THUHSDAY, HK(:KMint25, lS'.Ki. -OT3-f-, - rrrw-r. IOCAL ItECOIUJS. I -:r " u . .. .. .'.,.. o -""'LS"IIU P6r.mnnr.iiw a. ..a. ' Kvon.. KJ..'iKlu,n . c ",n.; wr'ivoB ruiounroiiffu 10 nunr v-ny. tut r. IH. l.wrt.n'ii-S tlmnii TteuniUy, aaiui'Utjr. Leftvm i h , m. fliubnniueh to rua Crcik vl Ilwlloy-i. Mill nil filled 3 tlmt.H n tn-ik i Tui'M'lty, Tint 4.v, Htturility. lnves il ii. ni ; Hirlvi. r i m fltl(burnu(li in Ml Vorii ui -.,rlnt;s. vIII"iiiiimiiii, MlUwoml mit ltlvoiC t Ii iiH-3 ilium ik : TMMdty, Tliur.i'liiy, Sniui-iUy louvre fii.m; vrlvp a p- in. F1iibiruicti ! .Impi'l II I II . vi llyiium. ll,i,-ki,i,y k4 Sltrit"M-.a stniu-a llmr win : Tiiiw lay, ThurxlK), Naitinlay. Airivm li iii.i liutvtn 1 11. M fltiabnrough In SniHlinw. vln Hwt. I'liin'rr. MuiiidnlR, l.w.111 niul I.n y-i II mm a w.-..t : Tuwdity uJ t rliltiy. I-wowi S m : airlvi t.Mp in. Mitol.ueh i oult, vin rn i'loM. TyHr'H Mill. Mlu'i Hill 1 (linos a wi rk : Tu.ny aui Fi t IHvm6ii. m i itrrlviw 7 i. m. k.U Ko'l IMk : I.ihh y.10 a in flue norlli, rrtfII.IOH. m.In m t.iuih, li'ivil .. m. ((Ihl .iftili; arrive &.M i. m. from luirih. a;5 ... .i Mi. ' Mtitnr L'iium'Mah ! .w - tvI'ou't hei;iii the new year in dbt to 3-our (ireiiehor or iumr. - mr UOL'vvooii, rersiiitnion :nii Hickory timher and Vdur rosts wantoa at tlio .Miituio .nn, ai i ui Wm', i..T - - ho ivijii nr (inarterlv meet- . T., ., " , . ;,, i IliiT o the ( ountv Alliunie will be ;?, ,. , . . . .. . held at this luico or V ridav of next week. .yTiuTliiiH. the little tf. WhiU 11 j i i , : :., :,. ..ii,.,, in,, ,.r- ...... f. their Mocking Mill I'll Ml' II. r I n. (ood things S.tiitaChiUs bad ,lt them! V Several muuicil men Iroui the North aro expected hore in a lew dyuiid will remain about a fiiouth Tlicy will exitniitie tlio MiiToundiui; CDUiilrv with a view ul investing. MT Mr. II. Mahler bewail businesn j t Hitlclh thirty-twii yearn t n, and ' liia nucccss is a jiisl rowarU to his j honcittj', skill nml etieryy. Wo : heartily eoiiiiiind him to any o! our reader who nutd any thing iu hi ! line. j - , I lie ntilliliT iu mm I 1 1 . .i i; . ( VJnedav) promises In very la- Torahle I'ur the lull enjoyment ot , Christmas. With p!eant weiither and licit u l i 1 U I liiumi i I yl.t nilits, i what a time will liavf ! (he oinio; tolks j " ! MT W, I,. I.oii.hui wishes all his ... ... I I ! irivuus ami cusioinci f. , .uim i , n, i.tucler. Is clun k lull nf Christmas ' and a happy New Ycnr. jhu r, with which his pa and taken thisiippertui.ity ol tliauk jiiriuady scinlilates. Kro'n intf them tin- the hhci :il patronago .isuo wo clip ihu lullowinv" they l.avo Kivoti cltai-a n tnel '.NoHrri Cako.ina, I'"' MT Theuianitheiit s'.nk ..f'Kur- pi'iire ke(t hy the Durham r'lirni lure Compaiiv in a credit m.i only to that eouipanv, hut to tho ,,t,.,- J. riding town which can hoasl ol 01,0 ol the handMimcsl I'll mil 111.) in the Si. nth. - tar Kx Slicnll Itrovver went toj'HM enp-r tip,.u tnc promivs ol one )U!ifli on last Mun.Uiy ami seClcd i ri.oiinis Cross, iu the ol the ill lull with the tba taxes duo ninoiiniiiii; to wore on y three abend ol him. Slate I'leu-Mirer l v 1 1 1, 1 ni tl s,m:i sliet ii'.s oiint y , ThiMe who MTNuiv 1:1 sl.'ivat M.l S.-in furd, X.C.r.tnni !h s.iiiai- la-s. 7.'.; l-olls bau'tfilC 2l'.0 hiindlcMiew pieced lien, 110 barrels tluue, L'lHI bushels: eed HHt, bid biisliels :ccd wheal and (iencral .Meii lia ioI.m- ut lock bottom pi i' i-K. 1 - j KgrOuco nmiv vour nlteiitioii is! called to your indriile:! uess to W I., i leindon. ile lias waited on you just . an oiiif as he can. All accounts. unlet, uml inert iraijes ir llsl bcn'tlled in sumo way by Jan'y. 1st. lS'.U 'A hint to the wise U sullii ienl". t&- Mrs. Nabhy Hums, .d' Oak--land township, was foinid dc.