$f)c l)atl).ira Hccori - EMTOU A SI) MiOpKltTuK. l TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 "PER" YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. - Cite if UATKS UK ADVERTISING ioe square, one innertion One. square, two innertioim'"' Ono square, one mmth - 1.5 - S.50 For larger advertmementB liberal ccn mcts will be made. IMTTSIK)U0 CHATHAM CO., N. C, MARCH I!), 1801. NO. .Ml. o Cloud nnd Sandilnf. W ntt iiiif in uliinin mid pain; Weary, oil ! so w i ary I Handily falls the ruin. dark t lif day, ami dreary. Ttic bitterest wind nre wniliii;; Inn I, And llie funeral sky is clothed in c! "i. 1 . Will the sun ne'ersliini' ani'i? ('niiriij-' in I cirt ami brain, Thoucji ilic liny lip dark'nins; Waiting is ii'il in vnin. If f.ii lcl ilinu'ri licark'niii-;. The dvt nr'i -I -tether will change smn-- ''ay. And new r a !mi I hut will u-s away, And 111'. !" i n must shine a-'iiui. I'p liil. liiar', nor mind 'I In lent of fiery t-yim;. 'I lip mystery cut win -il Willi Murnw and will) rrylnp. Thf i-r-ilii -I pill. I.v a method slow, Mu.-t lost i'-dri' in Hip hottest glow, Hill it roim ih f.irtli pt'lix'.l. C. K-Inn I wler. ill tllP T'lispl vpr. A RASH ACT. 'Si you've been bounced?" Said Mrs. I'opoYcr. 11 1 1 in 11 Milin.-in winced at the. iiii'le ff.ril wiiii; hut -he understood enough of I'. e Ppoei slyle of dialect to know that tin It inn u as intended. Mr, l'opf.vi r iliil mil gauge her phraseology by "Web-tor'- I'nabridgi d," Imt she V ll U good SOIll, llOV('lthoio9. Ye," "I"' an -wered, meekly : "I've l"C('ll llisclllllgcd." Mr. ltjmvr was stout nml short, Willi no vidble waist, n black lace rap ! I ln -i ll' of I n-r lii-iiil !i ul her feet tin ii-! iiiln carpet slipper. M s M'iintin was slight mil grace fn1, wiih i iitl.ly brown hair anil plcad i t4 hael eye, and looked every inch tl e lady in Imt shabby mourning. Pity, ain't il ? ' said Mr, Popover. "This lime ii' year, too!" Yes," sighed Marian; "Imt I am imt tin; only snflere". 'I'liirly o'lior gu 1-Iia -p gone, Ii'm. Ilu-inc- is so ilnll after Hip holiday. Mr. M-redidi (..i) hp shall lie re-engaged when tin" frl.ii.' of trnli' wan. nils ii. Putt I haven'l nun Ii I i. . i m'. "' Ami w lial ye goiu' to lo now':' nskpil Mis. I'up'ivpr. Miiriiin iIipw a lenir Inral'i. "1 ilmi'l know," f.iiil sin-, pitpouslv. Iis tin ii tin' ilnor 1'ppnpil, : 1 1 1 . 1 n bl.iomiii innnir iil mine in. willi u fatilii l in In- - li'iinl. "Is lllis Mi s. I'..p ' Pi's? ' Silill lillO. "Urns Mi-. M !ni in- )li. Mil inn , you ili iii lliinr. I've fniinil you n( Iiisi ! Uli. Iii'v 'l i l I am Id see you !" Parian jravp a Mule ap. '.Illli.'t I'liW r s !" sill' l l it'll. "Yi -. ii':' I !'" Iip iiiip'1 .ItiliPt. "I pot III ptl i f iPiii'lim Kt htiol (1 ;s li in j ll'iililoiik Hollow, ami tlin tiiislt'PS wpi'p hi eat li:i, anil the i-liililren m driailfiil, Ilia' I mail.' up my in i ml lo ' piiiiip to ynu nml spp if I eouliln't fvt niii'i iliiiif; lo ilo in the pity ." Well, I tli't laie!" .aii Mr. Pop- over. "IIitp'n :iss Marian lieri'lf ' jiisf li. t !i ihiMweil out o" lni-ine-8. 1 j like lo kii" how hhf't. lo help any- i lio.l. :-.?' ' ' Mill ian ;;a p 1 If l;o"i soul nil lip- i I eaiiii" iii:..-!'. ' I I wi'.i ilo ih" lie-1 I an, said ulie. .Ami .I-ilifl, an a; p!e- fat oil. an fiiiiue iiatniiil yotiiii: et iiniry la, lie.1.-( !t tl piokp up in I., r. "I kiipw ynii wmilil lip'p me,'' raiil frlie, "lipeam-e you know all about the ri'y. Am oh, Mai inn, ilt iir, I'm i-o lireil nil. I so hungry !'' Ami thus Mai inn Milinan lirrnmn cliitieil willi tlio losponsiliiliiy of an hiioiI.pi' lesiilp herself. Ami I he days Weill hy, hiiiI siluations wph1 hardpr than ever to obtain, ami the little eommon pun1" wa exliiiuylptl, ami Mr. I'tipover'H nt'eoiinl heeaim' lai;;nr llian ever for tint lent of the hack lit'd ronlil, with Its hideous (.