Orijr f)att)nm tUcord. $l)e flfjotljam ttt corb. llV .A. LONDO IN , ED1T0H AND rHOPIUETOlt. HAT US ADVERTISING One 8(iure, one insirtiou- M.W OiH! upmre, two iiisertionnj 1.M , Ono HUiirr, one month " 80 I For lnr;ir ik,lvurtiseiii.:r8 liberal con ! Wlltl will bo Ullldo. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. VOL. XIV. 1 MTTSBOttO CHATHAM CO., X. C, DEC M Ul-K 21, 18)j. NO. 17. Ctoitoi CHHISTMAS BELLS. Kin,; loud' Kin,' Inn.;! I'xuitnut il'liristni .s It IV No note. i-e.il! e r too lii-i for Ili-ii Wiin.-o natal iui ii Angelic ciioir n.l tuiilnl s-rapliim Til- n-iinin year still tails. To t-ui il-. ii: I sou's fi-i lorn. Kin,' loud: HiikIoh;: Ye iiihi i y t'lii-.stmns bulls, King Ion. I! Bin;; Ion.?: liuu low : I "my stroll 7, I.un-.yiiK-, mourning h -arts, Clods woli-I n.',l i. . ir' By iliy, by nisjlit. Mut- lip--, jfivf rri-e. He know., thy tlirn-t in-od, know tlioti Hi. r.iixht. lYom Ii. unity's liii'ili Imn I, In PI- tin's tarm-re-l nitir, P-iy low ' Prriv -(long ' l I, l ist'-, luiiciiitr, piti-:it on, Piny lot ' Pray strnij1 Momi now. m i in now No in-"v ' On ti-.i-t in-c-m,-'.i firm-it specter-, l,..,iu i.) hii-I fr-i, K i, ..; : thrift tli- ,t.-,'. r ,-.-uc ii sun-Mi thy I'l'Olf, To h,!i tin-,! M iic icl sky, id ui'm nit inr-'tily w ,,-. Mo hi n. -.v. moral ii m v" t iri: -: i- loth heirt An I ii.i -in. :i:nl in-'i!; , f'-uif; l.-'.i.l ' WUij im .', f't'.'iins ti'ii- l, Clivi-t -ill i be!! t J'or nl! n -.i. iv.s- to - po .:-, Y-.-ir hi-!' .-1-1 - -iv-li-- - I'lOi; l-n-, lor'. !: i,-i' i.i ! - (.,1-n ,l,.oi ! Pin.; Iju I a Vani!--..: iri'ii K ii l-.n; .-r I rM'.i'-l:-i;i:i j--.iv I', n Ion i It it, I m.', l-lf'.V. li'Vc'u'. --:iii,:;ii r. l H-I!.-' .,:' H;-i;.,-.- T '.Kv.'iev. Martiu's Oiirioima, Gift. i'-v ni.i.i.N ioi:t;r.si i.im is. A j. i .iy Mi rem -r twilight; tin- h if. ? i',),!: half li : !. -;i In Cc nhirlin-; loil.h of s:,,,,y th,' , , l.-..l to (hitter 1 hrou I. i nil as the sua wen! down, nn i i!,, ':,., wind sihiu,' villi iIowm tc- i.!;v4-. ; . n-.-Ky hilh ro t.p 011 c.tlh side of til ' steely i;!e:tmin- riv. i, si ii . 1 n;,:v ii,,- ii-1 jj,!,t fr,, J'.un.! i t'iri-'.N ki!v!i:-!i win ,. soi-un- I to l-n.'liti n iii tl r poiu-u i s.'i ii ". I'-.r tlH'-jrc,:! (!l:-t I, !..,;. 1 j t,.. tlwcry tliioat of tin' !m ,'(. -.i.,;ic "i--i i,-v MBV nil'iii il ill -f it !f to !i;;ll . t.u- (iloomit M wi;it llo el ",er t':i liills. It was a l.ir., !.'! t:n!:v; tint i-vit l'ii i'x N v !;:i.;!.i:l I 'A lo -iii, with newly t. an. I -.:i. -.i.-iin- -il . whitew,iu!.. wa'ii. an in l t'.l ii,: ii.'.il' in 1 the ei-ilnio , u roii.n il!i 1,1 1' p ,.. I V, iil'l i-.v-. which ".idly ii Jtioke.) at l':i ,.-,i thiiiis ami tjh!. ':: i-' I t vi r lain-; ymi !i t mi: ii, 1:11, a el w'.l'e'i -.Veri evi k'.l'iy IiiHUUf le'uie I hi l-..- iljyj w.i-u wrj I was c!i'..i:i, ami pe i.ile li-i:i t mini a little tx'.ia Itulii l i I. ft 'irouu 1. A l.rt-iht-t'.lip'l ia,' c I'.pe: -ivere 1 t!ie flu.i,, an I the t-'e lv-j r f tut.- -.. l-a cuplua. I he yo:u1 tin .hi i:;u y n ' ile. ji..!e.l with layers of r. w -pap--i , rut in f iti. ifu! fhelisan-l H'ollnjv:, while tliv.-rs H'i'i ouu Iry impleiueiiN of fjlcaiuini,' tin, hunt; on the u.ill--, lli!i -l hvk the lirighinis, t,f (he fire like so ,Min "Well i" :ai.l Mi.:. Carey, eitiiv,' ilowti on a louml pire s ami tii- fat tuil-i-.v cauJlo fLc Iin.l ii: ; li;;hte,l, as her hus. Pillii! i-nuic in, shakiilL; the liiht snow from liis pepper uml-s,ilt-eov, re,l over coat, as if he inteii le i to h ive a oo.l fftura within -ijor-, on 1 is o-vn tOIIDt, "Well," iin-iiiei Mi-jihcn Carey, lotnpotcliy, -it's a-eoiu' to snow nil night like furinti.n, mi' the wind's set tin' louu l to t--e c't-l, .'in 1 if it hi l i't a" been for the ii ni'nU.rs yo.i knit l-.st raoiith, uy .r w raid hi' been t Iran froze t;;T my hi a-1. " They wue n rui.u'.i: ly c.-ntri'-l ing coiiph. She, losy and fresh rohncd, wit'i bright black ryes, urn! a fpiitlc, lluti,Tii)' way with hrr, like n bird; while lie was tall, aud slow, aud ponderous, with lvither-bro'-vn skin, and ar txjircs.