nWtt l)c l)rttl)am tlccorb. ii. .a. 1 Ars iois, EDITOU AM) 1'llUPHIKTOU. A OVERTI8INC 1ERMS.0F SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER" YEAR Strictly in Advance. One square, one insertion One square, two insertion! (tio square, one month - 1.0 1.68 2.4V VOL. XIV. l'lTTNIIOKO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, AI'IMI. II, IW. No. For largctr advertisements liberal oon racU will be made. Ctattoi lip "Ibie Ye cxle Tlij uk:" The invMcrioiis tlirrml o' life W hieli lies in ii t H 1 1 I I skein Of !ill ics ;i 1 1 I jnv k nii'l Vi'liihss Impi s, All knotted ut thins with 1'iin, Hill iintivisl its H'Mil -iiing As ymi '-line v novlo Hi ngc." I .J iliitb of every ilay foil f rsi'lt ft. in he:nl In ft t-t. I ri.llir. Ii'in(; v. I'l :i:M.i!n' In . tit ninl drain Agiin-t thi-itriAl im su s hi lit? Woiil.l umi' In . ill miiI' ;i i i'l in? tllll.V "till ' VI- IH' Vtr till ll;-,o!." Anihil'oii iih illicitly give I I'm- ri lies, nr I im-. it f I too llntn iiu'i iiii:ii(l ihi- mih , mi Ii ii lu-l Ami r ii i'ii mIi i; i i? .'y:r oe. on. I urn lin- In llir ttupl? ff vi- "ye I r lr tlixiip-.-" I" iii'l. Willi i'mi' iii 11m' In :nl ninl niiinl, I He's -keln in ii. t:in:Ii'. in i. I'llNHl-is ils !liy -.1 ! :i niiu by lillr, ll'cii iluwn tu I lie oiel i.l' iIiivh. 'I'lii'ii "; I- l i-it tli n;-,i " vv ill . Tu I'l" i.i. i hi Mill1. M. - Aire Ai in t r r . In frank l.flii h. THE FIRST DELEGATE. . I 'MI . HIT! It. Aiii.ii1 vva- up Iii her ears in work. Slit- had ri. nil- in lii.- ('.infill Lorenzo Fra.-oi's to i-il, ii.. I looking fi r :l 1 1 li)U whirl of gaiety, sinco Lorenzo was a mini li I-. in mii' unit in.i own vi-iti'il. l.nion . ' u ife wa- mi !. aboil with a uiihl attack nf pom i-v. The children hull liri'ii ( n t In her mother's, :nnl f nicl , faithful l.nrii. i was 1 1 i : ; hi- own imals; luil even mi, Aimii' had found Mrs. I'ia-ir in II c ilep'h of a despair which wa- iinl.. fianlir. I'm- tin- n nli in., ! was Iti li,- held in Ihrir rl. tn i h i im wool. , and they WIMi' In ( mi i lii'ii al least fi'iir nf Hit' delegates, ninl In1 -irk ah d, with I ln ln'il-i' in ili-.ii'h'i- ami not a hit of cooking tt' ) in' ! .Mime naii t-.-i 1 1 : -1 1 -it her pillow, ami -mill il ri'inf.u tingiy. Then I'm j: I .iii -mi u li I cm hi' i-aiil. i Itergelicallv ; "an. I I'M - longer III III the week I calm: fer.if noee-sary. M ( In-1- id in'l n. i-'ltii' I'll hoi' ymi i:il-ly tlnvn ;!i I ho r-.n 'Vr- diii-i', ami slay 1:11 yim'10 nji, Tilh y. I kmnv Imw In Hulk, ul klKHV. lull't wm iy u h'l ii. nv."' Tlio iloaii"-! j;ii I in tho Hm lil !' 'iii- Tilly I. a. I sihi-il, i I nlly, to l.i iei.o thai niyiit. riiijwwi'i, i hi ninl the lic-l, mill nun (.' I Im- ni-llirsl, loo. os, i-ho' i iinii-nal ioiy w I w niiiloi' how it o. ni"i hln- i'ii'1 in ii- lioil. or i-iim:i,;,', t t-n r" Ion wi'io ihoro hi-t winlor, Ihon- was that wiling man -ii ii wan his naiiio? WtiiihorK f 'liito.iinh;-'--w ln pai'l l or rvory alloulinii, ai il soi innl n nioo." oo yum; moil who pay haml- himi'i jiirN ovi'ty attoiili.ni ilnn'l al ways waul In inauy llii'in.'' iiai'l , -if. oil.ii, willi ntiox ioiiOil wuililly win 'in. N it hnt thai Aiinio in j;ini,l niHlj;li f.ir III.' ho-l of tlnlii. J I it t I'vn hoai'l i-inoo llial tli.it yming Whilhy wont Vi"l." I lu'l'i' A mi it:' hoart iliilii't p-j willi liim," Tilly iiiiii'iiiiitoil. Thai w as Imw it oamo alnnit that A li ii io w as np In hor oais in work. It was S.il unlay nl'loi imon. SI o ha. I washoil a low tilings that inor.i ami -li. iiiloiiiloil In hako hioail anil m'Iiio inuiikiii .ios umi tt f .ko, ami niako ,-iiilo tuul oi anhoriy muioo In Iiio nihi, aiiil ilo the Mnall iron- A while chilli hminil her yellow hoail iifatly, anil a loop apiciii i-.ivoio.l hor from chin to foot . A low hlumlo locks oo.iioil .vttily, ami hor hoaloil chocks wo.o hocaiiiiiiply ro.l. ! II I -hi' Was inn nishiayly liusy to give a thnii-lit t.i hor aiioararo.. ; i-li ' was iiayiii;; lo hoisolf that il' anyihiiijr 1 1 