Ql)t Cljatljam fWcorb l)c l)atl)am Retort. Ll. W. LONDON, K.HTOli AND I'KOl'ISlKTOll. UATIIS ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ' One sqvm'C, on imertion- One square, two msctiousj j One mpmre, one month - f 1.0ft l.M . 8.W $1.51) PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. I For larger Hdvortiseiiit-dU liberal con J raets will bo mad. VOL. XIV. tITTSIK)RO CHATHAM CO., X. C, FKBRCAUY l 8). NO. 2.V lUt0T0t f Tho Mictcry or I.or. I. MM' w :i a -tivn gi r, itlniut "ii.-k i.r ! )! i n!,,, ki l my li'isniii An, I I ml; my In art It otn mi'. Now my In ml I- mi' j, it livery w hero I . I'i a ' i i , t ! r iii" n r. Love. illiiiie W ll Jull Ml. Ill a f,.' l.is mill ivn lii. I u'ii i a itii.i.l 'i- or i ars, love I'imhIii mi' sorrow. Ami 1 1; -a t :i !t ti-.irs. ('Ii, l.ovc, emtio w ilh lamditrr, lr. l.tiVc, onlne w itll ttur, I .'oil I at gtn'ly v i.h llu- In-art 'l li.i' 'c i:i- iihi:i yi'ii mi. Tin- I t o's v. lie; is fragile, Tin- la-';-- ." i- .-iii-ill. That Vol l"l.l, is illlir. li.it t: w as tii;. ,i l. )!i t'it- i a'l :w lu-r- yuu w i 1, T" hi. I. i-.t it. or l.m. I'll! I" a ill" in. -lor. Ijiw, To inn- u Im !"Vi - ; mi so. -Il'.iM J.'i" ! ..,..' Vi ii I iri r s Wnl.ly THE SMUGGLERS. ft tin) I'li'inh frontier, opposite Spain, slands I In- town of Jui:i teruc, Iho a waloh-dog g itai .',i n g tin; cn tinno: lii iliii valley, .ami on either side, tint li:i,ilitaii s which set III l have i I'i'M :ih--i I j I-! Ii' ii', continue 1 hi-i r iiiiiiint'jii.'tii w iy as far in eye an leach. (J'lei li ra,- is a Very old liMVII con taining 'i'"'' inhabitant-.; hi former days il was I'm I. lii l. isolated anil dif ficult In :i'j,i inn Ii. 1 ii ill t!.r in i" lii'iii lii'.: I it -I t 1 1 :t 1 1 1 ; .S lis live a i ii 'j,',!' h'i-r rcpul.iiinii i tlfiil ; I'll . iis their nalinliali a liimll Mixed i ii.-i-, 1 1-: i limes cii-i-il Willi .a-eon-, li.iMjui -, Catalan ami llnlii - miai: and I hi ii fivorilt! tu-ciip il'mn is highway loliiicry. nr i-lsitli-iliililT, I" ay Hi.- U'.ist. (his reason, as well :is l.ccau-o of t in' silil I'.inii of ill town, ih" i ii-tim-!i''ii-.i- ul m-rt.-r.i.-Is cue ot sp.i important c. I'minier guards keep run muni w alrli uVi-f I'm' narrow valley which form- tin- only I i -' between ihe two conn lies, ll.cri' l-i ii i: liniliiii'T I ; 1 1 lufty praUs mill ilanci'iitiK ravines fm- many h'.llir 1 1 i'i: lnT si.V. TiiHauls n.i.lila' nf thl i-rti!tiry. it wi'.n! I'r.-in Afii.a l'i.'ii-li! ti-rror nu, I ih -..!al i.'M I" I; ill , ."-. ainl '1 p. ,.;';, v.. 'n- li.:i'.l w illi run-t-ti-ni .lii.-ii. I'i t,i i i ii i ii', hirh was one ul' '!i" Ii; -: ! bo : l .-irc 1, nmhiii:!' v, :h I'i I i' -. .-ii i ii! ri'iply, 1' si-i ii',1 ?ir an! !:"ii '- i i -il l':iiu lop u l.'i'll'.'iil, as il in I i!" ii.' s'i'.-. Tlni-i' pi'i - lis who s,,-.';:!n'ii'il to lliii ,!;l:'i,! In j n -r i i .!;.-. fur I'i iv ! v ..- .In- h IT :: ! !l"!-l, I,' v.- f -h i, i - i r wen' h'l !"' p. .i - ;i i : r , I ' ar ai'ica.-hfil n fann- ';n I with :i slmw or 1 t -. ami t In- i!.. i' np'i'i It : in. A nii'iin (ho r ' as i',.:np!ii'.i:i ,1 i.h pi upli- oil riil iU'.l iilisiii il 'III. I l s nu: i' i I .ul as it i m t:i ." .-:ii,', ii.ov, --in any pT-m- hi- ' i.'-Viil in li.iw ilii-'l i'i ii hui' in n.-.li;y ho. ii p ! iin .1 hy I'lii'iiiirs a j iii,,iii' I'n! ft' il ill i- I iv.i'i'r, a s!ico nf I l ioail ii.hli il w iiii ai'si'iiii' it linos I in.t I'll.- 1 1 t 1 1 - 4 i'i U:1! inn-." 'I'hoi tiio i p.'iiph' of :!:o a'!oy hr:; i:t ( sn-pott j tin- Mini'li i.iii'-i-is nf hi.iii:' ii'spoiisi J,; fm- 'h.' i vl'i. 'I hue v. :: ili"iiil . up llii-i o moan to kiil in il i-y I'licil. Ani'iiiu tho i-isiiiii.1ii us'O f iTl'-iais Ihf p. siil. iK I'.iiirol (wonly victims in II foW il:n s' linir. Mini l!ii'-c sin vi i 1 1 . li ii ko'. w itli f.-ar, ni'L'locli',! tuoir ' ilnty i'f w.iiohin lln) lVnntii-r. O io j ul' llii-ni oiiiy tfiii.il In hit pusl, mi ii il ; f-il o.:it! nauii'il " :i !! 1 1 ul. 1d was n hm n humor, :i ii-lnn-- lii hv i l'.;(lllo, I'. 