'H!)c &l)atl)am tWtorb. II. A- A-OJNUOIV, EDITOR AND rKOPRIETOU. KATKS A D VERTISINC TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one insertion One square, two insertions One square, one month fl.ft - 2.J0 $1,50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. For larr advcrtisomerjls libctnl c n racts will bo made. VOL. XV I'lTTSKORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C., OCTOIMCU C, IM2. jam NO. (5. If i 'A :4 I 1 Coiilcnfmcnl hi Nntiirp. I would not change my joys for those Of Kmperors ami Kings. Whnt hns my gentle friend, the rose Told them, If might, ilo yon suppose The rose that tolls me IhiiiRs. What secrets have tlipy had with tree.-? What romps with grassy spears? Whnt know they of the. mysteries Of butterflies and homy bees, Who whfeper in my ears? Whnt says t!ie sunbeam unto them? What tales have brooklet told? Is 'here within their diadem A finale rival to the j;. in The dewy daisies hold? Whnt sympathy have they with birds, Whose sonns are souks of mine.' Do ,hey e'er hear, ns though In words 'Twns lisped the message of the herds Of grazing, lowing kino? Ah no! iive me no lofty throne. Hut just what nature yields. Let me but wander mi, alone If needs be, so that all my own Are woods and dales ami field. John Italics, in Harper's Wrekly. Under Three Umbrellas. 'If it didn't look as if I wero trying to gain fdiiio benefit from your um brella," lie remarked, in lit! Ii timed to meet her on the church stops tif tor tor vice, "I would ak to walk home with you. I didn't expect rain when I left lioine, so I iiiu unprepared." llowcver," canto her clear ivply, just nreh enough to ho fascinating mid just tender enough to be frank, "if you'll carry my umbrella and let me turn my energies to keeping my dies caught ti out of 1 1 io mud I'll be very thankful lo you." 'J'hey had walked, strangely enough, half way home in aluiist complete si lcnce,wheii a man and a wonrin pasci tliem, like them, underr oik; umbrella, but, unlike diem, the woman wns held snugly close to I he man's si lo as sho cluii to li's arm. Ii was a pietuio of thai open freedom which so u'idoiiia. bly marks a congenial mm and wife, whose companionship has ripened into frank trust. As they pasod K ibori Cuittiight aid, half thought fully, perhip: They arc sensible. Jf (wo are trying to iiso one umbrella, they him surely (, be oomin 'tided if dry strive, to lake up as little room as possible. Even if it bo noon, won't you lako my lirm?" "It'll I hy arc plainly nol such such strangers as we," sho rciurned, conscious that both were trending on dangerous ground. "Aro wo sirnugors ?'' ho n-kod qil'ckly, turning his eyes Kcnrchingly to l.er. The prcliy faro grew n trifle pn'e against ils light-brown hair. A lump teemed to rliinb lo Icr throat, but she returned, bravely: "Yes that is,w c'l1 always bo strangers compared with them." lie stopped f ir an instant niulg. ."d llxedly at her till a hot ll'i-li Hew up from out her dark fur collar and wept under the velvet string of her iluimy brown bun net. "Always'1' he asked simply. "Yes. Why, can't yo'.l tee that they tire married?" She tried to laugh it away, but ii would hav) beca difli lilt lo tell which pair of lips quivered the most or which p;iir of oyes swum in the deepest mist us too two Marled on, both silent, bolh sad, both rcidi.'ug that H liltle tragedy had occurred in that In ief iuslnut under that dripping umbrella on the noon boulevard. Kight yoa-s went by and found (iabrirl Yaughuc alone in t ho world, villi tieocs.