0fY (V7 TMl II )hnlfnm 4prnr-': ttJJ VjUaliaiM IIUI- i i 11 1 TUUl'SDA Y, CCTOHKU 1, IH'.H. j .j u i. .- r .GCsXi Xl COSXS . to"" - noffuooo, pc.Mi.inm... ? ory limher wanted ut tho shuttle block unitary. ! live ncinl'liorl.oo.k We hope that , ; , . , . i ' uvcl'V cili"li ol t'hathain, w ho lias -If you warn a '- " ;'"' v ',., v at once aid clothes at .. low pme, e.o to Ik-, pMll,,l,l(,11 j',, collecting inn Ivors, Sit.ilor-l, . C. j .crial and all that can he done .1... i.i i. ,,., Mini tni ii Piltiihoro' lor sale, lor further in 1'urniatiuii nppl.V at Ur.roitn olliee. Mrs. James F llaihe. ol this t twnnliip, has a goose that is :!' vein s old, and this year I ml ll eggs and tvtiscd 10 goslings. I)itring llie mouth of September U marriage licensen were issued h,j"!U '"' 'U sii:";' this county, of which I I were l. Nvhitcs and 4 to black... From today until .Nov ::th the 1-tilrotul tare from here I" a id return, including ndmi i .K.jjji: siou Jo the Kxpositiun, will hi? Tho next ijiru-lerly conlefeliee oftlio I'itlstioro' circuit will he held at the Methodist church, at t hi place, on next Saturday ami Sunday. Hynuni V lletnlen have their hi ore I'A'ieA full of new goods, whicl. they are ollering very low for cash. An elegant stock ol ready made Clothing. We take pleasure in calling at tention to the "adv." of the i.l l ui.d reliable (ii in ol J J. Thomas .v. Co.. which needs no ilitloductioli or lee oiiiuiendilliou to the ..'opY ol Chat- lftm ..-Messrs Job I'. U'yat! lirolh Tl's, MIcccsMii s to W yatt 1 ay Inr. lire doing I'll si in ss at t he old sland. Nvhere they will be .ias.d to m-c their many Chatham trieuds (i i Ve them a cad A colored woman in tiiill town hliip, the wile ol li'.insoiu I.amhcl't, is tho niotherol J I children, o wnom 14 are now living. She is now . years old, weighs ioiiiols, and is in vigorous heali h. itead the new adv. r'i noueM nl that enlerpiisi ng tiiui, Woollen A Son, iu whose sim k ol Fxpositlou tioods" you can lind anylliing yoi: nay want and at hoi lorn prices Wliull Voll go to II ilelgh be sine lo call. " I I tend t he ad veil i-e men I ol Croi. j A - -"''i-i l io.i nut al 11 o'clock on A l.ine.han, I he senior iai l ni r bei uj i f lni i la v morning', and theinti o our lormer couniyman, Caio John j ,ln, im y s' l iiinii was preached bv ". Cross, w ho w ill take plensure in finlnnj his friends III t hilt nam. j 'I'heir Mock is large and carelully i M.lected. We think you wou d be very much surprised and pleased with the splemli I stock ol goods W. I.. London Son niv no ,v -liow ing. it you would call anil lake a look 'I'heir stock ol ladies' neck wear is the prettiest you ever saw. They have all kimls'ot Fancy goods very cheap. We are re.ie-ted by Fivn A 11. l'errv to in. i. ounce t! ."! en! the County A l iauce w ill hold its m-x! (jiiartelly nieeling on Thurs lay, tin Sth ol this month. 'I he lime ol tin iiiarlerly meeting. was changed at the last nieeling ol the Slate Alli hecou-l I l.iirsiiny iu Jauuaiy, .pnl. I ,,.,,.,! and I.'ev. C. A j July and October. j Woods .n. -eci.iary ot the Aged" ' ., . ,, i , ! Ministers' A ocial'ioii. .Mr. J. II ; 1. S. I oe s-.ui have the best...... . i ., . ,i i .... , , , I Mills, the supct intelident ol Hie assortment ol rant goo. Is ami genis ... ,. ' , , , ,, , . - . . I n.'i-vi.lc t 'i 'ina nage, was also. ats to be tou. d in tne c-unly tvst.M ,, ..,,,'.. ;1,.lr,s in ,. I llalslrom g.,ci,,'. Wemakeasy.,-,' (i j . , . ; , lt t s. ... . .., ., ..,.(. l.fof oi .se).'. nave a nice one in i Clolhinguml gents Cmlerw We have the Inosl complete aort menl ol goods that we have cvr before shoivn. No merchant in I'itisbor.. will under-ell us-.' tin' .'