FOR FARM AND GARDEN. I'RKffKitvisn 'X he bent time to pack egps is in March, April or May, ami tifrnin in the month of September, October or November. The safest ami most pop. ulnr plan for preserving eggs it the ono known ns liming, and the usual formula for the lime solution is twen ty pounds of fresh limo und ono pound ef salt to ten gallons of water. This amount will cover half a barrel of cgg. ni'N'r ltiiiitv tiik rows, rv,,,. , i i.i i. i ; .1 i.-. . mi . i II.' ' . " . . ' the mnk and renders it liable to sour- ..... , , . Milk taken froir. tin over-driven cow , . , would suir sooner thun under ,. . , ordinary rii-eiitnsttiiicc. Milk ef , . cooc, wnoiesiiiiie quality is necessary , ' 1 for the production of line nutter and , ' , cheee. Io have ood milk t lie rows must receive sjood. wholesome food ami water, uud must be treated kind ly. I'pon ibo quality of the milk largely depends tho quality of tho pro line t made therefrom. Tlie most skilled butter or rlice maker, crammed with ull tho scientific knowledge available, could not turn out a fine quality of butter or cheese from nu inferior quality of iniik. I American Ii.iiry maii. I'M I I V 1 OU Olli II slit's. While it is an undisputed fact that an orchard is one of the best places in which to establish a poultry yard, we have found poultry to be excellent for fruit trees. We have sixteen Sliockley apple trees, now feveu years old, standing in and around our poul'ry yards. Some of these standing direct ly in the inn of the fowls, have had as many apples as any live of the trees on the oniside. This is conclusive evidence that the one is beneficial to fhe oilier. The chickens destroy all bugs and oilier iiiM'els ihat prey upon the trees and truit ; at the same lime they keep down ali grass and weeds, an I keiqi the surface of iho ground scratched up and in a mellow condi tion, lluis promoting the health and vigor of il.o trees. Sonic have been! literally hanging wiih nice apples, and so heavily ladrii that we were eom ......l...t ... I- tl. !:...!.., i: .... i o, is.-,-,. ,,; o,o- , o p.uppe.. I lo Keep lliein irom breaking down. Shade is one of the indispensable about a poultry esiab.i-limenl dining the siiinuii'r nioiitiis, and it isceruiinly better and mme proti'abie lo have some variety of fruit. We, at the same lime, -ct the needed shade, while we m't a bouutifui -upply of .leliciou I'ruit, if of the ri-hi kind. We would certainly ailvisp ail lo have oiehards for poultry aiul poultry for orchards, for the one will be greatly bcuelited by the oilier. Mmi M v (oiide. j uiueh "ill la about t j.'i i;;s a jcar, .n urivi, ll"l!s s. j a t id these can generally be sold fot The most rlleciivc cure for a jump- I pi-i... (i,at r.-i n o,. a li;i,. less than '"i: Ions,, is a u.iol fi e. low o' j .-liieken egu. It -IpmiM reinem- Vtcnk fences are ihe cause of this j i.,.,, however, that ihe cost of fee,. trouble. if a I'.-nt.-o is made of ten i ,- ihe guineas ha- ii aei i.-iuiy been heavy rai.s with one mi i,ip ( n.oliinn-, while the hens of the com- 'tilth ! hold t!i anilil il. and staked ml,n f U have requited heavy feed tin' it eaiiuoi be pn.l.ed oil, no ! jug ai il,e year rmi -id. din' guinea lioise Iml a I o I'es-ionil junij. r wil ; hen il biin-inio lie- w did a biu r lliroiii.h it. .Iiimpini: be. ii cured nf l: e bad .i'1'i-iii. ihem with such a lliey Irive found livilli; lo I Use e ami have at'or. In I s( , ,.-,y In i,c. ferce ll I i ' !i cet oy.-r il I ward been qu 1 nisob' ot a fence that I hey coii;i! h.iVe easily jiiinpcd ovei pn-vioiis'v. A poke is iinsiehtly and inosliy u- le.. mill d.i nijeroiis, while Imihcd-wirr fence j, a imaiis oi siiiq ly ,n:t.,i- ilie lom of a hor-e. If any ki-ei o wiie feme is u.ed for horse- i1 -i.o.i il have alternate board Uih ihe ii.s a heavy board on lop. A hor-e-hioir leme is imi le-s than si feet. 1; i- a yreat pro tection to l fence to plow a deep fur row inside of it so us to throw th, horse's fret iu it when in the net of jumping. This is equal lo raising ihe fence two feet, if properly placed, which is about I wo from ihe boitoni of ihe fen.