ii I o H i- I lo inlcmipt hor, shu i-hmilil lic when the l nr boll ioaloil. Mio -;."sio, ami nroano.l. D.cail ful! She took hor hanils mil ,.f t ho lironil-i'Hii.'li, hut they wore ilonphy, ainl Ihoro wcro vmioin hininlos mi bor airoii. Sho know I ho pics woiiM hum if h!io loft 1 1 it-1 1 1 ; mnl how coiihl rlio stop 10 oiiioi lain aiiylinily ? It w an a tlntioil ami llu-loioii younp i.'isoli w ho wont f row niiii;ly li tin? ihior. It was a man. I M' o nu-o it was u man! S:io hail known it woulil ho a man. Ii was a in ni willi a hoanl am) an utterly ahsiiiil lon; coat to liii 11 . Is, at) thotili the Ihcriiioiiiclcr wai a . -ro. Annie iliil not like i cccntrioilics.Miil die ili'likcil hcanls. Sins toai'loil Hlilllc the third button of tho ohjec ti inahlo coal. -Welly" she sai.l. "I you I " tin- viili.r utaui nicieil. Ami then tho truth il iwncil uieii Aiinio. "( h !" she f;il lei cil ; "you aro one of the ilolopalos? You'll exonso me I oimlit to have know ii ! Hill we ili.lu't exj'oct hiiv till Moinlay. t'oino in, jilonse coiiio in !" She w as miioli aha-hoil. A minister umi i-In.- with a yicay aproii, ami a la;.' ii. ninl her hcaill Sbo lalkcil on w ith iiilo;o io hasle. "Mr. I'l aser iliil not look for any of the ilohfiatoji lliis w eek, bill of i; huso run itrn very welcome, lie isn't al homo just now, I ill you will lay yniir coat nil' ami mako yourself e.iiufnrl iib'o? I'm soiry, but Mr-'. I'YasiT is ill. I am their cousin, mnl I am takim: her ilace as iieiirly n I can." She win t-hakiii'T ilnwu thu hami Ion nor i.i tho iarliir, Iriviu ivon Ihe tlclejjalu a chair. Sho tlmnlil her ciiliiilily iii; hi lo thaw him Mini ami the huso-burner. Hill ho sal ilow il with hi i coat mi, without rosioiiso beyoml a couli. Ilo seomoil bI ill'. Annie Hippost'il ymiu inini.lors wen! ciiiuiuoulv jilll ctoil llial. way. lr wasn't ho yinni? Thai hoiriil hoiiril inailo it tl i Hi i-itlt to jmlo, mul the uirlor wai tliin. ".Mr. J1' rascr will ho sorry not to have been bore to reooive you," faiil Annie. She cuiti iveil to slmvo a foot si. ml within tho man's reach, ami I'lactvl the last uiapa.iuc on tin! talilo Hoar him. The pies were enpros-inj; her thoughts ohii lly. "I know you'll I'xcusu mo? I'm mi busy ju-l now!" "('ol liiinly, cei liiiuly I" tho ilolealt! rosjiiiiiiloil, iiii'kiiit; evident the fai l that his voice was heavy t'tintl:;h to keep the sli epio-t emif; rotation aw ake. 4'l.i't lot me ilotain you." 'I'll conn! buck now anil thou," Annie tlmu;;lit, with ircovercil M'if-posso-sion. Ami when tin' pies woro out of the oven, ami tin) luea'l in, she tlitl o.o batk, willi a set little .lna-o for llm t lilei laiuiui'iit of the earlio.t delegate. "Will the coiifcreiii'.' In: a larpo iiiiij'' shir ipioiiod. "Mr. I'la-or thinks HO." "lie ou;;hl to know," tho delegalu it j lined. S.'iiie of his di".nily had cvaporatod before the genial plow of the base, burner, lb? leaned forward with his clhoWM on his kucos. Il w as in 'ontiellsvillo la.-l litiio," said Aiinio. 'Where l ho oIioom' fat-lory is," siiitl the tlelepate. "I suppose tho confer ence subsisted mi choose mainly. " Annie smiled. 'hy, the delopato w as ipiili! hi iphl anil liiiuiol'.nis. 'l'ln o-o always makes you think of pio," Im addod. "I bop your pardon, but do I htuoll pumpkin pio hakinpr"' You smell piimpkii baked," Annie laiiphcd. "Would you would you have a piece?'' The delopato niado tl jjosliuo of pleased assctil. "Theie's iiolhinp I'm no f.iud of,"' ho declared. Autii ; w cnl mid hrnupht it i'lie delopato was siirpri-inply iiiiini.iiii teiial; but he wasn't the poki sho had lakt ii him fur. As for that, she could remember w hen Loicii.o In tl been a re-ii 'nr ".-ase.'' She put the pie, a hi and thick ami tli l ii ii.iiH-lni'k in wctl-e, on a china plalo, ami the plate on a napkiiicd tray. "All!" said the tlolejate, snia.'kinp his lijis. "So many thanks." 