nathaiu Ajfcorn I An I'.Mi.MKi.r Dkatm. --Tho many j A i t'l l iltlo L, lulling. ! Irieinls ol M i h. Tauutr li;itlo will be . q,ti n ('TV) Texas, Oct. 20 -Tlie ilceply grieveil lo ht'ti r el Iter uu- nt-ro Lro Green, v.lio murileietl the mmm. tlllltliy tlelltlt, Which OCCIII'ICII Oil last i frt;iiily of l-V.llnrr Lottr, n veil Illlll'H TUUPtSDA V, CCTOlJFU li'J, b'J. ! Mnmiay morning, at llio resilience j ,f Qeeen City. SiOut'.lHy, whs , lot' Iter (atlier, 11. in. Joint Man niti Urt stul last -li-lit hear Kit.ltii itii'l til Chapel Hill. In I )i'i onil)cr ol Insl ;)in , i, to jn' t Linden. A ci wl your, Hcarcoly ton montlm ago, slip ,,,,1 at. tl, jail tit o'clock !i:s iv;iH li;iilly in i iTlinl lo .HI . i lasion ,, ,,, lll;,i tl(.. mnile.l llic Keys ll'.' i Battle, ol' F.ilg. coin lio iMinniy, iiiol ! ,ij ,.,,(., tuff-Sheild' Lamer In no'v, when lliuiv wus so iiiucli lor Hli ,etil w ho v .i.- foi ri d lc Join r ner i" live lor, w hen her young ine ;lt., O S. 1'ou Son haven nice line of ladies' ClnuUs. Sluitvls, Vests, Ac. Uriels lor siile. Apply to J. M. Otlull Mmiuluetiiring Co., Lynum . ... dogwood, pi! ' ii Mid 1 1 niid hick ory timber wanted tit the, shuttle bloclt factory. TIiuh tn r this lull lli weather linn- licon ifS pleasant uu uny one follld Wish lor. Fend tho nilvTt imiiiitiiit of V. A. Sinter & I'n, mid when Vou go tn Durham call Ll their store. I-i liurguiiiH in codling. A tall pole has hern erected lit tlio railroad depot, nl this place, on Which to display tho weather flags of tbo Higlial M'l'Viei1. L-O. S. Foe A; Son have tlio hest tiHfcortincht ol Pahl goo. Is lo hu toiind iu tho county, A m, a nice line ol Clothing; siiiue pretty, light weight Over fjiat .,u nplendnl lineol Fniit r wear, Ac. (). S. I'oc V. -li make a peciall Ol Shoe. Their block is very com JilotO ItoVf. Ileitis Hals tr im ll'ic. up; gents Ires Sliirii I'roui fate up A it i c5 linn ol' IJ.aiikot.i and Com 1'ortn, Ac. Hr ii ii m i: IJe.idesi have just re fittivcil a liire'inHilion to their slock ol Sliiies. I'lu y wi.l not he u inlersitlil liy any mm lor ilie i-i.-A. l i.-y Lave one of Ill's I""1 la-lies' S.ioe.i lor one dollar in Hie Stale. At John S Cainphe!!', in Hick oiy Mountain lotvnship, on hex I Wcilhcsility, there will he a .'-.lie ! Iiurte, lollies mil's a cotton pr.-ss. forn mill, ". Von can get a good hiirgaih il yoi. will attend. Terms. Cash. of Mr. Join, j Tiny took Gitan lo llji' Hcene of. Ilhe tiagctlv and luihed him over to the linsli.thtl of the iniirileieil woman, : ivho ohlnine.l a full eohle-ts on fioii' Ii i i il. (Sreell confessi-il Ihllt. hu did was so hrighi ami flippy, her un lintel)- taking oil' seems inexprcssi hly sad. How insci nlalile are tin workings ol (toil's te Vnl crions IVovi deuce! Her remains were Itiought hero ,,.,. , f,,r the Siltl in t'ne hon-n and on Tuesday and interred in t he i ji;,., ,. family lo avoid ih led ion. ' l-!piscoial churchyard, where her j j ,lt i,.,;ienii d thrco ( tiu-i ne ! Iiody resis at the of the grave nl j j,,.,,,, , tin iMy n iid aided . her griindui ither, lor whom she was : lU (m.jier myni nlmie l in the named. gain. Thi all' U'ed ennfeth I ate i i ill She was next to the youngest j custi.ilv. ' Mr. .Manning's eight, children, and j ,My Jong, from the adjoining tsthe only one ol them who has I (,ml ,j( M H w-i;l iih from ail pai ts ot lied, lle'r death is the first hrokeu . ,j,,. eontiiiiied to aiiive at; link iu the family chain, and makes j y,. i J1Wirt f,.,,. At '2 .'ill o'clock h ' the llrst "vacant chair" in the family j t,ee, hai i xmis phie. il iiiioiit (ii een's cle, that has heretolore lipen so , i . nmi f ... i, ed to u tree , m) as to; hlcsed nn. I happy. .May il lor many years It-.' tin' last ! I'ui- llio (ii;.