At present iliorc arc no 1cm than forty-seven different kinds of type writer! made and gold in this country i and in New York City alone there are aid to be mora than 11000 expert p rotors making a living by typewrit ing. Tito Now Orleans 'I'imos-Democra relates the following: Thcauthorot "Vico Versa," F. Anstoy, published e 1 1 1 o lime ago a short story culled the "Black I'ooillo," which was translated into I'leneh and publl-liett with proper acknowlcdgcincnl in iho Itevue do Dcii.x Mondcs, A few weeks ngo the author, in a Parisian hook -hop, found h volume entitled "Lo f'aniehe Noir," dictated "by the author" to a lady of rank. It as ihc "Black Poodle." The secne was changed to Franeej Ihc poodle's master Was now an Italian, not a Frenchman. Mr. An-ny I hen wrote a letter in French to tin' Freneh DUUlOr, signing not his own name, asking permission lo render "l.o t .mil he Noir" into FnglUli. 'i'lu nil thor ans noted in Kiitfliali lint he did not think Ids hook deserved Ihc praise liberally heaped on it by Mr. Vusti ; "About your demand of adaptation, I am son y lo lell v on tl at I on iu HV, n translator, and thai the 'Caniclie Nil' i i-l- iii Kilglish ah Cad v. " It Is now leii i eat -. status iai den an I Forest, liliee a hnlletin of Iho 'IVnlh t Vnsm si i fot ih t he fact th it tires had swept over more than In, Here of foi est in i he I uited States and destroved mro than rJ . ,.p in formed i In onyh i ibis ciun in ins di it portion of the iii'tn lition lo ihc llllllill forest wealth, tin i sccdliiiu -li m standiiii- linil hope of limb present and yi forest tune; hum. i their after trttslc the i. I I hiuesc Water ( raft. A letter from Amoy. in the more American, .:, - of I li'mc. craft, e cpt -I. uiiiei -: Eat floating ho .,r vill i-.'. I he one- have it i t on i y on boat large, two. i Inee ami up i, I. ihuse unwieldy crafts Hie boaii born, grow up, marry, h ive i and die. The women an a sailor as the mm : in Hon K comiiiuuders of most bos women. The i uildrcu a.'e Bisriners at -i or seven years , These boatmen are a hard. . hit prosper Qliancially, and many of them are quite wealthy from a Mongolian slaudpolut, ..wiling boat son the water and -tores ami houses on the hnul. When they become pirates Ibey are the tuo.-t dangerous ami h.'ood thirst) extant, never giving or asking 4 ilar- ter under any ajfotUMlaiieei what- ever.'' FOR FARM AND GARDES, nn III I IIONKS I III I 1 1 it. I lid gllt-edgo butter lovers know the true nature of the unuotto of coin moreo, they would change llielr tastes and li' ci ntcnlod tt lib a pale bill healthy, honest biiltor. It Is a rare exception to 11 ml pale butter from a Jersey cow. The next honest, health) colorer is a liberal supply of carrots; one of the most healthy roots for cow, horse or 'nan, especially our young children, and one of the most proline crops in Ibis country. Auj cow's butler will incline to the desired e dor if fed liberally on carrots, .terse' Hnlletin. s I oil llli l - I - I Ml- I' l t Mill" Una large farm, or where some of Iho Ileitis are distant from Iho house or barn, ii Is a g I plan lo ct eet ihodi of .nine kind as shelter lor men and Icitlili during storms. I'hcse u, iilo convenient receptacle for farm loots used in ivnrkiuu such plin e-i, and also -heller for stock when pasturing those Held, ihit West nio-t fitriners have their stormhousi'i titiilergroiin I, :i- ihc he-i mean of escapimj i elonc, Mere in ih I .i-t He' soi mlitiii-n ni.