11 n, 1 - a u 1 op-(-ration, it is mil nocos-n jlv fatal; and that, while Indian- scalp their enemies, (lu x do not do it I'm the -ake of cru elly, hut to prove to their people that thoy have l.-en luave in hattle hy over c.iiniliU a foe. I he Milky Way iu the sky is tin- l.ldi an-' load to (lie Happy I I lllll inu-l il .'IIU.I-. a n,l all who die in hattle ,i thcro iniim diat' ly, ridino 011 their ponies, vvlii. li tin- Indians kill 1,1 accompany thcni mi their journey. It i-' a -iifu that her hu-liand is niak itur in. 'ilex when a woman heeim to ret the look on In i' face of k'okiii at vt.ii without sfcinn you. I 'l lu- I iiiiiliietnr Hiil Not I ink rslanil. I It i- a cu -toni on some i-tri . t rail- j I way t 1 ive annual pa- w hich aro lillinhered. The-e pa.-.-o- are not I nei os-arily shown each time a 111:111 l idos on the oars ot that lino, hut each one hears a iinmhei', and wlu-'l a-kod for his fare, the holder of the pa s j eall- out the Iiuiuher of hi- pa-s. Not loin: sinoe the holder of pa-s 1 No. hi on one of the Seattle lin.--fi on a ear, aocmnpaiiied hy Iwoladie-, ; for whom he must, of emil'-i , pay I fare. Il happened lhat the omiiiu, lor was a new man and 10 it m .maimed I I , ; w iih the pa-s system. j Tin- ooiiiluot.il- entered the car in j j ipiesi of fare-, and the tir-l per ho 1 j api'.iacheil was the holder of the, ! V!,r- i I In' rent Ionian handed hilu a doll ir . j to take the ladle-' fare- from, al the ! j same time remarking di-tim tiv Tim - j ! l.-en " 1 Th" couiluoi.it- to..), t.o doll 11 and ! then heifaii liio.'lll Iho hi ll of tin roL'i-tir. "liiiiL', din", diui:. diu". 1 din.;, dili'f, diur, 1I1117," vvoni lin i hell llore, hero," hroke in die pa 11 Uer. "What iu tlinn. hi al e y on livili:' j to .I..:" ; lidii't yon say ut Vou wanl d to pay for thirteen?'' "No, ymi iouhlo-li 1 a-led lunl hoad ! I I eld pas- No. I.I. ami want lo pay for two ladi.-s!" Mi," exclaimed the -. 1 1. 1 1 1 t r. j mildly, "why didn't you-av -oho- ; fore!" 1 Then the hell puller t-ave the paen I l-ef hack his change ami inwardly do- , tel llli I to et even on llir irl -m ill hov that atli'iupted to steal a mlc : -se nile t Wa-li.) I'r,-,. I nto (if Ohl H .union Ships. ! A mail slopped into one of the old I -hipping olli.es on I'ront street the j other day lo have a look at the Mari time l.'oi-ter. An old sea captain i w ho had hoen reading il remarked as i the vi-ilor laid the -In ot a-nh . alter ! ,111 apparently fruit!.' in-pi.iimi: 'I'oii'l lin. I what ymi woie I, ml. in:: lor. eh:'" "No." was the an-vvi'i", "I was I lool.iny for iho p, , Inn -ho i n'l li-t.'d in this iiuiuher." ' "Old shipr" j ''e-. 1 -ailed in her twenty years I "Oh, Weil, then -he heloli- to the j icrmaus hy 1 hi, time."' j "How's that?" j "W. II the l.eruialis don't huild i ships, lea-t wi.-e VV 1 loileli lilies, so much J ii- - "I her people do. Thoy I. in -eooml-hnud -hips, and they do most : ! ot their I. in im: in America. 'I 'in i j I.11111.111 1 u-'i', haul- ope rale on mii 1 1 lor j capital than our-, and I ley ran I or i won't ,ui a- much money into limin e J 1 as thoy do hero. They hive a -harp 1 eve lor ha'i;ai!l-, too, let me tell von, j : .'ind when thov tin I a 1 11 1 1 thai'- some j iwi-e -low orhakv. 1. 