iifimmcMaiM 1Tlr'w''"l'T,T'';i'it'g''i FOR FA. KM AM) GAKDEX. badly, and are wet mid soirgy even wiu-u tlii'V d not rot. In one word .Will I I.Tl It.M. rilKMI-lliV. I .w.t.,,,,. iiip miiini' If tlie tnl.in UuUx bays that vegetal ion iibsoili . wm 110, ti.oinfl v-- front billon, pul in its growth less than oiie-fihtt. part : ,;,, tii(-m in lieup and li.-i.lly of ils own weight from the Mili.stiiiHti's I c,,voihiy them for a w?k would ul t.f the noil, th.; rtMiiainin iorlioiis be- 1 ,ow u,.piu- iimis! mv t. o npm ate ing ((.mpoiui.l.'d from the tain-, dews .,, ,;,. j,,. ( ll:irtloll M, ,),. ,,,.v uinl gase of the at nio-i d.-n-, w lii.-li nin m .r ,v .,.;M. ,!,,ed. are absorbed by the leaves iu well a This is uft -n iloiie b j-oiau. gr.-.v tbo root of plan s. Therefore, if one . ; m:ll ki., in, thoir " i ai ly p b -heavy erop of tow peas out of the is f, ,. i! ha-ripen, d. S, ion- as the plowe 1 under, you will return to the ,,l)t.lU, sUjll P;i.ily u ,,,, i. Miil more than you have taken from it. ,.m,i, itll j,,.,..,, t...,,, To ,'rv tll0 Alwuys keep this in mind: Iced your ,,,;,,,,., ils rapidly :l, po-ibIe help- lo land for good nops a- you feed your- ,.ll(.. Hie skin-, ihougli Ihe tubers M'lf and horse or mule for good work. j;; ,.,,m. ,.uk lIrv :lM, ,,.aiy ,,,,.. New Orleans Tiines-l'emoerat. Wn, ,,, v;,u.. Ur1 ' u;Ulu ' 'lo. ripen them naliirally. The full, K...,s nv wn..lir. ' utidlsimlMMl yrouth of potato leaves Canadian ehieken-raisere have Ioul' j. ,.,.,.,,.,) , niaki-g a oiui,l, nicr found it proliiable lo breed hens that ' ,., ,,.,;,;,. ,...,,. ,,... i,;;,,, t!ll, laid small eggs and laid tli.iu often. 1)f ,u);.,,r(. WvlU. Now thai the Canadian government .,.,, .,, v j,,,,,,.!,,,,. ,,, ,. ,ll;l!itx f ,,0. has iveived :.d, iei - from K,.g!Mi ,.. ,....,. i(1 ,Utr.'iviit wa do- autheriiies on t g- .pio-timi, sayii,..' 1 s,,.,, ;,.:,Ves .. u hieh their lip.-u- il.at there tti.l no: be the -lightest ,..., j,. 01 (i ... i;,u,n Cultivator. dillii'iilty it! obtaining the hihe-l . .. pri.e for Canadian eg-.pro iding th -y I FAI;M ,M,,;1,N v,i. weigh over two pounds and a half lo Uavu the roo-t- ..n a level. the score, a dilli-rcnl kind f hen u DEATH VALLEY. be in demand. The in:iiiito-:!y utii;;-: pracii.'e of soiling fee- al .-o inu.ii a doi n die hard ; but, like oilier tiijii-t pra.-l ii hi- e-u !. o...- Niu York W lines-. line e,ii,i,ier is mlllcieti! for four If ioi bnve any la:e lialehed iliVio. keep f.. ,-Ui-J I: etn ab. .i !. M MvtV, . Ill I -I . The lir.-i thin,' ;.i he dole1 in niakiiiir i In i- to con-ier; tho In, .i.l c:i-- no ilito all ill-'eu'ee and alnn'-l jtu:.-.i.. hie fi.r.l. The !et sti p i- to aVp i . i: of i we!.; , .!,;.. t'-.U !!:! - ( i:- :it'f. liiakine ii -til: lend' I ;.n I ni"i. iiidi.estjble. a lid linail v '. ft i. -ill: t'-.u tlier by adding -.i'i : :n, I th by the t llle 1! is Olii of ihe I ! have pu: il i : 1 1 1 an indite-: :! 'le c leii. lion rendered I: uniii f. -r huto-iii i fooil uniii mod:iie 1 hv I'm-ii.er c:i.in-i This j-. !c,-;ed l .i u .lil.llg f r the ..etioti of rellliet iltld t!.e fl'ee ox e,-' of the air io hie ,v down !. i..-i-h !aiie ami in- -i u ' '. i nupcinil e,de,'. phl-I ie. Sehlbli' rl.ee e : e : I -i . i ! - ripe and I ieh. u if; i : v. :!. Vi-!'. dij -tib'.e. Wleei-'llie l.nd !l'::i: t;...i-.- v..-: -:. u, .-. ',- I : n ' 1 a-i.-r t.i :i: d e rep.iii s t i ; I n hfii-e ii. - w : i.a :i later. I' V ..; el-II .ill.. I. Ml .'...i.l.lol- h, d..e 1 ' :i"r I' .r r lo -,i e the be-t '.!! n,; The ..-; f.-.c in. ' : t t : l."tl tie .- 1 in::, r -hotdd lotiU. iie-i;e .:if "I ',, ve i,e;i-. i m I .1 : ' cow -!.::.' tu .-.i . : . b'.t ,i ie u ;;i i ;f ie t Hi. i 'l l.ibh . A Place of Silence and Desola i lion in California. The SconMtinR Hoat is Hostile to All Animal Existence. laiifoiuia ran eert.iiniy elaiui the lea'e-l lunula! Wonders of th'1 world. Its Vosemitc alley, its b:g trees. iU petrilied foil st- and it- iiiniimerable other attraction- nib-lam late thi- as (ertioii. ( :ie of the latter elass. little known and rarely tpokeu of, i the IVath 'a;!ey of Inyo County . in many lesp.vis th. tno-t reniaikab'e oflheui '!. Imagine a t r.i .