-n mow i ii-. d essary. After lie- manure, iug condiiion, lias been sh the bottom of the l-u, -pre evenly well prepared, rich three inches in depth. Ii well warmetl through adl t ! es wore ol the r - light, open soil you can get, lue woods front around 1 Id, n logs will he good, and let all warm up together for several days. Then push back on! of your way from a portion of the bed the soil last put on and lay down sweet potatoes side by side half an inch apart , then draw over them the soil you had re moved. Continue in this way until yon have enough in, and you will have your seed planted between two layers of rich, warm -oil. t'ut largo potatoes lengthwise and lay c it side down. In your latitude tin' middle of April w ill be early enough for bedding thciii, Plants inn, he drawn as soon as three or four inches high, hat should not he -el mil into the lleld mil II danger from frost is pasj, New plants will continue to grow for sev eral weeks and may he draw n as they arc wanted, Sweol potato ground should he mellow nild Well prepared. A good sand) h am is the best, For the lleld, make ridgCO I lu ce feet apart In turning furrows; towards each other wiih the ploii.h, and iii the garden lo using the hooorotiiei w lle. Set plants rather deep! on the top of the ridges dioiil eighteen Inches apart. Culti vate to keep down (he Weeds a- long .1- the Mlh - will pci mil New ok U o hi. ii no we, , i- on iippeui hi a i mil- Held ihere would -till I ei I lor fro- .pi," -ul Henry Slow mi i.-u year- ago I left Ii n row - through , o n lleld uiiworked, iled . verv we. I, until the lassids up pcired. lie- wcod- in those ten low llhels of I In I in d lleld that allure, I iii w ork Kumai 1 el ,1 w . . . . ... Kin. ! lin e Woo. QUAINT AMI IT'RIOUS, In Japan lu grippe is know n ns we, IViin-ylvania established the first hospital in America in 1751, It lakes a sailing v, -el 125 days to I from Philadelphia to San Francis- ' A Kansas fanner has a cornfield the row - of w hieh are three tilths of a mile long. fowl will give one-third again a Itliich milk if they are allowed to drink Lot water. There aro ill Diero are more suicides in New York in a week than in Pekin, China a much larger city, in a year. The grand list of Johnstown, Ponn., before the groat flood was a little over i , i. now it i- over 0,000,000. It i- .'.aimed that castor beans grown in California average three times l he sie of ih. - grow n ill Ihe Fast. A line y . il ill a h -ler I Point. ) fuiuily 'jiiuipod for a rat. caught it- neck ribbon on a nail and strangled i i death. The Seattle Post Int. Iligeneer lias a long alii, le al I an ordinaiiee in Ta. oui i. ash . directed again! I he It'll,;, It' II, W -ho) - ' III III ill Kill-IS g lol le- ill I he p..-- -eisioii of a calf thai Weighs mil) -i I n Is .o.d has to he plaeoi ii box In in i'l' t. pill e-l w ater Ii. side- I,. camps Ihe l. lie in lo lem Ihe w ood- ill ,g - i w .ii , Ii . ver army is training .Olllit I'S hidden ill Is, so that aflel .i IlL'lll all he found Mniiipiir i- he ievi .1 lo eouiaiii . in. .- ihuihle literalure, and a htrgi liblill) ha- heetl found already in : temple within the palace walls, whicl escaped the lire .01 the lobe!