-.d iu her bed 011 last Tlun dav morniii:;. tSliO was mi I to have been '.17 y ears old, and wan retnarkahlv well pro nerved lor one so ..Id. She must have lied suddenly i n tho nilit of hem t disuHso par Tho post'.-e at Ore Hill will be re established on the first day of January, with Mrs. C. C. Chock us nosluiHstoi'. 1 lint otlice W.1H tew inoliths ao, : in order to punish t bo pcuplo tbel e who were charijeil with boycott inj; , tho postinasler. -Sheriff Hrewor hureby not i lies , "''!" '-.iii. ...!; ..r w,i,ni114:lu :,i,.,,r. tlift delinipiot'.t tux p:iyers ot Chat-j Your coriespoupent tmbiy evainin ham that ho will bo in hi office al i ed the repot t which the Slate Jlnsid 1'iltnboro' until the first Monday iu ! nf Agriculture will submit to the January, lor the purpose ut polieet- Leisial in e. It is not lenolhv, but i n u taxes, and nl'ler that day t ho i it is full ol pi actual ohsei vat ions and tal lists will tie placed iu Ihw ha lids auoi-ntton. It suy that, ni icultu -ol hit deputies with instructioNH to ; tally spenkiuo, it is jici hn ps eei tam collect by distraint. It you wish to that no Slate in the Smitli has im aave costs, pay at om-! I proved so r.ueh iu the past two veins i as North l'.no!ina. Tho incioaso iu IC The Ukimhii in one of the lew I paper that never omit an inane, j Purine thy Christmas holidays near- j y all t lie papers oin it an issue, but ' the liKCoan nover docs, because we ! knov that our readers would so greatly m'ss iln wsekly visit an to ; this joyous spii(in we hopo tney win show their nppreciiitinu ot tlii by prompt ly renew iu their HuliM-rijitinna. . fir" There are u tii'.e a number ol visitors spend i in; t tie I hristiuas hoi- idaya with tholrlrioiiilxand relatives at this place. Tho Hecoku would liko lo publish tho names of them til, but the name of aomo might accidentally In) omitted and hut would give mortal olloiuu hecauso of course those pei-Mcma whose names we.o iiinmru i.ouim ..nnu mm say ( aiu-li oiiiissmn ivns an inlcnlional iiuii.ti expo know insult! We liavo hud some e rience in that lino, and von I- -A burnt li'hl is afraid ol tjio. Skiu i si.v Hi in-.--Yesterday nf telhoon Mr. W, lillllley Fillbunks, ol this place, was very seriously in jureu i.v iH'in;' thrown irom I. ,u keeps a livery (l:itlo ,'Nl. rdllV Itaii driven hcl some one to I'.yiium's in his buggy, niul, on his return, the horse ran !,wa' nnu 10 xv"s ,,l,",vv" ",lt mi-i,hm.i, uir K,.Mim,, ... a rock, with such violence as to inflict very serious wuutidson his laee ami i.uggy, ami struct; llie ground. :r a ne-id. His mi.uti, ws badly iua.-he. aim ins tongue was cut. nearly in j, ,.(.,B(.ma a point near the middle of The receipts from IV cimber 1st. lSH'.l two When louml in the road he:.,e liui. -piiere a levol H.etiou n to December 1st, 1 V.I'J wei e Si. 18:1, was uiiconseious, and bis comb turn k, , i,, ov - i iK)0 f, :.. lentrih he., ins. :!):!. '1 he amount .b-hm simI for all is eoncitlored eiiticnl. A hr.i'i'Ki'. to Santa Ci.Ars- -Tlm rollowin' letter was com posed hy a tivo year old imy at this place (lieui; written by his inothei just as he dictated it ) und was then carried by him and deposited in the post otlice : "Dr.Ati Mk. Santa Ci.ais: I want 3'tiu to hriii me a iixe and a ; shovel and a hoe ami tri'miml peas ,nml eainlv und nuts and :i mvat Iim' wide 1111 liko I' ncle Sam's, so Ieauj j shoot hirds and rabbits, nlretu I loaded with shots. It von ail, I y . null moiiDy to hnv a meat i u 'ca w Me, i,c e San. s, brin - hiio one like I : me a littln lmiii what, can shout sticks: and then a Iniiij wheelbarrow ; like Paere Hush's w ith sides so , , . . .. . i I ran take oil the sides and hail , , , , , . , , : wood hum e 1 1 1 1 is and dirt. I want he hoe to ditr tin- dirt and the .viovel lo take il up with. I. l'"'l" I 'irk Uan.sey, ami ' i1" m inaKinu' n wucoiTiai row, sun li is in ;i u 1 1 1 . .'"" ,"" " """ "ii"- I oo:i