-'iouli'ss, fos ilied lace. Yet tiny h i 1 beea a sinr;u. Inrly haopy c.-uplu all tiieir lives Ion;.'. ' i)i-.l y.-'i net :iuy le'.tcrit'' "Yes.'' "From Mmtiui ' "So, not from Martin. We're yoin to baii c-inij auv to Christnmt. Yivia tlrey is routine; to-merroiv ni'ht." Mts. ( iirey elevated ho'.h hail-Is in a sort of spasm 1 lie tlc-jiair. ,n j5IL--n.. .1 ri0 'ft.OSF. I" MIIS. f ATILV S. Slfif. "Kor the lu I s s-ike '" was her ex cltnation t.vhi.h Stephen Cariy ft.-c tiously termeti-'iuotlipr't swo.tr "1 '-whal are wc p-iu" to do with Yivia (Jny! We ) t, i.olhiu' hlie whit the bu u-t I to, H.nl I ilon't .-ic Iniv on arth we'rn to miiku 1it tiii.vwiiy.-t romrortu'ilo. i - Imin'l no vi-lvrt i ii iL-. nor silk sofy, Hko tln-y have to li-r nin'!i''s, iiii-l 1 ilmi't i... 1....I....II i i... i nun- ii,ii .miiiiii,. ;iii.i 1111 11. n-. "Urcail-i- sin: wauls to Pt-i! n-, 1 s'io-.c," oli-i-rvf-l Su'ji us i, i oin;K);.' liy. "'riicri,! tli-jro, wife, ilon't frrt. lllooii is thickrr than wulrr, uii'l t-iio's our fii?- tcr cousin, ymi know. It'll maUc it pleat-ant for Martin, ivlu-n he ro:iH'.'' liul Mrt. t'arey couM not t.ik-.i nntter- so 111-ily 119 ili-1 her m. . re phlri;iiialii spou-c. "I rliiln't put no iein mi tint cake," she lictteii, "nml there wa-nt 11 rat-in left lor the pie, iir'i r I " I mixo'l up the- piKhlin . I mi ;lil li ivu sisal lor some by '-Tlicre he is now, wallji: up an.l r,-. lueli ;l:! jlreameil o'H a 'ioi the D.-nron l!e.irl.-ley's ln.ys, if IM only ilowu, w ith his hamls in his -.el;!t-', " i u-athi 1 in:; ilarkii.--. of ihe l.it i Ki.-in-; knowneii in time. Ami then the lloor Cricil the f irnuT, his hroyn faei- liht- j nii;lil, ns the slck-h ilre linlin,' up in in the fro!it lieiiroom I haiii't no earpet ing up a! the siij'it of hi- only urn.- front of the loor, n. l Martin C-irey for it, nii'I " 1 ".Martin! .Martin, 1 uy hi!! Why I lo sprang mil. "Oil, liother the r.irm-t, mother. K , believe ol-l Whitefa-'i- knows hini!" 1 His m i.in r wa- ai ':i -lo -r t 1 i.eeive Yivia eiin'l pill up with what we've ot, Ami the net inoiuen; Mariin t' n.-y him in true moth; r!y I i-hion, im-l tin lie mu-1 u t e! v :i.-r.:; lr.il I'il risk her . wxs M-aleil liesile his lat'ier in the ho x m-xt iiisPinl lie i iili:. l t!,e elu er; oM Where'"-til" p. ipei ,'" tleih, clieerily ans'lei in,' tile torien1, of Uilelun, ivii,w l m-re nil li- tni, The sr.n v lay hitv ami pure, like iii".tin whi.-h tV ol-l i!in'i ereily wit!i viea!!,:i of In .:! ', ivy. iml -liin-ri-l'es ot pear!, .vi r all fi" fille-j 1":; pyuria! fortii. in laurel h.ivi -, m- :,,i 1. il.i ;;lowiii ami u ii"i :;!it Iy (' w.ilis, fi iiii;iii'' the '-.iil ni"th-r w-IU" le- :i.i-.l, Marlet lienii -. soh'iiin ol'l er.l ir tn oh au l tinniii,' tie- l,en hi- cmiM K' i 11 !i ine t 1 tpeik. "Why, iiintln". "' ,r rriol, "this is 11 .itue-hal urc'iLS 1 Mive I ilai'.i'.Un inarhie an, I a! 10 i-t'i', when I F.irmi : Cirey.soM o . -l-i ;'i, i".iji!y ' lined with li'iirV. 1 role's, jiu,'!? 1 n; to the door. ji t nhoui il'isit, nn-1 Yivia Givy i.in iuto tin; k itelit-i. liu :i little lur ro'"-l f-iiry, to Mr- (.' m-y's t:-i s:u.i!i Hst inithmeiit. , m y s?'-4 ' mi nr. iik is N..W. There iv i ii.-thin:r so very tiiribh ,1.,,. .- flii . ii .- v'-it.i-it. :.f!-r -.11 a ileii- ale uiil ir. blue tn .Tin ) 'ivet-. an 1 -'old bron n haii fa!iiii:: '-!' .1 ripple I cl'-ud fib.'itit i.ir.iv.l f:.-e-a .-hi iiho-e shr brown ,..!.. 1 li. ...... I 1 "o ii..-.. IUIU w lio-e lie.e.ii "', .n -oi i--c, as a rot,., ml : Mr.-. Circv threw oil her ',!...! 11 "We'v- o: a lire i i the Ir-iut lu .n-," be.M, Mr-. Cuvy. i.-tt Vivi i d. 1 u-.-t aih.'.v i:0! t.- li'dtll the --'tit- ;l.-e. "O.i, 111 ,-et iitiu-l tin- !'.-:it room," she t aid, roniiii:ly. --it't o firiut and still; 1111 I 1 he 'ry here. Yutl'll let 1.1. , stay, won't yo -i; ' An-l Yivia b.a i lur way. She whs tii- bri 'hte.! iitt'o mjiiU i:n 'tha' ni''ut tha' ever iliuiiiin t!e 1 the iiuict oi l lati.i In ute. At I - i-t so thought I'.ir.n'.r C.irey and hi- wile, a Yivia ran aliou', helpoi:; t ) cleil awn) I the tabic, an-l tin epui . tip ihe lnarth i an-l wij.il;;,' the dishet at deflly at if she had been bronchi up t-i tin- lr.i l". and ' finally settling do 1:1 on a little tii k.t j close to Mr-. Carey's site, w!