-k ies- a-te of Paml and iock, shiiiiinerin' under ihcrais of a uene than tropical sun, beinined in on all sides bv tilatde rocks and liloiin'a'.u-. ln-,. vi rv inipre-s i- that of eternal ile-. .'nttion, and ion haven fair idea of I e.i ' h a! !e . I.eograph- ic. illy it :- in -ink of Ihe iuai' -a l.': r, hich i- ijiiile a marvel in it-i-i If. l! ri-is in the Western ierias, a'., i: t :ii mil"- fi.'in :l.e California line, ai.it! s -.rihu.ird for ninety nii'i -, when ii di-appe.n s from -iht in the bed i f in aneleu: lake at the fool of ihe Ih-iing spring M .un'ains. iitile further -.wh it i'riipp'iu ninl con; iiuic- another si v inl h -. !.. n it aj.iin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : s :,. i;- -ubl ! ! ti!. ;in .ban- id. vi,i a'a u :t : .it - and tbo - l;e;.l iy ot.e !. t! ild I I'd ltd : -. W !,. It liu.illi .!.;.! ar- it. tii lidv of Ihe a v. m. ark. ib 1 1 .iv .; t- ..f . :. : . f .-. I ; l.:t I I : w , 1 1 1 1 1 i : . . r 1 1 1 diiii; Ii; .i u i.-iii . Iti l v iti.- i v. i i it., Ti:. ii ! cm ;-, I y .r 1- ..i- -!.! f.r t l o :i...-r s. t I f . tittle ! tlte e.MI lit saving of ll.tlll'lle I- rof.-tant reeoniiuet. e.( n dairy men i i I -.;. ' i a. . 'iiitir.i ' ' : '. .,: ni.is.1 i: 'U - if 'i- .i a- ! i ie-t.ud ..!' ;: .- mv f -nd . 1 ti, . d f h if- a ; ; a It. I o.ei's. tii . tion i, in nle i m.iv'v n:ii;a hy ;t ,. vie;oa-.i.-- of ;.. .il, ; I: i a! h. h are i oiitiinia. y i vi ai.ni inr . . i .; 'lie I' f I "III lie- Ii. t I" 'he 'A oils. - til. del ling ii; ward. Tim- : I.. .n..':.i - d" Wof... 'hall if t.irll. I-.I.. .ill o; . ., r.-:u ! .ii' I l,e:e one cat, e-.-ape fi tn ititotlei-. Ii,,t wln'ii ihe animal- are di-h"i ii.-d : '..'i e . p. a e in i h i lf, II ro ; fear ills, ippenr-: cimniy ha- i,. op) oriuiii't. . and -a.a.'. and large, w ak and strong, feed . g-ib.T. The .1. ; riv atioii of tl." olh ti-ivc wi-apons i- i'.niiied at .'ii h a'!. It I '.or. :: 1 e h a ' r i d ii- if - .1! f 1. e an i tie I . l.i n. . . i eat c ire i:i se. iir 1 i-' . iti i'ii'- Ii-atii a: i a'.oiit . la!,; m ... ht nl tie1 : -live n.''. - long, an 1 com. is, - -on,.' i ht i - h ital: i 1 -.in :t mill s i f ib.- 'i.-.-t .'.!: : -akt-n . .. ;ti- I V ill the Uo! I ! I I ok .1- if sutler- in. fr :i : it i I'iii , ! -,'.-iicb ;i- u i- i. ad - ili.t .;. . 1: i.. - far be,,w Ihe -. a . . I. I't - me i - lo t. N . th ' i ,:..!.!. .on ii- ;.. in-. ; . . p: lie . ot.hl...- hi:. il.- ib-raicii- . let- . J I-' I - '. '. .I.J. i- UClk aft. i- Is . i n. e -: ni . i cr f . II- lo eoi ; tl . I . ..,.!. r.ti.b- -I. -1 i...iv I .. it ,it ..ft. ; id.: a I If v -i be taf- i.:-:.. d. N-tiil--g l. . : a d. ..' i.:o.,, .; W II. '', ' ' " 1 de j - t'etll''.!'. at.il I Ma':: ... -. miiiglv I "t i V. r. No -. ;.',.! .- cv, .',.'.0.1 t iho - ell of Cle u ii d- i i : i :.- -upr-iii". 1 1 i- a tc'i il- ge. I. al f.o maiioi'.only ; a: i ' .1 Iti "I e '.', r iu-liita.' -tbtil of the P. ,1 ea. Tl- I." U. lava. b;. fait 1 1 i gi'itht.' -I., w the vol.-aiih' f,,-. Iitii'l-.i:. V a pi ohah y id t f . tin- po - .- ,': i lily .'1 il..- :rr. It i -tit I hat !i"; hi- ga-e are emii. ."l fr ,: li'l-i: - a .: - - er,.- ;. u e. ' - d f 'he medium -.. '-. w i i- e. i wrminav t .,e ' a fi .'tu , ii th . ,N - : 1 1 1 1 I.ii. .ding- ! 'I loi d- ii. e ... 1 : .;.. ti 1 I .1 I- a' - .tin t ll:;e- f r Igl alit i- -'.rang" lhat thi- f:c! - u. Il i:i .v n ' a' f I'ni i 1 . ' i.r.o.-r !!!- . . f iho i- iguoi . d h; per.i.n- i:,t. re... I. atid p '!' I ' ! i tl 111 pi:-' .'at inn. the fi eal- of Cattle lire pei ndlteil . ,'ill'l'V tl.e-e V, hi 'ig.V' .tl' 'l . I V .Igi'i . a Ie p. i - d.'lllge.'oll- iillll oil, n-. peud Ig.'S in f .!!. III'.. ! r - lll'-dtlg the I. .lot' of -pile ,.f : great e of ll.elu. ! :: ' - p. V 1. 1 I" ti- t. asoiian a- to ki ep a.. I. . . , v. , . u ,,, ; , ,-. .; , , , ; j ,,, hi ii. s ,,. k it; ti slate , i natiife. ..r ;., ., . if 1 1 .-.,; .... ale 1 I f l-'-e iambs bv r. as. .ii . f th. ' i- ...