(Ehaiham B THL'KSlAY, UEC KM II I! i:, lstui. H. A. LONDON. Editor. VDOiniaiAl OB'S limit. hi;hi. mum IT., all Chrwtondom rejoices. I ho very J , . ,, mdImu ot !ho word '(. imstnias . Biwayft escilns picusiiiuuic omniums ; ... . a . . 1 . - ! ' m Die Dren.'l 01 evory one. 11 is 1119. . . . .'bill ought int to J '.is because 11 QI nitprtf II1UIJ J J l"l? Iianll Try ycr, that is enjoyed hy every Vwiy, though i" very ditt'ori'iit w ays. With eome it in an nersision tor drunken earn 11 sals thus desocrat- ing and cloraili nic :ital day ol tha I'rinvo of l'eaec. With homo it, M an t.-'Tasion tor gluttony and laastin tho indiilijeneo ot the MBtaal a(rtite. With some it is tli occasion of tho liaippy family re- , nion, wlicn loved ones Ioiijj separ- : Attl meet around t do old fireside and at thr t'hristmns dinner and to. , gellier enjoy tho pleasures of tho present and the reeolle etuins ol llie pt. With hoi no il is th oeea : lion for the inierihango of il'ts of lorinj; rcint'inliranees that prove tlte reality of tho saying "that it ia Btero blessed to give than to re ceive." Anil with souio it is an or. caeioii for roliions services lor the worhi)in with praise and prayer lk Ciod who on tins d.iy sunt His onlv boottou Son into this world a the Saviour ot in. -in kind. In what way, dear reader, ilo.c njoy Christmas ? To eaeh and all ol its reader the Rieour estende the i;reutins ot this joyous season, and wishes for litem all "A M v t'liuM M v." Tiik Intkk Si'air Immigration ConTontioii, that met at Asheville fait week, was literally ''snowed under". That city had boon exten - . airely advertised as a ilelihtlul winter resort, and probably was se lected a.i the f .ic flu- the conven tion to inoct, in order ts've iuimi-; grant a taste of the n n y South". But to the In. nor and dismay ol the delegate, when they arrived at AsliOTillo tho sceno resembled the decripli'ii!i iveti of the Arctic re gionn. A blinding, tree.in; blizzard wa sweeping over th inoiintains. the snow was riht inchos deep, and all nature suemed ti'or.en in stnkiiii; ontrast to the warm wuleome ex pected at the "Sunny S.uith" ' I !n delegatp from Kiorida and Louisi ana w ere nuarly li'o.en by the rewl chance ol climate, many ot them baring come wilinuit their over coata. Fourteen Slate were represented, but the North Carolina ilch'att s did most of the lalkiu:;, a lew of them thinking il their duly to do all the talking Committees were appointed to carry out the purposes of lite eonvoutiiin, and a l es'iluliou wa adoptcil reijuest inij tho Legis lature of every Southern Stato to appropriate SlI.YOou for the purpose ol havini; a creditable exhibit at 'he World's F;iir. to he hold at Chicago. We hope that the lali us ot tl.is convention ie ay result in some practical benefits to the Soutli. TaNHKii's celebrated tast ot ihirty ilaya has been surpassed by Sm-ei's taat ol forty rive days ( n the olh ot Novembo - an Italian crank in Ihe itity ot New York, named Sue. i, be jan a fait of forty live days which I10 auccessfully end".! on last Satur day nielli Wnen he began bis fast be willed 1 l"K pounds, and at ila tloee ho weighed onlv lufi pounds. having lost V: pounds nearly a - .1.... 11... ..11 .1... .,. for the period of fnrty tiro days, he did not eat .1 1110i r.i l ol lood, only drinking water. It serins almost incredible tha'. any man could fast forty five days, and yet thcie was BO fraud or deception ia this ease. What was bis object? Notoriety and money. Of tho former he i getting a full ebare, as all the paper contain no tices ol his extraordinary fast and many of them have picturea of him. And ot the latter . money") lie is likely to got a plenty, as ho i to 10 ceivo 11 ,L'iiO for exhibiting himself this woek in a dime museum. Vami'K will probably be re elected lo tho Senate without any opposi tion. This announcement add Kreatly to the lull enjoymont 1 this rmt(ii, (hos(i merry Christmas times by many of wou, substitute -proeessrs of fraud, liia admirers. In tlte Progressive intimidation, and luibeiy " for holies! Farmer ol this week appear an ed- fb'c'ions It is intended to rrsir itnrial, headed "Settled,-' stating reot. if possible tiie Uepiibl.ea.i pitrly . , , ' ami restore its hold up. 11 power lo that III correspondence between a i;4 f ,,,,, ,',-, lt. taking Vanco and 1 'resident Kbas Carr possession of all the