-,.. Another c lb c livo .Hid sale protection is a smooth, twisted band wire, stretched on the top of the fence mm foot iibnvp, or, if a rai' fence, alonj; ihe mill, lie of it, sn us lo prevent the hno from rising to the jump. - -New York Times. si A". IN WIIKAT. One of the crcai staph; products (,f America is when The wheat crop is seriously reduced in quantity and de. preeialcd in qua ity by four distinct diseases -i nst, bunt, smut and scab We shall talk about the last one in this article, because I here has been les written about it, and it promises to be of great inipoi taiiee. bast year seems to have boen the first year that thi disease dime into prominence. The experiment station of Indiana is the only one that lias published u bulletin on the disease, and this simply gives a ihort article describing Ihe efl'cct and probable source of the plant. The loss in this section from iho disease was great. My attention was first called to the fact tiiat about a week or two before harvest a great many houds were seem i ugly ripening too early and looked withered. I visited a lield and found one iu every six or seven heads that had the fungus upon it. The whole head is seldom destroyed. icu- 1 cra'ly toward ihe middle or top of the head tho grains wither, and lefoie tho ripening of the imaU'-H'ted part tho giumc9 ie covered w itli tho fungus, and the ripening spores give them n red color at the baso. All the farmers here know tho dUeueo. There has been little written about it became little is known of its peculiarities. Tho spore probably lights upon the grain while in bloom and germinates, sending out little threads that resem ble roots, which penetrate tho grain and suck from it the noui Uhing mat ter that should mature the fruit, l-'ind-ing an abundant supply of food these little hair roots branch oil and uin'ii- I ply iheniH-lvcs till th raiu is lii'ed ' with them Hie diseased part may ; ex eml to tlie stein mul lli"it'l'v injure I . '. . the part of the head above. It i- mi- i portant to know whether they pa; ,. .... ', , the winter in the spoie or wlit'llicr ., , , 1 tliev enter the stem at the tunc ot i . . ... ! gei munition ot the u heat ; .. ... i Itepiihlic. i I. Mils 1,1 IM s. j For the cost and trouble icquired in raising them guineas are among Ihe ; most I'll fn able fow's ihat can be rai-ed on the farm. They prefer to seek their own food iu the meadow and field, mid so long a- I y cm find pleiilv themselves, ilmv will not I come home to jrot it. In Ibis they eat j up a great number of worm and grubs, ami keep down bugs and beetles to a great extent. A good fl tek of the biuls need a hire,, laiiec. and every farm of any '. should he blessed with a few al leas:. It i not proliiable to attempt to rai-e llmui on small ranges, for they will not thrive When conpi'd up the same as the oilier barnyard fowls. A llock ( f abou' 'Jo will for icy over a farm of on to lot) acres, and by then persistence they uiil keep down all the bugs and in-ects. They will do more. They will help keep down many noxious Weeds and wild plant. The guineas are also the most trust worthy watchdog. If tauelit lo roost iu ihe hennery or close io ir, they will give Ihe loudest alarm as .m:i as .an enemy approaches. I'og-, toxcsainl hut ii a ii beings alike at 1 1 act t Imi r alien i lion, and thnv keen iiii th - sin ill cries ,,, .,.,.,,.... i. . i ,i, , I nun. nu- , ,, in., ii. ,. n in. . . great many pou' : ry iiien try lo keep a j few guineas in ilieir tl h K- imply n 11H, ! II p-'se of l 'lu ' b-' alal III j when caicUcii thieve- come I I he l.ciis a'.w ays hide ll : and ef en in very oii-cur 1 : i f one w.Ui lies i hem cap f':i II olllld. eli- !ics, aces, but ly iu l iie i-iy .iU e a -!.: i!i iirceilie; covered, noise wl ea-oii tl They al ii tl.ev c. i - in e ell the nest. and iliese ill win - ! t t; ,iy lie 111 to t !., ( II the watch. Ai. the hens of a ll 'ay ill one n.-sl, and i i ;icli a place it is not uncommon to tiud from I.e.' , Kueii guinea that is eood for brood of J on i;c niics, and t'n'-P call generally be sold at a-fair price. The. i'UL.'S can be hatched under ihe hens in the poulty-hoiise or in ihe i ucubalor. It takes about f. ur weeks for them to hatch. In rohbiiio ihe nests cire should be taken not io touch ,t with the ban Is. The iriiiiiivi hen can tell immediately if ihii bauds have lunched Ihe tiesj, ami she will leave il immediately, -i eking uno'leT p'ace. Hot if the eggs are renr Ved with a stick -he will never desert the imsi. even if the ei:gs iiie taken out nearly every day or two. -'Boston full ; ator. 1 I.M AMi ". MilH i 'II s. On n mild day every