ft ft II I j . i0 nathaut Record TIIUJISDA V, FKiJ'Y lsul. - IOC At XlJtlwOklS. AKKlVALSaild DKt'.tKTl ItKSof MAILS. . , . ,, .. ... . ,. riltaawougti W Hllcr Oily, vm Pyiiiih, hlMlH-lu.ti anU Ht. ljt.-riuii.vil .limn h ik: i uwiuy, ui.' Mittl) ir.UKli to Can luck. vl llii-lU-y'u MUM and nu,a il limit, u ww-H: luiiuy. mum , tlliHuuriu.-n in On- l.lll. vm lio.iuin..ni, MIuwh-J I i ana kivoh' i;ii.t'id .iiuch h mi TliuiitUay, bn.utan)'. L'.bVc& Oh. mi ; Mii'iv "1 O, .Oil. I-lllabnriitlilli In ( lmin'1 Hill. Via llviilllll. II.'U'klM'y aa instil'. i 'b Sluru-a ilniivn vr : 'l me. luy, Tauriuuy, .Siminluy. Airlvus U hi ; leuvin l ji. FUuiUoriiucli Ui Fnxnpiiliuw. vBi ltiun'ins. l'li"'nliT, ; MlUlbUllU-i L.t1iMH Hlia IJIt.'y i Hil.vw ni-f-K. i 1 iia..ln.v ami ti IJy. Ia.vi:u in m : aiiiv.tj Fiu;!:.!!!ih i..n,uf, vi r.-t,,.,, muu. : ltviiK" a lli:l-'J Lliiii'u a n. : Tui'.-.Jn iiiul ti 1 : . Iim ii. III.; UITIK'.H i p. III. UM i .Whiih: L.nv v.lu u. iu. p.iiik ii.tiIi. ar. He ll.liin. in n in "iiUi, li'i.' p. in.. u. l.;j! i k..Ul, uliilu . i. in. II I liOI' ll. .. j gtf liuisls fresh seeds l-'Ae per pa per ut Chapin A: llea ieo's. jBigjf-13urn out yourchimiiies heforo the Mareh winds begin to blow. fta- If you want anything in the ! l..i ...i i i;i,i;,,,, i'i ;, a 1 1 .... . i..i i ...... i,,,.,, ivl, . i I. .it- i,,,,,,.,. I .... t&r Tho attontiou of niereliaulfi in called to the "ad." ol tlio old and! ldiablw linn ol Worih Wortii &J" iJogwood, I'er.'-iiiiiuon and Hickory titular and (Vdar J'u.-ls wanted at tho .Shuttle Mill, ai Pitts Loro'. - . ....... 1. I . I aXT lou are respeeliuuy hskhi io i time our aeeouiu.s inr ir.n;. - .-?iioi i netlltuiieuls m.tko long li iends." 0. 3. Poo & .Sou. teit" You will lind a splendid stock ot lino toiewing '1'obaeeo, Cigars, (.'igarclles, iSiiiokliig Tuliaceo, ic, lit Cliapili t lleadeli's. &&). S. Poo iV Son have just ru reived anolher big lot ol Frank Adler Shoes, tins best on the ur.irUet lor t io inoney. OSS" Mel vers, Saui'ord, N. C, w ill sell lioad Carls Si 1 and up, liuggies. 13 lip, .1. P. Misun Wagon and ( i o n e ra I M u rc h a 1 1 d i se. JvajT Yesterday and the day U-lore vero as warm an Spring days. If tho ground was pot so wet people would begin gar-ltiniug. eirjrMrs. Wesley Thomas, ol Car lioiiton, has scut tiie Kkimiih iiii orange grown on a tree in her aid. I Tlii-i. u.i-it Mil fit-nn..iia on tlm ti't-e! .. I iiiai uiai in en. BS3)T"Thii tha.mpioii cottOii stalk is the one brought to the Kr:''oi;ii s museum by a colored man living I,..,-.. ioiikm,! Allien Colin, il Jt looks like a tree, being tell feel ! coiiniy will he established i any high and havimr large branches. I V-" ,!lt' "Ithoug.i tbcro aie -'... petitions for live new counties. U5T One car load Acid 1 hosphate; j - ... - Clover, Orchard Grass, Ked Top and I Si rrnio!: 1 t: r. -The 1'chriiary (iarden Seeds; pood Molasses liilc. 'JVrui of Chat'.iaiu Mip-.-rior cuiirt ex per gallon, at Pynuin & lloadeii's. jiir,.,! ;S Sal nidav, and the.lu-le All persons indebted to them are departe-t llial .iiii rin-on for tii.-ens reijuested to pay llieir notes and ; hnro', win-re In- is hoi ling court this accounts. I'wcek. More ;;s,.s on the civil issue - I docket wi r,: dis sed of tloin usual. litf" The two year old child of a ! .(11i ,.vt.,.v ,.as(. j,, which tolorod tnan, named W illiatii Cotlen, j tlv, ,;l ties were lea-lv lor triai was very scverel'' uurned, near this! v,...., ., , !,,..-. w,.ii, ..1 o.e.eii i-iiioi-. Jiliice, 011 last .ilomlay. It is tlio , same old slory leil alone in t n" j cabin it played in tho lira and its Clothes nearly all burnt olr. I B"i?' W. I.. London has received ; this week another lartfo lolof Sho which will be sold very low lor the, casii. .miiv is i ne u.i.o io ou join i stiocs: al.sj on liana a iart;e lot oi moil's, Indies' at 1 children's Rubber iShiKis und a to .v ladies' (iossaiHers, which will bo old ut a bargain. tVll you wiali something nice look at tlm uiidresticd Gingliiiiii I.oiiibin ha .a iust received, onu vard j :. vido at only 7An per yard, worth ; ' 'lie,' Also, a lariro lot of Furniture: ,:st received: liodstoads from Sl.'