-reell wall a per, nml its tlisp'n iiin outlook over Iho roofs and smoky elnmiiey t-lai'ks. "M.uiiin," said .lit I i I , "what nro w e lo il l i" She had point; in tired ami weary after a loiifr thiv'n work at !i" old Inn inesn of looking for pinploy ineut. Marian "lit aiie k 'i row fully at a i-'umsy p.n-eel thai lay on the tali!.' lip fore hi r. They have h !ii l i.ek my poor Mule (.erepiM nml pi.upii's unsold," ..aid .he, "with a poliie note iiitinial iiii; (hat I lie uiail.et for that soil of ihin is tier s'ot'ke.l (Hi, Mim in it ! Ami vim worked so hard at l In-ill ! " itli n ipiiek hurst of n 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 ) i . I'Iip ill"!.' fool I! To It II v ii the t i .tli. .I'll'et," -::i.l Miniiiu, with ii 1 f ieei sMiile. '. Iiiu lo think I Imt j to" ma: k't I" 'I every tiling is over-j (.'... ked -l ie i:i. Ill led.'' ! .1 it! ii't I' reiv lioih her a in- around i the s!ii;hl youua ti'iire. I ! ii iiuir, you're tiled ami tli-. our- ; ii.-i tl." sa d he. "Ynil'll feel heller Hltt'l iliiiiii'i." j U s. ,lu. iel, ll e; e is mi dinner.'' i .In iel ll.rew open ill.' ell hoaid ; tl e I-, i n i Ki'V'' one I xl.aii-uve fliins. I nrotinil its empty (dicSves. 1'liere were the two china, plates, tlm two nips nml suiirer, I he neiu Knives and fori.-, the pewter spoons, the. iiine-i-eiit pep per ami salts- but that was all. "I'll pi) i,ui mill buy soiiiethili";," mid she, cheerfully "a neel. of million In boil up for hoii i, or an end- pieee of corned beef." "Will can't make Inie'.s without Rtraw,'" said Marian, sadly, 'nor buy niiip-iiie.it w il limit money. At least I've never been able to d il." "Is l!.t iiioiiey all Marian?'' "Ail but live diily popper tents, Juliet." .Iiiliet rl it ked her tongtui Foftly nfjaiiift (lie roof of her mouth. "Mrs. ropover will tui-t us for a few of yriierday'B rolls nr a l af of stale bread," idie sii";!;c.-leil, elieelfillly. "No, .luliel," said Miss Miiiuan, resolutely. "We iim ulready too iniii li in Mrs. I'opovt i's debt. I will ask no more favor front her." "Must we Marvel'" reseulfully de liuimh't) .Iiiliet. "I would liillu r shirvn than t-ink into llie ijiiieksand of debt,'' Marian liriuiy nnswereil. .Iiiliet. t hcek-: thishfil ; she bit her ii)'.. "There i. h pawnbroker on Siih avenue," niitl she. "Ami I have jjt my iiioUii'i'li old ..'aruet riii nnd n luo-iae searf-pin wbirli my fither liroiilit from rinreuee when be waa a mm caplaiu. I'll n ami see what I ean ib." "Hut- a pawnbroker!" sobbed Ma. rian. "Oh. .luiiit. what aic we roniinu In;'" 'X.i wor-i: than uiaiiy another h is come to," -iiiil .Iiiliet. "Cheer up, Miiriau! Il. iueinber that il' ahv iv darkest ja-t liefutv daylight. "' Ami she Iv i -t I tin; pale i rl an I W e ( t ie erfully out. Tile garnet riu and I'm m -aie eai l'-tin kepi lie in for a wee'i. Still they were seeking for wink still Iho sain -id I answer w.i- returned, ''or every vacant phiee Ih 're wm at e:il j don myself lo ilespair aain. no mat- j t leu she sprang into the eeiiar wiu a st iire of applicant. t,.,. dark the future seeuis!" ! .nv and went to the box. she found They sought from pluee to place; llipy tiavet.-etl streel after ulreet, but in vain. Ami 011:1 thearv I'ebi 11.11 v nibt, when the mow was tiiruinj.' to dl-coltiretl slush on llie pavements and u dismal her Initio over the street, .Marian looked sadly up into her friend's face. ' I'll'! sole of my shnes are worn in hole, .Iiiliet," mill rh . "My feet are sonkiajj wet, :uul my henl ache, ami I don't think I can jro out any more. It's of no ue. I think heaven ha fot-trellcii lis." .lulifl, s'tronjrer ami morn couraop 011, brewed her friend a cup of weak te:i, and pro. lined two riotla crackers from ' be cupboard. "Ilit and drink, Marian, an 1 vou w ill feel belter," said she. "I h ive I it';) til of 11 woman w ho want a book keeper in her business, nml I must eo (here at once, I hi very evening, be fore any one else ha- a chance t'i crow tl me out." "You won't t'i'l 1 he place, .Iiiliet." Tlow do y 11 kimw?" cheerily. I tlou'l know il. I feel il." " ell, you'll ace. liat and drink. I ay, deiir. I on't it o I11011 ritf ill ' y ibeto." "When you are