-m. To AlliaiuTiiicti. lilM.I'o, X. t'., Oct. IU, l.'s'.H. The average newspaper htcm .lohdent has recent !v l eached high hold him in a standing t od'ion. ' Then folly. nu' men piled fugo!s high up wound him and tin old m gi' s loin hed the mad ll to it. ' .u. d ill il few minutes his siill pasved jii to;.. only lif;y-threo Ikmhh lliehilnl tho'e of "his vielims. The j 'crowd hiunleii d ll out fin. hiindied! . . It. .1 1 ! . i . .1,1.1.' l... iviitet mark as a Intnl. rei U less ai"l , loonc uunian i. ooi u oun-..-. nalicioiis liar he n our nalioiuii .ml wlr.tfs Mis. 1,omi tin.l child j presnh tit was in Kansas dispatcher, j wet e limi ted side ly s-i -n. The other j ui re sent out through this Slate aim iciuld i-. out of tiai.ger. , i.ther parts ol the country gun nun credit as Using hmii'lage : N.rn.H t I .j 1 1 the IllOst 1. 1, ill- , ,, II... K:m.!..-VMliM Ol I ' 1 ' . ' . ' : . . ....... ! i.. tl. .liced colli. I give Cl'lcud- I I. e x i cm. tent ous ,.n,. ............ . ... , toil. Thcv iTplcsc'iil I'olkasapol ; p.iMtma-tei ship of I'.im Itevillc, one of .sizing Ik it Katisa.siiii'li' lor j t he most impoi taut olii.-. s hi t he State. I goi.ii.'into the Sun hern army, say j Seiu-I.wk. a neyio oi very limit mg tli a i he Jul s., only I hat he'iui-i.t :id t!'j.f.. who llm lh-pnh- : tieTp to .id. -i:l the Southern cail-e. j iu-ali eal.iiid-.le h 1 ( ' ngt es-, in llns Now, is there a sine man in I he j di-t i id hist ear. '1 i.if is jit.-t ahou: world wlio heii.-M-,1 it when it was j such un appoin' u).-nt us we wtil!. t-X ', 1 In- I. ii t s ha V" , peel iroiil UK! ii.iitim'ii icoiii'ii-i i h there was hot ti.u.-. It f.- nM look as if the dciih ; Nolivs fitiia (Vtiliity I'o. V. H. IUGHE. Trof. V. O. Ai -vattr, of V sIe.uii UhiM-lsity, co" ti ilnit' s an aitielo to the h.-n!. coming N-ivi iuhi-r Otnlurv Oh"lh,!F.Jo.iS:';,!y of I he Fot ur ' . :lillsl ( Vtickriy. U lilw: tin: ill?-!, in ii ....i ..ii.i. i u...m especi.ii value' to licrs. The wi iter , l eii. i .-. the doctrine of MallliUH --ti nt the lime will cine when theie , ill hot la-fond t innigii for tho I . i -i, .ii race, owing lo tin-theory that .ulnii. n iliCli ,..-es in a geoiiit tl il'al ' at.: lo .1 i-u ply "i' an ai ilhiin In nl ' rati -is one which mo! i.ever give j the ..oiidunv ii'it.'asii.i h.s owing to: the gn at advances that lire heing hi u(. in cticinisi i y. S.-e i.e. i has flio.vii wiiat are tl. cs.e'it i.d f:iet'irs in V . ;.-talle pl odili! lion, and plant:! ea.i now tin grown in water or in n.ih.l hv adding .he 1'i opcl chi-iui. ii.h. I'rol' At uaU-i gives ll.e itntiit of an ihfeiesting experi itn-ht l et el.tly lnaile la his luboliit .r; . S.-a-sa id w as Ii ought from I he si.i re of l.oil; 1 -'and S.-und. Ioiiivcft it of evi.'iy potsiblti material which the plant might usn fur food except the sand itsc!!', it was cart fully wat-htd wuh :r inn! ii. on in tiled. It put into flass j:;i, '..a'cr w.-.s added and hiiiiiite (juiulittcs of chemical sails were tl.srolved ill it. lltMiii p.-as. platited in this -mid, grew lo n In ight of eight let t. whin; peas of the wauii) kind, planted hy a skilful gur deiier iu '.he neh .-.ol! of a gai.len c!o-.! It;, ii ii-'iii d a h -ight of only I'ou: !i el. RALCICM, W. C, MM.l ll IX I.ittiijis, Titltlo (.'utli'i-y, SihlT-I'lilloil Wstiv, iti'iYig-iTiitors", 'I'l'il 'I'l'M VS, (Jil Stiivi-.-, Ai-. Sent. 21, 1MH. kinds of LI'MIM'.K for sale id the PITTSElOFiO SHUTTLE WELL WLVniER-SQAPiDING, OEILING m FLOORING, I'l.lMlll AMI Kll N 1 'hit. II, OK Koflill. Uills sawed to oilier nt short notice, (loo-1 Ceiling mid I 'louring aliemly lllKS-:-.i III oidv SI .'JD per 1 00 feet. ' Sept. IT. is;d. Important Hotice. Km i'tte iile's .t'rti I'wnI mihnIi'I'. .-i-.-r. I In..-.- ilil. .'. i -nt. I I -. -1 : I i-i.-si ,,r T. II lill-lili-. II r :i -I I .1 ! ' . -. ik.-.nii.l u-lil .'..iiiiiini. I.u.-ii.- i- o. I- : - 'i.i-l I wicli I.. .-.'ICl- 11 r.'tt t.l. :n I-- ' ' I" - :t "I l.:i.'i.