now and then open and thoroughly air tin- cellar. Farmers as well as other folks should lake time to ca', drink and s'eep. Hood shorts with brfin and a little corn make a good milking ration l'o. sows that are suekliiiL: pigs. Many girl, whose parents arc iu moderate circumstances, might obtain an income by raising poultry and lieiueinber I .si vein's mistaken jusv enough to avoid their repiiiiion, but do not brood or worry over their re sults. Not Wanted in hiini. In most oriental countries amongst the poorer ela-s ;irlH are at a -ad di--coiint. And ailaiitry is u flower thai is. choked to death liy Ihe abject strug gle w ith poverty. The gil'N bring bill little LLiist to (lie mill, but rat much bread, as much, indeed, as iheir brothers: tiiey are 1 therefore undesirable. In t'hin. i this is not widely and la mciitalily apparent ; it is said that in every large city there orphan asylum are to be found, established iui I sup ported every one by foreigners who save from ouiright murder thousands and tlniisiinds of female infants. Iiut : alas! inesi; are only a proportion of ; those who at birth are doomed to j a cruel fato as useless and ineonveii- j ieut. Argi.-py. j JUNEAU. Picturesque Scenes in the Me tropolis of Alaska. Characteristic Incidents In the Live3 of the Natives. diiuenu is ruinous for tho amateur photographer, who can reel off spools of film on the beach any ninny day. I'anees are being loaded or unloaded, or covered W it ll blankets to protect I them drawn high on shore, I Families and friends til on the sand, to gossip, eat ami trade. Aged relics j crawl out to sun themselves, and chil- tlren frolic and play. t uo boalmau splits his salmon and hangs them to dry, iiiul another h i a frame hanging full of drying seals. A worthy couplo j bring the tub out, ami lalheling their pet dog. give him such a sudsing and Sousing ii they never gave lliein- i selves. Ml i he w h u f at .hineau and j t'tl the ll.nits at louglas l-huul. In- j ili.uis are always fishing, a restful I occupation for i his large leisiua e'ass, in a land where leu-o'clock sun. : -ets make it seem ulwav afternoon. I And then, on steamer days, the nil- tivc it ock lo the wharf and the beach with hado'is, bracelets, spoons and : carvings for sale, the Indians being ' more alive lo the proti.s of tourist trade tl an the whites. The Indians were not so very siuip e iu trade w hen toiu isis began coining to Alaska, but ihe picseut absurd value put iip.'-n Iheir wnik i- all the work of tourists. Seven and (ighi w'.irs ago (hey trailed ihe am i ear ph uogi apher for hours, and foregrounded themselves every time he levelled hi eanmia.' I ua'ali !'' cries ih,. Indian woman now, hiding her s ),,(.. mealed fate at sight of a black box; and if not paid, thefauiily seem leady to tear ihe caimra fiend to piece-. :m day an old Indian wandered to the I'.t-hion 1',,ir, chose a piece of gieeuish yellow s.a'in, and producing a shoe, said I h.-.t he wauled a tires made to lit the woman who wore that shoe. A stieiitlst might have fur-ni-lie, ph; u.i.e for a bird from that much of a c'i w , but i In-little dressmaker w as i.elplo-s ili only a choc for a wai-t pvt-i ii. "Make it heap I ig for me." was .,' p;: e. shopper's la-i i . sou: ce, .and after trying it on, he o,ie, il up .and pi, ,1,1 e Another llliin cf iho put it iu a new basket, ' if!, to his ( 'uiikat home, ay the grcii mediciui! 'itku tribe bcacheil his Iim.l: canoe, ami -tro'.lcil up town iu gaily snipe I ha k,t, Willi sacred unkempt; ioeUs failing below his -Ii ml icr. lit two preity young wives waked with him, Iwin in ionks .111,1 iwlii, iii iheir ellow liead l.erchiefs, and tlaik blue blanket pal tci ncii a:.d bnrtl'-M cil with dneus a ' 1 gi es of -mad white buitous. Hi- oi.l v. if,, h.-bl.'cd behind tli-Mti. a willt-icd .1 t le woman td' cighly years, pra hi!i,d, nearly blind, bit' wealing the -oil and gentle e pi essoin of old age on la , poor, pa lent face. A few belli l iter I foi l I her sit'iug slatil Ut squc at lli i i.c'n ef ihe iiiider's slol i W hi was ni id w pending counter Thi f o inn in my w ,lh 11 11 - J XV -nneer T,i: k w 1 1 1 1 had to poi Ihe I'co he Indian I, is rival for Prince., the T.iku tribe. .at .liiacitu f Ihe Fa... I I. .lad i.i'lg Oill'V I he The a;; en.'f wi h a oil. I'm: Ii 'I I'll leauiue ,1 n If by a I l.i.:f 1 1 1 j i ' e d the coi;- F. ig e beau V " inalfh was -at iu laid H it old worn CI n an attitude tragic repose, n' , n d I ih.; wo u in-' fc t .1 .a a bent -lull r re calui and I - -t. p; ill. lit. in- i limbic, und:turbe. Volcano. The I. 