FOR FARM ASD (JAKDEJT. Will COWS EAT PLACENTA. rcrliups wc can never find out why rows like to cat tin plnceiitn, but in lliu experience of most men it innkcs liltlo if any diileronre whether tlicy do or no(. Jt is ccrtuiniy foolish to pre Tcnt her fi'oni doing so if tliti want- to, though wo would consider it CfjiMlly fool inli to try and compel lior to cnt it. Her own instincts tiro tlio bent guide. American Dairyman. TIIKKS FOK ri-ANTIXtJ. Do not itwko tlio niUtnkc of buying large, overgrown trees for your plant iyr, stiys Seed Tim mid Harvest. Tlio.o which mo 3 I to 7-S inch in diameter lire quite Inrjjii enough, but they should hitvc miooili, sirai'it trunks nnd good roots. Older tree, me m no nit than young ones to liuvet lost their best roots in removal; and it is best lo buy of nursery men in stead of peddlers, and to ssivo money mid receive just wlmt you pin rlitise. Ten dollars per It" will buy Mm bet of npplo tree atllie iiiii'tory,iii I other slock in proportion. 1 li'iS I.AItiiK AMI SM il l.. 1'nless you want n large proportion of cockerels d not sell all the largol 'gA" you can pirk out. There is m mi nus known by which tlio sex of eggs can with ceiiainiv lie determined. A though many have thought some signs : have indicated sex, yet after repealed fair trials nil those indications have tailed, and failed entirely and i x asperatingly with the writer, except one, which I giro as follow: With regard to the eggs of nest of the feathered kingdom, if you pick the largest out of the nest they are gen erally (he ones that produce males especially if they happen to be laid lirst. Iven in a canary's nesl it is j noticeable that the liiit egg laid is j very often the largest, Hip young fi oui ; i: the first out, keeps ahead of it- : comrades, is the lir-t I" quit the ne-t, ' mid the lirst to sing. Detroit l ice ! Press. 1 I XMSii invi i;s r lin I i Above all things, keep your bee coli'tiies dry. Tli.i;t-;inds of columns ! perish every year iiy leaking cover. W henever moisture from without is added I.) the gt iterated lii.ii-tiire or, evaporation fr mi V- bees within, a ' damp ehilly atmosphere i the result, which generally prove fa al in frost) I wcaile r t;i the hoes. Tin roofs, with ventilated holes in j the g iiiie ends lira a sure preventive. 1 A cu-hioii initio ot cotl':o sin ks, ili,. si.e nf the top of i ho hive, and tilled with iv he st chair, is an excellent ab- j enrbiMit of moist tire. j Such hives as will not admit n j cushion within, can be aided by Inv- i ing a ventilating apetlu e on top, two : inches square, covered witli wire- . cloth, and a ciidiioii with mr. .u !i a cushion must be made of "duck," iin- icrmeablo to tain, or oile oth, so rut as li go over the outside of the hive, : mid wiih a drawing string if twine! run through the edge of tho cloth, so that it can bo fastened light to the hive. Clititi' is put into it. an 1 then drawn over the hive and tied. I'.it in Journal. F ARM M li MINKIIV. Ono great advantage w hich ihe in creased use of tho best machinery is t the fanner is seldom spoken ,,f tn- tin manufacturers, or by the laruieis theiiuelvcs. Perhaps the farmers do not realize it, while the makers might think it would hinder, instead of help, ing, the silo of their machines if it were known. It is a fact that the ue of the machine soon makes more care ful farming a ncc-s-ity. The hand j scythe could be worked among reck, i ' and slumps, anil along hedgerows an. I j ' ditches, tool ear.ied through the bogs, j but one who wants to profitable tt-e j ' Iho mowing midline must rem vo the 1 obstructions and iid up or drain the places w here tho burses would mire or i the machine, plow up the ground. The iced drill is of but little usu. unless n i perfect seed bed is made to woik it The corn, planters and potato plant ers that work by hor-e power, very quickly suggest that they do tho b st work when the laud is well plowed, and well pulverized by harrowing, and the potato diggers and bean. pull ing machines will not work well if the laud is allowed t become foal with weeds that will choke up the machines. Much the same thing might bo said of ninny of tho machine used in tho Southern Stales, and others uiscd iu the Northern States, but enough lias bc:n sail to show that the farmer who has a first-class machine has got to live up to