"ju- .. ; Lh O 'il.ult.ttl! J. J " J "' " ' 11 " " 1 1 ' ' !TH L'KSDA V, MF.CI'.M !I is, lM'ii. AKRIVUSailll !M Kill u.uis. l lliiil-.niuirli I,, HI. r 1'liy. vi.-t rviir.n. Kl.v.'i' !i n , ttl'il !Ii;rI'i'' SI. 'iv -:i Ml"' a "" k 'I mil Thurs.lii-, K;il ui !)'. riiH 1.' 111 : l. u. 1 j I'litMori.iiiili i.j siiii"ihnw. vm it i'l, MnlimlKl-. I.i'"lil Hiiil lil'-V -J inn..- it .-.'; Tiim.Ihv nml Hi.l.iy. I.i'.iv.'s r. n mi iiiih.i. . '" ... . .. . . .. . .., i iiiMh.r.iimi ..".it". . " i'"'i" - . .. n ..in.-, iMHIurn Ilia-'i IlimV. ;nvi i'i. 1 .1" ..!.iy mi I III It. II K.ill'1 M.llls ; l..'ii. '.' HI u III. tf'.ll-L- I . urllvo iI.IOh. in II. in "ill. I" "ivo i' l;l. .h1 BMf Prices on Suuar ileidiued. and ; 0. S. Poo will sell S. liraiiiihited ti' 7c lb. or 1 1 ll.s.. for a dollar. , .... I S' i ho pi'op.ise i .i:i,inc store EftS!' "nm'b,i- ; " ..ll!.v ol tin, SeahoaM then , l,y ki.-kinir dow. the .loon ,.,. ( wi, ,;,,. .fl i(.n,',,, w, . ,.,. ""v1;" ! '" ' V ff ' "V 1 . ' V ' ''"."I' I t'ltir-u. .r-mi.-Ii iiVf 1'iv.t v ..i ii'Mi-V 'I'll Air Line System ami ol I lie Kicli au.l tlieii hail pa Weil ilo w u the man- ,,.1,1, it ..... i i,,,r ,,.,,1 in . .l.,,i i i , . . '. ' I ""' "" "f-'".; nml l-liit-H a iliinw ' viik 1-iK ''iv . 'I 'niii-s ....... I ..,,,1 li.i.ii',. I' I' ..i.,l '.' i. 'n li -.ini. i ilillw-iillv Mr 1 1 . i. i 1 i i .1 'J'MTt 1 1 a v was ca 11 h t lili'ler 1 1 1 0 , .l,.y. SiiHir.lny. I ....v. .1. 1.1 . .-.i 1 !' -'i I' ' 1 ' "''HiNI.e I. U. (o.ail'l .c.'le(e. ull M r. , Hi,llt WilH Kirtl tll I mid, with lioth ,,i .,"1,,......, I,.,?!- ,.t, 1 I I I .,t,.H.r,,l.,;.,Mi.v..,r,n-i!,l.-.v1,i,'. 1,1. nltheC. F. ,V V. V. II. It. 4 . fr.-nt Si raiiihan drove out I he hone, and ' u,u.,u .-,( ,, , ,n,.,n ' n.l,l;u i,:".U ""' '",u'1-1 I -'"li tol!.,.LVl, in,l;,MV... d it soon alt,, uard.;'!h',l. Now the . , (fo,.( u, t (?u a U;, ,,rhi(1(. t,(! Hoi;, worK eon .1 shove away ; j . r..n.i. .11. will lie .......I i-el nt.lil i.u.l i... .' iii.-M ion i- WliV did il. ail. i ..1.! .. k.... I . n. 1. tho 11. -lit cons ol suit he WHS dead. I r iiHtniriiiiuli I.. i'Iimm'I lllll, Mil I'yiiiini HO'-V. o. -y .. 7 . . 1 1 .'. - . . . i'on.11, nnuii "'." '"i.icn .i-i'j inn- at tin. l.h.cc. he-;:n hiiMi.es.s todav. !'-'' will, i rlerol arrest ,,r .1 M llli M ". M.T. Williams as n, u.iar.c'r i Jones who l,-.,., i !v ran a saloon j - ' on Maii-ii;ii ptrect. The proceed- U- K'wood, Pcrsimnioi. and' inrsw,re -otic, out hyStonchraker I Micliorv timber and Cedar Posts Wanted at lint Shuttle Mill n! Tilt-i boro'. . mdf" ( 'hrinl mas eoo.lies! P mini k Meade,, have just received a lull Block ot l l.ristuiai foiooies. t all jkrThc inooiil;L'hl ni-hts dnri tho Christmas holidays , t .. , ,i . . . .!' . I. . i ' . preatly t.,.1,0 ,,!oa-.U.t, that .,.. BtlT-O S Poe'rcMiiests vm 'o s t II.. -.....- ..i'e,',, .,!,., I,;..;e .! Ist.'as there Will b.' a el.-.n-e i.: a i l ni'in on that ilatn. . -Alfc.',;ylh-.rrlp.vss;b!.wm.-,!i boy is a 111, -hum in- the appio.-o h ..f, 1 .1. I'lMT .1. 4 V 1 I I 1 11. I). tl II I I I t . "1 I f. r I I -I trm-Rcs .ui.i mi- ......iiii; 1. 1 in. .. .mi J0ls. 1 Mu . . .. mT... 1 ii-'ii- i township, raised .11 J acres ol i.;i.,l this year Vcar '.'.I1. barrels 1 t I'-ln fl 11 U ll'.'" hiiii'lles ot Ci.d.li r : I hands ! tu the bundle. lie used no manure OSl-ept "ill hlishe's ol colli. 11 s.-. d S'fc""Now initoreat M c I v -i s. Sa n ford, N. C . ."iiii H I lbs sii-ar ba 's, ToIIk rn-e-in-, linn huiidles I'eW pi. . "'! 1 10 barrel-, h'n.ir, dn i.nsl . ls crd o.-lts, inn bushels M.,., ui,,;,; and tieiielid Mcrcli.tnojsM at I 'iii boltuui price. W Ti.e Pin-i. .',.' J-; i.;!.i.i- Mill will pi ol'.il'ly ! i 11 op'-r.. ' i'.u wi 1 i.i 11 1 hil ly la s li-m.i i.nw Ti - m:, ei.ii. ITV has all ari iVe.l. and 1 1." budding Is beinu erect,'. I as iap:.!i a:- p..