i 1 I 'a 1; v TllUUSDAY, SEPT'MB R 1, 18'.v. &ECC2tf5. orit county ticket. For Senator, WILLIAM L. LONDON. For Representatives, KBMC-ND W. ATWATKU, UEKNICK 13. I'M I LI lS. For Slicrin'. SPKNCB TAYLOR For Register, DANIEL II. AlAltSII. For Treasurer, JOSEPH 1'. UNSEX. For Coroner, ROBERT W. PALM Ell. For Surveyor, J. CICEKO MtliANi:. Three good mules lor sale. Ap ply to 15. Nooe, Jr. Kvery voter in Chatham ought to read tho Record, dot i. II your neighbors to subscribe at once, --For sale. l,0ui,mii fed o! bun ler of all kind ; alt.,., 2mi,iKH) heart hiuglcs. B. 2iwc, Jr., I'ittsboro. Mr. Baxter Johnson, o( Now llope township, died of heart disuse very suddenly, on last Sunday night. B. Nooe, Jr., will lake wheat und oats iu exchange lor lumber. Thu highest market J rite allowed lor it. The third party will hold n meet fng hero next Monday tor the pur pose of nominating u candidali- for bhoiitl'. In Bear Creek township there are 41 while voices iiamud Phillips, so that Mr. 15. 11. Phillips will have n good etart just with the votes of;. bis kinsmen. A neighbor of Messrs. Strowd Und A I water told us a lew days ago that they had been trying to capture the negro vote, but he thought tho negroes had captured 1 3 to lit ! Hon. A. Leader, one ol the most prominent Aliiaucemeii in this .'State, will speak at Jit. Vernon Springs at 1 o'clock next Tuesday. Everybody invited to come out and hear him. Tho regular monthly meeting of the democratic club at this place, 'will be held in the court house at '.' . m. next Saturday, wIich a spctch will be made by Mr. J. (.!. Leml.er. Mr. li u ili) n Holland, of .New llopo township, dropped dead while nt work iu his tobacco barn, one day last week. Ho was about 7tl years old and was highly respected by all who knew him. We regret to hear that Mr. W. G. Lasaler, of .New Hope township, , met with the misfortune, one day last weeU.ol losing by tire his tobacco barn and contents, just as the tobac--to iu it was nearly cured. We regret to hear ot the death Ol -Mr. William liurke, which occur red at his residence iu Gulf town ship, on last Saturday. Ho was about eighty years old, and was one ol Chatham s tiio.l respected cili.eus. Why should any former demo crat voto for Self. Wicker and. Pas chal any more ipjiekiy now, than when they ran and were defeated mine years ai;o .' ho was righ t thn? And who has changed now They have iveehed this week at W. L. London ,V Son's a large lot of nice IJedsteads and o'her Purni turo which they are selling very low lor tho cash. It you are needing anything of the kind it will pay you to give them a call. A democratic reading room has ' boen opened in tho oftice next to fiynum k Ileadcn's store, in wlot.h will be Ibund the best kind of tlem- j ocratie literature lroe to the public, j When you tome to to wn, call there i ami make yourself at Ii ome - rhero will be a grand democratic r;l iiud freo barbecue at Siler City oi. Priday, the SJrd ol this month, to which everybody is invited. Tlio!u()US thal tho crowd shouted with speakers will bo ex Gov. Jarvis, Hon. I ;UlirlU.r, and we were forcibly re Oetaviu Coke and lion. F. M. Sim-j tli1,ot ,K Haviiig about nions. A brass band will enliven too occasion win. music. -Remember vmi soon lose the opportunity o buying yourself a cheap suit of cU ,.,,g as '. London & So,. s , m last Ke iug away s.i.eo hey l.avu been selling at cost lor the cash. A lew more Hrniiii nnl .f I li,..n. ,r. i.i.Im ... '. , 1 " , : sun on iiaini. iiiiie me money aim i get the bargains. A negro meeting was held, ono day last week, in Baldwin township, which wa to have been addressed by a n'gro speaker from abroad, but, as lie tailed to come, Messr V. F Strowd ami John V. Atwatcr eupplied his place and ma le speech- cs. They were introduced tc tho meeting by a negro, named Nelson Foarrini'ton. YVu vo.nler if it touk i r uai . i itm-oii. it u MiiiMt-r ii ii tiiuit them both to fill the place of the ex-! noeted iiolm-o sneaker ? j lion. J. ('. Scarborough and L. C. Beddengfield will odd ret tho people of ('hat ham at Pace's .Mill in in which to accomplish all that be Baldwin township, on Tuesday, the would. It is only to the idle and mi lllth, ami at Kearrington's Mill, iu ' occupied that tiwo pastes slowly, or Williams township, ou Wednesday, I who have time enough amino need the 1 -ft t Ii of Septet nher They are to hurry. If we look arouud iu the both prominent Alliaiicemcn, and great business aud commercial worl !, tho members oi the Alliance are wo see those men who are aud have especially invited to bear them, been most Hticeessful to have been Time will be divided with any white thonewhonevei lost antoineut. 