.i. Wo would call our lady friends attention to the splendid line ol housekeeping goods now show ug at W'.li London .V. Son's. Iiuncr -els, 'IVil sets. Chamber sets, Carpets, l.'tigs, Oil Cloth, Shades, Curtain l'oles, goods lor making Curliiins ; a'no, a lull lino of Furniture, They promise to sell you these, goods for the. cash un low us they can be bad in the State. Those in need ot a Cutaway liar rov,Jraiu Urill, Moweror lla v rak wiil re mum her that 1 can ship such j :l .... l 1 ... iiuiiriiii-iiis on n.1.,,1 ,,,,,,,, ,. 1 1 low prices, considering the imp'e t liU'lits 1 handle to be lirst class iu p, ,., , , . M , Ferguson, Ohed.i crery respect, lam making a spe ! Mar.sbbui 11. J. W. -Xeal, John M ; rially ot the Cutaway Harrow and! ...,,ua:d, .1. L Pat ishall, IS F. l'oe. : Empire (irain Drill this Fall. Ad-' p, Womh'e, .1 L. Walden. T IS I diwn K.S. Petty, Chapel I lill. N . C ! I,.,,;,.', W. M . Liml-av, W h. Phil or sen W. S. Petty, Piiisboro', N. C. , jj, x-,a. Norwood uu'd W. F. Slur ' I licvanl. i T. J. (iaitis & Son, of lhirham.l The Judge's charge to the grand Cftli special attention tn their large I jrv xx ;l ,,iu' ol the a blest ever hear. I ! stock ol Kililcs, general, religious:,.,',,,,,, c'.uiity, and minle a must 11 ml standard literature, Sunday J favorable impress! n all who: school supplies, Methodist livnn ! heard it. lie explained clearly the i nnd tune hooks, Triumphunt Songs, iosel Hymns, Pure Songs, ,v.e. All lb books used in the public ami' private, schools ol tin- State. The ' invito correspondence with the teach j crs 01 i.iialnaui ana hurroumiiui counties. j A F.VTAI. F.M'l.osi is On last Thursday near llie I huthani ami 1 Moore countv line, at the saw mill . il C. W. Ihiines. there was a liowder: explosion that killed 11 man named . Kinihall, ami wounded Air. Karnes mi badly that he is expected to die Mr. K. IS. liiow u and a negro w.-ie n'so badly hurt. The powder a.is in a keg iu the blacksiiiilh shop and was ignited by sp irks from a piece ol iron that w.'is i cing welded K'l- a wag'jn lire. 1 Chatham's F.xhhiit. It lupins ' l"l s it'Cluilliitin w ill vet liuvo ; (..i.llil.l,0 t;X,lV,it nl the. great Soiillicru Inter Stales Fxnosition nt ; liulricli. An will lie nccii in another column, a public meeting was licld i I'e' e :it recef.s ol' court on last Tiles- iIm v Mini a it o 111 iu-r ol puh'.ic spirited and eiier-'elii: cili.eiis were appoiiit , , , .nsenled to colle t in .,,,,) ,llatoi-ial in llnir resp,., 1 1" irot nil ouch an exuum lis w in n lied credit on our good old county, Time, is short and prompt action is: necessary ! A Si ii)i:. Ii:ath On hist Friday Mr. Irhy Philips died very suddenly near I he residence of his sou in law, Mr. W. N. Slrailghan. iihout tour idles Ironi here. After hrenklast on Iisiance from the house, to pick peas, and when his grand children weiil to call him to dinner, t hey j lonnd him situng in a collier ol the, i lencc peilccllv dead. llc.lit lalliire is supposed lohaveciiuse.l his death. The ,e. eased was 71 years old. and lor many yeari i.ud l.een a reM.h-ol nl this place, where he male a large number cl li n nds. lie came 1 from Caswell i nly over :'.. years ago and engaged in the 'niinulacl ure ,.f li.haeei. 1) 1 1 1 1 1 the clnseolthe War Since iheii he has been merehandis. iug and lanuing. v r.-.-y, I). tl w will oi i n nii xpi i Hsililc t hat wciilimu'.iiee .he unlimelv death of .Mr. J mms lav ". nr. a mci ol the liltP dipt. .1 oil !i ' lor. v. hicii occiu i e 1 nt l!a!eil. I mii l.i..,, I hi . In y alii l mii'ii. Hi' hiul j been mek lor t it" or three HfMk-w itbi i lyidio.i! li s - t . a:i I ll.ough -vei ll..i; :n doc for i.im that medical ski!'. j leiuh r i'.ve :.'.! e.neful nniping c udii i d . it wa-iaM iu vain, and (hd t.