'l'erhaps," said Annie, eoiiscionoe Htrickcn, "you liavn't had any din ner?" "Well a lunch," tho tlelepalo an swered., hesilatiiiply. "Wouldn't you like Waill" A 1 1 u io whisked away, and came back willi coltl moat and milk mid In i ad ami butler and pickles. i'l.o delopale prctid I hem on I ho centre-(able w illi uu air of extreme satisfaction. ' I was htiupry," ho said, in hit heai so-soundiiiu' voice. 'Kami-died. I feel liko a tramp, thouph, lo ho pet- tiup away with nil tho cold loud you've pot." (ieliinp away" with lliinns wan peculiarly iinoloiieal. Annie wavered between iislniiisliui.'iit and minii. Shall you mako mo ohop wootl in tho back yard to pay for it?'1 queried tho tlelepate. I'd rather you'd Mono raisins," Haiti Annie. "I've pot a cuke lo make for Iho dclopalon. I'ousiu Tilly iiyn that the eonforonco tlelepate are dreadful oalors." 'It's fi cin beinp aski'd to tea iio iniii'li by ineiubei s of their coiipro pillions," said llio lioli p t', "ninl not beinp piven inythinp bill lea and preserves. When l hey pot whore there Is soiiielhiup lo eat, they eat." Annie tillered. Sho wished the parlor woro less dim, or llial he would look at her inoro stpiaiely. A really humorous minister was Fomcihinp new. She could almost forpive the coal, which Wiis still on, mid the beiu tl. 1 it poinp to be a fruit cake?" said the delepate. "Willi ciirranis, besitlei the riutins?'' "Ye," Annie rosp lutled. "And citron: Ami fill-nil," aniil Annie. "1 w ill blone Hi raisins," said the delegate. "I liko fruit uako next to pumpkin pie." He took up (he emptied Ii w ith mi en husiastic, llnurish ami followed Annie lo the kiiehcn. She was filled willi astonished .in.ll-eiiioiit. Was there ever hiii-Ii ii c.iii foi'i'iiee tleiepalt) surh II minister? t'- i'lainly iio was jolly, but wan ho lo beexaoll) approved of? Shu was bo w ilih'ieil. "If you coiihl lend mo a dish-apron," said the delopale, "why, I could pilch ripht in." Annie tunic in .i.il at him. It was not dim in the kiloheii. The li'ht from llm smrh window fell Hiuarely upon him. Slio, di'iippoil with a crash tho spoon umi tin dish she had laki u, and paspu l and wavorcil haikward. ".loe!'' sho died, faintly. Tho delopato jumped and p. aspeil her. "Don't faint, Annio! Annie, dear, d'Mi'l ! Oh, liitle pirl, aren't yotl i.la.1 to seo me? It seems as tlioiiph leoiiitl cat you alive! Km-iiso Iho t'xpreioii. I;'s Wesiern. Annie." "It i-'iii't be vim, tloe!" id lied, clutchi'ip Iho lapels of the lonp eial. "How when doe, due, I wasn't to have Hocn you npain till next sprint;!" "I lidii'l I tell von I should coinn back fur you as soon as ever I was alile?" ho doinaudod, foinllr. "D d I waul lo wait till next sprinp? No! And I'm able now, Annie. The real eslate btiinos in Wi-omisin is a lirsi rale one, Annie or il ha- been for no'. Whil'ock V Co. (and I'm tho cumpaiiy ) has In urn ii 'i I fail ly hooinod and l'o o.iiiio haok for my pnuui-ed w ile. I pot lioiiin yesterday, mnl when 1 found you were hero, I iiiado u boc line " "Mill, .loe," sho inlei tipteil, pro. loslinply mid unsteadily and It-inlcrly, "that awful coat and a beard!" "The climate in Wisconsin is lo blame, for both," ho pleaded; "and fur my aw ful cuhl, loo. To think you didn't know ine, Annie! (Hi, it was rich! I was wondci inp how lonp 1 could keep it np." "I was so ll.istt'ied w ith the hurry I was in." she said, slow ly mi I wonderinply, "and I was so far from o.xpecliiio you, .l ie, dear, and so sure that you liiu-t ho a tlolopale. Ami your hoanl and hmp foal, and your lioarseness, ami tho parlor was so dark! 1 know theio was s.iinethinp tpieer mnl natural about nil Iho funny lliinpH you voro savinp. How eoultl I have been so stupid?" sho mar veled. "You could hardly have helped il," he doehircd, w ith his ami straueoly looatcd. "A delepate tho liist conference tlelepate!" hIio cried. "(Hi, doe, Ihe joke is on you! And, .Joe," she beeped, willi feminine iihrupl iiesn mnl soflnees, "you will have that beard oil', won't you? Dol" "I'll leavo Iho beard," said the first tlelepate, bestow hip a ki-s, "if I cm lake you." "I shall sou