'There third J'jrty fpeuUvr. ii- thoiiHauda uf buiuens uitn today Iut-i life Aegust tlicn were 17 who find time slipping through their j State WCWS. marriage licence ShsihmI in this ! lingers, although not a moment is ol-1 four.'.V, "f v, hie. 10 wore tj whiles ' lowed to ,'; '' wa.-.te. J hey arr I and ""to blacks. I ways busy, always iu a hurry, iilwuya j Cumberland Democrat: W o regret employed. Now, while all mon ami, to leatu that lightning struck a tree Personal Items, Among the vis-; ull women may not have a business near tho residence of Herman Jones, itors to our town we arc pleased to j to keep them busy, and that requires in Gray's deck township, on Wed note the following : Mr. W. U. Mor-1 every moment of their time, they have ! nesday evening, 24th, killing his little, rolle, of Savaniu'h : lr. M. A. Bland, 1 plenty to do to improve their minds daughter Ethel, aged three years, al of Charlotte : Mr. Josh T, James and j nnd lit themselves for biieh a business 1 tQ htuuning another, but it is Loped Mrs. Thomas Bui-bank and eliildreip, if they ever do hivo it. There is no the youii"est one will recover. of ilmington : Misses JMila am! Mabel Holt, of Manchester, irgmia. iiii.i Mr, Harry Ihrie, ol Ualcigh. Mi and Mrs. J,. J. liangtuoti nave gone on a visit. 10 ivsueviuu. . . t i JH r. Arthur 11. Jjonuon nan gone to Chapel Hill and entered tho l.'ni vcrsity. Miss Kato Hanks left here, on last Tuesday, 1 ol' TeXas where bho will touch a school. She will he greatly missed by her friends at thin place, and especially in cases of sickness, for she wan ever ready to nurse the sivk, and no one could do so mere eflieicntly or successfully. A New Rau.uoad. Without any blow or bluster work has been be gun on a new railroad in this county, and is being rapidly pushed. It is h road to run trom (iiill u I'ecp rivof to Fair Haven in Mooro coun ty, a distance of ten or twelve miles, and is being constructed by the (ilendon & (iull Mining k Manufac turing Company, which was incor porated at the last session ol our Slate Legislature. The president ot the company is Mr. John B. Leimig, a Philadelphia capitalist, and I lie manager who is in charge- ol the work is Mr. (.corgo F. Kdmiston, ol Philadelphia. About one hundred laborers are now employed in grad ing tho road-bed and others are 'vin'ed The road starts on the line l'1' :i,," ;1g1' l:aMeti i.ns yeur man ict w. I'ut l'.xum maiie unci leprnf it this of'the ('alio l eaf and Yadkin Vallev ' -v, - l'ot'n 7t per cent. : fitatrment : -I would rather see ne raiiroad about :s yards above the ! -Smaih-u a.-ienge plantfu lor some o,-0 rule or anything in North (.aro-d-pot at tiulf where cradiit" was lears. Tobe-eo 81 per cent., which bna than what we have now." Lithe bei;uu,'and will run thm'iigh a Icrtilo!"1 l"-'ds below the July average. ; face of such uu expression as this farmin.'countrv, which also abound i ,!,'e M lr l,f"t'; Sw,'rt 1o,-ll,,M tha Third pn.ty candidal for in promising ot'iteroppinL'Std coal. I,',jul! 5'av!i with a very . (iovoruor is there a wh-:e ma-i iu jab'jiid.tnt ci "i. jGoldsboio is tbeio n v. iiile man in SiiKitirr' and L'f..isti.u. It has L vvi ii.-i n:!.""'. liain occurred i Whvlo county is theie a white man t.een the custom it, Chatham to elect everywhere (lining (he iirsL of thr j i:) North Cmoiina with u single spmk for more than one term the shoi iff I week, greatly beuelit iug late corn and i of racial pride in his bosoru who wjuld and register. Indeed we have never known i shvrill' or register in this! coiintv to be defeated alter serving .v. .... neen u.ai no county in tno jmhic nas had better sherills und registers than Chathani. Now. whv make tu' ex- ception this year to this well .'sub- I oaved without loss, the weather being lishcd custom ? What have Taylor !ood for the purpose. Sweet pota-ari-i .Marsh done, or laded to do. that 1 toes ur- reported excellent. In some they should ho treated ditl'erently j few sections ad ciops me reported in from their predecessors in otiice ? 