-sj Me. Il is expected I., be' a J . i 1 1 -It bio ill vr-ti men ! . There has Im-iu i;ii:Ii- a load . do- Cei.MIllOit III ill,- eas, -i n p:-. ; ot this cininU t.irtl'.' :,st two ..1 : three Weeks. "(I.,,. Was .,'c! 1; Mr. J.uciou Yales" on iast Sun lay. S v rj.l others have l,e"ii kilied ill I he; amo i.i-i-hboi l!,'i-1. tff 1 1 mil V he . ! s.,n:e eo'i veli'' I , to many ot our read, r- l. in,,,u when I he ililler, nt niai i.p-ii .11 ! Mid arrive at l bin pos. .ice, I llierelore we will keep ai Co- ..-a i el this 10I1111111 th.i s, -Ito.l 1, lo oi arii Vals and depart 11 res. 1 fV The r-'turns are b 11 i.i n- P. forne in a'l'Ul hi- In' .'s. I .1' oi . . bo' thus tar r.-p ,rte I ! . !.'; ::!, belon-ivl to P..-H S;mps,in. 01." "1!'' colored citizens, ihai w. i .- ..-.I :;:. j.outi.U. Ciipt J. .1 I'Vriip 1,1 in l.oxt will, on.; that ivei-l.s ;;',.'! j.oiiihIs. Msaf ( Inly one w ,-. !i until CI.: :-! n:.'ts. Make yonrs-'lves ami ehil-lie , lutppy by -i vi n-t imn. M'Hiie rl' tiic hi fit presents oil S.mta Claas ha lrlt at W. h leiiel'in'-i. l!e has th, l.ir;esl, cheapest and 1.10-! c.onph-t.' (lloidt OVPI' seen in ol i Piltdiil-.'. Hiiythin- you wiah ,.r little or bi iir II you w ant somei h i n- nici to eal you can f 1 i.i it a' W. I, I. .:. dou's. Nice M ihcon.eat, li . -.i-Currents, Citrons, Diai'-es, ('..ma nuts and any ami ad kin, is ol ; thin-s You can !;;-.' a! I,.. 1,. ion's 1 1! Ib. '. . an ulal I S;o, r I r S I . .", Ih-i forte- .! Sl , U . ni.-.- !!.-.. w u !... s i II.. 1.. . 1 .. 1 '"r-: i'.-., ..I I ''. baro 1 the nicest Syrup you ever ; eavr. VcT r,M.'l's O . ,.....s I o, Kc UH K ai. . nai!;:. I'i ', r..n, Cranberries, Fi,s, I I , CHIifJios, mi.od Nuts, canned IVC. . Ov.ters tHd Salmon, beaulitul brch .."sl Svriin O-.l Me I Cits Cheese ' o 1 11 p, w.l t .11 1 .. I . lil.ls. t '. ( I'.,,...!!-..,! ,11 1 1 s; I-..,,, i,; l.elatino, I oys. A,'., Ac .,s,,. a ;.i- " "' ' lotofSlioesandone.ar'.adolS,!..,"""! l Imd been crieiil ly reported ; .. . .. 1 ! 1 o ....... ,.. 1 r. ... . ... .- ... e . . , M lilils r lour, .,'1 -10. u, li .M.Miult. . . ... ..... . . , . , III 1 1 o s. liile is.li. I rices low . iii-.btv hi-h J ' ..1 . I , ,11' llicnieiciio 01 ;i,i , m.rvico is illiitra!c. '.v Ihe !;, ! that tho New York daily papers are re - reived lmr seven h'oiirs s.-um r ti.aa - ll. Wil.i.in.rto.. T,.,.,...-s ..I th.. dato : and on Mon-hos the New York ihiilie.i ol Sun htv arrive h no von hours ahead of the I! leih flailifs of siune dale. And yet W.-.n nniakoi irctomls ;a con. Put the jiitst ortico depart 11,011 1 oil st i ii t busi no.ss principle-! Fiiozkn to Mi:.r!i in l ist Tues day iii-ht a yct;i'- "i.',d im-.i. n.tined illiam Hanks, w as fio-cu to daath near this place 11- had Jolt hoiv drunk ahoul .Iiii !:. 0:1 Tue-i day, and hl.trlcd t i I. is lather about two miles wcu of this pi 1, . and was not .seen it-ain Mitil ,-.!-ont midday yesterday wi.nn his i.,. iy wa fo'inid fro oil stilt'. Wh.t an I1 w'Mi'iiiii ' , Ivi'il fl'UMi A I'lTINH. I'lll'llt:; ''10 ' hrisi lll!,s holidays many ju ! - miiis visit their friends and rchvivvi, ami enjoy iii cadi other's company ( ihi pUiuiN'H (it llij'.t li;i'pv '''i'asiMi. 'in- railroad tin i.iiiit-.-. with a i- iii'i'.ii.iWti ilfsiic tn fiii-oiirnio tilt.- uu.-r lump: 01 vi,iis, .vim muiiec-, their rales tor all pel sn,.s t ra Vfllih- ItiriniC Hie. Christmas holiilay-.. elililll: :ihi.h ..no. i-:m. . no I hi' sa I'l' oli liil.i'lf V. ill a:.'aill I .,t. m; sale i ' in I lee. if! 1 1 h to 1 st i . ... . .. ... . Mniisie, anu nr -"i'. in .lauuaiv, .'til I ' inelasive. ( . , . N- ( . . , Tim .... I ' ,.' , , , was a disastrous wivi k on n hranch Lvnnvu :v..,tn.t..-TI.o anvM ! i,. ofil,,. Cieh.nond and !a.,ville ,l..i,i. T. .Inn. -, as nieiiti'.unl in : liItilrml nrar l.anr.MM S lasl hr h.si wek.s, sLihave!,,!.!,,. A con! mi lion train. Iieavilv I, a .-s,m. ol -in. Hired i imoeeiieo ', ! ; wi,, j,,,,, ., (.,oss lie.:. appears lr..in I he loll.. in- it.-in i w. r.i-hi h.wn trra-lc near l.i.u I.V.i ,j ( , I . l 11 ' I1'""1 loli-'in- iti-m j copied I'roio the Murliani 'ii ol last ! ' ti.. ay : . ."n-i;u n.iPKinnu jnaiiiirtjimi enure irain oi s-oinc j ( He .:, i .. r - rt j .1 h . -. I in is oi ( .n.stai'iK J. I. I'avis i.i over i- Chatham ,. v 1 .lln 'an - i : . I.l.mcs .lii.lerari.