I 1 J 3 3pnaihai Jiccrf- thuusday. ki:mskr i. i-'.k. Dogwood, persimmon ami h ory timber wauled ut the l'illsb I hid Loro' Shulilo Mill. A second hand twir horse wagon nnd one-horse wagon lor balu cheap "j v ' " nonumentNand touibfitonos call on liobert 1. Holers V Co., or write for price list and donignu, Dur ham, Js'. C. 5000 liuHbolsCotton.Soed want ed by O. S J'ot & .Sou within the next fifteen days. Will puy 15c caah, or 17k-. in trade. 5,000 bushelrt ot cotton (seed wanted by JJynuui & lleudon, lur which they will pay 15ceuUin cur rency or 17' cents in t ratio. There were twelve marriage li cense issued in thin county during November eight to whiten and lour to black. During .December there will be many more. Christmari (ioodie. Uynum k lladou have received raisiim,eitron, furrantHj'prunert, fis, apples, buck wheat, oat meal, cocoauuts, nuts, lainco meat; also, celluloid starch, Call and get your supplied. Dr. W. H. Kd wards, of Wake For osl, will visit l'iltslion.' on Monday. Tuesday and cdnesday lollowing the third Sunday in every month, and will be prepared to do any kind ot dental work : ollice with Cluipiu k Ileadon. The annual season has again arrived for killing "tho biggest bog", and tho Uecobp is ready to publish all roliKiis. Mr. liichurd lii ldle, ol this township, heads the- lisl with a pig" that ho killed Inst week weigh ing 420 pounds. Next ! jug pouno Yitu' will find tho largest and cheaoost stock ol shoes in ihe conn ty at onoon o. . am ,on y u olU they aro selling he... ven l,uv o. . ,,.';. ,:r ,,UI11 wo ,nul ctsh. Asph-iidnll.uoo 1 ,ass,,ne:vs,jii Uj rt,u Jt al, .lepo Jeans and Kerseys he) ne t 0. ,(.,, H should large stock ol Biankeis, while and , )oJ ,v(, W((.,M !, ,,, :ll Ull. colored. t matter right and strive to live :il - -A nd so the comet did not destroy the world, "on last Sunday night, as soino timid aud sensational persons seemed to (ear At this place jhe sky was clo.idy aud 110 slar, comet or other heavenly body could bo hcen, greatly to tile ijiappoinluient ol many who expected a brilliant me teoric display. One feature about W. !.. Lon don Ai Son's Holiday stork i that there is s jriicihing lor everyuoily Suinclbing lor ever) body s purse Tho variety they show makes the selection ol gilts easy, and you can ii iti.- 1 i.t on .-eiiiii.r i list exactly wliat you want for very lil-j ' tlo money . Soino ot the P.'IllilMll.MI oi" t i . i - :iiig I.;. ties ami :'1V p'vpar e...rrl ai n men I ,.,.s hoiid.iy.i, !'oi g u. .;.rv to l.- i ing to give a ah during vl!io Car: the p ti iyj buy t'lc stone !';: to place in the pr. monument At i'a noso'l l ir cverv Ch.-.i pi.e. eitrl. mi county Hll'ejer.ite It is pio- inty in t lie Stale to have, a bhe-k ui that n!.;i.il'neni, and of course Chatham mu.-.t have one in memory of her dead heroes ClIUIsTIAN CoXr LUKNi'K.-TiiO North Carolina aud irgiuia (ouieroiice ol the Christian Church held itsnnuiia': sussion last week al Apex, iu Wake county, with Uev. 1'. 11. Fleming as presidiuif .ollicer. Tho attendance ol delegates was largo and tho pro ceodings very interesting. There are eighjy two churches in thi- State and four in Virginia, and their mom cr coin. union Chi ini; cneo, and Jlr. W . C. Wicker was ordained a minister. Insoi.vkxt Tax I'Avr.its. In an other culuuin Sheriff Taylor publish es, uh tho law directs, a list of insol- j vent tax payers allowed in his set tlement of last year's taxes. T he remainder-ot tho list will bo pub lished next week. In reailing this long list (and it is a long list every year) all citizens who pay their taxes aro naturally indignant that ahlu bodied men can escape all tax ation and ) el enjoy all the privilege