dhaiham Record. THURSDAY, MAY 14, lS'.ll. LOCAL HECOU30S. SCHEDULE PITTSBOHO" It. It. Thasougorlmlu on tho I liwlK.ro- rKllmuJ;XV(M.t) llt(1,.,. tl,,.' t.,,e aI1, ,!. l 'Hrtw Mttiilii.ro' dully, i'xi'i'i.1 Sunday, ui D ID a. 1 . , . . . i . v n. and 4 UU p. in., iiul Hrrlv.'i .il MiUl.r II. Id a. oi..iuid ft 55 i. in., i. . .k.iii; ctn .'tmnoo Uku M Moucuio Willi ilic tri.lun ...i iluH. at A. A L It. K. tiuiun loanJ it.mluvn.iiu ltult'iKU, &&" Try u iuht .!' ilnw i'lim lor & tents al O Si. f'oo it .Son's. Iwy If vou want a htinlimr unit' of doll '$ at a low price, go to Me Itoim, Stanford, N. C. BttS- ! id best line of enls Hats iuh! dress Shirts to hi) loiind in PiIImImjiu' at O. .S. I'oti A foil's. tif Yectorday's rainfd!, though lijflit, will jirovo u jjiv.it blessing to the lurnieiH iu this neighborhood Bir Dogwood, J'er.-iiiiinon and Hickory limber and Cedar Posts wanted at tho .Shuttle Mill, al Pitts born'. tkf Next week's Kkiukii will eon tniu H lull leporlol llio proceed iiiys of tho county Sunday school eunvcii tiou. Extra copies a nickio apiece SttT Tho ".semi-tontine'' ilan ol insurance, is fuiiy ex jilaim.'d in an other col il in ii, and mioiiM be e;n;;. fully considered by all who wish to i.isu ro. fiagrSlasier Prentiss Ti try brought to tho JiKCoHIi ollice Jesterday a lively kitten that had the letter "N" plainly inarLed on its hea l, 1 1 c i 1 1 born so. tin- to teach the operal Vcs who had SviT Ono thousand yards of ( 'hail , .... employed Irom t'.e surrou-i I -tilly Mils. in siunlar to Pino Ap lo j in ( ..iintrv, and they have !cai ned Tissue), only Ai: a yard, beaut llul j ipi ite rapi.l ' y. They are pa:d in pro patterns, received today, at O. S. portion to t'h.-ir wo"rk, and already J'oo ' Son s. jsoiuo of them are icirni: "o i l - ; v;i;i'.i hn h will continue to iii ISishop J.ymati will vMi this ; iis , ju.v .,.()lh,, mnlv i;;,.,!. place next week, and hold services j ouy s..e!;s are ma le a. t his mil!, 1 llcs.lav liiifriit at .lames l :i:i;el .. and on Wednesday mht alSi. li.n tliolome w'm t'liiircli. S"" A beautil.il lino of White Press OooJn, Aproneltcs, Floune in's ; 500 y arils pretty dress ( 'nal ies only 5 cents a yard, I .'osuios Sun i n.rs. 4 4 Swiss Zephyrs, in neat designs. Ill O. S. Poo & Son's. ftajf Somo days ai:o while Joshua II. Ward", ol Williams I ship, was plowing, a swarm oi alighted on his mule's heel ate j;au to stlii il so bad that the ran away with llio plow. Mr own- UJ- We reefelto hear..! th- death ol tho wife ot .Mr. Charles 1,. Brown ol thisi township, which occurred on last Thursday. She was ll'! years old and bad hecu a consistent i.iein bor of llio liaptisl chinch j.t 47 years. Wfir So mo scoundrel cha u .'el tin'l switch on tho C. F. A: V. V. railro., i atSilor Chty, on lasl Saturday niht, i and when llio llirouh liviiiht came a'nnj; il ranou the sub' track and. knocked oil' a box carliial was.i'and ; iiij; tlioro. j eS"),l IS IT was pai I by throw u ! cm of laud in thi.; count y, short iy lifter llio war, lis the direct Ian I las'. which, by ai: act of tho last Con jfiess, will ho relan led lo the p. i sons who paid it or to their loal repre sentatives. .w Jtjf" fhroii 'ii tho cal elessness or ' ignorance of a mail a'enl on tho It & A. A-E. railroad m mail li.r I his ihli:o was put oll'at .M.iticiiiv, on last Tuesday afternoon. And yet Waua maker pretends to believe in civil uorvico reform tT Persons atlendinp the Sunday Schoo' convonlioii are eordiailv in vited lon'. call and see liynuui it lli'.i-led. ,irpo and varied stink ol 1 pom . a mercliandiso, consisting ol ; all tie' varieties potierally lound in a Crsi viass store. j Jt-The best stock ol Dress floods 1 in tho