'Miiiy -ai - ..I 1 Hear 1 1, t! am.i-k - he. k, pam, VCIIOVV tine sir.iieht uo-e ami splen I d cyc,i-ere no le-s remarkable than I , r se. f.p, itin, ,. r dignity ai.d r. p i-e of iu aimer, that she had not i..-i i veu during the incident of the in 1 1 i ii . dlni pei's Weekly. I'iishina iu Horses Mimes. The ma: '. r of h u-es' manes is an impel lant mie iu th - w orld of fashion. The f.i-hioii of .niching i- not us ptq u . ir a- i1 w.i-. but it is s'i.i prac ticed, (.-.efialiy on horses. is cru el, ton, a ihe neck of the horse js en tirely expo-ed t'i the a I lack of (Pes, but the mane can be allowed to grow out. I'loiuaii csihciic standpoint it improves s, horse, , but it js fatal to ihe looks f tub us. A loiig-eared. thin-necked horse with a closely roiiched mane looks fur all die world like a mule. I'ui iug -nine of the mane n.t is a Very general custom with hor.-c- whose tails are either ban gtil or,,d. It show's tho curve of dm ne k i ll to advantage, and make the animal look high bred., for a long bushy mane is eidom iho characteristic of a high bred horse. I Washington Star. A I'limbi'iir Machine. Among the thousand ami one re cently invented dental ami surgical appliances is an ingenious device cf French origin for producing; local paralysis of the nerves, in order that minor dental ami surgical operations may be p.tinlcs. It consist. of a glass tube tilled with a highly volatile liatlid. rChieatro Tim' QUAINT AND (THIOUS. Great Urilain Las about 18,000 land lords and 3M, 000.000 tenants. There are 512,107 telephones in nso in this country, requiring C'ii6,15i$ miles of wire. The public park in San Francisco, t'ol., recently received a coeoanut Ireo weighing six tons, from Honolulu. A carrier pigeon alighted in an ex hausted condition on a transatlantic j steamer recently man;' miles at sea. A Hindoo rajah lias bad an entire set of furniture made of glass, includ ing a huge bedstead and a sideboard. London existed long before the Ko mans visited the island. Its name is doiived from Lly n-l'in, "The Town on the Lake."' The Mnglisli ore equipping what they call corridor train, which are on very much the same principle as our vestibule trains. Five hundred thousand Londoner save live days per iiniiiiin each by rid ing on railways, a total saving of J, .m)o,o,ii) days, worth t's;io,oiio. In about sixty veins a walnut tree grown from the seed will attain a di ameter of f. ur feet, and if properly cut and seasoned will bo worth ?t"'"i. lr. 1 'lilting nf the Vermont Itoaid of Agriculture oiico counted lion ; hairs to Ihe -.piaie inch of a piece clipped from ihe pelt of a full-blooded ram. A Shasta Indian broke the egg. siting record by devouring thirly-'wo raw eggs at one silling, lie would put an ! egg in his mouth, crunch it ami ul- : low it, shell and nil. ' There are two ,ew tree in Ihe de partment of the l.ure, iu France, w hich are -uppo'etl to be loitd years old. They mea-ii ! about :h ami feel ill circumference respectively. What is cla.incd to be the plow t which (ifticral I'litiiulii left in ihe I'm row up in 'uniiecticut w hen he rushed to the defence of bis count ry, 1 I'! year ago. is exhibited iu front of a hardware sou- iu 1 aiiielonville, t'onii. (.'rocodilo egg are much sought nflcr by the natives of Madagascar, their fl ivor flo-ely resembling a mix I ture nf laucid oil and musk. In (ho I'acilic uud We-i In, liun islands lizard, .in, I lizard-.' eggs ar ' eaten in a variety of styles. I We owe the invention of visiting cards lo the riiine.c. S long ag ao the period of lie: Tong dynasty ' ills, '.l.'") visiting ear. Is were known toll's iu common u-e i u ( 'liina, and that is also the dat" ,,f the introduction of I ofptl .silken cords" which figure so i conspicuously on the ciigiigeiueiit I cards of that c niutry. ; Ten miles Irom I.oxiagt ui, X. I'., is n cave once used by I'.iuicl lioono as a letreat and rcnde? .us, and near it stood the mighty burner's rimitivo t abid. When this e ibni v;is destroyed some years ago the heart h-(,m- was saved, ami it wa sent in Chicago to form part of the Suite's exhibit at the Woi',1 s Fair. The origin of a nam of dread it, icceni yeais