allowed by law. It does not seem right or just that any able bodied man should evade paying his proper share of tho pubiio taxes, and then voto to mako other people pay taxes ! Of ii Co r n r v Omcnts. Next Monday the time when the tern. olour new county ofliecrs will begin, and tha.t is tho day when they aro expoctcu to quality ami enter upon tho discharge of their duties. On tho saupi day tho countable am also i . . . .i ,i: i. i i i.. ICijIIireUi lo give men- oniriai iwnm. Although tho III:. olio did all it! could to prevent the election of our now officers ( believing thai simple i justice demanded llio re election of; "the old olliecrs), yet as the people j the sovereigns have decided other- , wise wcf'graceliilly yield I.) that de-l cision and will cheerfully aid our! new count)' olliccrs in any efforts; that tho5'"make lo advance the best; interests of our good old county.. Tiiank'soi vimi D.vv. Last Thurs day being Thanksgiving Day all b.ininess was suspended at this plan-, tho stoles and otlices in the court. house all bring closed, and our fr.Vcots vvcj'o iilui-j.it '.lcw:rtiid; ivium- bership is nearly 7,0(HI. JSov- L. grams, grasses, vegetables ami UiiS unioi luna-.o gu i s neuo, ami . :UmU,,. u, ?. al of the churches nro in this ' i rails grow lo pi i lection and do wt II I Lane took her to lioosevott tiospiiui, . jt pvicr," ly, auu ineir meniuers are tn-re. v o can u.aKe cur supplies ai ; -i. --- .. ; .-jayuor, A. D., ig tho very uest cui.eiis oi iiomo airl wnen we vlo uns, wnai '" "' ""B'"i,-""",-,'' , , (,).jiu, Jubu. i: lin.iui. A new cuurcu ai i.'-n.- ; more do we in e.i or wnai suaui.u v. e . " ..V...J-, , i l'iitriii"e Joe, .i . . ... i . . I ... ' , i t . i .. , i ... ........ I. ...' ...... , .i it, l ii' , ii iliii emu ,h . . . . - rton was admitted lo the Conler- lor the low nrieo ol col l.-n? But 1 her l.r over I lie wouml i can nam : ,. , bling their appearance on Sundays. jltwu ii benutilully bright day,' : but vi'fj' cold, III o ii 1 1 lost day wo i 1 lisivo ever known so early m tho a wluto boy 12 years of ago, whoso i season. The huntsmen wins out in home iiit Ml. II !!y. met with a pain full force, enjoying thcr lavorile fnl aid Htrions aceidi tit Thursday, 'sport ol shooting j:i rl !! Iros Tin- while out hunting. Up was aceiden ' only church open for religions ser-' tally shot in the log, itfciviiifr both i vii-i-s was ti p llpi-i-nn;:! eh urch, a nd Kinds fi'iiui a companion's gun in tho only :i s nail t i-iin-u'fit attended thai. Some id the ladies ol tltut church Kent a Thanksi'iving dinner ti, lh0 n.os ,, tH) flotno for Iho j Af,C( , 08 ia;) been their ,tu..N ,u, WHi;u;,a,v A trri'i; Tiiti. On Tbanlssj;iving ! Day ttie cilitor (t the i; iif'C witu Ins , .. .... ... ,. , , u.;r i vvi'. .,;..(.. i .....,,.L- i,Jcwtc ticket. U is first iiresidi-ntud wile lull V iiiniugton at . n clock in i , . . ,,,, ,' , , ,. .,;.., .,, , ,i; ,,,i s, ...ivote was cast in 1S2 for Jackson. tno lu'.iriii ale uiuuei atui Rpeiit lr . . .. , f. i. ,i I, ..H i mJ ....,, ' HorniVH ho voled threo tinieH forOon. five tiou is an'.l a lialt ueiv,. ami was.. . , , . . , , , I ,, , . , it- Jackson nud three tnuoa for Cleveland at home at 1 1 o clocK lual mglil. II . . ,. T, .. ,. , . en,. v...ihi ImmI ,.. ud bas voted the Demoeratio ticket .;,i . .Win col,r., or be done ho would have been thought to bo cra.v. Year a"o some ot tho rice plan'ters near Wilininirtuii would . ouie here to npend tile Hummers. ridiif in their carrlaj'Ps all the way, and i he journey would take aboiil live days. And now, ju.-t think of the w.mderlul progress of this age, F'r Hie Bk:. 