(haiham jUor:l THURSDAY, Jli.NI'J. LOG A Z. l Pormilu. 1 , (.Mt.'i'.u i.v! .1: iir.n bor of all kind ; also, :Joti,i!i!'i heart AhingloH. li. Nooo, Jr., L'litabnro. Th editor expects to reach home by tho 11 a. 111. train next Holiday, and will bo pleased to meet bit many lrioiids hero thai day. IV. 111 0111 be r that .Miss Fanny Thompson's sclnd gives an t-x 1 1 i i i tiou ut the court house lomoiv.v (Friday) night. Wo inucli regret that wo could not havo a reporter at Thompson's Silei City School closing exercises, j nor at tho University Commence- j roont. . Tho L'itlsboro Rase Rail Club will play tho Oro lliil club a mal:h game at Ore Hill on next .Sal unlay, Mild tho hstmo clubs will 1ay in l'ittsboro ono day next week day not yot agreed upon. !::;:;::.'!!: Pols, j j I.Viimo;i. N. (.:., May :;', !:''. ' j I'.:t ;' ball ' .'.'row ill ' I'iniv H liar. Ihicb v,i-t-k lai,: : .v. -J-. itl la-hc.i and rent', men (.. li 1 all e --.--: .i vi! in tin! lino guiuis ' l!iat I ill ph'O. !. 'i'-!.- .- .vV I 'i . ir I I'jirtv has arc i.i.siv. 1. : 1 ... an iisM'-i :;;;it lull ll.'l-i lllllv !)." li 1-1 r Hi I i pifttmpiif? pimp lal.cn a ri .i.'.ie ti Male e, ni di.; CVi Mi. did volition, and its recovery is doubt- """ lt tr.iehe 1 ti.o eentie if iii ,'ul. 'town. Ua ,1. iieiviiii iivcnim it 1 Otll l'l.ATFoli.M. , :: 1.'. I'ui'a '.it 1 .'.:' nibby nines irnve 1 "o di'iuand freo transiortation on all railroads it' they can ali'ord it. Wo demand that wo pay no inoro tax if Undo Sam don't need it. Wo demand of the yovcrninent to portaiiity to look Mr.ii.dil a. n Hiri.vcd ilio L'lthcian church, but ' ptrtiiiVMino ravine, and I was: Mir only unroofed tho rcsi loncs. j : : J'ri.od to v.o, oil tho other bank moat furious work was dono within 11 compass of four Hqimres, bounded by JofVcrson avonue, Avonuo C and Seventh and Ninth Htrcots. Every furnish us in meat and broad free of! '"Hiding in I.iohh sipiarps was denml har:;o lllltil alter the election, if it ji'hi d and vr.oho.h J'-il.Pi:t!ey !). . . . ; i . . .. ;. (i, .1 .. lias u to .- ,1:11 e Too much bad whiskey caused a slight skirmish in town this week. Wo have since made application to tho (J. F. & V. Y, ll iilroad Company to uso a few ol their cross ties to ;;il I a iiiiard huu.-e, until after too elect ion. Wo havo organized a marble club at tliis place for the advantage ami protection of tho weak and lame, wo have no regular meetings, but Mib joet to a call meeting any time. Deputy iSlieri:!' ,loe I y.sor is a mom nor, we hope lie IVHi malio a Wol'l u v member, bin i! i'- r.oo, ,.o.,.d thai hoi very bad to lud.ee. We un ler.- t.irid they have or:'a- Tho Capo Fear ami Yadkin Val ley Railway have plaeml on .n;do 10 (liiinil i-.iLn round trin tickets to all . . 1 .. 1 ... ..1 .. 1 1 . .Mountain innl hoasiioro Mimuior 1 .i" is wiorts. Tickets will bo sold till I l; ""is we have not seen their p!;;i Sept. 30th. Limited returning Cel. I '''"'"'i l,ut '''if Mrs! 1 !: 1st, I demands for i'-- ':i t in". s t li i e or Im-rn li- mi 1 1 .,'eloek k. i';vi t ii '.i l.i ri ' on hot j 1 ."