election ma should, and we doubt not, will, ehineiy in the Ieiuocralio States of allay all opposition to his re oloction this Fnion, so that the frauds may In to the Senate." In another column ''"''"l kv it own ag. ntnd in w.puuiisiiin.'ue.i.ioiiuia..., cones- poniUnce; and tbo brcoiin, like the I'rogreasive Farmer, "is delighted to know that a way to the composin d the difference between Vance and the Alliai.ee ot North Carolina has boon loiind, " and we say hurrah lor VAK'r ami thk Ait. unci ! I The Folii'V bill is Mill being (lis ' Hissed in the I 'idled States Senate. . . , ., i Many itblo miceches luivo boon made ' ' by the democratic Collators 111 oppo- sition to it, and thus tar only one re . publican husspoUen against it, ami hu was Senator Stewart, ot Nevada. . ., , . 1 ......... I ; He made :i inanlv and strong speech . . in which lie gave muni' ensoul roa- ; . , , mum wliv the lull shoultl not pass rnou other things lie sai never will he ei i riod . Iiti.-uw it will consolidate the Southern whites; beeuu.se it will luin turther tnisery on tiie Soutliern hlai ks. and beeauM it will im.ro.iso sectional animosities and kindle anew the discords ot the past." What ortWcl this speech will have we know not, but the vol science of the average republican jioiiu. ian isohanleiied that we tear noamoiii.t ot reason or arini.enl will prevent the passage ot this iuiiiuitous iium lire. Senator Van re made a very able (ifeech last eek. .vhich wo wish could bo read by all his constii ueiil whom he represents so taithluliy an. 1 delends so courageously. in ebullient biHi'iiUL'e he ridiculed tin idea ol the republican party desiring ll.e purity ol elections, ami in words ot hurtling in diijnalion reculled the experience ot the South when eon -trolled b that party. We cop the lollowiliextl ai t in releience totlc-e dark da s ol republican siiprema. y in tho Soulherti Stales : Tho object, then, ol the bill i- to restore purity of election' I 1 re sume mi one will doubt that II. is is desirable, nay. that is uidispeusibU. Hut the manner 111 which me Sei.a lor and his :is.n dale plop- to brin.t; aboiu this pui :ty i- w i.at strikes oin' with wonder. from thai source it may be w, n spoken ol Ihe joke ol the .i..e Theic are perhaps parti' . mi Ui h and slate, w ho lo well to m '' .0 :n iiputy and 1 lau. or lor that pu; il wiiie'h is eoul'al to rihtc 'i.-io-". but 1 Hiibuiil tho Republican party it not one of them. v .n 1 con r.ove ol . mini' seart In r allei ".it! cal integrity t iirinn hi-, e;. i r.y posibiiily im that .iu'cctio:, s on this purlv presents itself ; ' 0 fender .1 pomnai Mrtiie. and iy reason of i'.s huh I re'ent. on ...i.i, thal only llneii-ii Us . ; y . an this heal I r.'h I.e. I. II I iil'v impure 1111111 woiiel i.ar.'.r historv tor i-r.ioi ol Its rxa.lv lib III ions. Let us take '.his tn t-; 1 1 . for a mo meiit and see w!i i.iii.J what is ; h Repuliiiean party, as pies,-i,t-d b; the supporters ol this hoi. We si. a. lilld It is tuO same p:irl w hieh In.lU unrated i'"isti uetioii. I'.y Ih- re. .11 I met urn, it wi.l he remember. ! one tilth ol the votes in el. on 'at. was suppressed by law 1 he 1 .1. alt V ol disiram l.isemeiit " as ti ; il.tiic'.od a a pll'iisiiit.ei.t lor I .. ivitieoil trial and cn n I I lion- amis upon lop ol thousand ol :... votes were suppressed by Iran-!, t' re 1 11 ins bci 11 conn led a ie I 1 a 1. v a sod 111 secret by men no; s , on .. in any way respor, h.e lo any I "-iy acliin; in --Mates far distant trom i : ilaec where the votes ..eie...s! In adddion to thi-. iheie wen- ! 1 eivod an 1 1 oihted the I a'lo's ! those who wore not ent'tled tosul tiile by any law known to A no 11 can history . r trailil'.on. In tuis way eleven .uthi rh Sl.V.O" "He SUl'jei't' d lo the ' "I -trol ot Ih.s h'liiiliau ot pun;;. 1 he l!e)'lhle:i :i pal IV t""!; tuo ehtiL''' ol liicin ai d their di slimes I'.ol.in I ami i 11 sii ppoi t of t hel ! leaders s;,,od the aen.v ot ti.o I'hiled ts's an I 1 all li e moral power el t ne c cm meiit then under the 1 on U' n ol : . -great party whoso chie! !. s-.i-e .s ; ,n purity an I treed. on ol elec:.oi. What t.."k ph. 1 e in the year wi.nl. followed that state ol l i.irgs wei, iliutrii!cs !bo sincerity ot ihei.ii clam.s ot' the allthots 1 t li is l,;.l. The carnival ol con np:i"h and Irnu l, the 1 1 am ry, the ru'tini.' the tra litioh- ., pling do w n ot decen 111 ihe overthrow ot on- of a proud pi-op. e. the chaos of hell oh earth whn II took place then beggars the descriptive powers ot plain history, and can on Iv be pictured by t he gen 1 1: isy . Uul neither Milton nor lianto i iiv. iiii.'