county and by far tho cheap : est can bo loiind al W. E. London Si Son's, nlso nieo Fans, Parasols, j Kiichings and other fancy poods, j A nd j'ou pontleuioii who want aj cheap, nieo suit of clothes, or any other pouts' poods, can find them at W. E. London & Sou's. IQT When you come to tho Sunday School Convention bo sure atid call nml seo V. E. London it Son's tie liiondotts stock of poods. They havo received and will receive this week another larc lot of ladies' and children's Hats, Flowers, e. Their fashionable Baltimore .Milliner will be pK.iscd to show them to ou. leff" A peculiar bilif has been pre (ion ted to tho litxoitn's museum by Mr. Hauplitoii Ihrie. which ho liiiimi in tho crook noar tho rectory. It bus a sharp slinp in its tail, nearly ball' an inch loop, which it shoots back nnd forth, and when found it bad shot its sting through the body ot a small snake, which was vainly struggling and wrk'pling to pot 1 ioso, ami which finally died in the 0 niches of llio bug. tdf Tho Commencement exorcises f th Thompson School, at Siler City, will he hold on tho lllth and 11th of June, and as all (ho ladies who attend thorn will wish to look their hent llaith.v l'ooiih'N A Co are now oilerinp them special induce- j inents in all Millinery and Dress (ioods. They have a select slock ol ' .0 ...... X .. '. l- 'l:... 11 I Albatross, Nuns oiling, .Mousse -I linos, Em broidery Floniu ings, La- ces, Kibbolis, (ilovt s, c. Their , -Millilieiy ilepartmciil is under the charge of Miss Webb, a fashionable 1 .Milliner I row Baltimore. : Mad Dog. Every week wo hear of a mini log. They arc becoming an u'iii'iiiiiir numance, iiiuj il is pru dtit lor everybody to bo prepared .i 4:1 i nrL them. Mr. S. ,s. Stroiv.i, of E.-ihlwin township, inloriins m that, several days ii;,'o, while ho ami his family wt'iv eating mi pper a nt ranee mud d; ran into tho dining room ami hit two doi-.s ami 11 eat. that day It hit several oilier 1. oi;s, ami m.iiic hoiis iml calves, in I ! n noiirh j borhond and was finally klled mar ; While (,'ross, in ( 'raiiio county. These mad dog s.-ares may iv.-uilt in oiMi good 1 1 1 i 1 1 i ' , ami thai is the killing of many worthless cursand thus protect the .sheep. ( irano J i i; v's IIki'iiht. Tho "rand jury submitted tho loilowin report beloro the adjoiii iiineiit ol court last week : ''We, thi" jrratnl jury of May tern of Hie superior courl of ( 'luitham county, would report that w have visited the poor house and jail, and that we tiad even t l.in in yo id condition and that tne inmates ex i , , pressed themselves as hem r we i . , . . ... i i..-, i .i . , i! Ni'IkJHkh-Ikmmi .Sins. . leased with the treatment received : " al the hands ot the overseer an I Shim N (JltoVK, N. (J , ito. Tho eommiltee sent to the j May lilh, 1 .V.ll. poor house report also thai there is! Dry went her has caused the ground need of more cattle to consumo the j to j:el so hard that iu many places foii!'. i it is impos.-ihle to plow and plant. In regard to the jail we report ! Tho frost killed tho cotton that that we visited tlie j:ol in a bo'ly an J was ui and it will havo to he plant found it it: jj.iod coieiilion and well'ed over. Tho l.rosiicc! lor corii n nd alien. lo I J. K (irvi K.K, I'oreinaii l'nrsii'.iio' Km i iin M i i.r. '1 knitting mill, recently erected at this place is now iu lull oper.it ion. j There, was a de'ay about starting j liecaiis.i of I he ilillieul'v in .'.'tti. j experience I operatives. Final! v an ! expert Ir.on Philade phia Has sent i a in i its capaeit v is nixt v i I air ja day, and they are of an excelL-nt iiiality. Tin brand iiiveu li,. :u is iin compliment to ll.e iamous A l!i lance ( 'oiircsstnaii Irom Kansas, , Hon. .I.