'I- l.l- i mi ll si-,.1,1 ii slilK.'ij'oi- I tinoi- Inn i s iii aiivaiioi', ami a ! iiinllo i'i' mi , i :ilt in I n!i. io. -,i iiiroo loi'iios ! away wmi'il -ol liiin siu'rinff. ll Wi tl'il 1 i lih-iiril fur IIII nlil ; or l.Ki' mo to ilio "f ilio on!io '." In! j iii olal'O'l, a'l l liujlit anil i!av ho tnailo i,i- I- il oU a- ii-iia', ilntihloil Ihf II nil , '."nU tho plaoi! ot' those who ! wo W II oomral too, ami kopl ono 1 yt mi-i-oasln-ly liirm-'l t i arils Iho iiioiim I. ins v. h 'io :': mi- roanU p' l'oiio I, l.i.hh n hi !!: ir r 0 . ii.'ni '-. Ilo know I l.t 111 Vol v w , li. a ml a htm I i'i'.' I i inos ho ha l til'". I 1 ii tl in. v. h oi Ihoy ha l boon t-:.u!l, in.'.' :i!.ii! 00. 1! :rk liiiili'-. Tlioy 1 nalil 1. ill not tlio b.i.t of him, :, thoi,"h, poi haps. ih. i'i- was ono h I. ail to w ii. li t'oiili,.ii.tily, 11 oral -In-ai-il l.aii.o 1 M. i- i.i- II ! i.ml Vulo I li i.l h.nl in 1 11 v a i 'iilo-t nf w ils 1,0:0 li 1, fur M ri'n- w a a -1 1 1 1 ! ;r 14 1 1- hy t in ; i iaim-n! a . ! iii-'in.' j l! as Vii'o 1:1 ul was a fii-iom- 1 i'i 01s; it tva- his Vma'ioil. ll V. a- iliilms-iliif I.) mr- ptiso i 111:11V i.ml ho ha ! invoi.loil an. I -liato-oois ll.it lie w a. tin- a. !,n -u I-iIlioiI Ya.lor ot w ho ban-!. A n iy np in I In' . of iho in. m 1 1 1 i 11 s h sioiiillis 1: i'i imi:-,'. inl a.'.o. i Wi, -kins, j-ii i:.f. s inn! -, ii' s: ..ml hyliuio ll oo.,is wi'rc hi on"!, t m'o 1 I'.nict'. "'' 1- " ' ' '('oil foninl (hill Vtilonoil hilt for liilu--ali, h i! fur him !" Iho niiii:.-.;.!or lisi'il I (-.-iy, loti-iiiiL'ly. "Thai villain. Moriia.i! Tho il.iy nfti-i-iny iloalh, h ; In) will h: in;; tho wltoi of Miilri l inl-.i 1'i-ino !" w is (ho ulli -or'o i :iiliii.int. oxoiaiiiaiiuii. Ami (ho two mon r s irtoil w hilo ihoy Iniloil duo mini lior. Tlio 11 'ho niiaii!! hail u lino opportu nity to i-niiili tliiiiisilvos ilnr inu iho pliino, for .-In-rp, uoaU ami rait i- ma in iinoiiii'il for ihimrh tlio nioaili'ws, far finin lln; Ion n yni-il. mill ill liilil ihoy (nil (o c.ioli otlior willi loii-r, fail lowiinr; iimlinclively, liny f'innoil tin m-oivos into pimins nml woiihl liavo 1 'Ili'Woil iinyoiio who cillcil to tin-in. In Iho iloalh--tlirloii villiioi-'i many hoti-rs ivoio loft op'-n ami ik-M-iloil, tin- ki lilo si himriii!.' fro il thr i iano, thn (.'t'llc o! for tho iiiiil ilay inc.il jus! :-s I !io .! ri a l -pi iln.' ha I foil n,l it. It ili'ooi s W'.nil'l liavo iu lii hit to lo hut to walk into Ihoie ownciloss liniiio,, ami tlifii wilh wi-ll-lillcil sai-Us t r-'lmu to thoir moiin tnins in nil safoly ; anil what iniilli r if .sumo iinii vonitni il to inli i fi.-ri-Willi thcin? knives. n) slnirp, u"il who wciil'l ii'iti'-o ono lilon- corpio iiinoti so ninny iloml ? The inoiiniaiiiooi-s, liowovor, iliil not I'tir frntn (lioir lair. Why was (hiK? Ih c nisi: Ihoy, (oo, worn ityin. Ii kim'iiipiI, imltcil, that (hoy won rai rioil nil' in i'ii,iloi- iiiiti'.'hors il; in Iho pooplo of Iho valli-y, anil when Iho folio of I'm postilenoo win miIi- i siilino in (riorli-r io, Ih" vii.'ahoinls up lln ro,'' i-.iiitini.'i n!--i inatoly Io lit ami (o Iin l.ti;io., rooplc won iloroil ami ailinii i',l, lor i voi i-voiiin at ilits'i, Ihroo or f. u i- wa;:.nii foi- . lowoil hy iii.iiiriioi's oanio il-iwn to (ho ivniotoi y. Tln-so mis, ;,h . pagans j troato'l ihoir ilivnl wiili ri '.i-.-ioiis ro-porl, iiisto.-nl i f oastini: thoin into J ill.- slri-ains w hii h i itshoil swll'lly j thioih Iho i .tviiif' Tii!- i-pi i talnrs j ran nu ny lion lln'-o w a'iins appoaii il, j ami Iho moir. iioi s p issi.,1 on (hnnili j i inp'y hlioot-i. no ovonin nhi'tit t w i 1 ";lit , S,-r-j ooiint 'a!;;onoil, ovor nil Ihf lookout, I -aw a W i-;on ilrattii hy u Inokon , w iirli',1 iniiio 0"in'ii- (ouar.ls tin- oily j i-alos. liohiml it wa.l.o.l Motit i- ami ; ll fov nf his laMoiil. tnalions, Nin-in' p-aim- in llioii- ih : on. 'la! ,- patoi-, ; w hi:- I ho ion;.' on - '.no of a i .Oin omi ! ho m on on Iho u: ,:i. WiIiM-timl i lirow hint oil' up 'iii'.l -a nio, in mi'.;. ! t:n y siylo us iho 1'iiin-iai tiaiii :i j - j i pioaoliol, I'm- Ih" i!''.i'l :i 1 1 aiwajsih- sorvni'T o( lo-poot, w lialoV'-r I In; .iv. I in-.:' inav liavo ! n. u .il as ho i,a--o. ' 1 i ll.o iii-ti'lii-li"ii-o. i. l.l M -iiias, his oyos i ul anil his fai-o pa o, raisml his iifo.-il, o a n 'it aim- low a! ils hoa on ami M.'hho.l (-III : "Mv wil'o, in y w if. !" 'l'oiir follow," lii Mihl 'a'i no. I, iii'.'l Iii! Ii,:l;li'. his p. io ipiioUIy ami Co: ; il'i'pi V t.uli In il . A -lii'i i linio afior ;i similar pro-i-o-.