-iv . it 1 y . k!o.i:ii of the lii.itn; lir- Sunn-I her ' briuht hair to 'hinrnirin ;o! l and mir rored il-elf in th' limpid depths ol l.cr ' ' hazel eves. ' j "Il s .1 1. 'lie ti'.i.i 1 ir vo-l ? if.n .:, my wii0 noiild riee the nv,: el auy man, i d-11," said the farmer, -'..inchu lovm ;ly . ,,, j, t.) fl. a to b.'U. ve t':nr she ro ,il her. its he s imkc-l lo-( vc::iu.; pipe, , turned my l ive. liilhn ; .lifferootc "lull Mai tin will be he;-: '"Onorro ': -onn how 111,1-ie a to .iln. .s between us. I I ni-ht, to spen-i Clir.s'.in n. Tii-f:- jour WHv j fi. wroii-:;. l5.-':n male nwarc- I cousin, my dear." My C-nisin Man.m !" i( p-te, Vivin. softly. ' You'll like him, I'm sure hf:' H'- I fine a fellow as t ver bn ithe I. if he is 1 my son," wpt.t 1.1 tiie -il l mm. "And I I n v tin it a r--n! e' ie. , my ii l, r..-. liiieinbn aud I L-ue-j iikti,' Martin ! nit Hits to sin pi i- nil -th it, for I only In ar-1 on il tin -u-'h l".:i. ,m IScii-l-ley's 1, daiihter-iu la-v, -,vii itiii- ii l.t week ; j I shouldn't won icr if Mntiu should . 1 In iny a wi(e here, om-ol t he-e diy--, to I et the old foikt' hi-s-im; '.'' I The laruier't lac-' wa' ru-lbvit as he I spoke. Yivia li-tene I Willi lit. r fair ilea 1 sli.-'htly tin ii-- 1. Would i-ul like it f " duke it! I u'l'f-: -hoiild !"' Ib.l ion mi ,:ht in-! th.d iii.t b.i-le-" j I "My M ivtin would nei-r ii niu home ' a bride thai we shouldn't lov -f tha' j I'm sariiu," answered ihe "Id fanner. 1 concinsivi ly. I "I'ncle C.ite." .-aid Vivi-i, 1 irnestly, . -vvil! you piomi-! itie one thine'' 1 1 -Half 'lozeu, if y.ei choose." Yivia liuhel. 1 "I uliall be stiisfi-'l with one. Trnni , hr nit- that you will ii t tell your son I ; ! am here. U-- h m,iv be vexed to j ' think that the .iii'iK "f hi- lims i "liris! I mas should be dis'ur'oe I by he pr."eu.e of a V-iuti-ei "'Taint like Martin to feel so. He'll ijakvlvu a- '.!' Jtic; i- llo--i in My. " lt' n:ilv mv ! pro r.i-i' ID" 1 ivlnin ! Ami sin- 1 ikcl :--i pK-;i lin :ly i'lto I'.iiiiR'r (Vu.y's iw -lm: I. " ( hii-1 mil i ",l I Tin- or.'in:- mi:i:i-I of ('in ;'i-.i I.'m- slrianit'il atli-inrl tii-- Mi-i:iy is li!,.- .1 lintr m of promise --I In- woo.l-t, all witli silver pcailo l irii:!.-, -lion-- it : 1 I ! I it tfiu i likti HK'iiHiitiv.l pti .-. .. I'ltnner Carey ilrovn iij to t.; I 1. i !(.irc at the rro-t-ro.i U whci tin- l.i:i -tnf. fr-i;ii the neuvi lailnul ;alio;i Hs-cbrxi iP hiinvia fi-i;lit, Kinlpeueii over the fur wruppin.i-i wiih 'hi- h tie. cnieful hainls ot his wife nul 'ivin 1 I ; completely muffl 'il l.iin. 'Yes, ami- P,ut here i'lim-.r (.'my I. .thought himself of hit pr..nii-e to lir 1 vn ye 1 little Vivia, aa 1 :rvl; vai-iiy tin,:.. 1 tin , fiirrent of his wor Is. An-l shrT. !. ul tl t- .iu, ti'.y t.y! Il.it, Muiio, oi co 1'; l-n.-x h-- Iieii'iv at you -li I 1 1-' S 'plemo . Vol ar-- pale!" "Am I'" The V'i'i'.ii; man was vi i, ntly .1 l.l'.le (mil 11 as,e,l. F:ir:iit r I' tr" ilioppe-l t!ie leir- aulmst. Tiler 's within", wi.m ', M 11 tin : Y.m haven't I-eii v-'t'-i'-i -" hi 'i.l'l,' He- e iu-e if jo;i h.ivj, mv lor, v e n"tn'' lii h folks, .it ihiui' is the farm, am! if II tnnrtpi ,'e. or -" "Nay, nay, lather.'' ,m wnel M'.'ti-.i, pic??in-' the ol.! Una's linn I :i 1 ui.tiier ini; up the reii:s with a si,l smile, "I am in no sue!: .ii.heulty a- t!;.ti. tinilk vol! nil till' -ini". N-u til-l I me..u t- eat a -.haiiow ovn yi ii .'iivt ill'-' wiiii the rellet tion of my on n s.rr-.v?. I'.u'. ' si ore you hav" ijuettiom 1 me, I wiM roulhle in vou f reel v. I I. iv faih n it. bve.'' "Tliat's nothin'' t7 l t'.i sad il'loilt, the farmer answers' I. Why. it's what I di I uiis, if, son Mai'iu: " It wa: a t-lea l.tilt . b, i-'f -ire t n, fath ,.".., M,..;., .-l.-O it. was soon . t-, ; .. ,., fohe-- ."i. t , with .jut ee.cuoh to live on--" . .. v..ri-.