1 good condition. Have they not made good ol!iccrs? Ckn n:.i, lbs ri;t."r. Good ra' sImvc Who can'l'nd any fault with any oi'i bet n pretty general in this district their oflieial acts ? Then w hy not j also. Tobacco, late coi n, peas and reelect them? Is John I'a.-chal a j potatoes were especially benefited, purer patriot or belter man than Tobacco much iuipioved by th'i rain hau -Marsh ? Or would ho make a also ; cuiii'g is iu progress. Tin nips belter register? Xo man will darearo being sowed. Fodder about all say that.' Then why turn out -Mr saved, though some loss occurred ou Marsh? -Mr, Paschal already holds account of tiring. From the repoit one gooil oltice, iieing tne rcpuniican i liostmasler at Siler I ity. Does he waut the whole earth ? SfKAKIMI ATt;i:M'. Oil li st'J'ues day there was a grand democrat ie rally at Gull. There was a ar'o and enthusiastic crowd in attend ance, the speaking was unusually good, and a tree barbecue was great ly eujoyed. The appearance ol that crowd provod that there wet e still soiuo nsjiectahlo men iu Chatham who had not joined the third party! The speakers were Gen. iMatt. W. Ibinsom and Hon. C. M. Cooke, ol Franklin county. Tho latter spoke lirst, and bis speech of nearly an hour and a halt was listened to with the closest attention and produced j a most favorable iniprersion. Alter his speech the crowd Was invited to! a tree barbecue dinner given by j some ot the generous citizens ol Gull, and vicinity, and alter enjoying this i they cturned to t ho speaking place j when lien. Itansoio spoke tor two hours and forty minutes. And such a speech as .1 was: e only regret l nil .,...,.- l K.ii-lt- i. ..i. i in, I j....,; lo'tii ii, tut it wie-i i n iM.ii i " j jiut- sttasive and convincing, argiiment.-t. live and eloitueiit. We will not do Ccn. Ibtn'oui tho iniustice of at- n'mntinir a synopsis of litis great speech, for to "be apjireciated fully il nutst have been beard. How any holiest ttnil intelligent man can vole tho third party ticket after hearing such a speech, is simply amazing ! 1 ho inosi amusing incidents ol the lay were the attempts ol Bale Palmer, '-tho cock spairow , lo in terriipt the speakers. I he poor c.. II., w i.i.-nh. l.ii.in.dl nllerlv ridic ........ . :.. , J'.'UIr IllSllllltl III ll IIUI U IlllllVin Hill 1.1 im-nl .., " ' Wo wcro pleased to notice in the I crowd so many of our oldest and , mosl ,., -,,,!,. J presence indicated the deep interest , vk.h lh . ,.0 in Mlct.cs(t ;o o(n. Aiio(f Uio( w;isnu. , .,, . Tvsu, ... ' """- " ""l """ J" i I" who, alihouirli over int. oty hve years N . ... , .. i.. - i .., old.isaM.leei.lv interested in our : success at; any man can be. I . - - l-r Hie Krontin. Value of Tinu-. j Very few people st em to have any ! appreciable knoivlcdgo of the valim '". I hey ato never in n hurry. ! I here is always lime enoiiyb. I ms, ; seems to uu to be a very foolish way j .ed looking at a matter of such great j impoi tunce. Ihcre is nono too uiuell 'i - , ti'o '' uv oue man's life, if Lo im i proves every moment of it : and if be ; , is itmbitious and enterprising, the,"' " thtys will go by too quickly, ami bo will liud that be has not time enough : hino lor young men to idle away on j . the streets, or iu the gaming-rooms. It is from jtict such idle and uuoccu- pitd minds that, emanalo nil tue troubles, and which breed tho differ ences between employer and employe. Time is valuable, uud those who make the most of it are tho ones who most heartily and sincerely realize - " the fart. I.ifi' Is 111"!'! f T till J- I'llKl foiling, 'I'ltllf is 11- I'll r, it iin i J l-y, mi l i n Hu ll- wli.ts trliig l.al- l!!f ' Wi, Inn. ii'i r.'nm fur niiyililiiK llki' l.nto, ; Till;, .