FOB FARM AN ilARDEJ. VACCISATINQ HOUSES. Experiments Iirto been mule by tlie German depni'tmeutnl veterinary sur geons, Peters ind Ktllscli, with tlio millcin 6r glanders lymph of llerr Preusso. Ilolh experimentalists nrc of opinion that when horw?s nrtectcil with glanders are vaccinated it vim net a reaction and rising of tiro temperature, which as a rule would not take place in a healthy animal. Out of 10 horses raccinatod and showing tltcw symp toms only one was found to he free from the disease. It may bo detci'lod within 10 hours from tit litno of vaccination. New York World. roTTOX-SEF.I MFAI. Von THE I'MKV. A series of experiments lmvo been made at the Texas station to deter mine the influence of cotlou-seed meal in the dairy ration on the creaming of milk, both by the common arel centri fugal methods. Without giving the results of the various experiments separately, it may bo n.iii tlie average loss on ootton-sced meal for ordinary setting was 17.5 pounds out of every 10O pounds present in the original milk, against 25. S lost when tiro out ton.seed moal was fed. Tho feed for each pair of contrasted lots was the sumo except that one lot received equal parts of com meal and bran as bye food, while tho other lot had cotton-seed mcul and bran in equal parts. With milk set at a tcmpciatvuo of 45 degree, and kept . that tempera ture with ice for twenty-four hours and (lien skimmed, it ml milk at the same temperature skimmed in twelve hours, the results show u decided in I voiitage iu the longer setting. When the cream was .xiia:tcd by the centrifugal method tlie result show that a very much larger per cent, of tho butter-fat. present in the milk is obtained, mid that without re gard to the rhaiartcr of the feed used, whereas in the ordinary gravity cieaming the character of tho fool may have a very unit ked cfhVt upon tho quantity of butter obtained front the miik. wfk hvi-r-i 'n u i. When a yjitnu i- w:ik in the limbs it indicate that the mother has not been well noiirilietl and the food ha- not been of the ti",lit kind to give strength to the bone-, t ows that are huge milkers often have weak calves, for tlie rea-m that the bone-making material i n-C'l up in tho production of the milk and the young i:i!f his n t been fn;i nourished. In fact, the culf is to fed long before it is bom, b; furnish, ing the dam with tho needed food to nntaiii tliu healthful groutli of the fntn. i tit- of tlie best f bone-making food, and also supplie the materia' for lurking flesh and milk. Sj that the cow which i x pcetcd to produce u calf should be fed from the tirt with at least two ijiiiit of bran daily, in addition to uthe: nutritious food. An excellent ration for a on- that i milking an I i- in calf, is four pounds of :il. f,.ni- pounds of bran, and two puui l- of linseed meal, daily, iu addition t,. good pasture or hay. An n'lowir c- of some kind uf t ool iu tjic winter i indispeiisab'.o to :ieli cows, and a'l j, other nnimais that will he producing voting in tin- spring. The laxative effect of the food is nee.ied to insure ,,. health ami to ai l in the dic-tinn of tlie food. This is c-ieciai:y true as reganh sheep. New York Times. ''MINt. I.N' IV- IN I WiMIM.. The present is aa oppoi um,; time, thinks the New York World, for de termining the crops to be planted i et year. There is leisure now f.r a tare, ftll review of the t..i(.t seiiMMi and the noting of its m.-ceses and failure. If too miii-h labor atnl lime haz arded on one -r two favoi i e -rop-. the .eme ly that suggests itself lie. in a grea'er diversitv liereaft.-r To tin Pouth'iu fanner especially a inoie divcritied system .an not be too highh recomnieMdi'd. Hut wle thci N.nili m fvmtli, reliance ought li"t t i he placed upon a single crop, "if 1 1 i rea's. Indian corn is the on' rKtiip.