-- J.I..I 111. j.Ulilli: -. I iln.(isi' tu liliv ill hlfoi' iii;iiit ii ios. in iln- !nwi'.-t nijir kcls I'.'f rn-!i. Jll'lljlMSC It' glllllls lli()ll J tin1 jiiit J. J. Thomas, Piesiderit, B. S. Jkoia-. Ai.k A Ti!o.M.-x, Vico-l'iosiikur, II- V k-v. A- ' V ' The Voimmrrviul anrt Farisa rtf EZni l'aid up e pilal !? 100, 000. 00. Ami: liz.-d eapibil S."!00,OO.U:0. c ',.( '... I he A.-.-V. itmr of .X nth Cirolni.t. l-'.-bmn'y 25, JS91 DIRECTORS: .1. J Tlioiiitis, 15. N Duke, II. A. London, (i W Watts, 11 15 Hi: tic, Ashh II..;ue, J 15 Hiil. 1'. 15. Iaiic Ii. I! liar y, A. A. Thompsoti, T. H. lhi;.'gs, J. N. K.-l jin-j. J''reil. 1 inlips, Wm. P. . I- . piil'hslic-l. ami Mine i-.iuie olll all M-c I !.at the -ill 'ht. -si loiindalion i"l 'orters re pres'-n i -. t it. , will In at hisuld The many Irietnl Ji. Maikli.-iin, ot Dm Jilcasci to greet him a stand, where he is t.o" lirother, Mr. H. II. Markham. win 'ml. appears in I in-paper. Iiena.s, long heun one of 1 ''s host citi 1 1, ins, Tit-thai tried lo lake hlill lid I. -at her hi nt he -, Iiiiiii.I mil he was cruel lo Northern sohiicrs wliile in luis.iit. This alst turns out to I..- s-iiiti. r I'm. hi i down ai ei.ll.-e It la ai ii at Ii i s nl l I ,. . ,.,,, .....liei,,.!. ,,w . stsling his: , 1.,. in,.. i mi!. I is. ii Milking to Midi degradation1.' organied money power that i ing and ilisl I ml I rig these j i -i spmidenls to niisr.-pre-eiii tin- Alliance and its olii i ts should have ' j their hirelings !.. led p'a'.isilile ties al ! least. 1 hope cv.r. good Alliance man, al least, w n.-tt lliev see mh :i s'ull pulilMieil in '.lie parti-ai. press Will no! I,e .Ilstni ll.-I I'V it. I'Ul sin, : ply wail a Utile w hile and hear tin' ' , . lit! h. .Vail iuilhcr. watch and see I which na:,- I s make c n ee' ions w hen Yon can s:iil tind al W. I.. I.on liui, A Son's some ol i heir cheap Clothing. Their slock ol (.-! coal - Ifyoil wish to lix up your hmisi nicely eall at W. I. I, hi Ion A Son's ntnl Hi'f tilt! Iliee s'oek of Klirnlt lire I Key have on hand, ot ' llill'eniis, llcdsleads, loiairr, a h- Milinls, 'i'ahles c. A I mi, a sp el. did j lino of Carpels, Lugs, Al t Suture Alats, Ac 'elite put pose was io iiisiili, wniaiil and o. Lag" this ciimmmnt;. - hut : I hi . also is what w e v. o.t'.d n t'Cl fioln liie ilil.ii-.oli iniiiiin; -tl ll i'i I. I'poii tho olii. -i i! :.'ti.o'iM eiiicnl of the Hppoit.i it ii -i.l III thi-c.ty a p'-if.vl ttave of iu.iigi'iii ion swept m't lie. -, hole low li. N'.i li' i h'lf he ihise i who can see 'an .! .iV.-t I life ih the I o old pioij. we wicil.l just like i n onie one to show us when- the I) lit oeialic pa'.ty t v. i sa l i'i'1 upon ihi.-in- anv oti et people un ii an oil- l.t-iw-itpp..ii.liuent. Der-lriii tii' 5'i itii ic Finw. Ih , hint, Ok ahi-m.i. ). l. The s. : ,s lit up iu it i u lit I'V prair 'I lit! au.ilil,taiv f ilins in Halifax Uie now nun eiee-d to 11,'liM ta-ies, and wid employ I'll) mile ids and about lili v lemal' s. S'.t iii(!ell Shoe. v , ,. i, ...; il. l,,,,,,,! Illld hi st asbol i uie ! of iii' ii's, w oiiu u s 1 11 '"' v '' ' 1 -.-lid't i.s sit a s evi t liiought to! v3jUVjC the hiailot. We have all stales in! j ,,.,sl. ,,, 7,; III ''m' ii iniii'i n1 iti tl ? i n " I , I . a!,o an end', -s v .y oi n.chmn and ,,",'- 1 1 "c 1 41 ' ' " cleap gl.-ul" sh-.e-i. We giiaiante, i :tlnl ii;-ll J I'ii 'i'.-. to save yni at !i asi 2" per cent, on j ""j-'i"' rTTi! .ill kind of sho- s that MJLl mav Want.1 . , , " 11 . I , '.I,-' tn I'i' Un Li's soil .ri'i'i!- iti. d c'.eiv pun- is uii' iiihle-l to give i iii oii salid i.'.ioi'. Our elegant uial H) ' ill ill'' t!MI;tl tli im,' o;,o(. t npei h iissoi I in.l.l of die-s g-ioils tthd : sll"ill, V 1 1 it'll i- i 1 ikr (.' jil'll inm.uingi this si -u fir sui parses , , j. .'.,,.. , y hl I,,,,), ai.e o lour ! 