-l.'inu truib tlie .w in..ui'Js s..vm r'.'V?a- I ii.f: - I Lilu is too short. P. T. Wolff. Wet1y Wfiillit ( chtnd Ofiu Crop Hiilk'lm. , P.aleiL'h, N. C. The drought has been broken this lins almost every u-ni.V In oniiiniiu i-tiiii iiliiinur. ovnt'V where, which, though rather uneven-!1,1, LsLtmnpr struck on ov.e end of lv distribuKd, have been very bene- 1 h"Use tore it Kp eons.dcrably, lieial to Hinio crops, though too late two dogs, severrly burue l a for ot' e- Thn t...nierature has ' cllll,1 aml dunned five other persons been about normal or shghtlv above, j Wo house. The child w-l.o was the amount of r-unshinc has been j bnrned is aevendy hurt, and will prob somewhat below the not mal ; eondt- J W' dlP- J 10,189 was occupied tiona favorable for crops generally. I l'.v l'r.vocu , llson rJ.wi. 'I'La percentage condition of the j Goldsboro Argus: Iu this city yes staple crops for August, taken from ; trrdny, in the presence of a ciowil of the ler.oi t of the Slate Dopaityitnt ; ipt.utableifeuth?meu ou Walnut street. I of Agriculture, is as follows : Coin ' So per cent. There has beon a larg- cotton, potatoes, peas anil gardens ; but it came too late to bo of much ber.ef't to old corn and cotton. Cot- , i i . . X ' , ,n,o., u, eu,u u, i lui nips have been planted and are up in m-me places, i o.lder generahy u seems uiai i in iv v m ijv luunua- ublv lc-'.j than an average crop of cot ton and corn. Cotton is beginning to open rapidly. .. The Next State Fair. Tho annual State Fair will bo held in ihileigh October IS 21st inclusive. At the same time, there will be events and fixtures of greati r novell) and more interest thau has over charac terized any week in tho history of the Stute. To b.-gin with, the Fair has ah!i !y iii's'jmL-d larger !'i poi tions than any Fair heretofore held. There ...;ii i. i, ....(w.ii u.;ii a oil. tio'rs never before seen in the State ! and which are of such a nature as tot""'' "w cases oi tno.era api.eRl to the !ive,,t curiosity and in- j ( U"- L P u r11' te.'r.st of the publie generally. Olie .v. 1 new cases and ....deaths of these featu.es will be P.wn'ee Hilfs I "T"'J , '"t the returns are Gnat Wild West show, which is the greatest outdoor show on earth. This show carrii s more than ?.no hundred ..,.,!,'.. in..!ii.l!n,r i'.ii.iiiiw Sl-illlls. I'd ,,..,,.,-,, America") ludiaus. well known cow boys, cow girls, jlel:iean Vaipje- ns ili?., and ir.oto than one hundred h d uf H b including wild . . ... " . l.if.ieaii unistai !-s, leteking pouit buffalo, wild Texas si eers. A-e. All j this will combine in giving tin illinoly I i realistic representations of real Wes- ti i ii hie as it has been so frequently ' ii-p: eseiited in etorics of the great I W J he rolibei v of the old line : stage coach by Indians and bandits will be represented, true to life. The I scene of is settl.it 3 cabin being fired by Indians and tho inmates scalped j will be ; I'sentc l with realistic force. ' Tli.' method of catching horse thieves by the Wild eow boys of the West, ho.- (hey are hung and riddled with ' bullcf i will also be presented. There will bo life pictures cf the f.'.mous j .Mountain Meadow luas.-acie and the. - ..i.i : lamed osin.SC.I luiee ngnt, oeiween I' ', I y. i u , 1 ,1... 1, ,i : . llHi lliJiaLlll UU' '3 iin'l i'v mwiau. last year. A Mexican bull light and Wihl Buffalo hunt will also bo a feu hue of this show. Tlicnvii into 11 Tltrcslu'i'. Sav annah, N. Y., August 2i.- Mcaii n details of a peculiar tragedy in CiiitviiM t-iiut.t have iust been ; recc.ved here. A boy while cutting bundles lor a j thre .lmig liiacliine near I ato in llial I,, ,,i.,l.- ..lit il,.. (...,..-'h lialiil which so itifuruiled the latter that ho caught the lad iipaiid threw him into the rapidly revolving cyl iinb-r, here ho w as ground to death bcin. -c any one present could laisoa hand to rescue him. The brother oi ihc iiufortilimte hid iiniiie.li.itely telletl t he m onlerer ' . , wllh a Lll(,'v' !l l"m" h'1'1 then l. pcatedly plunge,! tho tines Ioi U tluotlgli Ills Uotlv until he wastlcad. All the tl.re.-hiiig hands stood j'.V to collectors of customs and others and witnessed the terrible atl'air, on the Canadian and Mexican Irot. apiarcnlly pai ;-ly7.ed by hoi ror und ti,,,-S) instructing them to ext -rci.-.e unable lo interfere. 