. and 110 modern pool I as giv. h evidence ot a genius e.plal to the task, even when In his nainral gilts are added Iho horrors of nigi.t inare I.augiter J 1 believe a committee ot Congress, who took some testi niimv upon this subject, estimated in 171 the amount ol plunder which was extracted trom the Southern people in about five s i l s oars at some three hundred millions .1 d.d iars in the shape of increase I debt alone, to say nothing ol the indirect damage inflicted by the many ways ofcorruplion ami inisru'o which can not be estimated in agony The bill is not intended to prrsei i' l"""y 111 elections. It is not lllletnl- .. I 1 . I..f..,..l l'0.l.ii;,,i, nl 11,., lt j ,,,,11 l,v ,ii- bill to subject tlie peonle of the Soiilh one .oro to the domimttion of theirieer ,. slaves, l'tu. iiliieeti in. which Ihe r rovisioiis of this bill tire aimed are lh l)einc.- emtio .oulh, the great liemocratic citieH of the North, uud ull lu.tuial id citi.ei H. Tho policy of ttubjf!ctiii the intel- ligeiice mid property of the South to ' tl control of ignorance un.l novelty is nut n nw fin'. It bus been tried, .,, . ... . .. , lo the eandii 111:111 vi Iiii 1 'mII v desires ,Je w,.lfll,.t, ()f U9 ,., l)iy thoespo- liment usullcd in 11 failure so disas- ; nous , wi; ,,, ncic. U.'iif iu( " ' ;eK-a e.l lh'our t , Hag ru el . Till, - .i .,',,,,,, ,,f ,... n.i'inir!:;;!:;:.!; undthenormeeuf.h-i.otherl.eean MUHiIvtlTeiustnunent hv whieh the ' ,,, ,,llo i- .,.....,. . ou).os..s ottheiante hadeswel, iri icl out I he niatei ml iiml ntorul inn Hioiiht ui, dcr t his iiifm mil eon j inelion i f iinuiu.iv and intellij,'i nl Vice was tin greater than that mlhet ed 1'V wal. The vrtj foiuulullolis of pu'o!ie vutneweie undeiinmed nu-l the seeds of liatK d i le thiekiy sown bet rti'i n the li.ei s. It sit mill at 1 no time 11s though cmiiatiou itself would perish, but the vei v i-xecnses ot I lie men ivno weie in eoiitiid piovid the mculis of 1 heir .low 1, fail. Kxpo-ure to tho lirfbt 1 f .lay il.rtl'lol the opproMteil citieiis lo e. iiiliiio and oveitkrow I hi in. The i 1 oph' lone and nnid.i 11 d. spei ..le 1 IV . t lorei oM-r thelf lo.st hili!a'c. S'-i'e after Slute pase.I tin.l. 1 their e .nliol until all hud l.en le.ben.id. 1 i.aplitous ly lsln I um 1 wai i-wcpt aw iy. I oiruptioii wan stopped 1 f.,e downward tendency U lis si I 1 s;i .1. .Men ol.ee 11IOI e un aiu- i d fiiilv, and bean to labor and build, iiiid sow with an assuranc that ti.e lu'obl leap. In this en at sliuole to i-seapo neoio lule' 11. 1 icstoie our Stale cowl niiK'i ts lo the eoi.tiol of thoeo who mad. ti.eiu. and w!.iw nticestoi s h id , stubitsl.cd th. 1! 1 line, ph s 111 li.eil b.oo.l. we had b 'th the aid aiul the s-. n; ill. . f Noillo 11. I UloOlals -M-IV wi ell' We bad neither fi"Ill vou" V ' l did ii"t enn Maud ly vitli ii.d.lb'ii I ee. You uphold the pa.lv .1 ,.'.e and ignorance 111 vel'v wax x ou eon.. I Yell kept the Ati:' '( t:e I hlte.l .a'.s ill the S.. ,t:i t ' oM'l.- 'h.e ll.e still -.tfliliU v ! .'., as :j a.- ond.iied i'U sol 1 o.i . d w hi n ! he plun I'M, 1 f mil' I . ,r lo u a - I 1 1 e.!. 11 I'd y oil 1 1 cell I'd !,i 1 1 1 aims as p 'hi crti mailMs the . a. j pi li '.,' Iurrivi ivpiied by the h.dil.at.oi. of Hi .ntlrtwd p.opie ' IIi'iublieiuis An.ii'ist tlie Allianci'. . . 1 1. :'. lin Cll i.ehs .11 . ilt-l . OK. h no ds for ui- ll'ii'iee the use c t hat an - f Fr I I llll ,'.,' " I a! 11. ei :a ih. .ii 1 1 la l,t behind , ii :.. 'hi ' 1 1 st. 1 in t!.e suits 1 I'.!1;; I li p 1 1 ' 1 1 , a I s . w ho t In 10 , I,, hi. d. ':',' '. M Alliance. At (im. ia' K. holds that an .. mei tit o. ii i..u'n secret, iioty :v he e t'.i'd a b'lsn ess 1111 etn tii.. s,.i.,i I ..ui Is eiai.t the h. 1. . . la'. Is. s the! c is no law ..i.l it a n. .j i t y of the members' of !.. o !'..ii l in Kansas are Al ia, h II o h b'-ol ho.ises will He t . !" 'is. ,1 .is in 1 llhu' places 1 .1 1 . . 1 1 t iie 11 (' of sell. '1 il . 1 . K.n is f : 1 :n ii:i l the e w ..i l)e ..'Kil ted the S.iltle . p:. As 1 '1' Woitiiin Attacked by I!;mtooiis. I . !l ,..!-. ... 1 . ll.e. '11 Mrs I I ;, 1' .'; .'