'o Money in Cotton. o.Ly AS A sl lU'l.t S CIlOl'. One cannot fail to add noinelliinc new to his Mor ol knowledge it he it COtlMUIIL leaUl'l Ol SOUK' gOOU larui paper, 101 11 leacnes us 101 uru one slioiiltl care to know about the ! . . I O . I .: j Mi. i.,,.,,,!,, ailairs.and ilevery j 1)R Vi OU;, u,,.,j jlf ,,). ,d a l vice con j (.t.niii,.r Jj versily of crops, juil wast :,.., ' .,iu-h lin.e in trviinr to iret vou can come trom ilminglon to our ineicuanis last, wci k mat nrrv, .u,Bw.., u.u,, this place, reitiiiin several hour.-, and 1 mdidatu on tho Third party ticket j ioarriugtoii, Silas, return to Wilmington, all in one ! ' nd been elected except. President, j l f.amugton, Kobert, jny I ! 1 bo poor, deluded follows think be rearnugton, hdwm, i-aiiBo (Ihathaci has been captured bv ! I'Vatrington, Cam, rich by making eott..n, put more nml ; touaa in:u 111 uie pi.e oi .-,ceo, ucau belter attention to raising Corn, ! H .is supj o;ed that ho ha 1 du a liole wheat, peas, potatoes, gi asses Mid all jin the pile of seed aud that they hud grain and vegetable crops, ami raisu, toppled over on biiu. their meat al home, the cry o. haiM times wouI lsooiM-er.se. 1 he dinners Would be able to put 111010 money iu their pocket, wear better hithes I ami wear a origmer smuo on m.m.ic.j. oisi so long as we negieei ..hi ? 1.111 tuvJ grass crops ami have 10 senu to;,,v & (.()lcii U1M ;,med Marshall the A,rth ate! est tor corn, hour liomo by roper economy wo ouM in a few years surmount the dillicid ly ana cnangc me i.u-i mug 01 mini 1 1 .1 11 ...11.. ...1 times to peace, pljhty and prosperi ,. 1 ,' . J ..(. iv. j 1 sci.ni.i nai mi v man o. rum ,ny man o! com j inou sens'! ought to Know Miai 11 we did not prosper when we could gel ; lj, to 18 rents for col Ion there is no: pns.-iuility ot lining so now while we j onlv get Iroiu six lo seven eenls lor' olloii. I' tiles'. kVe change our lluj io , I ol taruiii'g and r.iHo more unui'.' I gra"si'. ai.'l gem! stoeu, unit raise; j h'ss cotton and make it n surplus: crop, we v. 1 1 lie wr u.-i e a 111 nenei, Unus. This wo can do; even our, 1 p. 'i' reiili rs ha ve a cna u ee hero to. ev.-ry t hiii'i owe iiothiii'. lire. led at home at I In; cud ot the crop season ex. ipt rent, and reel li.-ve is a small item compared wi'h tiiesuppiy bill u.-uaby c intruded i-r v, i'.i. the '.'..'ti uicrcliaiii :'.l ill-1 i'.i':ii iiing ofench year, ll is these sup. ply hilir li.al plays huvi-o with the l.trmer.-: il i I In - bills t i :t : lorr. as lo rli n.'.iMii at any price lh.' nr. reliant sees lit to oiler toi i! ; n.l.! here is where the low prico o' cnltuli hurts the worit. If wo make i ur r.illou a sur!u:j crop then tho low price vv ill not be r.o heavily leit. Then let Ui eoavJ lor a while to grumble . with our government nllirials about h.ard times ami unwise lo aiion. and lurn about and lay wiser plans logctl.er in for our.-eles and all pull ono rolormod inovemont and better limou with more money in pockel will bo the result oi our efforts. We have the soil, climate am! seasons here suitable and well adapted to al- moftl every Kind ol crops: an Mini lti.ii and ui. ike il u sun crop, we can command better prices ami a small crop bring us more mon ey than it brings us now. We bavea good many men fretting and grumbling about hard limes and trying lo fix iho lai.lt on some one els.; generally tho government aud aro never williiigloaeknowledge their own faults and bad manage ments. Permit me to say to su Ii men that they mit-l begin to reloru: thetnsel vrs rcl rm should begin al wa)s ill - lollow tne j-ivcepii. i you see and kimw lo o! those whom more thrifty and prosperous than ! il we ruis.' our s.:: plies al lioiu.-, raise j r. yourself, and ) "'I will soon see tl.