-i ,. :;,i. a -n i ., a I- u. .t 1 lo kind lai:-, ulii -h gather tilil. aim d;- :.-e t. .t , : i av.- g..t lo ..vercoine Ihein. a- io l.tueii.. horns up..,, , at I,. . .!:-; ru-l . f ee ., can get her (,, t .' to Hair i,i.inil'e-l ii.jury an! the ,.. '., 1, -t. daninge tind danger In ibo : n.-.-s. . New York Tit.ies. il I - m: , w i . .; r.i ; .t.ts.t. I .. nn. in ii'.'i-'i-ti t iral i-.ii. u.ii ju---penis soiui cogetn. iii-L'tiinetits In f., or of ehoppe-l ill p ,,e ,,f w, ,;, vnv- f.r animal bedding. T!,.. lir-t .-niisid-era! ion I- t';.' oil .u.y of .t, u hieh e - on m. :u ;,a -howu io bo about Ihirt e ; . i- e. ii'. ee..i'y, Iho ("In I' n't of lee aa'iu.r is I..-' I. r lilll'-el . n.atl te.ls in the Hill a. 'e ..i k. r i.'ia! he u-es uiih great -;i i e-s -in. ill irh,.- bo't'e- a- tree lab..'.. Tin1 n .-..id I- placid in the In i : I. . v. hi- h i- th.-n .1 ii h the -'op; el- .'Hid C O i' e, d"'. tl to the Ilei k ''h : u hi., r , ;,,!, and ii ed on t he i vei, ! i - i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t" : r '..Id t .ii. i i.r, i iid l i am iicil w id ' t l eaii About I lie stars and Mripes. It I l I -lied ill It Ihe ll.ig u lil, r.ii-ed at i .mi1.; Idge .lanuarv V, ITT'.. ii. nl. Iti ihe ii- of lung -ir.,w ..n t)V u n-hingtoi,. ,, eomp.-sed of t III' eel 'il ill I, W hill' -t I i pes Wph ! ,o .I-.. of -t. i,,.,,Lro and "it. Andrew :l 1 -:''t'v ' ""' 1' trih rni .re. U j. Mi ,.,.,., i ,,, p -h, ue, .mt .n in pi .c- j.ii .a-.i i" -..pa, ate , , al.. ,,f ,p,. ,, f -I portion o a c it -ti ,i w bed from the drv. : o, il. , I, ..,. ,j in .l.i.lig .- a bet- !. r a:i-' : I M . f the . n teal . di-.p-pings, and there is ic wa-lf of am monl'i h i .., p. r oioii. It I- far tin. ie i a-i. v in i :; df. I in tic' eoiap.,.i heap A r i.a. i- C 1 O.lllg tl. I el : I' Ii 1" l I'll lll ia Ihe hi. 1 1 be'hliiig m il. i ia wa- a. so i ar- ieil hi. ihe lift llllder c .1 1 1 1 ll.'l 1 1.1 . . f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , . i : ll-i'k I i ' i . k : 1 1 s . when it a .. d fro ii the I i. a tu cape,, Peb- i- ilupo-t In ap ill tlll ll be. "lues ioe uiiifoi III and hniie l" io oiis- lu lint f.idowing j ear, dune II. IT..", ihe I oii'IniiiI'iI C. ingre-s pa-.ed l ie..,:uta,,i "licit the (lag of tlie i....pti..n of 1',-,. ( ,j ,. .;ai,.. l,o tliii teo:, stril.es. a. - " ' teneite red atal while: that tint l iih'ii '. be thirteen -tars, hite on a blue lb .. rein c-ellMig a le w eoli-le.i :l i ''Her ii... .... i... -i , -i... t,i,.., ,.t- ii, ...... fortified .,g..i exteru-.i "'I'M" .'s i w:l, , . .gge.,ed is uncertain, al and les- m iven to in.ei nai f'-nneiiM-.,,,:,... .. wp t, " "f I"1'"" ""- I lo.lohu A. lams. W,il.. .,i,e,s claim ' "';'"V ui'' "1"' the eniiie Mag wa. borrowed from Ibe have evp.,..d I hem -e; v.-s .., serioii- , f ,.,, of , Washington 1"-- in li .r iiiauiin- heaps by burning, j j' v-. Iinporiiitit a- this matter in Ihe sta- ; In lid- flag the .lar- were nrraiiged Me it is siiil in,, re s,, in the j.ijj-iv. 1 in a circle, a'ilnugh no f n in wa- lli- fMvinc, e-p. ci.illv broo.l sow s, -lioiii.l , cla ii .(, .. ribed. It I- s,,,p, ... that be furiii-h.'.l w iih en' -irtnv b, ,. ng the ti, t dl-o! iy of the national flag at rather than long M raw . - : e w Yon; , a mi. nary pu-i was tit fort Schuyler, Herald. t.n the -ile i,f Ihe village of Unnie, I l Ineid.i oiinlv, X. Y. The fort was I Nlill-K Till Vlnl s. , , , " , , , . . . bi -i. ge, I early hi the month of Aii'Mist. It i -ouit times -aid thai .Northern- I , ' . , . . ' ; 1 1 , . ami Ihe garrison were without a ;,'Vl pntaloes keep better for thai 1 Hag. Ihev made one aecoiding to fad. Hut there ate exception to Ibis , i Ihe pri sci iptnm if ( oiigre-s hy iMiiiingr i iile. la northern li.ikitu and the ad. 1 ..... i . ' . 1 1 s ( 10 form Ihe u. bile stripef, ja.-ent leg f Mnui;obi fro-t kiiied , . . t , ibii-.'l -earlet cloih lor Ihe ri d stripes, the potato vines in An ii-l, wiien thi' ' , ., , , , ,. , 1 ; and Ihe blue ground '! the stars, was tllbl-l - We: e 1 llllV gio HI bill Hot ill. l. ' . . , , , - 1 coin po-e I of portions of a ( h)ili clonk fil. tin no us dug ihe I'olaloes an.l , . , , ,. . 