fone, .Iiiliet." Hut when Juliet a trone, Miiriau rose and put tho soda craekers back into the ciiplmaril. "She c liioiir lit I didn't know they were llie two last," said she. "Juliet was id way a hearty enter. She is not sonoil at -tin vimr as I am. Hut the end'., eoine at last !' She took from the mantle a little vial of dark lniiid. lahelctl "Liuda mim" (Juliet bad bail a;:ii' in the face a few d.ivo ai;o, ami had u-ed a little of it.) and looked at it (uestioniugly. ! "I hope it isn't very wrong," slip illinium cil ; but Imt it mut be so hard to die by iuebe-! I larder still logo !o the p. niliou-p on Itlack well's 1-laml! Oh, iio,l could not endure that !" Ami renioving ihe c rk, she drunk the bitter diau;;hl. Surely llii- would be 11 dose Plrong cnougli to silence all lie! pang ami wotii of ad'i 'ii poor soul! W ilt il 1 i,.i,.i u !krd her- sell, lie-l ing down auioug the pillows of her be. I. " P.oeitti sc I have not much stieitgl h to endure. " No, it was not painful. Heaven b.! thanked for thai ! A sweel drowsiness, like the breath of puppies, overspread her being, and w illi a li i l' mil! inured prayer on her lips, Marian drifted into sluiuber. Hiiln'1 I tell you it was alwav ' darke-l before day light ? Wake up, Marian -wake and icjoiee with me!" fhr ugh a sort oi cbunl, Marian saw Juliet's radiant face. She : trug iricd into a sitting po-lure, ami tried lo n member what had passed. Was ii true? or wn ilonlv a it-w-im? Mil Ml Why, my mother's d.-.ue-t sehnd fiiitel! Site knew my nainu ill om e, niel -ho say si u slit'iihl have kum 11 me any where from lliv le-elub'il e e of liei'.her Slip, is ia ih: pel I'liie ry liu-im .- oh, ."lleh a niee biu store! - Mild she luaiiiie ii a I In r-elf. And I am to bu book-keeper, with a nit e salary, ami you are lo have a tr.ioil platai (hen', ion ri'hl aiiiy, Mar.au, dear! Aad wo e.m pay jrnil Mr. I'op'iver now, and live like t luistiii u uyain ; nml I'vo bronchi a mi siioii ii niee little snppor of euld roa-l eliii !eti. nml hot pt'taloes. and a pitele'r of sinokiii eoll'ee. Arealtreit, Marian. K ni-u up, dear, nnd enjoy it." A faint, bad -inilo iliikerel into Marian's faee. II. itl all the silit-hiiie. pom now th il ;i .,, i,, I,,,,) ,,,i i, ,,,,.,.,, 1 "" J"' lb-little I'e il looked -how deliei ill- ly fragrant was the colli e. With a feeble gesture, she pointed j lo the little vial m tlm luintl t. .laliet would know wh it she meant. ! "Why," rl ieil the j;iri, "where h all : my t'tinofli inetlieine? I t'ot the bulile j tilled only yesterday, for I knew ihal ' I Kepi you awake, fouyjiiu;! nl niuhl. ' Mrs. IVpover y:ive me some out of . the ehililrni'.s bottle; she's -m h a kind 1 old woman. I.aiiil.aiiutii ' Oil, mm, I know that's what the label says, but ; t in? vial -rut lipped over loinj an I nil the laii'laiinin leaked out ! Never I mind, dear-- we ran ea-iiy ei-t mere now. Wc are not hear anv lon;;er. Here, sil up. Iriuk this b-'l eolli e before it has lime to chill. And eat i the chieken and la-le this dear little teeny .lass of current jelly. Wm -ee I'm eeltinj.' I'Xlravaant, but we have lieen starved so Ion;'." ; "What a eowaid I have been!" said Iarian lo ber-elf. '( Ih, thank tb-tl ' Ibiil lie lias saved me from my own rash will --.saved nm to bt-iu life anew saved me for new siieumh ami hope! Oh, I never, never will ali.aii - Ami Juliet never knew how near I M.iruiu ha I conic to the solution of all 1 life'., 1.1 obh io. Ii was a see.-ei be. I tween herself ami heaven ! Saliir- Telerili anil llislriet. Messenger Hoy. An army of 1 :?,"") boys i employed in llie leleer.iph ami district mes-eiinor .service in and around the metropolis. These boys jel from S:..'.n tti l a week, but llie co-t of their ituiforin and the heavy lines which are levied upon them for ll'.vial causes would 11 like their incomes very much unailer were it not for the o ld ";ips" which they get from lime to lime. Then, I ai.'aiu, the liiessenj-er boy is iu the line of promotion to H'teanl, to clerk and to telegraph operator, ami with every blep bis 1 ay inciea-e.