i j uii'iw wiiellicr It will cost a If 1011, Hi iipiarlcr, or ten cents, or one cent. i .v ii ii urine; iiic wlicellmrrew to mil' house and put it mi t he floor, and ! , . , . .i is too btjr lor mv stm kiny; lie sure to hrinj 'em Wednesday nii;hl. Mauin si.ys she wishes she was a little hnv like me Ch rit mas. a nd 1 wish so ton cause thru she coiiid iil sjiauk nnf. And thiit'.s nil. I'. S. lieitie s;i s she wants 11 w hecllmrruw loo ami a ;iin ton, cause 1 said 1 wanted i nc. Ibn licttie is a 'irl and s!u is too little to shoot ami roll a wbeelbai row, so- don't you boihrr abi.ul hiiuyiny ,-r inc. Cil Use s il e Willi ic, cause siie would shoot her sell t,,,,, :l)id hou. Ion can brim; me a birlday I Inid a birlday this month: I was live years old, and I i . i . . ' i hi a k one nnu u none oroicc ,,,1 iat's all. A lIl'.Moiiors I.M.pTMKNi hrother M uiciiison ,,f the. I. -Our loncsho wit a ml per con his hi-d Chatham Countv. . j The people ot t he State.upou their ! I words, present that on or about the I J J""1 I'1''- . i" 'be 3 ear of our j '-ord, one thousand, ehl hundred j"'"1 Iduelv, at and in the ..'; I1"'1 "' l'"' "" ot .Norlh , It arollna, llerli.'i ! ). Norns, late M , ti.o canty ol U al;e. ui Kiid S-ate, 1 lale I hen and there hoour. and Inun itld ir lsc, hlllloi; enteiud us I aioremod, did lake, carry awav.ah 'jsllail and stei.l, or did procure to I ho Ihrrol'roui taken, enrru'd awav. land sto'i-u, one lovely lemaie, ot tap ai;e of eihieeii years, and o tin. valm ol 11 million ol' dollars in her sell alone, named ', :t liuriis ; lie lhe s:ii I lluheit 1-: Norris well iUmiWiiu' that he had lull rishtsolo , do, and pr, siitiiii.i,' upon micli rihl. ! did so do. and me j.eoplc their words, to wit, loth day ol D.-c , in tho said Herbert don oii! die d veur, ..r hm I he sa Norris , own lira' ilicati .11 and j,''11"' Hums to tic ; the s.iid II11111.; law 1 till wile, in the presence n some or daiiicd liiinistur ot the (iii'.pvl. un known lo the people pr.-seuliiie; this indictment, and iu llm presence ol divurs ot her persons, iu the city of (irecnslioi-,1, (iiiiil'm-d county, N. C. W hcii-lore the people .-itoresuid upon thuir wolds iihusaid, do say that the said Herbert Iv Norris ai i- id wisely and Weil upon hin nu l. ..ii.! II,.,, i . .... I I. u .... : in. ib me s. . ei loom., un i ua ni l i e(i in-.. , ... I .....i ....1 i acted iieieil j list ill hhe lileas- ed upon her part, J And the people baviiu; ascertain-I eu nun inun piiriies aio saiisiii'ii. , pray tn he rciu.ved Irom lui tner in i .pilsltioii iirnniiii, , .-"i.. lienor lor ine I oupie. , j ltcMirt of lioanl of Airricitlluri'. the aci eaire of wheat ami oats and j (,'raasea dm inj; that period bus been iu ni'iuy counties filly per .-out. The culture of sorohuni cane is also no table. It is now planted from Che rokee to Cm nttiek. The improvoun ut iu blooded stock in equally gratify The board declines Unit the furmera institutes, iiiauj,'uraied in fhMt, w inch : , have durini' the two years been held ' 'iu neatly half the counties, have had a preat ell'ect in htnnuiatiiiK the faiuiera eveiv wav It is siieeiallv recommended that the fund to meet the eipeusea of these institutes be liberally increased Dming lH'.lll there were repi inted U.HOO i-opii a of the "Woods and Timbers of North Carolina," a very valuable woik, for which there is a steady domaiul by peoplo all over the Ninth and West, un- u.-i'uu ine i.- 10 inn s-iecp liushanaiy and legislate against the iiimimiiuij mm i.