.. '!. . f I'h.o.iliu. fight s ii 111 ieie. M ,is uMael.el 1 ai iy . - . 1 i v. 1.,, 1 r c lo 11 l o oe 1 aeco, 11 it 1 : .1 i 11 he! an ! I! ;e l to si i. hit I", ti.e I hi and it was 1. n! if or :. .!-.- 1 1 ate stiugj.-le that sl.i -1. .-, id'd .ii I. ill. i g 1 1 wi! h a eliib Mi l'..,,i:. .11 w a, 1 11 her way I.' Il,' ha: n. s.,!,. .!;.!'. or f.eni the bouse, o f, e.l s me liv flocl; ii'. the t'.me 1)1 l.ri u.,v I, i.-l. to the hmisi sin . in" in. I ei 1 I Hie'' In 1 ru ,.w hie h snap I it - t 1 : h ah, I - j 111 g at liel vicious v. lei; 11: t r 1 ,1 teiii'.le ,elit. she sue i s h i in 1 .-paichiti this olio also Cn:n it I ( an; jN in (ieoi gia. A ! 1 is . t in . I'tO 1 'hull uia', I' ift ,'i. of lie I'enit' 'iln.i ( o'liinit '-. . ; .1 s- nti-l t" ll.e Ie gh.tilie to .1 iv a n j l it sigi-el by twenty f;v. mi-mbei . onlv tiie diss, ntitig. which 1 ei'i 1 s. nt s I he coin lot camps 111 I )di .-. .11 : 1 1 be in 11 shocking ooinl.ti ui I )n 1 s 1 '. r g the ea 11 1 1 is t he ( '01:1 111 it tei ; . .111 . I evi l thing tied ui if the I. s-e. s had l ech rnee:ing it. N wilhstai bug this the clothing of the I li . lie- be 1 el .tiling :t!i 1 lb" ii I'l.ei.ts a:o s u I to have been fill by. Two ciidiea bill been lioin in ea.np. o,e s.i ,n atlei its in ! i cr w .In taken there, tin- other a child of an old convict Tin Committee found men at w ,,i k I v ing on tin ir sti iinael.s ill l.ei I il'i 1 watil', Conipelled to d" so 111 01 h'i to accomplish the lieces saiv aniount of wolkto save thou. s(-iics fioin being tl 'gg'd. Opposing Senator Iugalls. K.lNsis Cm, Mo.. Pec -A spci nil li oin V ii hits, Kansas, say s : A i , . 1 1 v e n 1 1 i u ol representatives lioin the Farmers' Alliance of the Seventh Kansas Coimri-si.iiial (lis- lint met hero matni'day to take, aclt ni )oi, the c lei lion ol a siici es s,.r to .-eiiator lng.ilU in tho Senate. A res,. ,iiii. 'ii was adopted i istruel I tig ;i 11 l ain. i I s Ahi.iiico members I the legislature ti'ou. the Seventh district to vole against Iugalls ami W"l k tor his detent. Kllorls lo so ( lire tiie endorsement lor one or .mother of iho candidates was mi siieirssliil. Tnt'iitj Miners Killed. Loshos. l)eo. '-II A terrible aeci dent oeenired today in mine nt Sasnoioien. A number of miners wore leuvii woik. when the rope attached to the lift broke, lueeii'ilatmir tho 'infoi lunate men to the bottom of t he shaft, a distance of 100 feet. Twen ly ut n were killed outright, and several others sustaiuei. serious , injuries. Our Washington l.t-ttt'i. Il'roni our Kioulnr Oorr.ioo.tuui.J Washington. I -. Ill, 1SH0. s,.,mtor VtiUUn.k M ,,, iU ,,M0 f lh(i i(,iiip ,. ,,,;,. Senators ",m 'mrlhwost, has a mind oi.'-unoipiivocnlly" direel him lo .ole ;i:r:uBv;,.l,,,.w.,,!,"l,,i,,,',,,,,, "v,- T,."M,,y ',,!iin'; " ' 1 ,,,U-,vM m"" "'"V""'1 " It - H.o duty ,',, ",,"Vl o. the ,,eo,,l.- nt North ran.!,,,,, to Mr. Harrison a had turn wl that meet in their s.. era tovnlims and ,,,.,.. .,, .,, , ,,..,.,,.,, :,..,:...,...., .....,,.. : , i... .1 .. v 1.. 1 .., : : the douijht v im ,1-n.iu im.. ii.ini" for the Toree bill, by le plainlv t liat lie w as verv linn him leiide.llv opposed to the measure and would coi!;;ii !y vole against it. Mr. liar rion l! en made an i neltecl ual effort lo et Mr. I'addoi k to promi-.e thai he would absent himself when the vole wus taken. Asa last resort to p I ihe repnbli : can Senators into lino .Mr. Harrison 1 is sunt to liave .stated to several ol them that he would consider the do teal of the Force bill an intimation that they did not wish him to bo a cand idate for it renominatioii in '!' That is a very ilai. porous arauiuent for Mr Harrison to use, and it will pro ha hiy result in 11 01k 1 n-; more votes against ihe bill Inan in its favor, lor it is doubtful whether there is a half 11 ib T"ii republican Senators who are sincerely in favor of eivini; Mr. Mar. risoii another nomination. A lepublican citn-iis has voled to cliani;e the rules of the Senate in order lo push ll.e Force bill through. The pro;.' m n. me in I,, debate the biM the rest ot this week, then to take lip the new silver bill npprowd by 1, the same caucus, mid pass it in ils ,., ue.i .11 -.11- ociatsdo hoi succeed 111 substituting I ree the l:oma, ialii;e therefor ; after" ai ds of rules is to be ad'ip'od, I epu blieans call be per ' for it. or is Mi:ain current I. ore. it chough siiaded to v The t" 1 1 tii. and t'cnera behoved to be true, that Mr Harrison has fully made up his 11 111 1 that 1 oiiiiiissoiii.' U.iuni is a heavier load than he i-ares to carry. lie wi.l ask tor llauiu's 1 esi ual ion. it is said, ns soon as t he II 0.1 so committee, which is pruieiiHili to i n vest 1 ijato t he 1 'elision office, in a hes Us r.'f 'it. which will probably not be i'. mil alter the bolide vs. Ihe U-'tiso cxinels lo Vole oil l! iibs:ilute tor tin. Senate subsidy shipping bids to nosy. This sub. "li'.ulo is a soil o a con.hiiialioii id ihe subsidy 1111. 