-l.hii,,.: 1 .ill. I.i I llllli.-llll The e:lsM wiin , , ,,H7ir,, yrster.lay aiU'i no'.., hel.ue i j Ms,;, 1:1 M .. M j , f ,,.( Terry and . jibe pr..ered'.i-M Nere dismissed and , .I.iii. s 'l.s, -lutru.' I, li e I'Vi Ience in I the i .is,. net bom- siillicicn l l o h 1 1 1 . 1 ' tl... .1..!'. ..I I., i I T I ' ........ ; ;n . t. , . i M:i. (, la Ihk ' 'ait.si against i oi.Mal..,. Pavis, ihe . 1 iallin-on it. A not her vi- 1 S!l,lil1 "! Chaimiin cunty, ano lim was Kole.t Sentt,a train hand.' 'omllai.er Co, p!:i,i,i- tl.e.UUI y was ii b!y crushed i i. t lie ! il:-.am',u"1 ( o'.ri in:-i: Ai'I'.ii.mmi rs At ; tl. Meti.o i.s. Cont-ivuce I el I h.-t week at WiU m the I'.. 1 1.. win- ap 1 Il.litll 111. -111. V.. ll' l.lfl.l.. I..1' I I . 1 I I : ( I ( ' - - v j........ -..I.. 1 ue .. i..i..s,. 1 1 . 1 1 cm. ,111-, l-hii r. I Mai.iStrcei. i 11 .1 i ) - I". A. lii-h. t 'arr. 1 hirh.i n . I'v.ler. hnrhrm i:it l'r. indlord, , ' l!iilsi,-, ci.,-ti:. ,1. j',. Ihisiewi rhap.d Iii. I -I', II iaie. I. ,-,-!. ui-- .1 W. North. I). 1 1. li .-.I' M . T. N. Ivcv. Mi Tii. ,h-.i K Cnderw d. I'.n 1 :i.,: .11 i !. I'i.tru hiir.it. ! V r- 11 .-; i-ni.. t --S11 pj.licd by A lamaii. c .1. 11. M.-.i t;:,. .;!:.., vide I. I! Tin .m ps, in. Ml. to:.' ,1. II. S II. . v Fiver- I. !- Johnson. !'.-1 i- 1 N. I-!. I 'n 'train .'. Siii 1 1 'liy . -ir.-iii: -U. II Townseiid . A.;ch! o! C.'ip.irla-e and Siiudav :cii o! ( . 1. Mta.-e mi, .mum nv 1 ; , , .. ', - . no ... , N-b.io!-. - I J. (.-iiii-. ,,- , .!.-. .e ini.eli 1-.'. lei tnat IJ.-v. . A ! ai oe ,s .nns,,., ,,.,! , Maw v, , -( n-eiiii I., . ran vi be Ci.-iii! j ! us 11.:, I,- 1, any warm Hi. in!s in , i-v U ," M"'"v 1 1 .on, d at I' ay ! !," t! c. - ! Net l.Vtii ts.iAii I'ii .losn, - 1; i-1 pi.! .ill. i;,al :. radinal will shoi ll j ... r : i.-d ii .-in .-...me t...ii.t 01. ; : '. .'" A '1' ' r..:h-...l ...... Cull ' ' ' .1 11 '.i.s ..-in! v. !. some point , - 1 : 1 ! y , !.. . r near 1 .-. Ill, lv l'i me point m, i.i's .Mi!!-, in -l iiit ol the ' - " - ... M v M -i n th- 1 . -. . I . .... 1 : : 'i "I"'- a 1 is I Ihe hi,ppo-ed o. I ... ...il ........ ll . ami the coiiMrii. imn ,,! ' he r :, 1 is d. p.'i,,!,',,. upon the iii , -I'.'st I :.l..oi iu it by i he ..iM-.-r-ol , '. i-Uld c.o ;!. !,., lis ,, ip Me-s's 1 ,-. - i I-' I ' 1 1 1 ! 01, -, 1,, 1 1. 1-. i,s, 0,1 !' I ......:.... .;, ;... ,.i..i..!.:.. ;....ii...; ' I ""-.. ", , j o 1 1 1 1 1 ,. I I i.e r;i I wn n. mi ,1s real I . .. . ; , , , 1, , I , , , .... , , ;-1 - -'; ' H,, i may P-- l el. I in-. .'i-en.s very lair and rca- M.nbi-. Tl'iis lar lit.-..' snppo-ed j larje propi l ty, look out a li. i-nse ; .,.l!.,lll.(,,. lt .,.. the app .ii.l : I-- J u. ii ..-r.-ds have been ot r.o va! ne to Wed iie-.day to uiarrv A i: -,!'. ne .1 oil i, ! m,.l!s , .; p,,t m ist ,-, smade b;. P, . si is mcv rocei in-' Ian lownei's, 'ini are not lilc! 1 to I..- ot any value unless a railroad i i-i "mil, us iiimv pr,iii..sci. .No sur- 1 vcv l-.as been ll vel, an I none , viil l e uiinh' lililil the laii.iowiiei's ahMi-lhe prop. I roil ! have all ...u-ieiited to aid the project us above i d. A-. so, oi as they all consent ' to p'opo-e, arr.lll-emi'iit, the , 1 i ii..- w ill I " located an I the roinl -1 1 ii - -1 .- is hislas men ami money ' ...... i Tl I.I... ' hi. ,,. 1 1 i i,iu ha' the past week has been the . run, a i. in- ina 1 ;a ;e ol .Tliss -.in mn r.M,is. r ,l.i, place. ... Herbert Iv "I Apex, w h,, ,,r i ""' '' T U c.li.cs.hu ; n-.U hoi we,. There had been , " - -wirria-c and . ' ,v:1" '' s'lipii-e io ill the ll'iellds' I I ,. ... . . I ... I 1 . ...Ml..... ... ' ....s . ,.x.,s, .. . . , .. I 1 I. . 1, I .. s I.... I ........: " , . ...,...:. 1 in. it iiaiil at li'ah-i- .. and that they mil ha I hiiswheurhe bur-: ,via I, '.mod .,11 thiCMth ot this , .1. !,, .'.,.1 ,., .,,,1;..,.. ' i' " - ..... 