'special vigilance in the examination .i tin- pi una. j last Tuesday, in ... i i . . ill .... ce. tiot.s nee , ,m. South t'iliollliil.' u..v. i uimai. vmis rcnoininaie.i n u large majority. I The Tennessee convicts will be i , i riid ii.tcU lo tlnj minus lios vu-k.' . . Samnsou Democrat: According to ' Mr. Under North Carolina will have j threo Governors next year. Ho said j and wrote repeatedly from May -Oth to July 1st, that Llias Carr Wordd be the next Governor. Ou tho night of i the ltith of August for a few brief ; uul''8 ecmreU lUHk rl , k,u. iti&f irun il u tint li.vt. I .nvurtmr . i i .i i it ti Since then he has beeu tif ten heard to say thai, a certain Dr. Exum would be the next Governor. Thoee of us who roly upon Mr. liutler for frni' po li'ical information are getting some what coufuseu iu our minds. Wilmington Messenger : On Fii day night about midnigh. during a stvoro electric storm, a Louso on Myrtle Grove Sound, t.ear Carolina U belonging to Mr Win. Turley, ! f tLl,s ty. wa8 "truck by l.gh'.niDg i whose names can be hr.d. and who will ' make afiidavit to bis exact language. descend so low as to hold converse agaiu with Pat Exum 1 Charlotte Observer: Mr. Gay Ma- T"ell, sou ol 'Jul. J. u. Jlaxwcu, was (drowned iu tbo Iko at Latta j a.k ; . . , , F welder wi re iu one of the round bot- tomed boats, in their ishii t sleeves, rowing over tho lake and evidently, from their freque!:t laughter, having a men v time. They wtie skylaiking n good deal, lacing, rocking the boat, and at limes pulling in diffeieut di rtetions. Suddenly persons on the bank saw the boat c-psuo and both of the young men pitebbead-foremost into the water. Mr. Jiluck welder swam to ono bank, but Ulr. Maxwell j though accounted a very good swim mer, merely beat tbo wa.es with his I btuds and anna and floundered. JIq jctied out distressingly, a number of i tin ts, but no ci.u on the bunks bad j at Liiid any means of rescue. A col jored .iiau, who bad some colored wo : men i. a boat 13 or tf'.i fjft awav. pushed for tho shore feariug to go uear to thu drowning man le&t ho overturn his boat aud having un loaded the women, put back, but by this time the cruel waters had closed for tho last time over the unfortunate young man. Cholera iu Knrope. llA.'.uiuiei. Aug. 28. Ol'lcial t,,lnlrt .(,u . I'fi' ' eported iu not complete, i raytrs wcrooiicrcn in all l lie churches today lor cessa lion ol the scourge. Whole house hold? have l'een sent to thy cholera hospital. Relict committees have been formed and appeals fi r sub- scriptious issued throughout t lie city. -Maiikip, Aug. 2; 1 he t Ihcial gaetto publishes a decree ordering thai stringent measures i..e auopu-u against cholera. Bigorous p-ccau- tions are being taken on the frontier, Si. I'KTEiisiirnt!, Aug. -Nearly 1 ,0hi) hiii'ses, including the (ioverti- ment buildings have been turned at Borisson. Twenty-eight cases of cholera have occurred in acharitable asylum here, tho outbreak being due to ha I food. The cholera continues spreading in towns in Central Kussia, though the mortality is nol alarming. Oilicial retains show that througnoiit llussia on Thursday there were reported 5,7.')" new eases and ,lil dent lis. Iu St. Petersburg yesterday 75 uvv i .i i... ...i... i cases o . ueuuis woiu tepu.ii.-u. London, Aug. 2! 1 1 nil tho deaths that are reported from Asiatic chole ra are true, ihcro is no doubt ol (ircat liiilaiu having a visita'ion of the dreaded rt onrge. Prom (iraves einl, fivansi-a, (ilasgnw ami Bundi-e reports (tune ol ilealh Irom the dis- ease, showing that the ellorts ot the health olficers lo keen it out ol the country nave proven iriniiess Ami now this alteriioon eomes the report inai a person as oieil irom -Asiatic cholerti at Ihiltoii. a largo maiinhte iti'riug town twelve miles north wc:. ! Of' Mailt hesler. I WAsiiiMiioN, August SO. A cor ; don iiispeciiiiu ami disinfect hm is being rapidly es(ab!ishi.-d on tin- seaboanl, f rem Louisiana to Maine. iitnl aluli" the Canadian and .Meie:,n i-..,..., 'r..(1 sinfe m-.l K.-.l--i :il - aut horitiesare wnrkingtogeilier,iii,d lhero js practically a national t.ua- Sec'eta. v Sm.uld. 'in, - tliit nftet'iuion isviii.,! n eit-eiil:ii- nt i in in i ,'i-:i nt m iitnl tlt.'ir ,Vi-f-tK -mil f -" ' (() t(M,.,uratn ,vilh ,ltV.,.,s Ot the m: ii;ii ,..,.,.!.. il l...... i heMx mwr in SU(.h utlio IW tll(.y m.iy (,t,em j,,,.!,. lo preVtMlt j. trodui lion of cholera into U.l : I'niU'd but. Kilkd at the Hat. LA.";sr"Hi, Pa.. Aug. 20. Thomas iuniio.iy, ineiiilier ol the i.