Tlio Rest Mulerial For n Itoor. Tliero is no better inalctinl for n roof than pine, cyprcsM, or cedar shingles. Blclal roofs ure not nearly so duriiblo as tliofo of shinglca, and the o, if painted, will bo doubly durable. 'I'm ,-tdy niclal thut is really desirable for a ii,.: "s cop-pi-r, wliii-li in practically 1 1 li:illo. lint tlio ro t at present is too .;t -at as compared with things. 1st laving a ehiugle roof it is Lest pM the i . sling J'tlpt r under the boards, astl.ic i- then no tiaitgi r of llic gatheiine ! ii...:si:ro and cotiseipicnt .'ccay of t ' e shingles. The wind is kept out ipiitc well in this way. The shingles are better pro ferved .y dipping in crude pcti-ohum befote beim; laid, l.y which thiy aie made water j n of, nnd the durabihtv ist much im ic.:std. "i he flame of a wood eti house may ;'e tillo I in with concrete. 01 sot .j:i k, li,.t this tilling is no letter fn fur as concerns n: warmth of the building than a linm.; of tarred building I paper mid. r the .mt.-r covering of ilu; vails at: I the iuttr lining.-Ncw Yoik j Jmltpciulvtit. ' I :n; cost ! M m; vol-:. I.aura -"1 don't know, ticonre. it Hums Mich a so'einn thing to many. have yen counted the c, .-a I lie.r:.,-"liic e st, ..ri.' The cost .' Iblessvoul I ve ';ot a eh rvniaii cousin it , .. , i , ., , . tliat II many iu tor iicihui;;! KraKu Jhiiraziiie. ' 1 J VlitiC iilUn joli flayer TsHbrook of SI. k.v s-ri. I ... in - I Scrofula in the Neck 1(7 ,)o.J's .S.r ;! Jul litfii A'l piri'tits vv etc! tr-a -a.l .1 'rui ltO''u'.i, ."vtlt lUiari, u.' !! a--s HIImI t'V 111 I 'II I'.' I I. i" ', s : 'ii 1 n .'. I t ! '' Inwiti ir m Mn. J. VV. T I !! s.k, vvi.o oi dm M-iv-r of M'-'.'.'.'so n t, I'. aa.; c I ;i i x , I -v ..t. t . .i "M i i. !' v. an , . t -r- t. ;.. ll 1.1 .1 Bunch Under "Jno Eiir ulllftl tin- '!". a.T . i '" 1 iv i r. . !'.i I- a . In li, ,1 I.. w !:. ! . .l.y In.. I a ail i. 1 - .- I (..,-, i,i, , VV-:., : M''.: f tLir-..,. n . . " .: r .- . a.i a h.'.lt.'.l i- 1 ... i n . In .! ...;.i:.i ai I vi..j fuhoiv.'vl by VV:--; ll" V.- ll."' It C. -.l-i. r: . fx.-i'lti'iil iTnli .'.l .i, : i ' I : r I'lrltU. Hi' :. .-r 1. a ..' r -i. . i ' .'clin h. ..: Itv .fi't ihnl. :i'o.ii'i, -I :'ii.H:.-r. ft ' I ' .- - I ! I .! . .11- .a. : -.1 .1 .' ." '.am. I....: v. c rii.( .1.1 last tlil.i- lis.' - ' i Hood's Snrsa oar Sin iiiy i -'t sci'l -.S-: ,v .1 1 n.o- .. . 1 : 1 ' . II." M" ' .1 V." Tsi ' ' . 1 ' A. . ; 1 i'llls Villi tin. . !. a.. S "'. V.. . I .. N ... I !. PPTTs 5 ' William MvKs.vk.tti. ! ir,y 'i-t . rHoontiiigilal,', Mit'i. " I .;', ': . t'.io A 'thun b.:.Uv eve ;;;i v J '..:; out of the- : r::tv :v.:.l ' .i:.,'.t I li.iv beet i'l t!:-. drus h : yc trs, a:- 1 li ivj tr: ! thing on the j;::u'kct t..r liiiu ti given l u- tae sltgiilv- i ... ; 'i tl i tew mo:'-. its :t.;o, v!:vi I f id !'. prl-cc O-Ttr, :n jl'. i 1 t-a .ivktnnvl...;.'.e tl it il.iiu trie. I iv.x s I i.'il t, w iv I .i:.-v- ed iluritig the d.ty ami .tt t;i ;V.t .. !o slcy will;, ttt tho least t:.v.:i.'.e." j There h : fir t' osn f:r pone in!r.t.:.i;u- r,vt recovery -case. There is cure fur tr.oe not far gone. There is prevent :n Let ter than cure lor those who are threatened. Let us send you a Look on CARF.FUI. LIVING .mil Scott's Emulsion of cod-ovxr oil, even if you are only .1 liule thin. Irree. Scit.'s II iv. ! t"!,-.n sis, N-w VoMt'lni'.'', ".".'' ',-. ..'.. Oil ill Jr ifSi.1-'. '-vrrvvv: ere Kidnoy, Liver and R'derCure Liimlniirii. I'siin in j"iii'soi'l:i, lt. It., k .to st in Urine. l'l'.-.,l.-nl .culls, lia it. in. ,,. in!!. , is, sil oil, irrnvi'l. nlc. iiitioiioi-esiiaitli ot l i.i.l'i' r. IlimHll4lCl Ii8Vr , 1r,f:ii,-,', ilwcstton. trout. I'it!...,t- i,..l: 1. J"'"7 IlllllirC RlOOiJ e.Toliilivtnaliir1ii.i.'eiriv.e.ilvii. s.sor.i. i unv. - lii,r.nlrr e.,.,,,,.,,i .fon.-tj. nl.- ll:i.,la. , f'li.'.l. I ',''.fi: I'll ..ill i 'im,. 1 1.' v..,! ,si, i'i. t C . . Urui;nli, r.Oc Me, $1 .00 mitc. j ZZZVtCvuZZi Svfud 5 waD rlO Ol 1(M( l'AK.M AM) a KIWIS'. i. Aiirii-woiiMs. Niiinbt id with the iiuiiioioih ic ventives and c ues for eai'ih-vni uts ill Mower p its, is ihe following: To keep earth-win ins t ut of flower pots, pour tui the noil a warm t,11 to '.111 degrees Fahiclilicil) deco. t ion of quassia or wormwood ami powdered horse che-lnuls. In :i few iiioinctiis every woim w ill come to (In- surface, ami can bo removed. New Yoik World. iism.i; 1 1 1 i . 