1,1 .id" l-f that mat ria-,'. ami - the brides maid, had been invilcd. and ali w ere anti ipntin- a .lolisjl.t fill r'r.-a-n.m tin the'iiOlh. Put alas hui.ia 11 hopes, how fun ihl y w ere ' tl.ey a'l icmimh d .,1 tl !,i K:iin- 1'iMe'--. many !i .-lii hctivccii the cup and ihe lip "! On Tuesday ofltltt week Mr N.r- lis aiiivcl hero w i:ii his horse and . nu-'''. ami i.e:l imiriniiL' slartoil. as W:.s I 1. 1111. 'lit l.n- ' nlor.l leit n.i.l Miss lim-io nc.r !hy town bmiis and i,,i i!,,. .-,..!,. .,. v;i....cio 1 boarded Ihe train there tor (irccu.s mairi'd tlat ii'h and arti now enioyiii- a I'l-id.i1 t ur In New Y01 k ;!i.d oilier Moilliern iriie:. The hi id,t i, one o! the lovelies! an I mo.-1 popular ladies ol this county, and the -room is one ot the most j, I's-i'i'iii uui'iis Wnko (.cMiHty. , lli.liSK rt i'ltANK. 1 III lasl Ml II-. tiny iml'I.I Mr. W. N. Sirau-hun, ol' tins township, was awakened lv tuto a coimm.tiou in the room In Iii.-i ihvi'lliiii'. in whiili liis f'atliiM' iii- la w, Me. Jrhy Philips, slept. Hoing in tltero to see what was tlio nuttier, nil loiimi uis noise, in inn i"'"' ; nuwiu ' ih.Wn the bedstead in wliieli Mr. Philips wa.s still soundly sleep ; si i uiiuvi : 11 a.i 11. uuo lo L'et some lo;e to help it ? : I ,. ., ............ li.illllKUl .ircilli'll I. wu:.- ri!-hiii;r down trradc near I. nil j ,vhs at ., Vt r last i ate. wlnoi one oi l tin. cars jumped the track. I his ,w,., v ,..iry) ;U1, were pih.'d inv Atl.un. O .ii;in. December 1:!. ; , lior. John i.awronce, a train ! A poi.viwd cacoiiiiler in the l'oiisc at ' ti:i n.l. who was silttiitr oil one of the I its ni-hl Kdssion last, i,i-ht b. I've, n : ears loaded with iron rails craw led !( ,. II amoh. y mid Dr. 15.'ildin will ,,i ,,rihe wrecka-e with his cloth turn almost entirely Iroin his body. Mi-ri-hl arm crushed int E.-llO hrnealli len heavv rails. He I . . .1 I. . . .. ..-1 I ... . I I .. .... ...... I. ..I .....I ,! ,',, (1.iHi.' il.o ni-ht. llVs hoiiu. was in Ncwhcrrv. S. ( Tho body n' Conductor .lames T. Wallin ' ol' Columbia was loiin I deep 1 w 1 1 under the wreckage, torribiy : l ... I I i . . . I - I.-. I ". in u ; i Ol .1 ', .n Ml II 11 . 1 .11 ll is w;is a Is. . k iH.-i His haad was crn.hed hv wicik. Fom e ere woiiuded. j - - ...... ' I he Nou'.IH :inilin:i IomiiIuIkmi. ,r.., n,- m.iii...,.i,.:, t.-i .,.,,,,. ' . passin- l V:,d 1 1, 11111. 1 on r . . .. ...... . I ...... , .... ........ t ,,. in. .... .-1 - '. rii. 1.. 11 i.ni 1 oi me i.ciir. Hire i.s ine nioi 1.1 uie j M.tiii, ( 'ar.ilnia 1'iani h ot Ihe ( on- . 'edi-rai . one ol the mosl coii,:.ie 1 1 uoiis s'li.liers in 1 lie uioiriorahle 1 I st rii-i.de ol ill to 't;."i. overthrown in j !r desiierali' political li.'hl y a man i who was only six and ::! hull years ' Id when port Sumicr was tired i 1 upon. It api j vote ol the Legislature, on thn 1 " ni - j j I''. I States Sena:. .rshin, lil'ty nine ex-i I fehel soloiers, one 11 member ot' the I I llampI'Mi l.e-ion, voted for Co!.! ; I ' It matters not that then are imlmitious ot a lurious reaction. Smiu an incdoiit as 1 his at t . ( cani : lal ot Ihe Mat,, which led 111 Iho Vrr !''' I'1" ehclioii, iss eli.ii.': II. a ...list cause all 1 h.ui-hi ia! m.Mi 1" observe what wondcrl'ii! f-han-es. have lakrn plac , ., e . 1 . lOlib.i..; fli!;i.t cos. Hint it. Is A Kl'Il'iilT-.itllli' lilllKl 35 ill. . 1 , , , , . , , i en cl.aiL;. M hat wreci.s ha1. . !ni n Kr-m Ui. 1 N.iv ni 1 ,-J. ,11111:1! ;n',iioe li iii.'viii'ce to cov--id Ml, U C. , :( ,-,H, tii- ldin.l ..,.' ivil,, ,h,-ris. Th. se , i.cfls. it who has bt en pivin- Vocal ami in-I js .in. ,,,, ,,f ., , -.ir-iev , , ., illi e,s ... . , x..J,i.., .. , ir New ll'ine, eiunr in .M'stfiday j t.y,'.,. s . Ihe idl'i!;.-0: ihlcu ino.ifh from Yaiiceboro, where h. "iiV! his , i-i -t exhibition, and went down (o ' Ih nul'oit hist i.ifjht, wh.-ip ho h.m hi 1 11 j i'vuiff ab.iut avoir. 1 1 e i.i said to , iiaiv uu cal lai.