$l)c hall)am ttccorb. iTI)f !)Qtbom Rccorb. IJ. A, LOM)(), ED1TOH AND l'l.OIMUKTOll. UATKS l'K A D VERTISINC TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, oiio lnsertton Oiif square, two niBe'tioui ' ' One saiunre. one in nit h - fl.'V - 2.60 $1.50 PER TEAR Sfric'.ly ;n Advaret. VOL. XIII. IMTTSIHK( CHATHAM CO., N. C, FKIHS17AI5Y 12. I8HI. NO. ;. For l-irg-iT ad or' tscini n!; Iibcinl vci ' tacts '. ill He ill ido. sCI El VLfff Ei II ft II II II II o Human Hiitt.tr'. To all who :i!k Hie ays of carta, Of noble or of ImmMr birth. Helotips power oflpriivli s worth, Hit inily given, ltcloual of I. cat en. A POV'IT, ItcllUtiflll illillT.I. To help their fe'lmts iu their need, Tlit' hunger ot l heir souls b- fee I, And make lrs dreary. Lives Mi'l ami weary : 1W lilllr tiling iwl not imir'.l -A kind y wiril. a look, n toiirh 1 liu n;iuy c loams to brill'; li such A lack life's stfi!lie3 III it- I'l'lllp'l tfllfsl. Yd o'er earth's pathtMiy. h-jdl iiipI low. Ho in -tut- h nigiy, i.iiiitin ; g . r-'i.r v.liat tln lr fellows might lirstow Ttn-ir hearts in Ihdit.-n, I tn-ir t'ltys to brighten. Not pit it. -s nrr all, tiortii'd. Yet til uiithinkiiii:iy withhold Much tin y tni ;lit civo mure dear than ,'1.1, To p.rit weary, Willi burdens ilivnry. Si ni c his fellow's lirurt in ay road. Hr kt.ow tl i' im a-unc of his nerd, Or iiuni'ii r t.i is? who inly nln' I, Y t .liulm,' I'uvrr Tin ir hcnrtw o amis me-; Ai'.l moiii' I'irre sre of ail Unit lite, I'h.it live ii"t heiier. t i r .-. i.e Tin' I'Yasant tliiii th.it all may i;ir 'f liclpf il pott it. I.I i-icry li.iur. 'I lie kindly word ami limk ami milt'. How uii.-lnj an-tin y to In kohI--. An. I make fart li s often wc.irv whit N.. wholly cheerless. Though inter ttarit ss. ! ! tin- many that n in i n !n 'I't.l li in;:, r mi'l ill pain. Ami noil ami l"i- ami piiif In fn I'";- m li r. t filing til' fi l!o-. . 'IIIL'. li, mortal, trecly uitc of mn-li I II.1 i In i riir.' w ill I. tlif inilf. tlif touch That imlliiii' i i-t, tint hi ' ' niU' li .i. In nt- t.i li.l , 1 1 1 : h'iur to :ru!il.':i. - .I'i' iii' .'- A I'i'i'i v. ill lh T.c.l jtrr. Oiigiu of a Masterpiece. "Wliit a In ar !" i . !:iiiiii'. tlic ymini; lii'ttti'ii lot, .. In1 j i:o'.l ,t ffrmtp roil ii:i.iir of si v. ; al i tit vr m.tl two la.li v. In ui-iv c iii il on .li'i k, no. ti'i lf l ly u iolit li'nii tin- miii'-t hot V.l tf ii'iin aio ii."ir ! I'.'i 'j ':" )!' out' injii: Tin- 1 .-Ml I1ll"i .'If M:l il u i', . n; n iiiilir.ilo.l In lii - i;i t.;'iikitiir. Mutt- .f. V:.n:.l." H'IHM, tlli' Collllr "I in in- iiir.Tl ion iil'"i i-ii iv. ami s:iiv 111 all ni m-rii. i!r, :il a !:li!i' a 1 1 l:ii i .-, a II! Ill Willi ri. .. I'M , o lii.'f ;, -loop or j 1 1 ' 1 1-1 1 1 i i 1 1 r 1. 1 I"- -'. for tin" puipiwi' of 'm':ii!ii ; !" roiix iv at ion of tin m op!i roiiinl I 'Mi. I'.fl'.'ii' o.iin.' fii.'u. f, r oitoli! to explain to I Ju tra h r Unit this linl m'i no niviii'i oil in irr!, on the forf ilo. k of a tin.' vi'-i I w hii-li wai .iiiiiiy from tin- I last In tin- Niaiiil of Mailu- ta "llo U n. it my I'nuiii'' ",',' saiil Mon MOW iIl' Mainlavf, willi n sniiii', "fo I h.nl no flioi in th' niaili !. Mo i nii'lif ilo 1'fii- in. Ministi'f tit Hi Maj. I'sly, I.onis 1 h'iu'h'Ii. iiillii-fil this ii'isoi iiji ni in.- wlioii ho soul mo In take iissi'ssion ol tin- i-oinnv, with t lit lil'i' of ( 'oiiiinnn.lrr for t ho Kill.' Voti nil know iliat in' aro .i i to ti'.U'll llio M.iihija-.aMs to low i f.-un'.' ; v it - foinu, with only lifly sohlifff inn) li itiliy tiny mm-, noi t.i ioiiiiii'r. inn to n'l mi.-oii'. I 'I'lio man v ho mki' so i t " . 1 1 1 1 if siilislitntin'j r-ii',ii n I'm- gnu fclmlx Wiii Mil : i lv iki s h 1 1-i'.i I'ritiiv ("hanniii. a pi'i fo.-t i po of tho rhiv niloiiJ, ffallan! an I In illian! i.tli. i f. Mi 1 1 ii. 1 anUi'.l an.! ohiaini'il pi'tniissioii of j;o I'fiiini'nl io j.'.i nnil siiliilno with pai iti.' tni'a ni l tho li. ani i f nl ishinil hii li w is fa-t o-i ij.iii:. iioin I'Vi-iirli iloiniiiiiliiin. M .n i i n i. I.o of kiiivi'ss iht ho was lifininvj ii'rli him ! Iii I'liariu'u.i;' yoiiii'; i:'o.:n wcllas In r liiollirr, who was tin' :i lio ami Inli'lliirciit willow of u l.ovi'tnor of tho K.isl Ill.li.'s. 