'i an i e'.oi ts in its i-t t lis . I i I .. ' , , . , ' IT illi'1 M'll.'t ! ".lid l.ealt ' V . a'-l et'ei v in ce 1.1 a It-lti, h.u.aui. A!.a'c,nML'i,..eomea:,.i; .-. .! " for. :He.h; HTfTiT I il.t 1 1 M ill 1 1 V I I Ii 1 I I -I i din OM..r !tu' OUR CARDINAL POINTS: X.ll'KTY. I'liOMl'TXESS, U LIT V, rol'It Jl-.SY. Aero ih's of i'ai inei Hunks, Corpoi aliutis, Ailiuinislialoio ue7 viddahi solicited on faVoriiMi! t;l'ina. Sl'F.i 'IAL AT: j::'! I()N given lu p.cvjiinLs of Country Motclc ih.lii tuals COLLI XTloN.S inado pii.'inptiy on nil aecossiblc point p. Our largo UBGE STEEL IE GRiHITE FiRE-PROOr is fitted with Time M Bnrtrlar Proof Safe and Safoty Dciusit E.s. THi: ONLY LANK IN HALLIOII WIH'.Itr. CV .if,. Tiiiiiu own kai' i)i:ro..rr loxls a rr.'.ci; .. MONLY, .1 KWLLLY ami YALL'ALLH l'Al KKS i eo ' C-irre.-pondehee, solicited. Sept. 'Jl l.'-'.il Huts. Raisiiuv A Jlai-kct ! 1 1 A !! ' V. 'A!'" lion vnii visit ) 1! I! II A M iiinl Want In m't The DE3T C AT LOVvMST nncE ;ihva s li'.i-:. i'i" tlii STolftsfeu am LL'iE. Piiiiiyiiii A N J see I he i.-ii i l id guod.s al Swiinl. ll s, U.ilel-h. N. MhMi is the cheapest you t ver saw. 1 hey lillVe jllst opehtfd a lalge sl.u k ol melt's and tmy'i lh.ols w hien they lire selling Very low lor the Largest si.vk ol Shoes in the cottnlv now on hand. I Thai t'liiiiherlaii-l coittity lair! will he held al K.iVetleville uext , woeU. Tho C I'. V. Y. I! I! Co. j Will sell loll n I trip li' lots i incllld ing lo tlnil.iiri lentil its; Malious iii Il ls county, -is I'.illoa s ; Siler :1 so, .e' 11:1! .,:I.Tn. ; ltichiii'ind , tin, li. ills). in ffi.,.11,1 (.illll 81.1") an I I'.-M i't 1 l-". !he truth i papers mak insinuating meatier I ha hrouuht out. Sinn. - ciU I eel inns, hut ill all niahtii r. I hi se are the ia!'i-is that make no eorrei at ail. The .-peiial case lo which I wish to l-cler l.s the cll'il'l --! he i-.nn hi ne I one w ludi s.-c i s to i li.;n a citlispirae V, In ill the Alliance and t tiers. mat l:n ti.'tis, hv i ig and al'ilsing the Mainuial prist . It-it t l i-i-y prcl.'it ' Irietidship lm the farmer and el-.i.n they are not li.M.ti'ig Ih" Al.ianee This ear l- is fil-ehoo I il.t the :.-e - il to icverv thinking man. These same ! p.-oji e have I. icii giving 1'ic tanner i t-tllv it n oi"- h in-1 and helping t-i i skiii him with Ine other for twenty dive ials. They have no love lor t'.e ialincr or personal hatred hu ! I'.i k. I'm-y do i."l I'-ar him as a I ti.uti It is lite Alliati'-e that they i must crush : tin-y dan I ti.d-t it 1 openly and Mpiaiclv . it is too sir .ne; I and 111111 to I'uhl it w oiinl make il sii.iugi-r. Tl'tev cannot answer or I .1. hv the iusl ih-ii'anils i-t mir fder In at i u i''s-- cl'cale dl-tot.l o divide it into nii-.rel. resent Those in nei-il ol a Cutaway Har row, Crain Urill. Mower. u- II tv rake will r.Miienihr I : -:i t I can snip stieh impletilcnls .1:1 sholi notice and at low prices, considering the i-nle-incuts 1 handle tn he lirsi class in uverv respect. I am making a sc i-ially ol the Cutaway Harrow' Km nt i i (irain '.i!l tuts I'all Ao- dri'ss I! I'd tv or A'. S. l'etty, tal't-l Hill. N. tJ., i So IhcV lesorl t I ..shorn , . C". l't.Rso.N At. I I IMs Ijillle II htl'll lier ol visilurs have rut-cully arrived nl I his placti Aiming then are Mrs. K W. loil, .If., ol' Smithlield : MisnSalln. Ildl, ol Washiitgioit City: Mr. .1. H I.-indmi and wile, Mr Frank O. I hot ami family, and Airs. T. A Lock Hill. S. C: Mr- a ter Haw kinsaml wile. . Ocala, I'iorida : Mrs. I. L Sirowd. of Chapel Hill : and Mr. A I'. Mc-J'ht-rson ain! .vile, ol Saiilor l 1 r. .1 1 iL ii il London and w ile, ol Kaluigli, alter a wct-k' visit to New York, iirrivt'd hero ) csterday mi a ulioKt' visit. A Fi.p.AMANr M Aiit'.i auk -- Yfster clay nior ting at the residenie ol the linde's nn.! her, at this place, hy Lev. William U'a k.-r, .1 S. l!rad.-her. I'.