111 present il-lr aml heap, Ihev hu her, copper . , ! ( ini her, an I -hiri her mi her Irav. I- ; . aifain. Tlici c's hit-of Aniori. in l.uilt j : ship- tlx in:: tin' iiitohin all's tla ;, ,,ur : ' xvharvo- onie Norwoiau- huv 'i-iu 1 , loo. hut if- niosliv 1 .01111. in- thai "it I j d'lu- throw-- a liht mi tl 'd -Inp . mil ine pin-, piano- ami -exxiu-.: ma chine- are -Mil to he acoiinted l"i : Mai i t i tin- lo-ui-ter. lien franklin's I'l.m" Mat. I low I'i v ot u ku ' vv I hat I lie s), ,v 0 p po ha', vv hleh ha- c lo ho 1, -aid ed .1- ".piite foreiiiii, X ' know ," , u i::i iiato.l iu the I nilod "-laic- and xv as j introduced int.. luirope hv licit loxdv oi, I 1 , nit 1:1, 1 ion ja mi 11 I'i a nl, I'm The Id :' on' !. in 1,1 eauie to I'.u i- 111 1 he - pi 1 11 1 . , I , '' vv . .11 a 11 tin' si inplr al , I il o I 1 .10 jU ikei ,i-l iiieiii-li'ii i fe il ii. i- ..I llu- was tl,,- h it, vv hi. h lci- i 11 ri o vi ed .Hid In i:' li li nod i I I,. I i-li''.il il.l" "plu ;" "I I...I iv II vv 1 l.ivv 1 row lie. I Old I110.nl lu illlluod, Old pro-o 1I1 d -o .plaint 111 a pe l lliil the I'.oi-im d iin Ins woro il'sj,.-oi lo make il tj.e hull of their XV it. Not -o, however, tin- i'c-t. The leader- of tho j l ien II revolution fain iod lhat hal and Ihev forthwith adopted it 10 he 1 he'r j oxx 11. Ill three il i s" time I he l'r ink , lin I1.1t , as 'twas called, xv is tin- raur. And from that lime-- just !'' u'.in I aifo -the Ido has .jroxx 11 in favor, al though it is prohahlc that a niachiue ; more destructive to the hair and more useless for practical purposes xx a- never invented. ; Chicago News. I A S ucliliiif Costume. I l.'ich I'liole (alleclioiiately) My dear, as ymi are so fond of i;oiuif mil i yachting with the youn men, I have j l.ou::ht ymi a yachtim; co-tiuuo, xx hich j I had made to order j 1'ii Nv Na locstaticdlv) Oh. you j dear, -wet old uncle! What love'y I maf.-i ial! I'.ut xx hat is all thii -tmiin I around the -houldei ? I I'ik Io (souu-utiously ) Cork ! A CliiM of Seven. All the hell- nl In iix. n may rtliR, All ihr hil.ls of hi 11X1 n may miiu'. All lin vvlinl-1.11 eiiiih may hruin A II swri t sounds tiH-rtln I ; .'.m i lor fur than all tiling- hranl, II I of li:ii ii . tnin of hii .l. Si minis uf vv.Miil- at sundown stirred, XX'i llin wai' i's vv insulin- word, Wim! in xv .iriii, xvnriii went her; 1 nr ihiic.r y. t (In-re i-, that Hour l' arin;' 1 n il- rhinn.s lir .loll.', IvtO'il'-. I i.l Wrll tin -v.l'ells( line J I, ,l', i.l hem hi llealll thr sun lf..nl ill lr avell lirlratlrl'. .s..ti and 'iron", ami loud mid lijdit. ri y ruiiinl airl v ry licht . It' nl-'l trnlii ni-'laiiiiy - rn-arM lieii'hl, in r. tin ...nl .,! all .h ll-lil I lii- a 1 lii'.l -. dear luuvht' r. ...I'I. n I.. II. .,) ucl. .mio mill .1 ".. u r Ini'th -a. h 11. t. a, imr told I loll I - so 1. il III' ill I'Mirs -ii In d -1 Ih. la'luiil m li of ;-.l.l. If. i.' tluii 101 - IitiIi heaven. II Un cl't. 11 en a-i.-l xv n n X'. . 1 1 1 1,1;: ',1 in, air w h 1 1n n. .-lie Men s, , 11 al.-l h, -,l', .,( on II Ml III l.r I, -lii .,- . I as vxl-'li I. null- 1 . lul'l ..t s-v. 11. !-. 1 11.111 1 .Svv ml, in lr'. Ill HOitOI s. A joint com ol il A -keleton. A 1 1 v in: I A haiidl.. n I1I1 I Alwixs .