'lh' pff hciioo of iho'i' lailio hco;nili'il the liiliiitn of tho vovao w arom iug tin' f Mllnntt y of tho In llliunt ami ariatiiiTiilii' olll.,"r", all of whom wrrc aoon-loiiifil lo tic maii:iii of I lie I'toiirli I'oiiri mill wli.'. in .spit" of (ho iltlVrifiii'p in thfir ranks, n .v mi-t in jrcnial iiitofi'Dii-f, hv virlnn of thoir ripriliiy of liiilh. ami tin piosjiooi of the (l:uiL:i'f to In- Inav. .I in I'oininon tlitrinir their ha n is . :. j ( 1 i inn. I lie yomi"; nifjinri r ahn kept en tirely aloof from this fl. oant and filial ciicle, ciniti to live a Kepa. Kilo fxisleneo w ilhi:i the narrow limi k of ItiP ship, lie win ii's.'i veil iin.l siloilt rVCII to Hllit'lllie.s. Hllll yp sCCIIIPlI Jlossi's-i , of tile , HU I of 'li'iisini, lirinir n'aiffly i hifly year old, Willi a IihiiiI-oiiip fare a.nl foim, thoiih ppfliaps :i trifle clleinii h:i, and very rletjant iiiaiim i s. Thp .kTiiriniit and rli.iriiiin: ( -s,- do Maii lave had I'Xfrti'il ln-i -ell to I nno tin- sav,;i'. but in vain; he 'rui?d l euv for fiotli i lif? hnl malleoli. ,ii. '4 an.l x;poine try, and wa aiw ay . i t io piol.- h'lliv llll'l il'!l,.l. io Is Ua thi uccitaiuM, the C'oloticl, jui,- okfd by Mimsiem do l'oilly'a r mark, iiiviioiiihtiI u very iinllattiT. inj; pant'gj rio upon the yoitn' pny'u neor. "lie is it fool of tho woisl kind, for so much conceit eoinhined willi nti Mtrd m iisitiyt,iirs e ntld never pxi- t in nn t ' i i i i;a r in i ii l. He has u hail dis position, mid hi parents, who come from Havre, eonfessod to me that they had despaired of his making a Miccoss of any thine;, lie does not know w hul ho wants; w hen he was quite n child ho ran away front home to he n hermit; laler ha went to Mar tiniijue, lmvitio; resolved to he a trav eler after reading 'Koliiuson I 'rtisoe." lie enlisted, and fought with e.ivat courage; he hits been to Holland, and in Kussin, Monsieur Io Chevalier, us hi) chose to ho railed, was st fortunate ni lo win thu jirolei'lioti of the latipiesn Cutherine. Everywhere liis w iid, re. pellant nature bronchi him to tnisei x ; n short time nyo bo was slurvi ttjr in l'aiis in a miseialile loline; in Iho Maeons Safboiine, iviny le-so .k in mathematics, when he eotild lind pu pils, and tho minister, Mon-ienf ilo rraslin, boinjr petitioned in his heha f, appointed him to aceoiiipanv ino to Madagascar to repair the walls of I". ft laitphin. where we are to install our. sehes." "I think. eaid M i l i'ite d M.i t da o ifi'titly, "that peril ip he is one of llioso straiine eenuises w ho ran be inatiaefd like a child " "No one can nianaee hini." 'Yon think not ? I'or my pari, I believe his character in -;.ilo of his foolish pride, contains a rieat deal of sweetness it is 1 nobility. I have often surprised I im wrapt in revery." "That fellow? Theie is not a naiu of sentiment in bis nature. If he seems thoughtful, il is only beeau-e he is plotting to escape Jrom the work expected of him without t'poitij; his ienorance. Ilo due not know bis Inisiiicss, and niis have oh:a;:ii d hi commission IlirouiiU fat or only. Wail a minute yon hail bate a pi-oof lli .t he know s milhiie; of science 't will be amusing." Tlic Colonel then told one of the ai!oin to eo in. I call the engineer, who seemed to have falh-ii a-ieei in his chair. The yo.iii; man ro e, ami and in compliant' w iih the order ie ceived, :iti u lc red, w il h an air of a .'iir ance, I'l'A.iids the C'imiiiaiidcr. Madame do Man lave looked al bint and whispered, "lli eves are w i.le open, be doe not look IK if h" had ju-t been wiikelied sud'buly. What a Soft,' drcauiv expression llicy have! I tell you he is more a poet than a mathe matician." Iler husband liiitge.l his sboul ders. and then a idie-ed the eiig'ueer, who had now approached li e group. Pardon mo. .Monsieur !c Chevalier, for disturbing t on, but we want the aid of 'ttr learn. ng io decido a unc tion upon which we cannot agree. !)iip of these gentlemen i'ii-n that it is possible to iguiie ojlil-pow der by ineans of a sunbeam passing through a Irtts." Thai i- absurd," i aid the umpire pet euiiitori'y t i 1 1 1 : i : an instant's re flection. I li.