--.'iii i.:r. . Lie- li;:e oe lr..ii wii '1 I', trly ! -e.il i.eii.L' i..iT. .1:; :i : - willi or I Tho" uro still coming. A nolhcr until J o' lot of nico shoos receive I this v.eei; j mv.-. t W. L. Loudon A; .Son's amim-e ! lady came in town :i N-w day other aousoiiiihto goods. 'J'hey wii:! ago and ivp ..'...l t!;at .-In; had s-ei offer tliis week extra good bargains "U her way, live wo.m n in one i!,.!, in ladies ti 110 hats. J I' you need one at v.oi-k and on.- i,u.:i wit a a b.(:. now is your timo to g. 1 s micti.iiig I bis Lip. ?!... .,id sl.e did 1.0 extra tino at very bw liguns. A know id..!, 1 ut li.otight !.o was ; faw of tboso 15 cents ladies haU left. 1 -St. I.o.iis man. . . j Oar market is ghm If you need anyl'iiing like a uiee j Yci k cliioi;. i., ..ne parasol, . j. I. mil jast rocoived them. ellk parasol, 21 inches, for -1 : silk !t:.: umbrella, 2tJ inches, tor cl.iij. o. e ' i.i ial bargains in Hamburg ar. I : i .' I edgings. Y liiieciii'ii'd n i'vvl d;-. - . j k. at greatly rod mod prus s. ' Next M-iiday will b.- .-. " i ." timo fr tlioso of our m:I.;. i-i-er-j ..; tvhoso timo is al). ut out to lvnei. j;,;. and for tboso of our count;, men who! 1 !. wiab- to keep posted to Mibsrib . j The editor's hki-telies et w !: .i i-o iw 1 - and hoard while in to.' ;-u.-.t I : ' , West will be worth. ri; ;!:. As tho editor ni 1 :: v.:';:. bo at home iieM w. .-. :'. '. v. e h.; , . ,. had our bands !:;!! . ' ;!., moehaiiical depart Dies'., :,.: :. ring a j ,-x few locals, seii.eiino; .!,- e'.e , we 1 havo purposely iviriie.o : ivo writ- j ing any ediioria! -, p . : 1 wise, except one sn-r! .1 .... ; wo did not lee! in-! U- ' - ; but thought that the 1 i: ..':. i ' HOriptiou ol his trip on! i .-;; ..! . 1 r ; : this week. 1 icsi.u!,..-, M i!, ti:.:!. :.!,: i an- not melon.-!, oLhorwi-ci the lor.s of life would haTi! been mueii giLuter than it now appears to be. At 1. 11st twelve bodies havo already been It. ken out. of the ruins, and. some thing less th iii Kcvouly fivo aio in j ire I. .M 11 a: v wtu king t erv. hero I lying to rescue 1I10 impii.sonod ones No one now can nnli.o the extent oi tho catastrophe, and daylight will alone reveal tho saddest spelio of ruin and desolation ever witnessed in Southern Kausiis. Tho Colo a ml li ! in-0.1 i. ioek 1 uius took lire, and siu it iis !':' : s a:-" is ing ntado to ii . -iio j e. j.i.i known to bo Inirii d 1 hero. J; is ;',y beoi -.e.'t iiiat Ihe ii-4 ( I li..' d : i wi'.l Oil ,;! l;..;V(;es :v,e::lv as i I !;:r! v, and l'..;-. ii.jutvJ ai-r.il si v I.:..'. 1 ball :: : , i i j -:. , ( s . -..i.eii Cm cv- lone bm i ;;; ,:.4!. :; w.'l'ii ,;ivi n Ull.: iijoi .Kin:: . t , , .:ii 0 i':o:n the 'ppiing - i. .l i o. A too bail liio: . '. til's ''i!o the I . I' '''' 'd tb alpia!.'. i. us rang, d :VIolii'.tr.- lily. 1 !i. y si e ve. y u.mil.ll i live, but clear ami' ih. ti,.eL. d i.,.n. . m o Ihirb en h tier.