1 bounty leni lire of the other two bills which bus been 1 oneo led by the republicans ot the H"iis. ,- mittee on Mclcbaiit M a lino in eider to compel certain re publicans who lavorcd sll hi. 1 i.i n-.' sleaihs. in ones. ,nl oppose ! the bounty i.iil to vole for bolh. The repuhih to pass s 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 that it is certain A 11 at te iii pi will be made by ile tunc I'a 1 10 men. hers to iilho h an auieiidmeiil providing for free ships to the bill, and it ma succeed as a number of republicans are believe. 1 to bp w i.im to support it. lo'pies. i lative Fierce ol Tenr.es see. a member ol the Farmers Al ii.'ime. has introduce! in the Hons, a resolution i im rue! in;; the commit tee 011 Ways ai l Means In report 1! e Sub Treasury bill lu.t later than M011. lay, .lahihii v ,"1, ami lixmu the loilowiii'' Mohiiav ..r its coiisidera m.u. ll.'liresei'.latice M ills ll;!r,idllc 1 l' 'il , .v iding lor a rece-s .'.iiiiniry ." aiol 1! i So the 1 en. m it U-r a i s. 1 1 is not bo ihiieaiis will agree V recess ; in lai t II - said there w. uld Wilson, ol Wash part in one ol the from Ihe. 'JL'. t" i, .'is been I'eli'I'l',' oh Way s u 1 ol M. iievo I that l!ie le; lo such a Irtiu'i' ei.!ttorial ciiih .1 he hone. Kepl'rseiital r i i. gi .ui, who to. I, hotorioiis sluv 1 ng mali he at th las '1 having -ei. lative Mi tlo Il ...r of the It . 1 amo very he; "i e w ilh llei'i', .outlier ikon ol Maine win. 111 in- ... 1 used ol having I ill lied down his Ii, I for a public bll.i.lingal SpoUane F.ois. Mlliikeh called 1 1 i 111 a liar and ils,,. .!.-. rti'd t, :' I. HU ill reglilai' pug ills! ie at ! i t u.'c wi 11 a friend cubbed him at, I Mr .Miilikeii made a ha'ty exit tio'ii ll.e Speaker's lobby, w in re ibev had 11. ot There may le more ol it. as Wilson is known aui"hg bis lneinls as :i fighior. Wiiiletheai'liortionmei.t hill, which missed this Week, was under dis. us- 11 in the House the dennici ats paid the.r respects to Secretary Noble, V.p, rintelldei.t I oiler alii the t- til ty Census upon which the hill hac I. Il the i ciisiis w l.s il colli ls,p 1 t t' no. w hich it w as not , I be hi I i w on: ! bo as lair asioubi bo expected. A joint t otigi'i ssioiial coin n.i l tee will liieb Hiilii' next ivi'dli to iiihUo s -Hie ot the gentlemen concerned tell some tii in i ah" i: t the hi y ii g it A it.cr lean ind istries by Foreign sy ndi cates ll : hcye'd U'll what they know it w mi I ho interesting. Mr. anauiaker has siieroi'ded in eitiiiiT the House ciiiiiinilteo on Post i. fib cs to I,-port a resolution to the House selling aside .1 ahuai'V li lor the i otisidoialioii of the postal olograph lull. He i1oc.hu I sec m lo be worrvihJ' anv to irel a one cent ,.tjer po-tago bill ihroinrh. piie ,',,, ,.,hi, fiti.ens Alliance, -1 . i .-1 is intended to be a twin brnili till, p.,, ,tlt.,s Allittiiee. is t. bale j,,..,,! ,. ,n,.u.,-.H and tuii'tors am newspaper in tins city. A i,u 1 1: 1 ii r d striking iniheis iu Alabii'ii.t, who retniTiPilto woik. bine born tired on by pnti sin autbush, and lii'tiers have been poslr.l nil about the mines, warning all sinking Illinois not to return to woik under penally of drat h. Man v an otherwise handsome face .bstb'iiir.l with niiiioles an I bl'-tehea, caiiHed by a huiiior iu lim liloo.l. whieb muv be tliorniix'h.v erndicited by tho use of Ay ei 'h Sir a par ill a. It is lhesafest blood med h'i'ie in Ihe market, being entirely free fioin ai itmic or any ileletei ions ''ri,K' Vance. o lie I.e-IHertcd. Inui U10 rn.gri'feilvtf I'm hist. Sir.! Int. Ity rotereiieu to 1 ho correspond once between President Curr and Senator Vance, printed in another column, it will lit; seen that tin Sen- ,,.,.,.,. tl, lu.v instructions the lo'iirral Assembly, it it shall .1 1 . . . 