-I iih k on Iho head M ai. lii -. I,' lih oad 1 10' iiioors -hoitld In- exn i ts in I.l Opl 11" lie I, III tiling-. It i- inn 1 -a ouahle !,,,- ,, . I a mail to ho , oil, , li , il hi- hill- .110 not . lie av 1 1 : Inn :;!,!!', I In hi j h ho liny l.o ai .led a- a 1 rook , i - true in -lo.l. In 11 one lay- hold "I a -1 v. -red In li lope In- lad .. loin h a le pmi-ivii omd. Il i- a ,in -timi xv hi' h i- the inorc holpl. --, a hal, y or tin' man who is try hi", to hold it. "Mamma, h i In.' Imld the Imhv, w ill you?'' ".i, dear; mother is afraid y mi iui"ht lol him f ill mi I'i. In." .I.ihnny . you lillle dunce, no! I If coiir-e a hen il'iosii'l make a if nose of lll'l-i If if sC -Ols lin k's e"-. i'i I wa- auiiuiu the priis nf l n d iu a est, rii alhlelio contest. 'I ho 111 111 v, ho won it took tin- hull. lii' I iiic luil lor a lino, ' wrote the Ai i.ona horse-thief to his parents. Ami iu live iiiiiiulcs the lino was -trocii.-il. Jack I. at. hoy "I i. or, I sutler lerrii'Iv xxilh in-oniiiia. I dnn'l -loop al liiuhl. What ii y,u recouinieud ?" I im im- - " hy don't you try "foiu:f to hod?" "Ilh.no; lot'- in. 1 l'o!" ex. laimed the lillle hoy a- his nurse proposed "O iii" on hoard a ya- hi, and then I ho Xonii"f-trr hurst into t ar-. "Hhv, 1 II if, xv hat iu Ih" vvm I I is tin- mat- 11 .' ' I ill st h-h-h. ard in m-inali '.ell :; oil r :o -rl tin p.ankrr." nt Siifiioil hy the linnk I'l l sjilent. The clel K of a w oil-know 11 NcXX' Yolk lioicl proved a day or t wo -mi) that In- p.,. -cs-,- ,1 si,iip, ,ni, k ex e. A xmiiio hii-im man from the West handed him a !i'i' hill in payment of a -in-ill aiiionnl. -I cannot ac opt thi-," replied iho oh rk to Iho aston ished xouiu' 111 in, xxh'i had taken till! nolo liom a lar. e toll of hills loooixod from a hank in his uaiixo I nvu. 'Il i- not -mi, e,l hy the president of the hank." I ax 1 -I n.'ai i"U pi ox ed I his -i.iloin.nl true. 'I'll.- nolo w as i uo.l hx "lie of llie national hank- of Stock ton. 1 ;' It w I- u. d hv I he ca -liior of tlr- i.aiik, Ini' the space leserxe.l for the -i-.u.iiiiro of t In- 1 .1. si, I. 111 was hiaiik Tin' nolo hol e 1 v id.-m e of ii- c. an, I pnli -ip- h i. I hoen in oil. ula 1 1 -11 Im a 11 1 1 1 1 1 1" I 1 f v 11-. I iiica"0 Times inn, in'- llmur I'lit ios. I h. 111 ,n vv li 1 1 .11-1. lei I il.l the liolnc dill I a xx 111 in llilel lor to I ho po 1 , 1 1, 1 1 xv orh ot a in ill lull I Le 1 ii nor 1 ha, In ,, or leiiid The x el y highest .plain 10- ot the he il l and in to",, t may ho 1 ei , i-o. I l y a inollii-r, -i-lol "- .ill el.h r .1 lll"hter, III XV II. 1 1 iii", 0X1 r iho hv-i,al, nionlal ami moral growth of the chii,hon iu hi r eaie llct'oi. pat lem o and xi'jilalice that never lire-, an adapt. it ion of nieaiis t" Ihr end. 1 careful -ludx of iu.lix i In d ti ill-, and a keen p-x 1 lio h";ic:il iu-i"hl, may I'nul ample imnii fur exorei.e within the I nn xxalK of an Innulile I;,, me Itillueii.c ot llu- Soa-lnnc mi fraxrs. M . I'ierie la'-aoi' shoxx s hx conclu s'iv" X ideiice ilia leeeut thesis, (hat a In 11 ill" hahilat leads to a thiokenintr of the loaves. The pa is, ad IU are more numerous and larger t linn in the loaves of the -ame plants t'.lowu in- 1 1. Apparently the -ea -all is the, cause of this alteration, as plants . ul-tival.-d in attiliciallv salted s.M v h id thicker leaves. T he oh-ci v al imis of M. I.esam' hear oil -oine ninety specie-, of plants xvliieli are found i i their natural state near the sta a, '.veil us itiUud.

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