-ito Simpson, and ;s r. ry , udilorativo, bein " fhe S.ic!.'c.-s i Simpson Seamless So-k''. Wo hop jlhat (ids enterpriss will meet Widi ! '.'real suece-s. an I its projoctors bu ', encouraged to ciiiare it al an early I day. Srr: Bio ii (a., ar ! .ii' .May term .f -unerior court co.n ,.u las! I Sal iir la v, and .1 ii-L;e M. 1 v. r d. part ' e I f.r home thai attellioon. The ; following i i v.l cases were tried: : I., ilall against I.eamhr 'I'ili- m... i and others: action for da maes 'for detention ot a naw-mill: verdict, f'fJt damages iiLTainst. delendants: i . I, ! lo 1 I:.. SMI, i-l 'llio ; 1 ' V I ' , , City I 1 e:;se litis lieeli no itt)ek.l tor e een . .i J j .tijl.l years. ; .loan W. Perry against Fox, ' Wr'iin i; Co.: apptal Irom jas'iee's ! e. art a premium ol j?li ..It. rrd by ' deleiida'ils for the '.(est bushel of neal IMtsi-l Willi ,c!'.-.l--:l II llio . I exliil'iied al the SI 'or Clv lair in 1-- -7: veriiet in I'aVor id delend j ant s : ii, -w 1 rial rratited. J W. A. i:.n!.::to against H. M. le'Wter and .1 . Lev, ! r : a. li Hi lor ver.-ion ..I a lot .. rotton : Verdict in lavor of defend. ii. is. Ivi M. Tcau'ii" iurain-t l'e.i:;iie : acinm lor diviv M inuie : jud- Ih.'s: me it rcieiere I lor o , v .o'ee. loos I) i:.;s a,'c.::..-t u.-aii lio' -lei ion ..r divorce : div. lie urant eil. ; Oliver I.aiube against II. M. Love: ! appeal Irom couti'.y comiiiissii.iiors cstaldisliinx a road about a mile i and a hall l.ni : jui y could not alce, land mistrial. 1'los is the second time that lni. ease Was tried and the ju,-y lm 1 1 if ", could not a::ree. At each trial many v it ues.-.. s were ex iamiuedand much time was I'l'ii-um and it is ally to ho It. that uvor the case vwil hao lo ho tried iii'iiin. S. S. Co.w f.ni ii'N.-- As Loivti.lore announced, tho Chatham County Sunday School Convention will be hold at this pla o on next Tuesday, and will ho i alied 10 order promptly tit in o'clock. All 1 ti. 11 iis of tho i.'i'i'at cause ol' Sunday schools aro invito! to attend, and il is hoped thai ii largo crowd will bo present. For llio accommodation ol persons iu tho Southern part ol the county, I a special train will leave Moncuroat,a colored iiein who has lu eti dipping S o'clock Tuesday inoi'iiiup and a well in liiehai d I itpel tild's yard at arrive hero al S l,"i a. in. Tho uicol Fast Durham, was soioroiy butt this liir ti round trip ticket will bo only i morning by an explosion. Tho an i all cents lor adults and L'5 cents for j dent occurred abo.it. 11 o'clock while children. j. lames was down in tho well lamp Tho lollowinp will bo tho pro inp a hole ith a steel bur. His body gramme ol exercises: j was thrown op si viral fit t by theex- I'lio.iitAMMK. 1 plosion but fi II hark lo the bottom of I. Devotional Exorcises Rev. C. A. tho well. He had sr-wral workmen liooll. II Enrollment of Delegate and election ol' olli. efs. III. Statistical Reports of Vice Presidents. I Y. Report i of Delegates to Ihe Slate Convention Dr. D II. Albright. Y. ( Ibjects and A i ins of 1 iiterdenom- inational Sun. lay School Wolk Rev. W. F. Thorn and E. W. At water XI .Music in Sunday Schools Rev. .1. W. Watson and' .led'. D. Mann VII. Tho Bible in Sunday Schools Rev. T. II. Law, Agent American Bible Society. 1 1 1 Temperance Work in Sunday Schools -II ilpb W. Dixoliand ReV. .1. D. Wi.-Ur lx- Opening tho (Question Vn A policeman at Chester. S C was 1 . 1 . 