-ok ; him Uido Mil'iseif, The deceftsi d W .s i j:i : .yen I ve rii s old. I V :l -I range j eniiu':d iii". dung in his outhdv : ing II,. was o, n! .,. ill his in llinei s. loviid in I. is chaiaeier. nmaiSoiblv linnd - niiiii' ill his f ii m iiiid features, an I a lie. i, veil I'M oiiih wit il all ho knew lion, nil 1 his iiutiuielN i-.king o,V (ills ttiill the il'-epl'st ;;l Iff UlO liC:ll Is ol his many fi e ml -. Hi-. l"ind'is ivile bioiiylit hfie e-'e;d l for 1 1 ; 1 1 I I '1 I'll t ill llie I'.jil." . ecu: itva: d. ,i. p'uvi to I ' the I !. - si .. , In lei lion in 'i ll n: I'iAI'II .T A .o I ".TIO.N - !i o the IJ'lil.M The Ft: Sr. I VenelahU A .-social i. o a'.nii.-.l i Siinly Ci' i:is held i:is Week u:th 11 c'i u rch at I i nil. in tnis cou ni y hanv The '..y, (i. ,. .Men-ill, his text bi'inu;Wv. 1 1,.. 7:h y. of l!ie I A chapte:' ol the Seeon-I F.pi-'.'.e ( the I'min jthh'.u - : 'llvii v man iiceordiug as he p'lrposcth in hi- heart, so let him j.Wf ; let grudgingly, orof necessity : i for (bid h V.'lh i. cheeil'u' giver." The I-.hS i i. g otiiccis Were dec. ' ted : iicv. W. II. ll i.awh.m. Mode - ; lator: W. N Straiighan, Sv retary. 1 and l.iniel 1 1 annuo, Trcu-urcr. I The tolloving is a ii-l ol the or-i d.iined 'iiii.i-!cr. pre.-, n I , vi. : II" vs. 1 I W. 11.11 Law hou, Siepheti liilmoic, ! O T. I-! I w a I'd-, I'. C. Murchi-on. J. : I. Suiilh. .1. I. Hackney, ,1a - ; ' .loiii.in. (i. I, .Men ill. L. L'. l,.on. j (and W.ti Kii.g. A 'iioiig the visit - j ! I ii si luilii-'ei - Well. I.'ev. )r. IS.iiicV. I'di'.ol'oi the '". '" ' rt'.i i.e....', Iicv. I. ; l Moore. 1. 1 lir. enshoi o, 1'i of J. IS j Carlisle, of Wake l'oie-1 College,' l.'.'C C llinliam. seci'elai'V of Ihc' lion ot ff:il l.'i was taken up lor it. Nearly c'cr church iu the hounds ot the Association was represented, and the reports from all were ot a most encouraging character. Two new chuivhe- w. re admitted, one at Wnrthvllie, in li.indo'ph. and the what is going on in Chatham. This other al Key.-, r, in Moore cou nly. is a Hplemli.l Couulry out here. Wages A 1 1 i he ViSi'oi s and delegates w f re : is good and cinplovua lit plentiful, entertained most hospitably by t he in it e than bunds to do it. I uni .vorL good people ol the neighhoi hood, ing fit thfl cm pent V trade und gi-l "1" hi- next .session will be he'd with (ill the woi li I cull do. Munnv is ven llethlehetii chnrc'n, in .Moore eoiinly. j ph uli'ul. The p. ople uie neighhoi - ,lv mid ticat ii ftiangor hn if he was Sl I'Kli lot: ( oi it i'. - - I no fall lerm : ol the superioi li t ol this county j began last Monday, and is being j held b.V Judge U d.crl W. Winston. of Oxior.l, who arrived Monday j ' '"M , garni promptly ope I court, I he !'. lowing persons were cmpaii . ,.;l.,i ,.s the L-run-l iurv: W. IS Cm- . . ,.- .' .. .. . 1 ti r ( loicmaii t, .iireii ii. iiiirrin, ; Ihii rnutoti. W. T. tinnier. T. .V.! hit ies o grand jurors a in I l he crimes t which they have juris diction, and ' his i hiir ;e was a most learned and ; lucid expianatiou of the crimiual l.awof our Stale. Judge Winston ieame to our count)' a stranger lo ! nearly a! 1 our cit i.ens. but 11 1 read v he has won many Irii nds and has mad most lavor.ihle impression on the a lawyers, jurors, Minors, w nnesses , ami tne pumic gcnian. 11 ,f" ; Very rapid in the transaction of ll business ol the emit, and yet there is no unseemly haste. lie is patient and cui'tco'is in hearing witnesses m l the 'argument ol coun-. l. but docs not allow any time to he u-e h -sly consumed , and is .piick lo grasp the main points ol a cue and prompt in his ruii oj..t,ioi' 1 .1 ir was promptly .U ' his post of duly nn! nt oni'o pro. reeded with the triiil ol tlio cases on the Statu (locket. A .no,.;; l l.o cases thus Car tried lire the Inllowin: Stiito iinitiHt Lewis Fsirrur: in dieted lor larceny: sulimittcl, ami sentenced to the pciiitotitiary lir twelve months. j Slate airainst West I'n rrwl I