1 s. age orange hedges are best thick ened by ciitt.n; hack while one to two feet 1 1 i " 1 1 , and conliuitallv triiiiuied " k,,,l' them w it ! i 11 bounds; it is loss woik to spla-li or 1 iv them dw,i at four feet I hail to cut bark: , , t iv both. j In splashing bend tin1 lui-h one I wnv ami ei,i ball' i ll' i it w id 1;l.v ih'Wil and yet retain vitalitv enough ! grow shools straight Up itoiu tlio lops that ai o .low u. , . . . . . O-i.-go n such a rank grower and '"'I'dcr, ;l is dilli'iilt to make it to iiaiiiculal and rcpiui'scai e fill atten tion III llic Cal Iv grow III In g, t a good .-land I ' make a nm d fencr sioek pivot; then is always a gap -oiti"- heie t patch up w iih hoard-, nub--, great cai e is t:; u bile younir ; 1" UM any l;mc, hut the early put of M .icli, before growth. i I'm iu. i'.cul ..ii I SiccKiuan. II. 'U I . I l; IN A i'"l r. A call should be ;".it in iiv.itiiti'j a scon a- tt is hu. n. It should h. tl.u 1 u'lv in :.c ac.ia sintcd vv ith it owner. and espeeiallv will, the per-oi, ,, , w.l! ...e it. Iftl.Nis vvvma.;. -he! should lo with i; frc.;c:s!lva:.d make ! pet of il. . as i; wi.l e. I ! ot.l owner -.ii-..' I fa-h i: t . t he j s.iiii' from tie i. ,.!. an I it -hofM j ! I it'll he '.mu'it i:-. nam''. . i; inu- I tills aoii lint a:..-.- -Inuild he k. pt up, and iu evciy way p..--.l..c it fhotlhl be l:ia.!e l:;t:.,' . e, ,. !,!'c. la tl it j -' i:U he!! li; a-, . f the l l ellc ; an.! ! I sit '1 my h '..,; - .1 lie on I it- l..i. I,, and it tie -Mo - ild.i- vv i.I he I is-, .1. ..-iiio t he' l it. v ,t -h.'tii I he i: il' t i tl e d.inglll.- t!..;t ".. ill b ) j IU..V hie it a- a a- it is i-lro.: I i ' i ' 1 1 1 .: 1 1 , ,.' d i v.-vv i ; s : s . -r a ii I I e i d-'lie to .V. i I I. .v ; ,: t'l .:'.t-:n .1 I v a:iv t l.i is . : : i : : : i.M la vv .1 . I ai'iM,: . I. s : ai :is I. Iicr at.. I til 'I,, r 1 icaia ti.e i. e el the i .!. Then, i i ; ri'liir - ' ii I ; - . '', i: W . 1 ' Vill 'li - ,!'. as.'l .: s.lle. i . lua'.e a nn n i and a.-ijll .it! .'I i Ii. i to - IV c , a '.'ii"it .1' .1 ,1 1 1 ::':. :: ft. : -vv o d I .l.'isl'l.' i'." v i .i . f the .it.lti' il ; N A !.. i...' I. '. ! I ' ' . 1 1 1 . M"l' In !:..'iv CI i. -. f il ill;'!' I. 'I I..V '1 i e 1, t '! I .V 1' , i Iv near I 11 to vv :'.- 1 ., i c III ! e i ... . i I1 .a '.!. y 'i, is, cm to .; i - "i . ,t the K, ., ly of . , .:' v : e in. 'i e : :i :n ;, 1 a! a W . ii li h.-r-s . I'l !!...' ' II . ' ' M. I' 'I V. I V : ,, ,1 , .,,.!: We l ave ..ft it hive to- it fit tiii'i s tin- v. iiiteiiii st I., whet! tie'v cul l ii..t di- ! of -Ml 'p us "si t and h iv by i ur.'ha-- i:.j tin fly uvm.r- i,:i l m al.'ng a'l j !b"V 'rained or mm 'n- 1 dnrlug th I I i is :i"l c 1 .1.1 I ll ' , 1 1" : j -.1,- , i is . . , . , . , f bo i; ,1 'I'.' hov-e. !:; i:' a in. What w :1 1 k - i a h"i - , d m h i- -u i : a nr. ,. ,, ' .'. , ,, .. i cow . Ib't' ItiiiU e c: il -tl ii v h ' -old 1 1 , ' ear tl." city m ml k : : l 1 1 for tutiel I's i' l!i:i'i the h "f i w . i r :s vv i !it;; 1 ' p sV. The cow if 1 tail ," iv f. 1 VV i i - v.i. in 'Ie manure. , , ' : Tle'l'i' is o:' V the ,' tea iahor of 111 ing to he c i.b'rc.l in o -1 : i -1 T th" , i ' ih r.-lliv between lie- t'.VA - ba-t' li ( salt i ator. .l.'Vl I IN'. V. v. I Mier,' are uanv l.tu I- of u'l 'fi'rt' vv a :i. w e.i as other e !:.; -ilii.n- for tho satc.e piirp.'-e. -'.if i'i afling iii lie ' i t. u .ail on f !' l oot o l a 1 1 ing app'o sood li ;s ilip i'iL' 'lie vv nli r. as p:aet:-c l by tun -erviii'Mi. w e i. refer a wa made ,.f the fo! owing miteri tls in th prpot ! ion-.j ivi it : Common rosin, four part-; hec, vv:,. two pails; e'ean ' Isocf or uititton tail ivv, one pal t ; me t I'lgether. aud when eonl wo: k I ii.' iiiio roll'. If lo be ii-ed in r o! o i.i fi in", it niiv lo spread while In t up , ii moderately tain, but imc'li niai: lia paper, thi- piper when coo: lo be cut up into -tt ips ,.f eonvi'iiietit siz for ii-o. Tina choli may be u -, ,1 in . I stead of paper, hu' the pip,.,- will ii-tt j ally nii-wer every ui o-e, ci-! j b'-s th hi Ihe .'loth, and vii Id- t more v to iu esiii',v as n,,. , ' -tt ck- en.sirge hv oi ovvih. One pint -'I -' ! ' -tib-tiiun-.l l..r cai' Ii it'll in I n f I a 1 1 ii vv. tuisl w hile some I prefer wax ma, Ie with nil others do j li'ui.l-gi a ft :itg w a :nay be "".