-ily for keeping up a life in which all interest and n'l energy were dead. Sho ha I al 1 ist arisen from a ledums Linos, and (he nurse herself scarcely recognied the tall, pale, bad-faced woman, with the shun dark curls, ns ihe brigbl-eyed, light haired girl of six iiioihIis before. Gabriel had one thing cb-nr I i Iniyjnd only one, and (hat was a memory. And some of our dearest memories are (lie cruelc-t pails of our lives. When finally she (stood beforo a mir ror, and reitll.od that that changed choalure was hersrlf, u mighty re solve tilled her she would go lo iho source of that ni-niory. She knew where he was; she knew thnt ho had married three years after that bitter morning in the rain, and had married a wealthy wife. That was the reason that she bad lln ut him back from her long ng, just bceau.?" of his poverty. Not that it would pain her, a thousand limes no! Hadn't t.ho cried out, ii'ght after night siu, that starvation with him would bo only bliss? Ilut sho had known his nmbilions and bis capabilities; knew his dreani9of success, and she realir."d bis ability to turn the dreams into rcnliiics. She was poor. Would sho permit herself to hang a niill'tono about his neck? No, sho would hurl Irs heart before she would ruin his life. Tiiii had p;"veil that sho had b-on right. His wife was a beautiful woman, mid her wealth had opened boundless opportunities to him. lb had risen sho had known that, he would. H it, now that she scarce'.y was able to know herself, eho would vciitnro into his world mid see for lier fclf how happy and proud and pros perous ho was. So, having spent till but her lasl bill for her ticket, sho Mcpprd into Phila delphia one spring evening, steeling her heart to what might follow. Thu next evening she had walked past his great, rich house and was starling buck when a sudden shower burst un expectedly upon her. Sho gathered up her skirls in that particular way so characteristic of a dainty woman, and was hurrying along when all at once she was con scious of a sharp, childish cry at her side Turning, sho beheld a tall sad faced man trying to rjuiet a frelful baby of about ' years, which hold out ils dimpled hands to her and c: icd : ".Mamma! Mamma!'' The gontlcinan strovo to tp it and (iahriel started on. Hut sharp ami piercing camo I lie 'Mun-ma!'' mid her heart bade her linger. 1'or tin Inst time tho man spoko to her. I must bog your pardon, madam. His mother has just died and some, thing about you seems to have reealle I her lo him." Gabriel's heart softened at o:u:o. ti ling slraight up she to"k the tiny, outstretched haads in Icr own and nun Pinned : "J'oor, motherless lilllo one." The father ho!'! out his umbrella over her ami for the fust tune she looked at him - the face was Kobori'sr She was find for the rvuse of turn ing to baby again and murmured seine 1 ding unintelligible. However, he had not recognized hei.so si e drew all her strength to h'T atsWlniicc and succeeded in hiding her emotion. 'It' you will wa'k under my 11m biella.as 1 am going your way for this square, you can keep dry. And, ton, I fear baby won't like to pail with yon now." There was no easy way to rot real : it would have been absurd to scud oil in a changed direction through the polling rain, so she continued talking hurriedly to tho child. As they reached thu foot of Iho broad stone steps she slopped, ! cannot thank you enough for having calmed l,?!ie. His nuno left Ibis morning 11 in I It - will noi be cons dod bv anv of the other servants. So I finally told Mrs. (' arke, the hoiM'kcppnr, that I would Iry nini for a walk. Hut wi.l you not lake the iiiubiellii? It will bo a shame to ex pose oursolf lo such a deluge.'' S!io gracefully declined all thanks and en Ii kind oilers, and gid id quickly oil', a tall, blackcd-roln d ligure d.iiiug tho watery drops. Itut a pir f' el shiiek from baby arose when he found himself deserted In litis la-diiou, and each succeeding cry became louder and more disiiessing. Again i ibrirl could not go. Ajain she came !::ck to him. "Will you please come inlo the house with him? Mrs. Clarke may (hern be belter able to got him away llian ." S (i iluiel, carrying the child, en tered