-ioii l aim-ilnw n tin' moiinliiMi ro:nl; this limo thoro M-io thro,- i. Hi is nn . tho it"li, an. I Mrl'l:,n w alKo.l ho. j him!, ll win nijhl ainl iho iiui l iiu'lii , of tin- tnii hos tan i '.l hy iho iiilon. j ilants ras! fiiiitn-tio t!i.i'iow upon tho walls of tlio i-ns'oliis.luiililiii:;. '1'ho ! ol,l ni:iiL;;;h'l' Imt h s hair i'S ho walkoil. ami liiloil liii.' air wilh liU lain n alions. My sons, my kii -! (iivo inn hai k in v s ins!" ho f. ii- I, ho.n -elv, i whilo 'a!uoii'.,l -a'tin-.l tlnoo t'liios, i mi l Iho w !i ilo pi-t ii.noil I'ooii- hoails I out of rosport for ih - fa! iiit's -iiiof. I Tiii i was i-opoaio.l ovorv ovi'iiiiii,'. ' Moiiiai, wl.n Ma. j.'onorai!y iho oiiiol liionrnor, lost hy 1 1 1 - o,;,l. line not only his wil'o ami hhi, hul a'so his il.'lilMh'crs, I'iorosi, ni- how ami i on-ins, His ilospuir win mi roul tit sit no h .il to ho sup. porli'il hy his atlon.l.inls, nml ouo ilay ho ln'Mim-lit Va notio l to kiil him ami eml hi-i nii-oiy. His brain is tin in il 'tis ni won- ,1,.," :1i'l f l,,-,Il(.r n thi! nllioor, ho foil his loot lor his ohl fiii-niv ilooponin into nllooi ion. This l isioil for ihroo vi--ls ami tlio pi'nplo nf ' Jnoriori'-, won- stipii-cil ami ilisinayo l t I'm I Ilia: pi stilom o still A in il,o in -initain-, tln'iiL'li it lia.l ilis.ippoari'l from Iho v .illcy. (),io fv. nin Ihroo fnnot.tl w i' ins c.iino aoioss tho hr'nljio as ti-n il, ami (inn of tho mull's h ivinu irono too no.il Iho i'il::o, Iho w:i; ni Inrohoil from -i.h- to siiio, mi l Hi.- oi llin wa llirmvu on; at tho (oft of Soi''oaiil Val;f noil. 1 in iiti-ii i:i! Iy Morilas ami Iho oihor in iiirnors epivail nut thoir nrins like oioit winy an I lloil at full h o il towanls ilm iiiotintaiiH le.iv in ' tin- illii . is to i thumb r- sinu.k, al tho o t!i i, of w hli h tho li,l 1....1 i,m,o ,. .ln, ;..(, .a I ,,.' ,. . , ihoi" 10II01I out f un- Ihiii.IIos nf ti 11 i'Ii.ih.Iiso c iroltilly laiiolh'il. 'o amis !" oi i, ,1 Val .'.-ii nl, - li 10 ! ' i.ml ih" wh'i'o po-i wont in ptn-nit nf tho -miio -lors. I'...i hito, h.nvovor, iii il u I if 11 1 1 1 0 in lit' 1 t'l-tiin wi'tn fmniil on oxaininati in to ronlain Iho Bnmo j fii-'ii) us 1 In- lir-t, S'liroa'it Val'onoil ; Inro 'ii. I. iii- in oxus t-ration. I Mill liio j I'.iplo nf (,1 lorlol.'io w oio in nn fi-sii o y nf j iy wlifii (hoy It arnoil lliat not a hinlo niomhi r of iho ni'-iin- , Mill bin I ha. I ibftl of lilt) pl.o'.il". Tin- tlifoil vl-itor lul l pann'il nwayiit! hist, lint ihn sniitiif-lor hail impi-nvotl j ih" opportunity nml minlo thoir for Itinr. j Sor;,.;iiit V.ilciioil 'iinshoil his ifi-t I. in rau'o, ami swore that the noxt j arrival from tho inoiinliiins woiihl ho , M'arolioil, ivi'ii if i, Wfii) a skolfl'jii I I rom tlio I'ronoli, in Iliiocli Styles r Wliiskcis. j Tin ro is a hat bi'l- in one u4hf tlown town slio: s who tiso l (o ho in Ihe 1 army of hor 111 ij'-sly (Jiioon N'icioriu. Ilo was al-o a bai b-r in tho ohl coun try, siriiii;o as it may mm iii. Tlioy ! alo itiia!!r iiohloinon in ili-ni-o vin n (hoy p't here. Hut lliis man iioUnoiv- , lulnos that ho was a barber in the is i 11:: 1 1 1 111 01 (ui al !! itaiii. In ono of his talks to a I'listoini-r ho sahl : 'What a irtoat country lii1 is for inis(aoho ami ooalocs or imioriais ! We nl nays know an Anioiicnn in tin) nol ouniilry by the way in which ho wears his hoaril, or neatly always. Ami I must say thai tho fas'.ii ni set hv tho Ann'i iean men in (his - s cot is . inpiilly a'nino' in K-ila t l. Of , foiiiso with Ihe nobility tho hi vie is tin- short .fil pointi-,1 hoaiil. The 1. ike nf ll liiili.ir'li Hot Ihe fashion, ! ami the sl Io j. t ouliii.itH ;mloii;j our ; mili 11 y mi f-pooiiiily thoso in d o ' navy. You know tlio stylo in lioniili in ll'.nlaiiil 11-0.I lo ho tho i-i'lo chops - 111 ut ( nil . hops liny were lil i-l 'oii rrally oalio.l. Wfll, sir, (hat is not , thi 'pro) or thing any nioio. Tlie ohl: lliou o im; o the ctl-loiil, bless their heatts, hut ilm youiiir mon 1111; fast, following iho Ainorioaii iiloas in w hiskers. Oitr jii.ltM in I'.nlanil m o for iho most pai l i lo in shaven. Tin) barristers for tin- most part wear the million oh ip. It is srhloni ono set's; a lon-w hisl,ori i man in any of tin) profess ous. When I was in Now Y.n I. I bail Mr. Win il MoA lisli i- j pointo.l toil o nif. His style of ; inils'aehe would mil ho toletali-d one iniiitite in lluuli li s . t iily, hut I was Io d I o is ih,, loailer of fa-hion in -w Nmk. Tii.. 11, -at way to wear a iniis- t oho i to ciiil) it over the mouth, thou Iwi-t tho i n. Is or wiim tlietn. A lit 'I-1 a :!." i- 1111 orm.ineiit, 'J'lie Amor fin 'o:tee is not hi-oii 1, u (ho f nos of . an I'.M::lish jrentlt inaii." Chicnyo ' Tlibuil'.'