it" in the other branches of his farming. Boston Cultivator. FXliTAIll.K lHltKS. The best and only thing to do when your horse is excited is to call him down. This is best done by getting to the horso's head and talking to him and gcntlr rubbing his face and other wise diverting his attention from the came of Li fright. If the horse is sullen or angry the same treatment will be found beneficial. In a high state of excitement !bc horse does noi comprehend what you want ar.d it is usoless, worse than folly, to attempt Vj beat lite fright out of s Lorec. All men are excitable more or leu; some more, and very many unreason ably so. What would bo tho effect of trying to abuse one of the so red neiuhtl, excitable men into being calm and considerate whon under tho in tlueiico of pasdoil? It would certain ly end in disaster to soniob dy and this may explain tho consistency in M)itio horses kicking tho end-gato out of iho wagon mid otherwise demolish ing tilings when the whip is laid on his back because he got scared and excited ah. nit something. The best thing for the driver to do Is to keep calm and u-e common senso at all times in hand ing the team. When a horso understands that ho is not to bo hurt ho will not bo excited or timcasoiiablp, unless of a devilish disposition. Such cases require specia' treatment, and the judgment of tho driver will determine tho success of his work in handing the horse. Al ways take time lo quiet an excited horse. When you get a young animal to understand your commands (heie is not much dillieuliy in directing its e uirsc. Avoid, if possible, bringing 'he excitable horse in contact with that which unnerves him. Southern Cultivator. I-A KM ASH ll IKI'I'N V t ITS, I The third week is a critical pe 1 in tin; life of a chiek. ioil I The game is valuable a a , , t n or Hiiiliiin. S w selery seed in the hut boil after dm earlier plants have lei u taken out and lraiip!anfed. In spra ing care mint be taken no; lo have the mixture loo strong, or tho foliagt will be injured. :ie of the mo-: important items in making erisp, tender vegetables is a quick, vigorous growth. The Canadian lice .Journal says that for years general farming has u it paid so well as bce-iai-ing. In -owing l he seed f. rail root crops it is Lest t (ho plenty, and then thin mil aficr the pi mis come up well. Tin i" is no advan age in now, ling I ho plants either in the garden nr orchard. I'iaiits mii-t have p. only of 1 OOlil. To cultivate pii'a: oes to p -i fee ion, they shou d be planted i.i a deep, licit, black, sandy loam, wiih n.iiiitai drainage. (icnet.i ly the covering givci to the. eed can be iletei mined by is si... -viol Weight. Light, tender seeds are often c iVeted too deep. I i iid t .lining i.l go t! ipiali' ie, in ; he it o Iwrw i-e be dormati!, lev mini- e t!t it would tit the train. ing must ho judicious. W i : li nearly or quite all field crops the I.e-t .and m -! economical itnple-ii-. tit with ulitili to coiumeiico iho cut ivation is a good ha cow. ittcr owdcrcd ling po.d i i In stabli li it coal the ..butt tin- ill itud, will be foil id to be a capital d;j I r. When plants are transplanted from a bo'-bed or seed-bed in many ca-es it will pay to t hocou . lily wet the soil I two or three hours before taking tho j hllllS up. ta!s contain a greater ptoportiin i of II h-foriniiig elements and corn a jgieat'T proportion of fat-forming i iveni -tits. Tilts is w hv oat-, are a so much hi t er feed for b n cs When the miro is worked while suckling her foal, care shoit'd be taken to id her cool nil bi-foie the cdt is alio we I lo suck, railing to .lo this is of. en the r iue of sickness, Uee-kerpers ddl-r as to whether ceni Mit. sand, or earth is the in'st ll inring for a cellar in which bees i:e wintered. Ail agree that a bu-li-l t utile, is an excellent thing in iho eiiar. 1 tiring tho brcding reason the stal ii "ll should not be allowed lo gel too fat; fat s ti lions are not urO foal geitirs and d not geinially get vigotou. hwalthy oti-pring. At this time care in feeding is an important item. The Apple Blossom Weeiil. The l'.ntish Hoard of Agriculture is endeavoring lo arouse the apple grow ers of Knglaud to imitate their French competitors and take combined acticn against the ai pic blossom weevil, which has done incredible damage to apple crops in recent yeurs. The rav ages of this minute insect are often erroneously attributed to the cast wind or Lite frosis, nnd even when the true nature of evil is recogni.