-: to tin fewest contingencies and th- lest a Me to endure unfavorable condition. I will often bs found inure proti ab e than cotton, and even cotton plant r should at least raise riionzh of It t prevent h'm from uing tlm proeeed of his money crop in paving for mi -plies bo ought to i-aisj himself. tiood uiaiiuriiig and good cultiva tion sic the fu st steps to micci's-i'ii farming both in the North and lie Smth. There are, however, season when iu extensive distri. Is both m iv fail in producing their expected re sults. Long continued and intense heat of tlie suit may cause drought on the one hand, or excessive rains ami unusual storm may destroy a crop when near its maturity. tinier hkIi condition, owing to their difb'ii n period of ripening, some crops nun escape while another may perish. It- -sides there tire many things in tin economy of nature that are hurtful to the crop. Against the chief of tle-i obstacles science Im come to the aii of the farmer and put into his ban. I the mentis for greatly decreasing tin ravages of inect Ippstg. Small fruits and garden vegetable s are now auuiing great impo: tail'-.- as farm crops on a largo scale, so that upon the whole tho prospects for far mers holding their own agaiust all comets svem encouraging. ii.MVTi ami vn.i l'hc domestic goose and thfi wild goose evoRS readily, anil tho cross is often seen in some sections. The only tlimcnlty in obtaining tho Vror.S is in getting tho wild eoc or gander, for it is usually considered belter that ths male should bo of tho w ild Mo'A. in fact, It is said (list A wild goose intro duced i'.H'J a flock of domestic fowl is often unwilling to mate, but the wi'.d gander will mate readily with domes-' tic gccsn. Tho wild stock is usually procured by tuking ono that has been crippled or wing-broken by (ho gnu tiers, but in soma cases ycuiig olies have been caujihl; and vc have heard of a whole fiock nlighting in a farm er's yard during a heavy storm, when there was a strong wind blowing in the direction that they wanted to go when migrating. nrul fol lowing tho farmer's flock into the bam, Where they were secured. The object supposed to be gainvd be the cross of wild blood stealer hardiness and mora t-.ipid maturity of the gosl'ngs, which are also less sub ject to diseaso when small, and more eiii!y reared. Tho wild gander or goose, though easily tamed, does not loso the instinct for migtation. and the wing should be clipped both fall and spring to prevent them from starting off to join some passing tl cV of former mates. Iu the half-breeds this instinct scent to have died out, or tlie power of flight is s" lessened that they will not often attempt to go away, or will not go far enough te? ol away from home 1 he gander will u-ualU- mate with three or four geese. The number of eggs in a Measoii will vaiy from 1.' to and the time of renins is tivtii S to :';' dts. I'liey should ho set in Match or April, a- they arc more easily reared before the weather, pet? very hot. The uiowing of goslings for nic.i-k"' Is usually considered very profitable by tlioe who have goud luck with them, that is, understand the Imsiue-s well cnouth to tear the young ones- for, like turkey, the .'n-alest mortality is during the tist i cck of their life. I hey need trood grazing ground, which must bo jjiveu up nitiic'.y to them, : i!ir fowl or aiiimaU d- not like to food on the ground they h ive frequented and they need a pool or shca'.i -'f clean water, as they will not tiillve like a duck In muddy uati r. I hey bei;in to breed tlio second year, and o'.d gee e are moie prolili. and gn-w b 'lor go.',iii; than young one-. They live to a great a'e. . ''fo-.n-i'.-r our- I M.M NO . MttM N VP entilate the fruit cellar. I love the fruit in a cool piaee. I'.ig a.-res do not always make ' Ur ce f .l gardener-. ive tie' poultry div ppiiiu- .'-tore ihi-m w hero they will t dry. .Vie you giving any tlioiight lo next M ar's gaiien ' Hotter do it now. Keep all seeds in a dry place where mice or rat- eatiu t get at them. Hard he irte. 1 indeed i the man who ruts down a handsome shade tree In the pasture lot. .loin in any inoxciiieut which will have a tendon y to i -'ovale tho st .iidard of excellence of tho hor-es of your neighborhood. An increase in the vaino of the horses will bring many ioilare into a community. It m iv bo true that Inr-om'ii, I : k o uui-ieiaiw and poets, aie born, not made, bin tle ic mo few who may m t eld mu :i to their kuowlcigt- ,.f l-oi-o an-1 I ceomo -killfid in 'heir i in I'lageiuent by 'u ly ami practice, i I .