-' do part lire, 1 ine ot the , in io-itii - of Nahua, N II . i- a iw in tier made up of a map 1 ami an el in, w hieh have grow 11 logo! he ;,l a point about li 11 l'i el from lie grout d. A fat mot near Hloomlli Id, 'mm. find thai a hill had sunken di his land 11 the mound ha- . title- onl) President to ira-ioi address- ex- di liver his Inaiigliri tempore. Fillmore I al. li llrteld wa- t to make any politi foreign toiifl-iie. I . l i e Mil) 'ay kill's I ho Maj hi) s arc f scarcely sccoiul lo t ail. Then kill? i- a a e .ne. oe form I: tlit Two stout under side meet the A woman lipp Point, Long Maud. win. h -he called A lc llo ill II II 'Ml- lll II W .1- ll-i it. very cm ions nils kite fli el-. Japanese in the a. is from t la ic suing. tew davs am. I lie tlx ami Mi- Ma-!, r. "l ik tt'i 1 Id. II Hel lo- I 111. Kroas Way, it em. J u hi. ' A J. ke That lulled. An exei llont slory is told of l'r. .f. taot Rogers and lm.ttr K. W. Dale. There two gentlemen were giving 11 series of leclureg, and at every town which thev visited, Doctor Dale noticed that his colleague, w ho always spoke first, made ""' I'-wll. In fact, so often did l..; i"f. --s.-r give that speecli thai the worthy doctor knew it off by beart, and this fuel Ii d the hitler to think of away ' t Inking the wind out of hi.s friend's sails. hi tin ir 111 rival at a certain town, Doctor Dal.- asked Doctor Rogers to allow hint In speak first, an arrange menl to which the latter readily agreed 1 so Doctor Dale rose and proceeded to deliver tin- si eh of Doctor Honors. looking every now and then with the rm i of l is eye to 800 how that worthy ntleman was taking this practical ke. kit-tor Uoki r- sat calm II ml Colli- posed, and when at length his turn came to ieak, he just as calmly rose mil del it, to I loclor Hale s uttel I. iplitO II In w speech. I. Ittsion of the meeting Or. list.. 11 At Dale "I thought I had taken the wind out of your .-.n:s to night." Doctor I! -rs replied, "Oh, in. I I di liveretl I thai speech when I wa.- lien a month niro." Ihe Pastor's First Call. VveHii'i' 'L-t'.'-'I'ii' A New liruu-u it k lady owns a parol. Soid fur 1 ircu'iHi-- new past.. 1 ha- recently I" en estah Bol.l b-druKKi'st In.l oi 1 tin lady'si lunch, and a few is hl'o Iii w, iii to 111. do- bis lirst pus- , N" "1 in 1-... m , , . , i'. ..-iii . I'lui in al visit Ihe front iloor was open, t the Venetian blind do.i- waselo-ed. Tlie Teai lie d P. ;e just behind it. for the electric in. n -tr. ml ton,-: Iho I nl of the We luivin'l a I am not a the huh of the 11,11 I'h.i-e.l, 111. ! ei MlckV, A New V. I'urafiliie Prom I'eat. Played Out Hood's Sarsnparilla l -"T Doses One Dollar DONALD KENNEDY Of Roxbury, Mass., says Kennedy 'a .M.mi.mI Di-covtry inns Horrid OKI ,,,. iKvji. St-attal I'll !- ul 40 y irs' Ktamlitig,. Inward Tuiu it's, and i'vrv dWstae of tlw k'm. ex cept Thuniler 1 tim r, km Cnnivr that has taken rmt Priw, $1.50. Bold by every jnieo;ist in the United States ami Canada. I lie t'ool of I'e n.'siln Koiiiid. An interesting discovery found ill ', Pah-tine din ing the present car is thai I of the ancient p.... I of Ik-thosdn, which, has hitherto been confounded with the Kirkel Israel. Iteeelll excavations of the Algerine monks under the ruins of the old Crusader Church of St. Anno at Jerusalem have laid bare two rock hewn wells containing water, which have been repeatedly built over. Tin -.' correspond with the descriptions of D the.-da as given by the fathers of the church and the pilgrims of 1... ; .ma century, ii is very InipnrUnl in ihlmg, vast mate- rial pros-r. that a remotly La p'raaln to tUs tiei.a.