1 ,e h nging lii I apt Abraham Switrtli- inarketei I 1 1 .. i 1 1 1 pioinpilv, as the price . - 1 . out of I lutein'. ( oiinty, X.V. nn. I Wii-higlnr than for ;tn other faiiii ll . il g was nufiirle Align. t IT nop. luil these potatoes are rotiin j lSlw YoikiVe-s. ti--lle- in III" 1 ... , - i. li is a h. . f deo liptiou of the llio-t t , il.al k..i.ie v it I Ii in Auieriea. Popil alt h iti in:. p:.-. eliwald. but it . never , ht. -I- here, lb hiinatiou of Vil-t t .let of I and "Id b, ticeotn-pii-hed. b it lenith a. a ;,- will iiim r see a I. o', . Ills f na i r d-; ;ne. t.j remain in it- -: . to of pt 'nil : iv barren 1,, --. I'.V ll.e W.ikilig of - Iile in-. - ti rlou- can-, i ,. pi,, e is h'-slile lo ilt'e. li t- :.V id-'d alike bv II, an an, I bea-t. logi-s !, Il il- li I- a strik ing i . ! tl-I I Io I f I l.e ii I. .lit hill of the who'ewoiM ai an arly geolugi' al ope i.. 1 ery t. on ;-; w ho lci tl p. po tllln'y tiiOUai i-.t tnis lllilii.it.lie ahai a. lb ginning nl the A mil lean Niuv. The career of t he American N.r.v, strict !y -leaking, began w ith it. ie orgtini i.loii ..leb r Wa-hinglou' si .- ond adiiiini-M ti':, .n in IT".' I. At the c'.o.e ,,f the Ib-v.dutlon the ot-o'. j,at had bi ell 1 .u . I i or pill', !l I-'d for licit -trnggle had all been i ipmred. lo-t ,,i--old i a pt the Aoi ile . gun., ihe I' aiic. .'. and ll.e I rge W'.-isliing- !oii. ' gii,. ami . e.ii after the .m lioiiiic. 1 1 li-lit of pence ll;. -. vi .-el- a., i Were -..Id. t !h.. time W'a-lriiig'on ,i--umed Ihe rein- of g. eininent p, ;;..i ihe atl'iir ofllieliaVi Mere pun e, ill ihelllllliU .f ti.e .-ee.e'ai- .if War, and it win me until t.ie .p'th ,,f April. i7:" ih.i' II Xiy I K'ptll tlnel.t Wiisa.ided to 'he President.". ( ab liel. Pe l,, iti;: tl "oddel'l of ( ,, olgetou II, l (., b. Ilig the lir-f -'. :.:.ir. lii ihe .,ih of Mai, h. IT.'I. :i Ian , a- pas-ed for the t -i.ib-ii-hn,i nt of a j . i i u :i in-ii ' and organied n. I'. v . P.v ibis law mv fiigiiies rating not Ie-- liiiin tbirly-:.) mm- in .' old, 'led: hut il i mole ihan probable that even thi- -ti p would Hot have been taken had il not ti' eu for ihe sci. me of ..i.r inerehaiit ships and lie' eif-h.ving . if their el. w - by the rovers of p,,u. ban. These si frigate-, weie the Cuiiit'tulhiu, Preslilent, I'nited ."-tHtes, Clifsapeake, t ongresn aiid ('un-ielhi. tion. Century. 1 I.ouilon's Aiiliiiialeil fire System. 'i-it,eg a I. indnii eiigiiii' hou-e and noting tii'1 ah- ice of ! legiaphlc ap paralil., gone-. tt,., we ii.kedthe lil" Ulan on duly how tin received noticii of a lire, to who h he replied, that 8. mie eitieii passing on the t-lreet nnd seeing Ihe lire Would no ify thrill, rpon beiiijf salislied that the alarm wab not a false one Ihey would h-sd iho hoi -es ill from the sialdi! in ihe hack ard, harue-s and nilaeh them to the engine and proceeii to the -cell'' Of coiiflagratiim. I'oi liinalely, lire del doin oecur in London and when they do ihey burn so b'Wly, owing to the adiil eon-tru.-' ion of the buil. lings, thtit ih pii-.in.g eilieii i a valuable ii'ljutli I In a li,e-eligiiie hinisi'. X' W , olk ilidcpi n.leiil. iMt ol OlHioit ula fr ('.toirh Thai A merourr wtil -unly destroy lbs -tw of m.s'11 raia oo:t)1t.- liefmuf thm whJe vs Xvm wIim tatTioc ti tl.. uu tas mucuua iir liieta. aucti na-nelc--lionliItr U uwd u-it-1) I on pr caliillous iroui Icpjtublo ph)l taa, an ae :ujev liirr will un;i tea zul-1 to tiiv good jrou can ioll'l) .ctt c -froui tliam. I'alrSi l aitrrh i arc amuu'au url by r. J. 1 lieu- y A Co., I'vlclu, tl.. ooiiiiilas no mer ciu j, anit : takm li-U rimllv, mi . r.i.is direct ly i poo tne u.oud auii mecuils furiaca. wt (be -trm. In uuyiaic liaj's t u'arrb vurt be iir to grt tlio icnmnr.r. it in idles laurual i.v.and umile i-i in eiln, Ohio, by K.J. vlieney per bottle. A Plenelnt Seaee Of health and etrength reaewed anil of aase and oomfort followii the rme of Kyrnp of Fl alt acts in harmony with nature to effectual ly cleanse