- oIVh ei s e. iiaii- t I sialic. s with each oilier, and the .oiiiig cngiueer, iiiiuoyed by their cvi'.cht inci e.lulity, lidded, li is von i as to piotc it. I'.ring tile a little powder." A minute later, he had boldly p. ace. I tho po'tdor in tie' hollow o.' his h.'Mid, and ploeecded lo catch n smil.taiu Willi a h us taken from a telc-iopc. .: w as in t cin that ihe others 1 1 i'l to tli-uad" him; he was obstinalo. and in a few seconds a llame burst on! in bis n ! -n . His self love enabled him to s'llle the cry of pain w hich rose t t his lip-, hut a n r ribie grimace told that bis fool. hardi ness was puiii-hei'. ai.il a laii'. h broko front the least ehji itnii e of the si.eela tors. I'roiit Ilia! d i; bo was liar, liy ever seen by hi-fel Hw -Vomi;;.'! . Wounded to the quick Hi bat ing been niaile ridiciiious hefi te two ladies, in' could not pardon lit' Con:;e ! Maiolav, and refused vs v iii.tiu under his eoin- 111 14 II ' 1 . When the vessel touched a! li e l-'e of Franco he went on shore and insist ed on s!iiinu there. lie bought a miserable e, bin in the 1 'ainpl' i:ioiissis iptailo', aid lived on il.e fruit of tho country, which ill that hie I ciiimitci.s In be had inmost for the gaibei ing. Here be remained mvci.i! mom li, and at the tirst opp.ii timity leiiiriu d to his own co niiy. Iuiiii) his retirement the iin-u, epss f il I engiiioi r had ilicoveiei his lino vocal i for he biou:h; hack willi h'tn the m is! poel.e ton: nice ever Wlitlen. Ill" M.ok wa- - . n d H Iiariliii de S.ii:it P ei e," celiti'd "Paul and V i. -i . i i . . !"-' 'i in the Pieiich. i'i v, .' . i k pfUieo.lt- IllC OII I III' 1 . 1 1 '0UL'. Dr. Koch's Ibilly Life. lr. Koch, says the P.crlin eorrc iipoudcnt of the 1. union lhiiiy News, is no early riser ; on the contruy, ho lily gets up at '.' o'clock, unless Ihcro be some particular reason for com mencing his day earlier. Ho lakes a long time to dn;ss, s he is very par ticular, and makes Lis toilet at once for theday. Instead of drinking eolleo for breakfast, r, Koch lakes a thick soup made of ll iir. into which be breaki nn enormous ipianti y of to.isl rd black bread. After Ibis simple meal bo repair to bis laboratory, which ho does not leave till 'J oMock. At this hour dinner is sort ed. It con sists of soup, roast meat, nnd n light pnddiii'.". On tho ttttoke of Ihieo si while horse from the livery stable lands he fore his door. (Iiilhis ani mal Co professor trots briskly off to tho ThiiTgarlou. This ride, forwhio'i ho wears a rather peeular riding suit ami nn enormous slouch hat, lasts about att hour. The rest of his lime till t in the evening is detoted solely to study. At tho supper, as sumptuous as the dinner is simple, there must always be three or four sons of meal. lr. Koeli drinks during his meal largo iuantt tica of soda water. Alter his supper, nud sometimes dm i i i tr bis supper, l o receives tho visits of friends nnd ac quaint inccs, with whom he remains in lively eonvei falion till midnight. Then ho goes (. bed. but when thorn leads all sui ts of poliiieal mid scieutiliit magazines and paper , as he has not Hitliotriit leisure time during the day. Ilo receives the t iits of physicians and other ii-oim in tho nfteruoou. lie is said t complain hiltcily to his intimate friends of tho way ho is dis turbed nnd bothered by visits from persons w ho an' perfect strangers to him. Put to lite Test. Travel's I want to nk you a question. Siippos,; ihat live tears from now I should be walking tint street clothed literal!)' in fags, wear ing a battere.1 old hat and shoes full of holes. Would you think nntigh of nn then lo take uie by th ' hand, buy me a new intllil, give me a balh, put live dollars in tny hand and send mi' away wi h your blessing? Ilashaway Why, of course 1 would. H 'W absurd. Travel's Then bring the scene a little iiciit r. Suppose that in four years from now t on hmi d meet mo as I have ih eribed myself, w ith this exception- -thai I had on a good hat. Would you 'id .It the square thing;' lbishaway Why certainly. What Travels Make il siill nearer. Call il three years and say I didn't need a baih. Throw oil' the