Tilly safely (hrouih tho conference, Ihoiiph," mid Annie, tlyiup to take oil' Iho applc-sauco be fore it burned. "Nieo younp men," said 1. trcu.n lo bis wife thai evoninp, bi.m.irously, "do, pet haps, of tenor thmi not marry the handsome pirls. they have paid attentions to." Ilycini; l.iuin; I'lnwers. It is said that two poor Parisian women, who earn a livelihood by iiiakinp artificial Honors, have hit on u procesii for ilycinp naiiiral lloH-er in brilliant hues. Public altontiou was called to Iho mutter by florists who received in a lot of Dowers sumo swcft-willimns of a bright prcon col or. It see ins that one of tho women poured some paint into a bowl in which some natural Howcm sho wan eopvinp had been put in water. Tho next day she w as astounded to find that Ihe Mowers had assumed tho huo of ih" paint, lieinp a woman of in- ipiirinp mind she coiitinueil ex per i moiitinp ami succeeded in protluciiip various colors never intended by na ture, bill very available in art. She immediately commenced dyeiup How em for tho market, and extended her practice lo other sorts of blossoms, including w bile lilacs and cauielias. The only colors employed by her at present are violet, preen ami pink. The riolet is obtained by ti-iup Iho "violet of Paris" dye, and the other two aro due to chemical compounds w ilh hmp names, ouo of w hich con tains twelve and the other twenty syl lables. New Orleans Picayune. A Simple Test. Mrs. Sharptone I fear my hus band's mind is nil. clod. In there any sure lesl ? Doctor 'loll him y ou'll never speak to him np.tin. If he lauphs, he's suae. N. V. Weekly. tiiii.ini:vs (on i. RIWK OF Till: 1-1:1 -ll'l 'MS. Tlii' Aniori' iui privi'l' uti il line I'.i'iiln in seventeen cil-IiIi nine. t a-liin-.'liiii was Hit li I liiffini, Wlin ruli .I two term-, :iul A. lain.'' one; .1. Hi is. ,n, .M:ilis.iii, Miinnii-, S il fur two tonus ta. li : ii.nl -o i.'uiiiey Adams cairn- f.n oi.e, W lull-.lai'ksoii throii h two leim- ' . tun : 1 1 i in hi ilie l ami h II lour je.-ir-I'ur Tyler; one term IV k :i ; :ir-. w In n Taylor ilieil. mi l loll lln., .e ns I'or I' iluiore; one nil m ' Im rieicc Ami I'm Il:in:in; I, in. in IIh-.i Wnssliot us his se I Ii mi I.i -111. Ami .lolitiMiii sat until . "inn- iii'.uit I 'or I wo terms; ll.m - f u-one : in I -cut four iiionlhs for l:oii. !.. wlm was killt !. Ami Arthur the vai u.t ..ill e tilY.I. Then I'levelainl n b-rin ili.l win, Ami imw Hie si e.iie ll ini m I-In. New 'i ..-h'is l uii.'.s I). nmcia'. I'l.-iilKi'l' iil'lt I'l.ll-n I ill: i;iii:in, A inple pair of robins have been I'b-erved to bring over one hundred worms to the yonii in iheir ne. i in tho course of an hour. When pluu",h inp uu a sod for summer fallow wo have noticed numbers; of Iheiii on paed in pi'-kinp up the while piuhs mnl wire wornis thai so ofteii infest oltl pasliuo. No one should erui!:;o the few chi llies they may tal.e. Tl oil favorite food in their w inter ipiailors to the South is Iho berries nf the sour piiliis ami the fruit of Iho pokohorry Irec. The younp birds w In n caught enrly are easily trained, bear o uil'u.o meutwell in a capo, food on bit ad and vopel.-ibh' food, sinp well and make cheerful house pels. They un tile tamest and most dome. lie of all our native bird', and -IhhiM l.o piiariletl and protected lo the fullest ileprce. New York Voice, T"MMV, till'. M li-i: I I I I'll IM'. In India the elephant is tho I'rioml, pcrvanl, protoelor of Iho family . lino should see a certain Tommy, whom I know, lakinp his master's children out to walk. There is nolhinp to fear for llioin ; neither serpents nor wild bca-i-; marshes or pools. Tommy watches over them w ith more solie'tiidi' than the most zealous nuiso could show. lie walks w i'h slow steps alniip the Utile footpaths. He aiioiiiiiioilitos his pace lo that of the smallest child, lie pathoiH How crs for ilicm. lie plucks fruit from (l.o trees, he. plunders tho snar canes. At the wishful pesturo of a lihli? hand ho breaks: a branch for iho one who want a whip or a -word. Tho wholo bevy of children ate eallinp Tummy here! and Tommy there! "I want (hat bin manuo up theio to eat." Tommy plucks the in ui;:o for Iho child. "Oh, Tommy '. ol mo that hutd !'