- in each e, ;, llio.so up to tho "M ' being in tint kit cvo and tbo remaining ones in tho riglit. Leo buila from Georgia and has wan dered to Texas. Ho is rnthor below tho average in intelligence, and .seems not to know the vabio ( f money. Lee i.'.ll;. I. .,'..) i., II .o;. ! ami ..vv ,l,v;, ,vl.i..;, .1... 1,.. 1 ' ' ' l" '.a' oil l-.etu.ll Ol anihoriiv ,.,o.'.i.,L 1 1 1 I. , . , M'orgia, also carries the alphabet in oe. m.l ' Will. ,7,..' 1. hi-' optic.', but. (bought mailing of it Mexican genlloma'n who sai l 'tli.il M1," La3 l' uhniy aiicd the c;ivo was inhabited, but us the! l oooup vnls wcro extremely timid, Uv ,;;," V,.,"..?," " V.", . l; l.'oueral ( 'onlel once, jiHt clos.-.l w men are given an opportunity totii tor 1110 next tieneral Conhrcuco. which secinod even nmro pi ociiiitous ! man llio 0110 on wliicu I utood, a deep eavo walled up in front nearly to the top, and evidently indicat ing cavo or clilf d wellors. My first Hioiigl.t was that tho curious habi ! lion i., r 1 ,.r 1. .1. ........ 1 1.. ,: .. ' ... 1. ..0.1: . .. .. '. -1 I ; Oi l a.: sV i v. 1 iii.'i-.: 1 . .1:1 1 t by e. ,1 01 c ;.i i ; :l ma t I pronaoly wc would not be able to see them without forcing an entrance into their strange homo, lie bo lioved that most of them wero inside peeping at us over tho ru do walls and around tho very dilapidated animal's hido that nerved to close the i.hi: The. cavo was not over two hundred yards away, and, with tho aid of our Ihdd gla-ses, wo could plainly make out it's dotaiis. My imjn-t -.si. .mi led me lo the theory that these were V:: ra'ooml i:i dividual i of tim loeal I ndiau tribes e.:. o were ic'ciipyiiur this old cave-I Iv.'-iiin:.: in tho e-ilis. inucli as we! so the corresponding class with us oo'asj-ma'ly occupy in ; dugouts, haiub's built into the side hills, and .."v: 1 caves nro.iii I ti.o .suburbs ! t-i'.v:.s. I'.itt one oi' tlie .Mexicans, v ho argued agaiu.st foivibio inirus- i::'' the homes of t!,Vs. jvcplo, aid that we would iind ;i g.cal Hum : i- it I hem furl In r on in tbo deep : . '.. '.es of the Sierra Madro range, .:. I tii.'it aiiiong so me..y wo w.mi i iaVo g I el I o;i '1 : , ; . i,'.-i (.( eei:i I . better m.v::: ly Could lore, v.:' . .ru ui. i n'.l.ihiia ; i one oi 1 I I I ! : i l n v.oj .'.i'.'ie.:n I ill li.i-' i:,-r ai.d! g'st and! ill- 1 1 ai" ' t. - : 1 '.:..iii.'..!i ti 01 t :.o S:. iva .' ''. .:;; (..;: . v. .. . .c'l Wnic'i i.e ;.i 1 mi- p .i ty lor a 1 a in.f p.il'.s .-c - eelied lor oi: ; i.. Ho,,::, 1- i'l tl T- Two i-fC .;, Ilavei: . O l IV ilb- b : tow::r- , si bims.-iij of il.iN-J itod. li',,; I . -tan; j ' '.!'--.i. g . 1: :'i and j soVr.i'j' to ;sm 01 . : '" r grei.l : 1 i oi tm-.r j Col. Pablo Miino., tbo (iar.a rev ..I 1 1 ... oiiuioiiiM, nas noen selileliceit to 1111 prisoiiiueiit lor a year and a hall and to pay a fmo of t;;!,nu0. Coven;., r MeKinney, of Virgii.i; has appointed ( ;cn. Ilppa 11 liiilon lo bo 1' idled Slates Sci.ator vice the i.'