Jli dhsiham Record TIIUKSDAY, AFML i t, 1892. XOCAi. RECORDS. iii-u--j.jiu- q i.,,,!,,,,.,:,.,,,,,!.,!!,. , K f Is . . 1 oe & bon s. (Junto did Acid I'l.osnhato vet . ,,j n's t,. t Son inna,U lwoiiu. bn italclKh's rahionablo milliner, Miss Ma'io Keese, will till orders! tiriiii.ittli- und in the latent stvles. 1 J Messrs. Cross & J-inehsn havo ' I'reshy tui ian ebureh at this place. tocoived their Hpriiifj Hloi k ot cloth- j Tho session bo-rau on Tuesday night ing which they are ollVring at hot- ! at 8 o'clock. A Iter devotional exer trtin nrices. See their "ad"'. Icisesand a sermon by Itev. D. Fair- .. O. S. Po9 & Son havo h full stock of Chattanooga Plows, double shov - Is, (icorgia slocks, eolloii hoes and Other farming iinplomentH. . Messrs. Goodwin & Punisberg HTea80leul sioiKOi loinosionesHiui monuments both at Ualcigh and Fayetteville, and will fill orders from ither place. . Wo ore informed that tho sub - allianceg ut this place, i t Mt. Olive, tnd at sovorul other places in this ' t,octu,j temporary cerUs. On mo tounty, decided at I heir last mooting tjori of Kov. V. F. Thorn the hours that iliey would not go into the third (1 noCi?lfr for each day wero ar- party. I ,..ui,t.a fts" follows: at !! a. m. until PermmsdeTiiiWtosub-icnl-otol wliwn religious services will I oisons .jisiiing 10 suosi-ii o 10 ai,j llt new.papera or magazines, foreign or J- n.c. t auu. at d p. ni.ai.Jat domestic, can savononey and risk M W reniiiiing ny giving uieir o to Mr. J. llerlieil licad-m. Ernest Fuhauks has opened at W U. Looniii'l's tf.i wtoro a select atock of Fanev Ciocories. Confec tioneries, trails, tobacco, stationery, 1.. i,;..i. l, iil ..t l,ii,.T.i prices Call and si?e 1 ' . Tli1..i mi liiiLKi inn! Ihe liuli.iN Mr the tirellicsl and cheapest stock ot .Spring and Summer dress goods' Iiavo urrived and now (pened at V. Ii. London & Son which havo everi bton shown in this market. They havo a large stock laces, hvis3 and llambuig triiuniiiigs. . ; 1. 6. 1 oe A. ,on Wlil not altOtnllt to enumerate l no nianv bi'njuiiis llicv re otferinir in each dePat inu-nl ol tiiorclianilisu, lliey wmpiy ii.vsic. you cordiallv to cmiio ami inspoci tne tirw ynO'U. They will exhibit, ll.e lurgest and iiiomI ncni ly comph lo block that they have ever carried. Tho now a nl ladiion ib!o Miili nor Irom JI j . 1 1 in oio has hi lived aiol taken charge ot tiiu 'aro and liaod nomo stock ot Mi.liu. i W. 1.. I. mi don .1 So.i have j.isl juil n. liicir annex. C.tli niol x e I . ;i 1 1 i 1 1, i floods aiel ,et your hat and l oin.cl Iriiiimed in ilm ;u .'.-. I .-.iy.cn. --On next Sai ur lay alt-'i'iioon tlie Indies d tlio Episcopal ( 'h nreli, at this place, will uave an Ivi-ter il' bunt Jil ll.e iisi ieiiie i 1 Mr. 1. J. llauhtou, to which a!i tlie -iii'druii of the viliaee are invited. Tin- hunt trill bein promptly at I o'clock, and Ihe price ol adii.is.-ioii i.. live cents. , Next Monthly heiiiii M ister Mon tlii)' the ymiiiir toil,.-. (:u- some of the d l oiich) will mi an exenr.-uo!-, or picnic from hero to 1 1 ny u "o.l. jal S they oil lat Easier .Moiolav. There will Ie' n'.e a ir.iiubur of pic llics and lith.114 lroes nl dilferent places in liio county, and wo hope that ail will have a picas. tin lime ol it. Mr. Josinu W. Il .cl. ney. "f Wil liams towns, iip, died very suddenly on last Tues'lay. lie h i I l'"en in bin usual lii-ail h, and, alter citiiiLr ftlHI.t.e lt.t.t irito,. Ii. hi. Ifll-tl tt li.-l-.i , ' .,,,..?... l I... i, ...I, I dead, lie was A y . . . . . one ol tlio most prominent citizens ofthiseountv. Tho recent coid snaji lias been: very destructive to all s'cetalion. I Lasl woel: fie re svns every iiidica-' tion td u i lib.-ii iai.t li cit crop, but ; las! for hum iii hopes On Sunday "there came a frost, a nipping frost" (ice forced a tp.lulier of aa inch thick) that killed neariy cverv peach and greatly tlam;iud alt the lorward vegetables. Wo reeret to hear of I he siniden iloalh ot Miss I' nily I'rasii r, oi (iiilf. Wliich occiii'i'cl a lew days ni;o. She had eaten dinner and shortly afterwards dropped dead. .Nei.'.'ai i;iu of the heart is .supposed to have been thu cause ol her death. She xa a lady of many excellencies of character and was highly esuenie l by all svno k new her. Rynum& Ileadeii l.aveoi. hand that we deserve lull that lei,'i da tioa Very jini t'our, boi.eless ha-n, pure has been entirely one ri led, and in lard, liesl t ream cheese, fresh crat k tho interest of the plutocracy and ers, parched cotleo, canned corn, ! has well nili brciie,ht us to banls canned tmnatoes, rice, riis, Cuba rii'tcy and ruin. I'liendore and fine N. O Molasses. Oood Mo ! iV-i'i'. 