.lU i eo; Pi.ireaus from .') f.O lip; Sal.N ! . .. ... . . r.wv up. .v large ioioi v nairs very ..vv. tl'., (,.,.;.,.. iloribl nnu- nil ..lortako lo travel through Chatham ! . i . ..i ami mi in ano puiKiii ui uui i.tn . .. , . irom tho condition of the 'public I , K' I''o . ,t agaius, 1 l.o,, 1'o.ids, he would certainly think that; don, as a In.ie.-!,;.:!, r ol .1 Iv Urn he was among barbarians It ls j ver : ji. .'-,e,it .1 n-.n suit, passing strange that any ei viliz-d j . lh ;obps agau,,: I.rya,, h,l L'.i kI,i,I,Hi.iv,. si.eh roads as! 'I'"'1' D. S- i'i.rn.s: appeal Irom ll.osii with which our e.niintrv is luw ! alllmtcd! Cta? In coiisequenco of an accident ycttterilay niorning on the C. C. l. il., betwoon Charlotte and .Monroe, tho mail train on the K &. A. A li. win several hours behind lima, and passengers who left hero on the morning train returned here, after reaching Moneliro and finding they could not arrivo at Jhilcigh until nearly night. Jtfesy Another lot oi Chattanooga Chilled Plows and Double Shovels received this week at O. S. Poo & Son's, Guanoand Phosphaleoii iiatid, V. K. II. Co: appeal ln.ui .liistice's vitl woll as cheap or the c.Wi an any I court : judg- icnt for pl.iintiil. body in Piltsboro'. 1G lbs. Hrown IL '1'. Ivirkmaii ugaii.st George Sugar for (1, 14 His. C. Jt. Side llueon Kii kmau: uppoal irom .liistice's lorSl, Salt Fish ll'ca dozn. Alewjcoiiri lor the possession ot land: Overcoats yet on hand to closo ut jury could nut a: rco adwr h, ing shut (W, fcd.iu and Fn sli (iarden, Clover aiidOrcharti Grass Seeds. A Cat's Instinct. A wonderful instance ot a cut's instinct is told the RkcoUII by Mr. S. J. Tally, of Mat - thews township. He says thai some .: . 1. . '., - ... time last month bis son gave I am cuts to a negro brakeinan on the ('. ; Joint liar1, against Oelavi.t Hurl: K. Je. Y. Y. railroad, who carried j u lion lor divorci : , iidgiueiit for lliotn at night to his home lit Fayette ; juail. till' and divorce aiili-il. ville, shut up in a box mii tho train. . L. A. Hanks aguitisi Cotumissioii Three days afterward 0110 of the j ers ol Chai ham : uppca Irom Jus cats returned lo Mr. Tally h. Iiavine ti.o s eoiii l. being an action lor sal H tea pet Irom its now home al Fay- ellevillo and made its way to its old home, a di4iuni. ofahout ixty luik.i. ! Si'iNri rtiK Dkau. Tli mo-it poi'u- : liar prorcsa ! Put we luivo ever seen issued by ituv court, is n .Summons issued by 11 magistrate ol tliis county uirainst a dead person. J i.is sum- nions ciniiii:uiJ.s the constable "to .sin on Louisa Jordan, dec-eusud, -'and heirs to appeal," c The cm- tabls not being utile to servo the :HI I llll) IS WI'iHC 1)11 l lit! IHIU Ol II . , ... j tiie following ivl Ul'lt : "I-Vtiirucl hoi executed lor t l.e ri Mson thai It ai-pcni's ll'oin l!ie lace lot th . ; , munis dial tin' ill l'elid.Mil ,,,,,, j,, i dm Iiulil W hiiii li (rave ial .! lei' fwv I mills tin '.in hv, a : I this (.(lie iiit i-lietion of the Mii.jeii matter: ho I id tliat helw een Us j cuurl io the siiles wo are i ., .. I 1 1 , lemi.'iiil t'.H'lo a nivat i . ( . . t I I ' I 1 i;'ii!l lIXio. mi lual lney Wlilcll UHlllo; p ,'-"' H'oiu.- -ai.iui." j j ., . v , I . ,. . i I . . .'I'l.i. r ; t I l N .1 M. .-. 'I.I. I '-; ' I ji , i k I. ne! liia-le Ine luili iWliiiT i repi.l t: I " I lie "jritinl iiii'V li ! l l i-iii. uieN . have cxa'iiined l;i" lliruiii;li a l omiiiil jinrl enlliliil'li.iil.' Ih.'I. seeiiied to he We i k. l I. nor h.uiM.; wl. i l.illild j s a;.d i:,,V 'I'll tbiri v ini''. li:Ui'.i whi'.i-!. titieen I.IhU .. 'i i.-ie are two mules. M'vi n head ol (allh'ln eonihtioa. "ii it-en head - li eiil V id l'e Hi: n I ' ill I lie I about barrel.- oi" i' corn i'i dent, Mr tin' eiili. l'i.u Mip--lli'!e,; l!i-id:res. s-en,s Io he li.e ill tin- lig'u! p..;i e. The we l; kindly r-veiveil by I iiiteiideel ; t ii-l ', in.-. "Wii vi-ilt -1 I he jai! in a l-l iT 'i ma" ' II, li: 1 ; I e e Mipel ly a',-! loillid il ill u-io l eoh llll ei. w i i li l iii lea Io in i In reenlli liieini X' 1 ' ' w.j hi, 1 he eoiiimi- to I nve ivpi.ii iiuiicdiat-. i'i. F. I.owr, Avo;iii:ii ! Cth of lid;, n Was he'.d al coiii.lv. alel . I' V . '.I !l lli a i iin liv. .eitiiiL- ; ;-l..lj'!i .' i: I'i i urge i.u- l.e::i-i.i:urc to es!:, l-ii.oi n j new county oat ol port ions oi Kan j doljih, (,'tiiitord, Ai.unane.