- o.v ..,. ,....: . ....u ".., i i ! ,..(., of in all I t'llioVV. Wil'll.l,! i. In. I. IV Wol'lll s."i , 01 H 1,1 11 ,1), mid . ' ,- ,,.! , .wit a. 1. 1 a spoonful of ur- I', own i- ah nit iho richest man in the l.o...,e.tnd four ounces of ali ohol j S ale. lobe-1 cinocrul. ami two of water. llcat ii.iiu ami Htir brinkly until nil ingredients uro thoruulily mixed. This wax must bo kept iu bottles ntitl applied with u mill' brush. If you prefer to uso !i lhpiiil wax or the hard wax melted on your upplo (,'rufts, (heu you w ill liml nothing belter for siritiga to hold ilu) cions iu ; place than rallhi, a inn" terial now in uso unions nursery men, ahliouh h.'iss bark will answer almost as well, but it is not ijtiito as soft. New York Sun. rot i ii;y on iiik i-akm. Most farmers con-ider poultry on the farm more of a nuisance than a hem lit and only tolerato fowls on Iho 1. ii iu because the old women like to li'lo Ihi iii iiroiiml. writes Aunt lielsv. ., ioi i in the l ariner ami lireeder. ieh i .,, .. , ,, , , I men either tot-get or ignore the fact j ,i . ii .. ii that tlio i;ood hoiise-wilo and her i chickons supply most of tho neccssa lics, Mich as c llce, lea, -trjar, ete. ere ll not for this ilespied source of supply the lui-balid Woti'd have to j prov ide t:ie hard ca!i for tho "store ' :;.'i'd ." or :;.t without ihein and an v I one that lives on a farm knows that thcri! aie limes w hen ii i . .Iiih. uil t . -et ready money. I'.ut eggs and I . 1 1 ' 1 1 y will alwax, bring llic imi no ' dilh'tcuce what time iu the year. I Put there is a class of prores-ivo i fat mer who have dicn en .1 and w ill I acknowledge poultry i- of great : value on ilie farm, and every we ' tin. I a few more going into the bu-i- tics and Irving to "grade up," at j they c. i.l il, byhavlnga few thorough- ; bred rooMu-s. j Wo tin vl a few more willing to lake i I"'" h . y pa, ct - and learn fr, iu oihers ; "", l,ai' ",-l,1''ila M'"l's' ,"" " b v'"'' l"'"l'"' "f : ' '' ' '''' 1 ' M";"'m'1 '''; ' ; ,i,M": :l1 tai-in- chicken-, the ol I ; '' '" -'H"1 , . ; I ... 1 I' : II i:.i i i;;i.:'i..i. i in 1 1 ccs ;ui- : ; . ' i 1 1 , etioii : ii for lien i to roost in. "' l iie h -a i-l.i. :i!i, lit if she Collie-, inl i ii,- barn, soul a'i -he i ts to eat is vvi.sit si..- -si'.l-: then if she dou'l I . v -- l In. I.i t.-. d ni't I'ay l's v I '.i ldisi',' a hen holla', one that i- i I'tsili'i table a. I w.iiiu, l:.Vi' the hens ih.- -;i tn i l.liC olh r -took Lift, -a; p y tin in with :;recii foo.l, sti h sis tsii: 1; -. . Iii 'Us asi.'l p.. t'.loes, -,.uie I'l'n'i ' " !.. d and :.t i t'icrs simply '. ; .! ,.r i la-lic! ; ph i.iy of h u c i 1 li ... . :.r vcl or b.'okel. ;ell-. all of vv I ". h r. f iriu 'r hi ::'! vv ith si I .; . II ..!'. ;Mi.'i illv oil his own 1 f ic. ai.l then vv. h t'letilv of milk .I'.d i'.c-h w.i c. my word for it, th. v vvi'liav b.' thui ..ii v s' lk vdi have oil t! e faint i .'.,vi vmi .. vi. 1. 1 s ..i s. ! l i' your eiui- hi f'.ie it i- to. i late. I .. I i ll! in. .inn vv l.!;e l! e ground is (: .'. 1 lead ll oil gls.s- Isiiul. I'.ut fn d too in icli corn. Who it. I ;.. kw he:.:, it- and barley are betlei f '., - an.l n ! -o f loi'iiitiir. a hor-e la .a ' ' w iv - I., cp hou -e- eli silt and vv , ;i with iiiiich w '.: .. a-' ,d ; nl.-i -ee that all coops 'er ib-t.iiie. a ad ,li .ukii'i: t;te.'i-i! are c'u an. '"t ittto ih'' i i . ; .o,i '..,- no 'in, 1 vaii. :y of fow' m any : t- ' : I ci to he- n witii; in Ver at- i . ''i','i'l) . :- i u p i in -re lb in two v.aictic-. on any !H Up ;,.'.' till'. '" '' '' ;"' 1 , Wi.d "tit th" birds as scon as , t- ' '' ,! ' bl. . neve: lo . p 1 ii.'