't I at. That our hopes nit. lan.sns for '',) cents iier L'alloii. collon ! based on the success of one whom hoes, one and tsvo horse plow, plow j points, pit sv steel, plots' bandies, i Ks. j usi receis cii, men s auti ooys straw hats, new prints and dress (foods. A nice lot ol ladies tine shoes, .to A II of winch sviil he mild as cheap as the c heapet for cash. . Aria roll's Rki'oiit. We have re ceived a copy td the report of our State AuJit' i- for 1M)I, Irom svhieh wo have compiled somo statistics that may Interest the citizens oi Chathsm. We find that our county is the lo'iitli in size, having an ai'e.t ot 4'.tiSt acres. '1 he counties, that hsvu a birder area, are Robeson, Wake :in I Oolumhiis. Chat ham ii-t-imI lor taxation 2,7lt horses, an I tne (clin'ies lhal listed a lavi;cr iiiiiiibcr lire liuiico'iihe, Iljvidson, Ibovaii, the t'oi.ie. related I mluM rial i -am-ii'andolpli.tlnillor I and Iredell. Our .a-ion nl Si. Louis, Mo., IV-'o, U'J 111. I'lin y li-tc 2 ,1-t mules, and the 18. )', and that it is .nir purpose to un ie,iti.il listed a larj,'er iiiiriiber, support that political luea !i;..itioii Aluouli'libar, WaUe, Kobeiijn, t wuicii icprtsciild our prim iplco. Columbus. Only that 0110 ifl Bun - larger number of t .1:1 1 1. n i Kdgecombo nud one county, and i f-omh.. lihln.d ft IfMiid.i 1 1, -.ii ciiRtliit.n did. and that ' iv.im null- ui mnrn. Our countv. ...... ------ - , . . . -, however, listed a ureftt iniuiy more . forever ahandnu tho same and in tho kheep than any oilier county in the'futuro not support any man for idlico - Stale, and wits behind only four who is not in sympathy with us und other coiintioa in tho number ot l.iir. ThiHiHU very Koodbhowin - ' for Chatham, and should stimulate 'our larmers in their olforts to nuso .livestock and make their own up- ' , The Prkkmvtkky. The lahih noe Bion oi inu ri tMij lery oi i a cut I .III, I..,m, 1 ivi.n c in thn I ley, tho Presbytery was calkul to; liy then hold tout party rcsponsi- 'order by Uov. V. F. Thoin, thojble? 1 Moderator of tho last session. The In tho next place, if our county ; roll of ministers and delegates was; men's only "h'pes arc based on the j culled by tho stated Clerk, JIov. P. success" of ncli "a true patriot and , i ....v. ami uuoriiiii answered to n-rent Ktatisiiinn'' us J.. I,. Polk, mav t10j,. nlime.s. Tho election of a Moderator licmg the first business, Jov. 1). H. Mcliryde and l!. v. J. M. ci.,,. Wu. j,a,:0d in nominstioii, jand a voto being taken resulted in jj- Vl)t9 !,. (Mi ik and 15 lor Me : i.....,.,, ,) ...... ;.. p..v. J. S. P.luck ,. u., i i- M1.i..in,'miii wnro ing three ministers from other i Prcshvteiies, Povs. William M. Kid riduL-, I). W. Fox and W. Ii. Airo wood, wnre iluiy examined and ad ! milled as ministtirs ol the FayellS' Yiiio Presbytery and ' remiirod ohliiialioim. :iiud tlic I An order was taken for the organ-! ir.uli.mot a new church within tlie li.inn.U of 15 nil' eiini-e.li in ( '11 .iiln r. land count v. A numb'r of cominiltoes woiu appointed and vacancies tried. 'J'lie most iniiioiiant and inlerest ing feature ot vtslerdav's proceed- , in-s was an eii.bora! and eareluiiy ! prepared report on Church and 1 Christian Ivliicatioii by Hev. P. Ii j l.mv I.,:.ii-M.!in i.f n slieei:i' ei-intnit . tet- aiiiioitiled lor that ion pose. Tlii- t t m i ., v v.' n ih'i. I, U jurieal stat m .es as to tne eiiueali ma cause timing the pa.t In; nil ye. ii', and reeo iimcoii I tlinl lim chill i lies coiiiposilie; thin Preshy tery toiiko suhsci iptions lor tin- estah.. li.-hinciit ot tin a ademy of hi:.;;, trradc lo lie liiuh-r the ii.an.".eiiic:i'i of the Prcs'c ici v. . The l.iii'itvin:.' i-i a ii.t of :! ' i"!( is pr.-sei;! : II vs. i I .-.ir Mi II. ii. Il.il. i' l, .1. M. n-iil:. .1 . Ii..-,. k. K A M l.eod. .V N. Kcr.Mi son. P. i! l.iw, V. ii. A l i'owo i l, j V M El-irhLe. .'.!. Mill. SnicM-i, li N M i.aii-Klin. .!.., p i llvan-, .1 W. Jul. I, si. .11. W. I. '1 i.o.o, J). P,. ; Mclb-yde, me I .1. M I lose, Jr. I Tiio to' :o i oj,' lay lielfcates aro in 1 .-.tteinhioee on the Pr. s!. t e r : .1 . Crai.u'i., .1. V. Mcf.atii-liiiii, !,' ; . M. Huie, M. Mc. Kcilii in. M ilcolni j ', Mil.n'a-, i. A Blue, J. M. illue, J j 1 M. Mclvil, .1. I. M.IIOIi: (', Jall.'-M' I Ihi'i vi. p'e. .1 M. N. Joinis'. i.. Wi.