the system when rnstlre or blUout. f"oralelo SUcand II bottle by all leading drugi'titi. We'll write it down till everybody sees it Till everybody is sick of seeing it Till everybody knows it without seeing it -that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy cures the wur.st cases of chronic catarrh in the head, catarrhal headache, and " cold in the head." In perfect faith, its makers, the World's lijcnarv Med ical Association of Uuf'fal o, N. Y., offers t i p.iv Ssoo to T1V line silliYi't-V,,, i'mm rlirnlllC Su ""'' ''Uirr ieiiil...s mil. Aak uur j .)Te jorrre r menns lo lo.v forcv. r. catarrh in the head whom thev cannot cure. tW Sol.i by Iiiu-ilts, i rice It islbn 'oroinollvettml lestlemt its w.irk . Vihf ruf. and ti'. anil vv.ii' out yourarlf ! and yelir elutho on waitul&y, ben. over biitet. t 1H04. Ilobblns. KliH-lrn- Snap ha. Wen iittiTt'J on lirpoM to li;lileu uur laimr, uiid rave our i-lotbeii. Auu-try It. Your grocer lifts it. I Disappearing ttuns lisvo broa iDVsiitei'. J Virvtwrv-- CUT?? gv.epev Stiffness- ' rHprnmki rs are using (lie I ananti p'ant j for pa per in ski ii,-. I - . - .- - i Oae Taeasand letlars I wfTl forfait tt e aliore amount. If I fall to Onarantee I nro roar elzbt lr rent. First prore tbal floraplenon is Iho Iml meliriueiD ) 31ort(ace on Ksn.-ss City propvrty, iiitrrot eiisteuce for liyspeiisia.luiliffe-tion or Hilmaa- j payable every 'i uiwuttis; priucipal and iiuer- no.. ii lii a ceriani i urr. nna unerus uiiiue- t eel coileeieu wneifc one kdj leiiiuii-.i vriuiuu. : ,.... D dime rellef.tn raw- of Ki.ln, y ami Liver dm- axpeuae lo len.ter. l-er aalc by J. li. Baunrloio t. piuuit, .Nervous iirnility and i ..iisuuiplien. v.u. Hum City, Jiu. me lur Karucuira i ta Ml tH 1 HKSdn c iiint,i.iinii uuiiii.1 up i 'ic wens. ssirui nun ww for fiiH Thilita: W, tii Knowlnir." hIso. sninelo bottle arm froc : nil . Ii.ircs pri.p.inl. Aibiri-tii Krank lui llai U 6 Warren Missel, New Vurk. Xow if the conditions were Ah ,hM llilliu' sl.eut l n)S soic.l Li f "J ! Vow Tver S-reulate Anr person seadinu us thir naois an-1 a.! .trees will reeeive inforniai.on that will lend Ishii I ulioea-thet're 1 I" fnrln'ir. lis'nj. Uwii d( c-pcurii you buy th- re. l ee Wa's h'r..'so Jleadm he Cnre. Harm less in eifeet. unit W una (.'ositiw in aitioru r.i.t i.nia.it a re. nut of )l lr botiie. Ade.cr A Co..tii WiauiiuUt-at.,KaHSCU)U w.l: lie in el of ullllli!. i'. ili'V c know. i rn llio N xf y. nr l.ie i ; ' lei wll lur, ai u-uatU- ttr.-. t on nrspe;i;a. tn'll ;et.m anl Stomarh dl-o'ilei', Hp. v:i - !r.,n llllleis. The Host ll t T WiaK ltl.il ill'.'ll ..licit li rs us. reversed if tlicv asked you to j ay $500 for a jio.-iiiv cure voti might hesitate. I Iere are Kputable men, years of honorable dealing; thousands of dollars and .1 great name 1 , -I- ..(" Is.,, 1 -U ... s:.,- '1. li . It relmial-Ihe sy-usn. 1'1,-nn' th- Ulissl Kiel 01 tnem a.ul iiie sa - anii.treiuiii.ii-iii.iinw.es. a eoiud..i too- ' e can cure you because we've cured thousands like , , Z?,t u -it we cant well pay you $500 for tlie knowledge that there's one whom we can't cure'.'1 Thev believe in themselves. I.-r-'t it wordi a trial? Isn't sor.'i'ti .'ni; l il - C oi I'Xp.OSlVfS- Tim I er, Miii'-ra!. I 10 :n Isimls and Uanrlies In M uri. Kansas, l.iu- un.l Aikausua, bocii t aoiu so. i. 1 ier o. to h n-- e 11 y, mi . l.e '. KM :c, tiilll, M t '.e world anv tr: ti. table to catarrh? TH B r.i y 5 t i" n i o u s r.ui:sT. FUNFPAt l.-sii.Ul TIT t ipo l fre- by D. Kl.tt.' GnaAT I- itii vi KisTiiioit. No ills after first diy'suse. Marvel !-. ar-s. -fri-sl :iu t : I rial uollle f. I'r. K li iic, Wl Arch St., l'bila., l a, I.ove t n.orc llinn t uiet:nii. roitim- reerHiln 'llrmt. V, aknes-, Stula. rto. N.. iiaVui, I ii.1 ifcr-'-t o.ri aa.l Itilmu-a.-ss, li.ki' lt.i.n hoa Huiirs il nn.-s Blreli.lU, c akili iil 'MTseti- I.v! jeilitri and ouUiC Ivrbolis jft'i ii: l-i a- ant lo lake. Huiiuuiu, Kaii'u. t iiy. Mo. eountei-irilHiil 1 no ehopp'r f u'l t i;y mi s t loiii:. v. ho fin k ittili FJflA . 