- and j Cliatliaiu. The portion , I'll. iM-oun j ly which thev desire to iuc'.'nie iu ti, proposed new eont is A;!,i:.r.i lownsl.i;, ami I lie nortl.ern hail' .-I'i Matthews. Tho name .-.';:ete,l f..r lids itiv county is Worth. I r Im-uvv.-i-. In i!,i eoiiiiueiii.il we will slalo jlhai no more comiiiiiriea'inii wili I he published in tiie IIkcm. eiiher I lor or against the division ol thai iii in a heeaiise sijeli com n, u n ie ilioiis -vill now do r.o good mi-! may stir i ill) an urn leasani leeliii-r lieUveen 1 i i . .a 1 1 ; i : i - .' ' ' , , - ' , ' . 1 '. lor and iiL'.iluft Ine dn ist lia ve hposi sent lo 11. e 1 .-j. islat 11 re an! the j ilis'-ussion of I lie 1 pi est ion ol division HHs iiio.v he made to thai holy, l'roili what we can learn ol the fell tiliielils ol the L.-eisla'liro liO l.w t:iiit-c, m.tiiv being :.p J ;lr. j, l.,' , v, ;isi jM nvoi aesthi 1 1 or, i be i'i"ii'l i ii r- t iiu-.i 1 I to .i;;rc iu.i eons., loiei.l ly 1 !;iv will iwr a.;.;'.u at MiiV court, o'.iil is a iisl of the cases be The I. ,;.,.,, p.,. .,... ' liar . .,,..,.;,! ir ,m J:i: ( ice's ( appeal m l : I judgment noi Ii I!. (I.:i i. auaiiist '.. sun. I r atnl Co!u u'.Iiia I ixmi ' I'liii i' s, C. C. Check s,i.-tioit lor recovery ot an-l Others :ii. inlid : judgi n-nt J. ,L I iiy lor a f,,r the reeown ol I. ;aii, ot I nl-s'llt. t lira. ,1 I. lira. :.i, I : verdict fi 'ips a.-.'aiii -t .! v. i: " l'! '"" (' 1 u'1'.'"' , -V"'. ' . i'i !i : i.ai I I:'.. hi .1 1 S COIll'l : A j"' I'.i'i.liTes . :. : m.-oi lor p!;o lr. ,). 1! lo f.r iiivoi i e ' ''' ' lo'.l'l.s against l ll ii'.-TJ adiiiiniratorol ... I'.. ' o'-vi Ironi .1 Uslji u s eoiii l : d. -in l'l';l' J lce's court : ,ii uici.l accoi'vliii to) C.llllpl'OIIIISl'. Oliver l.a'nh ugain.-t II. M. Love: lljipcal lloiii eoiliil v i onl li.i.-s'niln !'s ubiuit lading .if a public load ; in this case the jury was "li'itig" -could no', agree and was discharged aiur being shut up for a .lay and iiuht. I). L. Ste.-idmaii agains'. Y.ii'brotigli Urol iters : api.al Ironi Justice's court: judgment tor plaintill': apjieal 10 the Supreme court. W. II. White against P.elsey Sey mour and others : action to foreclose 11 inortagti : judgment of lion suit. Patrick ilia ly aeaiu.-t C. I'. Y. up a Hay ami ni.;iii. I Isaac' I". lhooks against isainiiwin Smith : appeal Irom Justice a courl ' judgment ol imu suit, I iimily .1. Fields and others against 1 James Moody; contest over the will ' of Alvis Fields: will sustained and , . , ., , - .. . judgment I, r the plan tills. I my as siipei nitciident of heal' di lroin j September 1 si lo January 1st : judg 1 mum lur pi.uiilil!. The Kmttino M1U..--TI10 Pitts bo.o' Knitting Miil will warn be i" lull oporutioa. The erection ol tho building was delayed by the coutin- no it Oil'.! weatlio.', bill it 18 now torn- pletod and tlio innclii nci-y is being jilaced in it Mr. W. J. Calvert hu been Belcclod as superintendent and aiiuiori.eu 10 employ me muo-jij i' aiunrw, I nu i . ..- o . . i ,i . .. i tl , . 1 .. htl'llettd the tITUSUIOr to ml lei I l me l si ol .'.linen i ne i;im iiisiaiiueiu (UK! Ironi IU0 KlOCKIloiuci'N. -Mil as many ol our rili.eiis have taken stork as were (.peeted, ami it is imped that more stork wll yet io .-.uliscriljed so as to increase tlio ea pai iiy of the mill. - urate i Jews. A:-hovii!c Citizen: Nr. Thrush I Uicnt y t. i'.d bis faun in Chrioliiei roniit v.w iiieii tuui 'years a'O he b on l; III I lor fl'.inlii, tor fo.tMlO. lie was yes , tei.hiy . llVred ;:iH.O0t for the L wi.- j des f'ni m. an udvimee of (!,U(H) ovtr ' what it cost him, but be icln.-ed the of.er. I Mr. Jim R Coneord Sliindaid i WiiMCi.fi', of No. -J, brou'dit in to: i &( Tin- lien is just starling out, , ! 1 lit Ki f'lii.s to 111) nil illllU OVI llielit on i 1 tfo"l!thc old idi.i-ili. Tliis hen iiini.i.Lij hot" i ii, r e'gs. T.n- ona we have has ai i'" and I i'.,.iii u "5' on it iu such a m.mner i j a hiii.d nam could lead il it is j ; ,; raised liguie. .., . . . . ,, , I at Don) ou'.licriier: ino iiarn, irttables. tell bal l ..Is of coin and twi i.