-i to ii,o e..,tv tak,,ti,n .labia lo Ihe stomaclmiul healthy Iii its' nature a:.d eir,,iM. I'unMSMim, it, , Hyrop ot Hfis Initio one perfiit lasative ami most con- tie .llureli, kl rv other bh-ssinj, tlerivos ii- I. lie. Ilk. ii in from ii- ie lriifur:s ( n h'i be Co in loeal ma ilist-lise,! .,..1 liirtln Then- hh) to cure .1. iifnem, unit il.m Is I lliinal li'llleilles. Ili afi.iss Is eail-ie 11. in,.. I . iiiiiltiii.n ,.f 1 In. 11, in . .11- Iii Kllstlll lilllll I III.. . lien tills tl, II .111. I yon hiivea 1 an. I. In 1: m-iiiii I.-. t henrlnit. uiul when 11 i- enli ileioiii-is Ihe 1. -nil. and unless I Toledo, O. . he Ilia! ci Itiillle lo l'i II.- W e'l -a TITI rtntT.-fl free hjr nil. Vs I ;' v" A ': file. Ur. Kline, I'll An 1- si . It... FOR flfTY YEARS. Swift Specific S. S. S. has x medicine. For ovei fifty years ii has been ciuii I.; all Considered Mr. Hot, V. Smith, o Bfiir.-ir.i Wnll IVirStnia. ni: lol Sci.-tuU Is S. lot the won! lype 12 .'jrl ol gs, -m!..roreJ by it. SOrtS Ol LMU)dsorUul treatment, tiiuihis from S;cl;".r.j an ordiiuirv wn. " ""' piniS'.s' to the worst types ol scrofula and l.-luod poi Bvtik on Hlom! on I s'.in ltlsr.ii., s free. the Gvvirr chi:c'. :0 c.-.., Atlanta. Cj ,, j v s-i.i - 'S S : COLLEGE. I. AXLE i:i.T in Tin ni:t ii U II '.n J i. P' .IIIVMI .M lU ill '."1 !1 1! Dr. &BB0TT M. MASON.Cnatham.H.Y. Money in KQHET IS CHICKENS S KNOW HOW ': i -' PAGE BOOK fc JX ;t QJl fj(. ;.;.y 0. , n 1 Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, after Dl". PiefCC's Pleasant Pellets have dono their work. It's n lxc.ilthv movement too a natural one. The organs t c . ,1 .,i;..;, ills., not loiicu 11 u atiivuy one day, to sink back into a worse state the next. 1 ney re cleansed and regulated mild ly ami quietly, without wrcncl-,-ing or griping. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet is all that's needed as a gi ntle laxative, three to four act as a cathar tic. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Sick Headache, Bilious Hcad- ! ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de- i rangements of the Liver, Stoma, li and Bowels are promptly relieved and cured. "August ..1 bv t I cm ived bv w other Wonderful. c s u- Id pur.ri.Y VKC.E- TABT.E, ah d 13 ItARM- "Heconswws ms nun S. S., c- t! . nof! a'l l. o i , v i!il I a wi mJ his Vl'hoh' ! nth WM 01 eoarso i hail .li tel not:,.-. lefitcJ ; TO THK MObX m:L,ICAXE w,M,J f CHILI). PENSION - ftte.Tft! t, in .i Ill .1. II. I. PATENTS :,.!JV.TR'ft L , V, isj TT ' V IT IX I Flower" M-. I, ..!. n o If, SKejicr i-s ven well ho wttta the eitictiM uf Apple Ion, Me . ninl iieiis'hborliootl. He fays: " luglil Vs-ars !jo I wa-; taken ' sick, and suiTt-ivil n. no otic but a "i! .Kptii cm I then began tak "ii!;.; Aueai-t flower, At that time "I was .1 - tell stifTea-r. liven "thiuo I ile distrsssv I me mi that 1 " bad to tlnow it up. Then in a "few tnoiiii-uts that horrid distress " would eome on and I would have " to , il and sttlTei For that " a ; ai n. 1 took a " '.in!- of your inerl Horrid ..K,, ,a fdt much "kV. t, an. I a ftet " lakiui i link- mere Fooling. An,;-.; ; l-'lowi-i my " i j.. ; ia disap " pc-ir. .!. I'tnl : intv that time I " it iw in. ver '.i.-e! ! first of it. I ci-. e it am :!iii: witliout the "least fear ..f oistie'-s. I wisb ;.!1 MANEN CURED Chickens v-t--. : s "'A rN:- - '