. I I'ioihiI) of (iiiflfss Seiiilcrs. The Washington l'ost oontaius an ainii -in:: iiooi iint nf Iho annual ;i1p of iho mil I.r al tho lioad I.i'ilor ( 'ilii-o, wl.ii hiooU place this woo!;. It ro ipliifd a I'losolv -priiili d enlaioo no of t i'.' hly I'm:- p:o.!os lo oniiinoi alo the ar.ii li s that the gov ei'luuon! was lin il of sioi injf Tlioio in': o .',01 S tni.si 0' lani oits ai liclos, K'L'.I pai kali's of bonks, nn, i !sl pnokaL'o.s of jewelry sold. Tiio liiililini;: was lively, 11a no lime was allowed bill Urs (n make up , llieir 1 ) i 1 1 I -. ami llie tales IV. 10 spot, on-h, a on! 1 1 ' r niined 'Mill a c';fai' . bnx nt tho end of a long pole inking ; in l!i" shekels. Tiio buyers wore most ly female, of all ages nml colors, nml tin' h'tlding was spirited in (ho ex. tieme. There were packages of music, by Iho ipiiro, I 111 it wits not a Wag. in-riaii crowd, and it went for a i-ong, as il w ere, Lie voung lady was a hei.vv hid. lor for M ister nml Valentino cards, while the young mail w ho -loot! near her raised iho bid nn il imaged kid gloves, handkerchiefs ami neck- ; lies. All ngetl bll, llelor, who ill : 11 lit , l.o was Inlying a rubber c tat ami two TaZ Us, I"- 11111 folded ill tho coat two neat soils of baby underwear. A p ickii;.'!' of sixty cigars Was knocked down for tiiility rents, ami a colli 11 plate, mi which whs inscribed, "At lti-st," went for forty cenis. Iloinosl ic Hot-ipi oeit v. She (at hor ,e-k )d 'oar, plea e tell 1110 how lo spell co .1111110. I'm w rit ing to mother about my lovely new gown. Ilo Well, arc you readv? Shi Ye.-. Me ( '-o-s-t, cost. j She Yes. . II,! T.O, l. Shi Well? I Ilo .M-e, me 'J00, n yet unpaid, j She You're a wretch. I'lttslmrg , Hiilletin. j Hie Way of Hie WorM. j The spirits of youth are eliislie ninl ' soon throw- nil' Ihe bunion of "l ief. , I've nothing lo live for now."' sighed the young widow after Ihe i funeral; "iny life is einled " ''wo days la'er hhe relu-od to take ; the o-oivii III tilt' for her by the dies, mil!;' r l,eeinl-e il wnsn't Pl)li-ii I enough. 1 Ni 'v York l'ress. I I IIII.IMil VS (il l M. In A I I T 1 I I 1.1;:. II, r eye are I I." I' I' ' Hit- no's S" l" 'I-.-. Kiinl mi l 1: II. r ii . an 1 l,e ll I'".'. -.i- .h.'U .lid as 'i.e Mill shli" - t!il"'..h I II.-- hair I- lii,e tie- 1 . a .- -f.iin In siinnni r's i;"l'l' 1, 1 ; Ami. lu st of all. In 1 ' ':' ' il Is. like ii lily, wind tiusiui Knl'lii, in .'i.i:,'''i '.n.t union. Mrsti Ai. I'lin.s. A lady Wis showin' li'.tlo Zii. loo suiio pieluies nt birds, among v.h'eh was 11 iiightiii'; ii -. The huiy .old aidoo th tt il w as a lii 1 wiiiili -nng lie 1 ul if 11 Iv in l! ninlit, iiildiiiLt : Wo have 111 ni 1 in : 1.0 in this "ouiiUy, as tlioy have iii Km.: I md ." No," r plie I . till".-, piomp'iy, "but ivo h ;vo cai s h it sing in tho niuh'. I ofieu hoar Hit-in "--.foiv Ymk A 1-verti.-cr. nil 1 M'.i's r; 1 it. Not o Ivi'i'.v i,," 10 spell is soitn-. liiiies -t rv unfoi I'l iaie for little p. 1- p!o, as is shown by iho followin j. brief Hory: A .'illlo :.-ii- nmuetl Su ie Simw line day In i a f iii v, w ho said lo hen "I w ill make you, as a biithd iy pro mi, anything Ihn inn ma) ak of mo in willing. " s i.i:- had mg wished for a pony, so -h,. mn hnnio, ami, hnr lowing lu-r ni imn: i's pen and ni. r. wrole: ' lloar I airy, please in .l.e lU'iliilllo boat ' "." The 111M I n- 11 ing when she aw"," she was so h,,.i; -o t'uil she c nil, I I .1 - I! y speak :ih.ie a whi-por, ami -he never got the p.-ny. Wiisii'l it a piiy i;, 1; .-ho noyli oled hi r spelling book ? 1 111 i.r. k v.iur. Hear ,1,-iek : M y I inlrodm o ( yt ur favoi able loiioomv fiioii.i M-. Kin k.-i j hi of Sou'1! Aiiu-i i.-a. 