.s that ate U "t up ' to -'.it, I, I, I w !. 11 ...hclti-il'u'-.-oIll" I'0'' "' oi:,' wt.. -ee I'li.'IU ''' " :" j I-e I, - "i'O.M be iiiMi ' l with k. ro- "'" ".!..' vv..",,. fine a Itlolilh belli vi ..I n ,t i c , .. , . le'i.i.:.: is hi toe biiiidim; ; -ilh'hui' ! ,t"c- a- vv , ;. , - a iv . h ng. it vv !. II VV. j I ii h i:riii l linlhir " lew p.'i-... hive ever troubled lie li;-. iv e to till:;!, of the del iv.ttioii of the W. rd del ill'. It is trout the .' I II, .11, l ,1.1. l, .1, ll . 1 .1,1,1 t ., I-IV ISI1VI ' ti-e :u lis,- w ay -olnc .. veals :ig v. Then- i- a li'ilc silvcr-iiiinie.g city or il,- ii, t in Nuit hern l" duiui.-i called .!:! hi :n-i a :'. or doaeiiiiti's Va'dev. li.e f igi'.fsi.' dice ot Hie region an I lei i.v .1 llii- etiy ill tin- -ix'cclltll ; e 'iitury to con a si iver piece, w hi, h , was eaiso, ".lane oil!- telle! . I e: wold "i'i 'hi;u" was soli dropped and ' ihe 111 l,e '-thalel" only ft Ills, i tied. I'll.' I'lcee went into lis' ll.t in in ,1 lieniiiaik, where the "l l uo.'l'apuv was cliangi'il lo "li tter, wis, Il.e it came into llnjlisli sllld Wsis . d .pled bv "tir f "lef.ith.'ls vvilh -!i fit: Itn'r cliali.tcs ill the -peliiitg. I he M tall ,1,1'. U' is Miueiaiv ca led : if" in Tiatice and the name is nii-s applied lo o .r own dol'iir. j 11,.- appeli itiou i- iii' ill either; ea-e, for the Woid i.istcr or piastra hiis for 1 i-t tif'y venrs been only uj, p. ud with C'lnettte-j to a ,uail -ilver , ,,iit ti-ed iu 1 in key and I'lgv i't, vv hi, It i- vv ur.h fi oin 0 lo ,s ccut. M hi, ago Tribune. ' A t .ii'pi'iiler's llise In life. 11. .'. Urovvti of P. 'tiver has now li. ai iv .'..inpleted the line-l liolcl was'. I of :h Np-ds,ippi II ver at a eo-l of, S I .oo, 1, , mi. i M,- ha. pud .'.,!, : f .r the tut inline an.l ...ii,n.n) for the j ,;lver -", vice. Yet w he i ho landed ii Colora hi in I he tva- wi hoir a I '1 .sir. and a- Iho litt'o mining camp x,. b-sJimmg t be I-,. !t ,, . ,ll:ld0 ' hi- living by foil, .win- his trade as a cat penter. II. 1 ! k If." acres of 1 hu,,! . it u -pot ufiir what is now known ' as t apt ,a t 1 1 1 i ai t i . - an act o. i mu i i,iii mmmm. JI .VIM' ANH ( I IMOI S. Toll lniili'ivs still exist in Kentiieky litul iu Maine. A deed dated hi I7.V.) ami convey ing a farm of b'ti acres was recently placed on record at Norristow n, l't'iiu. Kijrhty per cent, of colle;;,' editors mlopt j uirnali-in astneir profession. Tho I ruids heM many plants kh i reil, list, for instance, vervain, n-lugo, niisl letoo, and, among hees, the oak ami the row an. They mo tciiiii;: a story in 'ialves. ton of bow a Texas pony foil ml the '. i wtitch lost by its owner ami btviilit j it to him iu its nwiuli. I A eat rccenilv kiiled a livi'-foot ti'i- I L'alor iu l'loi l.l.i. It jumped on tlu- 1 - i . repiilo utiil bit llititnh il.e lender hid'.i . ; i'i iii; iiecu iiu ii ii.iiicii . i Mm part. The great I ell . f Moscow, moulded ::i miniature I'-miu in Ku-ian i hinti, is a new I'riitim'iit fir the luill'.-l, which il.vesn fasliiou .ib'e l.'ti-sian cast to tlio room. A ll'ldet fivi.i Ibdhiml, tweiily- b'lir years old .r. l imh on exlubilioti h-r!in, is .lid to ihe smad.-t "" '" Hi" il.l. He is ixanly two ''' ' Mi died e tc es in (leiiuiny ate much in.i i e-ied in the c i-e of a Jv'e-i.ui miner who lias been a-lci'p in . a hn-pital for live tnonil.-, and who del'.. -..Ii e.'.oit- to u.ikc him. : ,. l.:Mptoii famby of Ibwe!', j (,,,. j, ;l ,..,n that h a-a u, i- f.,s,y .jnci ! ir.o. I ' ,. ., was i.ini. .1 ll.s 'tth !h'- ' ;,v ol ;,i a try w ar by s. Il.l.ipt. n. 1 A M.xaa... w I, I- vvsi'lng alon ; I ,. ,., ;, , , ;L. .. ,.. s .., ,.uii,:,.;l. A.i- j '.,,,, u bad 1 ;i vv . he I .. bv , p(... , -M.t ,:iVl :l w.;,tt. ; la, .. :..f.. , out of t! I and' . . . , ; i vv r : i I nan. c- ..; .1 v. .: th ' I ' n . . til iri y ' f M .in . 's I'. 'a I line i. in . .lei by il.. :' .. i li.-l a Lu be, I, i i o v In bon.: I.I a I. i e .n 1 1 1-: p o.; vv a - . i'.lge.l to dt .V'1 the lii e c I! a'l forty li:i c- I a 1 . sidi :s h,.;i: ', i!:.,'ii 'h the two lovviw asc i lily l! : . " mile- :. ,1 1 in a r liai,,lit line. 'I I. useful w .- vi -el in tli.s .