-tl , ot lioxh'-ro', was inal l ied t" Miss Sally Va'e, iliiiighlrr ol the laic Col'. Joseph Tiitimpson lniii:edi wtely after llio teretiinnv ll.e hrnh ithd groom, at i ionp.inii'd hy several Iriuiuls, tlcparied on Iho inornine 1 rain for Loxbni o'. The bride is one of our loveliest and st popalai villago' list, and the groom is ono of Koxhoro's must prominent citizens. The Kl-roltli extends to tltO happy couple Us hesl wishes I'm tl loilj; lift) ol wedded bliss. i I'komi'T I'avmkm Mr Irhy Phi lips, who died near here itliotil t month rtgo, was instired in llu- Lite ItiNiiraui e Company ol Yirgmia, and tho nmoiint duo mi his po icy has been paid Willi cotnineii lahle wrom lit iters. According lothc tent's of tlio policy the nioht y was , the hiiva d slrate.' V I l. tusii,.' the lea. lets am! lit IU- s.iute lime give tally to the rank and lint of our Order. 'TheV hope III eet Us vei - direct nut u-sl j fire's. These tires h.-i-tt hut itiii three da s and , have done a unat deal of 'hi t age. : II .itiilicils of larms have been swept ol it-U s, im-l in many cases Lmi-cs ' an I barns liavo been cmisti I. ( Sto. k i.s perishing, ami people ale: e-e.-ipiug w ll h !'... ir lives. ih I the Iowa counties the life hits jjollell l into lite : i in Ik r and w ill burn lor i weeks. Il is lean d a number "I : peop'c have perished iht re. 'euiar j i on I 'll V, a suia I tow ll hi. I I h c'.s! nl j here, has h -ett enure y wiped mit, j the p"ojt e esiai-in;' ''V j 'I '" 'i Ih ; I he riv.f. W. I". l-e "I'V. a Main 1 driver to Chandler, a- I I'd Li is, a j mail carrier. Were eaijhl in the; I'ncs and I otlt terriii'y luirned. j Falai ILiili'Oi-ii tit'idt'iif. I! iiMisiiinM. A I . -I "J ! - A train j of l hi1. 1 1 en cai s load .1 ;t h co'tl was ! w 1 e. led oh the Co unl Wis ti-rn i tn ! i i-l, mat ( l.todwi.'er, tl.i- j itioiiiiiig. As tho train lottlul 1 the! within a lew yards of I! -si til j I in- (-lij itn el t-:i V the t : . . ! i tell to tn't In i l'i' "it (ii e j wits too l ite I.) i. op. ami la' tint thiottle open in f.n ntleimit t" -rr.i-H hv the .sie-er force of speid 1 Tim t n i lie and two cars got. across j stifel v. I. 'it l h: 1 1 ii -1 en w : nt tio-t n heAii.v f;f: f-'i t and the others f..- lowed. 'I in- f ar car w s I he ca', with Cotiftucior Ilu'e and 1'htgman I In order to (-liable ine lo l.ettei ; I Irleiel in. .-i. I't -il.l.s f( T past , ,.. iii it i. i i ' fiitoi s an-1 la I . t.a-;. . an-i ei I t hut 1 A Won Aboin i. i-.s (imtls aid . , ' - i . ( , t-ih ni'iki- it to mil mmu ti it-1'..iiilage i'i ) I',,' Wot 11. j,,, ll lV ., , (.,,,.;, ,..,. ,,f i,e riue, u, Il i-i s,if,. I,) say Unit Itess (iotl.s ! I plop- to t .ive yon ninmy as well is a . subject I hut is now iigitut ih'.dhe 1 is to make naif molicv hu luvsell. min is i-i Iht-H-i.lmg i.'iinie in virv;h doing lun-iti. ss on husiueis prin- of the llppl .lie'nllig tllllllllill StalMlll. ' cipll! I'.etlitless 111 ll.e ate lielilslllg Ihi leading f.ishu.n' iiiagMK'.tu und ne- . carry out the tib .ve pi i, - I ions, .pn.ilt'ing tin iii-c'm s with llu- List those itnh bled to t'n- old l'::ii a!e inloiinniioh aa io what will be wol u, -n g-lit ly n-pi'-ti'! ' 1 forwaitl the eot el ine u Is, He., so thai ami pay all or -u t t f Ih.-ir at'eount ;,'oo.l taste i-.nd economy w ill be hap las early as .ib'e. pily bl. mh d Adu; 'itliil.ty is one ol I Yei tuny yours in-p:ei. ij.ti. s i-t dii ss. Ol'eouise' ! I' 11 .vital, would Mi.i one !;. ly would tint l.i iumuc Un1 Si m fr.,- u- Hw -ml. another. This i h a has been ; J ? n f5tt-,1tv C,t iully canieil out in the selection of Utr.1 iiulil kiu.iy VU. fir I 1 1 s ( i I- fir the tall lllld. '.I . r r- r l inn tt Our F,!op.,.n.gwn,o,,Sep... -JM. ! J. H. FtfELLAHD, MtHiHg;..!-. 1 tvnybody was ,1, ,1 with; "'" lh"' ver. I hing kIiowh in t h.-wn v i if licit; I'laids and Stripis. and at rm-t i ve j f J fsj T T j&j RlFS? thiiMM in lough i-ir.