'i'o begin Willi, ho is pureU Ameri can Ih' never h is I e -ll found nn Iho I'.aslorn liciui-pliciv, Ihouyli eor'.aiu tlislanl rel.nivos nf his make llo-ir hollies thl'.o. In size th" is i ii Is : j. i resembles a l.iriro cat. I'roui hi- p.c ure you in'ithl fancy ho l,e' 111. . I In tho 111. ni.. -y liib", but il.o hear family claim him. His long lail is very mol'iii in clinili i ni- from tieo 10 live, for lie e 111 h.i ig or swing by i: its easily i.:,nv monkey, in eaplivily he toils ir r.,iiml an.! ri.timl, iiii it looks lii," a tlm k unit, and he uses it as a hlanl.o! or mat lies'-, w! ii ii 'Vor he ehoo.oi. His tonyuo is re.inai kal'lo in that it is very lorn.'. In his 11, rv" h.iunis he lives 011 iii-eols ami sw.ei 1111,1-: and w hen he limit w il.l hoi! v l.o . .m ii!ers hinisoif very lucky ; bed. His liliimt for ibis tlainly In- v. ii him ailothi'l' IIIIIIIO " ho'li . 1 , !'." In (iliiaiuiiii; Hit- honey si . i i ereviees of rocli or hollow in is hi- i : loll", lie is very Useful - in fuel, ho colli. 1 not d 1 without il. Ills head is round, and 1,'- ens me like those of a eat, nn I, like '.ho -.it. hi- habits are nocturnal Hi- fur ii a tawiiy-yel ow, a (rillo it ul.'i' on tho back than underneath. Hm, beautiful as be i- 11 lo ,k ul, I e is good as ho is heau iful. Though . ..en caught and (nine 1 h" longs for his nalivo land and h;- free, happy life in (lie forest, ho 1.1 a ill- rii for (bo most pariioiilar. I! i- m, mi chiovuus; hu it) neat, he is uon.l (euipered, and 119 loving ami : il'oction ate as a child. Ouo of the-o really beautiful crea tures, owned hy a lady, was ouo night seeking somo sued 'nod nf which he win exirenn !y fund. Ho fancied that il was coneo aied in some V.iso on the parlor liianieh In-toail of KUiasliiug all lln; bric.a-brac, as 11 mon. key would have done, ho look one vase at a lime, eMiuiiuetl it (wilh his tongue, I fear), and then set ii care fully 011 the 11 'or. Picture-, ! wire iMiiniiied. being m;lu.:'!y taken fiom the wall- and placed gently on the floor bt'sitlo 1I10 v ises. In the inornin when his nwner pnlered Iho room, -ho foiiml no more mischief done than an a!isol;re!v new ai ran-;einonl of her oh dee oruamculs mid engravings. Mr. !iu!,ai 01 hi- ono nil her In,) habii which I wiii I. meli upon I 1 i tl y . S inet illios, in tin- fore-M, he Iris h, en Known lo -iiaieh moihor-bii ds oui nf (heir nests wilh lh. -e tlofl lilile el.iws of his, and th ink Ihe contents of iheir eggs; sli'.l, so h ng as t his bad pr M' tice is 1 iiiilimd to hi- Imiii', we will not C 'lisui e lii tii too sevcrelv, Imt think w ilh g i' i! int. le of (Mir own lack of faiilis b ilh at h Hue ami nbinad. I'orfcir all of p'lir con;:r,'"Ti! ion wiii at nuce send md 'ts for a kinkn. jmi, I must toil on lhat his 1 1 . 1 1 1 . is in tluiami. Ycii' 10 1, and the Tniled S'ules of (' il-'iuSia I. ike the inonke , h 1 ha- nlw ay- In en iici-ilsloinod ut 'he Win ni, liioi t c Im 'le of tho Ifnpi'-al ("losis, ami I, .loos not long sn.viv" II removal to a e .'d 1 ("iiinii v. f t. Xadio'iis. PRECIOUS STONHS. Knormons Ciijiilal is Invcsli'il in riifir PioHiiriion. Little Mining for Gem:; in iho United Stato-3. P. otu Iho custom- import li,', after tlediietiug Ihn iip!ii.iiii:i!e vnlito of out slums, other thin diamonds, we lind, says ( loot;;! - Kim in the Ki. liinecring and .Mining .loiirua1. thai import duly w a- paid 011 ah nil if I 'Jo,, (inii.iiiiii worlh of out diamond- in the la-l 'Jl years, of which if '.'. 01.11, nun Worth iu'Im imported tlnr'niL: Iho la-l 'l years. In Im'.s if l.iind.iiiii) worth Wi l e imporled and iiliou! I . 'Jbfi.i i ,in ill IM'.T, bill ahe.it ifll.f ,'"i" worih in I"., inn', in Is.s-.i, ahinif ii I :;.i on,. (HID, or 10 to l'J limes iis Iii 1 11 V li- 'J" j curs lie vii ills, showing the inor. a-u of Wealth ami the great popularity of the diamond ntiioiig Atirrioans, ih ecvious figures ropi-'seul ing th i in -nii 1 pt ices, cM'iu-iie of mounting or ilo.ilers' pitdils, and 110 ucciiuul taken of 'ho-e flung detl. The pndnthle value of all llio dia lmiuds in tin) world is i-siiinaltd at over (Mie biliioii dollar. I h entire (liatnoii'.l 1 ratio is irri.-d mi by '"'i th-aleis. with a total sin, !, of not far from ::.'