-librae" o.y oppor' imi' that j pic-ents itself for seeing and oxainiu I ino vuluabie horie;. in- uav In Ue j come a goijil j-, ili;e of hm-c-. or lather I i i idge of to :d hot , f- to mingle ' wi'li the uwt.eia of su ii stoi k and j pi k up all i he point on can. I IlieKPst Sailing Ship Afloat. ' The I'li-iiih ti c-uia-tor l-'rance is i 'ho largest siiiliiii; liip atloiit ho i wis launched iu N-pteuilior, l''o, j from the yard of Mosrs. P. W. Meii ; der-on at I'artiek for Me rs. liordi s ; I'd, ami her diiiicii-inu aie us I I'olh w-: Length. :'' I feet; breadth, I ' fe.'t; depth, '.'t feet. Her nct j ngi-tor tonnage is I'oo.'t, with a sail ; nea of f i oo souare foot, ami not ..oig ,'.nce -tie earneit an enormous cargo of o'.'uo ton of on her maiden pasny,e from Harry lo Kiode .l.ineiro t unning old sea dog -hook iheir heads and looked a though they could a tale unfold, but the !.itiiter foreboding were not justified by the result. It is always awk vard to prophesy unless we know, for she reached her port without mishap after thirty-two dacs' sail, or within one day of the fastest passage on lecord. vhc is square-rigged on four masts, but carries fore-and-aft canvas -n l he fifth mast, which is far aft. iter masts are inly Ifio feet high; :ievi t theloss she looks heavily sparred. Phi leviathan is titled with a cellular limbic bottom, and can carry 2omi inns of water ballast, thus reducing lb- eipease of ballasting to a mini mum 'dumber' s Journal. qtJAisT ASnrtJBiots. All trees are evcrgreeu iu (he tropics. Kissivg Is unknown in the Far kast. tilass has boon made In tho Uiited Slates sinca 120. Old rails are now ucd iu India for telegraph poles, bcirtg botn 'heap and durable. 1 hiring tho fourteenth conlury Hit playing of football in K.ujInV.d was forbidden. t'aliforiiia's wine crop will equal a quart for every man, woman and child in the Vnited States- The ndhf-sivo postttgc Stamp was i li ven red by a man named t'haiiuers, in lundee, Scothiinl, iu ImU. The tii st prayer book of Kdwurd V. catuo into n -e 'y authoilly of rrlia incut on Whit-sUiHlny, lol'.V x Met ceil H'al.t jury has decided that it is not a crime for a man to steal a meal when ho is hungry. 'I lie first temperance society iu this oounti'v was organized in Saratoga Coiinly, Now York, in March, ln. An inaiie barber in ludi.ititipoli, Ind., lathered a customer with roal oil and tried l hao him with The annual production of sawcij lumber iu the l iiited States would load a t i n I ii of ear '.'o.t'OO miles long. A company rf women is miming tw o canning add prceen ing factories in Michigan. Not a man i allowed to work in ei'her place. The lirnganra diamond, the laigest in the world, weighs If""1 inriUs. It was found in Urail ia 1741. and is now one of the I'oniiintt s ".uivii jewels. Needle-, even in the days of Henry VIII., were so rare that an old piny record- tho fact that a hoh Village turned o"t t- liut't for a Ion one ' by the light of a cat's eye.'' Two of tlie proud pos-cssioiis of an Atlanta iia. ) man are r-:ibiT nud A cross (if the I igioti of ll-imu- that ono of Ids ancestors received fiolu the ham! of the groat Napoleon. Willi the de-ire of thing her hm l and a lino ptc.iif? r( lier-eif, a Wo rn p ill Atohi-on, Kan., had her pho tograph taken u- she iippen: e 1 at daily hou-ew oi k mi hef die- with a baby on one aim and broom and dust pan on !lc other. The hii '.-i-st i -tabli-hiiioiits for bired iiij; ilii-- in i he world are iu Maiichu. lii. iiinesc Kiiipiie. I'lie iIol' are rai-ed for their skins and killed "hell about t t .; 1 1 1 months old. I lie town of New -hw an" alone exported $100,000 u ert !i of -.kins in 1 '"'v !;i some of the small vilhiyeJ of land laboiors formerly carried na.'.s in their pockets with which to pay for the day's supply of birad, lo , iu-t ii 'he native Aii'raliau di ms s h.m-o'.f i f a string (if bead for the piii-'iiase of one coveted lusry. ib-nr ha fot.ige become in the -ni'Ii' h !-iainls, hams the 1. iti- il'e t on lei .loiirn al, that tho owners of the hoi -e i ail road in Honolulu have d ide I 10 run the c ir- by olcc tricity. It is expo ;e tliat "jn-i lor. able saving wi.l bo olb-etod. A latig expression which is rapidly getting in vogue, but which, It i In lievi-l. has not yet been Incllld.d in any p.intcd collection of American isms, is the w.