-iiiii s weie l.ui ut d on lr. J. ii l!:i .. : l,.-r"s l!.-il Piiue, six miles from town t lit-; mntniiig :.t uhout 5 o'clock. At this v i it iiir there m-eiiis to bo i,o ! easoiie.hle grounds for suspecting in i i'ii.ii.ii isin, 'ilioiigh it i.i iinusii'il for a file to occur in a stable at tout boor. : Chai lotto News : Tlio rrsidt n - of Mr Samuel Taylor, at Ml. Airy. v.i,-. c; ti-.t-d lust niirht, and his safe rob i of S-J.irx). The b'irbt-. :' 1 ,-lir.i.td Mis. Taylor and snuu-ll d i"i-i,i,i her l ei son. Mr. Ti.vlor mv.i ; , .,(, the ln.rglars were i.leiitified in ,,.. -....sons of M. C. Taylor an 1 a' f,.(lvv ihm.i d Stone. J I o il'eis i'tDd reiva.-l for ihnir capture. , .. , , , ,,, Vwbenie Journal: Near Ston..- : Onslow county, is a cm . -...ily 111 i",1' 'Vll,ul ,"m"' h", XU' t'ld does bitch Ins mule to a cat t and , a- lve to our pli;eo as correctly us any one iu his ticighboihood, ei m- s to C 11. Fowler'a store, bitches his eim and waiks iu as correctly any on-i who c.iu see. It is return liable to sen him puss any olio on the road or take J the foils of the load with perfect ease. Statt sviile I.anduiaik : Whih.'M!r. John V. Harbin's horse was In ii.g ! hitched to the beef wimon. Tin sip. v, it stepped 011 tho shalt of the wagm; and cnicked it just where it goes t hi oiigli the hat uess. thinking ti e shaft would last, for none; time the horse was driven to the slaughter yard, but on the wiiy there the bl.al cume in two where it was clacked ami drop 1 ed to the ground. It was tlmugiil, ho.vever, that it would last during the trip, and probably il would if tin" horse bad. .Shortly t hcre.if'er, whilo endeavoring lo turn tin horse around, the broken shaft pieieed bin side and be lull a short disiuueo and fell dead. (i; t-eie borolterord : Sam. I'renks. no inoffensive coloi ed man. whoiivts near tfe colore.! trailed selinoi, was ssimiled last night, about ,S,30 ter- t i bl v inaiif'ied and robbnd. liroohs k"( ps a small groeery and hiei-pi in lite uoii-e. naving 1,0 inainy. i o!. Uf d peiiple were in his stoi i.i .s o'cloek, and Jr ft lh Ooks sill in by the stove. Ahoitt half hour nfiel'.v'M d ; they hi ai d a noise in his stole, but ,ts Prooks is very fond of playing a: d scidlling, llioujrl t noihing of il. lie was toil ml, however, soon allei was ils. 1 e iten and cut in sev nil olac.esabi id , tin head and face, Mil i-tly I- i. 's'riiek with an axe .r hoiui; iro-i i ' atl'Uinetit. lhooks Was llli.lh',; lo j,iv.' Siuy account of .he affair, when he wa- found, and reuiaim d m. nnt-cious j up to the bom of his death, wb: h , took place at ', o'e'eck tins uioniiiig. i I7:!eigli Ciipilal: 'I I, p- !i '-' an- 't'noli .s in e v ii,. ing a win of exi r ; neii.itioii iigninsi taxless cms. tmo a tutmbi-r weie slain yesVidav ail j today. Mr. S. F. Tilfn.r. S. . ' t il v to (iiivi-l nor F iV. h . and t ie:i--! a. ! Woodward, Secretary to tiov tm-i Hill, of New York, spent (he. i.igh. iogelhir at the Yal liol oiieh ll.r.e.' night before lu.-t. In tin miig . ff the light the vaUn was tinned t o far, allowing the gas io esc i pe. and luil for the timely li eov.iy by ;. sciv.n.t j sel ioilb CUIIM'tpii'lieert Wi.ld.l ha, el,. I lowed. As it was bolh g, t , t h -men ' ii re only slightly i.llVclf d. Jim I mid Hal lison. uui of tho piopiielii j of tiie Harrison House, win al tacked vest, rday in his iird by a vien ns dog j and had his arm badly lih't i ut d '1 'he brute would have killed lnm but for ! tin-inlet fereiiee of a colored mini who 'I'.n.ie to his rescue. Thtthiuiu was killed by or.h r of the Miiyor. 1'harlotte Chionicle : C. ('. lung, who lives id Sagoir Hiil, tlnee nines from the city, yesterday rut d e.vu a tree on bis place, the !n:i .!( of wl.i. h was S feet 7 iitchcB in diaiuct. i - A destructive fne, I ho oiigi.'i of v.l.ieii i ; supposed to hn ineeiidiai y. oi in i e.i .it (iibson Siation Thtusdiy night. The hat ti and "tables belonging t Edward Gibson wero tot .ill v .1, ntr. ed, together with Heveiitun hor.-is and mules and a large lot ot cm n, .. .Is ! and fodder and iigricult 111 al impl menu. i bo city is iiiiestcl tramps. They go begging fiouist ne to store and ! utse to boii.