.e -.eliali.'l' ! ...r.ioUi', (.ohxll b. -well, an ;; red farmer heal Lis wile's brains. mi with a roll ing p,n ;;;id then shot and killed inn. -.ell iie.u .u., ii.-ia, Midi. Small pox was discovered on the liloyd siea iner ( laleiihurg, which ai rive-i at lialuisoro from I'.roinen i i one, vol;, une bui.di'ed and seventy .: -.-u;;-- rs, lt!i ii-iiit ."tl.n Lie Works. I!. I. n-.-..f!-:,;vC.. M a ble Dealers, I iu !::ii:i, N. ('.. are rciviing ;;nd have ' " o:.:,o u l.. ::,;:.; ami i.a!.UM'luest "''": oi i..-.; o ,o.d granite lu-.-nu ':'' :' ! Uk s ever broiiglil ti !; . ; 1.. a:. 1 tie v goaraidoe to d ik. . ; w: to per cent ! !: : -..a V oi L. v d. a!.. Is. Ti.iv ; ( ng- ; i uei.ts, but will :-.i lb-, ir c 1 : ..:.: li e bi Jicfil ol 1 :.: ' c -iiiwi s U'l.cy are de:d ''i .- 10. 1; o. i:.iii!:g for ccm. ttiy e: ;; . ;, . .i i ..,V!i va: es. Wl.cn ' I .' ;. ; . 1 g b; their lino wiin ' '' 1 fie.: !i ; '. L :;.'!.- an 1, if do- :o ..i! ell to sei ;s !. 1 ; i:i a. s J I'll .'.:ou. tici: ' r well Hi.. .. ,.. 1, V 1. ,.'- if.;, li.e. .e edgu Next Monday ' 1: ' ;'. 'Irs Holiday in J ..'. ; : . will meet here to 1 1 i i ;!..:: ;. meeting as the L;w re.g.iis . this meeting the ..un'y : s i '" , rs for the ci, Mi!:' ; -.r :.: elected. After u i . . :. . . tratoo and wi.ii.,' , ,. , . o joint session aiei I . ' Then tho niagiiira'.i -;. ' :u:r.m-'. si ors and county hoard ol e ii..;.:i ,:, mot and elect a county i-uperiuten dont of education. This is an im portant meeting, and every niais trato in tho county, that possibly can do so, ought toattoiul. liomem bor that if things are not don to suit you and you have slaid awav that you are partly r. : . bavo no right to complain. I'.l V es - ' I A X AND Eimbles them lo bo of profitable scrvico to you. They baye now open! and havo ready THE STOCK Ol'1 Dress Goods, Millinery i Fancy Goods Ever neon in this county, and lb y lldler tbemsolvca tbcycaa and willgftU them as cheap f. any markit in Ihe Stulo, ItElIEMDEU TI1E1 KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK and try to keep any and everything you can want or need. Now if you wish to buy goods cheap and always got wbat yoff HtSttt bring tho money to Aprii 21, l; J. J. TitoM-.s, Pre.ddeid. Am--. A. Tii"'0'-o', Yicc-Prcdent, li. S. JvicMAN, Cashier, II. W. Jackson, Aaa't Caebief The CoiinnrrriiiS and B'ar huts' Btanfrp Of KALKUill, IV. O. Taid up capital 100,01.10.1)0. Authorized capital $500,000.09.- -:o:- Cli.wtcrol I'U the Lcj J. J. Tlsonms, (J. W.Watts, 11. li- l.i'.tle, .7. li. Hill, I'. 1;- lanoey, A. A. ThompHOU, T. II. J biggs, (!!: A'e,"'i Ctirvliihi. February 25, 1891 DIRECTORS: 15. N. Duke, II. A. Loniton, Ashley llullie, 11. 15. Uaney, J. X. Holding. A. F. Pagev Frod. Pbilipfff M ia. lioylan, if OUR CARDINAL POINTS: safi:ty, n;oMi'TM:ys, uukjiauty, couhtesy. Accounts of Farmers, P.anks, Corporations, Administrators aud Indlf' duals solicited on favorable terms. Sl'F.t'I VE ATIENi'ION given to accounts of Country Morchaata t4 imlividual LH)L1 AMOTIONS ma.lc promptly on all accessible points. Oar largo UNI U.WWL III!! is fitted with Tims IM Burilar Proof Sale ani Safety Deposit Boxe THE ONLY liVMv IN UVLKKUI W1IEUE CUSTOMERS HAYS nn-iii oV.N h.M'ETY Di'.i'osii' i;oxi:s-A PLACE W1IERS "'ONEY ,11'AVl.I.UY and YALUAELE l'Al'EUS uro absolutely safe l'orre.