-gisiaie ine dog. Yery earnest etfoi ts w ill be iiinde to tho board to foster beny and truck eiiltui o. All I'lidcriiiouiKl K nil road. rrm tho fioleutini-AmiM-lcnti. Till. f,HI10,js for tl0 construct ion in )lf what is known as tho Fast Kiver tUm,w Wua granted to the New York nl..l r,,,.,,, lj,,,,! R-.ilionil ('mrtimnv hv the New York City authoi ilies oil i ..,. in it wi.r.u.u il, Kj Hive, o the lino of 12,1 Street in this 11!tv. Tliostaitihgp.unt on the Long ja, wil he a little over n miU f.m tUo !,,. j, wlil ,1,,,! t a the. ,ln.;r,m ,.,! f ft. mile until which will cat ry it to the New Yolk City slinie line. Thence by a fjniile of till I);" ft. to the iniie it w ill approach the sin face, reaching the ground level ul llth A venue on the Hudson Itiver. This will trive a total length of about O.Slltl ft. from approach, to approach Must of tun excavation will be in uneis'i rock. The tunnel is to be 'J(! it. wine nun a it. i in. iiikii, a mh winch will hti amplo for two tracks him I for the lartr'sl earn I here will will ne ncvuriil intoruiPiliaTo siaiions wiio passenger eievi.Hiis lon.esi i nurt.aie. One tilation is to be at the tirand (Jeiitral depot, and the others H,., .lll(,,.(i j)( pounoi't with one ,,,. ()f (.,(1Vtt(.l, lal1(,ds. The most iinpressive feature about the tunnel is its reat d.-pth und the eiiHsii:jr under); round of tho entire oily. Tho tunnel will j.'iv direct railroad coiniuuiiieiilioii bet ween l'rooklvn an 1 the North, South, Hist, and Wist. It will brill"; the seashore of Loiitf Island in diicd comiiiunicat ion with the interior of the Stale of New Yo! It, si) that exclusion trains can cany their passeueors direetlv to the Hock- ;nwny or Coney Island sea hi aches. ,, . . , , , the estimateil cost of tunnel ! is srl.doii.inh) per mile. Its ilci ii. st I 1 mint within the city will tie at 2 I Avenue, wln-io there will be 1 IS feet, piiiicipiily ol lock, U-lwcen it audi the surface. - o Our lmliait I'rntililcs. Wasiiinuton. 1). C. D, o. 22 M.ij. f .eiiel al Scholiehl this uioiniiifj rend I be fol luwili.r dispatch dated Kapid City, I'.ikot.i, Dec. 22, from (Jeni-ral , Miles: I believe all. or very nearly a!l of followers of Snln,- Hull Ih ! been capt'.n 1 1. Col. Summer lepoits In d:iv tho Ciilitliie ol In;; lools, bund of Sioux. 1 h. iiiio- 1,-,.). Jli. has heeli one of the tdeliant and llneateliiiitr. The resuit bi-eii (iutisfnctoiy." Comment in;; on (b n. Elites' teic orain. (ien. Sclu tield said he thought it would not be very lon bel'oie nil the Indians now in revolt would he to I d ii i r-1. ami the lndiuu lioubie for the winter at liiasl, brought loan end. ; ,v I ffcl XV 1 ollllff (ill U Did Wllt'tl. jM; ISj j vo . A temble acci ,,r,.uried on the Salcuter , p.i.storu liolstein todav. Twelve Voiil: ojrls who hud jii-t bo. 11 con. ',ii-n,ed I'V the Homm. Catholic Ibshop, .Ul,i ( ,ht.i,. wav !1)m,. ri(lIll Uli; h'ircb, were crossii-fr the lake when ; the tlllll li e HUddi lilV L'.'IU' wav Tlu-y wore all drowned ill tin pi cure ut tni ir trei 2ieii parents, who rI ond un t he bank powerless to rescue 1 hem. The whole i f the distiict of Unh; Ii ill is plunged into the decpe.-t jlooui by the catastrophe. H irh Men. Yoik World the other d a list ol 122 citi.-..-i.s of t. ho are 1 epoi led to be Tho New ilsY J.iibilshi tins cniinti V woith .i.t)iitl,lllll) or 11101 e. I here are iu the list tu upm sons ridi-d at 125,- (lllll.Oiio, on., at slnll.O.m.iMM e at .i7."i,IIUII,Ctli. one ut Sl'l.Ollll.tliill, one at siltn.l't'll.fOd. live at Ifoll.f'lHUlth) each, four at s2o,IMIII.(!i;i) each, two al 2 l.0tlll,IMK) each, seven at :?b1. llllll.tlllll each, live ut l i Cilil.tliiO each, fie at Sl),llOil,tHI e.e h, two at sjli.tiutl.tlilil each and seventy I'u e al JfO.tlllll.l) III eui h. The entile list Kgyreatea l,.").")2.(ltlll.(ldd. Hold II ii i-1. try. Cincinnati. Pec. 'JO. A bui L'larv of unuaiiul boldness was pcrpctuitcd - ft : . : i. . . .. 1 ..... ... s i ii i ii amir iiuuuil;ui iu ine ireiiiiisou I lot el block. Two safes behumili' i 1'. F. C.dlier. book publisher, ami Thos. C. JJuihauui. shoe dealer, were tiroiten open with tuimmci a ami dyna- mile and their contonts can led oil the total lo.