-. -.!.! l.r.ik,. in Stenliei Carev. " ud what -if that .' Ain't they the Ii nc nn-1 sin:' V of I in I ' Why boy, j-vi oujU? to be preul cf tho title!' p. mi '. .V ; lV,'..v -' ! t ; O -Js u. ll." 1 w lt.UK.li I" TIIK vn.l.Vt.l. t III I " - - : Ib ii- mo out, fatu'-r. I lovod a ir. rl -,;,t J ,:nl misjud.;e. her, I was nhutlt to seek a reconeili.itioii, wh-'ii I learned tl,ut she had full- u heiress to h fortune svUi'-h lifte l loor fai above my liumlit-- I S,he;(.. I hav.' ai-iays said tint I would ' i-cvtr m-irry heiiess. still less would .iv rjiiself open to misconception now, when the world would si tha' h"i wealth an-ne brouehl about our recon- filiation. I shall never .see hi r ;v:iin."! "Hut, Mil tin " '-oh, faiin r, I a-n very niis'iahle 1" One moment Martin 1'nrey's In a-I druojied 011 the kindly shoulder of the ,,.l man; tlicn he Mrai-htene I up ;i tin. t.rv, ; Mt, ,ut, ly as a youm, pine tree. .... ...... .a,.,,.,, K... ..,. ,11 ,,t sm... ofitaam. Let it dm into the pa.-l. ' You would have iik 'd I.'T, I think. She s ( ,,is,.M,, ri.a!ion f M1,he: family. "Tn-au't Huth Aun Wih.-jx, who went to York. t-fin' si liooi la-l fa'!;'' --No, sir. it wa.- not 1,'uth Ann Wi! ,ox " And with this Mr. Catev was forced to lie contented. Kviden! iy, Mai t in ii n I ' rjot IiIm' to be - lestniue'i , so, in his in tnnt tnin-l, th- old ni-iti aim- to th 'on- rlusion that i iimtt liv bt-pn "Deanm 'Sinh Parson's t.fp .l:ii!.'i,-r, t - w:- half si-t.-t t- in,;;h"t ' e,-"s,n, .'! AI! WSX!. " "But. Miitin," lie v.-rit-1-e-l to day. after thy had sKimuici ahn- nvc th- hard, frozfi k-r "titi I foi sou,-, minul, - " . sj'en, e. 'iio vm b-jtU'V.- ism tuaa l'.;i ! "Ye?, h'lt roulil Imvc ki.oi1 nnil m:n'o fri- n-li if it linvc M-..-.-I1 II 1U I lli:i- 1' lll-II'l. ii it , t l.t.".i for tlio ni- iiry thc fell hn ln t l-ri".i for tlio ni- nry Ik it to';" : 1 I . i . f it 'ir. " 1 i -. i-s i ,.:..i i- . ' I. ,!, 1 " iii-m i n .ii p t'li'iy, lininliliiii lii i 1 1 ; lifiinlli". ' I'iiiii .loin' ju-t to In-r lo 1,-t tiii- roii-ai in -I money par! y.vi'i.ili' Mnrlin, ooy, ilunk twiri 11I1 nit it." -1 imvc t im 1 .'Iii, -ir, an 1 my niin-l 1 ininiieiaoi y .m I. t'.i.il.l I Inar lo li.- rail.' I a fiiriii:ii--;iiial--r.' I'lile r. sav ; - e. more, it only n-- i. ,i- tie- oM wiii.'N, an-l, nltlnuuh I fei-l yo.ir Uin-l i;--.-, ro;!i toe lniti.iru of 1,.. ln.rt, in- ilee I, in.l e 1, it 1 .11 lo .;. 1 I." I'loai 111.: ui.ril.t iine.l '.u:l.,,v the C'Ctiu'.iif ( hrit!:.i, 11 . ..ration ! W ho i ol tin ,-e l, ii..; ,,11 i'ui r.-. " - I Mrs. Cuvy. ....k ,.n l. "l- .11 lie ! I ; ,va!i l-av.- ilre !! ' laue'ii skill U-ft in j "'Taiu't its; '" 1 int.' tri-impliaiiiiy n've1 roulil In' t'.',. '. I the thim.'s lu- eetliii- o c.iii,iit.';-'' "Vivu!'' M i li:: Cirei't !, ',-. is Vi i'i. " i .n k ffi he .etiei!." (l.e 111 :. ion! a il ;!.:. if I ii.:- th.' : e', I. You'll l"t UK ''iin.t, 7, o-i't y.-n ' w :.i!-' at , -u'-.l. , v-.-nl. At the n,. !.ra'.-i I'ul ii 1 1 lo I; : . r, a.i.l e i.ue I 1 i ' Yes, MitiPti, i' .y-veu .; m- ri 1 n,l, 1 ir: in " ; V,!1." , she -;n'e Iter i:'.' .ft 1 v iu'o . hi-, "I've :' 't'-i ',; S"f f"r -'. if : you will pt u :i :!." "Yivhi top u'e, Yivia !' 1 i i ! iiii'"l. "I ! .i- . in i:n, 01 a:. .11 r- ally nt-!lt:,; in :-' '.:.-' '. Ihe tha ! v ol Ihe --I-I r.f t.'te. ii'-t'-e. t'.ie wri::li' ' 11'V In inf 'nii. in.'-' i'i'-'0, my u "Neui- wife,'' she in'.el po-e I, ucutiy. -Oh, M".rti;i. w.;.l-.l vou ii ive ielo'.ye 1 a bi.nier ol r.'.d - s. :i-iri'.- 'i--' If-.rfss I'v.nlh I am, I e.H l !,,- n- 'u ine poi.-rc-'. wi.'iii'iu 1:1 ml V -u i.-m-iui 11 1 had lo-! vou.- love. An I '" : m- I ver b ar t lie w --rld's an-h-'-s ii ion "f . b.-iu... a iort'J'to-h'l .'.!. 1 ::! u-'t I;.; titer n:e; I cam-: afl- : Aud wi.tn Mr- I' y 1 !, with tlis best .Irna-J t.V.iS el,.;., -i h-; nui. Murlin nttd V:vii w-re -t:!' -' m hn.: in lr'-oi l " hifp!"- "! " auo'.nn- s l-e-v. raretsin w - 1-. u lady so-ppe 1 si.ort. M ittiti - I .lidii't kn v ' "Mut 1 know, in-ither !" - in i t'ue : genial voiieof the farmer. ! heUin-i her. "M.ti-iu, vi v, l.i-l, l''t tii i-t last. M, , tin r. we're '4-iiu' ' l.