his house, unknown, but wel come i von then. Leslie was not (o ho easily deceived. and all the ruses wero seen through immediately by his careful, big blue e os. "Wo must got a nursemaid this very night,"' declared Mrs. Clarke, as she endeavored in li-r praetiea', : dd hcartcd way to inveigle tho young hud from his new "mauiiii 1.'' "Hut," groaned Mr. C 1111 ti ighl. where can one get one which he can trust on such short notict'?'' A bold idea entered Gabriel's head: Sho tried three or four times lo speak, and her voice failed. Finally she clinked back Iho lump in her throat and said : "Would it he presumpi iioih for mo to oiler myself? I can show yon ex cellent reference'", an I I am now look ing for some such position." "You a nursemaid ?" exclaimed Mr. Cointright in iiinnemeiit. Then, a moment laier, he would have given much to have it back unsaid; her plain black gown was darned at ihe elbows it was merely her way of wearing it that gnvo her Ihe appear and of a woman of long founded eul tuie and dolicncy. Two years went by, in which Miss Varney, a she was now known, un discovered, was loved by and loved in return Mr. Coiirlrighi's two children. It was one evening in March, just before dusk, when sho hail left Leslie up stairs asleep and had iu-l coino down lo the drnwi !.'-room with Mabel, to Flay wMi the child till her father camo to dinner. Ilo was Into and Mabel had wnn tiered oil' lo a hack parlor, thus leav ing Gabriel alone in the dimly lighted room when Mr. Courtriglit finally ciHered. "I shall call Mabel," she began, staring from her staiion by (ho win dow. 'o, Mips Varney; stay. I have something to say to you. You re member how 111 ved 1 was tho first lime Leslie called you 'miminn?' You thought then, 11) douhl, that it was because of Iho memory of my wife. Partly so, but mostly bc:auo as I looked up at you I thought for an instant that you were Iho woman who might have been hi. mother if Iho fales had been kinder. Do you know, Miss Varney, that you often remind me cruelly of a woman 1 loved better than the world?-' Your wife?" SI10 was glalthat it was dark enough to hide tho tremb ling of her lips. "No, not my wife. I loved Marie one way; she was tender and true to inc. Hut the woman (hat I really loved " Then, after a short pause, he went on: 4 -1 1 u 1 what 1 meant (o sty to you is this: I have learned to lovo you a thousand 1 1 nils belter than Mario, and sometimes, I almost think, us much as I loved the dearest one. Can von, will you halo me if I ask you lYos lo be Leslie's uir.nunt in truth as well as in word?'' Slowly came the reply: I'.'it you love the lit si woin in bo-t of a'.l, even yet ? ' ' Yes, I d i. 15 it, as I s iid, I of. ten almost think (hat youaros'in when 1 stop to realiz.! how 1 foci toward you." Moment afier moment went, by. The shadows c.imo e 'user and tin rim of lighter 1 1 Kids near tho west liori grew narrower. Al la-t she. fa tl: "I, ton, loved in fie long ago. Iiiu lean never in any way lovo an other man. Hut "' I! fore she could liuisli ih' sent unco Mr. Court weight had ivo 'guiy. ?d in bis governess Iho "best lovd one of all.'' and it, is needlevs lo say Hint Ihe umbrella episode resulted in Miss Vaughn's really becoming Ihe mamma i.f b iby Leslie. ('niching the Oclopus. It is 110 trick lo catch them. Tin y :11c pulled out with hook mid line from the deep walers of the S mini just like lisii, and are found on ihe rocky hoi loins of tho fishing banks," said a fisherman in Seattle. "Look alibis," continued he, raising Ihe slimy mass of legs and pointing to a perfect counterpart of a parrot's black beak. "That's his mouth. lul like a par rot's, only much larger and more p iwcrful. When once I hose jaws fas'en on tho bail they never let go until lamk'd on the ilcck of the boat. They so. (loin give us much trouble. Kxporience has taught Iho men how lo handle 1I10111 safely. The only care necessary is to prevent their fastening li dr stickers on the sides and bottom of the lo it. If by accident or care lessness ihev should succeed in doing so, tho octopus is safe, for the suction of those cnp-like di.