and Leitie. Hurris: & A.: verdict, not guilty. Stalo airainst tins McJntyrc, Isaac Hives mid Will Watson: lirciikin:; into storo ol liyiiuni Paschal : liivcH and Wiitsou Mihiuittc.l, ami were sentenced to tho penitentiary for two years: verdict oh guilty us i to Has Mclntvro ami sentem ei! t the penitentiary lor ciuht years. Slate iiL'ainsi J. II. Warner: for- gerv ; siihinitlcd : sentenced to peni tenliary lor two years State auaiust. illiam liiichanan : for kecpii'tr a dog bitten by a mail dog : vnrdict, not guilty. State against Jesse ti. Kurt : bus j tardy : t;tnily. s, . i!li:iiii Cmmi .(,.,ut ,vj, , : submitted tiud M.U)C(,, tl, (,. twelve mom lis. s, . : ' . (. jsi.jhv . .m.(. , ,y . ,,ujtlN. Iin, ,,, ,l0 . ...... .;. .,,. ...,.. j ,.f i'laiit Alston, charged j wi, j( i-jnj,, ,,. ,!aghler, began : yeHVV .1V l4ti,.ino..n, and I he defend, Tt ,, t Sii I . !u 1 1 1 I I m aitxlinih ti-r, uti'l j W(s Hfiiti t -.-.j to the penitentiary ; (.,, jW0V years j - , , t..,m,s ,), Sl.,,,. wi, t,.s0 lhis .Thursday I afternooi . l a rece ol court Veslel'd.'IV meeting of the members ol the bar ! . . ""' o i;.-c, a a licio in meinoiyoi lion, .loiin m. Moriug. w ho died since the last term of court. On inolion, lion. John Manning was leouesled lo act as hairiiiau and L. II. McLean. F-.i , secretary. The ehail mini nppoinied 11. A. London. F. S. I'arkcr and A i'. (li.berl as a committee to prepuce appropriate reso, unions and report I" an adj .uriicd uiee'ing tomorrow, f'ne weal her has been unusually ; lair lor eoui I week. I 'siiall v it rain al our courts and our .streets ar.i miry ami muddy, but this week the I sii ii has been rddni ug bright a ml ho , and t ho si reels are very diisiy. An unusual number ol pellet's and pat i "nt medicine1 men have been vend iing their wares ami no-t ru ms, and ; also amusing the crowds w ith tlu ii ! jokes ami song.-:. The irrcprc.-sihV Mioi'm' swappers have I u I'lcd out in full loivc .'Hid many an oid ' rip'' ha ; changed o'.v ners. j l'..r il.e i:i:.s.:.. I'liaf liaiu's Mxliihil. : At a public nieeling held in the ; court house on hist Tuesday ll wa , detcriuined thai Chatham county .'should be represented at the I'.Xpo Siiioii. and the following gentlemen leelcd to collect the material :iu their respective sections lor the I'l.iiitlvs ibsp ay : 1 . . (i.illis. (. W. Ii num. I. F. Williams. Thus L'ai.u 'y. A. I'.. Co e, W. II. ISiaml. J.hn'W Taylor, A W Wuker. (.'harles F. Stewai", T -M ISyuiim, .1. I.' Kims, .1 lieorge llaiiiier, .1 no. W. I'd rv. W. II Cook. A. 11. 1'errv. John C.Viark. J S. Henley, J. L Knight and W. N Sliaiiglian. Il is expected that the exhibit will be completed in time lor the an uual lair w hlch begins on the Lit h, ami to do this llie material should reach l.'alcigh by the Imh. Al matclial in easy reach of l'iltsh..r,i .-hoil'd be siiipped in one car Iron, that place and other portion ol the county will ship from the mo-l a.-ce.-si hie points. A II .ship men's should he made lo me at Ualeigh. This Work cannot be complete without l he aid of our lady friends and I earncsilv desire their cooperation. Voiir's I ru! v, II. .1. I'o W KM , .Manager. Y"t tin. 1.1.1 n.a, A ( lialli.miite In (ieorgia. Ihi.'HVI.I.K, (il'oia.H. Sept. 2't, LS'.il. Mu. KiuT ui. I iuclo .e my sulisciip ti.iu for the lineoim. I ciime from near l'it.tsboro' ttml would like to know ,-,iised here. This is u vi.-ry balth country and has some good I inibcteil l,ul 'There is u good high school l,.tei Tin. teachers ale Prof V. L McCoy, of Ln Onmge. and 1'iof l!. x. 11 id'cy, of Siler C-tv, Noith C.a li,,.. Thi-ri' is a deiiieeratic week! :.,, ,,i,iij'i i, Wot, l...-'i 1 1 ' I ' ' wishes fi or von, Youi'm truly, L. K 15i:ai.. K..r 1I10 noK'lu. Tint FariiM'tV Allianct. '... 