hle-sing and in iko it two veil! s. l'asliaw.iy if;tcc!iouiy)--Makc it a year, with a go ) p; ir of shoes, eh? Substitute a new suit iiinl i.i great light dawning on him) O-li Travels And. if toll are a man of tour wetd, lei me have live dollar.! The Clothier. To Obtain Oil friuii flaxseed. There are two processes used in making linseed oil from lla, the cold process and Ihat in w hich heat is used, lit the lir-' ihe seed is ground in its lint slate, and the ocal oblaiued is siibjoeled lo powerful hydrauM" pl'e sitie, which eiracts the oil ihat it contains. In the second process the seed is lirs! rousted llll'l then ground in a mill in the --.iinr manner, and is pressed at a sieam I. oat of LO" deg i -pes. Tic icsuliin; oiis from the-e two proc's-cs have very ditlerent qualities. Tin c hl-pl Csscil oil is of a golden yell "iv co, or, almost liisu Ic-s, and quite sticky. It docs not keep tery well, hut turns d.u k colored, and be comes rancid, even if exposed lo tho ir. The roasii 'g process destroys the gummy matter in tho inner coat, ing' of Iho seeds, nnd Iho oil obtained is less mucilaginous, but it is darker colored and In-a more nei id taste than Iho fresh co il-pressod oil. The heal proeess oil is th" kind most generally Used. .' I tstoii 'ulliv.itor. Key t a Fortune. The heirs of lavton Ib-ilv, an elder ly I ii'-hclor, w ho died a few days ago at his home in PemberlOii, N. have discovered . ii."i'0 in gill-edged se em itics bidden s f.'ly away in Iho vault-cf a Pii ladel diitt liust compa ny. Iicily had always lived in a very unostentatious manner, and his ex penses were sin ail. No one supposed lie bad any money, and be left no will or aiivthiug to show Ihat be was worth a dollar. The discovery of a finall safe key finally gave the clew, nnd n he often t isiied Philadelphia, inquiries were made among tho trust companies, with the re-tilt of the discovery of tho securities. The estate w ill be divided among bis twt brothers and h iister, whn livfi in lVinbet'Uin. Philads.' jilim Ledger. ( IIILDKEVS (01,1 MX. Nor HfiOKKS, BI T CUM Ki ll. 'Ttvas a set of resolutions. As line as line could Is', And si-nol in lulii'takiiu fashion, I'.y Nettie, iiinl .lot' ami Hec; Ami Inst in ihe list was hi ttcn, In letters Inini l nti'l ilark ( To look as grand as the others1, ; "Miss llaliy l ; race, In r mark !" j "We'll try a'l ways to help mother, ' We w on't he sellisli to , a 'h ntlu r; We II say kind words to cery one; We won't tie pussy's fe. t for fun ; ' We won't he cross an.) snarly, too; 1 Ami all the good we can we'll do." Jl's jn-t as easy to keep thcin.' The e li 1 1,1 re n gnyly cried ; I but uiainiii.i. with ii smile, math? answer, j "Wait dariiiis. till you're tried." I Ami truly, the glad, bright New Year j Wasn't hi- hirth liiy old, i 1 When three little sorrow fill faces A sorrowful story told. "And how .ire your resolutions?"' I We aki I or Hie l!aty irace, Who stood With a smile of wonder ' tn her dear litl '. thuiplcd face. Quick came I lie merry answer i Hie lift er an iit:inl lacked - j 1 don't link mil h of 'nn's hlokeii. j Hut I dess "fin's situ ml at! era kel." , Tinif-I'cinncrnt. in'ii ftritt Ttiti.r. The po'ice of St. Paul, Minn., rr ee.uly diseoveicd thai n gan of hood- , linns had bu n mi 'ccssfiioy I'lirlniuiug newspapers front doorsteps with lb . aid of a big Newfoundland dog, w hich bad been carefully trained to grab the paper in his m. mill and earrv it oil' to tho tombs .'iro'iud thu ctriier, w n ) would take ih" paper from the ibg anl.liiect him It auotlief tlooryaril. After c iliceliiig tile ptipi i's they look Ihi'tn Iioin lo tli"ir mothers, had tho creases cai el'iii1;. ironed out, nud sold llieiii on the st. cots. pYiishinglon Star. . si t KN TIIIK-TV H I. I'll IMS. Oiip lay a circus ami ineiiageiio train bait d a! Ihe lailwnv slaliou on its way ihi'oiigh a town. Of course there was glial curiosity am. nig the railroad men t inspect this queer special train, nnd among others tho engineer and Ihe iirem in of one of the loeom "i t s in the Mi 'd left their pos;s j for u sh ot lima to see Ihe dilli reiit ineiliigel io e., s. When they came hie'; and were reailv to move their i m live, iliey noticed I'rit Ih" e r of I lie water tank was i.peu. I'mile r. i lir-y Iuckiiy di-eover. l that tli" lank Was nearly pnipl) - .i 1 1 1 1. hi ;h it na I been full In the brim flicii Ih "y l"i I il. Such an i xtraoi ilinat y tiling had never happened In fore! No wonder there was great surpri-e on all sites; every one knew the tank was full w I en the men had left it; iu fact, some of the "hands" had seen it filled, neither was there a leak in it, and tit, the lank was empty. The qinsiiou w s. where 'lad the water gone? 