-p.j;'e-b t.eo Boliciltd. Sept. '.M. lVi.'l. ly. mm?, ud INCOFJrOKATlIU. OR ill CA'.l-'i.lN . i . WHICH YOU WISH 1.. Rain, Hah. and Yini. -On last Sunday evening the sky iii ibis sec tiou became overcast with dark and lowering clouds and between four and five o'clock a l.cav y rain sl'-rm. accompanic.l by a ingn w - . ., . . .: .. : .. ;o i.;- in .o i . -: -: :..o.,y cl .0.0 of j : .' a".'.: A 11 i'lMse I . li A. tV.i. -. ii.onit.iiciil w as liiiVCi.ed Willi 1 bib M'.i'O eeleii'.oiiies. l'i.o mo:iuii!eiil was creeled bv an a--.soeial:.iii organir..- 1 insecure luiel lor a hlalue. It siauds .me mile and a hall Irom Kichmond, at tho inter section of Hermitage road and La burnum avenue. It overlooks the spnl upon which (bm. lliil assumed an I 1 command ! bis li;-.-s brigade. The ing i-.p-.a a t,'. pi.e c . -ting ol hase, Mib-base, die b!. ...! .:i;:Jt and i' capital, the wiio'.o being thirty lour feet Irom the b.-iso tu lae crown ol the liguro. The statue repreeni tho foldicr .standing in an easy atti -tii !.-, I.;-, right band ial!ii,g"at the :. r. c 1 in tee 1 the w . ... i:e.v 1 a 1 . v. el. 1 esid, no. .o'o lir.m "i rt j'liie had; bfr may bo ;: 1 led to th list of ! a.!. Walter Fori sy I be. one o' those rescued fioiu the deliris, is dead. Tho soeno of tho temporary hospi tal was one so. b M is rarely witness- d crv: t upon bait!. !i, Ids. The .! wa- sa:.:. .: 1 with l!.o !,;,.- ! for Ni.w i:.v. wmd li-eei w side and holding bis hat, while llie left crossed easily bofuro t:.e boit, li'ilds iiis .sboal bed sword nearly by the middle. Tho poso is a;d to have beoH ciiaractorisiic ol Ihe original. Thirty Thotisa:!.! Dnllars )Vorth id 'labour's. I'r. i.e solid .ii la ; r : k-nirn I'.VIN a: u iS itn bail burnt forth in its fury, doing much damage to growing crops. ,v.c. Tbo storm coneenirate I and centred Ut or noar Hanks' Chapel, about lour miles oast of I'i'tsboro, whore its work ot destruction began, plowing its way to . boii s' Urovo, a dist.r.ic of about eight miles. Wheal, at -1 oats particularly . :i:l red heavily At Mrs. Margar'-v ( 'oop.-r's the v. in dow panes vi ro br.-ken oitt, chi.-k eus killed, besides th.e hu:, doi,o til lll'l' ernlis .''.1 Mr. J..hii lill.Te I .': tho hail was wrv .b-! ruetivc, vuttiis.;! t down hisetitireeoti...! el'..;., we learn, i .-aer r.::d J.-i.-cy V. a.'., iichl v.ci i.'.-.-s i. Our intormatit r.t.iteil that Mr. liar land who l.v.oiiiful ani p- : fi cl i: nott vvas preparing to plant bis ci't'iin mi ip... '1 ho heaviest i f n.c'i I-.ind ! '-i.i Over, a id we .'alT'e he has done . v. i ;h, d ch-v. ,i ii.'-i;,.-!.i ( .hi a'- i ' already. Ono inlori:i:l:l s'.f.ed that Pi'-re uie-'i'l !:n.f aftor tho Ktorm was ever that huii iiclda not e.ii i i. stones lay in dritu --iu-o top deep at J t .'