-e. I In ii f.ivoiite ruse is lo curi v 101 arm in a ! sliug and repiesent it us Icol.eu I . 1 .. . '..I I. . 1- I :.. 1 rai'u oad wreck -or b-dly ill. ied in 11 boiler ex illusion, .dun e-., money without looking a', ihe alligel injured lucmber ami H'titif even go m farastowritetheinceitith'.ites. N ii- ly everyone of these iui or teis mo ,,l,!,i boilled iiioii. Tin v eoiierre.' .lv every evening in a pteen o! . uoar the corporate hta.t i.t 'i 1 vompure thvir pluudwr. Grass is Kins. 1 uoruu McJiir'.iiy.B.iAiiMt. jdie 'olih Carolina Experiment . . siut;(, ,,1S ,)OW ready for dislribu-: lion a hand book of cru. s culUllv colt-I ; ,a;llin. iik) juiges, iluciiatcd by 71; f,,,ri s '. of which me bid puge en j livings l grasses and clovers. This woik gives a lull account ot all lliej lll'Sl Itgl ll'l 1 ; Hi ll I "lUSSCS llljll CIOVCIS, ! . .,u,j fiuit.ll iv f u 1 1 1 . Hi 1 ' 1 1 for I his Si ate. I . Till):. rf vtu m;, uvt.l;i -'I . .. , l ,.r (lj V, i ci.t. siu-eics i iieeu s id el assi s . and tliu lel.ilive li e hii;; ii'id Inaimiial ! vii.;:e ol I ',. i ;'; . !'a j it , i a: i: do i vi lid to il.Ke.n- - i -;i A iiiipin i, ,t-.n .-iii-l ! ntiiiiteruiii'iiH of -.':. :-e. d-. la'ioim.i seed in ii mixtures eisim p-in-j sow iiii;.-i, laai.iiri s for ;oa-s Ian Is, j irrigation. in--ei t iii-iuii-.-. a' d l';ie;;ns I diM ii-es of ';im.- -i s. 'I h-- iasl ei,-:.-e' ives li t d:i'l'-ri ul f.';i :n.i! ..- for f.;-i!--' laixlmio f.n: ;.l)'e fiir i.tht-ir-i.t pi.r- j poses ami loi :( V.niel ! Miii in ln Thisl-n. 1: wi;i I f:.l III' I ill lie i A limit.;', mi .:. .-la. i'-.r it. Vlil I.- I itvaiisli!;- f, r i ti. Si ,ie, l a ;.:r.te.;i: .Mil ll, I! c-.py i . Ad In ti.-u, j: i n el .ir, il-.- r j.) i-l:tn Mnori' Cotiiily f.nr.ut SJon;-. i , ni u. j i: ,i. ! . l,il ii.ii Hl-lOlM iii.el r i l .lie-orr ! .-ctioi; ! i , , "'oi'.' mi hmvo, o ,. I ; !! the: 'Siali ' vvl1'' I Lcn l i ne,. of Moore.; me-,'. ::i tills . iile-ir-.e, ; ,n . s McUe:-, :.!.;s.,l's. A ! I'. A. Mellon., Id. la ,1 is '. i, I, C -.11 lie, ha. ke.l by- f ei.pi'.i! as Henry A. i ell Slcveiison and t 'has. II. .Mi X.ii I i rim iii. Jo Sillil I ! i -! i : Me:-1-.. Ma. A. Thon:isoii, of lii inioinilcd li m-.i i . r : tliat t'ley mean bti; i i'he.vj gei.l jeii. i n syi.dieato au-i ; ;oj.-, lino I rou ii .-;oee d, eiian' v, w hi. ii i.- lei This la. ! a - -ill i s fiucss. I n hove foriiie-l a , -.so to develop I l;v ieposilS ill Moore e- ie i .I'll! e I lor i; ' I... lh ill te.!u:.-,' :, v.-:lii.:r. A I'i r; -i i 'ot he iitnii's I as hard as the' he Stale. It cr.ti : -li'"l t" t!.e 1." C'-nls per cubic cap as tmi ('on ; own brow n stone. ! , pi;: ri ie-l all t he ' lelmsil. ctniivS io . ernir i.il.iy, if, la's. 'avine it linest gr.;nile III ' he (p'.arried ami Noriiieru eilie;- at loot, wl.ii h i. as el in-ci ici.tor Hume's The stone can le. year roi;t.il. The lln- top -f the iittio sil ippiir. ,i i,;iie.l showi eg Vers SJtiiiigo Piiiii-iud AcciiU'til. Piri'iuia Pa. IM. It'.--All i: nil link. i'.(-ii ' t'l-iuids. fed from ;!.!:; ut h.a;. Ulif I I),;' i,-si:0 hei 'I ts, about H .ill o el... 1: Il 1 ' n:o' liuig and clashed into a puss. !( .:neh of t l:a '.ishiugl hi P. niis lv i.i e .press 011 ;tln; Pan 1 Sandle 1 o id. iiisl iiitly l.ill ii ;, 'i ; pa.ns'eiigor and .-.cvei s ly inpir ' in;: .. ei' ol hers. A!! were slu hilts at J)ni'; oil-go, ol this city, en tin- Wily to.-ehool. Miss Clalii i hliiiiig. a-.-ed l'J, was kilii Miss Minnie ; IVihlii.. ;., ...1 U. and J. V. Ii..!. d.o. aged 211, and aiio'.ia-r oiti.g n:ai:. Mime not i;n ei taim d, wi se bavliy leil t. 21" ny rani l-io- '!i, ,l the roc!. which fed as the tin'; v. as p.isbiug. I: sti-ii.k tin? coach iu the mi.1:. lie, . Wii.ii; if. A ! unlt rcr I jiu-.c!. liW.'ea.il. t i A , I'rh. 1 "). Til" twelve year oh1 sou ol to -urge Masnii j to eiio 1 1 1 l-l li:' Il ;ei,-is t In absence ui his f..i her au-i mother by say ing 1 !.al the lor.i.cr bad killed tie- latter. Me tli-scrihed a spot by the K ilicliaf.iiee ('r.-.-k u !:eie his fi-tacr hud b-ii in. I his in. it le-r, atter having I a'.en her brains mil. The hoV ied a .fill .'I's to the spot ther lu.. i. alter dig-in:.', of the iniir ict us had be. li thi y luu n -I j d w i 1 1 : :i 1 1 , 1 ,ie.,elll.Cl!. one w ec!