-. a- I : ivi .ll h. :,. : - !,. New York I 'elli: i I ell Iv 1 . .- ic til illie I the . ,ij . ii' - of a i l.'il. ..(!. to. p do ,'"',' u "' " ' -laasiiei. I'si ca.' air -dep and fi,-:, u.n-t "-!" 1 l':' I'.ut Siv e ic: e ccnnoiiiv. per and I' ! 1 e.-ii .! is. ov ! a .1 t hat -i I ver exi -1 - a ih ' a-!,: of I 'a i v o.i sua. ' iu the A .,h- ,.f 11. a i. or. in S u:li Ani.iiea. '1 :.e on oiti. v of .'ilvei' is ". . lim-Jy iiiIt.i e. lew . ver, hcins; al'.'ill t w o-li f : , f a:i o.l .ic to a ton cf a -ties a! I' 0 iii lis of an , The Tans , , 1 ,;. i .;oi in! A i ie i-'in y, and t . y .1 Th- VV I'l'llLllt 111'' 1, ii'i ins w i: s , lit up in he died bundle- i w i IV. In Mi-sot,: ' -iiV.tig- bini. I '..'. given by .' -cph. Ai -: seatativc of t' . i in 1 :.; out thl'i c- ..t T:i:i::ni'.ig .a. I ." oii'y J C iple i:i v. let h ive a cur .: e -I !' "!lg lllo'tolll' t- , y ;s of iron, - I'c-i I i - 1 1 eg I il !' ' head-. T,.ey i.iA of i, ii, and ;i I : ii li lt: :a he! price lor a v 1 av, bllle fait.i'v 1 1 lie I'.il'k ill . ! in'i i v .i - a i - pi c- i'l'. t'.illi''S illo Itll. I . - th lii'.iiey :a the . Ie j a1 , t . r - , takes ii t'e'lil cicilil lor for f iiriia.'.-s vve:c i a view to i,: dei i.,1 :!. tops of tie' far ay t Apeiul : i" c of - :'ne -ia'. arc ch.v ell . .-...iv i cin.'Val of the . ... :e ipi.tio i i i - w it.h-pl-'U'y of room aud .ppiee'tably, .1 l .ventioit of 1 1 if fii-: C ' i lVenielle,' I't V;l! i l ,1 tl..' Ill ,il t l'i't'r. with the kcv. p'.'e-i'lli'l' of ' aw ay and g i v -.'.lie .lint. I ' ii tnerly - cf'eu .e'celcli being hiotluh' liac's Willi" I " VV I I , III' VI wo as U a lint'. iron and ski:: ; : in a ! indict! lit ; cuod ilraitiiUe. Watches wn. ju l.e after 1 1. to ohviate l!u' i t ......... 'p,. watche, m ,1" c it v in 's'lesix- i,v.,i - .,i t'v.... te.-tith century t. a-ted ill si,'" - roll ;.y eo'.- p. 1 1 .b.ii: v with tle-e worn in fol- bv imcii in l! eighteenth ci'tititrv , an! wh.cil wen r U() . hcaw. . . Uruk-liub. Hit's: I'omv. A ti. v. ileviee lo i.t I: ee lie- p '-i ,', ' wrecks by I. W.,l,.f ! ( , , , ,-,,-;, t- of a hol.ovv ha' of u ,, j, ,.v.'-, the but te hells.' ;l...h,, u, he I hv si -oluble g'.:.e i.,mt. I';.!, hed is :i,- I . an iron p ,o u hi' h i . -el c W sal to '.he deck,!' ! , s-c! .e. i tl an v sai i a',l, po-it ioa . As -con as iho il i--i il 1. 1 i. hi plac : ,. hu-y rl- s, a cord, vv hie i can bo ! of any It ne;h I'""1 I' ,', and upvval'vl ' an.l v. 1, h is li, d u a u, 1 in tlio t;iw i.:ili ,.0P;4 ,,n through tlie j ,m,ln ,,,' iheball. A- -nun as th): , tl ... ,,il:U., ,t. , -;... i he lino Htops paviii-oiit, Ihe , irc i t tie; led ! h. ing ioiitro.le.1 by p:ins. Tee ,ie.. ; a... ..-!...! I..- .. iLn,..,.. ,i,h pceuts water fctchiiii' it I't- j , tho huov has been -isbi:,," sacd tor i , . , ,,. Bcas wi-bing over l hi- , ,,,L.c , ,vj.. u itl.ct on it. 'lite K.,l1,',e joint' can be ai I anir-d to dis- j holve witliin anv lime d'-'ued fun: I tvvciit v-four to foi l v-ctu lit IpUirs, ami coid may ho replaced by copp, r re when use 1 ill salt water. .cieiitilic American. 'iminl"!i'.n"'iipyl A Sheldon lit tlio Cryslul. The aged Dr. Collier relates tho fob lowing: In ISVi ail old and worthy ftieud, of whose strict icraeity I haven't the least pos ibledoubt, eaine from Hum. ham, Ilnglainl, with a relative to trans jet ; oine business in London. During :he time of my absence from boino witli this illative, my friend, through Bluer curiosity, took up u small oval mounted nystsil w hich Flood near hint on , table, mil begun to examine it. After looking lit it intently for a lew minutes ninl try ing te. guess, ns hu told me, ivhat on earth such a novelty could be ii cd for, he noticed thut tho surface of the iiivitinient became clouded. This he nt lir-t attributed to his having blown his breath upon it. lie tried to remove theilcivdilu' cloud with his handkerchief, but his efforts feetned to increase the iloud in-s. I'lcv'titly the cloud took upon itself the form of the legnof an o-ltich, the tecs an. I knee-joints being i h arly outlined. Kor a second they te, med to open and close at the