has been f mud iu a me teorological roe 'I'd kept :it 'cruiilos. t ' iliiliienl ing on the Ii- ol'Fcbiu- ' invalid March, 17t-'. ihi old docu ment stales ihat tlieiewas.i prevalence of colds ami iiitlainuialious ,,f t,0 chest at 'ersailles ami I'uri-, and that this lualadv was named by il.e King, Louis XV. . ". a (Irippo." Honey boos from somen he ro haunt the tbiwera nut blossoming tree of N't w York, especially the h,use cliest ii ii ; k. The blossoms of i his tree liaro a peculiar fas, dilation for bees of ail -oils, and in regions where bees are plentiful i he ri) i u noise a of a siMirin about each horse chestnut. It is an old tradition that ihe horse chest nut blossom remains an intoxicant , w hich makes ihe honey eeke drunk, and causes them to drop -enseles to the gioitud, where they become the j prey of ants. A Mn in I Voiiiiu' Mini. Small Young Man (toud morning, Mr. I'oiliion! Mr. (irascible old gent) I'm ah! ioo.l-nioi ii. Ueiuarkablc dog oil have w uh you. Ya-as; Siberian blond-hound; ter ribly savage: lakes tins ox-chain Ic hold him. If any one should even look ei'osi hi me this tlog would teai , him to pica yes, indeed. I'm go- j ing- to have hi iu killed. Too danger ous, you know.'' "I should sav so." Yi-as; must tin it in ihe interest of humanity, you know. !' the way, Mr. I'm! lion, your daughter lias accepted me, and 1 have tailed lo ask your consent.'' lie got it. New York Weekly. I.ikeil ii ( liaiige. Wagg Well, for my part I like to 1 see a man well dressed. Xjav, 1 never wear the same -n't twice. Wootlen Why, pardon me, but that i suit you're wearing now is the same one I saw you in a year ago and every day since. Wagg I lull you it's a different suit every day. Wooden Well, how do you make il out. Wagg It's nlwayi older. IHoston Courier. THE RUBBER OF COMMERCE, How It Is Gathered and Prepared for thi lHrlreti or tbe World. Central and Pouth America supply the hulk of tho crude rubber shipped to tin Karioua markets of the worm. BrA7.ll especially Is tho territory upon whiei lho commercial world relies, ami throughout tho entire Amazon rcgiot fire many valuable rubbor swamps. Cn. fortunately tho rookies, manner It which tho trees nro tapped tends to le. j titroy their vitality aiid fcara are well ' grounded that tho rubbor product will poon bo restricted to half of what It Is nt t present. The treeB are tapped lv gasht I I t elng cut In tho bork by hatofiets. ll the cut penetrates tho wood tho tree Is 1 doomed to tile, otherwise it will continm yleltlinn for thirty or forty years. ' Through tho recklessnesa of the natives . in tapping the trees ninny valuable rub ber swan ps have been partially ruined and tho Fame extriviiKunt system is being Introduced Into new regions. . The rubber trees of the Amazon val ley grow epontaut ously and need no ' cure. As ninny as .Ml" will flourish on un acre. In yield fifteen kilos of 1 rubber can bo extracted from thein dally for four or five months an average of between $ inn ami $.100. When the trees nro topped a milk flows from the Incision ami is caught in a pniall tin vessel. This, when collet, (ett in largo ouantll ies, is ciaguhiletl, For this purpose the rubber gatherer bus a ,1ug Bhiiped fiirnnee, made of earthenware, culled a boiao, open nt the bottom ami top, and with a email aperturo nt tho pule to nilinit the air fur the combustion, In this piece of furniture ho bidUls a tire. The doiiwo bhiek smoke which rolls fioiii ihe open top of iho hoiao is the re-ngi nt which coagulates the milk. For this purpose the rubber gatherer has a circular-Madcd paihlle, like the puddle ot n canoe, which he smeius over with clay so that the rubber will not ndheis' to II, T his is sis,en,le,l hy menus of u cord from the Hint, of a tree Just hIuvo the isiiiuclgo. The milk Is poiired over the I lade of the puddle, which Is then turned over and round about In the smoke, ami in u few mo ments the film of rubber Is coagulated. Tho Hume pio n ss Is repeated of wettlllit with milk iiiul smoliing tin! growing lump until tt reaches the weight of from five to twenty-five kilos or more. Then '.t Is Flipped off from tho puddle ns a mitten Is pulled olT from one's lum I. l'hls ball la the crude rubber of can uiriai. The Violins of ni,l. The groat lolin maker. till lived within tin? compass ,,f nu,. hundred and tl ft y years. Tliev ep.ose their wood from :l few