'set ell thirsty elephants, shut up all night iu a car that gave them hard y room lo mote; tin ir warm bodies fairly touching or.p nnoiher, a paltry allow .'inco of tvn'cf to quench their tiers!, ami then, to be left standing on the hot railroad-U ack. Ih ' mil's nivs pouring tlow ti upon the roof of the car, :id without) -neb air nscould come thrcugli Hie sin ill open windows! Was it any wonder, ul en their keen scent told th iu w n er was near, that tliey sh ul'l search I'm it ' How were Iliey to kuovv ihal il was not there for their convenience. At any rule, no 8 toner iter." the men gone, w hen through a -m ,' i v.'iih-w of the ele phant eat 'hcihis'.t Intnl. of nn ele phant lo' ale its e.av. -inuouslv out. Another followed il- t ;aiuplo. then uuothcr.miii! s 'ten trunks had fell and fiintled iiioiind. over eogiuc. lend T and coai. Whal they sought was not. there: but iliey ill kept moving about, and, coming to the water-tank, one of thein s,ii'i-d. felt ail over tin cover, ami til la-r managed to gel the linger-like end under Hip edge of the rover. Th n sent ly nud carefully il was opeiu d : when, behold! Ih -ro w is what the elei'iaals wanted water, nnd pii'iil y of i'. T ie owner of ihat particular tinea l-t.ik a long draught, its companion, uie.aiiw bile shoving and pushing one atioiner in their atixioly to think. O :e iifier iiii'uliei they tilled the r l ci i i!.. with the i I water and jtoure I it down their dry, parched throat-. II -tv gtiiefnl! ll.nv tp. flPshiug! A'fer 'tie I -eg, dusty ridn tti ll tvii.ll I e li eiii i) no nt they s,jui t ed 111'' w ler oter their tired, hot bodies, iinii! tin y tt i re cool and coni foi table. Tho in) .Icry of Hie em.itt 'auk was a mystery hut a short lime. I ho keep er of the elfph in s on visiting the enr hail foiniil it ii ml tho elephant, del. ugcil Willi water. A few inquiries, and the miti-er was i -plained to everyone's satisfaction St. Nicho las. To love i to i s loved is tu invite it. NATIONAL MiS. All EX eilSiVO Collt'Ctifll by tllC , Marine Daiul LciuI t. Many Curious F. els Brought Out in a Lout; Search. One of the most remarkable Works etc,' published under iho aulhoiiiy of the govei'lllll.'lit is I he book ju-t out by Mr. dohii I'hiiip N.u-ii, eonduclof of llic Cnbtd Mates Marino ltaiul, which contain- the national and pilriotic fongs of nearly every nation in the world. The prepanr ion of this boot, occupied about two years of fairly close hibo;-, allll"l'gh even before Wol k was commenced in earne-l Mr Sousa bad been gradually gathering materia! since lTii. It was tacit that the idea lirs t suggested it -ol f to him, when i amis from foreign eouii'ries c.iiuo to Philadelphia at the Cent niiial l'. po sition. "-oiiie curious facts mo brought to light by ti I ex imin.itioii of liii-e )I leetion. which includes ah r.u 'J'"' airs. Turkey f iiruislies on tviiicii is full ol minor chords of wild, discordant har mony, w hich is supposed to lie charac teristic of a people e'o-cd ic from con tact willi tu no culigl li lied and cul tured people, and nis i nnolhef song w ith a siiri inu theme and broad, full haruionv, w hlen indicates that the composer hail bad tic ndvaiil go of a musical education ju (.eiiiiauy. The airs of the Spanish I sj.ind- are dreainv and soft, as mt. ,i hi c'.o'l, while i a sin pri-e is lotiti i in an l. qti.ni an li qtiimo In- ; nan air llitit i- ten ler an.l swet am would do ei ,1;; 1. 