-tvi adeai , little tl l.uil'.er. ll'id hi'r I 1 Vivii t.rcy ! " ! Ami when the clear, co'el i:'r of tin. b!cs-e 1 t,:iiritiui:is Day tl i v - -in 1; Hilly over tli glisteamg, auv.v-t e 1 uu, ami the red linyersoi sua-.- vi,. .e r i-t the orient sky the sovee; I w rJ-, l, ....!, 1 a-:': ,., Ill fl." Martiu Carey walked with vi . to the village church, and the..- - . v, i the sweetest Ctiii-tm is -,-ifl th :' .-in Si c.i'il I have in st ir him. 11, . 1,1 I .... 1 1.-.; . . ;,, ,.,tte of till bi I'Mtest It-Oil.- all-1 tin" I- ' " Oil of uio'.t lie II i lesiiln'.ion-. Chi itlmat licllt. O happy bi-l.t ii.roii-ii eo.n y.-ni W- hear, in your f;!a I -n The iii'tsa.-.. still o' i-.'.t-'.' :, "' I All .eii-rin -i.-e -r-ls hl.-.i Uu.;. )-: . . ' 1 .v ; -.A"ifc'-:.V 1 ( I -I K -if 1 i , 1' rm; -,n, on, s .1! T" eran Irrn-' '"ii e.-i's in.-. Till nil --ir .lay s ai t e- .-tei'i- ,l:u ' i'vut -til-l of -,- v:n... ., ,.-.. in, .1 Hi. 1 Tlioyerc .-reet. Whs' kind "t a 11. . -1 m ,1 you like ,.t, M-iuiii.--:" -iske 1 O.-rtrude with thouaht f rhristina: . - J like :i hi". I- hw 1 -,s anythin.', don't .- il" .,11, 1 ,tt do'" -o 1 i.prtie, '-.ith . mov-nt nt that was -.Im-wt sn-ujic . i I M-urice nii'-i H-it '-" well S'i"-'icd I ith bis pers.imi! iipp, ar-tm r' us he aid ! tii-l U'wUkUU j r f f--l I' " rPYiiTTw if ' I V ' T I f ' ' ''LO.M A .(. U j' Tjirjjn(r m, i ,,f i' llirii '. " """b " ' ' " ' ' W,,r-!!oiM', Tho Only Survivor of the Ouslor Mi?s,u;io, Thi'in ilieil nt I 'i nt l.'il.-y ii e.'iii'v tin- HUM! fiiinoil. lio.- in lie- West in liiany re-peet.. I; j. ( oina neli.-, the ii. ir hui'M- tlmt unt llic un'r thin!' "ii Cn-ti-r'a .-i-io that e-uin- .-iii of l!e liia' -ane in -Iniie, I -T'-. al l .', t -mi. HU,.l(. , v0,. la(.(. ,, i,,,. (iuee, and iii. .1 nl eui! uniil th-alh by Old :i;; Ihe p. I al.. ea:e .-I' the ev iimIi ( aValrv. lie 11,1-:;, yen-told, nml was viiieil by sihi-.-eei li.-in far tllld lli.'M' ibililli; Ihe last years of hit life. Prof.-..,,,- l--, h,...,f the stale lini'. ei sily a: I nvi. -ii, e, nun sum moned by h a ;;i aph ami -e.ute-l Ihe si.iu:,l:l d..:.'i iii f,..' tiiii'ii-iiiy an-l " hi I repute thi -u I,, 1 tin' W. rl.l's I air. Il has lieeit t, i,,; ,,f (Yiv b-.i i, s lo l-e.e.le the , ' .-, I :,u. I It.it f ii lot -'naiii'ie. 1 1 1- r.--. a, .- al l ort It; ley w as n .--ui ., n ! r.-iiiin I, r of ll.e i ler-'St i.iov. !:- 'l-'lilU 1 .r 1-'-'icd. :ili I be I. :d a ! .-are th.lt ..i :!i hands 1 ou'.l U ,. 1 ,i,..,u, !,,- ii . ,1 In:;. -r,y, l ,u . ;, 1. , .., !. i.h, I ':';J of 1 i 1 1 1 1 . :,;.,! w j.), h, :,v v tlK. Ill 1 I l.i. I ) .;. :: e- ,: 11 , I,.- Iliad, . h;t , I, (ii ,: u ., . p !' l,,-.v!: ';- I Wen 1 :'u t 1 iw 1,1 1 1 1 h' v, i.-.'i liodi-l." I 'he India:,- I- ! au i:it. 1, -!';.- -t-n i'i Ibehii-e's !.-.ii,...-; ;e i- !i. I u lir i'l'iv. d ;,! lie- In:,!.- ,,f ii,.- . i l.i; 1 1 1 1 1 11 -In 11- .'!. M I" I saw y : ,.1 1 u; b -,.,e Ii 'til ill Ihe I :,'.,. 1 1 imp of : 1 1 III. ii in-, liii-l- i' li " ;.- .: i-h': ol i;:in I-,i i. Ti:e .mi u : - 1 11 :. v 1 i,i n.i., -.-li!.'. ir-f I I -Itl.-i-, I' d .... i'u 1, :i- m: l l. l i.'t, decided I ,. M : , k I i " 1 .1- ni l Hi both II ink- :iu-t in ..'- - mi i ,!.-. thus ! lif.l.e---i n id I" 1 : '.' t! ,1 .;, . lie .ild,-lt!d M ,i -l il- 11 , lo :.'!.., , l:io . :ild of lie i":p 1 ilh .-: -In i..,:i, I'.iptaiu t,-iil".-'i lie- ...:. r ,,l::,u .liii.i', II iii:e he -!i..t:,l t i!,,- ihe ne-l vinl. 'Iher.:-;:U Is fitioi.:,;: l-i ..11 h"W lb-no re .i'i i hit I l - . i :i :,,!!!! loo ,e.n, il 1- : . j ,1 - --1 :iu I v, . u-in w ir.1111 lie- r--ii'i! : w 11 -it p:- .-- -..-,l t li..- w . 1 . 1 i mi I ,!;:- : I of li.iiliu a sin. 1 i .- 'i'i;,. r,.v f 11 ,!-.,iu. was r-.iifi-oii . , !.v 1 u - .liv.-i-ui- tnass.-l :i-"iin-l liiiu, a. 1 niiind Willi the ..il, an-! Iic-t i; 'I ' I 1: !li-ll! ! ':.- ;u,d L"n-. Ui ' il Co-;, : M .- f,. :.;-! M.'. - i . o-ii, w .. . 1-. , ... ;, Ti... 1. 