-. In the up town district, especially iu ami around llie Tenderloin prc-inc', where the tlisir ft messenger service i only in full bla-t iu the small hours of the nL'ht. the small boys do the day work ami the big boys serve at niht. These lads make more iu presents in a wek llian their wages would amount lo in a inotilb. I be Slotk r.xchange pays the highest waes received by boys iu (he messenger service. Its boys get fiom l lo 7 a week, their uniforms free, a yearly Christina present ot ."r-V, Have only lo worK from '.t.Ihi i. 111. to :i p. m., and have I heir Sunday and all public holidays to ilieniselves.- fXew York Times. ""' All l iricraekei-i Miule Iu Cliinn. l'iret't ackers are not mudo at ali in thi country. They are ull imported, and coinii principally from Cbin'i. 1 About two year ago several iiianufae- t''t' !' Ibewurks iu New York inlro- 1 bleed the making of giant firecracker' but tin! industry has not increased to any extent. No one in recent yens has even altempted lo make the sina'l firecrackers. 'Ihe reason for Ih 'k stale of tilings is a financial one. There i 110 secret about Iho making of lire ( rarkcrs, ami American are just as well able (o d" it a an hodv ; bul ; Chinese labor is so thcap that il doe , nol pay t" 11 1 :i 11 (I '.(' Init' Ihem iu Ibi country. I tic duly upon lln 111 i-ei.:lil cent a pound, which nmouu's lo Miinctbing mer Iih' per cent, ad valo rem. - Huston Cultivator. Sentiment (iel a Setback. They weie walking out, on a prr- ; fectly cloudless night, iu Hie light of . the big round moon, which seemed j unusually bright and beautiful, lb 1 whs of a ilet idedlv seutimenial tcin- feramenl ; she was more m iller-. I- fact. Suddenly he clasped his I 141 i; ami cried out lapiurmisly : Oh, .Mantle, look at the 1110011 lo.nighl ! Isn't it beautiful - be 1111 ifnl?" Isn't it, llonry !" she replied, w itb c.pial enthusiasm. "It looks just 'ike a big fried egg lon't it, ileal-i"" I "Win ih v.... llrnk lie was w ho wanted a hot k-l.t a pe (IllUHiKVS (OII MN. I II II V MT. OF BVKK'W. flnrp a fntlifr sun; to Ilis Imhe i.'u.iint lulluhii s swot t ami oM ; Win n yuii lii't-t'i-tln -i ml-of-1 he - rainbow, tin n- V.iii-w i.i liii'l-a "t of-;t'l'l." .b pill'ii'i''! nwiy to r.n-toii, i As Iih i liiiiited a Mother inese rhynii", Vint he "riule a liit Imr-c to liunihi rry ; im ." ( W ilhi'iil iitir regard to tiino. I I" n he siii! like il lner t r -mlni:. I I'.yt low -in -hiil'x -ileur- !'ti lln lii'iil-til-l!jptiw-f-lMi-wil! 40 j J'o-sliii loi inany a year." i Ml. me. in the land of llyilow, I lie Ins omul Hip pot t'1'i.'i Id. j 11 other liirse, hi: -in's lul'uh t'. To Hie I'.alits nflhe u ptr lnl.l. I Hi father, W in' Wi'li'hi 'l my ehil Iim". I . i 1 'Ii. fattier, w Im l-.v l me -11 " s' 1 V) lime, sin- my l ni.'lil rl i A lid Hik' s me liome li Hveimv. 1 1 if roil fn c I'rri. ' r. mi in 11 s s imiiiiii n's ' ii;iin. ! A Ocrman legend tell bow St. j Nicholas canui to be eon-itb red (lie i.ilron saint of Iho children, t Inn I lay, iiccordiii"; to the pretty legend, he .va pa ill"; by a lui-ei'able hou1. s(eppinif soflly 10 1 In open window if heanl ;; father lameiitiu the Alt li hetl fate to which his three lovely .01111 daughter-. Were tloouied by loverly. .'-I .Niehiil.i-,' gentle letiil .vas touch d. He returned at ni'bt mil threw in at tin; w i:now Iim c. in;; of cold stillicieat for (he tlow 1 v if tin "jri. Ilis kimlup-s ,i t I.i-mi iml lo fill 1 1 nl In is eipiallv wielelieil liiide liilil reijiii dei as lie espc.i.il lem iiicioi' 01 cnuuren. 1 n iu -sia he re erem etl a the chit I siiinl of llie irtek C.iiireli, but in ( iei iiianv.Sw i 1 1 iml. I! 'Hand ami 11-lriii i' i- as the iiihlrtn's s.iinl 1 1 1 .- t h" is chielly hon ied. i hii mii..u i In a warm bed iu an old so.ip-b,. iu the cellar obi Tabby kept her throe ' iiule black kittens. Hut sometime. empty. Then she always wen 1 -i:,ii , to the sifin.. ioni to look for I 1. .. 