. lly!" Tho huge elf ph ml softly approaches (he butleilly ami brines it a captive into bin trunk by a sharply drawn breath. "1 want (hat piolly yellow flower that ouo, ripht ihoro in (he middle of Iho pond," Tommy poos into the water up to bis nock to pet Ihe lily. At Ihe sliphle-l -omul w Inch is nut clearly accounted for, or if he sees a jackal or a hyena in the jungle, he tpiickly gathers the little tl ick between hi.s foro feet under lite protection of his trunk, lie hopins to roar with linger. lisash r falls on w hatsoever threatens to touch one of his children tiger, lion or man is instantly crushed to Ihe earth. On the borders of the (ianpes, in 'lie llat marshy land covered with jungles ami streams, the homo of the rnynl tiger of llcngal, combats occur almost daily between this wild animal and tiro elephant, who is puardine iho flocks, Ihe servant, or tl hihlrcii of bis master. Tho tiporsof this spoeios nro so ferocious Unit they never tie. clino Ihe leiltle, although it invariable results in their being oru-hod urnler tho feet of their huge foe. Pitiless as the elephant is in his bailies with (he tiger, the boar, Ihe rhinoceros, animals which he never al lows to e-eape him alive, ju-t so gontlo is he, ju-l so kind and humane toward all inull 'ii-ive creatures. So slronp is this disposition iu him, that w hat ever empire yon may have over him, you can never persuade him to de Hroy an insect. The tiny red, black-spotted hugs, which Ihe children call "lady birds," me plentiful in India, only larger in si 7.0 by half than the I'.iu opoan and American bugs of that name. As an experiment 1 huvo oftou seen one of theio insects set on ii plain surface on a t iio of Iho court yard, for ex aiuplcand tin elephant hidden tit crush it by selling his fool on il; hut neither his master nor his keeper has ever succeeded in preventing him from stepping very high over it, with evident euro to do it no harm. DHAI) SHOTS. Womlt'ii'iil M.irksinaiisliin of tlic Texas Rani'is. Hanilliiiji Wovolvcr ami l-Jiflo Willi tiui.il Karjiltty. The KaiiL'ors were ih.' I.ireo-t men I saw in Texas, the Stale of hip men, says 1,'it hnd 1 1 itiliu;.. 1 1 ivi-, in Uu'. j p. r's Weekly. And - nf I In-Ill w t l .! Icln.'irkahli handsome iu a -un-1 hi -ow no 1, bio la -liolll.h -red, o:i-y. : iii inly way. 'I hoy wi n' a' -o -omo- what shy with the s:rai,;''-is, li-leliilio ! Very intently, but speaking little, and j then in a slow, penile olee, and as ! liny .-poki! su seldom, tiu-y sinned l" j think what I hoy had lo say was ton : valuable to spoil by profanity. I When Ceueral M.ibry found they would not eM il,..j- adventure, bo ; -iskoil tin m to show Imw th y eoultl i s'iiii'I, ami a- wa-: -vmii'l hi up they c -ulil il ', and ni'l soiiielhiup ahead)' done ,thov woul al i ii a- gleefully as ' t-o'iooiboys a! n oes i doing "-ltilib;." Tiny plarod a l-oanl a fool wide and two lei t hiL.i, some -i y feet oil in Ihe prairie, and Mierill S hoeley opened i In .-: Hit io- by whipping mil his rcvol j Ver, turning t in Iho air, mid shout in;.', willi the si.-his upside down, iuio ; the htiir. e)e of li e lupl otiipi il lar 1 pet. lb-did this w ill out ili.-e.uil iiiii j iii" what he was -aying lo luo. but rather as Ihoiiph l.o w . I o puiii;! Mat inp hi leliiai k- Willi and. hie t nine-. j Thou he said, -1 didn't think a' you '. II lliei'll W Ollid let a little ollt-pl'llliy i sin i ill eel iii the I'u -I shut on you." I ie . oiil allot d lo sav luis beeaii-e ho bad been ii I! .inpi-r himself, and his brother .b.e Was on" of the best t i ( ii i- Ihe l; angers have had, an I ho lid a I nf hi- six l.i'i'ihei's are all over .-i fool I, Lb. I 1 1 : th" taunt pi-otliicctl : an iu-laiit'iiio'iii- volley Ir-.m every man ill the o.'iupaii) : ll.ey did not take ; the trouble to ri-'. bill sir M frelii Where I hey hap eio'. I to I"? silling "I' lyinpiiinl la kinp to. 