2. In my commiinicalion of Inst week I stated that only a vital necessity universally h it could havo handed together so many of our citizen- to seek the causes and remedy (or the 1 1 1 1 1 ii:i..l condition complained d 1 11 the clloi'l to lind the cause ; whole ticld litis Ikcn explored and many (I. 'ories advanced : sonic wise. others toolcii and lanu'.icul. The , auso has been sought with c.p: 1: ; earnestness by i-tatc.sincii iu and out . 1 tin' otgauiztklioii, and theories . have been advanced by these, ami 1 also bv :he politician and bv those ,,,!, the hurdeiis ot the w rongs inflicted, so unjustly heaped 11 tiiciii. Ihc resullol all lin.i lias icndc 1 1 i 1 1 1 ijilire udice to develop prejudice iu the I man-. Indeed, il has ic- d au cMori to keep now n pi'cj- w hile listening to a reci'.il ol intinv grievous wrongs which the ha.'o beun perpcl rated urnl- r i oloc flaw. And again, the iualiiiity to ''I'anole with the .1 nest ions u hit h Ujv., ul,,cl) .j,.,,,,, Wo bio.il .11 their significant e to be easily and lullv comprehended by tho inexpo rienced hu . dcvcli pod an i 111 alienee and tin eagurm m ''': iuuucdiate relict which tonus to nnrrow the purpose into limits .vhich promise immediate relict, but .vhich is ipu N tionable by many ol our wisest ai d best men. both uti to tho fact and its advisability as a question of pub! c policy. Such being tho fad how importani that wise counsel prevails iloiv important for the future ol the Alliance and our government that all proposed measures ol doillillu. propriety be roeonsided rather than hastened. Surely this is the wise course to pursue. To do othcrw ins iititurally brings slrile and rtNist anco and retards the sought lor re lorm. Many ol the causes which hu' led to tho universal depression id tigrieulture have been traced to the general government as llm source ; ami the loading object ol all reform is lo yet control of I he executive and legislative brandies n! the govern inent. To remedy tho alleged evils "his is a liocesidty, and that then are man- which must be remedied before the government can be to it ciiieus what was contemplated in Ls organization, and what they have a right lo expect, lew will deny, ll id u laudable cll'01 1 which the Alliance is making lo get control ol t ic govern menl if its purpose hu to wii'sl il from the hands ol those who, iu the cxciti.o ol llieir power hac done violence to its iundaiucn lal principles, so that it may ho re stored to its original intent ol iui purling e.iial justice. If this he the purpose, il is a wise one, and all true lovers of what ''the best government the world ever saw" will not only hid ustiod speed but will be glad 10 co operate with all their hearts Iu order lo secure the harmonious cii operalioit of all true men the A Ibauce should educate its mombci iu the duties o citizenship, should .-to educate as to broaden their views 11 mil they can look with a conscious pride and patriotic love Upon every legitimate industry, including trans, puliation and comiucn e. as adding strength to our bund of union by iiicreas.ng tho demand lor ami divci-'ilying labor, decreasing pan pcii-ni ami crime, all ol which lend to promote the interest of agricul ture, ll agriculture is the base upon which all other industries rest llieii it is (he peculiar povince ol the !ar met' to enjoy this patriotic pride and to labor with all to procure thai harmony ol interest which will lr n j peace and good will within our hor- leu. As the children ol the unsell' .s!i and loving mother vie wit 1 1 each other in promoting her happiness and her tie-l interest no will ll o various interests which rest upon agriculture hear her grievances and unite in bringing the needed relict a hen she unselfishly presents her complaints. Pou t call this mere -enl uiiciil. ll is christian patriot ism. It is a