-.-ts vi.ieh uu- lii.u i w'J S II UEd UlritiullO ' Foil, a i'. t-. Caiu.l.s' llitii. '; ,,T1K,rFi Kuglt.h S.-tgi, Ih-dfoi lCords lllag-j 2.J(j! 3 I I ii .Is, I ane. I- .I.e.-, I'.t -ad cloths. I I ! .il. !ieiilii-'!:i.-. el.!, liv.-t F.lil.luss t , pi'ten.s. po-itively to two alike.; g.O S il " ! S t jS U Vi'iih coidi I--iice tn- I.-, I: te our slock j vth ph .i n; von tin I a l.eir'v v n'e'iiutc ItiSUtMSIilSIIEib;; ' LOADED fj'EJil in corner of I'-misli utul alatiyiim Streets. I o-tiantiitfi.' to siivc itl nullify mi every jiiireliiist' niittli' at inV slure. Ctiim lo see nie.i Vittir IVieii'l, W. II. PEOCTOil. S. pt ! I, l-S.H. Urns. DU FiHA FUBHITURE CO., lis LARGEST and BEliT Stock 2 CrTTS EACH . Prices (o Suit Voi filling tt .;D:npc " RALEIGH, rr -. I. I. TIIOMVS. St . ; J.J.THOMAtS&l'L. N m :a::. U". -.n-l at". s..utli V. Iitnln it Sn :-',l.i:KS o3..3-Cirj:2TO-, Till" -A '.! - DUi,,. UAGGI'.. .-Ill VI lep F:.i n. StoNf Co., I it ham, N ( '. j Nf.v Ad fit isciiietiis. ! divided into Folk ami anil Folk Ciavvfonl on ii ind. Uoih were kill j 1 . 1 niid tlit i r .. Imii net! wi.h tin- j car. Suit i ir' at Nrv-iiltTii. j St Mvi.v's. W. Ya . O. I. -J.i - Dais;, j Lee. a b. if.t'.ful seventeen V en.' o'.i L we divide then we are ml no longer united in our lor the great rcloruis which ivatnut for ihc producer ol : itrv. but we would waste ' energies I'ulitiitg each oilier, lad tons ii.:i ten. . ! lit :i in I ii.eans s our ..itr like cliihlren over lrill-s, but Id ail ,, ,, unmilted stnei-h- hete today men stand tirui hr relorm, and s,.,, u.(; . ,..rove.l by In r f tthr not divide of he si te tl'ticlieil I'V such schemes. Let us keep our ves upon our cardinal principle i.s li.e pt.l tr ol tight to lead us Irout t'.e darkness ol monopolist ie corrup I Kin ami oppression lo the liht ol .pi. .I justice under an holiest gov i t it ncnl. l.el Us not be so blind as t . till into the meshes set lor us by TUB GIXS FURNITURE IN 'fill' 'Vi'r Ill-might tn lui ham. ! e Iff,.?? mmW iciiamTsrSuit3. . flj lv,M immu UW, ( i?arlr fSvLitc, H S SloT.O I TO binin-Eccmand '. j Hi v..itk.l v wwtji wmm, n, e, our oikxl(; on account oi a y 'uu-.' man who wit p n l tig her at tt l.i nut and her bl tithe; hIm. uVbi-td 'd bar. Mu- :-ct.l to a dl tt;; More. .-.i t liM- I a il -c "I Jtoisoll and vat found leof an hour later in In-r tig-mv. Tltis is a Homo company and ,l, . ! XZitClirM., strves the pitro'ia;,'!' of all North! Of grade s pi i.-es to suit all. Carolinians. M2LTT SUSSES. It was org nti. .'.'. in lM'.K and liasj SPSlEriaS, ; ptihl over nan a million uoiiars in SC33 LCUWuSS. MeOls ittlf entire a ' irl'at'l ioll , losses and llicie is not one cut. stod I ,v . .p,-,-. vtl'll'TV claim against ii '. All losses pahl Lveryj iSt I ff ' t ' Vf ' J' i 'ftffCS. pruddit inan ought to insure his ; ,,, ,,' s f.u the W 1 1 FF LKF. W IL l""prly. v0 sF.WlNfJ MACillNF. - I For lei ms, e . apply to The fall in ihe iiieiviti'V no ll. A. l.i )ND )N, AtiKN I'. ami shows we an loatlei's ia ihe eiieuiy. Kt-'spectlully, j. W. A TWA 'IT. II. Ifllllikell liOCtlMS. Ilov. Noithcit, of (icorgin, has v -toed the bill making it a misdemean or tor a ph sichiii oi r. pics. iiiiion clerk to he di link w hlle idle! l!ig !--s prol'cs-ioital st-i vices to Un- public. He s"vs that tliutikt iincss di the it .l t u! liiacllcing phyi.icnuis and ptc- s.'lipltoii clerks i. lepichehMoltt Hint Fuvcltcville Onset v : I Ycsti lda morning, at ah it ItiaM o'ciock, whil Mi. .1. I'. N v.biiry was nt wtuk n the Newherty Mid at I' i't Sillie lbl.h.'e, in the e-o-ti . n patt i.i this citv, he b. i time iu rieuc way ehttili gle.l ill the ''.u.o ..hlle the 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 i cry was in ra i I motion, was cnu.;l ' up (Hid w lilt ie.l titt ii'id W illi featf.l Vlnleliee, end was ki.led