-d it i use less for one cultivator to incur the trouble and expense to remove it if his neighbors allow it to increase and multiply in tccurity ad around. One weevil, it is said, will lay twenty eggs, placing one only in each bud of in apple blossom, th re to 1m; hatched and nourished upon the fruitful por tion of the flower to tho destruction of all hope i.f apples. In Fiance apple growers in a village form an association, ami, sei. ng an appropri ate moment, make a comhiiu'd raid on the invaders of a I the trees in the parish. In one orchard of about eight acres, scores of lUAitiaigls of weevils were shaken from tho' trees and de stroyed, and a satisfactory nop apples afterward was obtained. Ql'AI.VT ASD (THIOL'S. rUiitcr-schotch is another iinmo f Jr tally. On board ship the day is divided into seven "watches." The South African milk tree pro duces a good substitute for cow's I milk. t Too usn of separate pews in churches ; dates back only to Iho time of tho Reformation. ! The largest cantilever bridge in the ; I'nited States is al the Needles, San ; I'.ecnacdo County, Cal. Length of I span, Hiit) fee'. ! Tho skin of the whale is thicker than that of any in her animal. In some places it reaches a thickness of several inches, A War,' itieton rook declares that n grasshopper soup properly made by a competent cook is one of the most 1 tilatabie of dishes. There are more bee-hives in th:' ! I'liilcd Slates, where there are J,,i",- mm, than in any other country, j i recce, famous for its love of honey, j litis only H'Man' hives. j The m ico of the Sp-aker of the 1 I ', i ins!, I oue of 'omm nis is a nota ble historical relic, for it was the, Itiaee which was earth d before King j t'narles 1. a- he to the scat'- j fold. j A person mi whoc land a witter , coiii-e runs from a natural spring : einnot leg iil, either ue or dispose of the water so as to materially diminish j the ll w tin ic if upon other people's ' property. j A lltvie (France jeweller, w Ini h is tin alternating current li aii-fociner in the I'.i-eiiient beneath his store, has ! placed an iron gr;l i,, r ,,ec it, and iu (hi- way waims bis place al ll.e elec tric couipaui 's e peii.-c. At Williamson, M ch., a well went dry and the miner iiivc-tiga-liou. The well was "I feet deep, and, tituige a it may siein, lie can- of its fat. ing w as that a w i.imv lice bad sent its loots to the bottom and sucked It dry. A recently retiirnul tr.aieh r a s he : Saw lhee odd signs di-p'-iyed in l.oii ifri, Luglaml: Thunder V '.,"' -.1. I!. IU i-." !!.! i-nd. I I ..r ,v ,," Itlldwitle. liner Co.." o',ac,- - I'cntv." ('. Heaven-" iitel (ii.iii y- othei . e.pially .as odd. , t oc foi in of in-ects rest inbles a T"k''ii hit ot' bamboo, and anoihec is p! o l.eil with llltl'4. di-ti ilmicd in j sin h ti Hay as to make it appear m rr. ; grown iih moss. (Lhers have a-. Mt.iie I iheii fiim ami c-.lor for the obj. cl of c. itching their prey. j A man who was attending the er- J coiidiic c.J by the IJev. W. II. j CI olden, iu l.ii , liecame e.i-itei ,,'id ! hi n od ( ,o and tlien fell tin- I i- 1 1 - i 1 1 -, I e in a i n i tig i u that coliditi 'll fo; an lemr. t n coining to lie cm pie ed the cviaiiialom by "ry," -honing thai his mouth had ' been set to say tilory,-' bitt at the j l ist liable animation was suspended i and when the enes wote resiorc 1 1 (he lips had M complete iln; wnr I. j When I, iil Ne'smi wtis bin ii d in . St. Caul's ( ilbediti. iu I. Iidou. tin'! heart of till I. inland was stirred. The proces-ioii passed on amid the sobbing of a nation. T,,ere were trumpet ers stationed at I he door nf Mie Cathed ral, with instruments if um-ic in hand, waiting ft r the -ina!, and when tho il ustrioiis dead atr.Vid Bt the gates of St. 1'aui's t alhedral, the-e j lio tniiii e i t s gave i nc united blast and then all was silent. ; A Moid Case. About the middle of February lat, ttirobed A-adoorian, feinmily if lacks in, M,, ti., but now a ib a'.i r iu Turkish iii vrl; ies at tiratul Uapid-, took cut full iiatniiili ition paper-. A novel object led him to do ihis. ll nviii- on leaving Turkey be left be hind him a wife and sou whom he dearly loved, but now, having become