.i',iMiO,iifiti, ' h,.,,. stones an. prepared I'm- lnai l.i t by p -i h ip- 4.:.nn cllKeiv, and polisher-, principally 111 A iii-I. rdam. Autweip, Paris, the .turn .Mountains and the I 'nilo I Stales. A limited amount of fining is aNo tbnu' in Iviglmnl. About 1 iin-n u' dia inoiiils in the Pniied States. The iliaiuond-i'iM t ing imliislry is develop, ing rapidly in iht- coiiuiry. In New "i nrk there are .sixteen linns engaged in flitting ami n-iiiiting diamonds, and in Massachusetts Ihere nie Ihrce, Culling has also been carried on at time ill l'enu-y! uii.i and Illinois, but has been tlisioutinuo l. I''orly 1 1 . i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 carats of diamomls. weighing over nine tons, h.,ve been found in Soul h Afiiia. In iho rmi -It Ihoir aggrogato value was Sg.'ni.iliin, bt'i'l, which is iiioio than Ihooniiro ilianiond yield nf the world during tho past two coin 111 io-. (If the whole production pel hap- s per cent are of liist waier, ! .' pel- cent, of t he sec, ml, and 'Jo per emit, of the third, while the ri 111 n i it i it l; I'i per ce'.il i-know 11 a holt. I p to the pre-ont tiine there has 1 u very iiiiln mining for pivei uis mones in ilm l uiied States, an I this only at inegulai- iiilorv.i's. It, has hi-oii can i"d mi tint ing Hi" pas! low years at Pali-, Mo.; near I, is (Vr r.'l -s. X. M. ; in A'examlor ooiiuty, X. '.. li 1 1 111 !ssl 11 1 1 i 1 I s, and on the Mi--ouii 1 iv,-;-, near Helomt. M.uii., since the In-ginning of IV"). True beryl- ami garntcs have been found f retpienl iy as n by-produo in the min ing' of mi. a, i'-peeiaily in Virginia and North ( arniimi. A very limited number of diamonds h ive been found in the I'liiied States. I h -v are inol widi in well-ilelineil ibstiiels of California, North Carolina, tio rgia. and recently in Wi-onsiii. but up (o the pio-ont time ihe tli-c..vorios lmve been ran- and purely .-1 , -i I . 1 1 : 1 i . As to sapphires, none of the' I'm" blue o dor have been found. The same fao1 is Into of rubies of tine red nil'T. The only lnc i'iiy which lias been al at! prolific is the p'.-ieer ground between li'iiby and llldorado bar.-, on ihe Mis. sniiri liver. Hi miles cast of H.'ieiia, Mon. Ib-tv sapphires are f mini in glacial iiiiiiforoiis I'tavels w.iilo sluic ing for gold, and until now have- been considered only a b -prod i' t. The colors of the gems oblaim d, although beautiful and interesting, nr.- i.ol the Ulan. laid blue or rod shades popu nr with the public. The einera.d has been mined lo some ctont at ;,uiv Poilil, in Alev.'l'der cmiii y, X ('., Illid has also been oblaii id at two olhor places in the eniiulry. T111-pioi-o, which wa- wo:l,ed by the A., lees befi'te tl,o advent of the Span in d-, and hiine then by ihe I'lulili' Indians, ami laig.lv Use I by Iheui for m ini. Incut and as ,111 aiiiele of c xel. inge. is now s steiiini it-ally mined near I.os Corillo-, X. M. An Ingenious Orange Peeler. A reuiai kahlv ingenious ami simple orange and lemon poeb-r is now being inli odui ed by which il is ! .1 1 thai 1',(M) oranges may bo pochd without soiling tingor or glove or losing a tli o,, of juice. The peeler is a pieoo of w ir--, niekol-j latt d. - ry much in the r-hapo of a button bonk, bat with a tiny blade !el into the inner bend nf the h ink. When the point of the honk is drawn into the fruit it slides be tween the pulp nml iho pe l wilh ut danger nf tillering ei:le , while tho ''ado divides the pool i-a-iiv and fin, i.l'v, lifter w liii !i it lit .y be removed without limil 'e, -r hi, igo M-ialcS. Shooting nn Alligator. The oars wore stopped, resting in ihe walor; th" -I; ill' hill f turned, drift ing in the sluggi-h lido: tho long In'.im of III" lauleri! with its oval did, of dim ligh' resting f ir out on the !irf.iee. swept slowly itrouml over iho waleio looking for the (wo io-t lights. Ten minu'es or moro thus pa-sod, and sml leniy llio two 10- t sptrl'.s igloiiiuod back in a new ilircciioii. A geiitie, noiseless juish on lln-001 1 our beiitlodlhe skill' lownril llietu iioiiin. " I otieeinoiit !" whis pered Paul. Hi.