1 ....1 .I..7 ..... ,nbi itiinin" wi:b ihein. ... 1 1 1 im- mill lour veins old. ami lay w i.h il,,'. ki.ten better tl):ii w Ih h-r .lobs. She would dn Ibeiii up in die dolls clothes, ami take tbeui to ride up ami down the room iu her little cai riae, and put them iu Iho dolls' bed ami try lo sing ihem to ilerp. I ulu wii- iery fond of ! er little oil-in Amy, who lived in another part of the city, and came lo see her soine linit -. and she ihoiio'ht she would like to give my her kitten-. So one day she put. tin' three kittens iu her apron very carefully and car ried Ihem to the stieet corur", on w hit h si, od a big mail box, painled led. I I w .a- for packages and new spapers that could lint be put ,11 the little box. I inn bad very often -n ti her mam ma put pin kages in tin re to st nil awav. ami -be thought that 111 order 10 send the kitten to Amy olly (,, j ,, idem inibe b,.. had -h S 1 she lifted tin! lid. ami dropped l' e kitten iu one by one. Then she ran home, vt ry hippy over w hat she bad tl lie When she had played with her doll a little while she went upstair-lo her , r. and a-ked if lln- live (..lock had come vol. j ..t i almost live," said !,, r mother, j I "riieu Amy will almost get my 1 kittcti," said Lulu, for she had beard i that the 1 .11 I ier came elcry day at live ii'clot k lo lake up ihe mail. Her "mother asked her what she meant, ami when she heard that the .Ulcus had 1 11 put in the lua'l -box she laughed a great deal. 'I think We bad belt. 'I' go out, and ee if Ibey ale -Oil lhe-e," she said (o t -it 1 11. i Thev reached lb" mail box ju-t iu time, lor the earlier bail opened it and taken the killt 11 "ill. and very linn Ii sir iri-eil lie looki .1. lie was vily gi.nl to pul Ihe Ilii.e mewing lillle cri itt 1111 - inio I ,ui n'- apron, ami she caiiie.l ih'tii home ::: 1 m, w ! 1 e Tabby was looking for lln iu am! growing very uneasy. Auiv w a given one of Ihe kittens ihe next lime she ( .11110 lo set! l.ulu.biit she c rricd il home in her arm, and did not try sending it by mail. Y I'liih'- ( 'oui union. Th:' Ualciiliisnie. r-ir I'. il Hi.w-ier. .111 eminent Sv.'lch wiit.r an. I natural philopher, i iM nte I lln philosophical loyi allet' u. kaleidoscope, in 1Mf. The nam .-,.., d.mi 1 he I .reek ami meiins"! (. be. m ii'ul image-. ' Thi optical iiisiruiiieni is mu only a pleasing toy, bui it i of great 11 lo pattern de- -ie,,,.,. ,! ,,(1., t,, whom it supplies mi 1 1 die-s vai it tv of liguros. OYSTER SIIIiLLS. I Tlie Bivalves Put to Many Good j Uses. 1 1 Hiainarkable Ev denco of tho Indian's L king For Oysters, It has been estimated that ".'".oiin,. ('MO bu-bes of oysters are opened an liually in the l uited State, and that this it 'i'i'-i ni an nee .mnlatiou of shells auiouniinrt 1 not ! than Vb(, iloii,"!!!! cubit: feet, which if spread out would cover a spaco of more than -loii.ii.lt) yards fjilare to a ileplh of three feet. No doubt llie majority of peronn who have a-sisicd in ciiiin the oysler l outiiiui il in 1 hi I'lmi in in amount of shell seldom yne a thought a lo what beeomt ol these roiiuh, uneotitli coverings. A few, perhaps, il" ipies liiilieil oil tin subject, Would be likcl . I'i reply that Hit: only way in which tliey had seen them liliii.etl w.a in lillill" Ull ami making roiid, ein and wharve. Neverlhe. haukinem li s-, tlii i bul one of their many n-es, as 1 hey are extensively employed in making "stools" for new oyster bed-., by spreading liti'iu on the bot tom of thebivs and olher bodies of water in which oysters are propagate! Ihu foriuini,' a bed upon w hieh the spawn settles and f.'1'ows into inaturily. Tin y are nl o eolivet'ieil i lime, s. rve a- ballast for vessel, and mad". into fitlilii r. In addition to Ibi they play an important part in (he p,,ullrv card, w here, in a powdered form, lhev are unit b sought al'ler by those ciu-atied in ri i-iu fowls of everv 1 'I be eai Iv colonists used nothing but ty ler-sieii lime, and in many part of New linliiml iheie still i".it mil's j and kilns devoU'd 1 nl it-ply to the in-tlu-lrv of eoiiverliiiir the shells into I that material. Thev have been used in Hiiikiii a hydraulic cement, when ' 111 i v t'i I with chiv ami inatrnesia, and I oave perfect satisf.n'ti not onlv iu lay i nir drain., coaling ci-tern ami the like, but also in makiii"; yarilen vase, fountains ami other ornamental oh- ! ,ik' l"" !iso in makiii"; yar.len vase e' 1 tii"M-it 10 toe .