established in this country and intend ing slaying here, be found in a curious predicament. He was very anxious to have his wife and urn join him, but a Turkish law in force fur- bid their leaving the country. After much thought on the subject he did as ubovfl st ited, sj as lo Mvure the aid i f the authorities al Wa-hingtou iu bis undertaking. This he could do, being a natural i.ed citizen, lie m ule know u to Secretary of Mate lllaine his wishes, and on the grotitnl that Mrs. Asadoo. rian was the wife of a naturalized citizen of the I'nited Slates, a reqifst was sent to the Sultan for permission for her lawful departure to coinu to this country. This, of course, could not be ignored, coming diplomatically from the Secretary of S ale, and 'he S'.iltan has jut sent word that Mrs. Asodoiiiiati and sou will start. Tin case has created am- amount .if -p. i il lation, as it is a very n , usual pro ceeding. It is thought to bo the lirst case of the kind on record. Some Time Airo. Studious F.oy Father, d al you ever study arithmetic? hither (indignantly) Of course I studied arithmetic. Studious Hoy Well, I can't find the cube root of Father (hastily ) Il's a long timr since I studied it. fJood News. Trugfn Joklnjf. A 'etnnrti it.le story of practical 'il.i' g iy Mined of a young French in. i:i i.i 1',,, uvenirs Pnn Vloii I.ii.r iiro" Tin; old fable of the buy iv I o iric! "wolf" I often has had lew :; n 1. Ifij.ic illii..t';Uinii9 In fact. OsWil.l.ii :v:tly .ir.d original Pitrishm, b id a i wiia fo- jnkiiig. Iln V.vs ver, :ii!M::n; (h ii friends, but wlrm it's i :ie' t-- Acre exerted to iiMn :i none v.otig litcio wtts nioro I itte ne. thiiii fun in his wit. 'ii m-- tiitig. i:c;t ,i man who hid tint tte.tte l ,;n iiiitnly gaie a recep tion, lie revenged himself crttellv. The man was slight ly deformed. All the bim lib.-icks of I'iiris. Ihe luindred In ii.iiii!i.-; pn-s. pt. d iheniselves ;tt his ie -cpi i, hi. 'i":i. v had received if i lici s frnm o.swiild tint if they wo-il I go to I his itddicss. mi this evening, tltei v.mii;. I Icit'll":' ;t legacy which had beep left h in. W lien a plitv. written I y a man who had ;n:!sod li s ain.c,' by reading tl to w paper ;i I he w eihl t n r ,,f 0., ,,f his liieipls, was ptiiiliice,!, h, pre VCl.ted ils success In indtli'lllg tWf lititilfi d and lirtv.if his friends ! itttetiti it citrrying gi'. ;it ln.oks. These yuiitig me ii. who oe, njiietl prominent peals, read their bonks white the per formance was going ici, ami whenever there was any applause cii -li one of tliiin. as if moved by clockwork, turned ou r a leaf. 'I in- rustling of the leaves ami ih sputa.'!,. ,,f tin men ahs.irbod iu te.i'lirg made tho pefnl'lli.iiieo a t.ui ;!, te failtpe. Oswald's irii lids were always on the link Hit b t' some ruse. lleonce ii ilith d l h ii! that mi New Ye ar's day he shniihi g, i (he Im si of them ;t 1 1 in smile jnl.e, itial New " t-.-tr's upon ng each recdved til's t.otice: llemctii ber." Tin y were nti the r gutird. As they were le.'llill a hi where they had b:e;il.!;ist d. (Kwa d sudden ly Slipped oil tile s!i pS it tit I fell nil Itis hack mi the sidewalk. His fib-mis rushed tn h;.. iissistillice. but paused before i le y reached liim. "Tllis i, bis l'l!(" Sollle ne said. Cliiiriy. t in- man who was so pminl pf his for mimicry wtis b. m i u llecei itii; ti. in :il into th lilting hitii (l dying iiiiin. f if he lay t In r tin ailing pitifuliy. he. la Ir.iwn and t wist-d us if with terrible pain. 1 1 is. !r:t tels stnnd ;iri,i::id atnl made jokes , in I litis, mnl luiiiini-. I liip snf fomie snugs, assuring bit:, ad t h While that ih-.i v.'.tc id i.e, :vd by his a-ling. At hist he g.v.e a lc ,lt -e, mtniinfiil cry. in d,e, at s-:.;i. ntld t I'.n . e-lsi-d Pi ;i ,;(i I,,' l il he. In a li". -be-t'n.g n i e, p; nf horror and -rt . . his tn, p I. r aiiz.ed that t iswe.ld was dead. I'ni 'e srloiin l-'lhii-l'i:i:n. liven a 'u'.'iiii! : .i r i i'l e,-; ltlie i'l Mi . C.l ! il i I.I t j. I s s .ill,-1 lilies wheil f':i t! gtt.g in tii-y back .ind f.. (!,. The ti-tegf t ii . : .-raioi- ,it i ip. 1 1 . ,, ' l'e:ili.-e- 'r- faei, itnd isiii men mil tn i en w ii ii rave untie i i;e s i me thing lb t i,e del wi:h in: i iit'ti'i ii .'. Mie I it: 1 1 ' ! is! w- -k ,- gue-t ..f he lintel l:e'..i I .ll ; un-...i - ,,. operator .-u.