1 , ioe iii-nerai .iisemniv ineirwiu. us to whether Senaloe Vaiiey shall hu iiiMtriifted to sumnilt t be Sub Treas. ury "plan ' or not. In tl.i-se meet ings there should be the fullest and freest diseiissioii ol'tl.e merits and demerits ol' ihe Sub 'l'reasniv plan," with a viow ot as. ertainint; its priietieabililv, as a scheme ol re (..rm. h has been said, and more ,,ni once, that the M:,roi il v of the farmers of . ort h Carolina were op posed to the Sub Treasury bill. If this o position exists, now ii the time lor it to n-ianitest itself. The A lliiiiiceie.eii of No! th Carolina are inipriviiahlo in llieir demands for rolori.l. Hut they are hut wedded to any special scheme of brinine; it about. Il a better scheme of reform an bo dovUcd than the one em bod ied in the Sub Treasury "plan," the Progressive Farmer, lor one, i in favor ot Ihe better n-hemo Tins is our position now; and ibis has been our position all tho while. Anv other position, as it seems to ;is, would ho irrational. This agreement of Senator Van i-e's obey the instructions nf the (ion- al Assemble i.i the matter ol su j.oiiii - the Mill lieasiirv "plan should, and. we doubt nut, will n 1 ay ail opposition in his re election to Iho Senate, which iirosr from his oNprcssoil opposition to the si homo id ia loiin, lo which Ile Alliances :il 0 com nut ted. Thr Alii.uices navo it in their power to secure for their relorins tin uppoit ni aiico bv is suing instructions to hi n ihraugh the Legislature : and illbey nog lei t lo oiiire ihcse insi ructions, iliat will not bo the fault ol Senator Vance The Progressive Fiirtucr is de lighted to ki ow that a wav to the composing of '.'.'.'.'.el olici s lielwecll. '.'ihce a no the A I lia in omen ol Nol I li ' Carolina has been b 01 n l . and 1 1 sees . a .splendid isla, lined with oppor-' tin iy to make a careful and wise embodiment of Alliance principles in the plans el" leloriii which w dl be brought before the next Congress We see li e way clour to the aecotil ' pl.-.i.ii.ent ol'aii that this paper has. ever contended lot'; and we are; content j V IN, K AMi I'AKIl's I.1TTK11S. J Novi mbei UOih. ls'.ld. I Hon. 15 Van. r, F.laok Mountain.: liiihoein'ee county. I I M: v it Sin: -After I'Mi'i-fiilly eonsid "ling tho political situation in our S iitc, I iheui it wise to write you it.ii sk t ho follow iug question: "If iho Lo;.is!-.l ure iustiiu-ts you toad locate and vole for the Sub Tii Usury plan of financial lefoiiu. will you I'.niyoiit mil ins! r, lot ions in go.nl faith.' ' I hope th it yo'.l will llhii. I stand I tin 1 1 - -1 li lb Cl Ill tl slightisl ileglei' 011 lour ., V, .il. 111 to the peo ple of North Car. .lit. :i. b it tl.ire are ; pi ccb iiis w i.i ii' I' 11 1 it-il Slates Sun nt. us have cairn.! out u.stl invioi s; r.il iImi pi . 1 1 dehts m !:( e t hey It tve di c; 10 . led them. I linst I hat you H ill give me iihiu.hwor ut your 1 ai if est rol l ei.lehi'e. Very 1 espi e!fiil!v, 111 l .s Ciiih. I'l l s i N C F. S A si NAT. .1; VIN, K S I. I'l l. V. ' I'si ii ! Stiti.s Si nm'i:, Wa.dilugi.ii,, I) ('., ),e. 11. ls'.t.) F.iis C.M11.. Fii'sideiit N I' Farm 1 Is" All1111.ee. ).d Sp'iltil. N C : I'nu .vii:: lu iiLsiioi to y oi.r ofli ci d ci'iiiliiillii.'a! i II of Ihe 'Jll.ll hit . I which oh! hot I rich no; null, the 1st '. linst . 1 have to Siv that I Ireoghie, Ile o., I r.,noei at 10 lioollinw oi the; light of tlie p. '. pie lo instinct then 11 pir.-c.'.tatlVi s t thr fulli st 1 lrlil to which it bus 1 hi lie, !i cai 1 ird III' Nol I h I "til ' illlul I hi i, I i.ftl iho will; f Iho people, cliuily and une.piiio . caily xpn-ssi .1. must He otu-M'.l tin eoiiipiiaiiee woul.I involve the :o pisi nlat. in in a lii 'ial wrong, ii which onse lt w o lid be Ills diltv to resign and give place to a n piescn - tat i e w ho would obey, (lood faith I" "ie i.hSi'l vaiiec ol limli uctiolis nui pledgfs :s iibsolutely essential iveiTiiuiTit hai-i d on the pop- il at w ill 'riv icspeet fullv vouis. . It Vam'F. (Jaiiibling and Murder. WllKrT INti, W. Va. '21. Word has j just been received of it ten ible tragedy j at l!l iimw ell. ; S.iluiday i.igl t several men were' gambling ami became involved in a ! ipiancl. A man named iindi ick shot i and fatally I'lui.dul live of his com j piiliions mid was himself shot dead. A mail look liiiiliiek s body, stood il up against a