-i ! 'iatii'iliack, .' A McPhel sou. A. 1 : Wi, kcr, J ii lb-own. J...n l. M ; ' Lend, D t." Shaw, I.. Shaw, 1. .) '. Mciii.aM, J. A Alston, John VY. j Sioii. I) 1. I '11 ri if, ). Y. While.! .1 T. Ilobi i ts, J ami s I,', Tiiomi:s and i D. 7. Hardee. j l.'iitil two years a;o Cliathrjii ; 0 oin;y w t- in tne Orange Pre by t? j ry, but in l i.) ) was transleri e I to tlie ', j Proshytery of Eayelteviiie, which I was or';tiii..id in an I is it.iw composed o I lie counties of f'hal-l ham, Cuc.iberiaud, Harnett, Mont eoiucr-, M.iore, Uiclnmuol ao l II ib e.son According lo tho las! annual . reports thcl'J ai- tit c urehes in this i .-..- .!,. I-.- ' .,-(..!. 1 ., resli lei",', .ii iri.sters a :i J .! members, a larger number .it mem j ,J'" s ,lv,s U,-i' .. I'lMs'eVlel'V ; nielli ' lo the ...'oiitnci'ii Uencr.n As.eiu.ily. I Tne incetiuif oi I ho Proshytery i v.ili c 'use nil S.iliii'-lay, but a lew ol liiu .Mi.iisUM's wi.i ie..iaiii over an I preach lure 011 .Sunday. Oar cili- ".ens ol all dciio.iiiiialioiis are entf-r j taiiiii. the lieicales as huspilahly ; as they can and have exlen led lo 1 tiiem a most cordial .vulcomo 10 .;lii ( aucieiil 'Boroii-h. I Tin 111) I' Alt i t' I'eo I'.esl ed, ll.e 11 llKs'il.t I I...N-!. As can linli!:.-hf the fciosvin": rcs-iliiiion adit'tei at I'ace's Mil!, on last Saturday : "We, ihe ciliensof llaldis in tosvi, sl.il, in mass niccliujr nssciubled, do assert that sv the priiieii le !e we have supported , mi liimored the 1. a - j Is el the old I'o.il'n-al pai'tii-s that I sse h.tvu not reci'ived thai toioni iioii from I Ii o lasv uiahini' liowe we believe is worthy of any honor that can be con IV re anv nlliee or i on i.v man in inis ivul conniry. ii is throii:;h bim and his followers, that our republic must be brought lo the I'lory and the fame that svas. c.in cciseJ in the miiid-i of our I!evolii tionary laihers. We reeoni.e t'ol. 1... L. I'oik in the man. We beiieve him lo be a true patriot and a jreat statesman. Therefore, we ilem-mirc and coiiderini every c.'hu't that ha been or svill be made lo thwart his I'leat ssorl; and malign his nml imn.u. L'ud. That sve further assert thai a political ora iprat i-m is in cc.-cii y to li dress t lie efievanees of v. hi ill sve complain and that sve liearli'y t'lid-'li-e the lii.il lorni aloiitel by 3rd. While wo lo ho much regret : to sovor our connection with the old political parties, with which e havo () I I . t .i . I ai I 1 1 i tt Minima liA tmm , allllialcd so Ioul', it nee ins tho time : bus arrived when vo will havo to our demands. I 4lh. Thai a copy of these resolu - lions be sum to the J"ojresivt Fur- , kt, A'lutmv Fcho, and Chatham lE:olti) for puhli.atioii." ,,l.i;l,;,, tt, ,, i 1, Pp.. eam.ot retrain ir..m nd.liiiK a j few words ol conurieiit. In the first : piuce u is inrniiirn no mini oi mo ,1.1.1. (.' ...i'j Ihnl " I ...r i ul ! I i.i n iflB been entirely one sided", because that party has not hud cliari;o of tho legislative department of the nation- k'overiiinent m over thirty yours. : the good Lord have mercy on them' ! Third Piti ty MrcUt.i:. A public meeting was held ill tho interest of the third party at Pace's Mill, in U.i M win townsh'p, mi last SatnrJ.iv, at which f t-oiti seventy jlivoto one hundred persons were ! present, liy re(pml of some of tho ! lrll,! democrats of ih.it neighborhood i A. 11. M..rrilt was present und was invited to ad ir-.-s the meeting. As most rd fur renders are nwan-, 1 .11.(lllli,M:l au., ihll.!li;:i.nl j 1,11,3 the Alliance in the Stale proves his il.telligema liV Hieing opiniM:!! the tlniM imrtv. L'il II1IS OCCIlMOll III! lllH'le a IllO'.t 'ollti capital siioech, which we would liUei.1,,.11 1 l" I'UO.t.sii in lull lor 1 1 1 e liciictil of our n ;i . . . . 1 , . -1 11.. , I """s against the 1 n:rd Party move. j ",l'i,t- " !':'!' l1"'"- '' Alliiiin:;.' ; was a lu'iti political organtzat ion. If i " W1'"1 ("'lilies it w nl.i hccoine ! amcnali. jlorbiddii !1IK' to tho aws ol toe Mate secret polilical societies liietitly disrupt and ruin 11,0 "',k,r lorcver. J !. Alliance WH I'fote-t agatn-t ha .1 h-i-.i-'a! i.m. 1 '"e Pcpubiicaii party was rcip.ui ''le lor every oppressive law upon l",! MIUU.O llouliS. I ,l t ll I: ie 'speakers ha I bceo at built itln. - ir toe llCtl! hi 1 :.i in 1' the I )..TH.i,-e-,l u en .1 1 ! e u i I h tho Ki-ii'.iii ii-a'.s The I Icmoi t ai ii partv was o!' ii.-. people and f .r tin pc. pie. iim.1 111 1,1,1 .