0.1 iv . . - 1. sliot and ktlVd Jinliv loplit h u keeper .uuue 1 Uu.liiinan ,lter lieinp fatally wounded the policem, 111 held liuehanan down until anothet polie.rumn poliod hiui off mid ISuc Launu tji.ipt J A Man Hunt; IliiiiM-II. OltK II I UK, N. C, May 11, KS91. Emtoii l!i:eoun : On May thoSih, IS'.H, Robert II. . I. -.lies, (, IJoartVeek: tow i.t-hip.coni mittoil riiii'i.Ji by hang-: imr hiniseli with a new plow line.' lie himir hiiiiMtl! sunn alter noun. 1 'fhe rest ot th. family were not at home at the time, lie was lound iii)s. abonl three o'clock. Ho was not ! 'Semi Toiitiim" i not n peculiar taken down until an hour by sun. KIND OK POLICY, bi.t rather a pc lie huiiir himsell' in all apple tree i n euliar way of usin-r )!. fi'.s or divi twenty feet ot his door, lie had ilciiiU on O i l)i .N A li V noiieies so us been drinking lor some time and aiu producu EX I It.VO li J .N A J I Y re bolllo was loiind in l.is pocket when suits. taken down. lie was about '.',) years Support) a Iboij .ami of i-, to (nku old and leaves a wile and two or policies in I he v .inpuf y tin:- '.r.r o.n three children. Tho tirranemei'l such of tin v. h i,, in pltic- a:, wo ni.jy was earned out to perleetion. Ilelcich pief. r. Oriiui:i. i-ic)i one waikitd no l!ie si. ps "'a . ,wer stand j 'onld receive e.ish d.u.lc. ,1.- to ie that Was ai. diisl t oe tree and (jot 11 p ' dilco his payineii's itl f.ilnie e.n.; Iiijrh broke oil n lew sili a' I liuihx. j but in vif.v of eei tain i:.lv uuntres to tie.! the ropo i.leeiy and soil oil. Was shaved and dressed in I. is Snu day clothes ; necktie aiidcntl but tons well arranged. II is Irit her snot himself daring tho war and a lew years ago his mother hung herself. JM u-rui iiku. cotton crops is not cticoura.'.iti. i Tho horse diiciise is still rainif. ; Two of my neighbors lost a hor.-.o a ! days ao. Yesterday was the (.lakei (Quar terly, and all the talk amon the ymiiijj lolks was the dillieiiliy which took phi.o al l.ihcity belweeii tun baso .;i!i clubs on Sat tii dtiy. Mo b.nly eo( hurt, only in temper. Stealing has not ceased ycl iu this neiifi.borlioo 1. Saturday nii'lit a you ii man alio ii 1 1 it oil io eapl i. re one of our iieii'hbor s daughter, hat bo iu discovered by the ol I lolks he a. ado a retreat in toi. i .ihlo -rood order, under the cil cumslal.ees. without his sweetheart. j It is said two men iu this section! have license to marry the same edr:, j lint it is not known which one will bo si'ccesslul. II ('. 'est til iind son killed t' fee chub at two siiois iu I5ri a lew days a.;o, that weL'i sh i ,.,.( i o it ' l" '', averain l!A !bs. Mr. Iviilor. I must L'ive the re.'i- ders o! the Uin'oiii) a little Masonic! news and also a lit t ! A ilium -o news, I tiiibeknown to the editor. Silo I' City j lodi'o is on a biio'ii. Al our last, liioi'tin;? hmr ladies and one man; joii.e l. The holies brought their i t'askets and wo "calh d oil' for re-1 table, on the lower hall us spread tine cake and ice cream ami wo took relreshments two e bnl did n.-t con- sumo it all. 'I he Hall will ho dedi- cated 11. .!une. Come up. Mr. Ivii- lor, and make us a spcocu. and Siler I.'. . .. ..I t t- .. ; 1. . ... was a Mason. Ii. I Scato atsvss j irnid : Ye-fotdtiy j n industrious ami ; a; i man wl o lives ! Ratio J. KUh.i-.1s. 1 I'vi I .il !!-v.'.-ii i-lY nil' Mnj'lit ('yi-.n:ss. ai. !es t'l'iui New 15 rre at t a 1 l;ty f.eli I , '.valked to the ily after his bujev which ha I boon .paiiednt Mr. .1.11 at a s' factory. I then wailiei! Iii"l; homo I'ulUtip b i"k homo ruUim' the biio.-ry w:i h him. If.t did this, ie mid, to '.ivo his boisea lest so Unit lo' wonld be : o idy f 'I' a bij.' day's iw.uk. lehMttd' at 1 1 .lei:' I miieb ut tenliou iisholrotled out of ton n at :l lively r.ito, st'iiipc.l lo the bllitgy by plow lines. I 0,.'U.-b..lo Patiiol: P. R ; Hi tics, whot.e mai h n i.inno iis 'obb, i is just in leeiipt of u h tl.r fi. in (leimativ, roidmniiip lla; plo isi.ig iu tellipmice that her picul j:ai.d fail or ;h ft atlistato alindill si', I (ili),(.'inl, : and that she is ono of To 11 teen loirs '. Tiiis wo.d 1 .ie Mi.s. llines over Si.