-it-oe-ois. ,' 1 ! Tlml. haV" ,,r',n for leriiiiiu purpose mr numireu ot ; years i 1 viucetl by the fact licit even j now, in some poi lions of Canada, w h it is called "Mii-so'-mud," is t'us j out of the. remain of exliiicl oyster j beis by hunc luaeh'ne adapted to I hi! j purpose inid spread iu thick laver 1 over the land. 'I hi is merely a siir- vivid of an old custom, a we are told 1 that in early times they were labori. ! oiislv dredged out mi l u'e l for the ' inline purpose. j Mr. lanesl Ingei'soll, a noted au , Iboiity on the history of this favoiite bivalve, state that "along tin! I'aiuiioo Sound, iu N'orlh Carolina, when the weather become warm and there is no 1 employment for (heir boat-, llie ti-b-erinen rake up boat load of loiih j 'bunch' or 'coon oysters' ami eariy I 1 1 t 1 11 to the farmer to be sold and !ls 11 f'',',,'i'r n"' which from three to live cents a hii-hel i paid " 1 I bese "coon oysters aro Rehlom ' ralen, but are found iu imni'Ui' e quau- lilies iu southern waters, every Make. ' hit of sunken log. or the branches of 'fallen trees being loaded down willi ' them. j In (he northern and ea-lern stairs j the immense un'Uiids of te ster, clam ami inui 1 Miens teiiiui in lai'i'iish- Citilies along the coast prove ilii'V- j haiisiible mine for agr'c.illuri-ls, wito I u-e them as a top dre:'io:; for their I fi r.us. In the neighborhood of lania j li-eolla. Me., thi-ie are moiimls hi, :, j are estimated to contain not !t s- than s.iiimi.ihiii cubic feel of ;.!:; , ia-t ai:; I uiouinucnl lo the red 1 parliaiur for ci u-laeeou food. I'ri r lo being I ' ' ' 1""-' '"' 1,111 "''' ''tell i-done in Hide, homemade kiln-. l,V,"-,il '''' billing a lliinuln. I.e-ler . Cii.lley, a North 1'la te ( N. b ) siockiuiui, tells -lorv 1 I a I i"c .a once took on Ihe ba. l, of a buf la'.i near l-'ort Wallace, Neb. Ii"inrii iiig from a bunt alone with llie 1 1 : 1 1 . 1 -ijiiai lers of a couple of young luiiis lie bad killed over hi shoulder he aeci- d.'iit.iiiy ran iulo the herd again ami wa- s 11 , 1 . .11 11 , 1 c.t hciore be leau.eil I11 kilualiou. Mv dodging iu and out :i!nie-' c a-cd a slanipe le," he conlinu 'd. "I I n w if a panic look place among the b ii-ls 1 w onld be trampled l death. I soil h-uiy determined on a bold H'okc, and, edging ujt 1 lose to a -'laggi young hull, gra'-bed bold ol t'i. long hair on bis fort -hoiildei- ami -Hi'.ug myself on lo hi- back. T,c h ll iw that came from lln feliow made III W i-h thai 1 had no! ..ii . id -, I on siie.i h ii-!,! push for lib it y. Tee bellow ig wits U. ken up bv the le-; ol Ibc herd, and soon wo were Ihimr nlong at il lerrilie rale over jrub'he ami up hill and tlowu. I was blinded by the s iml Ihrtiwn by I he hoof-of the bea!s, bill with my eye elo-etl bunion like mini ilenlh. lor half an hour the her I kept up a lerrilie pace, and diir injt; thiil itue my Icl: wee almost crushed out of my boots by lln.' crowd ing aniiiiitl. "1 bewail to think i .y time had c 1111!. 1 was s') weak 1 could scarcely keep my .-ciil. ami was aboiil to let myself full iroiii the bek of my lnitl.il w hen I sue ceded in scrapinu some of tin! sand out of my eyes. I tli-eovered tin 11 that we were ruuniiiij parallel with (hi! railroad track, and as tin! bank was hih 11 ml steep the aiiiumls b.'itl Hot Veniured lo clilnh the incline. The In a-t I was i hliiiii W.t- tile chise-t lo 'he track, and I knew if I reached the lop of the embankment 1 Would be safe. 1 il 1:1 nyc I myself together the be-l I could and prepared for asprinr. I "tit my It-i t 011 his back ami jumped for tin! embankment. I Icai cd at the riubl lime, for the moveiut nl of 1 lit j 011111; bull's body scut me living half way up lb1 bank, and llieie I w :i safe in tip- sand. I'or live week after ward I Was eilililied lo my bed." ( 'hici','0 Tribune. Sea I'hiwi rs. Altbouuh it 111:1 v imt In enerally VI liv.'