- a-s.ieiiilo, Mill more gently, guided the boat to tin: left, liii only one light shone from the ubsctire ol.j'Mt in the w..ler. Tnis- showed ihat be. bad got on its side, (is was desired, because a forwaid fehot al-wav- glances. Cautiously the silent 0:11 -man again turned hi- craft to llio right. Paul ifihetl bis long lit! - loioly to lire. The di-k nf th" lantern on the walor, (-(iiiinieting gradually, grew proportionately more bri iiiint. A it oniitt ai led Iho solitary light shining back on the water from its eeiitre lioeamo linger and brighter, till at la-t the eye of iin- great snitiiiiu glittered as if ho had llio "lioh i-noor' 11- elf in his head. S'.iw iy, siiontlv, iioaior the boat moved. lid w ii bin ton vai ii-of the n plile. The glow of Iho liiuierii flashed 1 long Iho barrel nf the rill" for a low seeonds; then came the ringing repmt. Tho light mi llio water in-lanlly went out , and tho glow of (ho llinloi n, 110W shining in a circle only a few foot in di.iineler over the place il tli-apj can d, showed only a f. w foamy huhblos ami lit 1 In whirlpools. Thirty -crouds pa-- d in sj ,.; (hen an immense dnk form houti lo.l I,. .tilth" tb'pths below above the surfao" of (In! wilier, ainl, rolling over on ils hack, showed tho broad, yell w-w hile body of an enor mous 1 lligalor. The shuddering reptil ' remained otherwise moti miIo-s for a few niiniiles; then spasmoilicallv slielihing and siilloniiig it- ugly legs and fee;, mid Imping hilfits length in llu- air, foil iia.-k again, healing the waier with ils tail in blows . mind ing as loud ai the report of the weap on which had -liiii him. "'lii tlie li," 111 ii 1 1 01 -. 1 Pin! in :iu accent of pilot tl iuiupli. His a--oei'itt', afior :i few t','!ainations of in u-e vohtahlo .nlui:rall''ii. im led aiiiilier .-igaroUo, ami tpiictiv inr.ied his bi.it nil in -o in h of otlo'r g .in :. In a f"W hours nf thi- hum ing live uliigators were shot. - f Tho 'onl ury. liliytiicle-s Wtirils, There are in the llngl.-h hinguago a number of words which have always been the despair of w ould-be nets v. ho ilesiii! to put their f incif il or romantic or pallutie idea- into rhyme. When a pool utiles with il.al sublime disregard of rhyme ami meter which charai lot ios Wall Whitman be is imt troubled with (lie liiuilali.ni of making ' Iho end of one lino re-emhle in sound the end of another, but rhyme hist j about it something so nili active to tho , t iilinary oar, at lesst in llnglish, thai I il will probably ooniinii" to bo in use ja'ways. Among the Latin poets of j I lie ehi-sical ago, nn tlm contrary, a j ihyiue w as deemed a Mcmi-h, and we j .'in imagine lloraeo or Virgil or Mar tial struggling as liar I to avoid a J 1 liytuo as some of our poets have to 1 do to find one. 1 Si'tne of tho rln tneloss words in l'ngii-li will occur lo any one al nuce. j A word, for in-lntnv, like "cusp'' I carries its ow n c inden. nut ion for ' rhyming uses, for tho sound i- an 1111-11-uai one, a id it is no wonder (ha; it j has lint been duplicated. "t'uiui" is I another obviously hopcle.-. word, ami ! "guil" i- still another. Thoro are, in a l, nineteen words which have been declared Ulil'hy limbic by eoiilpeli-iit au'hmiiy, 110 less a rhunc-ier than Tom Hot tl, 11ml the li-l I- as follows: I'.iiec, fliiiuiiey, coif, crimson, 111 in, .cusp, fllglle, glllf, IlilVe, lllici ncosui, mouth, oblige, orange, rhomb. - :tro, se.'iif. silver, widow and window. S.in Tranci-co ( 'iirnliiclr. 1 The lliiiue nf the I'ntalo. Tlie worn! owe. Ciii;e .t ,),.,,( ,,f j grid l lido w hirh w ill noier be paid, ; for (hal CMinuy is agreed by botn li-ts ; lo bo (be unlive home of Iho w bile, or ! round, coiiimonlv ralh d 1)10 "Irish, '' potato On the we lorn slopes of ,e hilt an Amies the potalo plant si, II j,iow s wiid in a form so -itniiar lo , (hal of ihe cultivated variety as to bo .easily rroogni.iible. The cul I i vat ion of the plant spread into Peru and New .raiiitti i aiimil the 1 im,-of the l lnro. I . tin eoniU.'