-V 0. j al .1 v Willi j their ileciands lor relief. i.' .-licj I . "il.! never coi::c ihvou j!. ihe 'i'l.ir-i . i'arl v --it 11. list i-.Hiie, il it comes at jail, ll.i'i-'i ,'h ihe 1 leii.ocrai :.- p.trly. .It w 'ill I i.e iit iiia! Ii our i. i s! i:i ilcicls to desert in,, democratic p:.r ;iy ie:'v. i; .-. u I i ii:alce sin'e il,(. i-letiai ol il." deaiocralic catididate h. Pre... i 1 1 f :'i; l l:i!en an. re ilrn.ly thaii ever 1 1..' i' 1 -1 11 o! ihe I ..(,: ; Ii ; party upon ti.e nalioii. I 1 urn I he stale over to I !.. 1 it'.'piriiicr.'i. sand '.he day i-las of iiewi-sse. ,u iv. in' i j i oiii '.'i e 1 ; 1 i 1 1 1 be expected t lo hli'hl our pl'i.-Si-il! eoud 1 return TOVtTIl : ne:.t. j ! w-'uM I' J 1 i ; I : : i I ina-lio'ss lo ' now into tl.--- fi.ird j'ai'ly even it i ail its den,;:;: 1- Weiv j'l.'-t and proper: j but sni.1.1 ot ', ho .I'-'.'lilillds Ui'lO not .only iiol jusl oi;l positively repU;; j iiaM to 1 '. el V pi i iic. j-le o! oml eo V 1 1 r 1 n 1 e u ' . i To iv't ;"'sre.iiin ol (he railroads tne tt' 'Veil ir or I'll: l.l : oiii'l havo I i con ; ha-;'. If It I. as a I'ieht to i.Oli'lC mi I he r.-i:ir.i:i.is it Woiud have the saui factri"s, mills ill to t Oil' .11 .'; in n (and and uiuh - ! J'i al-ll' to I ie as.-..-.- sei nation ol ice railr-i, iii-arly u hiili.ui t! an nil'. I. '":!: . I.!e sum. tiiii ir.'-l ihi!ar of lio: b.:t co'iil'ii.ed lo pay ti at deiii lor ore sen as i:. ii'-h a" ali ! he pr uid v.".-it.i the in in- - I.. rest on t twice p. ny in N. I'. I that il woiil'l I perhaps cell 1 1 won lal.e lili irs t lint not alb -itt. d eiitai nciiii ii a il.-i us an her, Ihe i: rd to take t! .'he exin-rie! anient c-ould 'a-i s us a li t e of our own sia:,: shosvs the lifer toliy ofa Siaie's u.ctcrtauiiit'thcii.aaa'oinciitolKail foilus. 1 lie I I esMon! !e".v lippii.litil'.elil oi al.-.ili. 1 ,10,1'iiii nhiei-rs A'i'l ij.i...i: i. .'.:.! i.a l olhci.i s, Ih i.iHiu lor tcii-eraph and lck operators. Tins ssoiild the i resilient one inoh.ni ol . Willi the army and navy ioi ntees. I ail Ihe a svo'lld railroa is ai ins comuinmi ho wo-ihi ; have more power ll an the (.'.nr "l.V.,iil l-l lo April Ibhli; huisv.-t, d llussia or any despot on ll.u j:"'1'"-js.-t.teii.bel loJanuarv. Tobaec.) Irani 1 I'.ASi r ssoald be eomplei. ly centra j !:ll.u.a A,..; i,-. ,;, y 1V :;otb: bar- I.zj.I, and any an.hiiioiis mail could j .... ,,ls. . Oetobor. Cor!.! perpetuate bis own rule till il .-.h.-mld j ho o vei U.l sv n i,v a i evolution. . i.u.roaili a has been reduced t'll.i,., i, ... is ....... ,!,, ! .,.. I to,.. a st iel.ee, t he hliM ut I'lvsi. lent (.'i'li'-ials a-pi.-lilical t cd hands None bin me. . skilled in j 'can run:, la.lroa,!. I'lic 1 .soul. I ai'i'.'iiil railio.-i'i 1 s i.e ii, .i.'t inasteis lor I i oiisi i. i.ilioiis. Iii llliskbl j . aecid.-nl.-i would heci.ire ll-ore tl I), i o lit lrel,;;u jiieut, travel bv rail svoiild ! ..Il-e.o,., ir:.,.;.. I ali.,., .,1 I il.'l become slow, inner-: become slots', iiiitcr - tain, and pel iiceiieiu c lose S oar si sstie or il.ui ilexini,', I through the I li e road you should i I. , or the lile of our ! hit r ho d.ili.aucs coilld ' bo recovered lor yuil caiiiml sue the! ;os er:. ii.eiil. 'I ne projiosi! ion to j el posse.-sii'ii of our railroads sv.-if j si.hsert.ise ol the I, a o.l. il ton princi'l pes ol our free ovci n men t llisi impra-.-i ie.ih.c, ivsoiuiionary, i-.b-' siir.l, iiHiiis! runs ! Mr. Merrill commented on the: Woiiiai.'s ;s,i,iia.,i piaul, ,, (h,. plat I lor'ii and also oi, the iiinjuilouii propi'. .1110:1 in pay Ihe i'cicr.ii sol illels the d:ibi.iii-e between ooid and l.: i - i-ba-. -.s, but s e have heart! but little ot ss hal he said on these points. Mr. U -tl'.e.vd rtook a 1lh.-1e.1l 1 cm, 11 1, s . a in I lhal t;:e 111 these ep'lhle.-.ili psir'V Was lot '..no n .-s ss hen :ioit.i law., ".tfu jmc. j but that Ihe Democratic pari y be- j . cumo equally responsible lor themj , bemuse Home domocrata voted for . ' llil''L (illlt ill I hlllll I : em h one ol 'them I i t i Ilo declared that .). '. ' l i .i . ! i- i ; dorm net, t that came Irom nsliiur ton was lyiiif,' and mislcadinj,' and : that Mr. Merrill's Inures taken from mo last census report vim -eu.-iru 1 to the- railroads were luLie. Ho had Kpofh.rd's Almanac no one daro i tioubt hpononl-antt toe value oi an tho railroads was only three billions. 