( di,- la -t .)' .1 iminn . Jones' (irove. Ai.eto.-r pc:s :i u:.l Teis st-pi. ,di a:.. J ,.i.t i . ri -i- g iii-.n US that tho track of the .-torm ou'.d inc.; lie. !.ir : h:o, . d ! I o : a.i-.:-bo easily lollo'.ve,'. by I no do-'. ruetioo i ,f i i.b'iv.gc-i t:;-. hMhiii aii.i L.tvi done to everything in its palli. oven j .i. (in,) ban-- Is !i.-ro In .-h:p. l ie ii th ".' could b i li ii-ot ; d fr..'in the .v recked bad dings. Tune was iitib I-;:' .:! at order. Evi ry oao was loo excited for th-i. Ti.o ini'ii ied were e-iniid in ai I ! .hi.-. 1 i i tho ih, t va- :.! ; lie ih ;! , : ; j f .:: 1 njion .bell i.ir. 'J'heii tin; le;:iuers bullied away to li nc w their i fTorts in behalf of tbo.se ; id in the ruins. Kiiiul Hut a Sticicsslul Fanner, I be S;n i' h! 'Miv-s.') E. publican I'!-. tl v i'-i r 1 irom j i a; who:. ry iii:; ( ::::! Suicides. v. !i . May I". Ed r. I w.mlv four . ... s ol i. committed suiei.b; at hi.s homo in Tei ry villi! yesterday laori.ing, by hanging himself to a door. Ee.eohor was engaged to Hiss Lillio Otbai.k, of Hamden 1'biins. He visit ed b- r ell We bo s.l:.... when ,l.-r:..o.- in n; . f : tl.. i: i'i ;: : hi. , ri i-,i, .l o.. i -i.V I- .iied. (.):. ill.; ...iiUll : ne he hee;i:i.o ih si'. -udelit . Miss Oih.mic ai lived in towii t.'.l i and iiiieinb- I the funeral. Yr.w u.is pi ostrai. d wiili giirf. She Mild ; In hi.e.v of !:) e.u! Hi for Ueeeh. r's : ui el do. W.eu they parted, .-he M.i.l, they wh o tho bibt of friciivb ;.:id la. i had no ipi'irrel. Stabbed His vilV Miilc .lccp. Ui;i:i:.ri by., M i J7. Thn miles south of Wohnd usterd.iy Austin liter :-!abbe.l and Lid. .Ibis v. if-. , via L'o; i' r. i i (. imi tud 11,'u vc. i: .l 1 1.1. i..s in 1 ...... I . . ... ils ll..- in . ii .- .. e..- '.vi'm i!;jii it,.- -I- I' ll I'll i I' l-lli.'.-. h.lll i.i- ill I...M.-IWI. .N. C, II U II-;:.-!i- r U ...n-..'' lll'l l.u.llWrU. Is I., Iiiiv, li aii.l os.ii:i..i:f ull kin.ls ..r K.....N, vnir.-s nnil Mii-1-ehiiiKli..-.i .-ilia riirm .r...in-, th.-ii iiu ilura tl.'u "f Ui.M'i i.'.riiai,ii s-h.ill U- thiriy yivirs, lb.. i-aelt.ll i.vb is. .in- tii...ii.:iii'l .I'.llius wlili pnvl ! ;. I., lii- .-. ii.-..- , ll,,. i- ili.iuiiii. ,l.,l,ii:,.liv...,l hi ..in- huu in-1 fieit.o vi Oi.' I' a- i '.l.i. . : - S. M. l'o..r. 0. S. C. liy T.rni !"' I'i i"ii.'t "l imi t. I.. .Itiei. in.'' :'.' i-i 0''-'i':e. .' i ' :,l.l CTJ I '1 -!ei.t J'" ':'' , "ii-Iiii'l li.'li.i' iliiai'i na . 1 Thirty Ttin-f lliin.lr. a sLur.b ul Hie I'.a' v ' '-'' , Olio lluii'lrd I'.'linrsi. j Tl.o 'luiiitl. u ,.l tin- rri.rt- esilsu-n.'-; w m U suiv vi-,11-8. Tho ..Kin-is "t " H 'i' "'.Is i ..rp.'r.i lion Hh.ill u.n l..' Iii.ttvl.tieilly IHil'l f-r :hp uia. ..Ijltgiilk'UB or cuUiicls ul siU'l C Jl'VI"lj'l','I,-T Cork Sui'i rl.'i- C.,uti, CliV.i.iim '. () lit'!', - -! f W- v. iu 1 1'.;.-; ...', N I '.-; . r.y, l"-v. ll I.. .1. .1 .ie.-.-,i .-.-.'ire. .V ro. , ,,o '.i.h, . :VxPT i : y i in- MUWIII.' ! US II. N -:.. T ' - ' ," it. ii.-i-.-ii-- . 