-il ! ti mpti.ig to diinl: was m i.o I wiib the government has had nothing to j cnvul.-.ions. lie lagged lo be taki n do will, our present dependent con j home aud while on the cay was si iz ditiun, audit will never grant us , i-d with cnuvulsiuiM on crossing (vny any tree money. 1! wo get it we I -.tit am. On reaching heme he lu g- will have lo work for it the same as';;vd bis people to t:o him to ptevent wo liave always done, and well earn j i,is doing atiy barm. Dr. B. F la' s ed treasures nro more enjoyable than ; was sent for. b it in f-pito of ull ihls giitsi. i skill. -il phyidrian eonid do, Noland Tho secret success ol tho farmer! dnul the next day, a'le,' most horrible is iu good leiiees, plent) ot ail mints of grains aud grasses, good stock uf! iha! the u;ifortu:inl man had clievv all kinds, the right kind ol tools 1 ed !.is tongue l.tei ally to pieces. Wc such as the Oliver Chill Blows with ! h ii u that Dr. Falls says it was a the right use made ol litem sue b as j t vpirtil rase of g 'inline hydrophobia, deep plowing an I good cultivation--! Mr. Noiainl v.:.s 11 '.',ii.i ul.l. and Miv.ng and caring lor all that he ; I'. T. Wol.KF. The c'i'eat pain autiihihitor ! Miss .Magyio W. l'.imtford, Ealsville, Vl. ; under recent dale writes: "Mvfath has a most m, uvelous effect. It a! er suto rcd from pains in bis hips, a hi s iidbiuun-ition, fn es the obstt ui t 'spiailied wrist, Ac, which wh o ed air pie-sap, t s, and controls the ib ! promptly cured by .Salvation Oil. ll sire to cough. is a household art icl with us. For1 Th s ()tol jil)z,,llll(),.f at Winston aches, pains, sptamr, or bruises of any n;s desl roved by fne ou last Wed- ; KII..I 11 IS I'll eei ilel.r lt'llleily. ! The vote in ( 'aiiibrni.i is so i h 'that the icsull i: iH't vet LuoiWi. State PJCWS. Clmrlolto Observer: Chas. Ware, Cdf of lh: leg. The wound is such a ; oaa one that it is thought that the log will have to bo amputated. : v...i.. !?..,.. . n..,.:,iVnJ i jJH as y(!ars hii.1 3 months! walked o nolo and a half to the clec - . ! tiou at Shuford's box and there voted ! for ' 0. years and is proud of bw po- ! litieal life. Santorct Express: Mr. Alton li.yru, ! Treiisuror of Harnett county wan rob- J ''''d of 700 a faw davs ago. The i money w.i- in his trunk and whilo ho wan away the thief ot.doroil bis house ''d curried the mouoy off. A Third I p-irlyito of Chatham informed one of the (lideo'jilfs that tbey have swept tho wliolu country. if. i," .UUlllUe i.tillUKL'l . (JUMHIJ1 Johuny Huov, t!cd about fi years, tho youngest son of Mr. James C. Huoy, was smother l"i ui-.uh ii n ijiiu w wniyu or.i,. - nuw,,.-, iuv un in I'.iiu '.Iiiir com and when thev left 'C ,-. .... I I,o .,1. ui.rrorr.wl j the lot with tho wag"-.i he wim play ing on W.e pile of need. When they iv: 111 11. d, not soring him ai.ywbeio i they l.esan seun-bing for him and Vi!iuiugtou Star: Information j waa rcc,.iv0ll 1,.,. ,jj Star vcsler- .!,.. ., Ai.l,i, Mr-I'l, niter. eoloie.I. co'icerni d in tho murder of deputy i K1( riiV Li; ingston. of Kichmond conn- i,Vi v.us (..tured yesterday morning , 11 ....... u m-. ;,.,-! ; Hnho mi coiintj-. rbe prisoner was lodg- ed in juil at Lumber!. ;n ami will but r.M.t lu Hoc kihghi'.m. liic.imi.uJ conn t'. Jlo is oadiv wound.-id bv gun- shot in the shoutdrr. hands and legs. .in.l v l.. n b;uii'.J was unable to wa'k. The wni.mln v.rie ii.llieted by t lie sl.ciifl'spo.-se in Kichmond, who were i ., ..;,. t,, :.iiesi him. Tliei f i tm "., ' lialdidi CHrolmiau: j. . ,. , , ..,,, . . ,r,;. Lieu ij ai.ooriOJi i'i iL.u iraiuiiuu h. ie. It is a good oliicn, worth about sl.lMI.) a year, ami wboeVc r gds it will bo in iuck. Tim naiu.