1 II,. r,ncf.il to nil; unwind, 'u til j Mr. Merrill that bis Sp.iMoid svusj leu years behind dale.and that eveu , . "nci u u.iu i i.ij ...i uhmuio.. ! Ml II 1'IlH t.if Ii IS dll'.a Aj l.i lvivin.f fill' thn mads tho i I 'n ilm ioui Ii.ki , i.v a T. IHv.n. J. I'., Mr. I.eo.n govern nicnl could issue money oaseil Ahi iuv to mih oaubih Oivbt. on its own credit without its costing ciiKUK-nriiiiAM.-K.-nr im-imv-K miiih. rhnt anv one a cent that there was a h'Lm '","'". N- v. "ru cii. wi. ir. d. w. i' -i 1 1- , , OlKtRli. MlrtEn-A W, OL-KHA1I. Kov. O. T. Ed- hill buforo Congress now to Unit wnriinm'-iiiiiiit. itllei't that it took only about sixty j -i. years to build all these roads and it New Atl VPrtiscnieiits. could not take a longer ti.ine to pay. - - - - - r - -- tor ilium that n million ot men liold j ing nilicea under the President! would ba giving Ihiii great power, I i i . but that the roaus wore bourn! to come into the hands ol thu govern ment, and ono million was not so ; much when compared to sixty live millions. our iiresent population.: Kotl. the tdd ,!ar,ics weri abused with severity but tho democrats caught it Ihe worst, lie concluded by savili" he Should Vote for the ' J , . " , , . , , , , - 1'esol ill ions (elsewliero pUOimhO'lJ. Me Merrill ecl.-.'J if vol i n rr I, ,! I hot... ' . resuli,tioi;.i dot not fully commit him to the Third party? Mr. S'.rowd rather evaded a direct reply bv s:. in-' '-it. oniv looked that wav". I 1;,., ,i10 ,.iil.''v ,.at en-ned Mr. Slimnl ll.n.w 111e.1v Ilm ni-iMk- nrul i :, i,,.,i.. .iv ,.,. ,., nm the democrat!.; li".v. J shall not go into Iny deinocrutio ju-imary or convention. It would nALKIGH, N. C. lie au act of duplicity for mo lo do, K0 , .,1 Now in efork the tnos! f-ch.ctlot of And vet this is the same Mr.'.,.,,. . . t , . . , - , , , . . , i i .Vim if'i'V vev broucht to Ituleio n. Sirowd, I'.o when seeking the dem-! - f ocralif. noi'iiiiation lor Congress, in j Orders by laail will receive pi omj t I Sill), dechil cd ii his Minech ill the ' . 1 1 ...i:. .. j .jomoeralii; eoiivention that he was IIoIjio .v of the Ilebrows, a domo crat id the stra sect" ! 1 ' Third Parly tteetiitc. i'l l (ii(ovf:,('liatl a:ii Co., N. C. j j Mu. Eiiiioit: A mass mettiii, ! c,:ii.mi: cd ii! jiboiil L'oUid tbi) li;o:-t ' 1 ' I'olll ' lie 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 .ells I II l II llalll.S to W II- up, u:.s held at I'earrinetoii s .uills, . .li.ircli J.'i'.h, 'y'. iiifrdi-T that .ei v man mi;;hl havo an oppurlu- ol ws pil lie'y r. 1; ri.val ot or ;ioi..-i 10 the i. ills piaiihrin i ';il" p. 111. t he meeting was ca! onor by I'liairiiian, Pro. 11. I who staled, in a few well time At re- inaiks. the obj 'tt t)f the mciiliio Ih.e eeii-i ol hi s t .n.-in sclitci.ee let .-an ciy ceased iel.ii'e the p!uti'..r! was luiercd lor :ch plion, and. i.lti ;a ihoroii 'h ili.seii.-f.i:-!! of the vartoi IliH.I ol I lie i " ' '-s ei.t... i.t u in ii... 1 ..... . -. . o! OS t ho I '- "as tiilt'en up by sections Im lieid and adoption and u nani nioiisly adopted. i he ; How in;; ie.viiiii.ioi.s w re also unanimously adopted: 1. That we will ii-'t support any candidate of any parly unless he, til si endol scs und pied es him-ielf to .i.'.'nl by and support the St. Louis j id-.tl'i'i'iii i i''.''...'.-i ;:t lit. (..''(.!. I j 2. Thai we believe 1 uiiderexisiiii;: cii'diicstaoi cs) that sve can bi s' have, j o'.ir dciiiniids enacted into law by I re.-.'ii:;'.:!: and supporting the i'eo , party. That the proceelinM of ine; be M'llt to tie' '. ';'' '' i rr and the I'haiiiam I.'i:i uhbeat ion and al: reform pa I'V the sallil'. Is ilul'v von;--. :i. x. Wi'ikly VM'itfher frcp i.ullft in. j Ci .-.'i.M. Orn.'i:. E iicu. V 0. The je'iou t a of con -ij '.liii b uts i ,,( the Wecki W eali.t ! t': :-p 13, ill -! ili ' is- nt '. !- liie N. l ib O.l 'i.Ii-i Expel i- j no i:t Staiioii ami State Wi a'.ht l Ser- 1 vice f. r li e svcc'.r eii-i n.' Saturday.! j April 5b IS.!-!, sbosv licit vi i v f. is sir- j able ssinther crop ci -i. i : t i--n.- have i 1 in es ni led since the br-' in :;.!; of A i'l ii ! ril0 , .,,.,. ., . (- ,i. v...a j i.reli eobl and wtt.ali-l sl-lintr lei'iiuiu need very lain ibis scir. svhieh ! mis del . ed I'm liiil.fi on ! what The Lite sin in- U en 'as- ,n uliie to tiie fruit i l op. The ascrnj'c dates of 'bii'.tiiie' mid i i;.ti ve.-lii!j; crops me as I 'il.i'.ss: l're Di.ralioil of i i-i.il 'eticl i II v cetiintrle.l hv ,.,, ,,f M.u-eli. Coiton nhinfed ;.iit( , ;;it Ajlli j.,, . ), anested in i ,,... Wl.i-at in .1 live .!.,tc,l ! Uu ()its .,!,, , o.lob. r li;h:! y. ...j j-,,,. . T'.iericent cold .