1 1" - " ' ,"i !" " : ', . im:- iwnlimt ItH' SHl'l s..,-,-l, n: l-.A!.il t. -;:;?,' ."V;.:." "-"'," l"'V . mi v' 1'uli. I.:. 1.4 (. "1'i. .'.I..1.-.1 : ii ;, ;e. l ....lei-!. .1 i v ih S. :ir.. ill- I ...li.-r ny i In- s.utii- nii',..rl'y ;m.l v ili. ntn 11111" iin.l !. I will :l !!. :;! .:.!,.! s re.i-. ,r. ) .-nv, i.-vmi ;i .-..u.iii. u.... ... liin.l ..-...iuii,t.i 1.. . ..:,iiii, ,. in e.. in 1 :....:,.. 00 . ui y. .--.,:,...! .N. rth ( :i. "In,!, C;i ' 1 . -if i -wti.-ii 1., i-..u'.iin;ll f ill", ill ' " i. iia-i 1 11 .-.' 1 i.v .,.'.i oi 1, : u,t i..i;ii,.., Tl.. 11 .1. IS. 1 .. xi tit. I .si..';a. i s. v. .),.-.. ... r. . v,;. : -k, , i'. I. .' pi. a v.!..:. , :.f .-. . Oi . i'oi U i' U i.i Lo 1 V lieli. Th.; II I'.', i'l t he : I hi.n.s well ! ! 1 .1 and 1.0 I s J Dhum's ii! 'i'vio iiotus ;u:d u Half. C'iV! l' 1, T.-::j: . Jfa lli'h id tho trees iiiil loishi , 1 . :i,: thoir leaV's, the plain i; where ten or twelve ; ' it being seen on t no s.;oie ; clones were jdeh'-d no morning, some 1J or Ih : tho Htorm was .ver in Farroll'N yard, t urn u .'. conrtiderably, but id 1 ' will come oi.V. I .1 1 : ' Btorni was ol short .! ir.ii i territory covered by ii. 1. bait mile wide. sirip: M. on, of th. I- own : ml .1. in the lh..r ope ., i el'.i.e 1 it it J I 1 upon 111 ci c.s ill 1 ii-l.t '. -t v. ( 'Ir ,,; 1 e I S .-.lit Caul. . r pie-. to.:-. n: t to'.h.v. s ::;) .1. in. 1 1:, haviio; ,d giat,te-.l . ;. 1 -.'.-. u ., .. ,1 h. .-' ,v 1,,. ... :u 1 J"li A. Wi'MM K, J. V. ALL LAOISS !! i-r Mi'! ilo-Ag-.l. THE Fl!- TTo AM5STAF1E SHOE lloil i.vx: FKItsoNAI. Iii.';: Mallorv, ol I 'urban Loud. rfi, ul II v '. 1 Mrs. Ibxie hln i . Mr. Coor ;;o ; . i Bpulit several Miss Ma go regret ot her many boro loaves !or he Atlanta. We achoo . ' - irom Mr. I'. . h !..; . who 1 , 1 ..in. . U'oli'.-; tiiii.nv Mr. .'"I 'ir. A.;'. w b i-n'. i : 1 h - sh, . ii .1 li.i.-ii.oin-1 t?v ' X.. ' Ihe ai Ih L . e- i.d h,e ? ' i . is- .ii -i'id .. iii'ib r. I - :. ..-': ,,:..,:,N.C.M-,-7. W. a ? ' H .0. 1 ii.. .0 - Hi,: ;. . i I..-: v.h , ;-f -- - 0. . .. i a' Ml , ;, I.,-!. V.io ' : y .- , .,; ih.-i t . ,,M ix : . ,'. 1. IV. I cc.l M ..C. 'I in ll 1 : v. 1. ; I.-, 111. .11., I T'lk.' 1.0 .illlj SON, n ami s.vr.E.-r.Y vnnrr, 8 i 1111 ..I- It .-f Hi.- .-'o -ii '- ' 1 !-" ..-v 1 &111 : -h ie : :r t - -i.-'i '' Ul" : a.. 1 11:11 -S...-I. o..- iai'1ivi,l.-. ..." ..-;a. '.: - 1 '- II. F.. Iliinlrii. ,l"..-.i-i-1 in hi I '' tv-" i'"ii iriwu..-l tur.'l hi H.'i.r t r-k l. ii'.i., l lolo.-.r.i .-..i:iuv -. '-ii lr'-i. i-"ti'Htniiii; i- o s.... - , ih,' I'lii ls"! Coi.-li'V W.-1. 1 ..in. r ,-"'.i:i.!nuiu ''. ;i' . : J. A. s. e. mi l i'11-..Ti. Vi. li. H A Ul'tS . CvUi:i.l.i' .nor. II A !."N1" N, AUjIU.';.. A: ni !-.':. I m SPBIHG SUIT? A1IEWIIAT? , OR A NEW SCARF? Wo ,v; nmking greater efforts thum ever to please you. WE HAVE TIIE NOBBIEST LINE OF -S-U-I-T-S- TO SHOW THIS S ZLF ZES X 1ST 0- I'Lat Las ever boon ohown in Dor bam. , mi l Oi.' , im.l ;i,l; Iu the latebt shades that are now all tho rage. Later wo will nay mor. P1 forget the place. V ilvI-J i1 llj ; 100 Main Street, DUKMAM, N. a OvUllT wit zs?vmi April 7, Vm. 3 AND SALE BY VIRTUE OT , A ia ,-i-'1.T.if Hip HUi'iTl'ir court of Chatfeas .'"in n I v..:l in I'lii .l'.