1 any nation. The lienuly of th'-, howeter, is broughl out iu the hat uiouy b. Mr. Sou- i. The ait' which v. e know n- " Ann t ii a," but which is th" liagiish "t. id Sate the (jhicen," holiitius to i n less than seven dilleient 'laiion-. and even the music of ihe "S,ar spatial' d lianner," Yankee M.t.nl! " ami "Columbia, the Ceiii of tii" Ocean." have be. n appro priated from air. sung in liurope long lictore Ihe I 1 1 I "va'es w is a nation. I After Mr. S,n;.;i had commenced hi- j work oflicially ih. ie tv. re lliree na- lion- lha: ehiii;'ed their liali 'l.al iis (III Iiee.-Ulli I f ch.lege ot euvernniell! I or ruler. Ilia I ot t-ri lu-.-tv th" em- j per if Mid l.e -iiue a repi;...ie, and the j pre-ete natioia! nir w a-i he re-ult of a j cittnpi tilivc ciitcMt in ,d" l:,-t .lime- ; Port ii'.'.il a.lop'f-l a lew air when the! young Itinj t'arli wis pi oelaimed, I and Nit .ii igiii . leete.l a in w one when she c'ecled a new presj leii!. 1 So'ieofthe airs from ont-of t'oe-w ay ' places were tt 'dstled or snug to Mr. I Soii-a, ami Ic noted thein dow u nud i then harnionie 1 tl;e n af.crwa.'d. Austria's na'ionai lit inn wn writ- j ten by Hatdeu, who wa proiitp'ed to i bis task by hearing - Cod -tv- Ihe' King" sung in I'ltiglaud, while in New , Zealand the national amlcm was eom posed in an i II n . I t -eeure a l-n.-e of Ion guineas i lb-re I by .i iiew-paper. J ll iln-inia's national air form" a p:om inenl part of II. life's ovorlnio l-i The liohcinian l.irl." and Nicaragua's state i byinn w men be a member of the Kert nt band. One siuguiar la. I i i deveioped. name!), lli.t Hie smallest ' republic in iho world, that of i-aii Marino, lias the Imii. Hal I. ma. si tu; Il consists of twelve ver-i's etieli willi it tlillereul lime t Wa-hiugdoii v t.r. 1 he Ways of Ciiine I-. If an) ot her animal gates out it is still possible to make it travel a few mi o by a judicious use of pilieme nud a chili: but not so willi a enniel. When be lies down lie w ill get up unit xv I t'll he f 'i Is like doing so; yi u mat drag nt the l ing w hich i- listened to Ihe .tick throuih his uosiriis till you tenr it out. be wiil only groan ami spit. It w as my lit -I i x p-ri lice w ith camels, tii'-l I t oved lha! i; s.muid be in) la-t; Im-, lakii.g theltl abogelher. Iliey are the mo-t tiiesoiii" nmt lloublesoiiie animals I have etc:' s-en, and are suiied only to Asiatic-, the most patient and biig--nlb i iug of human beings. Ilcsidps their inlirniiiies of temper, re. tilling, I believe, from heiediiai) ity.pepsm. as . t i-ienc. ,, ,0 Ml 'ttcatf.. lollgU.s, i.uellsue !U, all, s j, ,. fill,"- ling stoma. If 1 ii.tte si 1 11 WMIi no 1. i.i" I.-, li..'. .in- te o. .1. .1. IllC CXIII lilt". 1 lif t Call W "I K I IIH HI tbo tt i r moo ' I01 a-so , as ;he: Wool begins lo fait. ai,i ii,,.., lie n Mreiigh iili.iiiloiis lie an. Tltct can travel o-ily of. r a conii'ry where there are I'.o stone-, for the pa.ls of their feet wear mil ami. hen they have, to bo ptit h .l. ,t most Ir.tilbiesttme oper,iii".i. Inet am-l is thrown and a piece of lealaer slit -hed on over Iho foot, ihe slit, h. s b, intr Liken through the oft part of if in Ibis totidilion it inav travei till the i kin lias Ihickened : g on: or, whit i- The ,tm. tt illiout 'tnv scn-c he kiq 1 nil ennui; lobe more likely, until il refuse. K lAit a !.,,-, nrn-.l ft- a help :., his wife -tep. Ctoitury. 1 j A bunt (O.cgon) Iieuiocral. Piqnilar Soii;s. Al ffery I. ui'loii iiulsie ,al litiai twenty to ;,iiriy songs, or even iiim-p. 'ung i.i the course of the even- ami ol all these perhaps I wo or e in a t ear w ill catch the pi ptilar , tin. i . ifivor, be pla ed on !iaife!-oi gall-, whistled bystreet bo)-, adapted f-r burlesques and piinioiiiiines, and over run tho en'ire country in a marvellous ly short time, until il palls upon vol y t il tigei s. Some ti I t. on years ago, for example, it tva iintios-iulo to go nil) w here iu the I uiled h i undo in w ab out bearing n ceiiain Tommy I'ciug vocally adjured to make toon. I .r Ids It would be em iiiiis to rcsiis ita'c Toiiiiny i lid his uncle now and see how m leh siiece-s iliey wo iid ohtaiu w i 1 1 1 iho public of to.hiy. 