-ks is so great lhat nothing but. 1 lie knife can dislodge lliem, and as Ihey ruu'l be reached they it awa-. "The men know by Ihe weight oil ihe lino and its ae ion whon an oclo pus is hooked. Then, by means of poles, the line is kepi away from the boii', and, watching a favorable op portunity, with ihe assistance of boat hooks, ihe fellow is suddenly yanked on board uud ieft lo thrash its life away on dock. Of course, Iho men have leai 11 d to keep c.nefully out of rc.ieh of it tentacles. On a clear day and in clear weather one can 81-c an oclopus at a great depth. Their bodies usually lie hidden under shelving rocks, leaving om or nitre of those long feelers visible, moving cautiously back and forth. 'Hailing a hook with a whilo rag and d.'nppiug it close by, it is fun to watch their movcmculs. They pre. tend not to see the bail, believing it is a living prey. They will advance their feelers inch by inch, and grad ually their body, and retreat again as if to draw on the intended victim. Playing tho bait back and forth ex cites their cupidity, and whoa salii tied with the result Iho beast makes a spring for the bait that for lightning like speed beats anything on record. Of course, it fastens its razir-liko double-back-action beak into the rag and holds oil like grim death, allow ing itself lo bo pulled out of the water rather than let go." In the Orchard. He How the trees arc moaning and sighing today. She So would you, if you wore as full of green apples m they arc. Lifo. CHILDREN'S COM JIN, CSSi:S IlIFFKR. Weo Alice fell down the minery stairs, And bumped her forehead and scratched her face; The old nurse tried lo comfort her pel, by, yours isn't such a doVful c;ie! "Your dolly never uttered a word When her arm was broke in the closet door." Wee Alice lifted her tearful face 'Ild she ever utter 11 word before-" illUa K. Mosby, in Independent. .i'Ai:ii:i p.v , t.'insi.. In n cjunlry town in Northern Pennsylvania there lives a man who soils milk, carrying it from houso to house morning an,' evening in a small 1 ,,,,,.,. Thpi.c u M about that, but his companion on theso j daily trips is the very Pirangest you j ever heard of an old gray goose, ' who follows him about in the most ! dignified manner and stands watch over the carl, letting no one go near ! it in his master' absence. His name ' ; is Major, and his master '-ays bo is I just as use! ill as a dog would he ; jXcw Vork Advertiser. SIM.IMi Mi R, I A four-fooled creature ll'at sings is ! certainly curious en nigh tif have ils j existence doubled, and many people do not believe that such a thing as a I singing mouse has ever l.to 1 scon, or, j more correctly speaking, hoard. It has, (hough; and in a cci'.iin house j beloved of ni'cn giuur.-lly, what I sounded like the voice of a very small i bird was ofien heard in Iho wall. A trap was set for (ho uptcal ions ones ; that ki pi up a coiislani sqin'-ikiug and I gnawing, besides nibbling ei y viand that lliev could po-sibly g.;t at; and one night the dainty bils. ,f ehecMi lured into captivity a 10. 11-e (hat j looked liko other unci and a 'toil like j a wren. Such a y iier.i,.; miisieil ! lilllo warble could m-:. vI; renin from j any other ihroal Ihaj tl al ol (he tiny i bird. I Hill it w::s soo i u oed F'eyond a j doubt (hat mot;..io ,1 .! it .:ie self, and ! that he mii-l bo the , 1 Vy :?gcr who I gavo Ihe mysleiiotn e-'dl c-o.vcrl. so j the m xt ibing wa. 10 v. .f.tj him a I cage. It was tpih ,.11 i- oiuiiiiui one, as uncommon ..t he . -,- limiM-ll' glass globe eovdi"! will- 1 'letting. A warm nusl was ar.angcil V it, and I the curious little pe;f ainor I 'd. very I kindly to his luxiir: u , qua,-.' "s. lie had, of cour-o, ih) best .:!,. pso to j nibble at, and he. cc uicntly i-u:idercd himself in clover. put it. airs, j too, and seciuod to '.