1. ..a- 'IRA d9 t lurdoudr a-tl(D. Huff r L Ainuiffls nd ItT wrvuitNt ntrrl, caiW'iiljr n ie for wvHh Enl p ftDti fctock. ibey r unrl for AbImIk, m bill i y t ntl acrararv. not ba.MlTl bv ap mn llptibla caal-l i an Imltnilou wblak Sfiis i. a -lie i iui r jtm mitfiroua. fho HMITH a) unrtsltfthla. but dfttitfiroua. Hio HMITB and tr cunrnuiprd r-rfnut in . ry detlL I. Iy troiu live uuudreu to one luounauu 1 Wrpllna.liens n l vr, mi i -ni.hii I ni.m t. cent, the ueil Uw years under oui ,iau. ' plies uuv KMI I'U A' A Ksi' aud lo per uiouiu wilbuut luiertsel cou- , troui a uesirabie lou i'artieuiarsuuappiiuauou. , J. ti. iiaueruua J Co., ivauaM eily, 01 J. M-n who hnvt-lioisi fen-e know when to f say neiirli. V atatlea tala uaisx UjriBdieU. Maie Two Giants we Ill .1 the I nil full. refulii. tl.e !,nt'!elit dleenM'. . on,' I r, i;nnwiii ol Hie rnsli, ,,f One' ,l, ihe I IsmiJ ,f ii,,ul) every i j'jj; J lis irein , lir latli'-r- vt u,' in,, FOIl OM.IHII .J Hi....tiis ' ,i 1-c for I! .. U lie H :ts ..l 1 illilllier v. uh t'le I. , K," ill,eii Inmls .. ill'glej : !: llO v'utl.C ti' ou Veil. :ie . .i iw.tirn town, n'.a us net !L'iv;. lii.-ii ti- tlit' wo ol tlio im'I n nlis, v iis.iijiK'.l, a !tis liist .lee 1 f fitk I U'leeM tile l'.l ellil .'f ,1 -..eititliV l'l'll- lit.LT'.V T" mi le- It'al:. tti- li'. e.i tip tuwti in tl 1h-i-l.v fur:.:s!i - 1 I. ll-f. Ho f niml the li ibi' iimi't . ,1 :.) the ii. .! with P I !... :u.i! v i.t ;: il'lo, "ithe-.it ittiikiti n l.ii-.Mi- iv el';!,,., e!i, to Male lii. way i.av 1 ir: lev i' tin- il 'lai'i :in' I e - i '. i.,.: J ' :'l.'i.t i:,:i!r V Mill!-- I At Kir s i. .... a in ie r !. Mi it l.e eivn I, el a I iir ni .'!l t' en Hi.- nn- lisint ktio.vn lb., world u. ,' vei y lmll"D. exi.lln : ui,iij-.ir. eua e. us rem , l.i imn.r- ur u.' Vli" !'' ,tuiri..l Ly (-'.ii ur.il.a lisl il. a.ul lr..iuls' it"e.. t'u. i a Cntneulber hand-li s. .-.SarseiiLrlila. the nio.i Uw' ero niertaiue. tlie rut inrtny ,.f iiiipute l.l.-.l, s.'.-oii-1 llibliiK tlie UU4I w-jclerf ul i ure.of u-r,.rula ' Or 'or j ell rlu urn, ete, Ifyou suit, r at nil fMc 111., (ilant of lliteaw.. as ruuuurrluiu by Hit- ai I of tlie ulunt of Health, Hood's Sarsaparilla t.l l.y til drnyst-la. ( 1: sll f.ir f I'Mparcl'Mll. I .. I. H'joy C.. l'iiell, Ms.--. i l.y mstt r. lee i, I u-ia s. t.. ,., i-'.soii la ill- . i.l ot ll. - !..,!. i.. i i . ai il rajs- ko . iiin-e l-.ll-.' ..r l ure v..-l n, . . lOota, J-'. '"''- 1 ' "' v ' mad". K - f .,s i i,.. v , r,.-ln. ,.f V. s, l , , ,,, .,.r Ie,-. ... 10 of .li-rll -I eiii-i it '. -10" ' v-'-l la -'.'e. .f I. - llle.l.B - auc- u it ' -a i tt ii .i . - &" ISM, am.'. Mi i ( ll 41.11) T lii'V ,1 lh' Drift t..f I., u,'. f. rroas fi - nil.,,, thrrrfrom "W -'nan. her ili-i.si's an i their freatauent.' I I i. . ranisiiii.' lil'isir e. l in,,,. ,.r seve'it.-iwi tii;es tree, en ivceiiit of la els. for coat of mail, lug, etc. A.I lres. 1'. a llox !', i'hila., fa ll. i., Le neve, slillc olio u'li, tie r. 100 Drmoa Ono Dollar ' BAGGY KNEES .iV'ii I.l llr I'll I). nut sir l, nor. s. l, i r.v i- . ii.- Ol.lalioinaiiuiilo ll-ius nud Mi.;,sent nar wlierj vur.coiylul io tla.1 iro CoKau&aa e'lly.Mj. Tlie .(, r in -i t. the tali ' let a lli-erih r-,i l. v i irj I'- eelmin's I'll . . "'o c is ii in. in wh never liml tbu SI. 000 REWARD! 1 li" ah ie.vnr.1 a,., l. i i I i.ir i.roof of the ex .el..-.. ..; i !.e .' JlVIUtM th.o Mi-RfHA N'l'i t'ABMNii OIL r ,i her Worn l:, m-,1. in.il aiKrl'; -A.M-a WOKM XAELtl'i. .-...1,'v.T, a. r -. Jons mini. i, ..R-f. M.T .. nit's ii ir; a ; U l 0j., IreVpii- V.I. . . PENSIONS rjcucinu DMI real t LHOIlJU Ulll is Passed ranU J-'fcthrig tf pn. Inn,, I,, 'i!.ru ...j tz, i ... nr.. mm r?Sl uniWlilSKiY WA IfiCg 1 1 Srur.-J at r,,.n,e w Itii or. .-oo. liOPMOf i B ""'-. "r TRE fi An ..lerittif .in.! ii ..lot t mi tiua-Liiii. A "CUNLAP PEN CO., BOSTON. MASS. HAB- :h- lr- nsr. rer FREE. Ma-aavvM - ' v- '-i-a I , a. u., Al LAiilA. 0. wH.ee U VSbluaabiM. NEW LAV CLAIM8L V'UKi:oB.!!iVC!i3&Ci ai.oriie)., tll'l I -i.. ii.binsl.iii, 1. f. Jlrniii b Oil i i I, elan 'I. Ilei i ni .( hi, agu. ' ,v I!:-, iiv-r I.a i ur: In.i, i ti.o r.iri.