-rd "push." It is an I'Xprcssi n of circus origin, explains the New York Press, nud to be in the push'' is to be, in a general sense, in the cri.wd." or going with the crowd. Shetland I'onios, I havo been in this c inntry for t enry ears, and lie- only bona tide Shetland pony farm 1 have seen yet is in North St. Louis. There are thousand- of ponies imported every year from Ireland, which are small and graceful. Icing a cross between a hct!an l and tho Irish pony, whirl, is pi ovoi tilally nbl to live on next 1I001 to nothing and tbi ive upon it. But tlie peimitio sheibind come here but seldom, on account of Iho cost It can be bought for io to S o on its native heather, but the expense of getting it to the eost and aorof the Atlantic makes it higher-priced here. I he true lu tland is often only about thirty-six inch high when full grow 11 and is never above forty, and another peculiarity i the shagginos of its coat and die rawness of its bones. In these ro-poo'.s it resemble tho Texas pony, and to gn-oni it is to waste val uable tinK. as the moment iho man's buck is turned the groomed animal proceeds to roll iu rubbish and dirt. Thcie arc some diminutive Moods on tli slir!s of St. Louis, not ex ceeding forty-five i'lclns in height, j with arched necks and very slock coat, and tin y arc often described a Shctlands. The error, however, ij not one in which ihe owner fall, ai : these little fellows are imported from I tlie far Kat, some oven from Arabia ; They are costly and much hnudsomct , than the Shetland, though they re j quire more rare nud are not so acgrc ' sivelv hardv. Iho Shetland thrives well here, and money mil! be made bv keeping it, ooii!ideriii the fuel that in the coldest weather it wi ! si rape r.wav the sn -w and find lit leas, :i o In ich. S'. I, mi ( 1 o:n j' 1 at. A BATTLE BETWEEN TWO LIONS rhrtlllal kirHsnt of Trvler In Indian Jungt. It was the good fortuue of Macoii oy and myself to witness A willies between two lions, bays a traveler tu India. We were accompanied in this Instance by my native servant, Isllla, ind took up our quarters iu a lfghl icaffoldlng in the branches of a tall j tree that overhung a watcrpool much I frequented by the animals of that vl I cinity. ! 1 was bcgilitiiiig to feel sleepy and ! to bod frequently when the roar of a j lion close at hand broke tho silence. ! Instantly we were wide awake and j grasping our guns nervously. In ntr other Instant the roar wtis tuswcrorl from A pot below us, and looking jinwn, we Hiw a lioness crouching al fho foot of a tree. Her head was embedded between hor forepuws, iind her long tail waved luxuriously to and fro. Another "wih'P from the oppo site direction, and two, iiiuiinlfkvnt males stopped Into view while tho liotioss continued to purr and wavo that graceful tail from side to side. And there she lay purring gently while as terrlth a combat ensued :u the eye of ma" vr witnessed and words ctttihot paint the picture nor ilescrlbo that combat. Over and over the two males rolled after moot ing iu mid-leap with their fangs at each other's throats, while tho sick ening sound of 'hiitnpiog bones tilled v air. mingled with their frantic, J-oaring and the thrashing of their podbs through the whirling sand. Hy this Wmo my nerves wore so wrought up that 1 could stand the terrlilo spoctaclo no lornfc, tak ing f libera' aiui at the lioness bo hl.d her shoulder Made, I lot lly. Abc've the rumble of my stnonth Imro i.iiided the shriek t.f the lioness as the ho:ty ball crashed Into her vitals, fl'ho two duelist n? rj-,r? teased their hion'.in'er. and as ono of thoui turned, he recohod Mac's iifle bull in the hal low over the eye, and d.ith wu in Ftautauodiia. The other male with rt tnightr roe.r nnd a iKovcrlul sprlmt landed halfway up the trunk of our tree, nearly shaking us fntu our p -rch; but Isilla discharged a spare gun In his face; lie fell back mid, probably only graced by the ohot, dls- ppenr-d into the darkness toward where tho moans and cri"s of tho Hones grew fainter and faiuter every moment. In the nxirnlnn nh prrty Ar."l' fl'tl dog!) we took up the sp "r and tracked the llotie.-s to hor l;iir, and after she had received cloven more of nur bullet, killed and dis abled f"ur of our di gs atnl tiittdo t'vix cloiertiitti' d rushrs, n--..-ni deti in trjii'i! irg '.