- (,'i) l.tl'l'l oi' ids (.stale. Tim family is :iici, striving I lit.d t he oilier ti.ii loon lu iis, and we. i:i:,l 'r.-..and ll.eio will ' be li: 1 1-'? dillie-.ilty in doii p so as their names are j;ivcn. Mr. I linos livco in 1 this vii inity. and her hilsbaud has charpo of Iho H.'iibo'.v dairy faim. She is u worthy l i ly and n. t alti -ipethrr without tiii'ntii ; but to step j from a dairy-timid to Iho position of 1 -I inillionaiioss. would bo 11 happy diirniu fortune's wh. t l not in tho lift 'of iniiiiv Not t!i Civ olii.ians. Durham Sun: James St 111 1 wick, : 011 Iho pi oun 1 iiboM1. and I hoy ran In tho ed .'o of I he wi II immediately ! ift rr I boy heard the rep u t and call ling to tho tinf'U tnmile man to hold I on to the rojio and they would draw I him out. Ho did as bo was told nnd they soon had him out of the well I Ho had to wounds on tho liplit arm cut to tie bene ai d one mi tun 1, ft, 1 while bis breast was badly burned 1 and his eyes aro seemingly out And 1 it .h thoiipht that ho is hurt internal- lv- . "", - 1 l.Miipll HI-OS CoilMllliptlOII. J ! PiiTstu iM, May !. James M, -An-1 ally, who was pivon up with cousMiup- ! .lion six inoiiths ago, will Lave the ! ! West Ponn Hosidlal in t in,-oil on1 'Mot day cntinlv cured after le.-'iv- inp Ibo Koch lymph trot moat for about ton weeks. Fiftv threo injo i- 1...:.: . .. . 1 . . I ... lions wore ndministi rod to him. Five patients havo been under treatment of Prof. ( h-is Laie, l M , at the hospital dm inp the last three tnonil-s fwo died mill the other threo bav. bttn din j..r 'ud as 1 '.ir -d. Semi-Tout in' 1 iimi Him1. WHAT IS THK K1 MI TKM'IXK 1'I.AN ((!' TIC; NoariivvKSTijiN mi ri'.i. j.irt is- Ht'IiANl'K I'dVI'ANy V Ilyl!. T. Ilin' kivny. The urowiu-j t..i;.ii!iri! v of thin plan render:! donna! a siniph: and untecbuioal fiiiluutttiou of its work no rained, w a;,'lce om- oiotlo i . this case, to folcoo divide . Is f. r i cei'tsiu period ol time, say anty years that is, tho siirp!u- rut in d on our policies is i.h'o'.M d I t H"i'utioj!;l(( for that lont'i of time, nud Inen the proeiods me divided Hinoiij' those of tilir Iiuiubcr who live out the tine aiiJ jitiy all ll.o prcnii'im-. If at:y i f us dio diirin;; tho tiiiie, t, ir heirs .c' tho full amount of the policy, but imvo ii) share in Ibis fin. I id divi dends. If any of lis stop iy in:.; i.ll or lluop, four or more eais. v.c u t puid up polh'io.s. but no dividends. None of us can draw u dollar Irom the fund till llio end of (he pt liod, tbo.ih we can havo a :-t'itc:iieui of our loutin- I cent interest in it at :cv time we hio after thi eo years. Finally, at the cn.j of the pei iod, the ( nl !v iicc'ii.' ul.'iii'j ; is divi'h'd ami)!:;; ( !iosc 'a ho huso i.v.d and paid thioueh ih tun, . Now let us s'elio'.v this j : . . j w.-iks fn tho fust lilac the fun 1 i -c .;st ti' j ly iliereasiii ; divid'-nds air . Id .alto jdividends, the compound to1' ie-i i I piling up, and ihe fund jri'.' vs iu-.tc: . "iml faster, e:;r afli r vi ar, iiil i; reu.'Les a laryo sum at the i n 1 of ilo pel ioii. In tiie meantime tho number of pi r.Mit.s in; o: o.-ili d is eem-ito.i.iy do ere:isil:p; some drop out aid some .he -not ni.'.iiy at to..'. inn I"'.).-. arid more as time paw- j.nd the nisiiia d Kl'OW older. till't VI I V e 'I' (d.oAs nioro iniiiioy i'l ll.e f ind tind a lcs liuiiibt-r of pes 'tih l;i t.'