.l j vll lt ,.v,.ll ,,, ,., i jM M, -....!,... ,1 i. w ho and .iImiiu lilt j ,..,., f 4 , 1 T. 1 i t . anim il llow.-r 1 ,.,.(, ,',Mll i;l .,iu!v .,, i varietv a-anyw here in I he Son: h S-.i l.ll(,. lM v. ..,. .,.,.,;,., ... .. lioned by Sir .1. Sinclair in bis "Siuiis- ti' id An I of Scotland." and by Mr. I. idle, a minister of Coveu.l. Mr Muirheatl, a minister of I rr, give the follow ing interesting aeceii.t of si'inc of 1 1 K-1 1 1 which bad c,-ii:e under bis notice : "About live w ar ago I discovered in Ihcpaii-hof C veml the animal flower, iu 1 veil greater perfection ami variety llian 1 bail ever seen them in Jamaica The lively colors and their various and elegant form are truly cipr.l to any thing related by the uaiui alists re specting the sea tliweisef tropical ion ilrirs. lo see an elegant flower, perfect iu eeiy onlline, of purple' given, blue, red, yellow ami many intermedia:!' color, si riving lo catch a worm or a fly, i really amusing." lev. Mat-hall, a minister of I .ii tilt, say-; Till i f late, perhaps, il ha- not been generally known thai the animal llnv.c.r is even common along the shore of Ibillle, CoM lnl, and M rv likely It rim II, I the W holf fna-1 of Calloway. The form of this creature istlnant ami I'l.'a-anlly diversified. Some are found lc-Ciiihling the slinlltWer, some ll.e hiiiiilrcd-ieaV'.'d rose; but by lar llie greater part of them re semble ,iuie specie of poppy- S mo dules our liallowav animal flowers are pill') le. frequently of a rosy hue. but mostly of a light red or fleshy lint. Visitors to die const often gather the most flcgau; tonus of lln se creator" ami carry 'h.'ui far into the iutc.ior of ll.e country, where, if properly fed 011 wtiini. th.'v have lived weeks and month-. Sme bale c en bred after being icinoM'd fioiu I licit native cle ment, and migl.l have livetl for year if it were pos-dhV to supply them with n il w ater.--St. Louis lo public. The 1'irsl Ai.ierieiiu Hailway. The lii'sl railroint buill in the I uited tales w:is tin iM" 111 L's in length, e- tending I rom (he g.'i.nile . i uii"- al Cblincv. Mas.. . to 1 h- Neuoie el l.'iver. Il w a-- folium -need ij lsJti and li 1-i-hed iu l.i. Tti.' gauge wa live feel . lln- rails were pi in, a foot thick, co 1 1 o,l w illi hai .1 oak, w hit h w a in 1 11 111 strapped w.tii iron. In .laiiuuv, s-.',', a bolt ci.al road .a- comi le t d from (lie mines to Mamli chunk. The rail on ti i . 1 ad w ei e al-o of limber w illi ll at ii.01 b.n-. The tiist loi oiiiome ftr use 011 a tail o n! w a- iiivcitlcd by lin-hard IVevitcek in I Ml. and lirsldieil iu a t.eorje -ieph.'li-'Ui built Ihe lir-t i.aily suc cessful locomotive iu IMI, i.nd le-lod jt upon the l illingw 001! loul in the 11 1 ' it 1 1 c( linglaud. The lux 1 1,0111 t tive tor ."1 tual sen ice eon-tri -'tti in America was L. . Milicr'. Ihsi I'i ieml," buiil for the South l ... otin i liailroad t'ompany iu is Jo. I'elcr ; Cooper built a lit lie experiment.-.'! In motive early iu l:io, he for. "lhsi I'rieml" w;is completed. The Middle Ages. The "middle ages" j, icrm ( 110 tlelinite period, but varying a Im'e with almosl citry nation. Iu l'r.-.n -. il wa- from Ciovis lo l.oiiis XI. ( !- l.i 1 loll. In linglaud, from the li.o.. Ian hy 10 Ihe accession of llelirv VII. I I".' 10 1 is In universal history il was fn in the ovei throw of the Ib'iii.an t mpite to the revival of ledc:n tht lif:h to the liftceuth century. ( Host.,-; Cuiiivalor. Olil Time Soups. The kuiks we Used to sinn? Ah met I Invv tin 111. and if I Could brin My voice tlu ir sad, sweet tones to sing, The air should with auuutlicui rii I If sweetest nn lody. 'I'm siiiik w e Used to sill;,'? All, md Tln ir inu-ie tills my lieiui w ith tcrrs, I'ortlioM' It.sl hopes of lon-on yciirn, 'J hat Time's eturnal river bears ( 111 to Meruit'. Tin Minn we used to slim? All, niel In .Irtiims 1 hear each tender gtruiu, In im.