b.'1'ol'i! hi c.'ij'id be t ! I i''a! e-I. Leiinir Topic : f hey t. II a mum k .'oh- f imy about a Lilth' lliver S piire. who is a g'f.l ftiettd of ours, by the V. tie wits Irving a case, lltn ei- ht lob. supp.cs-ed, but if it is a .j,.,",;.,, Ull;s ii, iin.l the hlwy I' ill it due for them it) be mil xitate.l ought to be tl CI ilile forolheis whti get iu itke eotnbti 'it; ami if it is no ci u.ic lor others it might not to bo a clime lor them - - -I'istit in Mexico. Si' L' l'i-i, O. I. 27. A special ft on. tie City of M.Mi'.i siys Ihtie is a web foiih.led luuior tuul till' duty on until sixty days alter the proofa ot : eoi n w,il at on-e be i.-tnov. d Ly iht hid death were received by the Com gm ,a nn,. nl ow ing to t. panv, but tlio company did i o wait Hint long, fur tl o r. i ii .l.n the pro -t-. woro received a check was sent tor tlio lull amount. Mr. Fhillips was 5ii8Uretl, in ls7e, in the North Caro ltl.a State Lite litsurance Compahy. miluitts t.l trops and f.l'itlin pn- vailiiig ill seveial Statts ol tut- lie public. liepott.-. trcin llmnf-d ills Iticls ofChiipis tile lu-tiil r itdit-g It H sui 1 thill liundn .1 1 i f eople an on the vet i'e ol t tai va' I 'll. T .e Mali - . , .... i .. ....t.. .1.. but t "ll voiiip.-lliy, III 1SS1, went out ol Utio iliiajmuii it a oion.ou. n ti.e ol IjU-iiicsH and traiislci red its poll eipmt of ci u and ol itci Slate: wi.l ck' tn tin) Virginia (. nin jetny. bnou fol uw this i xautplo. ' on., t-i.le cleat i d bis tin oa! and. pi'i.t g ' i up a stack of law b oks in ltigtt as ih iv-taek. piocetd. il to hiv tie hi-t tlowti jus' as il was The .Ll-Hce of j the Fi-a.-e ar ise at this point ami will, j all cot I? I csy a-.l.e.l the I wo lawt ei to 1 'tika their time Hml n'gue Ihe ease 1 fully. "A hen von t"" tltn iet, you will fnd my judgment under the Code lieie I Imve lo jmi out utul hate a load of em it sheiled." ' An infallible sign of phv.-ieiil tie -HV i-i sleeplossei -s , if this is .hut g roiis i- an tt.l tit. il is ihi.illv iii i-aily c! i;dlioo l lr Unli's F. d y Svitii' will always assist in con foil ing the b:lb . It bus p: t.ved illnlnubtc.l tnetllllH'SS. we lei.r In Old S.iul'j Calanli Cun. 1 Ft .ft' -n tuiilo. ' tlfiiilit reiniinl.s you I hat you iieml a winter nutlil in F'liMhiii.g, l inlei wear, Hats and Hioos. "e make a seriall V of mi mmM I ur isloelv in every line is full to ihe l'liiii. We wouM .-ay more hut haveti't t inn'. co-mi-: i.) s !:!: is. O.I, !'.. Hat. i i:u:is!in ai ? IIUTIS Mil. S, Uiimaiiri' to.. N. I', : ..: 'n.'. n-.-, , i,t Mi-, S ,i i.ii. (i t.n.t i r Mu a- 1 p'! I:,.,i,i-... s 1 jtli n r.-r .tl.-c- ..r n-.e-lilii;: tliu l'.F.S I' in use ! Wo arc AC-riKTS for the I LEADING FOLDING BED In si Il l.n.'. -.ii i :"K..ri.;i.:r (iLOCF.HlFS. , Meat. Meal. Col n. r'.oi:t',H"; Mil! Feed., Ct.llt-o uuU x Hi Silppil. s .;eiClll!',V. fflulizifs. l.-tv.- iii k .,.t l.iit.ii.14 i.t On.. ll-a: lh I I ... f. i.,::: s fkffaiifd lluc i T!i!h j.;-.-; . r.-tth'i. 1-cr...v n'ly lVi-Minn vY,im: aiM t -.M . f i'li'ii !! 1 i.v lop u. I -w-li.t Ir-.Mi: .! .is ! COi' SKLf.KUS. ; v r.-f- r r, r. .n't v'. b' 1.. .-u sii'V - niiltiy jviih, lit IIlI-s sjic .;U i!(..nil . .km! j i.iiMhi. lit-iii .a'-:u1v Hit-, wi.1- i : i nneii"!', v t l Min wt r.m i.mvo u-ir lalilirul j CASH A I YAXtT.:. ! I.:t..-r-.t .- i-!i ft 'v .ti -i h '.--I I.. . ii i -Ii-! t.tll in. I-1: .: .-! in liiitfl. o f-l'l'l.-s i t - ! i.-- IMt .1" s tt 1.-.I1I . I .11 ttui i-t -.1- Illllll.tll.-lt'l will. tt-.. ti- :i- f .i - !-;. 'I. ! ll -I'.-l. .1. ,1. THOMAS . v.Y. S l-IIl l IH;-.::. Fiend. 1 1. August IX icy n?i-n for W. I.. Ponulni slmf. lie sure to call and sec our sit ok. M 11. . I I'ul- null- l.l 1..10- rhttti ""It '"Pr iI.-uliM- 1:1 siMi.t 1.11- t-iilitlnuut-i .vrB.11 mi-ttut-ii.-t, itit.1 tft-l tlit-111 lur ttiu. i-T.llit; Ml rt USiltl'l,TK. jtX :h')ST!i. The Italian Farnilnre Co. Sept. 