-now w 1 1 1 1 ' i v,i I being watched. At such lines he would raise himsc ,, mid try wVih all ' his small might am, main to ' ;(. like a canary. Som dimi s ha woul '. b id up I one paw, aiul then ho was a I n::, fl .d.rPlj j prima done, sending fora such loud notes Inat it w;,s almost veiling j to hear him. j liul an e isy lifn did not ;n lo agrre wilh I lio .iiunsiny lit th ... lent, j and pnssib.y lie pined for the ,io' 10 in tho wall, with ii boundless f tvf'oin, where he nay linen left hi ;! ung hai biiriaiiMit play." In a few ! sh: . died willnul any aiparenl cau?A mid ! Ihe experiment of caging a 'i,'ing I mouse was altogether iiiisueoes.s-'. ', ' Oilier four-feo'ed wanders Hio bcea kept In ,ood c mdilion for a n" ,di I longer lime, giving abundant .'! I Iniiity to make tome very inieroN i discoveries in regard lo I heir mu-i;4 organs. They ilo not, it appears, s; I wilh llu- r throats, like oilier sjiigs-'eff, j but with their noses. Their vc! clionls arc vibrating folds of Ihe tk'C al theoiiilot of cadi nostril, and tx performer can vary the lone from higVi ' to low by using more or less force, it ; expelling lbs air. When quite, tjy himself, Ihe sound produced by the : finger resemble that of an .11 di.i 1 harp; but in a cage, when the snail I prisoner is ofien singing forell'ect, tin ' roles arc much bolder. A cat purrs v. ry much in the san'j j way as a mouse sings, an 1 ,th -iio signs of coin lot t and satisfaction. H't Ihe mou-c's song, unlike- that of tho cat, has given 1 i-e to many absurd superstitious, ami houses have acquired the bad reputation of being haunted because of singing mice in the walK The soft wai.ing sound which the song then assumes is said to come from tho uneasy spirits of those who have been murdered; and the servants who aro frightened by the singing mouse could never bo made to believe thnt the 0011 tiuticl picking and stealing from tho pantry arc done by tho singer himself and his near relative. l-'or although it seems ns if so gifted a creature shou'd be above such night maraudiiif. , he is really 110 belter than his comnjoii place companions. Harper's Yiung tVople. Kentucky has a colcrod Stato Teach ers' As location. BURIAL AT SEA. The Ceremony as Performed on a Man-of-War. A Sailor'3 Funeral is Pathotir; in Its Dignified Simplicity. j wa'or 1 n cold winter nighis should Tho ordinary demands of ship j 'ry the 1 ll'tcts of a spoonful of honey routine, his dnlies alow and aloft, in I instead of sugar. The change will harbor, upon the ocean nil are so j Mirpi i-e them. II mey may, indeed, ha, udmis, so dependent upon quick rcp'aoe sugar as an ingredient in the eves, strong hands, clear beads and . cooking of alino-t anv article of food. ts ! alert intelligence that tho least mis- , In ricc-pud lings the writer invariably chance of judgment or of grip, tho ' uses h uiey inslead of sugar; (ho slightest physical mistake may be J flavor is much more, delicious. Tor fatal. Ho assured the sailor feels this, j preserving most kinds of fruit honey It is bred in his bone; it is tho earliest is far preferable to sugar, as it has the and latest lesson ho lonriis and this quality of prcerving for a brig lime porpelua! menace enters his soul so 1 in a fresh stale anything that nny be deeply and so early that even in J h'i'l ' it or mixed with it, and pre. Mrongest and blithest manhood his venting its corruption in a far super face is ill I,., I will, iho i.athos horn of i ior manner to sugar. I'or many mod- ; thin cruelly of the sea. j When the maritime .lack dies he is ; buried without much undue ceremony. A brief pi ayer, a shotted hammock, I