.atf Now s.'pposo, lit the e el of lh. twenty rears, tl.ire are 1'o'et l.midrc.i pttrsons ill! ol the ..rijtn-i! tl ius 'Vhili iho division is m:i le . I ! :.l f m 1. :.d- ; .... ,.. . :., , ,, ., ill I IIUIKIII'U Will Ui'l II. 1 l "' I that would otbel ". i-e have j to tho thousatui, with ace. I at compound int-i est. 1 tajjes to tb'j four humhf 1 ' ren! at a ehiuoe, an ! a! t! I p.i i UlOl.s Ivan i.ppa- i ( iilail l.s Miiinet.ti i i-1 ai.o i.'.uit ah. to all. for it p.is tin 11.; ll AXL ""to tho ri (ile-t:!at;vef. ol'l'.os. rtho li. and the P!:OFJ i i-i to t hose 1" ' ' I"1""-'1"1' ''I"' ! tl""i", V:7 W , 1"'' f'' ' - "1 '-"7 j a,.""l'' J1'."1' 1,1 !" """ J'"-"' ol for f,'l,,lt' l'' L'"M.' ,f ".'"'''"i' U' C,1,.I,J,,1? Wiutt.t ot j.m.,..tms I finally, at the end t I IHHilV. 111. llii I'll'i .i Hit" IH'iilfl each policy bolder is a'oo..i.l hi.. ehoieo of govern! niith.ilsol siltl' iiu ut. Ho ma;,' simply d...v h. i-e !i bis share of tho uoeim iilited divi- denjsand eontiiiuehis i.,- :i ,.m e ir, besides (bawilie bis divi h tnls, in may terminate his p .i. v and ilr.iu out his entire rush vamo tiet;al to set vi'j, thus luukni;.- his insurance pracl u'lillv all endov. in. I I in lie need not draw any cash, l.ir in .y t ike the elili, 11 vaiuo in puid u;. ii.s.u ami . irn ido.l ho is then iu Lt. od hcuilh. provnlo.l l;o is thou in . ( I h ore are til so other ia. 1. - lis i No man e.iii toll how he w.l! le .-ilua'.ed t'.MIlty boats hence. Ho may be greatly in nee ; of m .tiey. or be may not want money In. I want in siiraneo. P'V this plan ho imiy have ntuiiry. or ..' in-'iii . , ..r y.i.'Y "t 1 'd'li as suits ltitii bent at the tone Iii view of the many eh u.pos I Iiul un certain to occur in sii. ii a pi ri id ol lime, nnd especially of ; he 1 1 cm did oils risk i f business land st itt ncs snow that only threo out oi a hundred business men at 0 pi iin am lit iv sue (eshlill). il, is hndiv pi.ssii.le to over estimate the imp .irtti'J -e of these jn ii ih pes. Th" above is, iu outlil! Iho Semi I'oiilitio plan. It vines .- i 1 . 1 1 v in lis application to diil'-'H lit kinds of jiolicics. Ii. is tho delihoialo ju li'inent of very many of the hist Inisimss men ol theeoiintrv that ti n i'l.RI' ECTED SM.MI TONl'INi: oi ih.. N utliwes tern Mutual Eil'o lu.-iiraii.'e Company is tho best thing in the way of E.i'e Insurance over i.l'h rod. fu.ll . ion i.i.ii'i to ! lar.ioa 1). Brooks, District Aiiit. Pittsboro' N. l!. Tho proposition io lake iti 'lihitnl lounship from Bi-iinf ill county and annex it to Pamlico was defeated by a largo majority. On 1 lio or Uiiinr. A fair damsi I and her lover were walking on the banks i f tho river Rliiiu', when the iii'-'v i s, i. d a li ;iii blue (lower Oil the edi' of the stieiliu and cxpl essed a de-lie f ihe I'.owei The lover, in atioiupiiiip to eitit, fell iu tho w.i!. r and was 1I1 . n. d -but lie got the tl )i ci atid t hi . w it to her. iixolainiing as lie s.u ',-;.' iin lieueo llio l.-uiie f foipot inc liots. Siio always 1 emcm In 1 . d I his all'air. So wilii many 1 ida s who hao taken tidvaiit .po i f ii.o Sacri lice Dress ( md.-. .'-alo n..w going on at Sw iiiilcll s. All of our nice dress poods aio be- iiijt b0ld at actual New Yo, k cost, as wo are to move iu oui 1.1 w stoio 01. Fayi 1 1. villi-sti t el in A -t and none of our dress good . h. hi- to be 111., vcd. Wo loociwul ! Ins we -k ."1,1 fuio sn e.-n panels in black an I g II. .ophly 01 1.11- nuntcd wit h iina,;i s ol 'hi: Is p.i pill 1 We 1110 soiling these pam is at ij'J a. and they aio lichly wm t 1 !,") t0; al.-o a lot of grate rcioeii.i in J ip, vei low. Call and ixanune tleso poods at D T. Siviudeli's, cor. i f Mutin and1 VV'il.oi.'piou 'JiicctH, Iiaitie!., N. C. ' N;ivH Ii.v a LiiCi- (iirl. Minn:., town, Conn.. May 7. An attempt this iiioi nili;f to .vr. ck a t uin Oi t ip (J iineotient YhiIi y io d f.t Hoeky Hill was fi ".istriiie.l by a little 'il l of t. n. SI p itiscon M il a t i'e of ties on the track just aiound a sharp curve, ainl. wit l: I tire pie-ence oi iiiii.ii f..r a clold. lu.