-nl aim to f-ive fjm.il - i-.'i foi can. -s. II" ii. leli.'ll kable ill . I Iff hi., s I.i si, : s music, spi I'tailv ill r rob!, in in his In; .dm ,1 few mil, ill. s. 11 1 I ;l.. ;.. " .......i,. 1 1 mi-.. i ....... ... - in....... s :S;;s,.,,'!.d.s: ,) iv I'-veSoe ii, o inimilos Ill . 1. ,,W :,!' is . , .11, Sieo l)chn,a .Mini. I n. 1.1 iinl 1.1 uie, raee lie has 11 thod invented by lr.m- , s.-lf of lindi:i- wh it day of the wecii ; '!. v el veil 1 Iii I e fl 1 un tile tTfati, II to m.;. :..... :.... , ... n. .,,t...... l,i;.- r - "11. 1,11,1 lie 1.1 ii'isw cr iinv 1 nr.-.i urn i.. tliw Ph.. in I.sj I Imn u li '...il " !,rrr,a i.uwn l. Alius, .in. .1 . I .'.-. i...- James lliusi.a white niiiii, ..iviiiiiii a r'"!v.l woman. Hurst ha- liutr inoti.erless clul.i'rcn. It was t lie lirsl license issiicii 1 11 : ins . 11 lor the inler man ui-e ol the races, bill its auiiolim en. el, I did not hi to cause l he slir that the tiei.i.uc- mel.t did. ' t When ! him:: 'ilesl s as-em- bled lasl ' I"' Il1'' ", l' , s.ca .11 on a t.'ioie, ami the cn pe. lant -iv -m aiP."l in the par, or nil' il,,. ... . i.Ui,'.'. An-ie's loot step" w ere he. rd descend in- on the' wt'ii. S.,,,, I. ,1,1 I,-,- Ih.-.l s .1 i:,,,, -,,, .,,! she : . ' . ' wont Cere lo li.nl .lames lor-st'l , . . I 1 I ...... 1 . I I 1 ' foloroo. nrt oil i-n er. w no nan neen th, ., ,,,, lorllnrsl. lie r,e, her not . Crow herself away .. , any poor wl,,.c trash, but t rr? h,,,.. . n,,e s hear, soi.eiie.l. and she told l.'llsseil .0 come alon- and they I I..., 1., ;- - , . 11 1 list had lured. Unci, Ansri.-iip ..... !. . ,,,,., ,,, 1 1 1 , , . , 1 I. ns . III. I.!l,"l... ,1 .11 ll. 1 Si .' , - . . .. . v.. Ill in .'II...I. IV..,-,, sll I 1,1'lse, hilt ' out with. -Mar II be a weddin- here 01 'e 1. 111 lini II i..:M .-. -lit - he ihe - ,,-,, . M.-l.-r l.'i.ss. i! and I w ill lie iioirricl. I ilott t want any nl.ilf IhmIi biisba.i.l " 1 1 11 l-U said he w oil id tiothclpthe ir. 1 1. i ,t r, :;n.l the jLirlv hi, p, diesis carrsni- aw ;i ,,c pivset.ti ihey brought. iiu.-st tried Io t at l.'usiell to I hri'sl. him, but was held back by Ins Iricuds. Hurst has .y.'i.l.liil iii the biiiik, while i.'ns ., I I I 'll ia l.toorcr ;n rto means, .-tmi Vl'I'V black. - - T if Itiihi'st ( lri: liu-n. rr .m ll,.- X" V -rk smr. i H v. M.. Charlei F. H if! mi. iv ,i, brother, ll... Io'.". Pr P.. A 11'id 1 HoilV.i an I . un ot I he (i,-i,el id Then- loL'iral Sen. inn v. both of this city, ,ie smd lo be I i.e 1 telle -t cicl --win li ia the lulled Slittcn. 'J ho woa'itb .f e t. h of Ihuaj ii, about foui U:u miliiot) . "k'ii A ftiltl Mllllll lli. p,,r,.,i i,1(, tiiiiciir..iii. le. ,110 N V- Hce V sad in- tellr'uina, was Inou-ld fu this pluon cm lv this moniini "of tho. death f Thud Chorry, a bid of liftoeit years of Hn;(., who accidentally shot and killed hiniHolf ve.-teidav veiling lnl! hunt-j ;,, ... i,;. ..,,,.,. C,; .. i -j-jIf. ,,,, ic-thus of thu ueonl'. nt firo c.n'ivil. I liO rune I. ill, WPK! ,, i,l ;( I,,,,,,! hI.Vnrin.r il .: e.iii,i1!.l elv from hi- ho. Iv I . ,1 ' . . lMIMiils liaslcn.iMo t li s-lil n ! the nmdetit ami eonvoyed his body , , 1.,,,,.., " ' ' ''."nd. 1 f e is a foil of ?f 1 1. K. Cherry, ' livf about ten miles fr Iovmi. The j ':""''.v I I'h- o'l,i.,di Hltiudii!j in Hie r ty and the neun of the death '"f t'.wjouiiK ' W was ixeeived with j l''lllll!r!ll'0' '''"'di h jjret hei e A "mt IHwcui l.cislattMN. result in a duel D.mn- the debate, Dr. Jial.Uiu rfer.ed to ( o;. Hum v.v,xh a .Iruuki n iumihIov L.wvr. I (iino .lo avs ,1, i.ouiw e.l l)r I'.lil.l. i . ... , .;ocieoai. Hint, Hat or miytliuio ilac, a Mi'. 1 no two ni' ii nislied i f.. ., . , i 'i .i ' .. i i i i .i .i i'oi'i N'Airnlcll h coiiiiiared wi h the, forraeh other and had a tuslle in tlm ' liiid.lle of the ll.i.ir, but they were tiiuillv k' aiated by friends and tl.o trouble was eii'led for a lime. It is ' M , , , . . i , , ,nl I he fl lend s o! t he b-i.lat ol s i lllle ine mi. it. i iii nan i nii'i ineie ' ! no teliiii'' what tlm iiei'.jli.iiiona mav 1. nd i A Ned Suit-M i', (. y , - . ..,,.,: J t i i. i ' Joint (i. I n't;., a well kuo.Mi ct: i.m, i : l.,llimt,.ii ,,n,.i.,. 