great timbers felled in the South Tyrol, and Moated down In rafts, pine and maple, sycamore, pear and ash. They examined thest) to llnd streaks and veins ami freckles, valuable superficially when brought jut by varnishing. They learned to tell the di nsity of 'he piece of wood by totlcllitlg tllelli; tney weighed t hem, tliey st ruck t Item, and listened to Judge how fast or how slow, or how resoiini.tly t bey would vibrate in answer t strings. Soino poll lolls nt the wo; id must bo Unrolls 'Hid soft, some of close liber. JiHt the right beam was h;:nl to Iln l; when fi .mil It can he traced all through t lie violin, of some great piaster, and after his dcitliiii ihoso of hi pupils. The piece of wood wttr. taken lmnio r. IP I -.eas.iii-d. dried ir. the hot Hreseui i'tid i I-. nioiia sun. The luuis-i t f r'tradn al ius, tbe great mast ct of all, is described :is lia ing I eon as p,ot ai p.n oven. The w I was there soaked through and through with sunshine. !u this k'leat ii -at 1 he nils t hinncfl and Miiiinered slowly, ami p 'in-t rate 1 far into t he wo.'d. until the varnish became a pari of the w 1 itself. Th" o,,i Molin makers u.sed to savo rvery lo; of th- wool when they found h i' iho , liked, to nu nd and patch ati i inlay uiili it. So vibrint titlli SI i'0-...:itl! is the Wool of good Id vi'iii-; that they iiiui'iiur. and f.'lic,, anil itu to answer V. any sound v.'ho.v a number of them li ing to--ether in the w.vl. as if rehearsing the ,.t. lu'.i-i.' that o'. , o they knew, it wa ibi'tbth'ss owing to t his faet hat when the j ' could not ae "niiiit for I'agaiiini's wm le: f;il play ing, they declared that he had a human s ml imprisoned iu his violin, lor his violin -my, and whispered, even when ail t !:: triturs were oil. What Miitesm.'n Itilt, The New York Kcorder has been Invest jrut iug t lie gustatory leanings if som,. of the statesmen at Wash ngton, ; i ; 1 lintls that for lutich--'.n f'orinlor Coke, tf 'IVxas. takes pto u'.d a giass of water in the Oap'tol restaunui; : Washbiirti likes s'.eaks. -hups, ami sahnls; ihirinaii and lliil 'tike cold turkiy: l;,wei ih-lighis in 't conn d be I' sandwich ami a glass of ti! ilk; lirice leans toward oyster pat- 'ic.-'., wild,; 'i.'c 'ake; his o. -te; Jones, of Nei ad.i l.lac': liass; ie at liridii": Yoorbees Filllldwiell sa!s'. ri-.-sitieiit Morton i;pv or broiled; Mve-'rs hy bfoiled I milk suit Stock is a light eater, a r; him: Chandler lives on the clialing-dish plain: Piatt likes br.-ad and milk; MePliersoti tal-es lo ecu;-,' toi ih of nip!e dunii line's and smilingly irives the waiter a ipm't i-r tip. "I-tnullsli rts siliel, Siinlcs." In a Hartford clothing store win :biw a placard rec'iiti;. appearetl read ing: "Any pant in tills window. 2.' lint a still more alwurd use of this Ignoble word is reported from llutT.ilo, where a merchant announces: "Anj pantsing in this win Imv, ,",.' .--.A t8 "j- A , ' ( Jh a Xf .-4 ' V Mi .tf l . If ((id ut l.nh , Of Krec;. ,rt. 11'., ln:ei In tit il raimlly. Inst nil ;ijH t ite toiil t'.it i-it )iikt:iius ..nlit ion frurn l)yIeKiri::;;;;;t,,:;: en 1 pn ti mast ili-i r, s-eil tier. 1 1ml In ktive U l,mis.r.irk. !! ft T-k llf'.i r Ink. Hi! Hood's Sarsaparilla slie ( !t a ! tttc lii tlcr. fmihl W-ei m re fml un !hm- -tmii i, hionl trt-w striinu. r. sh limk i ImtU's, tins- n yti-nt up;, tlinft tier ttnrs tusily, Is . tm nor! 'Z m :r. IU jr. l t. i t lirallh. Hood's I'ills r Hici liest ftfter-dinnei rills. 'l'hv Miilst dlgesli.n! uud cure beadatlje. J i V ... 1 1 1 1 f.' : '... TC-.'sS CArlotla Working of tlio lrtn. There Is a good story told of the cowers of tho Her. "W. II. Gladden, the evangelist. Mr. Gladden was brought into proniluenee last 6uuuner by his work at the Tarentum cami rneeting. There tho religious fervor ran so high that it was n common oe rurretice for persons at the meetings to become overpowered and remain Insensible for sometime. Oneinstamv I recalled of a man who, becoming excited, shouted "Glo " nnd then fell over u neon scions, remaining in Ihat condition for an hour. On com ing to he completed the exclamation hy saying "ry," showing that his nioi'.fh bad been set for tho word "(Jlory," but at the first syllable ani mation was suspended and when tlu Houses were restored the lips had to complete the word.