0 C had !" !. I I I I. I.;;. I al;.i t'll'-l .and til e 111.,' 1 ; , I ,iu like il muttaii-j . A' lie-: lie i.dh'i t.'i-ui.'d sii-c-tsfii;, ;,i:i -,!:, a ii,,- :,.,i ,;'i,- tin. It lo oil th. 11 I aid.-. I apta::i ii.-iiiecn and 1 ilslcr v-or- di iyeii -l.oyly bef ;. Ihe uieiit Love .. ill .-ueiuv a, id ivail-1 P i I.' :! - lo a:t.ic. 11. .-.. I ill In- ill.! ii'-l - n-e. I.eaV II- ( ..':t''l K'e .-.'!, .11 t ..w. I' l it1!.''', t.et.t-, ai t u-l"l- -...d lit, t. eu iis. i li.i. d l! , . ,-e-t kli.-il lo wlih !i ti ey lie'.'' ,'iiicu and I'. 'i" Inade bis .a-: s.i:.l. In,-'!, -i- : hi- in. u i v, ! i t'n' f'-..rfiil la':: f litllle -jav-- - l .! r I, i lie ;i - hi!. Ihe !eU-e- and p.ke -. fu.;,- I.';i,i 1 Ibeii I -i lie-. To.- "i.l. i wa- - b, i.'.l. lie t: , ; i. .j.- i ' .in .., ,,ii ! (brie ; a I ;! an." a- i i ih - to i:i.o r in w l-!.-!i ih" . -- - I ;!, .u.l::i .' , e. - '.il I ed. t..:.r 1 l:'!..i: - - - . i,e i., ..':,. away aid Ian. !.::; li- i..-- p- ii ar Veiiion ,-, ti -,! his iii-,-: ... ; : in,),--,,, to eoiui'b r tl.e th--n -.-h- ' I : l i life of !l... !-.., II i: I, ,1 -i ' I .1 ... K w.; ,l:-in ini!, .', -in I n i .... Riiitnai n s,iu,.i:;;; ..,,w will- h Kword. 'hove hl.ti an ,y ;, - I t n 'n d h: itij...le 1, I I'i- :,; '-. I '-oil' ... dash- I - i - t,- -'.-..j - i rar.i;.-.. ,.f a', b - f - hi n, .,. ' !" Iiiiiiiiiis, b. In- on f. ,,:, n,.i )- w a. railier I h.ni or t -l,'..i li !- n, r a In, ho-'l's. Tie' eii t l-' -a I -oi i;d ( ,-t- r :, id Ke.-yli was p.-tu; ',!,-, :.:, :, . .i nil's after I '"in i.,. 1 '- i,. . o , i so hi i, r in ( u-t , ; "t ,' . i - .! v. . . !. I v.o -1 tv- :a:. - ' . ! i 'i I h : ! - km .. II !i" M i.s t i.ii'inu : I:," ,.f :,-lu.-lt-a- I .', lial , 'lu' ; . , y e.l wold 1' , . tn 1 ;.'i.o's -, .: -, 1:1. : I o i. ;i :i, i ..!..,:.; 1 n . I it ii , -a i v i ui I is .'i ,-t l... i i ,,; ,. i w ', ,-! i,i- had 1 1 .il . 1, d u f- i I i - i . ,i -beaiini; his I . ,i-- ..: --, , I . , do I t look b III .-ll"! .- ' I' e ; tl-f .-! ihe ti.ia' tiand. oi l w i i. il w.i- f.iiind 1 b ii to. t a in ;ii si- ii .i i.: li Ibev dele, :n .,. ! tl, , :,,, ,... j no- l- a-..: n I i. . leu -', o, d I cm ed f 'I :il a w it !: ' : - ' -1 i been be;', ,, I' ill !:'- -I. nib I t.ijii- !' w li, j - ! , t I - " t. , '.i 11. I a ! l th ho i o. ,o -I,,- 1 sp. :ti. . e.l ti ed -" t f i' tli.V' i-,, It ;,. ' (.'oniiiiii lie w hs one of l hp oi iiriii.il nml of ihe Seyi'iuh ('..mliy nheu ; the leyim-iil wa- oi-:ini."d nl Furl Kiev in I m'.ii and urn- in nearly evel y 'sMiiui-h from that one until l7i. i ll.s til's t encounter nits nalu-l lli- ' 11. lie, I ti ihes of enll'lil li.io- ill l.ti', wiieii lo-iieinl bernian r-nn liiaiitlt-tl in person, lb' received his 1 lirsl wound in Sepu inbi-r of ibui veni al Ihe hioody bailie of the viiid HilN. lie b.-id Sj'iiuish bhnid in bis vohm -'101 w as traeiiib e ,'itul itile'ii-en1. I'uriiio the pu-l sjv in, -. In. while it IV.'is seen ,111111 he was fuilii";, evei v nii'i.aiy post in thn eonii'.i y u as noliliml f his coniliiioii, mid every soldier ivlei v!-ils l tin- expo-ilioii will wall! to se- t h" I inounted reuiaiiis of ihe faliiolls si, ed. 1 ICliiea-o li- raid. ! I'lkeV IVak. Ill Ihe lil'-I tle-ade of ihi- ceiituiy, j Major Zehuioti I'd,,- pied from ul.ir al Ihe -lini slopi't of lie.' in. ui u :.i 1 ,i . Ii lined ill bis honor. Mild , o il-led il bniioiu fool ii oi,:,l ev," ti ( a 1 is Mini, in.it: loir tl d h- c.vpie-- '.bis ,1-nil-l I : li ly, a- mi-lii ot,- who had no' ilia !e llie t ii-hiil or. 1 1 1 as one who bad put t.-rih hi- bcsl t liori-, and I " I i t-n o 'I'd :il oeii nun by flow-nil.- sleep-, iliii!:!,-- Kin's, nt.,1 !.i-l-f -. i:i'" s-noi . I l.-v : .- i-.-i. i Ihe h-' -hi o; i; mil' h I'-.ll".- p'-.k. H--W b li. - M !l ::s ( ".' e:i!l" 1 1 -I. .lain. If di - ided I'l .l I'm 1. her '!'...- -, oi d I. in. : :o in. 1 1 i- an null- .-. ;. i i -i for bis -ma i b.ii, 1 id' li, en. nml h- ici'-ue ivira-a ( hi- -:,; , I.. Ihe liiliey, I'.n-iy e;n t ol- more pa--, -! l y. .-.ti-i lie' llii-ii'v iilolialch let li'il'.l ni'd'l its pi ..i: h . - a , ill see oi in- -I- li o:,-.' .