-!!..; .lid fj't ai j ,la'.iai-e to the 1 1 tick lailiis around! 0. Ucdi. ! "'! "" t re; well fry t stem M 'P'""Oi '.ii.tii.. as. ,,.Mi.xi ,,.,-,, heiiitli uhiif a Scioliiloiis taint exist s in the blood. Thn iioli it m alti Tat ivo I and paiilyii p: ;'pel ill's, Avil's S.i: - ! sap.'ti nia rem.ivis csiiy scstieii it. Scuif.ilous poi.ion ft inn the blood. Dili li a til Mm blc Wo: ks. il 1. Ioikois A. Co . bn hie lVa!crs. i ti 1 hum, N. C , are ft ceivo.-i i::iii base on hand ihe lai , stin k of iiiki bh uicnis and lonibi to li is Siaic. an t -iiiit biir..isiiie,it ami (,'iniiiie moim loi.i-s eti'i bi iuio;t 1 I hes hiihi 1111I1 c I" sell llu fame Irom hsi- lo l-n per cent i fit cheaper limn liny ot ai r tiralii s. i'bi y on !i'ii'T base anv H-cnts, but ssid v"iv their c.tiali'inets ihe btii.t til 1 f ei uls' coniiiiis-ioiis. Tbs a; .-licai-i s ah 11 in lion iai:ii-i' for innettis f-r.closiu t s and law 11 vnsi'.. When M'ii l ei il mis 1 hi ii in t bur be:- ss r He fi-r price list and ib-si-fim r'i.I, if ib siic-.l ol. I- id ihe til ill ssi.i t ail lo et ion 111 person, ssl.ii li is aisvav" ;-;'f l iable au 1 wivej moi l. i'SBiacliou. 1 JIillsdc ii.), N. C, June 2j, 1690. j j,avf) scj tho F,f cirr.poj80 jn B1 fUllijv fm. ovpp nmrlmil Bm . .'. ' : thoroughly convinced it is tho surest cure for anv dweaMi that i uuiv 101 ioi 1t1.-1e11r.13 mill, la mJ i( ;s lif,.,. fr wolm. t thi) c,c() j jf. forcverv ; nn(, .j aWityK -n if; is curable, than any- dilnitiiit L'lvnn relief at onco. I can roiMiiioiieiul it to auy one that is sick. Very rppppe.l fully. airs. Jons Kihklami. - iaiiui:i). f c1rnili rihI marrltprH tniterlcd omuim-i.. imri;.'i hhvimi cir.s a lino. ! - HY-rtVKT.- In llhlt. ,iv Mountain lowmlili.. T? X F.CUTOKK' NOTTCK. HaviSi I 'inlllilMl ft cvftrnt'trs flf IIilhI...-. llHftriin. rlni.AH.1 :' h"U'ih rivh in rrMin.. to i,r.-wi oliilnw tn n, .r i.nr nt'otney Tlinmn D w on .r iisri.m April nth, imh, r imh noii .Mlt Ollp miit'k, will I m '''""i' Bale of Mra'iutil ' ' A.o.IEnM,:, I',S''"J; 1".!- - , vn . r " T", ttott-c f,n lV'Z uniy l im -ii hi pm-ii.- h.i-u.mi on tim ihkm. "tl"J"5 M n-rm. iJ.,lnlint!.elnn.lHot Siikiii Olllvri nnd ooi.-r.., m.i IiHiij llinino I'o- IhbIiik tnthcoi.inti.nf DioI.tio Allan J. liurrciixlH. Terms of nnt : niiH-hnir imihIi, kiuI oun-lmlf to nix luuiulifl Willi 8 err rrni. m-.r-.t . A. SMITH. Commlaeli.iior. II. A. Icnivin, A't"inoy. Ai'i ll U, lW-i. SPBiHG MILLINERY. MISC. HNX3,"r,'IC; ZvCSSS, I ....-, A?nl lU - GOODWIN h REHSBDBG, PROPRIETORS OF RALEIGH 5i:il FAYETTEYILLE mm d mm works. MSSIITSMSTJiraiM A S:- SCI ALT Y. A':i!e fi.r i1csli;::s and l'lio'-s before bin ir.-r -!.-ewln te. :T t YOU WISH irii rnc.llin .,,.. il 'I'll: i-f a nn.iiraj" ''X' '"iiii'-l tu 11:0 hy A. N. ! ilLrf UiwSilU uUlll'l is .,r l.lCliiiii '-. I will M'll li't 1'aMi at ANEW HAT? - -OP NEW SCARF? Vi'e rue n: ib inr t,roaler cffoi Is than r to pi.-ase sin. WE HAVE THE XOJ? - -LINE OF TO SHOW THIS t-iS ij X.'C' J fi at Li ever i'cen shuwn in I'm b: III the htt'st t-linb s that ale M'.s ab f l.i' !."c Later we si ill s it y more. Ioii' fori'ft tin- place. AY. A. SLATKll iV CO.. IM) Mai:. K'n-.-t. l'l'KMA.M, N. C Apr;! 7. lS'.'J. Im, STOHE Ui, ( liii' now s'.''.! 1!"V I t.n k lor Siii in;; ol m mm M HANUSOfdE ! JB!5 lJOO.I3 YHITK GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY, ROIDERIE3, .VI AC. ,!,- Mail li vi'ivil .H0 cirul'y, !;:.!. is. :st ox k t'O. !ll 7. I.V.I'J. DMiNisi i: rci; sxorii t; li-.v. .. ..rill I 11 10I ici li.iraior ot ra.'.i t'.tl-'l'i. Ii .1-. : ,. I 1 .-..'in i.i.-.i.ynli r-i-i"t.-ii- ri.'.i.ni. it.-. i'.i --;e.l .1-. Ion: toAl.,t'ii ii '. ii.,-. .-i' ;ti a.r.'i-l. U A I.- n'l- 11, r-.i 1 n t u .'i si.. - : i.t a. iw li. U MlKliS A J. J. Thomas, President. B. S. Jehu an, Casbier, Au: A. TuoairsoM, Viec-PreaideDt, II. W. Jackson, Ass't Ckoirfi The Commercial ami Farmers' Batik) Oir HALKKiH, N. C. Paid up cnpilal 100,000.00. Aulborizcd capital $500,000.00. CharU rcJ by the Lr.jhlaturc of North Carolina, February 25, 1891; DIRECTORS: J. J. Thomas, 0. W Walls. p.. n in, A. A. Thompson, 15. N. Duke, K. p. nuth'i F. b. Duiiccv. T. II. Jb ijgga, OUR CARDINAL POINTS! ft a Fiyj'Y, rnoMrrxFxs, jjhmiality, coviitfsy. Accounls of Farmers, lbiuks Corporations, Adiniuibtrators oud In ill viduals solicited on favorable terms. SPKCIAL ATTENTION given lo accounts of Country Merchants aa4 individuals. COLLECTIONS made promptly on all accessible points; Our largo USEE STEEL 110 GfSiflllE HRE PBOQF VAULT is fitleJ witli Time Lock Banter Proof Safe and Safely Deposit Mii THE ONLY BANK IN RAL1UGII WHEUB CUSTOMERS -ttAT THKIU OWN SAFETY DEPOSIT POXES A PLACE WHEfcfl J10NEY, JEVv'ELUY and VALUABLE PAPERS are absolutely safe Con'Jt'ponJeiie.e solicited. Sept. 2b 18;il. ly. BXECP roll's no rif'E- 5 A u,a i,un.ial,'.! n-i .l:.M'.'