'other, and the air rang with lie; rep -its ami a hundred 'piifk vibraliup little gasps, like the sin:;i'ig of a wire -iring win ji it is liei!eiiet on a banjo. They oxhihilod soino iiio-t woitdt r f ill shoot inp. 'I'li'i- sho; willi h b ' hands at 'ho samo lime, with Hi? ' liaiiim. r uiob ru 'at h, holdiiiL: Iho riiie in one hand, and never, when it was ; a revolver I hey wen? it-iup, willi u ptani'i! at Ihe si;?!i!s. They would ' some times lire four -hot-fr..m a Win- i cho-ler beiweeii the litnt! they lad ' pieked it up from the ground and bo- , fore il had nestled o miforlalily tipaiust (heir sli'iulder. They al-o s.-nt one ' man on a pony raeing around a tree 'soul ;n thick a a man's leg. Mini w ere ili--ati--liotl l.t i aii-o ho only put f ur on' of six sh.os into it. Then (i.-lieral M.'lbry, W Im -eemed to think I did fully aj preei ile what the) , woro doing, ;:ave a itu ho-ior rillo in (';. plain I'.ni' k- and inyndf, ami told ! u- to show which of u- I-. u Id first put eight shois into the I n eel. Il seoins lloil to shoot a W iiiehe-ti r ymi have io pui a lris;eor ouo way I and work a level' haok wauls and for- wards; ibis wmi'd iiailtrally -uggi -t ! thai there are throe movements ---one i to throw out the empty shell, one to replace it w ith another r irlridge. Mid (he third b cxplod- tin- caitridgo. ! Captain liruuks, as fu- as I eoultl 1 make out f i 'III the sound, llseil nn'l j one inoveuioiii lor hi- on ire oigl.' j shols. As I pin-sod, tlm Irial was more lo -h iw Captain llronk-'s tpiiek-lies- than his inai k-iiiaiis!iip. I paid no alletiliou to the l argot, but devote.) myself ussi'liiou-ly to manipulating the lever and U'ipg.T and aimed blankly at the prairie. When I hail lirod two shots into space, (ho captain had put his eight into tho hoard. They - nnnl.-.l as lin y w ent oil' iike In e-ei aekors vm-'iI started in a barrel, ami mini', in rum I parsion. like minute gun- at sea The I h'anpers, I found, nfier I saw more of ' I lulu , ciiiild not shoot as rapnlv willi I a revolver as wi'h a i.lle, ainl ha I bo i coiiio so ex pel l with the smaller wea pon that ill-load of pio-sinp th trig ger for each shot, liny Would pull steadily on II. and .-nap the I annuel' until the "ix shots were o ban-led. .- How lliirh a Ibis- Vtill .luinp. 1 Souie lime lll iup Is m there w a quile a tli-eii--ion iu Ihe ii::ler a- ! how h'gh a suialj-iiioiilli ba-s would jump when hooketl, and, if uu iiieino- , ry is correct, writes a li-boi m in, iho tliseiissiun suddenly ended with an j editorial of live or -i Im.'-, in which Uiolhor llariis expresse, a d aibt if they ever tloaiod lie' water in irelliaii i I s inches. Ai Ihe time I thought I knew this to be contrary to my ex perience, but, as it wn- not my fune ral, 1 remained silenl. That some bass perhaps a large majority do not clear the surface moro than IH inches is no th hi hi true, ami it is equally ti no that others exceed (his limit. Kigh'oeii inches is a baby to what a number of my catch this fall made; n leap of two feet iibove the surface was not linroinmoii, and I had one lliret-pouiider to clear tho water as iniieh as throe fool. I am as cool and clear le aded a- the next one when I hook a li-h, and as I carry my bait iu a ealvaiiioil iron minnow bucket ill-tool of ill a gla-s bo, lie, I will not come down an h from (ho above iL'ino-: it is lather In low than above the distance he mad-, and I could but w i-h lha' so gr: ml a hup for liberty might result iu his freedom. The -niall-iiiiiiilh v. ill h ap higher, leave t!,o wnler iifieuer, light longer and Willi more spirit when hooketl in Iho lower j IW (hail when honked ill lire, upper, mid the i hauei s of his final capture are about one in the foiiuer to thice in iho hitler. Iu a number of instances, whore (he water was not. above throe to five feet. I could sot: every move Iho li-h wmi'd make, and at times