-, btlliian I ui- h. win li iiie-iln r I cn:ii. -Ull-' I ini e I" r , , oi em p ;a led I,: , -nl of th- ui at ii i a i 1 1 in. l an txpnoiPi'ii of ti-.e Ina-uilb'ei,! canons np.-iiin-:n t vol Iii -i I i'lii fi 'iin ' ' - ,'aii. p:;i : -iu;i 1. II- bad pll. he 1 U... in t l.-oiv 1. 1 SUipit-sill- li.-illlV. whe;e,u e.n- s'lUiicd lillll.-ioils hea'l h-' il Hi--pti:!--, t phi ",' IV -' l!i- lu.!'. tin w.-ie u- - ii-lonn -I 1-. !,' oi- ii"ii- -.,1. 1 Ihal lb-' "Manii"!!." ihe (.i:a; Spir t. Iiii-hl Ilea! Ih- in I y I ho-e lif--! em u ' ill- Wil'i'l'-. Then a bae-l , f hotti'..- lielvo'.s a; p-ai '-.i in la: :: simui-t'i . a!.-l h" il l o III':! lit have b i--, a !,::il lo lie f ',,-:elv h-i.h - nat --;,-. to !:i:,l.'' I,,t i' ii, hi-ilepat I lire, :-.:nl : -ia',,-1 1 1 1 - i on ti e oi-.l-r of bis -,-!iu " Bin lie m ii.i woi.l "-!tt" !...d - i in in, : ion i: an y an t-iri'sxi uiit w .:-, n, and lit !,o."'y p'..'.i:s were -n luai k.-l by nn a in , - I . on i n n -il - 1 1 ' . in i -. i e . . a: I . b a In.; i'i ..-:- h-ite; . -ii ,- nr. a-. ::;i I in ai1. I. -i:-, i ; in i .j.i:i,.y - It ar !...ii i i - "ii ll. -blow t f ,!,,. u, ;i,,t. !' k"'- IV.. I. oi b.,! !" t-.-lii,' pet isiie.l by tnevia;. tnnlii p'iii 'ut'ii lie- jcmii : but to t :e Ii I in I all Ihe i;la!:d fid peak. How ti io'i lcl in e'ou 1-. in, iv n!, j.inlii in Ihe siii.li'ht, s!.,, d n Iniidii'-ii k f -l mile- o.i loii"- of loiit-ni i i.i; :,, -it'-. N.-t iii' -I I' o-e v. !-, ee:. !., d i:t-li-," lew ai, I.--, I by!,.- -!",t -! lli.' i t .'..i'i- ii.. Til ; In: i t-id: '., o :i'l c ::!! ' 1 u ,i,-l,y l y n ;-..'i'0, ami in no It I id, .1 lu , :i -,-i.: - - 1 ; -.. : 1 l "ll lid 1 11 l! U hi- 1, lli.'i," ,1111 ! 1 :. Ti..- ! -i- i' , i ':" I- I io-t w ith Ir .w u hi- b ".lllu loi 1 1 1 --m tie' w i ' ' , - i -. I" -'link -:' l!, .. I .." . : - I . , . i n i'i e , , ' 1 . ; , i ' , , ' ;- ' 1. I ,c -u - ;:: ;-in i; ,. I. .-'';: u.--- ' d . h ue i i -e . i; - N ., I 0. a-. t lis) of "lll t l -111 it'll. "U ',-,1 i- .1., l:, :,. , I -i, p-- ':. :, .il It..- :'-" 1 " it-ke.i a :.. I, ! ,, -Jon u :.' tin- ' .1 -i.i I ,'isi i.lj. I --V-i.' pe. pi. .oi' .t I- h m , d -a- it e.iit ii . t': , 1" !. :,-,. : I : i h - 1 , !.. I . i u ., -fl ,li, li:;-l:.:.e. .' .!-. to i. o-ll .. ).,,: :-, n is . ,1', in , . .: i : o . .: . i .: ,.-I:-. o lo the I.I, , il at "il II,.- t.,- ! I 1. 'l.d I',.--, 'li" i, .- I- ,, ail il - I ii . Ir, i.i ti t , -. . .-ui ,,. I ml ,i ih , ..ii tl :' i -i-t - .'I ... I M- I" iO, ,.( p, I , oi I i : i h, :u i . :! , I- d . , :.. -.i-.f, . w I.. ' i ,.. in I !ii--v.' :il .-:i I.....1 - - I li,.' tl!; f. ,!,! .,'. H lli. ! I ,lin . 'il.tl :,- -I ", (--i y .l.-v. !. j - .'!. -I..1. tl t. t Oil- .. . i l -'li- 1. 1 I 1 ( -., ,i n.l -. .... nn !- I iii s. v, 1 ; i t I ... I' ! ke. . . ..-.V I I ,-t! t'-l' .in. so !, i" -- - 1,'en ill k.l1'!'' Far of t "l ll. f i .ai "I 0 it I...- in i! :-. of ail . . o of (Oil Wi- i , -i- ,i :, ,1 t, . i Tiies bit I" ',! . U i:, I .,n:e :, p, t t ,,!. , -I - ii, -. - l-i ' v til- ! i. I : h ., ,., . -,i,l i-e ! e I i-v .- n .t-i ,:t, i i . - . ,; la . pel f. i- . ii:-. .ill. -'' I a ' I l! . s... of tl'.' -"!!! a f ill . i -d n.l i-iie d oi ooi i-iii at he l-a-c. ! : - , ..,:--. v i' , ; , m , - : i i. . . - , tr, .ii I 'A i o lo M , . I ' i'i i is i.rt - I - Nun Maui :n - p -.. - . ei i r .: no", - i.iii(ihv M i s . . n , ; ;n, . Shniliivoi. i;. p. on tin Jilal nl tin- pa-t. This rmo.i'hic sim lnnks ller.-ely rtown, 'o mlbinle sUul, iv iloe- it rnt. To win-it ii-Hint tin1 linie ln! flown-An-l so I lrii-1 in I -lure years. No shadow lV"lii tins iiiiildiiy skies Wi l .'I-.-..ui' life, l.-ve hath no fears. And hoe care- n--I lm svriU time llie. The iii Willi il- lender hold llaib wound Ihe I'ial nil nhout - At-. I S" I'-le's eallopl "l'l.-olli WiiJ -ion i one'- ,n--iiiL; shadows out. I' ' M i . in Mun.