joints like .i pair of calipers. While gazing in nvvc wonder and uiusi.cnieiit at tins unciiiny exhibition of the supernat ural, my friend noticed that tho liguie was slowly but .surely changing its form. Tlie i 'St i icli legs h ii become tho-e of a ghastly human skeleton, and nlmost in stanlly the linai change came, which converted the cloudiness of the upper pail of the glass into ribs, Vcrtcb.a', long, bony iinns, ihe whole .suruiounle.l by a hideous, griimiii.; skull. At this jiini l me, according to my friend's sloiy, he bi s; in to feel a gn at. oppnvshm in the li uton of the chest and a I.iuss and gid.liia-.'i in Hie htsi l. ,. I.t no lime in leplaein,; tin- crystal upon the table, en l ssivs that it w is some hours before he wa-able to throw oil the unpleas nit. n n -atimi vv hich his curious expetieuco 1 rod need. It was not until nearly two year after this thai he ventured t,i t 1 nie of the cu, tun t im e; i veil then 1 could not i.i iiiii'0 hiai to ins.,vt tin- ory-'al a.jaiu. la c an In ion I in iv rem irk the friend, who vv h a 'seiit with ine at ti e tunc, died at about the tune .Mr. II :iw the (do'lcton ilaucin ill ill.' i t. I.ouis republic. Qlli'-tlllns lltll'll A.4', 1 . A ..,!..,.! hi,..' A t.slia a in,, i-. a ei.aliii,: tor wall . elllli.-s. i- ll il.e ..'i!ii,. a- t..ib.-.tli!.i'. It i . "til sr. ! . .tut, .-, nt I ruin ;ttl Ii.t 'i',.n. i"ls . ..a 1 1, in ,i I. VVI. r. im il iluter ll" ill lli..-s' K it.-. , i .a Hi.- ii. .ii I,. !.' It Is ICC I.- MM. I si .'"III, '111 I 111.. M ' - "i s.-n.a : nil llic .,'!. an. I .l..i set-,'- in el, fro'ti ' , li lit.-, i lav - tti.-r i I 1 .IIV . Ill M. IV ll.MH ,1 Ill I Mir III I M-.'t.O 1 1 I .-is. : .o.iinal im.,11,'1. . I.v .'V, ..-aiv t . .,'..1 i'l.i'lni'; ,U..lll i. .' ot In.' line c. a.! via an it, mi i.i, i - '-''I, !,!' I . ."f. I 1 1 1 v l. l.-.t, 1 l. 1. i.I.:..: la'it.o i.i a . i'ti. ..a .i.-i,. inn 1. 1 i . i t:. a in ,, t i,r Mil, I., m I et w..,',, :i,,'m i lain ie,,;'u- o. , I .:,';.. i'., V.'.iV vv.,r:,".i.,"l',l,., - . i" I a, III! ' r I :..'. oii ci. .ii I ! ', . '"f i., , . "1 lie ! , M. 1 1. -11 . t i -. i - .A lll'l. ,1 v.. I. I .1, .1,,:-.' ,u Habits id (lie Moose. . I.ockl.iit t i.vs that mo. ,e 1 l i.V lit VV oil! IV O il, 1 U t i 1 !.. :i . .":-' s , f hi so in ; and I':.:, w l,n a aie n .a il il, '. aeulc, !' t'neiii of appro ie iii: ; I..:i.m i Ir.nii ai ii ti r, n r I hv r ' ' i . . 1. 1 vv ,iai ci :er t it: ' ot o hcvanl. While ' i '.. vv lug the t u I, et ti :i ninl i.,u, one , l.'.v ud alteri'. ilelv. ii'tl .lilt I he iiiou-e bahit of i. t skin.' a !; holo a- the wind -o tl:..: any one aie la . the o'.hvi h ut a:- . 'If. I the ic'ii.uh ihh 1 1 ti.i n .unl . le-pi'i' 1:1, tf I f, - '! t !' ,,'li, ' i: ; thciio'i and following it up is . sob' l.i- ; - i . a' - li, i : led In I He he cal v ill. in shooting ', '-t on e.-" Host. ui ' v v. r. i I ten, W. akM. ' I.. I:. , .li, Mil It.., s lillt. l- il t-iv. - . V , Tl , riyoas of S.ui'heiil I'aiifot tita vv it It vv ie! pi ot,s. ,-V"M .. t hi .1 . ...I.,, he . ttr., ii). 1' till ,.'. O-cjht tlie t'reat. .liplli,'. .:ill. There';, too mucli unpleasant ne-.i for t!ii li' an v. Ought to lie lutur. t.-t. 'I 'bcy'iv li.! cn,);io!i, and ta:'.h.. trouble to dvJ l.t, ro gotid. That's jut what Dr. ricrcc'n I'i a.-:t t l'lih ts tj.i, lunrt' jfi'nd. Inst, . I ft wtahcliitrg tlio stci:i, tlf.-v lcieiViUo it ; instead cf up i 'Ji-i r, t'.'.ey cleanse and r"s;ulnti i' iuil .lv,' gently, ami naturally. 'I ic v'rv tlie oi .giu:d Little Liver I'llbs tho ttllilllct but iimst effective, tlilv veg. tilblo, perfectly harmless, and 'ciisi.'st tw take. Otilv 0110 liltlo l'. llet for a trci.tle ln..t,ive tlirio for a cubaitie. Sick lliad cclie,'in Ileadiicliv', tVnstipa tion. Indigestion, Hiltoiis Attacks, nnd nil ilcrat'.gi ineiiis of tho Liver, Stottiaeh and llowtl.s nro proinptly rdi 'Vcl and peli'l.ltivtitlv cured. Tluy're the cheapest pills yni can buy. for they're ;ftmruuttvl to irive s:i":il':'.eti.i!i, "or your ir.otiey i re te.rtKtl. Voti i:t"y miiy tu- tho ,'o7 v. ai ge. It's a plan peculiar to Dr. I'i. lie's: inedi.'iiK i. d699Q l tut UM'1t el- Mini. IM'. ilovtu 1 ir 1 ffuti'sTlnvPills Zj "', loin- i, I' tin' vt.itK ht.niiiu l, stii'l g hull,) i II,.' ll,.