-ot ustda's chili, was at the bat and Fermnn pite'.iing f'ir the Lanslord loam Sat urday. The hitter threw a strong lin-curvo ball, which Donnelly mis judged and struck at instead of moving out of the way. The ball , hit him in the ear, knocking him to ' the ground. He was hastily carried 'oil' the tield and a physician suni ' moiled, but before the latter arrived j the injured men died. ! Shot Attempting to Escape. Jackson, Mich., Aug. DO. I'M ward ! Huntley, a I'd year Detroit burglar. I John Havis, a live year burglar trom Kalamazoo, and "Lige'' Pulhfd. sent ' Iroin Detroit lo" hi", years J jr assault j with attempt to kill, tried to escape I this morning Irom the penitentiary j by climbing the prison wall. Hunt j ley and Davis were btlully idiot iti'! liullrrd w as c apt i:iv !. j Tho Hotel DelLioLt at the Sulphur Springs, five niihs from Ashcril'e. wus burned down at midnight lat Wednesday night. All the uuists ! eaped. j The only way to cure fever and ague ! is either to neutralize the poisons! which cau.se the distaso or to expel them from the system. Ayer's Agne Cure operates, in both ways. It h; n warranted specific for all forris "t malaiial disorders, and never fails to cu. Tiy it. Tlit; Titan of Chasms. a m i r, :l milc.' J.uNfi. AMI 1'UNTII' v. u i' 21 1 Mij.is IKE A I'LOWtt:. The Grand Canon of the Colorado lliver, in Arionu. ismw for the lirst time f.-.r-i! v avc-ssibl" to tourists. A. lcgulai stage iinc has been establish ed from I'lagsta!!'. Arizona, ou the Atlantic i'. Pacific Jiailroad. making the trip liom Flugstutl to the must impo-iii. pr.rt of the CY.i.ou i?i less than 1 - hours. The t;ig' fare for the i round t:;p only J).00, and meals and comfortable lodgings are provid- j ed lhrvi!;;ho:'t the li ip .it a reasonable puce, i no view of the Giand (.anon aiVorded at the lertuinus of the stage route is themo.-.t stupendous panorama known in nature. There is aiao a trail at this pi'int leading down the Canon wall, mora than I'.nuo feet veitically, to tiie river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experience than climbing tho Alps, for iu the bottom of this ten iae and sublime chasm are hundreds of mountains greater than any ol tho Alpine lange. A book desci ibing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full page engravings from special pLotogiitphs, and furnishing all need ful infrn mrUion, !;viy be obtained tree upon application to John J. Byrne. ilonadnock Block, Chicago, III. -iaiiiii;i. J" N'.:li-. .- .it u.alin hi.. I ;nr'-l!i" ivi. CMtuiiil.-.i .lmi't-l .-i-v.-u coti-f h WIU.IAMS-lit N ll l rt' ii J--r n-f -n, l.y Chim Jt, I A'i.v c-'.vi -Ai Uu- rKiiriii- uf far. i"llll.-"ll, J. 1 , Auyimi 1 f' Ml-. J. O. V.'ILl.Vil.- WiI.I.HMS-iill,Vo:;K.-t ilior.-.-i.:.f.Ko6f nr.". I'.'li V lilllll"l'i-, I.) I Hl!'l I J 1 1 . .11 . ,1. 1'.. AllKIlt -4 Miss IK'LLIL ClLlU'l.t lu Mr. Jl UN WIL LIAM-. New Ailvcrtisemei- A DMI N 1ST l! AT( ) I ! S NOTICE. ICi- -1 .-1 1 ' i : . - 1 h iKliuliiinili'r ft Sum!. J. Mnull, ll. i VllM-il, I l.if'iT !I.M1 hI i.H-3..ii. Inil.iuij 1 1 lui iut;iliut s il-i l...-o.i. nt t hiMl tl.. HUiii". i-.i uu-. .r my Hii'.rni'y, T. U. w.iLai;it, -i, or t'l'i-iM' tin- lf-l itn nt Soli-iiiiit-i , Irj-i. Sipiunilx-r 1. IK'J. Mine J. Itn iul.I'Sox. SAND SALK.BY VT11TI K OF 4 .-i .ii". if.i'. . i.ft'i!iti l.y .l.-.iiii E. lli'iirnnuil wile, Mii'l n- r u-! in lli.i i.in.'i" nr tin- H.-iM.tr nf lleril- i. r liinli-ini i in-, iu 1-....K CO. 461. I v. Ill s.'M I. r .-a-li, ... it.i .-iiurl ,um, i..r. lu 1 'ilr.l.M', .11 I'J nVIi 'i 111. .-ii ..D)V. IL" -:c ii .v i. s.-(.i--inl r. If.iJ. On-1. .li w.nrf IuiiiJs, e wit 1 l-n:-l Ijiiiu ill III" i. llli!- ..f I'li.'it li.'t 111 , C.-liti t -v j-l:l;.. i... .-ii- ih" waTi-i's. i niov rli-r, I'l-tfliinliu: nt a l'lr-.k "itk niutni. thr l;it 1!1,-.iii-...ii c.K.p.-r LUirnvr. ilii-ii--" iiim'Oi TO i...r.-i fi-iini,'.-. .-oriii-r. tl.i-li' i-.-l!-! ll '-i l-cl-'i. 1" r. i-..tn-r In 'rini"'a (Int., I !i"-m-i' i.i.pii ...;. - I., h p.ir.; i lniMi on i ..,- I mid', tl !." wi-!.t i'. ..li s lo .'.:ii .iik, ili"in"- ...Hih t'.i. ,v vin'nf in r...ii ., 1 iti.-. ?l'll" mm 13 iiilei l.i Hi-- l'i i.-iMili--: itiii.'iIiiIiii; 3i u ri's. MAUISON ltliiuU'l. i ii am. r. Mi I j A t. rin y. S.,ll.-I.l!.i.l 1, 1-..J. 1WOK1GAGK SALK.BY VIR- 'It i: of :i -l ri;;.i.T . i"."..!;..l l.-i .n.