-s nn.ht fr tpf nil-, suggest', d in conncclion with thfM.ftlceureS A.Ashe. N. B Jhough- t"i,. Cl.:t. M. ietsl). e, B. It. Lary, (i. 11. L.ach, A.M. B.uv.iiaud V. C. St;, uaeh. W. ju itii. t'juu in alpha- bcti.-al ord.er. There i:-av be other.-;, but 11 esn uil the r.ai..(v. m.w! (a!Ud about. It is ru.nottd that Biiiim will back Slioiiach; W.i'eo will back lluv Ikc; and imsoi c s trieiuls hope that liuiirioiu will join Vance in favoring I him. Kb cents .1. Y.v.'iv cxc. I'.ii!.,;. i.tn, v:l l.i-.r to be an lutcieoliiiL, ' i -st-nger : V'c :ie :nii-y lo iiiiin that Mrs : ;.f t'lipf. .b'.mes Nolaii. i e! int. i'. al ' aloima Xi .:.: I. faialiv bunird las! Sal r.niav alj'i'it oho iich'ck. ib.r di-.'-:.-. catigbt iiro vdillw cbo was burning giu.-s and bi ash iii tiie back of be: uard. ii. .Mr. Winner saw lur ruu- i . . i . i i. ...:.i. i .ling i na.os tee uritcu wii.ii ni clothing n. ''himcs. mid ho ran to her and put the lire out, but not until she had suieuial len ible injuries. Dr. ; W W. Lane rein. Led last uighUrou, Jjew rk Willi .iliss l'.dilh 1 ulfoni, .uo juui.jj i.mj Kelly, Thumaa, uot in count v, ago, gol the scalp loi n fron. her head Ko p by the uiacbmcry a the Industrial b T N fc . couut W oils iu this city. Some kind young L u w ladies of fh.s city raised some mono, i T j not Ju couu lo have an operation performed on;,, Kicb'od ly bo noticed. I be hair will, how - ever, never grow where the scalp was l0,u ' Shelby Review: Lust Tuesday even ; .. . - ... i i. '..... i ....iii.i j ..t ton iirti.ir. j of bis father, John Noland, son of j William Nolaud, died a most horrible death from hydrophobia. About live luontbsago young Noland was billet. IU V.IUtVltlii.l Vllll.J l.fc fci.w uv.... on tho hand by a dog supposod to be iabi.1 II v.ont to Liiieohiton and applied a uni'bAouo lo the wound. Tim r.toi.e ai'il.ri-e I. repeatedly and it is thought all danger was ove . .ii,..u j .- ,;i,o u.iys ago . i.iu.l complained m ; feeiii.g b.i by and of diillrnlly iuwl- ' lu'.vir.g wuur, and Monday whilo at ' su'tei :r.g. Atter .lO 'lli, U wan iouu i Iliousa i.ls ol lives are save. l an anally by tho use of Aycr's ."t.-iry; IVet Hi uie ucaimrui .'t e.i.u, ' and whooping cough, the lVvtuia! : d ty night. Ln.-s .Sl ..IUId wnb Mir. inre "for S 1 Oil.UtlJ. It will lie built iM r.oon u:j piaclicuble. Now Advertisements. LIST OF INSOLVENTS. .. i i l.io u..uiMK auudl...IW . tot f I ! iticIt'nf fa v lint-mo i if I Ik I hi ve: a: i. wnsnips oi iiuai.uaiu county, who have i.ot paid tLoir taxes for tho year 1SU1, aud the amounts duo by them. SBENCE TAYLOR, Sheriff jui.dwin township, ?2 12 . Atwaler. Alex.. At water, l'inkuev, 2 12! 2 12 ,. r." ! .,, , . , Jialdwin, Cbesley C, Sr. , Ha win, heeler J , . ' , ; Baldiviu, IJuniy, , L5a dwm, Jesse, I , , Ualdwin, Dick, 0 43 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 Brown, Kufum iSrown, Mauue, ; yuuU1, jauies, leu couniy, 'lai k, Sam., Cneek. Reuben, Dodson, . D., ; Dawson, Jingbt, Davis, J) rau'.f. j Diwuuke, J. ., dead, i l''ousbee, Fred, j t'oins, Ueorge, Hackney, James If., IJ,,1., I? I T ,, If . - '1 , 1 ' Hnl,,,,. T. ' , Johnson, Thompson J, Lynn, Wesley, L,uuibo, J. 1'', no property, stock law tax, Mann, Sooob, N orwood, Fearriugton, Nui wood, Jobu, lVny. Lucian, l'oe. William A , 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 I'ool, George, Richardson, J. II., Kagan, i-'raiik, S,,ii,u M.,Un 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 Suipos, Sum, Smith, William, Smilb. Bicbard, Si 1 ay horn, W. S , not in county, 2 12 J rice, Jlenry, 2 12 I hrifi, Gaston, not in county, 2 12 2 12 2 12 Wiiiiums, William, j Wilson, S. L.. I I An ci;i:ek towx:,iiii'. I Albiight, Bedick B., $2 !)5 , ilu i t, James W., out of county, 2 1 2 j Br ww, (ieoigo J , .22 I Ix'ooks, ni. n., I VI ! Bro;ik:i. Jobu M., out of county, 2 12 J. ft' 12 ; ' avin s. J. ao, -'aidy, William, I D. aioii. Andrew, ; Davis. James, '"ins, Knus, ii-" s h' 'stopber, ; -,o!ris'..n. J-.s pb, j '''d, Dennis lv, i Wolfnt, 7. inn, ! M"!''i-. dimes, ' Smith, Aicbio 1'., i relin. Lhjah, 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 ( '.Ct FKAR TOWSbUIl'. O.'oige, I 2 12 2 lo ' 22lj 2 12 a 12 1 Alslotv Al.