-: : ee of tic' tie. u;iiiii ii I r.-'i'e. y took pla.e led t ne disapp. ;,i i' as a ln st. iv until tho .-lore. b. P. Li the v: Mr. 1 F. liielV eoilldy. . w. 1:. iiitoroi.; ol i . ai in tilt . ,;. i.n.ij.n h i'i. 1 : liii.i o i n t, .. .t: out .1, la !,..!i. -A : .. loan. Lilly ..- I l.e l in;;ti li hi 1 licit h in a nil . P. : 'o I iii-ei-' ei.. .i.....eol: . a m II ,-i .-oiilitl- i an. 1 i i,l, i .- ti pi uoi be I -to ih-vi-'oii : "d wo. o--v I i .ios sMie. a.1 '.!'! I'-a1, I i III,-' i: ! ilil sllblli ! s, eame '. --I N relll'll ;;.lhl 1 :i: I O.i his .1.. -ii iu ! i out. i- ol o lo- i ,-i oil -1 I'I i 1 1 1 1 mi .-1 but io.. Liii . ' ' P- al i' bo s' mill i' d a:' no i IVoi 1 to i is g.-1 ep, at the .-'i ii t in- iirni. : ! tn moe or s; .-...a soon in 1 1 i a: ds. '. :,. A . he made ed!. I I. I. i n to i tine' tabiii" llilli ' "....i !.:,,, i.,;,b!;' i;. I he i spiled ll 1 V The Fie li;,!,!v aeei-j. t iii- i ep; e 'i oovi-M iiieaf ha d il ':.:: ill, Hi P 1 i.lc.i ill the iVmlii s for 'l nil. a in t l.icig-o l! isM'itfl! w i.i I e i t nioi citii-ns i-l' ti s.j.-,,;i,.,'. d 11 eliilighaeiS !:,:. 1 I t - Asia pile, and the ..y i,;l e ligl l-ed lo i i - i -tin - al t iu re. 11. S ion t died lust Hon. A il 1 wei k al Stan;:!.. l Ee V, ;, ged ll In- 1st i .i li-lioi ulliili I 1 .nioi s adi ill. Tl-.e Yi v--s of r. .'.ti . ih, 1 '. 'i.adi hi on, S ('., .in t In t!r- taJPu.-y th nl-'ii:.l of civil' i a gaily ie c.'iiitt d li. .ouaves me. one iiii'iy oiguiii.'.allons ,vu;iday, ,n,d w of I ha': pi ee ... il.l.H. 1 he I'll ' u lib ban! in;;, ol tl,-. ..!.!. ,1 . m iln- I'l-ile 1 -Oiiee u w' ila fluff.- ii. I-1 1 igbt dreary,' oi-.i 1111 libon in ible . it into my bead li, itui 1 ii Cm e, and in uilbn 11.' 1, 1 o..l tiy old Saul's I iMi iity liiiiio.i 1 he light I 1- V-l.ollt .' V i.j-, the ... ' ,v l.llv. 1A tlilU ' I run I wus 1 1 iieveo i Ill the light place 1! I Dr. Liii! a Paby u rc.ii.dy for babii-s Only -j etiiU. Arc wi' Getting to the Front ? Yen, we think we are getting to the front, not only because our business i mowmi' day by day, but because we lire la coinim a mark for eowsrd i ly eiieniieu who try in eerv seci t 1 manlier to injure our business. 1 he fact of liaviurf these enviou.-. people 1(11 king around in the dark is the Star of llelhli iiem of any uian'a au-cesa. if you are not hurting any one by .-.iiipetitinii Ihey will not hot her you. Jf ou throw a Hloiie at a lot of dos yelp he sure you bit out. I:e iloii I hollow tor luu Aow. we heur Home things eveiy day that reminds us forcibly of t'uiu ami Abul. hi n oiler a shirt for (i()i:ts thai e.ur brother merchant cannot sell for h-ss tlntti one dolhil", and when we oiVi-r dress goods for lilt 13 over lmlf what other lie ic.liants ask ; when we off, i mm's sock at 8 centr-, which can not b ottered lor less than 10 by . -I !i ik. : when ve ofl'cr carpet ut Gi, ii". and . cents that no olbnr luer ehai t has ai (lime price: is it i- -I ei inigli fn eieidn etliy ? Your ho li e Mi l valit, 1). T. H-viudeli, cor. of M'irtin and Wilmington streets, li-il M-h. :;. C. The cist of all the railroads in the I niied Siales has been iiinn billion ...?' m: cud their total length is 16."). "j J 1 miles. Near Noonnn, ruliicni county. Oa . on lust Sal unlay, four drunken nc-'i-o( siitlemplpil to crocs Oconee river a a !.o il. Tl e bout capsized and a'l I', sir wi ro drowned. The world wide reputation of Ayei's Sair'u-mrilla i the natural result of its s-iii pussiiif; value as a blood medi cino N't tiinr, in the whole phar luneoiiieia, cfl'eoln limro astonishing icsiilts, in scrofiiln, ihoiimatisin. gen ial debility, nud all forms of blood d'sias,,, than this remedy. ivV" :,-:!. -rn i.r ,I,.ii1,h anil nmril.-iiiii" li'stn.l li-.-... ol.loiiti-li'H elmrKPit buvpii o.-iiU) a II1119. VI t:.'i!lsO--HUI.TON. In IL llnpll-l .-l.u l'. in i;i-M.-l.ni. 1', s. e, 1,11 Ui isi.li Ih.si.. Mr. .1 :!. s Mi l,, III-... N 1,1 MIhH I. ii. .As Min.i.SAl.l, il.-.a.