1V sii.joti:, l.ii.,-. la - lf lhiO';-h Ihe heail wil'.i a I'.S e-ili-, 1 1,.-,, .,js,, ? (,el,,ck tl:ii.i..n,!iit. ' I I . 1 ........ ...... ... I ' lie nil. 1 j 11 si -M 1 ell 1.1 ill, 1 l 1 mill 1 liinlie I a li.e in tno Kitcl.e .. v. Itoit llS f.iimiy iias atousi d by I he ppo. t I of the Hii.'l, ai.l rushino in tho loom ' fuuiiii iiiia lyii on the iio.'.r will, liis : 1 isol by his side nnd b!o...l and' l.tains no'.'ii- from l.is hi a. I Putts I was 11 hook k, epcr fifty ye 1. and ; n h v he commit ted tin 1 ash acl is not nieinl er mid for v( hi s hm b. (mi an nldcr in the Pre.-bvti'i ian church. - 'llilill lNlbiK'ts. ! Llin,N :l ,. ,,. Kv, ),.,.. ;, . V. J. ! ;r liiVi J( .( t.ilU,at.Uir the! , j,,,,,;.,. .,shwlle . ui!i....d. was j ..... 1.; , ;. ; I V. ,U is the Ihst of wiio;es.:'.e'i : ,.s ,..r:..1; .,, 1 ,,. ,., ,:, .,;, - , ., . ., ' I i ens. d ol s s! Mi:ali."tiiv bit nl;. li-into . .. r ,. . 1 -, ill. IMa.t I'lli .'iiiui'1. Atlanta. '!v.. I'.e I.' -Faiinii i tt( I !! 1 1 . . 1.--10 oru'oi !: ......: .1.1 .. .. . i ... 1 U: 1 n 1 011 1 1C n '. , I , ' I I . 1 , 10 . ,-i , . .,1 1-1- w ,.;,,. , ...:.!. . .. ;., .1. s,.i.ii ot a ra.or. was ' veil a 1 ,e seni-nee 1 1 ne sent, 'nee in th :.:, ,,,.. It,,.. ,.,;. 1 1 er plea tl'.at 1 ' . . . -. . ' Si() u..,sinii poi. 1 1 i in". 1,1 ami en-. ,,1 ;, , m., ,, mal ,,e nas accepted bv ' . -. : t ne pirv. . ; Smi:i.f.. ld ll.'n.ld: On l ll.'i'.l.n , ,,, ah n: i :! ,. , k the d .v. li'ii'-' )(j jr vn,,v ':, iWl-f ih-slr.i- ed ; 1 11 ' i,' 1 . . 111. 1 " . " ' ' . . '. ,n le ..wal.i a l v ti.e i,.i.i. s wi.u n its;.; , 1 1 ... , 1 . , . .... .....I w is , , , v;.rln'-: xl? "i-"1"1" , I i . . s ,i i 11 r : 11 , t-. . .,'.... ih.u,ai Si. ll' i dii-in of I!.,.: ,: ,. , i , .... . '.I . .1 ,,f ,lllr .. ' ... ... ', . .. , ,,., ;t, -i-.... :, ilt. 't-diiiiinj: of tliia . a,Jaji,.lil tl n n. I Ini! ..nedoslid Shim-il ' ivi i i ' 'i t -.I oo.-t mast.-i at Selm i. , . :,,;,,,',,.. ,,.,.,,1 .,,.,1 ..11 . si , f .-aid Stf.m 1! for bo id.il'.- the t-eul of ! :u.KjM,,,,l lo'tiraid tulvii.;: hioiu-a . 1". , t. I!,. ... w 1 , 1... i' Ihil, S.it in d'.) . con . 1. "eil mi l ii.-i.t i-iici .I In ii.ir.l h.Pi'f i,i Ihe t i r.ed States p.'Ll 1 i.ii.u ; ( '!..a ,)l two i e.. - I-' Xi-V. . : i. i .iiel ni l ). f "i'1'11' 1:11 LIS lil'l ivrd I t Inn'ot'e lor th,- pniposc . t istii!. lishiii- a re.-i i.iii: . nice h. ,e. Il ... . ...1 . r : . a" 1 ' l'" '' '' n ........ .-..i ... he, 1 rci-rii'liu'' olii. e beie Mich', C, , liao-s did u hi- bu-iiuss w J, ,, .... i ' ' .. .... I.s .o h. . ,. . n'm . . ,'1 01 . I e T'li-re is ' " I - " bl- oowd ol .N.l to, I!, lo.l If .s . I Ii.v ..i.i.',- -,n.l llit'V imp a'..-.nl ,1,,,.. ' ' ' ;' 1 1 1 ia i-i ' ' ' e W on I he" -. 'd o. a.-, H , Hi a l.o.cl iiv . W l.-'.'i 1 I 1 l et ii. ' 1..U ' I lord il.lol nU'd 1 1 1 tnat ' I in. I in-on po.- ''". "' v "" ' " ' " " tHN.'s ill . I i.i-l.i I tell 1 them lllid ... . ... J '!"' !"'r ' l'""!, 1 ' ' ' l.is laX.'s m ...,... 1 his m .... -.. ' '"'v ''".''v ll lV;'': "!'.!' '', "'t' "'fs' i-lenh.l aloiu.il I ay.ot sM.h- to ' j last li-ieal .,.M. ndcl.t "I ri,nsioi,i..-r r,,!,'iiul us is li e Mnk.i ,f v, r-.-i'-iia, know n P. .Spaniard-. chict'y :.s 11 hi tclor ot I:, I Min: bulls, A I.' ..... O I'll. . ... I . h L .U , ,.. ' " ". 'I "- .'" loi ,1 o'Ti.neulion to,-.M,,i,illiii.l pal ly i i.s h, , isSn. ,1. I he , -.m . - ."!. 010 m. 1 1 i-1 biuai i.id. IS'.'l. 'ii' 1 1 ir. -i.i catai 1 1: l.o. o,n. s, lnon.i- .1 is d Hi t to ovc.omr.. .! iw.-v. . Old Mini's Culai 1 h Cut e id i n 0 the mo-t oh' tinue eu-.e. It i . h. 1 d . i 1 k for t .10 I a'.y t o cut tfit th. an 1 ,1 should bo a siso J by the user Mr. Pull s Hub . S 1 up whicb ' wili o.! tbe iadumcd gnujij. Af llf.V Itll colils are Shrill, Hi but their tendency is to ho Ioavc Hvntom Hint tlio fuiflVrcr beeon ready v i t in. to niiy provalfiit disease. ' 'w U! cf Ay era Cherry Pectoral, 'u bpffinuinj uf a cold, would; B"ari' 'jjainsit tLia danor. j I Itn.i.wl tlim In Si.i 1 1 Waiisaw, '. V., Hoc. 1 .