-tou, William, left county, B"gs Miles, not in county, B'iri.witL, Joe, not in county, Bi.'lba. Bomy, r.ot in county, Due, Heiirv, not iu county. Ci i.mj., Eiijn, uot iu county, 2 12 Co', ingtoti, C'alvin, not in countv, 2 12 1 Cox. L.sboii, dead, ' 2 12 I F.triirh, Mc ilenry, 2 121 Ounti r. Oscar T., 2 12 (Junter, Joseph E , 2 12 ,,,..,.. i,, i ,. ' . . i j ; J ,tft c) ' i , , , . . T ; Ml'MOU .Va'11Ce, ' m j 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 '2 r not iu county, not in county, ot in county, j t i? i : ,, i-i j H' " Authouy "5 12 j Thomas, Benton IX, uot in county. 2 72 ; Thomas, John, can't find him, 3 Hll Taylor, Sims, uot in county, 2 12 Wicker, Owen D., 2 12 Watson, John, uot in county, 2 15 W cldou, Jobu Wesley, left couuty,2 2b Walsou, Matthew Allen, ) i i o i 2 12 ) j-; . l . i Webster, Jotiu IL, Dnkeu, William, Hawkins, Henry, viouiaek, Bill, .lili'KHOIl. IVfll'IlVI'. i William, i " CilNTKE TOWNSIHI'. . Al'iiijlit, Culviu, I Alst'iu Frank, ; Alston, Frank, Aion, Gus, jim-rett, Abraham, i iroVn, James O., ' jjeal, Thomas E., JJiooks, C. C, j 1J m livtt, A. I)., I Ootton, Stephen, paid in Gulf, c- 4 1 7 .) 1 1 :t 17 It It ) i - 11 H 17 n , - ' 117 317 :i 17 1 3 37 ! 2 2:L , p Collin, D. Gn nffeiireidl, Alfred, I'libanks, Ambrose, leit State, 3 11 Foi m, Edward, left county, I Feairingtou, Gin, ; Feat ringtou, Sam, i (biffiu, W. J., lefi State, It 17 3 17 3 17 ii,,.,:. ri ,.. lf. Miinlr. jj,! J'ut,t, , io jj-, 3 17 L.lMilrl, J. C, Mi l. uish. D. W., left county, MiUhell, Henry, Mitchell. Beii, Snipes, Walter, Thoinas, J. C, 3 17 3 17 3 17 3 17 3 17! 3 17 3 17 ii 17 ;; 17 3 1 7 White, Arthur, While, Charles, Wilenx, Dan, nuiblc, George, ovi.y rowNsini'. Alex. R. Dowdy, ! V. T. Glace, left county, ! Nam Hooker, 2 53 2 V.i 2 23 : 3 18; i 27 ! 1 22 1 2 It1 ; lit, 7 47; , W. T. liilliard, dead, M"rris, h.ft county, Jerry Murdoch. l..ft count v, - . - " ' I ;.,tf.m Aim-.. uf,i .j j A. I'asc.hal, loft county, J T. Slliellllill, Tim Ins due from oo';h of the fal lowing is ?'2 11 , Date Alston, Jlenry Alston, Peter Alston, Henry Bums, Del Bvnuui. 1 13. l' Ab'lon, ' Tho. Arington, Geo. W. Jilalock. James Chultnt rs, J. It Campbell, Dock Choke, (icorge Creasey, Will Col train, Wiliium Dowd, Henderson DegraHe.urcid, Henry Guthrie, W. G. Hackney, Fisher Healen, Same Hunt, J. W. Hart, Sam McKntyre, Wni. Muichison, Ilufus Nevils, James K. Oldham, M. F. Oldham, Itedie l'nlmor, Sandy I'aluier, Jerry l'hillips. Baxter Itives, T. B. Kives, J'.eiry liivos, Jason Itives, Jeff Thomas, Flrtreda Wasson. James Ward, Wi W. Wilkie. JIAW.KV TuWSSIIll'. Abram J. Cook, in Texus, $2 C5 The tax due from each of the fol lowing is i2.12 j James Brewer, Thorn Burnett, Win. Brewer, Samuel Cheek, Lemuel Fox, Jhiucs W. Lodley, John C. Johnson, Oscar 1'ugh, J. W. Bigg, James M. 1'idgeon, John BodgeiH, C. F. Bawhut, Wiley M. White, Charles White, Newton White, IIuioo White. Concluded next week. C0.HM 1SK10NKKS KXPHNSKS In a.'o.r.U'.ii'H with w-U'.u 71: ..f Tln (.'..Ic. I, I). H. Mh:h1i. I'l.'il; ot Him li.vir.J uf O.imiy C.m mlsf UmiTH ..r I'liiti li.xm county. N. C, J. Imn l.y rerilrylL.il Mm i"!l'.wlnc Is a Inm ali i . ..ir.