- l.y W. . Si -Mi ,il. wlfi' hi' I ii- l.-.l ..ii ;.H!;i... -.i.l .n. ! 94 III It... k 1 1: in tin- ni-v ' in i:is-pi .-f ln-. .iK ot Cliii'.l.itin "..limy, i mih -.. !l i..i ii-Ii nt iu!illi mi"ilnii nt Uu. ""tut li"tif-o ii.inr f-. rnei'i'ir'r - n S.-i 1 .111' AY. Ol" ITlll il.lj s. ...'lil "l , C.-.IJ. Ilirt ri-ul "?-lii " ili-ii-rllu-.l On-!. 'In "i.ii'iiii.nii; i" ,-ti-ri, plliiui" lii rakiiin-l l"Milit(.. In i Imiti'itti i'"unl.-, iiii-l i."tiii: 1 i N-i i tti lii" ilivii- ii -if 'In- l.-ui'i-.f t-n-i'i I- m::.i!'. s t. womiu.i:. A-.iyu.-i is, i.-:-i. A S'B'il tw'li.irs" FAKM iK'iir Il.iyn.il and Mti:i ill", Cliitlhruii " uiitr, iu wly fi-lu-.l, anil In Kti.,. i nii lli!":.. ISj.J. i..l!, .in, iMttmi ami t-.-iu-co Int.. I. r..r -.ei ins. 1 itri !!ir.n,i.-:iiin. , . . -;i nr ft-tiln-.-i Mi-. .T. (illiltONS, July 2". l; lUYWot).', S. C. i Nonce i- m-rty prti-n tl.nl iho H-ar-l "f c -un'v , rHiuini-.Mi.ii.rr.- or rintih.iu) ('"inny h;t" I f n -I tlini-' l t(.'' 'iMi)t' j-r.-i hi (iuir an I lii' li m-'ii-l 111 tiilll I.''!lhlill'. nst'l t' V ci;tMI- lie 1 Mir v. itn i prri'ii.-l n: t.'Wii.'hli' titiMMvir.:i, nt uhi-u j i la.'i- il !.-.-tt'iM will lior.-fiiu r U'hW'l. 1U v . ' cm ithiiiit; iu I'.wihli- will ink1 hvx U"iict ' Im'P'i I. h. U MAHH ! .Iu!r (, 1KU i (K li.rtM. ' Jones Seminary for Ycnng Ladies. n. r h:.-.t'.'.ri.il A I u.-r-r . Ii' if ti f:i! !. n ' li.'t!. miiM-r.t! w-i'' f. C'-'.n.ii'.li' i uil.ili.L-f ulili .. ii ;u i-' i4- jii it- i. r t. ir-hi'T an.! ti:iU"ti, 'fi m .-m-iil.tis .-i'Mrt";. II. 1 A. tJ ' ' i W I i ill. i;.1, Ju'yV. 1 .'.. AP i:.-al.liK ri;.t-!t-, N. 1' " FEllDSHIP "ACiBEa- I'l I Mi.. I-..-S! 'II.-' l'IH-;ll,lT.I lli-h S, lli'.-l:-. t'l i; I ; ?d ii l. ALoiiance eoui,t . N. C. 1. ,-;ii.-. -.-v. n v.lli-t-1" u'ti of i.r.tl.Hin. iT.-l-m -t- i-f avi l'rt ' 'I' ' ' 'I'V'-. I-..'lii-iS "l ! l,: II, .ill. .'X,i-,l Si.n.li.y. I . r ill' ...l.i i.r i ii 1 1 t-.-r I 'n I'.i iii.ii - :i ..ln- - r.. l.. U N. l i-:ii. i.fti. .!..! -if, l'i'-- UU CI AM) ill S1M.SS INSTI IT TK. ma i.i: am i i:m. i .:. A M.-ip'llfl'-i'llI Ni'W l-illl Ill'K -v. l-.1i l;l. -I- h'u-li'ty ; n.iiii-: ti. s.-tiik- t'-i. ! l i 'iullllll nil I l-altli(ul l.nmtKll. Itiiilt-1 J.l 1'i-r iin'iitli. 'i'iilii"ti li' iti lu to t:t in r nu nih. I N'i, or nurlifte 6. , ovrr aim t.tii,liiis iMs'yfar. full tsrm IkhiIiui Ailk'.lsl 1"h. tT l er ciltBl' sui .Ti !nl ! 1. U. M AlUMiI.V. Ir1n(lrl. ' I Utnr, i. C, I I I crunm JilUUU come m s THAT THEY ARE NOW SELLING AT Tlioy have :i complete Flock in every lino, Mid titty Jiavtf hew conntK need cttttvt vic's in nllkin'ls of !? mui goc' 5 for the cash. They keep th Largest Stock of Shoes in the County Have a FDLL STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTSIIiS, vim-h they are ollerini: very cheai for the cash. They tiy t kce everything, so if you nee! anything 7C'-" can be .sure to I: ml it Julv 7, 1S02 J. J. Tin mas. President. Ai r. A. TiiiWst. Vico r.-csldtnt, The Com Mr rcial ami Farmers ' op i.vi-:iiji.i Mi c. Pnid up capital 100,000.00. Authorized capital 50L',( 00. CMrVvi t'.v .'.'' ' Sorth CivAoul, t'ciraarg '', ISOl.-DIRECTORS: J. J. Tbomrs, i. W. Watts. J. B. Hill, A. A. Thompson. Yj. 7n:e. II. li liattle. F. B. Bancey, T. 11. Biif"?, OUR CARDINAL POINTS: SM'KTY, rUOMl'Tyi: UUKIIALITY, VOUHTESf. Accounts of Farmers, Pusks, Corporations, Administrators and Ini--viduals soli.-ited on favorable terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to accounts of Country Mercidfcls one? individuals. COLLECTIONS made promptly ou all pccessiblo points. Our large URGE STEEL AMD is fitted with liiai III TIIE ONLY BANK IN RALEIGH WHERE CUSTOMERS rUVj? THEIR OWN SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES-A PLACE WHERfl MONEY, JEWELRY and VALUABLE PAPERS are absolutely aafe. Cirrespondeneo ftolicited. Sept. 'li, lb'Jl. ly. HARDWARE! STOVES AND TINWARE! Wagon Material ! m, mi, limn TT1WT TIT K1IT1PT) PPW!? irrr 'ili mi TOOLS ana CUTLERY. ; BARBED WIHE FENCING : ETC., ETC. ' LOADED SHELLS, 2 CENTS EACH ! ' Prices to Suit You!; THGS. H. BRICKS & SOUS, ! W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenlen. Anil oih.T si'iTlnUI"!! fnr Oi'titlmi'D. Lii'llr. Itoi'i ntiil JIImi s ufo hP j . . ., ... . i if'.: .'ji-a: uesi in ino wona. V i If V 1 nutit wli:. U will iii.iwar ?u jjfSyf i nil.