the lee rail ami all is over. Hut 1 on board a ship of war a sailor's j fiiiiort. is pathetic in ils digtiilie I I simplicity. ,j inu-ter ot the ships company is, naturally hi sad as 1 Ins, and vou can see it 011 the faces of a when Ihe subdued thrilling of the bo'sw'n's whistle is followed by the I the long-drawn-out and in ululated j call, of "Ail bands bury Ihe dead!"' The lii"ii come aft quiet y and lake (heir allotted station. To j leeward tit sea, or on the port side of . Ihe quarter dock if in pol l, the soa ; men are ranged in Ihe front 1:111k; be ' hind them are Ihe ordinal)' M amen ; iiml in iho r ar of both the appion j tiees and the landsmen. ; In Ihe gangway forward of Ihe j mainmast on sic h ships as slill have sail power, the senior petly lln or Mand ri attention. Around the colli n folded in the jack or national ensign tire gronpi d Ihe pal.-beareis, se'i cud Usually from the dead man's toe-s or gun division, and ec al band, rest ing on arms, (lie marine guard is paraded. Nearest the ci.llia are tin chaplain and the captain, and then, in ihe order of their lank, streli h all the other ollieers of ihe ship. The ensign at the p-tik, or stall', ll'lllers Iremuliug.y al hal t-mal, ami from overhead the yard and stay tackles swing lazily, ready to lift the. ci Ilin outboard. When tho weather permit, tho way of the ship is stop, pod, and, it may be, lillli! flickers of idling steam curl upward and to Ice ward like incense, and the wind in the backed and fretting topsails ct nnurs a dirge. The order lo "line vcr" is passed gently, and while the beniidl'ul words of the burial sei vice are being read the hush of the living is acconlu a ed by Ihe low accompaniments of sea sounds by ihe 1 maple of 1 a :m wa'eis eddying slearnward, and by the surging of the broc.i in the bid. lows of Ihe canvas and through the rigging ami gear. Whoa ll losing prayer is said, the lasl blessing given, Iho tackles are manned, Iho colli u is s'rippo I of ils Hags and -lung in straps, and slowly, rr voro itlc, is liois'ed above Iho rail ami clear of the ship tint it it i poi-cd over Ihe billows. The marines load, aim, lire in nli three volley, that awaken raiding echoes in the hidden spaces of the ship, the bugle sounds 'laps'' tenderly and swclly, wilh a newer meaning of sleep and rest ; the coffin swings further oul, and is low. nod gent y iiuiil the foam and spoon drift moisten il ; liie tackles are de tached with a sudden jerk, ami in an iintanl Ihe, weighted box shoots downward, bedded in foam and bubbles, and all is over until (he so 1 gives up its dead. In a little while Ihe cheery whistle thrill out tl call to dii y, the hali masted ensign ..ilnii'i '.; i.e dasher block, il.t. .up is brought (o her c mrse, and da -!iy !:e .""ii take tip I heir wearying routine of 1 to lives so sadly hiokeii. An unil-nal quid tests upon the vessel and around the 1 1 1 1 (aides; b'tl in the groups gathered lo smoke during the supper hour, and after Ihe hammocks ate piped down, the vir lies those heroic uud lione-l n a virlues of the dead sailor are re called, ami with a li'ii.li'in -s born of comradeship e'o-er than any oilnr men except soldiers may know. Harper's Weekly. 'Ihe l'M's of Henry. A writer in the lloriicultinal Times expresses surprise I1.1t honey is so seldom ston on tho (al les of tie people of Ibis count! y. Money," ho says, "is at once a valuable Medici no ;,n I food. Foul air, iiupieper ventila. lion, sudden changes of wcillier, the exposure of lungs and il.roat to a damp atmosphere, are the source of no cud of throat and bronchial troubles. A free, regular, and constant use of honey is probably the best mcdicii o for throat troubles there is. It is tl 0 most wholesome ami economical sul -slilute fir hullcr, being as a rule half the price of that article. II y is of moic service in our to. .king than many people imagine. Those who indui'Mj in a glass of grog and hot icinal purposes honey is invaluable. To lown residents who may bo jaded and look careworn tiller ihe excite ment of lale hour', when the skin be comes dry, red and harsh-looking, Iry 1 ho ell'eels of rubblii ' gently a lliiu c 'tiling of honey on Ihe face before going lo bed. It is one of the, linest : eo-inouesin mo worm. Aliie, hitl Legally Heiul. Human life U not a piie dess article in China, it i 1 It mi sold. Tho oile r day I pointed lo a fat, jolly Chinaman 111 Hankow, about '"! 