.'iii..r t I" t. UrmikM. axi-iiiui'-l. 1 Imrei.y ii'.itry 11 -TI.W- rl:lilimi :. nil piTsi.iu l,..hlll,L' l.lilllH HC llUil II'". IH.I-I ! .'L-U.-Ilt U lnl.lt llin nninn In .11 ', nil "f liiv.ro ITtli 'ln' "I Miueli. 1MWI. All iH iK. iiK lii.lii:.ii-il ii. mill iI'ho. tluut firo i.nUlli"! to uiiil: Itutni-liiUis si.tiloiiiHut. Mitruli 17, IWl. o. A. iia. .s 1.11. A PMINlsTIiATOll'S NOTICE. iv- llnviui: iimli;icl ai nlnilnl:nii"r with tin- Wilt lllllll-Si 11 1" -II Oi- I'stiile .( M.llillllllill Mint- l.iX. Illul nil i-lt'.ill'.lH w 111 rl'i .-'"a oit ir ei'ieii.-. 11 tii or In my icii-rii".'. Hi"in:.- 1. Wnir.i.. U. mi ur ln.-ri.re Hie roll iliiy Mnn-li. isti, cr tins imtl.-d Kill 1.0 .i-ui!i-.l 111 bur et I'm ir i''-'"-ry. ilitii.li 17, IK.1.I. in .ji.m u. :IAI'UX. 1 T&gOUTOAOE SALE PV VIH-; ITS tti-xif 11 me: iKHtro-.-eiti.-: L-rue ly vwilliim Alkliismi.l wl.i'.neu ri-i eol-l .iikih."i in I Ii.h k CT., :n tin- ' .Ii. " "t Hi. l:i-i;is:.T i-r lii-i'i u I I.UII1U111 i iiuiiiy. 1 will s-.li r.n - .-- at i-oi.lie :n linn m tlio cmi'i-li'iu-o il"- r In n-il.i t'l.unij. n 1 s.vri r.iiAV tin- lo.ii day m Ai.nl. i"5. im- iel I GKlitlu ilpni'ilb.-ii In sai I lin rliMo, itJJ.'lalug lUo I luii'ls iif .1. Ii. Miijiuirii uiu! ..U.i rH. I March li, it-'Ji. U. V. H'lHOMAS. gOP.i'OAOE SALE. PY VUl- 'I'l'K 1 -I a in-Tttfuire i'e'uU'il tn 1111. !y siaie 1 f-.rJ ili-a'.i.ivk ieii wlir- nut ree .nlo l "ii r11:" j t.i l-i it. -k I I', la tlio cm. fi" l:-!lsti-r 1.1 Uw-.N ur t'liii'l aiii r.i.iuly, 1 will iill t'T rush at .!ll.t! Hie;.! .!! tin- I'lll MI il.t. "II SAT! l!lA, j ll.u 7Ui ill:)- ill .V'iy, Is-.'.'. 11 ei iiiiii ll-m-t ot IiiimI In I'nlilwlu I'-wiililr, 'nl.ill.'.i.i: -il in im, niiitatl ji.lliil.i; i!.i l.ei i i i-r .1. .1 1 i-nrriiitfi'-u. A. I). Uur- ! IH-ll ai.,1 iilin-i i .il..l iu-.,i.til td in "-a.:.! lli'Jl'Ii: ilW. j A'.rii 7. lr..J. -1 Is- 'IICMIT-ON. I gO!lT(!AOE SALE PY VI 11 if ft. i tic - la ni.'ivai.'.-exi'i'iii.''! t" m'' 't'li"mn--11. S!il.;ils an I 11...0I..1 ..:i ... ill'i 111 K CK. Ill ll.e "ill--'- "I tl.n 1:. -HiHer in li ! "I I'l' i- ham ..-iiiily. 1 i. Ill irll I. r ash at i-iiLUk aui'tl .-. a. Hi i' t""iil'l 1.' '.1 'i 'l"-'i in I ii'i-i' 'i'". ---n JJ vil Iti'-t .. ( ihe li. 11 ..ay : Aju-il, Ui.t ei-iiam irm-i . i la .'l ai lieai 1.1. -1 H t.. ui'lur, lull. lining 1I10 lami. nl W. K. .-lliitli i l.-l i-i! ' i. an I I eilig M ' '' 111 liii. .liti.-i- 11 i-I 1 In. lun-lti '! V:-.:;i 1 y snillh. y .o 11 17, M Al- I HA A. SMlTli. tlOUt'OAOE SALE. UY YIU i.ic.l:.- i ell I t E-itlA. I:.' -t I .l -.y : slit I....I in i-.u.l t 1 ss. 1'iti -, w. A I. Miii.iit i-r.', ui li in llr.i ..iivu-.i I..1-V, Mal.ii 3'.. ltv. .1 I.-.ti-I .l.-m-il- I 1.11, .In '.t .l.ilili I i-rs. i i.ii'aiiili'jj i nt ilrav n as in. J : ssa.iaia Liiu- : c.c.i.',i:i:k. aoIMCiAOE SALE.--1JY Y1R i'H tin ..r a m. r.it-' 'X'-'-itH'l m -ikhu i ..I.,. si:r.-I ii... -'i'ii ..u i I-iira l-y W. M .s J . lii. i.n-11 mi I li-. ri!i-il III llii-. fll.-c i'f ll-." r.'Cl-.-i. r ui ili i-1- r.. i luitliatii ii in-tv In I'--, k O, i.ar-' 1'.'. to Hi-.M-.rn i-. r .- in a .-li I' Inltl) irli-.l ill ' l. -llli'ilu Sin .-rl.il I'-Mill. lluili lf.-r !.! s-ll t" ll.e lilirtiw-i I I I l.-r r. r i-.'imii m tho e. nrl li....s.- ilm-r in Ill's I...I.-, mi -Ali lU'AV, till' l.'.-ll il.IV "I SITU. IK'.". :ln- n ii:.,'. .r I'. I i-r lai'il -mi.in. In l i:n I -an; ' -it'l , s.Hte .. N. ! " Ii Ca-nlna. kOJ-.1i -; Hi.- I e-'- i-'t .l- Iiii It. I ii-- a.-.a -iln'iH. I'l-li i: :l.i-1 -oi,- .: ..-1 ..:.i--..ii. VI. M. s J sv ol. v. I III.' l I -! Il" I'l ii .l.is-i-r lil'- s'-ll. ili'.-1-.a.-i'.l. :m l .-..nciinai,: I jtl u 'ii-s. in. r:' .-' l"r.i i.i:.!i 1.. l -I. s. Jt. l.ol.T, C. St. C. 8 M'A'1 1', oE NOK'l II OAK - Ci I N '. Y ol- (T-ATUAV .nil-. sv. sv Oi.i iim r.--'ii-: Till.- I- an ii. I' n r..i .!.v.. l.l v oi.!'in-.t. mil I' ai- . 1 1 1 . t I v fftl-lntu I I'll - tut. n'trr Htm iiilltf .I- i?t.- flw i.t .'.lllllet It' n-i'iii'.'l i.ni-ialnt ii. i aa oti'i- . r 'l.-miir '" '.! a' 0.,' i i'V n-1 in "i o - s-i"-: i .ur '-"in - 1 ,i!i . i .bi. Iii-M ui l-i li'i -trii' on ilic 'Jin i ;.