step toward "beating the sword into the pruning hook' , which is only uprooting seltishncsn and planting love in Us plaoo. It an unsellish appeal for justice is littery disregarded treated with contempt then our government is ruined, and il is only a question ol 1:1110 when anarchy will complete the wreck. As a member of the Farmers' Alli ance, my chid desire is that all w ho love good government may be 110 lueed to tliite their intelligence, their interests and their best cllori in one common purpose to wrest it troin those wu'j-e scitishness has disregarded iis sacn ' purpose, and j rcstoio its origin.!! principles, ami j this can bo uccniup.ishcd through the inllucnco of the Alliance, it wc will abide by oar principles. There has never been a man so lost to j ust ice us to publicly condemn those principles, l'hev am endorsed by all lovers ot good government throughout our country, and our wisest men looked lo the uplifting of the principle ol "Fipial justice l" all special favors to none" as her aiding a brighter day tor our coun try, in them is cm h.'dicd true pa triotisiii, and wo should stand upon : ,1 .1 .........,.....( ..i.'t.. ! Wo may not agree iu the methods ot applying them, but this should not cause slrile, and will not it the indiscreet and ignorant will not fail to discriminate between principles and methods. Tin' 'I'.e ''i :l ol the Alliance are 1 ighl, tho methods for applying them may or m iy not bo. l ime Ibr thought, tairaud charitable discussion, is tho way to determine whether they be the wisest and best measures to adopt. AH who are possessed id true patriotism should listen to every discussion ol "1 hose, trout every source, without prcju dice, and he who lets prejudice enter 1 n to the disc us-ion, or discusses them so as to excite prejudice is not w ise ami true, and is doing violence to christian ci vili. ilioti. I am glad our recent State Alliance declined to recommend to narrow llm source i f I information. The great need ol the I hour is ihe opposite. A broader i inlormatioi: begets patriotism, an 1 I iho patriot lives for Iho good ol the ; whole A restricted one 1 ego Is i prejudice, toilers selfishness and j dwai Is the government down to the j level ot his interest. I F. W. A rw A t i.R. At Ciodsdcii. Ala-, a g tug of robbers ' and ti.iiu wreckers now in j til under sentence biokc from thoir cells and attempted lo bang SheritT .Melton , They were liiH.l on by poliecoieu and ti'tnttUd to their cells. Tho shciill was actually banged but was not dead i and w ill t i cover. Tho baby !m its preferences ns , well us anybody, and the taste, of li Hull's n.iby Syrup renders it aeccp table lo ( vt 1 y infant. Price els. It is a mean thing to bo MHlViiug ficii) eatanh, still many people goou i toi I ui mg t hcmsclvi s,w hen I h. y might j lied almn.-t instant lchct by iiatugl Old bdJl'b Cat.il iU Cui. j Heali Swindell's Shot Is. Cnrpnts in endless variety, l.rc., 2'2e.. "J.r)i-, . and up to tSl.!M) per yard, nt Swindell's. ISIanl.ols, comforts, quilts and nil milliner et' bed covci ings. The immensity of tho slock o I dress goods is wondei fill, lit Swin, 1 dell's All manner of cut tains, chenille, raw hi Ik. damask. Our stock of sliirls, collars, cull'-, uiidoihhii Is. waifs, lies, hats, oupf, hulf hose, hankcrchii'fs, and tdioes is siiiiplx inniibiiSH. Our spci ial dcpie t uieut id' jowilry, pel fuini-ry, loih't soap is e... iileto. Tho .'dijlineiy 1). pai Imi'id in its eouiiloto as money and skill run make il. This slock embraces all tho new Parisian styles, in trimmed and 11 11 tiiiiiuicd hats, ribbons, plumes, fancy feathers, .ve. To get a pielly. glove, litliiignhoo is Ihedesiror.f every!.! Iy. We havo the ccIpIii aled (Scaring shoe for ladies, and Hip Heynold's shoe tor men. and all kinds of school shoes for children, at 1). T. Swindell's. lUloigh N. C. ia!i:ii:i. UTr N...