-li-i-l' el .Ml. I'l niliH E. Holt. ii. MMCil.t. laiYAX A I llavvnu.l. '. C . ml lla ism In-' . l-v ill v. w. r. Tlinm. .Mr. W. 0 Kis.ini 1, I . Ml - l'..i.A .1 I'llTlS. N W Ativct liM'iiients. XKCl'TOlt S no nci: II AY ,iiinl!llt"'l ha 'xi;nr or J- nna tnnTr, .le.i'iist'ij, 1 ln-Pbl'T ti-ilt'y nil t."i1h IrnOIti i-riltll lltfJihl! :fil1 i('l'tl'lit Int vhll It the in wii on or l,t,fui-o IV. Ii Uiiy "f fruhrimry. I"''--Ir'o. 'J, 1HVI. n. C. JOIINoN. - lifivtuu' iuaMI5n l ha u a-Imlti'raiiT of M. s t'u'Mi, ilf f.t-p.i, I .r ii'iii'y all ptTK n i.1 Una flHinis iiitinst tinul itntJein in t-i.ti!in: tin- h;iilo t. mi r my Httriiy. K. W. T u k, n t.Hi-.f. ih lv: h ir 1-olx uury, 1hv. l wt. iv, I', C F. FAKItHl.r. NEW CROP Wo are daily expecting a raigo i f ".io ! Hhds New Crop Cuba Molussta Il will iiiovo rapidly. Send in your orders. FULL LINK OF GBOCFRIESs PBOYiSifiHS for -a!u by WORTH & WORTH, WILMINGTON, N. C. j Peh. 19, lS'.ll. lm. P A R G A A tr IT, U I E, B . A' A SI 13 A I H Eoivei an oa Sals Tliis Week I AT 7Ty ill rt.-y.4- 4- n m A f2 n 11 V.. MARVIN ST1.EE i, R LEIGH, N.C. LINE OF LADIES' Ml'SLlN ,' i'ndi rweur .'."i and lid.- ech. "inii LAMPS 'JSe , worth iii fid. M) ,")lW APRONS Al '23: each. .l Large si'es 10c. ipi.-c" INCH P.LACK H F.'i !"!'A )U - At 2.1v. good Mil . . 35-p.i-r raid. "()() POL'lv';; I' ROOKS 10c each. ,).!; ti I'm. scmxssllAr.FHOSK ..(.10 pet feet goods ut 1(1.- Pair. I .(.!!) P.iIllS HALF SOLF.S-ll),-. 1,000 pair. New Things in Crocksry. Glass, Tin and Wooclc ware. rnn ced.vu water PAILS. JWU 1 UJ l ') lo ''.aei n, 1. . .... tf w tl I'll..- .1 IHJ u.v.T.ii li i,i a iicii,-. All roods marked in p.aiii : and one piieo to all t.U.E OF LAND IN ! i:ei; i .in ,r,ti.' i.f the court. I II rut M..ii,iny In UKi.-li tii-xi, hhIii tl. ,1.,, t.u-lnh: I .ttili-r. nl llm e- ml li- u ,- ,l-..r i I i . - i I... a, iy ii, !-, ..: Iiiii-I, i-ic . .IT ll. ai i-.-s.iii ,,,-i e t -.rii sa-r iraet in l-ar I r,-. k i. w i., I.i. : ; .11,1111: .In- Inn, Is -.f . ll. 1 Ills, .laiirw 1.111 1 1 i.-: --, A fill) nl tin- litli'l i-au ,i s,-,.i III ll . ...k'- ,-m Tfllllf, l-in.il. 1 1 1 1. a;u, lf'JI. I A. Mil , K. Seminn Machihp rrniBE-STi V V ino''itMTs '"r,nSJ- waoowaRK' T3'N hm Ss'?cH5 Maeijaie ca.oivAt Mi Vmiiaoo. fl UhlN 50UARC. N. Y tl'""'i. JONESHORO, N. V. in iii m I riwtiniiif urn HiilTi ItTfSirKTnTTlei X-JJl? kMHHHWllWWn ivr ri. a. . IH i T I .tea, . .RtJ m S. S. J KS(I. A. rrlm ipitt. The Si)i-iiitr Tu-in -vill bf.-iu ou 1 Monday, January VMi, IH'.ll. and con tinue tweiity weeiis. Tho climate of 1'illsboio' is Bulu- brious, and indeed there is no), a luore hi-alihful 1 icali'y in N-itlh ( nrolinu. ' Its people are renowned for their hos- j pitalily and their so -id, iiiteileetu.iL j .mj murul virtues. ISoard enn be had in mid around tl 0 village at moili ra' p! ices. The Academy building is conve niently arranged and fitted for school purposes. '1 hose desiring instill; lion in Music or Crayon woik, and Painting in Ken silicon, or in Oil, or Water Colors, will lieuiioc c.I to expeiii.nci d and skilled instl u.'toM. Parents m iv be a-'-.in d that every effort will be :u:;.b- for !!. thoioui-h instruction oi tiair i liidn n. 'i iu ii ct mil 3 to. 1 1 Jiliing will be e-i-i 1 11. i', It, is hoped that l.ot i. but otin r counties ..', -v Pittsboio' AcadehiV v.i:! patronage. Terms, per .ses-'n-n of i v- ' Primary English hia' cl-.i h.tei'eie-li.iti- Mnv.'.i.-'n !' lliU.rKi!i;iis'.i Po aoch-s ( i; I fa i.aia. tie- lie) td -. !. -: 't (I'i 1 J Oil la D'l Latin, (iieek. J:'. em !., Ceri..:t!i. S i veying and Slue g:-pii, e.ivh. exiia. l.'olitii-.-e-.it i'li'. H I eeiils. iliuist.-rs' el ihiicn w.il i"-'!ntc el at half 1 it- s Por 1 .ili.' i info '.iiatioi:, 111 .'.y to S. S. .JACKS' Piii.-i i;;;h Jau'y, Hih, l.S'-'i. 'HE- BUYING YG9I! GOO! IW.T, LONDON'S.!1 provided he will sell them to you an cheap as anyi-ne for the cash. Ilo sells Diy Goods and Notions lie balls li.-adv'.m.de Clothing. i Ho (.ells Huts. Caps and Millinery j Goods, He falls 3ha Is urd r.'.l kind, He sells Hardline ami Crockery, He Points s and al stings, l'aim i He sells Wgo, kind g Iir.plciui :,t-'. lb- S. ii:, I'll! I I f . ill He sells Dings, i -ii,.!.' He s-eils (h.i .h n and r up and line, , ils, AC , h 1.1 Sc. ds, i lie si lis i;is i I.i tl. I' i;oo. otla r ',", loiiu i s clieapi-r and e to l'ltbs! R. im ! f . c , -hi ri'.i-bor. 1 &m& : Ki fan r 1 1 ?i nflirf. ' SVJ . llVr i Ai. iv'i h I. i cjieiri STJM IB sill I i 1 -V1TI-I u fgures'26 ' l..w."