-ite-l t he v. ud- ;m up. Ilnllltce.; !li it the eiiiirgt' ;. ,'n cents. 'J'h. get. i pi liar.d.'d nver n ?l" l i... wliicli th" i p !.,(! mis-t-H.k for :i 1 bill, an,! e.n.. ,m, ,:u-'K $ half a do.ia:-. T!ie ot otl.-;,ian 1 ;t the hnti'l -a it !t oi:t nc!;. -ipg the mis. take. I'icsciitiy he ili-.i.v.Tcd it, ntld reluriiid t" tin nteiMtuiC, desk. 'an't that a si'i bill I ;;ave ,ini a While Jig '" he st. . Tie- , p.- bis diawrr nnd ! ike. I at lit" ml:. "W'ltN. ye..- he .v.e.nm,.,!. "I though! ii was a .r jt jR," and b" liai: ),. 1 ,.. i it.-' bh:. "Now I nwe Vnii 'ei ce;l ., " s;iid 'he gepl ti tliiiti. "I ih, im, ynii ii !', '." -:i:d ihen peril t'T. "t h. us. I iln," i.'t '.I- d the gi pile man. "Tin' li'li i' .in we. .'.o cents. ynii It ii .iv." A'i i half .b-llar an ! il ' I't.i inii. t!i it remarke I the ,,- e st.-iihi-k. , per, ".in i pee it.'' uiuc'ti." r. rt itnl lie s And the up. T.ltur It lU'tire it i. nl oil i Nevis. i I li d ..UT ti !l I V CefU.' : I.. the ..i..k citi't make hitii fttel the book- In .'-nl .'.I Cl llls.'' I e ii I n i ii 4 ii . .i ii ii ih 'I lie. Have .' Viol, li, l-Hin. It i-. --ii id I bat .r tli' r-'ivpt i hi piVetl bl Mis. I '('!' I'.llliier tn the 110 (..lilfre-stlleti. 1 -il W.-leni eti'iptte was -If c'.rd ;.t In.- p-r-forin itice i f s e:.e i.f it, one-!,. Tiles- I I il 1 1 pr, s t !;..! i,-, , aeh bmu.'ht I; i wit".- at; 1 children, and , thru if" nf th" ' hnii-.r-i!.'.' in tiit..r fnuti Texas-' o;n:ie m a linen du-!"r ' and pi;t her HnM l i sj, ,.p j:i the library at in i. '., .'. An iih. r orf fprifiir if this s:i ii,. T, family niuuse hers, if i v -ketii, mi the np saic ll i ii of th" dr:i iti ' r.niin! ! lien, lit, ol i'llKltl'l 1. le..tljt.liev. Ktij-'l.iiid's p.isse-s ,ii ..; K.'i ;,; lias be. n :i source ..f v.isi . ie-;:t t i the land nf in,, i'harte.hs. Imriti.: her 111 e .1 i ill's' occupancy e,.,,! ej.iMlll- : nietit h i- I i s'lb.: it n!i d f, ,r ti bad fine, i jlitii-h ili'S 'd i'.lstice fnr nppres- sh.n. a sniimi Mi ;iti iai .udii inn fur a ivn telp d . !,". and .an etlii'i -tit army fm a imrthlcss im,.. T.i; b.;ts been r.'d'itsj ii, the extent ..: a'nmf ti tn i i I i-.n ;; vear. the eon litimi nf tn j peasants has been improved, and the , treasury hn a surplus nf ,.v r three millions. s-.toil.-a e; ,:-:i rc,. ..vr I"1" In i 1 ,i ft it'eb'-r am e:j I -r .njeti.-:it . .mm il. Vlhpn Trnvi-Mng 1:-' LIT :. ; t' t-a.-e ! -r or n i . r,,, .),,, on 'vert- rr. i h 't; . ,, s-.t i i ,, r,... -9 ,j sen me-! plei unity ant i-rTec iv,. t i 1 kid nor. Itvcr a-i 1 Ih.i.-cK prevorn, ; rv.-r., Ir nl el e a,, j o'b-r fur ti, ..f i, ka t. Knr Mifin'.i.pi-njijn,.,-. P1 i,j :eija. drui-,-istb. 'I i.e t: r : liar .p.-mi l-l v l-t -e . v.- in i'ti f rnia. ' f,- w.te nl leiv r.. -r I'.t w k.. Hrrtrnln; M nt. r.y ir, iTs.:. lillnwV. :. :. P. i-vrs ; i. ;iv-;. -i ., Xl.i Una. Pi ., i- . . , ,, i,,...,. a b i i-v. !ii , h M:.-li.-i h. .i - ;. ,.,-,. in fie MTV ..:.. :,.r .v nr n... Mtithert. tt 4 ,t .i i.fti uini chi ii; en. Th ' m;i'i'n jf i i' ih" v' ti " b in" is ' r i v lohoit ! v I'., .Tiil Is :..i-iti-s. tip . Ic:!!": is clear. I 'nHi r all .-1 i i ini -a an.'-., ninli r e.M cotnli . i :, t .iri'tei- till l:.,ii'Tn i'. P.r t.Hi rni ine tt ; i ,;. a-n Iiy nr.- ail In H.i.n !.'-. Ail itn:.;". Itllv ' nis. Tb. r.- are pi 1 ora to every b pi-'-s i h n innre hoy- ! p la Infancy tinni u r!. - - - I I e fTI rt t f -nr n- I t 1 1 r ' I - I'Voif ,,n'-Kv..H'.i- n,. ., r five nii'iths nt lh.' let'il ! ilsf i ia l-jnlon, I tn jUntl, is tuUe ot Aiarncaa wheal. A REARKADLR LETTER. A t'roDilocni frofe.lonl lino's Kairaor lllunry (Sialrmrnt. (.v. y. tSiia.j TathrKdHor: t-tn 4s my nnmsnnil aes li-vpatip- t. in y air isier nnd tlm piibhe prints Idle,,', an 1 nsinsnv ot my profesiion d PrethriMi are won lei'ine; :.i II, I leel I' onlv just that I shout,! ma te an explan ition. I he ttt inent iul.lihH.l ovee my nam inn.ltt tnn vers aa al tec Ion ; and in il are iiivrsli;iitiori, anil j have never eluing ! inv m nt ns to I ln facts then stale I. AWhat tutu1 I suiil.nsa hysieisii.tlint 1 believe 1 Warner's S.Vf I 'are was t hit b 'st of all known prepaiM- lions lor lh Inml'li" it was n.lveeati .1 to ere, i n so; so xtrl. 1 known it H e on si I, reil llin proper thin- for tint in. l eal profession to !ecrv prop: letary n I o her nlvei'ttsi' I arli ei' t ut hv i-li mi l tin y ilo o As the lute Hr. J. 