- Wlittts VI .1 :.l t iiiatHaif " D i you know how this npi fssioli ,.;:.,.,.,i v,. I-......, I .1 "fs " i.m, la!.,,,, ?'M'"'Si'""' oneriif,M.mted. Wchea.d it ysteidv. Ono .rent hiiiiui on Hie r. ' ' v4. r l't. j do you tniok he n.ail " ''' 'I t"" "'"'''lT" ,n "W ' '". ' ' J"" " it was ,,,. ; ,,ri1 d the pn.v was way down vou vou,u khow ai oiu e witiioill oiifi ' gm-.-.s where he (oil. it would'nt you !l v.oidd be flu! hiiiijo with f nine j if ',. " (, . " .. , '. ;. , I ' , ' , '" , 1 , s , ' . 7' " '! i1" '"''" '( w ; ov. iO'.h!, or ih!'. lisli suit of e otheK j Sv,My; VhXSL:' l,,,,,ii , . .. ... i . t . , , ' ! Tr""1, ,u"1, -v"u l0 n-ht ' .: u. liCrcr socil any ; sauiu floods from some other Mori I lint the o;.fM from Kiviudcill's with' II... I,...i ..,,.1 l. ....... i ...:..! I.i ,. ' ... , ..' ' .. . .; ."' 1 I". S' ' . IIU Mil I'llllll I'll.lllH . , ,. . , J- , cor. of .Miiitiii mi J Wilriiin-toti stn-cls. ! sciiF.id'LK pj rrsp.op.o' it. 1:. Tl,. ,..p.r .PMi, ",. U... II ..r" i,..l.,..'l; l'"-"H I'Ic.sIm.iu ilully. i'l.'...l Siih.Ui, ui n.Ilift. i ... ,, tm m .rrit... ,. in,,.,,,,,.,,! it i,, , ..i i ,.. ,.. m-k.1.4 s- '' 11 M wm.u.... ml..-...!.. r. a. .vl.. . '""":'' i i.-wn. WM I I I .will OS Oi.n Santa Ci.ap-i hai nrain nmde i1'1'' beiid.pmrlci s at ' . W. J. LONOUN d! . 11.1 ,1 , r ! 'aril bo Ptkos (his f.i.r.oitin it v of 111- : ' ari'i J.o t'ii:os tins oi.r.oitiu 1 v ot 111- : . . . . . . . ' if'.naiiio jus fi semis, little and n:-. 1 . r . . ,. . r . ,l"' ''':i tlli.l t -1,1 lit tnie-, i ' 'n ,fiP" f''.r ; "u.n".l at very low ( 1 l",'l','S ' ' '"",'"u " ! j I '!is. all six-.--, i 'i's of ai! kind,, ' i hum Wire, , (oasi Ware. Wooden Ware, Furni! ui e, Cbd'bcn'n ( lia;)M. i iliu lio'.d.iiii' Ch ,ir. . . . I 1, " N iihii- I s!:i! ... . 1 .nMi 1 ., s ami t . e;os iioio-i -o: 1 ni ,! A'lt'.'-lap 1 A Peill p ,,!'T' ... .01 0,011 . Wl'.eOIIS. Wheel Parr ,W'S, Chi 1st mas Cai d.f, IVIiire nml V, a l,i ;; P.o.Ts. I'lnO l.il.'e.-. -.n.i m ..th. r i,i t. i i.iimcioiis lilelllioll. . , . , .... . I ome all-1 PlIII !- I I If c 111 . ill 11 t O Sl-f . , ;.... ,,.i.:-i.,'foreu,e.i,: ., . . . . , 11 COS IllllllShl ll III C1V I.Oi Iiii, ill kinds of liiei ,,ii..M to oat C- uekeis. I'll!. PS. 'oc.iatiuls. f 'i!!-o.-.-. Lemons, I'lUubcs, 1'it iicli and plain. !! I'.sins, C'lliii.ts, (':(:, i.s. N'.lts, Mince Meat, ('aimed tiood.s of ali iiiii.1'. Fi.in-v and Meaty tboeiiie.- fis .stock Ol I'rv (100.. 11, No urns ' 'V ! f ; IliU..' ' -l ai. .0.1 if. t a-h cinloim-l s ill How Noli, 'OCC ial i ml lie. men I s at I'll t-i.,-..-,." 1 ' ! ), I 'i l A .0,,. I, .1 1 id P!:iim.:; j;r i t.in iis Si-ii'.-Ii.i -i " ,. '. 1 i- I 11 -I , -li.-i. ,' ',,..vi.,'i. m. , ,! v. . ,...,.',",., I. ... , . ,.. , , ,i: . ,. r 1.. ,-. . i,.,,, ...... ,.. "m.i - v,i'.,... - ... i r.-i. i.e. . :, , ,,,,, ,,k , ,.,..rs. J io. .-..,. -,.,,,. r. ni-iM . in, In I iil..l,..r..' N. f . t- I. IS'.".. P. II MMiSll.i"., :l. LUMBER: AH kinds of T.FMMI'.i: f.ns.doid tin PITTSc-I-OkO shuttle mill WtATH!:K-BPAn-!?!M pf-11 iitp f f ; ri r nnKM'-f UtlLlllll hUU I LlibV.U Pi wu. xsn K11 Mr.'i n, in: lh ImIIs saw. .1 to oi.bi at short rml (iood I . iiiutf ?! 1 .001 llifj a.rvaoj ; lur..,sr.r. t .tdy "JO per P0 lift. ' 33. NOOE, Jr. 1 fjept. 2G. lSS'J, HEADQUARTERS ! : 1 5 WZZ&'Z a Durham, N. C. :A00SIARTEBS FOE EROIJEFJES 1 My old fii' nds in Ch:itli!"!i am JurLuui find J will guaianlt-o to satisfy S(ple and Fancy (jlroccrics l ,fAU- riii.-i.-ui.' t MI I.M-, SNl I 1 , HUOKS. MOLAS.5F.Mj y j,oii". cii.(:i:i:i:s. DUY (i()f)J).S. . ,i " .j . . , w . W Special IndUCCIttCuts Mr two Move, in Ihirlm... r opposite PanisWu WarehouBO and st " . , , . , corner Peabody and .i mgun. utiud-. N'ov. 27, IK'.lll. "ill. CROSS & . o 1 Ci T-i.Tr-rtTrill.l.' St.. - mm mi bqy5s bloti-iikg, Gents' Furnishing vcoas, rtc . , . , r (( Never beloie have we b.f' nbe to "";'.'