-a ia about ?T.,lio0 inoa-d, ami iioiius. i pi soni 111 I no iiuiei ami on the siieet lieard the noie. 1ml sup- , poiteii ine nun were ai voik eOUIH Holt of lt-pauill,'. doiiiL I'oisoiietl Her Kinploi crs. Ci.AiiKsniMio, W. Ya., Dec. 20 --Healer Hanks, a colored servant yn I eih teen years old. yexterday put rat poison in the police pot of the family ufC II I!. md. a fni iner bvmo seven miles from here. Mr. I'.nud and Mis. lioml (jot un overdose and will re cover, hut their tluee children are in j a ci itical I'oii.htioii. 1 he Hunks wo ' iinii) waa biought lit ie and placed in jml. She admits her guilt und aays sho did it becnusii she win teased. A .tluiiiac .Munlci-t'i. Nkw Oui.ka.ns, Dec. 2 ., lS'JO. Yes- i terdiiy aftei noun I'.dwnul Do.-keit, a boy ol nine years was nun d. red hy an insane hum named Frank Morns, need 2G years. 1 he boy was passing Morris' house mi his bicycle, when Mori is rushed out of the oate with an axe ami sti uck the hoy on the hack of the head with the eilge of tlie vveHpon, killing liuu instantly. Mor- ria is now under restraint. - Tho special tpiahty of Ayei's Hair Vigor is that it restmes tl.e natural growth, color, ami texture of tho iiair. 11 VII ailZes t lie I ooia anil loi holes, removes datidiult, and heals ucies, removes uaiiiiiuu, ami neais ilcbuig huin.u s in t he scalp. In this roapeel, it surpu-ses all similar pro- pactions. The State's Finances. Vrm the st:t'limMi-li. Tlio joint legislative commit lee ap- poinle 1 to examine the Sluto Treaa - mors hunks, were engaged with that ilnlv .hicin.r !, nnl ur.elr ni..l mi afternoon thev coinplolod i .'., l- They report the books in perfect ,l."0,'' UuuilreU ami twclily live run diape." All Slate liubibticH falling ,)itH- lue were promptly met. ' Stale Chronicle : Col. 1. IM'.-iisoti, The balance of the public, fundi on cliuirtumi of Iho dirm-tois if the penb oiud Dcceiiil.i r lsi, was !?".7"it. tenliarv. has reinlmoil Kin 'iarteily pin poses during that time was !'!,- (,'j:)l. leaving a l ahiuce mi hand Dccumher 1st, li',ld i.l .lilt lii:. . . State Kcws. (nmrhdte (Miroiiido : As l'm'incrr Mcl'uiiiiuli of the Air Lino was Cl,mi1(, ,,. t.( ,.v,.tli ,, ,, K() u,,. !e ut South I'm k he ;l',v t O I.P;;! ll women on the trc-Mle abend of the t..uu. inimpiiialelv (ave them . wrilill, at Use same time trvill;; Mi,... ii,ii .u, ti n o v. n to stnji the tram, but U nvertoi near the end of the tn stlo and knock cd one of the wiui, en i ll', the other una s wiin down hetw hoii t he t im'nei h. i'he one who was knocked oil was not aei ions! v hui t . j Davidson Dispatch Thoinn Hil ' ton, a yuiiii' man ai.out 'Jo yen s old. : and who lived m nr ThoiiiasviHi-. died j on I hiiis hiv the '.till from a wound jieceived while out hunting;. We me inlormed that he was nut bunting; about two wii-kri or more o,., and , had killed a bird, and was holding it j up looking at it wluui the dojf s!( p- ped on the In. (4 r of Liis nu". 'i-"' Hill sliikin;; him iu the aim. Tin- ' 1,1 '" '''' aiiipnlatpil, tioiu which " ' Bi in: ineu iuioih n : "c, Lemur Topic: Mr. Taluni. of l-'.lk Park, was in Lctioir scvi-ral days lust we. k supi-i inlt iidino ti,e huuluio from Mulberry and the shipment on board the cars of t lin e 111 foot cuts 1 f a hi-; walnut tree bi-u-!.t from the .Misi s Dickson. Tin: lice was three feet tlirouoh at tin: base and he r-ivo Soil for it lis il stood lie paid I'oi ''";,' 11 "1' W ' I l'''Mone f-.r lnni.iu- ti e cuts : 1 ' ' :i .iistanci-01 n nines, mo ', '"'""n t'-'O np hut it e-uild nut hive ho;-., ,MU"'1 M,h:yi ""'" . loesou heavy waoi n to ea.-h ut winch J were attached live yoke of oxen. Fayeitevil!e Observer: On Web 1 irosday lii'lit of list will; Mr. II (!, Aloriiscy, id Silliip.-oli. lo.d l.'.