- Pittsburg Times. I1nw' Thin We offer Onn Hundred finllnrs rewnnl for Mij chsi. ef eiiiHrrh Iiiul , nimol be run-il by takiiiK ltiili'si ntHrrli I'nr.i. V. J. Chk.nev A Co.. Props.. Toledo. O. W' tl,- 1 liuvp known r. J. I Clu-ncvfer the lust IS curs. Iifltl lu'llevp Iiiul pt-rf-seily hnnomlile In all lmslnt'ss triinsiie- i liens, sntt Illlllllt luiiy niilt-on ntrj uui on- Uimtlima iu:uU. 1,) theii lirm. Wr-sT A Tlil'AX, Wlinlt-Mile PniKS'lstB. Toledo, j i Wamumi, Kinnan A Maiivis, WIihUshIo , .' llnik'Ki-ts, Toli ili.. O. , nnllX iiiiirrli I'tiii! is taken intornnllr.i-ct- big iliret'tlv tipen tins lilooil nml iuuc,iii9 siir ' f-ieeBOf the n stein TesilmoniBls fenl free. ! Prictt ;5-'. per I'ii.ii lo. SUtl by nil ilninnisla. There nro li'ii bnyii born lo every 100 girls, j fait more bnysihe ia infancy limn girls. I MANY persons nre liroken flown from nvt r. j work or I'Oii-r'uiIil r;i . ltrowir Inm Iti'- I ters rel.ui tl- I lie sisieni, in l ilinisll 1 iimves excess nf liiit'. iititl cures titnlHriit. A I epentliii Kinlr fur wnmeti itml chllili en. I Sweileii enumerates ever looiio heal ,. ; reindeer Anion!' her ilmne liciite I animals. I - ' i "A won! tnlhe wl-e is un"icictit," l.ut It in..l ' 'llwiiys wise In s;iv tlint Vi,-il til mic wl:-, is i oilferilik' tile tni'liir. siil' a lira. hi. he. IIiim-v..-, 1 nhviiY risk ll Hint leciniut-ml Hrutl.iTntiu,'. 1 All lil'UKllists, lift y tflii... I'ive eiKhtln of the bieiel bakiil In I iiinbin, Ilnghuitl, is iniide nt A inci icini wheat. I.Aiiirs neetln; :i tnntr, c- -.(illilren wlei nam li il.illin.' lip. -Iiieilil tuku liinn's Ion IMiots. ii I, -us, in in lake, i arc Mitlari.i. Iiiilis't'siinn, Hilioisness an I l.ner l uae l lainls. makes I lie rtt ti ml unro. Nine yoiunt mnn nre nh.eit In walk I'rein Americas, tin., to l.'hi .into. III., ilitt.mee ul Ukhi miles by roitil, en u wager Sick IlKineioM-liills. I.i m app.lile. an 1 nil iie nuns tri'iiiliiiii,. si-nsiit i.n- loiickly i noil by Hew ham's I'ills. -V. cents a Nix. Of two women elioose the one ihut will hnve you. Beth the method mul results when Syrup of I 'i;rs ia taken j it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tnpte, ami acts penily yet promptly on the Kidneys, J.iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem cfleetually, dispels colds, lietiil nclies and fevers ami cures habitual constipation. Syrup of I'igg 13 the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ae reptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action ami truly hem ficiiil in its edi efs, prepared onlv from the most healthy ami agreeable substances, its ninny excellent qualifies commend it to all and Lave made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in BOc find SI bottles 5vy nil leading drug gists. Any relif.hle druggist who limy not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 54 V fiAWISVO. t Al. lOUISmU. KY. t,W VOIK, H.Y, 66 99 yrup Jrw.K J. 1!. Hn.i, of the Superior Court, Walker county, lleorgia, . thinks etimii;h of C, Syrup to send us voluntarily a strong letter j endorsing it. When men of tank ! and education" thus use and recom mend an article, what they say is worth the attention of the public. : It is above suspicion. " I have used your German Syrup, he says, 'xor my Coughs and Colds on the Throat and Lungs. I can recommend it for the in as a first-class medicine. " Take no substitute. 0 PATENTS W. T. I IfTteritst, Vsliln;ti.,i. 1). I . Itt-PKI book Iree. loney in IT YOU KNOW HOW To keep them. Iml tt n urnrj loll the jicKir ili i gi p -Iter lir.d Die of Hie v-r-,i- M .!, it hi. Ii TI;'t tin-in nlieii In a niBioriiv o( urn I'r.w emi il hate b. ril " fleeted hud II"' ic-r r,-, a hu e klnitt! . j-,-, put h o i au li o mr. tt Irom tb ONE HUNDRED PAGE BOOK .. otter. r-i'.i.r:ti'!t,c Un 9 -.t.cAi. tiraniiisi t.t 'A n Pneumatic Iseui 0 eeota In Inirue of litiiia, OXU 13TJOYS LrtJIIIiail fttt. TS. ' A MtK 1 II u 1 1 1 aimm G lut Bk.rl. ('aUlciu, IHKa. JOH N P. LOVELL ARMS CO..Mfrs.. 14 WishmKton St., BOSTON. MASS. COPYRIGHT 1091 On the road to health the consumptive who reasons nn.l thinks. Consumption is developed through the blood. It's a scrofulous affection of tho ungs, a blood-taint. Fiml a per fect remedy for scrofula, in all its forms something that pnrijhx tho liloml, as well as f!nhnn to. That, if it's taken iu time, will euro Con sumption. IV. Pierce has fount! if. T'? his " Oolilcn Medical Discovery." As a strength -restorer, Mood -cleanser, and lVsh-buililer, iiothinp; like it is known to medicil science. For every form of Scrofula, Bronchial, Throat, nnd Lung: affections, AVoak liiinrjs, Sevoro I'oupfhs, ami kiiulreJ ailinetits, it's the only remptly so sure that it can bo !nrai)trcJ. If it itoosn't bonelit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. " You pot veil, or you net ooO." That's what is promised, in ji'ootl faith, by the proprietor rf Dr. Snge's Catarrh l.enicily. to sulfrrcia from Catarrh, The worst eases, no mutter of how Ioipx stai'diti"', are periiiam iiily cun d by this-I'emedy. If Vim liavi- sinl.M t.i. eiies,s.i, n kit, lie, estHl- H.iwels, llillllll Vkiuhii 'B ' if mill' feint (lit ? tuffs Tiny Pills M ...i, .1 .;,!. ., ItnsKHIIlilll. n.siniiliili I Will I III ItnseHillttll.B ll!) I 'it rl( I' aee. . 1. ) m f Q Q Q Q B.N U :,1 o.ipllvrs li.,-!'!.. 0 w,.Rk iiumf nr Aoh- I iieu l'no'Cure f .r M e- ni-in i-llon. ll liu cnretl V'A t:.i.-,o,-.i. it has nellniitr WB r I ..Hi" 11 Li mil l liil U'lu-iv 1', I. OH." i-"n 11 ...11 -,r,i.. , M ,-v ri h. r... S;,e. J.'5; ,Vr Hiini, .1.. I..-I-1.-.. riiS rfaEfuv ""ci. it. i,..i,...ii.-...iv.;i.i..s, ! o.e.lil.-. M 111.1l ! 1 .- - ...ti.f -iniiil iu-,-s,i-!t. 11 -..t,-.Mi.-. To- .1 ,.".1 rve-v . vnet-un .r.lon-- r. 'e in '...i-.i'-J lils.i. ,,'r ., is Ian t.v 'li" ,.. -ti. l.o-r . r i.e. -l J t-. .--rf. ,11 l!:. ti.t t-'.i- i- n;ii, ti I .-, -' I. T .-it.efet-l.- :,.--lt.-.l l-v l,it.l;iiru T 111 I . .O' I Z, -. -nu: l:l!.As-st !!l UC.M c,l .1 ,.s, ,.,,. -! Y Vkio '.Vimt..!; IH.IIH .. p . l i.i-.llt . I I or...- ! I I l'nsllielv Ciirril illi li i hi 111 ill," l.t no illei li-l. ,- I 111 .1- . 1 t, ,1-1 it - O -,.r. 0, -uni-Pil hneeli'-s 1. , 1,-1 In -lm.-ii-. li ei t. t .I"-.. 'I ti'l'l "ll. - l-U" d I (I i' , i - 'C ,',lt-,.io li- Ijii-1, t s I rjnii l,,ni ti.iu ,ol. - i I-, i .,- 1- K . ,--,-, n-n 4 .,1 nirA.-n 't.ii. in, -., I O lfi i 1 1 en I mi' n I 1 1 l-i mail. I' T- ) ..,,1- -il..-. - i ! t i - i - I" I n 1- '"1 le. II. II. (.1(1 I N A SUN. t -am. Ii. BETTER DEAD I U.I N A I l K lait.-li.-i - I h KI.I- r is . -rl .Mi .1, nlii. I U- - "' '' Ii- i. u .l I.. I; a I kcl- I a! -.'i-.' I'no l-n lK" t,-t Hu.o. I- e lo I.. .1. i' - Ul . " -il I'"'; mil i.-, ,, tt. -l Altt.i. - t-h ft I' . llllU ' ' ""'jn-j" dutCHER DRUG CO., m- Ai r it-, vr. E ur. i i I'll t: o'i i it. tt- tt-e. r M - ,..i-ili .i:,' lei " :" i I. n.ll'.ally ml l.-.-Ini; lit,-,.,. I ,.t,- ..: ih.-i l.iim.l v.H t.n.i.ii i t tic j - t.r.'r T iir. ck.M IM. i oh - '.! " I t . ' ; :: oi M l; .1 !... ANTEDiGEHTS lotilliuir rlo.ire Niolf "''' .Hintv I in" s-l'iioilili s "' ' l," ' MAY BROTHERS, tiEiurs -srOTTTl t,U tmm rrlrl t.Hltlt. HU 11 ,Ullll8ll."l. l III,- l.'.il.lih. I ul.mlt l.mi. o-k ioi i. I t.,ue til (liirl, pi-iiiisi i, lv, o.t i-i'-ell-ut i .,n,,-lv vrt -n, Ii.nil in lttfttc t-liirflis-i tt-..r.l, .tllli ,li ii,.oi p.ili,-l-iil I fen t,,i. i.rriiiHtl ton s-oOt l.i-ifli-ti .1. ihut'. II i. ItitiiluiiliV Id in ",i- w r- tlir..i,K'l,lv faiinloi .tllli l ine , li.i.i An,, I. sn-ttlto u. -lit. 1, riv KH ri H. II II HI III Uiutl .-l.. Sr York OI,. Chickens a nnu tt tin i!i- ntetl -.'I v-t 01 l,i- 111 InCCNill l l IN', A 1 Ml I.I HV VAKU AS A Iil'.slNKSS. nut an a p tin!'.. As Hie iivlnj c( Ictu. cil uud f-iini1.,' il-pe,-,il,..l on it. te' i.'-ite the tllhj.l sn, h iiiifiiiinn as ot-ly a r.t' ii nl I.i-.-mI wttl com nml tin' r. suit cr.,.,.l suci i---, alter h htd i S'Zt ll..".'lr. .1- nf t t"-tV ni-!io-X.etm I mill h in-itH-v -;i;l Uihi liltiubie eh.t k ,enni..tilir. V Itl -V-s- be le irn.-i! Cl me-.- tiw i 1 . iiii.n.1 ed in this Imnk, d ,,l,.ul Int in l-IUH'l hotv ml si, ,1 t '!: i-i-aa..-. Ml V". tl inr l-'kia Hud s'so (ot Kmn'iciiz. f lei. h Ko-.n i In; i',r. '-tlii: I'.irrosra . .. rylliitij;. liiili.t-.l. run l:itiil:l kiut't un lhitilll'Jt"-W l'o. IK ft 11. ItOI'sK N. V.I', VV Ih- Irei S. Iii!m,hi, i Ir . I eli. le s.!ile. ii-.l I'..- -irri-ni l-r i.o tin or pji-kane . eli ( . i i-.i-.-he-. - I I LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES SIIT For tiidles and dent. 8; stylos "i tm Cushion nnd Bol'd Tires. f II-I Dn.i nnd Fun" Stc Die- F,:--,B-i, St" I 1 Tubing Adj-tabl Bill Bearing, to -r rn: m p.;s ftv;ut1,rg Hfds, Suspension Saddle. fStm,-rlu MMI fiKADll. in l'ir-- J.-, ,.f if ,1 7 iitampi for ocr IHU-riaire lllustruled rain- Hllles,JleTulrerH. Spovilnir tiuuil, ef. .