111 bs up the, Yangise river, saving : "Thai is a very happy -looking man." "Yes, for a dead man lie does look jolly," said the coiisii'. I lead," I said, "wh it do you me in ?" "Why, that 111 in is legally a de.nl man. lie was .g . 1 1 -.- executed alter Ihe Taiping rebellion, and pronounced dead otlieiaily." "What's tie: pn'ling paradox?'' I Well, thai man, like many others, was 1 on lemiie I to die, but, being rich, he hired a .iib-li!u e lo die for him. There arc pl-niy of .starving son- in China w ho, at the 1 oininand of a fader, will kill ihcniscive- for gain. Thai Chinaman llierc paid about ''! lo a 1 1', ignorant brother to lake his I place really died by ploxi. lilti'e had literal ly lived ; I he poor u in hunger all his life. With if.V) he literally wallowed in wealth for three months and tic: 11 died for il. This ofien occurs in China. Hundreds of thousands of rebels ueie massacred after Ihe Taiping rebellion, but the rich gcner.iilv e-eape.'" Philadelphia lh: D.srrl Shall Itb.oin. The do-crl shall id ossein iike a gar den. If the civil engineer 11 illaud is righi Ihi prophecy Is near fulli lincnt. Ii dl an I Ii is siihmiited a report to Ihe Academy of l'miice upon walers found under ground in (he Sihara. His ex ninii a ion of Ihe ground was confined 10 the region nbeiil the oasis of III G dealt, and pr-veil so rich a supply of water that he believes the whole dose. 1 caii b: ciinvorlcd into a net work of fertile oases. lie is til pioscnl engaged in prepar ing . a clrirt and a ile-crip ioii of the region which wili indicate Ihe spots where an ar csian boring i. in hi, 0 t , 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , certain lo bring a volumin ous jei of wider lo the surface. Mich a ctcaii n of 1 icw wells tin' people in habiting he vast desert will look upon as a iniracie, and Ihey wili he prepared lo bow down before and acknowledge the supicmacy of the workers of such miracles. Li oilier words the execution of the scheme of M. Holland will do more to conquer (he desert for I ranee than anv scienlilic or warlike expedition ever could have done - i Chicago I'libitue. I'riuiilho I'uriiiiui: in Spain. Consul 11. W. Turner at C.idv., Spain, in his rep 'i t l the Male I i -p.irtiiieut, says: F.lcctrioity is no; used in Spain as a power for Ihe pre pit! -ion 1 f fai 111 tii ieliiucry or iinplc ineiiis. Ninety p r cent, of the fariu ei s nt I his pi o 1 m e don'l know what, eloliiei'y i. and not one has ever (iieiigbl of 11-ing it as a force for Ihe propagation and grow th of pi nils, is Ihe answer gien me by the clli it. in charge of the aeiieul ural iutci essj if I he prov inee. Agricultural e nidi lions existing here arc almost ihe same a thofc of Ihe tl .e of Knlh and II 1:7. A stick sharpened ut one end fcrvcs for a plow. I'iel uies in illiislrn ed Hib'rs rep resenting Ih'1 sower win wrni out lo sow nic also true pi osculations of Ihe Spanish husbandman in seeding time. I, 'aping hooks of ;he time of l'jrar gather ihe harvest of Ihe present. Asses mid oxen trample out Ihe grain and I be w inds of heaven separate tha w heat from the chiifl.'' Whatever IsIs Hcsl. I know asniy life grows older, And mine eye have dourer sight. That under i nch rank wranir somewhere There lies the root of Itixht ; That such sorrow lins ils