-r 1 it the dust. Flic bad trav-j tied nine miles before wo caught ujJ to her, and kept a brnve front to tbu las. ltuMlan Tvpnt Alni'iiii 1. The type-st ttors of liu-sia, and es pecially. f St. Petersburg, are alarmed for trade, because they have hoard that in this country certain type setting machines are Klip' rcdit;g the typ" stickers nnd putting them out of ork. Thn s'. VeVTiburg iomvis!t i, fearing that these ma chine may bo Introduced there, havo sent to New York for Information about them, asking if their use is profitable to their employer, and if it Is detrimental to tho interests of tlie old-fash lotied ui 1 1 'si t .r. A reply h is been sent front hor'' to the St. Petersburg inquirer, 1rl'i!ig Hieni cf tlv var'-ous kinds of typo setting machines that have boon In vented, of tin- extent to which thoy tiro used in the newspaper, book, or jnb office in liisciiHUiy, ami of t heir ltillueucc upon tho interests of type setters. A r poller wim ha seen tiila reply says that it- effect will bo to re lieve tho minds of the Kussiau typos. Ken t l llrl. IK) you to act' a lie? l in n flirt. I)o yoti care t lose Iho modest charm of m. inner which is woman's best heritage mid too infre quently found attribute? Then poiy ut love. Do yo'iwtitit y.uir future life cm bitiep'd by memories which will stah you where yoin heart Is boating with happiness? Tien cheat some mn; into giving y.-u lru regard for JlcS. If you would be womanly, u? woman reader, or manly, iny un. known quest Loner. kIvc your esteem to all who deserve it. your friends h'p to those who are your friends. ;;n your ln-art's warm, earnest love to one man or '! woman, and lot it t,e unsullied by th'-tlirtat ions which may count in triumph on llu- tl tr.:or (ij Loth hands. - Toronto Globe. Thk. Indians will never settle down . while the old settlers are kecpimf them riled up. --New Ork-aos l'lca- niie. Fen lnrti "0"n, r ininttnii, r'TK tn-.nn- .! nei.p, v,k stici. a h. iiis,ir lered Iivit Ihbb ' 1 1 chaw s I'll f ei -ic Vy J. UruFCisiL'. Ie tft r!tf t(-fn In miiiy rvtrf rp f .1 p(fl9 fr"i HM nrMp(tll i. lHwMing lh''t kn-wn ti ii. h tool w i ll at lb tt UrrMita lb Mrnnjrrii rv"'1 to ntiQ u-J dtfitl Dunh- A Good Appetite an'l irit!."- t-it rfTtlTljf MflU to nftttu.U mtin. th h-t n.ifhinrj of Ihw hAy. Mil nrfttir 114 rrport iH-ni from prl havt Hood's Sarsaparilla trt fl.. ,-!.' tndlgnMlol mil tlmllar Uvi01.t. Iliioa'. I'lll-for th. llT.r nr tvrrl ! tat n jri1! pri-niwo and efficiently. tiice, lg. DONALD KENNEDY, Of Roxbury,Mas8.,Says: Rtrr,c rar- -:rM br mr Mr4lr Dlrvrry to in? -vct rtv. Urt IK nam of rlvi -Kifnd-. ,r. i N-m h-.w mv M.-di- i ral nUrVrrv .'tir nit ibw ! -t.-ti f an . un- il Uiikj i, i ,,f tlii IIM'Irii l'lM-n liit inak.- ' all H.iM.t.r Vihihnu rrTT, Nrvir. vf fth. i-rt. i "WW A rn.HjlHnr Sir 1 wVl fr my 1 tr tmi ai.h,i nine yr act t w i riTit ia m Irt il thf riit io.-t.r- mr ! fti'f f. r iw-i , .;,. I wv iMkAl 10 tr v"'f frrv, h h . i , iu dutv. aixl In a t iii-mth I n a r '. --) btAl!h atiout fnr r ar I h-rani.-hMn. i;i nv IWf . hy a kj-mu-J miarn.-f. l-t M4rr-f) I ir-ui t.ik'n wttb' I tirlpp at cmf!i r.l I.. ... f, , t,ro in- mli Al ih in1 f thai llnif in th atari, rhn 11 tru k tlir ttmt j";ir ' llro r th- ibltut f'r mr, I ni t a tKitl!. 1 tut i . fii- 11 n,r.4.f k-iim I ah! io"t.-nif ' wrk in f he iitinnti s.n in rtar1 n mi ii a I I my 1. ft ir. ami ilvmt ! pon(ttii an nit rlirht Iwrnrur .iiTr with li! k ot it-r lh U.t aa ! IM llf ! fl j f irrt:ap irt) lnt t of tnrm hut I mi' 1 ! trt-u tialtin your llt-M'ttvrry Ihrv all .ift m. rlttht but 00, aitl. thank .ort, th OiUtit I lilt of hfi u I .mot nMre makiun tu apparan 1 InntthriMi., am woaOrrfuilv ubyytartM at Jt I aud Oiank U04 and Your Mllcl OIrTrry. I Xuvf uuijk, . . JUa tfmn. . W li-rr the love i Utile the trut is uf!.-. W A f 1 S 1 '' Like Mag-io 'mMmim topvaioHT iat i 'ull of trouble tho ordinary pill. Trouble xvhon you take it, ami trouble when you've got it down. Plenty of unpleasant lie., but mighty little good. With Dr. i'iereo's Pleasant Pellets, bore'!! no trouble. j'hoy'io made to prevent it. Tl.oy'io the origi nal littlo Liver Pills, tiny, sugar coated, anti-bilious granules, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, tho smallest, easiest, ami best lo take. They cleanse and regulate tlio whole system, in a natural and cay way mildly and gently, but thoroughly ntnl effectively. " Ono littlo Pellet for a laxative throe for a cathar tic, Sick Headache, P.iliont Head ache, Constipation. Indigestion, Cil lous Attacks, atnl nil derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented, relieved and cured. They're tlio choiK:! pi'! you can buy, for they'ro tui:-?:f':(l to uive satisfaction, or your money ia re turned. Von pay only for the valtto re ceived, fan you ask more? SENATOR REAGAN'S " SCRAP." ll Threw h I.ornl Tt-n Tint ,li a MIU Wlllilu-.v In li'llil'.i'i. Tlio resignation of Senator lleagan, oi 'J exas, leca'is it sh :y of h-iw 1:0 fliaii- ed to n in o to tii-' Mat" that is liov his home, nnd which lias mi iguully honored him. II" was inim In Sevier County, '", in I sly, find "a op. l r Ills f.:iir to a giist mill to havo a sack of wheat cr. wil ed Into i'.our. Ho wo.