-ti'- ini' tir sniia aaiu I Hi.l.c, ami dies the -met n frilin To all bill niemory. - New ( nleaii Tinif nemoemt. Ill.MOHOLS. A receiving teller A gos-ip. A grave danger The resurrection i-t. Coining up to tin1 scratch The vac fiiintor. A little woman's tideeta tiro four time a big as she is. An honest man pays up. The other kind has (o pay down. "Oh, what a snap," ejaculated tho tramp when the dog bit liim. !ecau-o a man has a silvery laugh ii ih"' imt follow that ho has a rich voice. Charily cover n multitude of sins, bul luo-t of tin in connive to kick oil the cover-. "I l'.row n's credit good." ''I 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' ( I sav-o; his be-t friends lend ! liiiu money. " I .;'( al.ing of hydropathic cures, it ' strike- us thai Well wilier ought to bo ! g I f... sick people. I lili.ci I iocs thi picture do me jii j lice. Maud It doe something nobler, 1 dear, ll shows you mercy. I A fiigi ive poem i one that has e eapeil fi 0111 its author after it has been doing lime in a -crap hook. ! Hub ami Six hundred dollar for j Ili.it sack? Jtcaler Hut, sir, it's a ! perfect skin. Husband A perfect I skin! Yes; I know it is. Come 011, Car a. I f th" farim r puts his fences up high em ugh there i.-n'l any danger of hi- sti ck running out. 'Ihe sumo thing may be said of Ihe lucrchuiit it be puts up bi price. Iloy S;y, mister, please give 1110 lit cents' wm th of cii-ior oil ami give i:;e very short measure, too." lmg-gi-t .shoi t meaiire ? Why? P.oy "Co l'e got to lake it uiy-elf. V.liy They Make an S ISnckwaril. It i- a c 111 1 1 1. 1 11 thing to ec 011 lioiuc 111. id" signs in vi.rioii pai ls of the city the letter S wtiiteu backward. This i- often, also, done by children. Speaking on ihe subject 11 distinguished phy -ician, who is in the habit of knowing Ihe whys and wherefores of thing-, said: "The explanation is very si nple. The naliiral method of inosi writing is to go ahead; lo write fioiu you, but iu making an S tho procc-s i. t,, siml at the lop of the ledcr and w iite backward. The child or the per uuacc usloiiied to making letter-, begins al the lop of the letter S and write, forw ard. atnl then wonders why ii is, !iit th, hiier looks so tpteer. Th" ( iig ra cr of card plates is obliged loeiigiave It's writing backward in order that when printed it shall rend forward. The force of habit in en graving backward is so strong that letter engravers of card plates or oilier engraved plates often make mistakes w hen called upon to make w riling on silverware. Iu thi. way a ledcr en g 1 iim r om e put (he iii-eripiioii on a whole set of aluabie sil crw are back w aid ami never discovered bis error until hi t-u-ionii r found it out. In I he same way -poous w niche, ling, and -1 on have often been marked backward by engravers. Such mi-lakea an- cosily, ami often niake il iicccm y lo m .he over again the articles so lien ked. Cipipo-iioi s are obliged tti set up 1 heir matter back waul, and soon b ai u to read il either way w illi cipiul fa il ly. " New 1 ork Sun. I alifurnia's l.nbl Treasure. N'.ei- in any other country ha-a ch-iii -e iu Ihe political dominion been follow ci so promptly by so inai vclou an increase ol wealth and population, ol' punluciive industry ami general in telligence. Never ilid a province re pay new masters more liberally fop tin ir double iu its uciuiiiion, nor did any oilier eoiupicred territory ever rcceiw greater benelil f rom compiesl. The most notable instance in hi, t,n y of triumphant invasions rewarded with great sums of precious metal were those of liabybmia by Cyrti. of l'cria by Alexander, of Mexico by Corle. ami of Peru by Piarro all populous empire with wcallh nccii mnlalcd through centuries of pros perity. Yet Hot out- of them yielded to it- e iiitlieroi s. w ithin a generation, o much treasure as did denoliite Cad fern ia to tho Americans. Century.