tuo and nddled it with A Mississippi gi und jury h is de-' c'itn d lo bung in an indictment' H"a:nst a law v er for ktllinir a In other 1,1ol.! ly iuler- fered in his lii'intal lelittiims; the jtirv say tie ncte.l iu neon a ineo wnu the sentiment of every honoiable. biave. li'.ble and virtuous man. Ail eminent Preshyterisn divine aiiiioiinc' d to I, is oohKieKati n that he must take a vacation on neeo n t o! luon.hilis, the rhloia lidsiil bis sahii vand g ive him Ir. Hull'a Cough Stinp He win c.irc.l. Mv d tuvhter MitV. ied gle itly with neuralgia m the face and foiehead and was unable t' secure any leliet I saw Siilv.lt '..'11 Oil adv I Used, pent for a bottle, and one application gave entii'i- ' elief J. S Mi-CAFIil.KY, (Policeman ) Itrtu'U'iice'JDl N. l'.ondSt , Hallo . Md Ayer's Hair Vigor IS tin' "i.i.vl" irini--iVi':i!j. ii o 0 (timIi ami 1141M.11 tm,i::s j1k 'I"- ' 1 1 "i 1 i ' n 1 t i:iin ioiii: .-t!. ,tj l...;v'r,.;,,,lU,u. on hand ail the time. YE OR CORN WHISKEY, Hffl IS HUE mm. ll at is 11. 'id. by us is I be 1 est and 1 : l 'a: o'ltl 1. 1 1 oldest in Noitl Will.' fol Pi iiii oiiaiitilv .1 o 1:1 1. I.l-t us I !.! ,V'7' win .'.' V ,s,i... '., J s V.I.I: in..,. 1 ' N . l i i. Cl.KV'K. Yildkh. ii illllv, N I. Mm ib r.. is'.itt Dr Bull's Ccu5!i?';ruf,,0,;,..i,'lur ajtC 'IS in 1 1 F. m i: i in sri.F.F.r, .LEIGH C. We have i.ow 011 inhibition for tin 1) .lis. ii'l sios l'.iish ,i p.i Tl l Sets. Cleiii.! . r S.t P .11 F.ntii T.Os, Wiig.-i Velocipedes. Koekini' I loi ses, llol.Lv Moist Chii irt-iis" ok". A.biinis. Poolo l'laines. Stone ami Wood K.uhin g F.loeks, V lists. F.iH'pie I'ii.'ili i s, Pialed Wuie, Fancy IS iskrH, Japitnese lot Pots, Fanov Cups and Sauons, Miigs. Fancy Cilii-s Wmc and Ciocknv, l.aui.s, Pl'lines, I' ll s, ami other nitioles too nuiiiei ous lo in. i it ii m. Nov. 11. ln'.hl. LUMBER! All kinds of IJ'MhJd. for sale at Hit PITTS OCR O SHUTTLE MILL m r a ti. r D-D n . n n I fj fi II LH I n.ll UUMIIUIIIU, CEILING AND FLOORING, Pl.sNll) AM) KlI.S lbilM., oil Hol-Oll. Hills sawt d to oi.b r et short notice, flood Ceiling and I' lool i ng all rady Di'issi n at ot Iv !?1 per ltt feet, 13. rSTOOIi:, Jr. Sept. -('), lei's'.!. Cvihi, d Tra.le Marka olitstntst. i"l " rnl tiu-iur-p ci.'liut. I f"r Mcoiam Ftci. Out Ocr.et is OrwtiTCU . ptc t Orriej ai.a r run -.s-ur. .ai. i.l lu l.-a luur ilwu iUom rfill.'t' fr-.m W:.-l,liiul"!l. . . . tsei.d ino.1.1. ririiii! er I'tint.t.. llh do-rtp-tlon. W a.li-o, if i.at. mil lo r H' . t"s: ol cliarire. Our fro n"i duo tl'l eainii l t.'iirsi. A PaMvtT. Ml'. L.tH'ialii I'ltrnf. '! naiiira "f t ill ch. nis tu Jfviir ttJiic, cvutitj, o kiwu, tiul f rcc. Ail'lnya, C.A.SNOW&CO. OfP. PaicsT orricc. Whmi.to, 0. C la." l.s.'. '"in 1111 .n t NXffTTK" an-! Hi n f.- wi'.". CO Win a. a t , it a ' 1 'i .h I '.' ! leatiy 1 re'iie.lt s. l.iti tliei ,I,,1 I I e...Mi. 1 Iv I....U'.' a !"'i;l. 1 1 if. ' It.ih- V'ir. r, ' l"il. :' r I'.sln: "II I .1 Lit et li I. Mils. I, V I;. .1 I ;. 1.1 '. .1 Wl'.. ) , 1 1 1- A l no. vl'.. .' l.-4ir. I . . :n:-..'tl I j vi. ii 11 i n. r e im 1. :! . '.' "! -a ' ..fM " ( Mi. no '.. . i'-'! " ' K. 1 ii..,. ,.,-i -.!-.'. :.! i 1. ,. . nniu'.i.i "I 1 .1. . 101 '. !..; -.' ..'!, r". , in su". I.i. 1. 1 : a.i f v - i,:.;i..s. IM.;. ,o". en! I.'k- I. c: I- "! "" 11 i Ct.li, lli.i.ivi l!s , ,'i'i L'l.'"l 1. -o I .M.irv A. .!.e '.s. a. . .h. ir-. Nf,. " I l.:i. . iis... Am-i 's II.' . V'g ; . -r pu. ui. itiii;; !'..' !.. "' i " i 1 .uul til ills it 11 ins i'. I 1 i I- r ;..'' 1 c j '. liil.l to ils in . . .,!... ei ; a i!o-ss ill,;. 11 .inn.'! i.i' - '. : 1 1 '1, 'ii'i'- ; l.s r it, K 11. -ti i: c -. 1 . ! "Ai.-i's II.. 1 . 1 . . ;i '" I- li-H! I'li-ii.-ii.e .,11 ( 1 !' i -. : I - ".01 I 1 ill It (;...il no "M a .., ''I- l' 1 I H .'lll'i. s III,' 'h ,'A;.i "1 I ' i ' ' .-I'd j le.Hi.es I I'ssy ..lit . '.' .- .': .1 l 1 nl . 11 . n. f.-l . ., .' .! O.' li h:..l " I.i ,;i .i.-l. ' ' i ..... I Inc.. l.s.-,! Ati's I . " : f.-r llll- I II I I" ' I' ill . J'''- '1 ! !' 0 ' ' r.'I'O s, ..!' i !. he. l! I, - '. ! llln- i:ii . ..l ,r 1.1 . i.'i. I' ei. 'i. s i .. i.a-.r , .i eoiM fie, b, a in I ,.,-. ! an. I .h.i ,:.' Mi.-.'M. '. I '. . '..' N V. "Ni f, ol.. I . a' ;.' 1 ' iv .. : -.' i.m . .,s' .;. 1!... i-.-. 1 o. ., . . : . . : . !. .1 I'.-l "I..- II. :.!!' s t . , s ( I'.l"..',' tl'l '.'."! ..'l.'."l'.cV -l ''l'..'' :.''!. -I is!'