as in my as three or four would make a dart for my minnow at the s line in-'anl, and. to my sitr-phi-e and chagrin, the -iiialle-l olio ill the -eh. ml would get there lir-t, as a rule. Never in all mv li-hiu?; have hiss spit nut Ih" ininiiow us they did oil thi- trip. In fully the a-os out of liv e the ni'ii on W would be spit out :.n I I'ooiul above the s. in-1 1 on boiling tic li-h, and -i v eral times, w hih; play ing the hooked ti-'i, I could s e anoth t r old "iu--" tiling to nppropi into Iho minnow above the sin :i as it wa hoiiej inn ried through the water by the ina I i u-lios of hi- more iiiifortu n a to kin -in in Si I. mi is l.'epubHc. A iimler in Music. Sir .lames Paget -ays that ho once heard M lo. .lanoih i render on tho piano. a presto b) .Mon.le's-oliu ill whi'-h she bad to play ''' note- in four miiiuie- ami three seconds! livery one of those note- involved certain movements if I be lingers, and in many there woro m .veinouts laterally as well a- tho-e up and down. I. I us -ay that there were three tli-liiiet uioVi'tiionls I'm- each note. .'s Ihoro w eio w only-ft nir no'os per m ml, she moved hoc li gi i -nl loa-1 soveuty Wii di-linol liiii"- oa. h second. More over, each of llie-i? Holes was ih'toi 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 hi the w ill and aliolod to a cer tain place, w ith a certain force at a certain lime and with a certain du ra tion. Th roftire. there woro four tlis tinet tpi ililio- in each of Iho seventy two movements in eaeh soeoml. Sueh wire ihe transmissions outwit d. And all those wore conditional on con sciousness of (he position of each hand and ea -h linger befoic it was moved, and by the -tunnl and Ihe force of ea. h loii'-h. Therefore there were throe conscious sensations to every HOC. There wore i vent y-t w o trau-niis--ion- per -i com!, Ill to mid fro, and those w illi constant change of ptalii y . And then, added to that, all tho lime tho inoliioiy was i oineiuhei ing eaeh nolo in iis duo time and pbioe, and was exeiiisf.l iu Ihe comparison of it with others llial came before. So that ii would he fair lo say that there were not le-s ihaii Iran-missions of nerve force lo and from the brain mil liard and inw ard every second dm ing that wonderful performance Louis ICopuhlic. Itoinarkahlc lialtle I'spcilieiits, One of the liio-i r.-in n k ililc battle ex pi'dionli on l oi in d was adoplod by M .lln iilaies, King of Pontus, who. liuding Iniu-elf over. oino liv the b' .mill tlencial I .t i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 s , caiiscl tpiamiiics of gold lo be Fcattcied on the field so that I In pursuing sold ers were retarded by their ,-ivai ice, pans, ing lo pick il up. S uue of the engines of war n-o l iu those times were tremendous :i Hairs. There wore iiiovah'e lowers, sheltering ho-iegers, which could be wheeled up lo the wall-of a belong uro'l oily, ovortop ping them. Abo luge ranis and poinle I beam- eal ed "lerebra-," for liming holes through walls. There were "catapults," for throwing in ti h t y stones ami m lehines for cast ing Hauling dm ts, w hieh were leri-i-li'e indeed when Ihe roofs of building- wore almost invariably of thatch. I he -lingers of the lialoi ic Isles worn ihe most skilful mark-men with their poeuli ir weapon thai ever lived and il is re I ilod t li.it they used to train Iheir children iu its uso by denying them food as a penally for mi-sing tho latgi I. Ito-ton Transcript. A Uaii of Note. Mm. (iaibl-Mrs. II abb tells melipr tlaiighlor is going to marry a man of note. Mr-, liabh Thai's (pteer. I heard she w as en taped (o a trombonist. (iood News. Secret TIioiikIiIh. h'il'1 it true tli.it thoiiKhts are things Sii'low-etl with li'itlieg, brentli and wings, iml Hint we scud them forlh to (111 Ihe iMUliI willi g'Ki.1 rtsiillH or 111. I'bal hi. h we r-ill our secret thought I :pt i .It to the earth's remolest spot, ni le.ives its hlessiiiKS nr ils woes .ike trucks behind it as it rocs. I is I lull's law. Koincnihor