-i.s's MaiiinP. Ill MIMIMl S. Siiipnl pootls a,, ftill fashionable ill fl'illiilUll eili li's. Any man would inii' li rather be a fool Ihan !o h like olio. A man with an i lactic step should be ,-tl-!e I-, wall! for it bin-; .slrelch. A book . ,u I ,.i. ' I" mi-lil justly bo li'i-ni'.'.l a v-,-rk on haii.:!ii-, iiSuiri'. The m-xt industry ,,f iln- r:iin pro-dii.-or w III be lo im.ko :b" rain '.l-ar. 'I ii- p-1.--I r,.iii is a man w ho i;en eirt'lv pill- I. it wlu-le -"!- In bit work. Ill mri, ly ',e lit I lie llill'dltst to p.. ,-e lie pc-pl" it h" ho- lit the lentl. '1 I .s ;.- .-, i-f-.iht, .-ii .ar loaf," said I ue f il iy-.i-e e "1, k , If II bll-illt ss Ha- dull. Women i:ro hot i. n nil-' as ! I ui-. 1 have n ' -i . -i ie- for lit u n r ii. i. ! -. N in -f-, iiii,.." i be in am .-i kind of l hit- - up : iii'y. 1 i ll. "V W id VC!I liob I up b.d. c If ih,-.,- i- ,'! I no.; iii 'if Ihan nuother that :i lo in i- i'i' t" Ilit k ll, it i- ids -1 111. 'i'.-l- i' lilt'is.ti ', -- v ,, i--ty IVilllls to it.-.-oiii . ills ; mill I'l-uiiililii' I n, k;. ai d u I liii,!:::; i I ihe Ih.eVi'- of lie' IT Clil tint , ll"' -. H'.iU'-i l.il'.i!" "f old 1114 ;i lii'-i ' l id- i l-' : in in. I ','.;-.. 1 !,..,! ,'. !. ,,, ;.- I him." "W'l.i ." !',, ,- ,lt.- h illdil'l teem lb'! !" i-i l : i n' . .a - 't.-u 1 s;,l. ii i." r ii. , i. r ,- '.itn-i'iitiy ileline-1 lis a in nn tii.' t. ' - --.ine: liin- ho hasn't u 1 i a in. -e-n'i know what be It - :d i- lo.it fiCjuentlv tint casts th:' th" iii-m tt'-o bun uhs Ihe ioudost ha- : I," b' .-i : .' a ''I Vi hat ho is Imi'i a1'::;-; :,i --it. I', tn ui TiK'y s,,-, i-ld .bines is dr. itiv tU'i-.t,..-. F l.toi- Ins'- liko hini. I! 1,,'iei u i.l I i-ller whrn he I. I ,-. -P-sed to M i r L-i .;!.:. dim- l';d l, :i 'a !' I , 1 No-- I 111 I . ( ,'t in T In':-.,!. ii, ,- i :.;. -ii;'n fa'.Iic-r . onir.s parlor and ill' b-1 v 1 u riis oil I lit tin. f'-t-. in- -lipp"-'- lo- mill-; mail can tiifrlv re -a: tl i: as lim-' to i i -r 1 i t out. I i i e 1 1 1 1 1 o iv ' - your ton siotliti , i . .I-::!.-: I ho'-,' he N erovvin-j up a . ltd.! to t family. '- Yes, ho ha-, lie Vol: ins. all I b -Ots ccdil c-vcry w I.- .-.-. it.. I a in- ! iii'U i, iu !" he taut, li is ,-, ; . j i' - ii.-u iilu-." si,- rep; ieil. I i ii .nn ; ! feel.' iln- 1 ' -i.d. "I haven't seen ! :: 1- in "i .iln-; 1 hat ibii'l pel -ml !. '.-,!. ,1 !.-: si r:ii-hl in . i .. ii -:. !. Ihe Pit.in- of the r.iilV.ibi. O ,.. !', - .. . ol- I' IO. O, ', 1,11(1 ) ',.':. . Oii'-d ah -lit ;! We.ieiui iic --. - ii : ' il" Is:-, "... found. Si.t : -, 1,,: ;, i "- !.: d "j-i-.'-i-i ves." 'I 1.. : , o ., t - '.'.., n -'.t..' Na il ,', ' lo, in a'-. j-ri ale lan.l on i- ; ,.i ' '-,!, U'l.t b is :t herd of ah.-i.- i : ' t -111" i'l.e i."i l;ir-ft fo li-, I. oi i- in ih- 'olo-ical (.nnleii -I i ' ,1 ' 1 -.' ,1 , ;,'i i niitiib. n s'-Mcon. . ! I , . ,i ; i : - -,', ; in i o i.r" pe rhaps a , , :i t -,! v I- I b- land. Tb l i. in . ,, ; , ,! t . .1 den h it two. I 1 tl n : .- ! - n in. id- ith lliestt few i - in I-- pi - 1 1, ihe specie- lo -.... I ,,'i, . t 1 1 1 1 1 i - i i ' 111! of I.lillllt' ! t, t , : i o : , ih- h-i,!i...- l.i.-l ihat ad, or I't'a: !v ai' '1," l-ii tii- :i!f urtles. List --I,, i'i tin i'hi a l-i;. uia I oinlcn . ti - f.-l.-l : "II At'- W t I .' hot II. but both it :,- 1 - ;.' hi !:" e'.ii'W tlono ! I,. : . 1. - i: ! o ,i :, . iii'il- calf for tie t t ,,i,. It 1 " u- as if !,.. HulbiiO mutt 1 . o l:. -. in In piii i'n I-I. mil Vint I'oct Aerots. I I I 1 1 1 1 .' ,.o 11 . -ill-.!- of lb- lilit is'i -!,.: I .r.i.!.! i iii M 'In!-, ll I epoi lu b ,t ,;i. ; .- c I w i:!,i-i b:Cf a in ile of a itt ! ' k -h'.'-V ill'T about seven feel .ii, 'I lb- W a!er,.i 11 lillillld-' "''! . ' !-., I, l-OI.'iMld ' I , . O Wl-sl. N" -..limb :',.- - neie i.ik u -ni-l no tlis ro'.oft -I wa'iT iln- s,., .) i'. -.t close to tliei-.'. l.e- -i :- n.i- smooth, nml ti.-li: li-. I :- n t ll I Ih- l-i, k ap- j- a, . -I - ! a'... ii lo :-.- I',.-. I 1 i diarn- -I- t 'o o wati-i 'l-e. lull lililill ! .1 i i,nd , H." - .Pci . I ip! tin Kith, a, ,U si s !,, .me that ii was tod a I; in' I'hi a J Iplbit !i-..;oid.

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