! '!.' 1 1 :: ' ' ' I s.e.:,',.'., le: ... . N N I I': I i 1 he 9 r,"' 1 ,1 AmilMiWM. ' s 1 ..i:,-..i. :- ri Dr. J. C. Ayer K Co., I.e. .veil, M.s. . -... , 1 ,.. . . j 1 ill ill. jj 1 "ppiTj mwmm- iinnHMfyusai ORTOAOE SALK.-IJY VIR- l-l ll'H. T. W.olihle l.y M. lir, n n,l ni.Mur.l I i" i.'P. . Ill' ill', .11, 11 l y N. . Ill, wu 1,1 mo, au.i j ' if expruti'ii i.r s J. unit N. n. m,.wn u. nis. I , will mi r..r ciu-h in II..' c. iiri lii'iin' ilsr ui lilisl : hstii omity, 1. 11 M 'SI'AV, Hit. Sili iiny ..f jHinmry. . lfm, h i-enslii i.i'.-i i,t irnul c 11 .e.i' In (jnri...u 'I'll', siljnliilnn Hu. Ii.n.l.- ,,I J. hu 'J leuiiaii, uj 1'ilnrs. knuKii ns 11 1,1 h,. 1, .11,01 Hrr,nu ilee, ftp, I i-..iiniit1i.f ion a. re, m..rt' ..r low I ( t. INK). H. J. WOilBtE. j TSjrOHT(!AOK SAMl-HY VIK- .f 11 Ten ..f in. 1 si'Vpf; 1 ii.i.ri 1:111:1 I'fi'tilf t llieliy I.. IV KtUvsrila mi l i;o. hiii! Uul) ri'Klslrr- 1 i-J In Ihe llricisti-i'H ..ll.-H d r tin. ...unit ..r Chl. hHin. Ilii i.n In II ,,K "Il T ", pn(p li t ih oihiT In n.- k 'II Z ", ,nf,. mw. 1 in hi'II en Ilia ruiMiMs It 1-i.sl., ..11 Biii Hini ihiini tiny ot rfU.ll.n. ir-.'., IW,. lllj;l',.,l ,. ,,n (snn. liillilnn 1 1 niTM . 1 1 Hut .'iiinliili.K 11',', ni r.ss; l I I'll.. Is I'. Il . II rl .111:1. 11, , k, y Mi.untnli, ! Sl'i-I l.,.'ni. ,. i:i.:y iifCl.ml.alit. H.IJi llilnc III I1.1.1U ..t s,in,,. i, ii,., .I,.,, j,,w, w.s.py MmtMi ninl 1 link . 11 in, .r.- I'lirii.-ulAr ili-. rli. It'll ,! II lil, h, sis Vh, N.t-'t.'.-,p. .l.-sl.. er a-.lj ! in.. r 111) niU'i 1 1 mi I it -,....,'. .tl-SM.l:ti..t!l.S0S, JV... V Jl. l im.. All,. 11,,.,. lire. 1 li, Is-. 11 m. 1 m irnii'i: 1 Al!ull,-l ' Is TIIK fl'I'l 1 I'.'UCCKT. JIINMt. limit r 1 IT ii'liillil rt ii.uy. This Is 1111 iieilnn '. r .lii.Ter, 1.11.I i ." urine , i" inn Miiimciii,ii i in... ...in 11) (.ni'iioii thai i Hi .lffn.sie lh it lint, iis.,,.,i of 1 i.ij. hian. mill ; -'iin.nl ilrr li,p .lllli; 11 h l.,iiii. Hi.' .., si 1 Is lii'irl ) i.siin."l in I... tin, 1 him ...ir ,. f. r His . Jii.lk'r "I il ni,. i 1. 1 1 i.uri .1 CI an. mit o.uniy, at 1 1 lut-t "i..', N r .111 Uir ihir l 1. ..:) l.....r th 1 tli si Mi.n.lsy lu Mms li. iH'l 111, 'I imxi-r nr lo I ii'iir in 11 ni,;.ian . ,' i... 1 immur. .r Hits j.lala. I HIT will H' ! ;!., I liir I. II. I .h'tiiiii. ...i II A I...M . ., i y. t. M 1UU.T, V. . C, 1're 11,1 '.'.!. .'is. IIC. -V. LClTDClNr." ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vit IkIioi o', ."S. C Special aiteiiiiou :iieii trrfho net tli'iiient of iflultsof ih'eo.Jints. Kl.l.lSeO lU'UM.VM. X. C, DliV GOODS, --Axn- 9 A lisit fo o'ir hioie while in Iui hiill will jmv 1 011. We Cll I V I lie 1 11 1 s-1 I3ST OOP, VI Cm loot sty li s f;i:a:slitt il. Our stock is by fur the largest ia tho city If i it cannot cull in piason. writ for siinipli's and wo will forward tbria at olico. lb spi et f ullv. LI LIS .V STONE, the I.i a, lin.,.' Hiy (iooil.-i F.inpoliura of D, nh. m CAUTION W. 1. w rrrt It a Uln tmiti)' ""rt prl'T M Wrfm- Mix W- L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN I Iup nil nn.l l.u, id tAtrrpronf ilrula ill:..- iiualltUsrf ttilt thii rjr.ii..t l.n i.'.i. r ... . ... : t u.n t.r il.r iron eiut- liivi.l. ..f Hi l....ii.s-...,l I r..i. l.-.nl i- . .ir.-i-t. 4- .'.i;i!'':- v,.,y'J!-.l rt,""".".'' rj.60 liii.iil'ir ir Url'l ' U" Xim.lsril iltps f Q.BO I'liU'.'.'-a! ',',i,,r's'!i,':"l'"i'l'r:l.illr 'll-4 O (..r r..lli .. . i 'I. Itr .m.r.. ,t.'. .Ml iwl'le ..a.-r-.i. 1 t.i, n i.o.l Iji. o p. ra . .rP.3. . in, mi tn.-t.r.tl. v rt-.-i litil ininwi mi l ttif Ma t Aik y tltivct I pillu f I Ir you (MM hvrill or 1'HlT hi W. L. LONDON, AO F.ST. ,,1; ATiW W UMM n (lillENj HI Nos. PJ'.iiiinl LU ruyidteville St., iiAi.iTcn. n. c. l. ' l)KStS"GOODS, (, '1 bin is one of our 1 1 Inn is one of our LEADING DEPARTMENTS and will be fnuii.l icplelt' with NEW GOODS M TfilMMINGS fill' l ota IVI'ttl'. j A full iiml ci'itipli te line of Hcoierr, -s.i-iei, 31cvcc and. Noticns. ! FALL WEIGHT ' UNDERWEAR i for Ladies, (h ntli men. Misnes ; and Cbililitn: . CASSIMERES CLOTHS 11 HIS. seupm-:s: ssi oast Zlcliablo Goods, Correct Styles, Experienced Salcfrmttk.. SHOPPIN'ti HY MAIL. Onleis liilel with pi omptliesa Dil .lispitoh. eMiniph's sent oil application. I'Tpirss pirpind on all Cs!l Ol il' i s of Fin- Holla is al'd OM'V. 1

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