-M'v ; eM: :. : i; n la.-o li'itni-i r of tin" r:iii,e I lii e ttlv Vi le pr. -etit, ,1 ,1 ' tl.o ..,:- .ly ii ll.e enn.f of liuv 111.; ..o-i e-.e . ( tln-til illi'-irreclly ee'.'.,l. I; ; iii-to tlu rnw nperu-r V..IM. hoii-.trie 1 i i iiiilmiv.it.ly oti ui! .-i.los 1 v ) O' l'lo v. a . i l,i ,1 1, ni:ie,l if in.' w".;itati J : a l. l.e-.- thoiii. ii,' a-k'-l m vi nl of tin 1.1 l"f their titiliii'-. but I rv eitli.-r 1.1 ! 1 tu civil litem 'r TJlj: aRFJ.1T writ mis Or Tllhl fal , 1 t l ih, in f. r. - Tl.-.. i ili-i -t.ii.il what ho vuiitivl 1 , eati't mti.'tiiit tu niueli. l.e s.... 1 i 1,'tii-e f. t! oy i v, .. .i't!i t.n n t.iti.i iiiii'v 1 L'tv;i,.' Ihi-ti- i.iitii.s -.' 1.1' l'1-t Lis I'M-l ..- ci-..:i I -i ' "lijeif I ! :.,sill - li il :l .'ilstlreili-l i l l.m.tl. !.!. lll.s.-c,l, with ! .1 er ui.t'.M sin v, . i' li '. lie oi',! ! r p itilii'.i j : HI llil.i t I -. 1 l.i, ft :lt.ep. i e lo knit; in ii ii n.iiittiry ei i riiiiri. a il an . t t u-iut.i l.i i ait.it. ve. iio I-. - te.l t . I...' e.. rt l i's r eher li'lllil . .i r-a.' ti.e I. :i ill's i f a I - :. e in. . rt ttr: 'o !:- :.. v. Ie re In.' l.'. :t k 111.' lei!!,.'. . ..t .1 t, 1 U.S. l .e , ti 1 " . l.itt,.i- , !,! 1'. l illlii. (.t lllf I l.i. !. I r ii!v t!; ie) y. iv o ,iu nt.ii'..-, -i' ' t ':i. i..o. .r init.il Vui tj.iti't v 1 hi- ns it tlleii; j io; iter's, fu, sir -a In t Iiim- it "Wt'M."' siii.l tl,. .1. tiks. .,( tin; Metre)' 1 li" li-purler w a l.'.lt lleltioll'llt to 111 . '. ,r. 1 .l.iiv say, "i a na 1 n-Ue.l .i I'll," - N'.." aiiill tlif" . " "I'lllill I 'tit r To convince evervboi.lv, before subscribing, of the hicHi (juality and interest of our Beautifully Illustrated journal in its new form, we will send to any address rtfi'ii-i, f p.- p':.. ll" I'LUilt l 1 l.;...l ttetie.'.l ll' U'tU'O ' Oil imp, Tint, itv, t the Inati w ;w !i"l-. -ifjhK "iuK siti.l: "Ai,.l ' (0 M HI.. S I .-tin ll-e,l. liiln't c i'.i'.I !.a.k so iiiui-l. .ir.-" "N'.'t nt nil," te..;i, q-tiekly, "i i lily m " i V ere I. ete. Je lllli e ! V.; ll'l Mlell 1'lel, "' "i'llell l .f tl. il i i' "Alt (.'ot lilT ton " W lull uro rim il ite.' le -l f ill , f "vli. li .!..: '" !- !' ' " iiteliitif; tu e t: it si. .lis tl.e In ii- a lil'.ie '" ' t". .mo I'll', '.'.I Ititr. ; ki.l i...-:" r.i. t!" an.l tin :'' t ' -eilti M itll pil'ICi: ; Inn;.: .' i'."r,iai,' iii.1 I.,. it: i-.ii i.l- u av ,,af t',-1 h Iti I.:- rw-. .'.Vie ',,; ' I' i with a )u!ft I ,ri. ymi'io n p iliri'tinei :i get-tieiiinu, tl..' rep-rtci-re 1 i.v y.ei t? lie.l.t liltlll '." f. 1- ins I,!.,. ,1." tiietl aiil"l,o it f ti.o tt-yiti).; t.) . li tl nr. crvn xt7vt rrvTc .,..-.-:..:., .,.t ,,. ,.:p. e.,.,.t i ': u JJ.-..-1 . l . . iui ,i tii. li sui isv. i I 'ii, .inn in. ini siuu ii'u lint t . mimlieis, incliulinnf our CHRISTMAS NUMI5ER, with ;m artistic cover; also ,. our Calendar Annou;iocmrnt for 1S91, with a painting hy J. (. L. 1'i riis. Tlice three numbers contain tlie following rculing-iiiaitcr : Mrs. Amelia E. Jiarr'S new serial, "The Heal; .'f Tasmrr." Mi. - . .. .. r.i . .ri ' l ..I' 1 1 . . Iiarr is tlie autnor 01 mat mosc successful serial, riiena trivia, jat completed in Tut; Century ; but hereafter Mrs. I5.it r will write t-xclusivt-ly for The Lepckr. (2) Hon, George Bancroft's desciiption of "The Battle of Lake Ei.:,'' illustrated, (:-,) Margaret Dclatld'S latest story, "To What I-.nd?" (4) James Russell Lowell's poem, "Mv Urook," written expressly fur Tiik LrriGnR, beautifully illustrated bv Wilson ile Mea, and issued as a FOUR-PACE SOUVENIR SUPPLEMENT, (5 ) Sirs, Dr. Julia Holmes Smith starts a sniis t.f ai tides jiivii.!4 very valuable information to young mothers. Ai (6) Jiobert Grants entertaining society novel. "Mrs. Harold Magg. (7) Jlarrit t Prescott SnotYord, Marion HurUind, Marnuisr Lanza, Josiah Alien's Wife, Maurice Tltompsim and 1 George reefer tc J'arsons contribute short stones. (S) James Partonf M. TV. Haxeltine and Oiirer Dyer (author f "Great Senators") contribute articles of interest. 'l i e vvi i.l 'i.i,l, imii k" i- r.'t. i.