-, a bi, raw bonod, btrapplng omitilrj boy. According ti custom, he hitched nis )ure p.t M;.. int.l. t..-,'.; ttio s.n k 0! graiu from tlio sh"Ulih rs tin- ani mal, pla-'idlton Ins i -An tli.iultbTS and luted it up tli;i lights of stairs, and took his phioe in the lite1. :is p-o-1 jilo are wont to do still a' cotn.tiy jmstort'cs, w-aiti':g t.-r bis tutu to iiavo Lis wheat gr.1.11.;. Half at' hour or ;o nft.-r be.igan tin ix oil at the mill a wcll-krtowti local ter "atiie. bringing a tack of wheal to hi giotinil alv). 'i id la- ol'a.iti' tei was a local terror, fond of brawls and fighting, and In the habit i-f h.ixing bis own way. , He bad to take his place In lino' with tho rot, but when It g"t to 1 e Kcaj. in's turn to have h-s t.r.ini pnnit'd "the terror " 'id. "See hero, K agan, I am in a hurry. VoU lot mo g-t luycur place a:: 1 yoa cimio b;i"k in re wbcv? a". licagan demurred, st.i; i:.. that h" was In a hurry, tj; that he was on- titled to his phvo, keep it. Tills angon and meant to d tho brawler. He cursed ycunir Reagan, an I said ho would Ming him ou through tho window, pn.l. tiiMng the notion to tlio word, i.i.t I- a r.!h ! H futuri stat-siiian. !i..ig.iti. ilk- all the ro! of the perp:. in the iieiuhborho-sl, . was lituio t-r b ss i. rrn; l.- d by tho desperado, and. In fear of his life, rushed f'-r b'l'1, t-"t. tho desjii i.i.lo half way. hutud him i:i tr... sb.TiVfU w ith his head, and litcialiy lifted him oil bis ft" t ar.d threw hlui throi:0-h the window. Wlien tho desperado disappeared through the window the conse-iin-nce of li's not ilaohcd upon young lteak'titi'S mind. He ir.siuntly ropt'os-d that ho had kill - d ;i n.ati. he w. ui-1 bo haiiged for it. and, vared almost to (lealli. ho ru-hed down stairs, un hitched Ids ! and lii out across the country f..r 1'. xas. Th" man was not killed, but g-d a bad shaking up. lie s-'oti moved to Texas, and a fii-ju t.f I1i:.i:j.i.:i ia after life. Elf's Cream BaXFsjS&tTJl Ittlie trt r.-n-tv :.r tl.iUrt.t VrTAK ct VV)1 HllTerinfra -iL0 J COLO M H 2 0 OtnjjM : Stf .lr.. I.- I HHi'S.. V. lVjm.. . . , TT? vy s-tj.j 9 O QOQO GQ ' - TKE S.MAlLrST PILL IN THEIVORLPI - Z TUTT'S Z TINT LIVER PILLS eltii . nl Ihf virlut-t sf t!i Inffcrr iiit; l. xtt ;itt .him it in (!.! GOO OOQOO till C'M. 4" -I-. S'.-l IMIlUKlllCS tl C 1. ... .. 1 ir i- - ir-. .. 1 Ti - o.-O: d .- n . 1 1 ,. :i i f If-, i .1 c .,.! t' 1 r. -i- .. 1 tij." I v . .1;- relt fri rf 1 1: f. . Iilustnled Ptrtllcs'lcn., ;'!! fflAf ?.;"V' V tlU. . Ijlll.OBK. In. ton. . . I'. " ' npfci'' $G 5 I(INTII ! r Unttit V-mis' Y.rr t I t.r If. .'.-! AMI.---- I". M", II . I Fit i .. I'hlh... I'm. ere W.nt f.-i l..rn .11 rh-i it Hon f II w to "... Out VoilOn-? Knoiv impsrfe. llco STKl i in. I tii Uur I tul let a l'ur when Mia. l .it.i. Itll ti.. .... !f 4 V Kr.uil IB.ct rs.i h m th ) w ii.t to - all tne DITi r.tit of t ADUiaif Urn. .. sh v. a Hi) fe l'r.o--ily ' Alltb'i ijbiI otHsr V. O.I !e li.,onratic.i .-ah l -o-.u ti. I t-1 r.dln u.ur ICO.I'itiE I l.l.lTlt IIOttlsH ilOllli, xhl.-j e !l fi-rmrl. ! j liil.on rtiL-rli-ior c-nlr -4 rent, in .laiNii.. BOOK PUT. HOUSE. 134 Leonnrd St.( New York Oitjr. 1 w i ft j ri vn if i r. w i. -h - p 1 EH HIHfcV-.- t n . n-l .... I... bfi NORTHERN 1 Allk H PACIFIC R. R. SUUSJe Kl B-..t A.fl.