.t 'I tt"'.' , Y.m want the bi and we ,1:.. Ocl i.bcr P''. P-'-'11- voor mmmmim, '5 N'om. P2:;'i;d FU Fiiy. ftf ville St.. KAI.F.Pill. :. C. IJIIKSS (lOODS. T!iis i . ore "f our LFAD5WG DS-PATP.IENTS and will be found repa".- -iMi : 1 .us o ore "1 our ! LFADSWC CErA?TP.1SNTS and will be lound r.-p,. -.' .p!i HE GQGBH oimI TillMKIIIGS J..r I VI wi a:-- .'oil and eoluph te iintf t-f .tt:i ivut vvi-i iv uiic wi t -r S.tl Jl. 1' in .III. J.- -s.:r.ijT. ...... , - w " X- . f-5?T ?, 81 AC?CDO i . i- "i'.Ii li EHO - 'AT T FT? ! f W WT?) V.j j? tjf;. . I t T IWlOVi H hbU V. Luiill L'l'.iiijh V UUi ' H JA? 1 1 1 I UrjU J fur L.ola s. ( i.-il! :."'.i. .,u-. s and Chih'.lML mm. mm m mi Correct Styles, Experienced S3?losmen. y.UoPITNO HV MAIL. o,d. is r.:;.! i will-. s ami ,iispt,-!i. Saiii'!i's sent on :,pp'.ic.".t'oii. 1 . . 1 . - a, . ' ' ' .b,s,.f in.. ..;: ...... n.i M i I'.scosy )!; p.s; -I J s, -. - - - l' iiOlliiU M.VKF. HAPPY PKOPI.K' :A. G. KHOEES CQMPAE KAI.F.IOH. N. C. ; At" maVim- pfpl 1 .;-iy fvciy dv by Ihe lib. r.,1 ! 1 ins llu-v 1!., r Ol, .ill i.'ll-i- oi iV.nty Chiir ! Hitll nacks! Ircok Canes 2Jrcf- scrs ! 'i7ardrcbcs ! nvcrythii.2 ! Chamber al ii !v. l-iiti. eoiiiph in -Hi . I; - Suit- I un I.': Ml ' .1 V. V w i!l a; coin,:, vi ti if 'on wn e f.ll alid p!t .: We havr r .talk about. il:.-i' It ,'H! 10; I 1 A. (i. !.!!.?!!. .. ( ().. 0 F,. Martin ami U .- I'lv. Am;- -s, lvm. fvoil-i Hint Ti-..!.- M.nle, f.li .-'Cl. Hint all I'll!' nl ,u-ii,c.- c'l-.'in.i'-i I"" Miuitc Ftrs. Ou Crncr 1' Ops.t.-..tc U S. PiT'Nt Oiricr ml wo , un ' ill. i:.' 'i'. n 1- - .ini'- iii", lu.-so r. -ii, "U from V. i l-i- S-11,1 lilfkl.-l .',a..'ii:- . r i,.'.. , v:Hi il -i-ri I1..11. W.- '. -.'. ,f ,1' ..r f.i''' "'I rluri'.'. (tin :' " !i- nil i-uii'in i- r.msl PtiiPHiir. "h 1 .I" -i'ii'. I nmi-.l-. "I' mm-; fl urn. .1 1 "Lg 0 j C A S S O W S6 VW. p.. tint otf.ci. wasninqton. 0. c, invito 1 to cali on mo wLoii they Vlsl tliciu in cv. rytliiny in FIS.1I. 'J(M:Af'J0. sv in p. COFFKIiJi KOM, NOTIONS. ('HOCKKKYi to Countrv I7crchant! 1 LINK HA 3K.Xj3TI3-IX. is. 0. ,.,.,,,.,,..,., 1 x .,,;(d -m r.ssotl- ..... 1 ' " " " ftSW1 ,., 1 (i, ui '.':ia!. Wi' ui" able to sll nhoap C'JKHsM, M. C KlMJm 113 SUM. A v.f ll seh ft. d htock of Wafrhrs, Clocks, . gClifl SiV HStCJ War! A 1 1 r-IC-V'XLTIES, ".' :', .1. p'( te lino of nmrnmrnmii IS. cc.?.:?rcT:;i.-r:iES, . ,'.'' 'A El; Y, .iC. SNI P:'. i. 'P.ACf;) ani. CI0AU9 at I':.. I . i v pri'.'f k. Four, M Csrn, Oats, li FAr:l:U TOOLS. J.svi.'.'.u,J UVVUU. AM -ood :! !. wf st f;.s!i piitfed If y, u w isli 1 o save money, roiud l.i s, 1. " w In n m.ii vii i! 1 huliam ami vou w i'l i c coiivii.ci d. Wa li, fm '111 '" v- ...:;. .:;). ,. W.S.&B.S.TSCI1EB&C0., DRY (iOOJ)S. rss.s. ss!M. , Th. sc w bo w is!i to p. Of'trn lidvaioK , !. - i.. ! v o 1 I,,, ! he Fttll hPa- -on m.o iUI buy , ii. 'Unity of lLo I id,!..; l.l.l 1 I' S'lk -, Mll'SS (l00d I .to- '. ! . : .! 1 s 1:1 e j.ow arrit- II am! ,-.,.. ' be diiplil'i'llcd a1ioh ,ii . -..Id -. i.i.ir c n-iravorej t pr. i.i. 1 " in 1 1 01 1 . e! Mid ;!0Kir !! 1 I'lh Ihi, l i.!!. in... we t.. 8k ib a! .'.. i'.l ! e w i!l I - appreciated by 0111 . ii I . 'i ... : -. 31 UI. o..IM:i SlFl'AbTMEXt. We 1 1 1-- !, , 1 ."mi; r ! !'. ; ' r'igy for t ' . - 1 . in- h Inn: !!.;'. i;;li, nu the i.i I '.in ' I :i ;..! which this iff a, -.. .' . , ir ! !:, 1 . ni' bly equip p. ,1 V 1 ..( I'. 1 :,i ' nt. This depart. ... 1 1 1 io il- r tin ii'oal compe. tod M.:.'.:i-i ill obtain ,e. Mul thft' Imismh : : a."-.a !, .I unil' iinouniv to : Vm , 1 1 d- i i'ii'1 la 1 s . c fjivt all in ills i' - t -I ii; 1',v;'. and r-'h'ji '.;,'. .. mil.-.!-.' 01,'fris lcceived. S in,) ' ni; '1 api iiration. Crco;'t .; V; Irvcrcd Freo n ad CA - !l ('lib Is of ?t oftcl iinl'Mi'ili'liVi'! I ! -01 ni - fl . ir. . .1 ;. .-'. i r hi;n,i- co., i liALblOH, N. CfV v

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