'S. llolliinl. wr.liu: ever his own ii.iino in Scrih,ri '.i Mcnlhl'.i, in I. "It i n fact that many nf the bosr pro. priettirv ii:e.he:ni"s o! Ihe -lay nhi mor-' s.i -essful titan niiinv phvMii in-, mil mot of Hi, -to were tir-t tlisv.vcrcil or u c.l In man it me ' i i netice; wlicn, however, liny p' r soii knowing taeir virni- and f- r i":; their popularity siciues ami mix 1 1 1 1 h in, in the opinion ot th- PUotel till vil la . l I n I ut ot tllHIII." Ir. Holland vtas nil e liicated, mi luipreju I.e.) ! ob-envr, an 1 lie sp !..' Ironi a l.roa I all 1 xp "l i-uce. I'l'o prielarv meihciii s fh nilil li 't I - l I . I l:e cvi lence. of their vain ore overw li lin ing. I love sihii put euts riciver lioai travel, ii lluiiniHt.on of tlm PI i I I. r mi l llritit's ilis-ase ntt t 11.1114 iVaraer's Si e fure. 1 veil lien all other treatment faile I. I 111 ike tlii" fr.iulion lout-pn-feu statement, in im- interests of laitiiHinl v nil I ! caiisi I know if to be trm. I trust tor the miii.u reus hi, will rivh it to Hie pulilie. llesp.ctfuliv. II. A. (iCNN. n l'.M HVsf Fm In seventh shut, .Vi ic York. Vmc'i 1. The lib' ligintil el .lupiii, vim call tlii'iieeiM s Ainu-. uninlnTi il ill IS", IT,- I ii ', in"liiiling ,s4r.'i 1111 11 mnl s.Vs; nnnieii. Dpafurps I'Bu'i br Cured Hy lnciil npjilii aliens. n. tin y rnntiet reach tli iIisi hm iI . ui iie 11 i.f il,,. cur. There l-nnit one ) In cure il- ufness. ami llml is Pv emi-i n 11 tinlmt t'euieilii-s I 'rafin--s 1 . 1 aiN, l i ,-.!, lU- II Ul. eil ciiliillttoll of Ihe IllIM nil- hliilite 11I I no Mll-tlichiilll 'I'lllH'. Mllell .his lull,. (et-lH in. Itiiiut-il ni hntea ntii't 'i:, si.iiml nr 11111 r- f'-t I llt'fir'liK. When It is ,-, ,.y r,.-til, tleiifiH-ss Is ihe rt-still. nil I milt .--I he inliaia uiiointi can h Inkt-tt (ml anil this fat-i re . 1 - I toils hniiiiH! ini 1 1 ! hi. In 111 mi; will I l,--l 1 . i 11I fnit v.r. i.ii.t in-.s 1 in-, il In filial : li. l.ieli 1- I'otliinir hut 11 11 m- tl o:.. il c.n.ilil -nil nf Ihe llii:ci.i:s Hi c. Mfi'ill .it. line lliiiiiiiiil 1 1, .1 In 1 -. inrniiT ens,-nf ip'tiftie-- 1 aii-i ii lo cionrrto Ih.'it tie cmi.iu'I cure h lakii. lliiii's I'.'tiiirrh (.'are. fvii.l fur circn'ars. !r,.,.. r . .1. 1 iifc.Nti il' CO.. Toledo. 0. f-ii!i tiy lini..jilsis, i'S'. 'I In hirgfsi piece nf mphtilliPit ever m'in-1 in 1 alitnriiia is :;..teii eel near Stuitii H.'i b oa, ll w i-igb i ng two an I olie-hal t t m. .Mai shia 1 nre-1 anil cr etic.iU'il fran the s'. stein h llrnwii's Inii lii'tir-. w l.ii - r eh,'- I iif hi I, lone- lit" In rv i-s. I lit- ill ,e-- 1 Al't1- like 11 Cll.trtll H I pl'I'SOtiS III I'l lll-lill III I. nihil, n ii.! new eiicrv ml Kttaiitli. Nine yuiitig inea are abinit p, nail, tr.-iu 'in rieu-, 1 i.i., In Cliiea.-o, I II , a ilpl.ut nt I ion niiu-s by load, 011 a iwitiT. I'F.I'i II l's Pit l.s hi t like la.iuii nti th. I'-.ois. lust co:n;ti va.ii mnl Priti,; I at , I in- ke-ll i-lte el' ,i. ctlte. "letian:i" i .1 Spanish wnr. I, riniiiin t'.iir nr piii-pi roiis wi-.nher. In the Spring Ninth cMithnih 1 iiils 11 .ikI n.til.i .1 e. Tie 'M.init ,1 '.thiiii lute 11 .-I'tiiiilali-'l ih 'i.i ml ibn-it.i; Una. He Inu-l t .- rt ., !,. .1 irtil.-ii ihi-mil I lint-i. I n. hi..! lie i-fl. i ! I rai itu- :r ;- i-i. li.e ! ..'I t huh!, -in t.. m t- ii-llli ht ill It':. I t nf .i.llli s, rii.ll- t j -., :1 .... ' r- tnel k a hie -ai . '--e of H... I'P -nr-apo'llla. .i a I I le-lilitti t-el I r-n-f I leis tii-i-iti-.l n: .k.- i -.ti-rlnt- jinir intitliii i.i l-. Ii i.- :hi- ' i-h i.i tti :r.r 'i .tn inc." " It Is InvaluabJo." " I have l:-fl H.inil's .s-iir-.t anlla la lilt l.oi;. ili fur t !n-p.i-t fne.r ? . tir-. .out for n t io t -:.: i bl. .1 put it im- in. upt i .-.r. it t-hit ..In ithle n-a -prai ; 1 t lie : it l:o tenr.ile- Inn wlmle -t-ti-lli lOlil t . .-- 'ip III.- sli,,.;.i h. a i l sun-" I l.ciiiii a. i, with'. :nr..i- io:;:.i I iiltin- - I. ike si tm-.i! l .-ttlr- In !!, . spfil -itul. u- iii-i-.e r..iiltie -. 1 1:, ti-l I I he" I.. I . nil M v, Ann ha. I ota. food's Sarsaparilla ures I., r.-;i -l.s fn. ii--i-re in s t ll.ieil'- -.irillti. ll I- IVrtih.o- I.. 1 1 -. if. HOOD'S TUX'S e'iri lite! ih-. i tipl- ti, :i. l-ilinii-ei . i.ttiM I i ... -ii it !.. .i-l.i. I.e. CURES SCROFULA Mr. F. ,T. n.