-ulinr.l.lriit s-sw-w El TTaimtbat ul Shannsn. A writer draws a comparison be tween Hannibal, the fatuos Cartha ginian gttieral, and the late TVllllatri Tecumseh Sherman. The two men had the same sort of temperament, and, If we may trust tho ancient de scriptions, thoy resembled one an other In physical stature not less than In the thoroughness of their military education. Hannibal was tho flra man to depart from the battle tactic which wero tho method of fighting adopted by Alexander. He had methods of his own, and his success, until the Ilomans had learned from him how 1o use his own weapons, was due to the same qualities which dis tinguished the military sertires of (Jen. Sherman. Ho gained his first and last victories by tho use of strat egy. He did tho unexpected thing. All his career was the doing of things that nolKidy elso did, and throughout tho late civil wnr l!on. Sherman was (lie man who Constantly Improved upon military rules by methods of hi own. The passage of the Alps by Hannibal was not more wonderful In his day than tho operations which Sherman planned and executed in hla fnurch to t liattanoogit, and his gigan tic conception of an invasion of Italy lias its parallel In tieh. Sherman's plan of tho march to tlie son and the Support of his army by levying con tributions upon the people through Mto".; homos ho was passing. The American general did not stay for .sixteen years In the country of his enemies, as Hannibal did, and com pel subjugated provinces to support tii 111. but ho could have done it as rati!)" in tho Carthaginian did If the amo oce;iJ n had esis'ed. There was in our Sherman the suno Insight Into tlie conditions of war, tho same Comprehension of the vital point at Issii", the satno swift reading of men, (ho same power of control, and tho wuie ability to keep his ewu counsel. llan-'a Tbl f WerfTer Pn liell.irf rewnnt ft nil iH-.-. f , niai 1 ii t tint eauiiut bt nireil Ly Uklni; tin'! i niiirrh t nr.-. f . .1. iii-sn- ,v ( o.. Tfrr . Toleit.v O. W t. tli uii'ii r'KT.c't. liRve knnun r. T. riii-r.i-v ,'..r ttii'la-t 1.'. joio. Riel t't-l i-'- hiin I'-uitih ii"!!i!rt 1m iitl Itiisihf-:. trnnKie. ti.'i.s. ttu r.iiaii. iii!) utiti- i.i iai'i tut any ub in.'si i-in- in. i. ii- l y i hcjr linn. ifti itinx, li.ili-riiio lUUkiist., Tolrdn, W'Ai.oiMi. KiM.n Miiivi.s, YLolf: I'lCC-i-ls, r.-i.'.li., Ci. H il.'a t i-. i i ti in o is ihIk ti Intel nnilr, orf. tr,i; i..r.-. Oy ii;i..ii t ,e .!... ..I ali-l imii. oii.. Mir. fnie-'i-f tl,i i .-.e:ii. Te-t ini"i..als M'lit fie, l'ri'. e ;.V. I'ebUte i"M t'V nil IrtiKKist. 'I !' - .f-i i';l-!u'i nro net thosu who carry hit . KITS j ofl fro bv Pit. Kit ST.' CnRiT N'lttvt: tli si.inF.p. N.. tin ifr-r nt ih' i."-. l;iri,'!.ineiir". Tr.' ills' mil trisl i o!i !r.e. I T. K li io. Wl Ateli St., Puila., I i. 'I'- fiai-y " p'i irhii a god uf their u ei ik il. .-. 1 nu i: i- iie el ttiln U'.Ksl, Wi'uVre-n, Mnlv i.i S; i:m tu. Imt-e. -ti..ii. una H,ll..iisnr,., t.O .' -.wi-l-"i l.ili-rs i xives Hrenrth, li. .!.!. i. e-il V'.im-Ii- Till l'tii( -illiil )UU1J J t-ih- li- stiei.; j li uvai.t to lkf. N" I r:i:lit. lirlit who dooi l:ot 1-iuk !'. ii -iwvivi, Inittji-.ti n, r,r1 Stnmneh I r-. -1 . I;r ... ti'. ,i-.e, Fillers. The Heet 1 I. . It .- i.i -I 'ii' -15:1111. ( ati tlie II . ii. mi ! -1 -..,.il, -us tl.r 111 . A M.liiinl ti.ii- ii li l xw.iii .tnil ile.-i.ilillel l't-13'lil. 1 I.M -rbrNS .I .en nnt t'l is .n illy nifitn. lain llv Hi' "I ile.oiliv iiis;i rnl by I .in inr'i.-". I! i. lei in! 1 1 11 Uv. MANY A crow with promptly JnlSM fp-tilned rr.v ?'n rlnl 'n'.'ctiot'iut.i; cci'-t ti. t I'ft mvn-'i; ie-Uint . it ii. i ..i . i.... i...i I . ... l-I l.-v -I.' . fl "AI.L RltlHT! ST. We are anxious to know every one who wants a piano, new or second-hand. Are you one of them? Then send your address, with request for catalogue, etc., to Ivers & Pond Piano Co,, Boston. O R A TEF UL COMFORTI NO. BREAKFAST. "I'r a t!if.r(Mif;!i fcnwle1 of tli natural !wf -i u 'i rrn tru mrart inm-f dis-Mtion ai.J nutrl- n. :til l.v a . :irff ul n pllra'ion of tit ftfiy proper t t ,.ci.l ''.-o, y.r. K'-t' I hi pro .-'ra '.r lrr-,,r.t-t nlth a ;rlirnl-fy fltvoui.I b r.;fc .. c . riv HT(? ti9 mmiy h-n: y u(cr' U.l. ! t lti jit iHlotn u Of h rtlr.rt rf rtn't ' ni , tti:uT n nmy h p,.hmlv iuUt vy v.utA ii v. r. n h () r!! erry Ircitffn'y la o:p."e. : i i . r i f t ,;it!e :.iW..1i' firu It-'ttdDtf urouml US -'i- lo j: wli. ic. f-r t!ii F It a fik t''" ifi ..v rv. j f,al ciiaft tf kef-pin nut--:cr uH ftrt!i".m with t ir Liftotl c1 prcLrlj :ri-' ( ! frjmo." t'fit Snit9 iratittf. t .j r ;t 1 1 - wuu l- ilinu wfttvr -T milk. Eold rv.v i t vf t- tir J i!D4 trxri, lU-lleJ lotii JAM Li'l'r tV O., rni.iN.tUlc CbtuUU, k Inn9 cr AMD- J m.f t:ifll4 us r. Coref t r .tr.D -I'ttin. It liM nrp 4 thnnaanft. ft hmn not ln)ir 1 v ; 11 . It 19 n.t Mi i l Ink, ft I: it 1'0 bvs rotigh tyrup. h ('! ffr'thM. as. UICH F'lVC OR EUCHRE PARTICS 11 i.. iit i h-n l or.. 11 to J.