-l, nml into Virginia and X nth Carolina in tlio lalior half of lie- sixteenth century, about (he samp time that it was taken In liurope. The w ild pot. ito, however, grows only in 1 bile. The tubers are about (be sio i marbles, hn have all the taste anil chiirnrtoristit's of the cultivated ' 'i-tlt."s. (jiobo-l)eiuociat. Nil veil. ITer lic.trt is the court nf love Wherein I mil being tried ; I usk the power. above That she may l.ir'iiii my bride. Her "110" tn me w ill be death Ah. Milled is nil Ihe strife, fur "i-s" w itii a -mile she saitll : Tin- villi' t is thus "for life!" -ll hiir A I Hi'ston. in Munsi'i'i. Jliig.'iine. Ill MOKOl S. A slow match- Tho courtship of a bashful young man. "S molliing that should be looked itilo" n Microscope. It is the "sweet buy and buy" at Ihe candy simps all tho time. Hgotism i- a failing w hich is inva riably posses-id by (he olhor follow. Prnfessor What is the most neccs siry tool in plying Iho vocation of U watchmaker? H igln Pupil Piiors. petielop, 1, you see that liaml snino foilow by the piano? I rejecletl him nuce. l'ordita That's nothing. I lei. ctou him tw ico. Miini.igo seems never fo innrh a failure In a in lii a- whet) something goo- wrong at home that he can't po-sibly blame on his wife. Tlie Hostess I.et mo introduce you to Mr. Hinier, the fa us poet, Mr. I It-sit. You must be acipiainleil with hi- beautiful poems. Mr. Dosslt (retired) Oh, yes; I've wruppoil up tons of butter in '1:111 ! Sh" (at her d.-sk 1 I ar, ploaso toll me how to spell cnsluni'. I'm writ ing to mother about my iovely now gown. II" - Weil. 111 j on re oly 'i She Y, s. H. C-o-s-t. c ,-t. She Y'cf.. Ile-T- ., t... Mn Weli? Ho M-e, me 'Jl", a jet unpai'.l. she You're a wi etch. 'She nay be well educated, as you say, but -he 11-o.s very singular ex pressions." "She does:'" "Yes; yes terday, I'm- iiihlai-.ee, she spoke of a musical cMi"ott." "Wasn't llmt cor rect?" "Certainly imt. It wasn't Hoc, -ary to -ay inn-ica! in speaking of a ooiii f i t. A 1 rt must bo mil' si. a!.'' "Must, eh? Well. Pvo beci at some t h;ii w ere 1101 ." How i-'ai! I aintliat li :qi vi nr's emit-, 1 1I1. I'.iur. bright ami sunny ! I'"r eery single girl I know II. is . tat li- am! -tii.'lis ..f iimney. Oilier renple's I'rii ileu'cs. Tho pie-limp tioii-ni'ss of snmo people is past ilidurnnce," remarked a lady recently in cnnveriiation. "I allowed mv lillie girl to spoiul an af It'innon Willi :i fiiond, and when sho returned her 1 i 1 1 ! ears bad been p;oivod ami a pair of earrings hung in tin in. I looked upon it as an unwar lantcd piece of impertinence, and tho present of the rings did not reeoneilo too In it in the least ." "That reminds me," said another lady, "of my experience w ilh ined-d'ers-- for I cannot call litem anything else. I sent my litlio daughter out to walk wilh a friend who, because, tho child complained of a rioHmclic, took her to a demist and had two of her baby teeth pulled. When I remote st! ate.! she sail! she hud paid Iho lull. Ii wa- Iho loss of the Iccili ami tho f. nt ih il anybody dale to tn-ddlc wilh in, p. iviloges ihat I regretted. Who colli.! forgive such stupid ly?-' Ano'icT lady told her story: "M.- falhor sent 1110 a very fino bunting dog, which a friend nln'rcd to In ing lluongh ptippyhood for 1110. I saw iho d"g ot casiou.illy and ho was getting to bo 11 beauty, w lien 0110 day my friend wa ked in and bunded me, w ilh a very triumphant an, tw o if 10 lulls. " 'I sold .las per,' she said, 'for 1 knew you would rather have Ihe ti'O'ioy t hail I lie dog.' "I informed her, as soon ns I could u Mai., thai I wouldn't havo taken a .' 1111. Ire 1 tloilats for him. or parted 1 ith him at any price, and she re- g. ii dod mo as if 1 hm hi (ul of my snnily . ,-he Wii - aum her of those woll-tno'in-ing blunderers who (irrogale to thi'in-st-i ve' tho 1 ig h ' - of llieir friend.-." Octroi: l-Yce Pre-. I sc s of Paper. 1 hero set Ills to be prnolieally im limllaiion to Ihe uses (o w hich paper can be ami is applied. To tho long list of ni'tii ies intended for personal u-e, and in (lie i- ..liter ih tails of con sirnetioii of rolling sioek, such as w heels, iixlos, etc., there has been lul led a more extensive application to the licedh of i ci y-tliiy life by tlio building of a hotel constructed of this material. This novel residence, w hich has just been flnishoil, mid is si ualed in Handling, bus been made, entirely of paper hoards, which, it is said, 11 ro 1 f tho hartlness of wood, hut pos-css an advantage over tho lulter materia! in Ihat ihoy nrc fire-proof, this desirable end being rflV'cteil by impregnation with certain chemical solutions. f Chicago Times.

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