-l,iw ll.-ri;l.-. "-. OGdOO09OOO tcpvKicHr 1021 Di HnicaKCaii'i be t'ured Hv toi'iil SMiiliciitiiiim,n tiny caanul n-arli tho ills. asM'.l ... it i, in ,. Hi,. ,.,n-. I'll, V i,iii,, ,uu VVSIV tl I llll' ,ll IlilM'M.. t,-,t js ,j , ,,, i, i, ., ill n llli'ili.s. I lifUiii-...:, is csill.-. ,( l.y ,ni ,i. Illlllii'il eiill.lltioll ot tlm mil' ns tin, !:, ic tl, ' Ktisiai liitiu 'l ull,.. W In n (in., m .. t,. lliniii'.l liiivi'ii i-iiiui.i,iiti si.nn.i ot ai't i r Iih'I li.ionin. Hid lii a it i t'litiiciv e t ill. 1 1 tn'ts is llic I'i'.-iiii. an.l tinit .... tn,. wiiisi n nititinii inn L) anil mil i ;., (.,.,, ; , si.ti'.'ii in lis tii.riiiii. i i.ini it t,iii Inat nit . tl. in ili'sinivi .t liiii vi i'; unit, i iim . at el o n o.. raiisi'.t I.v ctilnrrli. wlui Ii Is tinliiuiu tin, h, in- 11,11,11 ll I'l 'til I It il il ot l,. Ml'.l.'.ill- nil, fiii i n. Wcvvlll ifivcOne :i.l:o, ,,,i m,..- I'lS'l'l ill '.'ll'lll'Sf, (IIOIM.I I V . HIS. I Ill I ,il l i inn. l.y taking Jlall'B I'liliirrlt duo. bead I'lreiil irs, li'i e. I'. J. t'uc.NEV t Co.. 'laic lo. 0. ."'..1.1 l.y lli n'i;i Is, ;:. r-'ll'S sl,..,i,il fiv.. I.v Int. Kiin::'-. (o:i vi Ni liv l: I . I -1 a . is l . is. .i lil , siller In t .l.iv ' i. . -. Miit'va'li.ils i m,'j. soil S'.' I tl , I Im.i 1 1, five. lir. Klin.'.titl An I, M., I'lul.i , I ,,. The I.e.igiio of Aiiicric:in Wlieclincn will move for good roads in Illinois. Tesi rii ii v I'lMC. till- llriiticillsll .llfi elio'l , l '.Mt.;lis, etc., Ilitovv 's Miiom i i v I. I,!.,, lie. lull,, i til't'l II, I'll- clli.;.lt- l .1 li'.l tit i.i.iay iurs, t'nee -.i cis. Canary birds sing their be-l in looms li I 1 will) tobacco snii'l.e.! li -ii, ;, i. I, ; ' i,.n..:.i. .' ,,.. I, I. .'i . , int. Is, ii-' l..Hli'-, I.e. I. Ill.r-. tin' I., t 'I..HI..II l '.iilliK , iii -I. im, , '. .,1, . II..- Il.'il sits, I s lr. net tt.ii-. I'm- lei-.', .. . I. -li in I I. mi. I'll' vicaU .lint !'. "On ,1.' I i.'l 'ii The sahn iii caauing on lite I'.teiiii: coa-l i- a gii ai iiubistiy. t'l.iea'io's M i or w.i. ns j.. i ulc no.-, Us .'thilli-hcl. !aHv;'i J irs?i5 35;.;tVii4 Pi'th tho riu'tliiid a .a re uttsswpD bvi l.p o! I'"'. - IS I.I..; T, , it. la j)h'll.-iUlt flt.d i Iri'-bing !) the l.e-'o, ninl i.. etiitv v t jiioiiiptiy -. i i Hit; l.iibi'.-yi, l.ivcr mid H 'V.c'i; e: .jio y tciv cl'"i.'r.i.iily. ;li ps ts ;, ,. is. i,'tid. l'ir. :'.:i.t K ver . .;:t t i ;tn- hai t't-ru if.iis-t'p.ili. ii. :yui ft Kij-h ih? i ti'u r, in.- Iv ft ii--1 i;in tv.r jr- riiei.l, plet-lltt; J.' H.t fjt.-fi ind di Ct'J lul',0 10 ill : si ii,;,'. pv. un'.t trt its at'tmn mi i tru.y i . an i' -m m Cllei'tss Jit'Cp. ;il oil oio',' li:s:n (li'.l.tht' ;llul ;).: fi-.' i!'k i,'i:-Utn.V. ttr I'lilliy f.xii'v lii ii: :pi.:!ii'.'s ooiii lliojiil :t In nil t'.i.o 11 1 vj timilc it lUb mo-t p,.p.i;iar icnieiiy uticiin SMttpi l' l''.,-';s I'. it - tie ti nil) ?T1.I ;1 I. t:!t .. 1 v .til l.'i'ii.ig U:,z f i.. Any l a otili1 i . r i c.' ' -l -IM Il'.iv net b.. it mi br.e.'l w:il ;H:h t'tiie it Mi.t. I'y i..i i:iv nit v'i-1 vi In to try ;L D uol Uu i'.;.l anv M.b.-(it:tt. .S-'V iV....k,l . ll. Kennedy' 1 S MctliccilDisGovei v Takes hold in ih's ui'vliT: Bowels, Liver, Xidnovs, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, 1 Orlvln lie n : l..(.,rr II Unl I -hi I . ',0 . ut. i You know whether ' you need it or not, bvl.l t. t'v. r) .In.slst, :m I im i.n.l.. -t't'. 1 I.J DOW ALD KENNEDY, KO III It V, M -S, Liy's Cream Bairn ii u-ki. i ut:s fe'r.Ci.'o'TMo't'- f ; IH fi 1 t':,"' " i trr V? hay xii v I- is 'I t ! ' lis ,., r ... I ll -. li. won. ill. .i-iiri'. Una. .-r ta.T h..u.M... II h '. ,1,1 ,. M V ppPvtJI ro Mt-rR TIN 7. j ..'.I'" ' ,: IPFjPilriiJ-ne-9 . - l.ld-fil.shiotltd I , Oior..',-'.. -" .. .l.-'".rs.. 1 LMM( CM ;,-"'' "'" oo ''- o-a. ' ,; SH'iTf .iZASM tr... .- i.t - r. ..' ' e. e. Iv..". 1 '. !' ,. v:a iiiii -ii's" I i vv';.,.,v,-s,., , ,. ..., : . .- i ,.