-i.iiT. XTi Take no Substitute, '.'JMeSfffl. l,ut ItiMst !.lill W. I,. l-'lt I.I. . ?-llvf.. "I'll y&y'H " ami r""'' manijicU va " LUMBER! All kinds of Lt'MBIill for sale at tbe! PITTSUORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATtiEn-BGARD'KS, ! l'i wi.ii ami Kir.N Iii;i,', .it Boron. Jiills sawed to oitb r st short notice, tiood Ci tling and l lcioring already Biviisstu at onlv sf l.'Jfl )er KtO fr-t. 03". 1TOCZ, 'Jr. Sept. 17. 1M1. I Sf ATK )F Noiri ll CAItULINA - COl.NTV Ol- Cfi.iTIIAM. in tl. SuiMi'ir tmri. Anna M. rinil" v A. 11. r.inls. T hi Is hii a.i.'.ti i..r iliv..ri-, anil it ni',i.it'ft(; t'l the siilti.lH.',li.i .it ttm . ..llrl tleit Ilirtdi.U'ii'lHiit, A. l Kn.ilH, ts nut a r stilnot .if ttim St4ii. unit .-iinni.t alii- .tut lilllRDrw tw r.iunil tlismlu, lii. tu tit.rf.tiy .i..itfttl iin-l rmjittriMl tn Rp4ir. itnuwiir ..r i-inur m tli .i.-ittitltT'ti comptulai at thi. ni-ii iitiii .( tht Su.rl,.r iiuttrt ol t'ti-iihato riti.t.iy to W l.M hi I1tu.h.'r,i' on ih third Mrm.liiy after nrrtt i'utty iq sv,,Dli i't'. ti.' Aug ), 1-va. k. H, HOLT, C. 0. C, B. S. JiiiiiAS, Cf.s:ier: II. W. Jackson, A-s't Cashier- 11. A. London, Ashley Home, K. B. Itauey, j. -. Holding; A. F. Page, Fred. Puiiips,-. W .o; BojiaDf JFr rim- pinsBORo mm, FOR BOYS AM) GIRLS, J. Jl TlIACil, 1'rincipati MISS FAS.ME TIIUrS0., Assistant The Fall Term will beglu August 2!tb. 180?. Tho course of Instruction will txf thorough, cud Is desigued to culti vate ia the student self reliance, by teaching him to think and not merely to accumulate facts. The classical course includes a thor ough raining in Latin, Greek.- Mathe matics and English, as far as tsnezta sary to enable a student to cuter out beet colleges and universities. The applicant for admission iuc tho school is u -signed to that ( IffSfi. which on examination he shows Lir.: self qualified to ei.icr ; nnd he is re quired to master thoroughly the sturl-' ics of that class before be is advanc ed to ft higher one. Tho teachers will earnestly 6irr." to impress npon the Btndcnt thiif' moral itctitinic is the only caff i jn.. of character, aud to eultiva" in iiij.-. christian principles, refined fft!;v.r. high sense of hc'aor, am.'' ccuptfi regard for truth. Tuition per month, of fwv." pr-'.'.r Primttry English Blanches i n.' Interuiediate English " ? ')" Higher English ' o.-.. ( lassical Cod l oo " 4 (K Contingent tea per Session .Vf? Bookkeeping ijl.00 per month exira. Board can be obtained iu the tow at a very reasonable rate, uud we il licit foreign palronr(e. l'ittsboT- noted for itu heullhfiil cbr; .U', uic: for the hospitality, intelligi ai morality of its people, and a . I'.d ; trusted to their erne will be we!'. ' for- .No ilcd.ietion from tuition ! !1 liw lniide t ecpi in cases of if "-re tf.id f it !!' ! il!itrs. Tho boys t:tid firls wU be fnfigbf in scpartit'- r:.oi:iy, and hae Si .uiilo pmy 'timtids. U; tn. i ts will be pn ' " pHfron every ten wi .:kn. TlMTIoN Mi ST 1)K I'AIO Al THE KSP Of i ' ii MnN ni. Ni,, i. Is I, "li l y clfi-n IImI Uu- llnaril of Cntilit; c.-imrilr -.i"iii in nt CliAitiiuti rouni' . rsnri;.-? i'.!" I'lin in Oiilail'l t r, , j r . . t Trim tlsf..'' t..i'.-,l.ir ni-i.-i.iiif,l h..ii uu-t alsoffom Brxvn'i r-iiee in Mw ll"ie tuwu.-liiti to Lttnjrtjr ch.inl' n.'ii-. All iM-rn'iii. tiinii il tnyiiiuatC !-1oil Pw-B' sin v wia liHirattw SneullHml ti vjlii M tho placM utKv namo.1 ; Oy (if .Iff M lh" II' and !. II. MAfiRtf, r-ltrk. I aiicu-i , imi-.i, SJIIEI'.IFI'S HALE. DY VIMTtl' rl an l-uM Miti'ii IsmiciI to mn from tbinitipW.-i-' n.i.it of I'h.ititam I'-niiiy In lat.u of B'.uaiim M n.irr.-ll n-l H,.'aiiiHi w. . WaiH-it., t will nell n iiuM.r aiM-'t"ti t'-r i-iisS, nttbi.rotirvhoi.ffn Qtnti in ltlmli.-i'r, mi Mwiiit, l!i2ftUinf hrpl, n x r, In'.i-j, tirtv a.-rf "i imi'J lb Ul'-kory Modhtaln n ship, Hit), ilulftu Hi' audit of W. V. Dark art ntlira, ami helti 'he rctm "f ibo bnrnmirmA aliottefl it .lit W, Ii. Wi..-on: alKi (It lit final n f ald Watwin In a trwt Imi '-r to nam tovMble, known as lie Mrs Sulllf 1K B. Waitvm laud, art' JoImIhk th l-.ii Is of A J. Ttmil and uIImt. 1B, alii-Te In I l"Cl to a rtor ni.rua.:a. b-:nce f AYLOtt, (.hurl i auf. m, ltn. r j. t. ivth-m, ifr