-h-d down l!.c i -t !; to wtirds I lie t r d:i and wavi d a red sh:r. I at t he eii'roi. er ev. Advi i i is. oicttfs. !-r ; i;ix ri-"P-i. '" M ci r H'fiS -WAV V.iy 'l li. I'-l. OilS' N') i ! it.- n I-. 1 1 .1 n i ,i- SMl-s. h. w. I . I May H. I'-'.'l. FIUESTD 1513 FOS S1H I.- I.v.-.l In- v.l !.... I.f.- ,...!.,. in n i- ct-. ci. i. Mtiajt. ,.; !:.. .! I:. Ml lo I :! "f!i.l:. I r It: his in -lei v.' "i : 'i , wlih i.hi f ! it,:. J. A W.n.. K. l 'I. Hi ii- -t .er. . ts'.'l. IALES! M m. In- tlio 1st d.ty of Juno. I will sell for ca d: at th" court psr-i. ie door iu Pit's!)', r. the follow ! itid-. Ii -ted in tho s of thi .us hiontioncd. for uiroars ol and c, s due I 'hi refill : S. Y. J'-hlKWI.R. - Sh. i ill'. Si '.V C'ji K 'ii'N ia Hml'li. I') awl. S ( 1 ; :it r. ( Imii'ii T. Dav i-. i S an e... M. 1). lenmle. 11 1 acre: I. F. Di.is! IS II! 1'. '2 1!' l r, ;.)' 2 (I'i J 1)0 it;; 1 V.'. I'. St. j 'vi!!y Wa ! .' i l) T. ' ! .f.-.ii.i.i I : i iv!,'.i . 'I l'. C. (i i : lleiiiv (' ..il'... I I inlet, lid Yto b' "i'o-,i: S,irin;r!ii.l. I'.via, ' e. e't ;;CT Ji, 10 acicn I. Id .s. lit Ml b 111 ij (if- Trrr Hil l '.l.ti A'-1) NYm ,T':d.l. " .icn -t. vf OIlTOACE S EK. u ; v.- K M I, -1 i'i I ..i.a i w.i i iiti.nuiiit : :ir': ului' ! .-tlji-: !! .-I., 1 tit nnv. J A. I A. ISAM. ATTOWy AT LAV, i'ii 1 siiiirn". rv, . Spccitil aitcuiio:i pi von lo the set t leinrnt of ('stales of deei d ids. Notice. ('. J. llnlia, v. ho has heretofore been acti'.,' :.s my s.ilesmaii, is 1.0 lon:'erin my einpioy mci.t. I'et sons want i tip any l!.in' in I he marble line W I! p'. direct letters ! I.'ol.ert I. I! i-a-rs, Fropiietorol tl o Durham M irti.e U ori-.s. and no wiil visillhem in person a iivn hero iu the Slate. April .!'. ' 1. IV:,:- -. riiirr ov Tar Yii.ioiv 1'ixii cures Kiicilti .111.-111. S.iiia.pil. Lil'ne i'ih--, Sola V.-, S vel.il ;;s. ISiui.se, Wed; .1 :i. is. l' -ii:e, ii iiaiuni I'li.n. I'hilb'aiis, ieiniou.s, Fiost l.'etis. iaan.p.s. Win-. I Ih . .; v. onie-. Insect Siic!-. i'.,ii s i f Annua!--, Sore 'I hrotit .ml al! nl'f. ciiuii-i ie' the Chest and L'.:nps. 1 '"i t ale in 'I1.1t hum I y ''!: ipin .V Ileal, p. i'ltt-l.i.-iu'. Egypt Company, Egypt. I r. I" A- I'.-imer. In:.!. Y. I. i'nihp . tiold -toll. ,1 R E.tle, ihilsl, Cleek. C. Ycslal .V: ( X. I' Pnill, Roads. ielimoiid. IS on, Harper's I. 11 H. win. M .la-no. V 1 . E lai .is. .Met a y O ik-. 1 II I.i.vr i'.,',, Iin:','.' Dr. (). ! . i.i.vd, (no llii!. II. D. it P. N Mann. Sih r City. April I!', IV.U. :i.n. MAHBLE WORKS. EOB'T I. B0GE8S, Prcsttr, -Illl.M If. IN' - GARBLE km C8ANITE TC.USTQNES, TABLETS. i'i:Mi:ri:i; waiiw m:.ti. i:.i:ciri:iK Desipiis ntel cstiuiales furuished 0:1 I'.pp'icatiou. ().:;: : M us S rtn i t. ix i;n. .1, ,Y, : Feb 'it!. 1SH1 PMwanl Fajsnnch, j RALEIGH, N. C, j THE LISZDICa- JEWELRY STORE, ALSO Practical Optician. April 2, ISM. RKM'I i.'!!K. "Onc of t!i" vi'iy lio.t tisos Hum can inuki' nl" luotii'y is to i-xpt'iKi it in liiittitiiyii:g lii. Iiomo." iOt CHOICE MDVELTIES THAN EVER BEFORE. iMidi li tie roous vou never s;uv Mild .so low. The -iy best in Artistic Styles al I'tiir fiffiris. 2Pa.rlcr Siiits, ClacmToer 5 -aits, D,.;--Boom Furniture, TLA trary -F'-o.i n.itu.re, 3ins"le Pieces, And Misoi-lhiTiouiiH Fuinituie of al' dnds. You jiooplo who kno-.v whut a bar ttit is, come iu nnd wo will sitrprisi .Oil. A.. G. Rhodes & Co.. t "I. 