!. :!.',..".": rrUTV: CJK1 boys 5 R ra 1 :,vj.. ?-;.-'iv B L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE tH;.;S ul J by 1 v. 3 ss i w a "til IT. The : tc. I si in lit el cx- o !'(" F i 1 day dii sin: -.1 ) ; h.-l e l b : I'm I i,-s in.: eiil ill Pie i-' those 1 :.:.' pii si-nl t. eiu i;.tl Consent. bud tins will ,lenRe I : tap 1 and Ptt'h , und c'-i'iiM 1,. aiiist us will '.!.o FocsiiFE. M. YV. St iRPELL. Oulf, N. C, .Tan. IS, E-i'.ll. if Ill I Ulllll I Wlltr. VVll II twit a iii, V. Chamber S-aitd, IDinin." RCCrU StllA tClxCn i7,"U.rniT'Vir9 ( f griljt. ftnl prices to BUtt all. , BiJATTHESSBS, BED LOUUGES, IN IAUGK YAlilETY. Eiutm Carriages Agenls for the WJIKELEH & AVIL SOX SFAYlMi MACHINE the Host in use. The leading UNDERTAKERS ill tho Citv. A full lino of CASKETS, BUUUL l!Oi;i:S, SHOES and all neces sary outfit for tho burial of tho dead. 'Ve nrt AUKNTN lor the LKi INC HH.DINU E1. Da sure to call und see our utoek, Tte Krlaai Fornltnie Co. Dec. 'Jtr,, 18'JO. 3tn. F3ETTY FURNlTflR? MA KES COSY HOMES i COSY HOMES MAKE HAPPY PEOPLE! 'AND A. G. EHOBES & COMPANY, I! A LEIGH, N. C, A10 w. king proplo bappy every dft by the liberal terniu tbey offer on nil kinds of XJIMTXJISE I Fancy Chairs! Ila!! .acks! 3ook Caeest Dressers! Wardrobes t erything I - Soils, complete, in great Prokcn Suit8 provided if desired. We w ill accommodate you and pleas you if von will let us. We ba? t"'- many things to talk about. Come and see- them! It will be like going to f. fair. A. G. RHODES & CO., !'.) F, M.irlin and 10 Exchange Plaott) j Aug. 2S, 181)0. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Year-Old Goods on iiand nil tko time. EYE Oil CQEH WHISKEY, EACH SB IfflE EBAStY. that is maiio by us is tho best and f.hbsf in North Curoliha. Vi'iilelor Plica List as we nii''-.' anv 'P'liutit v desired. I l.l MCK W:llFr.Y CO. .sii.-.vsk.iib la ii. William), PaSTIIEK CllEERi Yadkin t j.v.-.i, N. C ?l".l cli !',. A DMINiS I E. TOR'S NOTIC' - . w llnvia .iiiaiiil.-.l as nUinliilHtrator ot ' "s i -. i -1 . 1 v , .1. .-,;.-..-!, 1 h.-inliy ii ii try All ierK(u 1 I:. ,-l.'Cio j:L.,a,hi s,l,l ,l,.,-..,liit I,, r-x' . H ,1 : I - IV-. ' .1. . - I ll, I. .I'll 11.0 Gill any 01 I 4''.. i-.-i. :,.ii i :.i, i. k. wOi.A .. X IWirNISlPATOli": TOTl '1 .'fi , : . : iim.-.i asit'lm' .Intralrr r: Ii. (. ! ei-1 I li.-r-li) -lii.iiivall ii.r-. ;. I ..:; . i.i'i.i ;e'ii,ii-i sul. I li... e.li-lil I.. . " : : : ..nnu- ,,n ,.r 1.1.M11' lln" lav.,. Vi. , I I.i... .VI. i-"l. - i- ',(.e,!A .. i A PMINI- I l. vI'OR'SI-;.)) :V ,A i.-i.n;:,ji,niin.-il HSHdinMmi'ft i. lili-itan: .,i ,..,iii ,!,, iim-,1 i Lm. -ay iu.ill nil .,ts,-ii li.l.l es i:,,li,s i.-iil:i.- sul. I ,l,..vii-iil In Klhlbll II h mi.- i iii" "ii or 1,-it ir" i'i Sill On y nl Koli. !' 1,1.. : I, ln.l. 1. A. WOMACK j DISSOLUTION : Ti.,-,-.. .e-iii,'i--l.l' lii-rtnt"ro exlHllnn bt .- 0 I . ; ill Mini I i.liti T. . l.-r, ' -. i.e ...-. !' ea-.1' .. .1- .-! '' I : -.;. 'i'i, - I !,-, ti..l'-ft ;,!-! H'li-.illlilft t. !. e. V.y-i.l. All 1..1111..- I;..i. i.i.-'' -:-l rtonsn --.- Ill I -.i-tlii, l!- l-!:.-lii'-,t lull.-,! lir rll.rf-s; JOII I. WVA r i t'UIMP Tall 1 . 1 1--: , Din- .1 1 1 1 my lninr.fl Iu the tu . -i. 1 ..1 V. v a' I .v Taj li-f 1 Mc.-his. Jul. r. Wyatt Dr. .' . ; In 11 .11 mi- tn -111 tl. ' m I ri'iuni my thanks ai. ' I :i,i-i.,-iai 1,-u i, iiiiio, mis Hint llm imiiho for il". ill.. nil i-ii 1 r -n -;? t,- tl,n 4 ' 'Inn, and 1 i-heerf. : un t il I iln- in-w Run i- Viiftfiy of ynur i-. an 1 ii.upui -ir-c. l-UIl.tl' TATLf 1 I Jan. .1. j M .AV FlltUI. ! JOD P. WYATT & CR C . j Y YATT fi TAYLOit, No 15 r.iiKi i: 111 in. Hli oct anl HI I I'-I.an jb I'lao W.. Ic yii 1I1P lay r..nnl 11 miarlprnblp UD'I " , In 111 1.. linn nf .Lib I'. Wynlt S llrob., and 1 li, ii,- ilii, l.itNinrHs ut Ornc.!!!. Ommnlwl'-r ! Mi-ri,..:,.; mil .l.i.l"ii, in Hnj. Mill Fel aiMl k ! a ''s "' '"i s,uit, Ariciiiiiiral lnii.lt.ni.i t. 1 4' " wl '' '" ;'"'i'l'""iiBi,'."ifUiaiiiilli VX;r t.yatt. ' .iu. 1.. mi. Man l, IL1 ICE. i XL