- . - -. ' -r.,:-r.i v"M I h-v.., i.eli I 111. , ll'l , ttt" it-"' " I '. . i 11 1 t V '' 1 ' t ' ' ' ' ul'rv',tf ""l -'.toy J ! Wi L ' WEIL DRILLING' " I lvi. .uucu ...n,,,,!,, ,i,,,,,oi., t .':i:a.),iniw. - I t. '..!,- " : r,,.., ,., vi : .i -,... ,,, li K , I l1 s ii i . : ,,.i. ::. , .-er vi .,. ,. 1 1 v, o. m, : a.s. CheaDortlinn Barb Wire. HUMANE. STKONG, VISICL1. OK NAM ENTAL. l 1 t 1 .i.-t:c si- n tlAltTMAN WITtE I'.itit.l.' the : tr, ins-lh ' ' - 7'"-v - ?Mk v I v - 1 iV t ' y J. Vi. Wiitrox. , One ol" the olde.t i'lllccs hi I'cunn. j .1. I). illenx was bom sixty-seveu yiais a mi and has live I most of bis tuna in ilitiisvillc, I lo ci l o., I'l., whi iii ho is a piaetied laiaier nnd a tiiciessful c. iiiilrv ineiiai.iat. lie is ilesciveilly I', for many miles niouiul, 1 and hv sir el. mtcjr.iv and honesty ho j h it alt ifhc 1 to lui'i-elf a host ot lr Is, ' and lias lac, lve l Iroul tin. unvern iU'iit j t i to l'osin iMei -lii;i of his village. Ho I says; 1 hid l.icti vveiuhe'l down by poor health for a long limit nnd gradually glow v.a.r e until -o ne four yens Hgo iho I lai-is c.i'ii.'. At that tunc lour uf our let phyieiuis could give nie no i t, emu I lenient, an I t inio nl inein .aid 1 iv . nl, I not I. ve a year. I coiouieiu e.i I i u-a Dr. I tliin'i'rt Swamp Koot, Kidney, lavir ninl llladdcr ('nie. My ioc ors said your remedy' liik'ht help mi) ior it titiie, hut that I wotil I mn be here it year ht'iicii. 1 tonic Swamp It.. ot for nearly twelve months llui'i; timet a day. and when i.e rheutna li in set in on inv shoulder.! nnd anus I u .1 your I'. ii Anointment rubbing iu ihoi'.'U ,h y over Ihe aiiiele I parts), I'l mi acre s my tin -l, liver and haek.wniui in f it i't vv itn :i ie.: ll il iion. Tho then. ii ati-iii " a o b i l f"i a while that I Co, lid iiol !-,'l either laud lo myfiiee. Mv hcillh now is very coal; in bict, 1 1 1 i i , U I am a . ,c 1 as most men nt my a ;c .-iMj-i years. 1 give your S .Mini) Ih i. .'. , atiie ere ii'. for saving my life and the i.o I health I now enjoy i line to it. a -. I I. ;ia' wotki'.l soaio on Ilu t.iim of lite and do lumt of tin) chores in v -, !''. I'lit- t -- not vvr i.-'t (or publication, hut if it will t.ive oil; a t oo'.ih haiee ill your Clelt ICC.elv, 1 1 . 1 V ISO O'j.'ctiolH tv MHir ii-ing it as best ml can. vi itli In-! re.; il I I ten in, I- WillciX. 'I hit is l.tsl o,.e ol the htnidreds of let t. i i is ei vi I . 1 11 :y I ,y I'r. K 1'iier cV. I'd., ,u,d live lit "O-and doliais ,vill be given loan) one who will piove any portion ol Ihe ii1', ve Ii sti :i"iiy uatiil '. S.v inip is hi v.ind .pn.-t'eiu the grciti'st .ll-J-coviry ol the age. V4VSUU LU'llDtt i'rtlllO, XMlii, . n' silahil & lO.'S E-rSsSkfast Gccca PSy-Z Is uVuJtttrltf i'tite and ,ir, .ifi te t 1 1. ; si.setaj. U l:a is ?:-i ih ni Uiuet tl ', tfli. Ol ic 'J WUM sitvii, Ai.v.vniii.. ui tncar, .- .,.. n i.-iris .11 mro .v- f-Vi : ' '! j' :i.:,.n, .ffolf Its : saiUH 3 t'g'i I . , i'l J ..: .J'ls tKH'.r. i--.yil laps, :,'' -i:..i:tr4, nttt e hm un sMoa s,c" iif tit. n-cis. rrrrlifrs. V P-ib CB. a . oester, Ma,' ,'; p-it. CB. i ..-i . iv.i't'ht' ..(OWES scAItFS ku Tiissi cwr "C -. -o FULLY VVAarAiMTED' jTcn Scalcs SCO Freight Paid Vp!0N Efr"f BiNCnAMTUN.NY. u -1 s t'V in s VII I: At. ., r. Itv 'irl..' .Til j ,. r- nUPFKAM GROS., II I. I'l MOIt K. II Pis llivsut r.i.mriK'" mict no tui i liy-1.' in mil n ! lV', nail H tn lu. cornel! I K& . S .rron, B lu'V xv'ieirou) st stnvt. Svw Horn City. n ti llTur. comes malti k llatlsrlkvf llpsiliult. I Id SllSiRjv ' - ' "J '.- -:;;. ' I tuuissnu i.n ....... ... u,e'taur i-i.i i-:. A'i'!"' It. , SU 1'SUI, K vv. Isn m mrth , r ,. irr M. ikli... vt.. tii.t , .it. si 1, ,1 , ...r-iil J I ..I..1. li. Ai.l,.w.s 1'ivrco Wt'll Dun aiur t o.. New Yorll. I-.V 1 . J ?i S J 1J Sei nil s-.otuujii:: i a... :, VV M. I i-itvii JC .Vs lIN. iss wt It f T- V IIIVI'II I T SI 'U-.H Voims VKll ir GHSl.o,,. . ,s...l. V I'lrtss. I. VV. V'' .i i. i;i. i;ii .v .. riiii.t.. e.i. PANEL FENCE. 1 1 it i-M, tu -tlo.'ki o. . -. 1 . ., , l l,V. 1 r. u- i Ini m hi, . .1 ,,1 I. ,,,1.1,11, si. .-I i i. It. I I so. ii I. ii.-,- I r. . II I It 1)1 AN tin;... II. . iv. I t I hi. . I ..U.U.I.H, lu IU1 .w.'iti a.