'Isrlin and 10 Evolmn,'o Place Apiil '23. IS'.H. A'. T. MOOFE. .J. A. MOSllI.EV Slavic etit'I M'ancif (New and Exclusive, stylos.) SjFiK 111 IWMl 189!. Kven thing thttt fancy dictates o tiisliion deuinnds in HE Mil mi SMS isil BUSS TEIMMISTGS. Black Dress Goods thai aio tiioiougiily leli.iblc. i'oiiufiful now WHITK GOODS AND E TBRCIDZRIE3, IF.. FMtlUCS AM) J'JUXTS. CLOVES. CORSETS, ll():lfl':iV, it I IS !!-!. SHOE !)EPAfiTf?15NT, MEN and F.OV'S iTRNISIUNOS A complete mail order Depart IIK'lll. lCxpress prepaid 011 till cask orders of ijvi HO and over. F.i'J and 111 I Favottovillo Street, HALI.IOH, N. C 1". i. SLATER & CO., (Ned. to post ofliee), We have just receivod tlio fine wi stock of Spring Clothing ever brought to D tiliata, and you will say so after can fully examining it. Our Sacks, Cutaways: and Princ Alberts ale iu the newest styles, do sipi.s, pailei tisHiul effects. 'I hey are iu their fri shiii ss, like tho first, bud lint iinnouiii'i s tho npprouch ot Spiitig, and will win the admiral ion of tho nobby dresser. Then lako in Biys' and Cliikta's Eepartrat. ami you will find it lat hs nothing in t'.inipleli liess. ill EIII STOCK IS HI. NO OLD (it)OD.S. ALL NEW am EVIT.ST STYLES! April !. lMH. Itm. LADIES' " DESIiililG SIMPLES OF Sfring SRsSs Goods AND TRIMMINGS will rcceiM! a c! oic . lino by writing 10 ELLIS & STOKE, Durham V. C All osjuess packages seut free of charge to any address. M$u NYrite for samples. Itospcctfully, 121 Main St., DURHAM, N. C April 9, lb'Jl. oiu. ; RLEiGH MRBi EWORKS. P.iiiiich Yaid: Eit. nit's O1.0 Stanp, FAY-ETTEVIL-LE, N. C. :IANUFACTURER OF A1X KINDS OF MOIUMGITS d I3MSSW Marble or Granite', Also contractor for a!) Lit.J ; of Hl'I l.ll. X(! 11'0,'A', CURBING, lasts, STEPS, SILLS, &C. Designs of hII descriptions t'-'V. oa hand and soul, to any uddiCbS upon application. OHAS. A. GOOinYIN, Feb. vti. 1891. Proprietor. .-E-W! V nieo quality of ladies' and misses KIKliED VESTS ; at 10c. eio'b CH1NELI.E TA1JLE COVERS at if I 75 eaeh. G'.'c and 1.0U. Smyrna rugs $l.r0, 2.00, 3.00, ' .'! 7.1 : pood styles from tbo fionoiis "Imperial Mills." Wo keep on band ut all times a com -plcto ussort.'iient of motions and bosit-ry. , )ur 1 w slock of embroideries ir all', the io? stylos (i'lu '. x- ? bito) "'" is very jiretty. Owig to tho largo lot we Lavo wo are selling thcui very cheap. " -Vo will close this "ad" by calling youi attention to tho .aipe Hue of millinery. Ye cany all the t.ew tilings iu bou nds, flat, leghoi hp, n" , and an elegant as soiiuieiit of llowors, wreaths, and ribbons. ALL FQOSS ONE PRICE FOH tUL Woolicott & Son, U E. Mm tin St., RALEIGH, N. 0. () :r U HOLE.jALE is the largest in the city, and riercbauts can save .1101. ev by biieinp of us. r. it. .'A ItTII INli. II. L. DC KB. Farthing & Duke, ur,iZAii, n. c, W'i olo.-alo aud Retail Dealers ia DRY GOODS, 1TOTIONS, HOOTS AM SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. READY MADE CLOTHING, ' Gcots' FomisliiDg Mi, ' . Y00l) AND WILLOW-WARE, CHOCKKR, THINKS. AND VALISES, NAILS, PLOWS AND PLOW-CASTINGS, Ou Hi. lo'l.V AMI PlEI'MoNT WA00S9, Orion and Top Pupgiee, 110 AD CARTS, W I S I 0 W- 0 LASS, P UTTY, ; LIME, LATHS AND SHINGLES. In fad every thinp usually kept in a pi nei al merchandise store. We call special attention to a ull due of Men's, Ladies' anil Children's V. Ii Douphis' tine Shoes. ka Special pi ices to Merchants. Apiil II, 1!1. :im. HARDWARE! STQVES AND TIHW&RE1 Wagon Material! ns, mm LIME, PLASTEB. CEMSHT;' .YINJL TOOLS ana CUTLERY. BAnuED WIHE FEhSIIT. ETC., ETC. LOADED SHELLS, S CENTS EACH! Prims to Suit You! TECS. H. BR1GGS & SODS, CUBA MOLASSES just iTceivi.l ami iiupot teil by C. C, CO VI NO TON CO, Wi4.Kiyr.T05, N. C itf. Corie-.p..iidoiiee solicited. Lare. lot uf Hour on hand. March Hi, 1-UL

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