'Ih' tune was irresistibly catching ; but il would probably fa'l on ilea! eais ii"W. No Sliperalilimited thing is i inieily dead ami f "luotten as a once popular inu-ic-ball song, eoinpnred to which douiii's gour 1 w tis a h ud.' iinnutil. Who c uit pos, the eph iiieral tiiii s.' Their names selitoui or n-vor app .''. any mora than do those of tho '!"ii h im ti who write ihe song-, tho.ijh il is s.ite to conclude from inti rnai vid ii 'e iti ciitiei case of exailei tint they inus'c il ir 11 't p T-e liler.ir, i -1 1 -H i ncnee. Ami what ai Ihe silllg. Ilk. the.' show nn- .lap', power, tiny command and huiicr w ii , h ap; i.l'.c or .ltlilie.il the pathos to p ipuiar l:ise. 'i I Ino w amid 1 Mat- i an -wit iliies are "iu thev 1 Ml I" loil.i'-e a iu Ihe nog live, since the f''nnd aceeplahle by tit - nileiiilci to iie.i-hi. i i hear or read : ln'in i- ap' ! emit ict.cn that the mu-i-i pub i'' j is enter; lined w i'h I'n' :.iie la -..ilt a" ! e.'i'('d Mr. I'i. kw i k's e n ill the ; e:ie of dr. P. o r Maginis li i. i.d-. ! II.il p." '- M ig.liuc. Mi iiM'ii )icws of ( iin-inii; lien. Two things ale now believed to be lieees.. i y for the pi iebiel:oli of eioi sulilplhiii the Inhere 'e I.: ciiiu- tiu-1 a di o d. : "d -late of the lot, -n h as to fat ir ii giM.;!i in other iimil-, seed ai d a fer: ilo s-.i , ; an-1 if t-ii her i -walili'.'tr. the ili.ea- " i- n : piolue d. We lieVet know w l.t u U't mat lake in the genu- on ion- f .id o." i'i lii' air, le-nc.' we -! ai -I -t'' l.t i. .h.r v.e .it) n-'t git -' ih 'to i f' Cii.e s..;i. -It is i.f piima! eioi-eqiieiico," r. i . S. . Hurl, in a paper n-eeot t i-in i-ie- ! in liio New "tori, NI. di ai II- 'id."'o clevaio lie' tone of t e' ii--ie - titn! lie lluids ihal b i;he )h-im I" i sa lit a,-. pi'eb. W iiere I lie ,- Ihiii-ili-'- ..re tY best f g,. iniei'lcs. Il o-te; a d li"' thrive upon sii- h not' i i-ltmeut ." While it i- aim eci-iatn Ihal lie di-e:i.e itself i noi !iili"i i "I, il i- well established that a th-ha o ! qitality of blood and tissue, ii .1 Inch the gerin-i ttf e iiisuuipl ion lit d lln ir r. per food, is Iran. milled lieiii pui.-.u lo child. I f hot ii pal ciil conn' li.-in .-011-11111:1-lito families Iheii- i-!ii!-l:--.i bite iiiile clitllo'p of p.capi ig tin' ill.':ei', but "a child w it'.i good I lit. 1 1 f ir .t 1. gat , . even from one . trout." -.its lr. I', tit, "ha--every rca-ou tu expect iiiiinuii:1)' froi.i the discne.if lie i rear. I ml-. I!',-L'oiiil-, . s-iieh ci'tldi 0.1 noi : I e ,-i -'pei l v elo be I, tt-rv ca:if:!i,) i d. iiinl eii coiirageil los.icu-l l ie- cater pari of their daily fe in the ope:, nic." -Popular ielice M ml b! Heroic Trent 111 id -or a I n.il. nil In: re taken a sev-n- ...ill." said the o' I famy doctor, "and il seems to have .cite d in t -1 r Cr at t-Yes. doclor, t "II se I .-in I. .; ,1. v speak." .-aid the t:i lent. :: tit a. bright-e) fit young w ninaa "Cull -i ll sland heioie Ireaiiei lit, lo ton thiol.' '" tisked ih" tlocor. Try me '. ' t- Are tun sure ':" Yes, anything ton bkc; meib.-'iae, lllllstlird, pi slers. lie. ' lie ', a... thiiii; !" said he in n b. "And-ioit want to lc: hack vmi Yc!" "It's a heroi tl lll- HI. Ill II I VOI! "Ail 1 iiit - t bat i i 1 oil tiiiisin'i I ilk : davs. "- - Piltsh'ir : I 'i - II. A ( ousel, -'it iotis 1,,-ti.,,,, I;.,;u- s, III tllil, . I!'. ,,( -cienc--. l a Kl, :II i, ly ( :,-l',"k. -a . , litlv lie il a' W I ie ' in t ,(. : ( ,,;.,. -, , 1. . .. ,h ., . ,.k , wit.s. Of con-e ll.aiw 11 .1 n.ii !" f,,r ;, , hurch memhei. tin. I he had to ,, ,,V(, f t irm ,,. W hich he - ,,,!, k. 1 t w as a ri'.iis ma . Ouo 1H,l a child. .1110 b id no sen-e, and the , iir.l be loved beM. She wa-ehii.lie- t)llt f " (i y he kept ihe one tvilh liie ehihl. and ihe one be h.ved ll0Bt .., ,. , .., an-.tb-r ma i. ...1.:. 1. t, y..i ,. ... ,,,,,. ,,,,, , 1 I nele William's Pieluro. Cii William. I..SI .la y. Hail hi- picture look. llutc it tloiif. of loiirse." says I, -If- I he w at ).IU look 1" I til i!:cs-f.l up. he was. fer tho P. il . ecu. and jili'i't e I I., l lei s. ll.er- ht'tl.i S-i l.e l.a-l l,e hud It !""!. I. 1,1. she'.l c axed ai d l c-'cl a .d plead, - nee hi r ni.'llirr went : Itul he'd coiiah a i I -h ilo hi- heal At a'l nr . nn in t M. W. fit ar t!"-..al nn-l M" . " lia.'s my l.k.