-.'H .if .li-dUi .'.li't inai-rl'ii:i"; Inn-rn-.l f.M!. oiiliii.it-i. . li:irMl ucv.'ii .-..ii n llnr. WHI NS - JoVF-i-oii Wini'-.,iv llio s:u-. .t -'..l, 111 .' :l.l '. ... k . 111 , In II... II:-: H:..M-l . liiir. lii.l I .ly. ll.'VIII.'. N O .l.ylt. v W It OIC .t, Ml' Jami.s S. Wlll SN. ..I Siiinl.T. s. 0., Ill Minn I.1IK II , .M h, i.t Clmlliiihl lit , N. C, The l il.li' 1m i.ii.' "f Cli.nliniii's f ilr.-.t tii.'il."ii ainl Ui.' i;r.i.iii Ih cit.'.if suiim'i'b ui...ti T".-i.i'r..ui-y.iuiii; men. New Advertisement. I'HIIOUU: I'ltW DKKS. Il.-t My i-..'iiiit yiu.'ii, si.,, our signal Wniiiu: i..::.M" jinn .1.' IWliT ildli III" ll'1'.V Bt Imii.l K..r "l'.'.l III.. "I 1, tel.. S.1I10M Ui 1 . . f . :ir- .'..iiilii:!: Aii'l 'I.. r ' !t- ..ii. Hut ':, f 1 In Utnn. Ao-I .;-. . .''niklnu '-u. I i'.l. liiii' I'-.w.li f- l.y ll.ir.ti-a lii.o. s:. c.'ii:- 11 I.... 4 DM I N I STKATi U'f NOTICF.- - llnnii ,iciiut.'. ns imiul.:r ii.ir ( A.i.ii-i 4..H .Mai... 11. i(..f.n.f,i. 1 ii-T.'i.y imiir.. mi 1 1 wi's liTivliu- . l.ilius in; ill. -1 -in. I i!i ...I. in, ti. . iiilNi In- sitiit t" 1 r I' 1 my 11:0.1 n.-y, cli.i- f:. M. l..'nn, "ii "r I'.'! .p. llm llrst iliii c, ,. h. r. 1 .'..j. Oi-l I, ls.'l. W. 1.. .'i.ll.NSo.N. P. m & BROS.. lS..'.'(-H.,r'i t 1 W;."l'l A T.i)..r nt .'.i i:ks in Heavy Groceries, SKIP-STUFFS '.Ml f Yt.fi-St 19 Ms ot a'l kind;-. Coiisigiinii'iils of COTTOX mid ilKNKUAL I'KODl'CK solicited. Mauubict'.irer!! Aj nts for Mui kcyo lloweis and Self Dump Horse Pi.ik. s North Carolina Wagons. Oct. 1. IH'.H. J. J. 'I'lloM.lS. sU. w. i:i:kvli.. J.J. THOMAS &C0.. N. .... Jl:t. .ilimi.i 317 S.1111I1 WllmliiKi..ii strw!, RALEIGH, N. C, - Il:l.r.t:s in EO-OIKTa-, TIES, AND DUNDEE BAOGINQ for Sheets, in .t'..-k .i.ir.-n'iii b-ni,i.'i. ..r .'.i. ii. (IIKK hiui:s. Mp-i Meal, ('oin. Flour. II iv, I'.ian. Mili Peed. Sugar. Coffee uud Faiui era' .Sujdies generally. PKUTILIZKllS. WoJi;r.' '.M Muck Im'31 linkU'l wf iHlilh " fm V h-at 111 1 1'l'ivr. LI'.I'.'S PIIEPAHKD LIM '. Thl.H .r. .ane..i l. os.-l.-illy r.-ismmirn Ir l f. r V,i. .11 in. I 1 Ijyrr; s.iiill.l (..r i. . .Ii.'.-.liif B.n l.r l.siliu.'lil ils. cotton si:ili:i:s. Wo ri't.'f with h im.. .rl I tn nur mi.v.w, for ma iv vo'ii-M. in this s..'. i.ii .....ii-iniin ..t ..in bUKllll-.'. Ili'llli; I'M'lll-lV.. M-lliTs, Willi Inl'K l' I'rl.'ti.-o, w.- l.t'l suit, h can ulo i.iir I'.-iiimif. f.llllitiU Ic... CASH ADYAN'CFS. I.l!irvl en iJ: (tilvrtnctrt nin-lt "li oti'iii. i lih.tr en bill li lliu' 'T initmi In Ii.ukI. Wi Inv-. u;n) li lii.'lililt' fur f-ioiim. Tar.!. whlnt; lo t Ut o. . I-iii will .l..kr" cwnim.nl'M'.c wtHi un. tient-ntl c.'i-i Miintn--c J. J. THOMAS .V C). ICa'POSITION j goods:' Hl itiltcts 51. Oil to SjC. oi) jut pnir. Com foi ts !."k to S j ", Ijiiilts Toe. to .1.T". .Sli.'ctinn '... ami KVc. Towels uiivl N'lipkins. Ciocliciv mill (Miissivnic Knives mill Folk-1. AND SI-IOES OF ALL OKSfKll'lloNS. You wi'l liec.l slioes i4 well :is any of Iho uli ivo uiticl'-s iliniiijf tLu F.xposition uti.l tl.is .. a to liny tlici.l. Woollcott & Son, 11 l unt M.irtin Stun t, I'.ll.F.Kill, N. C. !. .1 'III' Mii', Iri'slili'tii, Ai.r A. 'I n, .111:1.: , VI. e I'ics'l, The 4'os3iiiwrciat tnid Farmers' Hen oif itAi.ioiciir, is. o. Paid up capital !?10l).()0().0(). Aulhoriz.vi c pit.il f-.'.oG.OOti.ol). rlui'r-.t !"j tlf l.rjiMiititrf of lrh Carol v.. . i.r-ttirg 25, l.1 ; DIRECTORS: ,1. J Thomas. 15. N. Duke. (i. W W-UI... II. I!. Hattle, ,1. I). Hill. F. 15. Dullcey, A. A. Thompson, T. H. Piigg's, OUR CARDINAL POIMTC: sM'irrv, rituMi'TXiKti, i.iv.v.ualu r, . oi.u'i;:.v. Ai-cumts of Faimers, Hanks, l!oiioialioiis, Adminisliators ot a i..iu vidmds solicilid on'favorublu teims. Sl'IU'IAL ATTKNIIijN given to aceoiinls of Country McrchrV individual '.. COliLHC'i'lON'S made promptly on nil accessible points, Our large URGE STEEL IE GRANITE FIRE-PflOO is litlt'il with m:...