-i two burns conliuniio coin, pe:i lice, etc, the work of an incendiary. t )n Thursday evt-u:i. last, 1 1 in iiist , the i;i:i hoie-i-, with ils coi.t-.-nt -. be hui'.no to lb v. Jackson T .wiisni l. in Koiieson com.iy, ivuk li'iri.i-d, in volving a lo-s ,.f "Jfi bales of eot'oii, .Mr. W 1 ). A bulia's i-o:(on iu at Little Hiver Aciidi-my was deetreyed by lire a few days nj-o, tooi.lber wrh twelve bales of cotton 1 he lire is thought to have bei 11 the work of an iiicpi.ibiii v. and f-ilis heavily on our yoili-tf fn'i n !, eutai!lli(.; a loss of "(till till, v.iih no 1:1.-11: am i-. Asheville ( 'it izen : Ah :t 10, tliis moriiiuo t he tet:-iu ut Ii- old child of W. 1". Kitpaliiek, w in. lives on the , coi ui-r o! Silver hicI lo.iiilon ti. et. I was fatally liurned by ii s clot hin "P ci.leiitiilly cat; on li,iiwhen 110 .me wa in I he 1 o uu except, a child : three veins old. Mrs Ki pat rick b-lt the infant with its I luce ear old ' hrother in a loom in the i,itnn in i which they lived, and wcnl across the! street ton tnif.dinois bouse. While' shewasoiit I Ill-child's c:otliiiio-c.-i;if;ht tire, and i'.s screains til 1 1 acted its mother, Mrs. Kilput 1 ick, who was in I the yard. She went i'i an i .liiiuit-h ed the lUiio. s. hut tu t! the Wrtil.i had been fatally bium .1. ( DeiiHH-rat : A mt etii j; of I he t a'!, holders 1 f I lie S'ei I 1u.1l iron Compa' y as I.-1 1 on Tuc-dav at w!i: re-i-lui ions i e i-n.-s. , nut hoi iiiio the din ct i ii ii to contra, as iiii ni a- pra.'t i cable I'm one m v. nt five ton fiiinaic, or t hnv ue.onli iiiL' intiTcsl iu a-line fin ran e bin! iiossible. Pour I in 11 V and erect iu It was reported to tho .e.eelllnr t i I u I. II I ion I S: !l II I 1 1 II I umlli , ,f . I, .,, l,,,,.,, , ,, ,,,, ,,, ,1 . 1,., ,1. m.tors w.-ro oi.b r.,d to call lor mi ussessmeiit of 25 per .cut This as- sllltl, f,,,. CireeMsboi o at bast sure tor iree'ishoi o at least m,o fiilTiacii and ii' th:s fiin.ape iuhvih tmt Hesseiuer i.;,' can he mniiiibic tilled hive as i cheaply as at uth.'i nth. H w ill nun k a new puuits iu lb 'era ill the IiikIoi v of North linohnu lis it will be the noln. , r of many nun ilnr cnlei pi isi-B Sunfoid KxpriKH! 'Che .hit-kaon-: Hrady ((nld mine cas.i that occupied j nearly two wet ks of our August court and Wis appealed to the Supieiun court, has hi en irviewed, and that higher ('null t. net found no l-l I Ol . Ju due (ii aves sentenced ibo Hi tidies M li niul N l . to mx months' tune, in the c uiutv j-.ilfor "salt ino" u o-old mine and sehn g it lo Mr Y K .bii k- son. The Sipieine ('uni t de. ision tm alls that the Hindu s wiil go tu jail, Theio is also pci.ding on the cuil docket r. suit to recover damages which will likely cuno up at the next term of Mono county eoint. Mr Jackson has drawn blood and now he is aft.r marrow. The Hi adits will liud it a bad case befolo they get th rough. Durham Sun: On Saturday Joe Hill bee. colon-, I. need six Mills, de.l u very It 1 1 ihle ueutb. the it-suit of a burning. Ivirly .Saturday nnu ning Ins muther went to a neigli- bors house t,, grind Home colfeo and ,lel fatbt r had built u big tire m the open liu-place. Dm ing their iibst-ncc iheir ciaidieii got up und it is aup- that w hi!e standing he:.r the lire tile child s dol lung caught tile. He was burned verv severely all over lie was iiurned very severely all over the body and suffered gipiit ngony until Saturday ev ning, at 8 o'clock when he died -Y.iy fiimdly lalions exist between the counties of Dm hum Kii'l Clml Im in. The. people : do a (,'!