-i ! li.u-.y 1 ... j I, :i ., iti.lv siii;n a-e. i-iii- I ':;' I " ft ii'in-'. . . ti.'.,l.. i-,ai:!i, lint in- j I'lllllrt- til. I' U e ,.f th,' 'i!,. T,l,' lain k Ii.ih I.. . .. ,l..!ii,i',i by tin- l in eilj Mutm Siit.r. ii.,- ( ' tu t t.' i.e u- t ul.at 1 W. IisIit'- I 1 , !, ,-, i,y ileliti. 1 i'. "11 ill,- tii.f.'11-l.it.u' i. -i: k i.r ili'Vioo ii-i ,l l.v a Ilia-.llf.lOtlll'...' eh I, j, (.Hall IT llllioil, i tlio i.'nl tM I in wliicli i ic- t'tiioi ! Iiy law." J 0 a,.; , f Oniim-i . f Miii. li 1 '-, lsyl, JT, . .1 f,,r i.isti.rinif li.a.l,. mark- i,f all, ,i-, a- uell in eitie'is, Iiy rtt'lsiitg i .h r.-.- i.li-.l in It .- l'liten't ( llu-i. .si. tea ..' t ; rri'y 1'itj Haiti", i lieiMcilf., lei jl. e. .mil oitieti-hiii of tin, j nrty tl 'l.i t t.e rliu-. of inei -eliaiiili o ! an. I tin- t art. .. u ili.scrif'ti'.it of g U j (utiii ris., ii -i,, , ,'!a.s tu u iiieh tin- ur- ; tir'iliir trml.-n, in. Lit, bci a i.!i;-ri fit- 1 llte.l; A llo-en:'tl li of ti.e ll'.oii' li.,ii-k 1 it-elf vttii, l..--.;'.;;-, tiier.. ,. a: .( .ta ,.. I Hu nt u! li... i ,..... in Ineli Ihe : aim M lU'l'lioil l.liil fi:l,e 1 to (.'il' ils, n nl tin- , leiiKili i, t litre in t .(; li:e !i tlio t-i lo : liiui'k his I., en ti-. .1. '1 hi an t, In-all .n j ni'i-t Iv a. t.,: a' je.l l.y tlio j rn..f of ' its vi-iu-i!'' at.; the ri;;nl .-'aiiiu-.l. j '11. o eo' lili nt. v. ) r:; i 1 n;i il . i i fore.' fur t'.irty y. u.-, ami ran ,o m . lii'woil. T ..(' jr. . ormuont foo it fj.'i, ' Ti.o iiiaiiii:.et, in-, a c, oiforiutt f r wt'o I't iloiiiintr ,n ii v a.'i'il-i fill. st iii i f :rtl i v of I tl.e saiiirt i!; ei I. in.. .M,i.i tie , as ;li .-i' ' rotei it ,1 tu it. '.. eistii'.-i li of any J trail.' inai l, or 1 1... ailiMiie; nf n fi n i, l.i- ; lent ti.o!.. in. i,. . i ii',j-.ali'. l.y a lino in it emvt'i'ii.K -1,11111) ..r inii.ii-.e.in.' t I lie! e'ovi .ii iif t. i :i"s, ur ii tii. 'l'lio ; un.i' tine i- i,o , e,l on Ih, n,h-; frr .! .' ; '.-nle lii.i.ki'.l (.ink- j ' ' " ' UH(l.Ji 1 III I.l V tu ..11 Tn arhiition to tiie above. PI'ARKI.INOT.UITORIAI.S. Illnstr.ite.l 1 ,-.; T? Maksiiaii. North's cliatty tolutnti, and a variety of tltliglitful rcuiling of inter XJsl 1 .l. 1.. .. .1 ,4 I iii:iiiw.-i tii oic iiuiistiiui a. I The foregoing is a sample of the flatter which goes to iiki'' up the most prrtVrt National , Family Journal ever offered to tlie American people. Sesul Ten Cents for these three number, and incite for yourself, m- tend only Two I Dollars for a year's Mibscriptio.i to THE NE1V YORK LEDGER, ROIWRI 'BONNER'S SONS, Pubh Ws. 413 VILLI AM ST., M. Y. CITY. 4aMWVMBanManvraBWaMMBMManisl A1 THE POSITIVE CURE. KI.T HKOTHKItS. M Warren St, Vew Vorlt Priro6ileU. Cln.:A& "a. .i-lA nis'iis: in Mi nv l ull i ll n r rirnr.!. Iteli. l i- 1 ciliiie. A one is rcrtjui, i-or Colli in Hie lli'.l'l It lias mi i'.i.il. .it - it' -t. K.ksu-st tn ii-i' it I nn oinrmrnt, r,l ahleh a ii::itl farli. I. 1- n .f ,1 it I tn thr ni.sliil.-. Itht, Mv. S..1.1 hy ilrur .i-t- ei i,t i.v m.ui. Aililr.s.. K. I II.. i ii '. V. inn, Pa. n A XMAS HEALTH CIFT itxarui-ar Lumiii-iri vwi , Is ItrsT or Ai l. Cim.riA" Ki. S P K: Kor"An Mit rnmpti-iion S S V t omrVl I'hv . .1 I irvct. nm i.f." V I lil .cfla. "lltMlih A Mt'nirlli in el i )'. v.1,-1 ( iltnrr. " o 1,1. .r, ri (haul r,( ,.- I.t. far Unfit, H-ll. 1'ultr-vi. . fl Ait 110 E DiiWBS V.s-al A Tl vstcal Cu.Uic Klijl, nO M.mr.ai CfllcQ J--, PAR C H E ESI Till. Itt-s'l' III) .IK I.t -IK. For 3' j-r. ,,n I lie mark' I .noes alt I ri r $' ' .-n-'li iintilfil ..hlMii. ye-ti bim. A. IliMhlri', i i Mt . s.m ilLrra Yj k ROME V2 itior "i!ny tau,ht t U All Itre'nar rrmr. TT l V . t''Ok-ktf f.tng . MuIdm Karm, t it u,ht i9 U A 1 1, t'trcnar tf. 3-5e- 1 m itntiDr.ri!Ainlr.1,'xl -vVi c.niJritfiii.r:f?.'nT:ri r. ' vro 'Jli-k - V VLr- -dl .'i:ivai.io ir Xf' v chairs V.iell.laiihol.-r- ;.fJ$M i;1.'?"!'."? ioei. aj rr.ry l.ni.IaE LltuiiUU t.ru. t.' '.iti ::. iia iui.iiv.ra, f?T Iff TIIK WOULD UIILMOb Does Your iinun rn T-7rn DnUlliU'OLL I Lin C.lifV.tEEO CUHE t. Uttnultitk 8-tl.l l-;rr) wbr4 HiO-4Cii?'&