ptirposf.s, l!y the sorrowing oft ungiiesseil, lint ns sure as the sun brings inornins:, Whatever Is is best. I know Hint eneh .linfiil notion. As sure 11s the niht brings shade, Js soiuewhojT, some time punished, Tin the hour be line delayed. I anew that the soul is aided Sometimes by the heart's unrest. And to grow menus often to sutler ilut whatever is is best. 1 know there are no errors In the jiieat eternal plan. And all things work to.'etlier For the linal good ol man. And I know when my soul speeds nnwsrd Jn its Hi and eteinal ipiesl, I slistl say as 1 look back earl Ii ward, Whatever Is is best. K In Wheeler W'i'cix. m 'juniors. A rousing appeal 'l ime In get up. A man with a history: Tho book sgetit. A fly i best oil' when ho lights on a dicky paper. A cent in your pocket is worth two on your hainlko; chief. "Chops for mo." said the hatched faced man to I he w aiter. The worm must i contagious "i Ihe early bird would not catch it. What is done cannot be, till lone, especially if it is a hard-boiled 'gg- After (lie pickpoi ket has sucecidi d in getting bis hand in ho lakes things easily. Clara I wan! something lo iniii h my head tonight. What would you wear' Maude S jiiiething ligb'. It shows Ihe advantages of position that w hen a woman begins lo lin n a man's head she first gets on the light Milo of him. ' Whcuamoihortclsl.fr boy ho L ! gelling lo be just like bis falhcr, h" ' knows very well it is not intended a a compliment. Proof positive; Adelaide -Why arc you so sine he lovts joii? Made. : leiuo - Hecausi) be shows me the letler- yoii write lo him. j "Is that a good dog ?" -l u ed lo ' Ihitik so, but I have my doubts, now."' ! "Why?" "I've had hint a moinli uud j nobody has tried 10 steal him." "Orlando, 1 didn't see. you with t M i-s Spoons at the concert lasl night," I 'No, Percy; I'm not calling on hoi any more. 1 can't until she 1 ell. -ids I what she said lasl week." "Ah! what : did she say?' "Well, sho said I needn't call any more." 1 A (111 ions Industry. 1 The idea of flower farming for per j fumes seems lo be exciting a good deal ' of iiileie-t in New South Wale, as j many inquiries on Ihe subject have , lately been submitted lo t lit; agriciil ' luial deparlmeut. There tire at pros eiil in iho colony 110 means of iilus lia ing the pracicai operations of Ibis industry, but the Agi icult ural Gazelle of New Sotiih Wales hopes that thie dclicioney will si on be supplied by the iiisiiiuliou of e.xpei imeii ta'. plots on one or more of fie experimental farms. Tito Ga.eue points 0111 lhat in scent farms largo quantities of wa-le material from nurseries, gar den, orchard-) and ordinary farms might he piolitahly uiili.cd. while oc cupation would be found for some who aie until for hard manual labor. I A government perfume) farm win laielv established at luiclly, in Vie. 1 terin. and Ihis promises lo be reinaik j ably siieeesvf.il. New York Witness. Cuban Ways. Many Cuban way sale different fiom ' those of any oilier people on Ihe Globe. ! A Cuban, when ho desires to bring a pel sou to him, motions him to gn j away. They put keyholes upside ' down, and applaud in the theatre by a . prolonged hiss. Postage stamps are ; sold everywhere but at the post i line, j and lo gel revenue stamps you do not I go to a government ollieiat, but to a I broker on the street. The people live, i on Ihe first floor and do their cooking upstairs, the cur es and chamber ser. vants aie men iu(ead "f women, and , agricultural implements are. sold at j chocolate, shops. St. Louis Globc- licmocrat. Only a tjueslioii of Time. Aequuintiince So your son has hung out his shingle ns a doctor has he any r'ients yet? Proud Parent Not yol ; but hn has raised a i.eard and bought a pair of eye-glasses ! Puck. Cyrus . Cady, who died iccenlly in I leaver, introduce! the fust mow. in-' machine in'o Cob. ra lo.