-vcll, Meilfi rt. V., fay-, r.. r Jia t'e ure.l f SerefuU l y t'.n i- o i f huitloii of (Kfflrf af' r t1"'1'- 1,1 mm -IuuIht treat- KiljfcsEfiJ men', a ml l-'i'' reiliiee'l ti quite a nw c o.ilttio i nf health, a it vas thought the I'nuhl li.f. f.f hen tiluhap. n'an-l all i a . ar I hail f.i-c Kef vptiiti-all Iti'i1 I nf his I w a rover', whet! riranf Ati'wlm ttlpKcureJIiiin.aiiilno fjniiitiniis of the disease remain. Mrs. T. I.. M TitrR. Mathn ill., 511-9. DR.KILMi-Ha Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Rlieiiiiinlism. I,timln(T't. p'n in iMnt-irUi. k. I mi k !n-t in Lr:m tn-tjucpt u-ntarion. iiiti.ttunti'Hi, vravt'i. ul'fMitnin or t trtrr!t l iiaT. DisorcSered Liver, !mTTrr-f! lir titin (font. Ml!inu-..pfH'inrli3. M A yt FKOlT ii: - fci-Ut. v .lii'. nr . I.-.i 'rij-, urinary trouble .r:uht 0-4Jk Impure Illood, -t.-r' ftilj. msisrtu. K'nl weukries-i ..nleliilitV. ..icri-t rrr,. nr.ef ii i-.l-'r Itnlt-u r:.',-.l. I'iupiui ill rti-.. l l . -..-i li t-i-n. r -. . tt RrilKuIMN, ,',te. Size. l.i0 Sit.-. Tutt's Tiny Pills the dyipeptir to vJ 1tntt vi rfi ho v.'Ulit. Thry rait? Hit CimhI iu:--r. MiiuMntf anl r.onrth thr ImxIv. C''t4a KlsVt altOWQ lit til'llt i. DOOOOOOUC 111 ' Cnrnl my li'Uels.y tary fernfiita rXe MM JLhJp 1mitSS3 1 S5 .0 0 Hand-Sewed S-l'G''E'l" coPVBiotrr iaa A e;r of lir&ntM is due- trnon mo sv.sieiu n weiineiieii, I ami the Mood impure It's what i you must expect. 1 P.i't it's what you mutt prevent, ten. And Dr. Pierre's (Joldeti Med ical Discovery jirevents ns will aa ettns. It inviejorates tlio fiver find kidney?, purities and enriches the blond", sliiiriitis the appetite, iin- , proves digestion, and restores hcallli ; and ritretith. l'or D,vspcpsi;, "Liver Complaint," and cvety inrin : of Scrofulous, Skin, or Scalp Dis eases, as S;ilt llieiim, Tetter, Ery sipelas, or any Mood-taint, it's an ! uni'(tialed remedy. Jt's not like tho narsaparillas, v.liich claim to lie pood for the ' Mood in March, April and May. At all seasons alike, and in all casi'S, the "Discovery" alone- is gnttrni- i . '7. If it, doesn't benefit, or ctiri', you have your money back. It's tl'fi chfiprt Mood purlfirr, no ; matter liw mtiny duses are offered i f. r a dnhar, fur' you pay otily fur the iirt yon p't. I?ut it'rt the ; ln.-t, or it couldn't bo Hold so. . bcotts r.mtiis'on nl ton ! liver nil is an easy foo-1 it is I morf than fond, if yof please; i but it is a food to brin bach phimpnoss to those v.'ho , . have Ust it. i Doyoti know what it i-; to ' be plump ? Thinness is poverty, livini: I i'ro.n hand to ninutli. To be ! plump is to have al'ttle more '.han enough, a reserve I? you want a reserve of alth ? Let us send you a hook on a u Fill, i r. im. , five. AXLE il G R E AS E IM'-T l Til I'. M OK I. II. i . i ii, r,n - nr- .m. ii ..i. ,. I. i'..Miv I - lliri-l' l-.-..- .-. II" r '. .1 ' i i. .i t.i.T tim: ;t.M im.. - If. I I'l Ll M " i.i S i I' 1 1 I.l . S t.-ni. I..H.., t l-H.. lr-p..-t.Kfc. ' '- !. . iih'. '-M.ii- . ,.i,C JjtJ.ik, ,., ,1 t ,,;-, i.l , lAiloAPtvrr,.':;,-' y,1:; tf fOttV-afcaMiirili Mmik-. Mi.i,... W -'mwrS.i-Mi-. nun., in:. m..i ' C'ciIN . oe -'''In f s ... I ..sVS' SRlN i.rl'u Il.ilr. I' ii i-t, UvitAv anj JSie ,,".,." , ''.x) 6oMr,l'5rJee..n.,,i,:.i,.,,t,'- 1 j ,,:L,.r,!.:";r!st'iv:i,trB'.... Vfi , l'1'" ,"m'' rirrl1 Ih 1 I m-7jr:zvw lOARFIELB " . . IM 'H AXLE muz TIIKCOSTISTriF VlL ' A? TtH tJ ItA.iJ. , . I'ii - sVJt. i i '-:-'-- , -J. sj...-j - The Hartman Steel Picket Fence I freU'i. . :l..1-i ..ll i.r.l l.tirt . til il- . .. .1 . I r H..i et.-tni. .11 n-i 111 i -: ..i i ii. He- i'rn.i.i 1 ""I' ! I" . ;.;';!'. ) i.;;.'.'i's vw; I - i.o ' IIAKT'IAS .Ml'!.. I i. Itiiiyi I i TI;.ti -.. iili.!,i.iP,)H it li 1 1 r. . r ftl,r, ', n r. rr.rtkin nuni to A am 1 'l-a Foi Camc uia Conts. Sn styles J IfS EH V'rN.,n Pnoumiitic Cushion onrJ Solid Tires. Jt 5 B j I .,''.V' I L -"'' S,t- Dro.. ('.-.". it. W M ( 4n-f' fi' jrjk.ii jJ:p,ini I V '. :,''Vjv 7 , Stnctir mull GRAPK in Every Particular, i Si' fc n. ' lsnl ctut In itampi Tur our liKi p-.trt- illiisiruliil ea(.t-l ' 5i iiirtr'i i ii!to71tIiT lo!rue Of liiin. l.illn. Kef.ilors. Spiirllej liiii. is. ilr.l i JOHN P. UOVEUL AM MS CO., MffS., t With et-p St., BJSTON, MASS 3V. L DOUGLAS S3. For gaDtlrmen Is a linn Cull bo. niado renmlprs. rt Iho best lealtier pioilu.