-:is hrlMfTll. t 1 -r nv k f'T th- Ml. ! rjir.ts M " Mi.ifHriL tut l.m! .m III r s rlif trm 'T Itil i..tfk. P UIVHTDIVH IHir all kOI.nik.HMI iVr'ko" Write 'or lv. A. w. Mit i.iiyu duS. U4.lllTON. V. c. A un". : ECNLT LN CIIICKENS KNOW HOW m rr tou To k-p th". but 't rors I0 V1 111 'ti-' t S- .c-r .nd Ins 01 llif r .. . U .!.. hi. Ii :.fHii t .-in i.i n In nw.iriiv uf ,.. I Ul- f l ll ll' 1 . n -tl kin ih. iir.-r . ,.....,-( lie r knf" 0 tl.r. I'l h MB I fro tuna tk PAGE BOOK . c fftr. ew'jrarliic 9 .tlT.llh urnuKXsu ok Ha Ski iccsi 1 wi t r."..1 Both the mefhod and result whl Syrup of Figs is taken ; It is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, stnd acts gen 1 1 y y et prom ptly on the Kidneys Liver and Hon els, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches ami fcvciF nnd cures habitual constipation. Hymn of Figs is tie only remedy of its kind ever pro duccii, pleasing to the taste ana aa ceptahle to tlie stomach, prompt in iU action nnd trulv beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, Its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have mads it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs in for sale in 6O0 nd $1 bottles by all leading dnig gifts. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. $ fHAflCiSOV. CHL tHfftnut. tr- tew ton, t f. 8 99 Mr. I.orcn.o V. Sleeper i.s very well known to the eitietis of Apple ton, Me., and nciylil.-orliood. Ha My.: " I;ijht ye n ; aj;o I was taken " sick, and stilo d as no one but a "dyspcjit.o can. I thou legan tak "iti;i August l-'Iuver. At time "1 was a ,;re.U Mjfl'crcr. Kvery " thinjf I :;te ili .lt c sod n'e so that I "had to throw it i. Then in a " lew luoiueii's t!i;i? horiid distress " would coi'.ic 011 ;r.!-l I tvould have " tu c.t and suffef For that ' a z .1 i n . I took a " of your med "icitte, .fid fcUmucli Horrid Storrtfx-b "Ixtl.r, ami after " little mere Fooling. o t b lower my " Dys; ej'-ia disap "feared, r.'.'.d siioc that time I " have tirrer had tin? first :n cf it. "lean cat atiytt'.-'ij; without the " least fear of dis'.:i - s. I wish all "t'.iat arc all'.ietc'l with that torriblc "disease or the troubles c.iti-cd by " ! otild trv August l'lower, as I "am .-'ifio.l th.cio is uj medicine: "c'lual t' it." t SUCH. ''f mechanics Tvnssc.Oi-.l in " o rtiLine- riN-ni when unutaid: " Ibuv w;ts il 'J. in V" "I Win caught U, ped 'ttain t t.'.e i i!it tt nud wlilrli d tlowti to the Ho t. I Iny tie r" lik-j ono den. I, nnd t very muscle w u n.r nc.i d. I wits curcJ in one day." VVlmtt uinl liim ST. Jacobs orr. facilitv end crv'a'ntv, lin cmM nnd jwiiii:'.ne:il!y -t case.-i. Ib-ro ijcinei'.iOTfciiiicnii; m.ii .t oe ;i;.c.. H furaucr;t., '.v. '.uti.l, O , Awi:-t 11,1 -J. JACOBS Oil. OID IT." 13 OOI.D MED AIi, TAnifJ, 1070. . V.AHEll A. t'O.'S Breakfast Cocoa ficin M h fj f pxccf oil li.. : r moved, tthsohttctir j'ur nud. if it nflit'ite. Vfiti sto c in lift I r'l. two us ! ::l I I .rrj-.ilutiull. It ! t. t i I .... - .. r.r. tu. tl S ! till ''" A,r "o"'1 ir vusu. mdJ 11 fit."-;.';. u.-u.; tI.rTI i.-ij a,!ni!.ti!.'y i.tJ.ti U-.l IvT laa)i l a a f r -c:'iIik h SoM drttr r ri t nl.crf. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. U.1U I Kf PailSlOI. ri9 Fes. .111-1 I'll II. UI.Vl'kK. ABiil.NUlUA, - l. I. PENSION PATENTS . W. T. I ttitrrnlit. Wn.hin jiaii. . I . .lU-pugr kitok lrc. A STH R.1 A- q t, "'- iilti:utVIIIDS.M.CO.,IIOvHiiit,tl t.r S AFCll.'.rALENB REE I n l""i'.it .'ink v, ; !:.. t..( llNUl t- I IN'.J A -i it i t 11 V YAKD AS A" t'.l :-lN!-:s.-t. not u pf tint". A. ihs !it ng of h tr.t i A Unn't Ooiirnttril on 't. bi- ;:n' the Mii ic t in- a;)?! '.en a. ou i a rn.l Hi hrrij l I colo gne.'!. ai.J the rvatiil mil lid but .'.r. .t- of 4ir.'b:c rhirk ei.r 111 . .-nir-iit'-i f . tt'lint h- li mi-- it it a.', ihf.e iwi I. rml'.Ki ed In thl. b-S'k. wli'i U uf .ei'.tl piKitpald iM 2b cent in -utuii. II Ua-h-a o-i how toui'twi n-l t 'i.-- tt'i-aat.a. ho- t led lor I.'l'i:. tr-.. a o for 1 m.T.ev hi n l ow -a iff -I 115 1 rri-otct at .li..:.'li t -a. i'I -i ahviiiit Un.-.. on tie. .-.ilns-b l C'J.i ITU. HO!K. IK Ltviuuil hu, ii. K.Ctlk v in Chickesis.

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