-i'l !.-lti'lil.'!ll f"r Ihn JTiil- i-llilliu: N'.v 3"ili, ..I lln- luii'.lll.l ., I'.MiiH Uli. I imlilro "f Hll it.mieUHa ti..n ulloivri.l bv tin- U.mr.l t. tin. niumburi Un ri".t I i-v-iiKi-awly : Uii- nuintM'r "f 'lays Uio lloHrd wuh j lu Bi-si-l .u UL'l llii' lUsiuuro li uveilcU by rueti one. w. a. UAl. u. 20 dn-K in '"iiniilH.'.ti.nMr, t.-.J.uu H ila I'Xloi w.ik ui ..(11''", ab iW S U.trt Ull I LXprllsea cullfOUa.; Lark t(lto VM mill's truv..lli-., V M ('ullil'Uli!it IllX'-s, 65 07 I'lin-lialnn .'iij.'Ut for lu.nifl ..f A. & I., 65 00 Kxiru w.rk us Coiuiuli-Bl.'iu-r, 17. U0 w. J. i.rrrur.i."U. '0 .las n-'. c.,miiilsIiii r, 8 il.iyr. i'XIik w..rli hi. r.'innili'itli.iisr, ;lJ.iyrt Wi.i'k "it l.ri'ij;..'.-, MS wU'-'H UMV'jIlr.l, Coni;.uili. lax..-.-1, fi ii IC.OO 11 0.1 n o W..Y) 101.U.) eip.oo 1 vo A. T. I.AVIII III. 21 iJ.-iyM r.s :..miiilH.iiT, 1 .lay t xifu work as C"iuinls.jl"ini", 'Jtti ii.ll. 1 1 nv.-ii.-t. Cumin. UufX '.iix.-.s Th Ii'art i.'i.:. :--M"i. ;''' .1 y. O. II. MMioH, L.'ps'.'r 1 1 offiri.i e.i-ik i.i ..r in . le li. .ma. TUB LYON RACKET STORES! 120 IWMi villo St, It! iv IS Martin St.. and o;!S Wilmington St i'..iniv. i' 'li'.i I'li-i l ariin.'in l.utik Uul:.!!:', N.-w i d. -1 price -i k jus', opened at the low-vcj- oil'.-, ed iu 15 in Ginghams, Calicoes, Domestics, I'ant Goods, Flaunels, Dress Goods, Dress Tiimmings, Glovis, Corsets, Hosiery, I'mlerwear, Susj.cn.lcrs. Hats, Stationery, Clocks 71c, worth 1.50 ; H Day Clock, hour strike. $2. 87c , worth $5 "') ; Watches, Jew elry, &c. In Millinery we nre the loaders in Raleigh. Iu justice to our milliner, she is oue of the finest that ever came from Baltimore. In Slu es we have no competition and will save you li'i per cent on every pair you buy. Toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Express Wagons, Fire Works, 'Tinware, Hard ware, v:c., Trunks, Valises, Clothing, Aie;, for bargains. Come to tho Lvon Racket Stores. Mom nic onroAOE KALFj. BY VI K- uli-! to mo by (i ii the iitil diiy aSllilsfa!OllR FRIENDS! url-: ....nr. In Ui" i.'ivn ..r l'llii.li..r. 1 1 "I llll.'l J.'1-l.i'l' I.I'- i,iin y. .t l.i i-al.l ii..;.s,'U liy lliu latr I. ,.-rl,ii"ii in. 'I Inll.-r I'lirlli-ulur r mi11 luicl .an I'f lia.l l.y ivIi-iriKV lo li...k airl i nn- 11I1.HV I nalil'-'l . W. s. lil sl 11,. N., , I f!. ! AND SALE. BY VIRTUE Ol' ; Mi 1,1'T "f U.H :.ll,.'l l"l' .'.Hil t 'f I'llltlllllin univ I will f.i'll al . ill. Ii'- MU.'ti'.ii mi Mi.' I'HLVI IS.'i.l Vi in. i'li SAl'l IdivV, Uir -.'I'll .lav "f t. viii-lii;,t t'lretriin i-,i.niy, .-.'iiiainliit' s: n,T.'i, ! .-iil'-.u.,!,- Hi.' i.-iii.l "I N. V. l'hlii. iiii'l i.ili.'i-.'-, 'iiii.'l Hi"!'.' .iii ll.-lil,u l .l.'M'l-ln-.l 111 Oil. lllli'ili'l-'li" l "1 V II M.'M UH., I a-.'.l. i 'I'.'IIiik: .'ll.'-llllll lll.il lialltll.'.) lu rlX ' m.'i.Uii. lili H lur fiiiii-iiiii'ii-i. 11. . 1'llll.I.IlS. JTl: LAST CALL! 1 will atlrnd al the following I imes 3 17 ; and places for tho purpose- of collect 3 17 ing taxes : 3 17 id. 11. I.iwrance's, Thursday, Doc. 1 ; Alfied JohiisonV, Fiiday, " 21 ' Feat riugfoii's, Saturday, " 3! I'lil-boro', Monday, " ii i . 1'iH.Xoio', Tuesday, " W . I'. Ibidb y's, Wednesday, " 7 Thoiiipsou'sNlorc, Baldwin's, " S Biggsiiee's Store, Williams', ' 11 Couneil's Shop, illiitms', " 1(1 This is positive ly my Lsr Call. and hll tnes tuusl be paid prompt iy or I will IniTe to levy aud collect ac cording to law. Sl'LNCE TAYLOR, Nov. IJili. LSlU. bi.t.iff. W. A. SLATER Now on hand Ihfl hesl stork i.f fT-7rT?.Tr ; i;i f. --.5Trrr;) 7:tt Latest Sslvics nml LovoHt i rices Gents' Clothing", Boys' ClolUin, nil sizes aud styles. Our Chatliam friends mo i;ivifod to call, nr.l or.br ; by mail will recoird prompt attention. Nov. 21. (Its. amy ufmi ai A CHEERFUL CALI TO W JfEYKH HO CI IK; AT ! Christmas presents for father aud muih'T. ("uristuriM v.if'setits fer husbai d and wife. Christmas prc-mts for sou :::i 1 daught' f. C.ni-tmas proe ents for brother and sister. C'erisiina pr: sen's for u ..'e and mint, Chrisliuas presents for y.nr s'v.