-otl In tlilr. country Tre-ro orr w tacka or wa tbroads to hurt tfca tout. onA Is r ado cs smooth loslrta as n bnD.fl soworl sho li Ii fis s'yllut:. eosy lining and durable an cuslcia mn4a Hiom oot.lns Irom $0O to JiSCO, and acktiowlndgad to be lita Best in the World for the price. St A f f Hand-Sewf d s3.50 ff-rt Extr Valus an nC Woriiin? mia'i Shos itsh,.. vx. ;jt Police and Vji'V"- - )ff5Hf 1 Farmer. rfrfMv 1 r.e.--r S2.00 C"iveL. uQf SCHOOL SHOES. ISTAKE NO SUBSTITUTES. If S DUTY y" owe to yourself a ail your f.imily, duriii th.-e hard tinier, to ntt the moit value fur vour nioncv. You can cei.i..tni" in vimr fnot wear if you piirrh.T-c V. I.. Dotijiia' Sl'.i-es. whieli, without ij-.u-stum, represent a ure.iter value for the money than nuy other tnalscs. A I ITI R.I W. L. DOUGLAS' namo nnd tho price Is stamped HUI IUl9i on the bottom cf each shoo, v.hich protects tho consumer against high prices and inferior shoes. Bewaro of dealers who acknowlodgo tho superiority of W. L. Douglas' Shoos by attempt ing to substituto other makes for them. Such tiutstitutions are fraud ulent, and subject to prosecution by law, for obtaining money u-ser false pretences. W. L. DOUCI.A3, Brockton, Mass. II nl ler .nlr in vour plHrf .mil ,Ilr.--el Irt l-'Helttr. -l..i.t '..i,',l. We iinil it ii-fi .1. IV.lnin- nee. Al.ltNT- tM'l U. l 1 1 1 al e .' v I i -i -. ... I, u i,c tu I-r t.utis I ban- i M-yt auil 4rrtl-c lbm t't 10 JKI iiupirr. . f'SuffUSt- 99 plo-lif iiArtnrs trr ltr-il mefor Heart Disease and one fr Kltcumatism, ' but did tuc ir im. I con.d not r.pcak aloud. Jivt-rytliini; that I took into the Stomrch tlistrc-sstd me. I (will Jiot flwp. I liad laken all kinds! of lneditiiies. TlirotiKli a! i n..inl,ltnr f .l rtit(t r.f Villi hookS- j j Jforurc(. )nlllc of Green's Aug- -t t,-,,. 0,,.i iAni. I am to-day Ktout. heartv and stronsr nud enjoy thc !ictof hcallli. August Flower saved inv life and s;avc me my health. Mrs. Sarah J Cox, Defiance, O. CHMLD BIRTH i"T77 - MADE EASY! " Motiifrs' l''s.rf " a stictitific ally pti'i'.itcd biiiiim ii;, rvery ingre dient of iree -ulfd uliiC and in roiKtiiiit use by the nitdisjl J'to fesr.i'.n. Thf C itiere. Iieiils .liecom biiu'iliii.ifii.iiii'rhit!u'iloiinkiiown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" ; VS M I. hi) all tltnt is rbiimcl for it A SI) M( ltl:.. ll SlioiU'iis I abor, I esscnsl'iiin, Ilinioishi'S I ).ini;cf to I lie nf , ,t Iter ati.t i'hil.1. Kook I.. " M- iTiif its " mailed I'ivU1, con t,iiini!H v.iIii.iMc inli'inution and voluntary testiniotiiali. Sfl.lie -n;i -sun tn t i ! ( .r i. 1 1 r.n .rt bott! BRADFIEID MEGIILAIOfl CO., tlnta.(U. fcol. I HY A I.I. Mil HOISTS, fir'ftyiiti ! rn hot c n;cnvrn I.Tili I' !. r.t.ii.irN, anrl lMinM whicli lla til", I liefitth.t , in. ,ni. I, ul II Tin; HMrii?t.illl S.nte I'-ihth H Urtllunt, Oflnr I 1itt. i .r.-ttit.'. .'eel tint rni- hi. rr Vit no tin 1 . r iit.iss ii.ii-kfi :e ttiili e-.r: , j.i'rrr..i.e. i i ..i. .i, ll.. , ll nl lM'ttl.f .... I. MS' iHf Kliil ft J nt rniullVA II I -r l'.lllil!.I.M, M n. r-j ,(. .!.-. KitiU tf. it' CI ll.'.ITl, I i.S.t li nlnl Is .n ..i.n. in. I'ln-I I'". Polli.w f..v..pv .-Vlti.l".il er ..l i e. I-' 'Im tri'ia fliifin' Ji.l I .., n I i.'liiri- I--- " '"I". -r " 1 1 ' "T -r ltite.tini'itf Jt t-r". .-. . th, ir , r.e- i m. i I', i -.n irliw Inf i.t.r.-e'sri-,.i.inl .1 lit . i..!,ie,f.i '1 I Ml fli.llrri i...,.hii.l .i'''-.l " li"" ' t I I....' I.' I-'.-. .1.1-5, Hlt:i;li".VsMt! 'II. Me .i.l.i-.,.e,.SI V.V.J --A nntiw Fia flrroT Tnoaroii,tb me?', iiotni! 'l rslcun of Eog-lar-l, tnys thut mure than hnifitf all ilisitnaps enuje from errors In diet Pit.4 f ir Free I'lrople of Curia-Id Tea to 319 Wat i'Ali ?!, New TorltCitf. S" H Ovxr.' vonn rf.alc ofbaitl am M-k llfsnilmch rrluriiiitfimili.ti lou ;turril'ii"l lilln. 11 X U ii st in.- I li l ,..-t- 1,,,-r...-,.. .-.eil-i- r a It :, in- llrd Hug .H ive iit y.ii t i Iti ltt m- fJB DUTCHEH 5 BEAD SHOT 1 r!rp i im t. ; . jSNTEDifiaS Mil- fill' Niii-i iv SiorU. in Im lu nllrr i ,i mi. rt. A liln-i miv nnnTiirno nuksehymek 171 A 1 DliUinLilC, aocHKs HOCHKSTEB, N. Y. MB. ll p.' r f.lll , .. t' i .III i 'ini-eilllll ; j I. . . I Mi 1IM. nil-, I'll. e.., Vai For LADIES. DoDgol. Dorjgols. sl.75 MI3SE8. For BOYS' & YOUTH'S. S2 s1.75 M-AL 9 Ufa 141 1 I . til f' Particular. iisiriili-il ral.-wl j lino. is. t te. 1 . 1 SHOE

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