it ; n iniir still clittiiiher as you sit i'nli ihtnudil you wmild not dure bite kiioii ii, ' iol yet iicike toiiiiR.les when alone. j I' iese llinulils have life, and I hoy will fly ! iml have I heir impress by unit by, j bike some niursh breeze, whose poisoned I bitiith I Ureal he- into In. nits Its fevered breath. ; inl atlcr .mil have piite fori;t t ir all niilrnWii Home vaiiislietl t liollplit, I li n k to your uiiml tn mske its borne, ) A tlove, or riven, il will come. lie ii li I mur n oft thoughts be fair; I'hcy have a vital piirt ami share 1 In shaping HnrM- ami innlillng fate j iml s syalein i- so inlrii'iite. 1 Kiln Wheeler Wilcox. Ill MOIfOl S. (if two women choose (he one (hat Will have you. The only way to got a hen out of tho ' "ai den is lo go i-low but shoo'er. i i "l'i had to he cut by old frionds, i Iml it's vvot-e lo be dropped by tho sheriff. ' "I'.xt u-e the liberty I take," ns the j convict reintii l.e I w hen lie escaped from the state prison, j If ymi do a man a favor do not let him know it. or (he chances are he I will eiuiio hack for another lift, j It is worth noting (hat people who : seem familiar with the English lan ! guagc lake the greatest liberties with I it. llright Child 1 know what they j call 'em, mamma, when theru'a .three twins. M iiuuia What, Ivaty? : llright i hild (iihlels. due thing is to be said in the - loafer's favor. Time does not run ! away from him as it does from the i busy man. Days do not Hip out from ! urn lor his lingers faster than he can count (belli, i A Texas gentleman applied to a friend for information iu regard lo a j certain man whom ho wished to cm- ploy on his ranch. "Is ho honest mid ! reliable?" "1 should say so. lb? is tried ! ami trusty, lie has boeii tried four : limes for Mealing horses tuul be got clear every lime," was the reply. - Doctor: Your husband appears to be run down, anxious mnl over worked: but I see no signs of insanity. Mrs. Van liiverside: I'm sure bu' in danger of It. Disunity runs in his family, you know. "Iioesit?" "Y'ch, indeed. Two of his sisters had chances to marry rich men, mid then married poor ones." Ten llidbirs Would Have Keen ( heap. " I he invasion of tramps and beg gars into New York, whieh peop'o are complaining of," said a clerk in an uptown hotel Ihe oilier day, "re minds mo of a similar experience we h id out iu San Francisco eoiuo years ago, when I was keeping a small hotel Ihoro iiivsolf. Every (ramp and blanket-man,' us they called, (hem in Ihe slate, seemed (o have "(ruck 'Frisco ut the same time, and ym may imag ine that Iho regular beggars whom wo had always with n were dmgiistod. The nuisnneo became so great that charily got dammed up lillogcdior, and the fellows took to threats to ex tort alms. Nearly everybody in 'Frisco in those days, however, carried a pi-lol, mid after half a dozen of tho loaftirsgol shot the fraternity becauio ill-courage, I ami left (own as suddenly as tin y came. "I had a ni- e little hotel, newly ninl finely furnished, ami 1 was catering lo aipiiel and respectable family (rude. I. ots of ladies iu the house, you lin ib eland. Well, one day u man enmo up io the desk mid asked me for noiiio assi-taiieo I refused ami ordered him mil. If v on ilon'l give me ,1'," ho said, .'I commit Kiiieido right hero in your hotel." "I was am used at this novel threat, and iiskoil him. with a laugh, why ho tlid iml make il ,im. "I'm not joking," he answered. "Cot out of hero," I siiitl angrily. "The man pulled a pistol from hia p ickct, and thinking ho was going to -hoot uif, I grabbed mine. Hut ho put the muzto of the weapon into his own mouth and blew bis bruinc all over my expensively frescoed wall. The trouble I bad with the iuquest and the e.'i-i rend me moro than $10 was worth, lint worst of all, novcral lu'i vous Indies, gootl customers, loft my Imuso ami took thoir families with i beiu. They never coiihl sleep, they '.aid, in a hotel where a horrid man had blown out his hra'na. -New York Tribune.