-m !.e:i: I, Christ'.: :- pie.-rnts foi cousin, ncighboi-. and t'limii. (.'hi is! mas presrn! s for evcrvbouy itiul yo,:)-el-. c;. ( 'hi 1st mas j ii ii ii's of every kind anil j'lirrs ai;- now iradv al 0L! SANTA ( LAI H V. "Ml'A m'j L!'S. Also, all kinds of niw things to c it : l-'i-i raisins, eition, cocoauuts, r.rai.ges. !e: canned goods. lu.-kLcut tlorr. hi stork of rcu'h lb ioV :i llni'g. fancy chairs, c-. c T h the couulv rut, be fouuii December 1. 1602. J. J. TllMs. I'lf'-i'lclil. Ai.i-- A. Tin'Mi :-o.. Virr-I'risi Ur.i, The Vf?::uiirs'f'ii?f ftsstf 8- J A J e Kit Paid up capita! 'i'J '-; 0 M-1. ;.-.;-:, J. J. Thomas, O. W Watts, J. B. Hill. A. A. Thompson, B. N. Duke, H. B. B.nlh'. 1'. B. Dane v. T. II. Brig:-'- Accounts of I. in. ::, Bank vidi'als solii'iti d :: t'-.v" '! :.M-' t SIT.CIAL ATri:N'!'B;N gi individuils. ELLIS, STORE I. fall tm mmm I " " j f l J j T A PrH.vlT J I V Vi I AiJ i I.Y- sIost Select 31 ever brought to Duthutii. Latest Styles VND-- Lowest Prices. Every lady is invited to call and sec for herself. Onk-is by mail will receive tirnmpt 't'.''i ti in. Sept. 22, TS'.iJ TO We have in sb rl. a full iim Which wean ready to famish at low prices. GIVE US A. '& 1LXi. Coiisignnieiifs of COTTON aid i ! pitniii i 'F. '...'li. iti ,1. JOB P. YJYA7T& BH03., RALEIGH, N. C, Sucissors Wvatt ''. Taw.uI:. Oct. 13, 1S'.'2. I'.m. C - 2 AND SALE- IN SVTURDAY, i It, .villi ir lu ll. IS'-'J. I will !.! ill 1'Ml'll.- H" l Hi. . I' v in'. 1 u ,11 I, -, ki al.. r " -.-I i in I i III.. -. VI I ir I" no hi '"i in' ... I, ill i. t'.l l'i I I .,'.: h.m Ill ll.' oiii w rot sin. i. A Im't i. 1. a. J. W. I... & Ulfi B V"-V TT-iv A. V 1 r:v:: c i ic l ies o'i. t:-. . 1 currants, . i,! hinds of l:-o. ;i full 1 : : ! i ! u i e, .'.-1 ttllu rutapist stuck in r' .1- It. W..- ' '.. ..--'t Cashieri "i it, "i.-.! .-."lOtMiijO.OO. J nl. Philips, mi W. Scott. Aoiain. .-! Vi !i:vs and Indi M. t chants and r w tho largest th. S:atc chting the gi I t he best ! prices that l.o'.v our stock rv..i and have .tier it: lar As ( ...Iv !;n-.v- our Toy trade iiiuei.se and we have. Iiied to get it nl'! y oue v, ant s this ear. Our i '.li)- in toys is 1 oi!i- and Wagong4 We would be iileand to luivo you fill coiue as rally an pis.-.jblo this v. ar to s. -ler! yo'.r pr seiitu a- the 1 1 r-.-':- i . . nl:l is ( .;!;ipii;tc )'. AV. fOOLLCOT? h SONS, 11 K. M.'.r.in St . KALLIGII, N. 0. 1 Nov.ni!.ci-2i. T-:fJ. LUMBER AH l-i I' LUMBL!: for sale at tie PITTi'BOSO SHUTTLE MILL CzUui i&tl MOORING, I ':...! , oa BoruM. 1 r rl short notice, fi i I ;. i ., iiig already l - i r 1(10 feet. CCIT, jr. 17. 1 s,: 1 1 "i t . : : t li il J U i I ul Vi-U1'.;! 1.1' I' -. OF itiijiiuli lillll l'iiilil mm mm i fi'.iiiii.'i-i U l;ij.iLii:LlelL' A SF-ECIALTY. Sep!, 'j-, lw.12. 3n,M. & . DM J NISI R T()R':s NOT f tE. I. o .i. : .i i'ilil. a a '!li i.. ii,.l 'l ! J.mih -.'. :. ... "I. I .1- .-! i "-In- all )ri.riM.nn ... . ...mi. -. .ii, 'Ii -. .!.-..! lo exhibit a , " 11 1' I ' i-'O li.e '.".ll ''.IV i.f 0"1, I .1. A. WllMACK. Ei Ctt.U'S N ) 1 1' T. - HAV- i, an:, 'i nt . ... v .' lev oruinm, it -on ..H , i "..M h'.li.liig I; ". I -.11 '! . I. ''.'. !,! I ' l , I -II Ull'lUtinA "'in. ll -I .'ii .,i "' v. mi ir. Itf. ts 1. I ', i. M. 4' tiLiiUAtl.

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