('. it deal of truiliu with etich : other. If is uny ono tiling Unit Chill hum is notcil for it is her fine produclions in ritbhitu. A vvnou from that county was in town yen- ; t onlay w ith twenty the 'possutiiK and . rcjioi t to tho t iovpi nor. Ji iiicIii'lcH tho inonlhs of Kept fiubur, O, tohcr and Novi'iubcr. l'"ir tboso thrco montln llie earuin'H of tlio p'-iuten-tmry were .71.tH!l) 15. Tbv ("ijieliscs f-r 1 1 esame lin.e wen-S(","i 7. Tho coiiii!'" over the exjiensus were. 1 :iS Mr. L. S. Yiti-K. nr White Oik townsliip, v.ho win in lin!eigh : u-steiilay, tcllw iib that the mini dn;;s . are very bud in libs la-ilihoi bood. : Lntely two boyB, about four miles from Morrisville wei e hitten, niul have ' suffered very inncb. t )iih of tlio yointo; tufa is vf!l, and it in Imped !ii it th oilier will l i'i-ov.M-fioin the bite. Vohteidav them wus u limn hero with a loud nf apples of the ; 1 limber 1 wi vmiely. Tlint iiiiiii hauled tho.-.e appleti all tile whv' from .Wilkes county. lie lm-.l eighteen!. and be soM them i.;il at (je.;il . round I ici s. It is s,)iii.!liii.;j like, two hundred miles from h-i i t ilhes 1 county, l'ci haps be is u Iiiiiii Unit ' has a yriiilH B(,'iiiii8t rnilioails, or pei haps be dtn su't l cad u newspaper. ', ! The () era Ibiuso at Opelika, A!u.. : was burned Friday niht and eeveinl ; H'lHoiis injured. ' Motlir-ra and nurscR should iihvavH ! inni-iubei that disappoint iiient never I aUi-uds tho uo of Dr. 1;i1I'h Haby j Sunp. I'l sec only '2.") centK. , No wondor peoide miv t ho eliiimle I 1 is enaiignij,' wuu all me .jucur vviaiu we are hn villi' lulelv. and to be free fiom catarrh is 11 ni ivileeo We 1 have, however 1111 excellent remedy for tiiiii ailmi'iil, Oiil Sunl's t 'utuirb t in, . Seal Skin Cloaks nre handsome wraps for ,-oM weather. I hey are libt costly hut they would i.nii von warm. An tf.Siitlseal akin .vi j. j looks real nic 011 11 alyli.-.h look- i:i We Himjiiy inoi.l'.oii tin-so i f u-ts as facts 110! because we i. vi- ilieni 1 f-.r sale; we haven't ;.;d uli i'Ml'l cloak . IU the linn. -,e, but we lane ;;iit the pre t- i Iiist imitntmn j-liisli si -alskin clonks I Vi.ll have sei niw. only lino a few I lei I, 1 a tic 111 r in price from $15 to $25 ! We oll'er llie entile line III l?12.."ll to. close the line. These ere liaiidsuu e , cloaks and are woi th hump than li.ei pi ices Mil-Ill lulicl. We l-avo an (!. oiinl line ol wraps besid.-s ihrsc, ami we know oiii on. -os mo ui'.-iiu. touch i aiile. We have just rna iv.-d D dnen muff's lo si 11 foi ,el each. They are the best lor the money oii have Keen. We have an el.-eiint line .f libii! l ots fi r you. at S.iindell s, cor. uf .Mat tin nod Wi'.miiiotoii S'.reetv, lUloigli, N. C. Mlllnu u.:l-! i!l -il.i twts. il, I'llil ll llll 11 T nivvm-.l , hy Ho. 1.1.1, SCllHDl'LK ITTl'SnolU)- It. H. 'I Iu i-ifri'iia.-i- I r 1 11 mi Mil I nsli.-i-.i- i-.iln.nil .-iv,-m I -i'. -. r-ti- iliilly. i-xiv.l Sun 1h)s, in -j in a. in. mi I i oi n- in , iie.,1 nlriver. ;it I'l : ti,l .1 ..' al II in ii, in , iii. I ' .'.'i i. in., in kii.ii .-ii.iii..-ll.-n it, Mi-'lf-nre Willi tii.' trine-, i-lilln- Ii ,V A. A I.. i. n (.'ini: I-, mi-: i-',iii!ih: ii'iiu it;ii-a-n. " - " (TCr: iF l.XCOK Ot.l TIO.X I.IXA. I liiort-io'l'-iK ,-l.y iiv,ai nf II-.. I., tli.i: ;l. i. flu- u-iil l-lii. (."in i "i I .-. In i nif ai- ii. ..lui i..- par v.iiin' i-r ii ni m, iioi. r, c. s c. GUBHAmFUBHiTURECe., Chamter SvLitO, iciricr Gu.it3, IDInirsG- lccni and 1 t)f grades and prices lo suit all. MATTRESSES, BED LOUNGES, IN LAIU'.M YAlilKTY. IS ft iff UirMitfjcs : Agents fur the WIli.F.LF.K WIL SON sr.WINtl M ACM INK - the I list in line. The leading I'NDl'KTAK F.lbS in the Citv. A full hoe of 'AKI',TS, 1U UIAL l;tHi:S, SIIOKS nial nil lieceb. sary outfit fur t he hiirnil of the .1.-ad. Wo nre AtiKN IS for the LK il IMi lOl.lHM. HI D. He sure to call und Nf our i-tock. Dep. 25, IS-.tll. Itnl. TO HlllDt.i: 111 ll.Dl KS ! ssl.-il .r.i-..KIl:i lllllll 1-J i.-.-l", fc M in r. -Ii V,.ii ,1 HI UllS iilrt-P ;ii any i-f .tun lUw rivi'r hi i-i-ii,I. Iniili-f-il, mi l !-(.., -ill, -h , Ih. imry. l-.U, t. I uil.l it-m.- mui. mi i en i ' !iiiii.mnii.i-i "' '"n "r -'""" l"'"r- ''" 7-ni"i'.lT.