-i-':liii li.; von In in March. 1.-il- I . its. .Mior. c. .-. I.ol.l'. C. S.t" ' 1 1 vi. JJOUfii CAHOLIN -Cn.TIIAM IV. I'll". iiii.-.-i .ii.. ii ni inini neon ..: ; ii?i. l .-n..n -i-.-tn -. mil Liv or-n-i" ! . -.nit this l" n .illy -loi' 11. .1 is. a n.,11 I-..I.I t.-iii, ! ii.i 'ir ' ii or l.i--. sih- u h :-.', anil pl-al, niiswi-r orili 'i nr to tin i-o'iii'l'iin". i n III1', hi ilm ri-!' I -li'mai.-l'- l :'! I.- K-Hlil. I. . M. IlOhl. T. II. SVnMM ii, .Mtoriiey. M it.ii iU. I - 1. i'l. . b. c. "' '' .... "i t e Oli'l WHY IS THE S3 SHOE cfnyTem i Till 0E3T HOC i' IHEtVjr.lo rtl T HE MOhEY? . 1- K n i. ini'.- nOi..-.. v ii .1 l' .. l.ii Wn ri-iv .T tbren.i to Inel l..t.-.l; inj 11 of II,.- K-.-l ISll.l 1. of. Mill!! , i.u-1 1a.1v. aii.l (,.' -" i,--- n .i ' .- 111 -.iv no.t a' , ; -Mil.. ft.l.lll.iW .''.'..I' Vliln I I..- t.'IC ". It (...llalB uuu.1-1 ' .-.-.1 -! ', ,-n- si-;; fr fl 't-.fcj'U .1 i OK III) (il'iMllui- ll-ii:.l-eii-ii, thoflnriK-ntf j fpSm ! rvrf . l!i-r..J f .r S '-i; i-i.imV Irjorb ' tin. orti-il .i.'.J v. hl.'i I- I fr,.;i: SO'tiiS'S'l. i ' "A OH Hio.il-S.-M.-.l SS i ll Mine, (tan c!r. ; lip's-. Hi-l I- rl'.l.:.-im I .I'l-a'-ln. Tin- l--t ' I ii'ioi. i-i-i r i?i .1 1 I i-t i:n i (' '"' ' mn,i P'.io tt cu- , t-.L'i ii-.m"rl-i--i-.ii-i''. -.un ?-,i'tto'".i ; cj ,",a I'ollri' rliii.-i KirmiTii, li.iilrnnil Wen . Ijm uiiit I .-il -ri ii.-iii-r ai wp.ir :li;,l. Iltieoalf,- e..ii.il.iii. nh'.-.oi i, .).-. I.. -ny tr-ri'o av)i-, oxtaa- . .-i !,-. one r-nr i'l v ' ir I v""r. ' Sty J(t line rilll 1 ' lr I.iin"-IT fttomi ni tl'ii' im..; no til 1 will t'"liii ltio ! Mli'oo'.lnin f,'-o. i-.f . -I ieii f.-rvii ... tC lis tool 4.1111 U iirl.lni-miti!' liimo iJfc.a r.ru ii-" ,i . Pi . I e.irnlili-. tiioiw. wlw i I...... h1'. i ti --"f i i i.i! 'i ta -i.'-r no .-illi.-rs.if.KH. UrtVJ- "nil -(.. m i -.il ii. an IJC-JS . r;i !.Mi-"l..v.,.v.-rwln-; IUcjb.U e'l 1. l. l- m.-rl: i, il 'I.-, In .t-.'-meitf liili -,h,T. LucUcs '.M"'.!.-.: leitTJaTiIiuKiiiich lim-irl.-t -'i, i ..,: -.'' -l.l l.iol.vii. I..-1.II.-1' f..Mi. Ir-i.U'.l i.i.il 61. 3 r.W f s Wli.il'.. in.- ih. '- f. flu,! L-1'.;-. Vi. M-I'i.i niiil-liu-uhlH, I'liillion.-?-!-.' flit. S.'. 1.. I'i ti. -In t.iTiio OkJ ,rutf ii ii isnii'i-il uu ttif. 1.. ill .ni uf e.u h xt tr'fAKK K Pt HSTITt'TK.1 Ti,.l .ton I - -.1 ...tvi-rCip-I ili'-oir-ibiipplviuu ysir V. i.. HOI 1- Lis, Uruv-ktou, .llaon. Ism by 7- A. F. Pago Fred. Philipd; Win. PoylaD, Jri i WiLMINGTGN, N. C, Wholesale Grocers. Only Importers of MEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES IN NOIITH CAROLINA. Ctfrffo now in of EffiltEfT HURT. Slarcb 10, 18'.'. llAltDWARE!' BiilDTIIiHEl 'asoN Material ! LIME, PLASTER CEMENf 1 1UUU m TOOLS nd CDTLERL BARBED WiKE FENCINi is re, tc. LOADED SlffiLLS, 2 CENTS EACH I II. A. LondoDj Ashley HortiPj II. II. Ilaney, J. N. Holding SlPnees to Suit You! THOSL H. BR1GGS & SONS, HA LEIGH, ST. 0, PBfHG GOODS, We lmvo receis-eil our first lot of I MILLINERY GOODS for fhc Spring trade, antl woultl b ;i pleased to ijbow theui to joa. ! (tnr Senior svill ;:o North in i iflv.s io coin 'cto this Ktocli, and wtf j till offer a b- Mt v Hue than etf j bt fol (. VA ilNl'i.'s rnittfl-iTS ! i:; a i.f. si.f-s. ! I : i; i i: L (IMADKS. i "( !' SIO! K OF ! t-i ta 'is. I iiro ( ,iiit!iuii, '('nt' 'in l'ob's nud Window 8hndi Mh v i y comj icfn in medium gTadeti il;i' n spt f ialtv ff i!A.jh-j:ii'cniiFJt .I :: at 5c, Lie aud 1l5c, W00LLCOTT & SONS' oxi: rmcK ciasm store, M K. :.l.i-ti.i St., UALEIQH, N. (t March 10. 181)2. v'T.VTK. of north carolww iiirsiY or ciisriuur to ft. tttMrf .1.1.11 A. K nlt'it. A'lml&lntratnr ol J. T. Ptft4c it-liimoil, ' ak'.iliml O"..r-o v.". I'.ri-wiir, 'I L'.m Drewnr and WUOaM fin rinlili.il di-ilon ! n arortnl nr(MW4la 'iii.l nn.t tifltlomotlt .if tlib nlalfltMTi ailnuiit-i'i iiion of Ins lniiMiaiu'ii esuiti, u4 ti mm hi., i iii-iii in Ha, witiMiai-ilou iftoe court bytfli xt nl kin mmd ilavic lliat On- (l.'irutliiiUH nr., tlio anxt i lir-iiH.it law ot ,ln!ie.ift ' InoiiMin itn4 ra ntom mu v i r.l, h to i Inn i-roiv.-iiitic. Bnd nrfi tw li .-trt.iiilrt ,,l llili Sin'c .n,, i iirtiol nriof du ci-ii-o tn. fnunH Ihorlfi, lliey arts LfTfl)i ooilfled in im .it. 'I ni.i'iir hi my olilis- tu tlio town ot Hub' tioru, im nio siili rtav or April, I Wi nd ,-r iinuiur tn tlio i .il ii 1 1 rr is.DipiMni, f Ok ttmbmt riomnuili1 ihri-lu will be KrHinwl. S. M. HOLT, C H A I.srr v. Auorony. i Mrh hi, UV.