'Jl. IMU. 2 WHY 13 THt L. DOUGLAS I ii-.t aSTHoeiN in; .jU'RiutMOitt I n 1. --S...I. s -.I,.--. t. ,11. 1 . ....r. ..t MUt.t I 1.. l, -l. i.i.i.l.- ..r -i t tin.. tlt. ..r U;. ; u: .t, ..ii-l lr.,i. -.- "if 11. nl. 1. . 1 11 :y . II bui: , ........ I nt.. ....... l! 1 I.. 11. i.. .'I.-M-.U. iCtS Oil I'til ' l! . i-J. '!' llo" vl Oa .I..-.- i t.:l.'e .l I r ..:iut rro.h : frW'ot'" ii'-i'iiW-si-'t-i -.-.I "it wiii.i. lit., isitf. I . t 1 1 -1. . I". .I-. I ! : 1. 1 . .1 '1 1 11..I.1. Il,..t.-S r .iti-..-.l HI l: . -,-ri,- ; il.' . J.' 1k . 'W iii I , .-.sen , fr. ill. 'O 1 AND SLF, --F.Y IbTl'i". )! X ..i-l.-f . 1 1... si:j..-.r' ..f I h.-i-lt.-i!. 1 I -. I I .f - III- "I. SM t I.IMI . II..- .-' .1... ,. NO 1 Ml ! I.. s-.l. -It I.' ..VI-m s 111. 1.! '!' .-..lit I ll l. I I tl. Cll-l-'l.. , III.- t- li--n-.IV -.' ,-i-n.. .1 1.1.'- i.ii I 1 -r- : i 1- tic. letl' 11 i.-ii-.: 11, ,1 11... ' et 1 e .1 I 11 !- ...i I. -. k. 1 1 .-. lit. ei i. 1 -. -e- ' - l- it in. -H- -tr I. nl ii- I s.ll.'l -". I.'- t 'II- ...- K M 1 '!. .i-t- "-.I I- --S I i.--.-i-l.- t In I -. .1 1 nr. . iu-- t - ':' I. '1' ii't'-f'-i n 1 'ti''1 " : ..I ;.. n-. ..11 I 1- 1 .1. if I 'i' li -s-'.-i.-i V fi K It. fts'l- Hi VI". I.'-I '' 1 ' "" !'- 1 .S.1.-..I1.I! ! " I '" Ihi .I.-ii,. s . l HI - i-k t.'. fit.- . 11. 1 .-.e. l.-t 1 1 if: -I I'' n-- '" ' 1 . l.s,.. m.. ;..i n;.-i -t. s..-l.-i.-is...i-..m..'. : t .1 it..- t-r -t" 1 1 . "i li. 1 1.1. o 1. t ..i i... 1. i. ... ti. :-.!.. -- tn -1 . I s.H,. I' II---.I l- i .... .' s 1.. I I i.t 1- 11 I- i-iirri it.-' "i-i- nn. inn. aii-l in .1 nil run ii-.-ni Is Mi.-i.l.- . imi;. S M. llol.T, t' t. ..... k. ..-It 11 lit. .111 It, i-t m tt. a:' I . li -iti. !..-! cai-u.-uliiiit. aa.lri- tl t Xiii-ccrt?.?.it ITialo. . ,,.U., ,. It,- 'ill.. Utlll WI SllN-s .' .- tt 1 . 1 M :: 1 - -it.i '-li it - I'i t:t'st s. Uli ";'J- 1 i.mtv, 11 ie-i no..! -1 . l''l, Hi a f.hi.ti.l. trii. t ..I l-ii.-l In Itil.tttin i..ii!ii.. -11 "In h I!.. . t .iii.-'i i. ii' . 1. l.'l. I,-. I. nl t.- ir it t.-itr. m. loill vrtl! lu. 1- .. S.11I .1 I-i" I''-I 1-1 e il- "tn- -f I'ls .If 1-it 1... ivi.nt a .1. -t-1. r .-.-i n 11 .1:1 I .r- ... ,-..1-1 .,).. ti ", V'l .'i ii" ll will LimIIvI.Iis) iit.i k.;.i rl ! i.itil'l Wol'ki hii' th..M " i 3f, r.. wit .Ir 1 ti..-i- Ir. UU ' -it , T"NTC3- TTX3 riv.'ii n.. -.i i ui.'.i ti.u tftuf. tt n .-. i 1. 1 .'.i.- -win s.-u .-.n u.. W-l.J -J-- S7 WO.. - uol K J.ta llll.l !l 7.1 " I I ttl s-s i-, liOVS tv. .it: I., ti... l.,....i,-r L -r.-i lliof M.U ,.,-iK.ritl ....-:lt . -t -at. I .!.-.--.l til . In- .illll.; It... tlrni el l'"i. x I'.l.l-l.. hi m. ii.-iii... iiutiiiK ,. ,, .-. ..ri,,, . ,n. m.r.-.i-nis .il-. -li... , , , ' " "'x-.i - 11. t- ..i Mr. in...... geitllCS T-: i..'i;,;"n;.oV:",,u;iKr...,rt, ., ,,,,,.1,,,.. il.-rsu- I li. -I .!! !' 'I'" I'll.-lll'S-t s llt.lllf a. ..,( ,1,, ... u i !... it. . ,, , r. ,' -l.-SO. f.'.tltt iiiiiI ..! for lli.-i.t-!.-.l fi-1-.r -i.l " l"'""' "' Mi-. -. 'ii.- llu ' I'.'i- h.'.in..!it. !lili tml .lurM-le ,,,,, ),, , , ., ; . n 1 1 . 1 1- I Out I Mllil'.sl K I.e. Iut,s... I M llll.l IIH.OW r.llilltili.-s..,. tl,t W . I. h.utli.. nnint- auU . . 1 Drlco .m MtAiiui. il on iho l-.-tt.-tu ot a.-l. line. tn s ati'l I. in -till'- v. tl l l"i-1 - cost, nut ot-.-1 ..'."iH.s bii in. . ii i v. i i.Lia,.ts. Unx-ktoo, Hum. OJt u.-s nts ah i,.. t.ii.. iinrni ... ..t'ti-stiM! suni.v M.vrrucw ATWA-rtu '"CTZZri. W. I. LOMDON&SOKi I,,..... :,. - !..! I; -Is 5. 1.0-1 IV-iut'iU ts : "1.". ,-i thl!:. I-IC M , i f.. ' ' N-'l- Clt el.elV I : Ktiiw an. I 1 AN t OF ALL OF.; ".HI! YlUI vt i.l '.e. .1 sin' Of Hie .iliiiVC lll't tin: F.poHitif.n out. 1'iiu ij n rai ti iirt, iin-1 Hit li I I' t-h, Hhc .ii .1 hptl i to Iniy tt.oni. j 1 1 Fust aJ'trln- : U. ' . iuii, N. 1 : i Oct, 1, lH'JL

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