-T'e' "" "'m'0"' IU lilnll l el I .,--. Is . I' 11 M Ml' H, M. lk HEADQUARTERS ! t. Oliitii.tric clmrtMi m-vim !;-: ;i tiim. . ioauiji ESTABLISHED 1353. II. MAHLER, RALEIGH, N. C. Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, STJ-:iUU SfL I'A'A' AXf SILVtUt VLATEV WMIEH, CLOCKS, ItllONZES and N0VKLT1KS FOH TliK PAMTBADE. aA SI'KCIALTY Wetldin mid Kugagpuii nt Hwhh made to order in any deaijju. I'or obtaining correct bizo for riny Bend for patent ring card. Watches and Jewelrj Promptly and Carefully Repaired Dec. 25, 18!0. JOHNW Durham, N. C. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES ! My old friends in Chatham nro invited to call on 1110 when they viai Durham and I will -uurautee to satisfy them in evoty thing in Staple and Fancy Groceries : Sl'OAH, CHKKSK, SNUFF, HHOKS, MOLASKS, I'LOl'H, CHACKFiUS, PHY GOODS, i IINN AHK, AC. ! : B3r Special Inducements to Country Merchant ! i My two stores in Durham aro opposite Parrinh's Wurthouso and at !,,rHur "'''"b' ""d M ingu.n atreets. i Nov. 27, IK'.Kt. lini. i . ... CROSS & LINEMAN 210 IFasrette-vllle St., EALEIGK, 2ST. C , Men and Boy's Clothing, HATS, C-IS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Never before have we be en able to offer ho larpo anil varied un assort- j meet of fresh and plensin fresh and pleiisiii'' styles. We have the rtoek that meets thp You want the best. This is your ind we do. October Id, l-v.10. , Ot.n Sntv ngain made ,,iN hemlipmrteis at 6LAIS! w. l. londjms, 'N' ;r! I mid he takes this oppoitunity of in iiiwii, i fol Tiling Ins friends, little and big, !,.' "! ' "ow Christmas n.i.11,1, presents for any one ami at voiy low .11 ii pi ices nt W. L. Iioiidon's. I lolls, all Toys of all kinds, China W ire, (i'ass Ware, Wooden Ware, Furniture. Children's Chairs, Finn Kockiug Chuiif, Work 15 ixi's. Writing Doxks, I'ltish Cas. s and Hoxee, l'hotograph und Autogrnpli Albums Harps, Aeeor.h-ons, Wagons, Wheel Ihu rows. Chi istmus Cards, I'icturo and lo inbiig l!odis. Fine Hiblos. and many other things too numerous to mention Come and bring the children to see! Come early- before the I uub ! Sunday Schools and Christinaa Trcnti furnished nt very low prices ! is now receiving all kinds of nice things lo eat : Ci ackers, Cakes, Coooiinuts, Oi angos, Lemons, Candies, French and plain. Haisins, Currants, Cil i ous, Nuts, Mince Meat. Canned Hoods of all kinds. Fancy and Heavy lii cicelies. His stock of Dry (ioods. Notions, Clothing, Hoots, Shoe-', Hals, eve, is full ami complete. Cash oustoineiM will now get frpeo ial inducements at W. L LONDON'S. 1 Fittaboro'. N C , Dt c. I, 90. . MRKHM, FISH, TOBACCO. SYIUT. MEAT, COFFBE, SODA, NOTION'S. CROt'KEHY, ! exr.ectalion and crutities the fcnate. chance. We aro able to eell aheap HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES 1 A full and (Kmplcte line of CONFECTIONERIES, rr-aitc. Candles, CHOCK It It V, .f c. SNUFF, TOBACCO asp CICHUS at factory pricta. Flour, Meal, Con. Oats, k PLOWS, FARMING TOOLS. Christmas Goods! All goods sold nt lowest cash pricea. If you wish to Rave n inn", eoiaa to see me w hen you visit i.:r!iara and you will he convinced. W. H, Proctor, ' -I oh it I,. Viit'khnMiV Ohl HllIU), BUR2IABX, n. O. Nov. 27, 1S90. :bu. Pretty Furniture MAKES COSY HOMES! COSY HOMES MAKFi HAl'I'Y FKOl'LK! ash A. G. RHODES & COMPANY, H.VLEKiH, N. C , Are iiinking jioople happy every day by tho liberal terma they offer on all kinds of Taney Chairs ! Hall Racks! Book Cases! Dressers! Wardrobes ! Everything! Chamber variety, Suits, complete, in great Jin ken Suits proiidc-d if Jesired- We will aeeoinnioilate you 0' ' p.'eata yon if you will let us. W- uava too many things to talk ni . t. Come ami see them! It will be like going to u fair. A. (. HHODKS A CO., '.) Fi. Martin ami 111 linchange I'lactf, Any 2S, 1K'.0.