-iitss 'nc'iuii i . key. Now. Willi iii'i'le r 'Hie a.v..y l''roli 'I", like le en! ' S - w e ! .i i j . k d rum !. ti I! e (oil it I 1.1 d" a II. ," we'i. git Ii i in. I.i If :oei ni"', I M i ia' ado t'ovn. Hi ai if. I 1 "V x . ; I l.e I.H.k.d. ai,.l iV'sH' I I'p ai.'iiii" I " aid Ir lad uli ihe ii t. ' i t it : -lei hr- sited 111- i,:tt i ai n. AH... Of '..! !' !. Sew ),i '- ih I . all I l 'lie. Picture .if ... ! ! I W :n,t t" -tart l.t n Thelll eld Iv,- he ll-t 1 ' tell And .. .1 talk-. cia'de. .tleinld -.li'.- i.i Ml., -.. well 'Fore hi- v.-i v'.i- ."m l 1 ace I- .a 1 I" I i ie, and He t's "err. l.t Ol I l.e I It -. s it s..l:;, tiuii-s I : ys i att ay .. 1 1 1 t - , I mm, . tli .1",. a her i. V'. ai..; .. . II. i- h i'i'V. an In ie. , It. M I 1 a e It t' III'.! Ie I:."'. Mini. ni,. I i;' in iii- ' .1 S Mil' v . i i ..tavy. ill mo;mi s. rr..fe-s-ir: -Wui.-ii b l:i.? I'-n.iit-Tt e I'.il A man i- leod't' ie mood" when hi- l' t" 1 e 1:. : 1 ti - In ing iriet. S 1 .-lU'e t.i -a- . lb : - ..f il.M-s not relish the id a I ' .ill fe re i- alttats oim-li ..i, ;.. I..!,. I.,. ,1 ' N ."to." Itoct -r: -I pr -cioifd for tut lit -I patient te-ar-lav. oiiug l.atvtef ( anxioiisiy j : Ha- ho liitulo his x 1! 1 y.-:.' Mi-. in-1 -An- th.-e ! -. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -t nal ? .l.-v. " 1 1 :. t s We can Kiiaiailteo lie m. (at -eutit) for they are fill' mi 11 make. 1 in all. I i fin-on e ' - I' i t me, doetur, w li it I'.-at ir e la , ( - - 1 . -, aail d 1 you I'. ,tt :! !.:l ii-' I I-- ic.t.oe? I n tor - That It,' ! i'i :ii, . I "Y. .. I ...,. !:. I-l f.. a hiiii. Iced thte.-.ill.1." Ie Ill 1'k '. "N "01 see, the wa- v.-olb ti,at in her otvtl t ig III lltel I el il-e-l lie-." I Ii- I'I I b" ! lis. a new ttttltl this lii"l liio-.-. Wai.e i.iioil-iv) Do t till fe. i an- tbii..: ii. e ihe kind of a mail t at n aid be apt lo pay a debt of .' ': lb ; , .' ;. Ar ilie: I eti-nanl by wav of Colli'!' He'll! , - h. Ill' tie I' tt'llllg hi'l) . i n' ttr '".-k-. tour ijl.iufi , go lijlil I. oa . l.Vciy fin-', a hull'. -eye. Wid-'tv -st t Ah. Mr. 1 i .lan, w he:: my mild man di-'d. it left a big bole in mt I. call. Mr. I "Ian M i s. Casey, t'oiihl ye lii"'nid j "l t iilit it W id - bi! out ft liiim .'tie Mr ami Mr- (ueeuat n iiie'r'' w as asked of the llfle gill w lit !ill sweia-d the be!:. "ti-." "Are they ei'.ga-ied :" The Mioill g l l looked hoi r. tied a. she ait-wercl: "Why, they are luairieil." Hie I'lephant's IHtle iu ntiiiner) e. Toe t ; 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1: of i ,1 I'lollll'- hides in t'oniparatrt t ly a new industry. Tint lneil t.i enr-l otd i- pia. i ,;tiit tin) sane- as iu I he i.-iuiiing ol' cm -hides, exiipi !':'.' a -tr'.tii'er e.im'ttiua: ion of ihe tauiiic in-ia -ben's i- ice-.'ri-d ami It gi.i alt I' leimli: ol I Hi.', a In III MX" noiith-. i- no, es.ary I - ei f t in tint tv o k. Win li Co h ,lc is taken nut of the tat it i- a!-,"i.; .-':- tii' I i-ba!f im In-- thi-'k. Artfles mil ie of elephant'- lit'!-! .no expulsive luxuries. A small pockcl-b-'tik of elephanll leather, w ii In n! ;nn go'tl or siit ip ornameiila em, t'"-!s alniet .-pi. A sill. 1,1 -atcln'l III id.' of lae saurn lealhei co-is iiiiywbei,- Ir-nu "i'H to "fl"'1. Cigar ea.fs. can! : - anil situ i I.i i' iuli l-'s fart from '.'.. !.. v till, l'loof t'ii'js are a!-"i ina-l f 1 1 tit leather. In linishiog the h"ie n . at tempt is made to ghif ft t""'i-!i it. It c r y i hi n " is ti.. up i'i I'ti'-nt" im n a til i a! e ;..r and -t - 1 eat It i' It t'l I t I-:, tllll .! I". Oil' I - t. I ll i el-is" wear h it iog b,' iii: ..- . tl'eel i...oi it. 'ihe -cii'' alt ! ei. pb-.nt .n-il tin L'f--iti 'Xp"-ii-f Plil-n, d io li.- tain tog' of their hides pice ud - -I. ;a --it' of? b'ph.inl 'eat her eve. l.-e-heie: ,i lliingi of p p alar and ;: n.-i al o-e. I lis hi uc t-'.iii. 1 'ltb-r-Pi-as. . in am. In, si! in' po!i-!i to eh n i .i! t r. t ll iil-i keeper i-hai p' )-l' ot't WHIit nolle. Pe Idler Ycrv ton v. no. in hut f ' St'O t If lil'i.-bb'il s tla- li'hl. I hot ; iitid .here was mi u-e iniini' betf, 'cause ton didn't have no silver. I I'lltsi-ket p( I ( w il 1 y) liiiiiint! bX, I bone. New York Weekly. '