- iiiii ll'ii oa (lie Pin Is! s, .s.i -.l i.l.Av, U10 Hill dT ol Htt, , 1: e . 1 - : 1 1 -.r.i.-l ul l.'iu.l In n.Jlr Cnk twoblk . .niniiiiim iilM.iit M nerui. mijolulog beludttl .ri ninl oth.-re, aii.l LsMngtliei .. ' ..;i;iiik I.. llii -iiicil tholwAU8j. rf T7T TOY? O P .7Ts? TV ' T-m.-, -t l..: on- half ul, nut on J J X) m. i.uUX JLi .v JL ui.'iaiis wlili 8 yet com. Interoul 3. c. im owUIbi l. A. I 1IITII niinnilntif If. . I...M'.'N, Atl'-rncy. I Al'i llH, W2. 11. A. Lt'ND.'M. ACI'.XT. V. S. rUIMblO.SK, i'lcaidciit. Januai y 7, l'.'i. UAl Y. iiAiLWAl' Couaeusca S; ho.Tr.lo 1 ctr. et M :v :: h' . iaJ. CTATKOF NORTH CAROLINA O CoI'MV of cn vTIIAM : Id JostteeH Oovt. Jam. s i'Ki n 1 Notice of IHimaoM Hilnlnht ) aud ,t"h:i A. hnllii, ) Warrant ol Attachment. Tiis h- a coil a,-ik.n t.-r the rocuTry of Mt.al In., l y i. i. nud H nppitrlng by afOdafH ilia Mis ,!, :.. ii ninl hus iti'i'Kri.'J lrviu tbl atate vltfe I', i. -i.i I - 'l.-inei'l Ms cr.int.,rii, and canaot aftar .1 ,i'i .i:l:f . re r.'iih'i Uicrlu. he hi hereby aetl t'. . to ui I'.'.-. r l'.'"'-r. ni" hi riiu.bnro' on Um tik .ru ..i .i.i,.. . ..--..-j. iiti.l iitiMv.'ror iliriur to plala otr- .'"1'ii'lu.ni: . u'i n il .U'feu.liiDt Is aleo aoO tl. a li.ui ,t war i-iini "l iiiiA'-liuiput ban beea Iaiae4 il.- . ii.-i l.im i-i '.ui nni l.. ( .-.'...re meuo tba taitt ttt iu.- oi juin... iii riui-ij.-i..'. w. N. g.B&l'OB&K, t.t. II. A. T."M'"N, Alloruiy. Aenl IS, 1 s-.i-j. .1 . v . 1 I V, ui;ii;a;k e.t. A.;;, w. I-. i.'i i r. ii . S ! : W.l : I i 1 jo..'. l. colni.:; OKTIl CAKOLINA-CHATHIH 1 O U N IV. I L. li. ouuivr 1 Notice of Sommona I vs. ! anil 1. A . Uul.-lit. ) Warrant ut AUachawfct. Th,' e.-o-ii'Unl sl.. namnl will take BoHe I il.io .- S.1IIHII..IW In the alu.ve eotltled arUoa aa i i- h.i.-.l i.K.niisi wc.t il.-r.-o'lHiii on tba 1M 4af ait i a i -i li. 1-.. ', I y .l.'l.n A. W-.iiim-Ji. as Juauoa af lb . I . ii - -.- i C!:.-u urn ciiniy, Krin Carolina, lor . si , - " ri in "i ii.'i iT'L-i.-si iu 8 M..r cent lor aboal 1 : j .i: s, .in.-ii. I'lHimiiT i.y uoie. wbloli mm tu i s is. r, -iiei.i'i '.,' I ...f' -r. Mtil .lu.iilnealblanna 1 .i. i iii.-i."!- in "in 1 "imiy, "ii Hie Uth day of Jaaa. Is.C '.'- .I.-;, n l in'- will Hlb taka nnuoe tkak vr.iii'.."'. ' i ai'iu-linit'iit wiie Istiuo,! by eald laaUaa n ii.-- 'ill a... .1 a i ill, D-yi. BKiilnet ika aaraoaal I i- i v O'l il.-i.'ii.inni, whlca warrautlsra. oiiii'i ii- Hi" soi l .IiiMhx) at tba lima aa4 l', f ,'.i "i.' ri'i iii.-.l f"r llio r3turn of taa aunieatiaja in,.;, iii.l wliiri' Hi" 'l.-fi'ii'liuil la rera!re4 ta ai i'i' . ..I ;i'm:r nr .lemur to ihe ooajylati t in. r : i. ij:ii!i.i .l iil I..-uranlwl. luis U'lli Jay ol Acrii. l'.'i JOU.N a. WOHAC. J. f.

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