- T - Tllilu JjUia Diirnitii 1 1 iliii Till'. oNT.Y P.ANK IN liAT.EKlIT WHKUK t'USTOMEUs HWr Tit FlU OWN KAFFTY DEPOSIT J50XF.S A PLACF WI .!", MONI'.Y. .1 KWF.LUY untl YALFAl'.LK PAPFUS are .tbsol:-! ci y , Corro pondenee (iolicitcd. Sept. 'F lS'.ll. (::ns. liaising A lckot i A I! I) WAR V. i " MHl'll A M II!DIJ "'' " Wagon 'fhm.m The DESJ GOODS LOWHST IMUCE m mni miIi , stlwtivs look t'"f llit' RACKET on corner of Fairish and Manguni Sheets htiects. ! ou:ininlr.' to savo vim niuiiev (iii fvcrv lmn-hasontnile ill in v .tti". t.nllie m s!c un-. Your ltic'inl, W. II. PROCTOR. Sept 21. 1SD1. :?ins. aiifiiiSECo.,; i Ft in' ha tn, V. f , Tie LARGEST and BEST Stock : OF FURNITURE over l.ioiiiilit to I'tmliam. Cliamlosr Su.it 3, UParlcr S-uxtcs, -Dininrj TZocixl and. IIIitclxorL. ITTJ.rrLit-u.r3, Of grades mid prices to suit nil. MATTRESSES. erniriGs, 1 JIEO LOUNGES. TX I.AIHIH YA1UFTV ! j iiabif f'arriiifjcs. I Agents for tho W'llFFLKU & W1L j SOS HI'WISC. M.U'lllNF ' tliu BFSr iu use ! Wo are AGENTS for tht ; LEADING FOLDIHGBED ; l!e sure to cull and sec our stock. 1 T!i! Durham Fnrnitare CD. Sept. 'Jt. IS'.U. 3?ariaa3 fcr Sale. Ah nil.u'lii'y "t 1'. W W.viv.T 1 ..tt.'l I'.r .ill.' .'Ii .iiv i.-niisiii.' Ii4l"ii.: r'.U ccni' In Ciiiiili.ni' r. utity on.' I I 11. UNO ill su.r ci' li" .vi iU'l"! '' k.i ..fil.-. oi-.. ira.i "f I'm I. kii..im :i" Uiv "Clni'T.-" l.-ir.il ,l l( ..liinil Ui.. l.ui.l.s "1 Ollv.M Mi'U.llll Kiel nlli. T . nn 1 .'..iii.eiiiiiu in -.ii ' ii.'ri's. oi... u.ii-i ..i I ui I n.l)..ieUi.' lie- Ihii.Ik .. -t. W IV; ryfn.'iii, O-.i.' l:i;.'rs nii.l ..iti.-rs niitliiliit-' ...i .i. ;rs an I kn.nii w llm "TlMiin,-. ..i.... i ii.. ir.i.'i l.'i' l 'i Ui" wiC'l "1 li.-'kv rlv.-v. : il.l ll.llii.' li"' I in Is "1 Hi'- I'll'' A- H- l'.""li ! ; ...hers. in. iil.ui.limir.'.l.-n's. k-kI tiilllsll. I ....,..,,,. i. ; iii ;li.T I rn.iitl.'li .-.i-l-ty '.'OUvit Mi-M ill, i ..I f. II..- un -VI :.(.-.'.l. I1.A I.OM'ON. N-.l. :i. I "'.'I. Impcrtant Salo. j A. (.... .1'i.ri- i.f Un' In' Wltilmn Si.ln s, il.'rnf ..., !il "il Hi I ll I II. HU.-t lill ill ll:.' CiKMISIh, .1: I lill'W, Hi" H'.h-il lVl..''r, IW't. Hull thIiiiiI.U' j IM.'I ' "".'I Hi U'll'liitli ..-l."lil. nil wlil.-li II. nj s il l .ii... .t,-nt r.' -l.l."l in Ui. nnif "t M" .l.'i'h, ; .-.'I'aliili.i; :..'i..i' Ii will li"iim.l.-. aii.l r--1. 1 ' h. tie. 1 in.-: - i M il,.' .,:m. lim.' ..li I i'l.'i.'.. n lll soil nil ilif ' .l- nil ii-.-; .i iv "I .il.l I. '. ru. nl, Hi I ic 1 1 11 i :..-i-'. l m. I k!'. I. "ii HiriiCui.', ini'l Un- r.'ii" , ,-v. . -.1. ii nlc-iil 'I'tii' 1 'i r "'ci! j r. -.. 1 1 ''I l..' m. l'l f.-r "tMi, ini'l ' .h l.'iii l t- I :...is in-ii-:i I r.ish, ninl 'mliini't In '. -tl. i '. - ! . -1.'!' - H I 1' tlil-T. .1 ir..n f ill.- Hi H ' c. l.l AIMS SMI-KS. i MAUH.VW At WAltll. k i i, . 1. I.Tm.'in. I A. F. V rr. Vied. Phtio Wm. ,,. ' mm ouiq am 1)11 UJ-cj. EBISIKEEFIIS EBOOS EIHEAILY! BAR3E0 WIKE FENG'; - ETC., ETC. 'loaded shl:t, 2 OF.IITS EACH ' , . . , . Y BR1GGS & XIAX.EI&ZI, TJ On or aluiiit October lst I v ill move- 'n fiiliiv .'ti til ill" .sti.c !HHI fufiV " nipi'Mi vV A. i Zi Co., vi' "u ,'", i'"5,1 ' ntiil l'ii! -it v Hunk, v 1 ' of it: v :-M i ,..sf ''s- . as Jli'W oil"-, c: ., . i , FULL d m m OF stafle i ram (UOOERil'S. Fjckdstitff. t Ami ii'ii'ly and utr. -s .servo iln'tii at prices : low as the Lcr::; In tin1 ineatithno 1 w in v licavv o'im.i1s i,uu .; at Very Low Jl'v; :; to a o !h.i .," tl,o r Y"III'S. :i!i.ioiiH t" I) ' Sut'ccsfor to y:i. i. Durham, ' (rass Seo' a .spcciall v. ol' winch ! -.- ., full .s'l''lv. Si pt -'I, Ifi'.'l H. A. Lon.k , Anhley Ilo.iiC, 11. I) llnm y. J. N. ii ldin'. NOTICE !